#doc bryan imagine
inglourious-imagines · 9 months
Hello! I'm so glad to have stumbled on your blog! I'd like to request anything for Doc Bryan of GenKill please. I can and will wait forever for any Doc content 😅 I saw your prompt list and I think
1. I fucking hate everyone. But you, you’re the only person I don’t hate.
would suit him quite well HAHA but prompt number 3 and prompt number 9 would be quite sweet too 😁 anyway, anything you write I will gratefully read and love. Thanks so much!
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Life Vest (Doc Bryan x GN!Reader)
Requested by: anon
Prompt: #1 - I fucking hate everyone. But you, you're the only person I don't hate.
Summary: You're a Corpsman with the Recon Marines, working alongside doc Bryan. After one tough afternoon, you two finally (somewhat ;)) talk.
Taglist: in my bio
Warnings: child's death although it doesn't actually happen in this fic
A/N: I don't study medicine so I might have fucked up some facts about certain things so apologies if I did. Thank you for your request!
With every passing second, more and more locals are appearing, surrounding the group of Marines in the middle of some Iraqi town almost none of them know how to actually pronounce. From behind the cornerns of ruins of old buildings, out of the beaten doors of houses that hadn't been bombed yet, from small huts, children, women, men of all ages are coming to see what is happening.
The small area is slowly getting too crowded to have it under control and Lt. Fick is pacing around the scene unfolding before his eyes with apparent unease. US Marines are stationed around the place, but all of them know it is not enough. 
Fick waves his left hand and within a second he has Brad Colbert by his side, awaiting orders. 
"Get Bryan and Y/N out of there. We can't handle this anymore. We need to be Oscar Mike ASAP."
Brad only nods and he's already pushing his way through the crowd that seems to be made of concrete rather than people, as the young soldier struggles to advance forward.
In the centre of it all, kneeling on the ground, with blood soaked into the sand, are the two exhausted Corpsmen. 
"The children are going to die here." Bryan states matter-of-factly without even looking up, while he's bandaging the young boy who can't be more than seven years old. 
You know that but the words still send a chill down your spine, but you continue working too, without the apparent pointlessness of the reality to stop you.
You always know the facts after observing the situation, just like Bryan does, but you've never been able to announce it with such distance and certain cold even, even though you know it is necessary. 
Robert Timothy Bryan is a straightforward man, a trait useful in the Corps and you've learned over the time to report the situation to your superior officers, but you still lack that sort of Bryaness and you probably always will. 
You allow yourself to steal a glance at him. He's concentrated at the work before him, as he always is, the look of focus in his eyes more visible than ever. His face doesn't show any other emotion much, but you know he's exhausted beyond words, physically and mentally, although he would never admit to that out loud. 
You come back to the little boy under your arms. He has two fractured ribs, that are causing him great pain but you are simply unable to do anything about it, he has one bad scratch on his left arm and a deep cut on his thigh - there is no serious bleeding and it is apparent that it must have been some time since he got wounded.
You cut off a part of his trousers to get a better access to the wound and you immediately notice the bloody spots and bruises. 
You pick up your gaze to look at Bryan to find him already staring at you. You both know what this means, there is no need to say it out loud.
You look back down at the little boy, there are tears in his brown eyes and suddenly there's a lump in your throat. You desperately want to help the kid, but no matter what you do, nothing will be enough. The blood poisoning will kill him, you don't know when, he has only some hours to live tops, if he's lucky, and so far his fate has played a cruel game with him.
Then his little hand reaches for yours and you instinctively squeeze it. You hear in the background some voice saying something, you don't know what, you're too caught up in the moment that suddenly nothing matters anymore and the eyes of the boy make you question if this is really your war, if it really isn't your presence that will got him killed eventually.
In your peripheral vision you catch Bryan standing up and patting someone on the shoulder but you stop paying attention to that right away.
The boy is saying something now you don't understand but you just know he's begging you to help him. And you can't. 
"I know," you hear yourself say, "I know and I'm sorry."
Useless words. Empty. Meaningless.
A woman kneels down before you, scooping the boy in her arms. His hand falls out of yours and it breaks your heart. He looks just like the woman, both of them with deep brown eyes, soft features, thick brown hair. 
She nods. An understanding. 
You wouldn't be able to tell her that her son will die in her arms, probably tonight. 
There is a soft tap on your shoulder. You turn your head slightly. 
"We have to go," Bryan is whispering into your ear, his hand still resting on your shoulder. You lean into his touch for comfort and you convince yourself it is everything you need in order to pull yourself together.
You don't look at the boy anymore. You can't. You stand up to follow your fellow Corpsman and without any warning, he reaches behind himself for your hand. He grabs it to not lose you in the crowd.
And you hold onto it like it's a life vest. Perhaps it is everything you need to pull through this war, perhaps he is.
Later that day, when you stop for the night, you can't sleep. You can see those helpless eyes of that boy every time you close your eyes.
This, most definitely, is not your first encounter with wounded locals you couldn't save, as it is not your last, but this one stays with you, no matter how much you fight it. 
"Good work today, Y/N," you can hear Bryan's voice behind you. He sits on the ground next to you, shoulders and knees touching, and finally his affection towards you surprises you. You were too caught up in those moments before to notice how much he actually looks after you. 
"If you say so," you respond, not sharing his opinion. You feel like you failed today. 
"I know so," he counters, nudging you softly with his side. You finally smile.
You wait for him to bring up the boy incident but he doesn't speak one word of it and you're more than grateful. You couldn't talk about it if you tried. Maybe in a few years, but not today, and Bryan knows this, even if you don't. 
"You're awfully nice to me lately," you decide to keep the conversation going, turning your head to look at him for just a moment.
He chuckles at that, a sound you haven't heard enough and could easily get drunk on. "I'm nice to everyone." 
You burst out laughing at his answer, as all those cold stares and snarky comments of his come to your mind. 
He joins in, smiling. "That felt wrong just to say it."
"Tell me about it."
"I just-" he surpises you when he continues, "I just fucking hate everyone." 
You stop laughing and your heart drops a little but Bryan is still talking. "But you? You're the only person I don't hate." 
You're so caught off guard that you can't find anything to say back to that as your own capibility to talk fails you. The words hang above you both, you savour the feeling because you finally don't feel so alone in the vast world.
Something clicks in you when he says those words and you're smiling now, you couldn't stop smiling if you wanted to.
You grab his hand and squeeze it, you don't let go of him, you can't now. 
"I don't hate you too," you finally respond and you don't have to look at him to know he's smiling now too. 
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lostinthewiind · 1 month
Miracle Worker
Doc Bryan - Generation Kill
Rating: All ages
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Drawing in a deep breath to keep your hand from shaking, you focused all your attention on the laceration you were treating. The cut wasn't too deep, but it was beside the woman's eye and you had to be careful not to cause any further damage.
When you and Doc Bryan had set up a quick and dirty medical station in the village, civilians had flocked to you within minutes, crying out for medical attention or even things like water and food. It was moments like these that truly made you feel like the marines were actually making a difference.
"Bryan, have you got any steri strips in your bag?" you asked. "I've got to close this wound."
"Let me check." Bryan reached into his medical bag and sifted around before pulling out the strips. "Here."
When the strips appeared over your shoulder, you took them with a thankful nod. Bryan then bent over behind you, head hovering just over your right shoulder as he watched you work; the two of you were always observing each other, eager to learn techniques the other possessed.
"I think if you-" Bryan's soft voice in your ear was cut off when you pressed the strip down right where he was pointing. "Yeah, that should hold until she can get to an actual hospital."
"If she can get to an actual hospital," you corrected.
"Yeah." He sighed. "If."
Once the wound was cleaned and closed up, you sent the mother on her way and decided to take a quick break before sending the next patient in. In the meantime, Bryan had settled back into his seat and a small boy no older than 10 had approached him.
You smiled into the water bottle you were drinking from as Bryan handled the child with care, gently guiding him into the chair across from his and carefully examining the scrapes on his elbows and knees.
"That's it, you're gonna be okay," Bryan whispered words of encouragement despite knowing the child most likely had no idea what he was saying. "I'll just take a quick look, okay?"
When he looked at the kid expectantly, the boy gave an enthusiastic nod and smiled. Bryan smiled back, the corners of his eyes wrinkling with the genuine reaction. It had been a while since you had seen him smile like that.
"Need a hand?" You offered your water to Bryan after he had finished cleansing the scrapes the best he could.
"I think I'll be okay." He took the water from you. "Thanks."
Wanting to get through as many patients as possible before the order eventually came to move out again, you summoned the next citizen in line. After treating a couple of minor cuts, you looked over to see Bryan finally sending the little boy in his way with a couple of bandages around his limbs and a water bottle in his hands.
Some people might consider it a waste of time to spend so much time treating one single patient, but you greatly admired the way Bryan was able to slow down his care and focus on making his patients comfortable—even in the middle of an actual war zone.
As he exhaled slowly, a look of relief spread across Bryan's face. That was when he caught you staring and that wide smile from before returned. "What?" He cocked a brow at you. "Something on my face?"
"No, no." You waved him off and busied yourself with tidying up your workspace. "It's nothing."
"Well, it must have been something." He stood up and began to help you clean. "We've worked together too long now for me not to know when something's on your mind."
You chuckled softly. "I just like watching you work with kids. You have a way with the little ones. That's all."
"You're just as good with kids as I am," he told you. "I would know. I watch you work with them all the time."
"Oh, so you watch me work all the time?" you teased.
Bryan's face flushed. "What, that's not what I-" He laughed. "I'm sorry, who just caught who staring?"
"Guilty as charged." You held your hands up in surrender. "It's okay if you watch me work. I'm very good at my job. Kind of a miracle worker, if you will."
Bryan laughed again; this time a deeper, richer sound erupted from his core. "I will not."
"Shame." You smirked. As you and Bryan finished cleaning and got ready for the next patients, you couldn't help but let your mind wander. "Do you plan on having kids of your own?"
Bryan narrowed his eyes at you. "That's a bit presumptuous, don't you think? At least buy me dinner first before we start discussing children."
"Oh, my God." You shook your head. "You know what? Forget I asked."
You heard Bryan chuckle under his breath as the two of you waved for the next civilians in line to enter the small medical tent. While you treated a young girl for a split lip and missing teeth, Bryan assessed a small boy's possibly broken arm.
"I've always pictured myself as a father," he said out of the blue, deciding to answer your earlier inquiry. "But it's hard to think about settling down and having kids while still in the marines. I couldn't live with myself if I was an absent father."
You hummed. "So quit the marines."
"You know as well as I do that's easier said than done."
"Very true." You sat back in your chair and wiped the sweat from your brow. "Quite the dilemma."
"Yeah" He kept his eyes trained on the boy's arm. "What about you?"
You took a few moments to think about that while you irrigated the girl's mouth. "Maybe someday, if I find the right person. I'm just sort of playing it by ear right now."
"Fair enough. And what does 'the right person' look like to you?"
You smirked as you sent the girl on her way and removed your gloves. "Well, for starters, they'd have to be good with kids."
Bryan nodded. "Obviously."
"They'd have to understand my line of work."
"A must."
"Preferably they'd be in the exact same line of work, actually."
"Oh?" He finally looked up at you, an expecting glint in his eyes.
"And finally ..." you paused, "... they'd have to believe I was a miracle worker."
Bryan's face fell for a split second before that same winning smile returned. "Hate to break it to you, but you might die alone."
"Maybe." You shrugged and shared a knowing look with him. "Or maybe not."
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hitman-two · 2 years
All Victors be advised...
All Victors (followers) be advised, we are on route (active) to our destination with our new mission (to be more active). Our ROE remains the same (pinned post). Break. Cutting the military jargon.... I AM SO SORRY FOR BEING INACTIVE... I went through some traumatic events the past year and couldn't deliver content. But I'm okay now and I'm ready to re-enter the fandom, bring this blog back to a more active state. Feel free to send in any prompts either for Doc x Grace or other ships or Character x Reader. Christmas prompts are more than welcome! I'll do my best to write up a little drabble before Christmas. I've also just found out Tumblr placed a 4k character limit on posts so sometimes your prompts might be in two parts, or will just be a little less in writing. I like to write a lot but I'm trying to train myself to keep it in a short-ish drabble.
