#does coffee slimmer works
sooniebby · 3 months
hello, if you still take requests, please hear me out
reader is roommates with a guy. a rather hot guy, to be honest
reader is in denial whenever someone asks if he's attracted to his roommate, but it's obvious he is, he can't take his eyes off him... taking quick looks at his crotch...
anyways, unfortunately the room only has one bed, in which they sleep on together. normally, they sleep each on each side of the bed, but tonight, roommate hugs reader from behind, sleeping spooning
reader won't admit, but he's sooo horny. he just lowers his hand and starts jerking off right there and then, careful not to wake roommate up
little does he know his roommate was just pretending to be asleep and is well sure of what he's doing. now, roommate will show reader what he's made of
would you mind writing something like this?
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W.C › 9.2k
Warnings › this is a random oc. Bottom male reader!!! Changed a few parts of the plot and added kinks since there wasn’t any. Get ready for me using song lyrics, just for a little bit. Anything not translated will be translated at the ending notes. if I have any Korean wrong correct me! I appreciate feedback, I’m not fluent!
Kinks › dubcon, lite somnophilia, dom/sub, manhandling, predator/prey, size difference, blood, possessiveness, dacryphilia
Words to know › 자기야 (jagiya/jagi) means “baby/sweetie”. 선배 (seonbae) title for someone older in school/work. 형 (hyung/hyeong) name for older male from a younger male. 아/야 (a/ya) showing closeness to someone. 동생 (Dongsaeng) little brother/sister, doesn’t have to be a biological sibling/can be a friend.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
❝ 김진우 ❞
Those words were practically all that you heard these days. You know, when you originally came to this university, you had big plans. Plans to date as much as possible. Finally lose your virginity!
But they’re nothing important compared to who you unfortunately got paired to dorm with.
Kim Jinu.
A third year at your university. You felt bitter, to say the least. Of course you would have to unlucky chance of being paired with an upperclassman than another freshman. Gah, you wanted to cry.
Anyone that came up to you was always asking about Mister Kim Jinu! What about you?! You were handsome too!
Well, you were a potato next to Jinu.
The Korean beauty standards just had to pick favorites.
A slow soft sigh left your lips as you stared at your empty screen in front of you. Your fingers twiddled with your pen before you leaned over and pressed it against the screen, attempting to finish the outline of your sketch. You were an art major, dreaming of being an animator or even a comic book artist.
Much to your parents dismay. You haven’t had your mother’s signature kimchi in almost two months now due to your choice. But you tried not to dwell on it! You wanted to be happy.
And if being a starving artist is the only way, so be it!
Speaking of starving….
Your stomach growled as you whined and tossed the pen onto the desk, lying back in your chair as you swirled around. You’d have better luck being a Kpop idol at this point. Maybe it’s not too late. Who doesn’t like a filler member?
You glance in the small circle mirror resting on your desk and probe at your cheeks. Plastic surgery isn’t too much, right? Maybe a slimmer nose? Double eyelids?
“(Name) Oppa..? What are you doing?”
A shriek left your lips as you looked back at Cho Yoona, your classmate. A tight smile pulled on your lips as you took the iced coffee she had in her hands.
“Nothing, nothing. Oppa is just having a mental breakdown.” You said, quickly taking a sip of your coffee to gain some energy back.
Yoona grabbed a chair and pulled it close to your desk, sitting down next to you. “Hm. What are you doing now?”
“Ah? Well, the theme was something out of our comfort zone, so I was trying to create… uh… nude portraits..”
“Huh? Nude? Will Professor Lee Hyunki approve that?”
You shrugged, placing the coffee down onto the desk. “I have a backup plan. I haven’t been able to get in touch with him anyway.” A groan left your throat as you saved your draft before shutting off your computer. “Anyway, let’s go. It’s getting late.”
As you and Yoona packed up, she suddenly looked over to you with a big smirk.
“Oppa… are you… close to Kim Jinu Seonbae?” She asked, looking up at you with wide eyes.
“No.” You quickly said, rolling your eyes. “We’re just roommates. Not close at all.”
“Oh.” She muttered, pouting. “You’re lucky, Oppa. You get to be so close to Jinu Seonbae. Isn’t he handsome up close?” She squealed, clutching her notebook tight against her chest. “I’d die if I get to see him right after he takes a shower!!!”
“Get your mind out of the gutter.” You muttered, playfully flicking her forehead. The two of you left the classroom, turning off the lights and closing the door.
Once Yoona went her own separate way to her own dorms, you couldn’t help but think about what she said. Jinu… in just a towel..?
You heaved as you accidentally swallowed your coffee a bit too fast, pounding at your chest once you finally reached your dorm. Your hands fiddle with your keys while you fight off the harsh coughing burning at your chest. The door swings open as you struggle inside, slamming the door behind you.
Tossing your bag onto your side of the room, you make a beeline for the mini fridge and pull out a water bottle, downing it in seconds. As the cool refreshment calmed the coughing beast within you, you suddenly realized you weren’t holding your coffee anymore.
Your eyes trailed down to see it lying spilled on the floor not too far from your feet.
And unfortunately, it spilled right on a stake of papers near Jinu’s backpack. A shrill girlish scream right of a horror movie leaves your throat as you collapse to your knees and pick up the coffee cup, seeing the damage.
Your fingers felt numb as they slowly peeled the notebook open, seeing the pages stuck together like glue. The once white sheets dark in black, ice cubes coating it like sprinkles. Holy fuck.
Fuck fuck.
Jinu was going to kill you!
With the coffee coating the paper, you could hardly read what was written in it. But judging from the top cover, it looked to be a study guide or something.
Your eyes squinted as you tried to read what you could in hopes of gaging just how bad you fucked up. The words that you could only read were: “바보…토끼…자기…”
What the fuck?
Idiot, rabbit, babe?
What the hell was Jinu writing about?
Jinu was a business major. You couldn’t recall him taking any classes dealing with animals. Maybe it was a code word? Well, all that mattered was that it didn’t seem too important so you quickly grabbed the notebook. Drying it with a hair dryer seemed like your safest bet.
The room door opened, catching your attention as you shoved the notebook behind your back. There stood Jinu, obviously waving bye to someone before finally looking into the room. His eyes zoned in on you, face just frozen for a solid second.
You panicked, thinking that he could possibly see the notebook behind your back. Not the fact you were on your knees, staring up at him with wide cute eyes, and plump lips pulled into a slight pout. Especially with your sweater that was large and baggy, something you preferred, with one of the sleeves down—showing your bare shoulders.
Why would you wear tanks underneath the sweater? The buildings here aren’t that cold.
“Jinu Seonbae..!” You whisper, giggling nervously as you pressed the notebook tight against your back, taking a peek to make sure it didn’t stick out. “How.. was your day?”
Jinu blinked. Once, twice, before a large grin pulled onto his face and his eyes practically closed into those crescent moons girls swooned about. Whatever he was thinking about was long gone.
“I thought I told you to call me hyung, (Name). We’re going to be roommates for a while anyway.” Jinu said, closing the door behind him as he slipped off his shoes and put away his jacket.
You wanted him to stay as far as possible—you couldn’t have him seeing the mess you made! Your eyes trailed around the room, looking for something to distract him with. The floor was feeling sticky from the coffee, its spill coating the floor and now your knees. You didn’t even noticed you had accidentally knelt in the damn puddle.
“H..Hyung! Uhm, can you… get me some napkins?” You yelled, stopping Jinu just as he began to walk past the bathroom door. He balked at your raised voice but simply hummed, turning on his heels to grab some from the connected bathroom.
Your hands gripped the sticky notebook and shoved it underneath one of your old textbooks on your desk, standing up just as Jinu came back.
“Spilled something?”
“Mhm… just some coffee.” You muttered, thanking him for the napkins as you kneeled back down to wipe it up. “I don’t think it got on any of your things.”
Jinu let out a noncommittal hum, standing just inches from you as you bent over. You felt watched—to a strange and uncomfortable amount but you didn’t want to say anything. Once you finished, you glanced up at him, hoping he possibly didn’t notice his missing notebook.
But this position.
No, it was his stare really. You felt yourself squirm, wondering how a guy could look so cute not too long ago and watch you like a hawk the next.
“Ah, (Name), did you eat the sandwich I bought you?” Jinu suddenly asked, his gaze shifting to his desk as he moved past you, sitting down on his chair. “I tried to remember what you liked.”
“Oh uhm. I gave it to my dongsaeng.”
The soft taps on the desk stopped, causing you to look over at Jinu. He was facing the window so you couldn’t get a read on his face. But the total silence made you feel as if what you said was the wrong answer.
“Dongsaeng? Biological?”
“Uhm. Yes. My little brother came to visit me.” You muttered, feeling a bit weirded out he asked that. “He skipped school to see me, but I didn’t have enough money to take him out so I just gave him my lunch. Sorry, Seonbae.”
Jinu’s light tapping on the desk began again as he let out a laugh. “It’s okay! I’ll just make sure to get you two next time.” He turned to face you, a large grin on his lips. Any tension in your body slipped away as you couldn’t help but smile back.
Kim Jinu wasn’t too bad of a roommate.
Just a shame he kept cockblocking you.
“Wa, Hyung, these lover letters are all for you?”
On your desk, covering your keyboard and almost the entire space area, was a small mountain of love letters. In your classroom for art major, you all had small little cubicles that was essentially your work station. Unlucky for you, many people found out exactly where yours was to leave gifts.
Oh but not for you.
Are you kidding?
They were all for Jinu.
Your classmate, Im Taeil, reached over and grabbed one of the food that were left, reading the sticky note attached to it. “Oh. This one is for Kim Jinu Seonbae.”
“They’re all for him.” You muttered bitterly, grabbing a heap of them and stomping over to the trash, dumping them with no remorse. Taeil watched you in awe as you cleaned your desk in seconds, leaving just the few snacks.
“Why do they give them to you instead of Jinu Seonbae?” Taeil asked, pulling at the rest of the sticky notes to read what was on them. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just confess to him? Wow, these notes leave nothing to the imagination. I think some of these are from guys too.”
You rolled your eyes, grabbing one of the chocolate bars and pulling it open, taking a big bite. “I don’t know! Maybe they can’t handle rejection. I hope they know I’m not his damn servant!” You plopped down onto your chair and sighed, wanting to just drown in your sorrows.
So much for getting laid or finding a partner.
All that anyone wanted was Kim Jinu!
Agh!! You just wanted to say, “꺼져!” But you knew saying “go to hell” to everyone was a bad idea and would practically send you into the shadow realm of no friends.
Though your only friends seemed to be Taeil and Yoona. But you didn’t really think they liked you as a person. You were just the easiest to talk to.
“Hyung, can I…?” Taeil suddenly whispered, catching your attention. His hands made a grabby motion as he inched close to one of the snacks on your desk. You mutely waved and allowed him to grab whatever he wanted. You’d probably just give the rest to Yoona or something. Ah, maybe your little brother…?
“Oh, Oppa! Taeil!” Yoona greeted, the door pushed open as she carried a bag filled with goods. She skipped over, a bright cheery grin on her lips as she stood right in front of you and Taeil. “Look what Jinu Seonbae gave me! Ah, he’s so cool!”
Taeil peaked into the bag and pulled out a bag of chips. “Wow. He really got these for you?” You couldn’t deny the slight twitch in your lips at his wording. Her? Just for Yoona? No way. No way…
Yoona shook her head. “Not just for me! It’s mainly for (Name) Oppa!” She took out another pair of chips and two sodas, handing one over to Taeil. “The rest is for you! There’s a note inside.”
The bag was practically thrusted onto your lap as Yoona walked over to her desk across from yours and plopped down, eagerly chowing down on her snacks.
Taeil looked curious on what the note said but seemed to know there was limits to his nosy behavior as he sat down at his desk two seats away from you. Huh. Mainly for you?
You pulled open the plastic bag and pulled out a soda and chips, similar to what he gave Taeil and Yoona. But there was more: two turkey sandwiches. You pulled out the one that had a sticky note on it, tilting your head as you read his handwriting out to yourself.
❝ 여기, 샌드위치 두 개요. 오직 토끼만을 위한! 아니 동생! ❞
❝ Here, two sandwiches. For Bunny only! No Dongsaeng! ❞
“No dongsaeng?”
You shrieked, looking back to see Taeil suddenly standing behind you. He grinned sheepishly, taking a step back.
“Sorry, Hyung. You got so quiet… I was a bit worried.”
Yoona perked up from her desk, tilting her head. “What does it say?” She walked over and glanced down at the note. “Who’s bunny?”
You shrugged, “not sure. I’ve never been called a bunny before.” You let out another pathetic cry of shock when Yoona and Taeil were suddenly close to your face, eyes wide as if they were examining you like a piece of meat.
“Really? You look more like a deer to me.” Yoona muttered.
“No… I see the bunny. Ah, but maybe hamster too. You have chubby cheeks, Hyung!” Taeil chimed in.
You rolled your eyes, wanting to push them away but you kinda enjoyed the attention. You weren’t really into the whole animal representative thing that a lot of Kpop idols did. Just didn’t see the purpose, especially after you grew up. But you wouldn’t lie and say you didn’t like being referred to as such cute animals.
You could’ve gotten an insect!
The rest of the day was uneventful. You actually ended up eating both sandwiches Jinu gave you, slaving away at your project. It wasn’t going as great as you envisioned—nowhere near. You had no problem creating a nude body it was just difficult to make it… artistically pleasing and not full on horny.
❝ 잠깐만요 시간 있나요?…. ❞
Yoona’s Bluetooth speaker sang the melody of AOA - Excuse me as you stared at the rough draft in front of you. You wished you didn’t pick digital art for this project and stick to traditional but there was no use complaining now.
Your wrist tensed as you zoomed in on the face of your model—creating the soft brush strokes of his hair. Sharp eyes, black in color. The outline of lips that you would paint in pink. Maybe even red. Earrings? No, he doesn’t have any.
He’s gotten bigger. Definitely compared to the pictures you’ve seen of him last year from his friends. Weights..? Boxing? His knuckles looked bruised sometimes when you saw him.
Red, aching. Cuts of skin. Bright and glossy from the ointment he’d put on it. Tanned skin. Red against tanned skin—a perfect contrast.
Does it hurt to move? If you kissed it, would the blood coat your lips?
It was such an edgy thought but you wondered how it’d look to use his blood as lipstick.
His thumb pressed on your bottom lip, slowly smearing it. Would he call you pretty? Kissing you so you both can taste the metallic rush of blood. Maybe you can taste something else. White, maybe?
Your breathing shuddered as your grip on your pen tightened, legs pressing tightly together. Red and white. Would he like you in that? Pretty and pliant just for him to claim. Your free hand gently pulled at your pants, alleviating some pressure against your crotch.
