#does this count as wholesome sonic and tails wednesday
neometalsilver · 11 months
you ever think of sonic growing up in the woods alone and fighting eggman regularly since the day he was 8/9 years old and then think about how he’s been raising tails since he was a 4 year old fox kit. like sonic not having a childhood and making sure that tails does no matter what because he knows what it’s like to have to be an adult before you’re ready.
knuckles losing his childhood to protecting the master emerald and growing up alone on angel island with a destiny and burden he isn’t even old enough to comprehend yet. meeting tails and while he’s not sold on sonic yet, he knows he’s never going to let this child experience the same crushing demands that he had placed on him by a tribe that wasn’t even alive to explain.
shadow only ever getting to experience fleeting moments of childhood when he’s with maria, and spending every other moment being tested and experimented on by scientists and doctors for a cause far beyond both him and his sister. meeting tails, who has grown up surrounded by danger and violence and war yet remains soft and kind and gentle despite thanks to his older sibling. shadow thinking about the trauma he had already experienced ten times over by the time he was tails’ age and feeling just burning hot jealousy and rage for the childhood he never got to have, the only source of peace and happiness he had being shot in the head in front of him while he was stuck behind a wall of glass. shadow meeting tails and wondering why he gets everything he never got to have.
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dunkinbublin · 2 years
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missed opportunity on generations’ part to have classic sonic go through the five stages of grief when he realizes he’s doomed to be the shorter brother
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tornado1992 · 7 months
Do you guys think that Sonic has scars?
Not like Tails’, definitely not like those. Tails’ scars are from ripping fur, burning flesh, badly healed broken bones, deep cuts, and stuff he doesn’t even remember, from before he even met Sonic and started fighting Eggman. So many scars. He’s covered in them, his fur hides them, so he’s lucky that his tails are the fluffiest part of him, that’s where he has the most scars, hes not exactly ashamed of his scars, they show what he’s survived, they show that he came through all that. But still, most of them are a painful reminder that he had to survive, not live, survive.
Now Sonic… Sonic has very few scars, almost none of them from fights or Eggman encounters, his dumb bots couldn’t ever dream of hurting him, he was way too fast for that, way too strong. So they’re not from those fights, no, they’re from something completely different.
All the baby fox fangs marks in his hands, all the deep scratches from tiny little claws in his chest and the back of his arms, all the little cuts close to his face, all of them.
Sonic is proud of those scars.
He’s proud of those scars, because each and every of those scars are a reminder that he baby fox that caused them survived, because every time Sonic bled because of that kid, it was worth it.
Because he tried to bathe him when he was more blood and mud than fur. Because he forced him to take medicine when he was sick. Because he hugged him every time he had a nightmare and wouldn’t wake up even if it meant he would instinctively try to hurt him in the process. Because he held him and didn’t let go even when he felt tiny claws digging and ripping in his skin.
Those scars meant his little brother still wanted to survive. Those scars meant Sonic did everything to make sure he would live.
He’s proud of those scars.
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coco0milkshake · 8 months
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guys guys I just had the best idea ever-
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fireyartccoon · 6 months
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“Fox or not, you’re still my little buddy, Tails, and I can ensure you nothing will ever change that’’
This thing:
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 2 years
"Comfort in a Thunderstorm"
Happy Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday!!!! 🥰 So I've actually drawn a ton of things for them but obviously gotta post them one at a time 😂 I had something else planned but then another fic suddenly materialized in my docs so I was like "welp"
Haha, enjoy!
Quick desc: "Sonic & Tails' first thunderstorm experience together."
Sonic didn’t like the rain.
For one, he wasn’t a big fan of water in general, although he mainly didn’t like being in it. But rain often made it harder to run. He’d lost track of the amount of times he’d slipped in wet grass, or crashed into a mud puddle, or been blinded by a downpour and ran into a tree or something.
He didn’t like it, but he wasn’t afraid of it.
As he was soon to learn, it was a different story for Tails.
It had started sprinkling around the late afternoon, and by sundown it was pouring. The skies were overcast with dark, almost black clouds. They’d need to stop and find shelter somewhere, Sonic decided. It was already hard enough to keep moving during the day in the heavy rain. It would only be worse to try and get through it in the dark.
