#does tommy even know tubbo's been to logsted
tubboscored · 6 months
Surely not will forever haunt me like why did they never talk about the tower . SHAKING YOU THEY NEVER TALKED ABOUT THE TOWRR
THEY NEVER ADDRESSED IT wasn't the only thing tommy ever said to tubbo abt exile was that it "was a wiggly time in his life" 😭😭
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cupcraft · 3 years
Okay i'll speak on it more because I have been for a bit gen worried if anyone at all, other than maybe c!Sam (and c!Wilbur too), will even talk about what happened from the exile arc, or even ask.
Like c!Tommy literally confronted c!Dream who told him that "no one will care if he's gone" and in the moment I was like that's not true he has friends, he has people that want to protect him this time around.
But streams since then I am not so sure. Characters are constantly in flux about if c!Dream deserves sympathy or if it really was c!Tommy who is the menace of the world, even the ones who were there when he was literally arrested and saw what he was going to do to them and to c!Tommy and c!Tubbo.
And this becomes even more frustrating when you consider that many characters know how traumatizing exile was for him, even on a surface level. c!Techno knows plains biomes for a while caused panic and avoidance, logstedshire was used as a part of c!Tommy's exposure therapy he needed to even "see" c!Dream again, some know c!Dream beat him to death, c!Phil and c!Sapnap knows that c!Dream came after him to kill him. Hell, c!Puffy and c!Niki have both went to Logsted just to understand the horrors that might've occurred, wondering why it was blown to pieces. c!Ranboo wrote letters to him during exile and those letters definitely showed his decline over time (just read them). And c!Tommy has been different since exile, since death even, in many ways, no longer the same guy who was starting power tower conflict with c!Ponk in the early server. Like how can they see him afraid of taking damage, when c!Tommy never used to be that way at all.
But yet, they can't even bring to have their characters ask him what happened. They can't even say his name when standing over his grave with the c!tommy tower in the horizon, even when learning c!Dream escaped prison.
When does the other shoe drop? The signs are there, characters canonically know certain important things, so when does it finally matter?
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madmaddyenby · 3 years
/rp /dsmp
ok so- c!tommy. we are all aware he’s traumatized, and experiences ptsd from being in traumatic experiences, this is basically fact.  while i’d like to talk how c!tommy experiences ptsd, i’d like to bring up a thing i haven’t seen mentioned a lot when it comes to c!tommy and his trauma- c-ptsd.  also known as complex-ptsd.   it occurs when someone experiences something traumatizing for a period of time.
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[image description: A screenshot of text with the words “CPTSD stands for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is a mental health condition in which a person might experience intense PTSD symptoms that coincide with other mental issues. CPTSD occurs in people who have been subjected to on going traumatizing experiences”. end description]
which, as we know, the exile arc fits the description of “ongoing traumatizing experiences” pretty fucking well.  the exile was basically just two weeks of trauma.  for a lot of reasons too, there was dream abusing tommy, tommy being isolated, tommys own depression/suicidal thoughts/bad mindset in general.   this would all be considered a ongoing traumatizing experience(s).  
ptsd is very similar to c-ptsd in how it develops, but ptsd occurs after one singular traumatizing event . (by the way, the event doesnt have to be life or death, it could be something like witnessing or hearing about a shocking event!!!)
symptoms of c-ptsd overlap with ptsd a good lot of the time, due to them both being trauma disorders.  however, there are a few differences.  here r some symptoms of c-ptsd, alot of which are ptsd symptoms that alot ofpeople with c-ptsd experience as well
reliving the traumatic experience
avoiding certain situations 
changes in beliefs and feelings about yourself and others
hyperarousal (jitteriness, being on alert, etc)
somatic symptoms (physical symptoms with no underlying cause)
lack of emotional regulation 
change in consciousness
negative self-perception
difficulty with relationships
distorted reception of abuser
loss of system of meanings
now, i’ll go over which of these fit our boy c!tommy, and how they fit for some of them atleast.  i will only be talking about the things that are a result from c-ptsd, but also c-ptsd works where it coincides with other mental illnesses a person has so.  its also important to note that within a person these symptoms might not stay the same over time, and not everyone who has c-ptsd or ptsd is going to experience it the same.   (so not talking abt how pain affects him after dying in the prison, though that is a clear sign of ptsd) 
reliving the traumatic experience
tommy’s done this with exile a few times, when revisiting logstedshire, when he saw the craters in logstedshire, when visiting dream in prison, when during the disc finale dream dug the hole and told him to put his armour in, etc etc, he’s even described himself as being trembly in the fingers near plain biomes, while visting logsted he mentioned how shaky it made him to be there, and when he visited logsted one time he had an immediate reaction to seeing a hole in the ground that came off as him reliving it. flashbacks come in from sensations during a traumatic event, like sight, feeling, emotion, etc, etc.  it seems like with these he’s experiencing more of a reliving the emotions kind of thing. 
avoiding certain situations 
i was originally not gonna include this one, but thinking about it, he kind of does in a way.   this symptom also includes keeping yourself preoccupied to avoid thinking about it, which is something c!tommy seems to do alot.  with focusing on building the hotel, and doing tasks, or grinding for supplies instead of actually thinking about it.  
