#does archer even like wine.
theladysunami · 2 months
Many other people have already posted their thoughts on the various peaks of Cang Qiong Mountain sect, so I figure I might as well throw my own thoughts and preferred headcanons out there.
First, my thoughts on the peaks we know exist but don't know much about in terms of their specialties:
Xian Shu Peak: Textiles Peak
This is my favorite headcanon for the all women's peak! The textiles industry is a big part of Chinese history, and was traditionally considered to be women's work, so it would only make sense for it to be Xian Shu Peak's peak specialty. It's not just one specific skill either, as spinning, weaving, dying, garment making, embroidery, rope/cord-making, etc. are all a part of the industry.
As they are a cultivation peak, I expect some of the products of their work to be defensive robes with talismans or incantations stitched into the fabric, Qiankun bags or sleeves, spirit trapping pouches, etc. If rope making is included in their preview, they could also be involved in making immortal binding cables, nets, and so forth.
Ku Xing Peak: Rites, Rituals and Purification Peak
We don't know much about Ku Xing Peak except that they live an aesthetic lifestyle. As it's common for individuals to take on certain aspects of aestheticism (simple clothes, restricted diets, abstinence, etc.) before engaging in many types of rituals, I'm inclined to believe a peak that practices aestheticism at all times would be particularly well suited for such tasks.
I tend to imagine their peak being similar to the Gusu Lan Clan, minus the music aspect (music being Qing Jing's purview). They could specialize in things like summoning spirits, communing with the dead, dispelling resentment, exorcisms, purifying objects or locations, properly laying the dead to rest, etc.
Since SVSSS predominantly focuses on demons, not ghosts, it's only natural a peak that deals more in spiritual cleansing and laying the dead to rest wouldn't be involved in the plot much.
Zui Xian Peak: Potions and Elixers Peak
While lot of fanfics make jokes about Zui Xian being a peak for alcoholics (which is completely fair, as this is the dick joke filled world of SVSSS we're talking about), my first thought upon learning of Zui Xian Peak's specialty was the immorality granting heavenly wine in the Journey to the West. Looking into the matter more, I've since learned that wine has actually been a huge part of Chinese medicine since the Han Dynasty. The traditional character for medicine even includes the radical for wine!
With this kind of precedent, it seems only logical that Zui Xian Peak doesn't merely make alcohol for social and/or enjoyment purposes, it's quite likely to be the ‘external alchemy’ peak of Cang Qiong Mountain. I expect they grow and process at least some of their own herbs and ingredients, along with performing other alcohol and potion making tasks like brewing, distilling, extracting, fermenting, filtering, infusing, and so on.
Next, my thoughts on what the three mystery peaks might be:
I am not going to try and name these peaks, as I struggle with naming things even in my own native tongue.
Hunting, Trapping and Scouting Peak
Having read MDZS before SVSSS, I found the distinct lack of archery in SVSSS to be quite peculiar. As the peak of scholars and strategists, I suppose it's only logical Qing Jing Peak focuses on the four scholarly arts (the guqin, strategy games, calligraphy, and painting), rather then the six arts of Confucian gentlemen (rites, music, archery, equestrianism, calligraphy, and mathematics), but that does leave several ‘arts’ free to be claimed by other peaks! This inspired me to think up a hunting and scouting peak, where disciples excel at archery and equestrianism.
Since mounted archers became a significant aspect of Chinese warfare in the 4th century BC, thanks to King Wuling of Zhao, I'd say having cultivators of this sort in a Xianxia setting is perfectly reasonable. Giving Cang Qiong Mountain sect scouts also nicely fills the gap in their martial capabilities. Without this peak they have strategists, weapon craftsman, ground troops, and suppliers, but no reconnaissance forces!
I also consider this peak to be the rough equivalent of the ‘Beast Taming Peak’ so many works are fond of. Who else could breed and control hundreds of spirit eagles for the Immortal Alliance Conference but a group of cultivators focused on scouting missions? As supernaturally superior mounts and spirit (hunting) dogs would be incredibly helpful to them, they'd likely engage in horse and dog breeding programs as well! Their skill as hunters and trappers would also permit them both to provide game for Cang Qiong Mountain sect, and to aid in the rounding up of various living monsters for both alchemical ingredient harvesting and for releasing at events like the Immortal Alliance Conference.
In summary, this peak would produce disciples skilled at equestrianism, archery, falconry, animal husbandry, scouting, herb gathering, hunting, trapping, etc. For anyone familiar with D&D, I did basically make a Ranger peak here, but I stand by that decision!
Artifacts, Arrays and Invention Peak
Every time I read a work with some variation on the "Mad Scientist Peak" I adore it, so naturally I have to include this type of peak as well. This peak would be for the Wei Wuxians of the cultivation world, hoping to revolutionize cultivation society!
Their focus would be mathematics, spell geometry, arrays, talismans, non-medicinal alchemy (aka ancient materials science), engineering and of course artifact recovery, study and creation. The crystal mirror ‘surveillance equipment’ from the Immortal Alliance Conference? These guys would be the ones that developed it!
Agriculture, Earthworks and Architecture Peak
While I admittedly don't know the nuances of feng shui, I am at least aware there is far more to it then what you usually see in western depictions. In MDZS, it's noted that an area having bad feng shui (like Yi City) can cause premature death, disaster, and an increase in all sorts of nasty supernatural phenomena! With this in mind, a peak that focuses on connecting to and harmonizing with one's environment seems perfect for the final Cang Qiong Mountain peak.
I don't imagine this peak doing much of the actual building in the sect (that's An Ding's job) but when it comes to designing the sect's buildings, or altering its geography through earthworks, they're the ones to talk to. I also see them as producing at least some of the sect’s food supply, using their skills to encourage a positively supernatural abundance of plants.
In short, disciples of this peak would be skilled with things like architecture, earthworks, geography, topography, irrigation, agriculture, element manipulation, etc.
If SVSSS’s heavenly realms have anything akin to TGCF’s elemental masters, there is probably an unusually high chance they come from this peak.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 8 months
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Part 4
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Pairing: Thranduil x Fem. Reader (Elf/Noldor |Third Person POV)
Themes: Minor angst | Soft-ish ending
Warnings: Alcohol use | Weapons use | Injuries | Betting
Wordcount : 2.1k words
Summary: During the feast of Mereth Nuin Giliath, Thranduil tries to apoligize for hurting y/n
Minors DNI
A/n the previous chapters can be found here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Thranduil POV
Mereth Nuin Giliath began as it always did, with evening prayers after the first star for the night was seen.
Thranduil, garbed in silks of pale blue with a crown fashioned to look like glittering stars sitting amidst his hair, walked just behind his father as he led the procession to Varda’s shrine. The lamps had been dimmed, and the candles had been snuffed out. All the windows were opened to the night sky, and starlight slowly flowed in.
It was a somber affair, to be sure, and long and tedious. Still, Thranduil willingly played his role in all that was required of him and conducted himself in a manner befitting a crown prince during the rituals.
Once the solemnity of this affair is over, he reminded himself, the merrymaking can truly begin.
And the solemn affair did come to an end, much to the quiet relief of many involved. Then the elves poured out of the shrine and walked in twos and threes and more, making their way past lofty halls and vaulted ceilings and into the grounds that had been prepared for the evening’s contests.
The braziers had already been lit by the time Thranduil took his place by his father’s side in the gallery while the others took their places on the field. Then he looked around for y/n. The maid was standing behind them all with a pitcher of wine in hand. She startled and turned her gaze toward her feet when she found the prince’s eyes resting on hers. The sleeves of her new livery reached up to her wrists, but he was certain the bruise that had been an inadvertent gift of his was still there.  
“You stare at her, my son,” Oropher remarked, though not harshly. “May I ask why?”
“No reason, father,” Thranduil returned and turned to face the field again, his voice perfectly calm. Deep within, he was haunted by feelings of guilt.
The king studied him keenly for a while. “The maid is quite fetching, I grant you,” he allowed, albeit rather reluctantly. “But do not allow yourself to grow too attached to the likes of her. She is one of them, after all.”
It was Thranduil’s turn to startle. Does he truly think I am drawn to her? He thought. Does he not know what happened?
Feren had assured him—after expressing his disappointment with the prince’s behavior, of course—that no one in the kitchens had been the wiser. Y/n had not uttered a word of what took place in the gardens that day.
“I am not attached to her, my lord,” he replied. And he had to reply. His father was waiting on an answer. “There is no cause for you to worry on that score.”
Oropher, gratified, nodded. Then the master of revels came forth, and the first of the contests began in earnest.
It was a mock battle, and it was fought on soil that had hardened due to a late autumn frost. The elves that took part protected themselves with shields and armor and blunted swords, and yet, more than one fell to the earth, crying out from pain. Cheers and loud gasps followed each blow and each loss, and healers stood nearby to aid those in need of them.  
While elves fought and laughed and cursed out on the field, beneath canopies of green and gold velvet, food and wine flowed freely for those who watched. The stars burned brightly that night, as if the Star-Kindler herself was watching the spectacle taking place beneath the night sky. Thranduil, however, did not savor the magic of the night. He paid little heed to the rousing cheers that greeted those who did well, and the encouragement shouted down to those that fared poorer. He did not see the last warrior stand to accept their victory, the archers that took the field after a series of targets were neatly arranged at the far end of the field, the courtiers who parted with their jewels or the others who readily accepted purses full of gold coins. All he did see was the maid going from noble to noble, pouring wine and clearing dishes whenever it was asked of her, without saying a word in return.  
“Y/n,” Thranduil called softly before he could stop himself. “Wine, if you please.”
She obeyed and came to him. He watched her discretely, how her hands trembled even as she poured more wine for him. Then her sleeve shifted ever so slightly, and the bruise came into view. Thranduil kept his composure. He felt his father’s eyes on him.
“My thanks,” he replied, then turned his attention to the two remaining contestants. Feren and Angon were all that remained of the archers, and the next few moments would decide who would be the victor.
A hush settled upon the field, and the throng went silent. Angon was the first to nock his arrow. He took a deep breath, and then took aim. When he breathed out again, the arrow flew toward its target, and everyone watched, breathless. A soft thud was heard. The arrow nearly found its mark.
“A fraction too far from the center,” Oropher observed to his son. “But I wonder if it is close enough.”
“Feren still has to take a turn, father,” Thranduil replied. “Anything can happen.”  
They waited with bated breath while a herald called Feren to come forth. Thranduil’s steward took his position, nocked his arrow, and breathed in. When he exhaled, the arrow flew true to its aim, and all who had gathered erupted into thunderous applause when the arrow struck the target in the center.
“A pity we did not hold a wager, you and I,” Thranduil smiled, rising.
“A king does not partake in wagers, not even with his son." Oropher’s steely eyes glinted with amusement. “Come. It is time we rewarded the victors and prepared ourselves for the feast.”
While the service of prayers was a somber affair, the feast itself was not. Minstrels walked from table to table strumming harps and playing viols and flutes, while servants brought forth dishes of quail and venison and boar roasted in honey and herbs. There were heaping platters of cheese and pears and wild berries and apples and apricots, with golden flagons of wine and ale and mead for anyone who had a thirst for it. Many of those present ate and drank their fill. Some drank more than they should, and they gathered together in groups of threes and more to sing vulgar tunes that would have made even the bawdiest sailors amongst the Edain blush.