Tails had seemed unusually quiet. Sure, he didn’t talk a whole lot to begin with, but sometimes his little brother would go on rambles about something new he’d discovered; usually about mechanics and technology. The kid had taken a liking to such things the moment he’d first discovered them, and although he didn’t have any of his own tools and techy stuff yet, he was taking every opportunity to learn as much about it as he could. He’d been fascinated by Sonic’s plane, the Tornado, ever since he’d first laid eyes on it. Sonic had been thinking about buying him a computer or something for his birthday, whenever that was.
Did he actually understand all the stuff Tails told him about? No, not really. But it was fun to listen to him go on and on about his passions.
Tonight, however, his little brother had been silent for a couple hours at least. When Sonic glanced back to check on him, the little fox’s blue eyes were wide and nervous.
He cleared his throat as he stopped for a moment. “You okay, buddy?”
Tails jumped and looked up at him. “Yes!” he answered, a little too quickly. “Where are we gonna sleep tonight?”
Sonic looked up and scanned the horizon. “Dunno yet. I don’t see any trees. We might have to settle for burrowing tonight.”
“We shouldn’t go under a tree, anyway,” Tails protested. “If it starts making thunder, we might get struck by lightning if it hits the tree.”
Sonic looked down at him, surprised. “Oh, okay.” He glanced around. “I just don’t want to get flooded if we go underground is all.”
The little fox stared around for a moment. Something still seemed off about his demeanor, but Sonic couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Well, guess we’ll just keep moving until we find somewhere safe to stay for the night.” He sighed, then held out his hand. “Stay close, kiddo.”
It had taken him a while to get Tails to be comfortable with touch when they’d first met— which, granted, hadn’t been too long ago. A little under a year, perhaps? But Tails had been sensitive to it as a result of the bullying he’d had to endure before Sonic had met him and intervened. So it was safe to say that Sonic was a little taken aback when Tails not only took his hand immediately, he grabbed his entire arm and clung to it with both hands, standing barely a couple inches away from him.
They started walking, although Tails was more shuffling to keep up with Sonic’s longer paces. “You feeling okay, bud?” Sonic finally made himself ask.
His little brother hesitated for several seconds, then mumbled, “I’m just sleepy.”
It had been a long day. “Want me to carry you?”
Sonic stopped walking, turned to crouch down, and held out his arms. Tails quietly climbed into his grasp, and as Sonic stood up again, this time holding his brother against his chest and one shoulder, he realized Tails was shaking. His heart rate seemed a little too fast, too.
But his little brother had already shown he didn’t want to talk about whatever was bothering him, so Sonic just held him close and continued walking, occasionally rubbing one hand over the fox kit’s back.
Maybe five minutes of silence passed before thunder started rumbling in the distance. Sonic kept moving, but he felt Tails stiffen slightly in his arms.
Finally, he spotted a few small caves just beyond the hill they were approaching. “Eureka!” he cheered quietly, and Tails made a tiny noise of acknowledgment. They were just entering the mouth of the biggest cave when a loud crack of thunder exploded just over their heads.
To Sonic’s surprise, Tails yelped at the sound and clung to him ever tighter, whimpering. Sonic just continued to hold him, even as he walked in deeper and sat down against a wall. He was tempted to ask some questions, but figured it was better to just stay quiet and be there for comfort.
Four cracks of thunder and four mini screams from Tails later, his little brother finally said something.
“I-I don’t like thunderstorms.”
“I got that, buddy,” Sonic replied quietly, trying for a teasing tone, but instantly regretted it. Tails probably wasn’t in the mood for jokes and sarcasm.
“That’s okay,” he added, after another few seconds’ hesitation. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. Everyone has fears.”
“Not you,” his brother mumbled.
Sonic paused. While it was true he liked to go about boasting that he feared nothing, it . . . wasn’t necessarily all true. He didn’t fear Eggman. He didn’t fear pain. He didn’t fear death. But . . .
He sighed. “No . . . I have fears too, buddy,” he forced himself to admit, and one of Tails’ ears perked up.
“Really? What is it?”
