#do you see all of my salty and sarcastic comments
lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
Gold Dust Woman (Thirteenth Doctor x reader)
Summary: you spend some time reflecting after the Doctor leaves you
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Warnings: abandonment, hurt/no comfort, sad angst, implied unrequited love, mentioned strained personal relationships, implied mental health problems
A/N: gold dust woman by fleetwood mac came on the radio earlier and I was struck by instant inspiration. this is really just a short sad thing feat the fabulous stevie nicks tbh
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She left. After everything you went through, all the battles, all the journeys, all the sleepless nights spent stargazing and the traveling around the universe, she still left, just like that. Tossed you out like you were garbage. Abandoned you.
There was no one you could go to for comfort, as you'd drifted apart from the family and friends you'd left behind. In all honesty, you thought you'd stay with the Doctor forever, but apparently not.
Salty tears escaped from your eyes and down your cheeks, your vision blurry as you lay curled up in your bed, desperate to forget. Forget everything, that's all you wanted to do. Nothing seemed to matter anymore in your life, because she wasn't there.
The radio played softly in the background, though you didn't pay it much attention; you just had it on for some background noise. You'd grown so used to the sounds of the TARDIS that you now found it increasingly difficult to exist in complete silence.
The sound of Stevie Nicks' melodic voice caught your attention, but especially the song she was singing specifically: Gold Dust Woman. You scoffed at it, listening to the lyrics with a newfound sense of melancholy.
"Well, did she make you cry
Make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love?
And is it over now, do you know how?
Pick up the pieces and go home"
The words seemed to be speaking directly to your broken heart and tarnished soul, leaving you with a feeling that was beyond bittersweet. Everything that Stevie was singing, you experienced. Even now, you could still feel the fresh sting of the Doctor's departure, despite it being over a month since it happened.
You buried your face into your pillow, sighing deeply as a fresh onslaught of tears overtook you. Let's see, she did make me cry and break down, and she shattered my illusions of love, but I don't seem to know how to pick up the pieces, you sarcastically thought, shooting the radio a dirty look before sighing.
The Doctor was your gold dust woman, you realized. And like any gold dust woman, you fell in love with her, and then it ruined you.
"But did she make you cry
Make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love?
And now tell me, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
And go home? Go home, go home"
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Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87 @sessa23
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: asdfgg finally dipping my toes into another fandom. Not sure how long this fixation will last but damnit if I don't see a grumpy sarcastic hot traumatized character and I do not get attached (by no means am I an apologist just a simp lmao and I am a sucker for deep characters) 
For anyone reading this purely from the atsv fandom. Hey hi hello, I'm Ri, I'm usually known for DC stuff but I'm an all around whore nerd (meh both) and I was inspired by atsv as I'm sure all of us were and just couldn't not like do something with the ideas in my head lmao so go easy on me friendos but glad to to see you here and thanks for reading! Also new banner who dis? New fandom new banner…may or may not change lmao
Trigger Warning: None, maybe some angst if you squint? Overall just a fluffy wee dream because those are always fun.
Word Count: 713
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Miguel O'Hara x Reader - Just a Dream
The sun beamed down on you as you practically roasted on the metal bleachers. It was too hot to not wear shorts but it also was too hot to not have some kind of protection for your thighs. 
A man beside you chuckled as you played hot potato between each thigh trying to keep one body part from getting more burned than the other. 
The man was a looming figure to say the least. His cheekbones caused his eyes to slightly squint as he continued to be amused at your discomfort. 
"I swear, I don't know how you're wearing a long sleeve shirt in this weather." 
"It's light colored, it doesn't attract the sun." He responded. 
"Still, how are you not hot?" 
"Amor, I'm always hot. You should know this." 
He chuckled as you rolled your eyes at him. He patted the top of his thighs conveniently protected by a pair of thin sweatpants. 
"You also know, you can always sit here." 
You nudged him and he faked a hurt whimper. 
"I will not embarrass our daughter like that." 
He nods as he puts his hands up in mock surrender. Completely out of ideas to protect your skin from the scorching metal.
You groaned, opting to sit where the denim met the metal. Even if you were practically about to fall out of your seat. You tried to distract yourself by watching the girl's soccer game in front of you. You kept your eyes peeled for a certain little girl in particular.
You reluctantly couldn't deny the girl was the spitting image of her father, the man beside you teasing you. Even though she was just as much yours as she was his. 
Still she was very much a daddy's girl. 
Soon you were saved from the bleachers as you stood up to applaud your daughter for scoring the winning goal for her team.  
Down on the field, laughing and smiling, celebrating. You were recording the victorious day on your phone. Your daughter, Gabriela was nestled proudly upon her father's shoulders with a cupcake in hand. 
Her dad opened his mouth to mention something only to be interrupted by a cupcake being planted on his cheek followed by the sweetest squealing fit of giggles. 
You and him both join in, not sure if it's from the humorous sight of frosting on his neatly cut cheekbones or her laughter being that infectious. 
"All right, well, piggyback privileges have been officially revoked." He brought his arms up to lift her up off his shoulders and safely place her down. 
She took a satisfied bite from her cupcake, still giggling proudly. 
He looked up to face you but ended up looking straight into your camera. 
He chuckled some more before muttering, "all right, that's enough." 
You put the camera away still giggling. You went up and scooped some of the frosting off his cheek and onto your finger. You put the finger in your mouth, tasting it. 
"Not bad..not bad…could do without the sweat though.." You commented as if you were a food critic. 
This caused your daughter to double over again in laughter. 
"Well, sweet and salty frosting is an acquired taste." He quipped. 
More snickers can be heard just below. 
You nodded to let Gabriela run off to talk to her teammates as her dad reached up to wipe the decadent frosting off his cheek. 
You leaned in and gave him a kiss on his once messy cheek. "Ah that's better." You giggled. 
He beamed down at you, a soft sweet smile. "Ah, that can be better-" 
He curled his finger just below your chin to raise your lips up closer to his. 
You smiled as you leaned in for a kiss–
You sit up, your alarm blaring on your bedside table. You quickly snatched your phone to turn it off. 
You cursed under your breath. Same dream…same damn dream. And the same two people…a little girl…at least you got her name, eventually, Gabriela. But the man…your…dream husband?…Her father…was still a mystery. 
It couldn't be a coincidence, they…they felt so vivid…like they were memories…
The soccer games, birthday parties, breakfasts, anniversaries, dinners…it's like you lived some double life in your dream.
But that's all they got to be right? 
Just a dream?
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incarnadinedreams · 1 year
What do you like about jc?
Oh my goodness what don't I love about him!
Well, first and most importantly, he has a purple lightning whip.
Secondly, you know how the elements of a tasty dish are salt, fat, acid, heat? Well he's salty, he's acidic, he's a spicy Yunmeng boy, and some sources of mixed repute claim he's got a nice fat ass. All the elements for a delicious snack are right there!!! He has the range, the depth, the complexity!
Jokes aside, a lot of it really is just based on vibes. I just... liked him pretty much immediately. My heart was won at "I'm his uncle. Any last words?" and it only got better from there. He's got most of my favorite lines in the book - whether funny or completely heart-wrenching, both directly in his dialog or about him. His sarcastic comments are always hilarious, and he's often enough actually a voice of reason and responsibility (promptly ignored). The vast majority of the time when he's not in some absurdly extreme and traumatic situation he's being pretty normal and seems perfectly likeable to me.
I enjoy that from the start he's mostly pretty practical. One of the first times we see him, he desperately wants to smack Lan Wangji but he's run the cost-benefit analysis in his mind and it's not worth it, so (grumpily) he does not. Some people point out his 'definitely don't start a petty fight unless you know you can win' reasoning as some sort of point of cowardice, but my reaction to that scene was thank god, finally someone in a fantasy novel has some common fucking sense!
Except, of course, on one very specific topic: Wei Wuxian. And then there's like a 50/50 chance all that consideration goes out the window instantly. A little pinch of unhinged obsession adds so much extra flavor! With the amount of overtime he's pulling in sect conferences he deserves a little derangement from time to time, as a treat. And that intensity goes both ways.
That fervent certainty that Wei Wuxian would be back some day, that not even death could hold him - a conviction bordering on madness, except in the end he was right? Hot.
On the other end, he's willing to sacrifice himself for Wei Wuxian and other people who loves over and over and over again throughout the story (even if he's mad about it), until he can't do that without throwing other people he's responsible for under the bus.
To the point that when we get to the big reveal after Guanyin Temple about how he was captured by the Wens... once the shock fades, you step back and think 'wait, why was that even a surprise to me at all?' The guy just took a sword through the chest for Wei Wuxian like an hour earlier (even if it was unnecessary and therefore mostly embarrassing), and was about to run back into that cave at the Second Siege with no spiritual power and a sword he couldn't even lift three days before that, and yet we're surprised he gave himself up back then?
And of course, the same goes for his nephew and I just love them so much. He doesn't hesitate for a moment to offer himself as a hostage instead of Jin Ling at the temple. He may sometimes struggle to express his love in a way that's more palatable than the prickly sharp thing it can sometimes be, but it's undeniably there. When Jin Ling is crying after the Second Siege, it's Jiang Cheng he goes to without hesitation - and that "Who did this to you?!" line, the way he doesn't hesitate to pull him away somewhere private and stick by his side.
Even things that are meant to cast him in a bad light, like his 400 spirit nets fiasco, show him also anxiously helicopter-uncling his way through baby's first "solo" night hunt, complete with undercover agents just in case, is proof that he at least cares very deeply. I think if you look beyond the surface, it's also pretty obvious why he'd spare no expense and use any method to give his bullied nephew the best debut night hunt possible in a society where talent and prestige are incredibly important to his future ability to consolidate power as the Jin heir. He wants to shield him from the same insecurities and pain he felt, especially where being overshadowed was used against him in ways that had specific negative impacts on his ability to protect people he cared about.
Another of the reasons I love him so much is because his grief is so intense that it's palpable. Those scenes post-fall of Lotus Pier where he's oscillating between numbed shock and fury, just... feel so real, and relatable, and resonate in way that's just horribly accurate. It's like his grief jumps off the page, you can feel the hurricane of horror and loss crashing into him. The scene at Nightless City, that moment where he says "Didn't you say that you could control it, that it would be fine?", where the last of his faith in Wei Wuxian shatters and the fracture is complete, like two halves of a whole have finally snapped apart and there's nothing left... I just love the intensity and desperation.
But even more, he keeps going after. He's stubbornly alive, despite it all, and I don't think he gets nearly enough credit for the fact that he's actually able to handle things pretty well, considering the situations involved. He has a breakdown about it and then he picks himself up and gets back to work. He's remarkably resilient, in ways that aren't necessarily flashy or obvious at first. Too much is made out of the ways he's broken or bitter when for the most part he's actually remarkably functional in the face of horrible traumas!
I have been trying very hard not to just spam my favorite quotes in here but this is really my favoritest favorite (from chapter 61) because it just sums him up so beautifully:
... the most laughable one was the YunmengJiang Sect, the people of which either had been killed or had scattered, leaving only Jiang Cheng, who was younger than even Lan XiChen and was still a child born yesterday, who had nobody in his hands but still dared call himself sect leader, holding up the banner of rebellion as he recruited new disciples.
Because he does the hard work, day in and day out. The boring, tedious, constant work - the endless late nights dealing with the constant problems. But he does it, and he mostly accomplishes what he sets out to do.
It's so sad that all the things he does very well get overshadowed by his insecurities, because in the end, hasn't he done incredible things? Hasn't he survived? Hasn't he gone from the youngest sect leader with nothing and nobody that Wen Ruohan could only laugh at, to "No matter which clan you choose to offend, you shouldn't offend the Jiang clan, and no matter which person you choose to offend, you shouldn't offend Jiang Cheng"?
He might be a little scarred, but isn't he succeeding all the same?
(He should probably hire a PR firm to handle the rumors his resting bitch face causes though.)
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Ouuuu so excited could I get an Aemond imagine based on the summoning by sleep token song specifically the last minute and 35 seconds (it’s the best part lol) if that doesn’t strike your fancy any chase Atlantic song haha…thanks I can’t wait to read it 🥰
The Summoning - Aemond Targaryen
Authors Note: Would you be mad if I admitted to never hearing this song before? Cause shit......it's a good song...... and I think I'm about to absolutely butcher it for you
Warnings: Smut..... There is definitely some smut in this one. 18+ please
Word Count: 1706
Description: Aemond is no match for the witch he loves
If you want to make a character and song request look HERE
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I've got a river running right into you
I've got a blood trail, red in the blue
Something you say or something you do
A taste of the divine
You lead him through the woods, one hand dragging him while the other carries a small satchel of the necessities needed for whatever spell you wanted to perform that day. 
The mischievous gleam in your eye was twice as intense as normal, and it set Aemonds blood on fire as he let you lead him far away. You could be planning on killing him and he would let you, so long as you kept looking at him with those eyes. 
His foot snags on a branch and he stutters in steps, you allow him to fall into you, both leaning against a tree allowing him to trap you in. Like a sailor trapped by a siren he lunges for a kiss, which you happily allow. 
He devours you, hands coming up to hold your jaw as you moan lightly before he leans to lick the salty sweat off your neck, groaning to himself when you reach to tear off the eyepatch. 
“Not here-” You gasp, rubbing into him. There is something so intoxicating about your that has Aemond clinging to your every word, allowing him to dissolve into your taste. “Just a few more steps, my prince, into the clearing.”
“Lead the way witchling.” He whispers, stepping off to let you lead him through the dark again.
You've got my body, flesh and bone, yeah
The sky above, the Earth below
He lands on the dirt under him, groaning out as you snag at his leather vest, trying to tear it off. 
Around him is an entire set up of candles, goblets of blood and painted stones encircling where he was laying down with you grinding down into him from where you currently straddled him. 
“Are….Are we sacrificing ourselves tonight?” He teases, biting back a groan as his hands reach to stop your hips. “Will my witch bleed for me?”
“So long as you do it hard.” You gasp out, finally removing his vest. He is too busy staring at the stars above him as you grab the knife and tear it across the front of his shirt to expose his chest to the night air. 
Before he can make a sarcastic comment you move off him to slice his leather riding pants and with a small amount of his help remove them from his body before shoving him back to lay down, untying your own corset as he watches, a possessive look gleaming in his eyes while you strip bare. 
Then you straddle him once more, smirking when he seethes from the touch. “Are you ready?”
“Always.” With his answer you sink down onto him while slicing a small cut down his chest.
Raise me up again
Take me past the edge
I want to see the other side
See the other side
He’s cumming before he even has a chance to catch his breath, eyes searing shut as you grind into him, thighs tightening as he groans out. 
You don’t seem to mind, too busy cutting the symbol needed into his flesh as you ride him, murmuring the chant over and over. Your voice is coming out in pants, the man below you filling you to the brim before you are even ready for it, not that it mattered. You would be doing this to him all night if it was needed. 
His head throws back in bliss as you make the final cut on his chest, blood pouring from the wounds. “FUCK-”
He catches your eye right as you swipe a finger along the blood, dragging it to your lips and sucking it clean. Something flashes in him and he finds himself thrusting up into you, already hard again. 
“No.” You snap, pushing his hips down with your own that has him moaning out. “It’s your turn to do it.”
Before he can process what you mean you are handing him the knife and dipping your fingers in his blood before lifting them up to your own chest and tracing a symbol. He nearly falls apart at the sight when you squeeze around him. 
You've got my body, flesh and bone
The sky above, the Earth below
“Are you….” His mouth is dry as he licks his lips, trying to catch his breath under you. “Are you sure?”
You answer by grinding down and leaning over him until your hands were in the dirt on either side of his head, breast against his chest as you lick some of his blood. This snaps something in him and he flips you both around so you are on the earth and thrusts harshly. 
“You’re a fu- shit- fucking tease.” He moans, wrapping your legs around his hips as his thrusts speed up until you squeeze around him and moan out loudly as you cum. 
He doesn’t waste time, taking the knife and carving it into the flesh of your chest, leaning down to catch a nipple in his mouth as he does so. 
“You own me-” You moan out, hands flying to grasp at his skin. “Body flesh and bone, my prince.”
“Body flesh and bone.” He whispers back before biting down on your breast.
Raise me up again
Take me past the edge
I want to see the other side
His skin heats up instantly as he finishes the symbol, his entire body on fire as he pulses with need. Gasping for air as he lays his forehead on your chest, snapping his hips into yours, desperate to cause friction. 
You must be feeling the same way under him, mewling out as you thrust up in an attempt to make him go faster.  “It hurts.”
It did, a searing addicting kind of pain that made him light up at your every touch. The wind around the both of you seemed to nip at your skin as he shut his eyes in attempt to ease himself. 
He was so close-
Won't you show me what it's like?
Won't you show me what it's like?
You flip yourselves back over before he can finish, not that he is complaining because once he looks at you it was heaven sent. 
You were looking back down at him, eyes black from whatever magic you were possessing as you lifted yourself off of him. “Do you want to feel the power?”
Yes yes yes yes yes. He doesn’t know if he is actually responding or just a moaning mess as you sink down onto him before taking a bit of your blood and swiping it across his mouth. 
The iron taste of it has his cock leaking pre cum, biting down on your thumb before you can pull it away when the spell fully takes him. He can see stars, not the ones in the sky but rather the ones you provide, his entire body tensing up under you. 
Oh, and my love
Did I mistake you for a sign from God?
Or are you really here to cut me off?
Or maybe just to turn me on
“Goddess ruin me!” He yells as his head throws back, hands snapping to your hips as you bounce on him, a moaning mess yourself. “That’s what you are? Is it not?”
“What’s that?” You pant out, dragging one of his hands to your breast.
“A goddess.” He groans out, biting at his own lip as pleasure overtakes him once more. “FUCK!”
You laugh, closing your eyes as you let yourself fall apart, gripping him like he was the last thing on this earth to cling to. Just as you both finish the heat that had consumed you eases itself and you both breathe out, pulsing with the other. 
“Goddess..” He whispers, staring up at you as he rubs your thigh and pinches your nipple. You groan out, head throwing back as he starts the next round. 
'Cause these days
I would be lying if I told you that
I didn't wish that I could be your man
Or maybe make a good girl bad
He takes control once more, flipping you both over and thrusting into you at an unnatural speed that has you screaming out, snatching his hair and pulling. 
“Scream all you fucking want-” He sneers, hand running up to cover your throat and squeeze. “No one can hear you out here goddess.”
Your eyes roll back as he cuts off circulation, coming undone over him once more. 
“That’s it. That’s. Fucking. Right.” He snaps, leaning to bite at your shoulder blade as he works you like his own little toy, your thighs shaking as you continue to cum around him. 
“Mine.” He grunts after he marks your shoulder. “Mine. Mine. MINE.”
The flames around you burn bright, turning red to deep black and back to red as the spell finishes, both of you shaking as you finish one more time. 
I've got a river running right into you
I've got a blood trail, red in the blue
Something you say or something you do
The taste of the divine
He licks you clean between your thighs, moaning at the taste as you still try to come down from your orgasm. Then he carries you to the river not far off and holds you as he sinks into the water, taking you once more right there before washing you clean and kissing along your marks, both your chests clear of any marks from the knife. 
“Witchling.” He bites out as he finishes in you once more, leaning to bite your lip while you moan out. “Goddess.”
You've got my body, flesh and bone
The sky above, the Earth below
Nothing to say and nowhere to go
A taste of the divine
He carries you back to the small clearing of the spell, laying with you until he falls asleep holding you. 
When he awakes there is nothing. No sight of you, no sight of any of the essentials from last night. His hand flies to his chest to find it clean, pure, nothing there. 
A tense desperation fills him, pumping under his skin as he closes his eyes. “Witchling.”
(sorry if that was hella cringey)
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adorerinn · 2 months
hello i saw that you were doing matchups so i wanted to request one! my pronouns are she/they and i'd like to be matched up with a guy. traits that i look for in a partner are someone i can banter with, caring, loyal, and intelligent. i'm a social introvert, often sarcastic, calm and logical. i usually match the vibes of whoever i'm around, and i'm ambitious and slightly competitive. i come off as put together and sensible but i can actually be quite silly and immature when i get comfortable. some of my hobbies include sketching and painting, playing the piano, watching horror or sci-fi movies, video editing, and roller blading. my love languages giving are acts of service and quality time and receiving are acts of service and words of affirmation. finally my ideal date would be something casual where i can talk to the other person and we get to know each other better so a cafe date, a walk in the park, or maybe stargazing. thank you so much! - 🎱
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I match you with Tsukishima Kei!
✧ Tsukishima is the guy for you! he is for sure very much someone you can banter with and he won't take it too seriously
✧ he is for sure intelligent and is willing to help you out with whatever you need. (he might say no at first but in the end he will end up helping you trust)
✧ if you're ever sarcastic with him you best believe he has some snarky comment coming along
✧ admires how you're actually logical about things and aren't just impulsive over things
✧ most likely has competitions with you to see who is better (he probably ends up winning by like 1 point but he is so salty about it)
✧ acts annoyed when you act all immature but he actually thinks it one of the funniest things ever
✧ enjoys seeing you work on a sketch and painting. if you were to give him one of your art pieces he would most likely hang it up above his bed
✧ if he hears you playing piano he would probably sit somewhere near you or next to you and just hear you play. it seems to calm him down a lot but he also just likes to be around you while you do things you enjoy doing
✧ he would enjoy watching sci-fi movies with you although he thinks they're stupid in the end he would be so invested in the movie and just super interested in the whole plot
✧ would appreciate if you were to do anything for him even if he's a little snarky about it deep down he's glad you did something for him even if it was small
✧ he would also just enjoy being able to spend time with you. you guys don't even need to be talking and he would treasure the moment
✧ he would definitely do small things for you like opening the doors for you or tieing your shoe laces when they come undone
✧ most likely compliments you a lot (I feel like he has a way with words since he just seems so book smart)
✧ LOVES stargazing with you especially if you guys play some calm music in the background. he just feels like there's no one else in the world besides you two and enjoys the moment a lot
✧ overall I think you and Tsukushima would be perfect for each other and get along well with each other
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hi anon! I hope you enjoyed your match up and feel free to request again!
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4kominato · 1 year
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Part II: Let Me Love You
[[ Part I ]]
A/N: hi friends! im back with a little surprise hehe 😬 i really wanted to do a continuation of this one since yknowww kazutora is my fav and im a hopeless romantic... i just couldnt leave it as a one night stand 🤧
@yukihime-mikeys-girl if youre still around!! 🫰🏻
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Pairing: Hanemiya Kazutora x F!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff(ish towards the end), Smut - SEXUAL CONTENT
[[ WARNING ]] contains Tokyo Revengers season 1 spoilers
Word Count: 4.3k
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The bell on the front door jingled as you pulled it open, allowing yourself into the familiar pet shop run by none other than your bestie, Chifuyu, who rudely failed to greet you upon your entry.
“Not gonna say ‘hi’ or anything?” you snapped as you walked up to the register where Chifuyu was tidying up and preparing to close the shop.
“Hi,” he responded sarcastically to your snarky comment, not even glancing up at you as he continued on with what he was doing.
“Brat,” you jeered before moving on, “Where’s Tora?”
“Beats me.”
“Damn, are you salty today or what?” you remarked with a scoff. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just… so annoying. Why is it him? He didn’t do anything special, but the girls are always swooning over him… What about me?” he pouted with a slight tinge of pink tinting his cheeks and tips of his ears.
“What girls are you even talking about? Me?”
“And literally all the cute female customers…”
“Aw, Chifuyu. You’re cute too, just a bit soft is all,” you teased, poking his cheek to which he smacked your hand away. “It’s not like I’m dating Kazutora anyways. You don’t need to make a big deal out of it.”
“Yeah, but… at least he’s getting some…”
“Hm, but you’ve always struck me as a more of a relationship kind of guy. If you really want, I’m sure I can find a friend who’d be down to hook up with you.”
“That’s cheating if you set me up...”
“Fine. Have it your way. But seriously, where’s Tora? My dick appointment is late.”
“Ugh,” Chifuyu huffed with a disgruntled groan before making his way to the back of the shop where the staff room was. “Kazutora, your fuck buddy is here!” he yelled almost too loudly considering the shop was still open… At least there weren’t any customers.
“Geez! Why are you yelling something like that?!” Kazutora replied, obviously flustered when the two of them emerged from the back.
“You should be grateful you have a fuck buddy y’know,” Chifuyu snapped back.
“I never said I wasn’t?” He shook his head in disbelief, pinching the bridge of his nose as he walked up to you, “What’s up with him today?”
“I think he’s on his man-period. While you were in the back, he was bitching to me about not getting any. Maybe we should invite him for a threesome next time,” you chuckled.
“Yeah, no…” Kazutora grimaced at the idea and quickly urged you out of the shop. “Kay bye, Chifuyu! See you tomorrow,” he waved as the two of you walked briskly to your car and hopped in. “I think… he might be jealous of me actually. He was talking to me earlier about how he’s had a crush on you ever since he met you. Did you know?”
