#does adrien count as
masilvi · 6 months
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Akumabug AU commission for @sizzleissues! 👑😈💄🌸
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purplecatghostposts · 3 months
Concept: Mouse Holder Félix. He’s everywhere.
His powers allow him not only to multiply himself, but essentially control a hive mind of tiny versions of him? He immediately sees allll the things he can keep an eye on at one time.
Adrien opens his bag and yelps because a tiny Mouse!Félix is there like, “Finally, I’ve been waiting to talk to you for at least half an hour.” and Adrien is like, “You couldn’t have texted??” and Félix replies with, “No, this is more discreet. Also more dramatic. Anyways-”
Kagami is enamored with Mouse!Félix. She can hold him in the palm of her hand. He chills in her pocket. She can sneak him into any place she wants. There are many benefits to Mouse!Félix.
I also just imagine there’s like, a spy network of many Félixs watching the city and tracking down leads. However even if he manages to bypass the timer and not detransform, I do think he probably gets killer migraines from being in Multitude for too long due to needing to process what every version of him is experiencing at once and getting major overstimulation after a while. Do you see my vision.
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asti-doodles · 1 year
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I'm not to blame, you can go cyber-bully @halfahelix for this.
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Marinette's cursed dream
Part 1
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ultrakart · 1 year
Things evil!Ladynoir have done and you can't convince me otherwise: stage a kidnapping of Adrien Agreste.
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a-flaming-idiot · 9 months
Chat Noir ordering in the Dupain-Cheng Bakery: "Could I get an apple FURitter? Your baking is just too PURfect to resist, mouse~" Multimouse, balancing the to-go-bag on her head: "For you, it's on the mouse."
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
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I THINK. they should get to have a sleepover at some point. It would be so cute...
Ko-fi Link!
Text under the cut:
Marinette - You've really never had your nails painted?
Félix - Never seemed like something i would enjoy (Didnt have friends)
Kagami - Mother never allowed it.
Next panel:
Marinette - Project sleepover is a go!!]
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cameforthecat · 1 year
I am frankly appawlled that this doesnt have a thousand notes and comments, so I must try and do something about it!!
She watches his chest move with his breath, and then he cups his hands around his mouth, leaning farther out over the barricade.
“Ladybug,” he shouts, his voice high and clear over the rest of the noise of the stadium, like her ears are zeroed into the soundwaves from his throat. “I swear you are heaven-sent!”
Marinette can’t help it. She laughs.
a pop punk sensation moments from an identity reveal who is for some reason contracted to be a soldier of heaven partners up with paris’s golden it-boy by pure chance. they’ve got lives to save, music to make, and also they’re desperately in love with each other. for ladrien june 2023<3
This is Ladrien but LB knows who Chat is the whole time (she recruits him!) She asks him to team up with her as a punk rock musical duo, but actually they end up teaming up to start bar fights (with demons) and cross-dress (for demon-fighting purposes) and have truly transcendental experiences together (that only sometimes involve demons) (sometimes, its just each other)
And adrien dies. A lot.
Yall have GOT to read it!
@peachcitt I hope you don't mind this unsolicited fic boost, you deserve more love!
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bobbluedodo · 3 months
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Ok I'm writing this here hoping that this will go well. Also I'm going to refer to Marinette as Mari throughout the whole thing 'cause its just faster to type.
Now Bobbluedodo present, Why Adrien running outfit works, and why Mari normal outfit doesn't.
First thing first this is only going to be about the outfits nothing more. This does not reflect my feeling on these charters. This is only about there outfits and that is it.
Now i think I'm good to keep going. I think i should do the things thing look similar first. They both have shorts on top of legging/tights. Both have nods to there orignal colour pallet. They are both wearing t-shirts. The only different is that Mari is wearing a jacket over top. Also their shoe are different, a small detail, but someone would call it out if i didn't mention it.
In Mari outfit the tight are cool toned on top of pink shorts (no one can Agee on what exactly the colour of the tights is, so I'm not going to put what colour it looks like to me just to be safe. but it's definitely cool toned.) well the top of her outfit is black jacket and white t-shirt. Nothing on the top of her outfit match's her tights. Its not even close and just look off in a weird way.
Well Adrien outfit also has the shorts and the legging combo. But instead if being different colours they are the same colour. Also the top of his outfit has similar colouring at the bottom, and it just makes me happy seeing a coherent colour pallet. After the mess that is Mari's outfit colouring. Anyways as i said the colours just flow better together a lot better. They make a lot more sense together and don't clash. Unlike Mari outfit witch definitely does clash. Its mainly just the tights, just make them black, or her skin tone, or don't have them at all. 'Cause any other colour then that doesn't work with that outfit. I went looking for outfit like it, and the best looking one to me were the ones they matched the outfit colour they where wearing. I know totally crazy concept, colour matters in outfit, so it make sense, and doesn't look like you threw colour at a wall, and called it a day.
