#do you wanna become an anon ???
bixels · 6 months
While I do think anon was rude, I do think it's pretty shitty to set up all this stuff you were going to add the au and then just drop it. It's disappointing. Definitely unfollowing.
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#ask me#anon#once AGAIN.#I am not dropping anything#the au is not getting cancelled. more than likely i'm gonna take a break from it until i find motivation again#But I've been drawing the AU for half a fucking year#In that time I've only drawn 5 things that aren't mlp related#I'm getting tired and my last few posts didn't do as well as I'd hoped#And I'm not about to burn myself out on mlp au art even if I really do love making it#I'm still gonna make comics. I have a bunch of ideas.#Tulli and I still wanna do the limited run merch shop#Discord is still coming. Sunset is still coming. Sombra is still coming. I have so many ideas#But I need to do something else for my own sake. Did you know I was supposed to get the background 6 designs done by now#But I didn't because I'm TIRED#I've been keeping myself on a schedule to keep content pumping despite travel and school and family and I'm tired#what i'm getting isn't matching what i'm giving and that's nobody's fault. i'm not frustrated at anyone. a slump was bound to happen#drawing the au was fun until it become my Thing. Because when your Thing––your identity––starts to faulter#it can really make you freak out#And that's not healthy for the project or for myself. I need to find the fun again and I'm sure I will#I'm really appreciative of everyone's support in my inbox and replies it really does mean a lot especially given that about 2/3 of my#followers followed for mlp. But if you're gonna react to me saying “i'm gonna cool down on mlp art and draw my own stuff” with “i'm#disappointed in you." then Leave! I think it's good you're unfollowing#you are not obligated to stick by my side! But don't act like I'm doing you a disservice by turning my attention elsewhere#I didn't promise anyone anything and I definitely didn't say I'm breaking any promises.
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baflegacy · 8 days
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Heyo! What's the most harrowing helicopter rescue that Sky ever done for the hospital he flies for? Also, does he go to schools to show kids what his job's like?
This sent me on a dive into close calls in a helicopter and I ended up on a website written by flight crews who survived crashes and now I have a new level of anxiety about flying in a helicopter 😂�� I’m choosing to be nice to Sky, his most harrowing thing in his civilian job was an engine failure that made him turn the bird around and cancel the call they were going on, they all arrived safely back at the helipad thank you very much. Oof.
His military days, though… 👀
I think his agency does some PR stuff where he’ll fly to a school and let them see the helicopter every once in a while. Let me tell you, though, when he does training with the local agencies it might as well be the same thing because everyone loves to see his fancy loftwing.
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dystopiagnome · 2 years
idk about anyone else but I would love to see any and all anaroceit content you are okay with posting <3
the roceit anon from a little while ago
:0 roceit anon, my beloved.
Anyways permission from one is permission to post!
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#anaroceit#anxceit#roceit#tss janus#tss Roman#tss Virgil#every time an anon becomes reoccurring I imagine the guest star cheering happens#like woah!!!!! You come back to the show!!!!!#Holy fuck!!!!#🥳🎊🎉🎊🎉#also also also quick explanations!#actually I tried to explain and got embarrassed#BTW THE NOTES GET EMBARRASSING I FORGOT I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM WHEN I STARTED WRITING AND WROTE TOO MUCH deleted more for my dignity#I love my partners and I think they’re cute and I love them and they do these cute little things they make wanna die#Dear beloved Roman kinnie hyperfixates and he’s gone never to be seen again but he goes at it with such passion that he tricks you into#two days straight of only ninja turtles but it’s okay because he’s super into it and living for it#the way that man can love one thing so hard for so long#it’s impressive#so that’s what that last one is#the middle one is less emotional but like you know how in cartoons a character kisses another in passing and the one#who got kissed turns bright red with a dopey smile and hearts leak out of them as they just passively start to follow the other#looney tunes type shit#kinda that except I’m not very keen on PDA so it caught me off guard and this bitch really just let me melt in front of our friends#anyways I’m absolutely enamored by them but apple pie I got an image#I’d like to get used to that if possible but don’t read into that#I’m a little more hesitant to discus that one since I know they read my tags#can’t show weakness to their face they’ll know how to take me down </3#first one is just we lose custody on weekends and forget until we miss him (very quickly embarrassingly fast)
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deadduvznap · 11 months
cannibalism anon again… imagine Miguel starting with just little bites during sex and then when he realizes you like it he keeps going but the bites slowly turn to him basically tearing chunks from you/eating you but not enough to kill you just a little snack :D! and god the aftercare?! I’m normal. I can’t even make a coherent thought
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ik its jusy barely on the border of DD but. the normies are cunts.