“Yeah,” you answered without further elaboration, focusing rather on starting the car and heading over to Kazutora’s apartment.
“And…?” he prodded, unsatisfied with your answer.
“And… he’s not my type…” you admitted with a shrug. “That’s why we’re just friends.”
“Oh…” was all he managed to say, leaving the rest of the car ride silent. He didn’t really know what he was expecting you to say, but he expected a little more than that. It made him think more about how you’d approached him at the New Year’s party a few months before. You were pretty aggressive in your advances with him so does that mean… he’s your type?
Once you’d parked the car, the silence continued as the two of you made your way up to Kazutora’s unit, though, the lack of conversation didn't really bother you since your only goal at the moment was getting some dick. The moment Kazutora opened the door, you wasted no time swiftly guiding him over to the couch where you straddled his lap. Your arms encircled his neck, and without hesitation, you crashed your lips against his, smoothly sliding your tongue into his mouth. Although he was reciprocating physically with his hands running up and down your thighs, and his lips and tongue moving in sync with yours, mentally, you sensed he wasn’t fully into it given his efforts were ever so subtly lacking compared to your usual sessions.
“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” you asked worriedly as you sharply pulled away from him.
“U-uh… Yeah, I’m fine,” Kazutora replied nervously, cupping your cheek in his hand and trying to pull you back into a kiss, but you resisted.
“Don’t lie… I can tell you’re not fully into it and you've been all weird since the car ride.”
He let out a defeated sigh, knowing he’d been found out and there’s no way you’d be letting him off the hook now, so reluctantly, he answered.
“It’s just… you mentioned earlier that Chifuyu isn’t your type… but you seemed so determined to talk to me at the party. So I was just thinking…” he trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence out of embarrassment.
“That you’re my type?” you suggested.
“Uh… well…” he chuckled nervously, a tinge of pink tinting his cheeks and ears as his eyes fell to the floor. “Yeah…”
“Well, duh,” you scoffed, “I thought that was the first thing I expressed to you that night at the party.”
“Yeah, but… why? I just can’t understand…” he vented quietly, “Chifuyu is so much better than me… And if not him, there are so many other cool guys in Toman too, so… why me?”
“Well, if you’re going down that road…” you started, pausing for a moment before elaborating. “There is someone else in Toman I used to like. We met in high school and we used to hang out all the time. I’d always help him study, and then we’d go get taiyaki after… and sometimes if I was lucky, he’d take me for night rides on his bike…”
“Mikey…” Kazutora muttered under his breath, remembering how you’d told him Mikey was your high school classmate when you had introduced yourself.
“Yep,” you answered with a half hearted smile, “He introduced me to some of the Toman guys, mostly the captains and vice captains. That’s how I got to be friends with Chifuyu.”
“So what happened with Mikey?” he inquired further.
“He rejected me,” you answered bluntly. “That was hm… I don’t know, maybe a little less than a year before that party. It took a few months or so for me to get back on my feet because that rejection really hurt. And then after that, I went through a ‘hoe phase…’ I did actually consider sleeping with Chifuyu during that time but… I'd figured out he had feelings for me so, y'know, didn’t wanna lead him on and hurt the poor guy. It wasn’t until a month-ish before the party that I fully recovered from the heartbreak… and then I met you.”
“But we’re only hooking up… if you’re looking for something serious then why not go for Chifuyu? You said you’re over Mikey now, aren't you?”
“I get where you’re going with this, but I really don’t think I’m meant to be with Chifuyu,” you insisted, brows furrowing in frustration. “Call me dumb if you want. I don’t give a shit, but to me, it feels like fate brought us together, whether we're exclusive or not. I just don’t think it was a crazy coincidence that you walked into my life the very moment I was ready to move on.”
“Hate to break it to you, but I think you’re gravely mistaken,” Kazutora scoffed almost passive aggressively, “Are you forgetting I rejected your relationship proposal? We won’t be anything more than fuck buddies if I don’t allow it. I’m telling you now, if a relationship is what you’re looking for, then Chifuyu’s your guy, not me. Trust me, he’s better for you.”
“Why do you keep saying things like that? You can’t decide who’s better or worse for me. I’ll decide that for myself!”
“Kinda hard for you to judge that when you don’t even know shit about me,” he sassed, making your blood boil.
“Then why don’t you tell me more about yourself, dammit!” you lashed out now on the verge of tears as you furiously clenched the collar of his shirt, “I want to know more about you, but you won’t tell me a damn thing! How the hell would you know how I’ll feel when you tell me everything? You’re just making assumptions and putting your own words in my fucking mouth!”
“You don’t get it because you don’t know!” he snapped back, “Anyone in their right state of mind would hate me if they knew.”
“Well maybe I’m fucking insane then! No matter what excuses you come up with, you still can’t decide for me how I feel about you! After all this time, I–I’ve grown to love you so much, Kazutora, you don’t even understand…” Your voice trailed off into a fit of sobs as you finally released his shirt, your arms falling limp while your head fell forward onto his shoulder.
As much as he wanted to comfort you, he couldn’t. Not knowing he was hiding such a dark secret from you. How could he bear to touch and hold someone as precious as you in his filthy, bloodied hands? He wanted to be selfish and keep you for himself while running away from the shadow that loomed over him. He thought that maybe if he just kept running with his eyes closed and never looked back, then it’d go away… maybe. But at the same time, another part of him knew it was never going away and his ignorance of the subject was unfair to you and would only hurt you in the end; if anyone deserved to know, it was you, whether he liked the outcome or not.
“Thank you… for loving me, but falling for me was a huge mistake…” he replied dully, his aura becoming suddenly cold and lifeless. “The person who killed Baji and Shinichiro… was me.”
Amidst your little sobs and sniffles, you couldn’t help but gasp in shock at what you’d just heard. It resurfaced a memory of a conversation you’d had with Mikey way back when, during one of your night bike rides with him:
“Y’know the guy I mentioned who killed Shinichiro? The same guy killed Baji too. I’ve forgiven him in my head, but in my heart… it’s still hard for me to accept. It’s not like forgiveness can bring either of them back, y’know?”
It was Kazutora, you thought to yourself as you sat still, cries finally ceasing though tears continued to fall. There was no ill intent in your reaction, but for Kazutora, the silence was so piercing that he just couldn’t bare it.
“See, I told you,” he retorted, carefully untangling himself from you in preparation for his escape. “No one would love a murderer. Just leave.”
The moment he stood up from the couch and started storming off to his bedroom, your body moved on its own, shooting up in an instant to chase after him, and thankfully you caught him in the doorway just before he could lock himself in.
“Why?” you whined, tears streaming down your face once more as you held tightly onto his waist, your head pressed firmly against his back. “Why do you keep making your own assumptions?” You waited for an answer, but there was nothing. He only stood there slumped in defeat, so you continued on with your monologue, “I get that it’s hard to tell people about something like that. I get that it’s hard to live with a burden that heavy. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t shocked, but that doesn’t do anything to change how I already feel about you. Yes, maybe you did something horrible in the past, but people aren’t stagnant. People can change over time, and the Kazutora I fell for in the present isn't the same Kazutora from the past. The Kazutora I fell for is caring and loving and fun to be around and I can’t imagine a life without him. Please don’t let your past hold you down and stop you from living the life you want to live…”
“But…” he started, voice cracking as his breath hitched in his throat, “I-I don’t even deserve to live… why should I live how I want?” Holding a hand up to his face he began to sob, his unsteady figure slipping through your arms as he sank to the floor. “I stole not one, but two innocent lives… I… should be dead…”
Kneeling down next to him, you hugged him from the side, even tighter than you had earlier and spoke softly against his neck, “I’m not saying you can’t feel guilty or to forget what happened, but even if you do feel that way, you still have to move forward. If you keep sitting around sulking and dwelling on something you can’t change, then you’ll just be in the same spot forever. Everything in life has a lesson to be learned and even in the worst situations, you have to find what that is so that you can grow and improve in the future. You can’t keep hating and reprimanding yourself forever. I think you’ve already taken a lot of time feeling sorry; now it’s time for you to start doing something about it.”
Though he’d heard every word you said, he couldn’t bring himself to acknowledge you in his overly emotional state. Gently, you tucked some of the blond strands that hung over his face behind his ear, revealing his glossy, reddened eyes and a steady stream of tears rolling down his pale cheeks. Leaning in, you placed a chaste peck to his lips, then pressed your forehead against his. “I know you’ve been struggling to love and accept yourself and it’s understandable given your situation. But since you can’t right now, then please let me. More than anything, I want to embark on this journey with you and help you as much as I can, every step of the way.”
Still, you received no verbal acknowledgement, but rather he responded through actions, breaking out of your embrace so that he could hold you in his arms instead. He held you so tightly it felt like he was afraid you’d slip away if he loosened his grip even a tiniest bit; it was the most affectionate gesture he’d ever expressed toward you in the past few months since you’d been hooking up and it really just made your heart melt.
“Thank you,” he finally muttered against your neck once his breaths steadied to occasional little sniffles after recovering from his emotional breakdown, “Thank you for always being there for me.”
“You don't need to thank me,” you nearly whispered whilst shaking your head at him. Cupping his face in your hands once more, you wiped the remnants of his tears with your thumbs before continuing, “Just make me yours, please.”
Slowly leaning in, you sealed your words with a kiss, hoping to relay to him just how strongly you felt about him… in more ways than one. Butterflies filled your stomach when you felt him reciprocate, and as his movements synchronized with yours, your hands glided gracefully from his cheeks down the sides of his neck to rest on his shoulders to pave a path for your lips to follow. They drifted first to the side of his mouth, then slowly they trailed along his cheek to his jaw, then along the length of his neck. The soft hums elicited in the process were confirmation enough that he wanted this just as much as you did and you could proceed further, so your fingers found the buttons of his dress shirt and made quick work of them to finally expose his toned abdomen.
“So… we doing it on the floor, or?” Kazutora questioned half joking as you slid the garment off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.
“Mm, that’s kinky,” you teased in response, “If you want to then I don’t mind.”
Instead, he guided your legs around his waist, supporting beneath your thighs before standing up from the ground and carrying you over to his bed, carefully laying you down atop his fluffy comforter. “You’ll be more comfortable on my bed. The floor is too hard,” he stated firmly with no sign of uncertainty at all in his tone.
“Wow, such a gentleman—” you barely finished complimenting when he captured your lips once more and hastily began to undress you. You could see the lust growing in his eyes with each garment he discarded, and soon enough, he had you stripped down to just your panties. He bit his lip as hooked his fingers in the waistband and pulled the drenched, skimpy material down your hips, then thighs, leaving behind glistening threads of your arousal along your inner thighs in the process before he finally slid them clean off your ankles and chucked them to the floor.
“Goddamn…” he gawked at how wet you were for him, the sight sending a surge of blood rushing downward. He was so mesmerized that he couldn’t resist swatching a sample with his middle finger to grant himself a little taste prior to the full course.
“I’ve been sooo pent up, baby,” you whined in a baby voice as to rationalize why you were so turned on; this was the first time he’d ever seen you horny to such an extreme extent. “That’s why I was complaining to Chifuyu about my dick appointment being late.”
“I’m so sorry I kept you waiting,” he barely made out before delving down between your legs, his soft lips encircling your swollen, touch-starved clit whilst he slid two of his slim digits into your warmth.
“Mm, Tora. It feels so good,” you moaned, knowing well that he loved being acknowledged and praised during his performances.
After months of helping him and teaching him just how you liked things, you could confirm via the spine tingling stimulation of your g-spot on top of the perfect combination of sucking, tongue flicking and swirling against your clit that he’d mastered the art of going down on you. It was almost disappointing how quickly he had your toes curling and back arching, already on the verge of release; you hated for this bliss to end so soon. Ultimately however, you succumbed, your fingers finding Kazutora’s smoothly pulled back hair and unintentionally disheveling it with the height of your high inflicting an unbearable pleasure that initiated from your core and coursed through your entire body.
He licked his lips as he sat up from his position between your legs, simultaneously ripping off his hair tie and letting his luscious blond and black locks fall over his shoulders before proceeding to undo his pants. You observed him intently as the outline of his erection came into view through his thin, dark briefs, and despite having come literally just minutes ago, the void between your legs was aching with desire and frankly, Kazutora was taking way too long to undress for your liking.
“Tora…” you grumbled, sitting up and reaching forward to stroke his still confined member, “Why are you going so freakin’ slow?”
Chuckling at your desperation, he patted the top of your head as he answered, “To tease you.” You only pouted at him in response, earning another giggle from him before he tugged at the waistband of his boxers and fina-fucking-ly revealed his beautifully hard cock with precum oozing from the tip. You’d barely even given him a chance to fully strip down when you encompassed his shaft with your hand and started stroking him like there was no tomorrow.
“Jesus!” Kazutora winced at the sudden intense stimulation and grabbed you by the wrist, “You’re gonna rip my dick off.”
“Shut up,” you snapped back playfully, but still you slowed your pace for him not wanting him to come yet anyways. “I’ve been waiting for so long now and you still haven’t fucked me. I poured my heart out to you and confessed my love and I’ve gotten nothing in return,” you recited in a dramatic manner, to which he rolled his eyes at you.
“Don’t act like I didn’t tell you something significant too.”
“Oh, you definitely did, but there’s something even more important I was hoping to hear from you,” you stated expectantly, taking a break from pumping him to instead wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down on top of you. Staring deeply into his glowing yellow orbs, you could see his gears turning, trying to figure out what it was you were expecting of him when something seemed to click.
“I love you, too…?” he answered like a question which forced a laugh out of you.
“Pft, I don’t know. Do you?” you jested.
“I do!” he replied defensively, “I just wasn’t sure if that’s what you wanted since I didn’t say it earlier…”
“Say it again like you mean it,” you demanded whilst squishing his cheeks with your palms.
“I wub you!” he enunciated as much as he could with his cheeks being squished, which wasn’t much but it sure was cute.
“I love you, too,” you giggled and pulled him into a quick kiss, your arms retaking their place around his neck. “Now hurry up and fuck me. I’ve been waiting this whole time.”
“Hey now, we’re not fuck buddies anymore,” he disputed as he shifted to position himself to your entrance. “When there’s feelings involved, they call it ‘love-making,’ Right?”
You knew he was being somewhat serious, but somehow, the fact that he’d made such a clear distinction was actually the most adorable thing ever and you had to hold back your urge to laugh at him. “Yes, you’re right, I’m sorry, Tora. Would you please do the honors of making love to me?”
The little smile that tugged at corners of his lips in response absolutely warmed your heart… for only a short-lived moment that was abruptly interrupted by the feeling of his whole length filling you up to the brim.
“Better?” Kazutora asked breathily as he wrapped your legs around his waist and rocked his hips in a slow steady rhythm, observing your reactions to gauge if he was doing a good job.
“Much,” you sighed in relief, having been deprived for what felt like forever. You weren’t really sure why, but he felt a bajillion times better today than he ever did; maybe it was the anticipation, maybe it was because you were a couple now, or maybe it was both, who knows? But what you did know was that as he picked up his pace, the feeling of him hitting glorious depths within your core made you feel like you were ascending into heaven.
“Shit,” Kazutora mumbled under his breath as he started to slow down, “I’m already getting close, I’m sorry. I thought my stamina was getting better, but I guess not.”
“Love making is different than fucking, isn’t it?” you interjected, gently caressing his cheek with the back of your fingers. “Feels so much better, right? It does for me too.” you assured. “Keep going. I won’t last much longer either.”
“Okay,” he agreed  and complied immediately, his slowed thrusting becoming erratic in the blink of an eye and in no time at all you could feel your whole lower region tingling, teetering toward the brink of climax.
“Ah, Tora!” you moaned at the feeling of your body slowly falling victim to the inevitable euphoria that awaited you despite your efforts to delay it. You managed to hold out for maybe five more seconds before you were enraptured, the breath-taking sensation making you writhe beneath him while your tender walls pulsated around his girth, enticing him to come undone with you.
In your final moments of ecstasy, he finally followed suit, the throaty groan along with the feeling of his warm essence spilling out deep within your core being indicative of that. You let out a heavy, but satisfied sigh as Kazutora took his last few strokes and withdrew himself, his thick seed slowly seeping out of you while he rushed to grab tissues from his desk to clean you up. He took his time tidying up both you and himself, and also making sure he didn’t miss any spots that may have dripped onto the comforter, but the moment he tossed the last dirty tissue into the trash bin he rejoined you in bed and snuggled up close to you without saying a word.
“Hey, Tora,” you decided to break the silence after he’d made himself comfortable.
“Hm?” he mumbled against you, not moving even an inch to converse properly with you, not that you minded though.
“Y’know Chifuyu is gonna be pissed about this, right?”
“Ugh,” he groaned, pulling you closer to him before continuing, “Let’s not talk about him right now…”
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“Hey Chifuyu, guess what?” you blurted out spontaneously as he and Kazutora closed up the shop.
“You’re pregnant,” he answered dryly and carried on with what he was doing without batting an eye.
“The fuck?!” Kazutora responded with wide eyes, bewildered by Chifuyu’s drastic guess.
“Uh… I mean I suppose that’s possible, but no, not what I was gonna say…” you chuckled nervously. “Kazutora and I are d–”
“Congratulations,” Chifuyu interrupted aggressively before you could finish, and next thing you knew, he was grabbing his stuff and booking it to the door. “See you tomorrow, Kazutora.” And with that he was gone, leaving Kazutora to finish the rest of the closing duties.
Kazutora facepalmed with a sigh at how things went down, though he wasn’t at all surprised. “You were definitely too blunt. He’s gonna be so petty to me tomorrow…” he griped as he wrapped up his sweeping and put the broom back in the closet.
“He cut me off so I didn’t even say it technically…” you argued back defensively. “We need to find him a girlfriend…”
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aveline-amelia · 9 months
On sexuality assumptions in Sherlock (part 2)
So, I literally forgot this was supposed to be a two-parter and what I was even going to write about in part two, but then I remembered. This is about examining some TJLC/Johnlock evidence that is potentially actually problematic and regressive if taken as fact. Not all of them are ProblematicTM, some are just... weird. These are in no particular order and some are possible stretches, but hey, I am allowed to have meta fun too.
Number 1: Mycroft making the sarcastic comment about John and Sherlock's engagement is proof Sherlock is gay.
The reason why this feels regressive to me is because it implies that you can only make quips about your brother dating a man if your brother is gay. But... why? Why is it only acceptable to make this comment if the men in question date other men? It's not a joke about the concept of homosexuality itself.
The 'joke' is "You have been very close to my brother, moved in with him, and are spending a lot of time with him. What's next, marrying him?" That's the point of the comment. It has nothing to do with anyone being gay.
Mycroft doesn't mean they are actually a couple. I fully believe that if Sherlock had a female flatmate, he would have made the exact same comment. All this tells us is that Mycroft doesn't think being gay is a big deal or possibly that being gay in this world isn't that big of a deal.
First of all, let's entertain the possibility that Mycroft believes or knows that Sherlock is gay. If this implies that Sherlock is gay, isn't telling that to John, whom Mycroft just met, and can't be certain that they ever even discussed the topic, basically outing Sherlock to his flatmate?
Now I talked about the fact it's very possible Mycroft made this comment and the later one hinting about possible John/Sherlock sex in the future (which is much better evidence, but people focus much more on the first one since it's more apparent) is testing the waters to see how John feels about gay people and how he feels about being mistaken for a couple with another man or being accused of having feelings for a man.
If John reacted in a very defensive and/or homophobic manner, it's possible Mycroft would have made sure John stayed far away from his little brother. This in itself doesn't have to mean Mycroft believes Sherlock is gay, just that he is being cautious because bigots are unsafe to be around (let alone live with!) for anyone who isn't a bigot themselves.
Number 2: If Sherlock isn't gay, why doesn't he ever correct the people who think he is or that he's dating John?
Because he doesn't care what they think of him. Related to number 1. It's okay to wish people not to mislabel you. Not wanting people to think you're gay if you're not is not homophobia. But Sherlock just doesn't care. This is in contrast with John, who does correct people and doesn't want newspapers calling him a confirmed bachelor.
Number 3: Sherlock got a case wrong and accused a gay man of being a murderer because he was feeling bad about his Unrequited Gay Love for John, who was dating someone else at the time and he thought gay relationships were doomed to fail (this is about a case on John's blog)
This one is just... why. Sherlock is the Great Detective. He's the world's only consulting detective. Why would a man's sexuality influence his decision solely because he's hoping for a gay relationship for himself and is salty about it? Gay or not gay, there's no indication sexual orientation plays any factor in how he views or treats people. This assumption is just straight-up homophobic. I can't see it any other way. Sherlock thinking a man is a murderer because he's gay... is homophobic. Even if you believe Sherlock is gay, internalized homophobia is a thing. It would also make him look quite incompetent, unprofessional, and just straight-up Bad at his job, the one thing he is unquestionably Good at.
Now we get into the weaker ones, at least according to me.
Number 4: Sherlock knowing purple apart from lilac or making serviettes makes him Camp Gay.
I think this is just Sherlock being Sherlock. He knows the color because he knows and notices the things others don't while ignoring those he deems unimportant. As for the serviettes? Why? Because planning a wedding is a gay stereotype? Sherlock is most likely hyperfocused on the wedding because he's nervous about things changing.
Number 5: John was definitely about to make a Move on Sherlock during the stag night and that was the perfect time to do it
I sincerely hope this idea only extends to fiction (because I don't want to be one of these "if you support this in fiction you support it in real life too!!! people) but if it does not, hopefully none of these people ever become someone's Best Person at the wedding if they think seducing the groom right before a wedding is a good idea. Do they think John was about to make a move and if it didn't work just Mary marry anyway as a consolation prize? Do they think that's what happened in TSO3? We or John had no idea she was an assassin yet, so that would be really shitty.
Number 6: John lied about being bisexual
He didn't. The only way this would be true is if someone asked John if he's bisexual and he said no. Unless you think John being closeted and potentially hiding the truth about his sexuality and being purposefully vague about it is lying. It's not.
Number 7: Mycroft believed Sherlock was about to kiss John in front of Mary when asking for time alone
This one is just strange. A confession is one thing, especially if you are not directly confessing. But why would Sherlock do this? He was going to his death and had nothing to lose? Why would he do it in front of Mary? And Mycroft? And the other agents who I think were also still there? Why? Was he sure John would kiss him back? Did he even care?
Miscellaneous: John didn't want Sherlock looking at his laptop because he has a bunch of Gay Porn there
Or... because it's an invasion of privacy? This one isn't Problematic, it's just a stretch.
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Secret Club
ft Piccolo&Vegeta&Whis)
I got this idea from @ zeldapanda. Thnx and enjoy love.❤️ I plan on making another part to this since this one's short.
Welcome to the club.
Where we like our tea a bit salty...if you know what I'm sayin'.
The door flew open and slammed against the wall, startling Piccolo and Vegeta making them almost drop their drinks. The angel stomped into the room and sat at the antique looking table he designed that matched with all the other decor.
"Uh, Whis–"
Whis raised his hand, automatically silencing the Namek. "Wait a moment let me calm myself down." He sighed.
"Just let it all out and punch stuff. It feels great, trust me.",Vegeta mentioned.
Piccolo sighed. "Spoken like a true hothead."
Before Vegeta can retort they hear the angel rant about his day with the obnoxious God of Destruction followed by,
"Why that little, stupid, whiny, purple Barney looking...!" Whis' teeth clenched as he tried to think of another insult.
"Bitch?",Vegeta suggested.
"Yes that as well." Being a angel who always had to be calm, Whis wasn't one to blow up very much. But in the this club he could let it all out.
Piccolo chuckled. "Beerus really got to you, huh?"
Whis sighed and rolled his eyes. "If he keeps on acting up I'll have to trade him in for Goku.",he said resulting in a laugh let out by the three of them.
"Speaking of that idiot," Vegeta mentioned as he placed salmon onto his plate. "Last week the buffoon tried to kiss me!"
Piccolo raised a brow. "What the fuck?"
"Get this, the idiot has never kissed before and was curious so decided to try it on me.",he spat.
Piccolo smirked. "Guess we know who he'll cheat on Chi Chi with now."
"Shut up!",Vegeta growled. "I'm way out of that idiots league. To think that empty headed man boy would even think he'd have a chance with me. The prince."
"Right.", Piccolo said sarcastically. "Well I'm going to direct this conversation away from Vegeta's obvious crush on Goku."
"I do not–!"
"Yes you do." Piccolo smiled knowing he pissed off the saiyan. "Anyway–"
"Just like you and Gohan?",Vegeta said with a smirk.
Piccolo scoffed. "Please, I wouldn't go out with that wide eyed softy in a million years."
"I don't blame you. With his nerdy looking ass and all."
Whis took a sip of his tea. "It's hard to believe he's Goku's offspring. What with Gohan seeming to have more brain cells than his father."
"Goku even forgets that Gohan is his son at times.", Piccolo said. "It's hard to believe Chi Chi is still married to him."
