#do you understand why I laughed so hard I started choking when I saw the song your number was associated with
littleladymab · 6 months
#87 for Kalluzeb (I miss them)
ok................................ ok.
87 - "My Immortal" by Halocene
Bro I've been trying to think of a good answer for this and I think the best answer is just: This would just be the Beauty and the Beast AU that we've talked about. That's the only thing I can think of.
So for the audiences at home:
Kalluzeb Beauty and the Beast AU is something Kaite and I came up with over a year ago (I checked our chat history, it was March 2022). Kallus is the Beast in this scenario because he's like, space nazi at the top and has to unlearn a lot of shit and learn how to let himself be a good person and be loved, etc etc and also we're not here for people who like to make the non-humans in SW into "feral" or "beasts" especially when compared to their human counterparts because enough of y'all do that, stop it.
I don't think I ever decided if it would be like, in a fantasy setting with a castle and all, or if it was still Star Wars setting and so like, on an imperial star destroyer or at the academy or whatever. But in lieu of talking furniture, Kallus instead has: kids. Sabine and Ketsu, Wedge, Jai, and Zare, and sure Ezra can be there too. And these kids are versions of themselves having been left under the empire's thumb, however it looks here. This is a Sabine that never got out after creating the duchess. This is an Ezra who has always been alone and enlisted just because he had no other option. And Kallus like "okay I might be a space nazi but I'm not TOTALLY heartless" and does help make these kids' lives a little better, but he's still got that knowledge of what he did on Lasan rattling around in the back of his brain.
(Canon timelines? don't know her.)
We come up with some theories about what if Kallus was cursed after Lasan or Onderon and then it was back to "is this magic magic? is this a metaphorical curse? what is happening?
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Anyway, we never did figure out how to fit Zeb.... into this actual Kalluzeb plot.
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xspeter · 2 months
luke castellan x fem!reader
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angst, angst, angst. mini blurb to help me get my flow back :) based off of LOML by Taylor Swift.
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Percy Jackson isn’t sure what’s worse. Luke’s betrayal, or the look on your face when you find out. He’s sure he’ll get nightmares about it.
You’d had a wide smile on your face, the woven flower crown in your hair hinting that you’d just been out at the flower fields with your siblings.
You’d been called to help patch up Percy after what you had been told was a fight, but the somber energy in the room immediately told you something was off. It was too suspicious to have Chiron, Mr. D, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover all in the room for what was supposed to simply be slapping on a band-aid.
The smile on your face fell, and was instead replaced with a subtle frown. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you crossed your arms over your chest uncomfortably. “Is something wrong?” You asked, eyeing everyone in the room.
Percy swallowed and hesitantly glanced to Annabeth, who already had the remnants of tears in her eyes. And if the glossiness told him anything, it was that she was about to burst out crying again. Not that he could blame her.
He watched your frown grow as recognition flashed across your face. You and Luke always had been so in tune to each others emotions, he’s honestly surprised you didn’t notice the lack of his presence earlier.
“Y/N-” Chiron started, but you interrupted him. “Where’s Luke?”
Percy didn’t believe in soulmates. It’s weird, because after finding out about greek gods and mythological beings being real, you’d think soulmates wouldn’t be that far off the table. But, they were.
But you and Luke had something Percy could tell was special. It wasn’t just a relationship - it was like a sacred bond bestowed upon the two of you by the gods themselves. Wherever Luke was, you’d be sure to follow, and vice versa. Fuck, you’d practically finish each other’s sentences as corny as that sounded.
That’s why he was so confused Luke would throw it all away so easily.
“Y/N…” Mr. D started, and Percy was sure it was the most emotion he’d ever even seen from him. You immediately began shaking your head, hands trembling as you stared at the ground. “Where is he?” You questioned again.
More silence followed, and Percy knew no one wanted to answer you, and he could understand why. Still, he took a breath and forced himself to look up at you. “He’s gone.”
It was like the five stages of grief flashed in your eyes simultaneously - merging together but still so distinguishable.
“No, he’s not.” You whimpered, “He’s in his cabin. I just saw him barely an hour ago-”
“He tried to kill Percy,” Annabeth finally breathed out. “He wants to overthrow the gods.”
You shook your head, a disbelieving laugh leaving your lips as you ran a trembling hand through your hair, moving up the white flower crown until it was lopsided on your head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said through gritted teeth, “Luke wouldn’t do that. I know him. I know him. He wouldn’t. It must’ve been- been a shapeshifter or something. I mean, with all the other monsters out there there has to be a shapeshifter right? Yeah. That’s all it was. It wasn’t Luke.”
Percy squeezed the table in front of him until his knuckles were white, doing his best to choke down his tears. It was a tempting idea, one that he’d have no problem believing if it hadn’t been for the look in Luke’s eyes. No monster could recreate that kind of rage.
“It was him,” Percy spoke up, “I know it was.”
“You don’t know anything!” You yelled, eyes wild and skin paling, “You don’t know Luke like I do! He wouldn’t do this! Sure, he gets mad at the gods sometimes, but don’t we all? It doesn’t mean we’re gonna up and start a whole rebellion!”
Grover attempted to reach out to you, tears forming in his dark eyes, “I know it’s hard-” He attempted, but you practically jumped away from him. “Don’t touch me.” You growled lowly, pointing an accusing finger in his face. Grover didn’t argue.
Everyone in the room stared at you in pity, and it made you sick. You’d show them. Luke was in his cabin right now, probably trying to sleep or playing with one of the younger campers. Because that’s what Luke does - that’s the Luke you know.
You were the love of his life. He’d told you just two days ago during a secret picnic on the beach way past your curfew. You’d choked up, but told him the same through your tears. Luke had kissed you so hard you swore you were seeing stars, and you remember thinking this kiss had felt different than all the others. Almost desperate, like he was trying to grasp onto something he knew he was losing.
Luke was in his cabin.
You’d left the Big House without even a grunt, practically sprinting across camp to the Hermes cabin. You didn’t care about the weird looks the stragglers were giving you, didn’t care about the soft ache in your legs. You needed to see Luke. Needed to feel him. Needed to intertwine your souls again.
You were panting by the time you reached it, throwing the doors open and looking around wildly. “Luke?” You called, voice breaking a bit as you did.
“Y/N?” someone said, you didn’t know their name. Or maybe you did. You honestly couldn’t remember right now, the only thing running through your mind was Luke.
“Have you seen Luke?” You asked.
The camper shook her head, blonder hair falling in front of her face as she did. “Hey, are you okay-”
You were gone before she could even finish her sentence. You spent hours searching for him, like he was a pair of house keys you’d lost and desperately needed in order to go home.
The moon was high into the sky by the time you stop, your vision blurry with tears and muscles burning. You’d even prayed to your father at some point - which was something you rarely ever did.
You fall to your knees in the grass, hand clutching at the golden bracelet on your wrist. Like had given it to you two nights ago on the beach, embroided in it were the letters “LOML.”
He’dtold you it was because you were the love of his life, but right now in this moment, with your chest puffing and knees weak, you think it may stand for something else.
Because while you may be the love of Luke Castellan’s life, he was the loss of yours.
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rubyreduji · 1 year
fighting for your love — yjh & hjs
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summary: when you couldn’t pick who to date between joshua and jeonghan, you weren’t expecting to result in a fight, literally
tags: smut (minors dni!), romance, boxer!au warnings: explicit unprotected sex, threesomes, floor sex, praise, fingering (f. receiving), oral (m. & f. receiving), spitroasting, throat fucking, dacryphilia, double vaginal penetration, light degradation, choking, squirting, multiple orgasms, creampies, overstimulation wc: 5.5k an: it took me a month to write so i hope you enjoy it, kai if you're reading this i hope you especially like it lol my little local jihan lover
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“This is ridiculous,” you state as you watch the two boys slide their gloves on.
“It’s not ridiculous, it’s necessary,” Jeonghan says as he climbs into the ring.
“If you can’t pick, then we’ll pick for you,” Joshua tells you. “This is how plenty of animals find a mate and what are humans other than another species of animal.”
You let out a frustrated huff.
This isn’t the outcome you were expecting when you couldn’t pick between Joshua or Jeonghan after they both asked you out.  You understand that this is their thing, that they’re boxers, but this is honestly unnecessary. 
You’ve known both boys for a while now and are no stranger to their competitive nature but you didn’t think it would bleed over into their romantic lives as well. You should have known better. Your work for the gym they belong to and even though you’re around their coach and manager more, they’ve both seemed to take an interest in you anyway.
Despite being frequently annoyed by their antics, you actually do like both of them, that’s why you’ve been having a hard time picking between the two of them. Each has their own pros (and their own cons) and you truly don’t know who to pick, so here you are now, about to watch Joshua and Jeonghan box each other to become your boyfriend.
Everything really started a year and a half ago when Jeonghan signed on with Sebong, the gym you work for. You work basically as the assistant of the owner doing all of the work he doesn't want to do. You didn’t know he was joining the gym though, and was surprised to see such a handsome man standing in the lobby of your gym, which is not open to public access.
The first thing he did when he saw you was flirt with you. Soon the gym coach came in and took Jeonghan away, but that has been his lasting first impression ever since. After that, anytime Jeonghan would run into you in the gym, he’d take time out of his training just to flirt with you.
Joshua on the other hand, has been a long time member of the Sebong gym. He’s been around longer than even you have and he’s always been more or less respectful and kind to you, keeping his fair distance. That is, until Jeonghan appeared. The two seemed to be able to turn anything into a competition, and when Joshua realized that Jeonghan had his eyes set on you, he decided to do the same.
At first you thought it was a joke, but then it seemed to progress further and further to the point there was no way the boys were dropping all the money to bring you lunch and flowers whenever they could just for a laugh. So once you started to take them seriously, the competition really picked up. Taking you out on nice (expensive) dates, buying you gifts, showering you in flattery, requesting you route for them in their next match, whatever they could do to get your attention away from the other man and onto them. It was a bit over the top…but you also kind of loved it.
As you slowly got to know each man better, you slowly started to fall for both of them. There’s something so charming about the way you can never expect what Joshua will do next, yet he’ll always be a gentleman about it, and the way Jeonghan can be mischievous but still so caring at the same time. It’s so frustrating having to pick just one.
In terms of boxing, they’re also pretty equally matched. Joshua’s always been one of Sebong’s best boxers and one of the reasons why become so competitive with Jeonghan in the first place was due to the fact Jeonghan was able to sweep in and match his level. 
Sometimes you’ll watch them during practice, going harder than anyone else in the gym, not wanting to quit until the other does. You know Coach loves it though, because they help push each other to be better.
The two are usually the last two out of the gym, forcing you to stay later so you can lock up after they get done. You don’t mind too much, you like watching them practice, and they always offer to help you clean up before leaving. After locking the doors they’ll always walk you to your car like proper gentlemen, and sometimes they’ll even invite you out to eat or something of the likes. You usually say yes.
You think one of your favorite moments with them was when you all went out to a bar together and got drinks and food and spent the whole night out talking. It felt natural, like the competition was set aside and you guys were just enjoying a night together as three friends. 
The only problem is…the more time you spend with them, the harder it is to choose one. You’ve told them such on many occasions but the answer doesn’t seem to satisfy either man. That’s how Mingyu’s (not so) brilliant idea came to fruition.
“You’re both boxers, just fight for her.” It was said as more of a joke, but when you’re dealing with people like Jeonghan and Joshua, nothing is a joke if it can become competition. You were close to strangling Mingyu after he said it, but the other two were already gearing up to start the fight.
Which brings you to where you are now, after hours in the gym, staring at the two black haired men standing in the ring. 
“Nothing will get out of hand, it’s just a friendly fight to determine who is worthy of your love,” Joshua assures you. You huff.
“What if neither of you win?”
Both men turn to you. “What does that mean?”
“It means you two are a little too evenly matched. I’ve seen you spar before and it always ends in a tie.”
“Not this time princess. Those are always practice matches, there’s something valuable on the line now,” Joshua says. 
You know you should be annoyed that they're treating you like some prize to win, but if you’re being completely transparent, you find it a little hot. It’s not your fault that you have two hot boxers wanting to literally fight over you. It doesn’t mean you find them any less ridiculous.
“You can’t stop us Y/N-ah,” Jeonghan tells you. “Unless you pick right now.”
“You know I can’t do that. I-”
“Like both of us,” both men recite back to you in tandem. You roll your eyes.
“It’s not my fault you’re both annoyingly charming.” They send you twin grins at this.
“Just sit back and wait, pretty girl. We’ll have your answer for you soon enough,” Joshua says. “No hard feelings toward the other.” You doubt that last part, but you still just sigh and let them continue. It’s clear you’re not going to be able to stop them.
The two take their stance, shifting their weight from foot to foot, watching the other warily. Their elbows are tucked close to their bodies, their gloves up high to protect their face. Whichever one throws first will set the whole tone of the fight. Joshua makes the first move, but not really. It’s a fake out, but Jeonghan is able to see it coming, and doesn’t fall for it.
Instead he goes in for his own jab, connecting his glove into Joshua’s side. That gets Joshua going and he’s on Jeonghan, rapidly punching at his face. Jeonghan has no other choice than to back up, trying to block the hits. Jeonghan swings at Joshua to try and get him away and the two boys latch onto each other. They hit at each other a bit more before letting go and pulling back.
It doesn’t take long for them to go at it again though. This time it’s Jeonghan getting in his rapid fire hits. Joshua shields the punches away from his head, trying to make a few hits of his own as he does. Then in a miraculous turn around Joshua gets the upper hand, slamming his glove into the side of Jeonghan’s head.
It’s clear the hit resonated in Jeonghan, but he doesn’t let it slow him down. The two skirt around the boxing ring, dodging the other’s attacks while trying to make their own. If you weren’t so familiar with the world of boxing, you’d think they look a little ridiculous. 
You do enjoy the sight a bit though.
Jeonghan’s hair is pulled back and exposes his long, pale neck. You can see a thin layer of sweat start to create a sheen there. His face is hardened and focused as he makes his attacks on Joshua. Speaking of Joshua, he looks just as good himself. His bangs hand in his face slightly, sticking to his forehead with sweat. His usual smiley face is replaced with one of determination and fire in his eyes. Both of their bodies are on display, their well defined muscles and hard abs out in the open for you to gaze at. You enjoy the sight of the way their bodies move; the clear image of their muscles working hard to win the fight. 
You’re not sure how long you get distracted staring at the boys’ bodies but when you finally tune back into the actual fight, both boys are clearly starting to get worn out. Just as you predicted, they’re too evenly matched to knock each other out. They do look incredibly sexy though, worn out and sweaty. You discreetly clench your thighs together, a little too into the sight of the boys going at it for your affections.
You smirk at that though as an idea starts to formulate in your mind. Both boys are in their own corner of the ring, panting, when you approach the side.
“Are you boys done yet?” You drawl and their eyes flit over to you, like they almost forget you’re here, even though you’re the reason they’re even fighting in the first place.
“Not yet baby, still haven’t won yet. But don’t worry, I will soon,” Jeonghan says.
Joshua scoffs. “Yeah right. It’s gonna be me who wins, princess.”
The nicknames go straight to your core, further encouraging your idea. You lean against the ropes of the ring and stare at the two boys intently before speaking. “You know, I’ve always said I can’t pick between you two, but what if I don’t want to pick.”
"Have you two ever considered…you can both have me?"
You watch the way Jeonghan’s throat bobs as he swallows and Joshua’s eyes go wide a bit before a smirk overtakes his face.
“Oh? Is that what you want pretty girl?” He asks, slinking towards where you’re standing, Jeonghan following suit. 
You suddenly feel a bit shy under their looming gaze. “M-maybe.” 
“Maybe?” Jeonghan asks, a playful tone to his words. “That won’t do, baby. You gotta tell us exactly what you want.”
You squirm a bit. “I- I want you guys. Both of you.” 
“Want us to do what?” Joshua asks. You look at both boys who have matching smirks on their faces and you’re starting to realize maybe this isn’t your best idea. When the two men aren’t being competitors, they’re being the evil twins, and you think you may have awoken that side in them. That’s not going to stop you now though.
“Want you to touch me. To fuck me. Please Joshie, Hannie, I need it.”
“Good girl,” Joshua mutters before he’s throwing off his gloves and slipping through the ropes of the ring so he can pull you against his body. His skin is still warm from all of the physical exertion earlier and it feels nice against your own skin. It doesn’t feel nearly as nice as his lips pressing against yours though.
Joshua’s grip is firm, yet gentle at the same time. His kiss is searing against your lips and you let yourself get lost in it. One of his hands cups your neck while the other is snaked around your waist. He holds you in place, not that you’d go anywhere if he did let go. His lips are a mix of sweet from his strawberry flavored chapstick and salty from sweating during the boxing match.
You nearly forget about Jeonghan until you feel him slide up behind you, his own arms snaking around your body, trapping you in between both men. Jeonghan’s mouth attaches to your neck and a shudder runs through your body. The feeling of his teeth grazing your skin makes you gasp into Joshua’s mouth, allowing the younger to slip his tongue in.
Jeonghan’s fingers dig into your hip bones and you can feel his own hips grind up against you, his half hard dick nestled right against your ass. In the front you can feel Joshua’s own cock rub against your thigh. Both feelings combined have your head spinning and your panties dampening. 
Jeonghan’s mouth continues to attack your neck before he’s tugging at your shirt collar, trying to reach as much skin as he can. If this was any other situation you may scold the man for stretching out your shirt, but you can’t be bothered right now, wanting his mouth on you as much as possible.
Your attention is pulled away from Jeonghan’s ministrations at the feeling of Joshua’s hands snaking up your shirt. His fingers brush against your bare skin, before fully cupping your tits. He paws at your boobs over your bra for a second before his fingers dip under your bra as well. They brush across your nipples and you moan around Joshua’s tongue still in your mouth. 
For two men who use their fists for a living, they’re also very skilled with their fingers. Jeonghan’s hands travel down your body before they grasp at your thighs. His cock is still pushing up against your ass as he pulls your body back into him even more. He squeezes at your thighs and when one of his knuckles brush up against your clit through your pants you gasp and whine, grinding down to try and gain the friction again.
“Heh,” you hear in your ear, “so fucking needy. It’s so hot baby.” 
“P-please touch me more,” you beg, pulling your mouth back from Joshua.
“Ah, you want me to touch you more? Where? Here?” His fingers brush against your crotch once more and you jerk.
“Yes! There, please! Please Hannie, I need it. Need you.”
“Of course baby, Hannie is gonna take good care of you.” His fingers plunge into your pants and he slides his fingers over your panties and against your clit. He starts to rub it in slow soft circles, causing your legs to go weak in the men’s arms.
“Princess,” Joshua mumbles into your ear. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. Wanted you. So fucking pretty. I’ve liked you since you started here, you know.”
You whimper at his words. If there’s anything that will set you off, it’s having someone want you as desperately as Jeonghan and Joshua do.
Your panties are already soaked through with your arousal and you’re sure that Jeonghan’s fingers are also drenched. You squirm in the men’s grips, wanting more. Thankfully, they seem to get the hint.
“Fuck,” Joshua finally pulls away from you. “Clothes off. All of them.” Jeonghan also pulls away from you, allowing you to quickly shed all of your layers, leaving you bare to the two men staring at you like you’re their next meal. You kind of are.
Both boys also get rid of the rest of their clothing and your mouth goes dry a bit at the sight of the two naked men in front of you. They’re similar in build with fit bodies and taut muscles. They’re not too similar in their other appendages though.
Though both of their cocks are fully hard, and dripping precum, Joshua’s is fat and heavy and on the tanner sider while Jeonghan’s is long and skinny and a pretty pinkish color. The sight of both of them drives you crazy, though.
You’re still in the middle of assessing their bodies when they descend on you. Their bare skin feels even better against yours now that you’re also naked. You’re already a bit breathless as they sandwich you between them again.
“God, you’re even more gorgeous than I imagined, princess,” Joshua whispers in your ear. “And I’ve been imagining it for a while.”
A shiver runs down your back and you press your body into his even more. Something about his voice, the way he said the words, makes your head dizzy. You’ve never denied that Joshua Hong is one of the prettiest people you’ve ever met, but his voice is also incredibly sexy and deserves to be recognized. Especially when it gets all deep and teasing the way it just did.
“What do you want from us baby?” Jeonghan asks. Oh god his voice as well. The light tone turned sultry. You swear they’re both trying to kill you.
“Anything, everything,” you strangle out. “Please just touch me.”
“I think I can do that,” Joshua says with a smirk and then he’s sinking to his knees so his face is level with your crotch. “So pretty down here too.” He lifts his hand up so he can press two fingers against your clit. He plays with you there for a moment as you slump back against Jeonghan, relying on him to keep you standing.
Jeonghan chuckles at this and he snakes his arms around to your front so he can knead at your breasts. He tugs and flicks at your hardened nipples. Your mind is already reeling, your body buzzing in pleasure. You can barely think as Joshua grabs your leg and lifts it over his shoulder so he can dive straight into your dripping cunt. He licks a long strip against your slit before attaching his lips to your clit, sucking harshly on the bud. You cry out and bury your fingers straight into Joshua’s hair. 
“You sound so pretty for us,” Jeonghan tells you. You turn your head so you can capture his lips with yours and he greedily accepts.
Jeonghan’s kiss is less harsher than Joshua’s, but just as eager. Whereas Joshua tastes like artificial strawberries, Jeonghan tastes sweet like sugary candies and cakes. Your free hand reaches up behind you so you can bury your fingers in Jeonghan’s silky soft hair as well.
You’re not sure which boy to focus on, as Joshua starts to prod at your entrance with his fingertips. He teases you there until he finally inserts a finger, slowly pumping it in and out of you. You wiggle in his grip a bit, wanting even more, but Jeonghan holds you still.
“Patience baby. You’ll get what you need soon enough. Let Joshua enjoy his meal for now.” Jeonghan’s hands still play with your tits as he talks to you. “You can be a good girl for us, can’t you?”
You nod. “Y-yes. Wanna be good for you two.”
Below you, Joshua’s now fed you a second finger. His mouth is still sucking at your clit, not letting up. When you look down at him, his eyes are closed in complete pleasure. His free hand has been squeezing your ass as he goes down on you and you can’t help but think about how pretty he looks like this.
You’re sure his cock is leaking all over the floor and the thought has you groaning. You can feel Jeonghan’s cock nestled in the small of your back and you reach around to grasp him. Jeonghan doesn’t seem to be expecting this and he lets out a hiss before thrusting into your fist.
His cock is slender and fits nicely in your grip. You rub your thumb over his slit, collecting his precum and using it to lubricate the rest of his cock so you can pump him in your fist. Jeonghan’s mouth latches onto your shoulder and you can feel him trembling behind you. Your hand is only half working at him, too distracted by the way you can feel your stomach tightening.
“J-josh!” You cry out before you’re clenching down around his fingers, your legs giving out on you. Your body twitches as you orgasm, your body sinking down to the ground. Joshua grabs you, holding you in his arms, gently rubbing at your skin while you grasp onto him, trying to ground yourself.
Joshua presses soft kisses to the corner of your eyes and your cheeks as you try and catch your breath. “Are you okay pretty girl?”
You nod. “I’m okay, just took me by surprise.”
“Can we keep going?” Joshua asks you softly and it sets off a warm feeling in your stomach. You’re not sure how someone who made you cum a minute ago can be so soft with you now, but you’re not complaining. You just cup his face and kiss him quickly.
“Yeah. Here, I wanna suck you off. Can I?” You look up at him with wide eyes and his face goes pink for a second.
“Y-yeah. Yeah, you can.”
“Ehem,” Jeonghan says, reminding you and Joshua he’s still there.
“Ah, Hannie,” you turn to the older man, “you can uh, you can fuck me. If you want.”
Jeonghan curses softly. “You sure baby?”
You nod. “I’m sure. Josh loosened me all up. I need your cock in me so badly, please. I just came and I’m still so needy.”
Your words cause Jeonghan to groan and he gets down on the floor to meet you and Joshua. He pulls you in for a kiss, his fingers sliding down against your wet folds. You’re still sensitive down there and you mewl a bit.
“Fuck, you’re gonna let me fuck you nice and hard baby?”
“Yes, yes please,” you nod frantically.
“Help Joshua out first baby, then I’ll fuck you.”
You turn to the younger of the two men. Joshua is sitting back, his cock resting against his toned stomach. You position yourself between his legs on your knees in front of him. You lean down and gently take his tip in your mouth, sucking at the head. Joshua gasps slightly, encouraging you to do more.
You pop your mouth off of him and lick and kiss down his length to his balls. They sit heavy and drooping and you lick and kiss at them as well. You can hear the small grunts Joshua is letting out and you move up to kiss at his tip again.
His cock is thick and you’re not completely sure you’ll be able to get it all in your mouth, but you wrap your lips around the head again. You’re going to try your best no matter what. You run your tongue around the rim of his tip before flattening your tongue and trying to push yourself down further.
Your tongue presses against the underside of his cock as you try and get all of him in your throat. Your lips are stretched tight and you can feel the strain in your jaw. You pull your mouth back before plunging it back down, trying to get down further as you bob your head up and down his length. You can hear the lewd noises of your mouth fill the room as they mix with Joshua’s moans.
You’re so focused on pleasuring Joshua you jump when you feel Jeonghan grasps your hips. Your ass is pushed into the air and you can feel him drag his cock over your slit. He teases you with a few more swipes before he unceremoniously shoves his cock into you. His slender width allows him to push into you easily, especially with how wet you are from Joshua eating you out. You moan as Jeonghan bottoms out, the vibrations going straight into Joshua’s cock.
Joshua reaches out and grabs your head, shoving you down further on his cock, his blunt tip ramming into the back of your throat. Behind you Jeonghan does the same, his own tip hitting your cervix, the slam of skin echoing throughout the room. Joshua has a tight grip on your hair and he guides you up and down his cock, practically face fucking you.
You can’t do much but moan and allow both men to fuck into you like you’re nothing but their desperate cock sleeve. You don’t mind it at all though. You actually kind of love them using you like this. It’s dirty, the way they just shove their cocks into you with no care, but it has your pussy drenched, no matter how embarrassing it is.
Your throat is burning from the way Joshua is using your mouth and your fingers dig into his thighs. Tears are welling up in your eyes a bit and you can’t tell if it’s from choking on Joshua’s cock or the pleasure Jeonghan is giving you by continuously drilling into you.
“F-fuck, Y/N,” comes Joshua’s choked out sob before he’s spilling his seed right down your throat. You gag as you try and swallow it all down but some of it still drips out of your mouth. “Shit Y/N. You look so hot like that. Dirty little girl, taking my cum down her throat.” Joshua reaches up and swipes the rest of his cum off your chin.
Your throat burns and your voice is raw when you try to speak. “J-josh.”
“You were so good for me.” Joshua reaches up and cups your breasts in your hands, kneading at you softly. “You feel good princess?”
“H-hannie, feels so good. W-want more though.”
You nod. “Please Shua, fuck me too. Need to be full.”
“Fuck baby,” Jeonghan mutters from behind you. “You want us both in your needy little hole?” He thrusts up into you roughly to help make his point.
“Yes. Need both of you so badly. Please Josh.”
“Shit princess, that’s so slutty, how could I say no,” Joshua smirks at you. “Lean her back Han.”
Jeonghan does as told, leaning back and taking you with him so your cunt is now more exposed to Joshua. Jeonghan’s cock is already buried in you, but due to its slender size it still leaves room for Joshua to slide in. Well slide in isn't exactly the right words. 
You feel Joshua push his tip up against Jeonghan’s cock at the folds of your pussy. He ruts at your entrance for a second before starting to push in. His cock is thick though, and it stretches your pussy wide, your opening burning as it does. If it wasn’t for all of the arousal lubricating Jeonghan’s cock and your cunt, you’re sure Joshua wouldn’t have even been able to get in an inch.
“God you look so pretty like this,” Jeonghan coos. “Our nasty little slut.” 
You choke out a moan at the name and Jeonghan chuckles. In your front, Joshua is still slowly pushing his cock into you bit by bit. After what feels like forever he’s shoved inside of you and you feel like crying from how desperate you are.
“Please move, I need it, please,” you beg, not caring how pathetic you sound.
“What the princess wants is what she gets,” is Joshua’s response before he pulls out only to slam right back into you. You cry out, your fingers finding purchase on Joshua’s shoulders. “God you feel so tight around my cock.” 
Joshua reaches down and grabs your legs, picking you up. Your legs automatically wrap around Joshua’s waist, pulling him closer to you. His cock moves rapidly in you as he matches Jeonghan’s pace. The older of the two’s cock slams deep into you while the younger’s fills you up, satiating your fervent desires.
Your mind is reeling and you can’t focus on anything other than the sheer pleasure coursing through your body. You can feel Jeonghan and Joshua’s mouths and hands all over your body, feeding your hunger for them.
At some poit you realize that your cheeks are wet, tears freely streaming down your face as both men do their best to abuse your cunt.
You let out a strangled gasp when you feel one of Jeonghan’s hands snake around your neck, his other one grasping harshly at your breasts. His fingers close down around your neck, his hot breath brushing your ear. 
“Gonna let me and Josh cum inside you baby? Let us fill up your needy pussy with our seed?”
You whine, high pitched and needy. “Yes. Yes, please. Cum in me, use me however you want.”
“Hear that Shua? Our baby girl wants us to use her like the cumdump she is.” Jeonghan’s fingers are still tight around your neck, making you light headed in the best way possible. 
Instead of responding Joshua just roughly grabs your chin and pulls you into a kiss. His tongue slips into your mouth once more and nearly shoves it down your throat. You can barely breathe with Joshua’s mouth over yours and Jeonghan’s hand on your throat but you don’t care. It makes your head fuzzy and all of your senses go crazy to the point that there’s nothing other than Joshua Hong and Yoon Jeonghan.
A shudder runs through your whole body and without much warning your body is trembling as you hit your orgasm. Your pussy clenches down on Jeonghan and Joshua’s cocks, holding them in a vice grip. They both let out twin groans as your body goes limp in their grip, your mind completely blank.
You’re not sure who cums first, but before you know it they’re both spilling their seed into you, filling you up to the brim. You’re still shaking when they pull out, some of their cum spilling out and dripping down your legs. Slowly Joshua lowers you to the floor.
“You’re so pretty like this, Y/N-ah,” Jeonghan says in a soft voice. “All fucked out like a cock drunk whore.”
Your body is exhausted and you want nothing more than to rest, but then you feel Jeonghan’s fingers trailing against your puffy folds. You mewl out when you feel his fingers insert into you, shoving his and Joshua’s cum back into you.
“Can’t let it go to waste, can we?” He says with a smirk.
Your whole body is overstimulated and just having his fingers in you sends your twitching. Your fingers grasp at air and you whine.
“Shh, be a good girl for us. Can’t you do that pretty girl?” Joshua asks as he runs his hands up and down your warm skin. He stops at your tits, kneading them softly before flicking your sensitive nipples.
“J-josh, H-hannie!” You cry out. Jeonghan’s fingers are now moving rapidly inside of you, your walls fluttering as your body screams at you. 
Your eyes screw shut and your back arches as you reach your release once more. You can feel the liquid spray out of you, drenching your legs and Jeonghan’s hand. It seems to go on forever before your body is falling limp to the ground once more.
“Oh god princess, that was so hot,” Joshua says, a bit breathless. Jeonghan pulls his fingers from you satisfied with his work.
Your body is completely boneless as you lay on the ground, trying to catch your breath. Your eyes are closed and you think you may never get up ever again.
You’re not sure how long you lay there as Joshua and Jeonghan move around, cleaning up the mess you made and rubbing at your sore body. When you finally get some semblance of feeling human again you open your eyes and sit up.
“Hey baby,” Jeonghan says to you in a soft voice. “How are you feeling?”
“Good,” you sigh, “very good.”
“Sorry we kind of went in hard there at the end,” Joshua says. He caresses your face with his hand. 
“I asked for it. I liked it,” you admit. “Thank you, you two.” 
“You’re thanking us?” Joshua laughs a big incredulously. “That was like a dream for me.”
Now with the ability to think again you glance around and realize you’re still on the floor, of the gym, covered in cum and sweat. 
“Ugh, I feel so gross. This is so gross, these floors are filthy,” you groan.
