#do you want me to count this as an event prize.
roseysekaiarchive · 8 months
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↳ mafuyu moodboard ˚.ᵎᵎ for @lumieron !
— with themes of retail ++ how much it fucking sucks !
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storiesforallfandoms · 7 months
i need someone older ~ william afton;five nights at freddy's
word count: 3794
request?: no
description: after a bad breakup, she finds herself becoming more and more attracted to her much older boss
pairing: william afton x female!reader
warnings: swearing, age gap (reader is mid 20s, afton is 50s), power imbalance technically (but it's fine), bit of an au (so he doesn't unalive anyone in this one)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I stormed into work, really pushing it for time. I had slept past my alarm and was incredibly reluctant to get out of bed. After the night I had, the last thing I wanted was to work eight hours in a children's restaurant, with screaming kids and the animatronics playing the same three songs all day. But I needed the money, and hopefully a distraction.
"Whoa, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" my coworker, Adam, asked.
"Fuck off," I muttered. "I gotta go change into my uniform. Can you punch me in so I'm not late?"
"Yeah. Be quick, though. Afton's here."
I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't even know our names. He's not going to know I'm supposed to be on the clock."
I changed as quickly as I could while having limited space in a tiny bathroom stall. I stuffed my clothes into my backpack and did a quick double check in the mirror to make sure I was work appropriate. I wasn't paying enough attention as I stepped out of the bathroom and managed to literally run into someone who was walking past. I cursed under my breath as I looked up and came face to face with the fucking owner of Freddy Fazbear's.
As if this day couldn't get any worse.
"|'m so sorry, Mr. Afton," I said.
"Don't worry about it," he said. "Where's the fire, though? You seem like you're in a hurry."
How do I answer this without getting in shit? "I'm just, uh...trying not to be late. I had to change, and bring my bag to my locker."
William looked down at his watch. I felt my heart starting to pound.
"Cutting it a little close there," he commented.
"I know."
My grip on my bag had tightened as I braced for the worst. I had never met William before. Despite owning the restaurant, he was rarely ever around. Whenever he was, he was usually tucked away in his office for most of the day and only ever spoke with our manager. Due to this, I didn't know if he would be a hard ass who was about to write me up for running late. After the events of the previous night, I didn't think I'd be able to take getting reprimanded today.
He took me by surprise when he smiled and said, "Just don't let it happen again, okay?"
I nodded, unable to form any words, and scurried around him to the lockers.
Adam looked at me when I finally returned to the floor. "What took you so long?"
"I ran into Afton," I responded.
His eyes widened. "Did he give you shit?"
"Luckily no. Just told me not to let it happen again."
"I warned you that he was here."
I flipped Adam off when I was sure none of the kids could see me.
As if my day couldn't get any worse, my manager came to tell me that I was stationed on the prize counter for the day. The prize counter was probably the worst part of the restaurant. There was never any downtime at the counter. Either there was rowdy children hopped up on candy and pizza screaming about wanting toys they didn't have enough tickets for, or there were tired parents wanting to buy tokens for the arcade games while their rowdy kids were nearby screaming. Not to mention it was right next to the main stage, so the sound of screaming children was only matched by the sound of pre-recorded music coming from the animatronics' speakers. And to top it all off, the closing duties for the prize counter took longer than any other section of the restaurant.
It was the worst section to work, and I already wanted to leave just knowing that was my station for the day.
The only plus side was that being kept busy made the day fly by. But the usual craziness of Freddy Fazbear's was extra unbearable to a point where I felt myself on the edge of tears numerous times. I knew it was going to be a bad idea for me to be at work, and I was really regretting coming in.
I let out a sigh of relief as the last family finally left and the animatronics finally powered down. Adam laughed at me as I put my head down on the cool glass that held the prizes. "You're giving yourself more work to do."
I looked at the smudge I had left on the glass before glaring up at him. "I don't think my one smudge is making things any worse."
"Okay seriously, what is up with you? You've been grumpy all day."
I sighed and shook my head. "I had a bad night."
"Do you want me to help you close up so you can get out of here sooner?"
I gave him a look. "We both know you don't actually want that."
"But I'd do it to help you."
"I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. My annoyance and desire to leave will make me work faster."
Adam didn't fight me on it anymore. He said goodnight and clocked out. Once I heard the front door close and lock, I immediately got to work with cleaning. That was the easiest part as all I had to do was clean the glass of the prize case and pick up the discarded tickets from the floor. When I finished that, I started counting the cash in order to close it off. That was supposed to be another easy task, but my mind being anywhere but the task at hand made it so much harder.
Restocking the prizes was the hardest part. I had been on my own for nearly an hour, and I was both mentally and physically exhausted, so I was trying to rush out of there but found myself fumbling a little extra. I was trying to dump a box of tiny soldier toys into their respective bin when the box slipped from my hands and landed on its side, the toys scattering all over the floor.
It was my breaking point. Everything finally came crashing down around me and the flood gates finally opened. I lowered myself to the floor, sitting with my back against the counter. I buried my head into my hands and began to sob.
"Seems like a bit of a strong reaction to dropping some toys."
I jumped and looked towards where the voice had come from. I was sure I was the only one left in the restaurant, everyone else having left while I was doing my closing duties. Even my manager had left, giving me the keys and the code to the security system. But, turns out, I was wrong, because there was William Afton leaning over the counter to look down at me.
I quickly scrambled to my feet, wiping the tears from my face. "S-Sorry Mr. Afton. I-I didn't realize - "
"Hey, it's okay," he said, cutting me off and speaking in a soft voice. "What's going on? You seem stressed."
"It's...personal things. I shouldn't have let it interfere with my work."
"Fuck the professional shit for a second here. Forget I'm your boss, forget we're on the clock. If there's anything going on that you want to talk about, I'm all ears."
I leaned against the counter across from him. "It's stupid."
"You're crying, so I don't think it's that stupid."
I sighed. "My boyfriend broke up with me last night, after admitting he's been cheating on me for the last three months."
William whistled in response. "That's tough."
I nodded. "It just...came out of nowhere. We've been together for three years, moved in together last year. There was no signs that anything was wrong. I didn't even suspect that he was cheating. He came home last night and suddenly told me everything. Packed a bag and went to his...I guess...girlfriend's house. Told me he'd be back at some point this week to get his stuff."
Tears were stinging my eyes again. I looked away so William wouldn't see me cry anymore. Upon looking down, I realized my bare arms were on the glass of the prize counter, leaving smudges again. I cursed under my breath and turned to grab the cleaner again.
"Here, let me," William said, reaching for the cleaner. "You pick up the toy soldiers and I'll help restock the prizes once I finish this."
I was a little shocked, but definitely was not about to argue over getting help. We worked much quicker as a team and, finally, I was able to clock out to leave. I stood by as William set the security system and locked the gates.
"Thank you for helping me," I said.
"You don't have to thank me," he said. "It seemed you needed help, and I wasn't about to let one of my employees struggle while I was on the property." I smiled at him and started for my car. "For what it's worth - " I paused and turned back to him. " - your ex-boyfriend is a fucking idiot. You seem like a great woman. Don't beat yourself up over him."
He smiled and turned to walk towards his own car. I watched him go, surprised by what he said. Even through the cold night air, I could feel my face burning.
William was around more after that. Not just in his office, but he was actually out on the floor. Everyone was noticing his increased presence, but I found myself noticing it in a different way. Whenever William was near, my eyes were practically glued to him. I found it difficult to concentrate whenever he was around. Luckily, everyone else was so distracted by his presence that they didn't notice how useless I had become.
It was wrong. I knew that. Having a crush on a coworker was bad enough, but a crush on your boss was a whole other level of bad. Especially when your boss is so much older. I had no idea whether or not he was even married or had kids for God's sake!
But every time I saw him, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. I wanted him in a way I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself.
During one of my shifts, I was put on the serving section. Serving was easy enough - take orders, bring food, check on tables. The hardest part was trying not to trip over a child running past while carrying a whole pizza on a hot tray. Most of us had learned the art of scanning the area before we walked, but sometimes you just don't notice quick enough and end up surprised by one of those little fuckers.
One of the cooks passed a pizza through the pass to me and told me the table number. I took the tray and balanced it against my shoulder, something I found was the easiest way to balance the bigger trays. The restaurant wasn't too busy, but there were still enough kids running around that I took in my surroundings before I started to walk. I was making a mental note about two kids who were stood by the stage, dancing to the song that Freddy was "singing", and didn't notice another kid who was racing from one of the playrooms in front of me. I stopped suddenly, just short of running into him, but found myself losing my balance after he ran past.
I felt two hands grab hold of my waist, holding me upright and saving me from a very embarrassing scene. When I turned to thank my savior, I came to face the blue eyes I had been trying to desperately to avoid today.
"That could've been a disaster," William said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Th-thank you," I managed to stutter out. I could still feel the heat of his hands against my waist, like they were burning through the clothes and searing my skin. I almost forgot the heavy tray of pizza I was carrying in that moment.
When he let me go, his eyes still trained on me, I quickly turned and hurried to my table. I tried not to seem so flustered, but I knew I had failed. I stuttered through every sentence before finally dismissing myself to the prize counter where one of my other coworkers, Beth, was snickering to herself.
"What was that about?" she asked.
"Don't ask," I responded.
"Oh, I'm asking. Are you all hot and bothered for Afton?!"
"Shh!" I snapped, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one had heard. Not like anyone would over the usual noise of the restaurant.
"Oh, you so are!" she said. "Holy shit, (Y/N), you know that's bad news right? He's literally our boss."
"I know he is. I'm not stupid. But...I can't help it!"
"At least he would be more of a gentleman than that small dick asshole you call your ex." She looked over her shoulder as the front door to the pizzeria opened. When she looked back, her eyes were wide. "Speak of the devil."
I looked over to see none other than the small dick asshole himself, Josh, walking in. I wished I could disappear into the floor and never be seen again. I tried to turn and walk away before he spotted me, but no luck.
I groaned and turned back to him. "What do you want, Josh?"
"I was just over getting the last of my stuff - "
"Awesome, I do not care. If you've come to give me your key back, you could've just left it on the dining room table."
"No, I came to say that I couldn't find my Springsteen album."
I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "So you came all this way to...what? Ask me what I did with it? I have no idea, Josh, I threw everything that was yours into boxes and garbage bags. If it's not in there, you might've left it in your car or at your new girlfriend's house."
"It's not any of those places." I wasn't sure if I should've been hurt about the fact that he wasn't addressing my last comment directly, but I definitely was a little bit.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"I wanted to see when you were going to be off work and maybe I could come by to look for it with you."
I scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Josh, I don't know what the fuck happened to your album, but you're sure as hell not coming over to the house. That is not your place anymore, and you're very much not welcome there."
"Why can't we be adults about this?"
"You lost the right to being adult about this the second you decided to cheat on me! And how dare you say that shit, but then come down to my place of work to try and, what, harass me into letting you back into my home? We're over, Josh. I don't ever want to see you again. If I find any of your shit left at the house, I'll drop it in the trash."
"What seems to be the problem here?"
I suppressed the urge to groan again. As if things couldn't get any more complicated.
"No problem, Mr. Afton," I said, turning to face William with the best, innocent smile I could muster. "Just an...unwelcome guest."
William looked at me for a moment before letting his eyes wander to Josh. I didn't have to say much else for him to recognize who the "unwelcome guest" was and I could see anger in his eyes.
"Well, time to get back to work, (Y/N)," he said to me. "Your customers are waiting."
I nodded and ducked away from the situation. As I walked away, Josh called after me, "That's fine, I'll be waiting for you to get off! We can talk more then!"
"Like hell you will."
A collective gasp from the parents and Beth cause me to spin around to see William had grabbed hold of the collar of Josh's shirt. William was easily a head taller than Josh, so even if the act wasn't meant to be intimidating, he definitely looked intimidating. I don't think I've ever seen such fear on Josh's face. William turned Josh around and basically dragged him towards the front door.
"If I see you back here, I will have your ass arrested," he said as he threw Josh out of the restaurant. "Are we clear, punk?"
He didn't wait for a response as he pulled the door shut. I could see Josh standing there, a mixture of fear and confusion on his face. William re-entered the main area, still looking angry, but tried to put on his best customer service smile as he addressed his new crowd. "Sorry everyone. Just an unruly customer. Sorry for any trouble."
To me he added, "Come see me in my office, please."
Beth and I exchanged a look before I followed William towards his office. I was so sure he was going to get upset with me. Not only had I brought my personal shit to the restaurant (even though that wasn't my fault), but it had also resulted in a not so great scene in front of the customers. People get to talking, and I was sure that this story was going to be spread through town before the night was out.
The moment I stepped into his office, I set in on the apologies. "Mr. Afton, I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea he was coming. I've been trying to avoid him while he's moving his stuff out and I guess he was getting tired of that or wanted to poke me one last time or something - "
"Did he hurt you?"
I paused my rambling to look up at him. All anger was gone from his face and had instead been replaced by concern.
"What?" I asked.
"Did he do anything to you just then?"
I shrugged. "Not physically. He was definitely still trying to mess with me mentally, though."
William nodded. "Well, he's not welcome on the property anymore. If you see him, you have my full permission to contact the police immediately."
"I...I don't think that's entirely necessary."
"I don't mean to sound like an old man or anything, but I've met plenty of assholes like your ex, (Y/N). You give them an inch and they take a mile. If you don't deal with this now, he will continue to come back and harass you. I don't want that for you. You don't deserve that."
I opened my mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. I was realizing how close we were now. We were mere inches away from one another. If I wanted to, I could just reach out and touch him right now; grab him. I could've kissed him right then and there if I really wanted to. Who would've known?