Oh boy, this was painful, but anything for your family, Sonic supposed. “A couple things, actually,” he confessed, albeit very softly. “I . . . had some bad experiences with water when I was younger. And I never learned to swim, so . . . you could say I’m afraid of drowning.”
Tails’ big blue eyes were bigger than ever. “Really?”
“Yup. That, and . . .”
“And what?”
Sonic exhaled heavily, then leaned back a little so he could meet the fox kit’s gaze more easily. “Losing you. Anything bad happening to you, actually.”
It took a moment, but that actually put a huge smile on Tails’ face. He was still shivering from his own fears, but he looked downright warm and fuzzy inside as he lay back down against Sonic’s chest, a light purr rumbling from his chest. “I love you,” he mumbled through a tired smile.
Sonic had never been one to express emotions or be all sappy, but dang it, everything was different with Tails. “Love you too, bro,” he whispered back, hugging him just a little tighter.
And they stayed like that for the rest of the night. Tails still jumped at every clap of thunder and whimpered here and there, but Sonic just kept holding him. Eventually, surely after another few hours had passed, Tails had fallen asleep, still cradled in his older brother’s arms. Sonic took a few minutes to enjoy the peacefulness of the moment before surrendering to sleep himself.
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(again, I made the art before I wrote the fic, so that's why it's a different setting. Although the pic could also just be a general occurrence, not this specific one 🤷‍♀️😂)
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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atschoolunfortunetly · 8 months
Sonic and Tails Wholesome Wednesday: My Comeback
I LIVE! I going to be honest with ya; this is simply a draft I rewrote in my free time. I don't know if I will be posting every single Wednesday again. I can try but don't have hope. In any case, enjoy the story!
Tails was working away in his workshop with no distractions. He was near completion when a knock on his door startled him and his head nearly whipped around so fast that one would think he broke it.
Sonic walked in without Tails saying a word and had one expression on his face that Tails knew meant he was in for a lecture. Disappointment.
“Tails,” He began tiredly.
“Sonic,” Tails greeted back, hoping not to show nervousness on his face.
“What happened to the mint ice-cream I just bought yesterday?”
Oh, and here Tails thought he did something seriously wrong. Nerves left his body as a slight grin grew on his face.
“...I ate it.”
“All of it?”
Silence before Sonic let out the biggest sigh Tails had ever heard come from his mouth.
“You know the consequences, don’t you?”
Tails tried not to chuckle, “I have fifteen seconds to hide before you hunt me down?”
“Nah, that’s for if you had the last chili-dog. The punishment for this is,” Sonic paused for dramatic effect, “Death! Execution! Thine bloodline ends here brother!”
“Gasp, you’re gonna kill me? How could thine? I thought our bond was stronger than this!” Tails spoke dramatically.
“Our bond shattered when you ate an entire carton of mint ice cream by yourself even though I told you not to. I’ll grant you this question though brother, how do thine wish to go out? Your choice,” Sonic smiled, trying not to laugh.
“Uh, hm,” Tails faked pondering, “How about no? No death at all.”
“No? Thine denies his fate!? Then I shall choose!” Sonic declared before tapping his feet and snapping his fingers, trying to think out a way he can continue the bit.
Tails took this opportunity to get up from his chair and bolt for the nearest window. Sonic, having too much fun, used this chance to run into the house to pick up two plastic swords before meeting Tails outside.
He tossed one of the swords over to Tails and twirled the other in his hand, “Thou can’t escape his fate! We shall duel!”
Tails looked shocked at first before giggling. He then got in a fighting stance with a grin, “Fight we shall! Only one brother can make it out alive!”
The plastic swords clashed as Sonic and Tails began going back and forth with swings and jabs only barely missing their marks. Sonic decided he would put some actual effort in and Tails began losing…badly. He tried his best, honest! But his arms were getting tired and his moves were getting sloppy.
Tails tripped over his own feet, landing backwards on the ground getting his fur dirty. The fake sword in Sonic’s hand poked him lightly in the chest. His brother had a big grin on his face while Tails was simply trying to catch his breath, not caring that they lost their little game. His stomach let out a growl and Sonic sighed.
“When was the last time you ate?” He asked.