Jeonghan snorts. “Come on, we can go clean up in the locker room.”
“Round two in the showers?” Joshua shoots you and Jeonghan a mischievous look that Jeonghan sends back. You groan again.
“You two may have the stamina, but I certainly do not,” you state, knowing damn well that you’re going to let them fuck you again in the shower.
The boys are quiet for a moment as you three walk to the shower before Joshua finally pipes up. “So does this mean you choose us both?”
“Yeah,” you smile at them, “I choose you both…if you both still want me.”
“Of course! I’m not going to let him stop me from having you,” Jeonghan says.
“Even if you have to share?” You ask.
“Yeah, I’ll just be the better boyfriend,” Jeonghan proclaims proudly.
“Hey! I’m going to be the best boyfriend Y/Nnie can have!” Joshua shoves the other boxer’s shoulder. This sets off an argument between your two new boyfriends and you roll your eyes before turning on the shower.
The least you can say is that your relationship definitely won’t be a boring one.
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five-bi-five-mind · 11 months
Can i request toxic ex!wanda trying to get reader back no matter what it takes after doing her wrong and not knowing her worth? And reader just being extremely mad and done with wanda. I'd love to be manipulated by her 🥰🤝
Me & the Devil
Fandom: Marvel
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Genre: Dark fic (seriously dark!!) + Smut & Angst
Words: 11.5k+
Summary: It took everything ounce of strength you had to leave Wanda behind. When you did you tried your best to rebuild a life for yourself without her. You had a new career in a city far away and you were trying to restart your love life too. Only it was going horribly for you so far. Until Kate Bishop happened. Was she going to be the person to finally get you over Wanda? You thought so, until Wanda showed up at your door. And when she did, nothing prepared you for the measures she took to get you to let your guard down...
Warnings: toxic!Wanda; strap-on use (r receiving); face-fucking/riding (Wanda receiving); unhealthy relationships; oral (Wanda receiving); fingering (r receiving); choking; dub-con; kidnapping; non-con voyeurism kinda; alcohol mention; stalking; top!Wanda; bottom!r; dom/sub dynamics; tiniest bit of mommy kink...
A/N: lol this is the darkest thing I have ever written... you said toxic ex!Wanda and I really gave you toxic. Maybe it's not quite the request you asked for but... oops. But seriously folks take the warnings serious!! And tell me if I need to add more.
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It happens almost every single time. You were starting to think there might be something seriously wrong with you to be ghosted so often. This was a pattern at this point: You’d connect with someone and meet up for a date. The date, in your mind, would go amazingly. Both of you would laugh and chat and they’d usually be the one to say something like “let’s do this again” and you’d happily agree. But then after you both part ways and a few days pass there’s no text, no call, no signs of following up on that hopeful promise to meet again. You’d text them once, maybe twice if you really felt strongly about meeting, but still you’d be met with nothing. You got ghosted. In the past six months, this has happened way more times than you’d like to admit. The first two times, you could convince yourself that they just weren’t that into you. It wasn’t you, it was probably them. But then it kept happening and happening and happening. How long could you say it wasn’t you? What were you doing to repel so many people? 
After the last date you went on and then were subsequently ghosted, you were really considering giving up hope. But then somehow you got convinced to try again. This time it was a little different though. It wasn’t someone you met on a random dating app or a girl who happened to randomly pass her number to you at a coffee shop or a bar. No, this time it was someone you actually kind of already knew. It was someone you worked with, someone you already had a sort of established friendship with. 
Usually, you’d be hesitant to agree to dating someone who had a professional relationship with you. Not to mention, she was kind of above you in the chain of command at your work. But when Kate Bishop waltzed right up to you and asked you out she was so charming and kind. She reassured you she would understand if you said no and that nothing would be weird if it didn’t work out. She smiled at you in the most endearing way and never failed to make you laugh even from your very first day working with her. Why wouldn’t you say yes? Honestly, you were just shocked she saw you as anything more than a work friend. So yeah, you decided to agree to a date. After all, it would be incredibly hard to ghost someone you have to see regularly at work. If things didn’t work out, she promised you’d still be friends and it wouldn’t affect the workplace. And while, yeah, a lot of people probably say that, you really believed that she meant it.
Prepping for the date had you honestly giddy this time. You asked some friends to accompany you to the mall so you could buy a nice outfit. When you asked what the date would be, Kate gave you the name of an entirely too expensive restaurant. She promised it would all be on her dime, no matter how much you protested. Her exact words were that she wanted to “sweep you off your feet” and you couldn’t help the blush that reached your cheeks when she said that. So, if you weren’t paying then the least you could do was invest in something nice to match the place she was taking you to.
Honestly, you were actually really excited about all of this. You had never thought of Kate as more than just a coworker, but you were really ready to see where this night could go. It felt like a turning point for you after all you had been through. Six months of getting ghosted was one thing, but all of that really added salt to the wound that was your horrible breakup that happened prior to all of those failed dates. This would be different though, at least you hoped. While you didn’t get to know all the other people who ghosted you well enough to know their character, you did know Kate. She was almost the exact opposite of your ex. She was kind and patient. She wasn’t so damn serious all the time either. Wanda was… well, you didn’t even know where to start. She was cold, she was controlling, and more than anything she had a darkness in her that put you on edge. She didn’t seem to listen to you and only wanted to pay attention to what you had to say when you said that you were leaving her. It was like all you were was a toy to her and it made you miserable. The fights you two had towards the end still shook you. When you and Wanda got together it all happened so fast. One day she saw you and then suddenly she was everywhere. In a blink you found yourself in a relationship with her and you didn’t even know how it all happened. 
Not that you didn’t want to be with her. You had loved Wanda. You had loved her so profoundly, so deeply, so painfully that it was all you knew when you were with her. But then she grew different. More controlling, less caring. After a while you realized it wasn’t the healthiest situation to be in and you begged her for a change. Maybe you would’ve stayed and even dealt with her temperamental nature if she at least opened up to you, but it just didn’t feel like an equal relationship. She expected too much from you with nothing in return. It didn’t feel like love anymore, it felt like ownership. That change you pleaded for never came, so finally you pried yourself away from her.
The thing is, you knew once you left Wanda, you really had to leave. It wasn’t just that you packed your stuff and found an apartment. It was that you picked up your whole life and moved it to another town across the country. You found yourself an apartment and a job before you even left to make sure you had stability and wouldn’t chicken out. That was ten months ago. It took you four to feel like even trying to get back out there. Even though it went rather horribly up until now, with Kate, you thought maybe you could be ready for something real again. 
Except, when the night you’d found yourself eagerly waiting for came and went with no sign of Kate, all those thoughts of restarting your romantic life plummeted. You had gotten to the restaurant, donning the beautiful dress you had bought for this very night. Bragging wasn’t really your thing, but as you got ready and gave yourself a once over in your apartment, you thought to yourself that you had this in the bag. If she was going to sweep you off your feet with a nice night out, you were gonna make her jaw drop with the way you’d make your entrance. 
Admittedly, you were early to the restaurant than Kate requested you meet her at. She had a reservation for the both of you so when you walked in you immediately asked to be seated. You couldn’t help the way you fiddled with the silverware in front of you as you anxiously waited for her to slide into the chair across from you. Only when the agreed upon time came and went, you felt that pit in your stomach that said your hopes were about to be shattered. At first you told yourself it was Kate, she was often a little bit late to just about anything. But then ten minutes passed and then twenty and suddenly you were feeling embarrassed and sick to your stomach and furious all at the same time. You paid for the glass of wine you had ordered and nervously sipped on before walking out of that gorgeous restaurant that promised a fabulous meal with nothing but an empty stomach. 
You weren’t sure if it was the wine that you had mixed with a lack of food or the fact that your eyes were already tearing up in anger just the tiniest bit when you told the waiter you wouldn’t be eating, but you weren’t pleased. As you stormed your way out of that restaurant and waited for an uber to take you home, you didn’t hesitate to shoot Kate what was probably the tenth text in a row. Each one was a little more angry than the last. Of course, it didn’t start out angry. Your first few were concerned but a little joke-y, but then when it became apparent she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, well, then you didn’t hold back too much. 
What was work going to be like when you finally saw her on Monday? You had this naive little idea in your head that you and Kate would hit it off so well that she’d want to spend the whole weekend with you. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but you really thought you could predict that you and Kate would fall into this crazy, cliche romantic relationship after what was supposed to be a dazzling first date. Honestly, you had kind of expected to not be going home alone, or maybe not going home at all. Kate even joked as much when talking about what to expect for this date. You had rolled your eyes at her bluntness, but if you were being honest with yourself it had given you a little thrill. 
All of that is gone now. The uber picked you up and dropped you off and all the while you somehow managed to keep it together. The tears that threatened to slip through back at the restaurant had been restrained as you sat alone in the back of the car and blankly stared at the thread of messages you had sent to Kate. They all sent, but the last message to be read by her was the one you sent saying you were on your way. Fucking typical, she chickened out at the last second and couldn’t even tell you to turn around.
The more you thought about it as you climbed the stairs of your apartment complex, the angrier you got until you could tell the emotions you were holding back were starting to overflow. Damn, you had been actually excited for this night. Yeah, when you matched with people and agreed to a coffee date with the others you had a little excitement for them too, but not like this. Not like Kate. She felt like this beacon in the darkness that was the last ten months. She felt like she was the one to pick up the pieces from what your last relationship did to you. How could you have been so wrong? 
Now, instead of having a crazy romantic night like you had hoped, you were going to change out of your gorgeous outfit and fall apart alone in your bed in your coziest pair of pajamas. It was a pathetic way to spend the evening, you thought to yourself as you got closer to your unit. How could it possibly get any worse?
“(Y/N),” A familiar voice said from right behind you as you approached your door. You hadn’t realized anyone was even behind you as you made your way to your apartment, so the presence of anyone was going to make you jump out of your skin. But when you heard your name being called your blood ran cold and alarm bells went off. Surely it couldn’t be who you think it is…
You whipped around so fast it made you lose your balance on your heels. A hand shot out quickly though, wrapping slender fingers around your elbow and steadying you. “Hey,” the voice said and you swallowed hard. 
Now that you were face to face, the source of the voice was exactly who you thought it was. Wanda stood there entirely too close to you, with her hand still wrapped around your arm. All you did was gawk at her, in utter disbelief of the turn the night just took. If there was anyone you were expecting to show up, it was certainly not her. You had hoped, as you made your way back home in disappointment, that Kate would be waiting right outside for you. Of course, knowing your luck these past few months, it was the last person you’d ever want to see showing up after such an awful night. 
The circumstances alone made you want to double over in fits of laughter. It was all so just on point with how your life has gone since you left her. Of course Wanda would show up after yet another failed attempt to move on from her. It only feels even more like a cruel joke from the universe that she shows up before you can get home and wipe your face of the frustration tears that you shed as you stomped up the stairs to your apartment. 
It took you a moment to realize that Wanda still had her hand on you and you ripped yourself away from her as if her touch suddenly burned. She didn’t seem phased by your actions, but instead was wearing a surprisingly soft expression. It seemed to add to your embarrassment and frustration. 
There was a moment where you thought maybe you should say something. Right now, the only one to speak was Wanda and all she had to offer after showing up out of nowhere was a measly “hey” so there was a lot that needed to be said right now. For starters, maybe you should ask how the fuck she found you. It wasn’t like when you two broke up you readily gave her your address. In fact, you didn’t tell her much of anything when you left. You knew she had a business trip scheduled for the same time every quarter. So, you took her absence as a means to pack your stuff in a flash and leave. It was that trip that allowed you to prepare, you had given yourself a deadline to find a job and an apartment and leave and that’s exactly what you did. The only thing Wanda knew when she left for that trip was that you were incredibly unhappy with her, to which she just rolled her eyes as she walked out the door. That was the last time you saw her. 
As you settled into your new place the same day Wanda was returning for her trip, you had left her a note and that was it. When that first night alone without Wanda came, you knew she saw the letter. There was one call from her that lit up your phone that night. You ignored it and that was that. She didn’t leave a message and to your surprise, she didn’t try again. 
You thought the book was closed on that relationship after that. Apparently, tonight as she stood right in front of you for the first time in almost a year, you were very wrong about that fact.
“What do you want, Wanda?” You cleared your throat as you spoke. It was rough, you were trying to sound strong and demanding. But after fighting back the urge to sob the whole car ride home, your voice wasn’t coming out the way you wanted. 
“It’s been awhile,” She gave you a small smile, but you didn’t miss the way she absolutely dodged that question.
“Why are you here?” You pressed again. Although, you honestly weren’t sure if you wanted to hear the answer. There were two reasons for that. The first being, you were in a vulnerable state and just wanted to crawl into your bed and lick your wounds. The second being, again, you were in a vulnerable state and if she said the right things she could take advantage of that. She always knew to say the right things. Being near her right now was dangerous. Not only because you were so unprepared to see her again, but because you were feeling so utterly hopeless and your pride was, at this point, completely shattered. 
“I wanted to see you.” Wanda still had that hesitant smile on her face. She looked down at you as if she was actually nervous. Like she was trying to approach you with the utmost caution in fear that you would flee at any second. She wasn’t entirely wrong to think that either, because you were ready to run. Except, she was standing right at your doorstep, so where exactly would you run? You could close the door in her face and lock her out, but you knew Wanda. She was nothing if not persistent. 
There was no response to that statement that would make you feel any stronger or even saner. You wanted to keep your dignity, even if you already looked pretty distraught. So instead you just exhaled, long and slow, before turning to your door.
What was your game plan right now? You couldn’t really tell. It was going to be a horrible decision if you let Wanda take one step inside your apartment, but you had a feeling that was her ultimate goal. Right now, you were running through different things to say. All you could really land on was pleading with her to meet you another day, when you’re less upset and tired. Maybe if you promised her you’d meet with her she would agree. Of course, knowing Wanda, if you said you’d grab coffee and catch up (which is a much friendlier way of putting what would inevitably be a very awkward conversation) she would hold you to that. But anything would be better than letting her slink right on in through your front door.
“Let me help you with that.” Wanda was directly behind you now, her hand reaching out to touch yours. You didn’t realize your hands were shaking so hard until you were trying and failing to get your house key into the lock. The way her hand wrapped around yours as she steadied it and guided the key in, surprisingly helped ground you. It was the familiar touch, even if it was brief and innocent, of her hand on yours that suddenly felt like you were able to catch your breath. 
It was like a shock to your system and now all your nerve endings were finally waking up from a long sleep. It was a weird rush, no matter how brief, to feel with the warmth of her palm pressed to the top of your hand. Accompanied with that was the buzz that you always felt when she was in your personal space as she leaned closer to you from behind. And just like that, once the door was open, her hand slipped from yours and it was all gone.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a minute and took a deep breath. The rush of feelings with just that small of a touch from Wanda was not a good sign for you and definitely not a good sign for your will power either. 
Wanda waited patiently behind you as you began to take the first step into your own apartment. To your surprise, when you turned back around to face her, she hadn’t crossed the threshold. Knowing Wanda, you had expected her to push her way in, to already have one foot in the door as she convinced you to let her stay. But no. Not this time. Instead, Wanda stood there patiently, her eyes boring into yours as she studied your face.
She still had the posture and facial expression of someone who was trying to be incredibly delicate. It was as if she was totally aware that she was walking on eggshells and, for the first time since you’ve known Wanda, she actually cared not to misstep. You were surprised to see her at your doorstep tonight of all nights, but even more so you were in complete disbelief at how patient she was being. If you were to have bet your money on anything, it would have been that the next time you saw Wanda she’d tear you a new one. Maybe she’s changed. Maybe this is why she didn’t contact you after that first night when you left. Was there hope that she could’ve taken a step back and looked at the way she treated you? Why did your brain automatically go to this idea that she actually took the last ten months to work on herself and now she was back to apologize and show you she’d grown? 
Your last thought shot anxiety straight through your veins. That was a slippery slope your thoughts were going down. A slope that might lead into you crashing painfully into the emotionally unavailable wall that was Wanda Maximoff. Except, she was still waiting there, with bright shining eyes that told you she was just relieved to finally see you again. And you, well, you were just standing there in the gorgeous dress you spent way too much money on for a girl you’d known for ten months who didn’t even have the decency to text a rejection to you after promising you the night of your dreams. So why not let the woman who did actually show up and was trying to be kind to you in for the evening? And what’s one more glass of wine? At least this time you’d have company so you wouldn’t just be drowning in your pain and humiliation. 
“Do you…” You paused for a moment watching Wanda’s face for any signs of insincerity or some kind of nefarious plan. She looked back at you with nothing but a soft smile and hope in her eyes. “Do you maybe want to come in for a bit? We can- I dunno… talk?”
“I’d love that.” And just like that you watched as she entered your apartment. When you got this place you had made one promise to yourself and that was to never let Wanda in if she ever found you. You had thought that the minute you’d let her back in she’d consume your life all over again. But here she was, at your doorstep, acting like a completely different person and suddenly that promise to yourself went out the window. You were so taken aback by her patience and gentleness with you in the brief time you’ve been reunited that you didn’t think to ask one important question. How the fuck did she find out you lived here?
“So, she just never showed?!” Wanda leaned back in shock as you nodded vehemently. You two were currently sitting on either side of your couch, with half a bottle of wine already gone through. It had started out as small talk once she entered your apartment. Yes, it was awkward at first, but at least the wine had loosened up some of your nerves. Wanda seemed more relaxed than you had ever seen her. You never thought you’d be describing her this way, but she almost seemed bubbly. It was like a whole new Wanda was sitting right next to you and you were loving everything you were seeing.
The conversation stayed on you the whole time, which also was a bit surprising. Wanda wanted to know how you were doing and even praised you for how independent you had become. It was shocking, but with every proud smile she gave you, you felt your heart swell with pride for yourself as well. 
Somehow, eventually, Wanda asked you why you were so dressed up. That’s when you were surprised by the wave of guilt that hit you in the gut. You shouldn’t feel guilty. It’s been almost a year, so there was nothing to feel remotely bad about. Except, when she asked you that question, you looked down at your lap and fiddled with an invisible string while you mulled over possible ways to respond in a way that made you feel less ashamed.
To your utter surprise, Wanda didn’t even flinch when you decided to tell the truth and confess that you had a date with your coworker who didn’t show. Instead, the part that made her so emotional was the fact that Kate stood you up in the first place, not that you would have a potential new romantic partner that wasn’t Wanda. Where was all the possessiveness she usually showed? You haven’t had the chance to ask Wanda what she had done in these past ten months apart, but you had a feeling you were in for a long, inspiring story about how she’s ready to be a better woman. Even if you didn’t know the full story, you could see in the way she was upset for your pain and only your pain that she had really grown. It was this change that had you so mesmerized by her. It was this display of compassion for your bad night that had you scooting closer to her until your knees were touching. And when Wanda’s hand, after waving in shock as you admitted that you still haven’t gotten a single text from Kate, had innocently landed on your bare knee just below where your dress ended, you didn’t move it. 
“Well, she’s made a huge mistake,” Wanda shook her head. “I mean look at you…” The hand that wasn’t on your knee motioned to your whole body. 
“I know! I paid a lot for this dress, you know.” You giggled, shocked that the sting of tonight’s rejection wasn’t quite as strong as it was a few hours ago. 
“And it was worth every penny.” Wanda’s eyes darkened slightly as they raked up your body. “You look… fucking incredible.” Her voice was slightly lower as she said those last two words and suddenly you felt something shift. It was like something heavy filled the air, an electricity that was almost too much to bear.
Wanda looked back up and locked eyes with you. That gentleness that you had seen all evening was replaced with something else and suddenly you realized you were currently standing on a metaphorical cliff, one more step and you were about to fall right back into Wanda. 
But then she leaned forward and you found yourself leaning too. She was right there next to you, with barely any space separating you two. The smell of her familiar perfume suddenly felt stronger and had your head swimming. The warmth that radiated from her presence was blanketing your entire body, and all you wanted to do was close the gap. Why not jump off that cliff? Obviously, nothing else you’ve been doing has worked so far. This was a sign, the girl you were excited for didn’t even have the respect for you to show up, but who did show up? Wanda. And the whole time she’s been sitting and listening and not pushing anything. She’s changed, that’s what you wanted. You had told her as much when you had all those arguments up until the end. Sometimes it takes a major leap for someone to right their wrongs finally and that seems like what was going on here. That’s what you hoped was happening. So why not indulge? You closed the gap.
The way Wanda let you come to her was surprising. Old Wanda was usually too guarded to let you take the lead, but she was letting you now. Your lips met hers in a hesitant kiss at first, but soon it grew into more. It was familiar and new all at the same time. You surged forward and tangled your hands in her hair and all the while Wanda let you. When you leaned back, pulling her with you, your lips still connected, she happily followed until she was hovering over you. Not once did either of you break the kiss. It was soft, but still had a hint of desperation on your part. Wanda let you take the lead, with your tongue tentatively running against hers when her lips parted for you.
While Wanda’s willingness to let you take the lead shocked you, she still showed that she was enjoying the kiss just as much as you were. When your head met the arm of the couch and Wanda’s body came with you as you leaned back, you felt the way she rolled her body into yours. It was a subtle movement, but you could tell it was her way to get as much contact between the two of you as possible. Meanwhile, the more Wanda pressed her body down against yours, the more your dress rode up. You were so lost in the way Wanda’s lips felt on yours that you jumped when you felt her knee press between your legs. That act felt like someone pouring ice cold water straight on your body.
“Wait!” Your voice was muffled by the way Wanda was still trying to kiss you, but when you pulled back she stopped. Your hands moved down to push at your dress, trying to cover more of you as Wanda shifted her weight so she could still hover over you but get some distance from your face.
For a moment, as you looked up at her, both of you breathing hard from the intensitive of it all, you thought you saw a flash of anger appear in her face. It was brief. A blink and you’ll miss it kind of moment, but you swore you saw it. It was like a crack in the perfect Wanda that sat with you all night. You had stopped the kiss because you thought it was going too far for one night, but when you did you were hesitant if it was the right call. Now, even though admittedly you could be wrong, you were glad you stopped. 
If there was one thing you recognized on Wanda, it was the look she’d get when things didn’t go exactly the way she wanted them to. When you pulled back, it was such a brief moment, but you could’ve sworn you saw that familiar look. But then she was looking back down at you again with that gentleness you had seen all night, except this time things felt different. It was like all the warning bells were going off in your brain now. Something inside your mind told you that you had fallen into a trap and now you were too far into it to get yourself out.
But then another part of your brain wanted so desperately to shake that off. She had been so gentle with you, so kind and caring. It was a whole new side of Wanda and it was one that you had dreamt of for so long, especially in the early months after your break up. It wasn’t even like she was the one who started the kiss. You kissed her. Not only that, but you were the one to pull her on top of you. It wasn’t like it wasn’t enjoyable. It was everything you missed. It was fucking fantastic. Still, something told you to watch your back. 
You were trying so hard to shake that paranoia off. It was probably just a new form of trust issues you’ve developed after being rejected constantly for the last six months. Yeah, that’s what it had to be. Right? 
A moment passed and neither of you had moved after you had tried to push Wanda back. She remained hovering over you and suddenly you felt so small lying there beneath her. Finally, you pressed a hand to her chest, trying to indicate to her to move off you. She didn’t budge.
Instead, she stayed there, staring down at you. The look of anger never came back, but that gentleness wasn’t there either. It was all replaced with an emotion you couldn’t quite place as she cocked her head and flicked her eyes to where your hand pressed against her before looking back at your face. 
It seemed like she was calculating something. Like Wanda was trying her hardest to plan her next move with you and was weighing her options. It was in that very moment that you realized the gentleness, the patience, the lack of anger when you told her you had tried to start dating again, all of that was an act. She really was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and she had you pinned right now. 
A shiver ran down your spine as that realization sunk and it did not go unnoticed by Wanda. It was like a spark that lit a fire in her, when she saw you react like that. You were helpless underneath her and that was all it took for her innocent facade to melt completely away. She leaned back down, attacking your lips with her own in an instant. 
Your hands braced against her chest as she leaned back down, putting more of her weight onto you as she kissed you. Every alarm was going off in your mind as she kissed you with an intensity that had you spinning. Your mind told you to push back, to make her stop, but then it was always this shift in Wanda that got to you. She was kissing you with that same passion that had you weak at the knees. You always hated how possessive she was with you in public, but in private it always had you reacting in a way that you really should’ve felt more shame for. And she was kissing you with that same, desperate, possessive energy you wished you didn’t miss. 
The hands that were bracing Wanda’s chest were now grabbing at the fabric of her shirt as her tongue licked into your mouth. Her knee went right back to where it was, pressing in between your legs. You groaned against her mouth when she pressed it a little harder and you could practically feel how smug she was when she felt your hips roll onto her leg to gain more contact. 
Wanda pulled back on her own this time. You were breathing hard and you could tell your face was flushed from how worked up you were just from a little bit of contact and her kiss. “This is going better than I thought it would,” Wanda let out a low chuckle as she knelt above you. You gave her a skeptical look as you tried to catch your breath. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight, but I guess I didn’t need to try too hard to remind you.”
“Wh- What are you talking about? Remind me?” You stammered, your head swimming.
“That you’re still mine,” she hissed.
Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit you. None of tonight with her had been real. She hadn’t changed, you had just felt sorry for yourself and were vulnerable so you let yourself dream and pretend. Now, you were facing the consequences of your actions. You had fallen back into Wanda and backpedaled on every little bit of healing you had done after leaving her. The worst part was, as she looked down on you with such self-satisfied triumph, you weren’t sure if you could claw your way back out again.
You sat up then, trying to squirm your way out from under Wanda. She didn’t move, but she did let you. When you tried to stand from the couch, it felt like your legs were going to give out from under you. She had you so disoriented from her whole act that you could barely stand on your own two feet. 
“I think…” You kept your eyes glued to the floor as you spoke. “Wanda, I think you should leave.”
“Oh?” Wanda cocked her head to the side as she stood up too. You had taken a few steps away from the couch, but Wanda was quick to rid you both of the distance you had so desperately tried to create. “I don’t think that’s what you really want.”
“Yes, it is.” You weren’t convincing. Anyone would be able to tell you were two seconds away from buckling again and begging for forgiveness. This whole scenario felt disturbingly familiar. 
“I don’t think so,” Wanda taunted. She took another step towards you and you stood there frozen. “I think you’re dying to beg me to stay.” The once exciting charge in the air changed even more until all you felt was the painful buzzing in your ears as your body shook with an excitement you were trying so desperately not to acknowledge. It was impossible to ignore though, especially when Wanda was stepping up into your space again, brushing her whole body against you as she slipped behind you.
“No…” you whimpered your response to Wanda, but even you knew you sounded pathetic.
“Shhh,” Wanda cooed. Her hands moved to brush hair from your neck before you felt the tips of her fingers dance on the exposed skin. You still stood there, locked in place, trying to hold back a shiver as Wanda’s lips pressed to your neck from behind. Your eyes screwed shut when you felt her brush them up to your ear. Her breath against the shell of your ear made you shiver and your hands balled into fists. “Do you really want to be alone tonight?”
She was turning your vulnerability against you. Of course you didn’t want to be alone tonight. But did you really want to spend the night with your apparently still toxic ex-girlfriend? As much as you wanted to say fuck no, you did. God you wanted her. Maybe you had never really even stopped wanting her.
You didn’t have to answer for Wanda to know exactly what you were thinking. She had her hooks into you and you were hers again. Or maybe you were always hers and even when you were free from her you never really were. With how easily you fell back into her after almost a year, you were starting to think you were really overestimating how much progress you made.
Wanda’s lips brushed your ear before you felt her hands on you now. They were making their way up your body, starting at your waist and moving to your chest in a way that almost made you feel manhandled. “You’re going to have to convince me,” Wanda’s voice was sickeningly sweet in comparison to the way she groped and squeezed at your breasts through your dress. 
“Get on your fucking knees,” Wanda growled, the false sweetness leaving her voice and being replaced with a demand that had you jump. To your surprise it was like your body was compelled to do exactly as she said. You dropped to your knees and she stopped in front of you. The grin that spread across her face was menacing enough to make you gulp. She had a glint in her eye that told you any sort of soft, caring charade she had when she appeared at your door was long gone. No, that was all an act to get you to invite her in and invite her in you did. Now you were at her mercy and the thrill of that was clearly getting to the both of you.
As ashamed as you should be to have fallen back into Wanda Maximoff like you said you never would, you couldn’t help but feel anything but nervous anticipation. She licked her lips as she looked down at you. You squirmed under her gaze as you knelt there. Wanda took another step up until she was towering directly above you. Her hand shot out and immediately tangled in your hair, yanking your neck not-so-gently to look directly up at her. She smiled at you, all her teeth showing as she smirked. “Good girl.” She purred. 
Wanda’s hand moved from your hair to stroke down your cheek until she reached your lips. You stared up at her, utterly frozen, as she traced your lips with her fingers before uttering one word. “Open,” she demanded and you did exactly that without hesitation. Two fingers slid into your mouth, the whole time she never broke eye contact. Your body was trembling slightly from where you knelt in front of her and as her fingers pressed down on your tongue you instinctively began to suck. 
A sadistic chuckle left Wanda’s lips as she looked down at you. “Looks like you haven’t forgotten your place.” Her voice was low, threatening almost. Your face flushed, but it was like your brain wasn't in control of your body anymore. Suddenly, you were on some kind of autopilot, fulfilling the role Wanda always wanted you to take. The worst part was, you were okay with it. You didn’t realize you even missed it, but then again you caved so easily to her. Of course you missed it. No, actually you craved it. Your whole being ached for it. 
Wanda’s fingers pushed into your mouth a little deeper and you continued to let her. Not once did you break eye contact, even as Wanda’s twisted smile grew. Finally, after a moment, Wanda pulled her fingers from your mouth, only to grab your chin and keep your head tilted upward in a painful position. “It’s too fucking easy,” Wanda sneered.  She let go of your chin then and you took a moment to look down and give your neck a break. 
You didn’t notice then that Wanda was backing up from you for just a second. When you ran your eyes up Wanda’s legs to meet where her hands were you realized she was tugging at the buckle to her jeans. You watched with wide eyes as she undressed in front of you before stepping right back up to you. All the while, your mind was screaming at you to put a stop to this. All you had to do was kick her out, right? So why did you just stay on your knees and stare? 
“Wanda, maybe we should-” You were cut off by the hand that shot out and tangled in your hair again, giving it a hard tug.
“Shhh, baby,” Wanda cooed. “Let me use your mouth for something else.”
You flushed and those alarm bells in your mind sounded louder, but still you reluctantly nodded. There was something deeper inside you that said you needed this. You needed to please Wanda. It felt so horribly wrong to give into this feeling that you thought you had buried deeper inside yourself. But then Wanda was tugging you closer until suddenly you were between her legs, being practically smothered by her already wet pussy and all of those alarm bells silenced all at once. That feeling you thought you had buried got stronger with the way Wanda was rolling her hips against your face and your hands went out to brace yourself on her thighs. As she began to ride your face the moans she was letting out were just spurring that feeling on until nothing felt wrong anymore and everything about tonight felt just so fucking right. 
You were surrounded by Wanda. Her hands held your head still as she fucked herself on your mouth and all you could do was take in every moment of Wanda as she used you. And it was fucking glorious. You didn’t think you could miss something so much and be totally unaware of it. Or, it wasn’t that you were unaware… It was that you got so good at ignoring it that when you finally acknowledged your need to indulge in your Wanda problem it woke back up with a roar. 
Wanda’s hands were tugging hard at your hair as she kept riding your face. She was moaning your name as she moved and you did your best to encourage more of the sounds she was making above you. Your tongue lapped hungrily at her clit as best as you could with each time she would grind down onto you. You didn’t even care that you were being slightly suffocated by her. Wanda was overloading all your senses right now and all you could do was greedily accept it. It was like a fucked up rush of twisted joy was coursing through your veins as she practically fucked your face. She was using you like an object, no ounce of gentleness left in her as she got herself off, and meanwhile you were just happy to be useful. 