changes in beliefs and feelings about yourself and others
c!tommy uh. does this a lot.  a lot of it stems from how during exile tommy was isolated and made to believe no one cared for him, and even if that wasn’t true c!tommy never really got much closure on that.  hes not really trusting ppl that b4 were really close to him, tubbo n ranboo for example
lack of emotional regulation
this can also be described as uncontrollable feelings.  this is the one i’ve wanted to talk about the most i think- because this is really fits c!tommy.  he tends to lash out alot, for example burning the flower c!ranboo gave him, there are a bunch more examples of this that include him yelling at others, that one time when he spleefed c!jack 
negative self-perception
yeah.  theres a few examples of this one, the one that first comes to mind is that time during the green festival where he was talking about how he was worse than everyone he didn’t wanna be (including his abuser, c!dream...) .  theres now when he was building his tower by the prison when he was saying he couldn’t use the cobble because it was too him, and people didnt like the cobble. alot of this i think comes from c!dream making him feel basically worthless in exile :(
difficulty with relationships
  Yeah. um.  Alot for this one!!! The first to come to mind is c!tubbo.  c!tommy and c!tubbos relationship is very very wonky, especially considering recent events with tommy feeling like he is being replaced with c!ranboo.  (which he isnt by the way! he just feels as though, which is a valid feeling for him to have :]) .  another person that comes to mind is c!ranboo.  he’s even mentioned how his and ranboos relationship goes back and forth quite alot.  its not very surprising to see that he has difficulty with relationships especially considering a lot of the reason that the exile affected him so badly was because he felt so alone and was so isolated from his friends.  another thing that comes to mind, is when he made c!sam sign that contract promising hat he’d be his best friend and protect him.  theres most likely way more that can be said here, but this is the first stuff that comes to mind.  
distorted reception of abuser
um... yeah.  this one.  this can also be described as , “ becoming preoccupied with the relationship between you and your abuser. It can also include preoccupation with revenge or giving your abuser complete power over your life. “  which is um.  yeah.  c!tommy.  he’s mentioned how whenever he’s around c!dream he feels like hes conditioned to be his friend (which. yea . he was .).  right after he left logstedshire this was very very prominent, he was the biggest c!dream apologist around (/j), saying things like “dream didnt do anything wrong” and even explaining how he wasnt sure about things when it comes to c!dream, that his mind became flip floppy whenever he thought about him.   right now, hes focused on getting back at c!dream, not fully for revenge, mainly for his friends and how he doesnt want c!dream to go around killing and reviving everyone, but the point still stands.  (this all makes me extra sad because he had gone to the prison the second time in the first place to get closure :(( )
loss of system of meanings
Systems of meaning refer to your religion or beliefs about the world.  This can also refer to getting a strong sense of hopelessness or despair about the world, which as of late mainly c!tommy seems to have.  mainly referencing in his stream where he visited dreams bunker, he was asking what the point was of finding things that made him happy if dream was just going to get out the prison and destroy it.  theres also a few things that also go with this, in one stream while he burnt down ponks lemon tree for sam nook he said  "thats still decaying, but yknow, arent we all." and that one time when he gave that hotel invitation to c!techno he was like “ahahha we could die tomorrow anyway” 
its also important to note that, “Any type of long-term trauma, over several months or years, can lead to CPTSD. However, it seems to appear frequently in people who’ve been abused by someone who was supposed to be their caregiver or protector. “ Which is.. fairly accurate in c!tommy’s situation.  c!dream might’ve not been a caregiver or protector necessarily but he was still someone that was looking after him yknow? 
there are most likely more things than what i layed out that show that c!tommy most likely also has cptsd, however this is just the stuff that i thought up :] add to the post if you’d like to!
(also this isn’t saying that c!tommy doesnt have ptsd, he had both ptsd and c-ptsd. also i am not an expert about ptsd, cptsd, or mental health in general, if i got any information wrong let me know)
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Dream SMP Recap (July 10/2021) - The Beets Episode
Tubbo, Sam and Foolish create a definitely-not-a-cult based around beets for the good of vegans, turning the newly cleared-out area by the Prime Path into one giant stretch of farmland. 
Captain Puffy
- While wandering around the server, Tubbo notices that he’s having trouble finding food and decides to create a farm
- He asks Sam for help, and Sam points out the cow farms. Tubbo tells him to think of the vegans. Tubbo suggests beetroots instead
- Foolish arrives, dressed as Mario, and they declare him “Beets Man”
- They turn Hutt’s Pizza into Hutt’s Beetza
- Tubbo reads Connor’s diary
- Tubbo wants to create an empire of beets all the way to the Community House. They shall be the Beets Trio, and after they create the beet farm, they will destroy every other source of food
- Sam learns that Fran has been stolen. Time to blow things up
- They go to Puffy’s temple and blow up her pictures. They debate killing one of the parrots, but instead return to beet farming
- Fundy logs on and they make him a Beets Brother. If he doesn’t join their initiative, it means he hates vegans. Fundy hesitantly agrees to join since he does not hate vegans
- Fundy arrives and is shocked by the amount of beets. He also notices they got rid of the Socializing Club, to which they respond that it is all for the beets
- If someone says they do not like beets, they will cut off their balls. “Anti-Beeters Lose a Ball.” How else will they supply for the war if they don’t have enough beets?
- Some people do hate vegans, so they will be going to war against them. There is already conflict between Toby Carvery and Vegan Pizza
- Fundy starts crying while planting beets
- Sam points out that beets are a very inefficient food source
Tubbo: “Sam, do you want kids when you’re older or am I gonna have to step in here? Like, you know imagine it, you’re in your what -- your fuckin’ thirties and you’re settling down, Sam, and you wanna have kids but then you’re like ‘oh wait! I forgot! I don’t like beetroot so I don’t have any balls!’ So, you know. ‘Cause I will step in. With force.”
Sam: “You’ll step in? With force? Would you say that you mean business almost?”
Tubbo: “No, I don’t mean business. I mean beets.”
- Their political party will be “the Beeties”
- Fundy is horrified to see that he has accidentally harvested a beet that was not ready to be harvested. He continues crying as he plants. If they take breaks, the vegans suffer. As they farm, Sam and Fundy whisper to each other:
Sam: let’s run away
Fundy: but I like vegans
Sam: so do I. They will understand.
Fundy: they want me to harvest the beets. I want them to like me. I like vegans they must like me back. I shall continue
Sam: I shall free you from this one day.
Fundy: plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat.. plant.. harvest.. repeat..
Sam: I will take you to a better place.
