#does any of this make sense. my fears r weird
cpunkbubby · 2 years
Gang . Please help. (In tags)
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lilbitdepressed27 · 1 year
weird request but if you feel like writing it then please do.
tara and y/n r dating.
but when they’re at the museum ig, tara tells y/n to get out of there so she won’t get hurt, so when y/n had gone out of their way, Sam and Tara are fighting the ghostfaces and watches them reveal themselves.
after the ghostfaces has been revealed, Sam is fighting quinn and Tara Ethan, but out of the blue when Tara turns around, he isn’t there.
So when Tara hears something behind her grunting, she wastes no time turning around and stab the person in the mouth (like she did to ethan in the movie) bc ofc she automatically thinks the person behind her is ethan.
But when she turns around, the person she has stabbed is Y/n who was trying to come back and help them.
Tara panics and tries to tell herself it’s all okay and that y/n could be saved. but she couldn’t, so we die😀
Please write this bc I’m obsessed w the angst that you write. This is all just angst angst angst and angst, but I love it.
so I’m begging you to write it.
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: you get Ethan’ed :(
Warnings: Death, angst
WC: 1.1k
Authors note: it’s kinda short but I hope you like it and it’s up to your expectations anon :) sorry for any mistakes in advance.
“You can’t stay here, you have to go.” Tara looked up at you. The fear she felt in her body was so immense. The fear of losing you to the hands of a ghostface. She almost had, the year prior to someone she considered a friend. A close friend. Amber had been her best friend and she almost killed you. You had gotten lucky. But the fear the moment you had fallen when the gun shot rang out. The feeling she felt when you didn’t move had been so overwhelming. Gut wrenching.
“What? I’m not-No Y/n listen to me. He is not going after you. He’s after Sam. And I won’t leave her-And I won’t leave you.” Tara knew better. You would never leave her willingly. But she had to find a way to make you leave.
“Y/n please. I won’t be able to live with myself or focus enough for me to do what I need to do. If I’m too worried about you. I could get Sam or even myself killed. Please baby. Please I’m begging you. Just go get help. Find Mindy. I need you safe.” She had reached forward, cupping your cheeks in her hands. The softness of your cheeks had always soothed her. Your voice was also something she loved to listen to. Even when you were speaking nonsense. Also sounding so soothing.
“Baby, Tar I can’t just leave you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself either if something happened to you.”
The feeling of your arms wrapping around her body, pulling her closer you your chest. Tara moved her arms to wrap around your neck. She held you close. Loving the feeling of safety you have always brought her.
“You have to, let me go. Trust that I’ll be fine. And I can hold my own.” She looked up to your eyes. She would always get lost in your soft y/ec eyes. She could see the fight in your eyes, the way you were battling with your self to argue with her. She knew you so well. Which was why she knew she was asking a lot of you to leave.
“I’ll be back as soon as I get help. I promise ghostface won’t even know what hit him. Please be okay. Don’t let your guard down okay. No matter what happens. Okay?”
“I promise.” Tara felt a small sense of relief wash over her. Knowing that you’d be safe. Knowing that you’d be out of harms way. It was all she could ask for. The way you looked down at her, it was a way only she had the fortune to be looked at. The way your eyes always show cased your emotions for her. The love she’d see, every time she looked at them. It was something she could never get over. The way your eyes always spoke to her in way that only she could understand. You were her rock. Her anchor.
Ghostface will never hurt you. She’ll make sure of it. That bitch would have to get through her.
“Good, I’ll see you soon okay. I love you.”
“I love you to.” And she does. It was why she was sending you away. She loves you too much for you to be in this. Pulling you down for a kiss, a kiss that had been filled with so much emotions. Fear, a sense of hopefulness that everything would turn out okay. And most of all, love.
Tara had been fighting Ethan. He had been a lot stronger than she had thought. He had thrown her through one of the show cases. She had felt the glass piercing different parts of her body. But the fear and the adrenaline had moving faster than ever. She clutched Billy’s knife in her hand. Turning around to the direction Ethan had once stood. But he was gone.
He was no longer standing where he once stood. Tara could feel the hairs on the back her neck standing at how quiet the theater got. The distant voices of Sam and Quinn talking. She held the knife up as she took a few steps forward, the glass under her shoes cracking and snapping from the pressure. The noise ringing in her ears.
At the sound of foot steps coming from behind her. She clutched the knife. Her grip tightening around the knife.
Don’t let your guard down.
The words rang through her mind. Your voice in her mind repeating the words over and over again.
Her arms moved before she could process what she was doing. Turning around at such a speed, the feeling of the knife going through who she thought was the mouth of Ethan. It was the mouth of
Tara gasped her favorite pair of eyes were looking back at her. Wide filled with shock.
“No. No. No no.” The feeling of your weight falling into her arms was enough for her to drop to her knees. The sound of you chocking on your blood as you fell on your back.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. Fuck. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She cried, she didn’t understand. You weren’t supposed to be here. Taking in the cut on the side of your temple. Making her believe you never made it out of the theater. Her ears refused to hear anything else other that sound of you chocking on your blood. The sight of you was becoming blurry.
She had stabbed you.
“It’s gonna be okay.” Her voice coming out shaky, blinking away the tears as she looked into your eyes. At the sight tears blurred her vision again, her breathing becoming more erratic.
The gurgling that you made as you tried to say something. She could only watch as you’re eyes squeezed shut from the pain. The pain she had caused. Your eyes opening again she they looked up towards her. The unspoken words. They held no hate towards her. No betrayal towards her. The love in your eyes still shinning towards her.
“Stay with me.” She begged. Sobs escaping her lips as she took in the way your chest kept faltering. More sobs escaped her, completely unaware of the shots that rang throughout the theater.
The guilt growing more and more. The disbelief of what was happening was growing. The denial was growing. You were dying and it was because of her. Not ghostface.
The way your eyes faltered, your eyes losing the light that she loved. She began to shake her head violently.
“P-Please. No. P-Please baby. Stay with me.”
She had kept her guard up. But at what cost. Cause at the end it wasn’t ghostface that hurt you. It was her.
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danytherelentless · 1 year
Through the Eyes of the Owl
Jon Snow x fem!reader
request: Hi there! Could you write a angsty Jon snow x female reader where she gets killed alongside him in the season 5 finale?
summary: Visiting the wall hopeful for an alliance with the last known living son of Eddard Stark, you end up stopped by their own politics.
warnings: major character death, murder, mentions to sexual assault (does not happen, just worried that it will)
notes: this is some weird mash up of show and book, so if it doesn't make sense to you, that's why. In the books Sansa is not given to the Bolton's, it's another girl called Jeyne Poole who they say is Arya.
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The wall was an unfriendly place, especially for you as a woman. Part of you regrets coming here, but you can’t bring yourself to wholly feel so. What lies in the rest of the North is worse, being controlled by the treacherous Bolton's in the pockets of the Lannister's.
Here you are, however, with hope on your side that Jon Snow will listen. He has sworn his vows of course, he is the Lord Commander too, but this is for the sake of the entire North. For the revenge of his slaughtered family; for your own butchered kin. To save little Arya.
You are not the only one with such an idea, you know. Lord Manderly is good at pretending, but he told you enough of the truth for you to understand: the North remembers. Lord Bolton knows this, you do not doubt. House Stark and House Bolton have had wars in the past, but the North knows where it's true loyalties lie.
You sit nursing you ale feeling some pity for the brothers for having such awful drink, when the boy rushes in.
"My Lord! Your uncle! Lord Benjen's here."
Lord Commander jolts upright, "where?"
You don't have time to tell him it sounds strange to your ears, that no horn had been blown to signal the arrival of any rangers. You follow after him as he makes haste from his solar after the boy. You can't quite remember his name, but you remember his rage. The rage at him allowing the wildlings past, which you can empathize with having lost family to the raiders yourself, but understanding of it's necessity. He was but a child, how could he understand? You doubt you would be very understanding had your own kin been slaughtered like pigs before your own eyes. You were here seeking vengeance for that very reason, actually. Lord Jon, however, had been able to make a difficult decision which led to such burning hatred by his own men that you have to admire him for it. A good strong leader with the good of the people in his mind, in his every action. Son of Ned Stark indeed.
You follow his rushed steps into the courtyard and to where a group of black brother's are waiting, and you feel your stomach drop. Your owl swoops ahead, landing with a hoot, and you try to grab the Lord commanders arm, but he merely drags you through the huddle with him.
Your unease amounts, surrounded by men of the worst ilk with only one on your side and no sword at your hip. You wouldn't even go down swinging if they attacked you.
"Commander..." you try, but you see the lettered etched into the wooden cross as he does.
T R A I T O R .