Bunny. Were you his bunny?
Is that what he thought of you? Helpless and defenseless? His fingernails digging into your soft skin as blood spilled, your soft moans teetering on the verge of tears.
What did he remind you of?
A fox?
Don’t they eat bunnies?
You didn’t know why the thought made your whole body spasm. Your breathing getting heavy as the pen began to slip from your hand. He’d chase you. Yeah, that’s what a fox does to their prey. Chase you until couldn’t run anymore, huddled in a dead end as he got closer.
You’d cry and beg but he’d take you. Because he wants you—wants you so bad he can’t control himself. He’d always wanted you beneath him screaming his name for all to hear. As you became his prey.
❝ 벗어날 수 없는 걸 ❞
“Oh! I love this song! Taeil, do you like The Boyz?” Yoona said, turning up the volume. Taeil hummed, looking up from his screen. His eyes looked bloodshot at this point. How long have you guys been here?
“I prefer girl groups. Like Red Velvet!” Taeil said, proudly showing his phone that had a Lock Screen of Seulgi. Yoona cooed and showed her Lock Screen of Kevin. Wow, you’re stuck with Kpop fans. You rubbed your eyes, looking away from your screen to stop seeing the dark spots appearing in your vision.
Taeil and Yoona began talking about their favorite groups while you listened to the song. It felt oddly fitting for the mood you were in right now. You’d have to ask Yoona for the name later. Right now you need a drink, stat.
You grabbed your water bottle and took long gulps as you finally glanced back at your drawing. It took a moment for it to fully register before you let out a scream.
No it was certainly manly.
There—right in front of you—was Kim Jinu staring right back at you. You…
You fucking drew him?!
❝ 온통 너로 물들여질 테니… ❞
No way. No fucking way.
But there it was, staring back at you. His fluffy black hair slicked back as if he was drenched in water. Black eyes with his signature big nose. His lips weren’t pulled into his usual smiles. You had drawn him with all of his features except that damn smile.
Damn Kim Jinu… he was affecting you in ways you didn’t think was possible.
You quickly saved your draft on the tablet and turned it off, needing to just go to your dorm and sleep this daze off. “Yoona… Taeil… I need to sleep.” You muttered, Yoona and Taeil staring at you with worried looks. “You guys should go sleep too. It’s late.”
Yoona and Taeil didn’t fight it. It looked as if they were waiting for you to give them permission. You waved them off, stating you needed to clean up a bit before leaving. Your professor didn’t like crumbs. But you didn’t clean, you just stared at your tablet. The large tablet that the school provided that was now logged on into your account, holding a secret.
Your breathing slowed as you reached over and pressed the power button, waiting as it lit up. The soft taps filled the room as you logged back in and clicked your recent save. He appeared in front of you again.
That fox.
A shudder left you as you pulled down your pants, along with your boxers, as your cock plopped out against your tummy. It was small. Smaller than most. Around 4 inches. Possibly 3 really. But it didn’t matter to you really—you didn’t think you’d ever want to top anyway.
Your hand grasped your cock as you began to pump it slowly, staring straight at the drawing in front of you. His cock. You wondered what it looked like.
You respected his privacy so you never dared to stare at him whenever he came out of the shower.
But you wish you did. Wish you could have an accurate picture of how it would look. How it would be deep inside of you. Would it make a bulge in your stomach?
Is he thick? Long? Maybe both.
You arched your back against the chair as you took shallow breaths, your whimpers filling the empty room. Your toes curled as you whined and mewled, wishing someone else was jerking you off.
Oh who were you kidding?
You wished it was Jinu.
Even as you reached your orgasm, cum coating your tummy, you didn’t feel any relief.
What fun was it if he didn’t chase you?
A hum left your throat as you buried your face into your arms, shivering slightly from the cool air that tickled your stomach.
Puffs of air brushed against your cheek. It was warm, a nice contrast compared to the cool air that covered you. A finger gently touched your cheek. Poking and doing small circles around the outline of it. The hand trailed down your face to your back, rubbing circles as it started a slight rhythm.
❝ 날 놀리는 거야, 예쁜 자기야. ❞
Despite the taps jolting against your skin, it almost lulled you back into sleep. It was something you missed, the touch of someone special. Slowly, it inched further down, moving to the end of your sweater. Your body flinched at the hand now teasing your skin directly as it grazed it your stomach.
❝ 무방비 토끼. 내가 너를 먹어치울게 ❞
It felt sticky. A deep chuckle reverberated against your back. The touch on your skin was possessive, rubbing and massaging your stomach. Your body flinched as your breathing began to stutter. A hand slipped further down, easily squeezing its way into your pants. The sensual touch—it felt as if you belonged to them and only them.
❝ 도망기면 쫓이갈거야, 토끼야… ❞
A gasp left your lips as your eyes opened, looking around to notice that you were still in the classroom. Fuck. Your body tensed as you moved away from your desk, groaning at the awkward position you slept in. As you stretched, your gaze flickered to an ice coffee on your desk with a sticky note attached to it.
It had a badly drawn bunny on it with a heart next to it. The words: “fighting!” were scribbled beside the crude drawing. You couldn’t help but smile, placing the note on small bulletin board near your desk.
It must’ve been your hyung, Lee Minjae. Or who you affectionately called, Minnie Hyung. He was the one who pushed you to pursue your major instead of what your parents wanted. Such a great hyung.
The whole thing about Jinu felt like a distant memory. You’d have to change what you’re submitting for the project, immediately.
No way in hell were you going to submit a nude of your fucking roommate.
There was a something wrong with your bed.
After you took your shower and changed into comfy pajamas, you noticed there was something wrong your bed. Well for one the fucking mattress was missing. You had called Jinu if he knew what happened but all he said was that he found a nest of spider eggs in it so the school confiscated it.
Unlucky for you the school were cheap stakes and it was gonna take a bit of time before you got a new mattress. Jinu had said you would be sharing with him but you didn’t necessarily think you could survive something like that.
Him pressed up against you.
Would it…
You pushed the thought away. Your eyes trailed off to your desk when you suddenly remembered the ruined notebook. You walked over and grabbed it from beneath one of your textbooks, seeing it in its fully ruined glory. There was no salvaging it at this point. You hoped Jinu didn’t care for this dumb thing.
But you were curious to see if you could read it fully now.
You slowly peeled it open and bristled at just how bad the damage was. Half of the pages were stuck together and when you tried to part it they tore. The pen he used to write it had smudged from the liquid so his handwriting was ineligible.
Right before you had given up to just toss it, you came across the last page, seeing a word you could understand. “Jagi.” Huh. Who was this babe of his? You tried to push away the slight bitterness in your throat the thought of that.
Of course he’d have a girlfriend. He was Kim fucking Jinu.
It’d be a shock if he didn’t.
You tossed the notebook into the trash can and made sure to put your food snacks on top of it just in case Jinu decided to accidentally look in there. If Jinu ever asked about his notebook, you’d pretend you never even seen him with a notebook before.
Now all you had to deal with was the problem of sleeping in the same bed with Jinu. You’d survive.
You haven’t survived. It’s been two weeks and it felt as if you hadn’t slept in years. Jinu keeps two pillows between the both you while you slept but somehow the two of you always end up close. It wasn’t even a day ago when you woke up to yourself resting right on Jinu, your cheek pressed against his chest while your hand palmed his neck.
He had a big chest—you wished you had a little bit of a degenerative attitude to feel him up.
But you’d rather not be known as the perverted roommate.
“(Name)-Ah? Something wrong?” A hand gently rests on your shoulder as you glanced up to see Lee Minjae staring down at you. A cute grin pulled on your lips as you placed your pen down to grip one of his hands. You just liked touching him.
“Minnie Hyung! What are you doing in the art department?”
Minjae smirked, leaning down as your noses touch. “Can’t check in on my dongsaeng? Your classmates have been telling me that you’ve been cooped up in here. It’s not good for you to stare at the screen for this long.” You giggled, watching as he pulled away.
“Mhm. I’m okay, promise!” You could feel yourself acting cuter in Minjae’s presence. It wasn’t shocking. He always made you feel safe to act how you do behind closed doors. You could wear whatever you wanted around him without being judged.
A perfect, perfect hyung.
“Ah, Hyung, thank you for the coffee last time! I enjoyed it.”
Minjae hummed. “Coffee? I didn’t bring you coffee.”
“What? You didn’t? Then…” You pulled your lips into a pout as you thought about who would do something like that for you. It couldn’t be Yoona and Taeil. You weren’t close to anyone else.
“Ah, did my pretty dongsaeng finally get a secret admirer?” Minjae grinned, playfully pulling at your cheeks while you whined. The two of you began to giggle like little boys as you stared up at Minjae with a look of pure content.
You hoped you had Minjae with you forever.
A soft knock on the door caught your attention as you and Minjae glanced to the right to see who it was. The position you were in was almost of that of a couple. Your hand grasping Minjae’s as they rest on your shoulders. The previous nose rubbing and even just you looking up at him like he hung up the moon.
Were you two a couple?
❝ 타오른 이 감정은… ❞
Jinu was having a terrible day. First he had to entertain a few random teachers with something he didn’t even care to remember. Second he was bothered by some fourth years about a project they needed help on. And now, he had to deal with Cho Yoona and Im Taeil’s yapping about their favorite song while he walked to your classroom.
That song Yoona was playing just made him angrier. Insanity was the name of the song, at least that’s what she said. Jinu felt the same and thought if he had to see something else that pissed him off he’d die a slow death.
So of course he had to see you, his bunny, making fucking whore eyes to some random seonbae.
What the fuck?!
Jinu forced a tight grin and held up a bag filled with food. Food that was just for you but of course he can’t say that. Despite himself, he tried to keep an easy going and fun attitude when speaking to other people. Though he was wondering if he should forgo that for punting Lee Minjae into the sun.
That stupid pig.
You wouldn’t even look at Jinu, you haven’t been looking at him often these days. He knew it was because you were embarrassed about the sleeping arrangements. But it was the only way he believed you could get closer to him.
So what if he deliberately put a spider and other insects in your mattress in hopes they laid eggs and ruin it so then it would force you to sleep on the same bed with him?
You don’t understand any of his other hints or flirting attempts.
He needed results fast!
You were hopping away to any other dick that wasn’t his and he couldn’t have that.
This chase he was having with you was starting to make him insane. If he didn't have you beneath him soon he wouldn't survive another night with you. His whole plan about having you sleep on his bed honestly felt as if it was back firing on him. You were so cuddly when you slept, always finding a way to move over the pillow barrier.
He always pretended he was asleep when you woke up in a panic, always pulling away before he could truly saver your touch—your warmth.
He was truly going insane. All he could remember was the first time he ever saw you. But he couldn't think about it further when he felt Lee Minjae's hand pat him on the back. Jinu fought every muscle in his face to not immediately grimace at the other's touch.
"(Name)-Ah, Yoona, Taeil, I'll take my leave now. I don't wanna bother you guys any longer." Minjae leaned down towards you and Jinu felt his upper lip twitched as he watched the older with his stupid dyed blonde hair that looked fried and crispy nuzzle his nose against yours.
If that wasn't enough, Minjae wrapped his arms around your neck and held you close as he pressed a wet kiss on your cheek. You shrieked and struggled against his hold, trying to avoid the kiss. But you hardly put up a fight, all giggly and smiley. You looked so small in Minjae's arms, so pliant and easy to hold.
Jinu pulled at his sweatpants, coughing slightly. That seemed to catch Minjae's attention as he stopped his childish assault and gave (Name) a cheeky smirk. Yoona began cooing at how cute you and Minjae looked together.
You didn't. No way. Jinu fought the urge to pull Minjae away from you.
Taeil tilted his head, "Jinu Seonbae, are you okay? Your eyebrows are so furrowed. You might pop a blood vessel."
The others looked over at Jinu, Yoona and Minjae questioning if he was alright, you especially with a look of concern in your doe eyes.
Worry about him and him alone.
Pay attention to only him.
"It's nothing," Jinu said, puling out his signature lady killer smile. "I think I just need to eat something, I haven't had a proper lunch in ages." Yoona immediately swooned while Taeil rolled his eyes. Minjae seemed in deep though as he stared at Jinu, the fourth year tilting his head as if he was digging deep into Jinu's soul. Figuring him out with a just a look.
Minjae grinned. "Let your seonbae take you out, yeah?" He suddenly said, catching everyone's attention. "I know a place not too far from here that sells great tteokbokki."
Like I'd want to be caught dead with you... Jinu thought to himself but he simply hummed. "Sure, Seonbae. Bye, Yoona, Taeil..."
Jinu stared right at you as Minjae pulled away from you. Your eyes flickered over to Jinu and you offered him a tight smile, waving slightly. "See you, Jinu Seonbae."
"See you, (Name)." He whispered, mostly just happy you even looked him in the eye.
But his happiness was short lived when you looked at Minjae and offered him a cute smile. A smile that you’ve never gave him. "Bye, Minnie Hyung!"
Minnie Hyung?!
Jinu followed Minjae out of the classroom, curses swirling in his mind as he stared at the man beside him. Minjae chuckled after a moment or so and looked over at Jinu with a smirk. "Y'know, you can't blow my head off with just your stare. I didn't know you were into my (Name)-Ah."
His? Jinu was fine with being expelled at this point but Minjae suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Jinu-Ya," he placed his hand on Jinu's shoulder while Jinu wondered what gave the man the audacity to use such a title with him. "If you want (Name)-Ah, you have to take him. There's so many wolves that want him." He smirked knowingly, his finger tapping Jinu's shoulder.
Just as Jinu was about to speak, Minjae pressed his finger on his lips. What the fuck? "Listen to your hyung, Jinu-Ya. With someone so naive like (Name)-Ah, you just take him like you own him. Chase after him, there is a dead end soon."
With that, he pulled away and smirked. "Tell me how the chase goes. I've been waiting for someone to snatch up my dongsaeng."
Jinu just stood there blank faced in the middle of the hallway as Minjae walked away. Just what the fuck was that? He didn't even think too hard about it when he realized he didn't have to worry about you and Minjae. Phew, that stress was short lived.
But what did he mean by dead end?
You were going insane.
It felt you were being watched these days. You had finally finished your project, having going with another idea and completely abandoning the whole nude thing. But it still sat in your drafts, practically calling you everyday. Sometimes you'd go back...
You'd finish certain parts of it. His body fully detailed expect that dreaded crotch. His dick. You wouldn't dare make what you believed his dick to look like. There was still some sense of self respect deep inside you.
Just not strong enough to not pay attention when you were drawing something for fun. You had a art account that you posted on like once every month of gay art you drew. So you were creating the piece, feeling in the mood to do something with oral fixation.