His father saw no harm in such amusements. He would have participated in them as well, had he not been king. More than once, Thranduil caught him drumming his fingers against the table and humming along to songs that caught his particular attention. Then he made his excuses and left the dais, and Thranduil watched while his father stopped by one table or the other to speak with their guests. The prince joined him not long after and waited his turn to be introduced to those he had never met before, unwed maidens in particular.
Father still clings to the hope of my wedding and producing an heir, Thranduil thought with affection. Ever since he attained the age of majority, his father spoke to him about prospective brides and encouraged him to form friendships with them. And while the prince was ever willing to indulge his father where friendships were concerned, he practiced greater caution when it came to his choice of bride.
I will make my own way when it comes to marriage, Thranduil thought to himself. And after I have finished establishing a household for myself. 
That household was a vast cave system north of Amon Lanc, and the work to make it a suitable home for a crown prince was nearly complete. His father encouraged it, thinking it was high time his son established a proper home for himself.
“Will you stay for the dancing, my lord?” A nobleman inquired of Oropher.
“Alas, my featherbed calls,” Oropher replied in jest. “And I fear that for tonight, I must answer it.”
The others laughed softly, then bowed when the king took his leave of them and retired to his chambers for the night. Thranduil remained. He returned to his seat on the dais, his golden hair limned by the flickering light of clear, amber lamps. Then the music changed, and the singing stopped. The time for dancing had come.
The prince had to leave his place a second time and he joined the others, graciously asking one lady to dance with him before turning to another after the music stopped and partners changed. His eyes widened like anything when Angon finally mustered the courage to ask Nitiel to dance with him in full view of his mother and father, and he quickly turned the other way when the general found him looking and flushed all over.
So it has happened, Thranduil realized after seeing thin bands of silver gleaming around their fingers. He has finally made the lady his wife. But will his mother and father accept his choice?
If Angon’s mother and father were displeased by their son’s brazen act, they did not show it. They simply rose and joined the others in dancing and exchanging pleasantries with their son’s lady. Then he became distracted by the sight of Feren walking toward the few remaining servants that had gathered at one end of the feasting hall. His steward approached y/n and then asked her to dance with him. Perhaps it was out of pity, as many of the others had been asked to dance. Or perhaps, he simply asked out of kindness. Either way, it did not alter the fact that Feren asked the lady to dance with him, and she, after a great deal of reluctance, agreed.
Thranduil gracefully led his own companion on more than one turn around the hall, but his eyes were on Feren and y/n most of the time. The maid proved to be a skilled dancer, and she followed Feren’s steps with great ease. When the music changed, partners changed, and whenever a change took place, Thranduil found y/n dancing with Angon, and then Galion, and then Elros, a wet-behind-the-ears elf who pledged himself to the king’s service only a turn of the moon ago. The elf’s countenance was bruised; he was one of the unfortunate warriors to take a blow to the face during the mock battle.
The music changed again, and this time y/n danced a turn with Amdír. The king of Lórien was a splendid dancer, and he made her laugh more than once. It was the first time Thranduil heard her laugh, and he shivered despite himself. Then, when the music changed for the final time, the prince himself had to dance a turn with y/n.
“My lady,” he bowed, for all eyes were on them now. “Would you do me the honor?”
“I… Of course, my lord,” y/n returned, and she dipped to her knees in a deep curtsy. When the music started, she placed her hand in his, and they danced in a circle around the floor.
While kindness or perhaps pity drove Feren to ask y/n to dance, shame over his own conduct led Thranduil to talk.
“You dance uncommonly well, my lady. Was it your mother who taught you how to dance?”
“My father… my lord. My mother… she said that was how father caught her eye. By how good he was with dancing.”
“I see,” Thranduil commented. “And how do you find life in Amon Lanc, my lady? Is it to your liking?”
Y/n was startled. “I do not understand my lord. Has… has someone said something? Has the king said something?”
She was frightened; it would have been plain to anyone who saw.
“No one has said anything against you,” he said softly in an effort to dispel her fears. “I merely wish to know if you are happy here.”
“I… I suppose I am happier here,” she replied.   
“Good,” Thranduil said. Then he felt her palm against his. It trembled. The hand resting on his other arm shook even as he held her steady. “Are you afraid of me?”
She was quick to shake her head and declare otherwise. Thranduil was not fooled, however, and whispered, “You are afraid of me. And I know my own actions have led you to fear me. Please, allow me to make amends for my behavior.”
“Why?” She asked after a while, in great confusion. “You are the crown prince of this great realm. I am Noldor, and I am the daughter of a kinslayer. Why would you even wish to do such a thing?”
Why indeed. Thranduil did not understand why the notion of asking for forgiveness entered his thoughts, only that it was there and that he would know no peace until he did.
“I do not know myself,” he confessed. “All I do know is that I truly desire to make amends for my behavior from before. Please grant me the opportunity to do so.”
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tags: @deadlymistletoe @lemonivall @coopsgirl @tigereyesf @thranduilseyebrows​ @cupids-got-me​ @jane0error @asianbutnotjapanese
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volterran-wine · 11 months
Soooo, I read that u went to see Taylor's new movie... does that mean volterran wine is a fellow swiftie? 💅 And can I please request volturi with lyrics from Taylor?? like what fits best?? Love ur blog 💜
• — 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 & 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐋𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬
While this is a crossover I usually would not indulge, Volterran Wine cannot deny that Miss Swift has wrecked her teenage years, her twenties and probably will continue doing so in her thirties.
So dearest Anonymous, I will humour you this time and give my opinion on what lyrics of Miss Swift would suit our vampires the best.
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𝐀𝐫𝐨: "I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis." — Anti Hero.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: "All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put me together again." — The Archer
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬: "You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?" — Exile.
𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚: "You see, all the wisest women had to do it this way, cause' we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game." — Mastermind.
𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚: "And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that." — this is me trying.
𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐲𝐦𝐞: "She would've made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head." — Champagne Problems.
𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢: "The more that you say, the less I know. Wherever you stray, I follow. I'm begging you to take my hand - wreck my plans, that's my man." — Willow.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: "There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair." — The Great War.
𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞: "They're burning all the witches even if you aren't one, so light me up." — I Did Something Bad.
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜: "You're on your own, kid. You always have been." — You're On Your Own, Kid.
𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐢: "When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breath." — Clean.
𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚: "I didn't have it in myself to go with grace. And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves." — my tears ricochet.
𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧: "There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen" — the last great american dynasty.
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐚: "When I walk in the room I can still make the whole place shimmer." — Bejeweled.
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧: "I tried to pick my battles 'til the battle picked me." — Long Story Short.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐨: "I'm dancin' on my own, I make the moves up as I go" — Shake it Off.
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lesbianlanarcher · 11 months
Archer x Reader Halloween Headcanons
another year without any archer halloween content, so i'm making my own!
credit to @lovingwanda for the idea :)
How Halloween plans would go with each of my fave characters!
"Batman and Catwoman? Really? Isn't that, like, as basic as you can stoop?"
Halloween, like all festivals, is an excuse for Sterling to get shit-faced. More so than usual, so he's game for whatever dumbassery you've got in mind... plus his own.
More likely than not, he'll wanna go to a strip club. Practically insists on it and whines like a little kid until you give in and agree.
"What? I've never been to a strip club for Halloween. Are you gonna deny me of hot vampire tits now? After you coerced me into this ridiculous outfit? Wow..."
If you got him drunk enough, he'd agree to dress up as whatever you want him to. He might grumble and say you're demeaning him by sticking a pair of bunny ears on his head, but, secretly, he's enjoying it. Plus, those ears attract a lot of attention so... he's basking in it. But he won't tell you that. He can see your little smirks and smiles, but he's so totally not lapping all of it up. No, he's embarrassed! Sooooo embarrassed that he's having suuuuuch a good time with you.
As for trick or treating? As much as he wants to go out and get free candy from strangers, he recognises that he's far too old for such a thing. However, he absolutely will drag you out to "chaperone" AJ and her friends when they go out trick or treating. And takes a 40% cut for looking after them. Then, uses you as a scapegoat when Lana finds out about it. Obviously.
"Slutty nun is kinda on the nose, no? Also, who told you about that?"
Halloween is a little... overwhelming for Lana. The very idea makes her uneasy, which is ironic for the absolute force she is in and out of the field.
She wants AJ to have a good time, of course, but there's a lot going on with all the mayhem of trick or treating and running about the streets of New York at night. And the fact there are people dressed as murdererous psychopaths, covered in blood etc. Well, that sends her already worrying brain into overdrive.
"Is this a good idea? I mean, everyone does it. Trick or treating. So... yeah... fine... right? Maybe you should come with me. No. You should definitely come with me. AJ would appreciate it too."
She's not one for partying until the sun rises, but she'll indulge in some of the festivities like staying at home, sharing a bottle of wine with you, and answering the door for other trick or treaters once you've both done the rounds with AJ. She leans into the whole domestic mom thing even more and dresses up in matching outfits with you! (whether that's slutty or savoury is up to you...)
Steadily throughout the night, she does get more and more pissed off, though. The constant getting up to answer the door, hearing the same phrase screamed at her over and over, and the general lack of quiet agitates her to no end. Still, she'll try her best not to blow a fuse since she knows how much you enjoy Halloween. She can, after all, be very caring.
"I swear to god, if you don't come up with an original idea for a costume, I'm blowing the building up."
Halloween is one of Zara's favourite holidays, if not her number one favourite. She wants to do it ALL, and she's taking you as her prisoner for the night.
First on the checklist (yes, she made an itinerary, it's that serious) are couple costumes. She already has it planned out, you don't get a say in it, she knows your measurements, she's bought you a custom costume and you WILL wear it.
"Aww, see? You look adorable, like I knew you would. Now, smile for the camera."
Then, the night unfolds as such : carving pumpkins, apple bobbing (look it up), witch hat ring toss, Halloween scavenger hunt, and ending the festivities off by rolling around a bar until some truly unholy hours.
She used to go trick or treating a lot as a kid, but she's definitely outgrown that now. However, she always makes sure she has sweets to give the kids who knock on her door. She won't admit it, but seeing all the little kids in their adorable costumes is her favourite part of it all.
"You call that scary? What are you? Five years old? I was reciting Suspiria when I was five, not Hocus frickin' Pocus!"
Halloween for Cheryl imbues her with an especially sinister energy. She's already crazy as it is, but tonight? Watch out.
Due to her strange, eccentric upbringing, she never really had the chance to go trick or treating like a regular, non-billionaire child. She doesn't get the appeal and she has absolutely zero desire to get free candy that was – in her words – bought from a store (the dollar store) she wouldn't set foot in even if she were dying of a disfiguring disease and it housed the only cure on Earth.
"God, that really is a pathetic attempt of a costume. Like, did you even try? A month? This took you a month to put together? Why do you even bother?"
All being said, she will spend her Halloween with you, provided you do exactly what she wants.
That includes : sitting through the most fucked up films you've ever had the misfortune of watching, using a oujia board (since she thinks those are fun and doesn't take your cautioning against 'doing it properly' serious), only saying "trick" to all the kids who knock on her door and laughing in their faces when they don't know what to do, and listening to all her crazy conspiracy theories at 3AM because she refuses to go to sleep and you're now too scared to.