- Tubbo’s hoe breaks and they mark the block where it happened to remember the history. They decide to halt, finishing Stage 1. Fundy is the Chosen One and will play a key role in Stage 26
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it is time and leads Tubbo and Foolish to the other side of the hill. They admire their work and destroy Tommy’s fence, as it intrudes on the beets
- Tommy logs on. Tubbo tells Sam that Tommy stole his dog
- Sam whispers to Fundy that it’s time and they run. As Tommy comes over, Fundy and Sam run by and hand him steak. Fundy makes it away for now. Sam tells him to be free as he returns to the beet farm
- Tommy sees the beets. He isn’t pleased, and Fundy falls to his death
Tubbo: “Clearly you hate the vegans.”
Tommy: “Of course I hate vegans!”
- Tubbo draws his axe. As Tommy backs away, Tubbo shoots and kills him. Sam immediately starts running to the prison to get the revive book from Dream (but Tommy has already respawned)
- Tubbo tells Tommy that in time, he too will be a fan of the beets
- Fundy returns and they watch as he jumps into one of the beets watering hole before returning to work
- Tommy tells the beets men to get off his land and rebuilds the fence. Fundy comes up to them having stopped working. Sam says Fundy should quit. Fundy starts walking around, planting beets wherever he goes
- Sam wants to go find Fran and no longer wishes to continue with this. Tubbo protests
- They point out that even the bats are harvesting beets. Seeing this, Fundy realizes that if bats harvest beets, then Fundy does not have to harvest beets
- He jumps from the path and dies
- Tommy has decided he wants to let go of the war items he no longer needs, since the server is peaceful now
- Tubbo tries to convince Sam to stay, offering every belonging he owns
- Sam turns and walks away, leaving Tubbo in anguish
- The rain goes away and Tubbo decides he actually can do it without Sam
- Tommy makes it to Pogtopia and visits the storage vault
- Tubbo and Foolish ponder what to do if not planting beets on the other side of the path...Pumpkins. They decide on pumpkins. Foolish becomes Yoshi
- Tommy reaches Logsted. He wants people in iron armor, not Netherite. He digs a hole with a chest and stores the gear, ending with the Axe of Peace
- Tommy has decided he doesn’t want to keep a stretch of the railway that’s connected to his house, as it reminds him of losing Henry. He gets rid of part of the railway
- Tubbo and Foolish decide to do beets again instead
- Tommy destroys his gravestone in Puffy’s graveyard
- Tommy does some cleaning up of the land
- Meanwhile, Sam successfully finds Fran and goes mining in the Nether
- Tommy goes back to Tubbo and tells him he has learned what a ‘cuck’ is at last. Tommy has also brought seeds and asks for a large portion of the farm to be dedicated to wheat. Tubbo doesn’t approve. They don’t want business, just beets
- Tommy starts running. They try to get Tommy to eat one beet, explaining that they can bypass pregnancy with beets
- Tommy pretends to eat one. He gates off his property and tells them they are now on gated territory
- He notices them return to his property after a bit, chasing a pig named Wiggles. Tommy decides to indoctrinate Wiggles
- Tubbo and Foolish bridge over above the roof of Tommy’s house, outside of the chunk
- Tommy’s landlord is Jesus Christ
- Tommy gets a saddle and puts it on Wiggles. He gets on the pig and logs out. Foolish and Tubbo find out that Wiggles has disappeared
- Sam goes to the prison. He shows a glimpse of the courtyard
- Tubbo and Foolish ask Sam if he ever found Fran. Sam says yes, and Tubbo explains about Tommy taking Wiggles
- Foolish suggests they get Tommy’s family and hold them hostage
- Sam says Tubbo’s dog needs to be put down. They start bickering until the dog gets pushed off the Power Tower and falls to his death
- Tubbo demands Sam be put in the prison. They go to the prison and Tubbo asks to be let in. Sam says Tubbo can only visit the entrance. He tries to bribe Sam and Sam says he’d be willing to do a tour for a shulker box
- Tubbo begs and begs until eventually Sam gives in. Tubbo immediately activates Sam’s stasis chambers and Sam says he’ll kill him...as soon as he mines through the glass with Mining Fatigue. After a minute of mining, Tubbo places concrete as soon as Sam finally breaks one block
- Sam finally gets out and Tubbo reluctantly leaves...and immediately breaks the portal mechanics by spawning a new portal in the entryway
- Tubbo actually leaves, with Sam now having to mine more obsidian
- Puffy is not happy about the new beet farm. Puffy replaces the beets with potatoes and talks with Foolish, who insists on the beets
- Foolish replaces the potatoes with beets, which Puffy destroys and tries to replace with potatoes, and this goes on for a while. Puffy complains that they could have had room for so many cool buildings, but Foolish doesn’t see why one would build instead of having beets
- Puffy tells Foolish he has a choice to make and watches as he eats a steak. She declares it “potato time”
- They wonder about which side Dream would be one. Puffy says that he would likely be more of a potato guy
- Puffy keeps planting potatoes, and Michael logs on as well. Puffy asks him which he prefers, potatoes or beets, and Michael says potatoes
- Michael sees the farm and Puffy explains what happened with L’Targay and the beets farm
- The three of them chat. Dream was sentenced to prison for being a silly goose
- They also talk about shirt-wearing koalas, maid outfits and plenty more and continue to chat for a while
Upcoming events remain the same.
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redorich · 4 years
Tommy picks at a stray thread on his old coat. Cleo would pinch him for unravelling it even worse, but she isn't here right now. Good. As much as he misses his friends and worries about their safety in the aftermath of Dream's invasion of the Hermitcraft server, he doesn't want them to come save him. They'll all die.
His cell is dim and cold. Tubbo told him weeks ago that Sam was building a prison on Dream's orders. Neither Tubbo nor Tommy could have anticipated that they'd be seeing it from the inside. Across the hall, Tubbo shivers in his sleep. Shards of glass from a shattered healing potion are still embedded into his leg-- even a healing potion isn't enough to fully fix what Dream did.