Only for you to notice instead of the usual two same characters you stuck to, it was Jinu as the top. Which, fair, it wouldn't be too different from what you had literally done weeks ago.
No, the problem was the partner.
You drew yourself.
You fucking drew yourself.
The drawing felt so real compared to the others you've made. Drawing Jinu between your legs, holding you up, bending you over on the bed. Your shoulders rest on the bed while your legs curled into yourself. His mouth biting the flesh of your ass, his eyes staring right at you, the real you.
Of course you had to angle it this way. Fucking pervert.
You tried to salvage the drawing but each stroke on that cursed tablet just made the partner look more and more like you. Okay, you were desperate for sex at this point. It was too much. You pressed the delete button on the sketch and powered off the tablet.
"I'm going, Taeil. Don't stay too late."
With lighting speed, you rushed to your dorm, trying to ignore the growing boner in your pants. Why did you have to like someone like Jinu? Out of all the people at this stupid university. Even Minjae would've been better than Kim Jinu of all people. But you couldn't complain any further because when you stormed into your dorm, fucking Kim Jinu was there, sitting at his desk.
Jinu glanced over at you and grinned, taking off his glasses as he shut off his laptop. "You're back earlier than normal. Did you end up finishing quick?"
You numbly nodded. "Yes... I just need to sleep. My eyes hurt." You couldn't even look at him. His gaze followed you as you grabbed your pajamas. Wherever you stepped, eyes were right on you, watching you like a predator does his next prey.
Bunny and fox.
That's what you imagined him as.
A fox.
It felt so hard to breathe with him near.
Why did it feel like there was no escape?
❝ 지금 너를 미치도록 ❞
The soft sputtering of the fan filled the room as you laid there right awake on Jinu's bed, wondering why you couldn't sleep despite your tired eyes. Jinu was fast asleep, his back pressed your own back. You didn't know why the usual barrier wasn't here tonight but you couldn't care too much about it right now. Not with your growing boner.
You haven't masturbated in two weeks. It's not a shock that the stupid art from earlier was still affecting you like this. You wondered if you could just sneak into the bathroom and quickly jerk one off. Would he notice? Just as you made the decision to get up, strong arms suddenly wrapped around your waist. Your body stiffened as you felt Jinu snuggled against your back.
His face buried in your neck, his nose and bangs softly tickling you.
Your legs subconsciously clamped shut at him so close. Okay, you were fucking screwed. The thought of moving seemed impossible now with him so close. His grip was so strong that you didn't understand how someone asleep could have such strong coordination.
Despite being cuddled by your crush, your cock was more alive than ever, leaking against your pajama pants. You let out a stifled whimper as you reached down and gently rub the bottom of your palm against your bulge. The relief was almost instant as a guttural groan escaped you before you could stop yourself.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Were you really going to do this?
Yeah you were.
Soon the fan wasn't the only one making noise. Your soft and breathy moans filled the room as you jerked off. Your body flinched from the pressure causing your butt to rub against Jinu's front.
He was... hard...?
A wave of fear washed over you as you stilled your hand. No, no. He must be having a wet dream or something. Yeah, he can't be awake hearing you. No. No way. You needed to reach your damned orgasm and just go to sleep. You'd deal with the shame in the morning. You finally decided to pull down your pajama pants to grasp your cock and not just rub it anymore.
You pumped your cock, making sure to still your body so you don't accidentally rub your bare ass against Jinu's clothed crotch. He'd hate that. No, he'd hate to learn what you're doing. Fuck. The shame was already affecting you. Stray tears fell down your cheeks as you bit down at your pillow, still chasing your orgasm despite the shame filling your lungs.
Embarrassment. This was so fucking embarrassing.
It was close-- your orgasm. Inches away, dancing on the tip of your fingers as your moans began to reach a crescendo. So much for muffling yourself. Your edge to your orgasm was wrecking you—sending you to a mental space you couldn't imagine in any other circumstance.
Was this how sex with someone you liked felt?
Could Jinu make you feel this way?
Was... him being here making you this way?
It wasn't enough. You wanted more. Your legs shifted as you subtly pulled your pants down, kicking them off without a care. You didn't have any lube but you had no time. The tease of ecstasy was whispering your name—calling you to go further. So you did. You suckled two of your fingers, getting them as wet as possible before slipping down between your legs.
The two seconds of pain as you pushed them inside did not deter you. You could deal with a little pain. It was rough. Your fingers rubbed against your inner walls, searching for those bundle of nerves to drive you wild. But it was difficult in this position. You usually masturbated on your back or while sitting up.
You wondered if you should go as far as to shift positions. That'd be too much, right?
The shame was finally catching up to you. You couldn't do this. This disgusting and degrading action towards both you and Jinu. Your eyes closed as you sighed, eyes fluttering shut. It was too much.
"You're done already, (Name)-Ah?"
A chill crept up your spine as those three words were whispered right into your ear. Your eyes widen but you couldn't move. It was as if his words just took out any sort of life within you. His arms around your waist tightens as you feel him nuzzle himself further on your neck.
Your breathing feels erratic. You can't breathe. It feels as if you'd die right here, right now.
You looked down to see his hands. They looked recently bruised from his usual boxing. But now they felt different. As if it was a show at just how durable his body was. His arms slowly began to tighten around you only to you let out a sharp cry at the pain, earning a pleased grunt.
"You're awake, yeah? Are you ignoring hyung?" He whispered, his lips trailed your neck, stopping right at the tip of your air. "You can masturbate right beside me but can't even answer me?"
A pathetic whine left your throat as you tried to wiggle from his grip but it proved to be futile. You gasped, arching your back as you felt Jinu rub his crotch right against your butt. He began to hump you ignoring your shocked gasp.
Was he...?
"So selfish, bunny. Chasing your own release. Not even thinking about what your moans were doing to me." His right hand trailed down and pushed you to lay on your front, his body following to lay on top.
You cried out, gripping the bedsheets like a life line. "You.. were awake...?"
"I never went to sleep." He said honestly, spanking you right on your ass. You squeaked, back arching to get away from another spank. "I never knew you would do something like this. I was beginning to think you hated me."
"I never—”
"—but you never listen to me, do you? I tell you everyday to call me hyung but you never let it stick. What, do I have to force you to say it?"
"We aren't close!" You whined, whimpering at another spank. Your lower hips wiggled but you didn't make any effort to truly push Jinu off of you. You didn't understand yourself sometimes.
"What? But you call Lee Minjae hyung without any problem." Jinu grunted, his hand reaching over to grab something from the slim nightstand next to the bed. You couldn't tell what he grabbed until something cool and slimy was drizzled onto your ass. A whine left you from the coldness. "What'd he do? Fuck you? Chase you like you so desperately want?"
"Nooo," you whined, screaming when he shoved in two fingers inside your hole. Your hands dug into the bedsheets as he thrusted his fingers in and out, a constant rhythm with no sign of stopping despite your pleas for him to slow down.
Jinu chuckled, leaning down as he used his free hand to push your hair away from your face. "You act so innocent but you want this. I'll show you that I'm the only one for you. No other man can chase you like I can."
"What... ngh!!! are you talking... about..?" You manage to ask, wishing you could silence yourself. Your neighbors will certainly be having a long talk with you and Jinu tomorrow.
"Oh, bunny. My bunny, you really are so naive." Jinu whispered, pressing a kiss on your cheek. "You don't even know what you crave. It's okay, hyung will take care of you now. You won't ever have to think again."
Your body began to spasm as you felt a finger graze that bundle you tried to reach earlier. Jinu stilled for a moment, a look of slight worry in his eyes before he noticed what had just happened. A cruel smirk pulled on his eyes formed those crescent moons you once associated with his innocence.
But it didn't bring any sort of serenity to your body.
You were flipped onto your back with ease as Jinu grabbed your thighs and pushed them forward, effectively blocking your view from him. Desperate and pained moans left your lips as he continued to finger you, fingers gunning consistently at your prostate.
A loud scream left your throat as your back arched against the bed, your cock finally releasing the weeks long pent up lust you've stored for awhile now. Your stomach slowly rose and fall, coated in your sticky cum. All you could think about was your orgasm back in the classroom.
You were right.
Jinu made you cum harder than you could ever do by yourself.
You expected him to pull away but instead you felt a tug on your cock. A whine of overstimulation left your throat as you parted your legs and looked at him with wide doe eyes, confusion written all over your face.
A cruel smirk pulled on his lips as he tilted his head. "I've wanted you since I first saw you. You really think I'll let our first time be so lackluster?"
He thought that was lackluster?
A pained cry left your lips as he began to thrust his fingers inside once more, leaving no sympathy as he immediately went for your prostate. You were going to die. You were going to die being fingered by your roommate. Kim Jinu was going to be the death of you.
It didn't take long for you to cum again and again, your fifth orgasm not even releasing anything. Your body twitched as your eyes watered, tears streaming down your face from the constant overstimulation. You weakly pulled your legs away from Jinu's grip after your fifth orgasm, muttering something about dying from his touch.
Jinu chuckled, allowing you to pull away. "Ah, Jagi," he whispered, causing you to blush at the title. To use such a term for you... You shamelessly felt your spent cock twitch. No, no, no! You absolutely couldn't do anymore. "You're so cute. I wanted to wait but I can't. You'll forgive me, right?"
You watched with wide eyes as he grabbed your waist and pulled you down towards him, earning a shriek from you. Your legs moved up to hide your aching and loosened hole but he was quick, spreading them wide. His eyes were like a predator, watching your every move as you tried pulling down your shirt to cover your weeping cock.
"Seon—Hyung... No more... No more, please." You whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
Jinu's gaze narrowed in on your face. You could see him think. Your body was aching and praying Jinu did what you asked. But your heart....
Your heart wanted him to take you without a second thought.
"Hm. No." Jinu laughed cruelly, flipping you to rest on your knees. You cried out at the sudden movement but could only whimper as he pushed your back down, lifting up your hips. Your face pushed into the bed while your thoughts rushed at the position. It felt so humaliting to have sex without looking him the eye. You felt like an object. A prize he just won.
Your dick twitched.
So much for self respect.
"Hyung's gonna take good care of you." Jinu whispered, spreading your ass apart as he rubbed his cock between the cheeks. "You'll be good for hyung, mhm? No more seonbae."
You only whined, wiggling your hips, your ass rubbing Jinu's cock.
Jinu teasingly slapped your ass. "You complain about it being too much... But look at you now, begging for my cock. I should just stop listening to what you say and take what I want. Would you stop me, (Name)-Ah? Would you run away?"
Run away?
Run away from the man you've had wet dreams about since you came to this damn university?
"Mhm. I'll run..." You whispered, a strangled moan leaving you as he began to push his cock inside of you. The stretch was difficult and you briefly wondered if this was how you'd die.
Heart attack from a thick cock.
Despite your answer, Jinu hummed. "Good. I'll chase you until you're beneath me, shaking in fear as I take you." His hands gripped your waist as he slammed the rest of his cock inside, earning a gargled cry and scream from you.
Jinu was anything but sweet. Fucking you like a beast as you withered and cried from the constant pressure against your prostate. After this, you weren't sure you'd have sex again. This could be enough for a life time.
"Sorry, (Name)-Ah. I can't last long." Jinu suddenly grunted, pulling out. You whined at the lost but didn't have to mourn it for long as he pulled you onto his lap, making you face him. Your arms subconsiously wrapped around his neck as he easily slid back into your tight heat, gripping your thighs as he bounced you on his cock.
Jinu smirked, his eyes trained right on you. "You look so pretty when you cry." He said, pressing soft kisses on your neck. "Next time, you'll be crying from just my cock. I'll make you scream my name."
You whimpered, arching your back as you pulled him closer, another dry orgasm creeping on you. You'd be sleeping well for nights to come. Jinu grunted as he began to thrust upwards into you in tandem with bouncing you up and down, causing you to cry at the sudden pressure. You were close. So close.
A sharp feeling in your shoulder caused you to spasm as Jinu's thrusts became desperate. It took you a moment to even think about what just happened--so focused on Jinu's cock stretching you out. Until you noticed red dripping down your right shoulder.
He bit you.
The delayed reaction to the bite made you scream out, tears streaming down your face you reached your six orgasm of the night. You went limp in his arms, just letting him chase his own orgasm. Teeth sharp enough to break skin wasn't something you ever imagined Jinu could do. But there it was, a rare and sore bite on your right shoulder. Blood slowly trickling down to your chest.
Jinu finally reached his orgasm after a minute or so, holding you close as he cummed deep inside. You shuddered, feeling his cum coat your sore tight heat. He didn't wear a condom. If you weren't fucked dumb you would've yelled at him about it but all you could do was hum as he pressed soft kisses against your wet and sweaty skin.
You glanced down and noticed blood coating the bottom of Jinu's lip as he pulled away from you.
He did end up coating you in red and white.
But your blood was the lipstick. You couldn't help but laugh at your cringy thought, groaning as Jinu pulled his cock out.
"You did so good, (Name)-Ah." Jinu whispered, kissing you on the lips. You tried to return the kiss but could only purse your lips against his.
Your breathing was harsh and quick, your body battered from Jinu's claiming.
This wasn't normal. Wasn't conventional at all. You were sure that if you told Yoona and Taeil about this they'd be worried for your safety.
You were prey to Jinu
But you were okay with that.
❝ 숨을 쉴 수 없게 아프면서 황홀하잖아 ❞
"You're going to roommate with a first year? Wow, good luck!"
"I didn't know they could do that."
"No one would willingly room with a first year. They're the worst."
"Aw, c'mon, Oppa! They're usually just nervous."
"Well, our Kim Jinu will have no problem. Who doesn't love him?"
"Ah, true. Good luck, Jinu!"
Kim Jinu pulled out his keys, unlocking the door to his new home for the rest of the school year. He'd be the one to get unlucky for his previously planned roommate to drop out of school—leaving his room open for a late transfer freshman. He didn't want to deal with first years, they were annoying.
He opened the door, shocked to see the room already having someone by one of the beds. The first year was knelt beside the bed, looking through the suitcase that was filled to the brim with clothes. Clothing that looked more feminine than anything but Jinu didn't judge.
He forced his usual carefree smile, ready to greet his new roommate when you finally turned around. His breathing stopped—his smile dropping at the sight of you. You... You were different from anything he imagined.
Your look of innocence. Your body suddenly becoming fidegty the longer he stared at you without saying a word. Your sweater drooping on your shoulder, showing off your bare shoulder. Your skin looked so soft, so plain. It needed something on it.
It looked too bare.
"I'm... Kim Jinu. Who are you?"
"Park (Name)." You whispered, your eyes flickering up and down his body.
Love at first sight wasn't real to Jinu. He wouldn't lie and say he felt love towards you when he first saw you.
He felt lust.
An urge to completely ruin you.