"I do not get it... You want me to dress up as... тыква?"
Halloween for Katya is a foreign concept since it's not a widely celebrated holiday in Russia, but she is curious about it.
Most of what she knows has come from various western films, a little from what you've told her, and a little from Sterling. Although, he was mainly talking about the vampire tits at the strip club which wasn't all that useful. So, when you have your first Halloween with her, she's both excited and only slightly confused.
"This costume is scratchy and poorly made. Where did you say you got it from? Spirit? Well, there was absolutely no spirit put into the production of this polyester abomination, I tell you that."
She would love to experience what it's like to go trick or treating, but when you tell her that it's only for kids, she gets super frowny and demands you take her anyway. Which you do 'cause are you really gonna say no to her?
So, when you inevitably end up in a crowded bar, slurping Halloween themed cocktails, she agrees and says trick or treating is for kids... but she lets you in on her candy haul nonetheless.
"Fuck yeah! Weirdest but hottest couples costume award here we come!"
Halloween, much like Zara, is basically a holy holiday for Pam. Up there with no socks day.
Your agenda is simple : dress up good and drink even better. It's an absolutely foolproof plan.
"You want me to carve a pumpkin? Right now? After I had, like, seven of these scare-o jell-o shots? Alright. Gimme the knife."
Something that surprises you is to find out just how incredible her special effects makeup skills are. She can give you a gnarly gash on your face like it's nothing. That open zip wound thing? Yeah, she can do that too. A pus-filled boil? Pam's your guy. Any gory thing you can think of, she's got you covered.
Once you're done letting her decorate you with some truly horrible looking injuries, you spend the rest of the night at her place, watching horror films, knocking back those aforementioned scare-o jell-o shots that she prepared earlier, and having a damn good time until you both pass out on the couch.
so... yeah! that was all very silly n self-indulgent, hence why i only did my faves. if you want me to come up with stuff like this for other characters or anything else for any character, inbox me! and happy halloween!
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 month
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
My most cringe prompt: Instead of modern age, the FSN Servants (somehow) got summoned in the Paleothilic, where their Masters are "UNGA BUNGA" people. Like imagine if Saber can't understand what Shirog (Caveboy Shirou) saying. Only Heracles understands caveman language.
(WARNING: MAJOR FSN SPOILERS for people just reading it now) So according to Nasu & Co., Shirou has a very low chance of becoming Archer in any route, the least in HF, with future installments implying that he could become EMIYA Alter instead via Mind of Steel ending in that route. But that does mean it's theoretically possible somewhere in the multiverse. Therefore, I'd like to see an UBW "Bad Ending" where Shirou, after years in spite of Rin at his side, becomes Archer. (Saber can be there too if you want but please keep emphasis on Shirou and Rin's dynamic.) Shirou: Become everything you swore to never be. Question if destiny can truly not be overcome. Your girlfriend begins to recognize parts of the man you never wanted to be in you and her treatment of you shifts accordingly. How do you handle any of that? How do you live with yourself and with knowing what fate awaits you? How does Rin cope with everything? What are the first signs, how well does she handle seeing Shirou slowly turn into her former servant? Knowing Archer asked her to help him and she failed? Is maybe a part of her even happy about it because she misses Archer? Just... Post-UBW Shirou turning into Archer.
(Kinda take in the HF route) Shirou Emiya just arrives at the Gate of Hell after his death due to destroy the Grail. His body was the same as the day he was born (no clothes). Shirou, like many other naked souls just arrived at Lake Acheron, waiting for Charon the ferryman to ferry them. While Shirou has ignore the cries of the souls from the Vestibule of Hell and the ones on the same boat with him. There is one cry that he heard: It was Shinji, who was punished in the 3rd ring of the 7th Circle. (Basically a Shirou meets Shinji again in Hell). Kirei Kotomine is Hell's tour guide, and Shirou gets to beat Shinji up for what he did to Sakura.
M!Hakuno/Nameless (EMIYA, Archer, insert your name of choice here) Something. Please. (If NSFW, bonus points for Top Hakuno, but I'm not picky)
Fate Apocrypha but everyone has a mustache.
Achilles and Odysseus having a very romantic day at an amusement park.
Gudako/Mashu cuddle?
Woodwose and Boggart screams because they're slept together on the same bed at the morning. (Mainly due to the wines they drank last night)
Middle school Guda and Mori Nagayoshi meeting for the first time in an All Boys' Only MIddle School. (OC2 prompt)
smut, yakudou cnc/ntr play. One of them gets tied up in a corner and is forced to watch while the other "assault" the third one, bragging about how good it feels to fuck them, how the other clearly WISHES they could partake, making fun of both the "assaulted" and the rope bunny for getting turned on by the situation, ect. No preference as to who plays which part.
age gap, mash/roman as a ship. can be anything from "mash has a one-sided crush that roman gently turns down" to "roman being the only person to show affection to this homunculus is taken to its logical grooming extreme." All I ask of you is to not make it a sweet unproblematic ship. It's a fucked up dynamic I wanna see the fucked up dynamic.
nsfw, Ritsuka sandwiched between both Dantes (NSFW) (preferred if ritsuka was gender neutral)
I reaaally want to see a fic where gudao and mash end up in a romantic relationship... because that's the natural course of action, right? A boy and a girl, as close as they are, surely it HAS to be for romance reasons, right? What they're feeling for each other MUST be romantic love, right??? (you get an extra kiss on the forehead if you make one/both of them realize they're queer along the way. Could be they're both gays. Could be that Mash is straight but Gudao realizes she's a trans girl. Could be that one of them is aro. Whatever you want!)
age gap, Mash and Goredolf. Stuck in a room you can't leave unless you have sex. (You don't actually have to include sex if you don't want to, mostly I REALLY want to see those two grappling with the whole "I wouldn't in a million year consider you a romantic option and yet here we are.")
Olga Marie going through the Grand Order with Ritsuka and Mash and getting hit on by at least one Servant per Singularity. Yes that includes the events.
Iori realizes theyre trans. I dunno what this would change, if anything, but it happens and at the very least it results in a thumbs up from Rogue Berserker.
Nasuversekinkmeme as a Master. (The entire blog, obviosuly)
The nasukinkmeme mod as a fate servant
My request is... self inserts!! I want you guys to draw/write yourselves as servants. What's your class ? Whose servant would be your homies? How well would you fair in a holy grail war? Cringe culture is dead, go buckwild!!
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hips-like-battleships · 3 months
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And here's my second Tav, my best baby boy, who I am currently very close to finishing my tactician mode run on. He is just Tav (said with very "I'm just Ken" energy). He only wears clothes I've dyed mellow fruit die colors because he is a sentient wildberry poptart. He looks like Nigel Thornberry. I love him I love him I love him.
He is swords bard archer build, and my baby can do some damage. Primary instrument is the lute, but he can tinker around on anything. He is the annoying guy playing Wonderwall at the campsite. Except if you try and go talk to him about it (please god play anything else?!) he ends up hitting you so hard with the rizz all of a sudden you are singing along. how did that even happen?!
He has a good heart and mostly good intentions, but he will charm and deceive when he needs to get his way. Prefers not to intimidate except when something he really loves is on the line. Also money please. Pay him thank you he needs wine and fancy clothes.
Astarion love interest. And, well. Astarion did try to stab him immediately upon their first meeting. And then the next serious conversation they had, Tav let Astarion bite him. He just rolled right over and showed him that puppy belly.
Which I think Astarion finds CONFOUNDING. Why does this little freckly ginger man trust him so much? Doesn't he know Astarion is bad and will hurt him?
And Tavvy just keeps on trusting. Every time.
Happy as always to entertain bg3/Tav related asks, fic requests, etc!
Photos again by @mynthara.
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ritens · 2 months
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name: Raures
nicknames: Rau, Shark age: 123 race: elf gender: cis man orientation: homosexual zodiac: doesn’t even have a set birthday. capricorn probably moral alignment: lawful good class/subclass: archer, mage background: Comes from an elvish family who moved away from the embrace of the Arbor to pursue a more noncommital lifestyle. Lost parents to the dragon in Melve, became Arisen by attempting to protect them. Adopted a feral pawn. Got manipulated by said pawn and lost Arisen status as a result. Vibes in a forest shack and tries to bridge the gap in the relationship with this pawn now (who for some reason isn't leaving him despite having no obligations to him). interests/hobbies: fishing, basket weaving, hunting game, various household chores (gives a sense of belonging) spoken languages: elvish, common tongue among humans profession: hunter & handyman height: 190cm colors: lettuce green, beach sand yellow, ice blue fruits: pear, apricots drinks: birch tree juice alcoholic beverages: apple cider, raspberry wine smokes: no drugs: no drivers license: i don't think that’s a thing in this universe ever been arrested: no
name: Leander
nicknames: Lane, Laney, Shrimp age: 40+ race: pawn gender: cis man orientation: homoromantic asexual zodiac: his bday 10th of may, but he’s more of a pisces tbh moral alignment: true neutral class/subclass: thief background: Created by an Arisen in a different world and time. Killed this Arisen when bestowal of spirit poured negative personality traits onto him before any good ones. For decades he served many arisen as a support pawn without a home to return to. Clings to current Arisen Rau like his life depends on it because it does. Knows how things end for Rau and tries to prevent it because he’s seen it all before in another world under a different Rau. interests/hobbies: bread, art, studying wildlife, trying everything out at least once spoken languages: elvish, common tongue among humans profession: thief height: 157 cm colors: worn black,  fruits: balloon berry, blackberry drinks: water with fruit alcoholic beverages: no smokes: no drugs: no drivers license: could steal an oxcart ever been arrested: yes. for serial bread stealing. and murder.