"Jealous?",Vegeta asked with a raised brow.
"Off what?" Piccolo scowled with a blush coating his cheeks. "We don't go there."
Whis giggled. "Oh my."
"That woman's voice is as ear piercing as Bulma's.",Piccolo commented. "Honestly how do you live with that?"
"Ear plugs." Vegeta said bluntly before they all started laughing. "And also leave my wife out of this Namek.",he said after composing himself.
Piccolo rolled his eyes. "Calm down Mr McDonald's, I was just saying."
"What'd you call me, Slug!",Vegeta growled. They both got up from their chairs and glared daggers at one another. Whis giggled. Although they came together to hate on everyone else it was quite fun for the angel to see these two argue.
"At least this Veggie burger here found himself a wife.",Whis added. "Instead of stealing one like you did with Chi Chi."
Piccolo sat down and muttered. "Need I remind you that he stole Bulma from Yamcha."
Whis clapped his hands and smiled. "Alright I guess you're both homewreckers."
Vegeta sat back down and scoffed. Piccolo then said something to get back into the prince's good side.
"Yamcha was a piece of shxt anyway."
Vegeta smirked. "Was? He still is. That sorry excuse for a fighter. Fxcking scumbag. Coward. Playboy. Lazy fxck–"
"You wanna talk lazy, how about Yajirobe. Tub-of-lard looking ass.",Piccolo spat.
"That moron didn't even help in the future in the fight against Black.", Vegeta paused taking a huge chunk of meat before continuing. "Fxcking idiot thinks he's all that and a bag of senzu beans just because he cut off my tail. All he did was stuff his fat cheeks."
"You mean like how you're doing right now?",Piccolo said.
Whis tapped his chin. "Well he at least isn't as disgusting as Goku." Whis cringed as he recalled the times Goku ate in front of him.
"I swear, why do you saiyans have to have such huge appetites?" Whis sighed. "Don't even get me started on Beerus. If he keeps on eating the way he does he'll end up looking like Champa."
Piccolo couldn't help but laugh. "And here I thought no one could get a stomach greater than Yajirobes."
The Namekian helped himself to some cake and custard. Something he's been craving for a while. Sure he was Namekian but he was raised on Earth.
"I thought you slugs only drank water.",Vegeta said event though he's seen Piccolo eat a bunch of times.
"I eat socially.",was all Piccolo replied with.
Whis raised a brow. "Really? And here I thought you only ate whenever Chi Chi cooked."
"Shut the fxck up, you devil.",Piccolo growled.
"You say that and yet I'm not the one going to hell, demon.",Whis snapped back.
"How has Beerus not killed you yet?"
Vegeta quickly swallowed his food then commented. "The question you should be asking is why Whis hasn't killed Beerus yet?. I swear I have never met an angel so evil in my life."
Piccolo smirked. "That's because when they look at you they run away."
Whis snorted almost spilling out his tea.
Vegeta growled. "Well they're wise to fear the prince of–"
"McDonalds." Piccolo cut him off.
"Why McDonalds though?",Vegeta finally asked. "Why the hell?!"
"Because your widow's peak looks like the McDonalds logo."
"I could kill you right here and now.",Vegeta threatened.
"And here I thought Veggie burger didn't have any beef.",Whis joked.
Vegeta placed his plate on the table with a look of anger on his face. When it seemed his was about to lose it, he started laughing.
"I fxcking hate this. I'm gonna go train."
"Yeah, I should leave too.",Piccolo said standing up.
"I suppose I better get to Beerus." Whis tapped his staff on the ground twice and the food and leftovers vanished. "See you two next time."
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Catching The Devil’s Attention
Part ONE of The Devil’s Angel :: Part Two
Pairing :: soft dark!Matthew Murdock x latine fem!Reader  (it’s not made obvious now that the reader is latine, but in later parts it will(probably the next part tbh))
Warnings :: SOFT DARK/MATURE THEMES. 18+ Content/SMUT, Slightly possessive behavior(not much rn since it’s the beginning), Religious talk, Religious Imagery, NSFW activities in a CHURCH, Slight depression(reader is sad)
Word Count :: 1,138
Summary :: Matt sits next to a stranger in church
A/N :: This will be a series. How long? Idk, but I do know if I continue the reader will be a LATINE(specifically Mexican) fem!Reader even though I did not make that clear in this chapter.
ALSO(!and this is very important!) it may change from a Reader Insert to a Original Female Character. I typically try to make reader inserts and make the reader as vague as possible so any one can enjoy them, however, with the story I have in mind it would just be easier for me to change it from Reader to OFC.
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Matt heard the frantic whispers from the front of the church’s stands. He was surprised to see another in the typically empty church but was more concerned by the pleads the young woman was making. 
“Why have you forsaken me? What have I done to be punished with this gift? What has my family done for you to plague us all these generations?” The voice was shaky, yet soft.
By her faint heartbeat, he could tell she was in pain. Quietly, Matt drew closer, the taste of her salty tears growing stronger as he did.
The woman’s whispers stopped, hearing the footsteps grow louder. She gulped, making one request before she wiped her tears away.
“Lord, I wish to rest.”
Matt sat in the same stand as her only a foot away. After getting this close to her, he realized his instinct was right. He felt an oddly powerful presence from her, one he couldn’t quite describe. Her scent was heavenly, yet poisonous. The heat radiating off of her was almost burning. Despite how focused he was on the beat of her heart, he could barely hear it. Her voice was hypnotizing. 
“I hope you don’t mind me sitting next to you,” He spoke, head tilting towards her while remaining to look forward. “It’s just… I heard what you were saying and I thought you could use some company.”
Her folded prayer hands lowered from her chest to her lap. She let out a sad chuckle. “You heard me?” Her voice was ashamed rather than surprised.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why? I’m the one that intruded on you, if anything, I should be apologizing.”
“Huh, I suppose you're right.”
There was silence for a few moments until Matt decided to speak again. “Do you mind me asking why you’re here?”
She shook her head, despite knowing he could see past his deep red shades. “I came here because it’s one of the few places I can escape to and be alone.”
“I see.”
“What about you?”
“I’m just being a good catholic boy and coming to confess after sinning once again.”
His sarcastic comment earned another chuckle from her, this time one of amusement.
“So you’re religious?”
Now, it was Matt’s turn to laugh. “Are you asking me if I’m religious in a church?”
She smiled. “As ridiculous as it sounds, yes.”
“Yes, I believe there is a God and a Devil. Do you?”
“You cannot have faith in a divine being of light without having a divine being of darkness to counter it.”
“Well, that’s one way to put it.”
“If I’m being honest though, if I wasn’t born into the family I was and cursed with the gift I have…” She swallowed, silencing herself.
“Cursed with a gift? I thought gifts were supposed to be blessings.”
“To others, perhaps, but to me they’re curses.”
“And what is your gift?”
“The sight of angelic and demonic beings.”
Her heartbeat was steady, she was telling the truth. Matt turned his head to her, mouth slightly ajar and brows scrunched together.
“You can see angels and demons?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know if they’re angels and demons. I can only presume.”
“What do they look like?”
Matt stayed silent, processing what he had been told. Angels and demons being real and walking amongst them, despite being catholic, was still a shock to find out.
“My family forced me here because of them.” Her eyes started to well up once again. “I just want to go home. I want to be left alone in peace and silence. I’m tired of hearing all of the voices.”
Matt reached his hand out to grab her’s in hopes of soothing her. The second their skin touched he felt a wave of electricity shoot through him. He almost let go, but instead tightened his grip on her hand.
“Things will get better.”
She thanked him, even though she didn’t believe him.
“I need to get going now. My family will send their dogs after me if I don’t return soon.” She slowly pulled her hand out of his, standing from her seat. 
She took a step closer to him, her aura seeming to change. She gazed down at him, unconsciously raising a hand to his face, fingers grazing across his cheek. Despite her skin feeling as soft as silk, her touch burned like fire.
“For your sake and mine’s, I pray we do not meet again for if we do,” Her voice was no longer timid, now threatening, “one of our devils shall consume the other’s angel.”
With her hand falling from his face, without saying another word, she left. Matt sat there in silence, trying to understand what had happened. 
His heart was racing like never before. She was warning him to stay away, yet a part of him felt as if she was daring him to approach her again. The most twisted part was he was excited. He wanted to find her again, feel her tingling touch again, be consumed in it.
He reached his hand up to the spot she had touched, a small smirk creeping its way on his face. 
She had caught the devil’s attention.
Several nights after his encounter with the mysterious woman in the church, he dreamt of her and each time it was the same dream.
The two sat in one of Clinton Church’s confessional booths with the woman trapped in Matt’s lap due to the small confined space. With her back arching against him, he had a hand between her spread open legs, playing with dripping slick between her folds.
Both of her hands were wrapped around the wrist of his other hand, which was carefully wrapped around her neck, forcing her to look up at him. She was biting her lip, trying her hardest not to make a noise. Every time he rocked his hips upward, pressing his erection against her, she couldn’t help but let out a whimper.
“Ple-please,” She begged, feeling him press two digits into her cunt. Her voice was sweet as honey. “I need you.” She wiggled her hips, needy for any sort of friction.
He nibbled on the back of her ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll corrupt you soon enough angel.”
Matt’s eyes shot open, his body drenched in sweat. He reached over for the glass of water on his bed stand, gulping down every last drop. He was more than confused as to why he kept dreaming about a woman he had one short meeting with. Especially with how realistic they felt.
His obsession with her was growing, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn’t find her. After a few weeks, the dreams grew less vivid, almost completely fading. He was ready to give up his search for her until one fateful night he finally found her.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
awards - daniel ricciardo
based off of my beautiful dream anon from a few weeks ago
or in which Daniel gets handsy at an award show, things leading to another and suddenly you're on your knees in the bathroom
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warnings: oral (male receiving), language, semi public sexual activities, Daniel Ricciardo being a teasing shit 
1.4k words 
You could feel your heart thumping in your ears. No matter how long you were in the music industry you would never get used to attending award shows filled with people you used to idolize when you were younger.
You had been singing since you were little and had recently been titled with the “music industries newest sweetheart” a title that your boyfriend found insanely comedic. When he first read that infamous article with the bizarre title he had chuckled to himself. “Sweetheart?” he had scoffed, knowing deep down that you were the furthest thing from innocent. Knowing the real you was almost like a dirty little secret he harboured. He had full access to the mischevious Y/N and he wasn't willing to share it with the world. He had no problem letting everyone else think you were an innocent princess as long as he was the only one to know otherwise.
But ever since seeing you in that gorgeous dress a few hours ago, he wanted so desperately to bring that other side of you out, even if you were in public.
It was insanely difficult to keep his hands to himself for a few minutes let alone the entire night. So when an infamous singer greeted the audience and began his speech, Daniel finally allowed himself the pleasure of touching you.
He sneakily placed his hand on your exposed thigh, his “lets fuck” ring on full display, indicating to you what his true intentions were behind his seemingly innocent touch. Paying no mind to his actions, you focused on the man on the stage. Unfortunately you had no sense of self control and became to feel more and more confined in your own body.
Daniels hand shifted closer to your core, briefly brushing his fingers against your throbbing clit before sliding his hand back down your thigh. He stayed situated there for a moment before repeating his actions again. Getting all too close to your core before sliding back down towards your knee. “Dan please,” you whispered in his ear, careful not to draw any attention to the two of you.
He halted his hand mid thigh, teasing you was one of his favourite things to do and hearing you beg for him released millions of endorphins into his body. “Please what darling?” he asked, his hot breath fanning across your neck.
“Either fuck me right now or just stop teasing completely”
Daniel quietly chuckled to himself, grabbing hold of your hand and pulling you away from the table and towards the toilets on the side of the large hall. It was a fancy event and as a result the toilets were spacious with only one occupant available at each time.
“So needy, darling,” he commented, grinning at the pout that formed on your face, “I thought I was the only eager one here...perhaps not.”
You laughed at his words, brushing your hand across the very prominent bulge in his trousers. “Oh you are the eager one here, darling” you mocked. You heard his breath hitch in his throat and only then did you realise how long he had been wanting you.
This night was al about you, that was clear from the get go. Daniel had been pushed to the side all evening and to give him the credit he deserved, he hadn’t complained once. He loved seeing you in the spotlight. He was always proud of you and what you had achieved, stepping away to grant you the attention you deserved was something he was happy to do.
It was a quality you loved about him and you wanted to show him your gratefulness for his selfless ways. You quickly pecked Daniels lips, chuckling quietly when he tried to deepen it. “You call that a kiss?” he sarcastically asked and you knew he was annoyed with your lack of affection.
“Patience, Daniel,” you warned, brushing your fingers up and down his bulge once more. You lived for the noises he made when he was flustered and grinned proudly at the beautiful moan that tumbled from his lips.
Daniel gripped your wrist with force, he hadn’t waited all night just for you to tease him in the bathroom. “You are such a tease, love.”
You pulled away from him, a stunned look planted on your face. “I'm the tease?” you shot back, “Do you not remember having your hands all over me a few minutes ago?”
Daniel threw a sheepish look in your direction, his arms quickly found your waist, pulling you closer and closer into him. “I cant help it when you look that good daring”
You felt your core dampen at his words, all you wanted was for him to fuck you like his life depended on it but you knew you didn't hve enough time. You were going to be announced for an award in a few minutes and needed to be quick.
You quickly dropped down onto your knees causing Daniel's eyes to widen but he did nothing to protest your actions. A sigh of relief filled the room as you unbuttoned his suit trousers and pulled them down his thighs, his boxers following soon after. You licked your lips at the sight of his painfully hard member and appeared kisses up and down his cock before even daring to touch him.
“Darling, you know I hate to beg-” The feeling of your lips wrapping around his tip caused his lips to slam shut, pleasure quickly filling his body as whimpers echoed through the room, feeling you to take him further and further down your throat. Daniel admired you as he leaned against the door, he carefully collected your hair into a makeshift pony, being extra cautious not to ruin your already beautiful hairstyle.
A choked moan left him at the sight of you kneeling down all pretty in front of him, your thigh pressed together - your hand caught in the middle of them rubbing your clit as you bobbed your head up and down.
“Darling, you have no idea how beautiful you look right now,” he praised, moving one of his hands to caress your cheek, demonstrating his appreciation for you. You could hear the crowd applauding from outside the toilet, the sound causing you to hurry your movements.
Your award was going to be announced. Soon.
You lifted your eyes to look Daniel in his own, knowing the innocent look plastered on your face drove him absolutely feral. The moan he immediately let out both proved your point and caused you to roll your eyes back in satisfaction. “Shit darling you can't look at me like that,” he panted, grabbing onto the nearby counter with one of his hands, needing to stabilize himself as he got nearer and nearer to his release.
“This next award is dedicated to Y/N,”
You felt your heart race at the announcement, you knew you needed to speed up your movements and greedily pushed even more of him into your mouth, caressing the rest with your hands.
Daniel chuckled from in front of you, he pulled tightly on your hair, forcing you to watch him as he spoke. “You look so pretty sucking me off darling, I wish this could last even longer,” he praised as he twisted your hair in his hand, “too bad we have all these people outside waiting for you, if only they knew how good you looked gagging on my cock.”
“They all think you're a little angel but look at you now, darling, not so innocent after all hmm?” he teased, you barely even nodded at him but the motion still caused him to curse in pleasure. “Everyone would be shocked if they knew what you were doing sweetheart, if they knew what kind of good girl you really are” his words faded into a groan while his head banged against the door. You quickly swallowed the salty mixture that he released into your mouth, holding tightly onto his thigh in attempt to stop yourself from falling over.
Moans echoed across the room, a sound so heavenly you almost felt like you were dreaming. “Shit” he quietly let out, pulling out of you with a hiss and tucking himself back into his boxers. You remained seated on your knees, only standing up when Daniel placed his finger under your chin and forced you upwards.
“Such a good girl for me darling, I've never been so proud of you and I'm going to show you just how proud I really am when we get home tonight.”
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Haikyuu Polyship hc’s!
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♚ Hey hey hey! Welcome to a little collab that @tetsurocking and I have been working on for a few weeks now! Like two but still. We each chose three different couples and wrote headcanons about a poly relationship with them!
♚ My three!: Suna x Osamu x Reader! Tendo x Ushijima x Reader! And Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader!
♚ Make sure to check out the three couples J wrote about over on her page! I promise you’ll find some stuff ya like😉 ‘I think about polyships too much for a monogamous bitch’ -J 😂 Anyways, enjoy!
♚ Warnings: Should be none! Although I reference high school in the past, everyone involved is aged up!
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Suna x Osamu x Reader Poly!
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✧ When you guys were in high school, Rinta would always send you videos of Osamu and him at practice; sometimes they were videos of the twins fighting, some were of them doing little tricks with the ball to get your praise, and some were just of them waving/saying they missed you
✧ They tend to spam your little group chat with memes while you’re at work or school, and sometimes they just spam you for attention <3
✧ They both really like it when you wear their clothing. Sometimes they get pouty if you wear one shirt or the other, but they never genuinely mind. In addition to this, they basically share a wardrobe. Is that Suna’s shirt or Samu’s? They don’t even know 🤷🏻‍♀️
✧ Suna probably sends you two pictures of the ugliest things he sees in a day and and puts a caption like « haha that’s you two. » that’s it. He probably doesn’t even bother to put a period at the end (Thanks for this one, Alma!)
✧ Suna takes tons of pictures with/of the two of you, and he changes his lockscreen background pretty often because of it. His favorite pictures are the ones he takes without you two noticing, hehehe
✧ These two are both really great drivers and they’re very smug about it. Food for thought 😌
✧ When you’re grocery shopping, they probably start eating what’s in the cart before you’re even out of the store.
✧ In addition to grocery shopping, don’t even TRY to tell Osamu one brand of a certain ingredient or food is better than another, he will throw a Miya Twin hissy fit™️ lmao
✧ They both keep extras of anything any of you may need in their cars. Period stuff if you’re someone who has one, hygiene products like deodorant and an extra shirt for Suna after practice, snacks for Osamu cause the poor boy always wants to eat in the car, etc.
✧ They both like to tease, but in reality they’re big softies for you. Want cuddles? Rinta is always flopping down on top of you once you sit on the couch. Need a back or shoulder massage? You don’t even have to ask Osamu at this point, he does it subconsciously.
✧ Suna prefers dates at home, lounging around and cuddled up, movie nights, dinner dates, etc. Osamu prefers lazy errand days. Going grocery shopping, cleaning the house together, dropping something off to Atsumu or grabbing lunch on the way home, he enjoys the domesticity of life with the two of you.
✧ DOING THEIR HAIR. Styling Suna’s hair for him in the morning or helping Osamu touch up his color before he goes back to brown.
✧ Holiday decorating, birthdays, and anniversaries are always fun with these two. To others, they’re relatively reserved, with a few sarcastic comments to spare *cough cough* we all know who I mean- But to you, they’re rambunctious and sweet. Making stupid jokes to see you laugh, babying you, all the like.
✧ Someone picking on you or getting a little too friendly? No need to worry, your two tall ass, intimidating boyfriends have your back. Suna is more of the- glare daggers at them until they get the hint- kinda person, but Osamu is definitely the- throw my arm around my partner and tell the other person to back off- one.
✧ Going to Suna’s games with Osamu to support him! Osamu once pretended to be a fan and asked for his autograph, and when Suna just looked him dead in the face and kisses him everyone around lost their minds.
✧ You and Suna visiting Osamu at work and bringing him lunch so he doesn’t have to make it himself! He has pictures of you three in his office too <3
✧ The boys visiting you at work/school saying it’s to playfully embarrass you, but usually it’s something like; bringing you lunch, coming to pick you up for a spontaneous date/adventure after you clock out, or just coming to sit in your office and bug you for a little while to get your mind off of work.
✧ They are both pretty possessive, but aren’t controlling. They just like to hold you, though Suna is the more reserved one of the boys when it comes to pda.
✧ ^That said, they like to show you off- a lot. Showing pictures of you or the other boy to their coworkers and teammates is a favorite of theirs.
✧ Whatever hobbies you’re into, they like to sit and watch you do. Reading, cooking (with Osamu?😌), baking, art, music, video games, etc. They just love to watch you do your craft! You’re so supportive of them and their dreams, the things they love, they try to repay the favor any chance they get.
✧ Suna is definitely one to just sit his head on your lap or shoulder and listen to you talk all day about something you love <3
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Tendo x Ushijima x Reader Poly!
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✧ Tendo has a massive collection of hoodies and he loves it when you two wear them. It makes him so happy to see you guys in something that’s his, a physical symbol that you two want people to know you’re with him.
✧ Both very affectionate partners, in their own ways. vv
✧ ^Tendo wasn’t very fond of pda at first, more so he wasn’t comfortable with it because he thought you two would be embarrassed to be seen with him. Once he found out you two weren’t embarrassed of him and wanted to show others your relationship, he was all for it! Usually likes to hold your hands or lean on one of you.
✧ ^Ushijima is more subtle with his affection, not because he’s scared or embarrassed, just that he prefers to do it in private. He knows you two know he loves you, so he doesn’t really see the need to be all over you in public. But in private? That man is always hugging you or nuzzling into your shoulder- he’s like a giant teddy bear.
✧ Ushijima loves to do all the domestic shit with you two. Cooking, cleaning the house, running errands. He’s just a sucker for feeling like a lil family with his two cuties.
✧ Tendo loves to plan the dates! Though if you want to, he’ll gladly let you! He likes to plan little day adventures for the three of you, whenever Toshi doesn’t have practice or training!
✧ Tendo likes to have his nails painted by you, and Ushijima likes to watch you two <3
✧ Matching nails with Tendo??? Mhm😌
✧ Protective boyfies! Let’s be honest here, it’s unlikely you’re gonna have too many problems with these two giants standing next to you. But if there ever is one, they definitely scare off whoever is bugging you quickly.
✧ These two are some of the most comforting people on here. They both had their share of not so great things happen to them growing up, Tendo being bullied and Ushijima basically being treated like a brute. The two of them became really good at comforting people, knowing how it feels to not have someone there to comfort you when you needed it.
✧ They’re big on cuddling to begin with, but if you’re ever sad or stressed? Prepare for Tendo making a pillow fort and Ushijima baking your favorite treats. These two are incredibly supportive and comforting when you need them <3
✧ Ushijima once got so fed up with Tendo being a little brat, he threw him onto his shoulder and walked around the house like that for a good half hour. Tendo thought it was hilarious and so did you
✧ Speaking of, he seems to really enjoy carrying the two of you around at random times. Piggyback rides, bridal style, or just like a koala clinging to him, he loves it.
✧ Tendo can sense a mood change in the two of you like it’s nothin. Seriously, the guy just knows when something is bugging either of you.
✧ The boys definitely ask if they can get a pet when you move in together. Tendo has a long list of crazy animals and Ushijima keeps suggesting a hedgehog for some reason.
✧ Regardless of what you decide on, you know these two are going to treat your pet like their baby. They’re going to spoil tf outta that little fella. 100% Tendo takes a million photos of them everyday. Ushijima doesn’t baby talk, he just talks to them normally about random things like volleyball and it’s pretty comical.
✧ Visiting Tendo at his chocolatier shop! He usually has very long days, and gets extremely happy when you two pop in to see him. Please bring this baby some lunch or dinner, he’s not a big eater and often forgets too. He has pictures of the three of you in his office too <3
✧ Watching Ushijima’s games and practices! This boy can’t get enough of the praise you and Tendo offer him! He loves seeing you sport his jersey with his name on the back, and he says seeing you two in the stands at practice or during a game really helps his focus?
✧ If you’re someone who has a period, these two are so sweet and thoughtful to ya. Tendo always makes the best chocolate, and Ushijima is basically a walking heater, he runs you hot baths too! Both handle mood swings very well and always make sure the pain meds are stocked in the house. 10/10 boyfies
✧ Please let Ushijima have as many house plants as he wants. He loves them and names each of them, he’s let you and Tendo name some before too! Catch this big teddy bear talking to his plants while he repots or waters them and your heart will melt </3
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Futakuchi x Shirabu x Reader Poly!
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✧ Salty, sarcastic, teasy boyfies- if you’re easily flustered, prepare yourself, they are going to use it against you. Calling you nicknames and saying things they know will make you start to stutter at any chance they get. (Lookin at you, Futakuchi) (please don’t think I’m making fun of people with a stutter, I have one myself.)
✧ Very protective, though they may not show it as often as some others do. Someone messing with you? You bet they’re next to you in an instant- offering several sarcastic remarks and a menacing glare from Shirabu, Futakuchi throwing an arm around you and bending down to the creeps level to further the intimidation.
✧ Both very comforting partners, if you’re feeling anxious or upset they’ll gladly take you into a big cuddle pile. Petting your hair or cheek, and telling you all the sweet things they can think of to see you smile.
✧ ^ Shirabu picks up on your insecurities very easily, especially if they’re similar to his own, and helps you learn to cope with and improve your mental health. Futakuchi has a gift for comforting people, always knowing what to say to make you feel 100x better about yourself or anything that’s bugging you <3
✧ Let’s not even get into what they’d say or do to the person if someone hurt your feelings, let alone made you cry. We’ll leave that to your imagination.