“Uh…” Aw crud, what was the last thing he ate? “I…I think I accidentally ate a fly just a bit ago. Does that count?”
“No, eating unlucky flies does not count,” Sonic flatly stated before pulling out his phone, “Pizza or Chinese?”
“Chinese, we had pizza yesterday,” Tails answered with a sigh.
“Alrighty, you go in and take a shower and the food should be back by then.”
Tails pulled himself off the ground with a smile and looked Sonic in the eye, “Next time, I’m going to win!”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yuh huh!”
Sonic chuckled, “Alright then, when you do I’ll buy another carton of mint ice cream.”
Tails laughed and made his way back inside without replying. Sonic simply shook his head with a smile, “God, what would I do without this kid.”
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noxunderground · 2 years
"You know what Tails? We're gonna be great."
@starrjoy Does this count for Sonic & Tails Wholesome Wednesday?
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(Repost from @raliasnox, hoping it'll perform better here!)
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dunkinbublin · 2 years
Here is the correct way to hold your Werehog
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theres not many people that can pick him up to begin with, bud
(he will make this tails' problem)
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Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday Once Again
Based on me and my brother's interactions. Fic is under the cut! Enjoy!
“Tails, I’m bored.”
“Well, that seems like a you problem.”
Sonic sighed as he laid down on the floor in Tail’s workshop. The fox was working on something that he says isn’t going to be important. Just a fun little project for him to indulge in his hobby. Sonic, on the other hand, has nothing to do. That leads into the situation that is currently happening.
“Tailssss, give me something to do!”
“Why don’t you go for a run? Or check up on the others?”
“I already did! Everyone else is doing other things right now!”
He wasn’t lying. Amy was babysitting Cream, the Chaotix were working on a case that they wished to do by themselves, Knuckles was busy with the Master Emerald, Rouge is trying to steal it, and Shadow said he was busy working on something and told Sonic to leave him alone. Tails was the only person Sonic could think of bothering.
“Eggman isn’t-” “Available to beat up? Yep. You’re the only person I could think of bothering.”
“Darn…alright, fair enough. I sorta can’t leave this gizmo unattended though otherwise-” “You’ll lose motivation to work on it?”
“Yeah! How’d ya know?”
“Mmmmaaagiicccc~” Sonic chuckled before sitting up, “Guessing what you’re going to say before you finish your sentence is easy though.”
“Really? I find that hard to-” “Believe?”
Tails shot the hedgehog a look, “That one was an easy one!”
“Then give me a harder one!”
“Alright, how about,” The fox cleared his throat, “The-” “The fitness gram pacer test is a-”
Tails chucked a pillow right at Sonic’s face, interrupting the blue hedgehog, “That wasn’t what I was going to say!”
Sonic let out a couple of laughs, “Then what were you gonna say?”
Tails opened his mouth and left it open as his brain searched for something to say. He then closed his mouth and sent Sonic a glare that made the hedgehog nearly begin laughing again.
“What were you going to say, Tails?”
“...Shut up.”
“I was right wasn’t I?”
“Do you want another pillow to the face?”
Sonic looked at the pillow in his lap, “Why do you have pillows in here anyway?”
“So I can use them to take naps, duh.”
“...Bro, why don’t you use your bed?
Tails froze solid in his chair as if Sonic just caught him eating all the mints. Sonic got up from the floor and walked over to Tails in a joking, yet menacing fashion.
“Answer the question, Tails,” He spoke, on purposely lowering his voice to be “threatening”.
“...Chair comfy?”
Now, normally Sonic would agree with that statement. However, he is trying to be a good role model as an older brother so he simply raised a brow instead.
“That’s the excuse you’re going for? Buddy, if you keep this up you’re probably going to get some good ol back pain and trust me when I say that won’t be fun.”
Tails looked away from Sonic as the hedgehog let out a sigh, “By the way, when did you last take a break?”
“Uhhhh, does eating breakfast with you count?”
“That was five hours ago.”
Tails blinked in shock before looking at the time. His stomach growled and he shot a glare at Sonic.
“How dare you make me aware of my bodily functions.”
Sonic chuckled, “Ooo, you need to eat food and hydrate! Oooo!”