Tagged by @sangre & @arisenreborn; thank you! tagging nobody. I’m sure most if not all have already been tagged-
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snowysakusa · 10 months
going down the brocedes rabbit hole pretty quickly, so i decided to make a taylor swift playlist-
can i call this a brocedes fic with taylor swift lyrics? cause it kinda is just that... anyway lets get down to it.
okay how about:
invisible string Cornelia Street Sweet Nothings Maroon champagne problems tolerate it coney island peace exile All Too Well (10 Min) The Archer The Great War Say Don't Go this is me trying You're Losing Me my tears ricochet Breathe Is It Over Now? The Way I Loved You I Bet You Think About Me Now That We Don't Talk
Here's the 'story'
1. invisible string / like a prologue (lewis' version perhaps)
Time, curious time Gave me no compasses, gave me no strings Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All long there was some Invisible string Tying you to me? Time, mystical time Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me? A string that pulled me Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons One single thread of gold tied me to you (...) Time, wondrous time Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies And it's cool, baby, with me And isn't it just so pretty to think All along there was some Invisible string Tying you to me?
unrelated to this narrative but: Cold was the steel of my axe to grind For the boys who broke my heart Now I send their babies presents (literally lewis sending presents to nico's daughters, i screamed)
2. Cornelia Street / Lover song, can't imagine it ending, prologue 2 (nico's version)
We were a fresh page on the desk Filling in the blanks as we go As if the street lights pointed in an arrowhead Leading us home (...) Memorize the creaks in the floor Back when we were card sharks, playing games I thought you were leading me on I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street Before you even knew I was gone But then you called, showed your hand I turned around before I hit the tunnel Sat on the roof, you and I (...) Walk me back to that apartment Years ago, we were just inside Barefoot in the kitchen Sacred new beginnings That became my religion, listen I hope I never lose you I'd never walk Cornelia Street again Oh, never again (...) That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend
3. Sweet Nothings / Beginnings, sweet nothings leading them on
I spy with my little tired eye Tiny as a firefly A pebble that we picked up last July Down deep inside your pocket We almost forgot it Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes? They said the end is coming Everyone's up to something I find myself running home to your sweet nothings Outside, they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more" To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it
4. Maroon / They're loosing themselves here, the start of hurting each other
The burgundy on my T-shirt when you splashed your wine into me And how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon When the silence came, we were shaking blind and hazy How the hell did we lose sight of us again? Sobbin' with your head in your hands Ain't that the way shit always ends? You were standin' hollow-eyed in the hallway Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us I feel you no matter what The rubies that I gave up
5. Champagne Problems / consequences, mellowness, public view of their feud
You booked the night train for a reason So you could sit there in this hurt Bustling crowds or silent sleepers You're not sure which is worse Because I dropped your hand while dancing Left you out there standing Crestfallen on the landing Champagne problems You had a speech, you're speechless Love slipped beyond your reaches And I couldn't give a reason Champagne problems Your Midas touch on the Chevy door November flush and your flannel cure "This dorm was once a madhouse" I made a joke, "Well, it's made for me" How evergreen, our group of friends Don't think we'll say that word again And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls That we once walked through One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you "She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in the head, " they said But you'll find the real thing instead She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
6. tolerate it / nico pov, he's had it, begging for acknowledgement
I sit and watch you reading with your head low I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed I sit and watch you I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listеn While you were out building other worlds, where was I? Where's that man who'd throw blankets over my barbed wire? I made you my temple, my mural, my sky Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life Drawing hearts in the byline Always taking up too much space or time You assume I'm fine, but what would you do if I Break free and leave us in ruins Took this dagger in me and removed it Gain the weight of you then lose it Believe me, I could do it If it's all in my head, tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
7. coney island / lewis pov, doesn't understand what changed, grief towards the relationship
Break my soul in two looking for you But you're right here If I can't relate to you anymore Then who am I related to? Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you? And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island Wondering, "Where did my baby go?" The fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go Sorry for not making you my centerfold Do you miss the rogue Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? Will you forgive my soul When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care? 'Cause we were like the mall before the internet It was the one place to be The mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams Sorry for not winning you an arcade ring And when I got into the accident The sight that flashed before me was your face But when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name When the sun goes down The sight that flashed before me was your face When the sun goes down But I think that I forgot to say your name Over and over
8. peace / decisions and confessions
Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly the summer, it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough? But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
9. exile / conflict within themselves
I can see you standing, honey With his arms around your body Laughin', but the joke's not funny at all I think I've seen this film before And I didn't like the ending You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defending now? You were my town Now I'm in exile, seein' you out I think I've seen this film before I can see you starin', honey Like he's just your understudy Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me I think I've seen this film before And I didn't like the ending I'm not your problem anymore So who am I offending now? You were my crown Now I'm in exile, seein' you out I think I've seen this film before So I'm leavin' out the side door So step right out, there is no amount Of crying I can do for you All this time We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (you didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) I never learned to read your mind (never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
10. All Too Well (10 Min) / Recap of everything that went down, trip down memory lane, receipts for combat (11. the archer)
And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house And you've still got it in your drawer even now And I can picture it after all these days And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more And I might be okay but I'm not fine at all You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me Your cheeks were turning red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me 'Til we were dead and gone and buried Check the pulse and come back swearing, it's the same After three months in the grave And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you But all I felt was shame And you held my lifeless frame And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to 'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light And there we are again when nobody had to know You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of being honest I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here 'Cause I remember it all, all, all Too well They say all's well that ends well But I'm in a new hell every time You double-cross my mind The idea you had of me, who was she? A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel Whose shine reflects on you That's what happened: You You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes Sippin' coffee like you're on a late-night show But then he watched me watch the front door all night Willin' you to come And he said: It's supposed to be fun Turning 21 Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence And it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause there we are again when I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known It was rare, I was there I remember it all too well And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? Just between us, did the love affair maim you too? 'Cause in this city's barren cold I still remember the first fall of snow And how it glistened as it fell I remember it all too well Just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well? Just between us, do you remember it all too well?
11. The Archer / pre-climax
Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone Dark side, I search for your dark side But what if I'm alright, right, right, right here? I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke And all of my heroes die all alone Help me hold onto you I've been the archer I've been the prey Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay? Can you see right through me? They see right through me I see right through me All the king's horses, all the king's men Couldn't put me together again 'Cause all of my enemies started out friends Help me hold onto you I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay? You could stay Combat, I'm ready for combat
12. The Great War / self explanatory, climax. screaming, crying, throwing up (but well see 13 & 14)
My knuckles were bruised like violets Sucker punching walls, cursed you as I sleep-talked Tore your banners down, took the battle underground And maybe it was ego swinging You drew up some good faith treaties I drew curtains closed, drank my poison all alone You said I have to trust more freely But diesel is desire, you were playin' with fire And maybe it's the past that's talkin' Screamin' from the crypt Tellin' me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed Your finger on my hair pin triggers Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth Broken and blue, so I called off the troops That was the night I nearly lost you I really thought I lost you There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair And we will never go back To that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, the worst was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War Always remember Uh-huh, we're burned for better I vowed I would always be yours 'Cause we survived the Great War
13. Say Don't Go / turnaround
I've known it from the very start We're a shot in the darkest dark I'm standin' on a tightrope alone I hold my breath a little bit longer Halfway out the door, but it won't close I'm holdin' out hope for you to Say, "Don't go" I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go" Now I'm pacin' on shaky ground Strike a match, then you blow it out Oh no, oh no, it's not fair Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) Make me want you (make me want you)? Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) Give me nothin' back? Why'd you have to (why'd you have to) Make me love you (make me love you)? I said, "I love you" (I said, "I love you") You say nothin' back Why'd you have to lead me on? (Oh) Why'd you have to twist the knife? Walk away and leave me bleedin', bleedin'? Why'd you whisper in the dark Just to leave me in the night? Now your silence has me screamin', screamin' go" I would stay forever if you say, "don't go" But you won't, but you won't, but you won't
14. this is me trying / nico, post-retirement-ish, rough patch, regrets
I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that I just wanted you to know That this is me trying They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere Fell behind on my classmates, and I ended up here Pouring out my heart to a stranger But I didn't pour the whiskey And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town And I just wanted you to know That this is me trying (...) At least I'm trying
15. You're Losing Me / the end, melancholy, relationship finale pt.1, friends? we're not friends vibes
You say, "I don't understand, " and I say, "I know you don't" Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? I'm getting tired even for a phoenix Always risin' from the ashes Mendin' all her gashes You might just have dealt the final blow Stop, you're losin' me I can't find a pulse My heart won't start anymore For you 'Cause you're losin' me How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'? I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick And the air is thick with loss and indecision I know my pain is such an imposition And you know what they all say You don't know what you got until it's gone How long could we be a sad song 'Til we were too far gone to bring back to life? I gave you all my best me's, my endless empathy And all I did was bleed as I tried to be the bravest soldier Fighting in only your army Frontlines, don't you ignore me You're losin' me Stop (stop, stop), you're losin' me Stop (stop, stop), you're losin' me I can't find a pulse My heart won't start anymore
16. my tears ricochet / the final blow, relationship finale pt.2, dead and gone and buried
If I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes too Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake? Cursing my name, wishing I stayed Look at how my tears ricochet You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me I didn't have it in myself to go with grace 'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want, just not home And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same Cursing my name, wishing I stayed You turned into your worst fears And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain Crossing out the good years
17. Breathe / cause and effect, acceptance
I see your face in my mind as I drive away, 'Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way But it's killing me to see you go after all this time Now I don't know what to be without you around And we know it's never simple, Never easy Never a clean break, no one here to save me You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand, Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve And sometimes it doesn't work out, Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out I can't, Breathe, Without you, But I have to, Breathe, Without you, But I have to
18. Is it Over? / resentment, bitterness, both sides, in your face type of vibes
I slept all alone You still wouldn't go And did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights At least I had the decency To keep my nights out of sight Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs Was it over then? And is it over now? When you lost control Red blood, white snow Blue dress on a boat Your new girl is my clone Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor You search in every model's bed for something greater Oh, Lord, I think about Jumping off of very tall somethings Just to see you come running And say the one thing I've been wanting But no
19. The Way That I Loved You / reminiscing, flashbacks
He is sensible and so incredible And all my single friends are jealous He says everything I need to hear, and it's like I couldn't ask for anything better He respects my space And never makes me wait And he calls exactly when he says he will He's close to my mother Talks business with my father He's charming and endearing And I'm comfortable He can't see the smile I'm faking And my heart's not breaking 'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all And you were wild and crazy Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated Got away by some mistake and now I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain It's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name I'm so in love that I acted insane And that's the way I loved you Breaking down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kind of rush And I never knew I could feel that much And that's the way I loved you
20. I Bet You Think About Me / again with the reminiscing of the past, their lives, a bit of knife digging in the wound, I bet you think about me while thinking about them, double sided sword there
3 a.m. and I'm still awake, I'll bet you're just fine Well, I tried to fit in with your upper-crust circles Yeah, they let me sit in back when we were in love Oh, they sit around talkin' 'bout the meaning of life And the book that just saved 'em that I hadn't heard of But now that we're done and it's over I bet you couldn't believe When you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave And I bet you think about me You grew up in a silver-spoon, gated community Glamorous, shiny, bright Beverly Hills I was raised on a farm, no, it wasn't a mansion Just livin' room dancin' and kitchen table bills But you know what they say, you can't help who you fall for And you and I fell like an early spring snow The voices so loud sayin', "Why did you let her go?" Does it make you feel sad That the love that you're lookin' for Is the love that you had? Now you're out in the world, searchin' for your soul Scared not to be hip, scared to get old Chasing make-believe status, last time you felt free Was when none of that shit mattered 'cause you were with me I bet you think about me in your house With your organic shoes and your million-dollar couch I bet you think about me
21. Now That We Don't Talk / they still check in on each other, instead of talking, the end
You went to a party I heard from everybody You part the crowd like the Red Sea Don't even get me started Did you get anxious though On the way home? You grew your hair long You got new icons You didn't have to change But I guess I don't have a say I call my mom, she said that it was for the best Remind myself the more I gave, you'd want me less I cannot be your friend So I pay the price of what I lost And what it cost I don't have to pretend I like acid rock Or that I'd like to be on a mega yacht With important men who think important thoughts Guess maybe I am better off Now that we don't talk And the only way back to my dignity Was to turn into a shrouded mystery Just like I had been when you were chasing me Guess this is how it was to be Now that we don't talk
i tried to make this short- i tried and did not succeed.
when i listen to songs i see stories and i connect them, all that jazz. I saw this.
i apologise to everyone who's normal about brocedes, im not apparently.
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Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise Pairing: Jonathan Archer x gen!Reader Words: 0.9K Summary: Christmas can be awefully exhausting and sometimes one needs a little bit alone time
Not my gif!!!