As if reading my mind, William suddenly reached out and cupped my face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine. It was kind of ironic, the fact that I had just been thinking about doing this exact thing, but now that it was happening it was like my brain wasn't sure how to comprehend the situation.
William pulled away just as quickly as he had initiated the kiss. He backed away from me, suddenly worried. "I'm so sorry. I...I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that."
In response, I pretty well threw myself at him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with such force that it pushed him back into his desk. He positioned himself so that he was sat on his desk and basically pulled me into his lap. It was risky, anyone could've come by and caught us, but something about that just made the experience so much better; so much hotter.
William pulled away first again. I tried to chase his lips with mine, but he pushed me back, chuckling at my eagerness.
"Hold on," he said. "There's some things we have to discuss before this goes any further."
"Please don't tell me you're married," I said.
He laughed. "No, I'm not married. Divorced with a 10 year old daughter. That was the first thing I wanted to discuss, in case single dad is a dealbreaker."
"Very much not a dealbreaker."
"So...the age thing is also not a dealbreaker then?"
I shook my head. "If anything, I think that makes it kinda hotter."
A grin spread on his face. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. But there is the big issue of the fact that I'm your boss."
It felt like I had been shoved off of cloud nine and come crashing down to earth. For a moment, I had forgotten that part. He was right, that was the biggest issue here. Kind of hard to get around it unless I ended up quitting, which I really did not want to do. It was nearly impossible to find a good paying job these days, and I needed this now more than ever since Josh wasn't going to be splitting rent with me anymore.
I climbed off of William's lap and stood across from him. "I guess...that is a big issue, huh?"
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into anything, and I don't want anyone to look at you any different because you're dating the boss."
I raised a playful eyebrow at him. "You jumped to dating pretty quickly there."
His smile was a little more bashful. "What can I say? I'm old school. I don't believe in hooking up or anything like that. If there's anything going on here, I want you to be able to classify it as a relationship."
In that moment, I found myself wondering why I hadn't always dated older men. I had wasted so much of my time on guys my age when I could've been dating someone who was actually a gentleman and cared about me and my feelings.
"Why don't we see where things go with this, and then we can tackle that big elephant in the room?" I asked.
"I think I can agree to that."
I took a step closer and said, "I really want to kiss you again, though."
He laughed and met me halfway, standing from his desk and taking my face in his hands again. When he kissed me, I felt like I was flying right back on to cloud nine.
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babyjakes · 6 months
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | kinkmas 2023
prompt | knotting
pairing | alpha!steve rogers x omega!reader
warnings | omegaverse elements: knotting, mating press, breeding (and me not knowing like anything about the omegaverse.) unprotected p in v. clit rubbing. multiple orgasms. overstimulation. crying kink. breeding kink (like fr he wants her pregnant lol.) he comes in her. some brief aftercare. alpha!steve is so hot and powerful it's ruining my life.
word count | 859
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an | i've wanted to write something substantial for an omegaverse au for sooo long but i've just been so hesitant to bc i don't feel super well-versed in the genre. shoutout to @starksbabie, ao3, and my google images search for teaching me everything i know about knotting LOL. and @brandycranby for teaching me about the mating press lol. if i got anything wrong, please let me know!!
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imagine being alpha!steve's prized omega and mate, being fucked and bred by him during your heat 🤤 (nomad!steve is what comes to mind first, but i've also had a soft spot for endgame look for the longest time, so i'll let you take your pick 😉)
steve's the kind of alpha that doesn't let you lift a single finger (in or out of heat); everything's always done for you because duh!! you're his baby!! this is especially true when it comes to sex during your heat. your only job is to be pleasured and bred. your alpha will do everything for you, no need to worry your pretty little head 💕
thinking about him spreading you out on your back, bringing your bottom up to the edge of the bed so he can stand over you and pound into you as you lay there and take it. he gets you nice and comfy, laying a blanket down beneath you and positioning a pillow under your head to make it easier for you to look up and keep eye contact. of course, he knows you'll spend much of the ordeal with your eyes closed or rolled back in bliss 😏
the number one thing you crave during your heat is the feeling of being filled up, and by now steve's fucked you enough to make you crave being filled by him specifically. he's massive, even for an alpha. long, thick, and unbelievably powerful. because of his overwhelming size and strength, he has to maintain a good balance of fucking you hard enough to satisfy you both, but not too hard to prevent injury
the look on his face as he's ramming into you is a mixture of such pure love and authority. he absolutely talks you through it 😔🙏 you're so overcome with pleasure, he understands it's hard for you to do much talking back
sliding in and out of you at a steady speed, watching as your face is washed over with relief as you finally get what you need. "there you go, honey," smiling as he sees your tummy trembling as it's filled up, "gonna keep fucking this pretty little pussy, just keep being my good girl and taking it. let me give you what you need, doll"
bringing his thumb up to swipe over your quivering clit, always a little eager and impatient with how much he loves to see you come. crooning as you whine and wriggle at the burning feeling he's creating, "i know, baby. i know- so sensitive there, aren't you? look at this pretty little clit. so needy for me"
"nng... n-nnn," he loves the soft, weak little noises you're making. and he loves it even more as they gradually grow louder and more desperate, signaling your building climax
he's working his thumb quicker over your slick button to help keep the pressure rising, "c'mon baby, almost there. you gonna come for me? let's see if we rub a little faster-... oh-" he gasps almost mockingly with a smug smile, praising you heavily as you clench down on his swollen length
and god he could never get tired of seeing you coming. watching as your little face scrunches, your toes curling up in delight, your tummy spasming helplessly as you stammer through a string of angelic, breathy whimpers
"goood, so good for me, baby. keep coming for me, that's it," he draws out his words as you're coming down from your first high. your big, watery eyes and soft little squeaks, paired with having just seen you come, and knowing how sensitive and overstimulated you feel now?? it all makes steve's eyes burn as the heat and primal urges within him rise
it doesn't take long for him to near the edge himself. his large hands come down to manhandle you into position, grabbing under your thighs to force them up, your feet splaying out in the air as he leans himself down over you, his speed and forcefulness bringing tears to your eyes
"gonna come, sweetheart. you want me to fill you up? wanna carry my pups in that pretty little tummy of yours? come on, baby-... shit, that's it-.. f-fuck-"
the feeling of his base rounding out inside you has you crying out weakly, your entire body bracing as you feel the pressure in your core reaching its limit. as the heavy band snaps, your poor, helpless form seizes and spasms beneath your alpha. steve's heavy load shoots into you, the tight mass bulging just inside your entrance locking him inside, forcing you to take what you're given
seconds feel like hours. eventually everything fades to soft tingles as the silence is filled by your and steve's heavy breathing. as soon as he's able, he's shifting so delicately hold you against him, his thick knot still pulsing inside you hard enough to let you feel his heartbeat. "shhh, shhh," he's wiping away the tears that escaped down your cheeks, letting you rest your face in the crook of his neck to breathe in his familiar scent. "i got you, doll. just rest now. close your eyes, i'll take care of you"
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
Could I request Gojo getting huffy and puffy because he's jealous that his s/o's been baking and cooking for the students?
Of course, while everyone gets muffins, Gojo gets a whole cake for himself, so he's all smug.
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It took all his training to slip past the threshold of the door undetected.
He usually didn’t need stealth for his mission. Being the strongest, he could just go in, guns blazing, get the job done, and be home by supper time. But this was different. Gojo felt like all his training as a jujutsu sorcerer had led up to this moment.
Gojo flinched. So close….
“What did I tell you about keeping away from those muffins?!”
“I just want one.” Gojo whined at [Y/N]. His long fingers just inches away from his prize. If he was quick, he could just snatch one and run away. But he would never do that because he was absolutely terrified of what they might do if he actually disobeyed their order to not touch the muffins.
“Those are for the kids tomorrow because they’re going to have a long day. Honestly Satoru, everything isn’t about you.”
Gojo stood to his full height now with a sigh and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I mean….isn’t part of the agreement on being married that I get all your sweet treats? Both baked and well….other things….” He winced at the small smack they landed on his shoulder.
“Don’t be gross. The kids are gonna have enough to deal with with the Kyoto team. Not to mention their friend coming back from the dead.”
“The Kyoto team is a bunch of nobodies.” Gojo scoffed. “And, Nobara-kun and Megumi will be so excited to see Yuji that they won’t need muffins. The sweet feeling of friendship will be all the treat they need.” He winched again when they smacked his hand away from the plate.
“I think they would prefer the muffins.”
They were putting the muffins in a box and closing the lid. Now that they were cooled there was no chance of Gojo getting one. He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they put a cursed seal on it.
“If you don’t touch the muffins and be a good teacher tomorrow, and don’t fight with another from the Kyoto team, I will make you a cake to celebrate the kids passing the Goodwill event. Deal?”
His eyes began to sparkle in excitement. But then it faded as he thought for a moment on their deal. “I’m going to need some guidelines on what ‘fighting’ means. If Utahime comes after me I have to defend myself, right?”
“If you antagonize Utahime into attacking you then that doesn’t count.”
Another long pause. “I’m going to need some guidelines on what ‘antagonizing’ means before I agree.”
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kitscutie · 6 months
snow and roses: part III (coriolanus snow x fem!reader)
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pairing: coriolanus snow x reader
warnings: none except the nature of the Hunger Games franchise! later on in the series there will be hints to dark!coriolanus snow and lots of angst so be prepared!
summary: you and coriolanus have been dating in secret for months, all it takes is one songbird for everything to come into the light.
a/n: part three is finally hereee! sorry it took so long i've been dealing with some shit and doing a lot of work as life's just gotten very busy but don't worry - nothing will be left undone and trust me when i say i already have the ending for this series planned out :)
im sorry to say guys but i will have to close my taglist as the size has began to affect my posts and tumblr keeps glitching out, sorry!
word count:2k
find parts one and two in my masterlist!
After the incident the previous day between Brandy and Arachne as well as the suggestions from Coriolanus taken on board, the mentors had been allowed one hour with their tributes to discuss tactics.
It was good yet bad all at once. You wanted to give Wovey advice, a fighting chance but yet you knew no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much help you gave her, she stood no chance compared to people like Reaper and even Lucy Gray.
She was small and innocent, young.
"In spite of yesterdays - tragic events, our president has decided that the games must go on. Show everyone the Capitol is unafraid of such acts of terror, to which I and Doctor Gaul wishes you to preview the arena this afternoon - with your tributes. Later this evening, there will be a specialised television presentation of each tribute to our audience to, well get to know them. You will have an hour to discuss strategy. You may begin." Dean Casca Highbottom spoke into the echoey room, so large it was almost comical.
All of the tributes had been chained to the tables like animals and it made you sick to your stomach. You were aware they may harm you but at the same time such treatment would drive anyone to violence, it wasn't simply because they were District.
"Hi Y/N." Wovey smiled, so innocent. So naive.
"Wovey. I was thinking about how you might approach the games and I figured what might be best is to hide. You're small, an advantage that the other tributes don't have. I'm sure we can find some spaces this afternoon that might prove useful?" You suggested, not wishing to make this conversation more painful and personal than it had to be.
"Sure." She murmured, gaze positioned on the chains around her wrists.
"And if you wait until it's dark and everyone is sleeping you could go to the middle - collect whatever weapons they have left, just in case but otherwise I recommend waiting it out. If they can't find you they can't kill you." The sentence left a bitter taste in your mouth, you had never pictured yourself recommending a child to wait her death out in your life. The Capitol Academy was sold to you with visions of wealth and power, and now you has gone from student to mentor.
"I don't want to kill anyone." She frowned. She didn't even care that she could die, only fearing harming others. You felt your heart ache and yet, you could do nothing. No words would be good enough to reassure her, no actions would be able to save her. For once, you were useless.
"Wovey-" You began your sympathetic speech though Casca cut you off.
"Snow, Y/N. Let's go." He said as peacekeepers arrived to escort you to Doctor Gaul.
You rose without another word to Wovey, aware nothing you could say would be of any help at this time.
You knew it was about Coryo's proposal which you had not helped in and yet you weren't too upset about it. You didn't need the Plinth Prize nor did you need Doctor Gauls' approval and so you set out to let her know of your lack of involvement in this task.
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"How is your tribute?" Coriolanus asked after minutes of silence.
"Her name is Wovey and she's fine. A little frightened but aren't we all?" You said, you were hesitant to tell him too much of Wovey's weaknesses and you didn't know why. This was Coriolanus. Your best friend of over ten years and your boyfriend of a few months and yet, you had a feeling whatever you said would be used against you.
"I suppose." He answered. You supposed his tone was meant to come off charmingly but all you felt was unease.
"This proposal. I haven't done it." You let him know, it was the least you could do before facing the psychopath known as Head Gamemaker.
"We have. I handed it in this morning." He answered with a hint of pride. Impressed with himself that he had taken initiative, helped you.
"I thought I made it clear the other day that I wanted no part in this plan to profit off of peoples lives, Coriolanus." You muttered, increasingly angry with his dedication to the Games and what they stood for.
"Well if you want to help Wovey, I suggest you don't tell Doctor Gaul that." He smiled, holding the door to her office open for you in a feign attempt at being a gentlemen.
As you walked into her office you couldn't help but feel disgusted. It was littered with mutants, clearly created to kill, all sat in glass jars on shelf upon shelf. Stacked all the way up to the ceiling.
"Mr Snow, Miss L/N. Come and see my new babies." Gaul said as she appeared at the back of the room. Where she had been hidden, you had no clue.
You did as she said, never one to disobey your superiors, climbing the snake tank alongside her.
"Is there a point to their colour?" You asked curiously. The snakes were surprisingly beautiful, chromatic as they shifted around on top of one another.
"There's a point to everything Miss L/N. Or to nothing at all, which brings me neatly to your proposal. Which one of you actually wrote it." She asked, as if to catch you out but you felt no remorse in admitting it wasn't you.