And by the look in your eyes, the not so subtle glances at his lower half of his body. You looked to be such an easy catch.
"Stop looking at me like that." You suddenly said, your lips turning into a slight snarl but it hardly held any weight. Jinu couldn't help but tilt his head. He could tell you wanted him but you were holding back?
Actively pushing him away as if you didn't look at him with the same lust he felt. Running away?
Like a game of cat and mouse.
Fox and Bunny.
He was going to devour you.
Even if he had to chase you.
❝ 네게 빠진 순간 더는 결백하지 않은 나 ❞
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
WOW!!! Gosh, this was way longer than it needed to be. I wanted to try something new lmao. Doubt i'd do it again, i was listening to kpop while writing this so it kinda just happened. Translations at the bottom! Yes, i did it for a reason, made it more fun if you didn't know what he was saying. Red is lyrics, pink are jinu’s words
I might make him an oc, i put too much effort into him for it to be a one time thing, smh... primal play is so fun.
tag list: @iwishtobeacrow @flurrina @chill-guy-but-cooler @mello-life25 @the-ultimate-librarian @kiiyoooo @ofclyde @love-kha1 @star-3214 @mooncarvers-world @smellwell @tehyunnie @remdayz @rhetorical-conscience @tomoeroi
❝ 벗어날 수 없는 걸 ❞ — I can’t escape
❝ 온통 너로 물들여질 테니… ❞ — everything will be colored with you
❝ 날 놀리는 거야, 예쁜 자기야. ❞ — you’re teasing me, pretty baby
❝ 무방비 토끼. 내가 너를 먹어치울게 ❞ — defenseless bunny. I’ll eat you up
❝ 도망기면 쫓이갈거야, 토끼야… ❞ — if you run away, I’ll chase you , bunny
❝ 타오른 이 감정은… ❞ — this burning feeling
❝ 지금 너를 미치도록 ❞ — i'm driving you crazy right now
❝ 숨을 쉴 수 없게 아프면서 황홀하잖아 ❞ — it hurts so much that i can't breathe, but it's ecstatic
❝ 네게 빠진 순간 더는 결백하지 않은 나 ❞ — the moment i fell for you, i was no longer innocent
Songs used: Insanity - The Boyz & Criminal - Taemin
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11rosebunny · 5 months
What does he smell like? (BOFURIN + SHISHITOREN)
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Haruka Sakura
Something that smells like peppermint and clothing that got out of the dryer seconds ago. No one knows how he is able to maintain that clean smell throughout the entire day.
Even when he is sweaty, you could still get a scent of a minty burn to the nose.
Hajime Umemiya
An earthy, citrus smell. Because he spends most of his time gardening, he tends to have the aroma of leafy greens after a long day outside in the sun.
However, if it's his day off and he decides to just stay home or prance around town at the different stores, he has a tendency of putting on a deep lavender cologne.
Toma Hiragi
A warm vanilla spice.
He likes to take care of himself and has a very small collection of colognes with similar smells. His go to is a slimmer scent of a spicy aroma, the strange part is, he naturally smells like a warm vanilla. So when his perfume mixes with his actual scent, it's a pretty good combo.
Taiga Tsugeura
A woody, caramel smell. He's always working out, even during school hours. His body has trained itself to not sweat as much but even so, he still manages to catch some musk in his body. It's not too bad to the point where he smells like a stinky cat, but it's noticeable if you lean in close to him.
If he's just showered or is having a day off, he still has that same woody smell but with the slightest hint of roses.
Mitsuki Kiryu
A floral, clean smell, almost like if you stepped inside an extremely clean washroom and someone had just sprayed a flower scent. Coming from the way he takes care of himself, he deeply cares about the way he smells.
He doesn't own any cologne but has 1 or 2 body mist sprays of a gentle floral smell.
Hayato Suo
Pumpkins and black coffee. Oddly enough, the combo of those two things smells extremely musky and handsome. Some of his fragrances he owns have a more kick to the nose, while his natural aroma smells like pumpkins.
The bitter smell of black coffee purely comes from the different teas in his house, but because of how overpowering the scent of black coffee is, it sticks onto his clothing.
Jo Togame
Extremely spicy and aromatic. He grew up using Axe at an early age, so he grew accustomed to the smell of. He doesn't exactly mind trying different fragments, it's just that he couldn't be bothered to look for new ones. He'd rather keep it plain and simple.
If you do complain to him or tell him you like the smell of something else, only then he will browse around to match the same description you gave him.
Tomiyama Choji
An orangey, chocolate smell (?). The two fragrances are very different but he somehow smells like that.
He doesn't even own any hair products that may have those types of smells, his hair is naturally frizzy like that. It mostly comes from his diet I would say.
He's known to have a taste for sweet drinks and mainly eat chocolate treats.
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Closer Than Flesh - Insights
Jake has hardly any opportunity to react to his changing body. The orgasm that washes through his body is so intense and so enduring Jake can do hardly anything but moan, as his body reforms again, throwing him into yet another life. It is clear to see from the beginning that the new body Jake is getting is much less bulky than Dragoslav's athletic boxer body.
The big calves and biceps Dragoslav had worked so hard on cultivating melt away in seconds, leaving Jake's frame much thinner - and also smoother. While his chest and groin had been shaved before, they become even more smooth by the moment, and his arms and legs follow suit. While his body is still undoubtable male (pronounced by the huge stiff dick Jake still has his hand around), it becomes much slimmer and delicate. It's not weak, at least not compared to Jake's original body, but there are no bulging muscles, enabling him to move elegantly like a dancer.
His skin tone darkens somewhat, giving him a slightly olive tone, which is still a stark contrast to the pale bodies of Marcel and Dragoslav he had been in before. It seems that this skin has been sun-kissed but hardly ever burned. It is free of blemishes or skars, just smooth and beautiful and perfect. On his arms and neck, green ink appears, accentuating the perfect skin even more.
The whole body that forms has a youthful charm to it, but not so youthful to sow any doubts if the body is that of an adult.
All during his transformation, the orgasm from jerking off is still ongoing, making Jake moan loudly. Finally, the world around him returns, forming a cheap apartment around him again: Comparable in wealth to the one Marcel was living in, but decorated entirely different. Although made from cheap materials, there are some vases with flowers around, and everything is clean and tidy.
Jake finds himself sitting on a couch and shooting one bigger spurt of cum, now someone else’s cum, on the coffee table before the orgasm finally subsides.
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Skyler, too, is lost in ecstasy. He feels good! Dragoslav's big hand has brought him over the edge quickly, and he had managed to use the stone to get them out just in time.
At the same time, Skyler feels miserable. Vulnerable like he had never felt for the last centuries and violated by what those humans just did to him. Through their flawlessly executed magic ritual, they had taken Skyler's power and transferred it into nothing more than a piece of rock. A stone, adorned with a symbol Skyler hadn't seen for ages now, a symbol he would very much like to forget. Yet, they had somehow found out about the symbol and about who it stands for. It had been ages since Skyler had fought that being, and yet, it still continues to haunt him. Finally, they had released Skyler, after siphoning more than half his essence. It had apparently been luck on his side, that they didn't drain him empty. Those humans had underestimated the full extent of his might, and the stone just could not hold any more of it. So, they finally dismissed Skyler, convinced that what little power remained in him should pose no danger.
The sad part is, that they are right. Less than half his magic remains with him, and Skyler feels as empty and powerless as he has not felt in all of his existence. Back in his home plane, in his palace of twisted flesh in the seventh hell, Skyler is furious. His clawed hand opens and makes a fist continuously as he walks back and forth. His tail twitches uneasily, mirroring his thoughts. He needs to get his power back, but he does not know how. The cultists mentioned other demons whose power had been taken, but Skyler doesn't know who. Hell holds demons uncounted, most of them pitiful and weak. But nobody would admit to losing power - too great was the risk that others would take advantage of that fact. Life in hell is dangerous and cruel. There is just no room for weakness down here.
Still, Skyler is at a loss. He needs help to deal with this situation, that is certain. He does not like it, but of all the demons of hell, there is probably only one that can help him now.
Skyler sits down on his throne. The four men the throne is made of sigh and moan as Skyler sits down on their naked flesh that is twisted and transformed to form his furniture. The two ridiculously large and perpetually erect cocks that form the thrones armrests throb and pulse as Skyler rests his arms on them. Usually, he considers the throne one of his best works among all the palace that is entirely made out of the bodies of foolish men Skyler had transformed for his pleasure. In a way, he is nicer than other demons. He isn't much of a fan of eternal torture or unnecessary cruelty. It is entirely fine for him when his victims are caught in a never ending haze of orgasmic bliss as he repurposes their bodies and souls. Today, however, Skyler can't find joy in all that. Sighing and preparing mentally for the difficult conversation ahead, he booms into the empty throne room:
"Come Forth, Mog'Tol!"
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Slowly, Jake's breath slows down again, and he looks around, taking in his surroundings. Bright sunlight comes through the wine red curtains. It is pretty hot here, but his new body seems to be used to the heat: He doesn't find it particularly uncomfortable. Feeling safe enough for the moment, Jake's first impulse is to search for a mirror. He stops in his tracks however shortly after he stands up. He should clean up first. He can't have dried up cum stains on his coffee table after all. So, Jake takes a paper towel and wipes away the generous coating of cum from the surface, before he disposes of the soft piece of paper.
Now that this is taken care of, he quickly finds the bathroom and looks at himself in the spotless mirror. His new body is really handsome! A boyish charm on a well maintained slim body. A piercing in his ear and a few tattoos accentuate the natural beauty of his. His body hair is neatly shaved away, making him smooth and flexible. The only thing that stands out is his large cock, which is a bit out of line. Jake would have expected a more modest equipment and he is puzzled for a moment why the stone's magic decided on such a large python between his legs.
Still, the body is handsome beyond measure. If he could, he definitely would have sex with himself right away. The memory of him being straight fades by the second.
Even though he just rubbed one out, Jake feels himself getting aroused again, simply by admiring his own body. The large cock slowly raising again, as...
Skyler! Right! That's the reason why has such a large penis. It's his dick Skyler! No, that's not right, not his dick, but his... friend? It makes sense, yes. With such a magnificent tool, who wouldn't give it a name and talk to it once in a while.
Back to admiring! He just loves the way his smooth stomach meets his large, erect cock. It's a stark contrast and yet a work of art in itself.
His thoughts are interrupted by the voice of Skyler in his head.
"Holy shit, that's one killer body!"
"I know, right?", Jake grins and gives Skyler a playful stroke, which is immediately answered by a throb of the stiff rod. One thing he especially loves about his body is his near limitless stamina. Others call him insatiable, but that doesn't matter to Jake.
"Damn, my cock is already slick from pre again!" Jake says to himself. "Better give it what it wants."
Skyler wants to object, to a lot of things. To Jake not talking to him but about him. To calling him his cock again. Especially to using 'it' to refer to him. But the touch of his hand feels just so good. A quick jerk certainly won't hurt, right?
Just before Skyler is lost in the pleasure, he suddenly remembers the vision. The throne, made of the warped bodies of four men, entangled in pleasure together for eternity. With every ounce of self-control, he can muster, he says:
"Jake, stop!"
Jake stops, somewhat confused, and asks: "Why?"
It helps Skyler to think clearly that Jake doesn't continue to tease him.
"Because that's what the demon wants! That we lose ourselves like this. It's the demon Jake, it's his influence."
Jake sighs. "But it feels so good. I mean, have you looked at this body? Perhaps we can just..."
"No, Jake! We can't! You need to get dressed and then we need to find out what to do. Remember, we don't have much time. Perhaps only a few hours."
"Fine!", the light and playful voice of Jake's new body sounds disappointed and annoyed, but he takes his hand from his cock.
Slowly, Skyler returns to his flaccid state and doesn't object when Jake puts on a tight fitting pair of silk underwear.
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"We also need to talk about what happened earlier." Skyler states, although he is certain that this isn't going to be an easy talk.
"What do you mean? You had a good idea, and we escaped the demon's henchmen." Jake answers, sounding somewhat confused.
Skyler really wishes he could have that discussion face to face with him, but he had to work with what was available.
"That's not what I mean. I meant the way you are behaving lately. You are being rude to me and also, you're acting like a real asshole to be honest. You almost hurt the old lady back then, who didn't do anything!"
Jake stays silent for a while and Skyler would give everything to be able to see his face. Is he angry? Hurt? Did his words reach him? Skyler can't even say if Jake is thinking or playing with his phone.
"Sorry, I guess." Jake's new voice finally answers. "It's a lot for me, with all the magic and demons and bodies."
Skyler feels sorry for Jake, he really does. But he still needs to press his point, as much as it pains him to torture his friend.
"I know, Jake. But you have to stay strong, you have to stay you. Otherwise, I can't see how we are going to get out of it."
There is no answer, but Jake sighs again.
"Alright, let's find out where we are."
Again, unlocking the phone thankfully works and after a short while, Jake shares his first insights.
"Okay. So apparently, we are in Argentina. My name is José, which is a really cool name by the way, and he doesn't appear to be particularly rich, judging from his apartment. Also, do you know the App 'Grindr'? I keep getting notifications from it."
"Ehm yes. It's like Tinder, but for dudes only, if you catch my drift. Only focused even more on sex. Seems like José is pretty gay.", Skyler explains.
"Makes sense. Let me scroll through really quickly. Hmmm. Oh. That's a penis. Okay.", Jake says, clearly distracted.
"Focus, Jake!"
"Right, sorry. So, judging from the last few chats, I am some kind of... gay prostitute? I seem to be willing to sleep with everyone and ask for money in return."
"Yeah... That's a prostitute." Skyler agrees.
After a few moments, Skyler suddenly gets an idea, a big idea, an epiphany even.
"Oh wow! I think I just understood something! Have you also wondered how the bodies are chosen?"
"Actually, I thought they were chosen pretty randomly. I couldn't see a pattern yet."
"Well, perhaps the exact body is random, but the general theme is not. I mean, think about it: We desperately needed to find out more about the stone and, boom, all of a sudden, we're in Romania, only two hours’ drive away from the place I found it in. We escape from the demon's goons by jerking off together and find ourselves in the body of a sex crazed sex worker. This really fits together too well! "
"Yes, perhaps you're on to something. The times before when we barely escaped, my body always became stronger than the last, more fighter like. People you wouldn't want to meet after dark. But how does it work?" Jake sounds excited as well.
"It's because the stone..." Skyler is so close to understanding, he can almost feel it. What does he know about the stone? It's a portion of Baelnath's power, sure, but how does that... Oh!
"It's because the stone works with demonic magic! And the difference between human magic and demonic magic is that demonic magic does what you mean, not what you say."
"Neat! That means if we really mean it, we could return to my original body?"