There's no way to track time inside the prison, at least not as a prisoner. Still, Tommy knows he's been there for a day and a half, because his prison guard is the guiltiest motherfucker alive, as he damn well should be.
"I'm sorry it had to be like this, Tommy," Philza says, running his knuckles down the obsidian wall. He looks incredibly beaten down for someone who's still got his freedom. "It's for your own good, I swear. I know you think they're your friends, but they've manipulated you. They took you from us, Tommy. I only want what's best for you. I was so devastated when Dream told me you'd died..."
Phil takes a moment to choke down his remembered grief. Even if doing the right thing makes Tommy hate him, he has to do it. He refuses to lose another son.
Tommy wishes there were iron bars in between him and his father, rather than a wall of obsidian and a shut iron door. He’d spit at Philza if he could. “What, are you saying it was meant to be, then? That your way’s the right way because you know more about the hermits than I do, even though I’m the one that fuckin’ lives with them?”
“I’m not fucking brainwashed! You’re the one who’s being brainwashed if you think that the hermits are doing-- evil shit to my mind! Why does everyone believe Dream instead of me?!”
Philza’s expression crumples. Tommy’s never seen that look on his father’s face before. Philza opens his mouth to say something, yet seems to think better of it and closes it again. Tommy considers telling the man all about how he found himself in the hermits’ care. He could tell his father, in excruciating detail, how Dream found him on his Logsted tower, high in the sky, how easy it would have been for Tommy to splat on the shore instead of landing in the water. Tommy could vividly recount to Philza the sensation of being dragged out of the water by his hair, being beaten within an inch of his life, seeing just a hint of terrified green eyes behind a cracked mask. It might break Philza, Tommy believes, to tell the man about falling through Dream’s hastily-created admin-magic portal and being so certain he was going to die.
Weaponizing his own trauma because he’s angry is beyond cruel. Even if Philza’s doing wrong by his son, he’s doing it out of love. Before meeting the hermits, Tommy would have done it, twisted that knife of regret deep into Philza’s gut, for no other reason than that if Tommy has to suffer so does someone else. 
Tommy lets the words die on his tongue. They’re not worth it. At least Philza’s trying to do the right thing.
A male shout-- Sam?-- echoes from far down the prison’s hall, followed by a thud and the sound of several rockets firing. Philza whips around, drawing his sword, but gets rammed into the wall by a red blur. Tommy gasps. There’s only one person he knows who can fly in tight corridors like this, only one person who spams rockets like that.
“Grian,” he breathes. The man in question raps Philza on the head, hard enough that the man goes limp. Grian checks to make sure Philza is still breathing steadily, then ties his wrists and ankles together, leaving him propped up against the wall. Grian then unlocks Tommy’s cell door, then Tubbo’s.
“H-- Wha-- How are you here?!” Tommy finally settles on a question.
Grian smiles, faintly but warmly nonetheless. “Did you really think we’d leave you behind, Tommy?”
Tommy lurches through the doorway into Grian’s waiting arms. He trembles, but he does not cry. He is strong. With Grian’s help, Tommy and Tubbo can escape.
“Thank you for coming back for me.”
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emo-and-confused · 4 years
au//// When someone’s causes you emotional damage or trauma, thin flowers raise from your skin. Most people have, on average, three groups. The people of the DSMP typically have a few more than the average. However, Tommy has significantly more, and people don’t realise.
Tommy’s first set of flowers raise when he’s only seven years old. Phil neglected him for his oldest brother, leaving Wilbur to raise him. The group of five flowers raise when Phil misses his seventh birthday in favor of going on an adventure with Techno. The flowers are green and white, and cover his upper thigh, raised slightly from the skin, the marks being tender and feeling slightly like a petal. He doesn’t tell Wilbur, even as his brother holds him while he cries. He knows what the flowers mean, and he doesn’t want Wilbur to feel even worse for him. Even when wearing shorts, the flowers aren’t visible.
(A small flower is added to the group of five on his thigh when he leaves for the Dream SMP, Wilbur promising to come and meet him soon, while Phil and Techno don’t say anything. The flower hurts a little more when it grows in, and the green petals have a mixture of pink swirled in. He still doesn’t tell anyone)
Tommy’s second set of flowers is smaller, during the Disc Saga with Dream. Two flowers raise from the skin along his shoulder blade, both a shade of green usually associated with the admin he’s at war with. He didn’t feel too hurt by the war, but he felt enough of it. He understood though, even if Dream had invited him to his land, Tommy guesses he was just too much to handle. But Tubbo kept him grounded, so he didn’t back down from the war. They were his discs anyways. The sleeve of his shirt covers the flowers; he keeps it a secret.
Tommy’s third set of flowers bloom when Eret betrayed them for the Dream Team. Six flowers bloom across his chest, hurting while they raise. He had liked Eret, he had thought they were friends. Now he can barely look at the guy without remembering the feeling of betrayal, the words “It was never meant to be” ringing in his ears as he remembers Dream killing him and taking his first life (a new green flower is added to his shoulder blade). He trades his red and white shirt in for a bigger size, so the flowers don’t show through the shirt.
Tommy’s fourth set of flowers grow when Sapnap kills Henry. It hurt more than when Sapnap killed Harold, because Henry’s death was intentional. He liked Sapnap at one point, but they had an unsteady friendship. Henry’s death caused a single cream coloured flower to raise at the skin on the right side of his ribcage, creating a constant reminder of the death of his pet.
Tommy loses sight of when the flowers start to bloom after that. He stops remembering which grew in chronological order, and instead only remembering why they grew in the first place.
More neon green flowers raise across both shoulders as Dream continues to mess with him, sometimes the colour of his discs showing up at the ends of the petals. He adds length to his sleeves, and makes the neckline of his shirt a little higher. It’s okay, no one needs to know. He’s not weak, he’s not sensitive (he knows the amount of flowers he already has say otherwise).