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roe-and-memory · 19 days
sometimes i just sit down, shuffle an album, and think about the songs in the context of cars characters
one of my original ideas was to”hey driver” by zach bryan being a doc song (for obvious reasons), and tonight i decided i wanted to listen to the entire Zach Bryan album . and oh my god. tears in my eyes.
tourniquet is a song about someone (in this case, its zachs pov) trying to help and be there for someone who isn’t cooperating, who doesnt want help (the person zach is singing about)
lightning, at the point of cars 1 and presumably a little bit after has this mindset. he doesnt want help, he thinks he can take care of himself — help makes him weak, help makes him unlovable — and its easier to feel nothing at all about anyone than it is to be emotional and reactive.
lightning is negatively reactive in the angry way. he doesnt want help, but maybe theres that part of him that Needs help — that needs someone to look at him with love in their eyes and promise him the world nobody had ever given him before. he rejects this help anyway, however, and he replaces it with that coldness that he’s so disgustingly familiar with.
but.. but imagine radiator springs becoming his Tourniquet.
theyre there for him to fall back on, theyre there to clean his scraped knees and promise him everything will be okay. he doesnt quite realize it yet, he may not appreciate it yet, but “i’ll bandage up your body and your bones and your bad days too” (lyric from the song) is so. Them.
“you’ve been stabbed in the back and the rest of your body — won’t you tell me where you're bleedin' from?” his refusal to ask for help, the inevitable of people figuring out whats wrong anyways.
the acceptance that comes with learning love is so incredibly difficult for him. the town teaches him its not that hard, that its not impossible for him to be loved, and that his behaviour didnt ruin him for everyone. they are his tourniquets, forever and always.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
After Mox is injured during the Hangman match, Wheeler has to use to use some of the powers he's hidden for years. He's not able to hide it from Mox, though, and the reaction is far from what he expected.
Me like 2 weeks ago: I hate writing noncanonical supernatural elements I suck at it and it's the worst I'll never do it again.
Me today: ?????!!!!?!?!???
Title from Sub-Radio's "King Of My Heart", which is so poppy and delightful it makes me happy dance. Prompt from @sarahcakes613 "Demon gf who makes people make a pact for every little thing." I - it technically works? The prompt ended up flipflopping a little weirdly, but I think I made it work.
Mini Playlist: King Of My Heart - Sub-Radio Like an Animal - The Donnas Motivate - Little Mix Animal - The Cab
Wheeler fidgets as he watches Mox in medical, getting checked out all over. He keeps asking, “What happened?” He looks panicked.
Wheeler thinks back to the ring, where he leaned in and did what he always said he never would.
“You can walk out of this ring,” Wheeler had said, using a muscle he hasn’t touched in years, stretching something he’d hoped to keep locked away.
“I can walk out of the ring,” Mox said, leaning on Wheeler. And he did. He walked out the ring.
But not because he really could.
Because Wheeler used his power on him.
They make it back to the hotel he’s sharing with Mox, and he’s able to stand now, for real. Without any outside force compelling him to do so. His eyes have cleared, his body more steady. It’s a sprain, somewhere in his knee, but it should heel soon, Doc had said.
“Babe, I’m fine,” Mox says, collapsing into bed with a smile. He looks cozy and calm in his sweatpants and hoodie, but it took a hell of a lot of help from Wheeler to get him showered and changed back in the arena. “I can, like, feel your stress. Come sit.”
Wheeler knows Mox can’t know what he’s done. No human would ever imagine this to be the reality of, well, everything, because demons are phenomenal at PR and, also, mindwipe powers. And verbal subconscious insistence, which is what Wheeler had done earlier that day.
Mox sits up, staring. “Did I say something when we were out there? Was I a dick?” He stares at Wheeler, concern in his eyes.
“I have to tell you something,” Wheeler says. He sits on the edge of Mox’s bed, but he can’t make himself meet Mox’s eyes.
“What’s up?” Wheeler can feel the way Mox’s eyes burn into the side of his face. “Hey, Wheels.” He puts a finger under Wheeler’s chin, turning his head so Wheeler has to look at him. It hurts. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
He has to say it, doesn’t he. “I’m a demon.”
Mox’s face collapses into a laugh. “Oh. Cute. Seriously, what’s going on.”
“I told you!” Wheeler says. “I’m a demon. I’ve been manipulating all of you.” He steps away from Mox’s touch. “I’ve been lying.”
“Wait, hold up.” Mox waves off Wheeler’s words. He gets closer to Wheeler, leg stretched out behind Wheeler’s back. “Are you alright? Like, are you okay right now?”
“I would be,” Wheeler grumbles, “if you believed me.”
Mox studies his face in that way of his, eyes locked and loaded, parsing through every thought that’s ever passed through Wheeler’s mind. “What the hell are you talking about, kid?”
It takes over an hour to convince him. Mox keeps interrupting, of course, to check if Wheeler’s having some sort of mental break or something, and he’s not. He’s just trying really hard to tell the man he loves that he himself isn’t a man at all, and Mox is convinced he’s lost his mind.
“A demon, though?” Mox asks. “You? Really? Come on. I’d guess that of, like, Bryan, or maybe MJF. But you?” He cups Wheeler’s cheek in his hand. “You’re the sweetest on the whole roster.”
“Demons can be good! We just have to work at it,” Wheeler replies, and he realizes very quickly that folding his arms across his body and pouting probably isn’t making his point. “You know how you got out of that ring today?”
“With your help, and Paul’s.”
Wheeler shook his head. “What did I say to you, right before you stood up?”
Mox frowns, searching. “Um. You told me…you said I could walk out of the ring.”
“And did it feel like how I normally talk?” Wheeler asks. He hates doing this. He hates having to sit here and watch someone learn that he’s been a fraud his whole life. He’s only done this once before. It was a mistake.
Mox’s face practically clouds over, and Wheeler knows that look. Mox is getting it. “It wasn’t,” he mutters. “I – I’d fallen over before that.”
Wheeler nods. “Your leg wasn’t working.”
Mox stares at him, comprehending, finally. “You made me walk out of there.”
Wheeler nods. “I did.” He waits for the inevitable. He waits for the reaction he’s gotten in the past.
He doesn’t get it.
“Holy shit, can we try that in bed?” Mox asks, looking positively gleeful. “I love that.”
“You what?!”
“You, making me do whatever you want…” He spaces out, clearly watching some vision of Wheeler he’s never seen before. “Oh, I like that.”
“Mox!” Wheeler has to straight up snap at him to get his head back on straight. “What – you like that I’m a demon?”
“I like you,” Mox says, shrugging. “And if you’re a demon and you can, like, get into my head during sex or, fuck, even matches! That just turns this to eleven, baby. I’ve got so many ideas.”
Wheeler flops back onto the bed, careful to miss Mox’s knee. “All this time,” he grumbles, “and you’ve just got a demon kink.”
“I’ve got a you kink,” Mox clarifies. “The fact that you’ve got demon powers or whatever just sweetens the deal.”
Wheeler rolls himself off the bed and onto the floor, where he lays, silent, for at least a full rerun of CSI that Mox talks through.
“Hey,” Mox says, striding into the kitchen like he hadn’t just gotten his knee taken out by an angry cowboy the previous week, “I got an idea.”
Wheeler pauses. “An idea?”
“Yeah, don’t look so shocked.” He reaches for the fridge and pulls out the gallon of milk, drinking straight from the container. Wheeler rolls his eyes as Mox wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “We could, like, add your weird voice power to do stuff around the house. Make things more fun.”
“Is that the only way I’ll be able to convince you to stop using bleach on every surface?”
“Screw you, it’s a good cleaning method.”
“It smells bad.”
“It’s clean,” Mox argues, kissing Wheeler’s nose. “The goal is clean, not lemon scented.”
“We could do both – anyway, that’s not the point.” Wheeler turns back to him. The dishes from his breakfast can wait. “So your only reaction to me being a demon is to get horny and household about it?”
Mox considers, then nods. “Yeah. Knee’s ready for vigorous activity, if you want to try it out.”
“You are incorrigible.”
“Yeah, and you love it.”
“I do,” Wheeler relents, “but still. You don’t even know how my powers work. I could be convincing you to be with me this whole time. You might not like me at all.”
To Wheeler’s surprise, Mox laughs. “I can tell the difference from the way you talk normally and the way you spoke that other time. Come on, I can prove it.”
He considers it. Technically, he’s not doing anything wrong if Mox is asking for it, right?
“Fine,” Wheeler says. In his normal voice, he says, “Put the dishes in the dishwasher.”
“Nah.” Mox grins at him.
Wheeler rolls his shoulders, puts some power behind it. “Put the dishes in the dishwasher.”
Mox’s eyes glaze over a little, a dopey smile playing on his lips. “Sure, baby.” And he does it. Without an ounce of complaining, he does it. Wheeler’s not sure if he needs to stop or tell Mox to do something else. He may continue to put dishes in the dishwasher until there’s no more room.
Mox puts the last from the sink in the washer, puts in the soap, and closes the washer. Wheeler watches his face, and it’s like he can see a veil removed as Mox comes back to his sense. “Whoa.”
“I know,” Wheeler says, wincing. “I’m sorry. It takes all your autonomy away.”
“No the fuck it doesn’t,” Mox says, looking positively giddy. “I knew what I was doing. I just…I wanted to do it.” He licks his lips, moving into Wheeler’s space. “I wanted to do what you wanted me to do.”
Wheeler huffs as Mox goes for his neck. “I should have known you’d be into this.”
“You shoulda,” Mox confirms. “Big ol’ monster fucker, me.”
“I am not,” Wheeler says, and he tries to put in a lot of force behind it, “a monster!”
Mox pulls away, grinning. “Aw, no?”
“Monsters have a much harder time pretending to be human for years and fooling everybody around them,” Wheeler argues. “Demons are much better at disguising themselves to live among the mortal.”
Mox leans in, so goddamned close. “Love when you talk demon to me.”
“You are the weirdest person I’ve ever met,” Wheeler says, and he slides his hand up Mox’s body, gently curling it around Mox’s throat. “Tell me what you want from this.”
“Anything,” Mox says. “Legit, just…whatever you want.”
Wheeler sighs. “I could make you sign a pact with me to give me your soul.”
“No!” Wheeler laughs. “You – no. Stop it. This is serious.”
Mox licks his lips. He crowds into Wheeler’s space, presses a leg between his thighs. “Want you to fuck me and tell me what to do during.”
“Using the powers?” Because he has to check. He has to make sure.
“Yes, Jesus, how many times do I gotta tell you?” Mox huffs.
“Be nice,” Wheeler snaps, with just a little power behind it.
Mox’s eyes glaze over, smile on his lips. “Yeah,” he says, sounding far away. “Yeah, like that. Thanks, baby.”
“This is ridiculous,” Wheeler grumbles. “You horny bastard. Tell me exactly what you want.” He puts the power behind it.
“I want you to fuck me against the sink,” Mox says. “I want you to make me beg for it. I wanna beg for it.” He turns his eyes on Wheeler’s, spaced out, but knowing. “I want your cock.”
Wheeler sighs. “Well, since you asked so nicely.”
“I’m so nice,” Mox says, voice a little weird. “You want me nice.”
“I do.” Wheeler thinks for a second. “Hold onto the sink. And don’t move.”
“Okay.” Mox shoots him an absolutely radiant smile before he turns around and grabs the sink. Wheeler had been thinking Mox would face him, but this works.
“I’ll be back in just a second,” Wheeler says. “Don’t move.” He considers. “Um, unless there’s, like, an emergency. Also, you can breathe and body stuff. And if something is wrong or – yeah, just don’t let yourself or anyone else get in danger. Otherwise, stay just like that. You understand?”
Mox doesn’t answer.
“Mox?” Wheeler peeks around him to see Mox with his entire body held stiff. “Oh, shit! Yeah, you can talk, that’s fine.”
“I understand,” Mox says. “Hurry up, though. I can only be nice for so long.”
Wheeler gives him a kiss on the cheek, because Mox is obnoxious and charming all at once, and rushes up the stairs. He grabs lube, and, just for fun, a vibrator, and hustles downstairs. “You good, Mox?”
“Impatient,” Mox says. “Trying to be good.”
“Aw,” Wheeler says. “Not exactly what I meant, but okay.” He fumbles a little, trying to set everything on the counter. He pushes away the clutter, because he has a feeling he might need something to grip onto. “Any reason you want me to fuck you in the kitchen?”
“Never done it before,” Mox answers. “Adds a little spice to it.”
“Oh, because your demon boyfriend fucking you under a weird demon power isn’t spicy enough,” Wheeler grumbles, but he reaches around for Mox’s belt. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to fuck me,” Mox all but whines. “I told you already.”
“You’re getting kind of bitchy,” Wheeler says, unbuttoning Mox’s pants. “I don’t remember telling you to be bitchy.”
“Didn’t tell me not to be,” Mox singsongs. “Maybe you should give me a specific instruction.”
“Ugh, fine, be a bitch, whatever,” Wheeler says, getting a hand around Mox’s cock, “but if you’re too mean, I stop.”
Mox whines, hips twitching. “That’s a very fine line for me to tread.”
Wheeler hums a little, hand still as Mox squirms under him. “Better tread lightly, then.” He lets go, drizzles some lube on his hands, and strokes gently. “Don’t move.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“I said you could be a bitch,” Wheeler says, stroking slowly, “not be mean.”
Mox lets out another whine, his knuckles turning white as they grip the edge of the sink. “You’re the one being mean.”