"Coriolanus, Doctor." You answer, sensing Coriolanus' hesitation in baiting you out.
"Well, how shocking. I expected more of a conflict." She replied, as though she were annoyed by your honesty as she reached into the snake tank, pulling Coriolanus' proposal out. "They're good your suggestions. I'm going to recommend my team implement as many as possible for tomorrow. Now run along you have an arena to promote, and Miss L/N I must say - I am most disappointed by your lack of involvement in these brilliant ideas."
"Well thank you, Doctor Gaul for your offer but, I thought Mr Snow had it safely under his control." You smiled politely before you both left to 'promote' but more so survey the new arena. "Wait." You said stopping Coriolanus before you got into the truck. "I don't know what has become of you Coriolanus Snow, but I want the little boy who fought to provide for his family while also caring for others back. You are turning into one of them, and I'm not going to be there to watch the world burn beneath your feet." You spat, leaving him to think as you sat in silence for the rest of the journey.
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It seemed Coriolanus felt spiteful towards your words as he too ignored you up until this very moment as you walked into the arena.
You smiled reassuringly down at Wovey who looked just so scared. You were only three years older than her and yet you felt a motherly protection towards her, one you couldn't shake off.
Infront of you was Coryo and Lucy Gray. At first you pitied the girl, coming from twelve must be hard as they were food deprived and worked to the bone and yet now, as she stood holding your boyfriends hand in her beautiful rainbow dress, you loathed everything about her.
Your eyes rolled as far back as they physically could, your disgust clear to anyone looking but only one person was. Sejanus. He looked at you with pity and for once, you appreciated it. You decided he must know about you and Coriolanus and seeing as nobody else did they all whispered about him and Lucy Gray, how sweet they seemed.
You walked around alone before he appeared at your side.
"You deserve better, Y/N." Sejanus said, eyes never meeting your own as you continued to survey the arena, never even noticing his eyes stuck on his watch.
"Debatable." You chuckled, feeling a sense of self responsibility for getting with a man as dangerous as Coriolanus Snow in the first place.
"I wouldn't worry. If there's anything I've learnt about Coryo it's that he likes shiny things, new things - and she's definitely a spectacle." he chuckled to himself, it was safe to say Lucy Gray's ability to impress a crowd hadn't been missed by anyone.
"He'll grow tired eventually. I was his precious rose once." You sighed as the reality of the situation finally settled in.
You soaked in the silence for a few moments before you realised Sejanus' lack of response, turning in annoyance to see his eyes following the hand of his watch clock closely as he mouthed a countdown of the minutes.
"What are you-" You began.
"We've got to go." He said, grabbing your arm and beginning to walk towards the exit cautiously, not catching the attention of any guards.
"What do you mean? Sejanus?" You asked as he would not slow, not for anything. You looked around, seeing everyone else still stood stationary as they calmly conversed.
"Just follow me, Y/N." He said, still attempting to stay calm but you noticed his wide eyes.
You walked in silence, your heartbeat getting louder in your ear with each step until you hearing went completely silent, vision going black as both you and Sejanus were thrown to the floor in a cloud of smoke.
It took a few moments for you to be brought back to reality as you sat up, dazed hearing the yells of people around you. Once again before you could even figure out what was happening Sejanus' grabbed you, pulling you to your feet as you ran out of the door. 'Enjoy the show' now sounding muffled.
"What about Coryo?" You cried out in desperation, no matter what he put you through he was your first love and you had always pictured him to be your last.
"If we go back now, Y/N, we'll die." Sejanus replied as he continued dragging you until you reached the fresh air outside. Your charred lungs welcoming it.
As you looked back through the doorway you saw nothing, no one. Simply black smoke. You felt guilty and yet still - deep down - your heart yearned for the death of Lucy Gray.
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It had been five hours now, sat around Coriolanus' bed alongside Sejanus and Tigris.
He hadn't so much as twitched and it had your heart racing with panic, if he died, you knew a part of you died with him.
Tigris comforted you as best she could in her own worry, noting how his chest continued to move up and down steadily and that the doctor only mentioned an injured arm, not that he was at risk of death.
The appearance of bright blue eyes caught everyone's attention as you rushed to be by his bed.
"Coryo." You said, a large smile on your face. You watched as his eyes flickered around in confusion, landing on you for a few moments. You don't know what you expected, a look of love? What you most definitely didn't expect was one of disgust.
"Lucy Gray, is she-" He stated, looking to Tigris for an answer.
"She's alive." Tigris responded through gritted teeth as she looked to you with sympathetic eyes. Her reply was lost to you as the ringing in your ears after the explosion returned. Your heart beating loud in your chest. You placed a hand over it, feeling it pound against your palm.
Your eyes glazed over as you walked away into a secluded corner, waving Sejanus off as he attempted to follow you.
It felt now more than ever so official, so real without a doubt. You had lost Coriolanus Snow. He no longer loved you, cared for you or even worried for you.
The cage that was his heart had opened wide, setting you free and instead capturing something new and desirable. A songbird.
TAGLIST: @savannahsteen, @shine101, @tfimherewhy, @iloveyou3000, @summerli-u, @coconut-dreamz, @serrendiipty, @zucchinimalfoy, @mus-tbe-a-weasley, @-ice-heart, @aza-writes, @bellstwd, @kaitlyn2907, @wheepsworld, @sarahskywalker-amidala, @velvet-spider, @gloryekaterina, @prettyinsatiable, @bduchrnskei, @riddlerloveb0t, @girlalwaysathome, @thegoldenskies, @runningfrom2am, @riordanness, @charmed-asylum, @suvgs, @podiumprincess, @annaelise, @mywitchycat, @italiekim, @darkestbeforethedawn16, @stelleduarte, @leafydinosaur, @witheringawayagain, @clementinechatsshit, @lokidala, @notyourwildestdream, @prettyppetty, @motley-baby, @taylvvrr, @autistic-deer, @gamorxa, @jakesguitarpick, @pepperonipastas, @sbrewer21, @emma-andrea1, @nekee-lilac02, @tabea3, @im-sidney, @rosarosse, @jenifer0305, @Idontwanttobeehere, @chiyopipi, @coisas-da-dani, @sunnydays-funnydays, @italiekim, @andrew-garfield-is-bae, @rororo06, @soulessjourney, @upwritingallnight, @kierramofficial, @cellui, @xav-ie, @Stwoosevens, @LightVo1d, @lilanna34, @pinki-minki, @annaelise, @alexameliamg, @gloryekaterina, @bia-wayne-west, @hinata7346, @yunloyal, @perks-of-being-jojo, @iheartfike, @lucygreene, @utopiakys, @ennycutie, @eggmia, @malayawr18, @chess1ca, @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf, @elynswan, @siriusly-rem,
@justacaliforniandreamer, @http-ilysm, @touyasside, @camilleverreault, @maraalo, @allcheesemelts, @-ice-heart, @sunghoonsbakery, @onlyangel-444, @geeknerdanseverythinginbetween, @Chmerkovskiy-chmerkovskiy, @tfimherewhy, @loxbbg, @th3-archer, @yazmunson, @buckysmainhxe, @puppyminnnie, @winkevm, @czarinera,
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babymetaldoll · 7 months
The annual BAU Halloween Costume Competition (Spencer Reid x fem!Bau reader)
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Summary: Spencer wants to win a costume competition, but wins your heart instead.  Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: Other than cursing? extreme fluff.  A/N: Happy Halloreid and Gublerween everyone!! and if you celebrate it, happy Ieroween as well!  Masterlist
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No one could ever say Penelope Garcia threw lousy Halloween parties. They were always fun, with the best food and theme. Over the years, she had organized incredible celebrations for the entire BAU family. It was her moment to shine. Decorations were always spot on, the altar was always ready for pictures of long-lost loved ones. There were theme cocktails and food, but by far, the most important event of the night was the Halloween costume competition.
It had started as a joke during their first Halloween celebration, and over the years, it had turned into the main event of the night. Each year, Penelope made sure she had a prize for the winner of first place and a little something for second and third. In fact, she usually got something for everybody who participated in the party, 'cos that's the kind of host Garcia was.
And that year wasn't the exception.
The entire team was excited about the celebration. They needed a moment to relax after the last couple of cases they had had. Well, the entire team except for Spencer Walter Reid. Instead of looking forward to the celebration, he was freaking out trying to find the best costume to finally win the BAU Costume Competition. Why? because he was the only member of the team who had never won first place. Hell! He never even got second or third. He just got a participation price every year. And he hated it.
Halloween was Spencer's favorite holiday. He wasn't really into Christmas, it was too emotional and it reminded him of all the holidays he spent alone with his mother growing up, and how sometimes she wouldn't even remember it was Christmas. New Year wasn't his type of celebration 'cos he wasn't a party guy. He didn't enjoy clubbing and his definition of a fun evening included a bunch of books, herbal tea, and his couch. Not to mention Valentines. That was a miserable holiday for Reid. He never had a date that day, and the only girl he wanted to ask out was - at least according to his own words - way out of his league. So, to sum it up, Spencer's favorite holiday was Halloween and he couldn't even win a work costume competition.
He felt it was personal that year. He had to win. He had to have his moment of joy.
- "See you all guys tonight in my house!"- Garcia was beaming as she stood in front of the team that October 31st during their daily morning meeting.- "Everything is ready! We are going to have so much fun!"
- "We'll be there at seven. Savannah is very excited."- Morgan clapped his hands once and chuckled- "And you can all forget about winning this year's costume contest, 'cos me and my girl are gonna kill it."
- "I don't know, me and Will have a matching costume that could be the best one yet."- JJ smiled confidently at Morgan and Spencer frowned.
- "Do couples' costumes get more points?"- the young doctor asked, confused.
- "No, but they are fun!"- Garcia explained with a huge grin. - "Do you have your costume ready, boy wonder?"
- "Yes, and I don't mean to get cocky, but I'm sure this year you are all going to be amazed."- Reid answered with a smirk on his face.
- "No more Doctor Who then?"- Emily teased, chuckling- "You didn't knit any scarf this year."
- "My knitting skills are saved for Whovian's conventions only."- Spencer replied, making Em laugh. - "And I won't say a thing about my costume, it will be a surprise."
- "Hey, Spencer."- Garcia whispered and grabbed his sleeve as they all walked out of the briefing room, forcing him to stay behind with her.- "I was wondering if you are planning to ask (Y/N) out, or if you are going together to the party."
And Spencer's heart stopped. He opened his eyes and stared at his friend in disbelief. Not that he thought no one knew about his crush on his teammate. He just wasn't ready to deal with it just yet.
- "Ok, breathe, Reid!"- Garcia shook his arm as he nearly panicked in silence, standing in front of her. - "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but it's getting painful to watch. She likes you too!"
- "I don't... I don't feel."- Spencer tried to rearrange the words in his head, but failed. Instead, all he managed to do was frown and sigh.
- "Wow, an IQ of 187 slashed to nothing just like that. It's amazing. You hear the legends about it, but when you see it happen, it's disturbing."- Penelope did her best not to laugh at Spencer's humiliated face. His cheeks were burning as he kept trying to explain what was happening inside his brilliant brain.
- "You don't get it, I can't ask (Y/N) out! We work together! We are on the same FBI team! What if it doesn't work? What if I lose my friend all because I thought I had a shot with her? or worse! What if she doesn't like me that way, and she laughs in my face? How do I work with her after that?"
- "But how do you live with yourself now?"- Garcia whispered after Spencer's speech.- "You are alone, loving a girl in silence. That's even worse than failing. That's just being miserable."
Spencer didn't reply. He stared at Garcia in silence as she cut him a short smile and gave him a small hug.
- "I know you love Halloween, maybe tonight could be your night."
That poor man just wanted to win a simple Halloween costume contest, and now he wasn't sure he actually wanted to go to that celebration.
Spencer took his time getting ready for the party. He had picked a Beetlejuice costume that went with his crazy natural hair. He did his makeup, put on the stripped suit, combed his crazy hair, and stared at his reflection in the mirror.
- "You might not get the girl tonight, but you are getting your first prize in that costume competition."- he assured himself in the mirror before leaving his bathroom, ready to go to Garcia's.
- "Reid! Wait for me!"- (Y/N) shouted as she ran to cross the street, holding her bag and wig in place. Spencer turned and stared at her, feeling the wind was knocked out of his lungs. She looked hot. Not good. Hot. Smoking hot. So hot he couldn't help but scan her outfit up and down before he even tried to speak. She was dressed as Lydia Deetz, wearing a red dress that hugged her body in all the right places.
- "Wh... wh... w... wow."- that was all he could say when she smiled at him staring at his costume.
- "I know, right?! I can't believe we are matching!! I had no idea you were coming as Beetlejuice!"
- "I... when I... I really... wow."- Spencer was glad no one could see him making a fool out of himself. Well. no one but the co-worker he loved. Yet, he knew if Morgan or Rossi saw him, it would be worse.
- "You look amazing, Spencer!"- (Y/N) smiled and rubbed his arm as he just stared at her, trying to form an intelligent sentence.
- "Thank you, so do you."- that was all he managed to say. (Y/N) continued smiling as she walked inside the building and into the elevator. Spencer just followed her in silence, trying to make his brain function again.
- "Oh my god!! You look amazing (Y/N)!"- Garcia nearly yelled as she opened the door and found her teammates in the hall. - "And! Oh, Jesus!! You are matching costumes too! This is amazing!"- Spencer smiled, awkwardly, thinking his friend was already one or two cocktails in, which meant that in about half an hour she was potentially going to start embarrassing him in front of (Y/N).
- "So you really wanted the extra point for matching costumes?"- JJ teased Spencer as he and (Y/N) walked into the apartment.
- "You said there were no extra points!"- he replied immediately, hoping no one would start teasing him right away. Because, obviously they would.