The flowers from Eret hurt less as time moves, the king redeeming himself slightly. The flowers don’t fade, he doesn’t think he ever will, but the pain is almost completely gone.
(When he comes across the Final Control Room with Techno, the pain comes back. It doesn’t leave for a week.)
Schlatt causes a grey flower to raise on the back of his neck. He was Tommy’s idol, and he really thought they were, or could be, friends. But his and Wilbur’s exile proved otherwise. His hair covers the flower easily; he doesn’t have to try hard to hide it.
Quackity’s betrayal of L’manburg for Schlatt makes two small blue flowers bloom right above Schlatt’s grey one. It hurts but is almost completely forgotten when Quackity joins them in Pogtopia later.
He gains five brown and yellow flowers from Wilbur during Pogtopia, covering the left half of his stomach. Four more are added when he blows up L’manburg, one more is added when he sees his brother begging his father to kill him. A huge green and white flower is added to those on his thigh. He doesn’t wear shorts anymore to keep it hidden. All of them cause him pain.
Techno causes four pink flowers to run down his right arm. His brother told him to die and spawned withers. It hurt a lot, but he continued to hide. The flowers were thinner than the others, and he starts wearing a white long sleeved shirt underneath his iconic red and white tee. It hides them perfectly. No one questions the new fashion choice.
Seven yellow and black stripped flowers bloom across his heart when Tubbo exiles him. His best friend exiled him and sent him away for a mistake that he didn’t mean to make. The prank had gotten out of hand.
In Logstedshire, the green flowers across his shoulder blade multiply and grow darker, and he has to ask Ranboo to get him the red and white hoodie he has stored in his home, back in L’manburg. He prepared for this, he knew he was going to be covered in flowers one day. People just didn’t like him. Ranboo doesn’t ask why, he doesn’t see the dark green flowers through the white shirt sleeve.
Dream finds out about his flowers. He’s the first one to ever find out. Dream manipulates and gaslights and abuses him, and he almost jumps into the lava so many times. When Dream blows up Logstedshire, no new flowers are added, but the preexisting ones burn. He almost jumps off the pillar he made. (He doesn’t).
When he finds Technoblade’s cabin, he starts to heal. His flowers hurt less and less as the days go by, but they never leave. They never fade.
But then Dream blames him for blowing up the community house, and he and Tubbo fight after Tubbo gets his disc from the enderchest. A new black and yellow flower is added to the bunch over his heart.
Then he chooses Tubbo over Techno. His best friend over his brother. Both have caused flowers but Tubbo was always there. He doesn’t feel like he’s betrayed Techno; he never agreed to L’manburg getting blown up. And Techno sides with Dream, causing more pink flowers to be added to his arm. He understands though, he did chose the opposite side. It doesn’t matter if his brother was the first one to hurt him.
Fundy and Niki both cause flowers; Niki’s two purple and Fundy’s two orange ones intertwining with each other on his ankles. Niki burned down L’mantree and Fundy sabotaged their war supplies. It’s okay though; they might want him dead but he fucked up in the past. He understands their hatred of him.
Other miscellaneous flowers are spotted across him, and his gives up on trying to remember who all hurt him. His skin is painted with thin petals of all colors, from so many people.
When L’manburg’s been blown up for the last time, Dream’s TNT running out and Techno’s withers being dead, and Phil standing with the two of them looking at their work, Tommy is tired. He struggles to breathe normally, but he doesn’t cry. He’s past that.
Dream looks at him, his mask lifted up just barely enough to see the smug smile on his face. Tommy looks down, looks at the destruction. He’s so tired.
“How many were added?” Dream asks. Tommy knows what he means. Tommy doesn’t respond.
Everyone is listening, just like they did at the community house. They’re confused, but they let it play out, not intervening. They never do.
Tubbo moves closer to Tommy as Dream does. Techno and Phil just watch with the rest.
“I asked a question.” His voice makes Tommy shiver and represss memories of Logsted. “How many flowers were added since I last saw?”
Tommy’s reply is simple: a shrug and a quiet “too many”.
Dream moves before Tubbo has a chance to stop him, and Tommy doesn’t try and defend himself. Dream’s axe slashes at Tommy’s hoodie, cutting away the fabric and revealing the flowers that cover his arms and stomach and shoulders and back. The axe cuts at Tommy’s jeans, the denim peeling slightly and showing a sliver of flowers at his thighs and ankles.
No one knows what to do, no one knows what to say, as Dream reveals the pain of the sixteen year old. None of them have as many flowers as that. A lot of them have more than three bundles, but no where near as many as those on Tommy’s skin.
Tommy just closes his eyes, and breathes in. He turns around and walks away, hearing Dream’s laugh coat the silence in the destruction of the broken country. It’s not until he’s at the stairs of the Prime Path that he hears yelling, everyone accusing others and shouting for revenge at Dream.
Tommy doesn’t notice when he gets to the bench, he doesn’t notice when he sits down and watches the sunset. He only becomes aware of reality once more when he feels Tubbo’s presence behind him.
They don’t say anything. They don’t need to. The silence is comforting.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Yknow, the cool but also frustrating thing about the Tommy lore is the whole... Well... Limbo thing.
Like. Not the actual stuff happening rn but how it makes me think about like. How limbo works and shit.
Like I have up trying to figure out how it would work on larger scale (Wilbur's torment mostly seemed to consist of his loneliness, so would it still be the fucking torment we know it as if he just died after a shit ton more people?)
So because that particular line of thought just leads me to frustration at this I don't. Yknow. Think about that aspect.
But with the revival thing being a topic dream brings up all the time I keep thinking about other aspects.