Tails jokingly let out a hissing noise as Sonic picked him up with ease, “How are you gonna grow up to be a big and strong boy, huh?”
“Hey, put me down! I’m not five!”
“You’re right, you’re eight! Nice job counting there, bro!”
“...I am going to bite you the moment you put me down.”
Sonic grinned, “Like you could catch me, Mr. I forgot to eat and my stamina is probably in the negatives.”
“...Okay, I’m going to straight up fight you now.”
“Wow, I am so scared.”
“I know where you sleep!”
“I know where I sleep as well, you ain’t special!”
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Sonic and Tails Wholesome Wednesday Four Repost because the entire fic didn't upload.
If you saw the first one, no you didn't. Here's the fic.
Sonic hated this.
Though, to be fair, who wouldn’t hate their body morphing against their will to become what one may describe as a monster. 
His teeth felt uncomfortable in his mouth, his hands too big to do anything he wanted them to do, his ears picking up sounds he never would hear normally. He was taller as well, which threw him off with every step if the adrenaline of battle wasn't distracting him. 
He let out a huff and rubbed his eyes. He was more exhausted during the days since at night his werehog form gave him an energy boost. Speaking of which, he has no idea what time it is. All he knows is that the moment the moon rises, he’ll go back to being a beast. He tapped his foot on the ground and leaned back into the chair he was sitting on.
A sudden knock and a creak from behind took him out of his thoughts.
Sonic turned around to see Tails entering the room and Sonic gave him a smile.
“Hey, bro! What’s up?”
“Well, nothing really. Did you get any rest?”
“Me? Rest? Thinking you got the wrong hedgehog, buddy.”
“Soniccc, you know you need your energy-”
“Hey, I tried bud! All I got was antsy instead! Sitting around and trying to take a nap while the world is split apart doesn’t sit with me!”
Silence filled the room as Sonic and Tails managed to get themselves into a staring contest. Both stared the other down as they waited for the other to say something. However, before anyone could get the chance to utter a word, Sonic felt a familiar sensation and the purple light over his chest only confirmed the thought.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he felt his body morph around him. One might think it hurts but it doesn’t…well, the first time it did but that doesn’t count. Opening his eyes he stretched his legs out before looking back at Tails. Any inch of tiredness he felt became dull as energy pumped through him.
“...Does it hurt when that happens?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Then why do you look so uncomfortable?”
Sonic grimaced. He knew Tails would find out eventually despite how well he tried to hide it. That doesn’t mean he won’t try to delay the inevitable.
“I wasn’t paying attention to the time to be honest. Caught me off guard is all.”
Tails raised an eyebrow and Sonic knew Tails knew that wasn’t the case.
“...Alright. Though what does it feel like to be, y’know, like that?”
Sonic let out a chuckle, “I’m going to be honest with you, it ain’t that fun. More annoying than anything.”
“Yep, annoying.”
“How is it annoying?”
Sonic clicked his tongue, “Well, for starters I can hear a lot of things I normally wouldn’t be able to.”
Tails walked over to where Sonic was and pulled over a chair, before sitting down with clear curiosity in his eyes. Sonic smiled at him before sitting up straighter.
“Yeah, and trust me, it isn’t as fun as one would think. When we’re outside I can hear people inside talking about things and let me tell ya, somethings are better left unheard.”
“Pff- sorry, sorry.”
“No! It’s okay! You can laugh! It’s just weird when you’re talking about something important and then I just hear ‘LINDA YOU ATE ALL THE OREOS!’”
Tails bursted out laughing and Sonic chuckled along with him. 
“Oh god, how do you not laugh whenever you hear something like that?”
“My self-control is better than one may think!”
“Really? I find that hard to believe.”
Sonic rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, earning another laugh from the fox.
He pulled his tongue back in and was forced to remember just how sharp his teeth were as a point decided to make itself known. He let out an unintentional yelp which made the fox blink in sudden surprise.
“Did you just bite your tongue?”
“Yyyep. Ow. Ow, ow, ow.”
“Are you okay?”
Sonic let out a hum and nodded despite the fact that he could taste blood in his mouth.
“You sure? I mean, I would know how bad pointy teeth hurt. I have them myself, ya know?”
“Hey, we hedgehogs have fangs to ya know!”