- "There are no extra points, but there is extra fun when you get back home."- Morgan teased him, holding Savannah's waist as she stood next to him.- "Is that your plan too, kids?"
- "You guys look amazing!"- (Y/N) ignored Derek's comment and smiled at them. They were dressed as Aladdin and Princess Jazmine.
- "Not really creepy, though."- Spencer added.- "And Halloween is the night to be creepy."
- "You are creepy all year long."- Morgan's snarky comment was ignored when Garcia walked over with drinks for everybody. JJ and Will were dressed as Harley Quinn and The Joker, Rossi was dressed as Dracula, Hotch was Neo, from Matrix, Emily was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, and Garcia was Tiffany, Chucky's girlfriend. Sergio, her cat, was walking around the apartment in a tiny Chucky costume.
If you asked Spencer, he was sure he had a chance to win the competition that year. If only he could focus on it. But with (Y/N) dressed as his character's bride, dancing with Em and JJ, he had trouble thinking clearly.
- "Ok, loverboy. How did you manage to keep it in the dark about this?"- Derek asked Spencer after an hour or so into the celebration. Reid was standing next to a table, holding a drink and staring at (Y/N) dancing, not even being subtle.
- "About what?"
- "You two are clearly together. When did that happen?"
- "What? No... we... I am... she doesn't. We aren't.... no!"- he tried to explain and failed in the process. Derek raised an eyebrow staring at him, and Reid made his best effort to explain his mind. - "We didn't plan this, it just happened. I had no idea she was gonna show up dressed as Lydia."
- "Kid, you don't have to lie anymore. I'm glad things worked your way."
- "We are not together. She doesn't... we haven't. It.. it's not gonna happen, Ever!"- Spencer wanted to storm out, but he stayed still. Instead of leaving, he turned around and looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. Morgan walked a step closer and stood next to his friend.
- "You didn't plan this? You are not dating?"- and Reid just shook his head,- "And what are you waiting for?"
- "It's not gonna work."
- "Of course it won't. Not if you have a lousy attitude. She loves you, stop being a coward and kiss her."
- "Easy for you to say, no girl has ever rejected you."
- "Come on, kid. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. As far as I know, she likes you too. Now go there and ask her to dance."- before Spencer could argue, Morgan walked away. And the young doctor stood there, staring at the guacamole bowl, not able to move.
- "What caught your eyes?"- (Y/N)'s voice nearly gave him a heart attack. She just stood next to him with a big smile and stared at the food on the table.- "Hungry?"
- "I'm... I'm... the cheese board looks great."- he mumbled and mentally facepalmed himself for making such a stupid comment.
- "It does! Garcia has really outdone herself this year. And last year was already pretty awesome."- Spencer didn't reply, he just stared at the food, avoiding eye contact, in a desperate attempt to keep his brain working. But (Y/N) just sighed, and after a few seconds of silence, she just walked away. Reid closed his eyes and bit his lips.
- "Well done, asshole. You really know how to look like a jerk."- he argued with himself.
- "Everybody! Get together! we are gonna vote for this year's best costume!"- Penelope clapped a few times and stood in front of the group, next to the altar with pictures of their loved ones.
- "As every year, we'll choose the winner with our clap-o-meter"- which they didn't really have, but the costume with the louder reaction from the team was the winner.
- "First we have the Joker and Harley Quinn."- JJ and Will walked to the front and the entire room started clapping.
- "Then we have Aladdin and Jasmine."- Morgan held Savannah's hand and walked in front of their friends. Everybody clapped as Savannah did a little dance and Morgan rubbed a golden lamp. Spencer looked at (Y/N), she was clapping and smiling, looking as happy as ever.
- "Next one, Beetlejuice and Ly..."
- "No!"- Spencer interrupted Garcia, raising his arm.- "We didn't come together as a couple."- and as soon as he delivered those words, Spencer turned and looked at (Y/N). Her smile was long gone from her face. Instead, she stared at him in shock. She was hurt, she was embarrassed. And most of all, she was storming out of the apartment.
- "Shit!"- Spencer whispered as she quickly followed her, as all their friends stared at them in silence. They were all thinking pretty much the same: he had fucked it up and he better fixed it.
- "(Y/N) wait!"- Spencer ran after her and held her arm before she reached the stairs.-
- "No, Spencer! I'm done! I know you hate me, but you don't have to be so mean! I thought we could work together and be civil, but clearly, you don't stand me! So, please! let me go home so you can enjoy your evening at peace."
Spencer stared at her in shock. That's what he had accomplished. That she thought he hated her. And all because he didn't know how to act around her anymore.
- "(Y/N), no. I don't hate you."
- "Don't lie! You are just gonna make it worse. I know you hate me, you never talk to me, you walk away whenever I show up, and clearly, you don't wanna participate in a silly costume competition with me!"- (Y/N) pulled her arm from Spencer's hand and started walking down the stairs. But before she could go too far, Spencer held her hand and stopped her.
- "I don't hate you, I fucking love you! I have no idea how to act when you are around! I can't even speak when you are looking at me!"- he blurted out, not even thinking. (Y/N) stared at him, frowning. None of them said a word for a few seconds until she managed to whisper.
- "What?"
- "I... love... I love you."- Spencer repeated, in a softer voice. (Y/N) took a step closer and tried to read his face, looking for any sign of deceit. But there wasn't. Instead, he stared at her in adoration, waiting to see if his words had had any kind of effect on her.
- "You do?"- she asked, and Spencer blinked, nodding- "'Cos I love you too. So much."- she whispered, blushing.
- "You... do?"- Spencer nearly choked with the words. (Y/N) nodded and smiled, as the two of them fell silent one more time
- "Now kiss the girl, damn it!!"- Rossi yelled from inside the apartment, making them giggle. Spencer held (Y/N)'s hand and moved closer to her, staring right at her lips. She smiled in anticipation and nearly had a heart attack when she felt Spencer's lips on hers, kissing her so slowly, carefully, and sweetly, like she was made of crystal.
After a few seconds, they moved apart from each other and simply smiled, still in disbelief.
- "Do you... wanna go back inside?"- (Y/N) whispered, and pointed to Garcia's apartment.
- "Or... would you like to go out on a date?"- Spencer suggested, and her eyes shone in excitement.
- "A date on Halloween sounds like the best plan ever. But I thought this year you wanted to win the costume contest."
- "A date with you is the best prize ever."- Spencer replied and held her hand, leading the way downstairs. 
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volturiprincess · 1 month
You kill me
Caius Volturi x Vampire mate
Summary: Mated to the Ruthless Volturi King Warnings: Language, mentions of death, Angst, Caius internal thoughts 🤭 A/N: I kept changing my mind of how I wanted to write hence why it took me like 2 weeks to work on it, there will be a part two to this. Also this was inspired by the song "Me Matas" by Eslabon Armado, at this point its like a mini series of One-Shots being inspired by this group. Second A/N in the end. Enjoy :) Word Count: 4k+ (Didn't realize it was that long)
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(I loved him in this era, gold is his color, but he looks so good in red also)
“Well brother it appears you have found your mate”
I looked up at Aro who was looking at Caius. Mate? Whoever it is. I am so sorry for them. I have heard stories about Caius being this ruthless king who had no sympathy for human life, much to what my twin brother Carlisle has told me but he did say that Caius did have a love for the arts. Still I never had the chance to even meet the kings or anyone in Volterra, from the time my brother was part of this coven I was in South America exploring as always. The only reason why I'm even in Volterra was because Edward decided he wanted to kill himself for the reason he thought that Bella was dead. Alice brought me along not really telling me why, only said she needed my help.
So now I am here in the throne room staring at the other three kings. I could feel the blonde one staring at me but I avoided eye contact. Aro with his creepy like gaze swiftly moved toward me and my family,
“It is an honor to finally meet the infamous sister of Carlisle, may I?”
He extended his hand and I knew what he wanted. Carlisle told me about Aro, so I obliged without wanting to put the kids in danger. With one touch I relived every thought and memory I have ever had, it was strange seeing everything I have been through flash before my eyes. I pulled my hand away when I heard a slight hiss. It didn't come from Aro but it did leave me curious. 
“Magnifico! You will make a wonderful mate to my brother and a perfect addition to this coven”
My eyes widened at his words, what does he mean mate to his brother. ME. Since when? How?
“I beg to pardon?”
“It appears you are the mate to my brother Caius”
No way, the mate to the blonde, I was just badwording him a minute ago and now I'm his mate. Instant karma for me. My eyes then wandered slowly to the blonde and he already had his gaze on me, just from his face I can tell he was displeased with the unraveling events. I felt a small hand grab me and I looked slightly into the eyes of the one I was the closest to, Alice. 
“You knew didn't you?”
She looked down and I knew I got my answer, I looked up at Edward who had a flabbergasted look and cling more to Bella. Now I'm starting to think if Carlisle knew about this, did Alice tell him and Esme, my eyes widened slightly at the thought that I might never see my family again. I didn't even want to look at anyone in this room, not even the piercing blood red eyes that belong to my now mate. Aro was the one to break the silence
“Well with that cleared why don't we go on with the plan”
I totally forgot why we were here, I also forgot that Aro was on the verge to kill Bella and as much as I don't really like her, I might as well do one more thing for my family 
“That won't be necessary Aro”
The raven head looked at me with a look of curiosity 
“Why’s that?”
“What if we made a deal?”
I could literally see the spark or interest in his eyes, he looked like a child who was going to be rewarded with a prize for behaving. He nodded toward me to continue
“You spear my family and I stay”
What surprise me was Caius was the one to speak up next
“No deal, that human is a liability, she knows to much”
I looked at the blonde with narrowed eyes
“What if my family promised to change her soon?”
Nobody dared to talk but Aro piped in
“If they follow through with the promise then we will allow it, but you remain here and they go”
I nodded and then instantly a guard who had such elegance that would put the Greek gods themselves to shame led my family out and I was about to reach out for them when a beast of a man grabbed me. I looked up at the giant and my initial thought for a minute was “Why is he good looking?How can he be so tall and…have muscle in all the right places, again the greek gods themselves would be jealous”, That hiss sound was heard again and the giant let go of me. I looked around the throne room for where that hiss came from but everyone seemed to stand in the same place as before. Aro gave instruction to the twins who I remember my brother told me about, Alec and Jane, to take me to Caius private chambers. At the mention of that I almost wanted to make a run for it. The two led me away and I felt Caius' gaze on me the whole time as I was leaving the room.
Eventually I was left alone in the room, I had to admit it was a lovely room, it did seem fit for a king but also for a man of art. I felt strange being in his room alone, I don't even know the vampire and now I have to be with him for eternity. This is also unfair, why couldn't I at least say goodbye to my brothers kids, I might never see them or my brother again, I just got back from traveling and was set to settle down with my brothers coven for once. I only got 5 years with them. Maybe it's my fault for always wanting to explore and be on my own but life was cut short for me and I never got that chance when I was human.
Mine and Carlisle’s father forbade me to go out without my brother by me, I couldn't even go down the street to get a loaf of bread for dinner alone. Not that I don't love spending time with my
brother, but I always had that curiosity to go be alone and explore the world. Until that fateful day of my ‘death’, it happened after Carlisle was pronounced ‘dead’, and from that father was more strict than ever, I never got a chance to get a breath of fresh air, day and night at home; cleaning, cooking, reading, sewing, and etc. It got repetitive very quickly, so I decided one night to run away. That night I knew my father was away on another vampire hunt, so I knew I would be alone. I packed a small bag and went out by the back door. So far my journey was good, I decided to head off to York, I read books about this town and the gothic architecture was a must see. 
I had a good 10 miles away from my home, when it happened, I was walking along this path in the woods when two random men came out of the blue and took advantage of me. They left me there barely breathing and in my growing cold blood. I was minutes away from dying when a familiar face came into my hazyview, I knew who it was and before I could even say his name everything went black. It was not until days later I woke up in a small clearing and Carlisle came into view and explained everything to me. I was glad to see my twin alive but at the same time I was not thrilled with the idea that I had to drink human blood. Me and Carlisle with time discovered the concept of drinking animal blood and that helped. Soon after we were accustomed to the life of vampires we parted ways. I wanted to travel but he wanted to spend time in Italy. 
At this moment  I wished I stayed with my brother this whole time but then that meant I would have met my mate sooner and would have not met my brother’s coven. My mate…I was always curious to find out who they would be, I could see how my brother and Esme looked at each other, or how my brother’s children looked at their significant other, even Edward for once looked happy. I never knew I would even find them, I spent a lot of time alone and didn't really think about settling down or even finding my mate in this lifetime. I thought for sure I was destined for solitude, but it appears I was destined to be with the ruthless Volturi King. 
Speaking about him I didn't even notice he came into the room and was seated in one of his Victorian burgundy styled sofas. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was not seeing things but he spoke up 
“You should really learn to be aware of your surroundings, I even gave you a kiss on the forehead and you didn't even notice or flinched”
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I saw he had a slight smirk on his face, he was teasing me. I didn't even know whether to be surprised or pissed at this, in different circumstances I would have joked back. In a blink of an eye he was in front of me, towering over me, I would have looked up at him but I wanted to stand my ground. I felt him lift my chin up and I faced his bright ruby red eyes that seemed so enchanting. 
I tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes were like a lure, once you got a glimpse there was no way to look away. He started to lean in until he was inches away from my lips, “keep it together y/n, keep it together y/n”. But then Blondie whispered “Con tempo” and he was gone. I was relieved but at the same time I had a hint of intrigued.
Year 1700 – From the stories I have heard from the townspeople and from our father, they made the vampire life seem so horrible, that a vampire is only seen as a monster. But I have never felt such a peace like state, from being controlled, to losing my brother, to my ‘death’, I finally have forever to be free with my brother. And as of right now me and him are laying in an open field in the outskirts of Italy, gazing at the stars as we have been doing the past 30 years already. 