He has turned to look as his men, but you still look to him at his side, frozen in fear. You pray that this is quick, the only fear on your mind rape, you would die with your dignity in tact if you could help it.
But you cannot. You know you are going to die, but the thought itself does not strike you with fear. You merely wish it wouldn't be here. Not here, not for another's political fallout. You are supposed to gain his support so that he will march back South and retake Winterfell with your house's backing and with that of other loyal men and women of the North. If you were to die here, it would have no meaning. None at all. Just another nameless corpse to be burned. To be forgotten.
You watched as the knife pierces his chest, as he lurches and lets out a choked sound.
Then you feel the first going into you. Then the second then the third. The pain is bright and burning and sudden. The last word on your lips is that of your owl's name as you slip into darkness, so quickly, you haven't realized that you are dead.
The next time that you open your eyes, you see your own corpse lying face down in snow next to the Lord Commander from eyes perched above.
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I hope this is what you wanted
comments are greatly appreciated :)
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mrs-foleys-baby-boy · 3 months
I suspect this is going to be a weird mystery that has long since been lost to time, but I wanted to get the question out there in case anybody knows what the hell I'm talking about.
As you'll know if you've been following my blog, I've been watching through the WWE catalog, and I am currently making my way through the summer of 1997.
Partway through 1996, Brian Pillman signed on with the WWF after leaving ECW, however due to the fact that he had been in a car accident and shattered his ankle shortly before, he was not able to wrestle for nearly a year after he signed on. Therefore, I've only just gotten to see his ring attire.
And for some reason his tights have a hammer and sickle on them?
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Best image I could grab on short notice, I could possibly get a better one given time to scrub through the catalog and look for his matches, but they're generally not focusing on the man's thighs so it's a bit hard.
I've tried looking this up and unless my Google Fu is seriously failing me, there seems to be very little mention of this on the web. I at the very least found that there is a Pillman figure with these tights, for a little bit of a better image:
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Seems to me to clearly be a hammer and sickle. Maybe it's supposed to be a P for Pillman? But I digress.
It just doesn't really make sense. He's not supposed to be a Soviet or a socialist or a communist, and never in his career does it seem that he's ever played a character like that. In fact, at this stage he seems to be playing a gun-toting God-fearing Republican.
I've found three intriguing posts concerning the matter:
One from wrestlecrap.com summarizing from a later edition of Raw where Goldust has his face painted with what Jim Ross proclaims to be "Pillman's symbol":
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That's certainly going in my Goldust facepaint collection.
One from a wrestling column that had a reader write in and ask "Hey, why did Pillman have a hammer and sickle on his tights?" to which the author basically replied, "Uh, actually I don't think he ever did do that." (He actually claimed it was a spare pair of tights but that's a pretty ridiculous suggestion to me.)
And one post from /r/SquaredCircle asking about it where one of the replies (upon which the comments seem to agree is the right answer) suggests it was his 4 Horsemen logo, that it was a stylized 4 with a hook on it. Which would be all well and good if redditors weren't constantly talking out of their asses and this made any sense at all.
How the hell does a hammer and sickle look like a number 4? Pillman did have tights very similar to this while in the 4 Horsemen, but it was a pretty simple 4H logo.
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Additionally, Brian Pillman did also use a different stylized 4 Horsemen logo while he was in ECW, which I'm assuming is what this redditor is assuming the OP is actually talking about:
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In addition to these two logos looking nothing alike, it would be very strange (in my opinion) for the WWF in 1997 to have Pillman go out in tights promoting a wrestling stable from WCW. It just kinda doesn't add up.
So that's my ramble. Does anybody out there have any idea what's going on or do I need to buy a corkboard and some red string here?
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frindoka · 8 months
my ultimate isaac bpd analysis
isaac o’connor is a guy i love to pick apart in a petri dish so here i am with my analysis on him and his feelings towards his relationships. and also, bpd, which will be mentioned throughout this because i see a lot of aspects of myself and my experience with bpd reflected with isaac.
sorry if any images r weird i wrote this in a google doc and the images tend to get a bit wacky as a result, i think. its long so i put it under a cut.
fast forwarding to a scene from chapter 7, it’s pretty important to this entire thing:
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isaac, shown to be well-meaning and friendly, doesn’t exactly do the right thing because he’s just like that, just selfless; he does it to feel good about himself, to get others to like him, to get him to like himself. this is not necessarily a bad thing. for a lot of people, empathy and helping others can be a very big struggle, and they’ll be perceived as heartless if they don’t show what is expected of them.
isaac struggles with his self esteem and seemingly bases it upon what other people think of him instead of forming his own opinions about himself, formulating those based on what others say, and usually, his own analyzations of how they act. he wants to be perceived as, both to others and himself, a good person that could never hurt his friends. because by this point he had struck dimitri with a blow caused by his own fear, he already feels this thing he’s so carefully built up for himself starting to crumble. he wants to be good, and is a good kid, but struggles with his emotions and his outbursts, which he perceives as getting in the way of being a purely good person.
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he is not violent nor cruel, but perceives himself as such (poor thang) which is why he seeks out other relationships to prove that he’s not all that what he thinks he is. if that makes any sense. tldr, isaac thinks he can prove (mostly to himself) that he’s a good person if he does good things for other people.
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doorman, isaac’s caretaker, is a veeerrryyyy prominent figure in isaac’s life. with his first appearance, he’s introduced as a mentor that guides him through his struggles with his emotions, also showing that doorman is probably the only person isaac has confided in about this at this point (chapter two, excluding the past conversation with boss leader.)
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isaac trusts doorman a lot, and doorman trusts him in turn. for a quick side track, let us turn to isaac’s relationship with trust.
if he trusts someone, he’ll do anything to keep that trust. he’s very over-analytical and anxious about breaking it, and when broken, he’ll steer clear of them in turn. he trusted spender, who had broken that trust and earned scorn from isaac. he trusted max with showing him doorman and the shortcut, and gets frustrated when max seems to break that momentarily, by not instantly spilling a secret in return- something isaac thought he “owed him for” instead of just doing something to help max. in the earlier chapters, his relationship with the other characters is very strained, as he does not communicate his emotions properly. at this point, he thinks of friendship as something beneficial to aid him in liking himself. which is something he should not be faulted for, considering he’s just 13 struggling with having no emotional outlet and rocky friendships in general. he desperately wants to reach out and talk to the other members of the club, but because he views them as the results of a broken trust, failed friendships, and has a perceived notion that they must hate him for something far in the past, he bottles himself up so he does not ruin anything further.
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back to doorman, as isaac begins to try and move past this mindset following chapter 5, and begins to open up more, isaac returns to this state after doorman, someone he’s confided in for a very long time, reveals he has been keeping things from isaac- it reaches a boiling point.
isaac, who additionally already has issues with people holding things back from him (chapter 5: his and isabel’s argument, where he’s upset over his own beliefs of the club being mad at him), sees a part of this confirmed and immediately puts walls back up. isaac lashes out at doorman, made afraid of what he could have been “using him for” the entire time he’s been under his care, panicking in his emotional state because he had just had his previous trust shattered.
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after putting all of his trust into someone (doorman) i can’t imagine he’d be willing to go back and mend this relationship for a while, as he thinks doorman had been using him the entire time. he picks out and over analyzes everything from what doorman had been saying, throwing him into a worse emotional state, leading up into where he leaves the slanted manse in a rush.
this is not to say isaac is a bad person, of course. he’s impulsive, letting his emotions guide him despite his best efforts- which isn’t a bad thing. he’s clearly trying to work on it throughout the whole comic currently, but with stress from everything happening in his life piling up, there’s no way he could have kept a cool face after his relationship with his mentor is broken in his eyes. he’s a kid who struggles with his emotions. it doesn’t make him evil.
as soon as max moves, isaac keeps himself close to him in an attempt to be his freind. not necessarily because he likes him at first! but because he sees him as a second chance to fit in with the rest of the activity club, as he had already ruined his previous one in his own eyes.
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because isaac keeps pushing himself away from the rest of the club, he doesn’t allow himself to heal, and repeats his mistakes with another person. when he’s upset, he hangs onto it, which is why he’s clung onto his previous mistakes for so long- due to him being so caught up in the past, he doesn’t focus on what he could do in the present. it’s why he’s distrustful of mr spender, and the activity club, and starts gravitating away from max, too, when he’s hurt by him. he finds himself jealous of the way max can bounce back so easily while his emotions fester in his head.