"Our original bodies, but yes, I think so. However, ... I don't think we should yet." Skyler sounds a bit sad as he says so.
"Why not? Now that we know how it works, what is stopping us?"
"The demon. If we return to our old lives, this will not stop the demon from chasing us. If anything, it will make it easier for him. He only needs a few hours to locate us and then he attacks. Even though this is really cruel, I rather have a Marcel or Dragoslav killed than myself. "
" You think the demon killed them? " Jake sounds stunned.
"What else do you think he does to them after we leave the bodies? Invite them for tea?" Skyler could think of more alternatives, thinking back to the palace of the demon. But that is something he doesn't need to share with Jake right now.
"Do you think he has killed me? I mean my original body? Let me check!" Jake says with a hint of panic.
"What are you doing?" Skyler is alarmed. He just hopes Jake doesn't do anything stupid.
"Relax, I'm just googling."
"Okay... This is weird.", he concludes after a while. "We are reported as missing, both of us. Missing, but not dead, which is a plus. I don't know about the Arab guy, but for Marcel and Dragoslav... There is just no record of them."
"So, they haven't been reported as missing?"
"No, and I can't find anything else on them. No Facebook profile, Google yields nothing... It's like they don't even exist!"
"Weird. Try Piotr or Tălmara perhaps."
"Hmmm... Nothing on the town, but there's something on Piotr. According to the translator, he posted on Facebook that he fell and hit his head when he went swimming and that next time someone should better come with him. Oh, he mentions some girl, I think he is hitting on her with that. " Jake reports.
"So, Piotr is still alive, that's a relief."
"Yes, but still no sign of Marcel. It's like..."
"... He doesn't even exist." finishes Skyler. "Creepy. Do you think the stone just creates their lives?"
"That's the only explanation. And it also explains Marcel's poster. He had an erotic poster of a girl in his apartment, but after we watched gay porn together, it changed to a guy."
"Which also makes it easy for the stone to fulfill our wishes when we use it. It doesn't have to find a suitable host body, it 'just' creates a live that fits." Skyler deducts. "But this also means that everything about your new body *could* be related to what we want most, to find out more about Baelnath and defeat him."
"I think that's going a bit far. I don't see how Marcel being a construction worker helped us in any way." Jake sounds sceptic.
"True, not everything is related. But who knows, let's go through José's stuff."
Most of the prostitute's belongings are not really helpful in any way - although the amount of sex toys is simply astonishing. José has a whole wardrobe filled with neatly sorted toys, from fleshlights to butt plugs.
Finally, Jake and Skyler concentrate on José's phone again.
"Perhaps let's go through the contacts." Skyler suggests.
"Alright, who do we have here... I really have a lot of customers as it seems. Francisco Aguilar, Emilio Botezatu, Carlos Gutierrez, Esteban Fernandez, ..." Jake reads.
"Wait. What was that?" Skyler interrupts.
"Esteban Fernandez?" Jake repeats.
"No, the, I think second name. Can you repeat it?"
"Emilio Botezatu?"
"Yes, that one! I've heard that last name before... But I don't remember where."
"You're right, Sky!" Jake is excited. "It's the name the old lady in Tălmara mentioned! Right, you couldn't understand that. It's the name of the family who lived in the house where you found the stone. She said that they made deals with the devil."
"Oh! So, they are related to that 'Binding Circle' from my vision. I don't think that name is a coincidence. Perhaps he is a descendant of that family?"
"Possibly. We should definitely talk to him! Hm, apparently, he is a customer. I don't have a phone number, just a Grindr handle."
"That works, too." Skyler decides. "But be careful, this is a hell of an opportunity. We need to be very subtle and quick, so Baelnath doesn't send his henchmen after us before we learned everything."
Jake smiles. "Well, I know a way for us to get close to him no problem. That's okay for you, pija [dick]?"
Skyler sighs. "Yes, you're probably right. It's the best way to get close to him without raising suspicion. Go for it, gigolo."
And like that, Jake messages Emilio on Grindr. From their history, it's pretty clear that Emilio is a top and has met with José once before, to 'plow his juicy ass', as he put it. It doesn't take too much convincing on Jake's side to arrange another meeting this night, after describing how empty his ass feels and how he misses Emilio’s big prick.
Of course, Jake has absolutely no recollection of any past meeting, but he seems to strike the right note, since Emilio instantly sends him a picture of a rather big bulge tenting some old work jeans. It's not even pretended when Jake comments that he can't wait. Both him and Skyler feel horny enough from the short conversation to yearn towards their meeting tonight.
When the evening finally comes and it's time for Jake to leave the house, he is feeling somewhat nervous. Not only is there the real danger of meeting the demon's men again, and the whole thing could be a well laid trap, but also Jake also feels insecure about the job ahead. He has never taken it up the ass or had sex with a man before (and only once with a woman), so he isn't quite sure what to expect. He just hopes José's instincts or Skyler's experience on that matter will help him.
Emilio's home is a farm house as it seems. Luckily, there are no more workers around, and either Emilio lives alone or has arranged for an empty house. Nevertheless, Jake feels incredibly nervous, as he rings the doorbell.
When Emilio opens the door, Jake sees a rugged, good looking farmer in front of him. Still somewhat sweaty from the day’s work and smelling musky and manly.
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"Nice..." comes Skyler's voice in his head, telling Jake at once that the burly man is entirely Jake's type. That will make things a lot easier, he figures.
"Come in!" says Emilio and closes the door behind him.
As soon as Jake entered, he feels a hand from behind on his behind.
"So, you missed me, huh?" Emilio asks with a husky voice and thinly veiled lust.
"Yes, papá!" Jake responds excitedly. He didn't plan on the trailing "daddy", but it seems right given the situation. Good to see that either José or Skyler was in the game as well.
"Then what are you waiting for? Get rid of your clothes and then help me get out of mine!" Emilio grunts.
Jake doesn't hesitate and strips himself naked, almost as if he's doing a striptease. He looks over his shoulder and sees Emilio standing there, already with his pants undone and his large penis sticking out. The cock is nearly the same size as the one Jake is unpacking.
Jake takes a few steps closer and kisses Emilio passionately. Then, he grabs the hard-on and starts stroking it with both hands. It is rock solid, thick, and long. When Emilio groans in pleasure, Jake is happy. This guy knows what he likes. Jake gets on his knees and looks at the member in front of him. Uncut, thick and veiny, and ripe with the unwashed musk of a day’s work in the field. It looks delicious! Jake strokes the cock gently and licks the pre-cum from the tip. He opens his mouth and slurps down all of it, getting the taste of manly salty flavor on his tongue.
"Oh fuck! That's it! Take my cock, puto [Male prostitute]! Suck it!" Emilio growls.
Jake complies, taking the entire shaft in his mouth and sucking greedily. To his amazement, the gag reflexes of José seem nearly non-existent. He swallows the huge penis deeper and deeper until it is completely in his throat. Emilio groans with pleasure and holds onto the back of Jake's head while he fucks the young man's face.
Finally, he pulls Jake off his groin and his wet dick.
"Enough. Turn around!" he says and points to the kitchen counter. Jake obeys happily, bending over the kitchen counter and exposing his well-groomed ass to the other man.
Emilio quickly dives into Jake's ass, his fat prick rubbing against the tight ring of muscles. He grabs his hips and begins to ram in and out, pushing harder and harder.
Jake and Skyler feel incredible. It is one thing to jerk off, but it's an entirely different story to have their ass rammed like that. Almost immediately, Jake's hand finds Skyler's shaft body and begins to jerk, as their minds meld together once more, lost in the pleasure of the strong man behind them plowing their ass.
"I'm gonna cum!" Emilio warns.
"Mmmm, yes! Make my ass yours, papi! Fill it with your seed!" Jake moans.
Emilio feels the young man's ass tense up and moan, and thrusts deep into him. Then, with a cry, Jake can feel the spreading wet warmth of the farmer's seed inside his body.
From a sex worker's perspective, it has been really stupid to not use any protection. But Jake/Skyler is far too busy experiencing an orgasmic high as he comes himself, all over the kitchen counter and himself.
For a short while, neither man says anything, as they are both seeing stars. Finally, Emilio pulls out and grunts. "You can clean yourself up in the bathroom." he offers, which Jake gladly accepts.
It has been a rather short encounter, but still an intense one.
When Jake returns to the living room, Emilio already has a pack of cash ready for him. Jake takes it and is almost about to leave when Skyler interjects: "Dude. Information!"
"Right." Jake mutters under his breath before turning back to Emilio.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question, big guy?" he asks innocently, with his sweetest smile.
Emilio nods and Jake continues. "That last name of yours - it's not from around here, is it?"
"No, you're right. It's from Romania. My great-grandfather came from there."
"Ohhh, Romania", Jake coos. "That's far away! Why did they come here?"
"Heh." laughs Emilio. "If you like to know, it's quite a funny legend actually."
"Oh, please tell me, papi!" Jake reinforces, trying his best to stay in character.
"Okay, so. From what I heard is that my family was pretty important back then in Romania. Rich or influential. In any case, they had weird hobbies. Back then, occult societies were a big thing, but rumor is that my family was doing the real thing. Magic. At least that's what I've been told. They were casting spells and summoning demons and all that. And made magical artifacts. But one day, and that's just the bullshit I was told, they decided to summon an angel instead. And as the story goes, naturally, God struck down every one of them. Except my great-grandfather, wo left everything behind after that."
"That's creepy." Jake comments. "But what happened to all their stuff? The magical artifacts and so on?"
"No idea. My dad tried to find out more about that, since he guessed there was a lot of valuable stuff, but ultimately failed. He said the trail ends in World War 2, when Romania was allied with Nazi Germany. His best guess is that the nazis took everything that looked remotely valuable then."
"What a nice story, papi!", Jake says absent-mindedly and stands up. "I need to go now."
Emilio was a little bit surprised as Jake left so abruptly, but Skyler had other things on his mind and urged Jake to get to privacy.
"What did he say?" Skyler asks, excitedly.
After Jake summarizes the story, Skyler says: "Do you know what that means?"
"No, but I have the feeling you're about to tell me." Jake replies, as he walks down the dark road back towards his home.
"Okay, look. These 'artifacts' he told you about, those are probably other sigil stones. Or like, magic books. In any case, this could be really really valuable. We could get our hands on some magical weapons that we can use against Baelnath!"
Jake was a bit more skeptical but nodded slowly. "IF we get our hands on them. Right now, we don't know anything more than that the items are, perhaps, in Germany. Or were in Germany at some point."
"Yes, but... Oh crap. He's coming." Skyler's voice changes mid-sentence, as a now familiar feeling rushes over him. Surely enough, the road around Jake fills with dark red smoke and he can feel his heart beating faster. It appears the demon himself is making an appearance. Jake clutches the stone tightly, hoping he will have enough luck to escape once more.
Jake looks around uneasily until he sees where the fog becomes denser, and the red skinned demon walks out of it. Surprisingly enough, his body language is different from before. He stops a good distance from Jake and raises his arms.
"Hold on! I want to talk!" The voice that pierces Jake's mind is not friendly - but also not quite as driven by emotions as before.
Jake considers for a moment. He has his hand around the stone in his pocket. He could escape at any moment, and as long as the demon doesn't come closer, he sees no way he could be harmed before using the stone.
"What do you want?" Jake says cautiously. No reaction from Skyler. The penis had probably been overwhelmed by the demon's presence again, he had to do that on his own.
"You are in possession of something I want." says the demon, walking around him in a wide circle, careful not to step closer.
"And since you have proven to be a big nuisance and I really have better things to do with my time than chasing you around the globe, I decided to solve this another way. So, I'm here to offer you a deal. I know you have your hand on the stone already, so I'll make it quick."
Jake feels uneasy. Baelnath is smart, so much is certain. This could very well be a trap, but Jake decides to hear him out anyway.
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"You give me the stone, of course, that's still not up for debate. But in return for your cooperation, I will refrain from devouring your soul.", the demon elaborates with a generous voice. "In fact, I will even let you live! And not just any old live. You may become my servant. While that must sound like a bad idea for your oh-so-modern ears, the position comes with certain perks. First, you can chose your body. You can return to your own body, or you can become any man you want. You can be rich, handsome, strong, well-endowed... Everything at once. I am, after all, the master of flesh. But it doesn't stop there. If you do your job well, I will grant you powers and further boons. You can become immortal and wield magic yourself. Isn't that what you mortals are after all the time?"
Jake doesn't know how to react. That is a really bad deal! He doesn't want to be the servant of a demon for all eternity! That is certain. Even though, on second thought, the prospect of being able to choose his body and being free from the pursuit of the demon does sound somewhat tempting. Especially, if the alternative is being caught eventually and being killed.
Perhaps the demon senses his thoughts - or he has his experiences with humans in this situation.
"I don't expect you to answer right away. The offer stands... until the next time we meet. Then you have to decide. Now I suggest making a leave before I lose my patience after all." The last words could be a joke - but Jake isn't so sure about this. Before he finds out the hard way, Jake focuses his thoughts and activates the magic stone in his hand, disappearing from the world yet again.
Unexpected! If you want to re-read the previous chapter, you can find it here. Of course, you can also go to the beginning. The next chapter is available here.
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iri-2 · 4 days
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Then There Will Be
Category: F/F
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Relationship: Mother Miranda/Mia Winters
Characters: Mother Miranda (Resident Evil) Mia Winters The Four Lords (Resident Evil)
The cold white tiles and harsh lights of The Connections' lab stung Miranda’s eyes. As she was led to the lab by a staff member, she wasn’t really paying attention to his introduction of the organization. Her mind was solely focused on getting to the lab and conducting her research to bring back her true daughter.
The staff led Miranda to the end of the hallway, where she recorded her fingerprint on a scanner by the lab door to unlock it, as instructed. The new lab was several times larger than the basement she had in the village, equipped with dedicated rooms for chemicals, samples, and various precision instruments.
Miranda looked the lab equipment with approval. Then she turned to the staff and asked, "Is there anything else I need to know? Other than the documentation and samples you'll provide me with shortly?"
The staff member found it difficult to understand why this taciturn scientist had such an intense presence. "Yes, we’ve arranged for a researcher to assist you with your experiments."
Miranda raised an eyebrow. "Does this researcher understand what my research’s about? I consider it a very... personal matter." She bent down, carefully observing the activity of a mold sample.
"Rest assured, besides our boss, only she and Dr. Droney know the details of your project." The staff member said, glancing toward the door where a figure stood. He then addressed Miranda, "Dr. Miranda, she’s here."
Miranda straightened up and looked at the doorway. A woman stood there, her hair a similar color to Miranda's past self and the present scientist Miranda, perhaps a slightly lighter shade of black, with shoulder-length curls that fell over her chest. She was shorter and slimmer than Miranda, but with her sharp judgment, Miranda could tell that the woman wasn’t as fragile as she appeared.