“They had it all wrong, did they not, lyle?”
“I can not say I disagree but you have a point, I would've never pictured our life to turn like this”
Life really has never been better than this moment. I appreciated the times me and Carlisle would spend at night talking about the latest book we read or how we want to further our education in medicine and the arts. I want to travel more but it seems he has other plans. I can sense it.
“Just say it, I know there is something”
In the corner of my eye I saw that he took an unnecessary breath. I knew what he was about to say would hurt me, he always did that when he had to break bad news to me, even when we were little, he always acted like the big brother.
“I was confronted by a coven of Vampires, they call themselves the Volturi, they been around for millennials, they favor the arts and science, and they have more knowledge than any human could ever dream of knowing and they have an impressive collection of books on everything, they offered us a spot into their coven, I said I would talk it out with you first”
I knew he made his decision, I knew this is something he has always wanted to do, he wanted to know more about the background knowledge of Vampires and more on old medicine and arts. Even that intrigued me but that would mean I would have to settle down and live out my life in some coven and stay in one place for eternity.
“Carlisle…you know I would never want to stop you from your education, I was the one who persuaded you to have an interest in the medical field, so I'm not going to be one to hold you back, I would rather die than to stop you from this.”
“I figured you would not want to join, I thought that maybe I would be able to convince you. I don't like being separated from you, your everything I have left of family”
I looked at him with a saddened look
“I know Lyle, but you know I don't like to be contained in one place forever, I need to be out and about, exploring and having the life I never got the chance to have”
He sits up looking out in the open field, I know he really wants me to join him, and I want to but there's still so much to explore still. Sitting up also I extend a hand toward him and a Lily flower bloomed within my hand, he looks at it with awe 
“A Lily Flower? Mothers favorite…”
I gave him a small smile “It took me a while to learn how to create it, still not used to having this ability but I only managed to create a Tulip, next time I see you I will show you a whole garden of flowers”
End of Flashback.
We had that conversation over 300 years ago already. Even when we finally did reunite and I lived with him and his coven, I didnt show him what I was working on with the time I was away from him. I am actually outside in the Volturi gardens creating a whole new garden with fresh new flowers that are both rare and exotic but also some common ones. I think what fascinated Aro about my ability is that I can create poisonous flowers that can knock out even the strongest of vampires out cold (I accidentally knocked him out the first month I was here for 5 days straight). And that was already 5 months ago since that “accident”, from that Aro just let me be in the garden alone and doesn't dare interrupt me unless I request his audience. 
With my short time here, I actually became close to Marcus. Even though it took a while to get him to talk to me, I  caught him in the gardens one day and I saw he was overlooking a dying yellow lily. I instantly healed it, he turned to me slowly with a very small but very pleased look, he mentioned later that it was his late wife's favorite flower. He reminded me of Carlisle, we tend to talk a lot about plants and philosophy, we even had small arguments on certain philosophies. With Aro from the accident I'm still wary about him, he creeps me out sometimes and when he does that one laugh I don't know whether to hold in a laugh or wonder how such a laugh can come out of him. With the elite guards, we are slowly building trust with each other. Just the other day I managed to make Felix and Demetri laugh when I accidentally made an “erotic" looking plant. They reminded me of Emmett and Jasper. As with Jane and Alec, they are still wary of me, but I can see they are starting to warm up to me.
And how can I forget Caius? Having him as a mate has been interesting. I don't see him as often but when I do, he does a tactic of a quick and go. I could be doing something as reading a book in the King's private library when he appears and leaves a longing of his aura and then vanishes. It frustrates me so I decided to just ignore him. 
Caius POV:
As soon as Jane came in with our “guest”, I felt a strange pull and was overcomed by the strong smell of roses. It was an addicting smell, I must know who it's coming from. I notice the human and internally I'm thinking “all this dramatic antics for this human? This Cullen boy was all set to end his immortal life because of her?” even I'm not that dramatic. I scanned the rest of the entourage and one of them reassembled as a human sized fairy, she’s almost the polar opposite of Jane. I didn't pay much attention to her for it being one of them caught me completely off guard. My mate… she's breathtaking, just from her looks I can tell she has an eye for art like me. Sadly her eyes are gold like the rest of the Cullen coven but that can easily be changed with time. It was not until Aro said she is Carlisle's twin sister that I lost it internally.
Why is life so unfair? Millenniums of existing and waiting for my mate to come along to find out she's the sister to the one person I absolutely despise . Out of everyone why a Cullen? The minute that “Vegetarian Doctor” left my respect for him vanished. But why is she avoiding eye contact with me? What has that Carlisle said about me? Great, I barely find out she's my mate and she hates me. Why would she hate me? I like to think I'm straightforward and speak my mind without hesitation, what is there not to like about me? I'm also quite dashing myself if I must say, I take a great deal of myself and I at least don't have that weird laugh Aro has.
As if on cue I heard Aro do that said strange laugh and I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Aro was holding her hand to read her thoughts, without a thought I hissed in displeasure. She's my mate, nobody can touch her but I. Have I always been possessive? Didn't think of myself as the possessive type, I'm just being reasonable. I must know what Aro has seen from her, I want to know everything there is to know about her, everything she has seen and done. Hopefully she has not been with another man or even a woman, I'm not judgemental, but it seems I also have a jealous side. What is wrong with me today? I am suddenly having all of these out of character personality, I blame her. 
When she offered a deal, my anger took over and I said no deal, even if she said she was going to stay. Of course she's going to stay, she's my mate, in no way was I going to let her walk away after I waited millenniums for her. After my little outburst on her Aro said for Felix to take her to my chambers but the way she looked at him when she was grabbed by him made my eye twitch involuntary, I did that hiss sound and Felix immediately let go. 
When the throne room was set for clear I had to go see her up close. When I arrived at my private chambers I noticed she was in a trance like state, as if reliving a past memory. Wanting to respect her I waited it out. She did after a while and that is when I striked first, with my speed I was in front of her gazing down on her, she's more beautiful up close. I think I might like the color amber now, the way her eyes are so full of light and warmth is so wonderful to witness. I leaned in thinking I might kiss her but I decided to tease her. I want her to be the one to break first even if I'm already secretly hopelessly falling for her.
It has been a very confusing couple of weeks. I think I'm conflicted with whether I should keep ignoring Caius by not being flirty in return like he has been with me or should I just reciprocate the same behavior toward him. Trust me I do want to get out of this weird faze we are dealing with but the way that man is so bipolar sometimes is astonishing to witness. Our latest incident resulted in Felix and Demetri carrying me out of the library while Aro and Marcus consulted with Caius. The funny thing is Caius walked in all suave and flirty.
“You know I always find it difficult to look at you without falling in love with you”
Not wanting to give him a satisfaction that his words made me feel a certain way, I brushed him off
“So don't look at me, it's that simple”
“That simple? Have you no idea that when I look at you, all of the beautiful work you do in the gardens is put to shame with your beauty, how your voice is sweeter than the richest of blood, or how your eyes have conquered me?” he scoffs “As if that's simple amore”
I shut my book and set it on the table already getting sick and tired of his little suppose clever tactic to get me to confess my undying love to him
“You know you walk in here all suave and seductive or whatever you call this, and then you leave before I can say anything, in the 4 months I have been here, not once have you sat down with me and had a full on conversation with me”
“Well i'm a king, im busy, I have matters to take care of, things you would not know how to deal with”
Now it was my turn to scoff at him
“Busy? With what? I have talked with Marcus and he says you mostly are in the throne room looking at old text that I bet you have read at least a thousand times so far, your just avoiding me because i'm a Cullen, I am well aware you despise my brother and his coven”
That for sure shut him up but unfortunately what I said fuelled his anger.
“How dare you speak to me like that! Conspiring behind my back with my own brother! I have done nothing but be patient with you and been a great mate to you!?”
How can he say such a thing about being a great mate when there are times I don't see him for days and when he does appear it's only for a couple of minutes.
“You are unbelievable, you being a great mate to me? How can you say that when one) I don't even see you that often. two) you haven't even bothered to talk about actual things instead you seduce me and three) you just assume every time you flirt with me that I like it or I will return the favor. Well news flash I don't like it, maybe my brother was right about you”
Using his vampire speed he was up in my face in an instant glaring down on me, I might not be able to read his thoughts but just with his eyes you can see how pissed he is.
“Your brother!! Are you also conspiring with him about me behind my back! Some mate you are to me. I have been patient with you, I have been all sweet talk with you. How am I supposed to know what you like and don't like if you never speak up, I was starting to think you are mute”
I could now feel my own anger rising at his words
“Well maybe if you actually took time in your supposed busy day to sit down and talk to me I would start to open up to you and be more affectionate with you but I never say anything because you always vanish in a blink of an eye. Your so childish for doing that, hiding from someone who is a whole foot shorter than you, pathetic”
In all of my decades of existing as a Vampire, I have never been caught off guard until now. I was in a literal chokehold as I was kissed deeply by Caius. WAIT he's kissing me? H-how did this even happen? I was absolutely horrified by the turn of events. My reflexes finally kicked in I pushed him away roughly from me and I took several steps away from him. How dare he kiss me like that without my permission? Who the fuck does he think he is to even do such an action on me? To add to that, the freaking blonde had a small smirk but his eyes held a bit of pain and shock. I haven't the slightest idea of what to do next, I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy the kiss but I didn't want our first kiss to be like this. 
We just stood in silence, I wanted to say something but I don't know what exactly, I must have been too deep in thought because when I looked up he was gone. 
A/N: Ooooo cliffhanger, I had to do it, part two will come out at some point (to be honest I have not started to work on it yet but I have a basic idea of how it will end).
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ja3hwa · 1 year
Day 15 : Size Kink - Yunho
「Title」 : Better Than Him
「Word count」 : 3.3k
-> Genre: Smut, Angst, Some fluff at the end.
Paring: Mob Boss!Yunho x Female Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing, Mafia Life. Cheating (don't do this but in this case, it was a good choice) making out, unprotected sex (big no-no) rough sex. Size kink in all areas. Yunho is 6'0, beefy and just a very big boy. Shitty Husband. Reader gets objectified by gross men. Reader cries. Pure filth. Dirty talk. Pet names. Oral (reader receiving) mentions of killing someone. Getting caught. Creampie. Yunho has a big dick and big dick energy. Yunho has a bit of an obsession with the reader. Mingi and Hongjoong are mentioned. Hehe. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: I went a little overboard with this one...whoops
Read Part Two -> [Here]
February Filth Fest Event Day Calendar
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Through a life you had not chosen, you knew from the moment you met your husband. He was a pig in human form. His gaze would linger on your form rather than looking you in the eyes. The first time you met he introduced himself as your soon-to-be. Being the only heir and daughter in one of the largest mafia families had perks, but it mostly brought downfall. Your father warned you, never to fall for anyone. You must keep your family first. Keep them successful. Be married off to another mod boss in order to keep the peace.
That’s how you ended up where you were now. Standing in a ballroom, dressed in the most luxurious clothing and with a tall glass of wine in hand. Your husband―well you are still not married yet but he introduced himself as so―Lucas, kept his hand on the small of your back, not wanting you to wander too far from him. People milled around you, chatting politely in the enormous mansion. You nursed your drink, the plastered smile making your cheeks ache in disgust. You wished to leave his side, be painted as something, anything else other than a wife with no voice.
The famous Jeong Yunho stood across from Lucas. He didn’t have to speak any words for you, or anyone to know he ran the city. He was the definition of power. In an all-black suit, he stood stark in contrast to the plain white and gold theme ballroom and the bright lights of the chandeliers. Lucas wasn’t oblivious to the way Yunho drank you in as he approached the two of you for the first time this evening. He could always catch Yunho sneaking glances every time you all meet at public events. He didn’t mind one bit though. Eye candy was better for business and plus his ego would rise every time someone would eyeball you. He knew he won, the golden prize. You. He cleared his throat, and Yunho regretfully ripped his eyes from your face to look at your husband with a blank expression.
“Babe, Mr Jeong is our host tonight. Be a dear and fetch us more refreshments to say thank you,” Lucas said, squeezing your back, not looking at you for a second. He never really looked at you, unless it was to perv at your form. He didn’t think of you as a human being, you were more of a piece of meat to him. Before you try and politely take your leave Yunho stops you by placing his hand up to rest of your arm in a small unmotivated gesture but it ignited a fire inside the pit of your stomach.
“Thank you. But that will not be necessary.” He clicked his fingers and one of the staff suddenly stood in front of you within seconds, fresh wine already made. He smiled slightly at you for a moment, something he didn’t do until he met you. His enormous hand enveloped around your one. His silver rings indented your skin lightly, making you relish in the feeling of his touch, and he seemed to do the same. Lucas cleared his throat, obviously feeling excluded from the conversation but being a little too stupid to see the lingering glances you were giving Yunho. You rolled your eyes so only Yunho could see, and he shot you an amused wink before turning to your husband.
They began to talk business making you tune out easily at the boring details of work. It became a habit you grew once you became the fiance to a useless man. And now don’t call yourself short for brains. You knew the business far well than most of the men in the room. In fact, you knew more than Lucas and you could —no, you would—do a better job at negotiating than he ever could. But he would never give you such a chance. Again, to him. You were a mere side piece, an object for him to gloat over and make himself more desirable. You watch the conversation unfold, seeing a slight tremor in Lucas’s voice, you could tell that Yunho terrified him. It was clear why, the man practically owned Seoul City and could command a room of mob bosses with a flick of his fingers. 