“I’m allowed to be mean,” Wheeler says, finally getting a little fun out of it, “you asked me to make you beg, right?”
“So, this is me, trying to make you beg.” He keeps stroking Mox with the lightest, gentlest grip, being as infuriating as he can muster, all while Mox is making this high pitched whine that makes Wheeler feel a little giddy. “I have an idea.”
“Yeah,” Mox says, “give me anything. Anything you want. Tell me to – ”
“Quit that!” Wheeler says, and he lets go of Mox’s cock, steps away from him.
“No,” Mox says. “What the fuck? You’re the worst.”
“Again, you told me to make you beg,” Wheeler says. “If I say you can move, are you gonna be good?”
“Yeah,” Mox says, “I will.”
“Then, you can turn around and let go of the sink,” Wheeler says, “and that’s it.”
Mox spins so fast it almost makes Wheeler dizzy. “Hi,” he says, little smile playing on his lips. “Fuck me now?”
“You haven’t begged yet,” Wheeler says, “and that was a specific request.” He reaches over, grabs the vibrator. Mox’s eyes get comically wide. “Yeah, I thought you might like this.” Wheeler turns it on. “Any requests?”
Mox closes his eyes, breathes deeply, then looks at Wheeler. “Uh.”
The vibrator’s a little thing, really, and Wheeler knows Mox likes it as sort of an extra while they’re fucking, likes Wheeler to feel it on the outside of him while Mox can feel Wheeler inside him. But he wants Mox to say it.
“Want you in me,” Mox says. “And want that on – anywhere.” He squirms. “Kiss me?”
Wheeler leans in like he’s the one being voice commanded, kissing Mox with the power of the whole world behind him. He drops his hand and lets the vibrator drag along the length of his cock. Mox moans into his mouth, desperate, hands reaching up to grip Wheeler’s hair.
“Like that,” Mox says, “fuck, baby, like that.”
“Good to know. Now you want me inside you, huh?”
“Fuck, yes, oh my god,” Mox throws his head back. “God, you’re the fucking worst. If you don’t get inside me now, I’m going to die, you fucking monster.”
“Demon,” Wheeler replies primly. “I thought I told you not to be mean. Maybe I just walk away.”
Mox’s eyes meet his, and they aren’t as glazed over as they were before. “Don’t you dare,” he says, and it would be a little more intimidating if he wasn’t half pouting. “Come on, please?”
“You called me a monster.”
“It’s a compliment,” Mox snaps, and Wheeler laughs.
“Well, in that case.” Wheeler grabs Mox’s hips and turns him around, pressing up along his back. He shoves down his own sweats to his knees, finally able to admit he’s as impatient about this as Mox is. He slicks up his cock with one hand while teasing Mox with the vibrator. And he’s struck with an idea. He trails it down behind Mox’s balls, holding it right behind them. He starts without the powers, wants to gauge how Mox reacts to it. “Hold the vibrator. Right here.”
“You want the vibrator?”
Mox nods. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Then you have to hold it,” Wheeler says, power behind it.
“I’ll hold it,” Mox says, and he does, taking it from Wheeler’s grip. He shudders, a whole body thing, and Wheeler lets himself admire the masterpiece in front of him, the thumbtack scars, the proof of the way Mox is willing to let his body suffer for his art. It feels like an honor to be the one giving Mox a little pleasure when all others only get to cause pain.
He rubs the head of his cock between Mox’s cheeks, just a little.
“Now, please,” Mox demands.
“Oh, please?” Wheeler asks. “That’s new. Glad to know you can beg. No, Mox, I gotta open you up first.”
And it’s so easy, isn’t it, the way Mox shifts his legs and the vibrator at the same time to accommodate one, two, then three fingers. He takes Wheeler so well, every time. “You’re so good at this,” Wheeler says, watching a little as his fingers disappear into Mox, as Mox pushes back on them. “Tell me how it feels.”
“Not enough,” Mox gasps.
“Turn up the vibrator, then.”
With a whine, Mox does as Wheeler commanded, and that full body shudder hits again. “Oh, Christ fucking god, Wheeler, if you don’t get in me right now...”
“I am in you.”
“You know what I mean,” Mox growls, and it’s close enough to begging that Wheeler relents.
The first slide into Mox’s body feels like coming home, and Mox reaches a hand back to grab at Wheeler’s hip. “Fuckin’ finally,” Mox says on an exhale. “Come on, start moving. You’re takin’ too long.”
“I – what – turn up the vibrator again, you insufferable motherfucker,” Wheeler grumbles. Mox does so, and, fuck, it hits Wheeler like a train. He can feel everything, he supposes, more than a human, but this is a whole new level: the vibrator, the way Mox eggs him on, the way he can really slam into Mox’s body from this angle. He lets himself get a little distracted, loses track of time and space and sense. He feels drunk with it, obsessed, and he bites at Mox’s neck a little too hard, with the wrong teeth. He tastes pennies.
“Shit,” he says, pulling back. “Mox, I’m sorry, I –”
“Again,” Mox says, “oh, fuck, yes. Do that again.”
“You and your stupid pain kink,” Wheeler mutters, but he relents, pressing another biting kiss to Mox’s neck, a little more controlled this time, sure to leave a mark but no punctures. Mox grinds down onto his cock, twisting.
“Close,” Mox says, voice hardly more than a whisper. “Wanna – wanna come, please, wanna come.”
“Turn the vibrator as high as it’ll go,” Wheeler commands. “And hold on onto the sink again.”
Wheeler practically sees stars and the vibrator goes full blast, and he thrusts into Mox. He wraps an arm around his waist for leverage. “Good?” he asks Mox. “Tell me what you want.”
“Harder,” Mox whines. “Don’t stop until – until you come inside me.”
Wheeler’s the one whining at that, and he follows Mox’s demands. He wraps a hand around Mox’s cock and it’s seconds, really, that Mox is coming all over himself and Wheeler’s hand. He’s shaking.
“You can move the vibrator,” Wheeler says, chasing his own orgasm.
“No,” Mox says. “K-keeping it – until you – ” He cuts himself off with something akin to a wail.
Wheeler ramps up the pace until he’s coming hard, teeth sunk into the back of Mox’s neck. Mox slumps over the sink, dropping his hand. When he gets a little more sense back in his body, Wheeler eases the vibrator out of Mox’s hand, turns it off.
“Okay, breaking the control,” Wheeler mumbles, lips against Mox’s back. “Formally rescinding all verbal subconscious insistence. Not sure what I have to do to make sure it’s gone.”
“It’s gone,” Mox says. “Oh, fuck.”
Wheeler pulls back a little, pulls off his shirt to clean Mox up a little. “Are you okay?”
Mox is quiet as he pulls himself full to standing, and a wave of anxiety crashes over Wheeler. He shouldn’t have allowed this. He should have stopped it.
The wave disappears when he sees the grin on Mox’s face and in his clear eyes. “Oh, fuck, so much better than okay.” He laughs, rubs a hand over his head. “We’re gonna have so much fun with that power of yours and those, uh,” he touches gingerly at the bruises along his neck, “are those demon teeth?”
Wheeler grimaces. “They are.”
“Hot,” Mox says, nodding. “Yeah, break those out whenever you want, baby.” He takes the t-shirt from Wheeler’s hands, wipes off his body and hands where Wheeler missed. “Not sure how I feel about the kitchen bit, though. Worked in the moment but…” He trails off, gesturing to the mess they made across a few cabinets and in the sink. Mox pulls up his jeans, but skips the belt. “We’re gonna have to bleach this shit down,” Mox says, hands on hips, frowning.
Wheeler groans. “Not the fucking bleach again.”
“Gotta,” Mox says, with his best imitation of a pout.
“Fine,” Wheeler decides, “but we’re making a deal.”
Mox lights up. “Like a sexy demon deal?”
“No, fuck, fine! We’ll do – every time I agree to your bleach-related cleaning requests, I get a kiss.”
Mox nods. “I can work with that.” He leans in, kissing Wheeler gently.
“What was that for?”
“Prepayment,” Mox says, giddy. “This’ll be fun.”
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itstheheebiejeebies · 2 years
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Doc Bryan Tablet Wallpapers for @cody-helix02
if you have a request or want to be tagged for any of my edits send me an ask. don’t repost, reblogs appreciated. all of my edits can be found here
Taglist: @fromcrossroadstoking @inglourious-imagines @easynix @alienoresimagines @sammy-1998 @blenalela @punkgeekcryptid @wexhappyxfew @lovingunderratedcharacters @a-beautiful-struggle-of-life​ @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @vintagelavenderskies @mavysnavy @angels-fall2 @snafus-peckuh @alejodi0nysus @sydney-m @shadowsandmoonlight @mrseasycompany @gutsandgloryhere @ourmiraclealigner @johnny-martin-is-mypeanut @tvserie-s-world @serasvictoria @alyxzanderthebored @sergeant-spoons @labarboteuse @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @i-dont-like-bullies @silverspeirs
41 notes · View notes
auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Could you writes some Doc Bryan being soft for his s/o headcanons? thank you!