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They weren't usually so careless with their properties, however, they didn't even bat an eyelid as their shoe kicked the door shut behind them.
Not like they had too much choice. Over Christmas, they had not only had to take part in the festivities that Starfleet had imposed on Jonathan as Captain, but they had also visited their family. The latter had taken the chance to see them for a change and had picked up so many presents for them that they made up for the birthdays and Christmases of the last few years.
This, however, led to both them and Jonathan tumbling through the front door with fully laden arms and doing their best not to step on Porthos' tail.
Snorting, but still cautious, they deposited the gifts and bags on the counter in the kitchen. "Never again."
Jonathan chuckled softly and set his load down next to theirs. "You say that every year, dear, and yet we go every year because you have hope that things will get better."
"This time I mean it."
He wrapped his arms around them from behind. "I don't like to burst your illusions, but you say that every year too." They slapped lightly at him, which he only acknowledged with a smile, and they sighed. "You don't know how much I'd like to just relax right now."
He pressed a feather light kiss to their shoulder. "Then let's do that."
"We still have to stow the presents, move the food we've been given into the fridge-"
Jonathan interrupted her. "How about this: We'll leave everything here except for the food that needs to be refrigerated, which I'll take to the freezer unit. Meanwhile, you change into more comfortable clothes, pick us out a book and we'll just sit in front of the fireplace, glass of wine in hand and call it a night, mhhh? How does that sound?"
They smiled slightly and leaned against him. "I love you."
He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss against their temple. "I would hope so. After all, you married me. Now shoo, go get changed."
They giggled softly as he shooed them out of the kitchen before they walked, with Porthos close on their heels, to their bedroom. There they kicked their shoes off their feet and, with a relieved sigh, squeezed out of the clothes that had become increasingly uncomfortable over the course of the evening and which they now just wanted to burn.
Still in their underwear, they walked to the large wardrobe, pulled out a pair of long sweatpants and an old college jumper and pulled both on.
Next they were drawn to the bookshelf set up next to the door to pick out a book for them. After all, they would never disobey a captain's order.
They let their eyes fly over the covers for a few moments before deciding on The Hobbit.
At the beginning of their relationship, Jonathan had never heard of the Hobbit, Lord of the Rings or J.R.R.Tolkien, so they had made it their mission to change that.
It felt like this was a good time for them to dust off the old classic once more.
Before going back to the living room, they paid a little visit to the bathroom to brush out their hair and wash their faces. Apparently they had had some cream from the dessert stuck to their cheeks and no one had told them.
A scratching at the door informed them that Porthos was sitting outside the bathroom waiting for them, so they opened the door, scratched the dog behind the ears and then returned to their husband.
In the meantime, as promised, he had packed the food in the fridge, replaced the overhead light with real candles and was now sitting in front of the fireplace on the floor with a blanket and two glasses of wine on the small coffee table.
At first, Jonathan didn't speak a word. He merely lifted one arm so they could crawl under the blanket and, lowering his arm, trapped them in a bubble of warmth and comfort.
Porthos whinnied and curled up in front of them in the warmth of the fire, earning a tickle from his owner.
"What did you choose?"
They smiled impishly as they lifted the book and he chuckled softly. "You'll never let me forget this, will you?"
"You've read Jane Austen but not Tolkien? Hard to fathom if you ask me." Smiling, he shook his head and pulled them closer. "Do you want me to read?"
"Mhhh," they hummed in agreement and he carefully took the book from their hands.
They had always found his voice soothing and pleasant to listen to and doubted that they would stay awake for long, however, they knew that Jonathan knew it too and he didn't care.
As long as they could spend time together, alone, just the two of them.
"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort."
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doordaash · 1 year
cw: possessive feng xin, implied🔞
mu qing, who purposely “flirts” (if you can even call it that) with pm after a martial god meeting
he /knew/ feng xins eyes were on them, glaring as mu qing smiled a small smile at something pei ming had said
he couldn’t help it! feng xin had been avoiding him since….well….that night
they had somehow tumbled from the sparring yard right into feng xins chambers, swapping out their usual punches for heated kisses
feng xin had a topped them before it could progress any further, saying something about refusing to ruin mu qings cultivation
no matter how many times mu qing insisted it was alright, no matter how much he insisted he was powerful enough at this point where it won’t do too much damage- and if anything feng xin can lend him some spiritual power- but feng xin still refused, looking extremely beside himself over it
from then on, feng xin didn’t spar with him, didn’t argue with him, didn’t even look at him!
so he had decided he would take things into his own hands
..,,,which is why he’s now lightly laughing at a story pei ming is telling about some of his followers….even if it’s not really funny… how embarrassing
thankfully, the northern god was more than happy to agree, as he didn’t want his “two best bros” to not get a chance at ‘love’…. mu qing didn’t have the heart to tell him that feng xin didn’t have those feelings for him, so he stayed silent
pei ming was a surprisingly great choice for this plan though, because almost immediately feng xins gaze landed on the two, drilling holes into their skulls
“what are you doing.” fxs suddenly hisses into their private array
“what does it look like? i’m speaking to ming guang.” mu qing sneers back, shooting feng xin a glare back just for the extra push
he can practically see the steam from feng xins ears, before he quickly averts his eyes once again to pei ming
“it’s working, keep going.” he whispers in a hushed tone
“good! you’re unexpectedly good at this.” pm laughs
“what exactly is he good at?”
neither of them had heard feng xin stomp up to them, but there he was in all his glory, standing evenly with pei ming, glaring him directly in the eyes
“oh nothing…we were just discussing personal-”
“‘personal matters’?? yeah… bullshit…” feng xin mutters under his breath, before reaching for mu qings hand
“let’s go xuan zhen, we need to talk.”
mu qing pulled his hand away before it could be grabbed though, and smirked at the glare feng xin fixed on him
“mu qing.” feng xin hissed, a hint of a plea in his eyes
although mu qing didn’t budge, he raised an eyebrow
with an overly dramatic sigh, he let his hand be grabbed by the archers, to be tugged away towards the palace of nan yang
as the two departed, he swung around to shoot a small nod in pei mings direction, who gave him two thumbs up and a big smile
he would have to remember to gift pei ming a jug of wine or something for his assistance
that night, not only did mu qing get what he had originally wanted (over & over again….) but the two gods surprisingly had a thorough talk about it
as it turns out, feng xin was horrified that mu qing would hate him after, or regret it, despite the fact he had consented in the first place
mu qing assured him that he could never hate feng xin, nor would he regret it as it was all he had been thinking about since that night.
plus, it was up to him for what he wanted to do with his cultivations regulations by now, as he was the last one who used such an old method
this lead to the two finally revealing their feelings for the other, leading to a passionate night of everything mu qing could have wanted, and then some….:
legend has it that after that, mu qing never recited the ju yang poem ever again…
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slifarianhawk · 1 year
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Chapter 26: make it easy on yourself
As Albert, Excella, and I drank, I rang the boys back in through the comm link.
When they walked into the room, I offered them a drink to which Nighthawk and Steve took the offer up. I had Archer put away the Disaronno and Osmanthus wine as the festivities were winding down.
"Now that you are a part of tricell, there is something that needs to be done, my dear lotus." Wesker said, stroking my cheek,"a gift if you would believe it or not."
"Yes, the main reason I went to Russia was to extract two people. A Dr. Cordell and his lovely wife, the main doctor in the creation of the Angelis virus project, which you are so versed in." Excella said, taking a sip of her brandy.
My eyes flared their signature, icy blue. My blood started to boil, memories flooding to the surface. My body slowly started to tremble in rage. I dropped my glass and watched it shatter.
A massive growl was unleashed from my throat,"CORDELL!"
{Trigger warning torture mentions of non con}
/October 28,1998/
Cold, my knees and feet were freezing on the cement floor. Seven needles stuck in my back. My arms chained down pinned to my side. The cold steel dug deep into my wrist, causing deep gashes and scarring cuts. My body naked in a hunched over position translucent white fluid dripping from my back side. Tears stained my cheeks.
CRACK! A bull whip rung out slicing open the flesh between the first row of syringes. Searing pain was all I felt as the wound hastily repaired itself.
"Her will is undeniably strong, colonel Sergei. But it seems the Angelis virus has also made her at least much more easily fixable. Just admire how fast she heals." Dr. Cordell said, walking in front of me as my eyes glowed a cold shade of blue,"tell me, was she truly wasted on scum like that damnable traitor, Wesker?".
I growled and started to transform into the equinoxal mutation. They brought up him. Here, why!?! just to rub salt in the wound of being stuck here. My dead husband is coming back to haunt me again.
Scorching pain seared through me. A cattle prod was pulled away from my side. The pain was a reset to my body, causing the transformation process to halt. The ringing in my ears started to amplify.
When I get out of these damn chains, Sergei will pay. He already had taken my support system, and now he's rubbing a wound with salt. I was going to make him pay dearly for this.
"Yes, I do wish I got to my niece first before that stupid roach did, but lord Spencer has his plans for her. As his most loyal follower, I'll obey his every command." Sergei said, taking a scalpel and carving his name into my back, "doesn't mean I can't have fun with her. I already tainted her lovely back side. Now I'm going to work on that pretty little mouth of hers. Slowly, I'll mold her into the perfect toy and soldier for me and Spencer. When the time comes, she'll be able to eradicate our infestation." A dark laugh echoed out of Vladimirs throat.
"HE IS ALREADY DEAD AND GONE HIC JUST KILL ME YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD." I screamed at the thought of Sergei shoving his disgusting penis in my face. It made me feel sick to my stomach.
"She doesn't know, does she colonel?" Dr. Cordell asked.
"Know what, Sergei? What are you not telling me?" I growled out, my nails slowly growing and turning black.
"Red queen." Sergei said, turning to face the wall.
"Yes, Colonel?" A red hologram of a beautiful woman appeared.
"Show our dear agent seven forty-eight the final moments of the mansion lab and front entryway." Sergei said as a screen lowered into view.
Cctv footage played of the Arkley lab on the night of July twenty fourth.
"You'll regret this, my lady, of that I promise." His eyes left a trail like mine except his glowed a brilliant red.
It showed him plowing through B.O.W.S. and even trapping Lisa Trevor. The best and worst part was that he was alive and had survived. He hadn't come to me. He didn't even come home or contact me.
"He.....he...... he abandoned me.....why?" I was there. I came back to Raccoon City to find him. Spencer was right he had survived and chose not to come for me.
Doctor Cordell laughed along with Sergei as my heart crumbled away into nothingness. The ringing in my ears was now a deafening roar. My face grew a sheet of black glass like silica, creating a mask that hid my tears. My choking sobs started to sound like blood curdling growls. My canines were now black and four inches long over my bottom lip. Six massive bloody batlike wings ripped from my back, throwing all but one syringe into the walls. Black silica bracers grew from under my skin, breaking their way through my wrists. I flicked the wings, and the chains corroded away. Cracks formed in the cement floor.
I was truly alone. My family thinks I'm a monster. My friends are dead. Sergei rapes me during the night. Worst of all, my husband abandoned me. The only things that keep me alive are my kids. However, Vladimir has my daughter here, and the other has been tagged for capture. My life has been made mute.
Darkness clouded my vision. The ringing was blaring in my head. Make it stop. Make it stop, please. The pain that radiates from my heart was driving me mad. Then, all of sudden, the ringing stopped. I feel cold and cramped.