Adrien's outfit doesn't have that problem. All the colours make sense and work well together. It just look a lot cleaner because of that and make a whole lot easier to look at.
That is all the reason why I think that Adrien's outfit is better then Mari's. I really hope it made sense I have a hard time expressing in my self in writing, so if you have any question please just ask. All I ask is to be respectful, and I'll answer any questions you have.
Have a great day rest of you day. Bobbluedodo signing out.
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morphestic · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every fandom I've joined that has a self-sacrificing catboy protagonist with no parents and spent most of his life locked up alone, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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kawaiichibiart · 10 months
I can't find it (although chances are I never posted it :/), but to this day I think about the post where I share possibility of past akuma victims just, remembering everything. All of them remember.
All. Of. Them.
And, it just sets off this series of support systems.
Individual and group therapy is something that is set up for those who need it.
August's mom starts a forum after her son starts remembering his time as an akuma, and it leads to more parents speaking up about their children, very young children, having nightmares and needing to sleep with their parents or older siblings because their memories as an akuma is hitting them hard.
People who work call off in order to process what's going on.
School gets cancelled for a brief period (like maybe a week or two) of time, some students stay home for longer.
Friends support each other whenever the memories get too intense.
We see so much support and love between everyone who remembers and is remembering...
...but then we have Adrien.
Adrien who can't bring himself to look for support. Adrien who feels like he shouldn't get help.
Everyone who's been akumatized is remembering what they did, what happened, and people can back up what's happened with clear evidence (articles, blogs/vlogs, clips from past livestreams or news reports, etc.) but he doesn't have that.
Chat Blanc's timeline is gone and Ephemeral's was reversed. There is no existing evidence that he's been akumatized. No one remembers he was akumatized, except for Marinette.
Marinette, who's Ladybug.
Ladybug, who's kept things from him. His akumatization, the fact she must of planned on having him reveal his identity just to not tell him hers (and she must of planned on having Viperion in on it, too, which makes it worse).
The girl he no longer knows if he can trust.
He doesn't have anyone who can support him. He doesn't want to say anything in case people thing he's making it all up.
After all, can he prove Chat Noir got akumatized, killed everyone in Paris, maybe even France, split the moon in half and almost killed Ladybug again? Could he prove he was Ephemeral and helped his father win (and God, if that isn't just another peachy thing to find out)? That Ladybug lost her Miraculous because he couldn't break out of his father's control?
He's remembering killing the people he loves and finding his mother (fuck, his mom is under his house) and not being able to resist the akuma and the world ending and being alone surrounded by water and just the continuous thought of "I killed them...it's all my fault..."
He's alone, moreso than he normally is. He shows to school and photoshoots looking dead. He slowly stops talking to his friends, eventually stops showing up to school (Nathalie informing them that he's unwell, since that's what he told her) and eventually leaving Paris to find someone he can talk to because his memories won't leave him alone.
No one knows where he went. No one knows where Chat Noir went. Both of them just, vanished. No one knows why. They can't come up with a reason for him to run.
Nino thinks he's runaway after finally having had enough of how Gabriel treats him, and he took advantage of everyone remembering their akumatizations to leave.
Lila thinks he didn't run away and instead was shipped off to who knows where in case Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch sends out an akuma and he he can target past victims who have this new found guilt, she'd just hate it if she got turned back into Volpina or Chameleon and target him :(
Some people think Chat Noir is running away from his responsibilities. Some think he ran away to get real training, maybe an extra weapon in case he needs it.
Meanwhile, Marinette is having a crisis, because if everyone is remembering what happened while they were akumatized....but the time line got erased. Chat Noir couldn't possibly... he'd find a way to leave his Miraculous with her, right? Maybe he wanted to prove he could still be a reliable hero? Maybe she's looking too deep into it (look deeper, honey, you hit the nail on the head, keep hitting it and be a better partner).
I honestly don't know where Adrien would go, part of me wants to say London, because if he could vent to anyone who might possibly believe him, it could be to Felix. Part of me wants him to literally still be in Paris/France, just with a new found ability to wield shadows and be able to hide in them without being noticed. And yet another part of me wants him to run to an entire different continent and leave everything behind.
Just, it's one of the worst ways he can find out what secrets are/were kept from him, and he's not able to say anything because:
He can't know anybody's secret ID, despite it being important he does in case he has to get help on the off chance Ladybug can't (she's captured, she's affected by the akuma's powers, etc.). Look what happened when he found out who Ladybug was. Death on the one hand and his father winning on the other.