OMG yes!!!!!! Hon you know I can't pass stuff like this up lol
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You and Doc love going out on the trail
You guys have done any and every kind of trail hike imaginable
There was one however that you swore you would only do once when you went to Arizona
You guys had just seen "Only the Brave" and decided to do the Granite Mountain hike
You two had a handmade American flag that you left at the bottom of the hill. Doc insisted on helping you because he knew what this kind of thing meant to you
And when you guys got home that night, you didn't even need to talk about the experience
Because your faces said it all
There was one time where you woke up in the middle of the night
And he held your hand until you went back to sleep, slowly humming the song from the movie
You woke up the next morning to him scratching the back of your head
And a big smile on his face
You can't imagine life without Tim
Because it's things like these that mean the world to you
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (November 10, 2022)
23:57 NILS - Dance With Me 23:53 PAUL BROWN - R 'N' B Bump 23:49 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 23:45 NICHOLAS COLE - Can You Stay 23:41 VINCENT INGALA - Let's Go Back 23:37 RICK HABANA - Loungin' (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 23:32 CHRIS GODBER - Upward and Onward 23:29 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Ridin' High 23:25 TIM BOWMAN - New Day 23:21 MARION MEADOWS - Consequences 23:17 STEVE OLIVER - Up Front 23:12 KIM WATERS - Let's Do This 23:08 DAVE KOZ - Love Is On The Way (feat. Chris Botti) 23:04 AL DEGREGORIS - Sunnyside 23:00 EUGE GROOVE - Lay It Down 23:00 KITARO - Dance Of Sarasvati 22:56 HOUSE MASSIVE - Children (Lounge Mix, Cover R. Miles) 22:52 ROMAN MESSER, ROBIN VANE - Someday (Paul Echo Chillout Remix) 22:47 SMOOTH STAB, AELYN - These Words Between Us (Incognet Chill Out Version) 22:44 COASTLINE - Alone With You (feat. Madelin Zero) (Chillout Remix) 22:40 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 22:36 INNA - On & On (Chillout Remix) 22:33 REN, TREVOR GUTHRIE - This Is What It Feels Like (John Ewbank Classical Remix) 22:28 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 22:24 SARAH BRIGHTMAN - Beautiful 22:20 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 22:17 SAGI REI - Rhythm is A Dancer (Verano Chill Out Mix) 22:14 0VAN BUUREN VS. SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR - Not Giving Up On Love (Acoustic Version) 22:10 DUBDIVER - Desert Land (Eternal Calling Mix) 22:04 LAZY HAMMOCK - Pleasures All Mine (Chill Beat Mix) 21:57 TRIANGLE SUN - Buddha 21:50 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday Night 21:44 MENZI - Aufbruch 21:38 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - My Private Island 21:34 NTANA - Wonderful Life (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Bar Mix As Made Famous By Hurts) 21:29 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 21:24 MARIE THERESE - Gin And Tonic (Pier-o Bossa Chill Mix) 21:19 LOUNGE GROOVE AVENUE - By My Side 21:15 MO'JARDO - Sonador 21:11 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 21:06 ADELE - Lovesong 21:01 THE SHAPESHIFTERS - Lola's Theme (Lola's Loungin' Mix) 20:58 CUE - Hello 20:53 DA KENT DJ AT WORK, SELECTA - Take My Heart (Da Kent Dream Of You Mix) 20:49 BLISS - Evening Sun 20:46 JOEL HIRSCH, ROXANNE EMERY - Neon Dreams (Cinematic Version) 20:42 THE PROJECT PARADISE - We Love You Moscow (D.A.W. Remix) 20:36 3RD. FORSE - City Of Desire 20:32 30 SECONDS TO MARS - Bad Romance (Lady Gaga's Cover) 20:27 ANA CRIADO - Can't Hold Back The Rain (Dark Matters Original) 20:23 LP - Lost On You (Elk Road Remix) 20:18 THOMAS LEMMER - Is It Too Late (feat. Lena Belgart) (Stoned By Klangstein) 20:14 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 20:08 LOUNGE DELUXE - Beautiful Man feat Jeela (Sunset Session Edit) 20:04 MAKIS ABLIANITIS - Love Secret 20:00 AMYCANBE - Rose Is A Rose 19:55 ORKIDEA - Beautiful (Ambient Mix) 19:51 HONEY - A Girl Called You (Feat. Jean Honeymoon) 19:47 THE SURA QUINTET - Onda De Bossa 19:43 DASH BERLIN, JONATHAN MENDELSOHN - Better Half Of Me (Acoustic Mix) 19:37 ARROJAS - Textpectations 19:33 ESSONITA, IRINA MAKOSH - Lift Me Up (Bryan Milton Chillout Remix) 19:28 PELARI, COLLIN WEX, DOMINIQUE FRICOT - Oasis (CollinWex Chill Mix) 19:24 ALEXANDER POPOV - The Last He Said (Original Mix) 19:20 JULIAN VINCENT, CATHY BURTON - Certainty (Andy Prinz Chillout Mix) 19:15 JOSH GABRIEL, WINTER KILLS - Forward Facing (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 19:12 MASHTI, JEAN VON BADEN - Waiting 19:07 DAN BALAN - Chica Bomb (DJ Dan Karim Chill Mix) 19:03 ANN GRACE - Moon In Love 18:59 ERNESTO - Reelin' 18:54 JAN VAYNE - Fruits & Passion (Armin van Buuren's Downtempo Mix) 18:49 LUIGI LUSINI - I'll Be Home (Original Mix) 18:44 JEROME ISMA-AE - Underwater Love 18:37 THE RHYTHM DIVINE - Moments In Love 18:33 ABOVE & BEYOND - No One On Earth 18:29 LUSTRAL - I Wonder Where You Are (Original Mix) 18:26 MISS B.T. - Right Now (Sweet Lovin' Edit) 18:22 MOONY - Dove (I'll Be Loving You) (Sisco Lounge Mix) 18:18 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Rising Stars 18:15 JAY SEAN - Maybe (The Xtreme Chillout Remix) 18:08 MOUSSA CLARKE, TERRAFUNKA - She Wants Him (Dynamic Illusion Chill Mix) 18:03 DAVID GUETTA - The World Is Mine (Paul Mira Chillout Remix) 17:59 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 17:51 DAVE ROSS - Break The Silence (Original Mix) 17:45 LAID BACK - People (Banzai Republic vs. Trentemoeller Mix) 17:41 KRAAK & SMAAK - Stumble (feat. Parcels) 17:37 LOWLAND - Seven Cities 17:34 KYLIE MINOGUE - Wonderful Life (Acoustic Version) 17:30 ANURAG NANDVANSHI - Soul Of India (Chill Out) 17:26 NASH & PEPPER, ROGUE RAVEN - Am I Wrong (Acoustic Mix) 17:22 ORJAN NILSEN - Drink To Forget (Original Chill Out Mix) 17:18 JEAN HONEYMOON - Bang Bang (Lazy Hammock Chillout Remix) 17:14 KRONO, VANJESS - Redlight (Original Mix) 17:10 LEONA LEWIS - Dip Down (ReUnited Chill Out Mix) 17:04 GUENTER HAAS - Alone But Never Lonely 17:00 SUPER8 & TAB, JAN BURTON - Free Love 16:57 KIM SCOTT - Emerge (Feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 16:53 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Life And Times 16:48 AMANDUS - Floating Cloud 16:42 MAURIZIO GRONDONA GROUP - Looking At The Sea 16:38 JEFF KASHIWA - Hyde Park (The 'Ah, Oooh' Song) 16:34 JACKIEM JOYNER - Trinity 16:30 MICHAEL BROENING - Summer In Blue 16:26 MARCUS ANDERSON - 2 Cream, 3 Sugars 16:21 GREGG KARUKAS - Tomorrow We Sail 16:18 PETER WHITE - Hit The Road Jack 16:14 NORMAN BROWN - Don't Make Me Wait 16:09 RICHARD ELLIOT - Corner Pocket 16:04 KEN NAVARRO - A Part Of It All 16:00 NILS - East Bay 15:56 PAUL BROWN - Bridges Of Paris 15:52 NICK COLIONNE - Still Connected 15:48 NICHOLAS COLE - Summer Groove 15:45 VINCENT INGALA - If You Were Here Tonight 15:41 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 15:37 MICHAEL LINGTON - Still Thinking Of You 15:33 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 15:30 CHRIS GODBER - At Last 15:26 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Always There 15:22 TIM BOWMAN - Tan Hermosa (So Beautiful) 15:18 MARION MEADOWS - Last Ticket To Somewhere 15:12 STEVE OLIVER - Hidden Sun 15:08 KIM WATERS - Pocket Science 15:04 DAVE KOZ - I'll Be There 15:00 AL DEGREGORIS - Cookie Jar 14:57 EUGE GROOVE - Play Date 14:52 KIM SCOTT - Seabreeze 14:48 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Windfall 14:43 GORDON JAMES - Cafe Soul 14:39 PATRICK YANDALL - Stay Tonite 14:33 JEFF KASHIWA - Meet You There 14:29 JACKIEM JOYNER - Road to Soul 14:26 MARCUS ANDERSON - Hero 14:21 ROBERT HARRIS - Midnight Rendezvous 14:16 GREGG KARUKAS - Barracude Bob 14:12 PETER WHITE - Reveillez 14:08 CHRIS STANDRING - Through the Looking Glass 14:04 NORMAN BROWN - Talk It Out 14:00 RICHARD ELLIOT - Deep Touch 13:58 KEN NAVARRO - Stoned Soul Picnic 13:54 NILS - Above the Clouds 13:50 PAUL BROWN - Deep Into It 13:46 NICK COLIONNE - Just Let it Be 13:42 NICHOLAS COLE - Beyond the Stars (feat. Lynne Fiddmont) 13:38 VINCENT INGALA - Lost In You 13:34 RICK HABANA - Journey 13:30 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Can't Let You Go 13:26 PAUL JACKSON JR. - City of Refuge (feat. Jeff Lorber) 13:21 CHRIS GODBER - Butterfly 13:17 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Beautiful 13:13 TIM BOWMAN - Smile 13:09 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 13:05 STEVE OLIVER - Oh Yeah 13:00 KIM WATERS - Wonderama 12:59 DAVE KOZ - Love Changes Everything (feat. Brian McKnight) 12:55 AL DEGREGORIS - JD's Groove 12:50 EUGE GROOVE - The Journey Ahead 12:45 KIM SCOTT - Off The Top 12:40 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Cadiwampus 12:36 GORDON JAMES - Smooth Sunshine 12:32 PATRICK YANDALL - Down at the Shell 12:27 JEFF KASHIWA - The Name Game 12:22 JACKIEM JOYNER - In Love Again 12:18 MARCUS ANDERSON - Just Like Me 12:14 GREGG KARUKAS - Catalina Wind 12:10 PETER WHITE - Coast Road Drive 12:04 CHRIS STANDRING - Ain't Mad Atcha 12:00 NORMAN BROWN - Let's Wait Awhile 11:59 KEITH MASON - A Little Talk 11:55 RICHARD ELLIOT - Desire 11:51 KEN NAVARRO - A Place To Start 11:46 NILS - Shake It 11:43 PAUL BROWN - Foreign Exchange 11:38 NICK COLIONNE - Only 2CU Smile 11:33 NICHOLAS COLE - Dreams 11:29 VINCENT INGALA - Wish I Was There 11:26 RICK HABANA - Downtown City Lights 11:21 BLUE SIX - Aquarian Angel 11:17 CHRIS GODBER - Rolling 11:12 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Slomotion 11:09 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pocket Love 11:04 TIM BOWMAN - Columbus,Ga 11:00 MARION MEADOWS - Dark Beauty 10:58 STEVE OLIVER - Chips And Salsa 10:54 KIM WATERS - The Touch Of Love 10:51 DAVE KOZ - It's All Love 10:46 AL DEGREGORIS - All in Good Time 10:41 EUGE GROOVE - Just Feels Right 10:37 JOYCE COOLING - Take Me There 10:32 KIM SCOTT - Glorious 10:28 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fifth Ward 10:24 GORDON JAMES - Empress Rule 10:20 PATRICK YANDALL - Good Love 10:16 JEFF KASHIWA - It's Up To You 10:12 JACKIEM JOYNER - Generation Next 10:08 MARCUS ANDERSON - Just A Taste 10:04 GREGG KARUKAS - Uptown Rendevous 10:00 PETER WHITE - Mr. Caribbean 10:00 CHRIS STANDRING - Love and Paragraphs 09:56 NORMAN BROWN - L.A. Chill 09:52 JIM ADKINS - Answered Prayers 09:47 RICHARD ELLIOT - Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler) 09:43 KEN NAVARRO - That Time Of Evening 09:39 NILS - Goldfinger 09:35 PAUL BROWN - Ain't No Sunshine 09:32 NICK COLIONNE - Right Around The Corner 09:27 NICHOLAS COLE - Between Us (feat. Michael Stever) 09:23 VINCENT INGALA - Just Imagine 09:20 RICK HABANA - RH Lounge 09:16 CHRIS GODBER - Momentum 09:12 BONEY JAMES - Batucada (The Beat) 09:09 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Lullaby 09:05 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Yah Mo B There 09:00 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 08:58 PEET PROJECT - Trafiq Jam 08:54 MARION MEADOWS - Pandora 08:50 STEVE OLIVER - Full Tilt 08:46 KIM WATERS - Midnight Magic 08:42 DAVE KOZ - Honey 08:38 AL DEGREGORIS - Odyssey 08:32 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 08:28 JOYCE COOLING - Expression 08:22 KIM SCOTT - Bright Eyes 08:18 ERIC DARIUS - Love Not War 08:13 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Sunset Rock 08:09 GORDON JAMES - Free Flow 08:04 PATRICK YANDALL - I See You 08:00 JEFF KASHIWA - Because of You 07:58 TONY SAUNDERS - Melody in My Heart 07:54 JACKIEM JOYNER - Kineen 07:49 MARCUS ANDERSON - For Your Glory 07:45 GREGG KARUKAS - My Favorite Season 07:41 PETER WHITE - Crazy Feeling 07:37 CHRIS STANDRING - Whatever She Wants 07:33 NORMAN BROWN - I Still Believe 07:28 JIM ADKINS - Thinking out Loud 07:24 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sweet Memories 07:20 KEN NAVARRO - Wake Up Call 07:16 NILS - Mind Games 07:12 PAUL BROWN - I Say a Little Prayer 07:08 NICK COLIONNE - Born Again 07:04 NICHOLAS COLE - Yokohama 07:00 VINCENT INGALA - Not Meant To Be 06:58 RICK HABANA - 5th Ave 06:54 CHRIS GODBER - Downtown Shuffle 06:50 BONEY JAMES - Fresh Air 06:46 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Shades of Gray 06:41 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Feel Like Making Love 06:36 TIM BOWMAN - Flyin Away 06:33 DARREN RAHN - Our Love 06:29 PEET PROJECT - ark Corner 06:25 MARION MEADOWS - Andalusian Sunset 06:21 STEVE OLIVER - You Rescued Me 06:17 DAVE KOZ - All I See Is You 06:12 KIM WATERS - Feels Like Friday Night 06:09 AL DEGREGORIS - South Shore 06:05 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Sandra Bouza) 06:00 EUGE GROOVE - Cabolicious 05:56 JOYCE COOLING - Another Time 05:52 KIM SCOTT - Block Party 05:48 ERIC DARIUS - Rollin' out 05:43 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Room W Vu 05:40 GORDON JAMES - Rainy Afternoon 05:36 PATRICK YANDALL - That Deep 05:31 JEFF KASHIWA - Thanks To You 05:26 ZOLBERT - Back Home 05:22 TONY SAUNDERS - Sleepless Nights 05:17 JACKIEM JOYNER - Beautiful Seduction 05:13 MARCUS ANDERSON - Unity 05:08 GREGG KARUKAS - Love Is In Your Own Backyard 05:04 PETER WHITE - Danny Bianco 05:00 CHRIS STANDRING - Qwertyuiop 04:58 NORMAN BROWN - Let's Get Away 04:53 JIM ADKINS - The Journey 04:49 RICHARD ELLIOT - Walk With Me 04:45 KEN NAVARRO - When We Dance (from the album Into The Light) 04:41 NILS - In The Moment 04:37 PAUL BROWN - Flight Of The Conchords 04:33 NICK COLIONNE - Nite Train 04:30 NICHOLAS COLE - Date Night (feat. Sreve Cole) 04:25 ANDREW NEU - Take It Home 04:21 VINCENT INGALA - My Kind Of Day 04:17 RANDY SCOTT - Serenity 04:12 RICK HABANA - Paradis (feat. Nils) 04:09 CHRIS GODBER - Summer Solstice 04:04 BONEY JAMES - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 04:00 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Look to the Sky 2020 03:57 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Swagger 03:53 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout 03:49 DARREN RAHN - Rock with You 03:45 PEET PROJECT - Veggie Love 03:40 MARION MEADOWS - Mother Earth 03:37 STEVE OLIVER - In the Shade of Cool 03:32 DAVE KOZ - The Bright Side 03:28 KIM WATERS - Boo'd Up 03:24 AL DEGREGORIS - The Point 03:20 ROB TARDIK - Synergy (feat. Vincent Ingala) 03:16 EUGE GROOVE - XXL 03:11 JOYCE COOLING - Whenever the Rain Falls 03:08 KIM SCOTT - Golden 03:03 JEFF KASHIWA - Around The World 03:00 ZOLBERT - Everyday 02:55 TONY SAUNDERS - Bigger Than Outside 02:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Lost Without You 02:47 MARCUS ANDERSON - 2.0 02:42 GREGG KARUKAS - Do Watcha Love 02:38 PETER WHITE - Sunny 02:34 CHRIS STANDRING - CS In The Sunshine 02:29 JIM ADKINS - Take Me There 02:25 NORMAN BROWN - Missin' You 02:21 RICHARD ELLIOT - Secrets 02:17 THE SAX PACK - Wanna Get Closer 02:13 KEN NAVARRO - Into The Light 02:08 NILS - Call Me 02:04 PAUL BROWN - Let Me Love You 02:00 NICK COLIONNE - Here's to You 01:58 NICHOLAS COLE - Pillow Talk 01:54 VINCENT INGALA - In Deep 01:50 RANDY SCOTT - Potion 01:46 RICK HABANA - I'll Be There (feat. Will Donato) 01:43 ADAM HAWLEY - Dance With Me (Feat. Gerald Albright) 01:38 CHRIS GODBER - Energy 01:33 BONEY JAMES - Washington Bridge 01:29 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - LA Nights 01:25 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Come Morning 01:21 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Jukin' and Jivin' 01:16 JULIAN VAUGHN - Hotel Lover 01:12 TIM BOWMAN - Seaside Drive 01:07 DARREN RAHN - Flashback 01:04 PEET PROJECT - Wanna Have a Party 01:00 MARION MEADOWS - Soul Traveler 00:59 STEVE OLIVER - Magic World 00:55 DAVE KOZ - You Are Me, I Am You (feat. Marc Antoine) 00:51 AL DEGREGORIS - Absolute 00:47 KIM WATERS - Yearning For You 00:43 ROB TARDIK - Givin' Back (feat. Vincent Ingala) 00:38 EUGE GROOVE - Tango in Rio 00:34 JOYCE COOLING - Imagine That 00:30 PATRICK YANDALL - Basic Reply 00:25 KIM SCOTT - Take It To The Rink 00:21 JEFF KASHIWA - Baby, Come Over 00:16 ZOLBERT - Budapest 00:12 TONY SAUNDERS - Always Thinking About You 00:08 WAYMAN TISDALE - I Hope You Feel It To 00:04 JACKIEM JOYNER - Step With Me 00:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - On The Right Track
0 notes
contrabandhothead · 4 years
- generation kill: big brother edition -
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*stares in portuguese*
he angry rants at you all the time in portuguese and like... FOR WHAT????