✧ Very competitive with each other. They constantly play fight for your attention, making comments about who’s shirt you wore today or who you ate lunch with- but it’s all in good fun.
✧ Futakuchi is a sly bastard, he really loves to fluster and tease tf outta you and Shirabae. For example: When Jirou gets mad at Kenji, Futakuchi just calls him his pretty boy or compliments how cute he looks when he’s angry and Shirabu becomes a complete flustered, stuttering mess.
✧ Going to visit Shirabu at work and/or bring him lunch! He doesn’t like to admit it, but he really does appreciate when you two come to visit and eat with him, especially during long shifts where he doesn’t get to see or talk to you two very much. He always becomes a blushy mess, waving off his coworkers with a glare when they comment on it- or when Futakuchi points it out
✧ Going to watch Futakuchi’s games! He’s very open with his appreciation for the two of you coming to watch his games! Either of you wear an extra jersey of his and it’s game on. He’s mindful to ask if you’re okay with hugs after, since he’s usually pretty sweaty, though.
✧ Of the two of them, Shirabu is the more perceptive one. He can easily pick up on any of the changes in mood the two of you may have, and it makes it easier to solve any issues you may have, rather quickly.
✧ In your relationship, Shirabu also gets frustrated the easiest. Whether it be with himself or the stresses of work and school, he finds himself getting frustrated and overwhelmed rather easily.
✧ You and Futakuchi are masters at calming him down by now, pulling him into a cuddle with lots of affirmation and he feels better in no time, offering to help with his work and take a bit of the load off cheers him up quite a bit too.
✧ Your boys are both very loving and cuddly when sleepy.
✧ Both getting overwhelming soft when you’re being cute, they just start to overload. Whenever you do anything remotely adorable, they can’t help but dote on you. SOFT BOI HOURS
✧ HEAD PATS! That is all. :)
✧ Futakuchi is the type to kiss you hard during an argument while Shirabu is the type to sulk and then come over to you later that night asking to cuddle.
✧ Random hc, but Futakuchi’s car is a fucking mess, I just know it.
✧ Saw this somewhere else, but it fits him! Futakuchi says yes ma’am/sir with a huge shit eating grin.
✧ You three have a good system when it comes to planning dates, taking turns every week or so, although Shirabu tends to prefer slow days/nights at home, given his busy(er) schedule.
✧ Another random hc, but I think Futakuchi has some sort of energy drink addiction and Shirabu is constantly nagging him about cutting it out of his diet because he aggressively cares for that boy.
✧ “Stop drinking that, idiot. It’s bad for you.” “Aww, Jirou~ are you worried about me?” “Shut up,,”
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♚ Hope you enjoyed our little collab! Go check out @tetsurocking ’s part on her page! Believe me- it’s good😭 be warned! It does have nsfw content! Mine was gonna but some of you can’t follow rules😤
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Taglist: @sunalma @toworuu @lovie-and-co (for your boys😌)
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cakesunflower · 3 years
Outer Banks Series Rewrite/JJ Maybank Fic Series [Pilot]
This is basically a rewrite of season 1, but with an additional original character, Stella Carrera--Kie's fraternal twin sister, who is a part of the Pogues, and eventually gets together with JJ. All characters and the overall storyline belong to the writers and creators of Outer Banks on Netflix. This is just me rewriting the show--every chapter is an episode--with an additional character.
Like the summary says, this fic series is a rewrite of the show! Every chapter is equal to one chapter. I won't be including EVERY scene from the episodes because that would be too much. I'll mostly be writing the Pogue scenes, with a few Sarah & John B scenes. Stella's dialogue is sometimes original, and sometimes split from the canon dialogue from others. I'll also be including additional scenes to develop the relationship between JJ and Stella. I hope you enjoy! Do let me know in the comments if this is a fic y'all would be interested in seeing me complete!
You can also click this link to read it on my AO3!
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1. Pilot
“That’s what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival.”
Stella Carrera let out a bemused scoff at Pope’s observation, though her own gaze followed his. Up on the slanted rooftop of the developing house that had yet to be finished, John B was balancing himself on one foot, drinking from a can of beer as seagulls cried in the sky above them. Stella watched him warily, wondering if there was a chance he would break any bones from that kind of fall.
John B hummed at Pope’s statement, licking his finger and holding it up, mockingly testing the wind. He glanced down at them and asked, “Should I do it?”
Pope held up a hand drill. “Yeah, jump.” He squinted one eye shut, pointing the drill at John B. “I’ll shoot you on the way down.”
Stella let out a scoff, back against the railing of the porch they stood on as she sipped her own beer. Construction equipment lay all around them, showcasing just how much work the developers had left to finish up the house. The gentle breeze, consistently carrying a salty scent to it, tickled Stella’s skin and fluttered her shoulder length hair, gaze drawing over to JJ for a moment, who sat on a higher platform with his arms resting on the bars and legs swinging below him. She didn’t let her gaze linger, though. Never long enough to get caught.
“You’ll shoot me?” John B asked with a raise of his eyebrows.
Pope grinned. “Yep.”
John B imitated shooting a gun. “Pow!”
Kiara walked out of the house, through the tarp put up and weaving around the bars that held up the platforms. She was Stella’s fraternal twin sister, older than her by a solid minute and fifteen seconds. “They’re gonna have Japanese toilets with toilet warmers,” she announced, her tone a mixture of disbelief and disgusted awe.
From up above, an unimpressed JJ rolled his eyes. “Of course they are. Why wouldn’t they?”
Kiara—Kie—kept making her way around from under the platform, eyes narrowed in annoyance. “This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?”
Stella hid her smile against the rim of her can at her sister’s begrudged tone. Kie was an environment loving socialist—shit like this always pissed her off. Stella was inclined to agree. But while Kie had her interests, Stella had her own. JJ piped in, “I can’t have cold towels.”
Stella suppressed her laugh at Kie’s gaze shot up to John B, smiling sardonically as she asked, “Can you please not kill yourself?”
JJ looked up at their friend, too. “Don’t spill that beer.” He raised his can to his mouth. “I’m not giving you another one,” he added before taking a sip.
As if JJ’s warning was exactly what he needed, John B teetered just slightly, his grip on his beer can slipping. It fell down to the porch, beer slightly exploding out of it, and Stella shook her head, bemused as ever. “Of course you did,” she groused.
Kie rolled her eyes, looking away. “Smooth.”
John B groaned, the sound drowning out Pope’s sarcastic, “A-plus.”
Pope then leaned over the railing as John B lamented over his loss, and Stella was sure she heard, in the distance, a man’s voice call out, “Hey!” Her suspicions were proven correct when Pope called out a bit nervously, “Hey, uh, security’s here.” He made a spinning motion with his finger, pushing away from the railing. “Let’s wrap it up.”
John Be was looking towards where the security van had pulled up as Stella pushed herself away from the railing, finishing off her beer as JJ said, “Boys are early today.” He swung himself up from the platform. “Humpty Dumpty, let’s roll.”
Stella was already making her way towards the porch doors, Kie throwing an arm around her shoulders as they hurried inside, and said, “Let’s go, boys!”
JJ moved like a gymnast, swinging down from the platform and through the bars as he tauntingly called out, “Gary, is that you? Good to see you man!”
Stella laughed in amusement as JJ landed in front of her, her brown eyes connecting with his blue as she said, “You’re asking for it.”
Kie let out a whoop as the five of them began running through the house, weaving through columns and tables full of equipment, swinging around walls to get to the stairs as shouts of excitement escaped them all. Adrenaline buzzed through Stella’s veins as she ran with her friends, a grin on her face as the sounds of their shoes hitting the ground echoed through the empty house. She heard the shouts of the security guards, laughing as JJ ran ahead and slipped when one of them appeared in front of him, ignoring their shouts as he turned to run the other way.
“Hey! Stop!” Stella heard one of them shout, but she kept running, laughter still bubbling up past her, knowing JJ could easily slip through the guards’ grasp as she followed Kie and John B and jumped the wooden fence, landing on her feet on the other side before making a run for it for Twinkie, John B’s beloved van.
Her thoughts were only proven correct about JJ evading capture when she heard him shout in the distance, “Not much of a hugger, man!”
Stella dove into the back of Twinkie with her sister as John B started the van, already driving as she lay on the ground, laughter still escaping her and Kie as they tried to catch their breaths. The door remained open as John B drove, and Stella sat up to catch a glimpse of Pope jumping the fence but landing on his stomach. She muttered an “ouch” on his behalf as JJ appeared behind him, her shoulders sinking ever so slightly in relief and amusement as JJ shouted, “Get up, Pope, fatso’s coming,” while helping their friend up.
The guard appeared behind the fence, too big to jump it as he shouted an irritated, “Come here, you little pricks!”
Stella laughed breathily as John B began blasting the horn, calling out, “Bus is leaving!”
Kie held the sliding door open. “Come on, boys, Whoo!”
JJ and Pope dove into the back and John B hit the gas, speeding down the street as fast as the van could go. Pope, now sitting on the red leather seat, looked through the rear window and laughed, “Check out Gary, gunnin’ for a raise.”
Stella joined JJ as he looked out the open doorway, the wind whipping through her short locks and the sun glaring against her eyes. Her heart was still pounding from that run and fence jump, but the safety of the van had the smile coming easy. Next to her, JJ called out, “Come on, Gary!” To John B, he laughed, “Wait. Slow down.”
JJ hung out the door, taunting and laughing at Gary, tossing him a beer as Kie said through stifled laughter, “You’re gonna give him a heart attack.”
Stella shook her head, watching the poor man run after them, catching the beer can JJ threw at him. “You can do it! There you go!” He laughed, the sound rich and soothing to Stella’s ears, her cheeks flushing unwillingly. “They don’t pay you enough, bro.”
Taking pity on the poor guy, Stella wrapped her hand around JJ’s arm, ignoring the heat that rushed through her upon touching his skin as she tugged him back and gently laughed, “JJ, stop. Stop.”
He turned to face her, grin wide and cheeks flushed from running, blonde hair hidden behind the red baseball cap he was wearing backwards. His right arm gripped the roof of the van, and Stella forced herself not to stare up at his bicep. But then she had to look at his face, awashed in the golden glow of the sun, blue eyes impossibly light as his grin widened. “Oh, come on. That sort of initiative is just begging to be punished.”
Stella shook her head, though her amused grin remained as JJ finally decided to slide the door shut, and she remained sitting on the floor with her back resting against the passenger seat, laughing breathily along with her friends. Music played through the old speakers of the van, and Stella ran her fingers through her hair as John B drove through Figure Eight towards the Cut.
Sitting back with her knees brought up, Stella grinned lazily. “They almost got us that time,” she mused, eyebrows raising at JJ pointedly.
He scoffed, waving her off with a grin of his own. “They can try to catch me. I’m slippery. Like soap.”
Kie rolled her eyes from where she sat next to him, fixing the knot on top of her head. “Yeah, or like a snake,” she quipped back, earning laughter from everyone. JJ merely flicked her temple, and Kie responded by slapping his hand away.
More laughter. Stella smiled, relaxed and at ease. She wouldn’t trade her Pogues for the world.
“There they are,” Stella said, nodding towards the small boat making their way towards them. She and Kie began walking towards the dock, with Stella carrying a bag of snacks and Kie with a cooler full of beer, making their way down the ramp as the HMS Pogue made their way over, carrying their three best friends.
It was the day after Hurricane Agatha hit, and the boys had texted them earlier in the group chat, telling the girls to come out onto the boat with them. And when did Stella and Kie ever say no to that? So they got the food, got the drinks, and met up with them at their usual spot for the boys to pick them up, and Stella put her energy in focusing on not slipping down the ramp when she caught sight of JJ in that grey wife beater, looking too pretty for his own good.
Her grip on the bag tightened. This crush on her best friend was so cliche, and it was consuming her a bit too much. Especially when she didn’t know if he felt an inkling of the same way. Knowing her luck, he probably didn’t.
He glanced over at them as the boat approached, imitating an Irish accent as he said, “Oh, top o’ the mornin’ to ya.”
John B steered at the helm. “Whatcha got?”
Kie grinned slyly as she and Stella made their way to the boat. “You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks.”
JJ was already offering his hand to Stella, and she took it as he helped her onto the boat. She wondered if he felt the same heat he did every time they touched as he asked, “How about my kind of juice box?”
She smiled as she set the bag down while Kie climbed aboard. “Yeah, we got you.”
She and Kie settled down, and Pope opened the cooler before doling out the bottles of beers to everyone, twisting the caps off before they all held them up in cheers. Stella sat at the bow next to Pope and Kie, clinking her bottle with JJ’s as she said, “Salud.”
He grinned. “Skoal,” before they all took their sips.
The breeze felt good, the aftermath of the hurricane giving the air a fresh kind of scent that only came before and after rain as John B guided them through the water. They drank their drinks and ate their snacks, the air getting warmer the longer they were out in the water, to the point where Stella and Kie took off their shirts to reveal their bikini tops underneath, and JJ took off his tank altogether. Stella was used to the sight of seeing her guy friends shirtless—it would be odd if they kept their shirts on for the entire day—yet the sight of JJ with his shirt off always had her needing to tear her gaze away.
No matter what, though, Kie always caught her. And only Stella could notice the amused, coy glint in her sister’s eyes, knowing all too well the thoughts that lingered in Stella’s head. Of course Kie was the only one who knew of Stella’s feelings for JJ—if Stella couldn’t trust them with her twin, who could she trust them with? Kie’s known for months, and she hadn’t let anything slip yet. Stella knew her secret was safe with her.
They were further away from the land, somewhere in the middle of the familiar waters, with Pope now at the helm and John B next to him, sunglasses on. “A party trick,” JJ decided at one point, and from where she sat at the bow, Stella watched JJ step up, her gaze on him as he said, “Hey, Pope. Can you go a little faster?”
John B, already knowing what was about to happen, stepped back. “Here we go. I’m movin’.”
Pope huffed. “It doesn’t work. We’ve tried this, like, six thousand times,” he said, though he moved the boat faster as per JJ’s request.
Stella and Kie exchanged bemused looks as JJ called, “I got this. It’s gonna work!”
The two girls leaned away as JJ stood at the very edge, holding his beer bottle up and slightly away from his mouth, tilting it back. Stella’s face scrunched up in doubt as JJ tried to get the increasing wind to let the beer fall from the bottle directly into his mouth, but the projection was off, and Stella flinched back as she felt the drink splash onto the bare skin of her arm.
From next to her, Kie exclaimed, “You’re getting beer in my hair!”
Stella’s face remained scrunched in disgust and amusement, trying to wipe off the sticky drink from her skin as she grunted, “Oh, my God.” She shook her head up at JJ’s back. Although, she would never admit it, but she was more endeared than anything else. He was so weird, but he was her best friend, and she kind of adored him.
JJ didn’t cease his actions, the force of the wind causing the beer to splash against Pope and John B, who turned his face to the side and called out, “All right, you’re done.”
Pope held up his hand to stop the beer from hitting his face. “All right, stop!”
And as if the boat itself heard Pope’s demand, the engine sputtered and motor rattled, and a scream escaped both Stella and Kie at the sudden jerk that knocked them over, groaning at the impact of her knees hitting the floor of the boat, just barely catching sight of Pope and John B falling over, too. A splash sounded, and Stella’s eyes widened at the realization that JJ quite literally flipped over and right into the water.
“Jesus, Pope!” Kie huffed out.
A groan sounded from the water before JJ surfaced, and Stella sat up, wincing slightly as she caught sight of him on his back, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed in pain as he took in a breath. “You okay, JJ?” she asked worriedly.
His voice was raspy, as if water had lodged itself in his throat as he responded, “I think my heels touched the back of my head.”
Stella bared her teeth slightly, wincing. Ouch.
John B, still on the ground and wincing from whatever pain throbbed through him, asked breathily, “Kie, Stel, you two okay?”
She confirmed that she was, along with Kie, the boat filled with the sounds of their painful moans as JJ asked from the water, “Pope, what did you do?”
Pope rubbed the back of his head, letting out a breath. “Sandbar. The channel changed.”
JJ began swimming towards the boat. “No shit.”
Stella ran her fingers through her hair, pushing the dark strands back, rubbing the back of her neck. She’d gotten a minor whiplash from the boat’s jerky movements, but then she reached down to rub her left calf, feeling the scar that was embedded in her skin. It no longer hurt—hadn’t for years—but sometimes the pain came and went. She felt a cinch of it when her knees collided with the floor, but the shark bite she sported hadn’t really hurt too much. She’d gotten it two years ago, and after being embarrassed by it for months, Stella now wore it as a badge of honor. A show of her survival.
John B sat up, squinting against the sun. “Ugh, this is probably gonna mess this whole place up.”
JJ held up the beer bottle, looking a little too proud. “Hey, I saved the beer, though.”
Even Stella couldn’t help the sarcasm from dripping into her voice as she leaned forward, hands braced on her knees as she said, “Congrats, JJ,” while Pope moved to come stand on the bow.
He leaned forward, squinting down into the water for a moment before his eyes widened. “Guys. . .” he started, disbelief in his tone. “I think there’s a boat down there.”
Stella looked up at him, blinking in bewilderment before her gaze shot to the slightly murky water. From behind her, John B said, “Shut up. What?”
Stella tried to follow Pope’s gaze, eyebrows furrowing together as she tried to catch sight of whatever he was looking at. She wasn’t quite ready to believe his statement. “No way.”
Pope began shaking his head, his tone turning slightly frantic as he began pointing. “No, no, guys. I’m serious. There’s a boat down there. For real.” Stella stood up, right alongside John B and Kie as they looked, and her eyes widened right as Kie’s did when the warbled image of something under the water finally made itself known. Stella’s breath caught, taking a step back.
“Holy shit, he’s right. Let’s go,” Kie said, already shoving off her denim shorts. Stella was right behind her, kicking off her shorts before jumping into the water along with her sister.
She swam to the surface, the water cold against her skin, taking in a breath just as she heard Pope ask, “You think there’s a dead body down there?” Stella had half a mind to splash him with water.
Pope was the last one into the water, struggling to take off his shirt and cap before diving in after JJ called, “Get your ass in here, Pope!”
The five of them swam below, and not for the first time, Stella was grateful that her fear of the water following her attack had disappeared by this point as she went deeper down. She squinted underwater, swimming closer to what was definitely a sunken boat, heart pounding in her ears at the surprise of it all. The group of them congregated around the boat, no one else in sight, before they all rushed back to the surface.
Collective gasps of air sounded from all of them, and Stella wiped her face as astonished, bewildered gazes connected amongst them. “You guys saw that, right?” JJ asked, shaking his wet hair out of his face.
Stella was breathing heavily in disbelief as Kie said, “Yeah, I did.”
Disbelieving laughter escaped them as Stella shook her head at a wide eyed Kie, “What the. . .”
They began swimming back to the HMS Pogue as JJ informed them, “That’s a Grady-White. A new one of those is, like, five hundred Gs, easy.” They all climbed aboard the boat, dripping from head to toe. “That’s a primo rig.”
John B sat down, nodding with his eyebrows furrowed. He still sounded in disbelief when he said, “Yeah, yeah. That’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge.” He stood up. “Maybe it hit the jetty or something.”
Stella’s eyes widened at the news, now staring at John B with a new sense of surprise. Was he out of his mind? She knew he knew how dangerous it was to surf the surge—what the hell was he trying to do? When she looked at Kie, she saw the incredulous expression her sister wore, directed towards John B as she demanded, “You surfed the surge?”
Stella had a feeling Kie wanted to smack John B upside the head. She was inclined to do the same, worrying for her friend’s safety swinging around in full force, even if it was too late. John B nodded, unworried. “Yeah.”
JJ, on the other hand, was grinning proudly, smacking John B’s hand as he said, “That’s my boy. Pogue style.”
Stella kind of wanted to push him back into the water as she grunted, “What the heck?”
Kie was still frowning in annoyance, still not over what John B did, and not for the first time, Stella wondered if her concern for John B was purely platonic or not. Lately, Kie had been fussing over John B, and Stella had wanted to ask her about it, but Kie could get defensive at times. Stella needed to wait for the right time, but it hadn’t presented itself.
Pope walked towards John B as he opened a hatch. “Wait, wait. Do we know whose boat that is?”
John B looked up at Pope from where he was crouched down to his knees. “No, but we’re about to find out.”
JJ, who was crouching at the bow, looking into the water, gave a shake of his head. “Dude, it’s too deep.”
John B pulled out the anchor, grunting out, “Oh, for the weak and feeble, JJ.”
The blonde who stood at the bow shrugged, hands interlocking at the back of his head as he looked down at John B. “Well, I’m not resuscitating you. I’m just making that clear up front.”
Stella rolled her eyes, shooting JJ a bemused look, who merely grinned and winked back at her in response from where he stood. She willed her cheeks not to flush, thanking the universe and genetics for her brown skin that made it easy to hide a blush as John B responded, “That’s fine.”
He stood on the edge of the boat, and Kie looked up at him disapprovingly, tone matching as she simply said, “John B.”
Oh, God, that judging voice. Stella hated to be on the receiving end of it—Kie totally inherited that from their mom. John B simply laughed. “What?”
Pope looked up at him. “Diver down, fool.”
John B saluted, hugging the anchor to his chest with his other hand, wet brown hair sticking to his forehead. “Diver down.”
JJ grinned, springing forward and planting his hands on John B’s chest, declaring, “Yeah, he is,” before giving their friend a shove into the water. John B fell with a splash, sinking down with the weight of the anchor.
Stella leaned over the edge next to Pope, watching the water as if John B would pop right back up. She chewed on her lower lip, JJ at her other side, the four of them watching and waiting. Her heart seemed to be pounding in anticipation and worry, gripping the edge of the boat tightly, the wind feeling a bit too chilly against her wet skin. Except for where JJ’s bare arm was pressed against hers, the heat of his skin searing into hers. She couldn’t remember when she started feeling that kind of effect from his touch—she didn’t want it to stop, though.
Pope’s throat worked. “Should we go get him?”
Two seconds later, John B’s head popped up, coughing as he shook his head and wiped a hand down his face. “Oh, my God. That took forever!” Kie exclaimed. Stella didn’t bother telling Kie she was being dramatic—she’d been worried about John B, too.
“Any dead bodies?” Pope asked, and Stella responded by smacking the back of his head, making him flinch away from her and shoot a glare that Stella ignored.
JJ asked, “Looting potential?”
“No, no,” John B said, wading closer. His left hand lifted, something yellow in his hand. “I found this motel key.”
Stella stood straight, exchanging a bemused look with an equally unimpressed JJ as he lifted the anchor. “A key,” she deadpanned.
“Yes, a key, Stella,” John B returned impatiently, swimming towards the boat and climbing on board.
“Great! We salvaged a motel key,” JJ stated, not at all seeming interested in what little John B found.
As they began making their way back, speeding through the water, Kie announced, “Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard. Maybe we’ll get a finder’s fee.” She smiled, shoulders perking at her idea.
Not a half bad idea, Stella couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, and not work all summer,” JJ chimed in, grinning wide. “Thanks, Agatha, ya batch.”
“Hey, man, we. . . we found a boat,” JJ tried, attempting to get the attention of the man working behind the desk. He didn’t listen, not that JJ could entirely blame him. The place was in utter chaos, people needing all kinds of help in the aftermath of the hurricane.
From the other side of the crowded desk, John B tried, “You’re gonna wanna hear this.”
But the guy was having none of it, showing John B his hand as he snapped, “Hey! Calm down.”
JJ rolled his eyes, picking up a pen from the holder containing several, clicking it a bunch of times. But John B saw the look in his eyes as he made his way around the table, snatching the pen right out of JJ’s hand and tossing it back in the cup before gesturing to him to follow. JJ walked, but not before picking up a pen and shoving it in his pocket. They made their way back outside, where Pope, Kie, and Stel were waiting.
“Well, that went well,” Pope said, having seen the way John B and JJ got ignored.
JJ rested an arm on John B’s shoulders as Stel and Kie leaned against the wooden railing. He tried not to let his gaze linger on the golden brown skin of Stella’s exposed legs, instead focusing on John B as he asked, “So, what’s the plan?”
John B waved the key around. “I think I know how we’re gonna find the guy who owns that boat.”
While Stella and Kie exchanged looks, Pope immediately looked skeptical. “We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone.”
JJ snatched the key from John B’s hand. “I’m in,” he said, tossing it to Stella, who caught it easily.
“Come on,” Stella grinned teasingly at Pope as the rest of them began walking. JJ’s gaze lingered, this time, on her smile, before forcing his gaze away. “We’ll be lookout.”
She followed him, the two of them exchanging grins as John B said to Pope, “Finder’s fee, just sayin’. And, hey, at least you’ll only be an accomplice.”
