#doctor paradigm
manybackflips · 8 months
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solradguy · 2 years
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Word Count: 1478 Warnings: None Chapter Index & Credits Page・ Mobile Friendly Version Archive.org download page (.PDF + uncompressed art scans)
“What in the world could have happened that’s got you in such a panic, my dear Keloppa?”
"My head..," a sniffle, "it hurts..."
Dr. Paradigm looked and saw a large bite mark on Keloppa’s head.
“Oh dear, did you get bitten again?”
A huge creature approached them, causing tremors in the earth. It was a familiar sight.
“Now, now, master Bonebiter. Don’t take a bite out of our boy Keloppa. I always have to remind you of this.”
Paradigm sighed as he watched the dragon-shaped Gear roar forlornly in response to being scolded. He understood that it was an instinctive behavior, but he was getting tired of the fact that it could not quit preying on its own people, no matter how many times he warned it.
“Day after day you fellows do this. Should we be delighted by the tranquility of today, or should we be pessimistic because of this critical situation? It’s hard to decide.”
The doctor folded his arms and muttered. Then something abruptly flew by without a sound and spoke in a high-pitched voice into Paradigm’s ear.
“Doctor, doctor! Please, it’s horrible!”
After breakfast, his daily routine was to take a walk around the island. Dr. Paradigm, a Gear, was in a good mood as he felt the pleasant autumn sun and wind. The seagulls flew overhead, the tidal waves... Everything was peaceful.
After the Crusades, Gears were freed from the curse of Justice and moved from place to place to avoid human contact, finally finding somewhere to rest and settle down permanently several years ago. Here they found peace and tranquility. As Paradigm walked along, humming a song of his own composition, "God's in his Heaven, all's right with the world," he saw one of his compatriots running up towards him, sobbing and crying.
“Oh, don’t startle me, Assistant Bonnie. How many times have I told you not to yell in my ear…”
“Ah, come on, please, it’s urgent!” 
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Assistants darted around in a hurry to get back to the laboratory. They were homunculi created by Paradigm through the application of Gear cell technology. 
“What is the matter with you? They say time is money, but I’ve never seen a good result from being in a hurry.”
“You can scold me later… Anyway, please look at this!”
“Ack… Is this..?!”
Paradigm's gaze fell on the monitor of an instrument that observed the Backyard. The cursor that tracked a fluctuation of values moved in a completely different way than usual.
“Is this..?! Is space being minutely distorted? What happened?”
He reached for the console and entered a code.
“The distortion is being caused by… this?! Assistant Bonnie. From your terminal, add up the millionths of the Dirac constant, one by one, in that order."
“Y-yes! Well, um… Eichibar has… this is it! W-wow. The distortion graph just got even bigger!!”
“I knew it! Assistant, continue.”
“Yes! Ah, now it's turned around! It swung out the other way!”
“Good. Secure the state as it is... No, no. This is not a valid operation. Assistant. This time, subtract. Bring it back slowly.”
“Yes… carefully now… What’s this? The cursor is recovering!” 
"All right, that's it! Lock the values, please. Assistant Bennie, lend me a hand. We need the same values over here next."
The other assistant, Bennie, who had been watching the proceedings in a daze from on top of a book, finally got up. Paradigm pointed to another instrument console.
“I see. That’s great, doctor! You can calculate the shape of the object by observing it from different positions on different devices!” 
“It’s nothing but classic trigonometry. I did invent the force of law occurrence rangefinder, after all... No, wait, that doesn’t matter right now. Is this a sphere of about 1.7cm in diameter? The boundary theorem is polarizing… Between this world and the Backyard!!”
“Ah! The cursor is oscillating… Hmm, it’s gone…”
“Assistant Bennie. What’s the record now?”
“Log, all checks are good.”
“All right. I want you to print out all the logs for the instruments after you secure the constants..."
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A few minutes later, Paradigm was in a tank—or, rather, in his private room. This was a room designed specifically for his body, which can only breathe underwater. His assistants sat at desks, listening to him read the data, and his face seemed to be somewhat tense.
“What’s wrong, doctor?”
“Hmm… Well, I’ll explain to you what I’m seeing in the output.”
“Ah… Okay.” 