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with bpd & holding grudges, it’s hard to let them go- with intensified emotions following every thought about a past event that could have hurt the person. because so much is tied to specific events, no matter how small they could have seemed to other people, it’s easy for it to eat you up inside. (especially when you bottle it up and let it fester for a long while!) the pile of this makes it hard to trust people, and in my experience i’ve been afraid to trust people because of past friendships. i feel like isaac ticks somewhat of the same way, his feelings pushing away his friends, no matter how much he doesn’t want that…
following his argument with isabel, he turns to trying to prove his worth Again by defeating hijack’d spender.
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max, of course, doesn’t hate isaac like isaac may think he does... he messes with him, but doesn’t turn that into a dislike towards him. even so, he tries to push himself away again by quitting the club when he hurts max. in these panels he explicitly says he saw max as a fresh start, not exactly a friend- he wanted to start over with someone who didn’t know who he was or what he did. in the end, it’s unfair for him to push his frustration onto max because he was worried about how he was perceived. 
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following his admission to this, he’s able to form actual connections with the rest of the club (albeit with a bit of hesitance on his part shown in the panels below. i choose to interpret this as him trying to search for a lie behind isabel’s words when there isn’t one in actuality, because he’s so used to thinking of other people as having ulterior motives against him)
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(also the line about him expecting rejection but craving acceptance wrecks me. it speaks for itself here)
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with this leading us into:
his distrust stems from the people around him keeping secrets. while the secret of the activity consortium is kept out of necessity, it’s unfair in isaac’s own eyes. if everyone else can know, why can’t he? (of course we know the answer but we’re talking about this guys thoughts right now) adding on his regret from hurting dimitri, and him thinking that dimitri quit because of the injury, isaac’s fear melts away into distrust. he keeps himself around the activity club, but this is a matter of him proving himself and craving their acceptance.
however, because he’s busy festering in his emotions regarding past events, he doesn’t bring them up to anyone else. he doesn’t try to fix his problems, leaving the rest of the club confused and upset on as to why he “keeps picking at the scab,” in isabel’s own words-
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leading to him paying only his own emotions any mind, rather than considering the feelings of others. while isaac desperately wants to talk about his own emotions, his distrust leads him away from that, until it eventually reaches its boiling point, exploding in an argument with isabel. they hurt each other consistently without realizing because neither of them talk about what’s happened. the alt text for this page makes me insane, by the way.
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isaac is afraid of the past and the mistakes he’s made then, and it carries over to the present, manifesting in unstable emotions and rocky relationships. luckily he’s able to go towards fixing this between him and the other kids of the club, shown in the section with max & how he ends up admitting his faults. it shows to isabel that he hasn’t been treated all that fairly, either, and she begins to act weary of spender as a result. look at the club being all happy this panel makes me sick and ill 
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i feel like this is as much as i can say on this since im kind of running out of content a bit. i’ve never been all that good at collecting coherent thoughts but i <3 isaac and i wanted to give my thoughts on him since i see a lot of my own bpd traits in this guy, and generally it just makes me happy to see a character who reflects some aspects of myself have good relationships & happy moments in life, yknow. live laugh love isaac o’connor
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crguang · 4 months
Thank you so much for your answer! I wouldn't want to waste your time, but at the same time, I long for answers from you? As if only you understand what I want to say. Sorry to be inconvenient in any way. You can call me G.
Sincerely? Don't worry about writing too much in the answer, I love reading what others have to share.
Maybe I'm similar when it comes to writing down negative feelings. Who do I want to fool? I like a light and dark romance with very intense feelings.
I would love to explore so many of Kafka's stances in different situations, like you said, the fact that he doesn't feel afraid eliminates a lot of things, which makes his reactions even more interesting to reflect on.
For example, I wonder, if R died and Elio told Kafka, how would she act in her final days? Would she be more affectionate or attentive? would leave?
For starters, even if it was fate, would she try with all her might to avoid you if she realized that you would be in any way even a little important? Anyway, I don't know how you are there, but good morning and take care!
im soo flattered this is crazy😭 you’re not inconvenient in any way. im glad you’re interested in what i have to say because kafka’s my favourite hsr character and i will blab about her if given the chance so… bear with me for this one
you’re really making me use my brain omfg. this scenario is so sad but i do have a serious answer. first things first, i have to mention that while im sure kafka truly believes in destiny and that “choice is an exhaustive list of possibilities”, she doesn’t like it. if you refuse her enough times during her companion quest, she says that a long time ago elio convinced her that people have no “true free will”. it implies that she didn’t believe it to be true before and that he had to prove it to her for her to change her mind. during the quest, she’s also like “oh you think you can change destiny? go on, try it. the outcome will be the same” which makes me think she’s either tried before or has witnessed others fail to do it; it’d make sense that she’d be convinced after that. however… she also says this:
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i thought it was really weird at first. she believes destiny is set in stone and tries to convince the trailblazer of that but she still wants them to prove her, and elio, wrong. why? her voice also gets softer here. we know that elio said the TB would change her and that she would change them, that their destinies are intertwined. we don’t know what change that is though, only that she wants it to happen. the fact that she hopes they can rise above destiny makes me think she doesn’t like the path that she’s walking on and that’s upsetting because it means she must feel stuck in some way. she’s obviously super nihilistic, and everything she does is to make that one future elio predicted a reality. the stellaron hunters are “destiny’s slaves” as she said, they have no right to choose, no freedom; how can you be happy or content as a slave? kafka isn’t someone who likes to move at someone’s else’s pace, yet she moves at destiny’s pace every day. anyway, let me actually answer your question now😭
regardless of if elio told her R would die before or after knowing them, i don’t think she’d avoid them at all. first because if that’s the predetermined future then who is she to defy it, and second because she would never expect to fall in love with them. i like to think it’s the one thing that will always surprise her, since she doesn’t feel apprehension like i mentioned last time (no fear + she often knows/ can deduce what will happen), she wouldn’t be scared to get attached. plus, she sees and causes death all the time, and like elio she probably believes that “death will come for us all” (as he says in her character story). and if i follow what i said last time, she’d only realize her feelings after she fell for them so it’d be too late anyway. so no, i dont think she’d avoid them. i don’t think she’d try and change their fate either, but elio is cruel as fuck if he knows they’re together and he tells her R will die like wtf😭 he might not even do it because he withholds certain things from her so that she can’t interfere in his script, but if he does…. ughhh i dont even wanna think about it its so sad.
kafka would make the most of it using what the script doesn’t say, regardless of how you die she’d want you to be happy and free of any fear towards it. im gonna cryyy she’d show you as much of her as possible, would dedicate her time and effort into you without tipping you off that something’s wrong… even if she prepared for it, she could only truly grieve afterwards because kafka doesn’t live in the future (“the past and the future are the same [unchangeable]. i’m indifferent towards them.” she says in a voice line). all she can do is enjoy the time she has so yeah, she’d be more attentive and affectionate and open. and when you die, you’ll leave with an understanding of her that no one has.
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adrian-sheppy · 6 months
i have a question. genuinely. i am fr very curious about freeman's mind, and want to watch it, but i struggle with picking up new media out of fear i may die of cringe seconds after starting it. (gorgeous freeman traumatized me and i have never been the same) how do you recommend i go about watching freeman's mind without feeling like i've been freshly lobotomized? do i just bite the bullet?
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ok I do have some genuine tips but post long because I'm the yapper so under cut ok 👍👍
you dont have to worry about it being like gorgeous freeman because it is NOT like that at all. gordon freemind is mean and not a great guy, but hes not overtly crass or super sexual or anything that will give you super secondhand embarrassment and worry about someone looking over you shoulder and judging you based on visuals alone. out of all the mindverse shows, freeman's mind is one of the easier ones to watch. I say this as someone who loves mindverse
- don't force yourself. it's a comedy series. if you're not having fun, don't feel obligated to watch it. it's not for everyone! one of my friends thought it was boring ;u; so yeah dont subject yourself to something youre not enjoying
- pause to take breaks. I had to do this for felix's mind. I love felix but he is weird.
- pause to react and let out any pent up energy in your preferred method (talking, moving around, etc)
- keep water on hand . or whatever drink you like.
- use arrow keys to skip forward if necessary. no character stays on one topic for too long (mindverse's tangent-y format) so don't like the bit? don't subject yourself to it!