The part of your brain that should feel shame for all of this was finally, utterly switched off as Wanda repeated how good you were being for her and how much she missed your mouth when she came all over your lips. Her hips stopped after a moment and she released your hair. You took in large gulps of air you didn’t realize you needed until you felt the burning in your lungs. Wanda also seemed a little frazzled, like the intensity of her own orgasm had taken even her by surprise. But after a moment of catching her own breath, she slipped back into the collected, controlled Wanda you knew. 
“Get up,” Wanda ordered and you did what she said. Your legs felt a bit weak as you struggled to stand, but Wanda was on you in a second, steadying you by the elbow so that you didn’t topple over on yourself. It was the smallest action that didn’t even really mean kindness, but you were so far gone into Wanda again that even that made your heart swell. 
“Take your clothes off and meet me in your bedroom.” Wanda’s hands were back on you, already tugging at your dress and pulling it off for herself without waiting for you to fulfill her request. You did the rest before looking back up at Wanda. She looked at you with an excitement that had you curious. Seeing the curiosity in your eyes she answered before you could even ask. “I have a surprise for you.”
Your eyes scanned the room you two were in. How did she have a surprise when she came here empty handed? 
Wanda’s grin grew wider until you started to feel the drunkenness that came with being with her start to get replaced with something else. “It’s waiting for you in your bedroom,” She winked.
“Waiting in my…” You were trying to connect some dots. 
“Bedroom,” Wanda finished. “Now, come on.” You felt like your whole body had stalled as you tried to think through things. How was there a surprise there left by Wanda? She hadn’t left your sight since she showed up at your door. 
Wanda tugged on your hand and you realized she was pulling you in the exact direction toward your bedroom. Your apartment had multiple rooms: one your office, one your bathroom, and one your bedroom. So how could she possibly know to go to the right one? Your stomach dropped as she tugged you closer. 
You started to drag your feet and Wanda paused for a second, looking back at you with thinly veiled frustration.
“How do you know where my bedroom is?”
“Lucky guess,” She shrugged and you could hear the irritation in her voice.
“Wanda, what’s waiting for me in there?” Your blood ran cold as you asked that question, realizing you were suddenly terrified of the answer. 
“A surprise.” Wanda’s voice was devoid of excitement as she said it this time. You realized she was getting angry and this was your warning to stop pressing. But there were two things wrong with this moment right now: What was behind your bedroom door and how had Wanda been in there without you noticing?
“Wanda, have you…” You didn’t want to ask it, but you had to. “Have you been here before?”
Wanda snorted at that and gave a hard tug on your hand, pulling you with surprising force right up into her personal space. Her hands then moved to grab hard at your hips so that she could press her own bare body into yours without you being able to escape. “Stop acting stupid,” Wanda leaned forward to whisper into your ear, her voice eerily sweet. “I’ve been here the whole time.”
“W-What?” It felt like the air was knocked out of you. Wanda’s nails dug into your sides as she held you there. 
“Did you think I would just let you leave?” Wanda chuckled. “I’ve been here, waiting the whole time. I know you could feel me… Especially at night.” Wanda’s nails dragged up your bare skin. “When you were alone. I know it was me you were thinking of.”
A flush grew on your cheeks and you wondered, with horror, how much of what Wanda was saying was a guess and how much of it was her watching you when you never even knew. 
“Why now then? Why reveal this to me now?” That’s what was really bothering you. Somehow, the rest of this wasn’t surprising. It was on brand with how she was before you left her. Controlling and secretive. She hadn’t changed a bit. Right now, you were shocked and furious, but still you couldn’t silence the fucked up voice deep inside you that said you wer relieved she was back. Wanda was a piece of you that you desperately wished you didn’t need, but as much as you tried to tell yourself you didn’t belong to her, tonight proved that you might always feel that way. 
“Because,” Wanda seemed to be blatantly annoyed with you now. “That girl was getting too close this time.”
Kate. You had honestly forgotten all about Kate. Letting Wanda touch and use you had wiped any thoughts of any other woman out of your mind. In fact, until this moment,  you forgot that you should feel angry and embarrassed for being rejected and stood up. You had just been so lost in Wanda’s return that everything else melted away. But now… Now you weren’t feeling anger towards Kate. No, with the way Wanda spat out the word “girl” as she spoke, you realized she was probably well aware of who Kate was. You were concerned. 
“What?” You ripped yourself from Wanda’s grasp and took a few steps back. “Wanda, what did you do?”
“Only what I had to.” She followed each of your steps with a long stride of her own. “She wanted what’s not hers. I couldn’t have that, now could I?” The way she was looking at you as she cocked her head to the side sent a chill down your spine. Maybe this wasn’t actually the Wanda you knew. Maybe she had changed. When you were together you had seen a lot of sides of her, but not this one. This one made your palms sweat and your stomach turn. You’d never seen Wanda hurt another person, but just because you didn’t see it didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of it. What did she do to Kate?
“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” Wanda scoffed. “She’s not dead.”
Thank fucking god, you thought. Maybe Wanda was just exaggerating. Hopefully, Kate was just fine. Although, your gut was telling you everything wasn’t quite that simple.
“You’ll see,” Wanda reached out her hand and cupped your chin. Your eyes met hers and you saw the sadistic twinkle in her eye as she grinned down at you. “It’s part of your surprise.” 
You gulped at that, not liking the sound of it one bit. At this point in the night you made a lot of choices with Wanda already that you promised you wouldn’t do and the way she was acting now was making you sick to your stomach. She needed to leave, tonight needed to be over. Tomorrow you’d go to work and hopefully see Kate there in one piece. And if she was then you’d apologize profusely for whatever Wanda did to scare her off from your date. 
“Wanda, you need to leave.” As much as you tried to sound commanding, your voice was weak and shaky. Wanda’s smirk just grew and you realized now she was looking at you like you were her prey and she was about to pounce.
“Now, now,” She tsked as her thumb went up to press against your lips. “It’s really hard to take you seriously when you still have my cum glistening on your lips, pet.” 
You tore your head away from her and wiped at your mouth, as if that would make any difference in erasing what had just transpired between you two. You let her claim you, you let her mark you. You almost let her take you to your bedroom and fuck you senseless until the pain and humiliation of tonight were washed away. Of course, now that humiliation was back tenfold and mixed with it was a gut wrenching fear for Wanda you had never felt before. 
“If I had let that girl show up for your… date,” Wanda practically spit the word out. “Then, you wouldn’t have gotten a taste of mommy’s cum now would you?”
You were speechless. The way she was talking, the way she was acting. Was this how Wanda was all along? It made you scared, so scared that you quaked where you stood. But also… the way she had been handling you all night, claiming you, mixed with the glint in her eyes as she realized she had you right where she wanted you and the demanding tone she was taking… As sickening as it was, it excited you. 
Like a light switch the frustration left Wanda’s face and was again replaced with the excitement she had before. Wanda’s hands were back on you, turning you around and leading you back towards the dreaded surprise that awaited you in your bedroom. Despite what it all meant, you let her guide you without any more protest. “Close your eyes,” Wanda whispered in your ear. “And don’t open them until I tell you to.”
For whatever reason, you did exactly what she said. It was like you were wired to obey her. Like someone else stepped inside your body and now you were doing all the opposite things you should do. Except, you couldn’t blame anyone else but yourself. You knew, this was all you. This was why you ran, because you were Wanda’s little play toy and you wanted to be more than that. At least, you thought you wanted to be more than that. 
The creak of the door swinging open brought you out of your thoughts and you knew your way around your apartment well enough to know Wanda was leading you to your bed. With both her hands on your shoulders, she pushed you down until you were forced to sit on the edge of your bed. Still, you kept your eyes closed. No matter how anxious you were, you were going to be good for her. You needed to be good for her. 
You could hear Wanda take a few steps back from you, but you still had no idea what this surprise was. Something told you, in your gut, that it wasn’t going to be a good one. Yet, still you were so ready to accept whatever Wanda had to give you that, with a wave of shame, you didn’t think you cared whatever it might be. 
“Open them,” Wanda ordered. You opened your eyes slowly, just as you were told. First, you just stared at Wanda. She was beaming as she stood in front of you. Then, you turned your eyes to the side and practically leapt out of your own skin. “Do you like it?”
All you could do was sit and stare. There she was, Kate Bishop, bound and gagged. She was helplessly facing where you sat, restrained on your own office chair. You should’ve felt embarrassed or ashamed that she was seeing you in such a state of undress, but you were still in way too much shock to process much of anything. 
Wanda, in the meantime, was circling the bed. You didn’t really pay much attention to her at this point, still just fixated on the way Kate pulled at her bindings, trying to lean towards you. Kate’s eyes, at first, weren’t even looking at you. They were glaring at Wanda, as if she was trying to break free and protect you. But you knew. You weren’t the one in need of protection. Even in Wanda’s grasp, you knew that in her twisted possessive mind, it wasn’t you she felt threatened by. It was Kate. The woman who, as Wanda saw it, tried to take what was hers. 
You felt a dip in the mattress as Wanda crawled to you from the other side of the bed. Once she reached you, she stopped, kneeling directly behind you. Wanda’s hands came to circle around your waist and you let her. Your mind hadn’t told you to do anything to stop her, to take any kind of action at all. The logical part of your mind told you to untie Kate, but then a larger part of you, the part that told you that you were way too far gone, demanded you don’t displease Wanda anymore. 
Hands moved all over your body, running up and down your sides, groping your breasts, nails leaving marks in their wake. It was causing Kate to practically growl through the cloth muffling her mouth. 
“Oh, look at her,” Wanda pretended to pout as she cupped your chin and turned your head to meet Kate’s desperate eyes. “The poor girl is in love with you. She thought tonight would be the start of some big love story. She was stupid enough to brag about it with anyone who would listen. Too bad she doesn’t know you’re really just a pathetic little thing already ruined by me. Isn’t that right?”
Wanda’s hold on your chin grew tighter and you held back a wince. You knew she was waiting for an answer, but as Kate’s panicked gaze searched your face you felt too ashamed to utter a single word.
“I almost feel bad for her,” Wanda continued when you didn’t speak. “I mean, I can relate. Much like her, I wanted you the moment I saw you too. But she and I have one big difference…” Wanda dropped your chin again and her hands made their way down your body. You let out a gasp when you felt a hand move straight down between your legs and cup your pussy. 
“I already fucking took what I wanted,” Wanda snarled as you felt two fingers enter you. Your hand flew to Wanda’s wrist at the surprise intrusion, but you couldn’t help that your previous gasp had turned into a pathetic moan. “And I’m never letting you have her.” She punctuated each word with a pump of her fingers and you bit down hard on your lip to stop the sounds that were threatening to fall from you. Kate was thrashing in the chair in front of you and your eyes dropped to the floor. Your fingers flexed around Wanda’s wrist, but you still didn’t pull her away. At this point the only thing on your mind was to make her happy, regardless of the horrifying circumstances. Wanda has scared you tonight, she has made you take a giant backstep to which you won’t ever return from and she’s gone to lengths you’d never expect. Except, you were just too far gone now. 
Feeling Wanda inside you again was earth shattering. You’d spent so many nights alone and in those frustrating nights you had told yourself you just wanted somebody, anybody to hold you. That was a fucking lie. You wanted- No, needed Wanda. You were hers and no amount of time or distance changed a damn thing about that. It took one night, less than three hours even for you to fall back into place with her and realize just how deeply you needed to be hers. Wanda’s goal this whole time was to remind you and teach you and Kate a lesson and unfortunately for the both of you, the lesson was learned. You didn’t think you’d ever have the strength, courage, or even sense to leave Wanda ever again after this. 
With Wanda’s fingers pumping inside you and her bare body pressed to your back, your head was swimming. Never mind the poor girl who was forced to watch helplessly. Your eyes squeezed shut at the magnitude of shame you had for enjoying this as much as you were while Kate looked at you with what was possibly the most heartbreaking expression you’d ever seen. 
Before Wanda could make you cum she withdrew her fingers. You couldn’t help the whimper that left your lips at that, but quickly bit your lip again to keep from making too much noise. With the circumstances, it felt wrong to be enjoying all of this as much as you did. but this was Wanda. The one person who knew your body better than anyone else. Even after almost a year apart, she hadn’t forgotten the way you liked it when she curled her fingers inside you or the way you’d get so wet from her treating you in such a rough manner. 
At one point, when you were with her, you wondered what you had become. Never did you think you’d be someone who let another person utterly own your entire being, body and all. When you left you thought you could free yourself of that. But if you learned anything tonight, it was that you still belonged to Wanda. With the measures she had gone to and the way you kept letting her do whatever she wanted to you, that fact was pretty clear. 
You twisted your head around to see what Wanda was doing, only to watch her reach under your own pillow. What she revealed was very familiar to you; a dark red strap on that Wanda used to love to use on you. She kept it. Your eyes widened as you realized she wasn’t going to let you off the hook any time soon tonight. Or Kate for that matter. 
Your head turned back to Kate who had stopped struggling to stare in shock at Wanda too. For a moment you thought to get up and actually help Kate, if only so she didn’t have to watch what was to come next. Only, it seemed like Wanda knew exactly what you were considering, because she was on you before you could move a muscle. 
With a surprised yelp, Wanda had your body turned and your back hitting the bed in mere seconds. She swung her leg over your body at that and you just stared up at her as her predatory smile slowly turned to Kate. “Look at you,” Wanda was directly talking to Kate now. “This is killing you isn’t it?” Wanda’s hands were slipping under your knees now, bending them so that they could hook around your waist. The toy was lined up and your chest was heaving in anticipation. Anxiety was coursing through your veins, but so was this hard to ignore, appalling feeling of anticipation and excitement for what was to come. For what you missed so desperately. 
You held your breath as Wanda entered you with the toy that you never quite got used to back when you two were together. Now, since you were out of practice, the familiar burn of it stretching your pussy out reminded you of the very first time she used it on you. You squeezed your eyes shut again and couldn’t stop the pitiful groan that left your lips. 
Wanda chuckled from above you before she finally bottomed out inside you. “Was this how you planned to fuck her?” Wanda was still talking to Kate as she began to rock her hips. “Or were you going to be gentle? See the thing with her is… She likes to be ruined.” Your fingers tangled in the sheets as you tried your best to get used to how big her cock was inside you. Your desire for Wanda was completely in control at this point, letting Wanda start a steady pace with no intentions of stopping her. The way you could hear Kate struggling made you feel sick, but the way you never wanted Wanda to stop, despite her presence, made that feeling worse. 
Wanda’s pace kept increasing. Her body bent over you until she was pressed against you. The way she pumped into you was making the whole bed rock and the burn of her practically abusing your pussy had finally turned into extreme pleasure in a way that had your body arching into hers. You had totally given into this feeling now, all thoughts of Kate gone and replaced with how much you wanted Wanda to just keep claiming you in the way that she was. 
“Tell me,” Wanda growled into your ear this time as her hips slowed for a moment. “Do you really think she could fuck you like this?” 
“N-no,” you were trying to catch your breath as you spoke. 
Wanda snapped her hips hard and you immediately cried out again. “What was that? I don’t think she heard you.” 
“No!” You cried. “Fuck! No, only you can. Only you. Only-”
“Shhh, that’s my girl.” Wanda’s hand stroked down your cheek as she picked up the pace yet again. Her hand moved down your jaw until it stopped right on your throat. Her fingers wrapped around your neck and she squeezed. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt you, but still enough to make you struggle to take the much needed deep breathes as she fucked you as hard as she did. 
All sounds of Kate’s struggles were lost on your ears. Your body was trembling and you were two seconds from falling apart all over Wanda’s cock. Wanda was loving every second of it. She was moaning in your ear as she kept fucking you harder, just the sight of you turned her on beyond belief. The way her hand flexed and squeezed slightly more on your neck mixed with the way she was pumping herself into you with such a force had strangled moans coming from you with abandon. It took more strong snaps of her hips before you were falling apart on top of her with a miserable cry.
Wanda’s hips slowed when you came down from your orgasm and her hand left your neck. You took loud, gasping breaths for air. Your body was spent and splayed out on the mattress. Wanda was looking down at you with such a satisfied grin on her face and for a moment all you could think of was wanting Wanda to make you cum again. Except then you remembered.
Your head slowly turned to see Kate still there, bound with tears running down her face. What now? That was the only thing running through your mind. 
Wanda’s hand came back to your chin, turning your head so you were facing her again. The shame that was coursing through your veins again felt louder, more painful. Except she was stroking your cheek, looking down at you with more pride in her eyes than you’d ever seen before. 
“Shhh,” she soothed. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything. Then you and I are going to go somewhere far away.”
You couldn’t help the shiver of fear that ran through your body as Wanda kept stroking your cheek in a gentle way that you hadn’t seen since she first arrived. Something told you that you didn’t really have a choice, but to go. 
A thousand scenarios ran through your mind about what Wanda was going to do with Kate. You felt pity for her and embarrassment at what she had witnessed. 
“I’ll go.” You heard yourself before you could even think about what you were saying. “But let Kate go.”
Wanda frowned for a moment, her hand pausing on your cheek. She looked over at Kate and then back down at you, the frown quickly leaving and being replaced with a conniving. “If I promise to let her go, you must promise to never try to leave again.”
You nodded furiously, taking this one chance to get Wanda to do your bidding. Kate would be free, even if it meant that you sealed your fate. Only, little did Wanda know, after tonight you didn’t think you’d ever have the strength to leave her again. She was the one thing you wanted that you wished you didn’t. She was in your veins, she was your entire being. You were hers completely and nothing, no amount of time or space, would ever set you free. 
You surrendered to Wanda the moment you saw her again. Even if you tried to leave once, you knew Wanda was going to spend a lot of time reminding you that you would never be able to leave again. 
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goodgirlofglory · 1 year
Ambrosial / One-shot
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 7,1k
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit content, mutual pining, scent kink, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, barely-there-handjob (like, not really at all), coming on clothes, a little bit of sweat kink? Sort of filth kink (not scat or anything like that but like, Bucky likes it messy), Bucky worshiping reader.
Summary: With his heightened senses, Bucky knows no peace when it comes to his olfactory system. Sweat, rotting food and sewage – the smells of the world surrounds him day in and day out. His only reprieve is the carefully curated space of his private quarters – and you, the sweet, new member of the team. With your unique, mouth-watering scent, it’s all he can do to not lose control around you. What happens when you unexpectedly cross that line between the two of you, and Bucky gets an opportunity to do more than just smell?
Note: My first Bucky fic eyooooo. He's a simp. It's weird, I feel like I'm so stuck in 2016 mcu. All I can picture is newly liberated-from-Hydra Bucky at the compound post civil war. But I reeeally liked this concept, and scent kinks really get me going. Anyone agree?
Your media consumption is your own responsibility, but I advise you not to interact if the contents of the warnings upset you.
Minors not welcome.
My work is not to be distributed outside my blog.
Replies, reblogs, likes and messages are amazing<3
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Coffee, petrol, rusty iron, wet dog, shit, blood and old toothpaste. For as long as Bucky could remember, he could smell really well.
All his senses were heightened. The serum that made him a super soldier saw to that. But of all the senses, smell affected Bucky the most. Whether it made him think of a memory, alerted him to danger, gave him pleasure or was a bother. Most often it was the last one. Garbage, old sweat, farts and rotting food was a constant discomfort to him, assaulting his poor olfactory system wherever he went.
And no one, save for Steve, seemed to get why Bucky preferred to keep his rooms in the compound so clean. He feared Sam would never stop laughing that time he found the scented candle in Bucky's bathroom.
"You're killing me here, Buck! Lavender and rose petals," Sam had choked out between fits of laughter, wiping tears while clapping Bucky's shoulder.
"First of all, don't call me that, and second, fuck off," was all Bucky could say to his own defence. Steve had given him a look of understanding sympathy, while you had only chuckled at Sam's amusement. Bucky let Sam have his laugh and kept the candle.
You were the newest addition to the compound, and though you and Bucky hit it off in a polite and respectful tone, Bucky didn't really know you outside your skills and specialties in the field (which he had mostly learned from reading your file - not actually talking to you). The two of you didn't seem to have much in common besides a shared love for food. Your rooms were just near the kitchen, like Bucky's, so whenever something good was cooking, you both would come sniffing.
So, Bucky didn’t really know much about you, except that you had the sweetest scent he’d ever smelled. Rich, slightly spicy, a mix of dried herbs and honey mixed with warm skin. It made him think of lazy mornings in soft sheets, quiet, content walks in lush forests, and sex. It was so appealing to him, he’d started to guiltily look forward to every time he got to smell it. He couldn’t ever let you know that, though. Couldn’t let you know how deeply he subtly pulled your scent into his nostrils at times, and how much it sizzled within him. How it sometimes made his cock grow half hard and sensitive in his pants. You smelled so good. 
He was horrified by his own reaction, how he couldn’t control it. Bucky could control everything, held himself so tightly leashed he sometimes didn’t remember how it felt to react naturally to something. The semis you gave him were a direct threat to that control. 
Bucky could faintly remember being quite the ladies man back in the day. No more, though. He barely knew how to talk to people these days, let alone women. Let alone gorgeous, cute, good-smelling women like you.
He had most of the scents of the compound down by now. Natasha's caramel lattes in the morning, Steve's burnt toast and black roast. Wanda's paprika dishes and Clint's cheesy pizzas. At noon every day the hallway would smell with the fresh sweat of the joint training sessions. Sam would enjoy popcorn on Thursday’s movie night and a strong, musky cologne on Friday's club nights. There would always be the smell of liquor in the air when Tony was around, and more often than not, the smell of smoke as Steve went to cool off on his bike soon after.
Only Vision had no smell at all except a very faint hue of fresh, clinical rubber. Eerie, Bucky often thought to himself. Sometimes it was the only reminder that Vision wasn't human.
There were rarely any new smells for Bucky to note. Rarely something he didn't know what was, until one particular evening. The compound was quiet. A larger group were off on a mission, and the rest had scattered away, some leaving the grounds for a few days leave. Bucky had left his room to scavenge for snacks when he turned the corner into the kitchen and bumped straight into you. 
“Oh gosh! Hi Barnes! You scared me,” you said with a surprised smile after giving a little yelp, nearly dropping the bag of chips and steaming cup of tea in your hands. 
Bucky felt his body flush, partly embarrassed that he hadn’t sensed your presence before nearly tackling you off your feet, and partly because you were standing very close. Closer than he’d ever been.. Then your scent hit him, and a new wave of warmth spread in his body. It was…heavier than usual. Richer, with an overwhelming tangy note - the warm skin and lazy mornings in soft sheets he’d mentioned earlier - and it coursed through him like a comb through wet hair, leaving him momentarily stunned by sensation. He swallowed the sudden excess of saliva in his mouth and fought to not close his eyes. You were right there, for Christ's sake. 
Don’t be a creep! 
Bucky pointed to the items in your hands and said “snacks”. 
You looked down to where he pointed, momentarily puzzled before smiling and raising your cup in a small toast as you seemingly understood what he meant. 
“Way ahead of ya,” you said, then you sobered and when you met his eyes your cheeks had gained a strange hint of color. “You haven’t been out tonight? I thought I was all alone here,” you said, and Bucky was almost too distracted by your scent to realize you were nervous. 
“Ah, no. Not for me,” he said, and then added “going out on town and stuff,' cause his communication skills were truly atrocious. 
“Oh. Yeah, me neither,” you said, smiling softly at him, looking up through your lashes in a way that had him squirming in his skin. Bucky let his gaze track down to notice for the first time that you were only wearing a huge, oversized t-shirt and fuzzy blue socks. He could see your bare knees. So cute. 
Don’t get hard, don’t get hard, don’t get hard…
And then, as Bucky tried to will his cock not to swell in his sweatpants, he realized what he was smelling. It was arousal - your arousal. Or rather, that which came after your arousal. The smell of you post arousal. Bucky swallowed thickly again. You’d been masturbating. Or maybe you had a visitor. No, those weren’t allowed in the compound. 
You’d been self-pleasuring then, while you thought everyone was away. Which explained the rosy cheeks and nervous tone of voice - and the slip of control that had blood rushing to Bucky’s cock right before you. He resolutely fought the mental images away with a proverbial stick, shook himself quickly from his stupor and stepped past you, running for the fucking hills before you’d notice the tent forming in his pants and be forever creeped out by him. You didn’t deserve that, fucking hell. 
“Well, enjoy the rest of your evening,” he called over his shoulders and didn’t look back as he entered the kitchen. A long moment later you stammered out a “y-you too” before Bucky’s advanced hearing caught your feet slipping on the floor as you made your way back to your rooms. 
Later that night, hot with shame, Bucky laid in his bed, hard and aching as he remembered your smell, the way it had lingered in the hallway, and the way your cheeks looked with that adorable blush. But he didn’t touch himself - refused to be that way, knew he wouldn’t be able to look you in the eyes again if he did. 
That scent haunted him from that day forward. Each time he passed your room he would automatically look for it, each time he passed you he would scrutinize the nuances of your scent, trying to figure out if you’d been aroused recently or not. Not able to help himself, he would try and decipher if you were wet right then and there, if your scent changed during the brief time you were in a room with him. This was usually during mission briefings or the missions themselves, so it wasn’t often he ever caught your scent marinated and warm and potent like he had that day in the hallway. 
But then the day came where Steve, your usual sparring partner, was on a mission, and out of nowhere you asked Bucky if he could step in. 
“It’s just, with the serum and all, you might be the closest to Steve in terms of the level of challenge we’ve been working up to,” you said, looking down, hands behind your back as you stood before Bucky where he sat on the bench, having just finished a bench press set. 
He’d been resolutely not looking at you from the moment you unexpectedly stepped into the gym. Because he was concentrating on his routine, and because he was giving you space to concentrate on yours. But also because it was hard enough to keep his eyes reigned in when you weren’t sweaty and flushed, your compression shirt clinging to your toned torso, your tights hugging your thighs and oh god, plump, rounded ass perfectly. 
Bucky felt at home in the gym. It was a safe space for working out his surplus energy and jittering nerves, and fresh perspiration was a hundred times better than the stank of old socks and musty boxers he got elsewhere. He always felt a bit grimy, a bit uneasy in his own skin, with the way his bulky body and gait moved him through the delicate spaces of the compound. In the gym, he could just be loud and forceful in his grimy skin and everyone else was too. 
But now, with you so polite and sweet and shy before him, Bucky felt at a loss. He couldn’t damn well say no to you when you gave such a good reason for asking him. He didn’t want to be an asshole. You were supposed to be teammates. Colleagues.  
“What she means to say is that no one else is good enough for her,” Scott Lang chimed in from the bench next to Bucky when Bucky remained quiet a second too long. 
A familiar, rosy blush stole across your cheeks as you batted a hand towards Lang. 
“Maybe if you spent half as much time working your biceps as you do your mouth, I would’ve asked you,” you retorted, and Bucky didn’t bother to quell his snort of laughter. It wasn’t often he got to see your sassy side, though Steve had told him about it. 
You looked back and smiled a little at Bucky as Lang exaggerated a shocked gasp and got up from his bench. 
“You know, you shouldn’t be so nice all the time, Y/N. I would like to see you being a little mean,” he said as he grabbed his towel and headed for the gym exit, smiling all the while. 
“Try me, Bug-man.”
“I just might, ordinary human woman,” Scott threw back as he pushed through the doors. 
You looked back as Bucky, who was still recovering slightly from the smile you’d given him. 
“So, what’s it gonna be, Barnes?” you asked hopefully. 
“Yeah, sure,” he heard himself say, and almost immediately his heart kicked into gear. 
This is a stupid idea, he thought to himself as he joined you on the sparring mat. Your scent, alive with your fresh, warm sweat, wafted in a trail directly behind you where Bucky followed, trying not to take too noticeable pulls of air. You stretched for a bit and Bucky did the same so he wouldn’t end up staring. 
“So,” he started as he raised himself from a forward hamstring stretch, “what have you and Steve been working o- oof!”
His words were cut off as you launched yourself on him, landing a kick to his midriff that had the breath momentarily stealing from his lungs. Then his mind slipped into combat mode, and he lunged for you. 
It seemed like hours passed as you sparred. You’d come a long way in your training, and Bucky found himself receiving quick punches and efficient kicks unexpectedly several times. You’d already been sweaty when you started, and it didn’t take long for your mixed perspirations to clog Bucky’s nose, adding a layer of distraction to the mix. 
You wrapped your thighs around his head in a move eerily reminiscent of Natasha, and Bucky nearly blacked out as he came face to face to the source of that intoxicating scent. He might be gross, but he didn’t care. It smelled so fucking good. 
And then, as he grabbed you by the hips and flung you to the mat, catching your head from breaking against the floor and lowering himself to his knees between your legs to dampen the impact, you let out a surprised little squeal that had him flushing for entirely new reasons. 
You stopped short, panting furiously and looking up at Bucky with wide eyes, face red, hair clinging to the sweat on your forehead. You were utterly gorgeous, and Bucky was powerless. He couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. You were a dream like this, alive and blinding, so beautiful and so close. It gave him a sort of reverent pleasure just to be allowed to look at a woman like this. A lucky reward he was completely undeserving of. 
You stayed like that. You on your back, arms limp on the mat over your head, legs loosely draped over Bucky’s thighs as he sat on his knees between them, metal arm bracing on the mat by the side of your head, the other, softer one, cradled between the back of your head and the mat under it. 
And then the unmistakable, elusive scent of lazy mornings in bed, sex and spice hit his nose. Your arousal, mixing with your sweat to a lethal potion. Bucky couldn’t for the life of him stop the instinctual indraw of breath, feeling himself instantly getting a little dizzy of it. The appreciative sigh escaped him a moment later. 
Your mouth parted slightly like you understood what he was doing, your eyes momentarily going wide before your eyelids drooped, pupils expanding. 
Then, in a move Bucky would never anticipate, your head lifted off his hand, and you slotted your mouth to his, warm lips meeting his in a hard kiss. 
Wait, what?
Even as Bucky’s thoughts scrambled to keep up with what you’d done, his body responded in kind, lips returning your kiss after only a beat of stunned shock. 
Muscles rippling with lightning bolt of unleashed need, his body surged forward, pressing your head back into the mat, dragging his flesh hand up to cradle your jaw as he deepened the kiss. 
You’d kissed him. He’d kissed you back. You were kissing. No, making out now, he thought fervently as your mouth opened to not so shyly pry your tongue against his, swiping slick and hot in a way that had his breath catching in his lungs.
Lust rippled through him, making even his bulky frame shudder.
With the cutest, neediest whimper that made Bucky’s blood rush in his ears, you grabbed his wrist with both your hands and brought his hand, the one made of flesh, down to cup you between your legs.
The surprised grunt that escaped him was entirely unplanned, and the one that followed was downright unhinged, escaping his control. Before his mind had completely caught up to what had happened, his hand had started to move back and forth on it’s own, rubbing you over and over, and fuck – you were wet, so wet it had soaked through the fabric of your leggings, making his hand damp.
Bucky’s breath burst out of him, and you suddenly wrenched away from the kiss, your head falling back with a dull thud on the mat. Your hands let go of Bucky’s hand and you covered your face with them.
“Oh God, sorry! I’m sorry, that was so thoughtless of me, what if you don’t want to, and I…and, maybe we should stop, I mean you don’t have to if –“ you rambled, shrill voice muffled by your own hands, and Bucky had to refrain from screaming in protest to this stopping. He brought the hand he’d awkwardly stilled between your legs up and pried one of your hands off your face.
You had the most adorable, crimson flush high on your cheekbones, and your face was all scrunched up from embarrassment. The sight of you being so small and vulnerable beneath him had a surge of protectiveness welling so fast in Bucky’s chest it physically pained him for a moment. He suddenly felt entirely sure he wanted to do, would do, anything to stop you from fretting, from worrying about anything ever again.
You were still mumbling faintly about not wanting him to feel pressured and how inaprorpriate it was of you to come on to him like this. Bucky would have none of that. Emboldened by his newfound emotion and almost panicked by the notion of this ending before he could touch you and kiss you just a little bit more, he lowered his face to capture your lips again, if only to shut you up. You whimpered into his mouth, eagerly reciprocating in contrast to your attempt at rationality. 
Fuck rationality. Bucky was starving, had been starving for months.
When he broke away, he leaned his forehead to yours, trying to catch his breath, to get order to his thoughts, but they were a jumbled mess of possessive, filthy wants that had his self control ripping at the seams. And your scent, God, your fucking scent was tinged with fucking ambrosia, like an aphrodisiac designed specifically to make Bucky’s vision go all loopy and his damn civility to shrivel to dust. 