The researcher walked directly into Miranda's lab and reached out her right hand. "Mia Winters, a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Miranda."
“Greetings, Mia,” said Miranda, just two words. After five seconds, the strange silence in the air finally caught her attention. She realized she should shake the new researcher's hand with her hand. Feeling uncomfortable with the gesture, Miranda quickly pulled her hand back afterward, without really thinking about what she'd done.
Mia hesitated briefly, surprised by Miranda’s odd behavior, but quickly recovered and continued her greeting, "I'll be working with you for a while. I'm not an expert in biochemistry, but I can assist you, and... handle some unnecessary trouble."
"Unnecessary trouble?" Miranda asked, puzzled.
"You know, sometimes test subjects have issues. I'm quite good at preventing those things from happening." Mia hinted.
Miranda's instinct was correct. Mia Winters did indeed have the capability to deal with failed test subjects. Though Miranda herself could easily handle such matters without breaking a sweat, she was not in her village. So, she smiled and said, "Welcome to my lab, Mia."
Miranda accepted the coffee Mia handed her. Having another assistant by her side was something she was certainly not used to. She remembered how, fifty or sixty years ago, her student Spencer left Romania because of their ideological differences. Since then, she hadn’t taken on another assistant. Few people truly understood her ultimate goal. Perhaps Alcina did, but she had her three daughters, through whom she found a connection. Miranda, however, never felt the same bond with any of her "children" as she did with Eva. Miranda convinced herself that they were merely vessels, but she couldn’t ignore the glimpses of her own life with her daughter that she saw in the Dimitrescu family. Those fragments pieced together the warmth of the days from nearly a century ago.
"Dr. Miranda? Miranda?" A gentle voice called her back from her memories.
"The sample you put in the centrifuge is ready. You can check it now."
"Alright." Miranda tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You always seem to drift into deep thought." Mia remarked as she watched Miranda walk into the equipment room.
"It's nothing. I just like to think about things while working. It helps me focus." Miranda replied, opening the lid of the centrifuge.
"I feel the same sometimes. When you're doing something you love, your mind tends to wander, doesn’t it?" Mia said, leaning against the doorframe and watching Miranda carefully take out the centrifuge tubes.
"Maybe." Miranda replied. She wasn't sure whether she truly enjoyed these tedious experiments, but they were too meaningful to ignore, demanding a century of her time without pause.
Eleven at night, Mia handed Miranda the organized data. Watching Miranda intently review the figure, Mia quietly asked, “Miranda, don’t you need to take a break? Every morning when I arrive, you're already here, and every night when I leave, you're still here. Have you even been home?”
Miranda turned and sat at the lab stool, picking up a pen and scribbling notes on the documents, vaguely responding to Mia’s concern. "Hmm? Home? Of course, I've been home. My Lords and villagers all know I’ll be away for a while."
“Not your village, I mean your apartment here. Wow, the way you talk about your hometown makes it sound like you’re not that close to your neighbors.” Mia remarked, once again finding Miranda rather strange. Perhaps she’d been overworking.
It wasn’t until then that Miranda realized what she had just said. A thin layer of sweat formed on her forehead, but since her back was turned to Mia, she had enough time to calm her rising panic. She followed, “Yes, I’m not particularly close with them.” That much wasn’t a lie. “Mia, it’s late. You should head home. You must have noticed you're spending more and more time in the lab each day.”
“Long enough to realize you never take a proper rest.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Miranda set her pen down and swiveled on the stool to face Mia. “Even though this experiment is important to me, there’s no need for you to stay here so long on my account.”
“I know about Eva,” Mia said softly, lowering her head as she looked sadly at Miranda, whose blue eyes quickly filled with grief. “I’m so sorry, Miranda. I’ve never mentioned it before because I didn’t want to bring up painful memories, but I know you’ve never really moved on. I’ve heard you were absorbed in trying to bring Eva back even before you came to The Connections. And now that you’ve found new hope here, your dedication has only intensified. I can’t imagine how you maintain that drive, I can’t fully understand it, but I urge you to think about yourself for once. Maybe go to your apartment and get some sleep, or return to your village. Even if you’re not close to your neighbors, the mountain air would do you some good. If not, there’s actually a rest area behind the equipment room with a small bed. I guess you’ve forgotten it.”
Mia left the lab. Miranda stood from her stool and walked toward the equipment room. Sure enough, there was a door in the corner. Miranda must have opened it when she first arrived at the lab, but she’d quickly forgotten about it, as its contents hadn’t interested her at the time.
Miranda opened the door for the second time, and inside was indeed a small bed. There wasn’t any dust on it, indicating that Mia often rested there. A small porcelain pot sat on the windowsill, holding a plump lithops plant that was clearly well cared for.
On the nightstand, there were two glasses, one of them labeled “Mia”.
Miranda took off her lab coat and poured herself a cup of water with the other glass. She didn’t need sleep, so she simply lay on the bed, quietly reflecting. Her thoughts went first to Eva. There wasn’t a moment she didn’t think of her daughter. She recalled how earlier that day, she had smiled to herself, thinking of Eva, and wondered if Mia had noticed from the other end of the lab. It was a memory of five-year-old Eva mimicking the sounds of various animals, from chickens to pigs to goats and even crows, each imitation spot-on. Miranda had laughed as she scooped little Eva into her arms and set her on her lap, encouraging her to continue recounting her exciting adventures of the day.
Miranda tried to blur the memories of the Spanish flu outbreak, but it was clear she could never escape those dark days. One by one, her neighbors had died, and then misfortune had struck the only person she held dear. But the misfortune never came for her, nor did fortune, not until the day she buried Eva.
After that, she became the center of power. The faces of the villagers flashed through her mind like a carousel, along with the series of failed vessels. Then there was this white laboratory, and Mia.
Miranda told herself it was merely because Mia didn’t know about her status in the village and viewed her as an ordinary person which Miranda found novel. It wasn’t because Mia held any special significance to her.
Miranda told Mia that she planned to return to her hometown for a week of rest. Upon hearing the news, Mia could barely contain her excitement, she nearly hugged Miranda, though she stopped when Miranda stiffened in place.
Miranda changed back into her black robe. She descended to the basement and switched on the lights. The dim laboratory momentarily disoriented her. Ancient books lay scattered across the table, and the Cadou pulsed rhythmically inside its container. Everything on the shelves was arranged just as before, and the photo of her and Eva remained in its place, slowly fading with time.
Miranda pulled out a new photo and placed it on the shelf. It was a group photo with The Connections team, a symbol of her new hope. Strangely, the photo was in black and white, though Miranda didn’t pay attention to that oddity. What she did notice, however, was Mia smiling in the picture.
After filing away the data she had brought from The Connections lab, Miranda didn’t stand at her bench as she usually would. Instead, she sat on her bed and opened her diary.
May 9, 2010
Mia Winters suggested I take some time to rest at home, and I followed her advice. I rarely allow anyone this close to me, but she hasn’t made me uncomfortable. In fact, she’s been a great help with my research.  
I hope we can bring Eva back.
Wait, did she just write "we"?
The villagers noticed that Mother Miranda was less strict when conveying the Black God's will in the church. When they shared the current situation in the village with her, she seemed absent-minded.
The Lords picked up on this during their meeting as well. She didn’t admonish Heisenberg when he called her "Miranda" directly without using her title, until Alcina criticized him, causing tensions to escalate between the two. It was only when Angie chimed in with a sharp "fight, fight" that Miranda snapped back to reality, reminded of her current predicament.
A week later, Miranda returned to The Connections lab. Mia handed her a cup of coffee, looking cheerful as usual. “Welcome back, Miranda. Good morning.”
“Good morning, Mia.” Miranda said with a smile as she took the cup.
“It’s clear that the week off did you good. You probably won’t accidentally drink the nutrient solution from the beaker as water again.” Mia teased, giving Miranda a playful grin, to which Miranda could only chuckle helplessly.
“Speaking of which, the mold colony report from the week you were gone is ready.” Mia led Miranda to the computer and opened the monitoring system, showing her the recent research on the E-type mold. “Out of two hundred samples, one hundred in the control group without Cadou did not produce any fully formed organisms. They remain in loose colony forms within the culture medium. Five of them exhibited some human traits, like sample 23, which developed humanoid palms, and sample 57, which produced teeth, but with sharp dentalcrowns, resembling a beast rather than a human arc.”
“In the experimental group with Cadou, all one hundred samples were more active than the control group. You can see them pulsing rhythmically, similar to human blood flowing through the colonies. Seventeen of the samples have developed mostly humanoid structures, though they are still covered in thick mold.”
Miranda pointed to one of the samples. “Sample 119 looks more active than the others, the mold is moving across it more quickly.”
“Exactly. It should be the most successful one. I examined its physical structure and found that its limbs are slenderer and its mouth is smaller, with a hyoid bone appearing in the throat.” Mia explained.
Miranda felt a surge of excitement and instinctively placed her hand on Mia’s shoulder. “Do you think sample 119 could be...”
“Are you thinking of sequencing its DNA?” Mia anticipated Miranda's thoughts.
Miranda nodded.
Mia skillfully assisted Miranda in extracting the “blood” sample, placing the processed samples into the expensive instrument.
“We just need to wait a day.” Mia said.
“Thank you, Mia.” Miranda offered Mia a warm smile.
The lab felt particularly warm that day, perhaps summer was approaching. Miranda sat on the bed in the small room, spending the hour before the results were due, contemplating every possibility.
Mia appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame. “You don’t need to be so nervous. We all saw how successful it was, the compatibility must be high.”
“I know, I know, Mia.” Miranda lowered her hand, which had been anxiously touching her cheeks, and looked up at Mia. “I’m glad everything is progressing positively, I’m just worrying about the future.”
“Worrying about the future? You just said the experiment will go well.” Mia asked, puzzled.
“It’s not about the experiment. I’m worried about life after all this ends,” Miranda sighed. “You know my life has revolved solely around Eva. I rarely pay attention to the trivialities of my life and other matters.”
“You’re worried that after everything succeeds, you won’t be able to adjust to that kind of life?” Mia walked in and sat down beside Miranda.
“Yes, my life has changed so much compared to years ago. I’m concerned I won’t be able to return to a normal routine with Eva. I don’t know what path to choose.”
“Do you want to take her back to your village?” Mia asked gently.
“I don’t know. That would bring about significant changes. Everything in the village would be very... different.” Miranda thought about the order she had worked hard to establish nearly a century ago. Would it all crumble with Eva’s return?
Mia was unaware of Miranda’s true background, she could only assume that the villagers would view a person’s resurrection as a miracle, which would undoubtedly shock them. In fact, it just required advanced scientific technology and relentless effort. “I think they will gradually come to understand everything. Many unusual events happen in our world, but everything calms down over time.” Mia placed her hand gently on Miranda’s back. “Eva’s mother is a powerful woman. I can’t believe she has such strong willpower to face all of this.”
Miranda turned to look into Mia’s eyes and, for the first time, noticed that her eyes weren’t entirely brown, they had a ring of deep green around the edges. “And you’ve been here with me through all of this.”
“You just need someone by your side.” Mia said, sensing the warmth emanating from Miranda, subtle yet noticeable only up close.
“And that someone is you.” Miranda reached out and took her hand, her thumb lightly resting on the back of Mia’s hand.
“Miranda, are you shaking my hand?” Mia suddenly laughed.
“Hmm? No, how come?”
“When we first met, you shook my hand like this. If you hadn’t done it so forcefully and quickly, and hadn’t bent down, I might have thought you were going to kiss my hand like those gentlemen of old.” Mia teased.
A blush crept up Miranda’s pale ears, as she completely forgot those details.
“To save you from this embarrassment, we can check the results now.” Mia said, pulling Miranda to her feet.
“Match compatibility with Eva's DNA reaches 93.87%. Miranda, you did it!” Mia leaned down and hugged Miranda, who was sitting in front of the screen.
Miranda reached out and hugged Mia back. “Yes, we did it.”
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Sanji and Usopp holding hands is such a beautiful concept to me due to their differences.
Usopp's hands are dark and callused and bigger than Sanji's. Not much, since he also works with them and needs dexterity to do so, but they're a bit chubbier too. They're warmer than Sanji's and his nails are pretty much bitten because he does it every time he's anxious. He has scars around them and past wounds that have healed well, but they're obviously there. His fingertips are always calloused because of how much he uses the slingshot and they look like they could hold the whole world if Usopp wanted to. They're always out in the open and ready to hold the people around them. They're nice to witness, Sanji notices. They are hypnotic like that.
Sanji's hands are pale and soft and slender, still with calluses because of holding cooking utensils, but they seem more delicate than Usopp's. His fingers might be longer but they're slimmer. They're always cold even if they're always inside his pockets and his nails are always perfectly taken care of because he needs to have the neatest of hands. They have scars, too, but he doesn't like looking at them because he can't distinguish the ones that were made by his siblings and the ones that are there because of his past cooking mistakes. They're always protected, inside of his pockets, and afraid to be out in the world without any protection. They only feel at home when they're in the kitchen or holding a cigarette between Sanji's lips. Usopp wants to worship them, he realizes one day.
Usopp thinks, then, when they start dating, that Sanji won't like holding hands with him. But surprisingly enough for both of them, Sanji is the first one to reach for Usopp's fingers and intertwine them with his. It happens a day or two after they make it official. They've held hands before, yes, but not like this. Never like this. They're having coffee together after lunch with the rest of the crew, Franky telling some story of his in the loudest of voices while Brook makes a few jokes here and there and Nami keeps telling Luffy to stop wasting so much sugar in his mug even if "it tastes better like this!". Robin and Jinbe are listening carefully to the story while Chopper falls asleep in Zoro's lap, the swordsman probably following him a few minutes later. It's comforting. Domestic. It feels like home.
They're sitting next to each other, and now that they're dating, they don't really know what they should do. But it just feels right. Touching each other. Being close. They make instinctive movements. Things that make their hearts beat faster and louder but never in the wrong ways. Usopp bumps their shoulders together. Sanji places his foot right behind Usopp's, caressing his lower leg like that. Usopp rests his head on his shoulder if he feels too tired to follow the conversation. Sanji smokes, running his fingers through his cigarette and looking away so the smoke won't bother his boyfriend. Usopp stares and stares and witnesses with jealousy the tender way in which the cook holds something so harmful yet familiar like that.
Sanji doesn't look at him when he holds his hand. He brushes the tip of his fingers gently against Usopp's in a caring, soothing manner. It's obvious that he's testing the waters even if he's holding himself back from pressing his whole palm against Usopp's. The sniper notices rather quickly, of course, and the world around them seems to stop for a long second. He stares at Sanji, and he's still smiling at something Nami has said without looking back at Usopp, but it's obvious his stare is nervous and his words falter when he speaks. Usopp moves his hand closer to Sanji's, the tip of his fingers touching his knuckles. Robin says something to him, he's sure of that, but he isn't listening. Sanji stops his words right away when it happens, and that's when he takes another drag of his cigarette before turning around at Usopp.