- if you dont want to watch everything but still want to watch, you can watch the best of season 1 comp
im not sure what level of knowledge you have for the series is, sooo.. a few heads up:
- he does use the r slur in a few episodes. it's not abundant but it does happen. you can tell it was made in the late 2000s
- hes not a good person. he will say some things that are strange, bad and/or offputting. this isn't ALL of his dialogue but it is a chunk of it
and thats all I have to say I think. freeman's mind isn't perfect by any means but it's more "personal" if that makes sense. liek no big t.v. execs are messing with it. its what it was intended to be. hope this helps! ! :]
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theoddest1 · 7 months
i fear viv is like j*k*r -
there is evidence, proof, so so much of it. and even then, just her behavior alone, without the really bad stuff, is questionable to say the least. i dont know how to put it, but she and her fans act like 12 year olds on wattpad (i used to be one of those kids to some extent ik what im talking about here lmfao). it is a FACT she's horrible and disgusting (i could list a thousand other things here but the critical community already knows all this) and still people defend and dickride her. it is no lie that her fanbase is like a cult. i wonder if these people are actually completely oblivious or are just as horrid because the fact she's a horrible person is as clear as day. the fetish shit, her weird ass transphobia, her blatant disgregard to actual victims that aren't her fans, her drawing... that , her racism, her- should i go on? and i fear there is no consequences for BOTH these people- they will go on until they die without ever facing their actions and stuff. its disturbing.
its like j*k*r all over again. i sense a pattern here. not sure what kind, but its so fucking baffling how both are horrid and insufferable AS CLEAR AS DAY as people and HARM OTHERS and still get so much support. both need to be studied because what the fuck have they going on that protects them meanwhile some people on social media get cancelled for one sentence they said 17 years ago (not that that's not "valid" it's just baffling how some people get cancelled over the smallest shit meanwhile....) and these people get to enjoy their life without consequences while there's MOUNTAINS of proven evidence.
i feel like i discovered a goddamn alien baby the way im so fucking flabbergasted at all this.
anyways, sorry for the rant.
i hope you have a nice day/evening/morning/night!
Hey, no worries! Rant away! It's a very strange enigma for sure, and the fandon does indeed act like a cult! My guess for how Viv keeps getting away with all this stuff is that she has a parasocial relationship with her fanbase. The idea of landing a job or getting close with a creator with such a large following overrides any sense of reason or care for her actions, so people keep gassing her up because it could likely lead her to like or comment on their stuff. There's also the pseudo kind act she puts on, so people think she's the sweetest person ever when she has showcased the opposite. There's also a loooot of fandom bullying. Lots of the big dogs in the fandom bully people into silence or make em think they're in the wrong.
There's a WHOLE lot of control going on here, and thanks to her ass kissers logic is thrown out the window. Finally, there were the overblown posts highlighting things that, while weird or gross, aren't "cancelable" enough or downright exaggerations of the truth or lies. These threads on Twitter, especially back in 2019, did more harm than good and led many into believing there was a mob that simply wanted to cancel her for being popular. The threads consisted of her old cringe art (some are very questionable don't get me wrong) rather than the ones where she encouraged fandom bullying and made fun of a 15 year old fan for simply being critical of her work and called them nasty for it. No one did any research on her behavior or how she was an absolute bully to people like Starvader. Callouts need to consist of hard evidence so stuff like this doesn't happen, where your callout does more harm than good.
These factors led to many straight up turning off their brains and blatantly ignoring hard evidence. It's very, very stupid.
Also, who is the other person you mentioned? The only one that comes to mind is the guy who plays League of Legends and is famous for winning many championships.
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panlight · 2 years
What are your favourite nicknames/misspellings of Bella's unholy demon offspring?
I mean, "Renameme" is top tier. (re-name-me) Because, like, yes. Rename her! But it also works as Rena-meme because we have turned her name and getting it purposefully wrong into a meme.
For others I like it best when they use similar sounds/letters. Like yes any reasonably long word that starts with R can work, but I think they work better when they have S/Z or M sounds also, or an ungodly amount of Es.
Whenever I come across "Remdesivir" in the news my brain goes, "Renesmee." It starts with Re and has both an M and an S in it.
Renaissance. Has the RE and S but no M, still good though.
Rumpelstiltskin. R and M and S and also the inherent joke of it's another name that's impossibly unique.
ETA: CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT 'RESUME.' Yes, that one is also very good, all the right sounds, A++.
And again--there's nothing inherently bad about made-up or unique names. It's within the context here that it's just personally distracting to me. This is a series where the impossibly perfect mind-reading fastest being on earth who can speak dozens of languages fluently and is a bazillionaire is named . . . Edward. A series where the extra special psychic who can see the future and is a fashion icon is named . . . Alice. The tween vampires who strike fear into the hearts of all who hear their names are called . . . Jane and Alec. Even the "weird" names are not that weird. 'Carlisle' makes no sense for his time period but it's a real place name and and a real surname. Likewise 'Embry' is a last name being used as a first name. 'Aro' is unusual, I guess, but it's short, so it doesn't have the same pretentious trying-way-too-hard vibes as 'Renesmee.'
What I'm saying is that SM created dozens of super special amazeballs utterly unique overpowered immortals and then for the most part just gave them boring old white people names. And I LIKED that. I LIKED she didn't try so hard to make them special by giving them a special name. It makes sense that this guy born in Chicago in 1901 would be named Edward. So her then turning around and being like "well what do you name the most unique baby in the world?" is so strange to me. She named her fantasy ideal man Edward but then has to name the fantasy ideal baby Renesmee? Does not compute.
Also, as I have said before, it does not make sense that Bella Swan as a character would pick this name. For one, she's not that creative. Secondly, she hates 'Isabella' but she's all in on Renesmee? Sure, Jan.
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thehoundschurchyard · 5 months
vent-ish ?
no real trigger warning but me just talking about how I wish I was a dog and people can be mean, slight talk of mental illness :p
Hey guys let’s normalize people having fun and being themselves alright ??? Please ???
I think it’s really sad that like,,, me wearing a tail will affect your life ??? How does me having a tail affect you, like be fr
I had a conversation with someone and briefly mentioned pet / age regression and they IMMEDIATELY shut me down. Why? Because they found it strange. They brought up about how no one in the real world is going to baby you or treat you like a puppy when you feel a little stressed.
I was really mad but I held back. Why? I didn’t want them to be mad at me, call me weird, or hate me.
Normally I would just move on but I’m RELATED to said person and LIVE WITH THEM so I couldn’t just avoid them and they directly effect my life.
I asked them how did it affect their life and they immediately were like “cuz I’m concerned, I will think there is something mentally wrong with you!!!🥺” wow. Shocker. Me, an autistic and mentally struggling individual, has something going on mentally.
it’s not just them though, it’s A LOT OF PEOPLE.
I feel like if someone’s not directly affecting your or someone else’s health then just leave them be. They’re hurting you / someone you know mentally ?? NOW it’s a problem, that you should be concerned about. Not hurting you or someone else ?? Womp womp, nothing u can do about it
this doesn’t just apply to nonhuman’s and regression though, I mean ANYTHING
Furries, dnd players, liking only popular anime, gothic, any style outside of the norm, etc etc
like… let people have fun without living in fear
I was going to wear my gear to school on the very last day of school before summer break but recently I’ve just been scared too. Especially with where I am if I do that there is no chance I will be safe, physically, mentally, or socially
now this isn’t me saying wearing gear at school is mandatory or “makes you more valid”, I was just going to where it once for the last day and then let that be it and do it for the sillies
ofc if u wear gear to school u r very brave and I appreciate u lots, but that doesn’t make u more “valid” than anyone else /nm
sometimes I wish I was physically canine or something
having many kintypes is difficult because I can’t pick just one thing to be like “yes I am this and this only”, cause I am all of my kintypes
the only thing is when I think about it my church grim kin type isn’t really a kin, it’s what I AM
I don’t have physical lycanthropy, shout out to everypup that does tho, y’all r wonderful and all good dogs / canines !!!
the only reason I say I don’t is because i don’t experience hallucinations, and I know I don’t ig?? It’s hard to explain
but like,,, I am a church grim that just kins other things, if that makes sense ??
anyway, if u read this far thank u 4 listening to this dog bark about life and shit 🐾🐾🐾
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rulanarinrush · 1 month
bonus episodes rewatch. do not interact with this post unless you are a friend of mine.
my brain completely skipped over the part where they stated "they tried to restore the world in such a way that it could be like the tragedy never happened" wow critical thinking skills were at an all time low with those graduates huh. i mean makoto scored the lowest but that is like asking the tragedy to repeat itself. no one learns fucking anything LOL
WAIT WTF I DO NOT REMEMBER THIS LOL. TF YOU MEAN THERE'S 13 HOPES PEAKS LMAO?? SPECIFICALLY IN DIFFERENT STATES??? (what states r they in tho... new york, ohio, mass, tex, and cali, and flor are almost definitely there if they're in different states i would think so that's 6... i wonder if dc is a state in drd/t's world...) I THOUGHT "EAST HOPES PEAK" just meant one on the east coast. I rlly thought it would be kinda dumb to just name the classes after what wing of the building in, probably because im a distressed human being that just thinks you could like... move classes to different rooms, so like if there was ever an emergency and they had to move buildings, and for example both classes were in the west building, the "east class 27" just sounds so dumb to me, but i guess not. stupid is me.