JJ snickered, their sneakers smacking against the wooden dock as they ran off towards their boat. He climbed aboard, the boat swaying beneath his weight, and he held out his hand as he always did for Stella, his throat tightening at the feel of her smaller hand in his as he gripped it tight so she could climb aboard. He met her gaze, caught the smile she wore, and JJ—not for the first time—wanted that smile to stay on her face forever.
He let go of her hand as everyone else came aboard, already feeling the warmth of her touch and softness of her skin, watching as she sat on the bow. John B read the name of the motel, muttering that he knew where that was before starting the motor and pulling the boat away. JJ stood next to John B at the helm, but his gaze kept sliding back to Stella, who was looking ahead, and he desperately wanted her to look at him. Why? He didn’t know. He’d only smirk at her in response, wink jokingly to earn an amused eye roll from her. Any kind of reaction, any kind of smile from her JJ could get, he would take.
Her smile was his favorite. Not that he’s ever told anyone that.
Soon enough, they approached the motel labeled on the key, and JJ’s face scrunched in distaste at the sight before them. Broken trees lined the ground in front of the deteriorating motel, mattresses laid outside in the sun. Agatha really did a number on the place. JJ let out a whistle. “I thought the Château looked bad,” he observed, bending to grab the rope.
John B shook his head. “This place is a shit show.”
Kie shot Stella a bemused look, both of them eyeing the motel warily. “Motel or meth lab?”
Stella clicked her tongue, gripping the edge of the boat on either side of her. JJ adored the way her nose was all scrunched up. “You be the judge.”
John B carefully, slowly guided the boat closer as he stated, “Doesn’t look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays.”
“No. It looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed,” Pope returned and Stella hummed in agreement, warily eyeing the run-down motel.
They neared the bank as JJ said, “All right, here we go.” He jumped off onto the grass with the rope, making his voice imitate a tone that would sound through a speaker as he said, “This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comin’ in for landing. Whoo!”
“We good?” John B asked.
JJ shot him a thumbs up. “Yeah, we good.”
He watched Stella stand up, squinting against the sun as John B said, “All right. Here goes nothin’.”
Standing next to Kie and Pope, Stella said, “Hey,” tapping a finger against John B’s arm. She jerked her chin towards JJ, who raised his eyebrows at her while she told John B, “Don’t let him do anything stupid.”
JJ planted a foot on the bow of the boat, arms folding on top as he squinted. He knew she was only half joking, and he enjoyed teasing her as he responded, “Oh, we will.”
John B added in, “I’m not making promises.”
Stella huffed, her gaze meeting JJ’s. She shook her head, sighing out, “Yeah, I know.”
JJ merely winked at her as she sat back down, earning an eye roll from her. He watched, then, as Kie turned to John B, frowning as she handed him the motel key and said, “Uh, be careful.” She raised her eyebrows. “I mean it.”
He watched them with confused interest. He wasn’t sure what exactly was going on between his two best friends—if there was anything going on at all. JJ’s gaze landed on Stella, wondering if she had any insight, but she was eyeing John B and her sister with just as much curiosity, brown strands of his brushing against her cheek because of the wind. As if feeling his stare, Stella’s gaze connected with JJ’s, and noting the confusion on his own face, she merely gave a silent shrug of her own. She was just as lost as he was.
“Yeah, yeah,” John B breathed out at Kie’s words, before turning and hopping off the boat, smacking JJ’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”
JJ shook his head, throwing a wary glance towards Kie before following John B. He wondered if there were feelings brewing between the two of them, and at first had thought he just imagined whatever shifted between the two of them. But Stella’s observant frowns told him that she noticed, too, and if Stella noticed, then he wasn’t completely far off.
He followed John B through the destroyed courtyard, going up the stairs to the second floor. “Why are all these mattresses out here?” John B asked.
“After a hurricane, they ditch ‘em ‘cause they’re moldy,” JJ answered as they reached the second floor. Knowing they were a safe distance from the others, JJ launched himself at John B, wrapping his arms around him and caressing his face as he mocked, “Just be so careful, John B.”
His friend grabbed his hands and pushed him back, muttering, “God, you’re so weird.”
Was that a blush he detected on John B’s face? JJ’s curiosity peaked, frowning, “What was that about?”
John B shook his head, throwing his arms out. “I don’t know. Maybe she wants us to be careful,” he answered impatiently. JJ suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at John B’s back. He hadn’t expected a straight answer, but the denial was getting kind of old already.
There was definitely more to it. “Since she heard you’re being threatened with exile, she’s just been, like—” JJ began massaging John B’s shoulders, tone turning mockingly breathy, “Oh, be so careful, John B.”
His friend shoved him off. “Get off.”
JJ wasn’t done, too amused by this. “Oh, give me that John D already.” He gestured towards the boat. “When are you gonna swoop on that, man?”
John B turned to shoot him a look as they kept walking. “Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking.” Then he gave a shake of his head. “Or do you forget we have that rule because you’re too busy hitting on Stella every chance you get?”
JJ pressed his teeth together, not entirely a fan of getting called out on his actions. Sometimes, he really freaking hated that stupid rule. He knew why it was in place—if one of them got with one of the girls, it had the potential of creating tension within their tight knit group in case things went sideways. And as much as JJ liked Stella—as much as she made his heart race with her smile and as much as he could spend hours listening to her talk about her books and her dreams about being a teacher even if he had no idea what she was talking about half the time—he couldn’t cross that line. Not with her. Because she deserved better than some low-life, thieving Pogue like him.
“Of course I’m hitting on her,” JJ said, hoping he sounded nonchalant and dismissive. Stella’s smiling face flashed through his mind, the way her warm brown eyes glimmered against the sun. “She’s a super-hot, rich, funny chick who laughs at my jokes and is slumming with us. Why? I can’t figure it out either,” he shrugged. He only hoped that Stella and Kie never realized they could do so much better than him, John B and Pope. “But who cares, bro? I know that door’s locked because it’s too good to be true.” He was impressed that he didn’t let the bitter tone sink into his voice, didn’t let it show how many times he imagined what her lips felt like against his, if she tasted as sweet as she was or if a hint of salt from the sea would cling to her lips. JJ pulled himself out of his thoughts before he went into yet another Stella-spiral. “Have you?”
John B was unimpressed. “You need help. Not a little help, you need a lot of help.” JJ rolled his eyes. Here he went again. “It’s like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you’re like. . . Uhh!” He imitated a zombie.
JJ didn’t bother correcting John B by telling him there really was only one girl who made him feel like that, and all of the others were selfishly to distract himself from letting his thoughts wander to Stella. It would be such a bad idea. She was one of his best friends, one of the few people who truly understood him. JJ could be selfish, but he never wanted to be when it came to her. “What? It’s not a big deal,” he dismissed.
They reached room 29 and JJ knocked on the door, voice growing high pitched as he said, “Housekeeping.”
No one answered. No one was home. He and John B exchanged a look before their gazes dropped to the key he held. Only one way to head in, now.
“Biggest pet peeve?” Stella repeated Pope’s question, humming when he nodded. “Teachers not being paid nearly as much as they should be.”
Pope nodded in understanding as Kie went her turn. “Giving one percent to the environment.”
Pope tilted his head. The three of them were chilling on the boat, waiting for JJ and John B to return. It felt almost creepy being outside of the run down motel, but what choice did they have? “What’s wrong with that?” Pope asked Kie.
Stella stifled a smile as Kie’s eyes flickered. Once she got started about the environment, she couldn’t be stopped. “We only have one Earth, Pope.” She shook her head, playing with the juul in her hand. “We should be giving it a hundred percent, bare minimum.”
Stella’s gaze wandered around the courtyard, where the motel sign lay broken in the middle of it. Pope didn’t look convinced by Kie’s response. “Right. That’s not fiscally sound.”
“Neither is destroying the planet we have to live on,” Kie shot back as something caught Stella’s attention.
Pulling up to the motel was a police car, and Stella’s heart jumped into her throat at the sight of them. She sat up, back straight as she gestured to her friends. “Hey, hey, cops.”
They got to their feet as Kie muttered, “Shit.”
Pope gestured wildly. “Call them.”
Stella gave an irritated shake of her head as they climbed off the boat, backs bent to keep themselves low and hopefully unsane. “I can’t. Towers are down,” she reminded him.
Behind them, Pope groused, “If I lose my merit scholarship, I’m gonna kill someone.” They hid behind some rubble and bushes, and Pope tried to remain optimistic as he said, “Maybe they’re not going up. Maybe. . . Maybe they’re looking for a room.”
Kie shot him an exasperated look from over Stella’s head. “He’s pointing up! They’re going up there.” Fuck, she was right.
The cops, one of them being the deputy Officer Shoupe, began making their way to the stairs, and Stella gestured for Kie to move, and the three of them ran towards the side of the motel, looking up at the second story window that belonged to the room JJ and John B were in. She looked frantically towards Kie and Pope, her heart pounding in panic as she said, “Okay, do something. Do something.”
Pope moved to grab a small rock from the ground, muttering, “Stand back.”
She and Kie watched as Pope threw it in the air—so Goddamn pathetically that it only went up and fell on the metal awning with a dull thunk. Stella and her sister gaped at him in bewilderment as Kie asked in disbelief, “Didn’t you ever play baseball?”
Pope huffed. “I was on the math team!”
Stella shook her head, watching as Kie grabbed another rock and muttered, “A mathlete?” before tossing a rock up herself. It didn’t hit the window—get anywhere near it, actually. God. They were hopeless.
The more the seconds passed by, the closer Shoupe and Officer Plumb got to the room JJ and John B were in—which, as it definitely turned out, wasn’t a place they should have ever been in if the cops were heading towards it. Deciding that she should give it a try, too, Stella bent to grab some pebbles, and recalling the two years of softball she played as a little kid, tossed them up. Thank the fucking lord, they tapped against the window as Kie silently cheered.
The blinds moved from behind the glass, and John B’s face appeared in the window. Stella, Pope, and Kie began gesturing towards the motel, frantically mouthing “cops! Cops!”, hoping they would get the message.
John B disappeared, and Stella grabbed Pope and Kie’s arms before taking off towards the boat. Their footsteps thundered against the wooden floor of the boat, Stella’s own heart pounding as Kie slid into the seat at the helm and asked, “Should we peel?”
Stella’s heart was in her throat, looking towards the motel, watching as Shoupe and Plumb knocked on the door. She shook her head, firmly stating, “You never leave a Pogue behind.”
Shoupe and Plumb headed inside, and Stella’s eyes widened when she caught sight of John B and JJ balancing themselves on the thin ledge outside of the window on the side of the motel, gluing themselves against the wall. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. “No, seriously, should we peel?” Kie asked again.
Stella’s lips parted, but no sound came out as she stared at her friends, their stomachs pressed against the wall on either side of the window. Oh, she was going to kill them. Next to her, Pope hesitantly said, “Maybe.”
John B and JJ looked back at them, and Pope stood up, gesturing wildly as he whispered, “What are you guys doing?”
Of course, the two idiots couldn’t hear him, and JJ grinned excitedly in response, the dare devil in him definitely eating this up, while John B merely pressed his finger to his mouth. “Oh, my God,” Kie covered her face, and Stella shook her head as she gaped up at them. Idiots. Total and utter idiots.
She watched as JJ and John B peered inside the room through the window, frowning as they looked at each other. JJ said something, his hand reaching in the back pocket of his cargo shorts, but something slipped. A black, shining object fell from his pocket and clanged loudly against the awning before falling to the ground, and JJ and John B pressed themselves closer to the wall, while Stella, Pope, and Kie panicked and sat themselves down, trying to appear casual because the cops definitely heard that loud noise.
Her suspicions were confirmed as the blinds in the window were yanked up, and her gaze shot to Kie as Shoupe appeared at the window. Swallowing a lump in her throat, Stella looked between Pope and Kie, who pretended to engage in conversation. Right, right. Casual. But Stella’s heart was racing, hoping to God that John B and JJ didn’t get caught because Shoupe was right fucking there.
A few agonizing moments later, Shoupe disappeared from the window, and when it became obvious the cops were leaving, John B and JJ carefully jumped down from the ledge they were on before making a run for it towards the boat. Pope, Kie, and Stella all looked at them in incredulity, and Stella didn’t feel her muscles relax until John B was pulling them away from the motel and they were out on the water once again.
“Well, that was fun,” JJ piped up. “Could have warned us sooner.”
Stella rolled her eyes, tying her short hair back into a bun as she grumbled, “We would have, except Pope was on the math team.” She shot the boy in question a look. Pope merely flipped her off in response.
John B tilted his head, smiling. “You were on the math team?”
Pope paid him no mind. Instead, he stated, “The cops took everything like it was a crime scene. Did you guys find anything?”
Stella had been laying down on her side at the bow next to JJ, who sat up upon hearing Pope’s question. “Did we find anything? No, I don’t think so.” But his voice was too innocent, and she watched as he reached into his back pockets with both hands and pulled some things out. “Oh, yeah, we did.”
She shot up, eyes widening, unsure what she was more shocked at—the thick stack of money in his right hand, or the fucking gun in his left. Her throat dried, staring at the weapon in disbelief. Yeah, the gun. It was definitely the gun. “What the fuck?” she burst out, gaping at him and John B.
Pope shot up to his feet, his own eyes wide. “What the hell?”
Kie looked from JJ to Stella to John B, a disbelieving frown on her own face. “Dude, what?”
Stella pressed a hand to her forehead, wondering if this was fucking reality where JJ just stole someone’s money and gun as Pope burst out, “Why would you take that from a crime scene?”
JJ shrugged. “Better than cops having it.”
Looking at John B, Stella gave a disapproving shake of her head. “You serious?” This was exactly what she meant when she said not to let JJ do anything stupid. Yet here they fucking were.
Pope shook his head, looking almost numb with shock. “I’m gonna lose my merit scholarship.”
Stella rolled her eyes as JJ threw an arm around Pope’s shoulders, bringing the gun up and rubbing the tip of it along Pope’s chin. “Hey, hey, hey. Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh. At least you have us, right?”
Pope’s gaze connected with Stella, who looked almost as exasperated as him. “I’m living the nightmare.”
He plopped down back next to John B, and Stella shook her head at JJ. She frowned up at him, the sun against her eyes, as she asked, “What the hell are you gonna do with a gun, JJ?”
His grin was dimpled and wicked, holding the loaded weapon as if it was his prized possession. “Show the Kooks who’s boss.”
Stella’s heart stopped, a glare pulling at her features as she snapped back, “Absolutely not. Are you out of your mind?”
She may have a massive, pathetic crush on him, but Stella was never one to be silent when JJ needed to be told to calm the hell down. His grudge against the Kooks was bigger than anyone else’s, and while Stella and Kie were technically Kooks, they were actually Pogues at heart, and as much as she’d like to tell the upper class snoots to fuck off, she didn’t need JJ waving a damn gun in their face.
They were nearing the docks as JJ remained standing in the middle of the boat, looking down at Stella as she glared up at him. “Come on, sweetheart. We gotta have a good defense against those asshole Kooks. This is our defense.”
Was he serious? “What, are you gonna shoot them, JJ?” Stella hissed, standing up out of aggravation. She was a lot shorter than him, just barely reaching his shoulders. Kie got the height gene out of the two of them. JJ looked down at her, blue-green eyes locked onto her brown. Everyone else seemed to disappear as the two of them remained locked in a staring contest.
JJ rolled his eyes. “I’m not gonna shoot them. Just scare them with it.”
Stella’s jaw ached from how hard she was clenching it. “Yeah, until it accidentally goes off. Then you’re fucked.”
She wondered if the heat she was feeling was from the sun, or from the proximity between her and JJ. He looked down at her, lips pursed and jaw tight, and even if she was beyond annoyed with him at the moment, Stella still considered him to be the most handsome guy she’d ever met. It was hard to focus when he was so close, when the scent of salt was overpowered by the scent of him.
“Alright, chill, guys,” Kie’s voice broke through. “We’re here. JJ, put the damn gun away.”
They pulled up to the busy marketplace docks, and Stella stepped away from JJ, feeling the heat pool into her cheeks as she looked away. She felt his gaze on her as he put away the gun, her throat working as they approached the docks and as Pope tied off the boat, they got off, sneakers thudding against the wood below them.
Honestly, it wasn’t like Stella could fault him for wanting to keep the gun, no matter how incredulous it made her. The Kooks always tried to pull some shit on him, but JJ was a fighter, so it wasn’t easy to get one over on him. But Stella also knew about JJ’s dad. The drunk, abusive piece of shit she rarely ever saw but couldn’t stand because she knew how he treated JJ. It was normal for JJ to want some kind of protection, no matter how extreme. Her worry just lied in how fatal that protection could be with a gun. But, God, if she couldn’t protect him, maybe the weapon would. No matter how much she didn’t like it.
The group of them walked up the docks, and Stella’s eyebrows drew together at how it seemed busier than usual. There were some cops around, and as they joined a few other kids they knew lingering around, their gazes drew towards where the cops and other people were gathered. Stella’s eyes widened as she sat down next to Kie, realizing they were all looking at a person. No—not a person. A body.
Stella’s breath hitched, hands gripping her knees as John B asked, “Who’s that?”
The girl they sat with—Andrea, a girl from their grade—answered, “It’s Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm. Check out this pic I got.” She showed her phone, and the group of them leaned in to see the image. “Dead body.”
Stella leaned away after looking at the picture, breathing out a stunned, “Jesus fucking Christ,” while her friends muttered their own profanities.
JJ stood behind Stella, on top of a hunk of metal as his arm gripped the wooden awning above them. The breeze ruffled his blonde hair as he frowned at Andrea. “What kind of boat did he have?”
Andrea scoffed. “Somehow, that dirtbag copped a brand-new Grady-White. Everyone’s out looking for it.”
Stella’s eyes widened as she met Kie’s equally stunned gaze, understanding clicking easily. Shit. Oh, shit. The shipwreck was Scooter’s and. . . He was dead. They’d been sniffing around a dead man’s boat. Stella looked ahead once more, watching as the ME’s team pushed forward the gurney Scooter was strapped in into the van, the sounds of Miss Lana’s sobs overpowering the rattling of the wheels. Well. Shit.
A little while later, they were all at John B’s, sitting on the porch enclosed by a wrap around screen. John B stood, flipping a plastic bottle, JJ sat on a chair flicking open his lighter repeatedly, and Stella laid on the couch, legs resting on Kie’s lap as she drew nonsensical shapes onto Stella’s skin, her finger sometimes grazing the large scar on Stella’s leg.
The door burst open, and running in was Pope. “Okay. So, um. . . We didn’t see anything.” He pointed at each of them, looking frantic as he always did, eyes wide. “We don’t know anything.” He sat down on the chair beside JJ. “We need to have total and complete amnesia.”
JJ sat up. “Actually, Pope’s right for once.” Everyone’s gaze shot towards the blonde as he stood up. “See, I agree with you sometimes. Deny, deny, deny.”
Kie let out a breath. “Guys, we can’t keep that money.”
JJ leaned against the railing, looking exasperated. “Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara.”
Stella pursed her lips at his comment, knowing it was only light hearted. But she agreed with her sister, sitting up with a sigh and planting her feet on the ground. With a shake of her head, she said, “We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs.” Stella clicked her tongue. “Otherwise, it’s bad karma.”
Pope pointed at her while looking towards John B. “Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too. We gotta go dark.”
JJ looked out towards the front yard. “If that means we get to keep the money, then I agree.”
John B, who’d been silent this whole time, pushed himself off the wall and said to JJ, “well, I don’t agree.”
JJ frowned as Stella leaned back in her seat. “What? Why?”
John B walked to the other side, addressing all of them. “Just think about this. This is Scooter Grubbs we’re talking about. Same dude that’s buying individual cigarettes at the Porthole.” He gave a shake of his head. “Shit, one time I saw this dude begging for change in the Save-A-Lot parking lot because he needed gas. We’re talking about a dirtbag marina rat who’s never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden, he’s got a Grady-White? Just sayin’.”
Pope shook his head, getting up to his feet. “I’m not entertaining this,” he said and, before anyone could get a word in, he walked off the porch and towards the back where the dock was.
The rest of them exchanged a couple of looks before huffing collectively and following their friend out. He was already out back on the dock, a fishing rod in hand, ignoring the sounds of their footsteps thudding against the wood as they made their way over. As JJ grabbed the other rod, Stella hopped up on the makeshift wood railing, JJ leaning next to her as John B started the conversation again.
“All right, so think about it, Pope. How does a marina rat get a Grady-White?”
Pope inhaled sharply. “Prostitution.”
Stella suppressed a snort as John B gave a shake of his head. “Square groupers, bro.” He began ticking off his fingers. “Okay, flying under the radar, no aerial surveillance.” He gestured to the sky. “They don’t do that stuff during a hurricane.” He pointed towards JJ. “What does that mean? JJ?”
The blonde answered instantly. “They were straight smugglin’.”
Stella frowned at that, glancing at JJ before looking over at John B. “Smugglin’. And I guarantee there’s a serious amount of contraband in that wreck.”
“Hell yeah,” JJ said before his line began running, and he instantly stood straight, reeling it in as he exclaimed, “Fish on!”
Somehow, they ended up in John B’s room. He sat at his window, with Pope on the bed, Kiara on a chair, and JJ at the window opposite of the bed right next to Stella. The space was tight, their arms pressed together as JJ leaned back after Pope snatched the money from his hand. “For the record, if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband inside of it. . . It probably belongs to someone else.”
Kie shrugged. “Minor details.”
Pope continued as if he hadn’t heard her. “They could come looking for it. Taking it would be catastrophically stupid.”
JJ leaned forward and snatched the money back. Spreading it so they could all see the multiple hundred dollar bills as he said, “Right. Well, stupid things have good outcomes all the time.” He glanced over his shoulder, gaze meeting Stella’s as he grinned. She returned the amused smile, breath hitching when something flickered in his eyes, something intense and unreadable that made her heart jump. JJ looked towards the others. “All we need to do is figure out a way to get into the cargo hold of that wreck. Until then, we just lay low. Act normal.”
Pope seemed skeptical, as usual. “Right. And how exactly do we do that?”
Stella’s gaze met Kie’s, and slow smiles grew on the twins’ faces. They may not look exactly alike—save for the same features like the shape of their jaws, fullness of their lips and shape of their eyes—but the two of them were almost always on the same wavelength.
Stella looked towards the others, grin widening. “Kegger?”
They set up the keg at the Boneyard, waiting for the others to arrive after they spread the word about the party. JJ set up the beer line with the keg coupler, spraying John B in the face with the beer through the faucet. Stella laughed as JJ turned towards her, holding up the faucet knowingly, and she rolled her eyes with a grin before stepping towards him. She gave him his back, her breath hitching as he pressed his chest to her back, his free hand coming around to cup her jaw lightly, the cool metal of his fingers against her skin as he tilted her head back, resting it on his shoulder as he held the faucet above her mouth.
“Down it goes,” he teased right next to her ear, and she hoped he couldn’t feel the shiver that rushed through her as he sprayed the beer into her mouth, fingers still lightly gripping her chin as she swallowed the drink.
Stella stepped away—reluctantly—with a laugh, licking her lips as she felt JJ’s gaze on her while he poured her a cup. “Thank you, my good sir,” she grinned, taking the cup from her. He winked in response.
Stella wandered over to where Kie was, catching sight of the people already arriving. Pogues, Tourons, Kooks alike made their way to the Boneyard, and once Stella approached Kie, her sister asked, “What’s up with you and JJ?”
Pausing in surprise, Stella quickly tried to recover as she joined Kie on a log. Heart thumping, she tried to remain casual as she asked, “What do you mean? There’s nothing going on.”
Kie shot her a flat look from over the rim of her cup. “When are you gonna stop dancing around your feelings and tell him?”
This time, Stella gaped at Kie. Her gaze shot to the blonde, who was busy pouring out drinks for everyone, before looking back at her sister. “Um, never? What happened to no Pogue-on-Pogue macking?”
Kie rolled her eyes, straddling the log so she was facing Stella. “Please. That’s not why you haven’t told JJ,” she said, seeing right through Stella’s facade. With a gentle frown, she asked, “Are you worried it’ll fuck up your friendship?”
Honest to God, there really was no point in ever trying to hide anything from Kiara. The twin telepathy was a bit too real when it came to the two of them. “Yeah. And the dynamic between all of us,” Stella confessed with a sigh. “Besides, I don’t even know if he feels the same way.”
Kie let out a laugh, shaking her head, so loud that a few people looked over their way. Stella ignored them as Kie calmed down slightly. “God, if you believe that, then you’re an idiot.” Stella shot her a glare. “He flirts with you all of the time, Stel!”
Despite the warming in her cheeks, Stella waved her off. “He flirts with every girl he sees.”
“He doesn’t flirt with me,” Kie pointed out with a raise of her eyebrows. “And it’s different from when he’s flirting with you. With you, it’s like he actually means it instead of just trying to get in your pants.”