“I want…I…fuck, you have no idea how much I want,” he blurted inelegantly, and then words escaped him all together, for there were no words to describe the profound ache that settled deep in his loins, the sheer carnal need to feel your skin on his, to touch you, to be the provider of every moan and keen of pleasure he could - to keep you wet and shivering and wordless from pleasure. 
His mind short circuited as he landed on the mental image of hearing you come with his cock deep inside your weeping cunt, and he pounced on you without really meaning to.
His mouth sought out the soft skin of your elegant neck, and he licked it before giving it an open-mouthed kiss, covering it in saliva. He felt your body twitch and writhe as he latched his teeth and tongue onto it, moving messily down to the collar of your compression shirt. He wanted to pry it off you, to tear it to shreds with his teeth, to lather the skin of your breasts with the attention of his tongue and lips, to nip and bite and suck on your nipples till they grew hard and red and puffy for him. But that would have to be later, for he had one goal he was working towards, that spot between your legs where he had already felt how much you already needed him. He would not let you go another minute unsatiated. 
Unceremoniously and frenzied, he kissed over your clothed torso as he crawled down your body. Your hands were in his hair, tugging and gripping as he went, the most decadent, breathy moans spilling from you panting mouth as he (rougher than he intended) manhandled your legs over his shoulders and then your hips off the floor, wrenching your leggings and underwear down so hard your whole body jolted, and fuck, he was telling himself to be more gentle, to not scare you away when you had given him this fucking gift of letting him get this far.
But he needed it; was desperate for it. Desperate to bury his face between your legs, breath in your warm, sweet scent where it was most potent, to taste you and feel your pulsate on his tongue. He needed you to come in his mouth, all over his face, so he would smell you there for days, lingering like the most illicit secret. Fuck, all his blood was rushing south so fast he felt almost faint.
You let him do what he wanted, laid down again naked from the waist down, so small and fragile and beautiful and Bucky wanted to eat you alive.
And then he was on his stomach between your legs, pussy inches away and it was glistening with how wet you were, your patch of dark curls wet too. Your whole body was shivering slightly, and your hands flitted about the mat for something to do, something to hold on to, a nervous gesture, or an excited one. Fucking hell, Bucky hoped you were half as excited for this as he was, and promised he would do anything to have you as addicted to his mouth as he already was to your scent. 
It was baffling how magnanimous the moment was to him, to have the absolute honor of being allowed this close to your sweet pussy, to have you trembling and flushed on your back, allowing him, socially stunted, unelegant and most of the time awkward as hell, between your glorious thighs, allowing him to touch you, to try and bring you the most pleasurable experience you could have. 
It had been a long time since Bucky was a religious man, but -
“Christ,” he muttered as he saw your pussy clenching under his gaze, more of your slick seeping out under his watchful gaze. 
In a moment of unexpected (and impressing) clarity, Bucky looked up to find your gaze on his face. 
“Is this okay? C-can I?” he asked, or rather rasped, for his voice was all husky, more growl than anything else. His cock was so hard in his pants, throbbing, and he had to push his hips down into the mat to alleviate some of the ache as he watched your face avidly, fearing for his life that you would do anything but consent enthusiastically. Suddenly he wasn’t sure how he would survive if you said no and he would have to tear himself away from you. 
To Bucky’s relief, a needy whimper escaped you and you bit your lips nodding before gasping. 
“Yes, please, please Barnes, I -”
Bucky didn’t let you finish your sentence. The minute he heard you say yes and oh lord - plead for him to do it - he surged forward and sucked your pussy into his mouth. He heard the air catch in your throat as he licked his tongue flat against you from weeping hole to your clit, the nub swollen and hard already. He flicked it with the tip of his tongue and your body jolted, a small sound escaping you. 
He did it again, flicking your clit teasingly, the little nub growing harder and bigger under his attention. He was ravenous, wanted to work you until your whole body felt like one big overstimulated nerve, contracting and throbbing with every touch. He wanted you soaked in pleasure, so hazy with it you could do nothing but come back to him for more. 
You let your sounds spill freely as he went, pretty, needy whimpers and unashamed moans.
God, yes, Bucky thought, hoping you always were so reactive, vowing to drag more sweet sounds out of you, his blood sizzling with how downright nourishing they were to him. 
You were writhing so hard on the mat you nearly squirmed away from his mouth, and Bucky hooked his metal arm around your thigh as he draped it over his shoulder, securing you firmly in place as he lavished your whole dripping pussy with his spit, letting it mingle with your own slick and coat his chin and lips in it, probably dripping down onto the mat. Bucky didn’t care, he couldn’t get enough. You tasted even better than you smelled, and his vision went blurry with how ecstatic he felt buried in the hot, soft flesh between your legs. 
He sucked your clit into his mouth, bullying it with his tongue as he peeked up at your sweaty face. He drank in the almost reverent look on it, eyes closed, mouth slightly parted, drool at one corner. 
Your hands still flitted about looking for purchase, for something to grab. He grabbed you gently by the wrist and led your hands to his hair, still working your clit with his tongue in rhythmic swipes, up and down, up and down. You instantly grabbed fistfuls of his dark locks in tight clasps and your eyes, blown and glassy, met his as he lowered his head to lap at your hole again. You whined, lifting your hips slightly to grind against his mouth and Bucky hadn’t thought this could get any better but the feel of you smearing your juices on his face, riding your clit mindlessly on his tongue, using him to chase your own pleasure - Bucky nearly came in his gym shorts and he couldn’t even be bothered by it. 
He fit his hands on your hips, just resting them there as you grinded on him, your brows drawn together in concentration. Bucky groaned into your flesh as more of your sweet slick dripped out of you onto his tongue, and you jolted against him, whimpering so adorably as your hips sped up to frantic bucking. 
Bucky started flicking his tongue to help you out, to drive the movement higher, faster, and you gasped hoarsely. 
“Yes, fuck, just like that, oh my god Bucky!,” you exclaimed, practically screaming into the empty gym. And hearing his name like that, so intimately and fervently, desperately as you praised him. Bucky downright snarled into your pussy, and that seemed to drive you that last bit off the edge. 
You threw your head back on a choked whine, whole body seizing tight, trembling like a leaf in his arms. Bucky kept his flicking licks on your clit, feeling it jump and throb as the waves of your orgasm rode your body. 
He kept licking until your voice returned to you in jolting little squeaks, and tried to keep going even as you pulled his face away from you by the roots of his hair. 
Bucky wanted to protest. Wanted to shake your hands off him and push his face into your cunt again. He wasn’t ready for it to end. He hadn’t gotten nearly enough of your addicting, heavenly taste. He kissed and licked over your thighs, smearing your slick and his spit all over them, nibbling on the soft skin and making you all messy, a preening sort of satisfaction settling warm in his chest at the sight. He wanted to see you come again, hear you come again, feel the way your muscles seized as you reached that pinnacle of pleasure. He wanted to make you come again. So he did just that. 
With renewed, almost feral fervor, Bucky shot to his knees and hunched over your lower body. Easily prying your hands off his head, he pinned them to your sides on the mat as he pushed his tongue against your hole, lapping up the gush your orgasm had created. A rational, though very small voice in the back of his mind told him he probably sounded and acted like an animal, but he didn’t care. He pushed his tongue as far inside you he could and felt your walls throb and clench around the muscle, driving his fervor higher. 
He kept your hands pinned to your sides a while longer, though it didn’t take long for your squeaks of overstimulation to turn back to sweet, needy whimpers of “fuck, yes, more, please, yes, God”.
Bucky wanted to feel more of you from the inside, and when he felt more secure in the fact that you would allow him more time between your legs, he let go of your wrist and brought his flesh hand down to your hole. His fingers trembled slightly as he swiped through your messy folds, coating them thoroughly before resting them just on your opening. 
Your hand returned to his hair, carding through and then tightening. 
“Pleeease,” you whined above him, and Bucky’s breath went short and puffy at how completely and ardently you submitted to him, gave yourself over and begged him. He wanted to hear you beg more, but he was too impatient to get inside you, if only with his fingers. 
His cock jumped at the thought of getting inside you, too, but he ignored it. He wanted you to come, right now. 
He pushed two fingers into you and groaned at the tight, wet heat that enveloped him. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before, and if he used to do this sort of thing back in the day, he couldn’t remember it feeling like this. 
Your back arched off the mat on a garbled gasp. Bucky took the opportunity to wrap his other arm under your back and practically drag you into his lap as he sat back on his haunches, getting his mouth back on your clit. 
He flicked it fast, alternating with messy suckling, and curled his finger inside you to hook against the roof of your stretched cunt. He had no idea where all his moves came from. He hadn’t so much as seen a naked woman since coming to the compound and didn’t remember much other than fragments of his sexual escapades before the war. It must have been muscle memory, some hard attained skills locked deep in his mind. It seemed to be working well with you, and that was all that mattered to Bucky. 
You were keening and whining under him, half in Bucky’s lap with your shoulders still on the mat. Your hands grabbed and scratched on his knees and thighs below you, and Bucky fucking loved it.
He was aware he was acting like a brute. No finesse, no manners, just a primal and instinctual need to get you off, to feel and hear and taste you fall apart from his touch and tongue. And have that heavenly scent of your arousal fresh in his mind for the rest of the day. 
You came again quickly with Bucky’s fingers added to the mix, screaming his name as your legs went rod stiff, body spasming that same, incredible way it had done the first time. Bucky felt high on your juice, licking up the fresh gush with reverent licks.
He had the absurd urge to keep going when he felt your hand tap his thigh twice. Tapping out. 
Bucky looked up your body, or rather down it where your bum was held up by his arm in his lap. You were panting, your eyes half-lidded and shining. You smiled at him, and his heart clenched weirdly in his chest. He was coming back to himself slightly, and suddenly wondered if he should prepare himself for embarrassment and horrified rejection after the unhinged way he’d just acted. But your hands, so gentle and elegant, reached for his face. 
He bent forward to insinuate his jaw into the cradle of them, and slowly lowered your lower body back to the mat as you gently pulled his face to yours, kissing him on the mouth almost chastely after what he’d just done. He could feel himself tremble a little as he hovered over you, kissing you again and then again, deepening the kiss a little to slow swipes of your tongues. He wondered if you could taste yourself on his tongue, if you liked your own taste as much as he did. 
Your head plumped back down on the mat and a trill of laughter flitted effortlessly from your mouth. 
“Oh my fucking God, Barnes,” you said, eyes closed and a broad smile on your face. Bucky could feel himself blushing a little, though he liked it better when you’d called him Bucky. 
Taking a purely selfish chance, Bucky quickly backed down your body to lay on his chest between your legs again, resting his head on one of your spread thighs. Your hand absentmindedly came to lay on his head, stroking his hair lightly. He stared at your pussy, swollen and pink and messy  with the mix of his spit and your slick. He could stare at it for hours. He took another selfish chance and slowly leaned in to swipe his tongue over your slit.
You moaned, though a bit critically. 
“If you don’t let me catch my breath, you’re gonna kill me,” you said, but you were still smiling. 
“I don’t want that,” Bucky admitted honestly, and you laughed again. 
“I’m glad.”
Bucky went back to staring at your messy pussy, taking in that perfect scent that had all his other thoughts muffling to a peaceful hum. He leaned forward, watching you to see if you would stop him, and took another slow, almost soothing swipe over your pussy. You jolted slightly, then hummed contently, eyes closing. He did it again, for he was an animal with no self-control, and this time, your thighs came up to bracket his face, stopping him half-way. 
“Barnes,” you warned, and Bucky had to admit defeat. He crawled back up to hover over your body, hoping you would drag him back in for kisses, or just touches, or just some form of physical contact. His skin was prickling all over from the pleasantness of just feeling warm skin to his. 
Luckily, you did, pulling him back down to kiss him again, and he let his body lower to lay splayed on top of you, making sure not to put too much of his bulk on you, but plastering himself to you all the same. 
You gave a startled little noise and broke from the kiss, looking down with wide eyes. 
Oh shit, Bucky was still sporting a raging hard-on, which he had unceremoniously pushed into your stomach as he laid down on top of you. About to jump away, Bucky again readied himself to reign himself back in when your hand snaked down, grabbing him over his gym shorts, keeping him put exactly where he was. 
Your hand around him, even with the fabric between, drew a raspy gasp from him. 
“Can I”? You asked, looking up at him through your lashes. 
Bucky swallowed thickly, looking down at your dainty hand barely reaching around the bulge in his gym shorts, and his cock gave a noticeable jerk as his mind flooded with images of all the things he wanted you to do to his cock. He could feel his balls tingling, drawing up, his sack tightening in warning. He was already on the edge. 
“I won’t last long,” he admitted, barely daring to meet your gaze again. 
You smiled, biting your lip slightly. 
“That doesn’t matter, as long as you want to,” you said. Bringing your other hand to draw his face down, he shivered as your hot breath tickled his ear. He was so overworked on sensation, he was surprised his arms hadn’t given out yet for how weak and sensitive he felt all over. 
“I want to make you feel good,” you whispered huskily in his ear, and Bucky bit his lip to try and stifle the embarrassing sound crawling its way up his throat at those words. He wasn’t successful, and he sounded almost like a wounded puppy before giving up and pressing his flushed face into the crook of your neck, nodding rapidly. He hadn’t even given a thought to you reciprocating anything. He’d been more than happy to just use the memory of this as masturbation fodder for a long, long time to come. 
“Yeah?” you asked in a honey sweet voice, God, you were just so fucking sweet, and Bucky melted against you. “Roll over on your back,” you told him, and like a tamed beast eager to please, Bucky immediately obeyed, rolling off you to lay on his back on the mat. You followed, moving swiftly to get on your hands and knees between his spread legs, one hand moving teasingly up his thigh to wrap around his bulge again. 
Not able to help himself, Bucky rose to a sitting position to claim your mouth as you held him by the cock. He wanted you closer, everywhere. You kissed him while lazily touching him over the fabric of his shorts, sliding the tip of your finger up his length to the tip and Bucky jolted, grunting uncontrollably into your mouth. His breathing was picking up, his nerve endings spiking and sizzling. 
While thrusting your tongue into his mouth, Bucky’s hands cradling your face like the most precious jewel, you reached inside his shorts and took his cock out, wrapping your hand around it and letting it just sit, rock hard and leaking generously, between you. 
You broke the kiss, gave Bucky the most devilish smirk he’d ever seen, and licked your lips before lowering yourself to take him into your mouth. The anticipation burned like a lightning bolt straight down his body to his cock. 
Bucky exploded before you even got your lips to his tip. Cum spurted out of him, spraying his t-shirt, some going as high as his chin, and some getting on your shocked face. Bucky groaned as the orgasm wrecked through him, riding through him in wave after wave, the most intense one he could ever remember having - and you hadn’t so much as jerked him without his clothes on. 
Mortified and still trembling slightly with aftershocks, Bucky gathered the courage to look at you, and found you staring at his cum-covered chest. Your hand was still wrapped around his twitching cock, your knuckles shining with his spunk, and despite how Bucky had no clue where to go from here, the sight had hot satisfaction spreading in his chest. It was like he was marking you with his cum the way you had marked him with your slick (though that had mostly been Bucky marking himself by literally rubbing his face in it). 
He watched with rapid attention as you brought your wet hand up to your face and licked a stripe of cum off your knuckle, sucking your own thumb into your mouth. You met his gaze, and Bucky swore under his breath as his dick throbbed with renewed interest at the sight. 
Your mouth ticked up at the corner before you leaned in and kissed Bucky softly on the mouth. He shivered with excitement as you pried his lips open with yours to swipe his own taste into his mouth. Fuck, he’d never done that before. It was filthy and possessive and dominating and Bucky had never thought he’d be so fucking turned on by it. 
You broke the kiss with a content hum that had Bucky’s blood rushing in his ears. 
“That was really fucking hot,” you murmured, going back in for another kiss. Bucky felt his nervousness dissipating, replaced by a sort of ecstatic elation. A laugh bubbled up and out of him, and he kissed you back. Pulling you closer with his hands on your face, neither of you cared about the mess on his shirt as you laid down on top of him, kissing again and again, slowly, exploringly. 
There was a calm inside Bucky, a sort of sated comfort he could scarcely remember feeling, and he knew it was all because of you, the sweet, wonderful woman in his arms. He could lay like this forever, simply kissing you, holding you close, smelling your scent and feeling your warmth against him, your grounding weight on his chest. His cock had other thoughts though, already starting to fill, lodged between the two of you. 
You raised your head and cocked a brow down at Bucky, and he could do nothing more than shrug and blush. And then, as he started thinking about dragging you up to sit on his face, a booming voice came from the door to the gym. 
“Please, for the love of all things good and holy, vacate the gym room now! You’re keeping it hostage at this point!,” Sam shouted, and Bucky glanced over your shoulder to see him standing outside, facing the other way as he held the door open to shout through. 
Oh. Right, you were still in the very public gym of the compound. 
You squealed as you scrambled off Bucky to retrieve the leggings and underwear he’d ripped off you and thrown to the side. Bucky got on his feet and in between you and the view of the door, trying to shield you from view while you frantically redressed - he could at least try to be a gentleman after having devoured you like a hungry animal and then cum all over himself and you. 
You turned to face him once you were fully dressed, and your eyes bulged as you glanced down. With frantic, fumbling hands, you reached forward and tucked his cock, hard and proud and still jutting out over his shorts, back inside. Bucky grunted at the touch, seeing the lovely crimson blush on your face, stretching to the tips of your ears and down your neck. He grunted again, appreciatively, when he noticed the splotches of his cum still drying on your chin and cheek from when he’d busted in your face. 
Bringing his thumb up, he gently wiped his mess off your skin, wiping his hand on the back of his shorts. 
“Sorry about Sam and…” Bucky trailed, gesturing awkwardly to the mat and around the room. His communication skills hadn’t improved by the earth-shattering orgasm, then…
“It’s fine. It was I who jumped your bones, after all,” you said sheepishly, but you were smiling. God, so sweet. 
Bucky was about to lean in to kiss you once again when Sam’s voice cut in. 
“Don’t you dare start up again, I don’t have all day! And bring that mat with you. Matter of fact, burn it!” he shouted. 
Giggling like teenagers, you scrambled to get your belongings and exit the room. Bucky gave Sam an apologetic look as he passed him, and though Sam was clearly pissed off, Bucky saw the way his mouth was ticking up at the edges, approval shining in his eyes. 
You grabbed Bucky’s hand once you’d left the gym, and Bucky happily let himself be dragged along down the hall. He was already working on his plan to lure you into his room, and subsequently rub your scent on everything he owned. For though the intensity of smells were mostly a nuisance for Bucky, having a strong sense of smell wasn’t so bad when it came to you.
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k-slla · 12 days
Fate, Or Something Like It | part 2 (SMUT)
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A/N: So here it is! And it...is porn. Basically.🫣
This is a part 2 to a request I got sent and picks up right where we left off so If you haven't read part 1 yet, you can do it here :) (But you don't have to ofc:))
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Supe!Reader
Warnings: 18+ONLY-MDNI, OOC Ben, Dom!Ben, language, dirty talking, unprotected PinV (you know better than them, don't you?), oral (m and f receiving), slight dacryphilia, orgasm denial, degrading, praise kink, rough sex, choking, fingering, breeding kink, begging, overstimulation, hair pulling, fluff and angst(don't ask how these got lost in here😅) - I hope I didn't miss any.
Word count: ~9,2k │My Masterlist
A/N2: Just want to say that, as I understand, it is widely said that Ben actually didn't fight in WWll, but I sent him there for sure, just for this fic (even if it's just mentioned, I thought I'd clarify that :)
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You blinked at him like a deer in headlights when you saw Ben's eyes immediately fixing on the toy in your hands, and he raised his brows. “That's what you're using?” Low chuckle left his lips. “Honestly. I'm offended. You have a perfect cock on demand on the other side of your door, and that's what you choose?”
Ben walked towards your bed and just stood there, looking down on you, a smirk on his lips. “Tell me, Y/N, would that really get you off? Would that really give you what you need?” He asked, words slowly rolling off his lips and then nodded towards the pink vibrator in your hands. You looked down at it, and decided to give in to his little power play he kept going on. You knew you wanted it, why torture yourself more?
You swallowed hard, before looking up at him from under your lashes. “No, Ben, it wouldn't.”
The bed creaked slightly under his weight as he kneeled down on it and pulled you onto your knees to face him. The intensity of his gaze made you lightheaded.
“What would make you come then?” He teasingly brushed his thumb over your trembling lips.
“I- y-y..” You tried. You tried to get some words out, but you were not making sense even to yourself. What is wrong with me?
Ben roughly grabbed your jaw, the suddenness of his move made you whimper loudly and you felt the arousal pool between your legs. He lowered himself close to your face, lips almost touching yours. “I already know the answer. Do you know the answer?”
You gulped, berating yourself in your head. Get a fucking grip, Y/N. You wanted this.
Taking a deep breath in, you tried to steady your voice before answering him. “You.” You swallowed again. “You would, Ben.”
His kiss was electrifying to the rest of your body. Goosebumps rose on your skin and it felt like your first time all over; your heart thumped loud and head started to spin almost immediately. Ben's lips were soft, but the force they latched onto yours was knee-weakening. And it ended too soon. You hungrily chased after his lips when he pulled away.
“Aren't you a needy one?” He laughed when he pulled you up with him from the bed. He took his time to admire you standing in front of him, only in your tank top, that left a little to nothing to imagination with the way it showcased your nipples through the thin fabric.
Ben lightly ran his hand over your bare thighs, moving slowly upward, making you shiver under his touch. He locked it in your loose bun, tugging your hair slightly. With the other hand he grabbed yours and placed it directly over his tented sweatpants.
“Feel this? This is because of you.” You started to rub him over the pants, enticing a low hum out of him. You looked down at his cock still covered by those stupid sweatpants and let out a shuddering breath in anticipation.
“You want this, don't you? Want me to fuck your little cunt instead of that toy?” His voice was low and breathy, but his fist tugged harder on your hair. You nodded eagerly.
“I knew it. You were just too cowardly to ask for it, right?”
“Please. Yes, Ben.”
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He picked you up and walked back into the living room, kissed you harshly once more, ending it this time with a sharp bite on your lower lip.
“Can't even tell you how many times, even just today I imagined those beautiful lips around my cock.” You grabbed onto his hair and pulled him back into the kiss. He wasn't quite fond of the way you tried to take control and shoved his fingers between your legs, starting to rub your clit mercilessly. Unable to speak, you grasped onto his shirt and let your head fall down to his chest. You could feel yourself closing in already to climax, a sweet sensation building inside you. “What did you try to do, sweetheart? Huh?” With his free hand he harshly grabbed your chin to look up. “You tried to take control?” Ben smiled down at you arrogantly. “This will teach you.” He suddenly pulled away his hand from between your legs, making you cry out from the loss of your long-awaited release.
“You want to go back to your toy there?” He murmured into your ear and turned you around in his arms to face your room, fingers digging deep into your hips.
“No.” You managed to whisper.
He pulled you backwards back into him, and you could feel his rock solid cock pressing into your lower back. “Will you then take what I'll give you?” He asked slowly.
You didn't see his face, but you heard from his voice he was grinning next to your ear. “Will I hear you complaining?”
“No, Ben.”
He turned you back around to face him and smiled sweetly this time. But that smile made you afraid of what was coming. “On your knees then.”
You kept eye contact as you sank down to your knees in front of him. “Open up. Good girl.” He praised you as you opened your mouth, waiting for his next move. He slowly slid his thumb in and as you promised not to complain, you hid your disappointment of that not being his cock, and closed your lips around him, starting to suck on it. Swirling your tongue around him, you tried to keep your best behavior, hoping he'd keep his games slow with you, because you had no idea for how long you would be able to take his teasing.
Ben knew exactly how he was torturing you. He knew how each of his words and little moves made you flood for him. But that didn't make him move any faster. He pulled his thumb from your lips and cupped your cheek. “You are such a pretty sight, just waiting to be fucked. I bet you'll take my cock as well, won't you?” You nodded desperately. His praises had you shaking in front of him already.
You kneeled on the floor, waiting for him to continue, but Ben decided to take his time, enjoying the view of you. It had been a while since he was with someone as young as you. He had a preference for older women, for a reason. He had told you before that it was ‘experience’, but in reality there were no permanent consequences with them. Seeing you down in front of him though, definitely made Ben want to shoot his swimmers up in you, giving you no choice but to carry his babies. He knew that deep inside you'd want that. It was written all over your face.
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Unhurriedly he removed his shirt and threw it to the couch behind him.
“Arms up.” You raised your hands and he pulled off the remaining piece of clothing you had left, leaving you there bare, shivering and dripping in between your legs.
“Ben, please.” You begged quietly for him to hurry up.
“ ‘Ben please’ what?” He repeated your plea. He finally took off his pants and was standing before in all his glory. It was hard for you to pull your attention away enough to answer him.
“Please hurry, I need it..” you whined, but Ben took a step back and tsked in disapproval, shutting you up immediately. He slowly began stroking his dick while towering above you, loving the hungry look on your face.
“That to me sounds like a complaint. Do you even want to cum today?” He looked at you expectantly. “Go on. Answer me.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Will you take what I'll give you?” He repeated himself again from before.
You nodded, almost desperate now. “Yes.”
Ben stepped towards you, strictly staring you down. “Will you keep complaining?”
You turned your eyes down under his heated gaze. “No.”
“Don't turn away now, Y/N. Look at me.” You turned to look up at him again through your lashes, staring right into his lust blown green, with a hint of smile on your face. “You'll take what I'll give you and I don't want to hear another word. Understand?” He looked questioningly at you and you nodded agreeingly.
You were aching for him all over your body. You wanted to tell him to hurry up, but this time knew better to hold your tongue.
“Open up.” He said softer this time and you perked up excitedly. “Oh, you are eager to get it, aren't you? To suck my cock, huh?” He brushed his thumb teasingly over the tip, pulling a needy whimper out of you at the sight.
But you said nothing this time, and obediently opened your mouth wide, pushing your tongue out waiting. Ben finally closed the distance between you and slowly guided himself into your mouth. “Ahh, fuck.. I've been waiting for this.” He muttered under his breath before letting out a long exhale. His cock rested on your tongue for a while, wide and heavy before he started to thrust. For a minute he kept his moves slow and eased, deceiving you with his intentions and clouding your mind with anticipation. You should've known better than that he would take it slow.
As soon as you relaxed before him, he started to quickly pick up the pace, making you brace yourself on his hips. Ben held tightly onto your hair to hold you in place for his steadily growing speed, while you tried to keep breathing through your nose. Tears started stinging in your eyes with each time his cock kept hitting the deepest spot in your throat roughly, but nevertheless you kept moaning under him.
"Oh, you like that?" Ben's grip tightened in your hair as you looked up and only managed to just nod in agreement. You hollowed out your cheeks for him, moaning in front of him and Ben didn't show a single sign of stopping fucking your throat ruthlessly. And you didn't want him to.
You must've looked like a mess already with spit and tears running down your cheeks, but you couldn't care less. And by the sounds leaving Ben's lips you knew that he enjoyed the look on your face, too. Maybe a little too much even.
Only obscene moans and grunts from both of you filled the apartment as he continued his attack on your mouth for what seemed forever, without slowing down.
Almost choking on your own spit, you had to finally tap out. After a few last deeper thrusts, Ben pulled out, string of saliva dripping from the tip of his cock. You gasped and coughed loudly and sat back on your heels, smiling up at Ben as he stroked your tear-stained cheeks. “You took it real’ well, doll.” He muttered his praises as he gently helped you to stand up.
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Ben pulled you again into a kiss while his hands roamed over your ass, squeezing hard. Carefully to not make you trip he started to move towards the kitchen.
You closed your eyes and a picture of him standing in front of you in his robe just a few days ago came up in your mind when his sloppy kisses moved down to your neck. Only now you had him for yourself completely. “Oh, Ben...” You sighed when his beard tickled your skin sweetly, and you turned your head to give him more access while your fingers wrapped around his dick at the same time. Ben groaned deeply against your skin and nibbled it lightly when you squeezed him. “Oh, darling, you just go after what you want, huh?” With one hand massaging his cock rather gently, you pulled his face back and moaned into the kiss while his tongue explored every corner of your mouth. “Mhmm...”
“I certainly respect that.” He pulled away from you, grinning and lifted you up on top of the kitchen island. The marbled table top was cold under you, contrasting your already sweaty skin when you laid down on it, breathing hard.
“Spread.” He said simply as he pushed your legs open and stood in front you so you’d stay that way. On display and all for him. You whined loudly when you felt cool air hit your core, making you quiver in front him.
“That is one gorgeous pussy..” He said admiringly, running his palms down your thighs, squeezing them. “Had to fucking control myself on Saturday, when I caught you staring not to take you right then and there.” He grinned seeing you squirm in front of him.
Ben's fingers slid through your slick pussy lips easily, making you cry out loud when he suddenly pushed two into you. “I bet Butcher and that other fuckface wouldn't have minded the show though..” He continued quietly, almost as if he spoke only to himself, but his hand picked up the speed. "You have no idea how many times I've nutted in these past three days, thinking of fucking your tight cunt. What a fuckin' dream you are.."
You shut your eyes tight and bit your lower lip hard when his thumb started to rub circles on your bud. Hearing him talk to you this way made you clenched around his fingers. You knew already you'd let him have his way with you as he pleases. Muffled moans from you turned slowly into cries as a slight tremble from the pleasure started to overtake your body.
“Please…Ben. Harder.” Your hips jerked up when his fingers curled up into your velvety walls. “Ahhh…Ben, I- I'm close! Please!” Your begs for him to bring you to climax were silenced by his lips.
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You were completely intoxicated. Not just by that almost a whole bottle of whiskey you drank, but by him.
By his kisses and how his hot breath lingered on your skin when he pulled away.
By the way his strong body kept your legs from closing.
By his fingers slinking in and out of you rapidly, but yet so smoothly.
You were completely intoxicated by the green of his eyes that had you under his spell, and unable to look away from him.
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Your mind was overtaken by him and the pleasure that was lifting you higher and higher, making you beg for him to make you cum. Every cell of your body needed it. Needed to have him in every way possible.
“Don't you dare to, Y/N. Don't you dare to cum yet.” He said sternly, but kept his hand moving, till you were almost crying beneath him.
“Please, Ben... fuck!” You held onto his shoulders, eyes fixated on each other. “Aahh…please, please, I-fuck!”
You were a mere second away from falling into the bliss, and he pulled his hand away.
“I told you no.” Ben stood up, flashing a bright smile, when he saw you desperately looking for his hand to pull him back. He had too much fun playing with you.
“God, you're an asshole! Fuck you!” You spat fiercely at him and leaned onto your elbows, breathing hard, looking at him licking his fingers clean from your juices. That was a sight that made your pussy clench again around nothing.
“I know I am. You will cum, Y/N. I can promise you that.” He approached you again, running his hands up your legs gently. “But tonight you will only cum on my cock, over and over, until I'm done with you, got it?”
He laughed as you suddenly flinched and moaned when he brushed his thumb over your swollen bud. “You didn't answer me, Y/N.”
“Yes! Until you're done with me! But, Ben, just fuck me please..” you begged him breathlessly.
“Yeah, you want it?” He asked softly as he brushed away some stray hair stuck to your forehead. There was not much left from the bun you made earlier in the evening. You were just a desperate mess under him.
He squeezed closer between your legs, sliding his cock through your folds, making you shiver when he moved it over your clit and rested it onto your lower stomach. “I told you’d beg for my cock, didn't I?” he purred quietly into your ear.
It was clear to you that he was deliberately driving you mad. Seeing him so close yet so far from where you needed him the most, drove you insane, and robbed you from any coherent thought that your brain tried to conjure.
“Want to know what I'm going to do to you tonight?” He asked you, and ran his hands over your breasts, squeezing them almost painfully, and moving his right hand up, closing it around your neck.
“Yes.” You answered hoarsely, feeling the sweetest burn in your throat as all the air got forced out of you.
He lowered himself close to your face, lips almost brushing yours. “I'm going to fuck you until you scream my name.” He tightened his grip around your neck.