《Entering 3rd person POV》
"What is happening, Cordell?" Sergei asked the now terrified doctor.
"This is the arch angel form, sir. Most of the research has been non-existent, and this form was just a theory. What happened if the equinoxal mental state was pushed to the limit and broke. She broke sir congratulations are due, but not at this time we should run." The doctor said, terrified backing away.
"Vladmir Sergei! Prepare to be sentenced to Hell!" A raspy roar ripped from Tabitha's deformed mouth.
"I don't think so, my dear fragile flower. I still have plans for you. Cordell, hand me the viral stabilizer you were bragging about." Sergei said with his hand extended.
She raced over to Sergei and swung her five inch long black talons. Her claws were as sharp as a lickers' talons they left a massive gash in Sergeis's side. She tried to retreat back, but Cordell handed Vladimir a syringe, and Sergei had injected it into Tabitha's neck.
Tabithas body started to flame up, and silica surrounded her body. It encased her in a black obsidian like cocoon. When it shattered, Tabitha's body had returned to normal splayed across the floor, and the mutations remained as obsidian statuary.
《Tabithas pov》
"You belong to me now agent seven forty-eight. If you try to harm me again, I'll kill little Miss Alistar and bring that bastard son of yours here. Do you understand, my sweet anemone." Sergei laughed, pulling my body up by my matted bloody hair,"Yes, anemone the flower of fragility. That's what you are not the filthy lotus of rebirth but a lowly buttercup of fragility. You are as fragile as obsidian and just as sharp. The weapon I need will be you seven forty-eight. Make this easy on yourself, my dear, and accept that you now belong to me."
"Yes, sir." I hung my head lost in a tidal wave of depression and reluctance.
"Commander?!?" Nighthawk screamed.
Huh? What is going on? I can't move
"Everyone get back she's going Arch-angel!" Archer shouted.
The door opened, and I heard footsteps dashing out. It was time. I opened my eyes.
I broke out of the silica that was starting to encase my body. I won't let that bastard Sergei control my life now that I was free. I'd choose when i go Arch-angel.
Albert was beside me, holding my shoulder. His sunglasses were off as he stared at my now sweat drenched face. He wore a concerned look.
"Tabitha, my dear lotus," He placed his hand on my face, his thumb stroking my cheek,"What did you see? What did you see in that flashback? I know PTSD when I see it. I've seen it in plenty of my men now tell me what you saw my love."
"Sergei and Cordell, when I found out you survived the mansion incident. They both watched me turn into the Arch-angel form. Sergei was becoming my handler, and all cordell did was laugh. Now it's time to return the favor to Dr. Cordell." I clicked on my comm link, "Archer, bring my scalpels, syringes, and pliers to the containment room. Have the prisoners transferred there."
I stood up, placing my corrective shades on, "Nighthawk, please escort me and Wesker to the lab. I need to make several doses of the angelis viral stabilizer and a special treat for Dr. Cordells wife."
"Yes, mam, please follow me." Night hawk bowed, revealing his massive hawk like wings.
"Project a.c.r.o.h? You certainly have quiet the mangarie of interesting people under you, my dear lotus." Albert said, admiring Nighthawk and his wings.
" Even so, we all gladly serve our Pheonix." Nighthawk said, leading Albert and I down the hall to my lab.
Once we arrived at the lab, I threw on my lab coat and sped to my workstation. Quickly, I prepared seven vials of my blood and synthesized three doses of max strength viral stabilizer. Albert stood in the corner as I worked. He seemed deep in thought.
When I dropped to the floor, he walked over and pulled me into a warm gentle embrace, "My dearheart, please be careful. I don't know a lot about the angelis virus, but I can tell that what happened has really drained you. Please, my lotus, make this easy on yourself and rest. Come, I have something to show you. He took my hand and led me out of the vehicle bay.
We walked along the trail of the apple orchard to Alistar's sanctuary. When we got there, I was shocked by the state of things. The statuary was put back together, surrounded by pink carnations. Albert sat at the bench he held me on last night and pointed at the angel statue that had a blue tarp in front of it.
"Go ahead, my lotus lift it. It's not much but something I could do to help you mourn better. I worked ever since you fell asleep, and Excella landed last night." He said as I turned to to fave the tarp.
With a quick grasp, I pulled the cover away and gasped. Tears were now forming in my eyes as I fell to my knees. There was fresh sod and a new headstone in front of Alistar's statue.
It read," Laid to rest, here is Alistar Lancaster. Daughter of Tabitha and Albert Wesker. May she wander the stars infinitely. 1982-2003"
Albert stepped up behind and crouched beside me. He draped his right arm over my shoulder. A relaxed smile was on his face for once. It was stunning.
"I know, I was not there for you or her either when she was born or when she died. However, I know that she wanted this. We are a family again, and once uroboros is complete, no one will harm us again." He said, looking at me, removing his sunglasses.
With a simple motion, I turned and kissed him, "Carry me back to base so I can rest. That way, i can make Cordell pay for all he did to me and Alistar. He will feel the pain that she felt and all the pain he caused me as well."
Albert quickly lifted me up and took me in his arms, heading back to base,"Anything you wish, my dear lotus."
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chaosteddybear · 8 months
Information gathered and finalized
Age: 30
Height: 5'5"
Pronouns: he
Sexuality: pan/demi
Relationship style: probably forever single but he does pine
Species: elf
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Star Signs: leo sun, scorpio moon, cancer rising
Alignment: True Neutral. He doesn't really have inclinations towards or against good/evil chaos/law. He just has his own set of things that are important and will protect.
Soul Coin: Matte black, looks like a plastic disc but is magnetized. When you touch it it'll vibrate for a bit then settle, like those magnetic rocks.
Backstory: Mix was born into a dangerous time and place, his family was noble but known to dissent from the more strong families. He learned skills such as archery from the best mentors, but his childhood ended early when his whole family was murdered. He had been on an excursion on his own - Mix always liked to be alone - when it happened, and he came back to his home burned down and being cleaned up by neighbors who explained what happened. From that moment on there was no more turmoil between nobles of the area, as the rest fell terrified in line, so Mix decided to just leave. Nowhere safe or good for him there anymore.
He packed up some necessities and walked aimlessly from town to town, killing time in taverns but never finding one he wanted to stay at. Eventually he found a very relaxed town nestled between coast and woods, where he met Turgi first. They hit it off right away, sharing many interests in combat styles and loving to hear each other's foreign ideas. They became inseparable, just the two of them until their group grew.
Goals: Mix is an attack dog in human form. He will fiercely protect his loved ones, and if it's too late he will take revenge.
He's also very sweet. He works to cultivate a caring and loving environment within his close circle, so in order to balance these two things his brain works in a very friend or foe kind of way 🤔
He doesn't like killing, more torture.
Mix is an archer, and very sociable when he needs to be, so he has a vast collection of unique arrows from his travels to get jobs done...
Fear: Mix is afraid of losing his chosen family, or feeling like he didn't do a good job of protecting them.
Food: He likes warm comfort foods. He also likes dipping breaded things in bot drinks! Because why not?
Misc Q&A answers, collected
- Sees love as a weakness. Why would he need anything more than his inner circle anyway? He loves them all. And sure he does more with some of them.
- Modern AU Mix would probably be a chef or a dishwasher. Whatever he does he works in a kitchen ♥️
- His exes probably think he's too protective of his friends. If they ever tried to turn him against one of his pack, he would chew them out and toss them to the curb. Anyone who has wronged one of his favorites thinks he's an asshole, chasing and torturing them. Additional enemies would be anyone he has successfully scared away before they could do harm to his friends, and they would think he's an absolute psychopath and will run if they see him again. He doesn't really have enemies other than that.
- Mix wishes he was more powerful - he is plenty effective but he'd like to be *really* powerful - and it bothers him, but he hasn't consciously accepted this yet. Thank devil he has Turgi to clean up the scraps between his goals and his ability. But he'd probably make a deal with Raphael if it meant being able to protect his friends even better 😳 Since he doesn't really acknowledge this about himself he would certainly never admit it!
Mix is also oblivious of people and their intentions unless they're in his pack and he knows them *well*. Again he is not good at acknowledging this and Turgi must protect him smh.
- Feral boy would hold his wine glass differently every time. Maybe by the rim sometimes to be honest.... Drinking it like a hot coffee 😂
- Mix doesn't really consider lying day to day but will if it's part of trying to lure someone in his crosshairs into a trap.
- He as a jewelry collection, mostly full of sharp edges. He likes to play with the spikes and use them against his skin to stim, especially when he needs to bite his tongue as he watches Sasli make what he deems to be bad decisions, or anyone treat her as anything but a queen.
He also has a small thumb piano that Turgi got him so he can try to jam with her, but he's usually too nervous to try since he doesn't consider himself musically inclined. But he wears it on a hook around his waistband so he's always ready, should the confidence emerge. Turgi and Sasli decorated it with geometric patterns using paint.
- likes scotch and rye, particularly smokey and dry. With nothing but one large piece of ice. Without alcohol, he likes hot chocolate, thick and spicy, with marshmallows.
- Physical touch: Hates it from strangers, is apprehensive from friends, and revels in it from his pack members but doesn't seek it himself.
- Love Languages: Penguin pebbling AND gift giving. Dude will give you a golden bracelet he stole on a random day then a pretty leaf for your birthday and not understand why you're confused.
- If he had access to my closet he would definitely steal my stiffest jeans, the ones that are just cotton no elastic. And undershirts, the muscle shirt kind, and some nice jackets too, a denim or leather.
- Mix feels jealousy all the time. About things, people, relationships. He's jealous of everyone Sasli spends time with, as he's very in love with her. He's jealous of all bards, as he wishes he could make people smile like that. And so on and so forth. But he keeps his jealousy inside.
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delicatenightfury · 7 months
Star of the Mountain Chapter 24
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
Masterlist - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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Pleasantries with Gandalf were short-lived. The wizard seemed very anxious and dove right into what he wished to say.
“You must set aside your petty grievances with the dwarves,” he said. “War is coming. The sepsis of Dolguldor have been emptied.” Thranduil cast a lazy look over at Bard, indicating that he was not truly taking the Grey Wizard seriously. “You’re all in mortal danger!”
“What are you talking about?” Bard asked.
“I can see you know nothing of wizards,” Thranduil replied before Gandalf could. The elven king stood to pour a glass of wine. “They are like winter thunder on a wild wind rolling in from the distance, breaking hard in alarm.” He handed Bard a glass. “But sometimes a storm is just a storm.”
“Not this time,” Gandalf said. “Armies of orcs are on the move. These are fighters that have been bred for war. Our enemy has summoned his full strength.”
“Gandalf,” Oreliell said, stepping forward slightly. “Are you sure of this?”
The wizard nodded gravely.
“I have seen them with my own eyes.”
“Why show his hand now?” Thranduil questioned.
“Because we forced him! We forced him when the company of Thorin Oakenshield set out to reclaim their homeland. The dwarves were never meant to reach Erebor.” He led the elves and human out of the tent to look at the mountain. “Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them. His master seeks control of the mountain. Not just for the treasure within but for where it lies, its strategic position. This is the gateway to reclaiming the lands of Angmar in the north. If that fell kingdom should rise again… Rivendell, Lórien, the Shire… even Gondor itself will fall.”