Stella’s heart raced at Kie’s words, wondering if there was any truth to them, if she should allow herself to believe Kie’s observations. Did JJ mean it when he flirted with her? Stella tried her best not to let his charming smiles and words get to her, tried to remind herself she’s seen him say similar things to what he says to her to other girls. But there was always this light in his eyes when he said them to her, a genuinity in his gaze that had her doubting the playfulness behind his words. Could Kie be right? Was there a chance JJ felt the same way about her?
Stella took a long sip of her drink, frowning down at her lap. She knew there were ways for her to find out about what JJ felt for her, but the question was: was she up for it?
Stella should’ve known, from the moment Kie distastefully pointed out that Sarah Cameron, A.K.A. Kie’s worst enemy, was at the party, that things wouldn’t end well. The foreboding feeling had settled on Stella’s shoulders the moment she looked at Sarah and caught sight of her boyfriend, Topper, and his friend Kelce. Kie’s beef with Sarah was personal; they had been best friends once upon a time, until they weren’t. Stella had been friends with Sarah, but they hadn’t been as close as Kie and Sarah were—hell, there had been a point where Stella herself was jealous of their friendship, even though Kie was her damn twin. It didn’t help that when Kie and Sarah were joined at the hip, Kie had drifted away from the boys and Stella. So when things between Kie and Sarah blew up, Stella didn’t push Kie on the matter, and instead was there for her and sided with her sister through it all.
Now Sarah was here, which meant so was her holier-than-thou boyfriend, which meant things were definitely going to come to blows between him and one of the guys.
Tonight, it was Topper versus John B. And things had gone to shit so, so fucking fast.
As Kie and Pope helped John B into the Châtaeu, Stella wrapped a hand around JJ’s arm, yanking him back. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” she hissed, glaring up at him.
It was just the two of them outside, along with the cicadas chirping in the dark, the moon high above them as it provided some natural light, along with the dull porch light. JJ looked at her, eyebrows shooting up in surprise, and she wanted to laugh at his gall of looking bewildered. Stella ran her fingers through her hair, frustration evident. “You shot a fucking gun tonight, JJ! In front of all of those people!” She gave a shake of her head. “Have you totally lost it?”
JJ’s eyes flashed, irritation settling into his features. “I was saving John B’s life,” he snapped back, taking a step towards her, the twigs and leaves crunching beneath his shoes. “Or did you want them to drown him?”
Stella wasn’t having it, her own jaw clenched. “There were other ways you could’ve stopped them. Shooting a gun into the sky wasn’t one of them. What if you hit someone?”
His jaw popped as he looked away. “I didn’t.”
“That’s not the point!” she responded, her voice loud in the quiet of the night. How could he not understand the severity of the situation? He’d shot the gun tonight, and the loud pops had made Stella’s heart skip a beat or three, gaping at him in horror and disbelief. She knew he could be a little insane, but this was beyond.
JJ’s gaze connected with hers once more, the anger still simmering in his eyes. “I don’t need you to lecture me, Stella. I’m not a stupid kid.”
That had her skin flushing with an annoyed heat, especially when he tried to walk away from her. She turned around, following after him, twigs crunching beneath her feet. “You think I’m lecturing you because I think you’re stupid? Because you think it’s fun for me?” Stella let out a sharp breath, heart pounding. “I’m only saying this because I care about you, JJ. I don’t want you to end up doing something you’ll regret.”
He stopped before turning to look at her. Something softened in his handsome features as his gaze met hers, voice dropping as he said, “You don’t have to worry about me, sharkbait. I’m good.”
Something in her melted at the dumb nickname her friends had given her following the damn shark attack. As traumatic as it was, the nickname stuck, especially given that she was the only one out of their group to get bitten by a shark. Hopefully, she would remain to be the only one who had. “Then stop being reckless. Please,” Stella breathed out, the worry seeping into her voice thickly as she stared up at him.
JJ’s throat worked and, before Stella knew it, he was pulling her into him. His arms wrapped around her as he hugged her, and her eyes slid shut at the warmth of his body against hers, wrapping her own arms around his torso. The hard muscles of his abs pressed against her, but she focused on the way he held her to him, on the way his lips pressed to the top of her head. His hugs were her favorite, the way she felt so safe in his arms no matter what, the way she could feel the thumping of his heart under her ear, and the way her head fit perfectly beneath his chin. Like she was made for him. Which was a dangerous thought.  “Okay,” he whispered, voice gruff. “I’ll try.”
He would, she knew. He would try. It didn’t necessarily mean he’d succeed. But she appreciated it anyway.
Despite what Sheriff Peterkin told John B, JJ still talked him into looking for the boat, which was why they were now sitting on the HMS Pogue in the marsh, despite the fact that it was closed off for actual search parties looking for the wreck. Stella sat on the edge of the boat, watching as Kie checked the tanks John B had stolen off the Cameron’s yacht. Or borrowed, more like, since he would be returning them. Either way, if he got caught, he was fucked.
“This is empty,” Kie said, frowning at the gauge as John B came to sit next to her. “You took empty tanks?” She checked the other one, her frown deepening. “Okay, this one’s a quarter full. It’s enough for one of us.”
Stella exhaled sharply, tilting her head back up at the sky. “Great,” she muttered.
Pope sat with his feet propped up on the helm, arms folded as he drolled, “Love it when a plan comes together.”
With a shake of her head, Stella asked, “Does anyone even know how to dive?” She sure as hell didn’t. “Anybody?”
JJ shrugged. “It’s kind of a Kook sport,” he said, looking between her and Kie. Stella shot him a flat look.
Pope raised a finger. “I. . . Read about it.”
Stella let out a sharp laugh, utterly bemused by all of this. She had half a mind to pull out the book in her bag and read it and let the rest of them figure this shit out. “Great. Pope read about it—so someone’s gonna die.”
JJ gave a one shouldered shrug from where he stood opposite of Stella, next to Pope. “Look, y-you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?”
“If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends,” Pope informed them.
JJ, of course, managed to make a joke out of it. “Bends, like, bend over and. . .” He imitated bending over, sticking his ass out. Another urge to push him off the boat took over Stella.
Pope’s expression was flat. “The bends kill you.”
JJ straightened up. “Right.”
For the next few minutes, they debated on how to go about the situation, with John B volunteering to dive while Kie remained skeptical about it. Their talk was paused when Kie whipped off her shirt and jumped into the water, everyone staring after her in bewilderment. “What was that all about?” Pope asked.
Stella pursed her lips, shooting them a look from where she remained sitting. “Maybe she got sick of this barely-there plan,” she quipped, earning glares from all three boys. She merely smiled back sweetly.
They continued planning and eventually Kie resurfaced. She got back onto the boat, telling John B she tied her shirt at the marker where he would need to do his safety stop. John B put on the equipment, standing on the bow. Stella swallowed nervously and said, “Hey, if we get caught in the marsh, we’re basically screwed, so. . . Better get a move on.”
John B nodded. “Copy that,” he said, as Kie approached him.
Stella watched, eyes widening ever so slightly as she pressed her lips together when Kie gave John B a kiss on the cheek. Stella’s gaze flickered to Pope and JJ as John B looked back at Kie, looking too dazed for someone about to dive down. The other two boys looked towards Stella. JJ looked as bewildered as Stella—the two of them seemingly had a similar understanding that something weird was happening between Kie and John B—while Pope looked almost irritated about the whole thing. Oh, God. Stella pretended not to notice. They didn’t need drama.
That was exactly why she kept her feelings about JJ silent.
“Diver down?” John B asked.
Kie nodded. “Diver down.”
They all stood, watching as John B went under water, and Stella chewed on her lower lip nervously. She hoped to God he would have enough air, that it wouldn’t take him too long to resurface. But it was as if the universe was against them, because moments after John B went under, a siren sounded from behind them as Pope said, “Shit, JJ.”
He looked over, keeping his tone calm as he said, “Guys, that’s the police.”
Stella glanced over her shoulder, heart jumping. “Fuck, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” she said, letting out a breath.
Kie settled down, forcing a small smile as she said, “Just act frickin’ normal.”
Shoupe and Plumb drifted over, and Stella remained seated next to her sister, forcing the tension to dissipate from her muscles as Pope greeted them, “Evening, officers.”
Shoupe squinted against the sun. “Evening. How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?”
Stella pretended to look like that was the first they were hearing of the news, frowning as she and her friends exchanged similar fake, confused looks. “No, we didn’t,” she said with a shake of her head. “Why—why is it closed?”
Damn, she could be an actress. “Well, we’re conducting a search out here. Boat went down. Seen anything?”
The group of them shook their heads, and Stella knew her friends were just as panicked as she was about John B. They needed these cops to leave as soon as they could, because John B did not have enough air to last him longer than necessary. “No, no boats,” Pope answered convincingly.
The breeze raised goosebumps on Stella’s skin, though she knew part of it was because of her panic over John B. “Where’s your friend you’re always with? He here?” Shoupe asked.
Kie gave a shake of her head. “He’s working,” she answered, and Stella didn’t miss the look Plumb gave Kie. Stella’s heart jumped. Did she not believe them?
Shoupe began making his way over. “I’m gonna check your little boat out,” he announced, his words making Stella’s stomach twist in nerves as Pope stood up from where he was sitting.
“Yeah, hop aboard,” he said, and Stella willed him to get rid of the nervous tinge in his voice as he moved away from Shoupe. “You wanna check. . . uh, check her out.”
Shoupe looked around, and Stella forced herself not to look out towards the water, towards the spot John B had gone under in. Did he still have any air left? Had he drowned? Anxiety left a bitter taste in the back of her throat as Shoupe picked up a life jacket. “You got another one?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s, uh. . . It’s in the hold,” JJ answered.
Kie and Stella stood up since they were sitting on it, and Stella gestured to JJ, “Show him.”
It was so nerve wracking, having them on the boat when they desperately needed them gone. Stella was sure she was about to have a Goddamn aneurism when Shoupe stood up on the bow, looking out towards the setting sun and down at the water, right where John B had been. Stella’s heart thundered as JJ and Pope looked at each other, while her own gaze met with Kie’s. She saw the panic in Kie’s eyes, the tension that lined her sister’s shoulders.
Finally, after what felt like a fucking eternity, Shoupe stepped off. “Beautiful day,” he said. He and Plumb made their way back to their boat and Shoupe added, “Let us know if you see anything on your way out.”
“Will do,” Pope nodded.
They were gone, then, and as the motor of the cops’ boat grew distant, Stella’s chest felt tight as the three of them leaned over the edge of the boat, looking into the water as Pope stated, “He’s definitely out of air.”
A second later, John B’s head emerged, and they all let out collective sighs of relief as the tension in Stella’s muscles disappeared when JJ exclaimed, “There he is!”
Pope shook his head. “Oh, God! Jesus Christ!”
Stella let out another breath, shaking her head at John B. “Don’t scare us like that!”
JJ moved to help John B out of the water. “How’d it go down there? Did you find anything?”
John B was breathing heavily. “Did I find anything?” he repeated before holding up a duffel bag.
Stella’s eyebrows shot up as JJ grabbed it and pulled it on board. “Yeah, there we go! That’s my boy!” he cheered as John B hauled himself up with the help of Stella and Pope.
But while they were distracted with him, Kie’s wary voice floated towards them. “Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o’clock.”
They all looked to where Kie’s gaze had wandered, and Stella squinted against the setting sun at a boat making its way towards them. Pope frowned. “Do you recognize that boat?”
Kie shook her head. “I’ve never seen it.”
“What are they doing here?” Stella asked, confusion coloring her voice. “The marsh is closed.”
JJ put the bag John B handed to him down. “I don’t know, but let’s not stick around to find out.”
John B moved as well. “JJ, get the bowline.”
Pope glanced at them. “Should we wait on ‘em?”
Stella shot him an incredulous look. For someone who was meant to be the smartest of them all, Pope could be a little dumb. “No, we’re not gonna wait on ‘em,” John B retorted before adding. “Go get the stern. Go!”
“JJ, hurry up,” Stella said to him, her eyes still on the approaching boat as she slowly sat down on the edge.
JJ pulled back the bowline, tossing over his shoulder hurriedly, “Guys, don’t wait for me. Go!”
After a few more hurried exclaims, John B began guiding the boat away, taking them into the marsh, the sound of the motor slightly drowning out their panicked chatter. Stella looked behind them when she heard the engine of the other boat rev up, her heart thundering as she slowly said, “Hey, guys, they’re following us.”
They all looked behind them where the boat carrying the two middle aged men did, in fact, begin picking up speed. “This can’t be good,” Pope breathed out.
JJ shook his head, watching the boat as he said to John B, “Dude, you gotta go faster Gun it!”
The panic was evident in John B’s voice as he responded, “Going, I’m going!”
The HMS Pogue picked up speed, all of them standing, too panicked and on alert to sit down as John B moved the boat through the marsh. Stella’s thoughts were jumbled, wondering why the hell those unfamiliar men were chasing after them—until all of her thoughts came to a grinding halt when a familiar, deafening bang sounded through the air and all of them dropped down.
“Shit!” Stella gasped, eyes widening as she looked to her left where JJ was ducking right next to her. His own eyes were wide, breathing heavily as it clicked for all of them that those men were shooting at them.
“What the fu—”
Kie’s curse was cut off as JJ said, “John B, get down!”
Stella sat up slightly, flinching down when another shot rang out. Her heart thundered in her chest, breathing labored as yet another shot rang out and her friends shouted their frightened, shocked exclaims. Her gaze flickered around before landing on the net that was near the bow of the boat, keeping low and crawling forward. “Pope, move!”
She got to her feet as she grabbed the net, a yell escaping her when another shot flew towards them. From where she was on the ground, Kie yelled out, “Get down, Stella!”
Ignoring her sister, Stella made her way towards the back, heart pounding, hoping to God she didn’t get hit. A shark bite, she could survive. A bullet wound? Who the hell knew. Her gaze locked onto the boat chasing after them, one man guiding the boat while the other aimed a literal shot gun at them. Her heart jumped to her throat as he shot once more, but the bullet flew past, and Stella didn’t waste a moment in tossing the net onto the water, watching in satisfaction as it got caught under their boat, their engine stalling and sputtering on impact.
Her friends straightened as Stella grinned triumphantly, hissing out a thrilled, “Yes!” as the boat ceased chasing them.
She looked towards her friends, who looked slightly less panicked, relaxing a little when they saw the boat all the way in the back. John B and Kie let out breathy laughs as they looked up at Stella, Pope looked like he was about to throw up, and JJ grinned at her widely, pretty eyes gleaming as he cheered, “Hell, yeah! Whoo! Pogue Goddess!”
Stella’s grin widened, plopping down as she willed the blush to go away as Kie shook her head, gaping at Stella as she said, “That was insane!”
Blowing out a breath, Stella tilted her head back, trying to calm her breathing down as John B guided them home. That kind of excitement was enough for a lifetime.
Soon enough, they reached John B’s dock, running off the boat and under the covering, the duffel bag in John B’s hand. They all gathered around him as he set it to the ground, and anticipation rushed through Stella’s veins. Whatever was in the bag better be worth it—it had to be, if those guys were shooting after them, right? She stood between Kie and JJ, watching John B unzip it.
“What do you think it is?” Kie asked.
JJ bent, gripping his knees as he glanced at her. “Gotta be money, right? That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to-mid-mils!”
Stella laughed at his excitement, just as Pope burst out, “Can we please just open the bag?”
Everyone paused, looking towards him. Pope’s expression faltered, looking between all of them, embarrassment settling on his features. “Wow, Pope. That’s a rare outburst of emotion,” John B said, peering up at him.
Pope gestured for him to hurry up. “Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Open the bag. We almost died over this.”
John B finally pulled something out, a silver container of some kind, struggling to open it up. Stella looked at Kie, the impatient anticipation eating away at them as Stella chewed on her lower lip, resisting the urge to snatch the container from John B’s hands and trying to open it up herself.
Finally, the canister clicked open, and Stella’s eyebrows pulled together in confusion as John B pulled out. . . A compass. A compass?
They looked at each other, a mixture of bewilderment and disappointment. Obviously, they all had been hoping for something more exciting than some old compass. “Oh, wow. Yup,” Pope shook his head, the dismay heavy in his voice as he stood straight and stepped away. “That’s about right. Good job, everybody. We found a compass.”
Stella’s shoulders slumped, lips pressing together as she leaned back against the wooden railing. Yeah. That definitely did not seem like something worth getting shot over. JJ took off his hat, blonde hair messy as he looked down at John B flatly. “Dude, what? It’s not worth anything.”
But John B was silent, holding the compass, gazing down at it with a regular and a black eye. Stella noted the expression on his face, the wonder that rivaled everyone else’s dismay and disappointment. And then, John B uttered four words that took all of them off guard. “This was my father’s.”
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peterspideyy · 4 years
summary- just you and newt doing sweet things in the rain.
warnings- fluff, minho and thomas being confused at newt’s actions, and me being a simp for newt but let’s be real that’s nothing new there :)
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“newt, no.”
“newt, yes.”
you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, who had his hands intertwined with yours. a wide smile was plastered on his face, as he tried to drag you from underneath the shelter into the open field of the glade. on any normal day you would of loved to spend time in the wide space. but, not when it’s raining down. heavily.
“i don’t want to get wet!” you complained.
he nodded, walking further into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist. minho and thomas were in the kitchen too, cringing at the sight in front of them.
“get a room!” minho shouted over the heavy platter of raindrops falling onto the roof.
you turned to face the duo, “we were here first, shank.”
“i can’t believe you want to go out there! look at it!” thomas added, shivering and gesturing to the rain pouring down.
shrugging, you turned to face your boyfriend, who suddenly became suspiciously quiet. he met your eyes, and you noticed a slight mischievous glimmer in them. you knew he was thinking about something.
“newt, what’s-“
you barely got to finish your words before a yelp left your mouth, as newt picked you up from your waist, carrying you bridal style towards the door. your eyes went wide, as realisation hit you on what newt was about to do.
“newt, don’t you dare go-“
“it’ll be fine!”
and before you could bark back another comment, he walked outside into the rain. you closed your eyes, immediately feeling your hair and clothes becoming drenched with water and wincing as you were overcome with a sudden feeling of cold. only the soft touch of your newt’s arm around your waist, kept you slightly warm. slightly. not a lot.
opening your eyes carefully, you excepted the fact you were now dripping with water, and realised you and newt were in the middle of the glade. he placed you down gently, a wide smile on his face, as he kept his arms protectively around your waist.
looking up through your lashes, that were starting to stick together from the rain, you realised how adorable newt was in this moment. not that he wasn’t in any moment. but the way his once blonde hair, which was already soaked, started to curl at the ends. and how strands of hair fell in-front of his glowing face, covering his honey orbs. and his little button nose, which had water droplets dripping off from the end. as well as his iconic white hoodie, that was sticking to his body, causing you to just see the outline to his defined muscles. in that moment he looked stunning.
but, that smile. god. that dorky cute, contagious smile. you haven’t seen newt with a smile this wide in ages. he seems carefree. like he’s allowing happiness to course through his body. all the stress and worry’s of being a second in command or if we’ll ever get out of this weird place, washing away from his mind.
it was a beautiful sight.
“not that bad after all then, ‘ey?” he chuckled, voice croaking.
you shook your head, laughing slightly. “yeah, i suppose so. but, i won’t be happy if i get a cold.”
newt hummed, still giggling, before using his arms still around your hips to pull you closer to his body, which had a warmth radiating off it. you immediately wrapped your arms around his shoulder, as your head buried itself in his chest, smiling at how warm you suddenly felt.
“feeling better, darling?” newt asked, his accent becoming thicker, and your arms tightened slightly around his neck, to stop yourself from falling at the angelic sound. newt noticed this little action, and smiled to himself.
“much,” you leaned back, “thank you.”
he nodded, placing a quick peck on your lips, before you both went to the position you were in before- cuddling standing up.
“are they mental?” thomas shouted. “they’re literally mental! aren’t they?”
minho shrugged, “it’s called love, greenie.”
thomas sighed, “i’ve been here for weeks so stop calling me gree-“
“oi!” fry cut him off, who was in a building opposite the two runners.
“let newt and y/n be in love, without your bickering interrupting them, greenie!”
thomas barked back another sarcastic remark, but newt chuckling above you, moved your attention back to him.
“i still can’t believe we’re living with a bunch of slintheads.” newt commented, having heard the commotion.
“speaking of slintheads, why are we here? in the pouring rain?” you leaned back, with a questioning look.
“what, am i not allowed to do normal couple things with the love of my life?” newt teased, sticking his tongue out.
“i didn’t say that.” you replied.
newt chuckled, before stopping.
“i-i don’t know. i just had a sudden urge to go out into the rain with you. i-i know it sounds so bloody corny, doesn’t it?”
“no,” you shook your head, grinning, “it’s cute. you’re cute.”
newt brought his hands up from your waist to your cheeks, looking deeply into your eyes. you’ve been with newt for months now, and yet he still has the power. the capability to make you feel butterflies in your stomach. to make your knees buckle. to make your heart rate increase so much that your palms start to sweat. you’re completely and utterly madly in love with him. and he is too. you breath hitched, as he rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip, eyes tracing your features, before leaning down and whispering in a hoarse voice...
“kiss me.”
you didn’t need to be told twice, grabbing his hoodie collar and yanking his head down to meet yours, as soon as thunder erupted from up above. but, you didn’t care. too lost in the feeling of his plump, heavenly lips on yours. you lost all track of time, not even realising your hands were being lifted, to be placed on newt’s cheeks, before you felt him softly hum and kiss you deeper.
the kiss was passionate. yet not rushed. you had all the time in the world. you had all the time in the world to pour every ounce of emotion into the movement of your lips. every thought that crossed your mind about the british boy, who was now putty in your arms. every memory. every time you felt happiness. sadness. love. you hoped newt could feel how much you truly care for him. and the way he mumbled ‘i love you’ over and over again, between shallow breaths, made you realise that he does know.
as much as you didn’t want. as much as your body screamed at you to not pull away. the lack of air was starting to affect your lungs, so you pulled back, breaking the kiss instantly as you both took a deep inhale of air. your eyes were closed, as you tried to gather all the oxygen you lost, back into your body. you could hear newt’s soft pants, and you opened your eyes to see his brows furrowed. you took this moment to admire him again. and you wanted to pinch yourself in that second. you couldn’t believe the most cutest and kindest boy was yours to love.
you were one lucky shank.
his eyes fluttered open, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks as your eyes were already locked on his.
“that was...” you started, not really knowing what to say.
“breathtaking?” he finished, still breathing heavily.
“you could say that.” you chuckled.
newt leaned his forehead against yours, placing a quick peck on your nose, causing it to crinkle.
“you make me so happy, y/n, i-i...”
your heart panged as you heard his voice waver, and you placed a finger on his lips, already knowing what he’s trying to say to you.
“you make me so happy too.”
and as the rain poured down, some what heavier than before, newt leaned down to place his lips against yours again, and you knew you would be by newt’s side. forever.
a/n- i finished the crank palace the other day, and i just needed to write a fluffy imagine. this was going to turn into an angst one, but newt deserves the world <3 thank you for reading!
newt taglist-
@parkersbliss @liberty-barnes @lilacsnid @dreaming-lia @holland-styles @japjib21 @diesssel @anapocalypseinmymind @potentialhappiness @voliawind @eternal-maniac @sweetiesangster @marilovescevans @the-salty-asian
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band--psycho · 4 years
Make Up Sex (Smut)-Fred Weasley x Reader
Prompt 35 for Anon-Where did this attitude come from // With Fred Weasley (Prompt in bold)
Prompt List Requests  / 1.3k Writing Celebration Masterlist /  Harry Potter Era Masterlist
Warnings: Smut, slight degradation (if that’s not your thing don’t read below the cut)
I’m also gonna use this as my seventh entry to @girl-next-door-writes bingo challenge, I hope you enjoy! 
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(Photo not mine~credit to the owner)
Three weeks. That’s how long it had been since Fred broke up with me. Since he broke my heart. Our relationship had been hard, not because of us but because of everyone around us. At first it was just stupid things, like people saying that we’d never work because I’m a Slytherin and he’s a Gryffindor but as time went on, I began to hear rumours about him and Angelina. I tried my best to ignore them, to just brush off their comments..but sometimes it was hard to believe...When I would see them together, they just seemed to fit. Like they were soulmates. And just like that, I felt myself distancing from him...and when I did go to ask him about the rumours...he broke up with me. That was enough to show me that the rumours clearly weren’t just rumours, that everything I’d been told was true. And I’d spent the last three weeks successfully avoiding him. Until now. Professor Flitwick decided to pair us up for a Charms project, I’d tried talking to him before class asking to change partners but Flitwick wasn’t budging on his decision. Which leads me to my current situation, being sat in the library with my ex who I was still head over heels in love with. 
”So...Um...how’ve you been?,” Fred asked, attempting to break the awkward silence and tension that was between us. I mentally cursed myself for how I clenched my thighs together with every word he speaks. I was angry. I was hurt. And I was so sexually frustrated it was driving me insane. There was no one like Fred, no lover that could live up to him...that could make me feel the way he did. 