BRO PLS OKAY he just does little bites not hard at all maybe just like teeth prints snd maybe a bit of skin breakage bcs yknow non retractable fsngs right and at some point you notice him trying not to bitr you so hard but ur like nah babe bite harder hes like holy shit and at some point hes so far gone from getting railed he doesnt realize that hes bit clean through some of your bicep. he prob only notices when he doesnt feel himself biting anymore and his mouth starts to get covered in blood and hes just like ah shock shit and he tries to get you to stop cus hes still worried abt you yk snf ur like nah mf i may not be able to hold up one arm but im gonna fuck you harder snf guess what while hee chewing on that chunk of arm thats prob the hardest hes cum bcs ???? i said so. after that first time my guy bites off so much skin that ur still lucky to have any in the first place. its the spider healing thats keeping you alive i swear and okay listen. the aftercare. while ur cleaning him (out) up hes patching up the bites :(
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Toya and Mizuki fans get saving! Especially Mizuki fans because there's a good chance their event will be the end of April limited banner!!
Also April 24th is next bonus fact day (if anything interesting happens)
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
post-book arcs you say!
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sk3l3t0n444 · 9 months
i feel like everybody hates me, but especially those who i look up to...i feel like a little kid again...looking up to those who only look down upon me, instead of picking me up and embracing me.
#i just feel like nobody fucking likes me...like everybody secretly hates me and are actively trying to make me feel bad about myself#like i know that probably isnt true...but its the only thing that make sense#like no matter what i do everybody seems to leave me alone in my own little bubble...#everybody has their little groups with their little friends...but i dont...im the one who is a small member of multiple groups...#and that gets me left in the fucking dust#i just want to belong somewhere...i change and adapt to hopefully become a part of some group but it never works#i just want someone to hold me and tell me itll be ok...and that people dont actually hate me...#ykw if you fucking hate me you can tell me anons are on...i just wanna know im not the crazy one here...#im just trying to fit it so much that ive lost myself...who am i and who is what ive become?#i try and be friendly...and hope that i get accepted somewhere but they never really care...#im like the last kitten left in the cardboard box...all the others were cuter and healthier and now nobody wants me#nobody wanted me from the start...and now im all alone#idfk#i would do anything for a hug rn#since january shit has been going downhill...died...moved...gone...and then i had some people who cared and then it all fell apart again...#i just want to belong somewhere ffs...i want to be able to have friends...not just people who tolerate me...#i would rather have one friend that 10 people who tolerate me#idfk...im going to go eat ice cream until i cant feel any emotions anymore...#if i wasnt a pussy i would be stealing my parents alcohol...they already dont like when i eat...#or maybe i shouldnt eat...then maybe someone would love me...idfk...i just want to feel loved and secure and like i fucking belong
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transgendersquiddo · 1 year
tumblr user xxswagcorexx why do you insist on hiding away half your analyses/ramblings in the tags of your posts speak ur truth!!! anyway talk mythology andor symbolism to me whats the significance behind red's cult eating honey? do either of them get any items of power mixed up sometimes but just go whoops and move on like its no big deal? what would an outsider pov on this mess look like "ah that pair of lunatic gods again" bc this is sooo funny to me to imagine
i am . scared of everyone (and plus i don't wanna make the post too long and tags let me ramble without worrying abt length/mention small things without feeling like i need to format it properly ^_^
and uh abt the honey thing. this is where u can see this is Really inspired by greek mythology but basically in greek mythology, honey was seen as food of the gods and would provide gods immortality and whatnot ^_^ anyways i was like "hmmmmmm reddoons core" but also it just really works well. aesthetically for him
anyways on the topic of the honey thing, i tend to associate red with gold because 1) money and 2) red and gold are a really classic color combo that i love, so honey (sorta) resembling molten gold is just. really aesthetically pleasing to me
and also iirc red wanted to make the byzantine empire in earthbound season 2? and when i came across a video on how to make byzantine honey fritters by tasting history with max miller i was like "omg reddoons core"--and from the video it seems like honey was a bit of a special dessert? in 6:33 of the video, there's a poem about a monk complaining about how the abbots have it a lot better than the monks and they mention that the abbots had 2nd helping of honey fritters so yeah i think its safe to assume honey was a semi-special thing, even if it was common. so uh. yeah. money and reddoons. thumbs up
and for the longest time i have associated bees and honey by rina sawayama with. swagdoons in general and the entire song is about how much the singer loves money and partying even if they're broke as shit LMAO its such a good bop if you like pop i recommend it . anyways ya that just added to the aesthetic in general
(as u can tell most of it was based off of vibes and plus in biased because i like how. warm milk and honey taste and plus i really like the idea of milk being something nurturing and honey being something sweet that is representative of love bc ur being sweet and easing someone into something so. Yeah. just vibes but how i figure out vibes are so specific that its worth explaining i think <- loves romanticizing the mundane) (and there's a sick ass line from the end poem like that) (like "And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love. You are the player. The story. The program. The human. Made from nothing but milk and love." come ON that line fucks so hard how couldn't i love it)
anyways i think with all of that in mind, red's cult would eat honey as a sign of wealth and comfort/nurturing 4 those reasons ^_^ (i am so sorry for all of that for explaining that i just have lots of Reasons to why i feel something sometimes)
WILDLY OFF TOPIC but u also asked abt items of power getting mixed up, i think it would happen most during worship </3 i think they'd just go to each other and be like "REDDOONS one of your cult members sacrificed blood as a loyalty pact to their partner instead of WAR again. u want it" and red would either let ash keep it or take it so uh. insert them sharing their power with each other here even though their values are usually on increasing ur ego and being on top of the world (CONSIDERING THIS FANDOM LOVES THEMES OF LOYALTY IN A GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL WAY) (SEE WHY I DDNT WANT THEM COMING FROM ANOTHER GOD OR MERGING INTO 1 GOD) (THE IMPLICATIONS ARENT GOOD)
anyways i think ash and red (as gods) and their cults are pretty well known (like how swagdoons r the 2nd most popular ls ship) but LORD if their myths got lost to time they'd be a nightmare to study via texts and scripts in the future. like i can imagine for the LONGEST time historians argue if they were gods that changed during the dark ages because red's name predates ash until they Finally find a myth involving them as 2 different characters and its settled that they're 2 separate gods even though they represent similar-ish things LOL anyways yeah i can imagine more myths of them being found and historians going ??? wtd were these gods <3 hope that answers ur questions anon! :D
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urostakako · 5 months
do you have any yuri recs?