Can limbo change? Like. Not while someone's there but like. Dreams plan is to repeatedly kill and revive Tommy. Would his limbo just always stay a void? Would it adjust as Tommy's perception of... Well .... Everything changes due to new experiences of suffering? Would limbo for Tommy have been the same if he actually didn't hit water in logsted? What about the nether incident? Is limbo something organic that changes as the person does? Because surely it has to, right?
Also, this fand often portrays Ranboos limbo as like. Him stuck under an ocean or just in water in general. Which I feel would be.... Off. Because limbo is more about psychological suffering than physical. Like. Yeah. Physical suffering also played a part in Tommy's limbo but that also felt Les physical physical than it felt psychological physical... Uhh... That sounds stupid.... Like. Being unwound like a wrongly knotted scarf is not something any actual nerves in our body could like. Make us feel yknow?
There's also the headcanons for Tubbos to be the festival which also seems kinda off to me because... Limbos have always been more abstract? Like Wilbur's is a subway station. Not pogtopia or lmanberg or anywhere we remember him being. Tommy's is a void. Not pogtopia or logsted or the lcrater or even the prison cell designed to check so many boxes of his triggerlist. It'd be kinda... Weird if tubbos was just him reliving his trauma. Like. Don't get me wrong. That's fucking hell. But it's too... Idk.
Plus, I don't think there's any like... NPC's in limbo? Like. The only other people are other dead souls. There's no faceless Pogtopian vilbur daunting Tommy or blank masked dream tormenting him.
One of the big things about limbo seems to be that nothings really happening there.
Like Tommy was the specific person we know was enduring "physical" pain on top of the psychological torture and he still talked to Wilbur. Rather "casually".
Limbos not the terrifying mind blanking pain that makes you unable to think. No. You are aware. Very aware. That's part of the point
Also, I'm low-key curious how Tommy would have experienced limbo if Wilbur wasn't there. Like. From what I understand Wilbur kept messing with him during his time there and kept freaking him out. I wonder, if he had been alone. Would he have reacted similarly to how Wilbur had?
Tbh we don't even know if limbo is always shared or if it's just shared to. Yknow. Optimise the experience.
Were schlatt and Wilbur put together to make it worse for both? Did Tommy get put with them just because Wilbur would make it worse for him?
What about nonhumans like slime and Michael??
Is slime with ghostbur rn? Is RANBOO?
Because I don't quite remember if ghostbur just traded places with Wilbur in actual limbo or if he got some mock limbo that's like. Not actually connected with the... Big limbo?
I mean even if he isn't there. Are ranboo and slime in the same limbo?
Just. I'm not going to say that limbo is well thought out or anything. But man it's something I can't help but be curious about and that's worth something.
Hhhhhhh, Cat you know how much I love the idea of Limbo in the smp! You're making me rant on purpose now...
Either way, I honestly think that a lot of things concerning how death works in the smp are extremely fascinating.
Limbo in particular it's pretty interesting in how it works. And, if c!Dream goes through with what he said he wanted to do, we may also get an answer to your initial question of "does Limbo change for the individual?". Honestly, I think that to form a reliable theory on that we would need to find out what exactly determines what Limbo looks like for each person. Because if it's tied to people's deepest fears it may be possible for it to change in time, but it would be really hard.
Then, of course, there are other options of what your Limbo could be determined from: it could be based on the circumstances of your death (in which case it may change from time to time), it could be a fixed thing assigned to the person themselves (in which case it wouldn't change), or it could be based on a myriad of other things.
Honestly, c!Dream would do me a favor if he actually experimented with that stuff on stream. Could be interesting from a purely scientific point of view.
Then, of course, there are the fandom representations of Limbo. And I agree with you on that. I often find them sort of... lacking? I guess? Because oftentimes they're tied to physical places we've seen in the story (which doesn't seem to be the case for any of the people whose limbos we've had a glimpse of) or physical pain (which, as you mentioned, is not the case). It's a pity because you could think of stuff that's a bit more original. Like, even if you wanna tie them to specific traumas. If you want Tubbo's execution for Tubbo you can simply put him in an extremely colorful and bright room. For Ranboo, instead of going for physical pain like with water, we could simply go with the feeling of not being able to breathe. So, perhaps a Limbo similar to Tommy's own, only full of something he can't quite grasp.
Just, there are so many cooler options...
And also the sharing part is interesting. Because, of course, Wilbur wasn't actually alone at any point. Schlatt died before him and we know they shred Limbo (though, of course, that's not optimal). And I could see your point about this being done to optimize their suffering if it wasn't that MD also shared their Limbo after he died, which improved the situation for Wilbur at least.
So, that begs the question of what are the criteria for people sharing a Limbo?
Why were Wilbur, Schlatt, MD, and Tommy alone in there? Hadn't other people died before in that world? We know they had because we know that "The Village That Went Mad" was set in the past, so where are the souls of those people? Do souls stay in Limbo forever or do they move on to the afterlife after a while? Is there even an afterlife or is Limbo all there is? If there is one what are the requirements for a sould enetering it?
And also, of course, there are peculiar cases. Like, was Hell Jack's Limbo? Was Hell the afterlife instead? Jack was able to bring himself back to life, what are the requirements to be able to do that?
Is the gym Schlatt's Limbo? If yes, why is it a physical place in the real world? Are Glatt and Limbo!Schlatt the same entity?
Ghostboo described his Limbo as a ball, implying that he WAS in Limbo before Ranboo's death, or at least existed there long enough for him to see Ghostbur and decide not to interact with him, does that mean that the ghosts of a person are pre-existing entities that come from Limbo?
From Wilbur's Reddit posts we can infer that, unlike Limbo!Wilbur, Ghostbur doesn't seem to share a Limbo with any of the Limbo people, but he does seem to share one with Ghostboo, does that imply that ghosts have their own shared version of Limbo?
Why did Tommy not have a ghost? Do ghosts need a certain amount of time before they can manifest? Would Tommy have a ghost if he'd stayed dead longer?