WOW WE GOT A SWINGER RIGHT OFF THE BAT. TF? THE "YOU WOULD NEED ME HERE" COMMENT IS SO WEIRD. It directly places the unnamed student as the morally superior one in their dynamic, as well as making it seem like she's needed. Like.. he's apparently done this at least once before, so they are missing at least 2+ years worth of memories. But anyway, he can handle this without you. this is just. so weird in a way that inspires revulsion in me. but i was also reviled by the min in teruko's arms scene because it felt so unearned to me, maybe im just a hater
Girl is so??? If you know his entire family died in that house, you know that unless you're sleeping on the couch(he wouldn't let you do that) you'd have to sleep in beds his family possibly died in right? There is so much fucking wrong with this episode I love it. I'm not sure if my creep senses were supposed to go off this hard like a fucking fire alarm but they are.
Here's another weird one "after all, that's why I came with you". I do genuinely get the argument that she's just trying hard to be a good friend and not let him suffer alone for once. I get it. I genuinely do. But the level of insistence, as well as how poorly planned out it is(there isn't a hospital for miles) unless she's like the ultimate mental health specialist, she genuinely cannot do anything if he has an episode, as well as his "you didn't have to come" comment makes her feel so invasive in this scene it gives me a wild itch. Legitimately at best, this reads as a savior complex. The Min episode is only mildly weird at how she assures Min that she's this good person that doesn't need to change (she does. she might not need it right away, but that fear of facing herself and the future is what keeps min hating herself), but the Xander episode is just creepezoid spectacular to me. I need a nature documentary on this woman to figure out the depths of her mind.
Oh here's another one-- she reinforces his helplessness. I get what the episode was going for here. Even if he was there, he would've just died. He didn't have a car or any way to help them at his age. "But sometimes you just have to accept that you were young and powerless" is such a bizarre line, because it makes him a victim again. It is objective, absolutely, for sure, she's right that he wouldn't have been able to do anything. It just denies his very real feelings and regrets, that he should have spent more time with his family, that he should have paid more attention to the world outside of himself. Instead of letting him sit on his regret and work through it, or saying something like "but we can't change the past" she directly reinforces her emotional dominance in the conversation, that he needs her there, that it's fine as long as she listens. And talking probably does help a lot to actually talk to someone, but it's legit like forcing someone to remember something really traumatic by being there, then telling them "well it'll be fine, cuz I'm here to help! (*^ ‿ <*)♡". wait.
this is it. this is the episode. besides the cactus scene, everything slides downhill from here. we've peaked. dr/dt can never be better than this phenomenally creepy episode /j
do i have to watch the bonus episodes after watching peak... (i'm kidding, I think they help emphasize aspects of the characters involved well (Charles' frustration at the way he is perceived as being incapable, foreshadowing J's relationship with her mother and femininity, Are1's lack of boundaries due to be constantly bullied and touched by her siblings when she didn't want to be hurt, and that in order to be perceived you have to force people to love you, whit's inability to face pain, etc...))
jar/ei part:
"the category of people i would bully the least" doesn't that mean that subconsciously, are1 relates to j? inchresting
"spineless pushovers, like Levi"
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i don't remember this because i specifically got lobotomized by ANGE-- i mean what, but ar3i already admits that eden is cute this early on huh
"we just graduated from high school" aight buddy... so this confirms that the chariton incident must've actually been relatively recent to xander's memories since he was 14
j's relationship with femininity is very surface level, but with a mother like that i suppose that's no surprise. also girl. as someone with issues let me tell you. fights, physical fights, are notttt as cool as you think
are1 also looks so dumb with her mouth hanging open like that
confirmed child neglect for ryan
transfem a/rei is one of my favorite hcs and im glad i remembered why i like it so much
therapy with the girls... i wonder how much of that was j genuinely liking her and how much was it being relieved that because ar/ei is mean, she actually judges j less than the average person.
"it's not good for humans to sleep through the day" your majesty please... i am old and need naps like every civilized person
introvert to introvert communication
"i miss all my other cats. i wonder how they're doing without me" if 2+ years have passed they're fucking dead nico
rose's moms are barbers and she starts dissociating when nico mentions hair, inchresting
rose: confirms that her greatest fear is herself, but more importantly, the unknown future
charles: deflect until he actually hurts my feelings a widdle
ok i don't like drd/t's humor usually but i have to admit the "he avoided the question lol" is actually pretty good
whit's "teaching you how to cook is the #1 job of parents" plus being the best chef and specialty being french food ... FREUD COME GET YOUR KID
"not in the way i know you think i am" buddy ik you're used to being belittled but don't worry your character development was too fast. one of you two is kicking the bucket so PLEASE stop worrying about it <333
"bitter things should just go down the drain" banger line dev
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omg i told myself id send an ask for that one ask game when i finished mine but bruh i have not finished either of the ones uve sent for yet LMAO MY BAD .
can i get ermmm Dorm for Casimir, Izem & Lewis , Homeland for Casimir , Unique Magic for Izem, Rusul & James and Talent for Yuna & Heinrich !!
also interested in Lewis and James's Backstory :33 and mayhaps Personality for Rusul !!
i hope u dnt mind me giving ur unavailable ocs some love 2 im acutally very interested in them they seem silly!!! :D nd ofc if thats too many feel free 2 pick and choose which 2 respond 2 idm <33
✨Hi aue! it took me a minute to get my life together myself so DW ABOUT NOT HAVING THINGS it's all silly and good but ive been eagerly awaiting doing this ask actually bc i get to scream about my silly losers who are going to be thrown into the trap hole yugioh card or something idk.
I'm so happy u r interested in guys I haven't even shown yet but I mean this for realsies this time James is gonna be here within the next week or so bc I finally finished his ref aaaa
ANYWAYS this is gonna be a long one so strap in. I'm gonna put it after a cut just bc of how long this is gonna be lol
🎩Lewis is a Heartslabyul guy who definitely thinks that he does not belong in HL. Despite this, he is, in his own way, a good HL student. Although he's not one for the rules, he IS incredibly loyal and dedicated (loyalty and dedication are traits that ive noticed are a big theme amongst HL but thats an essay for another time) to those he trusts and/or respects, even if it's shown in weird or unconventional ways. He has one roommate, a hare beastman, and the two kinda vibe and coexist together. They aren't like. Besties for life or anything, but they do get along really well and consider each other close friends (and also have a mutual disdain for the rules and the way they get enforced). Think like. ADeuce but if they were not as close friends.
♌Izem, though he is not present here yet, is a Savanaclaw third-year who I think definitely does resemble the dorm quite well. He's not (as much of) a jock like many others in his dorm, but he still sees the value in strength as power and being dedicated and persistent in achieving your goals. Honestly, if he wasn't basically the head delinquent in charge of a lot of rowdy students, he'd probably be teased by his dormmates by taking the Beast King's Tenacity WAYYY too seriously. He doesn't have any roommates anymore, but he used to have them in previous years. He keeps in touch with all of them, just because of the fact that even if they weren't delinquents in his group, he still sees them as members of his "pride".
🌙As a member of Diasomnia who feels oddly outcast by his peers at times, Casimir is very much a perfect representation of Diasomnia. He may not be as powerful as his housewarden (and his retainers), but he still has the potential to be a very capable mage, should he choose to hone his skills. He's also, as I mentioned earlier, a bit of an outcast amongst those in his classes and such, which is also something that I feel is very in character and fitting for a Diasomnia student (yet again another essay for another time). As a freshman, he's got three other roommates, though he does wish that they'd just move out and leave him alone already. They're already rarely around, and when they ARE around, he's constantly fearful that they're just going to tease him (they won't- in fact, his roommates are quite fond of him. Casimir is just... not sure how safe they are for him to unmask around oops). Nobody will tell him this, but in his dorm, Casimir has come to be seen as a younger brother figure of sorts for many.
🌙Casimir is from a mountainous town in the Rose Queendom (because i didnt wanna make him from briar valley) known for producing some of the world's top musicians (specifically in a composition sense, you aren't gonna find pop stars from this place). When he first came to NRC, there were one or two upperclassmen from his hometown, but they were in different dorms, and he didn't know them (rip king).
♌Izem's UM is called "For The King". Initially I was gonna go in a completely different direction for him, with a UM named after Zira's song in LK2 (My Lullaby) that had a sleep kind of effect, but I decided to do something different with it instead. It's a very defensive magic (that is also a bit self-sacrificial if we're being honest here) that will redirect hits from the target of the spell to him. Think like the move "Follow Me" from Pokemon if you're familiar with it? Or alternatively like Floyd's "Bind the Heart" but for other people instead of himself. Anyways, yeah it's like that. He doesn't use it very often unless someone is going after his housewarden or his fellow delinquents because it's often a one-way ticket to the infirmary for him. "My loyalty is pledged to few, and no man nor beast shall sway this vow. To show my devotion I grant you this shield... For The King." there aren't too many holes that can be exploited on either end, unless you consider that Izem will only use it to protect those he trusts. Blackmail could be a viable option for getting him to use it to protect you, but it would NOT work in the long term (he would know).