“I'm going to fuck you until all the neighbors hear what a slut you actually are.” His left hand moved back to your breasts, pinching your nipples painfully, making you squeal from the sharp pain. “Because that's what you are, aren't you? A little slut, waiting to be fucked good.”
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Tears were stinging your eyes and you nodded at his every word, but you didn't tell him to stop and you didn't turn your eyes from his ekanite green ones. You loved this.
“Do you know what happens to little sassy whores like you?” He loosened his grip again and waited for you to answer, but you only managed to shake your head. “With words.” He ordered and slapped your tit.
You yelped from the pain and a tear broke loose. “N-n-no.. I don't know.” He smiled seeing you in pain, almost crying and completely needy for him.
“Their cunts get fucked rough, filled till they're dripping. Used only as what they're good for- breeding.” Spitting out the last word, he finally gave you what you were waiting for and bottomed inside you with one quick move.
You cried out, feeling him stretch you like no one else before and instinctively you dug your nails into his skin. He stayed sheathed in you, letting you get a little used to his size.
“I don't think I can ever go back to fucking those old broads after you. Fuck, you're tight..“ He groaned loudly as he started to move with long, slow thrusts at first. “I‘m gonna fill that pussy good…That's what you want, don't you? For me to put some babies into you, huh?” Ben held onto your shoulder to keep you in place as he quickly started to slid in and out of you rapidly. The mixed feeling between pain and pleasure had you dazed.
“Fuck. Yes, please...” you panted out breathlessly, silent screams swallowing your voice as you reached almost to your peak again. You knew it would come fast, twice already had you been so close to it.
“Yes, what? Tell me, Y/N. What does the little slut want?” He definitely wasn't going easy on you tonight, but you weren't going to tap out now. You closed your eyes and took whatever he gave you.
Through all these sensations of him stretching, filling and pounding into you like you were nothing but a toy to him made you unable to think straight.
“I-fuck..give..I'll...take your…god…babies..” breathlessly you gave your best shot to answer him, but couldn't force out a single complete sentence.
Ben definitely enjoyed seeing you completely mindless and begging for him. He loved how you squeezed him just right, your pussy clenching around him, almost making it more difficult for him to keep moving. He's certainly going to love the feeling of you milking him dry.
“I’d have a chance to fuckin’ raise them right, so they wouldn't turn out like that sniveling cape-wearing pussy. You'd be a good Mommy to my kids, wouldn't you?”
“Yes, please...I'm-I..” you whispered and looked at Ben again. “So close..” Each of his thrust felt like he hit even deeper than before and made your eyes roll into your skull.
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“You can cum, doll. All over me as I said.” He said between his moves and kissed you until you were almost there, ready to be sent over the edge. As the most intense wave of your orgasm hit, Ben pulled away from your lips, not to hold back your screams for him. “Fuck, Ben! Yes!” He didn't slow down his moves and fucked you through your orgasm. You let go of the last, smallest piece of dignity that was left in you and let Ben completely take over your body.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, god, I- I..ahhh, Ben!” Your voice was shrill and loud as you shut your eyes tight when each of his thrusts started to quickly turn into an overbearing one and the pleasure morphed into sweet burning pain inside you that weakened you all over.
“Please, Ben!” You tried to slightly push him off so you could catch a breath. “I can't take more..”
“Oh, no, sweetheart. I know you can.” Ben grinned. “Yeah...give me one more, baby.”
Legs still trembling, you tried to sit up, but Ben kept you from it, holding you down with his large palm on your chest.
“My..my back..hurts..” you grabbed his hand and looked at him pleadingly. his face was completely blank as he stared down at you for a second.
Wordlessly Ben still gave in to your whine, despite his earlier warnings and pulled you up from the table. He turned you around and pulled your back close to his chest, not leaving you empty for long. Bracing yourself on your wobbly feet, you held onto the countertop as he changed his rhythm into a much more relaxed one, hitting an even deeper spot in you. His speed was now deliberately slower as if he knew exactly what you needed from him.
Ben dug his blunt nails into your hips to hold you in place, and the newly rising climax made your head fall backwards onto his shoulder. He didn't even have to try. You knew you'd come easily even when he'd just stay still inside you. “Oh god…right there..” You shut your eyes tight, letting all your body weight fall onto him, savoring his every thrust.
He kissed your neck, before closing his hand around it, almost choking the life out of you, making your eyes roll back. "This does feel so much better, doesn't it?" With only being able to nod wordlessly, you did your best to answer him.
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He began to gradually fasten his speed, until you were just a whimpering mess again.
"Please...please. OH, FUCK! YES!" You croaked out as loudly as you could and grabbed Ben's hair as another orgasm hit you hard, making you tense up on his cock still sliding in and out of you with all the speed he could muster up. You had no strength left in your muscles, relying fully on Ben to support you.
"Fuck, you're taking it so well, baby girl.." He groaned into your ear and slid his fingers between your legs, rubbing your already overly sensitive clit until you were squirming in pleasure of almost reaching your third climax in such a short span. "Gonna make you cum with me.. fill you up good.. yeah..give me one more, sugar..." His hot breath on your cheek and his fingers between your legs were mind-numbing, making you once again scream out loud.
Ben pulled you snugly closer to his body as he made a few finishing moves before his last deep thrust, coming to a stop, balls deep in your pussy, spilling his seed into you. "Fucking hell.." Ben slowly slid his cock out, letting his cum drip out of you. “Shit, you okay, sweetheart?” He asked a little worriedly, watching you gasp for air, still in his arms. With shaky hands, you brushed a few fallen strands off your face. “Yeah.. I'm good..” you whispered, trying to catch your breath.
He turned you face to face with him and pulled you into a gentler kiss than he previously gave you. "If that doesn't change your attitude, then I'm out of fucking options."
Being on cloud 9 wasn't comparable with what you were feeling at the moment. "Or maybe I'll just need another lesson, if they turn out like this."
You took a quick look at the clock over Ben's shoulder. It was past one and you had to work in the morning. "Fuck, it's late. I need to go to bed.." you whispered a little sadly and put your arms around his neck, holding onto him tight, and letting your weak body recover for a minute.
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It felt so foolish, but you didn't want to let go of him. You closed your eyes, sighing in satisfaction, and relishing each kiss Ben left on your shoulders and neck, slowly making his way back up to your lips. "Not having regrets, are we?" He murmured against them, running his hands up and down your sides softly.
"No, Ben. No regrets." You smiled widely. "But we should probably hit the shower before bed." You tapped on Ben's biceps, slightly covered from the sweat you had worked up.
"That would be smart." He laughed lightly as you wiggled out of his arms. "Go ahead, I'll take one after."
Putting your hands on your hips determinedly, you turned around on the bathroom door. "I don't know how it was forty something years ago, but today saving clean water is a big priority in the world." Your lips curled into a cheeky lopsided grin. "Don't tell me you're going to waste water by showering alone when we have a perfect opportunity to take one together."
He raised his hands in defeat and chuckled, slowly walking towards you. “Can't argue with that.” You knew your face must've lit up like a Christmas tree when you saw that your cheeky "save the water" talk worked. Grinning victoriously you walked into the shower, swaying your hips teasingly in front of him with each step you took.
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Complete truth was, you just didn't want to spend the night alone. You hoped that Ben, too, was missing on just holding onto someone through the night. Someone who wouldn't disappear with the first rays of sunlight.
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After a quick shower — that you two shared right after having some extra fun in there again — Ben picked you up in his arms and took you into his bedroom.
"Oh, Benji, what are we doing here?" You stared at him under your lashes and pressed your bare body closer to his chest, running your fingers slowly up to his neck.
He put you down gently and pushed your slightly damp hair over your shoulder. "Well, I certainly know what you will do." Ben smirked down at you, before leaning closer to your lips, almost kissing but keeping the distance between you two. "You're going to sleep." He nudged you towards the side of the bed, nodding you to lay down.
You sat down in bed, watching Ben's every move as he picked up some sweats from his closet. "And you? You're not coming to sleep?"
"No, I–" Your eyes met, and you felt a little hurt. The look in his eyes let you know everything you needed to know. This was just a part of his MO - putting a woman into bed while he quietly vanished from her sight. Your eyes fell into your lap.
Why did I expect anything else from him?
You cleared your throat. You tried not to let the hurt show when you looked up again. "Right. Sorry. Goodnight."
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You laid down on your side, pulling the covers up under your chin. You heard a soft click from the door and the room fell completely silent and dark, and you wished you could silence the sadness and regret that was growing inside you, but those had already set their roots deep in your heart. You didn't regret helping him. You could never do that.
But allowing yourself to open up to him? Allowing your emotions to roam free after little genuine attention he gave you? Well, that was fucking stupid. You mentally rolled your eyes at yourself.
For so long had you been so touch-starved and lonely without even realizing that so maybe you had read more into the situation than it really was. Maybe you hoped for another outcome for letting your heart win over your mind. You just got attached too quickly. Because that's what happens when you don't have a healthy relationship with your own emotions - you fall head over heels for someone you probably shouldn't in less than a week. You were just too naive to think that Ben, Soldier Boy, a world-class supe, would ever look at you as anything else but a hole he can get his dick wet. You couldn't help but feel a little used. But at the same time you couldn't put the blame for this feeling on Ben - you were the one kneeling before him almost at the first chance you had tonight. So, no. Totally not his fault I'm feeling like shit.
You were contemplating whether to leave his room or not, but before coming up with a decision, you could feel your eyelids grow heavy and before you knew it, you were in deep sleep.
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Some time later the bed shifted next to you, and it woke you up immediately. His head had fallen down to his chest, but hearing you waking up, Ben looked over his shoulder.
"I didn't mean to wake you." His voice was low and as much as you could make out of his silhouette in the mostly dark room, with the streetlights being the only source of light outside, Ben seemed really tense.
“No- it's.. I'm fine, Ben,” you saw Ben's shoulders fall when he let out a deep sigh. “Are you okay?” Your voice was thick with sleep as you sat up and moved to the edge of the bed next to him. “You had another nightmare, didn't you?” You snaked one arm around his, squeezing gently.
You looked at the man next to you. It must have felt strange to him to be able to be vulnerable. To be seen as who he was - a broken man. As did you before, everyone else around him saw him as just some super soldier - Vought generated war machine, ruthless and uncaring. He used fear as his weapon to keep everyone away, but you somehow managed to break through his hard shell.
“I tried so hard to keep my distance from you, but it's unbelievable how easy it is to get used to good things, isn't it?” Ben turned to you with a solemn look. “Hoping to have one night without those fucking dreams…” with a shake of his head, Ben's eyes moved away from your face back to nothingness in front of him. “..was just stupid.” he added under his breath.
“Want to talk about it? Maybe I could help?” you shot a little smile at him.
Ben looked at you for a minute, brows knitted together, as if he was seriously considering your offer. Then he stood up abruptly. “No.”
“Wait, don't-” you grabbed his arm and as soon as he turned around you let go from him quickly, almost like his touch had burned you. You suddenly felt insecure and uncertain of yourself. You felt small, again, watching him tower next to the bed, but now it made you feel...you couldn't even describe it exactly. Frail, if you really had to choose. “Please, we don't have to talk about it, but..” you whispered quietly, “..don't go.”
“Just stay.” You swallowed hard, waiting for his answer.
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You could see it in his eyes. Ben didn't want to admit to himself even, but he really didn't want to be alone. He didn't want to go back to the couch, where he knew as soon as he would close his eyes, the nightmares would return.
Ben climbed into bed under the covers and you carefully watched his reaction as you slid into his arms. Slow exhale escaped him when you draped your arm over his chest.
You laid in bed for a while, trying to fall back asleep, but with no results. Comfortable silence hung around you two, and you didn't dare to say a word to break it.
Ben was surprised. He was surprised of where he was at in his life. After hearing Butcher tell Hughie he was thinking of calling you, Ben had thought you'd be like every other woman he'd met, instantly all over him. But no. He was glad that you were not like them. You didn't take any crap from him and that was like a breath of fresh air. That made him like you even more. It was hard for him to accept that at first (it still was, if he was honest), but he was happy that someone was there for him. That you were there, and helping him, even if he still thought that he deserved none of it. He wasn't going to let you go.
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“It wasn't Russia this time.” Ben said so quietly, you almost didn't hear him.
“My dream.” He added. “It wasn't about Russia this time.” You felt his chest rise heavily under you as he took deep breaths.
You sat up next to him. The last thing you wanted was Ben to feel pressured to talk. “Ben, it's okay, you don't have to—”
“You asked, didn't you?”
“Well, yeah, but I don't want to pressure you.” you retorted quickly. You stared down into his eyes. Even in the dark, the green was striking. Boy, I'm in trouble...You realized you were a goner for him. You'd do whatever you'd have to, to ease him from all that pain. And it wasn't just your empathy now. Three days, you reminded yourself, you had known him.
“You're not.” He gently pulled you back into his arms. “I dreamt of my father...about the last time I saw him..” his fingers drew slow patterns on your arms.
“What happened?”
“I had just gotten home from war. It was a real ticker-tape parade, you know, fit for a hero...considering...well, even if it was glorified to some extent, I still fought hard, contrary to popular belief.” He scoffed. “And then I went home..”
Ben kept reminiscing in silence as you laid beside him, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“I went home to see my old man and he just couldn't be more disgusted by me." Ben's lips snarled up at the mention of is father. "He had been my whole life, sending me off to boarding school to not have to deal with me or my problems. I was always just trying to do right by him, but still I was a disappointment, a fucking disgrace to him. I don't know why I ever expected anything else. That night..” He fell quiet for a second.
“That night is something I won't forget. Guess that's when the new Soldier Boy was born. Women, booze, drugs..I had it all, loved it all, and did not have a single fuck to give about my actions.”
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You felt a pang of pain in your chest. Ben had just wanted for his dad to be proud, like any other young man would. Instead he got rejected from unconditional love, he should've gotten from his father. You closed your eyes and focused only on him and his steady rhythmic heartbeat under you, trying to erase the pain.
“Don't do this. Please.” He said softly. You sat up, and Ben followed your lead, propping himself up on the pillows next to you. “I know you're just trying to help, but this is something I don't want to forget in any way.”
You looked at Ben. Even in the dark room, your gaze found Ben's in an instant. You smiled a little, but it was clearly just from confusion. “But why?”
“Because that memory of my father will stay as a reminder for me of what not to become if I have children on my own one day.”
Hearing that from Ben tugged even harder on the string he had already wrapped around your heart. He didn't want to turn out like his father.
But Ben was right - some pain might be worth remembering.
“Then the Payback was formed and I met Countess. I had really thought she was the one.” He said after a little moment of silence. “That one day we'd be able to hang our masks up and get out of the public's eye, you know? Just the two of us. Have couple of kids. Never expected her to..” the emotions washing over him were clear in Ben's voice. He cleared his throat before he added heavily. “I really don't know which was worse. Being in that lab or finding out that she was the one who sent me there.”
“You really think you would've been able to retire?” You asked, being genuinely curious, before you turned yourself around, facing him and crossing your legs to get more comfortable. You felt really happy that he was trusting you enough to open up. You were glad to get to know him better. It sparked-if you even dared to think so- a little glimmer of hope in your heart.
“I think so, yeah.”
“I–” your train of thought was disrupted by the faint ringing of your alarm in your own room. Guess the night had to end at some point.
But you were not quite ready to burst that little bubble you found yourself in with Ben. And neither was he. You started to climb out of bed, not noticing the look he stared after you. Before he even realized what he was doing, Ben had pulled you back into bed. You were only able to gasp when he rolled over and locked you between the bed and himself.
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“Ben, I have to–” Ben's lips sealed you in a bruising kiss before you were able to finish your sentence. With a contrasting tenderness he pulled you up a little, pushing a pillow from his side under you, elevating your upper body from the rest.
“I think we have a little bit of time to spare.” Sinful smile on his lips, Ben started to move on to your neck and lower from there, while his hands squeezed your thighs hard, and pushed them apart for him to lower his body closer to you.
“Uh-uh..I guess..we do..” You were panting hard already when he started to work on your tits with his mouth. It was a shame really how easily Ben was able to convince you. There wasn't even a smidge of resistance coming from you. Your fingers gripped the sheets tight when he nipped on your breasts, soothing the bite marks quickly with kisses and licks all over your bust. Soft moans coming from you melded with his deep groans that got trapped against your skin. Those almost made it seem like he was holding himself from devouring you whole. Ben took his time that you didn't really have even that much, licking, sucking and nibbling on your tits, tongue swirling around the nipples, each of his moves making you suddenly feel even more aroused. More wanted, and even more so purely desired.
A sharp hiss escaped you when he bit down once harder than before. No kisses followed that, letting the pain deliciously linger on your skin. You started to stare each other down, Ben sliding his gaze over your swollen lips, lowering it to your breasts adorned with his bite marks, enjoying the red pattern they had drawn on them and looking then right back up at you again. Dawn was breaking, and slowly but steadily the room started to fill with light. You let yourself drown for a moment in the deep green forest of his eyes, only dragging yourself out of them to take in his barely noticeable freckles speckled all over his cheeks and nose. He was just so unbelievably…beautiful.
No words were needed to express what was clear in both of your eyes. You grabbed onto Ben's hair, pulling him back down into a slow kiss. You gave up the control over your mouth to him, as you had already done for the rest of your body, and he didn't spare a moment of proving that you had made the only right choice. While his tongue claimed your mouth, his hands roamed over your body like discovering it for the first time, featherlight touches moving over your sternum and belly, making you ticklish and squirm under him.
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Ben suddenly removed himself from your lips, shifting his complete attention now to your lower body.
Your eyes screwed shut when you felt his rough palms moving down your thighs, closer to your pussy. You bit down on your lips as his thumbs slid through your wet folds, lightly caressing your clit. Even his smallest touch there made a shockwave run through your body.
“Please…ahh..” you gasped weakly when his fingers pushed halfway in and pulled out of you quickly, only just teasing your tight cunt, making you desperately crave more of him.
“Had a little taste test of you before...still needing a bit more..” Ben lowered his mouth between your legs, keeping his eyes still on you. His hot breath against the clit made you shiver before him. “Yes.. please..” you shuddered out.
Ben didn't leave you begging for long, even if he loved hearing that. He spread your legs wider and dived in there, hungrily dragging his tongue over your sex, making your hips buck up under him when he brushed over your swollen bud. Even though he had his first taste of you only a few hours ago, Ben had quickly started to miss it. The sweetness and slight tartness of your juices covering his tongue had become as addicting to Ben as he knew his touch was for you.
Continuing with the teasingly slow strokes with his tongue, he was getting more amused seeing how his every move made your hips jerk more sharply, making you forcefully press your cunt up into his face, but he wasn't gonna complain about that. No, he was going to take you like a man he was, ready to suffocate between your thighs, if it would've been possible for him.
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Small whimpers of delight rolled off your lips when his sole attention fell to your clit, swirling his tongue around it, sucking, slightly grazing it with his teeth. All it would've taken from you to come was just a few more strokes from him, but Ben didn't give you that. Instead he pulled away at the last moment, green eyes drilling darkly up into yours, daring you to say anything in protest. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind, to tell him how his teasing really made you feel, but your tongue was tied and your mind had gone completely blank. Ben just laughed at the desperate sight of you.
You were gasping for air when Ben brushed his finger over your bud and then moved his hand up to massage your tits, leaving your pussy without attention for a minute.
“Ben, please…”
He silenced you with another hard kiss, leaving you breathless when he started to leave a trail of kisses down your body, moving again downward. His beard was tickling your skin with a playful lightness as his mouth moved over your hip bones and forward to your thighs. Your hands dug into the bed with all your might, holding on tight just as you felt Ben's breath dangerously close your pussy.
You needed him to hurry. Not only because you had no idea how much longer you'd be able to take it, but Ben was taking it really, really slow. Which you actually didn't mind, not at all, but if he kept up going at this speed, he'd probably make you late for work. But you knew that it would be fine by him.
“Ben, I'll be late for–” the end of your sentence turned into a high mewl after having Ben suddenly sucking on your clit again.
“Mmmm....” your body arched up, unable to decide whether to try to push him away or to pull him even closer. Who were you kidding - in no way you were going to push him away. In an instant your hand released the sheet beneath you, finding its way into Ben's thick brown hair, tugging on it hard. “Please, Ben.. I got to go..”
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Ben let out a low growl before pulling away from you, locking his hand around both of your wrists. His beard was glistening with your arousal in the morning sunshine starting to light up the room little by little. “You can't really make up your mind, can you? You say one thing, but your body on the other hand…”
You stared at him slowly coming to hover over you. Ben’s hands kept you in place while his eyes ran over you, taking in the little beads of sweat on your skin.
“After all, getting your pussy eaten out by Soldier Boy is a pretty valid reason to be late for work, don't you think?” he smirked down at you.
Your breath hitched with realization that he probably wasn't going to hurry up.
“So let me ask you again, sweetheart.” He lowered his face to yours, lips teasing you softly. “Do you want to go to work or do you want to feel good?”
“Good. I want to feel good, Ben.” words rushed out of you and quickly you pressed your lips to his. He released your hands and softly caressed your cheek, moving them down to knead your breasts, eliciting a deep moan from you. Not stopping on your chest for long, he moved on to between your legs, sinking two fingers into you.
Ben pulled away from the kiss. “Right answer, darling.” He whispered and started pumping in you vigorously. Your head fell into the pillows beneath you, mouth opening to let out a soundless scream.
Your body withered in pleasure, feeling his fingers curling inside you, bringing you quickly to the point of almost snapping.
“Yes..yes..oh, Ben…NO!” You suddenly cried out when Ben again decided to pull away from you, without letting you cum. “Ben, please..” you wheezed out, looking pleadingly at him, hoping to make him feel sorry for you, but clearly getting you more desperate was for his enjoyment all alone. Ben sat back on the bed, eyes running over your weak body laying before him.
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“Hmm..love hearing you beg for me.” He said softly before forcing his voice stern again. “Do it more.”
You clenched, hearing the sudden change of his tone, but if begging is what he wants, then this is what he gets.
You swallowed hard, then widened your eyes a little and bit down on your lip with a moan. “Mm…please, Ben…I–”
You sucked in a quick breath, eyes shuttering close and thought of what exactly you wanted from him. “I want your hand..no- fuck..” You remembered the feeling of his tongue on you. Licking and teasing you. Sucking and swirling. You moaned loudly at the thought of him eating you until you almost came. But that thought was quickly replaced by the sensation of remembering his fingers pumping in and out of you, making you squirm in front of him. Both memories were equally sweet and pleasurable, driving you to the point of nearly losing your sanity.
“I just want to cum, Ben.” You sighed, propping yourself onto your elbows. “I need to. You've teased me too much already.” You added with a shuddering breath, looking at him under lashes. “Please. I need your fingers inside me.”
Ben approached you slowly like a predator, lips curling into a sinful smile, hand sliding up your leg.
“Please..I–” you swallowed hard when Ben squeezed your thigh. “Stop…please..ughhhh…” your pained expression was amusing for Ben. He had no intention of stopping teasing you. Or pleasing you. He let his hands roam all over your body, loving the way you bit your swollen lips as his thumb brushed tenderly over your pussy. He wanted to feel you clenching down on him just as much as you needed it, but seeing you squirm and begging for him to finger you, made it worth waiting for just a little longer.
“Please, please, please…ohh…oh!” Your whines got louder when he decidedly started to speedily rub your clit.
Words choked in your throat, hushed moans were only what managed to slip through.
“You like that, huh?” Wicked smile came onto Ben's lips as you were white-knuckling the bedsheets, trying to get anything out to answer him. You nodded, head pressed into the pillows, turning to look into his eyes.
“I-yes..but.. ahhh…” you gasped loudly when he shoved two fingers roughly into you. Ben gave you no chance to catch a breath and almost instantly you could feel yourself closing in on climax again.
“You're so pretty when you're about to cum.” He said huskily, watching you arch your back high in pleasure.
“You are close, aren't you?” Again Ben laughed at you shortly, when you couldn't force out words, but only nodded your head frantically.
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“I think I'll let you cum now. Look at me. You ready, darlin’?” He asked with a grin on his face.
“Yes.. please.. please, Ben..” Your legs started trembling from delight.
“Cum on fingers, Y/N.”
After hearing his permission, your shaking legs clamped together on his hand that was still plunging into you hard while the rest of your body froze up.
Orgasm rolled over you in long intense waves, numbing you wholly inch by inch, silencing you completely.
Ben gritted his teeth slightly when your body loosened again, letting him pull his hand away from you. He got up from the bed, leaving the room for a second. When he returned, he held a warm cloth in his hand to clean you up. On his way back to bed, he grabbed one of his shirts for you as well.
You still laid down as he quickly got you cleaned. You sat up weakly and Ben pulled his shirt over your head.
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“Wow.. you look like you need some sleep.” He laughed lightly.
“It's all your fault.” You didn't let go of a chance of retaliation.
“Did you not say you wanted to feel good?” Ben knowingly cocked an eyebrow. “Thought so.” He added with a grin, when he didn't get an answer from you.
He stood up from the bed, pulling you with him. “Let's get you a quick coffee.”
“Ugh..yes, please.” You groaned tiredly.
When you started to walk towards the kitchen, the slight wobble in your legs didn't go unnoticed by Ben.
“I must've rocked your world.” He joked behind you.
“Psshh..keep telling yourself that.”
“Well, I don't have to. I can see it.”
You only rolled your eyes at that and didn't say a word.
While Ben made you coffee, you went and got dressed, mentally preparing yourself for getting through the day.
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You barely made it. Not a minute passed without thinking of him. You couldn't stop counting second to the end of the work day. For the whole day you were unable to focus on work, not knowing what to do or how to be. Today you didn't stay there even a minute longer than you had to. And when you got home again, Ben was sitting on the couch, accompanied by a glass of whiskey. Just where he was when you left for work in the morning. Only with a minor difference - the bottle he had in the morning had gotten itself a friend.
“Busy day, huh?” You joked as you kicked off your heels and climbed next to him, tugging your legs under your body.
“Hey! Look around!” Ben remarked, seemingly offended. “I cleaned.”
You turned and looked around in the kitchen and the rest of the apartment. “Wow! You did!” Looking back at Ben you couldn't help but grin. “You want a cookie now?”
“Oh, I'll get my cookie, you'll see!” Ben smirked and your smile was quickly replaced with a yelp, when he suddenly lifted you onto his lap, pushing your skirt further up with his wandering hands that once again found their way between your legs. “I thought I fucked the sass out of you. Clearly not.” His hungry lips landed on your neck, sucking on the pulse point and you balanced yourself holding onto his shoulder, unable to keep yourself from moaning softly. You started to melt under his touch and warm breath lingering on your skin, bringing back the memories from the morning. Feeling Ben's kisses move down to the open collar of your blouse, your fingers raked through his soft hair, tugging hard and making him groan in the crook of your neck.
“Ughh…I'm still sore from this morning, Ben.” You gasped as his fingers slipped past your underwear, stroking you gently.
“Yeah?” He asked softly against your skin. “So you don't want me to do this?” Ben pulled away from your face to catch your eyes as he pushed his middle finger slowly into you, curling it up. You bit down in your lip with a soft moan. “Oh, well, I do love that, Soldier Boy.” You let his moniker roll off your tongue sensually slowly, causing his other hand, that wasn't exploring you from the inside, to squeeze down on your hip roughly.
Suddenly your head snapped around, hearing a cough behind you. “At least you didn't burn the place down.” Billy grinned at you, being held by Ben in your compromised position. Hughie appeared on the door shortly after, quickly averting his eyes from the two of you.
Now, while your only ability was healing, Ben on the other hand had no excuses for not hearing them come home. He just didn't care about getting caught. “You heard them coming, didn't you?” You hissed at Ben, trying to get off his lap, but he wasn't going to let you go, holding you strongly with his hands on your hips.
“Who cares? Let them have a show.” He chuckled and moved in again to plant ticklish kisses on your neck.
“Oh, have some sympathy, Ben. We're gonna keep them up all night anyway. Let them have a moment of quiet before that.” You winked at Ben and lifted yourself off his lap, sinking down into the couch next to him. “You said you're going to be away for a week or longer. How come you're home early?”
“No, luv’. I asked you to be here for a week. You,” Butcher turned to Hughie. “Pay up.”
“I really didn't expect that from you, Y/N. I was so sure I'll be earning easy money.” He said with a feigned disappointment, pulling out some crumpled up bills from his pockets to hand over to Butcher.
“You had a bet on me?” You asked, a surprised laughter shaking your body.
“Of course! So..” Billy grinned, looking between you and Ben. “I guess, I'll be getting myself a bedroom tonight, right?”
You and Ben shared a look and a secretive smile between each other. “Sure..” you started slowly, before Ben cut in. “But don't count on getting any sleep.”
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Taglist: @cevansbaby-dove @nescaveckwriter @jackles010378 @deanwinchestersgirl87 @winchesterwild78 @anundyingfidelity @suckitands33 @waynes-multiverse
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Fun little fact: I described Ben's eyes as ekanite green, which I found as a closest match to Jensen's eyes through a HEX code comparison AND it's a rare gem, that can also be radioactive, just as our lovely Soldier Boy 💚
Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated!🤍
137 notes · View notes
darthannie · 8 months
day sixteen: degradation with jackson rippner
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pairing: Jackson Rippner x f!reader  word count: 785 warnings: noncon, mention of stalking and kidnapping, choking, breath play, use of ‘sir’, spit, face fucking, he's mean a/n: I need him to say WORSE things to me. Like SO much worse. I need him to be TERRIBLE. kinktober masterlist
You woke up in a bed with your wrists bound in front of you. The last thing you remember was being hit in the head. You had no idea where you were or why. Fear set in as you saw a figure by the door. He spoke, “You don’t know me, but I know you. I know you very well.” 
“Please don’t hurt me,” you said as tears welled in your eyes. This was your biggest fear and you couldn’t believe it was becoming a reality. 
“I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to see what all the fuss is about.”
You yelped as he grabbed your legs, pulling you down to the edge of the bed. He took off your shoes and yanked down your jeans and panties. He knelt so his face was near your pussy. He licked your entrance and tasted how wet you were. He hummed at the taste. “Your hole is nice and wet for me. At least you’re good for something.” He stood up and pulled down his pants, taking out his cock and stroking himself in the process.
“Now when I speak to you, you respond with Sir. Understand?”
“Fuck you,” you spat.
“Hm. Not quite.” Anger flashed across his face as his hand wrapped around your neck, choking you. “Let’s try that again. Are you ready to be used like the little slut that you are?” You didn’t respond and his hand tightened. “What? Is something making it hard to respond?” You nodded slowly. “Say. Sir, please let me breathe.”
Your voice was thin. “Sir, please let me breathe.” His hand relented and you gasped. Without warning he thrust into you. He went slow, but his thrusts were calculated. There was nothing sloppy about his approach. He wanted you to feel him each time he pulled out and entered you again. Your elbows bent and your hands rested over your heart, which was beating out of your chest. You tried to pull on the restraints but they were too tight. 
“Fucktoys don’t get to use their hands. Disgusting sluts like you are only good for their holes.”
You groaned as you felt him shift inside you. His thrusts were more shallow now, but they hit an entirely new spot. It was starting to become pleasurable. He grabbed your breast over your shirt and toyed with it. “I’ve watched you day after day. I’ve seen you go to and from work. I watched you go on dates from Thursday to Sunday. And, I’ve watched you give it up almost every single time. What a fucking slut. Whoring yourself out as often as possible just to get a quick fuck. You’re so pathetic.”
He pushed your legs as close to your head as possible while he fucked you. “Did you know only worthless whores like being fucked in this position? Are you a worthless little whore?” 
You stayed silent and he spit in your face. “I said, are you a worthless little whore?” 
“Yes, Sir. Yes, I am,” you stuttered. 
“Say it”
“I’m a worthless whore,” you whined. 
“Such a needy little thing.” You moaned as if you agreed with him. You moved underneath him as he sped up. “Do you think you deserve my cum? Huh, fucktoy? Do you deserve my cum?”
“Fuck. No, Sir, I don’t deserve it.”
“Right answer.” He pulled out and dragged you onto the floor. “Luckily, I have another warm hole for me to use.” He shoved his cock in your mouth and started fucking it. 
“Say ‘Thank you for fucking my mouth, Sir’.”