“It seems I have finished my drink,” you whispered not really caring if anyone heard but to your surprise, Yunho suddenly addressed you personally. Your eyes shot up, full of curiosity as he shot you one of his killer smiles. His voice was deep as he said your name. You loved the way it rolled off his tongue, and you vaguely wondered what else he could do with it. “I hope to see you again...” His gaze held yours as he cupped your hand once again. “Maybe one day I’ll show you my home in more, depth. And If you need anything at all, Mrs Kim, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Your lips curved, pleased at his offer. “Thank you, Mr Jeong. I certainly will.”
“Please, call me Yunho.”
Lucas, once again, cleared his throat, and this time you didn’t even try to hide your annoyance at his neediness. He tried to smile smugly, wrapping his arm tighter around your waist to pull you into him closer for a moment as if he wanted to play the role of a dear loving husband for once. But you tugged off him quickly. God you hated the way he smelt, the cologne he wore was unfaltering and it made your nose cry in pain. Yunho’s eyes narrowed at your husband's actions before shooting you one last smile making you walk off with blushed cheeks, leaving the two to their o’ so important business.
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A couple of hours passed slowly, and you had grown tired of the event that still strangely had life to it. Now, having your third glass of Wine, you were still not tipsy enough for your liking. You weren’t an avid drinker by any means, but you had built up quite the tolerance because of these parties. You weaved your way through the crowded room, slinking between guests. You eventually arrive at the set-up bar, not bothering to find another staff with a tray of drinks, instead, you chose to go straight to the source, but what you are met with was much more than another full glass of grape juice.
“You must not be enjoying yourself,” You turned to find Yunho. He walked up to you, his gigantic figure looming over you, with a fresh glass of wine in his large hand just for you.
“What makes you say that?” You asked, peering up at him noting your height difference, blushing slightly as he hands you the drink.
“Alcohol is the only thing that gets me through events I have no interest in attending. I’m assuming it’s the same for you?”
You sighed. “Don’t take it personally, Mr Jeong. I’ve just attended one too many of these parties for them to be interesting anymore. Especially when the company I'm entertaining is also...”
Yunho smirked. “No worries, doll. I understand. I wouldn’t enjoy myself either if that Scumbag’s arm was around my waist, and hand was gripping that ass all night. Seems like you need some better company.”
You snorted, covering your hand with your mouth. You would have been disgusted by the blunt comment about your ass but when it came out of Yunho’s mouth it made a tingle shiver down your spine. “He’s not that bad,” you said, weakly trying your very hardest to defend your husband, but one glare from Yunho had you giggling again. “Okay, he’s an ass. A total ass.” before you could think of another comment or snarky remark Yunho caught you off guard with yet another blunt comment.
“If you were mine, I’d be showing you off to every person in this goddamn city. But not how he does, as if you were an object but as my wife, the person I trust most by my side. ” You stifled a gasp at Yunho’s words. He stared down at you seriously, dark eyes piercing yours with careful curiosity. You had no words, it was as if your fantasies were coming to pass. But how could you possibly think of such a thing when you were already destined to be another's?
“I’m not yours, Yunho” you neatly whispered not trusting your own words.
“No,” Yunho said, narrowing his eyes. “You’re not mine. Yet.”
“Yet?” You gulped, watching his figure lean into your own, covering your body from the crowd and any prying eyes. Your back hit the bar, making you crane your neck to see his face only mere centimetres from your own. Was he always this big?
“Tell me…” His fingertips grazed your goose-bumped skin on your arm. “Tell me you don’t want to be mine. That you don’t want me to shower you with my love. I would give you everything your disgusting husband could never. All you have to do is ask.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” his voice almost sounded scared, worried you might not let him in, but his heart jumps the moment he heard the next few words leave your gorgeous lips.
“I can’t tell you, I don’t want it. Because I do. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since the day I met you…” That was all it took for Yunho to grab your wrist, hastily pulling you away from the bar, abandoning your drink and everything you had to go back to. He did not care about the side eyes he got or how some of the women you passed started to whisper. All you cared about was him and what he was going to do to you. He pulled you into an empty hallway and immediately pushed you against the wall. Your heart was beating so fast as he snaked an arm around your waist, breath tickling your face as your fingers flew up to pull on his dark hair. He growled into your mouth as he clashed his lips against yours, moving his body with your own. One hand cupped your ass in the same place Lucas would put his, but it felt different. You didn’t want to push away from the contact, instead, you wanted more. You moaned pathetically into his mouth, and he seemed to like it, shoving his tongue inside, dancing it across yours.
“Yunho,” you said, pulling back. Your lips were already swollen, and Yunho felt his chest leap at the sight. You were perfect. “I need…” Yunho nodded, pressing open-mouthed kisses down your neck and across your collarbone, letting his hands grip at your hips tightly, pulling your body flush against his own so you could feel his erection against your stomach. Fuck, he was so much bigger than you, it made your knees weak.
“I know, Darling, I know. Not here though. Come with me.” He pulled you through the halls and it wasn’t long before the two of you were in what you assumed to be his private sitting room. Or is it a study? You couldn’t take much care of the details hearing the fireplace roar dully while seeing a blanket draped over an expensive-looking emerald couch. Yunho wasted no time in hoisting you up onto his waist, then carefully dropping you onto the velvet couch, his body slotting on top of yours. Your stomach was cluttered with emotions, your head running wild with overthinking thoughts. Lucas had never treated you with so much attention and care. Let alone any real care at all. You couldn’t remember the last time anyone had kissed you like this. Then again, you remembered, you’d never been with someone else other than Lucas before this. Feeling love slipping from Yunho, it was like your first time all over again. But this time it felt right. Not some dirty transaction of body fluids. But actual love-making a husband would do to his wife... Yunho seemed to read your mind. “Never been treated like this, huh, my love?”
You shook your head weakly feeling as if you were about to cry. “N-no.”
Yunho growled against your skin. “Fucking immature little boy who doesn’t know how to treat a woman like you. Can’t believe I’ll be the first to ruin you completely. Not that I’m complaining. I bet that little fucking excuse for a man couldn’t get you to bed properly” he said with a shit-eating grin, his tongue lapping your neck. He pulled back to look at you in your eyes. “Has anyone ever tried this sweet pussy baby?” Your eyes widened at his filthy question covering your mouth with your hand you mewled a little, No, to his reply.
Yunho smiled devilishly. “So let me get this straight. You’re saying I’m gonna be the first one to taste you. Have you come on my tongue? Jesus Baby. You are spoiling me right now.” He groaned, and without warning he hooked his fingers on the hem of your pants, pulling them down as well as your panties. But not before he slowly slid off your heels giving your ankles a little kiss while doing so. You were dripping for him, some of it leaking onto the expensive couch already. He licked his lips, running a finger through you, loving everything he was witnessing.
You moaned, bucking into his touch. He slowly inserted two fingers into you before pulling them back out, then pushed it in again a little more harshly. His fingers were huge, making you wonder if you were struggling with his fingers, how would his cock feel deep inside you. He lowered his mouth to you, giving you a chance to feel his hot breath on your folds before diving in. You felt sparks fly across your skin as his mouth finally touched you. He groaned, lips moving and sucking across your clit as his tongue moved in unison with his fingers. He continued his assault until you were writhing against him, practically shoving your hips into his face for more friction. He took it all, gripping your hips with a bruising force. It wasn’t long before you were coming undone, sparks flashing across your eyes as you tensed and twitched. Yunho didn’t give you a second to recover before he was freeing himself from his suit pants. He was enormous, you could see his cock throbbing from where you laid. You gulped, eyes widening with worry. He is definitely not going to fit.
“It’ll fit, don’t worry, Darling. You might be tiny compared to me, but I’ll make you’re stuffed nicely,” he said with a laugh when he saw your shocked expression. “Cause I’ll make you fucking filled when I’m done.” He stroked himself a few times before lining up with your entrance, slowly pushing the engorged head into you with an audible pop. You gasped at the sensation, your mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ as he shoved himself in. His eyes screwed shut in bliss when he bottomed out. His hands gripped the back of your thighs, pushing them to either side of you so he could start his thrusts slow but deep.
“So fucking tight, did your pathetic husband even fuck you? Fuck, are you crying baby? Am I that big for you?.” He hoisted both of your legs over his broad shoulders, finding a new angle to pound into you from.
“God, you feel so good,” You whined. “Oh shit, you’re so big Yuyu...” He lost control hearing the nickname slip off your tongue, snapping his hips roughly. He was going to ruin you if it was the last thing he did.
“That’s it, sweetheart. All mine, aren’t you? Yeah, you’re fucking mine. I was made for this pussy.” Your fingers clawed his covered back, tugging at his dress suit jacket. His thrust were inhuman, becoming faster and harder each time he pushes inside of you. “Never gonna let that fucking douchebag, pathetic piece of shit ever touch you again,” he panted. “I’ve got you now.” He kissed your neck, then your jaw, before kissing you on your soft lips.
“I only want you, I’m yours,” you moaned, feeling an unfamiliar white heat inside of you, coiling around your stomach. “Y-Yunho I can’t I-I take… fuck, you’re so big.”
“You can take it, I know you can because you’re my good girl, right? You want to be my good girl don’t you?” You nodded against him, tightening your grip. He snarled into your neck as his hips began to snap into you with a roughness you already knew you would come to crave every day and night. “you coming, Baby?” Yunho said, feeling your tightness around him, “I need to feel you come around my cock. Please."
You didn’t have to hear him twice as you came around him, moaning so loudly you thank the party was loud enough to conceal any noise. Yunho wasn’t far behind, stuttering and shoving himself as deep into you as he could reach, spilling his hot white seed into you. His thrusts wore slower before finally coming to a halt. You both took a minute of catching your breath, Yunho moved off you, watching himself slip out of you before his cum began to leak out after.
He picked your underwear off the floor before shoving them in his pocket with a smirk. He then pulled your pants back up your legs, readjusting your heels and smoothing your hair, whispering just how well you did for him. He made sure you were presentable, even though you looked beautiful at any moment, especially when you were fucked out on his cock. But that was a visual just saved for him. You felt a blush creep up your cheek you wanted to speak, but it didn’t last as the doors to the room burst open, making you jump up in fright.
Lucas stood there, his fists clenched at his sides. “What the fuck is going on here?” He snarled, stalking over to you. Before he could get too close, Yunho stood. He absolutely towered above Lucas, coming in between you and him.
“I’d watch yourself if I were you, Mr Kim,” he spoke. His voice was deadly calm and his expression showed nothing.
“You just fucked my wife you bastard.” he spat straight in Yunho’s face making him suddenly see red.
“Remember who you’re speaking to.” Yunho got straight into Lucas's space, his deep voice growling lowly.
Lucas audibly gulped quickly giving up, but he peered around Yunho and glared at you. “Fine. Come on, we’re going home. damn slut,” he said backing away from the larger male but Yunho lunged forward, grabbing Lucas by the collar and lifting him off the floor with ease.
“You don’t get to fucking speak to her like that,” he growled. “She’s not your wife. And I vow that you’ll be begging for death once I’m done with you.” Yunho threw Lucas onto the floor and he scrambled backwards, staring up at the mob boss with clear terror in his eyes. Yunho turned around, kneeling beside you and pulling your hands into his large ones. “Come with me, Darling. Let’s get back to the party shall we.” You nodded, tucking yourself into his side as he guided you out of the room, and back towards the main hall.
“So, you were really serious about me being yours?” You said, gazing up at Yunho curiously not even worrying about how two very scaring-looking men that Yunho called Mingi and Hongjoong entered the room that you left Lucas in. 
“Damn right,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I gotcha now, My love. And I ain’t letting go.”
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @violetwinters @lmhmh01 @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @yesv01 @minkiflwr @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @mysticfire0435 @yeosan8 @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @zi-ever @fl0r4f4wn @candypop1611 @toxicccred @yvnjin-s @meltheninja13 @atinyreads @e-ahn19 @stardragongalaxy
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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neonbutchery · 3 months
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it happened a while ago but since i finally hit 400 followers here, i'm making a baldur's gate 3 mod raffle to celebrate! the winner will get either a custom head, hairstyle, or set of horns! you can see more of my mods and work on my nexusmods page.
follow me (new followers are welcome!)
REPLY to this post with anything (reblogs are very appreciated, but they don't count as entries! please reply if you want to enter!)
the raffle will close on april 15th, 2024, 11PM CEST, and the winners will be announced shortly after...
but there's more!
given current events, i want to do a small fundraiser for the palestinian children's relief fund, or pcrf. the raffle is completey free to enter, but donating $5 or more to its tiltify campaign will give you an extra entry! you can donate down below, please make sure to leave your tumblr url if you do.
for every $50 milestone we reach, i will draw one more winner! UPDATE 6/4/2024: since the donations gathered far surprassed what i thought we would raise, the total number of winners stops at FIVE, since i don't want to burn myself out. but the extra entries for donations are still up and running!
once again, entering the raffle is free; the donations are completely optional, and you will have a chance to get a prize regardless. feel free to dm me for any more questions!