but it’s fine tho you can just make jokes to him because he shit himself
watches your mom beat you up for something HE DID
he’s the type of person to ask you to do something he was asked to do
always says “yeah, I’m an only child”
like bitch if you don’t-
even if there’s no one else in the car besides you two, he’s still never letting you ride shotgun
he’s nice to you like MAYBEEE 4 times a year max
and every single time he’s nice (which is obviously rare), you look at him like he’s an imposter
seriously is he ok he’s never like that
the only time you guys vibe is in the car when no one else is watching and you’re blaring music and screaming the lyrics
ahh yes, caring but make it AGGRESSIVE
dotes on you hand and foot when you’re sick but does it in like a mean way??? he’s like “omfg imagine getting sick you have such a weak immune system i could NEVER”
doesn’t know how to mind his own business when it comes to your personal life
he heard a rumor about you at school? he’s beating up the person who started the rumor. your s/o cheated on you? where’s his baseball bat cuz he’s going in SWINGING-
he’s acts real tough but he’s just a big softie.... he even makes you hot chocolate when you’re cold
don’t get me wrong tho, he’s an ASSHOLE
like some days you’re just feeling down and he doesn’t pick up on it
so he’ll just poke fun at your insecurities and you’ll break down
he always feels bad after and tells you that you can hit him
just bring up that he makes you cry if you want something because then he’ll immediately give it to you
he’s not sharing his food i’m sorry you’re just gonna have to get your own
he always yells at you and accuses you of stealing stuff he can’t find, and then he’ll find it somewhere like 10 minutes later
gross... just gross...that’s all i can describe his room as
you don’t borrow stuff from him or even go in his room because it’s just so nasty (like is this a really old sweaty sock or a fermented cum rag....sis we don’t know)
he always loses fights.... i refuse to believe that he’d win a fight with a baddie like you
i feel like this is just an awkward familial relationship because you’re either annoyed with him, embarrassed, or you just wanna fight him
he leaves his stuff EVERYWHERE
i SWEAR this man has literally no idea what drawers are
you probably find shit that you don’t wanna see too because he doesn’t understand cleanliness
you either vibe or you hate each other
there’s no in-between i’m sorry
gets fast food but doesn’t get you any
if you share a bathroom... i’m so sorry
because jesus this man does not know how to aim
innocent duo
you guys rewatch the lion king like every week and he always cries when Mufasa dies
finishes the verses when you start singing
takes up the entire couch with his lanky ass and then has the audacity to not make room for you
tried to make you a birthday cake once... it didn’t go well to say the least
yes, he’s wholesome, but he’s also a little shit
if you ask him to do a simple task, he’ll literally just act deaf and like you’re not there
you’re the one helping him with his homework... we love a man that’s absolute trash at math
does girls night with you and actually knows how to properly paint toenails now
original, he wouldn’t be careful enough with the nail brush and the nail polish would go all over your foot
plus, he got it on the floor, which got him an ass beating from your mom
overall, 9/10 hella chill
he’s nicer than Doc though and he can read your emotions better
sits on the couch with you when you get dumped or lose a friend... he provides the mandatory ice cream bucket and shoulder to cry on
tries to one-up you all the time
your teachers constantly talk about him to you because he was actually a good student and you have a lot to live up to
you two get along pretty well, he does almost nothing to annoy you
you get on his nerves a lot though, especially if you’re a slob
also don’t take his stuff, that’s a one way ticket to a headlock
organizes your room when he gets bored... you can’t find anything when you come home
constantly complains about being the older sibling and that he’s too old to hang out with you, but still watches Disney movies???
one of the best comforting and caring brothers (don’t let his nickname fool you)
will NOT watch Disney movies with you because “that’s some white people bullshit”
protective older brother mode is very much on 24/7
if ray so much as breathes in your direction, it’s on sight for him... you better not get a boyfriend because that man is gonna have a rough time
yet another aggressive caretaker... like yeah, he makes you soup when you’re sick, but he also nags you into the next century
nags you all the time to take better care of yourself... he acts like a 3rd parent sometimes it’s lowkey irritating
he’s always there for you, he knows ALL the drama about your friends and foes
makes you breakfast on saturday mornings while you make him coffee
you guys get along pretty well, you’re pretty much everyone’s sibling goals
however, he oversteps his boundaries sometimes as an older brother and gets a little too controlling, and that’s when you guys fight
he means well, and you know he has your best interests in mind, but he doesn’t understand that you’re not a little kid anymore and that you can take care of yourself
no matter how many times you tell him off, he’ll never listen because you’re both stubborn af
neither of you actually apologize, it’s more like a “hey, do you want to watch this movie with me?” type of apology
Nate is literally the golden child of the family, so you’ve got a lot to live up to
he’s such a cranky bitch if something isn’t going his way at work, school, or in the corps, so expect him to be rude for no reason sometimes
Nate gets screwed over by a lot of girls because he tries to see the good in everyone, so you’re the one that’s gonna have to beat up people in the name of your sibling’s honor
steals all of your pens & mechanical pencils because he always forgets that he already has one (come on we all saw the amount of pens he had in his jacket)
he’s actually very good at teaching, so go to him if you need help with homework
you guys have that relationship where one sibling could just come into the other sibling’s room and sit on their bed for like an hour and the other sibling would just be like “vibes”
does not understand memes, do not try and explain them to him
actually, just don’t show him them in general, he’s not gonna get it (he’s an old man in a young body)
the amount of sarcasm in this relationship THE DINNER TABLE CANNOT HANDLE IT
scolds you a lot or just gives you “the look” whenever you tell him about something you regret doing
he never tells your parents though
he’s pretty chill with you being an affectionate sibling (if you are) BUT NOT IN PUBLIC THAT IS A NO NO
the amount of times you’ve had to pretend to be his girlfriend by holding his hand in public because some gay man is hitting on him is UNREAL
you tease him about it all the time and he just rolls his eyes
flicks your forehead as a greeting, it is not fun
you guys traded halloween candy all the time as kids, and you still do it now with other food
the type of sibling to lie to you about a board game’s rules just so he can win
he is petty as hell, especially when you’re arguing
i hate to say it, but he can be dumb as hell, so you always win those arguments (which is why he’s petty)
you guys are the stupid & chaotic sibling duo
you two spend most of your time trying to piss the other one off, but somehow you always have each other’s back
he will bully you in public, but no one else is allowed to talk shit about you
eats all your food, so rip your leftovers
wrestles with you regardless of gender... no one is safe from his headlocks
feels really bad if you get hurt when you guys roughhouse.. seriously, the man apologizes every minute and follows you around like a kicked puppy for a week
controls the radio even though he’s in the driver’s seat, so you’ve become immune to annoying country songs and know every word to each Johnny Cash song now
the family dog likes him more I’m sorry
actually isn’t embarrassed to be seen in public with you
he’s the type of brother that would be your bestfriend, whether you like it or not he’s there for you
doesn’t snitch to your parents, especially when he knows it’s something important
he doesn’t really like to share food with you, but he does occasionally
definitely the type of brother to give you the computer early when your mom asks him to
teaches you how to play video games instead of telling you no
actually knows what to get you on your birthday because he pays attention to your interests
yes, another version of Chaffin
but like, nicer
his room is also just a clusterfuck, so you guys hang out in your room
touches everything you own for no reason, but trust me, you wouldn’t want to do the same
you guys watch South Park together in the mornings in complete silence, and ngl it’s kinda a vibe
rubs your head all the time for absolutely no reason
talks shit about your aunts and uncles with you
hides behind corners to scare you
it’s not funny
fights you for the last sandwich in the fridge
loses because we fight dirty in this house
takes up the entire seat during the road trip, to the point where you’re squashed against the side of the window
wholesome but isn’t even aware he’s a wholesome sibling
carries you to your room and tucks you in when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep on the couch studying
99.9% of both of your vocabularies just consist of the word “bruh” & “brah”
greets you with a loud as hell “good morning bitch!” all up in your face
he plays music wayyyy too loud at super inappropriate times
goes through all of your stuff, even when you’re in the room
like he doesn’t run down the hallway back to his own room when he hears your footsteps, he just keeps rummaging
lets you try out new hairstyles on him when he has longer hair
helps you control the younger cousins when you’re both forced to go to a family gathering
you guys are never allowed to sit at the big kid table on thanksgiving because you guys always throw food at each other
every. single. year.
c’mon now grandma worked hard to make that stuffing
pulls your hair TO THIS DAY
shares his snacks with you while at the movies
always in the bathroom... he leaves shaving cream all over the counter and there’s hair everywhere when he’s done
you two have a look that you give each other that’s just like “fuck this shit i’m out”
rides shotgun and will not let you sit there, even if you call it first
everyone swears you two have telepathy
he has... so many cringeworthy photos of you
but he will not use them because he knows you will murder him
gives you hand-me downs but like in a super weird way
he basically just walks into your room, throws the shirt at your face, and then just leaves
he is the reason for all of your phobias
he will use them against you don’t test him
oh this fucker... he’s the best but he’s the WORST
he will literally die if you grow taller than him
if you’re taller than him, you call him angry elf man... if you’re not, he’s never gonna let it go
you basically have 2 older brothers because duh Brad
legend has it he hasn’t stopped giving you wet willies to this day
he is so NASTY!!! his room is full of old clothes, rotting food in dirty dishes, cigarettes, empty dip cans, etc.