Any sound you made came out muffled and distorted. He laughed at you. “Come on you can say it.” You tried again to no avail. “Here. Let me help you.” He pulled out of you just long enough for you to repeat after him, and he put his cock back in your mouth right as you finished. He moaned as he felt himself go as deep as he could. He shuttered as he came down your throat. 
“That’s it. All your good for is swallowing my cum. Say ‘Thank you for your cum, Sir.’” He pulled out and you repeated. As you did, a drop fell out of your mouth. He took his thumb and swiped it from your face. He stuck his thumb in your mouth and you sucked without being instructed to. 
“Look at that. My cumslut actually learning something.” He cleaned himself up and put himself back together, leaving you on the ground. He turned to leave and right as he got to the door you spoke up. “Sir, what now?”
He simply replied, “You wait until I need you again,” and walked out.  
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indifferent-depravity · 11 months
Minors DNI 18+
CW: minor voyeurism
A/N: don't forget requests for everything are open so if you'd like to see anything from me feel free to drop it in my ask box :)
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Sequel to (and probably the start of an ongoing series) Dessert First
Sonny’s avoiding you, there’s no way around it. Ever since he walked in on you and Rafael in his office he’s run away at the mere mention of your name. And you have to admit, he’s gotten very good at excuses, always having one ready when you show up at Rafael’s office. So you do what every self-respecting person would. Corner him.
And as chance would have it, the perfect opportunity just falls into your lap. Sonny’s leaving Rafael’s office as you’re walking up and without thinking you grab his arm, pulling him into a dark meeting room. He keeps his eyes trained on the floor as he tries to make one of his famous excuses, inching towards the door, causing you to step in front of it. “You’re going to tell me why you’ve been avoiding me,” you say firmly and cross your arms.
Sonny stutters, “I-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, doll- ma-ma’am!” his face turns deep red and your face falls, an inexplicable ache settling in your chest at his correction.
“Did I do something to upset you?” You ask quietly, “Rafa and I think very highly of you, and if I did something then-“
His eyes shoot up to look at you, his hands hesitating in the air as he reaches for you, “N-no of course not!”
“You’ve never called me ma’am before.” You give him a cross look, “Dominick Carisi, don’t tell me there’s nothing going on because there is and I’m not letting you leave until you tell me.”
Sonny’s shoulders slump and he sighs, “Nothin’ gets past you, huh?” When you don’t reply he scrubs his hand across his face, “I-I just didn't know how to face you after… after walking in on you and Barba. I didn't mean to upset you, doll.”
You step closer to him and uncross your arms, reaching out to touch his wrist, “That’s what this is about? That wasn’t your fault, we should have locked the door, neither of us is upset about it.” Sonny jumps like you shocked him and shakes his head, almost tripping over a chair in his attempt to back away from you.
“It’s not that, I…It-it's not you that I’m upset with.” He sighs again, hanging his head, “I’m upset with myself… with–with the way I reacted.”
Your breath leaves you in a rush and you ask, heart pounding, “The way you reacted?”
Sonny sinks into the chair behind him with a sigh, leaning forward to bury his face in his hands, “Y’gotta understand how embarrassing this is, doll. You’re Barba’s partner and I respect that but- but when I saw you… like that, I just- it-” He trails off into a groan.
You press your lips together, thinking for a moment before taking a step towards him, “You know me and Rafael are polyamorous, right?” You ask and his head shoots up making you giggle a little at the absurdity of the situation. “Yeah, it’s something we talked about before we started dating.” You take another step towards him, settling between his splayed legs.
You reach towards Sonny to tuck a stray hair back into place, “Rafael’s been asking me about you, too. I think he could tell I’ve been taking a shine to you.” He gives you a dumbfounded look, gaping at you like a fish. You giggle again and cup his jaw, gently stroking his cheek with your thumb, “We were going to talk to you about it but then you started avoiding us before we could.”
Sonny hesitates, his hands hovering beside your thighs for a moment before dropping back into his lap. He swallows hard, leaning back to look up at you, “You’re not kidding?”
You roll your eyes and bend down, kissing him in lieu of answering. He makes a sound in the back of his throat when you pull away, resting your forehead against his, “Does that answer your question?
Sonny lets out a breathy laugh, “Yeah I guess it does.”
“Then you wouldn’t mind if I kissed you again?”
Sonny chokes, eyes flashing up to yours. You keep your eyes on him, waiting for an answer when he suddenly stands up, crowding you back against the table. You gasp at the sudden movement, bringing your hands up to grab his shoulders as he bends down to claim your mouth in a deep kiss. He wraps his arms around your waist and you whine into his mouth, arching into him.
Sonny’s breathing heavily when he pulls away, a faint blush settling high on his neck, “That okay?”
You smile and nod, standing on your toes to kiss him again, “More than.” You grow silent, enjoying the warmth radiating from him and the feeling of his lips on yours.
Sonny’s phone ringing brings you back to reality and Sonny staggers back, his face a deep red. “I-I’m sorry, doll, I didn’t mean- that was- that was inappropriate of me.” He rushes, going back to avoiding your gaze as he pulls his phone out, backing up towards the door, “I should- I should go, Liv is calling and-”
He freezes and you take the opportunity to close the gap between you, pulling him down by his neck into a kiss, “You’re going to come by my apartment after work and we’re going to really talk about this. Understood?” The tone in your voice left no room for protest and Sonny nods, his heart skipping a beat at your responding smile, “Good, I’ll see you later then.” You leave him with a final kiss, swallowing a giggle as you make your way to Rafael’s office.
You grin when you shut the door, a giggle finally bubbling out of your throat and Rafael snorts, “Got Carisi to talk, huh?” You nod, practically skipping over to him to greet him with a kiss.
“He’s coming to the apartment after work.” You grin, biting your lip as you try to control your excitement.
“About fucking time.”
You pace the living room of the apartment you share with Rafael, wringing your hands as you wait for Sonny to arrive. Rafael watches exasperated, catching your wrist on your next pass in front of him, “Cariño, please sit down, you’re making me nervous and I wasn’t even planning on fucking the guy.”
You roll your eyes with a sigh but sink down onto the couch beside him, though you couldn’t help it as your leg bounced nervously, “What if I scared him away, Rafael? What if he decided to just avoid me forever.”
He scoffs and pulls you into his side, planting a kiss on the side of your head, “Baby, calm down, I doubt Liv has even let him clock out yet.” You let out another deep sigh and tuck your face against his neck, trying to let his warmth relax you.
Twenty minutes later, the buzzer goes off and you shoot up, almost elbowing Rafael in the groin in your rush to get up. You throw a weak apology behind you as you tug open your door. You buzz Sonny in and bound down the stairs, knocking him off balance with a hug, “You’re here!”
He lets out a laugh and wraps his arms around you, “Of course I am. Sorry I’m late, doll.”
You pull back with a grin and lace your fingers with his, “It’s okay, you’re here now.” You tug him up the stairs back to your apartment. “Look who I found,” You announce as you enter the apartment and Rafael snorts, standing to meet you as you pull Sonny into the living room.
“Good of you to come, Carisi.” He nods and Sonny gives him a nervous smile, almost a grimace as he pulls his hand from yours, putting some distance between you under the gaze of Rafael.
You whip around to give Sonny a sharp look, “You better not be trying to leave.”
He holds his hands up in surrender with a small laugh, “Wouldn’t dream of it, doll.” His heart warms at your smile and he lets you direct him into a seat across from Rafael. You stand between them silently, butterflies filling your stomach as you look at the two men.
Rafael cooly leans back, fixing his eyes on Sonny, “So you want to fuck my partner.” Sonny immediately clams up, a bright red blush growing up his neck and you shoot a warning glare at Rafael.
“I-I don’t-  I mean, I do- I mean-” Sonny cuts himself off with a hard swallow, looking down at his lap as he runs his palms over his pants, “M-maybe I should just go.” You turn to Rafael with a harsh frown and he starts laughing.
“Carisi it’s fine. I mean look at them, it’s hard not to want to.” Sonny’s face goes red, glancing between you and the door. You press your lips into a thin line and sit down next to him, lightly touching his arm.
“What Rafael is trying to say, is he’s okay with us being together.” You say gently, sending another glare in Rafael’s direction, “He wants me to be happy. And he wouldn’t tease you like this if he didn’t like you.” Rafael grumbles at the last part but stays quiet as Sonny takes a shaky breath.
Sonny looks at you, eyebrows pinched together with worry, and places his hand over yours “Doll, I-I don’t want to step on any toes here. Y-you’re happy with Barba and-”
“Carisi just shut up and kiss my wife.” Sonny gapes at him and you snort, sliding a hand to the back of his neck, pulling him down into a kiss before he could protest. He makes a shocked noise in the back of his throat but kisses back, tangling his hand in the hair at the nape of your neck.
You smile into the kiss, gently pushing him back so you can swing your leg over his. You settle into his lap and break the kiss with a sharp breath, “Don’t let him intimidate you, he’s just bossy when he’s not the center of attention.” Rafael scoffs with a murmured “No I’m not” and you giggle softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of Sonny’s mouth. Sonny’s hands hover over your thighs, his breath quickening at your warmth soaking through his pants. You guide his hands under your skirt with a hum, “You can touch me, Dominick.”
A whimper rips from his throat and he grabs handfuls of your thighs, eyes already glazed over with lust when he looks up at you. You nod encouragingly and grind against his lap, leaning into another deep kiss. He moans into your mouth, bucking up into you before he could stop himself.
You hum, hands coming up to undo his tie as you trail soft kisses over his jaw. Sonny’s fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs and you rock back into his hands with a moan, “That’s it, baby, just like that.” Sonny wets his lips, head tilting back with a shaky sigh to give you more space as your kisses dip down to his neck.
You delve your hands into his shirt, digging your fingers into his shoulders as you grind against him. “D-doll, I-” He trails off into a moan, squeezing his eyes shut as his hips buck up into you again.
“Don’t tease the man, Cariño.” Rafael’s voice breaks the silence, a hitch in his breath as he palms himself through his pants.
You hum, “Stop backseat fucking if you’re not going to join. I’m trying to ease him into it.” You nudge your nose against Sonny’s ghosting your lips over his, “He needs to tell me what he wants.” Sonny cranes his neck to deepen the kiss, whining softly when you pull out of reach with a murmur, “C’mon baby, be a good boy and tell me what you want.”
“I want… I want to fuck you. Please let me fuck you.” You smile, leaning down to kiss him gently. Sonny’s hands travel up your skirt and squeeze your ass before slipping to the front of your panties, fingers slipping underneath the fabric to press against your clit. Your breath catches, a small whimper falling from your lips as Sonny pushes his tongue into your mouth.
“Turn around, Cariño, I want to watch your face as he fucks you.” Your cunt throbs at his words and you slip off Sonny’s lap, standing long enough to pull your panties down your legs before settling back against his chest. “Lift your skirt, baby. Let me see that pussy.” Rafael watched with hooded eyes as you pulled your skirt up to your hips, squeezing his hard cock through his pants as your pussy comes into view. You’re wet with arousal, thighs sticky with your juices.
You tilt your head back against Sonny’s shoulder as he runs his fingers through your folds and groans at the smooth glide of his fingers through your wetness. “Fuck, doll.” He bites his lip as he sinks his fingers into your core, his other hand coming up to grip your hip and ground himself as he slowly fucks his fingers into you. You whine, grinding your hips down in a silent plea for more.
Your hands reach back, blindly fumbling with Sonny’s belt for a moment before it gives way, allowing you to push your hand into his pants. He gasps at the first touch to his cock, fingers stilling inside you as you start stroking him, ignoring the strain in your wrist from the position as you spread his precum down his shaft.
At Rafael’s groan, you look back at him, whining as you watch him slowly stroking his cock. He smirks at you, squeezing the base of his cock with a satisfied sigh, “Go on, Cariño, ride Carisi’s cock. Be good for me.”
You nod and rise on shaky knees to align Sonny’s cock with your entrance, leaning back to connect your lips in a deep kiss as he slowly sinks into you. Sonny whines into your mouth, gripping your hips tightly as you bottom out. He holds you against his lap and his forehead falls forward onto your shoulder, “Fuck! Fuck, doll, y’gotta give me a second or I’ll blow my load too fast.”
You giggle breathlessly, closing your eyes as you swivel your hips experimentally. A grin forms on your face as Sonny lets out a loud groan, slamming his hips up into you. You let Sonny choose the pace, body pliant under his hands as he starts guiding your hips to grind against him.
You bring your hand up to cup the back of Sonny’s neck, pulling him into a sloppy kiss, moaning into it as his cock hits a spot deep inside you. He’s whimpering, thrusting his hips desperately into you, driven half-crazy by your tight wet heat surrounding his cock. You feel fingers on your clit and you cry out, bleary-eyed as you look to see Rafael over you, pressing harsh circles against your core.
“You gonna cum for us, Cariño? Gonna be a little slut and cum on Carisi’s cock in front of me?” His voice has a mocking edge to it as he presses his fingers against your clit harder, your body tensing as it pushes you closer to the edge.
You whine, tilting your head up with a pout, “R-Rafa, don’t be mea-” You’re cut off by a ragged moan, thighs clenching around Sonny’s legs as Rafael rips an orgasm out of you. You shudder, pressing your face into Rafael’s stomach as tears prick your eyes from the overwhelming feeling of hands on you.
Sonny chokes “d-doll, ‘m gonna--” his hips stuttering as you tighten around him, pulling him over the edge with you.
Rafael tips your head up and hums when you look at him with a hazy gaze, returning his hand to his neglected cock. He strokes himself quickly, breath coming out in short pants as he takes in your wrecked look. “You look so good getting fucked, Cariño. All desperate and whiny once you get a cock in you, huh?” You let out a whine with a pout and he laughs breathlessly, pressing his thumb into your mouth, “Just proved my point, baby.” He forces your mouth open and his laugh morphs into a low groan as he cums, covering your mouth and tongue with his release.
You swallow and slump back against Sonny, a satisfied grin stretching across your face when he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you tighter against his chest, “You’ll never be able to get rid of me now, Dominick.”
“Who said I wanted to?” He hums, tucking his face into your neck as his cock twitches inside you. Your eyes slip shut and you sink further into Sonny’s embrace, basking in the warm afterglow.
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
I know it's not weekend and I'm sooo sorry about the ask but currently can't get the thought out of my head and figured you may understand? Trying to be secretive and have sex etc. with Steve but there's people in the next room or whatever so you're trying to be quiet however Steve has made it his personal mission to get you to be as loud as possible? 🥴
omg no I love this idea,, dirty Steve harrington ;)
warnings || smut, public sex, vaginal sex, dirty talk, dom!steve, little bit of jealous!steve, possessiveness, partying, 18+ only
Music thumped against the hallow walls, the smell of weed and booze wafting through Steve’s walls.
Although, Steve’s mind was far away from the people downstairs. He had you pressed up against the hallway wall, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“S-Steve.” You whispered. You were trying to be quiet—especially being so out in the open where at any moment someone could walk in. They could walk in and see Steve fucking the life out of you.
One of his hands is holding you up on your hip, while the other intertwined your hand and held it above your head. Your skirt had rid up to your tummy as Steve’s cock pounded into your cervix—over and over.
But Steve? Steve just smirked. He knew you were trying to be quiet to not be caught. But Steve wanted to be caught.
“Oh, sweet girl. Why are you so quiet, hmm? Am I not making you feel good?”
You whine—it’s high pitched and shaky from Steve’s cock filling you up to his balls. You almost thought he couldn’t fit.
“N-No, Steve! You make me feel so good—f-feels so good.” A little bit of drool drips from your lips. Steve’s smirk only becomes wider. You’re just so cock drunk and he can’t get enough.
“Yeah? Why don’t you make those pretty little sounds then?” He leans closer to to your ear, his breath fanning against you. “Scream my name, baby. C’mon.”
You open your mouth to fulfill his wishes, but you could only choke on nothing. He almost laughs, your pitiful expression so amusing because his cock is so deep you can’t even scream.
“You don’t get to cum until you scream my name.”
Your eyes widen—knowing Steve is all too serious. You open your mouth again and you’re desperate. Your walls clench around his cock, pleasure teetering on the edge. “P-Please—”
“Sorry, baby, but I said you can’t—” He starts to pull out of you, but your legs tightened around his waist. He can’t pull out now. Not when you’re so close. So so close.
“N-no, please. S-Steve! Please, Steve!”
You were loud. So loud. You made sure that even through the blaring music that you could be heard. You needed Steve to know that you were heard.
He slams back into you—your crashing against the mundane walls. Your mouth hung open in garbled screams and sighs. His hips sputtered from your sweet spongey walls hugging his cock.
“Yeah? Gonna let Eddie hear you? Oh, baby, don’t look at me like that. You know I saw him flirting with you. Saw him lookin’ you up and down.”
His hand squeezed your own, fingers still intertwined despite his mean stature. “Gonna cum for me? Yeah, cum on my cock. L-Let me feel you, sweet girl. Let Eddie hear you.”
And you do, you cum so hard that you start to see stars. Your screams are even louder than before—knowing for sure that people have definitely heard you now. Steve groans at your pulsating hole gripping his cock even harder before.
“S-Shit, baby, yeah. I’m—I’m gonna cum, shit!” Thick ropes of his cum spurt into your walls. You’re still riding out your high, the delicious feeling of his cum made you whine.
He slowly pulls out of you, letting out a small “fuck” as he watched the cum leak from your lips. He gently lifts you up into his arms—his own legs slightly wobbly from his high.
You just smile, pressing your head into his neck. “So, you jealous of Eddie, huh?”
He groans, knowing that this won’t be let down. Ever. “Shut up.”
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xreader-writing · 2 years
Your versions | Ben Hargreeves
Sumarry – Ben Can't Understand What 'Old Ben' Had That He Doesn't.
Pairing – Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Umbrella!Reader | Word Count – 919
A/N – This has season 3 spoilers!♡ English is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
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"Why this sad face?" Kluas Says sitting at the table where Ben is.
"Why does Y/n hate me so much?" Ben says half drunk and Klaus scoffs.
"Why do you think?" Klaus laughs and Ben looks at the table where Y/n and five are.
"Did she hate the 'Other Ben' too?"
"Oh no, she loved him more than anything," Klaus says and takes a sip of champagne.
"But we're talking the 'Old Ben' isn't it." Ben says mockingly.
"Can you imagine how hard it is to lose someone twice?" Klaus says and Ben frowns.
"He died so young and they were so in love." Klaus smiles as he remembers the young couple.
"I could see him after he died and he would always say how much he wanted to touch her and how much he wanted to confess to her, but that was impossible." He smiles sadly.
"And now here we are, she's facing the love of her life but it's not him, can you imagine that?" Ben looks at Y/n's table again, who is downing a glass along with Five.
"Y/n is the best of us, so I wish you wouldn't hurt her." Klaus says patting Ben on the shoulder and leaving.
After those words from Klaus, Ben has to admit he got thoughtful after all, what the fuck did this "outher Ben" have that he doesn't?
So when Ben saw Y/n get up and go to the elevator, he saw the perfect chance to ask her directly.
"Wait!" Ben says putting his hand on the door so it doesn't close.
He looked at Y/n and she looked at him with a serious expression "I wonder if she looked at the 'other Ben' like that too."
"But of course not, he was perfect." He thinks aloud as he enters the elevator.
"What did you say?" Y/n serious question.
"Nothing, I didn't say anything." Ben says standing next to her.
He was a little drunk, but maybe not drunk enough to ask the questions he wanted to ask her.
Ben was so thoughtful that he didn't even notice when the elevator stopped and the doors opened, so he decided to follow Y/n as she exited the elevator.
"Why are you following me?" Y/n asks turning around sharply.
"I don't want to fight ok, I just want to talk" Ben says raising his hands in acknowledgment.
"I do not want to talk to you." Y/n says starting to walk again.
"I bet you wouldn't say that to your Ben." When Ben says that, Y/n stops walking, and turns to face him.
"Stop talking about him." She says seriously to him.
"Turns out he's me!" Ben says in a louder tone.
"No, you're not my Ben, my Ben always thought of everyone, my Ben didn't mind being fucking number one!" Ben looks puzzled at Y/n who is watering in his eyes.
Y/n sighs, running a hand over her face and sits on the floor and leans her head against the hallway wall.
"I'm sorry, I just…don't want to talk." She says closing her eyes.
Ben looks at her, and sighs too "Fuck it wasn't supposed to be like this." He thinks
Ben sits next to her with their shoulders almost touching.
"How... what was he like?" He'd asked this so many times, but he wanted to know her answer so badly.
"I think everyone has told you about him." Y/n says opening her eyes and looking at him.
"But I want to see your vision of him." Y/n looks down at her feet and smiles slightly.
"He was the best person I've ever met, I could say anything to him, and he would never judge me, and he always listened to me and...was always there." Y/n says with a choked voice.
Ben listens intently with a sad expression.
"He always asked how my day was, even though we were spending the day together." Y/n says and lets out a giggle wiping the tears with her hands.
Ben looks down at his feet, and all he can hear is Y/n's sniffles, and it hurts so bad.
"How…how was your day?" Ben says quietly and Y/n looks at him in surprise.
"You do not have to do this." She says looking at him.
"I want to do this, please just... let me do this." Y/n closes her eyes again smiling slightly.
"I think I had a bad day." Y/n says still with her eyes closed.
"I bet that Ben didn't help much." Ben says analyzing her face, and smiles to see her smile more.
"God, she's so beautiful."
"Oh he's not as bad as he looks." She says and the two laugh.
After a while of silence, Ben feels Y/n lean her head on his shoulder.
"I know I'm not your Ben but-" Ben starts but is interrupted by Y/n.
"Stop saying that, you are who you should be." Y/n says, and Ben feels his eyes water.
"I'm sure he loved you as much as you loved him." He says softly and Y/n smiles.
"I think I will always love all of your versions." Y/n says closing his eyes and Ben smiles more.
"Even the worst?"
"Mostly him"
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yanphobia · 11 months
Athazagoraphobia - Chapter 1
Athazagoraphobia: The fear of forgetting, and being forgotten.
Pairing: Yandere Male Merman OC x Reader
Warnings (for the entire story): Yandere, Horror, Graphic Discriptions of Injury and Death, The Ocean, Body Horror, NonCon Touching, Dubcon, Female Reader, Extreme Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Author's Note: This was supposed to be posted in May. 😐
The evening sky reflected against the water, causing a wide orange streak that broke up the monotony of the blue. The waves were calmly brushing up and down against the shore, with their gentle lapping being the only thing to disturb the silence of the day’s end. 
It was repulsive. 
Yes, you were objectively able to see how one could find this scene beautiful, peaceful even. But for you, staring out into that endless horizon only turned your stomach. You sighed and looked to the figure sitting next to you. 
“We should get going.” You told her. 
“Just one more minute,” she said. “This is my favorite part.” 
It was the worst part. The two of you watched in silence as the sun dipped below the horizon, the last rays of light disappearing into the murky depths of the water. Sammie hummed in satisfaction while you bit back a choke. As much as you loved her, you could never understand how she could see that dark, barren abyss and find it anything other than terrifying. 
“Alright,” she said, standing up and stretching out her back, “Let’s head back. I have an early day tomorrow.” 
In all fairness, you hadn’t always hated the sea. You had first come to this town with your mother and her boyfriend as a very small child and had never seen anything like it. The hot, golden sand against the cool, blue water had been such a striking contrast, and you were thrilled when they gave you permission to go swimming. 
You really hadn’t gone that far out to sea. There were plenty of kids much farther out than you were. So why you were the one to get dragged under the water, you’ll never know. An undertow, they called it. A currant that brought you out much farther than you would have ever wanted to go. You still remember how small the shore looked from such a distance, and the frantic cries for help from the people watching helplessly. How roughly the lifeguard had to hold onto you to drag you back to land. The deep scratches on both of your legs, they said from rubbing across the harsh sand, although his were bad enough to require stitches. It was absolutely traumatizing, and you hadn’t touched the water since. 
You were currently trying to work through this fear, both through therapy and Sammie’s guidance. But it was easier said than done. Especially when it seemed like the ocean hated you just as much. You didn’t consider yourself a superstitious person, but you also couldn’t deny a bad omen when you saw it. 
For one, you always felt like you were being watched. Scrutinized. It was always worse when your back was turned away from the water, too, as though there was someone staring a hole into you. It would usually start a few minutes after you arrived at the beach, but you were never able to acclimate to the chills that ran down your spine once you noticed it. Or the dead, mutilated fish that would wash up onto the shore every time you came here. They would be drawn, from head to tail, in one smooth, deep red line that often allowed their innards to spill out. No matter which beach you went to, one would appear, without fail. 
Then there was the sound. No one else heard it except for you. You had tried so hard to convince yourself that you were just hearing things, even going to a doctor to get your ears checked. This low, otherworldly humming sound, that you could only just pick out from underneath the sounds of the waves crashing. It only began in the last year, and it was a sure sign that you were losing your mind. This was when Sammie suggested a bit of exposure therapy. Unable to refuse her anything, you agreed to give it a try. 
Sammie laughed as both of you got into your car. “I’m going to sleep so good tonight!”  
“Mom, we're going to be late!” 
No response. You sighed, hoping that this wouldn’t turn into a fight. She knew how important this was to you. It was Sammie’s engagement party, and while the implications of what it meant for you may have caused your heart to clench, you still wouldn’t miss it for the world.  
You approached her door, knocking on it harder than usual as you called out for her again. When you were met with silence again, you opened her door.  
Empty! A note on her bed occupied the space she should’ve been in. Angrily, you picked it up, although you knew what it was going to say. 
Mike wanted me to visit him this weekend! I’ll be back on Monday. Enjoy the house alone! 
Love you – Mom' 
You scoffed. Mike was your mother’s on again off again boyfriend since you were a child. He was a good, loyal, caring man – when he felt like being one. It wasn’t uncommon for him to disappear for a while, only to return and expect your mother to run back into his arms as though nothing had changed. You had dried enough of her tears throughout the course of your childhood to ever forgive him for toying with her, and you had dried enough of your own tears to ever forgive her for prioritizing such a selfish person over the child who needed her. 
You rolled your eyes and left without her. One good thing, you mused, to ever come out of this dysfunctional relationship: you had sworn to yourself to never be so weak and codependent on a man, no matter what. 
You pulled up to the docks as the sun began to set. The engagement party was on a beautiful yacht that Jonah’s family had rented for the occasion. He and Sammie were at the entrance, welcoming all the guests as they arrived. You directed your focus on what a good-looking couple they made, and how pretty everyone looked, instead of thinking about the next few hours that you’ll spend out in the water. 
“[Y/N]! You look so good!” Sammie greeted you when you walked up to her. “Where’s your mom?” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, she couldn’t make it tonight,” you lied. “She had to work late.” 
“That’s okay! We’ll save some food for her.” She took your hand gently. “C’mon, let’s go!” 
The three of you boarded the ship as you purposefully ignored the butchered fish floating in the water underneath you. 
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creative-kny-fics · 4 months
Hi! If request are open, 21 trio? Lee!giyuu and ler!sanemi and obanai? U don’t have to btw!
When they call them trio 21 it reminds me of a meme I saw in which Sanemi and Obanai said: Being hashiras made us friends, but hating Tomioka made us brothers KAHSLSHSLSHS 😭 well, let's change that 👌🏼
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Lers: Sanemi Shinazugawa and Iguro Obanai
Sanemi and Obanai didn't understand one thing, how was it possible that Shinobu, despite being rejected countless times, still tried to be Giyuu's friend?
'That idiot... He thinks he's better than everyone... I HATE HIM!'
If Sanemi and Obanai were together, they only did one thing: Roast Giyuu. It would be no exception on that occasion.
'Come on Tomioka-San! Let's be friends! I know you want to~!'
Shinobu received no response, she wasn't angry, but she felt 'disappointed'. 'Ooooh, so I need to "get your attention", hmm~?'
This did catch Giyuu's attention, starting to walk away slowly, only for after a few steps, Shinobu jumped, hugging him by the neck and squeezing his ribs. 'Wait... What is Kocho doing...?'
'I hope she's trying to choke him or bend his neck.', both of their eyes widened when they heard a male laugh, it wasn't either of them, that means... 'Ko-Kohocho...!! O-Okahahay!! Sohohorry...!!', after that, Giyuu and Shinobu walked away, now "talking".
Sanemi and Obanai saw each other, pinched themselves, shook their heads, even slapped each other. 'Did you just see... The same thing I just saw...?'
'Did Giyuu Tomioka just laugh...?'
Their confusion was evident, Giyuu never spoke and now, suddenly, he just laughed? They both saw each other, gave each other a knowing look, if Shinobu had gotten Tomioka to talk just for a few tickles, they would both make his 'I'm not like you' behavior disappear once and for all.
And of course, also the opportunity to 'humiliate' him and get some revenge, for what? For nothing really, Sanemi and Obanai simply want to teach him a lesson.
'There it is... What do you think we do? Should we push him to the ground or should I hold him tight while you tickle him?'
'I wanted to humiliate him in front of people, but I guess it will be difficult to get him off his estate. Let's do this, we put him on the ground and I climb on his arms and you on his hips,' Sanemi nodded before realizing that Obanai had practically stated his plan in other words.
Then there would be time to complain to him, Obanai had already gone ahead and was now banging hard on the door of Giyuu's estate.
'Who-? Oh, Obanai, how are you...? Shinazugawa...? What are you two doing here...?', neither of them visited him and the only visit they gave him was only to push him to the ground and close the door.
Just as they had planned, they laid him down and sat on his arms and legs, thinking that Giyuu would move, would start begging that they didn't do it, that they let him free, but he didn't do anything.
They both looked upset, was he trying to show them that he was better than them by not being ticklish? Not at all, he didn't believe they were capable of doing that, he was shocked. 'Why are you doing this...?'
'Why? Well, you're fucking shameless... That's why you always do your "I'm not like you" bullshit. Now what are you going to say about it?'
Giyuu frowned, were they seriously doing this? For a moment he thought they were joking or that he was dreaming, but no... 'Fuck you,' was his response.
Sanemi didn't look upset, he looked happy, as if I had given him one more reason to carry out his purpose. 'With pleasure...~'
'...If you're going to do gay things, please let me know and Kaburamaru and I will back off...'
Okay, that did make Sanemi angry and he knew what he would do after destroying the 'Giyuu's pride'
'Kanzaburo, when you came to my window, you seemed worried and wanted me to come running to Tomioka-San's farm, but... Why? I don't understand, is he okay?!'
Kanzaburo shook his head, worrying her more and forcing her to quicken her pace.
'Hah, what's wrong Tomioka? Where is your cold person behavior? Was it just a facade?!' 'You should see yourself... You squirm like a worm and you can't even utter a single word without laughing out loud!'
How bad was Giyuu? Enough to have some tears threatening to come if Sanemi and Obanai continued tickling him like there was no tomorrow.
'Ehem!', Shinobu cleared her throat, drawing both of their attention and being a signal to stop.
They didn't expect anyone to arrive, I mean, they both thought that no one visited Giyuu, but apparently they did. 'What? We haven't done anything wrong, we're not breaking any rules!'
'What he said! What's happening? You did it before and no one judged you, so don't look at us that way!'
Shinobu approached them and pulled their ears, they were expecting a long talk, but...
'You've done it all wrong! Giyuu doesn't need to be tickled so hard! A gentle touch will make him laugh... Isn't that right Tomioka-San~?', Giyuu laughed nervously as he watched Shinobu approach.
Maybe after this, he would finally talk a little more or stop having that cold face.
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materassassino · 1 month
For the prompt ask: hoodie for Joe/Nicky 😉
This one got a bit long, actually... It works though.
One word prompts!
Somewhere in the Altai Mountains, 1402
They are travelling east again, weary of the never-ending woes of the Mediterranean and Europe, and because Quynh wants to eat what she calls ‘proper food’ again – there is only so much Nicolò can do with imported spices that have lost their potency from travel (when they can afford them). Why they chose this accursed northern route instead of some sensible ship from Jeddah Yusuf will never understand, but Andromache mistrusts the sea in general, and Quynh will go where she goes, which means Yusuf and Nicolò have little choice. She also wants to show them Karakorum, which they have yet to see.