His smile is soft. Small. Tender. Warm, unlike his fingers, which are always cold but instantly give in to Usopp's warmth. He's nervous, Usopp can tell that much, and he'd be lying if he said he doesn't feel the same way. Sanji asks a silent question with a glint of his eyes and Usopp laughs at that because it's just so dumb to be turning this into a big deal when it's just holding hands. It's just holding hands. They're nineteen and twenty-one and they're blushing because they're about to hold hands for the first time? Really? But that only makes Sanji laugh in response, and inside their bubble, where the rest of the world is blurry and muttered, it echoes in Usopp's heart. So Sanji ends up taking hold of his hand, turning his palm around, and letting Usopp intertwine their fingers together too. They laugh, with Usopp's callused thumb caressing Sanji's soft skin and Sanji's cold palm finding a home in Usopp's bigger, warmer one.
That's when the sound comes back. The one speaking over the other voices is Luffy, now, about something Usopp hasn't actually caught yet, while Nami laughs at something Robin previously said and Zoro closes his eyes for good as he rests his head on top of Chopper's. Brook gets ready to play one of his songs in response to something Luffy has mentioned, and Jinbe's deep laughter fills the whole room with so, so much love it's a bit overwhelming.
They quickly join the conversation too, Sanji finishing his cigarette and Usopp paying attention to the archeologist's words. Sanji's foot is still behind his, their shoulders are still touching, and Usopp keeps resting his head on Sanji's shoulder every now and then. Nobody says anything, as if they were meant to act like this around them in the first place. As if it was meant to be, to blend like this in the middle of one of their usual evenings.
Sanji's hands are always afraid to be out if they aren't home but they have found one where they least expected it, and Usopp realizes that he can do the impossible, like holding his whole world, if he has Sanji's hands in his.
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healthyglamessence · 14 days
Java Burn: Sip Your Way to a Healthier, Slimmer You
Meta Description: Discover how Java Burn, the revolutionary coffee additive, can help you lose weight naturally. Learn the science, benefits, and tips to maximize your results. Java Burn comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Get Java Burn now at Java Burn Official!
Introduction Struggling to shed those extra pounds? You’re not alone. Millions of people face challenges with weight management and seek effective solutions. Enter Java Burn, a top-rated weight loss coffee additive that’s gaining attention for its powerful results. In this blog, we’ll break down the science behind Java Burn, highlight its incredible benefits, share real success stories, compare it to other weight loss products, and offer tips on how to get the best results. Ready to start your transformation? Let’s dive in!
The Science Behind Java Burn Java Burn isn’t your average weight loss supplement. Its all-natural formula is backed by extensive research, focusing on boosting metabolism and fat oxidation. By incorporating green tea extract, L-Carnitine, and Chromium, Java Burn helps your body burn calories more efficiently. These ingredients also support the breakdown of stored fat for energy, making weight loss more manageable. Scientific studies validate that Java Burn can help users achieve significant weight loss results when used correctly.
Benefits of Java Burn What sets Java Burn apart is its wide range of benefits. Not only does it promote weight loss, but it also helps:
Boost energy levels: Feel more active and focused throughout the day.
Suppress appetite: Reduce cravings and control portions effortlessly.
Enhance metabolism: Increase fat burning, even at rest.
Support overall wellness: Improve mental clarity and energy balance.
Java Burn is ideal for anyone looking for an easy way to enhance both their weight loss and overall health.
Success Stories and Reviews The real magic of Java Burn lies in the results shared by satisfied customers. People have experienced remarkable transformations, with many losing significant amounts of weight in just a few months. Hearing real success stories can be motivating, showing that you too can reach your fitness goals. Positive reviews praise Java Burn for its simplicity, taste, and quick impact on energy and weight loss.
Java Burn vs. Other Weight Loss Products In a market crowded with weight loss supplements, Java Burn stands out thanks to its natural ingredients and scientifically-backed formula. Unlike fad diets or extreme supplements, Java Burn offers a sustainable and effective approach. While others may rely on chemicals or drastic calorie restrictions, Java Burn works with your body’s metabolism, making it a healthier alternative to traditional weight loss methods.
Safety and Side Effects Safety is a priority when using any supplement. Fortunately, Java Burn is made from all-natural, clinically-tested ingredients, making it safe for most individuals. While side effects are rare, some people may experience mild symptoms like nausea or upset stomach. It’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss regimen, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or take medication.
How to Use Java Burn for Best Results To get the most out of Java Burn, consistency is key. Add one packet of Java Burn to your daily coffee, preferably in the morning. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage for optimal results. Pairing Java Burn with a balanced diet and regular exercise will accelerate your progress and help you reach your goals faster.
Pro tip: Stay hydrated, eat lean protein, and engage in light physical activities to further enhance the fat-burning effects.
60-Day Money-Back Guarantee Java Burn is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee for 60 days from your original purchase. If you're not completely satisfied with the product, your results, or your experience within the first 60 days, simply contact us by calling our toll-free number or sending an email, and we’ll issue a full refund within 48 hours of receiving the returned product. That’s right—even if you’ve used all the product and are returning empty pouches, we’ll give you a no-questions-asked refund (less shipping and handling). This guarantee ensures that you can try Java Burn risk-free!
Conclusion Java Burn offers a simple yet powerful solution for weight loss and overall wellness. Backed by science and supported by real customer success stories, it’s a must-try for anyone seeking an easy way to shed pounds and feel more energetic. Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey or looking to break a plateau, Java Burn can help. Ready to get started? Sip away the extra pounds today and unlock a healthier you!
👉 Get Java Burn Now: Java Burn Official
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authoralexharvey · 10 months
Alex Does NaNoWriMo - Day 27
I spent the day stuck in bed after work because my body decided it was agony time. I still wrote in bed though. I'm trying to write every day until NaNo is over, and then I'm gonna take the fattest nap on December 1st. On top of the naps I'm already taking between words, of course.
Anyway. Let's talk stats.
Words wrote today: 958
Total words: 32,510
“Eat, Dakota.” Dayan's brows furrowed. “Our options will be slimmer in Geis for food and lodgings, after all.”
She took a reluctant bite of the potatoes. They were soft, zesty. Melted on her tongue like butter. If not for the crumbles of meat clinging to them, she would find it delectable, but she could scarcely tolerate the combined texture right now. She set her fork down.
“Why are we going to Geis, then?”
Dayan's frown deepened.
“It's a small village, after all.” She gave her food a stir, wincing when metal scraped ceramic. She knew of the village only from a textbook she'd read a while ago. There was a cathedral of the Scholars of the Lost within miles of it, if she remembered right, but that was all it had going for it. “Wouldn't it suit us better to perform in a more populated area?”
“Perhaps.” Dayan took a slow sip of coffee before continuing. “I have business there as well, however. It will just be for a day or so, Dakota. You needn't worry.”
And then where will we go? She nibbled at the fried egg on top, but it was rubbery and made her stomach twist at the thought of swallowing it. As subtle as she could, she spat what she'd chewed back out and into the bowl. She tried for the toast instead. Better, at least. She could eat this, if she didn't think about how Dayan had eaten it before.
Tag list (ask to be added!): @linaket , @sarandipitywrites , @belovedviolence , @anoelleart , @bardicbeetle , @flowerprose
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Also what does erik look like?? I wanna draw him some time!
AWWWWW THATS SO SWEET OF YOU TO WANT TO DRAW HIM?? 🥹💞💞💞💞 also will start working on your request soon!!! ;D
And sorry for the late reply here~! To be completelyyyyy hooooonest I can’t quite decide on his hair and eye colors. He keeps shifting in my mind’s eye 👉👈
However!! I can say that his hair is straight and pretty short, though long enough for his bangs to fall over his eyebrows in the morning before he styles it (generally slicking it back for performances, or just leaving it with a looser side-part style on regular days).
He’s around 5’7, or 170.2 cm, and has a slimmer build (high metabolism and practically lives off of coffee). He’s been on testosterone for a while so he has a more masculine distribution of fat and muscle, and a sharp jawline.
Unfortunately (in his opinion), the other men in his family can’t really grow beards well, and the testosterone didn’t give him much facial hair either. He shaves off what little does grow.
He has top surgery scars, that are healed but still visible, and he has a good skin care routine for washing their face and also caring for the scars. His skin is pale, and although he could tan rather than burn, he doesn’t spend enough time out in the sun to really do either.
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jess-moloney · 11 months
"I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with food. I eat because I have to, not because I enjoy it" Jess Moloney 2017 [Source]
This right here screams eating disorder and she must know that because she gets on the defensive immediately in the same post saying she's never had an eating disorder but this is 100% the mark of someone with an eating disorder. In fact, if you google this exact phrase look at what comes up:
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A link for an eating disorder helpline and her blog post (only two results). That's a big red flag right there.
Later in the same blog post she says this:
"I used to live on coffee, fruit and dinners out. It still, to this day, baffles CJ how I managed to train so intensely on just that. He suggested (correction, made) me eat more protein and carbs, and I’ve never looked back." - Jess Moloney 2017
Her trainer had to make her eat? He was baffled by how little she ate with how hard she was training? This isn't normal, or cute, or safe, this is an eating disorder.
The rest of the post goes on to detail her rules about food and how she only eats such and such if she's also training so she can burn off those calories etc. It does seem to be that if she is actually eating this way she's making sure to burn off the same amount that she's eating so she can stay skinny. However, the things she says in this post are already problematic.
The thing about eating disorders is you don't get cured of them. You are just in recovery. Like an alcoholic or drug addict. The mentality is always there because it's a mental illness. Is she better now? I think that's debatable. If you look at older photos of her she has a much fuller face and body. If you look at her now she's a lot skinnier with a skinnier face. She said she had an unhealthy relationship with food or has, and she also seems to have lost a lot of that weight over time.
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Jess in 2015 with a much fuller face and fairly normal sized figure.
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A year later her face and body has slimmed down quite a bit
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There's obviously something going on with her weight dropping and not maintaining. Not that she was ever fat, not even in 2015 but she's getting slimmer and slimmer.
Her extreme fitness thing seems to be a cover for disordered eating or an excuse to work out as much as possible to burn off whatever calories she is managing to eat because she has this distorted body image.
Though having an eating disorder isn't something that makes her or anyone inherently a bad person, if she has these issues and they aren't under control then she's probably not the best person to be around if you're also trying to stay sober. Especially when she's not sober herself.
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TropiSlim: Your Tropical Solution to Effective Weight Loss
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TropiSlim: Your Tropical Solution to Effective Weight Loss
Weight loss can be a challenging journey, often filled with trial and error as you search for a solution that works for you. If you’re seeking a natural, effective way to shed those extra pounds, TropiSlim might be the answer you’ve been looking for. This tropical-inspired supplement is designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals while supporting overall health and well-being.
What is TropiSlim?
TropiSlim is a dietary supplement crafted with a blend of tropical fruits, herbs, and nutrients known for their weight loss and health benefits. The carefully selected ingredients work together to boost metabolism, reduce appetite, and enhance fat burning, making it easier for you to achieve and maintain your desired weight.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
Garcinia Cambogia: This tropical fruit is well-known for its weight loss properties. It contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which helps to suppress appetite and inhibit fat production.
Green Coffee Bean Extract: Rich in chlorogenic acid, green coffee bean extract helps to boost metabolism and promote fat burning, leading to more efficient weight loss.
Coconut Water Powder: Packed with electrolytes and nutrients, coconut water powder helps to keep you hydrated and energized, making it easier to stay active and support your weight loss efforts.
Pineapple Extract: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that aids digestion and helps reduce inflammation, promoting a healthier digestive system and aiding in weight loss.
Acai Berry: This superfood is loaded with antioxidants that help to detoxify the body, improve metabolism, and support overall health.
Guarana: A natural stimulant, guarana boosts energy levels and increases metabolic rate, helping you burn more calories throughout the day.
How Does TropiSlim Work?
TropiSlim works by targeting multiple aspects of weight loss. Its ingredients help to suppress appetite, making it easier to control your caloric intake. The metabolism-boosting properties ensure that your body burns more calories, even at rest. Additionally, TropiSlim supports the breakdown of stored fat, converting it into energy, and promoting a leaner physique.
Benefits of Using TropiSlim
Effective Weight Loss: The combination of appetite suppression, increased metabolism, and enhanced fat burning makes TropiSlim an effective solution for weight loss.
Natural Ingredients: TropiSlim is made from natural, tropical ingredients, making it a safer alternative to synthetic weight loss supplements.
Increased Energy Levels: The energy-boosting properties help you stay active and motivated, supporting your weight loss journey.
Improved Digestion: The digestive enzymes and nutrients promote a healthy digestive system, reducing bloating and enhancing nutrient absorption.
Antioxidant Support: The antioxidants in TropiSlim help to detoxify your body, reduce inflammation, and support overall health.
How to Use TropiSlim
For best results, take two capsules of TropiSlim daily with a glass of water, preferably before meals. Consistent use, along with a balanced diet and regular exercise, will help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.
TropiSlim offers a natural and effective approach to weight loss, harnessing the power of tropical ingredients to support your journey towards a healthier, slimmer you. With its unique blend of appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters, and energy enhancers, TropiSlim helps make weight loss more manageable and sustainable. Embrace the tropical solution to effective weight loss with TropiSlim and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you today.
you can also try this
There is an affiliate link attached of the best product which may help me to make some profit
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thethoguhts · 10 months
A lot of people try to change their mindset before making physical changes, but I usually find it works better the other way
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Regular sleeping cycle
I have found out that unfortunately my body is very very sleep dependant. That is, not getting adequate sleep has more impact on my mood, energy, appearance etc. than any other change, which is why it’s at the top. Inadequate sleep can actually make me feel hungover the next day which is why it’s important to stay on top of. I have found that if I go to sleep between 10 and 10.30, I wake up naturally before my alarm at 6.30am and I have no desire to fall back to sleep — this sets the tone for my day with a focused, energetic and interpersonal demeanour. However, if i fall asleep by 11.30 I wake up in a haze, red eyed and still tired. The difference that extra hour or even half hour will make is so under rated — respect your body’s Circadian Rhythm and it will respect you. I found alot of amazing info in a book called Why We Sleep by Mathew Walker.