honestly he acts more like a younger brother than an older brother
helps you study but makes fun of you for not understanding certain concepts
if you need something fixed, just give it to him
no matter how bad you fucked it up, he somehow always manages to fix it
watches weird documentaries with you but mocks the narrators and won’t stop talking during it
wakes you up at 4 am for random fast food adventures
you’re practically peeing every 3 seconds because of it
forces you to do yoga with him and go on morning runs because he wants you to be healthy and live a long life
hugs you all. the. time.
but you’re used to it at this point and it’s very wholesome
used to throw dirt at you when you were both younger
he still apologizes for it and you milk it to this DAY
very doting!!! not gonna lie, he’s super caring
he’ll bring you water if you ask for it, make you food, bring you more toilet paper, etc.
you are the test subject for all his new recipes and lattes
does face masks with you
if you don’t like coffee... he might want to disown you
you like him but you don’t like him... but you can’t bring yourself to hate him
plays loud 90s rap music at literally 7 am
you’re ready to fight him at that point
pretends to get mad at you because you’re the only one that calls him Evan (it’s his fucking name for christ’s sake-)
you’re mad at him cuz he ate your food??? steal his durag while he’s showering AND HIDE THAT SHIT
you guys are always fighting but make up with no hard feelings
he shoots you in the forehead with nerf guns when you try to study
stays up super late on the phone & you can hear his conversations through the walls
he kills bugs for you which i guess makes up for it
he waves the dead bug in front of your face though
pretty chill ngl, he’s introduced you to some of your favorite songs and franchises
he’s also super supportive, even when your parents aren’t
another person you should never go into the room of
whenever he brings over his girlfriends, you always look them dead in the eye and say, “you’re too good for him”
he’s lowkey livid about it but he won’t fight you until your parents go to bed and his girlfriend is gone
literally annihilates you when he slaps you on the back
like you got a handprint and everything
it’s fine though because you do the same to him
if you want him to do something, just tell him mom told him to do it
you’ve done it for years and he’s still never figured it out
calls you dork.... like that’s not even insulting???
people say you look alike sometimes and you’re both like “are you calling me ugly?”
when he’s nice to you, you’re super confused and kinda scared
he literally always ends up having whatever you spent all day looking for and it drives you MAD
makes you read ALL of his writing
and i mean all, even the p*rn reviews
just give him the validation... his writing is pretty good though
you will never win arguments, especially because he has such a large vocabulary... you’re going to get verbally abused
he is... so scared of you when you’re mad??? even when you’re not mad at him
like he actively avoids you (probably because he doesn’t want to fight with you)
if you see him just minding his own business, not doing anything wrong, there’s only one thing that comes to your mind
hit that bitch
covers the TV box when you try to change the channel
blame him for the dishes... do it
your version of hanging out together is sitting in the same room in complete silence
your mom does NOT understand it but it’s just how you guys are
gives you advice all the time, but it’s actually helpful
eats anything and everything and your food is NOT an exception
gets you stuff when you can’t reach it
honestly, when your parents are disappointed in you it hurts, but when he’s disappointed in you??? it hurts more
he’s usually pretty proud of you though
brags about all of your achievements when someone asks about you
he’s like “ya, i have the best sibling... what about it?”
super chill, will literally hang out with you no matter what you want to do
he’s still a dick sometimes though
slaps you upside the head for absolutely no reason & then just acts like he didn’t do it
rude as hell to your friends
bothers you about things you told him you don’t have... like he just doesn’t believe you
YA BITCH I’M COMMITTED!!!! I WASTE MY TIME DOING THINGS NO ONE WANTS TO READ INSTEAD OF FINISHING REQUESTS.... AND WHAT ABOUT IT??? just joking, i hope you actually like this tho because I’m lowkey proud of it 🥺👉👈
- ky
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contact-right · 2 years
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Hitman, this is Steel Rain. Reconfirm grid zone designator. // Uh, what do you mean?
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
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"This is just me formally submitting a request for that gk boys offering their own forms of comfort fic/ headcanon/ thoughts wtevr. Lol just as a reminder. 😀"@theboardwalkbody
Gif Credit: @ymagor
A/N: You're wish is my command, homes❣️ Here's a little change of pace! @theboardwalkbody inspired this post (and asked it!), so thanks for the Inspo friend! 🤩 I'm doing this for BoB and TP because I'm going through a slight writer's block and instead of thinking about long descriptions, I just wanna so head canons that get a little out of hand. I hope this isn't too ooc😔 Reader has *inserted mental illness* btw, it's up for interpretation! ALSO GN! READER! Enjoy!
Taglist: @theboardwalkbody @contrabandhothead
Nate's a calculated person. He can see the patterns in people, things, etc. Like how his father's eyebrows wrinkle when he's excited, or when his mother likes to prep a meal from vegetables to the main course. So when you're happy, sad, whatever-he knows it, and you don't even have to tell him.
He'll come home and see you. He knows that you've heard him calling you're name, but you don't move. He looks all over the house and finds you inside of your tub, just sitting there with no response. The water is running, and your clothes and hair are soaked.
So in an attempt to not disrupt your peace, Nate climbs in and sits next to you. You look over and he's stares at you. Just as your about to speak, he beats you to it.
"I'll get you a towel and some clothes."
And then, he just leaves. You hear the door quietly shut, and you blink for a few seconds. What the hell just happened? It snapped you out of your depressive trance. Now instead of feeling sad-you just were confused.
So you hear the door lightly open again and then close. After a few more minutes of soaking, you get out and see a towel and a set of clothes that are most certainly not yours. It's Nate's Dartmouth Lacrosse sweater and a pair of underwear-he knows you too well.
So you exit the bathroom and you see Nate, putting two cups down of you're favorite tea
And he's got that face. You know the face were he's like ☹️
"Hey, c'mere."
The two of you climb into bed with eachtoher. He throws one of those ugg blankets over you. You rest his head in his chest and he pats your head. There's a silence, until Nate says, "Do you wanna walk about it."
Normally, you'd say no and he'd read you a book you're reading or hold you as you cry, but this time, it's different.
"Yeah, I do. You won't judge, right?"
Nate tilts you chin up, and he's got a tired smile on his face.
"Why would I?"
Brad may appear horrible with emotions and reading the room...in which he isn’t
Okay, scratch that. He tries to understand them, it’s just hard for him to give advice and use words to comfort you. He feels like he’s walking on glass, But sometimes, you just need him psychically more then anything.
When you storm out of a room when Chaffin makes a comment on your weight, Brad takes a few minutes to think what he should do.
Normally, he’d just leave you be, but he’s gotta do something. Getting up, he follows you down the hallway. You’re not far, and he’s calling you’re name.
You stop in the hallway, wiping the tears coming down toye face. Brad turns you around with his hands on your shoulder. He’s got a blank face on as he looks at you, seeing your red face and the tears.
While you sob and stutter, he fixes the collar of your shirt, tucks your hair behind your ear, which is normal. He likes to neaten you up to make you feel better.
But he starts to use his thumb, wiping the tears coming down your face. You shocked as he cups your face, making you look into those icy cold eyes. He looks like the Iceman, cold and emotionless, but what he says very Brad.
“You’re beautiful.”
Then he pulls you into a tight grasp. He’s a whole foot taller then you, and you like the way he snakes his hands around his waist and slightly lifts off you your feet. His sheer presence is intimating, but for you; comforting. 
THIS MAN. although a hick with a big mouth, he does know when to shut up and can read you’re emotions like the back of his hand.
He can just see the sadness swelling in your eyes and the way you pick at the foot at your plate and avoid all of needs for cuddles in bed. Heck, it’s making Ray sad.
So he does what he does best-not shutting up, well-about things he likes about you.
“Man! Look at my hot girlfriend/wife! There reading books by the liberal media, total smartie here! Oh! And they have a degree from-“
Ray will also beg for to your attention and follows you around like a puppy. Like you’ll be sitting on the couch and he’ll come rest his head on your lap. You ignore him, but he starts to twist and quote random movies so you finally give in.
Is Ray annoying? Yes. But did he make you smile? Also yes.
Also Ray is a cook, and knows all of your favorite meals. Of course, he sets the table, lights a few Mantown candles (yes there real google them), and comes to serve your meal with two plates.
“The most beautiful man/woman I have ever seen, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the Avril to my Bizzy D-you’re hot pockets.”
It makes you laugh, which makes Ray happy. He feeds off of that attention. You sit in Ray’s lap, eating hot pockets, and watching The Best Damn Tour. You lean on Ray’s shoulder, and he leans right back.
Alexa play Whatta Man’ by Salt-N-Peppa BECAUSE! WHAT! A! MAN!
Poke is one tough mofo. He embodies the meme of “Good morning to my beautiful wife/husband and child everybody else get fucked”.
But like every baddie; baddie’s gotta have soft spots for there bitches. He has two; you and his daughter. And oh god he’s love the two of more then anything in the world.
Poke knows you and his daughter well enough. His daughter first notices that your not as enthusiastic and bubbly, and then she tells Poke. But Poke already knows because he’s observant and very in touch with his emotions.
So when he’s a work; he thinks and does a lot of self reflection. He wonders why you’re upset. Did he cause it? What can he do to make it better? He asks all the guys for advice, and even his own daughter.
An idea strikes! Poke’s got a lot of anger, so his therapist told him to express his emotions by journalling. But Poke learns that it helps him get everything out of system, so he’s a secret writer. Heck, he even likes poetry; and would kill anyone if they’d find out.
While off at work, small letters start to appear across you’re house. Some are long, some are short, but there sweet and make you’re day.
“I held the stars in my arms wen I held you”
“I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“Your eyes stole all of my words away”
And the covers of the notes are done by Poke’s daughter, covered in glitter and Lisa Frank stickers.
You confront Poke about this “mysterious pen pal” and Poke is like “I mean, your lips do sound tempting”
You know it’s Poke, and he knows it, but there’s something about the mystery that is very romantic.
Here comes our favourie country pumpkin
Now let me say. This man LOVES you more then anything the world
Doesn’t wanna show you off (but he does)
So when you’re the slightest bit sad, Walt is even sadder then you are
Walt is someone that lives to receive attention, and also he’s someone that likes to give it. Especially to the love of his life!
Walt gives you things you actually need, and nothing that is materialistic. Growing up, his parents had a healthy relationship, and the apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Waits on you hand and foot. A back massage? Done. A fuzzy blanket? Right on it! A specific burger from a joint that is thirty minutes away at three in the morning? Walt’s driving like a manic just for you. You have the man’s undivided attention.
He stops whatever he’s doing and runs over, getting on his knees, “Yeah, what’s up baby?”
“Can you sing the song? Y’know, our song?”
Walt nods his head, now an eager puppy, and gets his gutair to play the song he wrote especially for you. And this is making me realize how painfully single I am oh my
Rudy has an iv of respect woman/men juice. He always understands the assignment-and desires extra credit.
So whenever you’re down in the dumps, Rudy will drop everything and drag you into the car to go walk on his favorite trail. It’s ten miles long, but Rudy is a fitness freak.
First, you hate doing it. But the more you talk these long walks, the more you begin to enjoy it.
Sometimes there silence. Rudy won’t speak force you to talk. Talking is stressful, and Rudy will wait until you’re ready. The two of you holds hands, and Rudy has such a calming presence. It’s really hard to get angry at him.
You finally speak and tell Rudy you’re problems, and he listens and doesn’t interrupt. He’s got a hand on you’re lower back, or on your thigh. He’s basically you’re emotional support teddy bear and will always be a lending ear, or a total cuddle monster.
Rudy has the best advice as well. It’s always some yoga shit, but damn, those breathing  exercises do actually help.
Oh Q-Tip. My feral goblin son😭
I love him, but sometimes-things can fly over his head.
But when you start to ignore him and hide away from him, he begins to notice. And he HATES IT.
Like Christianson will ask him if he’s okay and he’ll literally quote a 2pac song and be like,
“I would drop all my girls for you, Walk barefoot 'round the world for you, Fly around like the birds for you, Thats why I wrote these words for you..”
Lilley is like “Brah we gotta help a homie out”
So the three stooges create Lovegate. The mission? to make Q-Tip’s partner happier.
Q-Tip is very artistically inclined. So with Christenson’s editing skills and Lilley’s camera, Q-Tip writes you a song and does a whole music video.
The man rents out a movie theatre venue just to show you. Of course, you’re blown away. It’s horrible and you can taste the autotone, BUT IT’S THE EFFORT THAT COUNTS. and q-tip has that smile on. you know what i’m talking about!
Doc Bryan walks in on the two of you making out and is pissed since all he wanted to do was see the re-screening of Bridemaids but NO, Q-Tip just had to rent out a theatre to show his partner a music video about them and then make out.
He see’s Lilley, who’s recording and asks to interview what Doc’s opinion on the music video, and this is what he’s says.
“I think my ears bled, but thank fuck those two aren’t acting like emo’s.”
The gif has a purpose. Trust me. SPEAKING OF THE MAN OF THE HOUR
Bryan, like Poke, is a very observant guy. He’s an angry motherfucker, and even a little insensitive, but ever since dating you; he’s tried to change.