“Absolutely terrific, thanks,” I replied bluntly, not lifting my eyes away from the book I was pretending to read. 
“Yeah,well that’s...that’s good,” Fred said with a small smile. 
“Isn’t it just,” I quipped back sarcastically, feeling the need to slap him and kiss him at the same time. 
I noticed Fred eyebrow rise at the harshness of my tone "Where did this attitude come from?” he asked, shutting his book and focusing his eyes on me.
“What did you expect? For things between us to be okay?” I don’t know what it was that made me snap, maybe it was the fact like he was acting like nothing had happened and he didn’t break my heart or maybe it was the fact that I was still mad at myself for feeling the way I did about him, either way, I snapped. 
“I..I don’t know...I just wasn’t expecting things to be like this,” He stuttered out, eyes wide in shock. I’d never snapped at him like that before. 
“Like what, Fred?” I sighed running a hand through my hair in frustration, “You broke my heart, I’m sorry I can’t just act like it didn’t happen” I finished, grabbing my other books and making my way out of the library, ignoring Fred pleas to stay. But then he grabbed my arm and I felt my heart race begin to quicken at his touch. I could’ve just walked off like I’d planned to but I couldn’t...I don't’ know why, but I couldn't 
“..I broke your heart?” He asked quietly, sounding genuinely shocked, but that only made my anger grow. 
Of course he broke my heart. 
“Of course you did!” I whisper shouted, pulling my arm away from his hand, attempting once again to leave the library but once again I was stopped. It wasn’t through Fred's actions instead it was his words, “But you acted like it didn’t even bother you.” 
“I was devastated, Fred, just because I didn’t break down in tears in front of you doesn’t mean it didn’t crush me,” I said finally meeting his gaze, desperately trying to keep myself together. 
“I...I’m sorry, I thought...I thought you didn’t want to be with me..”
“Why..why would you think that..?” I asked, my tone calmer than before noticing  the sadness in his eyes as he walked closer towards me, rubbing the back of his neck while his eyes darted from mine. 
“Because...you were just so distant...I didn’t think you were happy with me...I broke up with you so you could be happy with someone…even if that person wasn’t me,” he admitted, his words cutting me like a dagger. I had no idea how to respond to that...he thought I didn't want to be with him...that I would be happier with someone else...there was no one else in the world that would make me as happy as Fred.
“I was distant because I thought you didn’t want to be with me...I heard the rumours about you and Angelina and how much time you were spending with each other ...but I couldn’t...I couldn’t break up with you….so I just...” I attempted to explain, my voice trailing off at the end as I tried to not break down in front of him. 
“She’s my friend, she was just giving me advice on how to make you happy….when I said I broke up with you she nearly hexed me…she told me I was making the biggest mistake of my life ...and she was right” I looked up at him in shock, realising just how close we were now.
“Breaking up with you was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done and I’ve regretted it ever since I’ve done it….” 
“Fred..” I breathed shakily, wanting to do nothing except kiss him. 
“I mean it y/n/n….I miss you..so fucking much..” He whispered, his eyes darting between my eyes and my lips. 
“Show me…”I mumbled, nervously moving closer towards him. 
“Show me how much you’ve missed me…” I repeated, glancing down at his lips as his hands raised to my face, caressing my cheeks. 
“Are you sure you want this…..because if I start kissing you..I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” he breathed against my lips.
“Then don’t stop,” and with that he crashed his lips onto mine. 
We wasted no time in rushing up to his dorm room. Before I could do anything, Fred captured my lips again in another passionate kiss, wasting no time in taking each and every item of clothing off my body. He pushed me back on to the bed, quickly taking off his shirt and trousers before locking lips with me again. The kiss was full of all the passion and desperation we’d both been feeling, I couldn’t help but moan slightly as I felt his bulge continue to grow. 
“Oh I know that look,” Fred grinned in satisfaction, knowing exactly what the look that was dancing in my y/e/c eyes meant. He knew me all too well, part of me hated it but in times like this, I absolutely loved it because he knew what I needed. He knew how desperately I needed him. His fingers traced my exposed body, all the places that his fingers touched made my skin burn with an aching desire for more. I’d tried so hard to forget this feeling, this feeling that only he could give me...no one else could make me feel like this. I didn’t crave anyone in the way I craved him. His touch. His lips. The feeling of him inside me. And it all felt right, like it was meant to be.
“You’re such a needy little slut, aren’t you, princess, so desperate for my cock,” His hands ran down my bare thighs as he said those words,  squeezing them softly before placing delicate kisses on the inside of my thighs. The action made me ache with desire even more, I could feel myself getting wetter by the second as I imagined the feeling of his huge cock inside me.
Fuck I needed him. 
I needed him like I needed oxygen. 
“How much did you miss it?” He asked, pressing a trail of kisses down my chest while he pressed himself into me. I felt myself go giddy when I felt how hard his cock was, even if it was through his boxers.
“So...so much,.sir..please..”
“Please? Please what? What do you want?”
“I want you to fuck me, sir,” I panted, I needed 
“I will,” he whispered, kissing up and down the inside of my thigh, before hovering over my pussy, a triumphant smile coming across his face. He’d barely even touched me and my pussy was already soaked 
“Just not yet,” he said, placing a delicate kiss on my clit before moving off of the bed. I couldn’t help but whine in frustration, that kiss on my clit was nearly enough to make me explode. He knew what he was doing. Teasing me. That was something that Fred loved to do to me, he loved to tease me to the point of insanity, until I was an absolute mess.
“Get on your knees, princess,” he ordered. An order which I obviously obeyed, moving off of the silk sheets onto the cold floor. The sudden coolness on my hot body only seemed to add to my pleasure.
Quickly he stepped out of his boxers, finally freeing his large cock. Another smirk came over his face as his eyes looked down at me. I could feel myself practically drooling at the sight of it; I’d forgotten just how big he was.
“You ready to take my cock, like the good little cock whore you are?”
“Yes sir,” I answered, nodding eagerly, before placing my lips around the tip of his hardened length, the salty taste of his pre cum dancing on my taste buds. 
“Good girl,” he groaned in pleasure, his soft hands running through my y/c/h locks, lightly pushing my head forward,  “That’s it take it all in,” he cooed as I relaxed my throat, feeling his shaft fill my entire mouth. I couldn’t help but moan as I bobbed my head up and down his length, slow at first but building in speed as the time went on. 
“Fuck your mouth feels so good, princess,” he moaned, I glanced up at him quickly to see he’d thrown his head back in pure pleasure, his eyes shut as he began to move his hips, fucking my mouth in the best way possible.
“Always such a good little cock slut for me, sucking my cock like a pro, princess,” he praised, tangling his hands in my hair as his thrusts became more frantic, my tongue tracing the full length of his cock with each thrust bringing him closer to the release he was so craving.
“Fuck, princess, if you carry on doing that I’m not gonna last much longer,” I couldn’t help but moan at his words, knowing the effect I had on him turned me on even more.
I continued to bob my head up and down on his length, matching the timing of his thrusts, both of us increasing to an erratic speed, “Fuck..I’m gonna..I’m gonna” Fred began breathily but before he had chance to finish his sentence he explodes in my mouth. Fred’s ragged moans echoed around the room as streams of his thick white cum filled my mouth, I did my best to swallow every single drop of it.
“Fuck…”he panted, pulling his cock out of my mouth with a smile, his hands releasing my hair and moving to my face. 
“Such a good little slut for me aren’t you, princess," he continued, wiping away some of the cum that had escaped my mouth.
“Always, sir, only for you,” I beamed, leaning into his touch as much as I could.
 “Good girl,” his praises made my arousal grow even more, it was almost overwhelming. I let out a small squeal as Fed bent down, picking me up off of the floor, placing me back on the soft silk sheets.
“Think I should reward you for being such a good girl?” He asked, pressing featherlight kisses against my neck as his hands squeezed my breasts lightly.
“Yes...yes sir...pl...please,” I begged, melting into his touch; desperate for him to touch me in the place I craved him the most. As if reading my mind one of his hands wandered down my body, tapping my clit lightly making me squirm in the bed, aching for more.
“I love seeing you like this, so helpless and desperate.” He whispered lustfully, lightly stroking my needy pussy. He moved slightly, so he was back between my legs again, still teasing my core.
“What do you want, princess, use your words,”
“I want...I want you to make me cum...please sir..please…”I pleaded, the desperation clear in my voice. I loved it when Fred teased me, don’t get me wrong, but after so long of not having him, I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him to do something to make me cum.
“Your wish is my command,” and with that his tongue dived into my pussy, lapping up all of the juices of my arousal. 
“Shit, princess, I almost forgot how good you tasted,” he whispered against my slit, before diving back in.
“Fu...fuck…” I moaned, biting down on my lower lip to contain the loud noises that threatened to slip out of my mouth. 
“Don't do that” Fred warned, his lusty brown eyes locking onto mine.
“I want everyone to know what a whore you are for me, want everyone to hear you screaming my name,” he whispered, blowing a breath of cool air against my pussy, his thumb circling my clit while his fingers teased my entrance, my pussy clenching in anticipation, desperate to feel his fingers deep inside me. It was the only thing I could think about, feeling his fingers and cock deep inside of me hitting all the spots that only he could reach. Before another plea could leave my lips he inserted his long digits into my aching core. All I could do was moan loudly in response as his fingers curled inside me, repeatedly hitting my g-spot. While his tongue continued to dance over my aching clit. I couldn’t think clearly, my head was spinning, unable to think of anything else other than euphoric feeling. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything except lay in this blissful pleasure. I knew I was close when I felt my pussy beginning to pulsate around his fingers, I desperately tried to chase my high and just as I was about to come undone, he stopped. 
“N..no...sir...please-“I whined but before I could finish my sentence Fred raised his eyebrows at me. I knew that was the moment I needed to shut up, no matter how much I needed him. 
“Such a naughty little slut…” he taunted, that all too familiar smirk gracing his lips as he pressed the head of his hardened length at my entrance.
“I don’t know if you deserve this….do you think you do?”
“Yes….please sir...please...I’ll be good, I’ll be good, please,” I begged, rolling my hips slightly to try and get some form of contact.
“You say you’ll be good but then you act like this,”
He whispered, placing his hands on my hips, stopping them from moving and getting any form of contact with his large member.
“Good girls don’t act like such needy whores,” 
“But I think you’ve earned it,” and in one sudden movement he pushed his cock into me, I couldn’t help but let out a guttural moan as the intense feeling of him inside me took over...a feeling that had only been a thing of my dreams lately. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer into me as my hands scratched down his back, both of us letting out a loud moan as his thrusts got faster and faster. There was no other feeling like this. It was the best feeling in the world, nothing ever came close. I was right on the edge, and by how frantic Fred’s thrusts were, I knew he was too.
“I’m...I’m gonna..” I tried to stutter out, but my mind was too lost in pleasure to be able to actually string a sentence together. 
“I know, princess, I’ve got you,” he cooed, placing a short yet passionate kiss to your swollen lips.
“Cum for me,,” he breathed against my lips and that was it. That was all I needed to send me hurtling over the edge into the most intense and pleasurable orgasm I’d ever had, a long sultry moan echoing around the room as Fred continued to thrust into me before reaching his own high. 
Once we both caught our breath, Fred pulled out of me, and moved so he was sitting next to me. Instantly I snuggled into his chest as one arm wrapped me, while the other grabbed his duvet, covering both of us.
“I love you y/n/n,” He whispered, pressing a delicate kiss to forehead. I drowsily leant up and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.
“I love you too, Freddie,” I whispered back as I snuggled back into his chest. He loved me and I loved him, that was all that mattered. So what if I was a Slytherin and he was Gryffindor, we loved each other and anything else was irrelevant.
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queenshelby · 3 years
Unexpected Circumstances (Just Friends Part 7) - Cillian Murphy Imagine
Featuring: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: SMUT
Words: 5789
Notes: I have decided to include one of the requests I received in this series as I didn’t know how to best write it as a standalone at this point. I think it makes sense as part of this series as trust between Cillian and the Reader has been clearly established. I might still write a stand-alone piece as well incorporating the same request as this is the sort of Smut I like. So, stay tuned for that!
The Letter
It has been five weeks now since Cillian and you admitted your feelings for each other and things were going great.
Some days you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have found a man like him, someone who cared not only for you but also your son Max.
Cillian adored Max and Max enjoyed Cillian’s and Cillian’s children’s company.
Cillian would often pick Max up from preschool when you had to work late and prepare dinner for you and Max. Max thought that this was fantastic since you were a terrible cook.
But, despite this, it was sometimes difficult to arrange dates when you both had children to look after. You both tried to work around this issue as best as you could but, realistically, you only managed to have three sleepovers per week, mostly when Cillian didn’t have his boys. This was when he came over to stay at your house and you always hated when he had to leave.
After all, you were madly in love, a feeling which was unfamiliar to you. You wanted to be around him all the time and whenever you weren’t together you missed him.
As expected, you received some backlash from strangers due to your age gap but you tended to ignore the frustrating comments. They didn’t know you and they didn’t know your relationship.
The comments you received from your friends were nothing but supportive and even your grandmother thought that Cillian was good for you, much unlike your previous partners.
You still haven’t told your parents about your relationship, but your sister was aware. She followed Twitter quite eagerly and loved Cillian’s TV Show hence the reason you told her.
Your sister was concerned that your father wouldn’t approve of your relationship due to the large age gap, but that wasn’t a problem you were ready to face yet and little did you know that you were about to have bigger problems than that coming your way.
Bad news was about to hit you like a freight train. It was 10am on Friday morning. You were working from home while Max was at preschool as the doorbell rang.
It was unusual for the postman to drop off letters personally. Usually that meant that you had to sign for your letters, which was never a good sign.
You thought that it must be a vehicle recall, or notice of some sort. But it was worse. It was a letter from your real estate agent advising you that you will be required to vacate the premises within 30 days.
You could not believe it. It was difficult enough for you to find this townhouse as a single mother in an area where the schools were decent enough. You were always on time with your rent and never missed a single payment. You had no idea why you had to move out.
You called the real estate agent immediately and were advised that the owner is returning from America and requires the premises at the end of the lease term. There was nothing you could do.
The real estate agent advised you that there were no suitable rentals in the area within your price range but that they were willing to give you a good reference should you find something else with a different agent.
You were devastated. The last thing you wanted is to take Max out of preschool just after he made some friends. Furthermore, Cillian’s youngest son was attending the same preschool and it was a perfect arrangement for the both of you.
As you went on with the day, you put your non urgent work aside in order to search for rentals online as, all of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
‘Oh Cillian… I totally forgot’ you said as you opened the door.
‘You forgot our date?’ Cillian chuckled as he walked in the door, giving you a quick kiss.
‘I must be the worst girlfriend’ you said with some embarrassment. You never forgot a date with your boyfriend before. After all, it was what you looked forward to the most.
‘Relax, it’s fine Y/N’ Cillian said before noticing that your face was slightly flushed and your eyes were red.
‘Are you alright though? You look like you’ve been crying’ Cillian said as he ran his hands over both of your arms. He knew that something was wrong.
‘Yes, I just had a very stressful and shit morning. I am alright now though’ you said as you walked into the bedroom to get changed, ready to go out for lunch.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ Cillian asked from the hallway.
You took the letter which you received from the real estate agent from the sideboard in the hallway and handed it to him.
‘I’ve just been searching for a new rental but they are either too expensive or out of the area. But, I have found one in North Dublin and the schools there have halfway decent reviews so…’ you explained and, before you could finish your sentence, Cillian interrupted you.
‘The schools here are much better Y/N. I don’t think you should change Max mid-term; it will put him behind’ Cillian said.
‘Don’t you think I know this?’ you asked frustrated. You were still quite upset about having to move.
‘I will lose the enrolment as soon as I move out of area. Despite, I cannot drive backwards and forwards with work. I barely make pickup time now with the hours I am at the office’ you added just as tears began to build up in your eyes again.
‘Common, sit down’ Cillian said as he sat down on the bed next to you and wrapping his arms around you.
‘I might have a solution’ he said as he wiped your tears away.
‘Go on then’ you said, still sobbing.
‘You and Max could move in with me. That way, we could spend more time together and Max won’t have to change preschool and can start year one with Charlie’ Cillian suggested.
‘Move in with you? Cillian, don’t you think it’s a bit too early for that? We have only been together for 5 weeks’ you said.
‘Yes, but we’ve known each other for a few months now. Seems like a perfectly reasonable timeframe’ Cillian chuckled, making you laugh. You knew that he was being sarcastic. He always had a good sense of humour.
‘Coming from the man who just a couple of months ago didn’t want to settle down’ you smiled.
‘Well, that was before I got myself such a beautiful girlfriend’ Cillian said before giving you a passionate kiss. He could taste the saltiness from your tears but it didn’t seem to bother him.
‘You are crazy, you know that’ you chuckled after your lips drifted apart.
‘Well, you do that to me’ Cillian said while cupping your face with both of his hands.
‘We would, however, need to work on your cooking skills’ he added jokingly, earning him a nudge.
‘Very funny’ you said with a laugh.
‘Seriously though, what do you think?’ Cillian asked.
‘I think Max would really love this idea and I would love nothing more than sharing a bed with you every night. I am just worried that you will get sick of me after a while’ you said.
‘I don’t think I could ever get sick of you Y/N. Just your cooking’ Cillian chuckled before telling you that he loved you.
‘I love you too Cilly’ you said before kissing him passionately.
‘Is that a yes?’ he asked.
‘It’s a yes, thank you’ you said before pushing him back onto the bed.
‘The lunch reservation is at 1pm Y/N’ Cillian said as you hoovered over him.
‘Forget about lunch’ you responded just as you threw your t-shirt to the floor.
However, just as you were getting down to business, your phone rang, not once, but twice.
It was Max’s preschool and you knew that it was urgent.
You quickly returned the call and were told that you must pick up Max as he had a fall on the playground.
You got dressed quickly and drove to preschool to pick up Max. You were advised to go to hospital to see whether Max’s arm was broken.
Being cautious, you followed the teacher’s advice and took Max for an x-ray at hospital. Luckily, it was just a sprain which should resolve with some rest. Unfortunately, by the time you got to leave the hospital it was 6pm. You were there for hours.
Cillian suggested that you and Max come over to his place for dinner. You gladly accepted the offer and this allowed you both to talk to your kids about moving in together.
As you told them, they were beyond excited and Max was quick to arrange a sleepover for the following night.
You and Cillian agreed but, for a change, arranged a babysitter to look after your three boys allowing you to go for dinner and to the movies with your friends which was something you didn’t do very often.
Movie Night
The next evening, Cillian’s sister came over to watch the kids. This was the first time you met someone from Cillian’s family and she was quite excited to get to know you.
Apparently, Cillian had told her and his parents about you already.
After you chatted with her for half an hour, you both made your way to the restaurant.
Unfortunately for you, your friends had invited Jeremy, unaware of the fact that he continued to message you daily much to Cillian’s frustration.
Regardless of this, both you and Cillian were polite as you sat down across from Jeremy and your friends.
‘What did you guys do with the kids tonight?’ your friend Amy asked.
‘My sister is looking after them at my house’ Cillian responded.
‘What about Max?’ she asked.
‘Max is at Cillian’s house as well’ you said, which is when your friend Amy slipped the news. You had already told her that you would be moving in with Cillian just before he starts filming again.
‘Oh well, better to get used to it. Living with 4 boys soon Y/N eh? That shall be interesting’ she said.
Her comment quickly raised a lot of questions, in particular from Jeremy.
‘You really are becoming a sugar baby Y/N aren’t you?’ he said sarcastically, causing Cillian to laugh. He tried very hard to take Jeremy seriously, but it was difficult.
‘A sugar baby? Is that even a word?’ Cillian asked.
‘You know what I mean’ Jeremy said.
‘No, please enlighten me’ Cillian responded.
‘Alright’ Cillian chuckled.
‘It’s none of my business Cillian, but why is that you actors have to get involved with women who are so much younger than you?’ Jeremy said.
‘You are right, it’s none of your business Jeremy’ you said harshly while Cillian tried hard to bite his tongue.
Your friends quickly changed the conversation after that but you couldn’t keep your hands of your boyfriend that evening simply to annoy Jeremy and Cillian played along.
‘I am sorry he’s been a tool’ you whispered into Cillian’s ear as you walked to the movies with your friends.
‘I find it very difficult to remain polite around him’ Cillian said.
‘I know’ you responded just as the theatre opened.
You took your seats and, to your frustration, Jeremy sat down right next to you, causing Cillian to get annoyed.  
After what Jeremy had said to you and Cillian, you refused to speak to him and largely ignored him until the movie started.
About twenty minutes into the movie, you started to get rather bored. You couldn’t believe that you had to be there for another two hours. Who decided to choose a two- and half-hour movie in French, with subtitles? Of course, you did, without doing any research.
You looked over to Cillian and noticed that he was disinterested in the movie as well and stopped reading the subtitles. It was evident, he was somewhere in dreamland, probably thinking about how he could annoy Jeremy after his most recent insult.
Noticing your boyfriend’s disinterest in the movie, you reached for his hand, running your hand over the top of his gently. You had his attention now and he gave you a warm smile for all you could tell in the dark theatre.
Taking his hand into yours, you guided it on top of your thighs which is where it sat for a while. Not getting the hint, you arched back into your seat and guided his hand further up beneath your loose cotton skirt.
Whilst you couldn’t see much, you noticed Cillian turn his head towards you. Just as he did, you guided his hand further up your thigh while biting your lip. You tried hard for your eyes not to leave the movie screen.
He finally got the hint and squeezed your thigh gently before handing you your cardigan from your bag.
You placed the cardigan across your lap just as Cillian lifted up your skirt slightly beneath it, giving him better access.
You glanced to your right to ensure that Jeremy, who was sitting next to you, didn’t see what Cillian was doing.
Luckily for you, he was intensely focused on the movie although, no doubt, your boyfriend would have preferred if Jeremy knew what you were doing. After all, Jeremy had just insulted him and it wasn’t long before Cillian and you got together, that Jeremy had told him that he would like to get into your panties.
Just as Cillian’s fingers wandered up your upper inner thigh, you released a sigh and parted your legs slightly while making sure that your cardigan provided enough cover.
By the time Cillian’s fingers reached the apex of your thighs and touched your panties, they were already damp.
You were grateful that the theatre was so dark because your skirt was up to the top of your thighs and draped over Cillian’s hand which would otherwise have been clearly noticeable beneath the thin cardigan.
You were panting with desire, just from Cillian stroking and squeezing your thighs and running his hand over your wet panties.
You slid down a bit in your chair and spread your thighs even more. The adrenaline rush had your inhibitions going out the window.
You could hear a slight chuckle from Cillian as he noticed you pushing your body down against his hand.
Just in that moment, you felt his fingers sliding your panties to the side.
Within seconds, he dipped a finger inside your wet entrance, gathering some of your natural lubrication, then moved it upwards toward your clit.
You sucked in a breath through your teeth, hissing quietly. By that time, you both had completely stopped paying attention to the movie.
Cillian started in a slow rhythm, circling your clit a few times, then dipping down shallowly into your entrance, repeating it over and over.
Your fingers were digging into his forearm on one side and onto the armrest on the other.
Your hips were moving of their own accord as you were whimpering quietly as Cillian’s fingers moved in and out of you.
Suddenly, it hit. You groaned quietly, gripping boyfriend’s hand, pushing his finger into you even deeper and grinding your clit against the palm of his hand.
Your walls clenched around his fingers as your orgasm washed over you and you couldn’t help it but let out a shallow moan.
‘Are you alright Y/N?’ Jeremy asked, noticing the sound you made while looking at you with some confusion.
‘Yes, I am fine’ you said bluntly and with a deep breath while Cillian pulled his fingers out of you with a grin on his face.
You handed Jeremy your popcorn before rearranging your skirt and handing Cillian your cardigan. At this point, he needed it more than you as his erection pushed against the zipper of his jeans.
‘Follow me’ you whispered into Cillian’s ear before standing up and excusing yourself, walking past Jeremy.
‘Where are you going?’ Jeremy asked.
‘Bathroom’ you responded. You were still annoyed with him and he wouldn’t get anything from you but stern and short answers.  
Cillian waited another minute or two before following you so that he wouldn’t raise any suspicion.
You waited for him in the front of the cinema with a big smile on your face.
‘You choose the worst movies’ Cillian said with a cheeky smile.
‘I have been enjoying it so far’ you smirked before taking his hand and pulling him towards the parents’ room.
‘Y/N, I don’t think this is a good idea’ Cillian said as you locked the door behind you.
‘Relax, it’s 10pm. No one will need this room until tomorrow. We will be safe. Despite, I know you, this won’t go down any time soon unless we get to it’ you smirked as you placed your hands on Cillian’s crotch before crashing your lips onto his with haste.
Without wasting any time, you unbuttoned his jeans and pushed down his zipper before running your hand inside his briefs and stroking his hard cock.
‘You’ve got ten minutes’ you said after breaking the kiss and before turning around, leaning forward over the wash basin.