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aeraras · 12 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤNAYEON “NA’’ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤhosted byㅤ﹕ㅤ@aeraras
hey everyone! firstly, i would like to say how grateful i am for helping me reach 500+ followers, and to thank you all i would like to host an event called "aeraras⠀﹕⠀nayeon⠀“na’’⠀event" i hope you'll enjoy this event and continue to support my blog. ♡
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤhow to enter
ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤcomment joining on this post ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤreblog this post, tagging 2+ blogs that may want to join ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤwhen posting your moodboard, mention me so i can see it ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤuse the hashtag "⠀ ࿐ྂ⠀⠀⠀⠀aeraras⠀﹕⠀nayeon⠀“na’’⠀event" ( please ㅤㅤㅤcopy and paste otherwise ㅤㅤㅤentry won't be valid ) ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤremember to be creative and have fun! ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤdeadline is july 6th, let me know if you need an extention!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤguidelines
ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤmust be at least 90% made by you. using dividers and locs made by ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤothers is alright ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤno copying or stealing other people's moodboards ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤonly one entry per person ( only your first entry counts ) ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤmoodboards must include nayeonㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤprizes
ㅤㅤ-ㅤ1st placeㅤ:ㅤ100 reblogs of a mb of choice, two custom moodboards & two ㅤㅤcustom loc packs ㅤㅤ-ㅤ2nd placeㅤ:ㅤ75 reblogs of a mb of choice, one custom moodboard & one ㅤㅤㅤcustom loc pack ㅤㅤ-ㅤ3rd placeㅤ:ㅤ50 reblogs of a mb of choice, one custom moodboard ㅤㅤ-ㅤhonourable mentionsㅤ:ㅤ25 reblogs of a mb of choice
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤclaiming
ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤdm to claim prizes ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤyou will be mentioned in the winners post if you win ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤi will reblog from my personal reblog account ( @aeraluvs ) ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤplease do not rush me when posting your prizes
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ my tags!! ( sorry )
@yuzchaes, @aericita, @gigittamic, @iluvrei, @daddldee, @wonbuni, @wonjuii, @aewinse, @luvrsweet, @suneez, @s-oona, @wishya, @keketopia, @wiotas, @gyutarsworld, @thsv @chuwerii @hyelita, @khaer, @y-unrei, @dolyunie, @soulari, @y-vna, @p-osse, @i-kyujin, @chaeneuu, @7hyein, @i-99uyu, @chaetopia, @i04rei, @sugarish, @pommecita, @im4yeons, @k-yuris
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aericita · 3 months
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┄ ❛ 🫐˚ ✿ magnetic event.
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hello! i just wanted to say thank you for 100+ followers, to celebrate i will be hosting my first event.
this event is called the “magnetic event” based off ill-it’s song magnetic!
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how to participate:
comment “joining!” in the comments
reblog this post and tag 1-5 people
message me a number 1-5 and you are required to do that member
use the tag # ┄ ❛ 🫐˚ ✿ magnetic event when posting
tag me when posting or it will not count
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event rules:
deadline is april 15 (anything posted after that will not count)
you must use the idol given to you
dm me if you need a extension
95 percent of the mb must be made by you
using someone else’s loc/div is fine
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first place - 100 reblogs (mb of your choice) and 4 custom mbs
second place - 75 reblogs (mb of your choice) and 3 custom mbs
third place - 25 reblogs (mb of your choice) and 2 custom mbs
honourable mentions - 5 reblogs (mb of your choice) and 1 custom mb
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my tags::
@aeraras @a-hyeons @jangkyus @chuwerii @b4dobee @khaer @egorls @gigittamic @7hyein @p-uki @yuppijin @hyelita @9haerin @h-aerins @liscours
feel free to ignore these tags!
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v3gue · 10 days
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admins = @v3gue and @qqmariztwsse.
hey everyone! firstly, i would like to say how i am so grateful to have 50 followers even though its not a lot, but still I’m glad that you love my mbs and continued to support me !! To thank you all, I would like to invite you to an event “♡*. ·━━━━ s-oona⠀﹕⠀mood⠀“my’’⠀event . * ━━━━━ ♡“ along with my friend @qqmariztwsse, we are both hosting the event, so feel free to ask me or her questions, concerns or anything ! Thank you so much again for helping me all the way here, I couldn’t have done it without your support ! <33
ㅤ ㅤhow to enter ?
☰ comment joining below
☰ by reblogging, tag 2+ or more people who might be interested in this.
☰ when finished or still making ur mb, mention me in the comments or in the post itself.
☰ you must put the tag “♡*. ·━━━━ s-oona⠀﹕⠀mood⠀“my’’⠀event . * ━━━━━ ♡” otherwise it will not count and will be invalid. (Copy and paste this, so you won’t forget !)
☰ remember this event is all about you making your own theme (ex. seasons, overall mood, characters, etc) be creative and have fun ! ☰ ㅤㅤdeadline is july 1th, if you need an extension, the only extension would be July 15th !
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤguidelines !
☰ must be 90% made by you. using other divs/locs is fine. ☰ no copying or stealing from other mbs, if you break the rules, you will be permanently disqualified from the event. ☰ you can only enter (1 entry per person ! 2nd entry or more will not count.)
☰ remember, this is all about having fun and being unique. also, do not forget that you can make any type of theme of choice you want or do your own theme !
☰ you can add a kpop idol or non kpop into your mb, either way is fine !!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤprizes ?
1st place: 100 reblogs, 3 custom mbs, 2 set of locs, and 1 set of divider. 2nd place: 90 reblogs, 3 custom mbs, 2 sets of locs, and 1 set of divider. 3rd place: 80 reblogs, 3 customs mbs, 2 sets of locs, and 1 set of divider.
extra : honorable mentions gets 25 reblogs + 2 custom mbs. — anyone who participates first entry will get 20 reblogs and a like !
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤclaiming !
ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤdm @qqmariztwsse to claim prizes ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤyou will be mentioned in the winners post if you win ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤi will reblog from my personal reblog account ( @strawbkissy) ㅤㅤㅤ:ㅤplease do not rush us when posting your prizes, it will take time to do all of it !
Tags !! (Feel free to ignore, and sorry !)
@hyelita @aericita @aeraras @sojiyuu @binnizbun @yuqi-luv @suzy143 @miuhyein @luvrsweet @mwahaddy @mey6loom @alloraamore @jitqk @plushdani @i8maya @lil-liaa @h-aerins @eun-luv @jellyhqzel @sojiyuu @d1vin34ngel @khroem and more…!!
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daisyvisions · 6 months
A Little Motivation - (e.s) | Pt. 2
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‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Pairing: Baseball Player!Eric x Fem! Reader
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Summary: Now that you have Eric’s undivided attention, he is determined to study hard and claim his prize. But will he be able to handle how hot his prize is?
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word Count: 2.1K
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), multiple male masturbation, oral (both m! and f! receiving because… it’s a 69 🤪), handjob, face riding, groping, some dry humping, cum eating, hickies, pussy!drunk Eric, reader turns Eric into a fumbling mess, praise kink mentioned, let me know if I missed anything. Proofread once.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: Part 2 is finally up! Sorry for the wait y’all, but at least I didn’t leave this one dusting away in the WIPs. Consider this my advanced birthday gift to our puppy boy Eric!
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Network: @deoboyznet
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Read Part 1 here!
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Ever since the tutoring session, Eric could not stop thinking about you.
The old image of you suddenly shifting into a new one as he replayed the chain of events that had happened hours ago. It was like you were a gift slowly unraveling in front of him. And he was eager to know what kind of surprise was in store for tomorrow.
As soon as he got home, he ran to his room and plopped down. Hastily unzipping his pants and freeing his aching member from his boxers to relieve all the pent up tension you’d given him earlier.
Spitting on his palm for extra lubrication before wrapping his hand around the base of his cock, gradually pumping himself as he holds your used panties in his other hand. Shoving the damp material against his face as he inhales the scent of you, wishing it was you that was bouncing on his length instead of his hand.
The blue balls you had given him was so bad, he even came thrice in succession. Continuing to fist himself after the first high came around until his body started to convulse after the third one.
He can’t recall a time anyone has ever had an effect on him like this. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s been in a dry spell for quite sometime, or maybe because there was something with the way your eyes bore deep into his soul. Or maybe even your teasing but delicate touches that sent shivers down his spine like no one ever had.
Either way, whatever trance you’ve placed him under he swore he never wanted to get out of it.
After rounds of relieving himself Eric was motivated to study hard for your next tutoring session tomorrow, something he would never be caught doing in a million years.
He was incredibly determined to please you. Not only because of the special reward you had promised him, but because there was something with the way you praised him that gave him a newfound confidence. Not even the compliments from his coach or the screams of adoring fans during games could compare to what he felt with you.
Eric leaned back on his chair for a moment thinking about it again. His heart fluttering against his chest as he replayed your sweet words of praise.
“I’m so proud of you!”
“You’re doing sooo well…”
“A little reward for today superstar, you deserve it.”
His mind started to drift as he thought about how your alluring voice would sound as you praised him for other things aside from school work. Thinking about the way your hands would slowly comb through his hair as praises turned into moans of his name. Chanting his name like an endless prayer while he had his way with you.
Eric shook his head and immediately patted his face to get himself out of the little fantasy brewing in his mind before his cock stirs in his pants again.
‘Keep on studying and you’ll get your reward tomorrow.’ He told himself.
This was definitely going to be a long night for him.
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As soon as Eric rang the doorbell to your apartment, he was immediately greeted by the image of you wearing what he thinks was the most jaw dropping sundress he’d ever seen.
The way the fabric naturally hugged your figure, accentuating every curve that he never noticed until now. Not to mention how lightheaded he felt the moment he got a whiff of your perfume, slowly permeating his lungs as he stood there frozen like an idiot.
“Well… let’s get to it shall we?” You smile, already noticing the effect you have on him.
“Y-yeah. Yeah sure let’s go.” He stutters.
It was a good thing Eric studied the night prior, otherwise nothing would've entered his brain after reviewing with you for almost two hours straight (which was a new record for both of you).
“Wow, you went through the entire session without looking at your phone!” You exclaim as you close your notebook shut.
“What can I say? I love to learn.” Eric smugly says as he leans his back on his chair, raising his arms to stretch for a moment.
“Oh yeah?” You flirtatiously reply. You visibly see Eric gulp down whatever was stuck in his throat as his cheeks started to turn slightly pink.
You let out a small giggle as you pull out the mock test from your bag and slide the stapled papers his way.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.”
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Eric nibbled on his nails as he anxiously watched you grade his paper. Nervously shaking his leg as you kept on flipping to the next page with no reaction on your face whatsoever.
As soon as you finished, you flipped back to the very first page and wrote down on the top right corner his overall grade and drew many stars around it. You looked up at him with the most breathtaking smile he’d ever seen.
“Good job Eric! You got a perfect on this mock test!” You praise him as you rest your hand on top of his and give a light squeeze. The small gesture making his heart flutter inside his chest.
“Almost seems like you studied before the session, hm?” You raise your eyebrow.
“Me? Studying outside our tutoring sessions? Pfsh-” Eric replies but refusing to look you in the eye.
You laugh at his reaction and it was like he was seeing hearts floating around you and the feeling of your warm hand still holding his was enough for him to feel a sudden throb beneath his jeans.
Jesus, keep it together Eric.
“So.. Uh… About that reward…” He inserts the reminder before any awkward air entering between the conversation.
“Oh. Eager now are we?” You tease as you push your chair backwards and stand up.
You walk over to him and hold your hand out for him, grabbing it and getting up from his seat as you lead him into the living room, instantly pushing his shoulders down as he plops onto the couch.
Eric doesn't even have time to process what’s going on until you suddenly straddle his lap, both knees resting at each side of his thighs as you lower yourself onto him. His hands immediately find purchase on the soft dips of your hips.
“For doing so good today, you get to choose what kind of reward you want superstar-”
You immediately dive into his neck, placing light pecks until they start to turn into lingering kisses. Licking and sucking on his pulse as you wait for him to tell you what reward he wants to cash in.
“H-holy shit-” Eric eyes roll back as he tries to focus on the softness of your lips kissing his sensitive skin.
You hold his hands in yours as you guide them under your dress. Guiding him from the globes of your ass to your inner thighs. As Eric explores the softness of your body with his fingertips, he lets out a deep groan as he discovers the fact that you were not wearing underwear this whole time.
God, you were going to be the death of him.
You feel Eric's bulge twitch beneath you, trying to hide the smirk growing on your face as you continue to leave red and purple marks on his neck. Who would’ve known how pussy drunk he could get?
“C’mon Eric. What will it be?” You mumble against his neck.
He tries to open his mouth to speak, but all the words just end up stuck in his throat as groans escape his lips instead. You pull your head away from his neck and move your face closer to his.
“Why don’t I make the decision for you, hm?” You lean to give him a deep kiss before pulling away, grinning from ear to ear as his lips attempt to chase after yours.
“Just lie down for me okay? Let me do all the work.” You whisper in his ear.
Eric whines at the lost of your body against his as you get off his lap. His eyes are focused on you the whole time as you instruct him to lie down on the couch, waiting to see what you’ll do to him next.
You straddle him once more, but this time sitting on his stomach as you face the other way with your ass in his line of vision. Eric’s not able to see what you’re up to, but he can definitely feel and hear his belt unbuckling and your fingers pulling the zipper of his jeans down as you free his aching cock.
He feels your hands slide into his jeans, his length throbbing in your hands as you continue to palm him sensually. You could feel your own core throbbing simultaneously as you play with him, hooking your fingers to the waistband of his briefs before completely freeing his member.
Your mouth waters at the sight of his fully erect cock, his pink flushed tip weeping with pre cum as it twitches on its own. Veins protruding on his length indicating how hard he is for you. You adjust your position, moving backwards to sit on his chest as you lower your head to give his mushroom head a few kisses and kitten licks.
The act alone already has Eric moaning like an untouched virgin. The way he could feel you kissing his member all over and lapping at his length slowly. But his eyes roll back as soon as he feels his cock suddenly enter the warm and wet cavern of your mouth.
“Fuck, just like that-” Eric mumbles as his eyes flutter shut. The way your mouth expertly moves up and down, almost as if his cock was actually inside your cunt. This was probably the best head he’s ever had in his life. His head completely in the clouds as you kept on working your mouth on him.
Eric instinctively places his hands to your ass, pushing the hem of your dress to your waist and exposing your naked bottom. The moment he opens his eyes, he’s greeted by the image of your glistening cunt inches away from his face. The sweet smell of your essence makes his cock twitch inside your mouth.
He wastes no time by pulling your ass closer to his face and immediately darts his tongue between your folds, lapping and sucking at your core as much as he can.