“These orcs armies you speak of, Mirthrandir, where are they?” Thranduil asked.
Gandalf sighed heavily, unable to give an answer. Thranduil rolled his eyes and returned to his tent. Oreliell and Vedis looked at Gandalf.
“Are you all right, Gandalf?” Oreliell asked quietly. He looked rather beaten up. “Perhaps you can have Vedis take a look at your wounds-”
“I am fine,” he said. “Truly. Besides, we have much larger things to worry about than a few cuts and bruises, don’t you think?” He paused and looked between them. “How is the company?”
Oreliell sighed.
“They are all alive. But the dragon sickness has taken root in Thorin’s mind.”
Gandalf nodded gravely.
“Then we must think of a way to get through to him.”
“Gandalf, I’ve tried. He is my One and even I struggled to speak with him.”
“I understand. Nevertheless, we mustn’t give up.”
Oreliell smiled a little.
“You’re crazier than I thought to believe I would give up.”
Gandalf smiled back at her before returning to the tent. Vedis placed a comforting hand on Oreliell’s arm.
“All will be well, muinthel.”
Oreliell nodded and followed her sister to the tent. Gandalf was back to trying to convince Thranduil.
“Since when has my council counted for so little?” he asked. “What do you think I’m trying to do?”
“I think you’re trying to save your dwarvish friends. And I admire your loyalty to them. But it does not dissuade me from my course.” Thranduil rose from his chair. “You started this, Mirthrandir. You will forgive me if I finish it.” Oreliell exchanged glances with her sister as Thranduil approached one of his guards. “Are the archers in position?”
“Yes, my lord.”
“Give the order. If anything moves on that mountain, kill it. The dwarves are out of time.”
Gandalf stormed out of the tent, clearly angered. Oreliell looked at the elven king, who still stared out at the mountain.
“You said that you would attack at dawn,” Oreliell said. “Would you be so heartless as to shoot while they are not expecting it?”
“They have been given their warning,” Thranduil said.
“And what about the warning Gandalf has given you? We have traveled many months with him. If what he says about the orcs is true, then I think we must at least consider his words.”
“Oreliell.” She glanced over her shoulder at her sister, only to realize that Vedis was no longer standing there. “You’ll never believe who just showed up.”
A moment later, Vedis entered the tent with Bard, Gandalf, and Bilbo in tow.
“Bilbo,” Oreliell said with a smile.
“I’m glad to see you’re all right, Oreliell,” Bilbo said.
“Who is this?” Thranduil said.
“Bilbo Baggins, the official burglar of the company of Thorin Oakenshield.”
“If I’m not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons from under the nose of my guards.”
Thranduil sat down in his chair, eyes narrowing slightly at Bilbo. The hobbit shuffled in place.
“Yes,” he said under his breath. “Sorry about that.” Oreliell glanced at Vedis, who was also smiling. They watched as the hobbit stepped forward, pulling something out of his pocket. “I came to give you this.”
He placed the item on the table and pulled away the cloth. Everyone stared in shock and awe.
“Oh my gosh,” Vedis murmured.
“The Heart of the Mountain,” Thranduil breathed, standing slowly. “The King’s Jewel.”
“And worth a king’s ransom,” Bard said. He looked down at Bilbo. “How is this yours to give?”
“I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure.”
Oreliell almost laughed in disbelief. She was stunned by his courage. But she couldn’t help but worry about what Thorin might do if he found out.
“Why would you do this?” Bard asked. “You owe us no loyalty.”
“I’m not doing it for you,” Bilbo told them. “I know that dwarves can be obstinate and pigheaded and difficult. They’re suspicious and secretive, with the worst manners you could possibly imagine. But they are also brave and kind and loyal to a fault. I’ve grown very fond of them, and I would save them if I can. Now, Thorin values this stone above all else.” Oreliell noticed that he glanced her way. “In exchange for its return, I believe he will give you what you are owed. There will be no need for war.”
Oreliell glanced at the two leaders. Bard turned to Thranduil, still in shock at the hobbit’s actions. Thranduil looked at him for a moment before looking back at Bilbo.
“We will take this into careful consideration,” Thranduil said. “Someone will show you a place to rest for the night.”
Bilbo nodded. Gandalf ushered him toward the entrance, but the halfling suddenly stopped.
“I nearly forgot!” he said. He turned around and pulled a sheath far too large for his body. He handed them to Oreliell. “You left your swords back at the mountain. I figured you’d want them back.”
Oreliell looked down at the swords then at Bilbo. She was surprised that he had noticed and that he had brought them with him to give to her. She put her hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Bilbo. You did not have to do that, but I greatly appreciate it.”
Bilbo smiled at her then stepped out of the tent with Gandalf. Oreliell looked back at her blades. She had not really realized that she had left them in the mountain; her haste to leave made it slip her mind. But Bilbo had brought back both her swords and her pair of daggers.
“He is a brave hobbit,” Vedis commented.
“Yes. Much different from when we first met him. I just hope he stays safe tomorrow if war breaks out.”
Vedis put her hand on Oreliell’s shoulder. The two exchanged small smiles.
“The halfling is quite impressive,” Thranduil said, regaining their attention. 
“Indeed he is. You also need better guards,” Oreliell replied, barely casting him a glance.
She heard Bard half choke on a laugh, but he tried to cover it with a cough. Oreliell smiled to herself. She didn’t need to look at Thranduil to know his eyes had narrowed. 
“I noticed that both of you are without armor. If you are interested, I can provide both of you with sets for tomorrow.”
Oreliell wanted to roll her eyes. She wanted to ask why on earth he thought they would need armor if they were going to confront Thorin. But she knew better.
An army of orcs were on the way.
And she recalled something Thorin had told her long ago: “never underestimate dwarves.” She hated to come before the man she loved dressed for battle, but she wasn’t sure what kind of plan he had come up with to handle Thranduil’s army.
Oreliell sighed and glanced at Thranduil. She nodded.
“Then I shall make sure that you have it.”
He stepped aside to deliver the orders to one of his guards. Bard looked at the Arkenstone then at the sisters.
“What do you make of it?” he asked. “The stone.”
“Bilbo is right about it,” Oreliell said after a moment. “Thorin craves this stone more than anything. It is sacred to the dwarven people, the crowning glory and symbol of their house and power. Thorin will not be pleased to see it in your hands.”
“Our hands? Would you not carry this?”
“I barely want to look at it,” she admitted. “That rock has taken away more from me in the past few days than I ever wanted to lose. And that says a lot, for I have lost much in my long lifetime. Simply seeing me siding with you will create a reaction. I do not want Thorin to think that I have betrayed him further by taking that stone.”
Bard nodded.
“I understand. I shall speak with Thranduil to see what we shall do with it.”
“Before we get to that,” Thranduil said as he stepped back inside the tent, “I would like to have a word with Oreliell.”
Bard glanced at her before going outside. Vedis stayed a minute longer. She studied Thranduil for a long moment before looking at her sister.
“I will go inspect the armor we are being given. If you would like, I can take your swords with me?” she said. 
“Thank you,” Oreliell said, passing her blades over.
“Let me know if you need me.”
“I will, muinthel.” 
Vedis nodded and stepped out. Oreliell took a breath before looking at Thranduil. The elven king had remained standing and was watching her.
“{You risk a lot going with us tomorrow,}” Thranduil said after a long moment. “{Why do it?}”
“{Because I have already lost so much. And I do not wish to lose my betrothed as well.}”
“{Even after everything he has put you through?}”
“{Do not pretend you know him better than I do.}”
Thranduil motioned for her to follow him. They stepped outside once again to look at the mountain. The braziers were lit above the gate, but otherwise everything appeared normal. Oreliell couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside.
“I want you to know that I truly do not want this,” Thranduil said. “While the heirlooms of my people are of great importance to me, this was not the outcome I had hoped for. I tried to avoid this when your company passed through my kingdom, but Thorin turned me down.”
“Because he still holds a grudge against you for what you did when Smaug first took the mountain. Or rather, what you didn’t do.”
Thranduil sighed. He turned to look at her.
“I want you to understand what it is you are risking going into this, what this could potentially do to you if things do not go smoothly tomorrow.”
“I am well aware what could happen, Thranduil. And that is why I must be present tomorrow. If something were to happen to Thorin, I would never be able to live with myself. I will protect Thorin with my very life.” She looked at the mountain again. “No matter what happens to me, he will live.”
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
🥊 for Balt, Melaine and Archer mayhaps.
🥊 What do they love to do ? What do they hate to ?
[-> Baltazar
🥊 Baltazar is a guy who enjoys the simpler things in life ! Cooking and eating good food, walking around the farm, drinking some good wine, taking things easy— real hedonist, this one. Buf if they had to pick out a favourite thing they love to do, it'd probably be to go out and paint. Forget the world's problems and just focus on the process of bringing a whole thing to life from the world to your canvas, feel how every stroke drags the paint around and how the wind goes through your hair when you're out and about, contouring your soul and painting it too against the world… or something pretentious like that.
🥊 As for hated things, he doesn't like being a hater a majority of the time, but I think he would fucking despise going to Doctors. Any doctor at all. This guy with a full health plan and a history for needing it is also the world's most stubborn and scared motherfucker so he's Not Going. 
[-> Melaine
🥊 Melaine loves science and she has always loved science before any other thing. Doing her experiments and learning more about the world through a factual lens helps her navigate it better, and it has helped her through a lot of difficult times of crisis particularly. So to Mel, there's nothing better than to sit down and spend hours upon hours researching, writing down notes, running tests and, most of all, helping people with the same thing that helped zir once upon a time. Ze adores zir job, and it brings zir joy to have it be beneficial to others, even make them less afraid of what she does in a way, but the biggest part of it is probably the research bits, so I'll put in researching and testing as a final answer.
🥊 Now for hatred… hmm… probably doing dishes or perhaps admitting she's wrong. One for sensory issues, which are way too strong for her own comfort sometimes, and the other because Melaine is someone who has been raised to think that if you ever admit to being wrong, that means all your merits and your qualifications mean nothing, and that ultimately your experience isn't enough, so you have to work harder and harder in order to never be wrong ever. Normal stuff.
[-> Archer
🥊 Archer… doesn't know. Genuinely doesn't know. This is a man who barely, BARELY has a life outside of work, and even the very company he works for (which benefits entirely from it) gets worried sometimes about it. Not too much though. He loves doing his job but that's superficial, so I guess I'll say he loves drinking. Going to bars is the only other thing he seems able to think about when it comes to socializing, so. That.
🥊 He hates remembering <3 He hates feeling inadequate <3 He hates not being good enough <3 He hates not being able to prove his worth <3 He hates being alone <3 He hates cheap movies and booze <3 He hates the world for not helping him sooner, and even more so for not acknowleding how he's doing now <3 he's actually so well adjusted I promise
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santacarlatourism · 2 years
kiss me once 'cause you know i had a long night
listen, if you didn’t know, bret easton ellis has said that a contemporary patrick bateman would be a taylor swift fan. it is perhaps the funniest fact in the world to me, and so i have to confess that i will probably write about this again in the future. writing pat x reader is already kind of amusingly absurd in and of itself. the song prompt of choice for this entry is taylor swift’s “paper rings.” Rating: 13+ Pairing: patrick bateman x reader Warnings: Discussions of true crime, recreational drug use, I mean I don’t think anything here should be entirely unexpected given the source material Word Count: 1.6k Other entries in this series:
[Kevin Khatchadourian]
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright
You have to admit: You hadn’t thought you’d actually like Patrick Bateman, but the guy was growing on you.