Within seconds, Cillian lifted up your skirt and pushed down your panties before lining himself up with your wet entrance.
You smiled at him in the mirror as he gently pushed your legs apart and grasped the perky butt cheeks before him.
Cillian pried them apart and stepped forward. He was flush against you and you couldn’t help it but release a soft moan.
His cock slipped between your legs, and the head glided across your sensitive lips.
‘Fuck I want you so much’ you moaned as you pushed back against him in anticipation.
Without words, Cillian pulled back a little and then pushed up into your tight tunnel.
‘Fuck’ you moaned loudly as your walls stretched to fit his length inside you.
‘You got to be quiet’ Cillian whispered from behind you as he began to thrust in and out of you.
He gave you barely a moment to brace yourself before he gripped your hips and pulled back. His cock slipped out almost the whole way before he thrust his hips forward and dived back into your heat.
Cillian set a hard pace, knowing that you didn’t have much time together before someone would get suspicious.
You could hear his laboured breathing behind you as you held onto the basin tightly.
‘God yes’ you moaned quietly as the tip of his cock hit your cervix over and over again.
Cillian smiled at your reaction and reached down to grab your thighs. He spread your legs even wider. By that time, you were on your toes, with no leverage of your own.
‘Don’t stop’ you whispered as you could feel another orgasm build up in your stomach and, within seconds, your walls constricted around him.
You cried out a little too loudly, and your whole body shook as your orgasm slammed into you.
Cillian kept his brutal thrusts up as you rode out the waves of pleasure. Your legs trembled before him and he smiled as you whimpered with every thrust.
The contractions around his cock and your moans sent Cillian over the edge also and, shortly after you came down from your high, he reached his and filled you with his warm cum.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned quietly as he slowly began to relax, his face resting on the back of your shoulders, kissing them gently.
After he came down completely, he pulled out of you and you could feel the mixture of his cum and yours drip down your thighs.
Cillian handed you a paper towel but you declined the offer and simply pulled up your panties.
‘I like to remember this for the rest of the night’ you grinned before giving him another passionate kiss.
Your comment earned you a chuckle but, deep down inside, Cillian liked the thought of knowing that your panties will be wet from his cum for the remainder of the night.
After making sure that no one was around, you left the room together and made your way back to the theatre together.
‘You’ve been gone for a while. Is everything alright?’ Jeremy asked as you sat back down next to him.
‘Yeah, I had to make a phone call’ you said just as Cillian sat back down next to you.
You both had a cheeky grin on your face as you watched the rest of the movie.
‘The movie was great, wasn’t it?’ your friend Alice asked as you left the theatre and Jeremy agreed simply because he knew that you chose it.
‘What did you think about the twist towards the end Cilly?’ she then asked.
‘Yeah, uhm…yeah it was alright’ Cillian said, not knowing what she was talking about.
‘There was a twist?’ you whispered to Cillian as you walked outside the theatre.
‘I think we missed the majority of the plot babe’ Cillian whispered back before taking your hand into his and following the others to the pub.
Jeremy kept starring at you and Cillian and you could notice the frustration on his face. You enjoyed it, a lot.
Later at the pub, Cillian received the usual attention from some young females. It always made you chuckle but it really annoyed Jeremy.
Despite the fact that Cillian enjoyed Jeremy getting annoyed, it soon became too much for him and, after about three drinks, you both decided to leave.
Getting Down to Business
You called a taxi and drove back to Cillian’s house.
‘It’s unbelievable’ you giggled sheepishly and slightly tipsy from the three gin and tonics you had earlier.
‘What is?’ Cillian asked, closing the door behind you.
‘All the attention you get from all of these young women every time we go out’ you said.
‘What can I say, it’s Tommy Shelby Effect’ Cillian laughed.
‘Hmm I think I get it’ you said and, just after this comment, you kissed him passionately just as his sister walked out of the living room.
‘Alright, I am going’ his sister chuckled.
You both thanked her for looking after the children and made your way to the shower. You both smelled like beer and popcorn.
Just as you got into the large shower together and were talking about the evening, Cillian couldn’t help it but complain about Jeremy.
‘You know, I am yours Cillian!’ you said as you ran your hands over his chest.
‘You are mine, are you?’ he chuckled in response to your comment which reminded him on his script for Season 5 of Peaky Blinders.
‘Yes…’ you whispered into his ear just before biting his earlobe gently while the hot water ran down in between you.
Cillian’s hands soon moved from your back down to your naked butt cheeks while his lips kissed the bare skin on your neck.
‘I love you Y/N’ he said in between kisses.
‘I love you too Cillian and I want you to fuck me as if you own me’ you whispered. ‘Take me the way you want to’ you added seductively.
‘You’ve been watching too much of this TV show’ Cillian said with a chuckle, referring to a new TV documentary series that you were watching on Netflix about BDSM.
‘It’s intriguing though, isn’t it?’ you asked running your hands over Cillian’s chest and down in between his legs. He grew hard almost instantly as you touched him.
Your face was inches away from his and you could see pure hunger and lust aflame in his eyes as you were stroking him gently. His warm breath fanned over your face like an aphrodisiac and the want in his eyes was intoxicating.
He remembered the last episode of the documentary quite well and grabbed your hair at the back of your head gently, causing the hot water to run down your breasts.
You bit your lip with excitement, fire building up in your eyes.
‘You really want to try this don’t you?’ Cillian asked, causing you to nod.
‘Alright’ he sighed with a smile and, with his free arm, he pushed you onto your knees almost instantly.
That’s it, exactly what you wanted.
He pulled on your hair, making you look up at him while you were biting your lips.
You suddenly felt a wretch in your stomach. Cillian wasn’t normally that forceful with you and you knew that, for him, it was a roleplay more than anything. Being with an actor clearly had its perks.
‘Is this what you want?’ he asked, causing you to nod again.
With his hand still firmly in your hair, he guided your mouth towards his hard cock.
You open your mouth willingly and, within one thrust, the head of his hard cock hits the back of your throat, making you gag.
You didn’t even try to pull away and he slowly and deeply began to thrust in and out of your mouth, giving your barely enough time to breath.
You gave into his rhythm as the warm water was running over your back.
‘God, your mouth feels amazing’ Cillian moaned, knowing that you enjoy it when he is talking to you while were intimate. You loved the sound of his voice.
Just as you got used to the sensation of being forced up and down his cock, he began to tweak one of your erect nipples with his free hand, causing you to moan around him.
‘Good girl, keep going’ Cillian said with a slight smirk as he toys with your nipple, pulling and rolling it between his fingers.
The pit of your stomach was set aflame and your thighs were slick with your juices.
With his cock in your mouth and your nipples being aroused, you are under sensory overload.
As he continued to thrust in and out of your mouth, you closed your eyes trying to concentrate on the raw pleasure that was radiating from your body in waves.
‘Look at me’ he demanded, causing you to open your eyes again and dig your hands into his thighs as he kept going.
‘That’s it’ he moaned, thrusting into your mouth a few more times before pulling you away from his throbbing cock and your mouth comes off with a satisfying pop.
Some small tears were running down your cheeks, your mouth sore from opening so widely and your hair was still in his hands. He roughly wiped away the saliva around your mouth and wrapped his hand around your throat gently.
You looked up into his blue eyes and wanted nothing more than for him to take you, fuck you hard.
‘Common, let’s take this to the bedroom’ he said as he began to notice the water getting cold.
‘Yes sir’ you winked, earning him a chuckle.
‘You defiantly are serious, aren’t you?’ Cillian said as you dried each other off. He was slightly out of his comfort zone but decided to play along as he could see the desire in your eyes. You were by far the most adventurous and kinky woman he’s ever been with.
Moments later, you made your way to Cillian’s bedroom.
‘I don’t think so’ Cillian said firmly as you reached the edge of the bed.
With his hand on your throat gently again and the other on your waist, he guided you towards the large reading desk in the bedroom.
‘Turn around’ he instructed and, as soon as you complied, he pushed you down onto the table.
Just as you your face leaned against the cold wood, he took both of your arms and secured both your hands behind your back.
Electricity shot down your spine as you tried to struggle out of his grasp teasingly.
You were completely under his control just as you wanted.
He put your two wrists wrapped around one hand and with the other, slowly traced a finger up your inner thigh.
You bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning too loudly.
Cillian took his time, exploring every inch of your thighs and ass.
‘So sexy’ Cillian said as his fingers brushed against your wet folds, causing you to whimper.
He continued to run his fingers up and down your pussy, teasing to put his fingers in.
You whined and struggled against his grasp, your wetness started trailing down your thighs.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned as Cillian slowly eased his fingers inside, scissoring his fingers as he went.
‘Shh’ Cillian said, knowing that you had to remain quiet with the boys in the next room.
Your mind went blank as pleasure shot through your nerves, spreading like wildfire.
Cillian’s fingers swirled around inside of you languidly, leaving no space unexplored and, moments later, he brushed against your g-spot causing you to jerk.
‘Stay still’ he said as he pressed his body down, immobilizing yours.
He knew very well that you liked to squirm when he reached your sweet spot as the intensity was too overpowering.
This time, you wouldn’t get away, no matter how hard you try.
‘Oh god Cillian, please’ you yelped, the feeling of his fingers on your g-spot being too much for you to handle.
But Cillian wouldn’t let you squirm away and you soon learned that you had to just give in, surrender to him.
But, just as you relaxed and could feel your orgasm approach, he pulled his fingers out of you.
‘Did I say you could come?’ he teased as he placed his fingers into your mouth, making you taste your wet juices.
‘No sorry’ you said, hoping that he would put his fingers back inside of you.
‘Sorry what?’ Cillian asked sheepishly.
‘Sorry Sir’ you grinned just before you ran your tongue along the length of his fingers.
‘Good girl’ he whispered just as he trailed his fingers back down towards your wet entrance.
Within seconds, they entered you again and continued where they left off.
You tried hard not to come right away and, after several more minutes, you couldn’t control it any longer.
‘Cillian please, can I come?’ you moaned, your walls already beginning to contract around his fingers.
‘No Y/N, you cannot’ he said, withdrawing his fingers once again, pulling your head back on your hair and kissing you passionately.
Just as he pushed you back down, you could feel him line himself up with your entrance.
Your hands were still pinned behind your back as he pressed the tip of his cock into you slowly. Your walls clench instinctively.
‘Don’t you dare come until I’ve given you permission’ he murmured into your ear as he pushes into you torturously slow.
‘I promise I won’t come without permission’ you said as you could feel Cillian’s body against yours and his hands gripping over your hands pinned behind your back and your hair.
‘Good girl’ he whispered as he continued to push inside you slowly until he was completely inside.
You tried to wriggle so you could adjust to his size, but Cillian held you in place. He slowly moved out until only the tip remained inside and thrusts back in deeply.
You moaned loudly into the table as he continued his rhythm, fucking you slowly but deeply. Your mind blanks, pleasure rocking through your body.
You could feel him tighten his grip over your hands as he slowly pulls out and slams into you, eliciting a yelp.
‘Yes, oh god, yes’ you moaned loudly as he began to pick up the pace, knocking you almost breathless.
Your moans caused Cillian to place one of his hands over your mouth gently. You were way too loud.
You felt like a wound-up toy, yearning to be released from the tension. With every thrust, you come closer to your orgasm. He's hitting you fast and deeply, but not enough to send your over the edge. You whine and whimper, weakly struggling against his body. You are so close, teetering on a cliff.
‘Please’ you moaned into his, desperate for your release.
‘Please what?’ Cillian asked as he thrusts in and out of you and removing his hand for just one moment to allow you to speak.
‘Please let me come’ you responded.
‘You will need to do better than that’ Cillian said as he thrusts into you even deeper.
‘I do anything, please’ you moaned, your walls beginning to clench around him.
‘Anything? Hmm, alright, that seems like a fair deal’ Cillian said picking up the speed.
With those words, you let go. Pleasure rocked through your body like a wave.
You tried to fight the feeling of falling and flying at the same time as your orgasm washed over you.
Cillian moaned at the same time as he felt your tight walls close around his cock and, with three more thrusts, he came inside of you.
You could feel his cock throb inside of you as your legs shake from the powerful orgasm.
Just as you both came down from your high, he slowly pulled out of you, causing some of his cum to leak out.
He released your hands and helped you up from the desk.
You turned around to face him and, with one of your hands, you reached in between your legs collecting some of his cum before licking it from your fingers suggestively.
‘I enjoyed this’ you smirked, causing Cillian to stare at you in disbelieve.
‘You are naughty, aren’t you?’ he chuckled just before giving you a kiss.
‘Yes I am’ you smirked before you both made your way to the bed.
By that time you were exhausted.
You curled up in each other’s arms and shared some gentle moments together.
‘I am looking forward to sleeping in this bed with you every night’ you said.
‘So do I’ Cillian responded, before turning off the light.
Morning After
The next morning, you got woken up by the smell of pancakes and three missed calls.
Your father had tried to call you to congratulate Max on his recent soccer medal.
You returned the call and handed the phone to Max while you joined Cillian in the kitchen for a coffee. Just as you were drinking your coffee, you listened to Max speak to his grandfather on speaker.
‘So how have you been Max?’ grandpa asked.
‘Good poppy, we are having pancakes’ Max said.
‘Mum made pancakes? Do they taste any good?’ grandpa laughed.
‘No Cillian made pancakes. Mum and I are moving to his house soon and then we can have pancakes every weekend’ Max said.
‘Cillian? Who is Cillian?’ grandpa asked.
‘Mum’s boyfriend’ Max responded, causing you to choke on your coffee.
‘Can you please put your mother on the phone’ he said.
To be continued…..
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Muggle Music | Draco x Reader
Prompt: As a muggle born Hufflepuff you find comfort in your muggle music and books when you are feeling anxious or insecure. Although Draco has been known to have a distaste for muggles or of muggle descent, however you when it comes to you, his opinions change.
Warnings: angst, fluff
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Hi all! So sorry I haven’t been as active this weekend. I took the time to relax and have a little fun and unwind before things get crazy work wise with me. Hopefully I’ll be back to pumping out fics again by tomorrow!
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You delicately place the record on your player that is perched happily on top of your dresser as music starts to play as the record spins. The sounds of the familiar verses and chorus melt away any anxieties that were plaguing you through the day. Stevie Nicks’s voice washed over you as you allowed your body to sway gently to the music. 
Being muggle born wasn’t something you normally worn with a badge of pride at school. You were a little embarrassed that you never grew up around magic and its brilliance, rather you grew up with the mundaneness that was being ordinary for so long. But nothing could quite cheer you up like listening to muggle music or reading a good book that your mother bought from the book store. It was simple, but it never failed to make you feel at home, swallowed with warmth and comfort through these tiny vessels of your muggle upbringing.
Aside from not growing up with magic and missing out on the portion, you were also embarrassed of being a muggle especially because of who you were dating. Everyone and their mother knew that the Malfoy lineage was strict about marrying pure and only having children that would be pure bloods. You had been dating Draco for only a couple of months, but you did feel insecure about his dating history and how it has only been with pure bloods. You were the first to break that streak. Draco didn’t expect to fall for you, but when it happened, it happened fast and every thought he had about you not being a pureblood washed away. But there was always that little voice inside his head that spoke, What would mother and father think about this?
You swayed to Fleetwood Mac, trying to keep your negative thoughts at bay about how scared you were that Draco was going to break up with you because of your blood status. Earlier that day you had heard Pansy Parkinson gossiping to her posse about how Draco deserved to be with a pure blood and not some “mudblood” like you were. When you heard the words fall from her mouth, you wanted to cry. She was right. Draco deserved someone who would make his family proud and you would not do that. 
You didn’t even notice the tears falling from your eyes until they ran across your lips, the salty taste on your tongue. Rhiannon softly played in the background as you wiped your tears away with the backs of your hand. This was such a silly thing to cry over, but you couldn’t help but feel the way you did. Your insecurities were getting the best of you again.
Suddenly, a gentle few knocks come from your door. You suck up your sniffles and wipe what remains of the tears away. Glancing in the mirror, you check your appearance before opening the door. And there he stood. Draco in his Slytherin robes, his white blonde hair combed back, and sneaky little smile. He pulled you in for a tight hug by your contrasting Hufflepuff robes, breathing your scent in as you relaxed under his touch. “Good afternoon, darling,” Draco squeezes you, planting a kiss on your forehead. 
“Hi,” you mutter into his chest before pulling away, letting him inside your room. 
Draco enters, plopping his bag down at your desk. He contorts his face and says, “What is that?” as if to be disgusted by the music you are playing. Your heart sinks gently into your stomach as his face looks confused. 
You feel like your insecurities are now sticking out like a sore thumb. The things that bring you comfort make Draco contort with disgust. “Oh, sorry,” you quickly rush to your record player and turn off Fleetwood Mac as Landslide gets cut off. Too bad, that was your favorite song on that album. “It was my music from home. Mum gave me a few albums to take with me if I ever needed a taste of home. I didn’t know you were coming over or else I wouldn’t have played it.”
Draco suddenly grows disappointed in himself. Something you had loved so dearly and had such fond memories attached to was something he was taught to deplore. His disgust with all things doing with muggles made you upset because you were muggle born. Which in turn, meant he was supposed to hate where you came from. How could hate someone as lovely, considerate, and gentle as you? It would be impossible. “Don’t apologize. It’s your room, you play whatever you want. You can keep playing it if you want to,” he urges, hoping that you’ll play the music again just so he can see you happy, dancing along to whatever rhythm played from the odd machine you tinkered with.
Shaking your head, you insist, “No, I don’t want to play it anymore. It’ll just make me sad.” Sad because you miss home and sad because you know that Draco and you come from two separate worlds and he hated yours. Or so you thought. You chose to ignore the sad smile on Draco’s face. “Let’s change the subject, shall we?”
As you talked to Draco about your plans for the upcoming weekend in Hogsmeade, he couldn’t help but be distracted by his own thoughts. He hated knowing that you were uncomfortable and insecure of your muggle history. He hated that he was conditioned from such a young age to have a distaste in those things thanks to his father’s upbringing. Draco’s heart strings were strung any time he noticed you shift in your seat when someone bought up not being of pureblood descent. You would get very quiet and minutes later excuse yourself to go somewhere else away from the people who had insulted you in passing. He knew he wanted to make it up to you, but it was just a matter of how he would do it. 
A few days later, you parked yourself at a table in the library, studying and doing homework quietly, scribbling down in your notebook every once in a while. As you jot down notes, you didn’t notice Pansy pass your table. “Studying hard mudblood?” she coos sarcastically at you.
“Please leave me alone, Pansy,” you quietly plead. You just needed to study. That was all. You didn’t need to be reminded of all of your insecurities in the middle of the library for everyone around you to watch your discomfort.
Pansy leans on the table. “Why? Because Draco can’t defend you?” she spits. “I’m still shocked that he’s with a loathsome creature like yourself. Aren’t you embarrassed? You’ll never quite live up to his or his parents expectations? I mean, what’s going to happen when you meet his parents? Let’s see if you even make it up to that point.” 
Tears start to prick in your eyes as you attempt to swallow the lump in your throat. “Go away, Pansy,” you speak gently, no malice in your voice even though you had wished there would be. 
“Am I talking about a sensitive topic?” she asks, knowing damn well what sees doing. “Admit it, (Y/N). You’re no good for Malfoy. You and your little muggle music and muggle books. You’ll never be enough for him.”
With that, you gather all of your stuff and dash out of the library, the laughs of Pansy echoing in the library. As you turn the corner, you bump into the person you wished most not to. “Hi, love,” Draco speaks, happy to see you until he sees the hot tears streaming down your face. “Hold on, wait a minute, what’s wrong?” he grabs your arms, looking at you in the eyes.
You shake your head, “I have to go.” You push past your boyfriend, running out of the library, completely horrified of what just went down. Running down the halls and up the stairs, you try to avoid the stares of concerned students and passing, (Y/N), are you okays. You just wanted to get back to your room.
Opening the door with a swing and then slamming it shut, you inhale a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. You were away from Pansy now and her torturous comments. Looking to your desk, you know exactly what you needed no matter how much it reminded you of your past. You grabbed another record from your stash that you tucked away in your drawer and plucked Queen from the pile. As you placed it on your record player, the sounds of the Jazz album filling your dormitory, sending soothing waves of comfort through you, drying your tears instantly.
Meanwhile in the library, Draco marched over to Pansy, steam bellowing from his ears. Pansy’s smile fell as she saw the pissed boy. “I don’t know what you said, but to be quite frank, Parkinson, I’m not surprised it was something rude and selfish, much like yourself,” Draco spit at her.
Pansy rolls her eyes, “Come on, Draco. You know better than anyone that you don’t belong with a mudblood. You need to stick with your own kind.”
Draco’s blood is boiling. “First of all, you know shit about what is best for me, Pansy, so I’d suggest keeping your fat nose out of my business. Second, muggle born or not, (Y/N) is a brilliant, beautiful person who is a better witch than you will ever be. If I even sense you close to (Y/N) again, consider yourself done for,” Draco scolds Pansy as her face turns parchment white. 
After his little meltdown, Draco leaves the library. On a mission to find you and comfort you after what just happened. 
In your room, you lay on your bed, listening to your muggle music, as you glide your fingers over the binding of your favorite muggle book, The Scarlet Letter. Maybe Pansy was right? You should just stick to your muggle things and stay away from what is muggle born. It would be for the best. 
Your thoughts are disturbed when you hear a knock at the door. You groan, emerging from your position on your bed. The door opens and there’s Draco who wastes no time in scooping you up in a hug. “Don’t listen to her,” he speaks into your hair. “She has no idea what she’s talking about. She is jealous.”
“But she’s right, Draco. I’m a dumb muggle born who doesn’t belong in your world. You were destined to hate me and everything I come from. It should stay that way before things get too complicated,” you try to reason with him as Draco shakes his head in disbelief. “You’ve only dated purebloods, Draco. Ever since we got here, you’ve dated purebloods and purebloods only. I haven’t dated anyone and Merlin, it’s year six! Now, my first ever boyfriend is not supposed to like people like me.” 
Draco’s heart breaks hearing you talk about yourself like this. “You mean someone who is considerate? Someone who is compassionate? Someone who loves people for their hearts?” he retorts as you ignore him. “(Y/N), I don’t care if you are pureblood or not. I want you and you only.”
Your heart should be swelling with joy, but it only makes it break. “I need to be alone right now, Dray. Please,” you whisper, holding your face in your hands. “Just leave me be for right now.”
Everything is screaming for Draco to stay and work this out with you, but he knows you need some space. He just shakes his head and leaves your room sadly. When the door closes, you don’t hesitate in letting the tears fall again. 
Potions class was finally dismissed as you walked alone in the halls, trying to distance yourself from everyone, to scurry away in your room, curling up into your bed while listening to more muggle music, wishing you were home with your mother and father and siblings. 
Draco hadn’t come to talk to you since the library incident two days prior. He didn’t even bother trying to find you when your class took the weekend trip to Hogsmeade. You figured that he was out of your life for good and no matter how much you wanted him to stay, you knew it was best for the both of you. The relationship wouldn’t have worked out anyway. It was best for you to part separate ways.
As you approach your dormitory, you hear the faint chorus of Paul Anka’s Put Your Head On My Shoulder coming from the other side of your door. Your eyebrows furrow. Did I leave the record player on? I don’t even have that record though? You push the door open to reveal a Draco standing the middle of your room, Paul Anka playing on your record player. “What are you doing?” you ask him right off the bat.
Draco has a small smile on his lips. “Doing what I should have done when I asked you to be mine,” he claims as he grabs your hands. “When we took the trip to Hogsmeade this weekend, I bought some muggle records they had in the back of the shoppe as well as some new books for your collection,” he points to three large stacks of records and books on your desk as a smile threatens to spill on your lips. “I should have made an effort to learn about what you grew up with. But better late than never?” he suggests as you engulf him in the most enormous hug you can muster. Draco laughs as you squeeze him tight, his grip on you iron. “I took some time to listen to some of your favorite records and I stayed up all last night reading your favorite book.”
“You read The Scarlet Letter?” you ask in disbelief. The surprises never stopped when it came to Draco. He proudly nodded. “I can’t believe you would do all of this for me...this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Draco’s heart swells with pride. “It’s what you deserve,” he simply states. “Now,” he extends his hand to you. “Will you join me for a dance?”
Giggling, you accept his hand as the two of you rock gently to the sounds of Paul Anka on your record player, gazing into each others eyes as you smile like an idiot. “I can’t believe you sometimes, Malfoy,” you shake your head. “What do you think of it? The music, the book?”
“To be honest with you, it’s not half bad. The ABBA album is pretty good,” he shrugs, making you laugh wildly, throwing your head back. “Now that’s music to my ears,” he refers to your laughter as you blush. 
For the next few hours, you and Draco listen to your new albums he purchased for you as you lecture him on muggle books and authors, him smiling wide as you speak passionately about them. Although Draco knew his father would have a field day when he heard about this, he couldn’t care less. You were happy and that’s all that mattered to Draco.
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