Foods you are avoiding to eat
Alot of people advise on what you should eat which is obviously important, but for me, maintaining a strong energy throughout the day is also down to steering clear of certain foods. I’m talking about refined carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and of course sugar. When I eat these foods it’s almost certain I’ll crash due to their high glycemic qualities and will not fully recover for the rest of the day, where I will remain somewhat introverted and tired. Not eating these foods also does not bloat your stomach and will have you looking slimmer. For lunch I stick to cooked veg and fish/meat. Further, I don’t ‘intermittently fast’ per se, but I do give my body a food-free window in the morning for 2–3 hours which allows all your regulatory hormones to secrete and settle without the added stress of ingesting and absorbing food. Jordan Peterson claims his first recommendation to patients is eating a fat-heavy breakfast in the morning to mop up excess insulin, as opposed to carb-heavy which increases blood sugar.
Eating the right foods.
As you may be aware there has been alot of exciting research around the human microbiome and our symbiotic relationship with bacteria. If you’re not aware I would suggest you start with a book called ‘The Diet Myth’, which explains not only what you should eat but also why. The long and short of it is you should eat the widest range of natural foods possible for your body (veg, cheese, nuts, oils) so as to cultivate a broad range of microbial species in your stomach — the broader the better! There is a proven theory that your brain communicates alot with your stomach through the Vegus Nerve and can strongly influence mood (as well as auto immune conidtions). In addition, clean foods give you so much more energy and make you look so much better.
Cutting out masturbation
This was my biggest vice — It was quite literally an addiction like cigarettes or coffee but I had no idea it was an issue because, it’s just wanking right? Wrong. The reason it becomes addictive is because it stimulates the same neurological receptors that are responsible for your sense of reward and achievement. When you’re bashing your bishop even once a day you are exploiting your brain’s reward circuitry and tiring it out. Once it’s exhausted, every day things that would give you a sense of pleasure or drive are no longer effective because the receptors have already been over-loaded from last night’s internet indulgence. I could go on about this for days but you can do your own research easily on the web. For me, the results of just abstaining for even a few days were incredible.
Never underestimate the power of a clean fade bro (or if you’re a woman just a professional clean and blow dry I guess?)
1.1 Now you can focus on mindset! I didn’t realise how important meditation was until i actually tried to still my mind and couldn’t. Months on, I’m still shit at it but getting better. What you have to remember is meditation/mindfulness is singularity of the mind even when consciously active. Washing the dishes? Focus on it. Driving? Focus on it. Eating a sandwich? Focus on it. I also find that affirmations help, resonating with the galactic frequencies to see yourself where you want to be and acting on it.
1.2 Having a goal You need this, this sense of purpose and identity. You will surely wither away and rot inside without it. It can be anything — job, your kids, working out, hobby, passion. Find what makes you drive and dig!
I’m not saying I stick to these steps religiously, sometimes I fall right off the band wagon — but when I know its time to pick myself up, these are the areas I work on. Collectively they make me more extroverted, clearer headed, give me more conviction and far more efficient.
Hope it helps, good luck!
You can subscribe to my newsletter to learn more about how to improve yourself physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
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People’s Keto Gummies [Read Before Buy] | Customer Reviews
People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom:- People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom are very well researched in US labs and are proven to get rid of ugly fats deposition undoubtedly. They need to be used often with a nutritionist’s consultation.
To get fit & live wholesome, you may choose from a plethora of supplements to be had inside the weight reduction network. They work wonders for his or her capacity customers and offer extraordinary benefits as nicely.
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What do they sound like? How do they assist in toning your determine?
Professionals have studied that People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom have anti-weight problems homes that efficiently reduce the signs and symptoms of obesity and combat an excessive amount of frame corpulence.
This formula is a herbal mixture of powerful ingredients inclusive of turmeric, ginger extracts, coffee, BHB extracts, garcinia cambogia, and so on. It is completely a natural fat burner analyzed by third celebration researchers in legit laboratories.
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People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom are very well researched in US labs and are verified to put off unpleasant fat deposition undoubtedly. They have to be used regularly with a nutritionist’s session.
Keto gummies are normally small chewing cubes that certainly get dissolved into the bloodstream to eliminate visceral fat storage, adipose tissues, and extra calories deposited in various components of the body.
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Why only People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom?
There are a plethora of fat burners loaded in the cabinets of supplement shops. But, have they been all effective?
This may be overwhelming to pick out the right one for your fitness. That’s why we convey People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom, a scientifically validated technique in particular created for obese & obese oldsters.
People’s Keto Gummies United Kingdom are a clinically generic treatment that allows a number of customers in their fat-reducing journey as well as make them visibly slimmer & healthier without any exercise & crash nutritional plans.
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People’s Keto Gummies UK/IE is a fat-reducing regimen that helps the user attain the desired figure. It makes the person fit without asking for any restricted diet and excessive exercise sessions. It attributes a low-fat diet that forces the body to get rid of all the stored fats rapidly. It attributes the best health without affecting the body with any weakness or fatigue. It includes advanced techniques to formulate keto gummies with all wholesomeness. There are no additions of any harmful and synthetic blends. It reduces all the stored fats with herbal and natural compositions. It sheds the extra fats from the body and helps the user attain the best physique.
Official Website : - https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/people-s-keto-gummies-uk-shocking-results-exposed-united-kingdom-dragons-den-keto-diet-alert--news-312438
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healthwellwisher · 2 years
Keto Bullet Review - The Ultimate Keto Coffee Booster
Product Name – Keto Bullet
Location – United States
Composition – Natural Organic Compound
Side-Effects – NA
Availability – Online (Exclusive Offers on Official Website)
Rating – 5/5
Where to Buy – Click Here
What is Keto Bullet?
A weight loss supplement is Keto Bullet Coffee Ingredients. This brand is uncomplicated in its calculation and manufactured with ingredients that have been scientifically proven to work. It is free of any prohibited substances. This fat-consuming improvement initially seems promising. Keto Bullet Coffee Price aids in helping you lose weight, get in shape, and transform your physique. It helps you quickly and effectively achieve your goals for a slimmer body by using its "triple danger fat misfortune equation" method to deal with fat misfortune, working on the viability of your muscle against fat consumption cycles, supporting your energy, and enhancing your mental focus.
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It is a reliable weight-loss product that fully induces ketosis, which helps you lose weight quickly, helps you consume fat, and helps you get thinner quickly for this get natural bill full sort out your entire change you simply put it all on the line on the basic premise and take part in the greatest lift. It is a top-notch weight loss equation that promises you exceptional modifications and provides you with entire assistance and wholesome and real requirements. This can aid you move in the direction of improving your prosperity and wellbeing condition.
It is a reliable weight-loss product that fully induces ketosis, which helps you lose weight quickly, helps you consume fat, and helps you get thinner quickly for this get natural bill full sort out your entire change you simply put it all on the line on the basic premise and take part in the greatest lift. It is a top-notch weight loss equation that promises you exceptional modifications and provides you with entire assistance and wholesome and real requirements. This can aid you move in the direction of improving your prosperity and wellbeing condition.
How does Keto Bullet works?
According to a review, Keto Bullet Coffee Benefits uses a three-stage strategy for burning fat to increase outcomes. Together with other benefits, the augmentation promises to trigger fat-burning chemicals, speed up the body's natural fat-consumption cycles, and increase energy levels. As lipolysis takes place as a result of the regular components, the regular components facilitate the removal of stored fat from cells. Working Keto Bullet Coffee When the fat is supplied, it speeds up thermogenesis and increases digestion, resulting in increased energy consumption. Hence, the improvement of activities to lose weight and the reduction of tiredness are supported by thermogenesis.
It is the perfect ketosis recipe to improve your metabolic cycle, help you lose weight, and make it easier for you to participate in the full ketosis process. You should consume fat, increase your energy levels, and stay away from risk factors so that you can pursue the true condition of fat consuming and experience the greatest lift.
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So, all of this sounds amazing, but I bet you're wondering what advantages you may expect from this fat killer. The length of this Keto Bullet Coffee Supplement reviews survey would be unacceptably excessive if I listed every benefit. I'll merely focus on the key ones in this manner:
This fat burner will help you consume calories and achieve a fit body, in line with numerous Keto Bullet Coffee Benefits audits and my personal observations.
The fat terminator also produces trustworthy results. Many Keto Bullet Coffee reviews and audits confirm that you won't lose patience waiting to lose weight. The fat eliminator produces reliable results.
Surveys conducted on the Keto Bullet Coffee Price confirm that the fat killer may transform chubby, overweight bodies into strong, fit, and healthy ones.
One of the unusual supplements that targets really difficult fat areas is Keto Bullet Coffee Ingredients.
Several studies also support the claim that it makes you feel more active, focused, and alert.
Side effects
As Keto Bullet Coffee Side effects is created with just natural ingredients, it is probably safe and won't have any negative effects.
Also, I was unable to locate any Keto Bullet Coffee composition studies conducted online that examined any referred side effects of this product.
But as with any health supplement, it's advisable to actually read the name first so you can understand its intended use and any health warnings associated with it.
It is a sound keto diet supplement that aids in your solidarity and gives you a great way to deal with better health and endurance. Sound weight loss will keep your body working in rhythm, and you can easily vibe best is breakdown the following mixtures and raise the kurtosis level, at that point, steadily raise your capacity for being solid. It is truly outstanding to control your appetite and request for more food.
How to use Keto Bullet?
This is the basic idea. Use 1 spoon of this supplement before your meal to capitalise on the Keto Bullet Coffee original. By making those simple changes, you'll say goodbye to your fat and hello to increased energy and wellness.
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Where To Buy Keto Bullet Coffee?
A healthy weight loss can help you lose weight more quickly and provide you with cutting projects that will help your weight loss campaign succeed. If you're looking for something tasty, hit the request button and carefully complete the enrollment details so you can have the package quickly. Keto Bullet Coffee is typically a safe equation that might be secure and helpful for people of both sexual orientations. Request this now!
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You may be sure that there are no "hidden fixings" because Keto Bullet Coffee reviews' equation in a constrained mixture is thus clear-cut. The unique benefit is that it approaches weight loss on three different levels. Forum for Keto Bullet Coffee Additionally, it emphasises the importance of psychological wellness. This is entirely typical, thus it would seem that there are no accidental impacts. It is made with ingredients that work together to target all areas of fat loss. The recipe tackles several areas of fat misfortune and ensures that you have a toned figure as quickly as is reasonably possible. Pharmacy for Keto Bullet Coffee.
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Maggie beer keto gummies Australia- Maggie beer gummies Scam Exposed
Presentation Of Maggie beer keto gummies Australia: Everybody wishes to look wonderful and alluring. What can be more intriguing than getting the eyeballs of individuals we are drawn to! In any case, not everything individuals can make it happen, correct? Decrease of your body weight can assume a major part in your fascination and since has been made feasible for you in the least demanding way just with the assistance of this new enhancement Maggie brew Maggie beer keto gummies Australia. This new enhancement has created a commotion on the lookout and individuals are frantically requesting it to become slimmer. The real factors about this item have been depicted underneath exhaustively.
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Do you likewise pine for consideration however neglect to have it as a result of your size? Is it safe to say that you are likewise attempting to get in shape? You have attempted all the weight reduction supplements accessible on the lookout however without much of any result, isn't that so? So is there a potential method for getting thinner and simultaneously having the opportunity to enjoy your #1 dishes? Indeed, there is most certainly. It is Maggie lager Maggie beer keto gummies Australia. It permits you to eat anything you desire in any amount without influencing the weight losing process. Thus, now is the right time to become fit without the weight of any impulse, by utilizing this item.
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How does the weight loss supplement Maggie beer keto gummies work for your fat loss?
Maggie beer keto gummies Australia is a seriously intense cycle for our body to begin its own. Our human body can go into Maggie beer keto gummies Australia when we avoid consuming anything for 3 to 4 days. This weight reduction supplement begins the course of Maggie beer keto gummies Australia in the body and helps eliminate the collected fats by changing over them into energy. Dissimilar to the next dietary enhancements, Maggie lager keto chewy candies don't influence your carbs. Maggie brew keto chewy candies is a with everything taken into account natural item, produced using the most popular spices. However, the most significant and strong fixing in it is BHB ketones which are additionally called BHB ketones. In our body, our liver produces BHB at whatever point there is an absence of carbs. It additionally checks your hunger and in this manner restricts the glucose creation thus compelling the body to rely on fats for energy totally. Keto gives you the ideal outcomes without setting any expectations for your way of life. By bringing your body into Maggie beer keto gummies Australia and furthermore ensures that the fats don't return back and guarantees dependable weight reduction and furthermore keeps a decent wellbeing for you.
Ingredients that have been used in the Maggie beer keto gummies Australia:
ACV is - also called beta hydroxybutyrate, it is the key for starting ketosis and allows all the unnecessary aft to be lost soon
Bioperine - making it different from the other weight loss supplements available in the market, it generates energy in body
Green Coffee - by using the fats instead of your carbs, this will at the same time providing additional energy to your body
Apple Cedar Extracts - it slows down fat formation in the human body by increasing the fat metabolism rate very quickly
Turmeric – anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help weight loss and turmeric is also rich in many anti-oxidants
The body produces a substance known as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). When one hasn't had enough sugars or carbohydrates, it offers him energy.
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How to use the Maggie beer keto gummies Australia in the right way for results?
.A full container of Maggie beer keto gummies Australia accompanies 60 simple to consume cases. You ought to take 2 tablets routinely, one AM after a light breakfast and the other around evening time prior to hitting the hay. These containers ought not be taken in a vacant stomach. For quicker noticeable outcomes you can supplement it with keto cordial feasts and a light exercise routine consistently. To bring your body into ketosis, BHB is the principal part. It is extremely challenging for the body to accomplish the condition of ketosis all alone and this supplement has a great deal of BHB. This causes you to lose pounds by killing your fats and not carbs. Utilizing carbs to create energy is hurtful for your wellbeing over the long haul. Through ketosis, it guarantees that your fats don't return back rapidly and guarantees you dependable and sound weight reduction in the most brief time
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Dependable discount of your cash in 30 days of the buy, in the event that you don't come by the ideal outcomes. Be in your best shape by utilizingMaggie beer keto gummies Australia. It makes all the difference! This can make all the difference to make you thin which the phony enhancement couldn't do even in lengthy years. Maggie brew keto chewy candies softens your undesirable fats in only 30 days, without having any cost for your drawn out wellbeing. It is ready by utilizing a few exceptionally strong and home grown fixings. No unsafe synthetic compounds or any fake flavors have been added to it. Clinically tried and therapeutically endorsed accordingly makes no side impacts. Go too far may prompt minor disturbances. The secondary effect issue has been killed absolutely from this supplement which makes it a genuine accomplice for your weight losing dreams. Get it before others do and acquire greatest limits on all packs. Purchase straightforwardly from the site and get a good deal on the best weight reduction item!Visit Official Website To Get Maggie Beer Keto Gummies On Huge Discount Above 25% Off
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