Winter is not close, but there is a chill on the air, especially now evening is falling and the shadows lengthen. Andromache scouts them a place she deems worthy for camp that night (though she is rarely very discerning, and Yusuf would swear she could sleep on a bed of gravel with no complaint), and they settle. Yusuf joins Quynh to fetch water, Andromache tends to the horses and Nicolò starts their fire and starts to prepare their food. It is a well-worn, familiar routine, each night in the wilderness the same as the one before.
Quynh is busy telling him about the time Andromache got herself in a spot of bother with some Gauls in Armorica when they get back to camp, and Yusuf is trying very hard not to trip over he chokes on his own laughter. Andromache scowls, and if the light were better, Yusuf would wager he saw the slightest embarrassed flush on her stoic cheeks.
“Not that one again,” she grumbles, removing her horse’s saddle and blanket. Quynh grins, something sharp-fanged and delightfully wicked.
“You just hate it because it ends with you in a pig sty!” she says. Yusuf wheezes helplessly.
That is when Nicolò sneezes.
Yusuf stops laughing immediately, sets down their filled waterskins and puts his hands on his hips.
“I told you to wear your cloak!” he grumbles. Nicolò has the cheek to roll his eyes, even as he wipes his nose on the back of his hand.
“I am fine,” he retorts, turning back to the fire. He sneezes again.
“God give me strength,” Yusuf mutters, raises his eyes to the heavens and waving his hands beseechingly. He stomps over to their pile of saddlebags and begins rummaging, but he soon stops.
“Nicolò,” he asks, “where is your cloak?”
They all see the way Nicolò’s shoulders tense, creeping up guiltily by his ears.
“Come to think of it,” Quynh says, pursing her lips, “I have not seen it since the village we passed through two days ago.”
Yusuf levels Nicolò with a long glare. “Nico?”
Nicolò rubs the back of his neck. “I think… I think I forgot it. At the inn.”
Andromache guffaws. Yusuf groans. Nicolò is usually so meticulous, but in fairness they had beaten a rather hasty retreat after Andromache got into a fight with a merchant over the treatment of his horses, so it is entirely likely it was simply lost in the whirlwind madness.
“We might not see another settlement until Karakorum itself,” Andromache says, drumming her fingers on her knee. “And it will only get colder the further up we go.”
Yusuf sighs, getting to his feet and fumbling with the clasp of his own cloak. He throws it over Nicolò’s shoulders and sits heavily beside him.
“Do not be stupid, Yusuf,” Nicolò says, shrugging the cloak off. “You need it!”
Yusuf waves him away, dismissive. That causes Nicolò to scowl.
“Well, if neither of you wants it…” says Quynh edging around the fire with a sly look.
“Leave it!” the two men snap in unison, and she darts back, hands raised defensively even as she laughs.
“Share it, you idiots,” Andromache snaps, shaking her head. “We’ll turn one of the spare blankets into a new cloak tomorrow.”
Yusuf and Nicolò both look at her, and then at each other.
“That… seems wise,” Nicolò concedes, and Yusuf muffles a snort of laughter.
They end the evening beneath the same cloak, huddled close together. There is, Yusuf muses archly, little difference with the night before.
Geneva, August 2022
The clouds roll in from almost nowhere, spilling down from the mountains. They don’t herald rain, but they cover the sun and an uncharacteristic chill shrouds the city. They’ve been scouting out potential new safehouses – it’s good to add to the rotation, and it’s time Nile got a few under any of her various shiny new aliases. The prices are eye-watering, but there’s always something to be found somewhere, especially further outside the city.
There’s a slight bite to the air now, just enough to cause some goosebumps. Nile tugs on the cardigan she’d draped over her shoulders that morning, covering her bare arms. Andy does absolutely nothing, because she refuses to let the whims of Mother Nature bother her overmuch. Nicky untie the hoodie from around his waist – unfashionable, as always – and zips it up, sticking his hands in its pockets.
Joe sneezes.
Nicky looks at him, in his optimistic breezy linen shirt and shorts, and raises his eyebrows. He doesn’t even need to say anything as Joe scowls at him.
“It was sunny until a moment ago!” he protests the unspoken accusation.
“Yeah, but the weather lady said it would get cloudy!” Nile pipes up, withering slightly under Joe’s glare.
“Should’ve paid more attention,” is all Andy says with a flippant smirk.
Joe simply folds his arms petulantly and stomps on ahead, attempting to brave the sudden chill. He doesn’t last long before he’s rubbing his arms, and the walk back to the hotel is thirty minutes.
Nicky sighs, and unzips his hoodie again. He drapes it over Joe’s shoulders, completely ignoring Joe’s pout.
“I don’t need it!” he says, about to shrug it off and hand it back like a stubborn fool. Nicky levels him with another long, hard look, and Joe meekly puts it on properly. He allows Nicky to adjust it fastidiously and zip it up, his resigned façade cracking entirely when Nicky plants the most fleeting of kisses on the tip of his nose.
“Oh my God,” Nile says. “That’s so adorable it’s disgusting.”
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melonbellys · 11 months
„i didnt want to, but you made it sooo easy..“
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Kai Anderson - without consent.
This is my first post on here, it‘s just a drabble that rotted in my notes for a while, just for my own imagination.. lmao
Warning: this is a piece of FICTION with just pure non consent, if this makes you uncomfortable i advise you to scroll.
non-consent, p in v, reader is female, LOTS of dirty talk, degrading, praising, age gap (reader is 20, he‘s 30.) , reader was a virgin, choking, daddy kink if you squint, kai on adderall, deepthroating, fingering (reader receiving) , yeah if i missed something pls comment..
word count: 1,709
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kai n i met in a vinyl store, he caught my eye and i went up to him, saying how him buying a vinyl is „sooo lana-del-ray“, making fun of him. he didnt mind and he even laughed along me, i asked him if the coffee he had in his hand was good and now im here, stuck in this cult, kai kissing my neck and calling me ugly names.
„i bet you get wet even thinking about me.“ he said, full of confidence, touching my needy cunt through my panties.
„tell me how much you want me to destroy your tiny cunt“ he rubbed his fingers roughly over my clothed-clit, it hurt. a lot.
„p-please.. let me go.“ i say with tears in my eyes.
„if you didnt want this your panties wouldn’t be soaked, you dumb little slut.“ he was visibly hard, touching me, raping me.
„please, kai.“ tears keep streaming down my face as he undresses my lower half.
„if you gave in, it wouldnt hurt as much.“ he kept on talking, at this point i was saying nothing.
kai slapped my face, his deep, black eyes digging through my reddened eyes.
„c-can we do this… when im ready?“ i say again, crying as i was still a virgin, a 20 year old virgin, while he was 30.
„you want me to, i know that you want it. your wetness tells me otherwise.“ he keeps rubbing his thumb over my cunt, making me gasp and whine.
„i- kai please i dont want you to take my virginity!“ i yell out into his face, his hand holding my face, his thumb stuffed deep inside my mouth, playing with my tongue now.
„virgin? you‘re a virgin? god…. i want to rip your pretty pink pussy open with my cock…“ he rambles him taking off my panties immediately now.
„please no! kai please…“ i cry now.
„you crying makes it even better, you are such a good toy.“ he spits on my face and i felt myself get wetter from his touch, just a natural response and i hated it.
„you disgust me; you are just a hole for me to fuck, do you understand?“ his hand was still stuck in my mouth, fucking his fingers into my throat as i try to pull away.
„i bet your little mouth would feel soooo good around my dick baby. if only you‘d stop crying.“ he was so mad at me, he knew i was interested in him but not into him sexually.
„if only you would give in.“ he says before he bites my own lip, i try to kick him away but it only ends with him holding my legs.
„why wont you be a good girl, hm? always have to ruin everything.“ he chokes me so hard that i cant even think straight, my legs resting on his shoulder.
i cry out again but i lose myself in his touch, i couldnt fight him so i just went limp.
„thats it, i knew you wanted this.“ his finger enter my cunt roughly, fucking his digits into my core, moaning and crying as he does what he does.
„your tight little pussy had me hooked from the start, the moment i saw you i knew how good it‘d feel.“ tears keep running down, i was trying to pretend this was a nightmare, a movie.. some kind off horrible porn thatd only weird people would watch.
„i never care about girls, i only fuck them, usually they thank me. kai you made me cum so hard, thank you daddy.“ he mimics some other girl, which probably didnt happen and he just said for his own pleasure.
„im just making sure you think of me when someone else fucks you, slut.“
„IM A VIRGIN! IM NOT A SLUT.“ i yell at him as he stuffs my wet panties in my mouth.
„SHUT UP.“ he yells even louder than me.
„be happy im prepping you.“ he said as he rammed his fingers in continuously, not even making me feel good and hitting the spot that id liked, it hurt. so much.
„does that feel good? i bet it does.“ he spoke through gritted teeth as his whole arm moved now, i shook my head violently and he took out the panties and stuffed his fingers in my mouth instead.
„tell me, is that not your cunt? does it not taste like you? hm?“ his nails dig into me, it felt close to cutting me.
„if it didnt feel good you wouldnt be this wet.“ his eyes were emotionless, he was clearly on some sort of drug, as i saw him do it.
„god babygirl, you had such whore potential, if only you didnt wanna leave.“
he said, referencing a few minutes ago, where the moment i entered his house, he started kissing me, i gave in to the kisses but said no to sex. his kisses felt good for a second, before his hand moved to my skirt and i said that i cant and had to leave.
„you have to expect that to happen, you are worth nothing. absolutely NOTHING. only just a cunt to fuck.“
he pushed me on the bed and threw my panties to the side completely, his fingers loged so deeply in my throat that i would gag.
„i want you to gag on my cock so bad, but im nice to you.“ he smiles, kissing my nose.
he turned me around and spoke „get on all fours, i dont want to see you cry anymore.“ i protest and sit up, before he pushed me down again.
„nu-uhuh.“ his tongue clicked.
„baby… come on.“ he whispered.
„p-please… be careful.“
i cry out again and again, begging for him to NOT rip me apart.
„okay, i promise.“ he spoke in a soft tone, this was oddly reassuring. even if i was raped it didnt hurt as mu-
he didnt even bother to turn me around now, and aligned himself with my entrance. before saying anything his cock slammed so deep and hard into me that i only could scream, him quickly shutting me up with a blanket in my mouth which he held there.
„fuck baby, you‘re so fucking tight, god.“ he spoke through gritted teeth, raping my cunt as tears wont stop streaming, it hurt so bad.
it stung, his dick was so thick… and long i felt it hit my cervix and when i looked down, i looked at the bulge in my tummy.
„you… argh~ fuck, so good.“ he couldnt even say a coherent sentence, screaming into his hand that held the blanket there.
his cock felt so warm, the sensation was new… but it hurt… more physiologically than physically.
i started to give in now, loosening up a bit, knowing it would hurt less.
„now you‘re a good slut, you take my cock so well.“ he says as he takes me by my hair to face me.
„i wish i could hear your moans and curses, but all you do is cry.“ he says as he kept slamming himself into me.
i shake my head, pulling out the blanket before i speak.
„k-kai… let me speak.“ he kept pushing deeper.
he takes out the towel completely.
„cumming?“ he jumps to the conclusion quickly. i shake my head.
„kai… it hurts so much!“ i cry out again before he slows down.
„i‘ll be nice.“ he says before his fingers touch my clit again, making me gasp.
he goes slower, hitting my sweetspot now too, making me moan loudly, giving into the sensation.. i tried to pretend he wasnt raping me.
„it feels so good.“ i say, trying to satisfy him, maybe he would stop.
„i told you baby, hm? sex is sooo fucking nice.“ he says before he whispers into my ear again.
„are you gonna cum? tell me when you are close. i want you to cum in my mouth.“ this made me feel sick, i didnt want his mouth on me, especially not on my womanhood.
i had hoped he was done, but he wasnt.
„im gonna fuck your pretty mouth too, you‘ll like that right?“ i dont say anything and keep moaning, him hitting my cervix again.
i didnt want it. i wanted it to end. so bad.
„p-please stop.“ i cry out again and again.
„no… you‘re just starting to make me like you.“ he kisses me, his tongue deep into my mouth and i let out a hum.
„i didnt want to rape you, but you made it soooo easy.“ his words hurt, he was traumatizing me even more.
„k-kai… why are you doing this?“ i look him right into his eyes, for the first time that day.
„dont… look at me.“ he turns my head away.
„i dont want you to look at me.“ he says as he slaps me again, just hurting me even more.
„im fucking you cuz i want to, bitch.“ he goes even harder now, i was probably bleeding too now and as he got even more rough now, my eyes seemed to upset him.
„you‘re on birthcontrol, right?“ he speaks through his teeth as he seemingly was close
„n-no, please… kai dont, just use my mouth!“ i beg as i look into his eyes again, trying to awaken the guy thats inside of his shell.
„and now we are begging, i told you you wanted it.“ yea. sure wanted it. definitely not trying to avoid pregnancy.
he pulls out of me with a hiss, my heat was hurting, swollen and just pulsating.
his hands rest on it and he looks at me, i felt sore.
„my dick is coated with your fucking juice, clean it up like a good little girl.“ he said as he ripped open my mouth, his tip resting on my lips.
„you have such a pretty mouth, put it to good use.“
he pushes his cock deep inside, my tongue gliding against it.
„mhhm, thats what i meant baby.“ he bucks his hips in my mouth as he holds me by my hair, i kept gagging.
„too big, huh?“ no, too rough.
tears were streaming down my face, and my eyes roll back.
„my fucked out slut.“ he speaks inbetween animalistic grunts.
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I HOPE YOU ENJOYED !! pls comment n reblog maybe ! :3 i lov you
this is my first post, so again… pls dont be mean.
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kisskissbanggang · 1 year
Provocation pt. 3
[9.6k words/30min Read - Lee Know x Female Reader, Bang Chan x Female Reader - Non-Idol!au - NSFW/Smut w/Plot - Voyeurism, Developing Relationships, Multiple Orgasms, Alarmingly Short Refractory Periods, Cunnilingus, Blindfolds, Handjobs, Spit as Lube, Dom/Sub Elements, Creative Approaches to Identity Crises, Jisung Finally Enters the Plot]
[Part 1 | Part 2 | Chan | Also Chan | Come Say Hi!]
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Despite how nervous you were, this was shaping up to be a gorgeous evening. Not only was the rooftop bar at Magnifique thankfully uncrowded since it was a weeknight, you even scored a table next to a space heater so you didn’t need your coat just yet. Your dining partner was enjoying himself thoroughly, especially with the Old Fashioned and appetizers you treated him to as the sun was beginning to set. This was as nice as the night was going to get, you figured, so it was time to suck it up and do what you came here to do in the first place. 
“So,” you began, speaking somewhat confidently into your food, “I was wondering... who’s Chan?”
Jisung choked on his drink, reeling before he forced himself to swallow. You winced and slid your water across the table. He shot you a steely, skeptic glare as he carefully sipped. Your friend firmly set the glass back on the table and composed himself. 
“What did Minho tell you?” he suspiciously interrogated. 
“Nothing!” you defended. It was true. Minho shut down so hard that you’d never pressed the issue. You wouldn't be asking if it wasn't such a problem now. 
“Bullshit!” Jisung laughed incredulously. “Minho never talks about Chan with anyone outside work, not even me, not even Dad, not even his mom.”
“Look,” you guiltily reasoned with Jisung, “I know I haven't been up front about me and Minho–”
“Oh my god,” Jisung groaned with a roll of his eyes. His fingers clumsily slipped off his glasses before pinching the bridge of his nose. But even then, he still seemed like he was about to laugh. “Do you seriously think I don’t know? Do you think anyone doesn't know?!”
Your face heated up immediately. Jisung started giggling into his drink.
“Come on, Ji, I–” 
“You don’t think everyone at my last get-together saw you two dorks disappear into the kitchen together?!”
“Jisung!” you whined, “you sent me to get hors d'oeuvres–”
“I had to tell Seungmin you were single! He was convinced you weren’t. I wonder why–”
“Ji! I get it–”
“Maybe I was just blind! I've been to Ikea with you plenty but it never occurred to me–”
“OKAY, JISUNG!” you snapped. “I’m sorry, okay?!”
Jisung perked straight up at attention. Everyone around you was staring. Without even meaning to, you’d slapped your hands down onto the table with your outburst. Jisung was practically on the verge of tears, holding in a laugh until his face was red. 
“Fine,” you pathetically grumbled with a wave, “continue. I deserve it.”
“I’m just saying,” Jisung facetiously shrugged. He was failing to hold back a giggle. “Where was my kitchen handy?”
Jisung howled when you kicked him under the table. 
“Oh my god, Jisung, GROSS!”
“Now I'm gross!” Jisung sobbed out a hysterical guffaw. 
You were both losing it by now, but you managed to stubbornly get argumentative for a second. “Like you were ever available anyway! I ripped off that bandaid a long time ago and you said no, remember?!”
Jisung swiped a tear away and put his glasses back on. “I was so smart to friend-zone you early on.”
“Smart,” you exaggeratedly rolled your eyes. “And all these years you’ve just pretended to not be interested in dating.”
It seemed you’d tripped Jisung up for a moment, judging by the way he paused, seemingly choking before he tried to subtly clear his throat. “I mean… yeah? Obviously. Because I'm not interested in dating.”
You searched for him to meet your gaze again. “Thank you, though. For understanding. I really appreciate it.”
“Hey,” he shrugged more earnestly now, “if someone's going to take care of Minho I'd like it to be someone I trust. Better yet, someone I like. You're perfect.”
“Thank you,” you smugly grinned. “Now! Who the fuck is Chan?”
The air between you got serious again. Jisung shifted uncomfortably in his seat, before leaning back and folding his arms across his chest. He looked like he was about to begin, paused, and ultimately cracked his neck to perhaps soothe his nerves. You patiently, nervously waited. 
“... Fine,” Jisung nodded. “Chan's our boss.”
Your gasp was involuntary. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “And he’s even more Minho’s boss than mine. I’m over in Finance, but Chan’s the fucking VP. Minho’s an associate, but you knew that already.”
“Right,” you lied. Associate sounded important, which was probably how Minho could afford his nice apartment. 
Jisung held up an eyebrow in doubt of you. “Chan stresses Minho the fuck out. If he brought him up to you, it can’t be good news.”
“It’s not like he’ll even tell me that it’s not good news,” you sighed. “He’ll tell me anything else.”
Your friend shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He was clearly considering something. “Fine. You didn’t hear this from me–”
“What?” you interrupted, stunned. “You’re helping me now?”
“I might as well!” Jisung groused. “He’s been acting so weird for a while. He’s left me on Read for three days and he hasn’t done that since that time he worked 36 hours straight. If you can snap him out of it then it’ll be a weight off my back before our parents catch on. Now do you want my help or not?”
“Yes,” you groveled, grabbing onto his hand with one of yours and calling over a waitress with the other. His glass was empty, after all. 
“Okay,” Jisung steeled himself. “Again: you didn’t hear it from me. But you’ll catch Chan in the loft at Good Night. I’ve been asked to come out often enough to know he’s a regular.”
You thought about this amazing nugget of info for a moment. “And has Minho ever tagged along?”
“Has Minho? God, no,” Jisung scoffed. “But like I said, you didn’t hear this from me.”
“Oh, Jisung,” you gratefully exulted, grabbing onto his hand again. “Thank you, seriously–”
“Are you sure you can’t tell me what happened?” he tried again. 
You considered this. It wasn’t like you could tell him Minho clearly wanted to fuck their boss. 
“It’s probably just work stuff,” you fudged. “I’ll get to the bottom of it, I promise.”
Jisung seemed satisfied, thankfully. But now you had a new fire lit underneath you. 
It was just your luck that Minho happened to live in roughly the same neighborhood as this mystery nightclub. Considering the distance, it was a reasonable bus ride, but it honestly wouldn't be a terrible walk. Following that logic, it only made sense that you’d grab a cab. 
Minho hadn’t even asked you where you were taking him tonight. Apparently, he was simply elated that you'd seemingly dropped the Chan nonsense for the time being. 
The club wasn't your vibe by any means, by the way, but it wasn't a dealbreaker. The line to get in was modest, the cover was decent (which made up for it being cash only) and the fog machine wasn't obnoxious. In a move that shouldn't have been so surprising, Minho made a beeline upstairs to the loft. 
“Been here before?” you teased over the music. 
“No!” Minho laughed. “There's just a bit more light up here.”
This was a great date night barring any ulterior motives. Minho sat beside you in a cozy booth seat at a small table. It took every ounce of your reserved energy to not make it obvious that you were internally squealing when he casually smoothed a hand across to your far shoulder so he could hold you close. Truth be told, you liked whatever it was that you were growing with Minho. 
The atmosphere in the loft made it easy to feel like you were still intimate despite the crowded accommodations. Minho talked low in your ear, his lips tickling you just enough to make you giggle like an idiot when you weren't being more careful. If you didn't know any better, though, you'd almost think your unintentional reaction nearly made him blush. 
Minho cleared his throat and waved over a thankfully fast server. Soon, you both had a drink to distract you a little. You took a moment and surveyed the loft. Really, any of the gorgeous men chatting up the other patrons could've been Chan. 
Any of them, but one in particular, once you caught sight of him. 
And you weren't the only one who noticed. 
Beside you, Minho coughed into his drink, making you jump. He floundered. He sputtered. Ears fully red now, Minho got up and fled into the chair across from your booth bench. Both hands flat on the table, he leaned forward, his gaze wild. 
“You bitch,” he wheezed out with an affronted laugh, “you set me up! You knew he'd be here!”
You blinked innocently. “Who?”
Minho ignored you, and instead rubbed his temples in frustration for a second. “As if I'm stupid! You think I don’t know where he spends his off hours? I’m going to murder Jisung. How else would you find out? Of course this was a set-up, I knew it–”
“Min,” you sweetly interrupted. “If you're saying what I think you're saying, I'll tell you right now that I don’t even know what he looks like.”
Small lie, but harmless. You didn't know, but you had a good idea. Your retort made Minho pause, likely right in the middle of a clever remark. As a result, his mouth momentarily flopped open and shut like a fish. The only thing you could think to do was push his drink back into his hands. Minho clutched the glass and took a healthy swig. Once he was finally satisfied, he firmly set the glass back down, all while eyeing you steadily. 
“So,” he carefully treaded, “this isn't a set up?”
“Never said that,” you mischievously grinned.
Minho cocked an eyebrow. “But you don't know what he looks like?”
“No,” you gleefully replied, arms folded indignantly across your chest. “I don't know what Chan looks like–”
You were cut off by Minho flailing. Either it was that you actually said it… Or that you said it just loud enough for your voice to carry. 
And right on cue, your suspicion was confirmed. 
The young executive with the soft brown waves, coordinated accessories, and likely incredibly expensive shirt that was engrossingly form-fitting in the chest and biceps – the one you’d been betting on when you caught sight of him schmoozing a cute date on the other side of the loft – definitely glanced up and around at the sound of his name. You certainly recognized him now. He’d been blonde when you first caught him looking at you at Minho’s office, but this was unmistakably the same man. Same strong nose, same dimple, same sweet little eyes that lit up when he laughed. 
You understood the appeal. 
“What’re you so worried about? He’s cute, Min,” you smirked. 
Minho currently held a glare that either meant he could kill you or kiss you right at that second. “I'm glad I have your approval,” he grumbled. 
“Tell me more,” you prompted him. You reached across the table and held his hand. 
Minho paused, looking at your thumb brushing over his knuckles. He finally sighed. “There’s not much to say. We've known each other for a long time. He just… He makes me feel…”
“Like I do?” you gently teased, trying to keep him inside the comfort of your dynamic. 
Except Minho met your gaze. “Actually?… Yeah.”
You sat up, a little caught off guard. Well, you figured, it was no wonder Minho felt shaken up by this whole development, starting from the moment he called you hyung in bed. 
“But you still feel… Like this? About me? And that’s why you feel weird?”
“Yes,” Minho nodded heartily, “but also, like, it’s weird because I'm… Y'know. Straight.”
You raised your eyebrows curiously. “You sure about that?” 
Minho’s shoulders drooped with a sigh. He roughly massaged his temples. “No? It's fucking confusing.”
“Then think about it this way,” you quickly suggested. “You’re straight. But there's currently an exception. One step at a time.”
“Well, it’s not like it even matters,” Minho babbled. “I'm with you!”
You both stopped now. Any discussions about you and your standing with each other was still on a minimal basis. But the butterflies in your gut were clear as day. There was a drawer in Minho’s dresser and bathroom counter with your crap in it. His shirts were in your laundry basket. You squeezed Minho’s hand. 
“And I'm with you,” you reassured him. “But what’s wrong with trying? Are we exclusive or anything?”
Minho scoffed at the thought. “Hardly. It’s just, you know… What about you?”
“What if I help?” you thoughtfully suggested. 
This was tempting, apparently, with how Minho blinked at you. The smallest sparkle lit up his eye. “You’d help? How?”
“Well,” you pondered, “I'm assuming it’s risky to just pick up your boss.”
Minho’s shaky confidence returned instantly, an exhausted sigh blowing ragged over his lips. “Jesus Christ,” he cursed with a defeated laugh, “imagine the consequences. His career? My career?! What would I even do?!”
You spied Chan on the other side of the loft, currently leaning incredibly close to a stunningly hot girl. 
Minho raised an eyebrow when you shifted your drinks aside and ordered a couple waters. “We done already?”
“Of course not,” you retorted, “I just prefer to not drink when I'm scheming.”
“Scheming?” Minho stared at you, half aghast and half intrigued. You nodded in return. 
“Come on, Min,” you invited, “tell me more about Chan.”
You looked ridiculous. This was now one week since you’d first stepped into the loft at Good Night.  Minho dressed you, and from the way he could barely keep his hands off you, you were curious to see what Chan would think. First and foremost, your tits were shoved up under your chin. It wasn’t like you were suffering through a push-up bra or fashion tape situation, but you were surprised to find Minho had picked out an astonishingly nice corset top for you, all cropped and coquettish with ribbon details on the shoulders and everything. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you’d asked him. 
“Quit whining,” he scolded. “Do you want him or not?”
Of course, the boobs would only help so much. Along with the gorgeous top that was horrifyingly body-hugging, Minho also supplied you with an elegantly long and chic skirt that sported a devilish slit up the thigh. The skirt perfectly coordinated with an equally cropped blazer that you currently wore draped around your shoulders. You’d never tried this look before, but it was surprisingly not bad. 
“What do you think?” Minho had asked when you tried it all on. 
“I look like an expensive hooker,” you determined. You kept nervously fussing with the buttons on the blazer. 
“Perfect,” Minho chuckled as he fixed a dainty gold chain around your neck. He squeezed your hand away from the jacket buttons. When you batted him off, he swatted your hand instead. “We call that a ‘call girl’, by the way. How do you feel?”
You had thought about this. “I feel hot,” you decided. 
“Good. That’s because you are.”
It was still true, days later. In your heels and the other cute accessories Minho picked out for you, you felt like you were unstoppable. (Which, truthfully, only made you feel more like you were really, truly falling for him – the way the accessories and outfit still felt like good matches for you, not the fact that he bought you things… Except maybe that was also there, at least a little.) 
You snapped open your clutch purse to grab your cover charge. It’d been Minho’s idea that you also arrive separately. Even though he was only 15 or 20 people back in line, you still couldn't help but feel a little nervous for some reason. 
When you couldn't find your cover right away, you pulled the bag closer to get a better look. Instead, you got a faint whiff of the cologne dotted on your wrists. 
“You sure?” you’d asked Minho. He’d nodded heartily in return. 
“Absolutely. I know what I'm doing.”
It wasn't even his cologne or anything. He simply recalled it as a detail Chan had divulged while tipsy once: cologne always smelled better than perfume. No matter what. 
You wondered if Minho ever recalled silly little things you’d said along the same lines. 
Finally, you found your cover charge, but not before you heard it. 
“You! White skirt!”
The skirt was cream, idiot. 
That was you.
Holy shit, that was you. 
Your head snapped up to attention. Sure enough, the bouncer was waving you forward. 
Apparently, you actually looked as good as you felt. 
Sneaking a look back at Minho, you recognized his look as burning pride, the way his grin bordered on smug. 
The club was even more crowded than your previous trip, making you doubt your plan for just a second, but you remembered what Minho said. 
“Don’t sit at the bar. Don’t even spend a minute looking for him. Sit on a lounge bench by yourself and don’t look at your phone. Just people watch for a minute. He’ll find you instead.”
Complete and total nonsense, but you were curious nonetheless. You honestly got in your own head. Whereas there'd been no thought to pushing Minho’s buttons, you didn’t even know Chan aside from what Minho told you. 
Although Minho told you quite a lot. 
“... And you know what else bothers me? He never lets anyone stay after he leaves the office. He’s always going on and on about how he doesn't want to leave anyone behind and everyone deserving free time. Does he even know how much overtime everyone pulls on days he’s not in the office to make up for it?”
Did Minho bitch about you like that? You hoped so. The idea of him griping at Jisung over how he was annoyed with every little thing you did was miserably adorable. 
Getting lost in your thoughts for a minute helped pass time tremendously, as it turned out, but now you were worried that you hadn't caught sight of Minho yet. Even though he mentioned wanting to lurk in the background, it made you nervous to feel like you were on your own. 
Even though you sort of were. 
Was Chan even going to show? Minho had texted you when he overheard Chan talking about his plans for the night, but that never meant it was a confirmation. He easily could've–
“You’re here all alone?”
A distractingly forward voice cut through the noise and your internal distress. 
Turning to face the greeting, you were almost startled to find – sure enough – Chan sitting beside you on the lounge bench. 
Why did you ever doubt Minho? 
Chan was wearing a suit today, a casual number without a tie and his shirt dangerously three-quarters buttoned under his open jacket. He was brazenly sitting facing you, his knee nonchalantly nudged up on the bench and his arm slung across the back without touching you. You rapidly composed yourself. 
“Excuse me?” you asked, seemingly nonplussed. 
Chan blinked in response before visibly resetting himself. 
“Be present, but not invested, not right away,” Minho had advised you before heading out here for the night. “Make him work for it.”
Here, Chan rolled his shoulders back and put his grin back on. “I asked if you’re here all alone.”
“I'm not,” you politely answered with a short shake of your head. 
Chan automatically nodded in cordial understanding. “Fair enough. Apologies for interrupting you–”
He stared at your hand on his sleeve, stopping him from getting up. 
“Is that usual?” you'd questioned Minho earlier tonight. “Making him work for it?”
And Minho had only grinned. “Not at all.”
Chan curiously held your gaze. 
“I said I'm not here alone; I didn't say I wanted you to leave.”
He warily glanced around the loft. “What if I'm not into cheating?”
“Neither am I,” you shrugged innocently. 
More intrigued than perturbed now, Chan eased back down onto the lounge bench. “So I take it that your companion is pretty private then?”
You cracked a sly grin. “Let’s say he has reason to not show himself.”
“Then you’re suggesting I know him? I know everybody,” Chan eagerly pressed on.
“Never said that. But I never said you don’t, either. He did say you're the curious type, though. Are you?” you teased.
Minho had warned you that Chan looked good when he blushed, but he didn’t tell you how easy it was to get him to do it. 
But it wasn't just that. When you were first planning all of this together, you’d made sure to ask Minho. It was important to know, after all. 
“Tell me what you want out of this, at least for the first round if that’s all we’ll get.”
Minho had considered it carefully, and you loved every second of his answer. 
Currently, Chan looked on in abject anticipation. 
“And maybe,” you resumed, “he thinks you like to show off. Maybe he wants to watch and know he got to see you with me, without you ever knowing who he is.”
You stalled before he could say anything, grabbing a hearty sip of your drink to gather some fortitude. 
It seemed you weren't the only one in need of some renewed confidence either. Chan blinked at you again and swallowed down a tough breath, processing this. 
“Not interested? I’m sorry to take up your time,” you politely apologized before moving to get up. 
However, just like Minho predicted, it was Chan’s turn to put his hand on your sleeve. 
“He wants to watch?” he carefully repeated. 
“This time, at least,” you winked, aloof. 
Chan’s ears burned bright coral. 
You leaned into his hand on your arm. Even in the low lighting of the loft, nothing obscured his distracted gaze trailing down your throat to your chest. 