Ladybug likely had to go through so much in order to defeat Chat Blanc, why would she want to hear his POV about it? The damage was reversed. He should be happy everyone is still alive alive again after he killed them.
Ladybug is the Guardian, of course she had to know his secret identity. Right? Maybe if she didn't hand out the miraculous, Fu would have and he'd know everyone's secret ID. But she's the Guardian now, so it has to be important for her to know who holds what Miraculous.
He should have known his father was the villain this whole time. Wow, you lived with the villain and didn't suspect him at all? You could have saved time by taking them time to look further into things, but no.
He got akumatized twice and the second time he just handed his miraculous over. It doesn't matter that he wasn't in control, maybe this is a sign he doesn't deserve a miraculous, let alone one of the two most powerful.
#adrien agreste#miraculous#ephemeral#chat blanc#cat blanc#this is something i genuinely think about often#if people who were akumatized remembered what they did#no matter what#he wouldn't feel like he deserved any support#because very few people remember either event#aside from him who remembers?#marinette is ladybug so she likely remembers what happened#and he can probably add bunnyx but does she really count???#....do the kwamis remember?#it's essentially that thing where it doesn't matter if you just broke your arm and the person next to you is in a full body cast#you're both in pain and healing#adrien has every right to getting support and talking about his akumatizations (both as himself and as chat noir)#but he's putting off what he went through as nothing compared to what literally everyone else went through#solely because both times he's been akumatized no longer exist#why should he get help for something that doesn't exist?#why should he get help for something that doesn't matter anymore?#it's a mindset that'll take a toll on him and one that has to faced head on#and lead to him finding support and the reassurance that what he went through did matter. that just because it didn't exist anymore#it doesn't mean he has to shut everyone out and pretend like he didn't go through something traumatic twice#the process will be messy as fuck#but he can get help#let marinette realize the chances he remembers are higher than she thinks#let her realize her errors and work on bettering herself#because if no one would be there for chat noir#at the very least he could talk to her
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purplecatghostposts · 4 months
Miraculous AU where Félix gets a permanent dog tail after becoming Flairmidable bc of magical backlash (or because Barkk isn’t happy with being left with Monarch). Outside of adjusting his clothes and mentally dealing with the change, it doesn’t seem to be a huge deal, except it keeps WAGGING against his will and embarrassing him whenever he sees someone he cares about.
Amélie, Kagami, Duusu, and Adrien all think it’s adorable. Félix is still getting used to it.
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mystic-myrtille · 2 years
I'm just gonna take those sweet sweet Lukanette scenes from the trailer and enjoy them entirely out of context and nobody can stop me^^
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alullinchaos · 7 months
the beautiful thing to me about miraculous ladybug is that it's not slowburn in the truest sense. marinette gets a crush on adrien and it takes us five seasons to find out why she's so terribly anxious about it, but adrien truly speedran developing feels for her JLKGSDGDS
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coolceramicsdotcom · 9 months
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Pierre-Adrien Dalpayrat Vase with carp and spider France, c. 1900 Glazed stoneware
6½ h × 4 dia in (17 × 10 cm)
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afkaskus · 2 years
Excuse me you’re a MODEL? Literally girl boss moment there. How did you get into it??!
Oh damn I was sleepy and wrote "I'm a model" JSJAJS I think I need to clarify that I'm not a professional model JAJAJ
I like helping my friends so each time someone needs a model I would offer help, it can be for dying my hair, manicure, makeup, photography or a runway (I've been in like.. two?) Also, I would go bc I might need models sometimes because I'm a makeup artist and hairstylist, so I know what it is to need models
I wrote "since I'm a model" bc I meant that this time I will not be the makeup artist, I'll be the model JSJSJ
I'm sorry for being confusing and not being that much of a girl boss;-;
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bigfatbreak · 5 months
In the changeling au, what does “keeping” mean? I know there’s the whole thing about faeries tricking people into “giving” them their names, but what actually happens in this au? Like what would the actual consequences be in a practical sense?
(And I assume nothing happens if Adrien just learns the names through other means bc they have to “give” it to him?)
it means that people who's names he has are susceptible to his illusions and persuasions, even if neither party knows it
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they can't perceive what he doesn't want them to, and they're more likely to agree with what he asks, even if its wildly out of character for them. he doesn't know he has this power, he just thinks his friends are really nice to him
and yeah, if he learns someone's name secondhand, it doesn't count. it has to be a direct interaction, and it has to be comprehensible
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