Why do Ghost!MD and Limbo!MD seem to be the same entity? Does the ghost thing simply work differently for everyone?
And, as you pointed out, do all non-human entities share the same limbo? Or is there a different type of Limbo for every non-human entity? Or is there one for ghosts and one for everyone else, since they seem to work in a very peculiar way?
There are just so many questions regarding Limbo, it's fascinating to think about.
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myketheartista · 4 years
“Tommy’s ghost only remembers bad memories.”
Furthermore, Tommy accidentally dies canonically while exiled. Contrary to what we know in canon, Tubbo has not gone to see him at all. Tubbo has basically refused to visit Tommy to accept the fact that he doesn’t need him. This only makes things worse, of course! I haven’t seen anything from Tubbo’s POV after the exile, so if he has said something of the sort, that’s pretty interesting!
Tubbo doesn’t know which one of those deaths is real every time he sees Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava or Tommyinnit fell from a high place. It haunts him, not knowing what Tommy is doing, why is he in danger, why is he not taking care of himself? He’s gotten a passing word from Ranboo, Fundy, anyone who has spoken to him, that Tommy is okay, but he needs to see for himself. So he finally goes to pay a visit.
Except he doesn’t see Tommy anywhere near the tent. His gaze follows the path leading past the nether portal, perking up when he spots Logsted hidden within the trees and begins heading over rather slowly. He feels good. For some reason though, there’s a hint of....jealousy? He’s sad? Tommy seems to be doing just fine after the exile...has a decent looking home, a huge body of water, plenty of space to build, access to the nether...he’s doing fine without Tubbo.
Meanwhile for Tommy, and as we’ve seen a little bit in canon, he thinks Tubbo will visit soon! He’ll come eventually, he’s still his friend, he misses him...right? And as days pass, there’s still no sign. Every time someone else comes, he asks if Tubbo has talked about him, if he’s even mentioned his name in conversation, and the more he asks, the more desperate he becomes. In the book him and Ranboo write in, he always asks, trying his best not to sound as desperate as he is, but it’s without fail that it comes up, ‘has Tubbo mentioned me at all? Not that I care about the guy! He exiled me, he’s a bitch hahahaha he can fuck off...but has he said anything?’
But yeah, Tubbo finally works up the courage to visit Tommy, knows he’ll have to see him eventually, and makes his way over to Logsted. He stands in the entrance, surprised to see the familiar yellow sweater of his old leader who has his back turned to Tubbo. He’s busy chatting away as chipper as can be while his voice is light and scratchy as it has been for the past few weeks ever since he died, but its the quiet, “Ghostbur?” that makes him turn around to acknowledge the boy’s presence. Wilbur’s face lights up and he moves forward to greet Tubbo, but it’s difficult to focus on the ghost’s cheerful attitude when all Tubbo can look at is the pale skin, the white, lifeless eyes, and the messy blonde hair that seems to have lost some of its color. He takes a step back, unsettled by the way Tommy’s expressionless face stares back at him. He’s...is he...he can’t be...?
Wilbur slips back into view because he’s clearly been talking this whole time and Tubbo hasn’t been listening! How rude :(  but it’s okay because- oh! he’s looking at Tommy! 
“Yeah, Tommy’s been like that for a while now, but he doesn’t talk much which is weird, right, Tubbo? Tommy always has something to say, but I guess it’s nice getting some peace and quiet every once in a while.” And Tubbo can only focus on the ‘been like that for a while’ part because what? He’s been what?? Tommy is still staring at him with no recognition in his face, nor does he give a sign that he’s glad to see his best friend after so long. It hurts.
Tubbo feels Wilbur practically hanging off of his shoulder and hears him whisper, “He doesn’t smile as much as he used to. Even when I play the discs, he always looks so sad. Nothing really cheers him up anymore. And Tommy loved the discs, I remember that. I tried asking him why he was so sad because I know I don’t like feeling sad since it doesn’t feel very good, and he just shrugs every time.” Tubbo doesn’t feel good himself. 
Wilbur continues to ramble on about how the things that usually make Tommy happy haven’t been working as Tubbo reaches into his pocket, pulling out the compass. Wilbur stops when he sees it and brightens, “Hey, I gave you that! You still have it on you- see Tommy, I told you he carries it wherever he goes!” And surprisingly enough, there’s a flicker of something in Tommy’s eyes that makes Tubbo hold his breath. Something like ‘that’s familiar...tubbo has one?’ Tommy looks around, confusion evident on his face. ‘i have one too, right?’ It’s been a while since he’s touched it. He stored it away out of fear he would lose it after falling into lava so much. And as he begins to move towards the barrels, Wilbur watches him in fascination, kind of like how someone watches their dog look for a hidden treat because Tommy is finally remembering something! This is good! Tommy sifts through the barrels, taking his time to go through each one until he searches through a particularly full barrel and pulls out the compass from the bottom. Hidden beneath unused materials and more of the like. Things that they weren’t going to use anymore...there was no point. Tommy just stays in Logsted all day. But he fishes it out, turns around and walks over to Tubbo and holds it out next to the other compass that Tubbo has hovering in front of him.
Tubbo’s been too...shocked? Too nervous to say anything this whole time, but he stares at the compasses and looks up at Tommy who’s watching the little red needle quite intensely. He speaks up, feeling his throat tighten as he attempts to get the word out, “Tommy?”
Tommy doesn’t look at him, doesn’t do anything to reassure Tubbo that he’s heard him, just brings his other hand up to grab the underside of Tubbo’s hand and brings their compasses closer to where they touch and there’s a little clink. His brows are furrowed as he thinks, “Your....Tubbo.” Ah, he hasn’t forgotten about him! He might be a ghost, but he stills remembers who his best friend is.
Tubbo nods, “Yeah...yeah, I’m Tubbo.” And Tommy shakes his head, a frustrated noise coming out of him. “Your Tubbo,” and pushes his own compass forward. Tubbo blinks and it sort of registers. “Oh, oh yeah,” and he pushes his compass forward as well, mimicking Tommy, “Y-Your Tommy.”