“Everything okay?” you patiently implored. 
Chan nodded dumbly. “I'm not used to being caught off guard, that’s all.”
A smirk tugged at your lip. “You’ll have plenty of time to get adjusted. Anyway, I’m sure you're a real quick learner.”
The gleam in Chan’s eye was woefully endearing. You were never much for “Labrador boyfriend” energy, but Chan reminded you more of a bouncy Rottweiler. 
What would this guy look like in one of those handsome collars? Like, not even a lined, leather one, but just a chain pinch collar–
“–if your man doesn’t mind.”
Oh shit. 
You were getting distracted. Chan had just finished saying something attractive, judging by his cocksure smolder. You leaned into your distraction, cocking your head curiously. “I’m so sorry,” you apologized, “what did you say? I was already imagining what’s coming next.”
Chan, gawped, floundering again. “I, er, was just saying I'd love to show you a good time, if your man doesn't mind.”
“Oh, Chan,” you cooed, “of course he doesn’t mind. He wants this, remember?”
Now he was just ogling you. Did you say something wrong?
“How did– who– so you do know my name?”
Your pause betrayed how much you were scrambling to stay cool. The most devious grin spread across Chan’s face before he scooted forward. Now you were hip to hip on the bench. You backed up an inch in surprise but Chan only leaned in, gaze hungry. “I was right,” he eagerly implored. “If you don’t know me, your guy definitely does. Who are you?”
“Chan,” you repeated, regaining composure as you did so and sitting up into his space, “of course I know you. I know lots of things.”
He devilishly met you in the middle, your lips a few inches from his now. “I bet you do,” he murmured. He was staring at your mouth, eyes half-lidded. “What else do you know?”
You called his bluff, pushing forward another inch until he pulled back, just barely. “I know,” you paused for dramatic effect, “that you want to get me in a taxi right now and do whatever it takes to find out everything I know.”
The bit about the cab was explicitly supplied by Minho. 
“If there’s anything the idiot loves more than his job, his flat, or getting laid, it’s the Rover. He’ll turn himself inside out to give you a ride, especially if he thinks you're not expecting it.”
And damn it all if he wasn't right again, because Chan looked like he could eat you alive right then. Did Minho know everything about you, too? 
“Come on,” Chan urged you as he got up. Despite his neediness, his hold on your hand was incredibly gentle, a smooth little motion of scooping up your fingers in his. “You tell me where and we’ll go. You into cars? I have–”
“Whoa, whoa, slow down champ,” you giggled, not letting go of his hand but using your other to play with the buttons on his suit jacket. “You’re just gonna take me? Wherever? Even his place?”
“I don't give a shit if you want to go to Brazil, if I’m being honest,” laughed Chan, “I’d book us a flight right this second. But if it’s about safety, that’s fine, I'll gladly take a cab.”
Minho did make it clear that although Chan was a jackass, he was not a creep. And, unsurprisingly, he was right again. Chan’s eyes followed as your hand lifted to cup his face. His chin was ridiculously smooth. God, he even knew how to shave. Minho had good taste. 
“Come on, then,” you nodded towards the stairs, “show me your nice car.”
As it turned out, Chan's car was every bit as dumb as Minho told you it was, but you found yourself fond of how proud he was of the thing. It was nice, sure, but you were more interested in how spotless he kept it. When he opened the door for you, the Rover smelled almost brand new, like it’d just been detailed.
Driving with Chan was a whole other story. Thank god Minho lived close, because your mind was racing. One hand on the wheel, Chan’s other hand possessively held your knee. He’d asked, of course, if it was okay, and here you were, lost in thought as you watched his thumb brush little circles on your kneecap. He hadn’t been able to access your bare skin immediately, though. His pinky edged under the hem on the slit of your skirt so he could smooth the fabric out of his way. You liked his approach; it was forward without being overbearing, a neat little acceleration of how much you'd been firing each other up in the club. 
The conversation was still mostly focused on him, at your insistence. He asked what you did for work, but all you told him was it was a boring little job. Nothing like his job, by the look of it. 
“Eh,” Chan dismissed, “it’s a career. It’s second nature by now.”
He did keep trying, though, and when you wouldn't give up, he tried prying more info about Minho out of you. In fact, Minho warned you about this. He said Chan liked to tout having a silver tongue with clients, but your boyfriend preferred to say Chan simply talked so much that his clients would do anything to shut him up.
Minho was your boyfriend, right?
It felt good to say it, at least in your head. 
“Have you done this before?” Chan prodded. “Picking up guys together?”
You tried to get back in the game mentally. “Would it make you feel more special if we haven't?”
Chan’s face was pink again. 
“Cute,” you teased, lifting a hand to ease your fingers back through his hair. You weren't surprised to find your hand didn't come back with hair product residue. 
It should be said, you reminded yourself, that all these little revelations weren’t too different from similar ones you’d had about Minho in recent months. He was also astoundingly put together. It just made sense, you supposed, that Chan seemed to fit the same kind of image. 
There was one spare parking spot for Minho’s building, but you already knew that. Minho had confirmed the week before that one of his neighbors was out of town. You were just about to open the passenger side door of the Rover when your phone buzzed. 
>>STALL FOR ONE SECOND I got held up by coat check and only managed to leave a minute before you. 
“Everything alright?” Chan asked, getting your attention back. The concern in his face told you that you may have been internally screaming at your phone. 
“No, yeah, everything’s fine,” you reassured him before opening the door. Chan dutifully jumped out after you and jogged around to your side, offering you a hand. You looked at him, almost eye to eye in your heels. “I do want to know, though, for my own purposes…” 
This wasn't part of the script, but you needed to stall, apparently. 
And you were curious. 
Chan looked on intently. 
“I guess what I'm wanting to know,” you carefully continued, “was what brought you out here. The prospect… Or me?”
Chan’s gaze softened, matching his grin. His hand gently held you at the elbow. “It’s definitely a proposition I've never gotten before…But I also haven't met many women like you. Your guy’s pretty damn lucky.”
Okay, maybe you were getting more on board with Minho’s praise of the guy. 
You paused, though, when Chan leaned in, his lips almost on yours when you stopped him. “Sorry, handsome,” you apologetically giggled, “you gotta save it.”
“No, what?” Chan whined, but he backed up immediately. “Don’t make me wait–”
“Don’t worry,” you laughed, taking his hand and leading him to the elevator, “you don’t have to wait long.”
As expected, Chan’s eyes were everywhere, even in the elevator, looking for any hint of who you were with, so you got his attention back again. His brows jumped when you easily wrapped your arms around his strong neck, herding him against the back wall of the elevator. He tested the waters a little, getting a hand around your waist before you swiftly swatted him off. 
“What, you’re not gonna be good for me?” he cooly smirked, teasingly trying again before you roughly grabbed onto his hand. His eyes widened, looking caught. You kept your composure despite retaining your sharp grip on his hand. 
“One thing you’re going to learn very quickly,” you smiled sweetly for him, “is if anyone wants me to be good for them, they have to earn it.”
Minho earned it. Who knew if Chan ever would. 
“Of course,” Chan nodded attentively. 
You combed your fingers through his hair again, liking how he seemed to enjoy it. “Do you want to be good for me?” 
Chan raised an eyebrow. You leaned away a little. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I’ve just, er… I've never had anyone ask before.”
Hilarious. Of course. You should’ve known–
“– But I'd love to try.”
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow back at him. Your fingers still in his hair, you tried a tentative tug, only craning his head back an inch or so. His fingers squeezed your waist appreciatively in return. “You think you want to say sorry for getting overly eager with me a second ago?”
Chan scoffed. “What, when I got a little too fresh with you? Yeah it turned out to be too much but–”
“But you can just say sorry like I asked,” you chided him, your voice syrupy sweet while you tugged his hair more sharply. 
His hissed inhale was cute. “Yes, baby,” he gritted out, “I’m sorry.”
“I like the way you say baby,” you cooed. “Was that okay?”
“Yeah,” Chan nodded, halfway dazed, “yeah, that was definitely okay”
“Plenty more where that came from,” you assured him, cupping his cheek. 
How long had the elevator been stationary at Minho’s floor?
Well, you’d definitely stalled a little.
You took Chan’s hand and led him down the hall to Minho’s flat. A deep breath stagnated in your lungs. There was really no going back from this. 
Then again, there was really no going back from the moment you let Chan sit next to you at the club.
No, you reminded yourself. You wanted this. And the fact that Minho wanted this, too, was even better. You really felt unstoppable like this.
The doorknob gave way easily when you turned it, Minho making sure there’d be little to no barrier when you arrived. Chan followed close behind, still holding your hand. Like you planned, the flat was fairly dark, only some candles and dim lamps lighting the living room. You stopped in front of the chaise on the wall opposite Minho’s bedroom. Chan’s eyes were still wandering, trying to glean any hints to Minho’s identity in the decor. Thankfully, you’d thought to stow all his photos for the night, and the dark room meant it was difficult to tell if an innocuous item like a vase was sentimental or purely decorative. 
You gently but pointedly pulled down on Chan’s hand so he'd sit beside you on the lounge. He was still ridiculously distracted. You cupped his face so he would look at you. 
“Weren't you waiting for something?” you patiently asked. 
Chan’s pout was going to kill you. 
“Waiting–? Oh, I mean, yeah–”
“Then close your eyes and put this on, handsome.”
You held up a necktie, magically producing it from its hiding place in the couch and Chan wavered momentarily before he closed his eyes. He leaned forward, letting you knot the necktie into a blindfold, but not without Chan markedly pausing. His nose pointed towards the tie. You wondered if Chan recognized Minho’s cologne. Maybe it was simply familiar, but the idea that the scent jogged his memory made you ache in your growing desire.
It was cute to imagine Chan hadn't done this in years, following someone else’s lead… If not ever. He didn't really strike you as the type. Your reading led you to believe Chan was always calling the shots. 
The tinkling of a whiskey rock in a lowball glass signaled you to Minho’s presence, and you weren't the only one. Despite the blindfold, Chan clearly perked up at the noise. Minho leaned against the doorway of his bedroom, taking a sip from his drink while he watched you both. His shirt was opened by a couple buttons, and he'd abandoned his jacket so he could roll up his cuffs. Knowing him, this wasn't his first drink since he got home, and he was already warm. He shared a sweet, proud smile with you. 
“He wants you to kiss me,” you told Chan, stroking your fingers through his hair again.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked in return. 
Minho shook his head into his drink. You already loved how much Chan pushed all his buttons without even meaning to. 
“Of course I do, sweetie,” you laughed. “Now quit making me wait.”
Chan nodded, his own hand searching out your cheek and pulling you close. His breath was hot against your lips, a single moment of hesitance before he kissed you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the poignant rise and fall of Minho’s deep inhale swelling his chest. He moved to sit down in his favorite chair in front of his bookcase. 
Meanwhile, that first kiss was the only barrier Chan needed to pass, from what you could tell. Instantly, he was right back to his previous boldness, pulling you close and exploring your mouth with his tongue. This was already a delicious change of pace. Whereas Minho liked to push and pull with you, Chan was plain hungry. Every inch you gave him became a mile. You started running down the list of things you and Minho agreed on, all the things you wanted to do and he wanted to see. The moment you led Chan’s hand to your knee, he immediately grabbed your leg and pulled you over so you were sitting on his lap, his tongue still in your throat and ravenously trying to get more and more of you. Barely a second had passed before his hands were already moving from your waist to your hips to the curve of your ass. Your skirt strained where your knees were parted to straddle him and instead you grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, reeling him in while you leaned back to recline on the couch. Chan followed, blind and dutiful, and swallowed a breath when he felt you lead his hands to the zip of your skirt. He paused then, a hand on your hip waiting for any positive signal until you writhed up into his palm. You hummed contentedly while he slowly pulled the zip down, raising your hips to allow him to shimmy the garment down and off of you. This left you in your heels, your sheer panties, and the flirty corset top. 
Across the room, Minho methodically swirled his glass in one hand while he watched, his other strategically resting on the visible bulge in his slacks.  
Chan was surprised when you stopped him, his hands paused by your own. You led him to sit up beside you again, and then stand. First you slipped off your blazer, carelessly dropping it to the floor. He turned his head slightly, following the sound of your heels on the hardwood when you stepped behind him. His broad shoulders tensed when you ran your hands over them. You slipped off his suit jacket, folding it and dropping it on the coffee table. Next was the shirt, easy work with most of the buttons already undone. You simply unclipped his expensive cufflinks, dropped them into his shirt pocket, and this joined the jacket on the table as well. Not too long ago, you nearly lost Minho’s favorite cufflinks in this very room after being too rushed. You peeked over Chan’s shoulder to catch Minho absolutely devouring your date for the night with his eyes. Right now his gaze was firmly locked on Chan’s cut form, his defined pecs and rippling abs. You couldn't blame him. Chan shivered when you reached around his middle to get a teasing feel of his abdomen. You leaned your lips up to Chan’s ear from behind, all the while your hands now sank down to the zip of his suit pants.
“Okay, baby,” you smiled, “tell us why we brought you home.”
Chan sucked in a breath at the sound and feel of you slowly pulling down his zipper. “Because you want me?” he answered, surprisingly on the brink of timid. 
“Right,” you nodded. “And why do we want you?”
Chan's ears were pink again. You brazenly ran a hand down to get a quick squeeze of him. He shivered, curling in on himself with his inhale. 
“Because, heh – mmh – I'm hot?” he tentatively asked, trying to keep that cocky edge intact. 
“Very hot,” you praised. Meanwhile, Chan surreptitiously stepped out of his shoes, but froze when you actually opened and dropped his slacks. He was down to his stupidly expensive boxer briefs. His hand covered yours. 
“W-wait,” he stopped you. “I didn't get a chance to say yet, but… I can blow my shot real fucking easy if I'm not careful.”
Minho arched a curious eyebrow. 
You placed a comforting kiss on the nape of Chan’s neck. “Oh, baby,” you soothed, “you say that like it's a bad thing.”
“No, not at all,” he flustered, “I just, I mean – what I'm trying to say is – there's usually a whole process to this.”
“You have a routine?” you teased. Minho watched you sink back down onto the lounge. 
If your ears didn't lie, Chan almost whined. “When you put it like that–” 
“Underwear off,” you pleasantly demanded. 
The swirling of Minho’s ice in his glass sped up when Chan complied. 
Guy was built. Cute back dimples and everything. Needed some work in his legs, but who didn’t?
You spread your knees, patting the upholstery between them. “Come here. Sit back down, baby.” 
Chan carefully lowered himself between your legs. You lifted your heels, hooking them inside his knees from behind to spread him open. 
Minho watched intently the first time you touched Chan’s bare cock. It wasn’t thick, it wasn’t long, but it did feel just as handsome as the rest of him. And if Chan was pink, then the head was almost red, you mused. You wistfully imagined Minho was wishing it was his own hand on it. Chan choked out a groan, almost like he’d been holding his breath, and immediately relaxed into your chest. He was fully exposed for your boyfriend, getting his dick stroked while he moaned and sighed. 
“Tell me what the whole process is,” you directed towards his ear. “Tell me why else we brought you home. 
“I go down,” he immediately answered. “I always get them there first, feels so fucking good and helps me last longer.”
Minho almost sat up straighter and you knew why. Despite having both taken turns going down, plenty of times, neither of you could really say it was your favorite activity. 
You put your open palm under Chan’s full lips. “Spit, handsome.”
Chan didn't hesitate, immediately letting a good drip of saliva drop into your hand. He threw his head back when you reapplied your newly lubed hand to his strained erection. 
“And then what,” you asked him, “you get to be hot and attentive and then what.”
“Hmn, oh shit,” he cursed when you sped up, “then I get mine.”
“Yeah?” you smiled. “That’s it? They get theirs and then you get yours? Let’s see what that looks like.”
Chan nervously giggled. “Never said the process was complex, it just– oh fuck,” he croaked, his breath shaking while you fisted his leaking cock. Just like that, Chan dropped his head back onto your shoulder while he came. The way you held his length aimed it low on his belly. 
From the magical hiding spot in the chaise came one of Minho’s pocket squares. You mused for a moment if these also smelled like your boyfriend while you cleaned Chan up enough to keep going. One last swipe left a bead of cum on your forefinger. You lifted this up to Chan’s lips, only for him to automatically poke his tongue out and hungrily taste it. 
“Oh, I knew it,” you gushed. “I didn’t even have to ask.”
Chan was simply rosy and catching his breath when you wrapped your fingers into his perfect hair. He turned his attention to you. “Now what, baby, tell me what's next.”
You led him down to kneel in front of the chaise. “You like to go down? I wanna see.”
Minho had already freed himself from his slacks and was lazily palming himself, licking the whiskey off his lips while he watched Chan blindly feel for your knees so he could work his way up to the waistband of your scant panties. His fingers were careful with the delicate fabric. Properly bared for him, he spread you nice and wide on the chaise before slinging your legs over his shoulders. First, Chan kissed and nipped at your abdomen, leaving a couple little love bites on his way down between your thighs. He breathed you in before taking one sampling taste of you. You both shivered at the first feel of his tongue on your wet clit. 
When you noticed Chan’s pause, you sat up. Minho looked on expectantly. Chan was waiting.
“More,” you urged him.
Chan dove into you then, licking and tasting every inch of your hot pussy that he could reach. He felt out all of your favorite little spots, too. Your back arched, your breath hitching in your throat when he pressed into you with his tongue. You stopped him now. If he kept this up you’d be a goner. You threaded your fingers into his hair and yanked him back, loving how he groaned for you. He caught his breath, waiting for you to give him the next direction when he felt your hand on his half-hard cock, this time with Minho’s pocket square wrapping around him.
“Think you can cum again while you’re down there?” you challenged him.
Chan paused, pouty lips shiny wet with you. “You want me to?”
You cracked a smug grin. “I want you to go until you hit empty.”
You could’ve sworn he blushed at that, too. It felt like half the words out of your mouth were nothing he’d ever heard before. Minho nodded in agreement behind him.
“Yes, baby,” Chan dutifully answered, taking over from your grip on his quickly regrowing erection before diving back into you, herding you back onto the chaise so he could lick you again. 
You were coming apart under Chan’s tongue. Minho was amazing at it but something about Chan told you that, apparently, someone could really love eating pussy. He held onto your hips and thighs, grinding his moaning breath into you while he jerked himself off. Within minutes, he shivered as he came again. You shot up to support yourself on your straightened arms.
“Did you just–?”
“You told me to,” Chan panted, as if it were obvious. He lifted the blindfold to gaze up at you. His flushed cheeks and chest were adorably shiny with perspiration by now.
You and Minho glanced at each other, doe eyed.
“And can you… go again?” you tentatively asked.
He nodded emphatically. “Yeah, baby.”
“Oh my god,” you marveled. You gently grabbed him by the chin and led him back to your heat. 
Chan got right back into it, licking you while clearly giving his cock a moment to rest before you could feel him gently stroking it again.
Good Christ, you groaned internally, could you imagine edging him?
The thought alone was getting you to your peak even faster than before.
And it was like Chan knew.
“Baby,” he pleaded into your pussy, “tell me I can touch you.”
You felt the fingertips of his free hand tease your hot entrance. He rode the line without ever crossing it. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I wanna feel it.”
For a moment, you were worried you’d be thrown off by the change of pace, but Chan was surprisingly astute with how he approached it. His fingertips slowly, slowly rocked into you, in pace with the grinding of his tongue. The stretch was almost too natural, and before you knew it, he was pumping his fingers right into your spot. You let out a breathy whine at how pliant yet attentive Chan was being. When he clearly hit the right rhythm, he never let up. Before too long, your peak was right there. With the blindfold still lifted up, his eyes were locked on you in determination. 
Your fingers were in his hair again, getting his attention. “Baby,” you urgently sighed, “you’re gonna make me–!”
You threw your head back into the chaise with the force of your orgasm, your thighs spasming and clenching onto Chan while he moaned into you. He licked you up until you pushed him off, fighting for breath, gripping onto the cushions of the lounge.
“Holy shit,” you breathed, dazed.
“Good, right?” Chan eagerly asked, still panting.
“Yeah,” you nodded, a little more lucidly. “Did you–”
“No,” Chan almost whimpered. “I haven't gone this many times in years.”
“But you still can?” you verified. 
“I need to,” he insisted. 
“Good,” you smirked, slipping his blindfold back down and dipping your thumb in between his lips. He automatically began sucking on it, until you curled your fingers around his jaw and pulled, hauling him up onto the lounge beside you. 
Chan gasped and whined when you immediately threw a leg over his lap and straddled him. You dragged a fingernail down his toned chest. 
“What now?” he asked, hushed anticipation filling his voice. 
Minho was teasing his fingertips over the dripping head of his erection. 
You seated yourself right on Chan’s hardness, enveloping him in your soft heat and getting a broken groan out of him. “We’re just finishing this one off, baby,” you assured him. 
“How’re you–oh Jesus Christ–”
Chan clawed into the chaise when you pulled all the way off of him. You sank him inside again, repeating the motion, taking him all the way to the hilt and then lifting completely off of him. 
“You love getting fucked, don’t you, baby,” you mewled. 
This poor man was quivering under you. “Yes – fuck – god, yes, baby, I do,” he babbled. 
You slid your hot pussy onto his cock and right back off again. Just for the added torture, you reached up and tweaked his nipples. Chan let out a garbled curse. 
“Oh,” you simpered while you maintained the same arduous cycle, “what a perfect slut. So good for me.”
Chan whimpered again. “Baby, baby,” he panted, “I can’t, I have to–”
“Not yet,” you scolded him, pinching his nipple again. “Tell him how good it is.”
“Him–?” Chan asked, almost too dazed to understand at first. You looked behind you. Minho was panting, groaning while he touched himself. 
“Him,” you repeated. “My boyfriend wants to know how good it is. Tell him I'm gonna make you cum.”
“Fuck, she’s so good,” Chan immediately commended, “her pussy’s fucking perfect, she’s gonna make me fucking bust–”
“Do it, then,” you instructed. “Fucking bust, slut.”
“God damn,” Chan hissed, “yes, baby, whatever you want–”
He shut up again when you hesitated for a moment. You'd still been keeping up the same torturous cycle of never properly riding him, only teasing his whole length inside you before pulling off. This time, you paused for a second before taking him back inside. This, apparently, was nearly all he needed. Chan writhed under you, needy and desperate, until you rode him properly, grinding him upwards inside your heat. He was fully moaning out loud now, not stopping until his breathing hitched. 
“Fuck,” he whimpered, “I’m gonna, I’m gonna–”
When you pulled off of him again at the last second, you could've sworn he almost sobbed, bucking his orgasming cock into nothing and coating his stomach in his cum again. 
The incredible thing was, however, Chan was still hard. Even when you let him catch his breath for a good minute. 
“You bitch,” Chan wheezed out a laugh while you cleaned him up.
“Was it that bad?” you pretended to pout. 
He shook his head. “No, it was weird. Interesting might be a better word for it, but that was a weird fucking orgasm.”
“Want a better one?” you propositioned.
Chan lifted his head off the chaise to look at you, humorous with the blindfold still on. “Wait. Seriously?”
You glanced behind you. Even Minho seemed surprised, but his sly grin communicated a persistent pride. 
Minho knew you loved impressing him. 
“Yeah,” you insisted, letting him feel you climb off of him so you could melt down beside him onto the lounge. “I wanna wring you dry. Come here and fuck me properly.”
“Oh hell yeah,” Chan blurted. He instantly scrambled off the chaise and fell back onto his knees on the floor. 
“Now?” you stalled, suddenly bashful from his eagerness. 
Chan yanked the blindfold down now that he wasn’t facing Minho’s direction and roughly grabbed his cock. “Look at me,” he goaded you, crazed, “I'm ready to go. Let me fuck you properly.”
You nodded dumbly, a bit gobsmacked by how he retained this edge to him even when he was bordering on submissive. Chan scooped a hand under you to sit you up. His other spread your knees and scooted your ass to the edge of the chaise. 
“Please kiss me again, baby,” he gruffly pleaded. 
You grabbed onto the makeshift blindfold, now a makeshift leash. Chan grunted when you pulled him closer together. “You want it?” you asked sweetly. 
“I need it,” Chan clarified. “Please, baby, please kiss me.”
You nodded, closing your eyes while you reeled him in, the meeting of your lips coinciding with him sliding into you again. He groaned hot and urgent into your mouth, and already his hands were all over you. Chan fucked you firm but not too rough. He doubled the thrust by pulling you onto his sensitive cock at the same time, his fingers clutching your ass while he sloppily nipped and kissed your neck. 
“Is your boyfriend getting off on this?” Chan asked sweetly into your ear. 
Over his shoulder, you could see Minho spit into his own palm to lube up his erection, his head lolling back into the easy chair while he touched himself. 
“Yeah baby,” you nodded, already fucked dumb yourself. 
“And you?” he teased. “You like your boyfriend watching you get fucked?”
“Yeah,” you whined desperately, thrusting back. 
“Who’s really the little slut– oh fuck–” Chan cursed roughly as you tugged hard on the necktie wrapped around his throat. Your back arched, getting a sordid moan out of both of you when this created more of a grinding angle in your hips. 
“No question about it,” you breathlessly taunted, “only a little slut can go three times.”
“If you keep that up,” Chan whimpered, “it’s gonna be four.”
“Fuck,” you whined pathetically, “Channie, you're hitting my spot–”
“Channie?” he repeated, nosing his lips up to your ear. God he was insatiable. “Oh, I like that. You like Channie pounding into your g-spot, baby?”
“God, you're annoying,” you cutely ribbed him. “Make me cum, Channie.”
“Give it to me,” he pleaded. “You gotta tell me so I can pull out and finish–”
“Pull out?” you questioned. 
Chan raised his eyebrows at you. “You don’t want me to?”
“I said,” you repeated with a measured amount of menace, “I want to wring you dry.”
It was Chan's turn to look a bit gobsmacked. That multiplied when you wrapped your legs around him, hooking your ankles behind his back. You were getting that headrush back. He craned his neck when you pulled at the necktie again. “You’re going to make me cum, Channie,” you explained, “and when I do, you're going to fill me up.”
“Yes, baby,” he desperately nodded. He was still grinding into you. “Just like this?”
You nodded, stealing a kiss from him. “Yeah, Channie, I love it. You want me to cum all over your cock?”
“Please,” he growled into your mouth, “come on baby, let me cum inside your perfect pussy.”
Your goddamn vision was going hazy from how fast Chan was getting you there. Everything went so fast when you hit your peak. Your nails raked into Chan’s biceps when you finally unraveled, your cries and moans indecipherable from his own when your hearing dropped out momentarily. He hit his high right after you, clutching you tight against him while his hips stuttered with the force of his orgasm. Minho's empty whiskey glass hit the floor while he tried to stifle his curses, biting into his knuckles while he sprayed right onto the hardwood. Thankfully, the glass didn't shatter, only traveling a handful of inches to the floor. 
There was only gasps and sighs for air in the ensuing silence. Minho caught his breath for a moment before he would make his planned return to his bedroom. You collapsed back onto the chaise, stroking Chan's hair where he’d crumpled on top of you. He was hugging you tight around the middle. 
“That was amazing,” you appreciated, punctuating this with a kiss to the crown of his head. 
“The feeling is mutual,” Chan chuckled. He kissed you beside your navel when he straightened back up. “Can’t say I saw this coming when I went out tonight.”
There was a shy quiet while Chan plucked his shirt up off the table behind him. It was almost romantic, the way he was still inside you. 
“So do I get to meet this mystery man?” he asked casually, fishing his cufflinks out of his shirt pocket. 
“He’ll prefer to keep his privacy,” you smiled sympathetically. “I’m sure you understand.”
Behind him, Minho finally arose from his chair, picking up his glass and ready to head back to the bedroom. 
“Sure,” Chan nodded. “So do you think he’d mind a date, then? Just me and you?”
You stared, mouth agape. Minho paused too. His hand was tight around the glass. 
“You’re joking, right?” you carefully laughed. 
“No!” Chan laughed back. Was he serious or was he trying to get his way and see Minho? “I’m sure he won't mind,” he continued. “We already fucked. I already made you cum. Twice, may I add. I'm sure he’d understand if I want to see you again.”
“Careful, Channie,” you tried to playfully warn him. 
“What,” Chan teased back, taking his sweet time easing out of you. “Maybe he’d like it. He already like watching us fuck in his apartment. Maybe he'd like sharing you–”
“Don’t be dumb, handsome,” you warned him again. Minho fully faced away from the bedroom now. “How do you know it’s not my apartment?”
“It’s clearly not your apartment,” Chan persisted. “But I can show you mine if you show me yours–fuck!”
You’d wondered how long Minho would last, and the answer was not very long at all. He marched right over, kicking a foot up under Chan’s arm to punt him onto the floor. Chan cursed and sat up, quickly grabbing his trousers to cover himself and discover Minho standing over him. 
The two men stared at each other, Minho’s glare meeting Chan’s wide-eyed panic. 
Instead of backing down, though, Minho did what he was best at. He squared his shoulders back, unyielding. 
“I tried telling her, hyung, sometimes you refuse to shut the fuck up.”
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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G!p jealous sakura 🥹🫶
Maybe it was the bartender and random people flirting with you at the party, maybe it was the people you saw that recognized you and hugged you for a little too long, or maybe it was how you danced on the dance floor when some sensual songs came on and everyone had their eyes on you.
But you don't know the true reason why she was so jealous. But what you do know is that she's pounding into you continuously.
Making you shake, scream and whine in both pain and pleasure. The members and everyone at the party could hear from downstairs, sakura had dragged you upstairs a few moments ago, without saying anything she just whipped her cock out and shoved it in you.
"kkura!" you screamed out as she grabbed into your hips so hard, you were scared it would bruise. "gonna fuck you so hard, gonna cum so deep in this pussy, in my pussy. You like that don't you? get you fucking pregnant? breed you?"
You couldn't find the right words to say, knowing you both weren't ready for children but you didn't want to upset her further.
She left a harsh slap on your ass, making you whimper, "answer me, you fucking slut." "y-yes..!" "yes what? huh?" "yes mommy..!" "now tell me, have you been a good girl or a bad girl?" "b-bad girl.. i'm sorry.." "you better be. now tell me whose pussy this is, scream it for everyone to hear."
"your pussy!" "scream my fucking name, you whore." "this pussy is yours! all yours! fuck- sakura- it's your pussy- kkura unnies pussy!" She chuckled and smirked. "good girl"
You could barely speak from the rough pounding from behind, and it didn't help as she grabbed your neck and started choking you.
You were struggling to breath as she kept on pounding, spanking and choking you. "g-gonna fucking cum in this pussy" she moaned as you panicked. "wait! i'm not in there pill!" "i know, bitch." And with that, she came inside you.
After a few hours, you were crying and shaking in her arms as sakura rubbed your back, "do you understand now? you're mine, got it?" you nodded, "i'm sorry.." "i forgive you, only because you were such a good girl, do you wanna go home now?"
You nodded as she smiled, grabbing her zip up, putting the pair of shorts you wore under your dress on you and zipping up the hoodie, pulling the hood over your head and kissing your cheek. "so cute"
She giggled as you smiled, "i would put you in something longer but i don't have anything, plus, i ripped your dress in half so you can't wear that." you laughed, but your throat was still slightly dry so it sounded a little raspy making sakura frown. "you want a drink? i'll grab you one" "yes please"
She quickly went downstairs after putting the dress pants and t-shirt she had on, fixing up her hair slightly, she bought a drink, no alcohol, she hates when you're drunk.
You drank a little more then half of it before bringing it up to her lips with a small smile. "you look so cute right now, in my sweater" Sakura muttered, taking the sip of the drink and finishing it off before grabbing your stuff.
Putting it in the bag she was carrying, putting it on her before picking you up bridal style and carrying you home, but before you guys left the place, chaewon, yunjin and kazuha stopped you. "you embarrassed all of us!" sakura smirked and shrugged.
"well people should know better then to touch my girl. I wanted them to know she's mine, all mine." "everyone knows now.. and jesus christ you guys are so loud" "you mean y/n's loud" yunjin corrected kazuha as they all nodded.
You hid your face in her neck, feeling a blush cover your cheeks in embarrassment before sakura replied and left the place with you in her arms.
"yeah she's loud, and that's why i love it."
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