“The sphere I mentioned a moment ago is a kind of boundary between this world and the Backyard. The normal order lightwave optimized for the observation of the Backyard, which was emitted toward the center of this sphere, returned an unquantifiable value. Conversely, the normal order lightwave in the present world returned real numbers. In other words, the inside of the sphere is this world. The molecules that make up this gate are thought to have been specially processed by the force of law occurrence. The absorption rate of the normal order lightwave is certain.”
"Well, uh, what does that mean?”
“It's very similar to the special code I use to observe the Backyard.”
“Forgive me, doctor, I don't know how you observe the Backyard.”
“Ah, I see. I never taught that to you. Simply put, I am observing the Backyard from this world by “spoofing” the theorems of our world into the theorems on the Backyard’s side. This is the best I can do, and I can never send real numbers to the Backyard – I can never interfere physically… However, that sphere was composed by physical interference with the Backyard from this world. This means that someone other than me succeeded in making physical contact with the Backyard ahead of me."
"Huh… Does that mean there's someone smarter than the doctor, by any chance?"
"I'm terribly sorry to say so, but yes. Well, let's set that aside for now and address the real question..."
“Who it could be. I have an idea, although it's somewhat disconcerting.”
"Eh, who is it?! "
“As I explained earlier, I use a "spoof” code to observe the Backyard from this world. Though, this code is actually not my original. It is a modified decoding of a portion of the source code extracted from the genetic information contained in Gear cells."
“Gear cells?”
"Yes. The molecular bonds that make up the sphere I just mentioned are riddled with code quirks common to Gear cells… In other words, I am… displeased to report that the sphere was probably created by… "That Man."
"That Man... is the Gear Maker?!”
“You know that thing called the Gear Maker. The nefarious man who started the Crusades..."
It was Bunnie, the sister of Bonnie's assistant, who looked up and joined the conversation at last. Compared to her industrious and modest sister, she was somewhat headstrong and lazy.
“Mm. The creator of our parent Gears. He’s a fearsome villain who is said to change his form over and over again and live for hundreds of years. But to interfere directly with the Backyard… is too far out of the realm of humans!!"
The Backyard is a higher-dimensional space that defines all the laws of the world and generates phenomena. Since its existence was hypothesized as a concept at the end of the 21st century, it has been studied by some scientists. However, mankind had yet to prove its existence.
“What do you think you're going to do?”
“I don't know. But if he has reached the Backyard, this is something far worse than the Crusades!”
"Hey, I don't understand, can you explain it to me?"
“The Backyard is a higher-dimensional space formed by a collection of densely compressed information that defines and controls this world.”
“Doctor. I'm sorry, but I don't understand it at all. Explain it to me in plain human language.”
“You know, sister. Let me tell you a parable. The Backyard is a place where 1+1 is supposed to become 2. What do you think would happen if a bad person came to that place and played a trick to make 1+1 become 3?
“1+1 is 2. It can’t be three, right?"
“Well, yes, but I can do a trick and make it be three. You cut an apple once, and it becomes three pieces.”
“That's very convenient!”
“Come on! It's not about convenience, it's about the laws of physics! The world will collapse!”
“Sorry, I don't understand your explanation either..."
“Anyway. I thought I would be able to stay away from That Man until now, but I can't say so anymore.”
"Doctor, why don't you contact Mr. Izuna?
"Oh, yes! I should let him know about this unusual situation..."
Chapter Index & Credits Page・ Mobile Friendly Version
Special thanks to Volcanic Fighter (@Nincopyjasb) for the Japanese manuscript for this story.
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badxwolf · 8 months
My favourite thing about the Paradigm Dalek reveal is that the white one comes out first so you could be thinking “Oh, have they redesigned them to look more like the classic series? That’s neat!” and then the blue one comes out next and you think “I guess they had blue bits on them as well…?” and then the orange one comes out and you realize that you are in a lawless land and have just watched the commercial for the New 5-Piece Collectible Dalek Toy Set Available Now!!!
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seaweedstarshine · 4 months
“That’s a bold choice, Dalek Supreme, coming to a wedding planet dressed in white! Unless you’re here to get hitched… should I be flattered?”
“We are here to exterminate you.”
“Oh, that’s probably for the best. Not sure River would be up for a marriage à trois… not with a Dalek, at any rate.”
—Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Victory of the Doctor
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captorations · 6 months
delighted by what RTD did with letting 14 keep his own tardis, and still use it, even as he's nominally retired. i've said this before but the idea that the ordinary and extraordinary cannot coexist is infuriating to me; i *hate* endings where an exclusively mundane life is seen as a grand reward, as if creativity and mischief and wonder are kid things to be left behind. that's just such a miserable outlook on life to have! you make peace- literally and figuratively- with the ordinary, but without looking for and delighting in the extraordinary, you deny yourself some of the best parts of life. i know i'll be fighting "and then the magic goes away" endings throughout my career as an editor and it's a relief to see that i won't be fighting alone
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dougielombax · 1 month
It disappeared faster than the New Dalek Paradigm.
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beepboopappreciation · 2 months
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Back in 2021, a friend gave me the prompt "a Dalek with all of your least favorite design choices". That's what this monstrosity is!
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wandersoul8 · 6 months
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Belated but completed none the less! I'm slowly but surely getting through my list of people I want to draw Christmas gifts for! For this gift I drew a Paradigm Dalek Supreme for @cgi.spinel on instagram- I hope you like it ^^
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digitalfriend08 · 5 months
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sionisjaune · 8 months
god... something about pro athletes and "growing up" later than most people because most of their developmental years were given to their sports
Yasha I think about this all the time... I think this was in reference to a beyond the grid episode where Lewis said he didn't grow up until he was in his twenties. Unfortunately the only commentary I have to add right now is that everyone should listen to who would you be for me off of the new metric album because of the "growing up ever so slow / come of age ever so late" lyric, but also because it's a brocedes anthem in that it's a retrospective retelling of meeting someone at an uncertain point in your life, when you're still asking who they will be to you.... and the tragedy inherent to brocedes is that when it started they didn't know how it would end. And the beginning is forever untouchable by the end. And the end is forever informed by the beginning. THEY DIDNT KNOW!!!!!!
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
okay I have rambled to the point that I've realised what annoys me:
obvs minimising rose's character arc and boiling it down to "romance" when there's way more going on with her, whether or not one wants the romance part of the story or reads the story as romantic (this, to be clear, is mainly a thing that happens with people who don't want the romance, and cannot see anything else that rose's character is for in the story)
a sense of "rose was for teen girls, which urgh fine I guess, but then it got better because it was no longer for teen girls" -- thank you for being a pedantic fan and unwilling to put yourself in someone else's shoes there Buddy and also for teen girls doesn't mean bad writing (see above point)
That Is Not What The Word "Asexual" Means Stop Using It Until You Have Read Angela Chen's "Ace" And Written A 1000 Word Report On It
In Addition I Don't Think You've Heard Of The Word "Aromantic" Either
just because people think ten is attractive and also Romantic (capital R) doesn't mean ten tends to initiate flirting or even flirt much at all, why are you projecting and then getting annoyed about it???
(to be clear, people thinking ten is hot and not being angry about it, continue ever onwards!)
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kiestrokes · 10 months
Kie! While listening to this, I started wondering something. Who has the more dark ringmaster energy between Hongjoong and Seonghwa?
Oooh 😏 so in my opinion HJ presents as the darker ringmaster. But it's just to throw people off and protect the actual "witch doctor" (sorry I went nola-lore on you) which is Hwa. Because without Hwa the whole circus loses its magic. Much like HJ is the leader, but Hwa is older and has this quiet commanding aura to him. Vs. HJ's chaotic theatric presence.
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genderqueerpond · 26 days
also I Do think we're getting season whatever-this-is backwards
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the-team-sucks · 11 months
Dalek Lil'Blue!
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Based on a beloved plushie of mine!
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kingnd · 4 months
Watching Victory of The Daleks & man am I bummed the New Paradigm Daleks never took off. I know the back ends were to big & the multi-color Daleks is kinda goofy but this was a more interesting dynamic having this Hierarchy group & maybe could've help differentiate them from the RTD era Daleks. Honestly I would prefer these guys being the main heads of the Dalek empire over bringing Davros back. Like a more efficient Cult of Skaro.
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themyscirah · 7 months
What if I read a bunch of Aphra comics and got her into my top 20 on locg. What then
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