🦜I don't have a name for it yet, but Rusul's UM allows him to perfectly mimic any voice he's heard before (so original, i know. i think its silly and fun tho). Makes him great for doing impressions of his friends! The only stipulation is that he HAS to have heard the person before without any kind of filtering/modifications. This means that, unless he has seen a VA doing a character voice IN PERSON, he can't really mimic that. He also can't mimic talkshow hosts or famous celebrities for the same reason. He CAN however mimic his dorm mates, which was very interesting post ch 4. Many of his dorm mates reported hearing Rusul repeatedly saying "NICE SHOT!!!" over and over again in his vice housewarden's voice, just because he thought it sounded nice to say (when ur evil berserker vice says something that becomes a vocal stim 😳). He was dropped on party cleanup as a chore for the next month. Since I don't have a name for his UM, I also don't have any incantations thought up either oops.
🐁James's Unique Magic "Goodbye So Soon", is a pretty convenient UM for someone involved in the theatre. It allows him to basically vanish from a spot (and teleports him a few feet away) that he has to perceive as a "trap" (e.g.: if he is on stage and needs a sudden exit, he can view himself as "trapped" on the stage, cast his UM, and magically disappear from view, reappearing backstage.). It CAN work on other spells (like "Off With Your Head", for example) but ONLY if the mage that cast the spell is of equal or lesser power/skill to James himself (meaning he could certainly [and barely] escape from OWYH if he NEEDED to, but he could not escape from Malleus's "Fae of Maleficence"). The incantation for his spell is not necessary (he practiced for a REALLY long time to make it this way), but the incantation is as follows: "I do hate to leave, but with time so short, I must say so long... Goodbye So Soon". The major loophole with the spell were stated earlier kinda (he has to be of equal or greater skill to another mage to use it to override their magic), but I did NOT mention that he does, in fact, have to be able to see his target location as well. Get him blindfolded and he cannot use his UM to escape.
🦐Yuna is a girl of a couple of odd talents, but her main one is her skill on the piano. It takes a while for most people to appreciate/acknowledge it, but if there's one thing Yuna will give the Octavinelle boys credit for, it's appreciating her musical ability.
🩺Heinrich is VERY skilled when it comes to empathizing or sympathizing with his students' plights. Whether it's a result of his own odd upbringing or the fact that he has a teenage daughter, no one is sure. What IS certain, though, is that this skill of his is something that many students of NRC can appreciate, whether they want to admit it or not.
Not sure if I wanted to put these two together or separate but I think I'll do them together for the time being and maybe I'll do a more in depth thing at another date.
🎩🐁James and Lewis have always been close friends as far back as anyone can remember. Lewis's family was always there, basically helping out wherever they could all over their hometown, so even if James DIDNT want to be around Lewis, he would have been so anyways. They met when they were both around 4 or 5 at an annual event that their hometown hosts and were near inseparable for the time after. They eventually split for a short while, as Lewis was initially enrolled at RSA, but they were quickly reunited and were eager to spread the gossip that they could find (Lewis was particularly disappointed when he learned that he missed such an entertaining and crazy entrance ceremony).
It was odd to many people (including those at NRC) how such different individuals managed to become so close to one another, with some people joking that it's only because they have so much blackmail on the other that if one went down, the other would be soon to follow. The truth, though? They've just known each other for so long and are like brothers as a result, and that's all there is to it.
🦜Rusul is a very mischievous, playful, and conniving young man. He loves playing pranks on his fellow Scarabians (or his fellow NRC students in general, to be honest), and will consistently weigh the pros and cons of allying himself with various individuals. In true NRC student fashion, Rusul prefers to think about making the decisions that will benefit him the most in the long run, though he will make the occasional sacrifice to make sure it won't hurt the other party TOO much. I think of the existing cast, Rusul is probably a lot more like Floyd or Ortho, both of whom I think he would get along with quite well (he would probably go out and mess with other people with them for funsies). Despite all of that, though, he still will put himself up on the line if someone else is gonna get hurt. I think he would like to live by the "confuse, don't abuse" motto when it comes to not only pranking his peers, but also just in his daily interactions with others as a whole.
Bottom line is: as concerned as Rusul is with keeping his own tail in tact, he knows his (and others') limits, and will NOT overstep those boundaries.
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chiaryanin2030 · 5 months
Hey Ryan, this is a weird question but I have some time on my hands, are there any courses or classes I can take to boost my self-confidence or mental well-being? ;PP
No worries, that is a really good question! One of the things that has greatly improved my confidence during my time in university was a mandatory course on communication. Although the course was tailored to communication for computing professionals, through insights that were given by the course tutor, I was surprised at how much good communication is related to mental wellness. In fact, communication actually ties into many of the things I have talked about on this blog.
Self-confidence and communication
In tense situations, out body enters a flight-or-fight response, which can cause our negative emotions, our fear, doubt and anxiety, to spiral out of control. This internal turmoil manifests in the derailment of your perfect presentation, an experience that I, for one, was very familiar with during that course.
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Pictured derailment, reused from my coursemates with permission
Communication cultivates your self-awareness
Here I have talked about the importance of self awareness, and how better knowing yourself can lead you to finding better ways to grow. So what does this have to do with communication? Part of being a better communicator is having good emotional intelligence. Before even being able to understand people, you need to first have good self awareness to know how your emotions and actions affect others!
By learning to become a better communicator, you are made to reflect on yourself and become cognizant of how you, and others see yourself.
Communication is a key to unlocking opportunities
I think that people really should owe it to themselves to try and practice good communication skills. When I started to take further supplementary classes in communication, dared to speak up more in project meetings, and become more assertive in my communication style, I felt a greater sense of empowerment and control over my life. On the other hand, in the places I have worked, I have found that there was no shortage of brilliant engineers, developers and managers that were unable to reach their fullest potential because they could not get along with the others there. It is quite sobering thought that world-changing ideas have no value when people are unable to get them across to others.
Not only does the ability to express yourself help you to make the most of your skills in the workplace, it's also a powerful tool to defeating stagnation and living a more fulfilled life.
TL;DR: Take a communications course. It does wonders for your mental health and self-esteem.
Eurich, T. (2018, January 4). What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It). Harvard Business Review. Retrieved April 22, 2024, from https://hbr.org/2018/01/what-self-awareness-really-is-and-how-to-cultivate-itGoleman, D., & Boyatzis, R. E. (2017, February 6).
Emotional Intelligence Has 12 Elements. Which Do You Need to Work On? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved April 22, 2024, from https://hbr.org/2017/02/emotional-intelligence-has-12-elements-which-do-you-need-to-work-on
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somewosoloverrr · 2 years
max x fem! Reader where yk when chrissy goes to eddies trailer in the first episode? Yeah reader is there and max sees reader talking to chrissy and thinks they are flirting n gets jealous then goes in her trailer but in reality reader n chrissy weren’t flirting nd reader was just comforting chrissy about something, reader then goes to maxs trailers just for max to be lowkey mad n shit, she tells reader how she’s jealous and they makeout or something idk sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 💀😕
Omg I love this, it makes sense dont worry :)) . Thanks for requesting <3
Btw requests are open if anyone wants to request :)
Max Mayfield x fem!r
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Tw: making out, brief mention of ed, drugs, verbal fight
You put your hands in the pockets of your jackets as you let out a breath which quickly condensates turning into a white vapor, it was chilly.
The basketball game had just finished and since your girlfriend didn’t go to it you decided to skip the party after it and instead go visit her.
You where walking through the trailer park you noticed Eddie’s van arrive, surprisingly he went to open the passengers door and Chrissy got off.
What the hell? Since when does Chrissy know Eddie.
You jogged a little to catch up to the pair “Chrissy!” you said gaining both of their attention as the quickly stopped.
Somewhere not to far in the trailer park Max also heard Eddie’s van arriving but then she heard her loved ones voice, y/n. Her interests were therefore peaked as she watched the interaction, you hung around the popular groups a lot so you and Chrissy were good friends. However Max always feared you and her were more than that so every interaction you had she tried to listen to it.
“Can I talk to you for a bit ?” You asked the cheerleader and she nodded in response but you noticed Eddie was still standing there so you added “Alone?”