The feeling of his mouth practically making out with your pussy lips makes you suck him even harder than before. Muffled moans shared between you as you both busy yourselves with tasting one another.
You release his length from your mouth with a pop, continuing to pleasure him as your hand fists him up and down. Soft whines escape your lips as the tip of his tongue flicks your sensitive clit.
You’re so desperate to chase after your high, you don't even realize you’re starting to grind your core onto his face. The vibrations of his groans against your cunt making your walls clench at nothing.
Eric feels like he’s entered a different dimension. He’s never had a girl aggressively ride his face like this before. The way he’s starting to lose oxygen and taste nothing but you drives him closer to the edge of his own high.
You already know he’s close with the way his moans begin to stutter. So you take his length inside your mouth once more as you suck the life out of him and continue riding his face like there’s no tomorrow.
You both reach your highs together, his warm load exploding inside your mouth as Eric laps and sucks whatever essence comes out of you as if he’d been dying of thirst. You immediately get off his chest and adjust your position to face him, slightly giggling at his obvious fucked out face.
His senses come back to him as he starts feeling you grind your bare pussy on his strained cock, whining as soon as you stop rolling your hips and lean down to kiss him again. You smile into the kiss as you feel him throb beneath you. Tasting yourselves as your tongues intertwine for a moment.
As you break from the kiss, Eric looks at you with stars in his eyes. The way you seem to be glowing in front of him as you gently caress cheek. You give him a small kiss on his forehead as you smile at him before leaning close to his lips to whisper,
“See? All you needed was a little motivation…”
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bahrtofane · 3 months
i dont want to leave
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When Jude finds himself slipping from your life. He chooses to leave it completely, for your sake. 
Jude x reader 
Word count - 700+
Watch it - angst angst and angst 
Judes first appearance to your modest little apartment in months turns into him begging and pleading for you to find someone better. 
Someone who doesn't make you wait all day for a reply, someone who isnt in 3 time zones in one day, someone who has time.
Jude has many things, many luxuries and commodities that fill his home and surround his daily life. Fame and fortune that follow him, recognition. Riches.  
Time is not one of them. between games just about every other day, events and press appearances, media days and content recording. He is exhausting every second of his day.
He knows he's not making enough time for you. And now he's begging for you to move on  
Sitting cross legged on your couch, in red and black plaid pj pants and a hoodie he grabbed from his hamper. He made his way to you as soon as he could. Even if it meant after doing a virtual interview from his room, he grabbed his wallet and keys, sprinting out the door.
“Please…” he tries again. His eyes droop and he can not pick them up to face you. Can not meet your gaze. His eye bags look horrid and his skin is taking on a sickly sheen you saw last when he came down with the flu. 
You shake your head, “Jude. listen to what you're saying. You want me to leave because you're busy?”
“I'm saying I'm not good to or for you. I'm never around. I barely reply. I forget things. I never know what you're up to or what's going on. Im shit. And you don't deserve that.” he tries again, keeping his head down and picking at his nails. 
“But I love you. Busy or not.” you sigh.
“And I love you. So much that you have to let me go.” 
“I don't want to leave you,” you cross your arms.
He rubs his eyes. Its been back and forth like this for what feels like an hour now. This will get nowhere if he simply lets this continue. 
He slides a leg from under him, swinging it against your couch, “then I will.”
Your face morphs into one of pain, but he knows you can't keep living like this. He can't keep making false promises and hurting you. No matter how many times you say it's okay. He was late to your birthday for fucks sake. He doesn't know your friends names, do you even still watch that show? He's losing who you are and it's no one's fault but his own. 
He scoots to you, gently taking your hands in his, “I know you'll find someone who treats you the way you need. And I'm sorry I couldn't.”
Tears begin to swell in your eyes, lip trembling as you shake your head, “you can't,” you cry out weakly. But it's too late. 
“I'm sorry,” he whispers, getting up from his seat and gently closing the door behind him, with a little too much force than intended.
The little framed picture of the two of you that hangs on the wall next to the door shakes and wobbles. It only makes you cry harder. 
You remember that day. He took you to the fair, buying you all the stupid food you could ever want. (the deep fried ice cream gave you a run for your money in the bathroom). He won every prize at those silly games. Even if it took him 50 tries and a whole lotta cash to do so. 
There was a little man walking around with a polaroid camera. A sign reading “$2 for a picture” painted in bright green lettering hanging from an old withered string around his neck.
You took 4. 
Your favorite, the one on the wall, stares back at you mockingly. Hands held together while your heads are thrown back, soft yellow and pink light from the ferris wheel behind you painting your faces. You'll need to take that down you suppose.
You want to scream, but instead only tears fall. Can he see he's the one that's meant for you? Busy or not, forgetful, tired, moody, cranky. You love him through it all. Can he see that?
You try to call him, blinking away the tears as you fish your phone from your pocket.  Pressing on the screen harshly and putting it on speaker, but they all go to voicemail. You suppose that's that.
His first visit in months. And he's never coming back. 
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wildemaven · 3 months
sweetest heidi!! congrats on 1000 my lovely 🤍
can I request a main dish blind drabble?!
Pedro character: let’s gooooo Javier Peña or Jack Whiskey Daniels! chef’s choice 😉
numbers: 3 and 283
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losin’ you | jack ‘whiskey’ daniels
pairing: bull rider!jack daniels x barrel racer f!reader word count: 1287 content warnings: 18+ blog: some angst, reader and jack have history, some forgiveness but he has to work for it, reader has a rebound fling, reader rides a horse but no other physical descriptions, this is an AU, cursing, I think that’s it. notes: Kay! I’m sorry it took so long for me to get to this!!! I hope it was worth the wait 💕 Shoutout to @gnpwdrnwhiskey for a specific line (I won’t give away which one it is)
It’s not a world you think you’ll ever be used to. Roaring crowds and blinding lights accompanied by the adrenaline rush as you race against the clock doing what you love. It goes against the quiet life you dream of having on some land, miles outside of the bustling town and an even longer dirt road entrance to deter solicitors. But it pays the bills enough to get by for now. 
Bouncing from rodeo to rodeo can be lonely, even with all the cheering from fans and their undying support. All in the name of making a living and a name for yourself with the hopes of becoming a champion barrel racer. 
Tonight is a little different. Run after run chasing the fastest time. Arena dirt kicked up straight out the gate. Weaving around the three strategically placed barrels, all sharp turns and calculated verbal cues to carry you past the line. 13.58 seconds was all it took to secure the top place at the end of the event. 
Instead of hiding out in your trailer with one of your two closest friends Bravo, who both happen to be a 15 hand Chestnut Quarter Horses, you allow yourself to revel in the celebration and enthusiasm fans are showering you with. 
The vibrancy in the air is palpable after leaving Miller to rest up in your trailer. An effervescence pounding in your chest— all your self doubt and fears dissipating into a plume of contentment. 
It’s a feat in itself meandering through rodeo dust and small crowds wanting pictures and messy signatures on your walk to pick up the grand prize shiny buckle and winner’s check, hoping to get on the road before the announcer calls the last event for the night. 
The sight of a cowboy loading your tack and saddles in their proper compartments has you stopping in your tracks. Watching as he moves about with familiarity. Feeding Miller his favorite treats, already loaded and secured in his trailer stall. Bridles and lead ropes hung on their designated hooks. Gooseneck hitched into the bed of your old pickup truck. 
Seemingly taking care of your long list of tasks effortlessly. 
“Congratulations, Sweetheart.” He says as he latches the tack room closed, his hand giving it a good shake before turning to look at you. 
“Jack—“ You’re sure he doesn’t miss the way your face almost lights up at the sight of him. Quickly controlling your expression to something a little more neutral despite wanting nothing more than to run into his arms. 
“The boyfriend ain’t around is he?” His voice tempered as he took a look around, expecting a six foot something man to walk out of the shadows swinging.
“Benny? Why? You wanna compare buckles, see whose is bigger?” You snark at him, tossing your earnings in the front seat of your truck. 
“Don’t wanna step on anyone’s boots if I’m not welcomed, is all.” Such a stark contrast from the man who would go toe to toe with anyone who so much as looked in your direction. 
You roll your eyes as you stalk past him to open the small trailer window to allow Miller to hang his head out. 
“No he ain’t around. Fell for some cute buckle bunny over in Austin. Besides— he wasn’t my boyfriend. Just a fun rebound, ya know since you broke my heart and all.” He can sense the hurt in your voice, looking to where you’re running your hand over Miller’s velvet nose
“Sweetheart, ‘M sorry.“ Jack says meekly looking to where his boot is dragging over the dirt, his tone barely audible with noise coming from the stadium cheering on the roping finals. 
You know he isn’t referring to Benny and the whirlwind of a fling that he was. Seeing other people, serious or not, was part of the agreement. Benny Miller was a good time for a short time, long enough to keep you distracted from the way your heart ached for Jack. 
“It’s fine. Besides, it got a little weird with his last being Miller, too. I was losing track of the amount of times he used the line ‘wanna take Miller out for a ride? And I don't mean your horse!’” 
“That wasn’t what I was referring to Sweetheart and you know it. I was talkin’ about that night. I’m sorry—“ Oh, so this is a real apology. You’re not sure you’ve ever heard him sound so defeated in all the years you’ve known him. 
“Surprised you were able to get that big time ego of yours through the front gate. Now that you’ve got nothin’ holdin’ you back from all those sponsors and big money.” 
You chance a look over to him, propped sheepishly against your trailer, hands tucked in his pockets, too ashamed to look at you directly as you call him out. Not sure how long you want to drag this out and tell him how much you’ve missed him. 
“I came here to see you race. Watch you win big— jus’ like we always wanted.” He turns to meet your gaze. 
“We? I think what we wanted were two very different things, Jack. I wanted to win big doing what I love with the man I love. You wanted— what was it you said that night ‘take a break a break so you could figure things out’ among the other shit that spilled from that stupid mouth of yours.” You throw his words back at him as you stomp the short distance to him, causing him to straighten up in preparation for more of your own words. 
“I thought that’s what I wanted. Guess it took me losin’ you to realize I was wrong. I want you. More than the sponsors. More than the fame. I need you more than all of that shit combined, Baby.” He confesses sincerely. 
The warmth of his touch has your knees nearly buckling when he brushes some dirt with his finger off your cheek. 
“And so you thought you’d waltz your Mr. Professional Bull Ridin’ ass in here? Lookin’ all handsome wearin’ those blue tight jeans and my favorite denim jacket of yours. Hopin’ I would just take you back just like that?” You sound harsher than you intended to. 
“Well, I didn’t even think I would make it this far. I was sure I’d already be staring at your tail lights by now.” He quips, giving you a glimpse at that lopsided smile of his you’ve missed more than you should. 
You study him for a beat. Your eyes flitting across his face, each one of his beautiful features still as heart melting as always. 
Against your better judgment you kiss him. His lips molding perfectly over your own. Like a puzzle you once had and misplaced. Now found and situated where it belongs. 
“It’s gonna take more than an evening of groveling to get you outta the dog house— but it’s a start.” You flick the brim of his black felt hat, turning on your heels in the direction of the passenger side of the truck. 
He’s amused by your candor. The tip of his tongue swipes over his bottom lip, watching the way your hips sway a little more deliberately until you’ve reached the truck door. 
“If I remember correctly, the 8 second ride time only applied to the arena?” Biting at your bottom lip at the remembrance of the way he took care of you in so many ways. 
“Yes, ma’am!” His hat tipping with a slight nod. 
“Well, this truck ain’t gonna drive itself home, Cowboy.” Giving him a wink as you hoist yourself into the cab, watching the dust kick up behind him as he sprints to the driver’s seat. 
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halobirthdays · 7 months
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In honor of our beloved, best boy's birthday, Halobirthdays is hosting another giveaway!
What does the winner get?
The winner will receive:
One (1) copy of Halo: The Cole Protocol, for a look at Thel before his rise to Supreme Commander.
One (1) copy of Halo: Outcasts, for the Arbiter we know and love (and also the most recent Halo publication).
One (1) color-changing desk light featuring everyone's favorite brothers-in-arms.
One (1) energy sword bookmark (for all the Halo reading you'll be doing).
One (1) Mark of Shame iron-on decal and;
One (1) high-quality print of the absolutely adorable commission by the talented @nagunkgunk.
The cost of shipping will be covered by Halobirthdays.
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How do I enter?
I'm doing things a little differently this time.
You must be following Halobirthdays.
One (1) reblog per user will count. Likes do not count. If you would like to reblog to spread the word (which I appreciate) but do not want to enter, please let me know via message or in the tags.
You must have an address within the contiguous United States.
You must be eighteen years or older to enter.
When will a winner be selected?
This will run from the moment of this posting until 12:00AM EST on December 11, 2023. After that, the entries will be tallied and a winner will be randomly selected as soon as possible. Halobirthdays will contact the winner via Tumblr direct message. The winner has 24 hours to come forward and claim the prize. If they do not come forward, a new winner will be randomly selected.
Please make it clear that you are not a bot by tagging the post, and/or adding an icon and banner to your blog. It's not required, but reblogs and from suspected bot or giveaway accounts will be blocked.
Fine print below the cut:
This event is not affiliated with Tumblr.
This event will run until 12:00AM EST on December 11, 2023. One (1) winner will be randomly selected.
By participating, you affirm that you meet and agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.
If a winner is selected but is found to not meet the eligibility criteria, they forfeit the prize and another winner will be selected.
Any issues regarding shipping once the prize has been mailed shall be settled between the winner and the carrier service. Halobirthdays will make a conscientious effort to ensure that the prize arrives undamaged. However, Halobirthdays shall be held blameless for any lost or stolen prizes, damage, and/or shipping delays during transit.
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