“Eh, not as sharp as mine.”
Sonic faked a dramatic gasp, “Wow, my entire species was just slandered. Can’t believe this. I trusted you, ya know?”
Tails simply stuck his tongue out and Sonic faked another gasp.
“Betrayal! Betrayal from my own brother! A sad, sad day indeed.”
Tails began to chuckle and Sonic joined him. Despite everything, Sonic no longer felt as bad as he did a few moments ago.
“So, anything else you deem annoying that isn’t accidental eavesdropping and biting your own tongue a lot?”
Sonic rolled his eyes before taking a look at his claws.
He simply raised his hands upward and sighed, “Well, these also suck.”
“...How do they suck?”
“Well, they’re really strong, and that’s cool and all until boom. Broken doorknob.”
Tails blinked a couple times before tilting his head with a smug smile, “So that’s what happened to Professor Pickle’s doorknob, isn’t it?”
Sonic sighed, “Yyyep. My bad.”
“I suppose you’re also the one who left ten dollars on his desk as well?”
“Thought so.”
“I’ll have you know that doorknob personally insulted me greatly.”
“Sure bro, sure.”
“It dissed not only me but you. I protected our honor. You’re welcome.”
“What will I ever do without you?”
Sonic shrugged and grinned, “You’d probably be doing something boring, like being in school.”
“Some people like school, Sonic.”
“Ah, so you’re a nerd.”
“No! I just like learning!”
“Sounds like a nerd activity to me!”
“...You suck.”
Sonic stuck his tongue out again and Tail gave him a smirk, “Careful! You might bite it again!”
“Shut up.”
“No, you started it by calling me a nerd so you shut up.”
“I didn’t start nothing, what are you talking about?”
“Wh- Yes you did!”
“No I didn’t.”
“Did too!”
“Nah, I don’t think I did.”
Tails let out a huff as Sonic gave him a smirk. The room fell into silence once again and Sonic was comfortable with that. He still doesn’t like this form, not at all, but talking to Tails did make some of it better.
“...Anything else?”
“One would think being tall is cool but everytime I switch to this form and I walk normally sometimes I end up dragging my feet and it creates this-” “Awful scratching sound because of the spikes. I noticed that too to be honest. I didn’t want to say anything because I thought it would be mean.”
“Exactly that. Plus with my enhanced hearing it sounds like it’s right next to my ears and everytime I do it I want to scream.”
“Maybe if we scream exactly when it happens we won’t have to hear it.”
“Brilliant. I am going to walk the streets and randomly scream my head off and scare everyone nearby.”
“Pff, imagine doing it while talking to someone! LIke Amy-""What about me?”
Sonic and Tails both whipped their heads back to see Amy standing right behind them. Her expression looked confused as Tails immediately covered his mouth to not laugh.
“Wow, when did you get in here?”
“I walked in when you guys were talking about screaming to cover something up.”
Tails was trying so hard not to laugh as Sonic just blinked in shock.
“We were talking about the annoying scraping sound my shoes make when I accidentally drag my feet.”
“Ah…have you tried covering the spikes?”
“How would he cover the spikes?” Tails asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t think I can even if I wanted to,” Sonic spoke up, “Wouldn’t the spikes break through everything?”
“I mean we could grab a really thick piece of wood,” Tails suggested.
“Yeah, but I would need to wear it with my normal shoes as well since, y’know, my clothes for some reason change with my form.”
“How does that work?” Amy asked.
“I don’t know.”
Both Amy and Sonic turned to Tails who gave them a deadpanned look in response.
“Just because I am the smart one doesn’t mean I know how transforming into a werehog works.”
“Yeah, Amy. Don’t stereotype my brother as a know-it-all simply because he’s smart.”
“You looked towards him too?!?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Sonic, please stop gaslighting people,” Tails spoke, trying to hide a laugh.
“Gaslighting. We’re making up words now? Can’t believe I am in a room with delusional people,” Sonic spoke, also trying to not laugh and clearly failing.
All three eventually broke into laughter though as the room’s atmosphere lightened up significantly since Sonic was by himself. 
Sonic felt better now. Werehog or not, with his friends by his side he’s happy.
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