And that’s when the Munson boy waved goodbye as he entered his trailer mumbling to Chrissy “come in when you’re done”
“You okay? Why are you here?” You worriedly questioned, Chrissy was like the queen, popular girl of the school. It was so odd to see her with Eddie, the outcast, the freak.
The girl opened her mouth to reply but didn’t say anything, she had a look of horror in her face and tears started forming in her eyes. “I- I’m honestly not doing too good y/n” she confessed as her voice slightly broke and a single tear escaped from her eye.
You quickly took your hand out of your pocket and wiped it and then put the same hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been having like- like these weird visions” the girl said as you nodded for her to go on “they’re like about the messed up stuff my mom has said…” Chrissy finished almost whispering as you sent a sad smile knowing what a bitch her mom was, which caused a huge eating disorder for your friend.
You then quickly pulled her in for a hug as she silently cried a bit and you whispered soothing words while caressing her back with your finger to calm her down.
After she was done crying and both of you were still hugging she started to explain “I’m just here to buy some weed, something to make it go away for a little while, please don’t tell anyone”
“I won’t tell anyone, just- I don’t think the solution is drugs Chris, just be careful” you replied as you squeezed her shoulders and stepped back so you both stopped hugging.
“Thanks y/n, I’ll be careful don’t worry” Chrissy thanked you as she kissed you cheek and started heading inside Eddie’s trailer . “Bye Chrissy “ you waved goodbye as you stood still, thinking about what Chrissy had said, you were worried for her, she was by far the nicest person you knew she didn’t deserve this bullshit.
Max who watched the whole interaction was fuming mad, she couldn’t make out what you were saying the whole time but for her it was pretty damn sure both of you were flirting, especially since Chrissy kissed your cheek goodbye. So she ran back to her trailer forcefully shutting the door which let out a loud bang.
You where still standing outside of Eddie’s trailer but the loud bang broke you out of your thoughts, you looked around to see where it came from but you shrugged as it was hard to see in the dark.
You then started walking rapidly towards your girlfriends trailer, you missed her even though you saw her a few hours ago.
As you approached her trailer you heard the tv on, so you hardly knocked on the door so Max could hear you.
Soon enough you hear your girlfriend shout “Come in” so you turned the knob to open the door and saw her getting something out of the fridge. Huh weird why didn’t she open the door for you if she was so close to it? You asked yourself but shrugged it off.
“Hey red” You greeted as you walked to her and gave her a peck on the cheek.
The girl didn’t reply and shut the fridges door harshly as she went to put herself some juice. She looked mad, like really mad. “What’s wrong?- Are you okay?” you worriedly asked not knowing what was happening to your girlfriend.
Max scoffed in reply while sarcastically smiling as she put the juice box down and turned to you, “What’s wrong? Really?!” She angrily yelled at you.
You shrugged your shoulders innocently, having no idea what was making her so mad.
“Oh my god!“ she exclaimed while rolling her eyes an pulling her head back, and that’s when you knew you were screwed every time she did that it was when someone messed up big time. “You’re so full of shit, I mean you were just FLIRTING with another girl and now you come up and kiss my cheek like nothings wrong! “
“What are you talking about ? I haven’t flirted with anyone Max!” You defended yourself getting a bit frustrated about Maxs accusations.
“Oh really so you’re playing innocent y/n, like I just didn’t see you a few second ago with Chrissy!” She once again raised her voice
You on the other hand tried to remain calm “I wants flirting with Chrissy, she’s only my friend okay? She’s going through a hard time right now, I was just comforting her.” you explained
“Do you really think I’m that naive, like you didn’t touch her face to almost lean in, or like you didn’t hug” she continued as she pointed a finger to your chest and started pushing you back “or like she didn’t kiss your fucking cheek!”
“What the fuck Max!” You shouted as your back hit the door, “how many times do I have to tell you that we’re just friends, okay infact best friends, I would never cheat on you!” You exclaimed somewhat mad but getting where she was coming from. The redhead didn’t reply still looking at you like she was pissed off.
“Just admit it, you’re jealous” you stated as you knew you were right
In return you girlfriend scoffed madly “I’m so not!”
“You so are!” You replied as you smirked, Max looked so hot when frustrated
“Am not!” She shouted back
“Come on… you know you ar-” you kept on insisting but the girl cut you off pressing her lips against yours roughly.
You kissed her back as she pushed you once again against the door, lips molded together as she kept a hand on your waist and the other on your cheek. You on the other hand put both of your arms around her neck. Soon you both ran out of breath so you broke the kiss, now foreheads touching.
“Okay, maybe I was little jealous..” max whispered avoiding your eyes so you put your hand below her chin pulling her head up to met your eyes.
“It’s okay Max, I love you and only you” you whispered back as the girl smiled and pecked your lips.
“I love you too y/n”
Thanks for reading love u guys <3 request are open if you want to request :)
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
Can you do a Eddie x male reader (or Gn or whatever floats ur boat)
So Eddie realised how everyone says that hellfire is a cult and decided to jokingly summon a demon (not thinking it would work) but it does and the demon is reader.
The next day,Eddie would have a demon (which looks human apart from the blatantly obvious horns and tail) follow him around in the halls,intimidating the fuck outta everyone-including hellfire
U do the rest lol
I changed it slightly because my plot worked a bit better like that, I hope that's ok!
Enjoy Eddie with a demon bf <3 (side note, i am looking for a potential beta reader, lmk if you're interested)
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Eddie was joking. He swears to whatever horrid gods were listening that he really was joking. Claiming he could summon demons was a joke. Buying some weird occult book was a joke. And following some dumb ritual in the middle of the woods was most certainly a joke.
And yet, here you stood. Tall, strangely strong looking, and intimidating as all hell.
Hearing the thoughts in his head (of varying quality), you chuckled. “Thank you.”
“You can hear that shit?!” He asked, pumping his fists and hopping around. “A fuckin’ demon! A whole ass demon!” He nearly tripped over a branch, managing to catch himself before laughing hysterically.
Usually, humans were… calmer. There was usually more bowing, maybe some crying and worshiping. This one, however, couldn’t be more excited.
He whipped around suddenly, messy hair following. It was dusk by now, though the forest’s clearing made way for the pinkish sky.
“Do I get a wish or something? Trade my soul for fame and talent?” He excitedly questioned.
You tilted your head. He really didn’t know who you were.
“My name is Y/n. Usually, I am only summoned by humans with more… expertise. If you wanted something small like ‘fame’, summon a lesser demon.” You snarled, slightly upset your time was wasted. He was cute, sure, but that didn’t mean you’d drop everything for a single summoning.
“So what do I ask you for then?!” He yelled, arms out.
You sighed, shaking your head. “Whatever it is you need. In exchange, I take you.”
“What, like, you take me to hell? Like a ‘tortured soul’ or something?” He waved his hands, attempting to make his voice quiver. “Pretty sure I was doing that anyway, man.”
You raised a brow. “No. I take you. As in you become mine. Usually as a spouse, though none stay after they die.”
The way he froze nearly made you laugh. It was a bit unexpected, truthfully. Humans were usually boring. Too much fear coursing through them for anything other than small talk. But this man, he stared you in the eyes.
Granted, it seemed there was a bit of lingering fear, but you mostly sensed excitement.
“Let me double check here, hot demon gives me whatever I want in exchange for dating me?” His eyes were so wide they looked like saucers, as if you’d told him the most confusing information possible.
“If that is how you’d like to word it.”
And that is exactly how Eddie Munson, Hawkin’s resident freak, ended up with a demon trailing behind him to school.
You hid your horns and tail from other humans, though demons always kept an intimidating aura. Usually it stopped any human from looking you in the eye, too terrified to approach. It didn’t stop Eddie though.
He’d paraded you around for a week or two now. He’d managed to convince you to attend Hawkins with him today, scaring the student body even more than they already were.
Currently, not only did he have demon protection on his side, but he was cruising with a B in every class (yes, most of it was you helping him, but he needed less help than he thought he did). He insisted A’s would be too suspicious.
“I mean, if they thought I was a freak before, wait ‘til they see me with you,” He laughed, leading you into the school. Most students backed away from you on sight. Though you were unphased, Eddie seemed to enjoy watching a few jocks turning away in fear.
“Hell yes,” He near squealed, leading you to the drama room.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask,” He mumbled, slowing down his walking speed a bit. “D’you know what DnD is?”
You opened your mouth to say that no, you didn’t know what it was, when you were interrupted.
“Recruiting another freak?”
A voice from behind you spoke, drawing both of your attention. A blonde man stood with his arms crossed, two equally boring looking men on either side. Each sported a letterman jacket, the same boring green all the jocks wore. Eddie’s thoughts echoed through your mind.
Jason, total asshole. The other guys are his friends.
That was really all you needed to know.