jdhwjdbeidnwod now im embarrassed i have more manga in my to-read list than ones ive already read but i shall try my best 👍
tamen de gushi i feel everyone knows but i love it sm its one of my faves
yamada to kase-san is the same kind of slice of life... i thought it was cute but a little annoying at parts so if thats not your thing then dubwicnsocnd
idk if webtoons are on the table but mage and demon queen is so funny and silly. and not so shoujo love story is one of my ultimate faves its so funny i need to catch up on it. its about this girl rei (no one really likes her cuz standoffish personality and also think shes too boyish) who really likes this guy ochinchin but its a comphet thing going on i think. theres another girl hana who everyone likes and she REALLY likes rei shes so gay for her but rei just doesnt get it and the whole thing is just really funny
and on my list to read is sukeban to tenkousei, black & white, and probably more that i cant find cuz my tagging is so inconsistent wkdbeicbekndkd but if anyone else has more recs that would be great !!! it would also help me too
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paimonial-rage · 4 months
To that anon that just sent in an ask about Lyney, the first two questions about Lyney's insecurity and relationship weaknesses are gone over in the last ask I just posted. I can definitely answer #21 though! If you'd like to switch up your questions, please feel free to send in a new ask!
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Ayy Lati, kinda more of a lurker here, but anywayyy
Happy belated Birthday ✨✨ (didn't register ur 19 legit thought u were older cuz u seemed more mature idk?? like I turned 19 myself less than 3 weeks ago so I guess that set my bar pretty low lol)
Idk if I've ever appeared on here on anon (don't think I did) so if it isn't taken can I be 🥥 anon?
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not me crying bc i'm just barely responding to this asjhvac
hawgsvchavc mi amor i can promise you that i'm not very mature, i'm a big sucky baby that literally hates going outside bc i'm a lazy bum. my mom tells me how immature i am all the time and shit and asjcsjbc,, but thank you for the belated birthday wish cariño <33
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docmccoy · 2 years
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I'm a simple man
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hi ray, im back in ur ask box bc i still havent figured out how to not seem like an obsessive lol. just felt like i needed to say thank u bc iv been in a weird headspace recently and ur blog has been a lil happy place for me to lurk ifthatsnottooweird. sometimes i wish my entire internet experience was just your blog. like i wanna pull up a bean bag and sit here for a while. it makes me feel at peace in a way i cant really explain, especially compared to the rest of my internet experience which is more like that scene in community where everythings on fire and blood is coming out of someones leg and ppl are screaming and running around
anyways i hope ur killing it and feeling great today!!!! and i guess if ur not i hope something very fucking good happens for u this week like idk u get to pet a cat or u drink an amazing smoothie or u get good news u were waiting for or u get that cozy warm feeling thats hard to find sometimes. sending u astronomically good vibes
p l e a s e you're so fucking cute 😤💙 please understand there's an extra special place here that's reserved for you and your bean bag. it's your spot. the internet can be extremely "screaming, running, fire community scene", you're right. and i hope you can curate a scootch so you're surrounded by the nice things you dig all cocoon-like. ugh you're cute okay anyways *smoochin u* and *smoochin u* and *smoochin u*
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fruitsilly · 2 years
a bit scared to switch anon on and i may wait until i am 21 like i originally planned to but uh. i like attention lol
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cruorcordis · 3 days
you are more conservative and reactionary than you believe and it’s frankly embarrassing for you
yes that's very likely true. i'm only human. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ i realise i could do better and i am aware i have many ... more conservative-leaning thoughts than one is supposed to strive for. maybe one day i wil become a better more accepting person etc, but apparently today is not that day yet.
we're all embarrasing and we all could do better tho, i'm not gonna take offence at that. what a thought. :)
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