He hates the world. People are shitty, and it makes him feel shitty that you’re sad because when you feel shitty, he’s in a shitter mood then he’s usually in
Knowing that his words might sound a little harsh, Byran knows how to distract you. Without words. After all, he didn’t work out for nothing.
Long hugs are you’re thing. The two of you will run into eachother, find a private place, and he’ll just wrap his arms around you. His big arms are protective, and he’s warm, and you just sink into him.
Sometimes, you’ll fall asleep. Byran sometimes will fall asleep with you, other times he’ll gently lay you down and put a blanket with a gentle forehead kiss.
When you cry in his arms, he’ll wipe the tears away. He can feel them against his arm, and he doesn’t know what to do. Crying girls/guys are not his speciality.
But when you squeeze his arm back, to let you know what your there and that you love him, Byran will freeze. He has no idea what to next with words. He’ll put his hand over yours, and turns out; it works well.
After this is all over, he’ll check up on you and ask you simply if you’re okay. You respond with a smile. Byran isn’t one for smiles, but for you, he shows a subtle smile back. Just to let you know.
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inglourious-imagines · 10 months
I love your writing so much so I wanted to request number 26 “In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt.” for Brad Colbert
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“Watch out, Iceman, you might melt.” (Brad Colbert x Female!Reader)
Requested by: anon
Summary: Pretty much the prompt.
Prompt: 26 – In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt. (used it, again, as a setting for the one-shot, not as a direct speech; hope that’s okay)
Warnings: swearing, made-up enemy contact that isn’t in the show, (very bad!) description of combat, female pronouns (hope that’s okay, it just fitted the story – if it is a trouble, I deeply apologize and if you want, request a new one with a gender neutral reader please <3)
A/N: I love this man to my bones. Also i might have fucked up the military jargon, so apologies if i did haha. I added GenKill to my taglist, so feel free to add yourself if u feel like it :).
Brad Colbert isn’t necessarily a complicated person, at least to Ray Person. Having spent many hours together in their precious Humvee, during training, in combat, one person gets to know the other, without even realizing it. Ray Person has realized it, and even though Brad always discards Ray’s observations about his behaviour, personality, or quirks, with a simple “fuck off, you blabbering, coffee-high motherfucker”, Ray knows that most of the time he is right. And he enjoys it. On the other hand, this works both ways – and to Brad’s dislike, he’s started to notice his fellow soldier’s traits, likes and dislikes, how he works more efficiently, and Ray has always been okay with someone knowing him, but with Brad? He’s long had a suspicion that the combat-hardened man is downright terrified of being close to someone to the point of vulnerability.
Bravo Company is still on that airfield they invaded couple of minutes ago in quite a “pretty fucking ninja” way as Brad Colbert put it, when the men of Team 1 of Victor 1 hear the news of Trombley being reassigned to Team 3 into the Victor 5 and they’ll be getting a newbie. Lt. Fick mentions it to the five of the men standing around their Humvee in a quick manner, as other orders are more pressing to the young officer than just the change-up of two soldiers. Plus, he doesn’t particularly feel the need to be anywhere near Brad when the reassignment happens because the man already has a reporter in his vehicle and dealing with another person, even though a soldier, but a new one, someone with whom Brad Colbert is not familiar and does not know their strengths and weaknesses, can be potentially catastrophic (as Ray put it).
Trombley just shakes his head at the news and goes to pack his things; it doesn’t really matter to him from which vehicle he’ll get to kill the Iraqis. War is war and hell is hell and a soldier has to deal with whatever the army throws at him.
They are about to move out, wanting to stay in the open area as little as possible, and Trombley’s seat is still empty.
“Fucking unbelievable,” Brad mutters, while looking out his window. It’s not like the whole Company is waiting for one person, Brad knows other officer stuff must be taken care of still, there are some soldiers running around from Humvee to Humvee, but he’s already pissed off enough and the need to pin the blame on someone is eventually stronger than him.
“Maybe the bad guys killed him on the way here,” Ray says, turning his head to his team leader, his lips formed into a cheeky grin.
Brad shakes his head and glances at his driver. “Glad you’re having fun.”
Ray winks at him. “I can always sing you a country song, honey-boo."
“I swear, Ray, I will–“
“–Shut the fuck up, Colbert.” Ray interrupts him, as he stares at something, or rather someone, outside, to the right of their Humvee.
Brad is ready to pull up rank, but he will never get the chance to do so. He’s cut off by enthusiastic hollering that’s getting louder with each second. He turns his head and then he sees why. The shouting lasts for about ten seconds, although it feels like a lot more, then Godfather puts a stop to it by just a wave of his hand and urges the soldier by his side to hurry up. The soldier meant for Brad’s Humvee.
“I’ll be fucking damned,” Ray is the first to talk and practically drooling, “this might just be the best day of my fucking life. The Marines can do something right after all.”
And then, with surprise, certain admiration, and most definitely attraction (although he doesn’t know that yet), Brad says without even realizing he’s saying something: “You bet your ass, Person, God bless the US Army.”
Ray looks at his team leader, eyes squinting, and then he bursts out laughing. “Watch out, Iceman, you might melt.”
Now Reporter is laughing in the back, as he scribbles down something quickly in his small black notepad, Brad’s face is suddenly cold and unreadable again. Cold and unreadable to a stranger, yes, but Ray Person knows his better than they both know, and the facial expression makes only Ray laugh more.
“Don’t even try that Iceman shit on me, fucker,” the Humvee driver grins, “I can see how much you’re blushing now. Hell, I bet Fick can see your big red face from that distance.”
At this point, the Reporter is leaning from back to front to see, his eyes watering from all the laughter, but it only infuriates Brad more.
“I’ll fucking cut off both of your motherfucking heads and throw-“
“Sargeant Colbert.”
Brad coughs and has to take a millisecond to compose himself before he turns to Godfather himself and the new addition to his Humvee. “Yes, sir?”
“I believe Lt. Fick has already given you the orders from above. I trust you that you, as a team leader, will take care of your new soldier. This is Corporal Y/L/N.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”
Godfather nods in approval, clearly satisfied with Brad’s answer with no signs of protest or sarcasm.
Ray giggles behind the steering wheel and as Corporal is getting into the vehicle, he leans to Brad and whispers into his ear quickly before he can smack him away, “You’re gonna take care of her alright.”
“You got everything back there?” Brad asks for about the fourth time in ten minutes, his head turned slightly to his left in an attempt to steal a glance at her, his lips formed into a soft smile.
She laughs, but doesn’t tear her gaze away from her sector, the need to prove herself to these men stronger than anything, “Nothing has changed from that one minute ago when you asked me the last time, sir.”
She calls him sir and Brad just knows that if some Iraqi won’t kill him, this will. He envies Reporter the spot in the back next to her, he is fully aware that Reporter is also writing it all down in his little notebook and that Ray is closely watching his every move, but for the first time he doesn’t really care. And that terrifies him.
“I told you to just call me Brad,” he tries to convince her.
“I’m afraid that is not possible, Sargeant,” she replies, and he needs to take deep breath to live it down.
It takes everything in Ray’s power not to burst out laughing because this kind of behaviour in his team leader he has never seen during the entire time they have known each other. The blush hasn’t really left Brad’s cheeks and from what he sees, the attentiveness is only flattering to their beautiful new addition.
Ray leans to Brad once more with a cheeky remark, “Keep it in your pants and hold your sector, sir, or you’re gonna get us killed.”
“All Victors, this is Hitman Two Actual, from now on we’re supposed to treat this territory as hostile. I repeat, as hostile.”
As if there was a switch, the giggling stops and the soldiers straighten up, adjusting their rifles to a better position. The atmosphere in the Humvee has changed in a matter of seconds, from light to combat-hardened. It takes Reporter several more moments and turns of head from Y/N to Brad to wrap his head around the situation. But it is really the first fired shots that wake him up from the confused limbo, his whole body instinctively jerking down a bit.
“I got muzzle flashes,” she says, and Reporter is surprised how different her voice now sounds, “my ten o’clock. Permission to engage.”
“We have orders,” Brad responds immediately, “light ‘em the fuck up.”
Reporter watches her closely, as she takes a deep breath, aims at her target, then there are more enemy shots fired at them and he jerks back again but she doesn’t even flinch and right after the enemy fires, she presses the trigger. Then again, and again, and again.
They keep moving and from the spot Y/N discovered there is no more incoming enemy fire and Reporter realizes that she took them down with frightening precision in one take. He wants to say some words of praise immediately, but he’s cut off again, not by bullets this time but by words.
“Hitman Two Actual, this is Hitman Two One, we have two big trucks heading directly our way, approximately 500 meters on our 12 o’clock. Permission to stop the convoy,” Brad strictly says.
“Hitman Two one, interrogative."
Reporter jerks his head to see what Brad Colbert is talking about and there they were, moving too fast to Reporter’s liking. He feels like his heartbeat must be heart through the entire vehicle and even on the comms.
They keep on going, the white trucks keep on going, directly against each other, Reporter watches it all, but keeps quiet but he’s pretty sure he couldn’t form a sensible sentence even if he tried. Those few second it takes Lt. Fick to answer are the longest seconds Reporter has yet experienced.
“Hitman Two One, permission granted. First warning shots, then light ‘em up if need be.”
“Yes, sir.”
Ray stops the Humvee perpendicularly to the convoy and Y/N and Brad hop out in synchronisation, positioning themselves behind the vehicle next to each other. The trucks are getting closer with each second and despite the growing fear in Reporter’s veins, he gets out of the Humvee too and crouches behind the duo.
Brad fires a warning shot. Nothing happens. Lt. Fick is already behind them but doesn’t say anything to disturb their work.
“Left,” she says and leans against the hood of the vehicle to strengthen her grip on her rifle. Brad nods, although due to the angle she’s not able to see it, and answers, “Right then.”
She fires first, one shot, then Brad Cobert also one shot, but both of the trucks don’t go immediately off the road; Reporter is so fixated on the cars still getting so close to them he’s so surprised when he hears two more shots. This time the trucks overturn and end up on their sides.
For a few seconds there’s absolute silence. Then Iraqis start to get out of the trucks and accurate fire from the Marines lights up the air.
When they stop for the night, many men come to her to express their admiration for her shooting skills, and she can’t help it but feel genuinely flattered. Even Lt. Fick comes by to say, “Good work,” and even offers her a small smile. But eventually she decides to go hide in their Humvee from all the attention; they killed people today after all, and the vehicle hugs her in its dark embrace without questions.
“Don’t know if anybody told you this, but what you did today? Pretty fucking ninja. And I reserve this term for special occasions only,” Brad’s voice fills the space around her, and she just has to sincerely laugh at his joke.
“Thanks,” she smiles and gestures for him to get in, and he, without a hint of hesitation or thought, climbs into the Humvee. A stupid grin appears on his face, as if he was a teenage boy climbing into a girl’s room in the middle of the night while her parents were downstairs.
Brad goes on telling her some random funny story about what happened that one time with Ray, and she keeps laughing, and he gets drunk on the sound, wanting more and more, to be drunk forever.
Neither of them knows this, but Reporter goes by the Humvee and hears the quiet talking and occasional laughing and simply has to stop to find out what it is. And then he sees them, and he is both surprised and not. He is not the least surprised because they look so beautiful together, like they have always been destined to be together and share their lifetimes; but he is surprised at the fact that only a few hours ago, during combat, they were two different people, cold, distant, lethal, efficient, and now around one other warm, close, loving.
Reporter stands there for a few more seconds, jotting down some notes about the duo, when Ray appears next to him out of nowhere and says, “You’re not the only one perplexed, but it’s kinda the only possible way how to fucking live in a place and time like this.”
It must have been the smartest thing Reporter has heard him say so far.
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maybeimscreaming · 2 years
“There you go, good as new." and “That better not be blood.” with adam page please x
yeeees thank you for requesting!!
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pairing - adam page x gn!reader
prompts - 'there you go, good as new' + 'that better not be blood'
warnings - minor injury descriptions, could be read a suggestive?
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As one of AEW's resident doctors, you were no stranger to injury. Blood, bruisers, sprains, fractures - nothing phased you anymore. Of course, some people were slightly more reckless than others. You couldn't count the amount of times you had to tell Darby to take it easy before the poor boy did his back in completely. Other than that, you really only saw each wrestler around a couple times a month. Even then it was mainly to deal with the odd scrape.
But Adam Page? He was different.
If Adam managed to have a match without hurting himself in some way or another, you would go and buy a lottery ticket because that would obviously be the day for miracles. At this point, you believed he may as well invest in actual pink hair dye before the mans own blood did it for him.
Oh well, at least he was nice. The blonde had never been much trouble for you - in fact, the southern charm got you rather sweet on the champion. Trying to properly treat his wounds while those baby blues stared up at you was a chore in itself.
a knock on your door startled you out of your daydream, your hands fumbling with the packets of bandages you were stacking. Sighing, you wiped your hands on your trousers and pulled on a pair of gloves.