Your friend had wanted to set you up on a blind double date with one of her boyfriend’s friends, in which the four of you would all go out together. You are fairly certain that it was just because she enjoys the idea of double dates. They are cute and Instagram worthy, and allow an opportunity for her to brag about what a wonderful couple her and her beau are. You don’t begrudge her for it, though. They do seem like a happy enough couple.
The date, however, had sounded tedious from the start. You know this friend from being roommates in your college dormitory, where you had been a scholarship student and she was a legacy. While she has always been kind to you, the way she navigates the world is so far detached from the way you live that it’s often proven hard to get her to understand certain things about your life. For example, the fact that the average person does not have a myriad of formal wear for dinner reservations in their closet, ready to go. You are grateful that she took you out to buy something for the date, but hope that she isn’t going to want to do this sort of thing every time.
You’re exhausted from the moment you walk in the door of the fancy restaurant. She mentioned the name of it a thousand times in the car, but you still can’t quite recall it– Archer? Avalon? Something European sounding that starts with an “A.” It’s all hustle and bustle and it’s too many people crowded in too tiny of a place, something that’s both become familiar during your time in the city, and that you’ve also grown to loathe .
Your friend’s boyfriend waves as you approach, and he introduces the man you’ll be sitting beside for the evening, Patrick Bateman. The two across from you swiftly excuse themselves to “get some air.” Considering you only just arrived, it’s rather obvious that the air they plan on getting is cocaine. It is silent for a moment. “Do you want to know what I do?” Patrick asks you.
You’re about to respond with a partly indifferent but affirmative answer, but before you can do so the waiter comes by and fills you and your friend’s glass with sauvignon blanc. “Do we know what we’d like to– shit!” He accidentally knocks over one of the water glasses.
Although it doesn’t get on either you or Patrick, he apologizes profusely and cleans it up before disappearing once again. Patrick has fallen quiet and seems quite tense, not focusing on you. You sigh and take a sip from the wine glass– maybe he’s just nervous about the potential for a first date to go wrong. Not that you would want to admit it, but a touch of your attitude is also the result of nerves (though plenty of it was, as your friend would say, your innate bitchiness). So you try and be a bit more open and friendly for him.“I don’t bite,” you crack a joke.
“Excuse me?” He asks, snapping back to, as if he’d been lost in some very interesting day dream.
“I don’t bite,” you repeat yourself. “Hard,” A teasing grin appears across your lips. “What’s on your mind?”
You weren’t exactly prepared for the answer that comes forth from this man. “Well, did you know that H. H. Holmes paid to have the flesh from his first victim’s corpse removed after attempting to skin her like a rabbit, and sold her skeleton to a medical school?” He says it almost with an almost desperate, defeated chuckle as he brings his wine glass to his lips and takes a sip.
For a moment you say nothing because you’re unsure if this is actually the thought that was preoccupying his mind moments ago. And you’re also unsure what kind of response he expects from this particular bit of knowledge. And, now that he’s actually made eye contact with you, you notice that he has this distinctly blank look behind his eyes. He clenches his jaw in the silence. It’s becoming awkward. You finally respond: “Oh, so you’re into those true crime books?” You ask.
He swallows thickly; it’s surprisingly audible considering there was nothing in his mouth and the sound of goings on in the restaurant around you– Arcadia, that’s the name. “Pardon me?”
“True crime books. They aren’t my cup of tea, but they’re growing quite popular. The first book in the genre to win the Pulitzer Prize was The Executioner’s Song back in ‘79, so I think people are starting to view it more as actual literature and less as an extended tabloid piece. My library’s been getting an increasing number of books in the ghe genre” You comment. “Though I suppose that depends on the author’s approach. What else do you like to read?”
He stutters for a moment, and it’s sort of cute. So you smile.
After dinner, as you’re leaving the restaurant, your friend departs with her boyfriend. She suggests that you can have Patrick take you home, or that you could go home with him. She winks at you and laughs as her boyfriend’s car is pulled up by the valet and the two get in, disappearing into the night, leaving you alone with a man you’ve only known for a couple of hours. And while you have found his oddities somewhat charming, he’s still the next best thing to a stranger. His car pulls around and when the chauffeur gets the door, you hesitate only a moment before getting in. “Where do you live?” Patrick asks.
You respond with the address and name of your apartment complex. Patrick stares at you blankly in response, but the driver seems to be aware of where that is because he pulls out and heads in that direction. “I haven’t heard of that building,” He finally says, breaking the quiet that had fallen over the backseat.
“Well, that’s all right,” You say, with a good natured smile. But you are mildly confused as to why he seems so surprised. New York City had a lot of apartment buildings, you doubted anyone knew the names of them all.
Patrick is very clearly struggling to initiate conversation, you notice. He’s already talked about his work (you still aren’t clear of what his work day consists of, though), high end fashion (you do think the way he eviscerated the suit of the other man at the table was kind of funny), his interest in true crime (though you never got it out of him what other things he reads, you can infer he probably devours GQ), music (the man is beholden to the Billboard Hot 100, and you decide if this goes any further you’ll have to expand his tastes), and other places to get food and drinks besides Arcadia (places you could not afford– you couldn’t have afforded tonight if, since he was technically your date, Patrick had paid your bill).
You frown a little, studying him for a moment, and wonder if dinner reservations and suits and work and who-wore-what-and-when-and-where is where Patrick Bateman ends. It’s a shame, because based off your dinner conversation you had thought you may have found someone you could enjoy talking about your love of literature with outside of work.
“What do you do?” Patrick says, as if he’s only just realized that the question is something he can ask, and that he has not asked it all night. “You’re on the library board, I recall, I once was with a girl who worked with the ACLU–” He’s cut off by your chuckling, laughter, and his expression tenses up. Darkens a bit. “What?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Patrick, you’re just mistaken, that’s all.” You smile at him, leaning a little closer. You put a hand in his lap. “I’m very flattered you think I serve on the library board, but I don’t.”
Patrick frowns and furrows his brows together and you resist the urge to laugh, again, at the way you can see the gears in his brain turning. “Then why are you going to the library?”
“Patrick, I work there.”
“You work there.”
You nod. “My current job title is library assistant, but I’m hoping to go back to school once I’ve saved up and get a masters in library science. Then I can actually become a librari-an,” you explain, “There’s a bit of a difference in job responsibilities, and of course pay. Right now I check books in and out, shelve them and organize them, help people look through the newspaper archives– I feel like I’ve lost you,” You say.
“No– I mean– I just didn’t expect that a library would… pay so well,” He states, looking over your outfit.
“It doesn’t. My friend got me this for the date tonight,” You say with a teasing smile, as the car pulls up in front of your building. You feel a twinge of guilt. While you hoped your date wasn’t the sort of rich asshole to toss you aside when he realized you weren’t a trust fund baby, you hadn’t intended to deceive him or anything.
“Do you want to come up?” You ask him. It’s later than you would usually have stayed out, and you’re not sure if Patrick is as tired as you are, but you still want to ask. “I know it’s been a bit of a long night, but… And you’re not going to get me to put Genesis on, but I could manage some Bowie,” You offer.
He’s white knuckling from gripping his fist in his lap so hard. For a moment you think that he’s going to have an aneurysm deciding whether or not to accept your invitation, and are about to tell him don’t worry about it, forget it, have a good night, when he answers. “Sure.”
You hesitate, but smile, and on a leap of faith give him a kiss, before sliding out and holding the car door open for him.
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arisenreborn · 5 months
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∞ Arisen & Pawn Character Introductions
This one is 'shorter' at least, going to do the Q&A section when they're further along. ^^ (template)
NAME: Olivia "Crow" Tramont AGE: 22 RACE: Human, but has some small Elven ancestry PRONOUNS: She/Her PREFERRED VOCATION: Fighter FAVORED GIFTS: Gemstones, weapons, jewelry, fine clothes (expensive/useful things), any stupid little thing Emrys picks up off the ground and hands her. FAMILY: Father, Mother, Older Brother, Younger Brother, Younger Sister
POSITIVE TRAITS: Brave, steadfast, optimistic, charismatic. She has a knightly (and 'ideal noble') sense of obligation to protect and provide for others, and is eager to assist wherever she can. She is kind and doting to most everyone she meets (which can absolutely be a negative as well), and seeks to lift people up and remind them of their strengths. Tactically-minded, but bold enough to not hem and haw the details overlong, and enjoys a bit of competition. In short, an excellent leader. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Admittedly, she does get a little tired of being so helpful and on-hand all the time- no, no, she won't let herself get down - she will work herself raw and ragged if need be. She is perhaps too charming at times, and can be something of a shameless flirt, hedging into hedonism. Does not know her drinking limit. (When drunk she is generally very jovial albeit loud, but much more prone to getting into trouble.) A bit naive in her aspirations, which results in a sort of 'tone deafness' at times when approaching issues beyond her ken. LIKES: Every beautiful thing, long baths, training/fighting, overcoming fearsome foes, outsmarting fools who think they're clever/better, helping people, drinking, sex, Emrys when he's being honest (even if it's uncomfortable), climbing trees, the romanticism of adventure, oxen, dancing, dressing up for masquerades or just about any festivity, festivities in general, proving her family wrong. DISLIKES: Dishonesty, most of the Vermundian nobility, particularly those self-serving wastrels wrapped around Disa's finger. When Emrys lies, losing or being forced to retreat (takes it badly), hangover remedies, being restrained/tied down by the expectations of others.
NAME: Emrys "Fox" Venor AGE: ??? RACE: Pawn - Human PRONOUNS: He/Any PREFERRED VOCATION: Archer, Thief FAVORED GIFTS: Gold. Otherwise anything that'll fetch a high price. INCLINATION: """Simple"""
POSITIVE TRAITS: Helpful, knowledgeable about many things, great with directions in and out of the city, outwardly amicable, excels at navigating difficult communications between multiple parties (see: he is very familiar with the inner workings of all sorts and figuring out what they desire). NEGATIVE TRAITS: Spiteful, liar, contemptuous, two-faced. There is presumably a bit of 'crafting' involved in the outward expression of every Pawn but he really goes above and beyond. The only thing he mislikes more than mortals in general is the Arisen. If he had the will of his own to do so, he would be extremely hedonistic and self-serving. (In fact, before the presence of the Arisen, he very much emulated such behaviors.) LIKES: Hunting and gathering, comfort (a soft bed and roof overhead, namely), strong ale, fancy wines, general pleasures of the flesh, the sea, treasure, freedom - especially the sense of freedom from exploring the outdoors, people who don't ask too many questions, The Arisen. DISLIKES: The Arisen, the pre-ordained laws of the world, Battahl, the Godsway, drakes, anything and anyone that would strip him of his meager sense of autonomy. The inherent self-serving nature of mortals. Has complicated feelings about Dragonsplague because it was the first time he felt free, but also that he wasn't 'himself', and yet he really can't remember too much about it apart from the result, so... 🤷‍♂️
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