No, you didn’t get attached to humans very often. But everyone has their faults, right? Eddie even wanted to stay after he died, that was more than you could say for any of the others.
“What, nothing to say? You’re all usually all talk in the lunchroom,” Jason muttered, scoffing at Eddie.
Speaking of, the man had tensed next to you. He pulled off a smirk, making his body language as calm as he could, though you could still hear his thoughts. They were racing, trying to find the way that left him the least beat up.
You, on the other hand, had no such intentions. Who cared about the quickest way out? You could kill them in less than a second. Though Eddie wasn’t a fan of murder, so you refrained.
For now.
“It’d be easier if you left,” You warned. They couldn’t say you never did anything for them.
Jason turned to you with his brows furrowed. “I don’t even know who you are.”
You sighed. “That can be rectified.”
You looked at Jason, revealing your horns to him along with your tail. You saw him freeze immediately, staring at you with the same terror you expected.
He was mumbling something under his breath, probably a half-assed prayer.
Oh please, that won’t do anything.
Your words echoed through his head, sending him running from the area, shouting about how cursed Eddie was, and that his whole cult was doomed to hell.  His now extremely confused friends followed, yelling at him to wait for them.
You were about to turn around and continue on as normal when you heard hysterical laughing.
“Holy shit! That was fucking great! Did you see how he ran?!” Eddie gave a poor imitation of Jason, screaming added and all. Though you likely wouldn’t admit it to your hellbound friends, it made you laugh. Eddie always found a way to.
You let the illusion fall, leaving your horns and tail out to be fully seen. He dragged you into the club room, still going on about how funny it was to watch Jason run.
“Eddie you’re l…late.”
It was then Eddie remembered that he forgot to warn you about the club members, who were now staring at you, horns and tail out, demonic sigils fully present on you.
“I forgot to mention that, didn’t I,” Eddie murmured, though you weren’t sure who he was talking to.
“‘Forgot to mention’?! Is that a demon? Or some kind of Upside Down freak monster?” A black-haired kid question, staring at you in fear and awe.
“Riiiight,” Eddie said, wincing a bit. “Meet my boyfriend.”
“Your WHAT?!”
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i-write-boop-spoops · 3 years
N Harmonia Fluff Alphabet
One anon asked for an N fluff alphabet and another asked for just any N content, so I hope this sates you both!
Not proof read so rip me
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
Rather expectantly, N loves looking after Pokemon with you! Whether you’re playing with, feeding or tending to them, he really enjoys seeing you being so sweet and kind to cute little mons and giant scary monsters alike.
He also loves just snuggling up with you and playing with each other’s’ hair. He really cherishes that kind of gentle, intimate affection.
Other than that, he really enjoys doing mundane things with you, stuff like going grocery shopping, cleaning the house, gardening etc, even before you live together. There’s something very comforting about it.
Oh, and he loves dancing with you!
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
He admires your kindness obviously, but also your determination and resilience! He thinks you’re so strong, and in turn, it emboldens him too!
As for physical beauty? He loves your smile, even just a little quirk of your lips makes him so happy. It’s just so precious!
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
N isn’t the best at this kind of stuff, but he definitely tries his best to offer you support. Usually he just sits with you and lets you vent, or cry into his shoulder, often bringing a cute pokemon with him to cheer you up. He also likes bringing you on walks, hoping it might clear your head.
His words of affirmation, though few, are quite powerful, so you know he means them.
When he’s sad, he’d like to be treated in a similar fashion, just quiet support and cute Pokemon
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
N doesn’t really know how he wants his life to go, the only thing he’s certain of is that he wants to continue improving the relationships between humans and Pokemon, and that he wants to be with you for the rest of time.
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
Due to his lack of experience, he’s definitely more on the passive side, preferring to let you take the lead when it comes to dates and stuff. Though he has no problem asserting himself (gently) if he wants to do something else instead.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
N hates fighting with you, absolutely despises it, so he tends to avoid it when he can. Inevitably, like in all relationships, you end up in a few spats. He’s never mean to you, but he does try talk over you and has a habit of just walking out instead of working out the issue right away. Really he just goes for a walk to calm him down, and he’s usually back in an hour or two, but you probably don’t solve your disagreement until the next day.
He finds it quite easy to admit fault and apologise, so you don’t have to weasel a ‘sorry’ out of him. And due to his earnest nature, you know he means it.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
When N gives a gift, most of the time, he doesn’t even realise it. He just sees something he thinks you’d like and just gives it to you without a second thought. Usually it’s pretty flora or candy, occasionally it’s a plush. Sometimes you get gifts very often, sometimes it’s weeks, maybe months, between each present.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
N can be described as blissfully confused when in love. So soft and blushy and not totally sure what he’s feeling, but he sure does love it, and you. His Pokemon friends pick up on it immediately and root for the two of you.
Unintentionally brags. He just thinks you’re swell and tends to bring that up often, but he’s not trying to gloat.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
You seemed to handle that little joltik so carefully as you returned it to its mother galvantula, without an ounce of fear or malice in your eyes, and truly only kindness in your heart. It made him feel so at ease, like he had found a kindred spirit.
Not only was he right, he also found his soulmate too,
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
N doesn’t quite understand jealousy. Like, you love each other, what does he have to worry about? He likes your friends a lot, and he finds anybody who tries to flirt with you more annoying than anything else
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
At the beginning, N’s kisses are sweet but awkward, he’s so new to it, so he’s a bit afraid he might make a mistake. As your relationships progresses though, he becomes more comfortable and confident with it, and kisses reflect that, so soft and caring and full of meaning
I did a whole thing about N and kissing here
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
Really what doesn’t he love? It’s not that he puts you on a pedestal, he just genuinely finds you amazing and he loves you so much
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
N doesn’t feel the need to marry you, as long as you’re in love, that’s what matters to him, a piece of paper doesn’t make it any more valid than it is in his eyes.
That being said, if you want to get married, he’s down for it, but don’t expect anything sappy or traditional. No proposal, no huge event, just the two of you exchanging heartfelt vows at the courthouse, with matching rings.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He doesn’t really use nicknames, just the occasionally “Love” or “Dear”
On the flipside, he loves your nicknames for him. Some of his favourites are “Cutie”, “Sweetie”, “Greenie” and “Nat”
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
While I wouldn’t say N is an open book, he doesn’t really hide things from you. He tells you how he feels without much fanfare, and you’re made aware of his past quite early on, even before you started dating.
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
N’s actually pretty good at cooking, and tends to cook pretty often, especially when you’re on the road together. His meals are simple and comforting, sometimes spicy, lots of soups and curries and rice.
Since he’s vegetarian, he prefers to cook for the two of you instead of going out, since most restaurants don’t have great options for him. That being said, if you find a place with a good menu, he’s totally down to take you there.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
N does not understand the concept of BS, so you don’t have to worry about playing weird mind games to find out what he really wants. As a result, your relationship is quite chill
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Again, he’s not traditionally romantic, but he does care about you quite a lot and loves making you smile. And while it doesn’t say “I love you” very often, he means it, and that is a lot more valuable than any serenade or flower bouquet
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
If you play with his hair, he’s out like a light. While he’s cuddles are lax and loose when he’s awake, he hugs you like a teddy when he’s fast asleep.
His sleep routine is shit though.
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
N loves the cosiness of domestic mundanity, so it’s safe to say he likes to play it, well, safe. It gives him a sense of comfort and stability that he really appreciates.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Through being with you, N learns to be more attentive and emotional (in a healthy way), and to appreciate humans even more. He also feels more human too.
While you already loved Pokemon, he makes you see how truly amazing and special they are, and treat them even better than you did before.
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
Your relationship is very important to him, but deep down, you know his love for Pokemon trumps his love for you. Though it never causes an issue with you
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Likes to make matching flower crowns for the two of you and whatever Pokemon you’’re with at the time!
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
N loves fluttery kisses and really tender hugs and cuddles, ones when you’re loosely tanged together and gently stroking each other’s skin.
He is not a PDA person at all, besides holding your hand and the occasional kiss. Some of it is shyness, but it’s mostly because he doesn’t feel the need to prove your relationship to anyone. He doesn’t use affection lightly.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
He’s pretty okay on his own, since he’s quite used to it, but he does still miss you a lot. He finds comfort in things that remind you of him, a certain scent, a flower, a sound, even a Pokemon, it makes him feel like you’re with him
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)
N doesn’t have any pets, mainly because he thinks Pokemon are friends. How many Poke-friends does he have? Too many for even him to count. My man radiates serious Disney Princess energy with the way Pokemon seem to flock to him.
That being said, he’s not against good people having Pokemon as pets, so if you have pokemon, you know he’ll be the best dad to them ever.
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