"come in" you groaned
"hey doc" came the tired voice of one Adam Page.
Speak of the devil you mused internally - well, daydream of the devil.
"hey Page, what have you done now?"
Well that definitely didn't sound promising. Massaging your brows with your gloveless wrist, you turned to look at the man. Now, you expected blood every time you saw the blonde, but this? this was a whole new level. Not only that but he was also accompanied by one Bryan Danielson, who at least had the decency to look sheepish.
You stared at them.
"Adam Page so help me God, that better not be blood"
He chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head.
"I swear, you two are gonna be the death of me one day" you grumbled, grabbing a decent amount of cotton pads and antiseptic.
"right, Danielson go sit in the other room, I'll send someone for you. Page just", you sighed, "sit down and don't bleed on my couch"
"go easy on him doc, he put on one hell of a match just now"
You snorted, raising your brow at Bryan. Them two putting on a killer match was a given, just as Adam Page showing up to bleed all over your medic room.
The sound of the door shutting caused you to tense your shoulders. One would think, with the amount it happens, you would be used to being alone with Adam. That was hardly the case.
You gripped the gauze pad on your gloved hand, drawing in a deep breath to work yourself up to facing the gorgeous man next to you.
"doc, you okay?"
"you're allowed to call me y/n, you know" you commented, wheeling the table towards the man.
"lord knows you're in here enough for that"
He chuckled, rubbing a hand against his shoulder. Your eyes met. the lump in your throat grew thicker, you having to swallow hard to get your next words out.
"Chin up"
You worked quietly and efficiently. There was nobody else to see tonight but the event had been long and you were tired. You imagined that he was too. Of course, small talk was exchanged but nothing wild. Just your average conversations of how the match went, what's in the card for the next dynamite etc.
The way his eyes lit up when you asked about his career gave you the jitters. You could appreciate his passion for it, as well as loving the way he appreciated everything he had been given and worked hard for. Adam Page as a whole was admirable. Thinking about how far he had come in the short two years you had been working for AEW made you smile gently, not realising you were being stared at.
"Your smile is mighty pretty"
A sharp breath was sucked in through your nose.
Did you hear that right?
"oh uh... thanks Page, not too bad yourself"
He smiled up at you, a gently movement that exposed pearly white teeth. You couldn't help but to smile back. Even as you dabbed the rubbing alcohol into the nastier of his cuts, his smile only faded a little.
That was until you got to the cut in his hairline. It was deeper than the others and, no matter how hard you dabbed at it, the blood wouldn't stop dripping down his pale forehead.
You sighed, tilting his chin down with your hand.
"everything alright?" he asked, laying a hand on your wrist.
"i'm gonna need to patch this up and i'll need to change it again tomorrow morning, you're lucky you don't need stitches you know?"
he bit his lip at your lecture.
"You have got to stop doing this, putting your safety at risk for a good match is not okay when you do it over and over, one of these days you're gonna hurt yourself and I wont be able to do nothing about it. This is bad for my nerves Adam-"
"Look at you, using my name"
You looked down in shock. In your rant you failed to notice him placing a hand on your waist - obviously a result of the stinging from his forehead. Now, the sight radiated warmth, a pulsating heat that caused your legs to shake a little.
"you never used my name, not in all these years you've known me y/n"
"yeah well" you started, "maybe i was worried this time ok"
Huffing, you placed the last piece of medical tape down on his skin, smoothing the fabric with your finger tips. He bit his lip, looking up at you. Not that you met his gaze, instead preoccupying yourself with peeling your gloves off and throwing them in the bin next to you. You didn't want to move. Not with his hand still glued firmly to your hip.
"there you go, good as new" you teased, tracing your fingers over the white gauze.
You began to pull away but was stopped by his other hand reaching up to the free side of your hips. Gasping, you steadied yourself with your hands on his shoulders. Now, your heart was pounding. Had you said something wrong? Did you miss an injury?
"Y/n I'm sorry, I never mean to get injured, it just happens and well... I like coming to see you"
You cut him off. The frustration of the day and fatigue were setting in. A sickness had grown in you at having to hide your emotions for the sake of professionalism. Adam wasn't the kind of guy to make things awkward if feelings weren't reciprocated and quite frankly? you were too tired to care.
So you kissed him.
You pulled him up by the shoulders and fixed your lips onto his, leaning onto his body gently but just enough to allow him to pull away if he didn't want this. Not that he did pull away.
Instead, he pulled your hips towards him, sliding one hand up your spine to rest between your shoulders. The shock of him grasping your hips in such a way caused you to gasp into his mouth. Apparently newly confident, the cowboy slid his tongue between your lips. He traced it over your teeth before entangling it with yours.
Eventually, you found it in yourself to pull away.
"does this mean you'll stop getting injured as much?"
He chuckled under his breath, pulling you close once again.
"not a chance in hell"
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Thank you for reading! reblogs are wayyy appreciated :)
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hitman-two · 1 year
if you aren’t already, please consider continuing amazing grace! 💙
I will be! Thank you for the encouragement Anon 🥺
The hardest thing is to try and stay in continuous order and not jump around their timeline with ideas and scenarios 🤣
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ressyfaerie · 2 years
I love your fanfic and I've been wondering: What is your writing process like? How do you stay motivated to write so much in so little time? Teach us your magic xD
Ohhh! I love asks like these!! Lots of writers do because they love explaining the thought process of their stories!
Tattoos started off from a ficlet ask when I opened my askbox for fic requests (as some of you know) and I got carried away SO FAST.
I created this whole world I never had before, it was new and exciting! I should mention I don't often write AUs. My beyblade fics usually branch off of the main story (like what happens after) so this has always been different terrain for me. But making the AU has opened my eyes to the possibilities and new ideas I can create limitlessly in this new world!
I usually started off with random scenes that pop into my head. So far some of the most intense scenes I imaged before writing the next chapters (and some I can't mention cause spoilers!) Include: tyson and kai dancing scene, Kai drunk scene with the line "you've taken everything from me", Brooklyns backstory with Tyson (specifically in the kitchen), and many many others. (Some of my imagined scenes won't even make it into the story! They just didn't make the cut! 😣)
Soon I started to connect these scenes, making reasons why they worked together in my head. Then I started to just wing it and began to write chapter 2 onward.
From the beginning, most of tattoos has already been planned out in my head. My issue is
1.My horrible memory loss and
2.Making it too long and accidently making big plotholes!!
I'm really bad at making plotlines lmao. So I usually just jot down really quickly what I need to happen until the end of the story and add new stuff in along the way. After every few chapters I rewrite the plot line. Here's an example from before I started writing the Tyson/Brooklyn chapters (about chapter 35ish)
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See how fucking messy it is?? Yall think I'm a master story teller but look where it starts!!
This is why I always tell people when they're writing jot down your plot!! Who cares how messy it is! Get. The. Ideas. Down!!
If you've been keeping up and reading you know how this plotline has changed.
The Christmas chapter became VERY important. And Bryan and Tala briefly breaking up also became VERY important in the plot line of Tala’s past!
Since it's so long I haven't had the time to re read tattoos to look for big potholes, but I'm sure they're around.
A good example would be in the newer chapters when Tyson is walking up Kais apartment stairs and mentions "so this is what it's like to walk up these stairs huh?" And then explains because the last time he was there Kai carried him up the stairs. Of course I completely forgot in the VERY BEGINNING when Tyson goes to Kai's place with Bryan to visit Marble he would have had to walk up the stairs because I mentioned the elevator didn't work. (Little potholes, but this one would easily be explained by Tyson teasing!)
Anyways, I'm getting carried away 🤣
Basically, in writing there are plotters and pansters:
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I'm stuck halfway! We're called plansters 🤣
This is why in tattoos a lot of stuff seems new, yet a lot of stuff seems very planned out. (I sprinkle a LOT of foreshadowing in Tattoos! Bonus points if you pick up on it!)
So basically, to answer your question, my drive is, at its core… obsession. BUT keeping a moderately thought out plotline is very important to keep you going! It doesn't have to be amazing. You don't have to have a map of middle earth and three languages thought up before you start writing!
When I get lost, or caught up in the plot and planning, I follow my plotline and fill in the gaps from there!
To answer your other question… the speed… I just… can't stop. When I have a hyperfixation I go like a water wheel until the winter hits and it freezes over 🤣
However, grammarly helps!! Oh my GOD. Download the extension on chrome! It works in Google docs now too (although it's fairly slow) and it works in the archive upload section as well! It catches most of my grammar mistakes and recommends AND EXPLAINS why some grammar/punctuation is being recommended or changed the way it is!
So anyways. That was a LOT I know 🤣 I'm always here for writing tips! <3 my ask box is always open!
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The Mounties lied about social surveillance
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When you think of the RCMP, you probably imagine the romantic sight of guys in archaic red brocaded uniforms doing close-order drill on horses while waving Canadian flags.
The reality is that the RCMP is a police force grounded in racial violence and genocide, which has not improved noticeably over the following century, adding dirty tricks, antidemocratic political oppression and domestic surveillance to its portfolio.
The RCMP lie about this. It's not just the official lie of good-guy Mounties patrolling the hinterlands for bandits and American gunrunners - it's a string of ongoing, highly specific, contemporary lies about the force's illegal conduct.
In 2019, The Tyee broke the story of "Project Wide Awake," the Mounties' social media surveillance op. On the record, the Mounties denied it, saying they were only using off-the-shelf commercial analytics tools, not spy gear.
18 months later, after an FOI request and a complaint to the Information Commissioner, The Tyee's got 3,000 pages of internal docs on Project Wide Awake, revealing lawless mass surveillance, sweetheart contracts, and state-sponsored hacking.
The RCMP isn't using off-the-shelf commercial analytics tools to watch social media. They're using Babel X, a tool marketed for law-enforcement, the use of which requires judicial authorisation under Canadian law.
The contracts for Babel X and other spy tools were issued without competitive bidding, on the grounds that the existence of these procurements could compromise the surveillance op.
That may seem anodyne, but consider: the reason the RCMP says it doesn't need a warrant to spy on all Canadians is that it is doing something "ordinary" - that Canadians have no expectation of privacy or due process on social media.
But (as Citizen Lab's Kate Robertson_ points out) its argument for handing out these fat, no-bid contracts to cybermercenaries in secret is that Canadians DON'T know this stuff is in use, and if they did, they wouldn't like it and would change their behaviour.
When it comes to warrants in other words, this stuff is ordinary. When it comes to transparency, this stuff is completely extraordinary. You'd think they'd have to pick one, but this is the Mounties. They always get their self-serving rationalisation.
Project Wide Awake encompasses both social media and "darknet" surveillance and casts a wide net; according to the RCMP's docs, they're looking to scoop up "private communications" including those related to "political protests."
The docs reveal that the Mounties bought a Facebook-hacking tool that lets them uncover the identities of private friends' lists. The ability to enumerate the private friends of FB users puts Canadians in jeopardy.
For example, the women who are private friends of a shelter can be unmasked by their violent intimate partners. Once the RCMP learned that a tool exists that puts Canadians' safety at risk, they had a duty to report it and help FB close the hole.
Instead, they bought a license from the tool's developer and used it to hack Facebook.
The Mounties knew they were committing crimes. To hide their operations from social media companies, they used global proxies to disguise the origin of their hacking activities.
They also created social media accounts under false identities, acting in secret, without warrants, and against the policies of the social media platforms.
All of this appears to have been controversial within the RCMP. When it was first under discussion, the RCMP's CIO Pierre Perron blasted it, prompting a flurry of memos about his outrage over the program's goals and methods.
Shortly thereafter, Perron quit and went to Huawei (!), bringing with all his proprietary national security knowledge; Christopher Parsons from Citizen Lab speculates that hiring a top Mountie might have been part of Huawei's charm offensive to win Canadian 5G infrastructure bids.
The controversy didn't end with Perron: in the training docs, Mounties who may have questions about the legality of all this off-the-books spying are advised, "You have zero privacy anyways, get over it."
The Mounties have a long history of authoritarian policing of democratic dissent. During the period of martial law in 1970, the Mounties used the cover of the October Crisis in Quebec to engage in a nationwide wave of burglaries of antiwar, labour and racial justice groups.
The goal of these burglaries was to steal membership lists so that people could be put under surveillance on the basis of their political beliefs.
With that in mind, it can't be a coincidence that the current surveillance op is called Project Wide Awake.
The name comes from an X-Men story arc in which a fascistic police force hunts down mutants and puts them in concentration camps, denying them the most basic of human and civil rights.
Sometimes, it's hard not to say the quiet part out loud, huh?
The Tyee's story by Bryan Carney is a bombshell. For more context, don't miss Cynthia Khoo's thread breaking it down.
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