Tommy nods but still looks a bit confused, irritated, not really satisfied with the “answer” he’s been given. Tubbo stares at him, watching his face sit on the same sad, lost expression. He grabs Tommy’s hand as well, the one with the compass, and brings their hands up. “Do you remember? Remember me?”
Tommy finally looks at him, causing Tubbo to wince at the way those lifeless eyes stare right through his body. He holds Tommy’s gaze though, forcing himself to choke back the tears that dare to escape and gives his friend a smile. “You remember Tubbo, yeah? I’m your best friend, Tommy.” Tommy stares at him before plainly stating, “Yeah, you exiled me.” Tubbo’s smile drops, and his grip on Tommy’s hands loosens. “I- I didn’t- Tommy, I didn’t mean to, Dream wanted-“
Tommy’s expression shifts to something angrier, annoyed, and still a bit confused. “Dream wanted? Why are we listening to Dream? Dream hates me, why would you listen to him? Who cares what he wants.”
Tubbo averts his gaze, shaking his head. “No, I’m not listening to- Tommy, I didn’t want to exile you, but he-“ and Tommy cuts him off again, getting louder. “He what?! What about him, Tubbo? Why are you listening to him? He tried to kill us, he started a war, he hurt our friends, Tubbo, he built walls around L’manberg! And you’re still listening to him? Tubbo, he—he came over here and kept taking my things! Forced me to give up everything I had! Everyday, it was the same thing and he blew them up right in front of me! Threatened to kill me if I didn’t listen, Tubbo!”
And as quickly as the anger appeared, it vanished. His expression falls and his voice grows weak. “You exiled me...and he kept coming back to shove it in my face.”
Ah, but there’s still some resentment left. “He kept- he’s a bitch, Tubbo, that’s what he is. I hate him and I wanna kill him and you should stop listening to him because you’re...” and he trails off, eyes softening and mouth closing into a thin line. Tommy physically deflates and sighs. “You said you’re my best friend, Tubbo.” Tubbo nods and hears his voice break, “I am, Tommy.” 
“Then why am I so mad at you. I don’t feel happy at all to see you.” Tubbo wants to cry and laugh at the same time because the words hurt, but Tommy looks like he’s just pouting at this point. Even as a ghost, he’s pouting. “...Tommy, are you mad at me or mad that you aren’t happy to see me?” Tommy takes a second and chews on his lip awkwardly because he’s right. He grunts out a “both” and Tubbo exhales, letting the laugh slip out.
“What’s so funny? I’m still mad at you. You can’t laugh when I’m mad at you or I’ll be even madder.” Wilbur comes up behind Tubbo and floats beside him because he’s apparently still here, and Tubbo nearly jumps out of his skin cause oh god he saw all that? that’s sort of embarrassing, but Wilbur joins in, “Yeah, that’s kind of rude of you, Tubbo. Tommy’s been really sad and all you do is laugh at him.” And Tommy’s pale skin somehow reddens despite the lack of blood in his body. “I haven’t been sad, you idiot! Don’t tell him that!” Now that sounds like the Tommy he knows.
Tubbo listens to them go back and forth, feeling the burning sensation behind his eyes become unbearable and tries to swallow, sucks in a breath and realizes he can’t hold it back anymore, so he just leans forward and pulls Tommy into a hug and hides his face in the crook of his neck. That shuts them both up. And Tommy doesn’t know what ‘good’ is anymore. Doesn’t remember what happiness feels like. It’s really the complete opposite of Wilbur’s situation and Tommy hates it. He doesn’t want to feel sad all the time, but he can’t think of anything good that happened to him while he was alive and it frustrates him, confuses him, and that just makes him angrier. Wilbur telling him stuff makes him mad too because he shouldn’t have to be told these things, they should just come to him naturally. 
But bottom line, he doesn’t remember what a hug is nor what it felt like. So...hugging is weird. It feels nice? He thinks? He vaguely recalls doing it with Wilbur...and even Techno...a lot with Phil. Years ago for them three but what felt like just yesterday for Tommy. He hugged them all the time back then when they were still a family...he didn’t hug Tubbo enough, did he?
Tommy awkwardly moves his arms to hold Tubbo and stares at Wilbur, helpless and silently pleading ‘help me what do I do’, and Wil just nods like, ‘yeah, you’re doing fine! dont worry.’ And they fall into a comfortable silence. Or rather what Tommy thought was going to be comfortable until he realizes that his shirt is progressively getting wetter by the second and Tubbo has begun to sniff quite a lot. “Uh...y’know, Tubbo, this is pretty cool. You’re hugging a ghost right now. Not many people can say they’ve done that.” He receives a laugh in response and Tubbo’s warm breath tickles his cold skin. “‘m sorry, Tommy.”
Well, he had certainly tried to lighten the mood, but he deflates a bit at the apology and frowns. “It’s fine.” He feels Tubbo’s head shake. “No, I should’ve stopped him. I shouldn’t have made him escort you, and I should’ve kept an eye on him. I should’ve come sooner.” Ugh. All of this apologizing and for what? Tommy rolls his nonexistent eyes and grumbles, his tone growing annoyed. “It’s fine, Tubbo, I don’t care-“ and Tubbo lightly punches his back to shut him up. “You do. You wouldn’t have told me if you didn’t.” Dammit, he’s got a point.
Tommy purses his lips and glares at Wilbur who smiles innocently. God, he definitely shouldn’t be here, just go a w a y. But Wilbur either ignores him or completely misses the social cue and floats over to a barrel, pulling out a disc and moving out of Tommy’s peripheral. Tubbo keeps going, “I was scared. I’m the president, Tommy, but I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to follow you, but that’s...I’m a leader now. I can’t. That’s all I’ve ever done. I followed you and Wilbur, and now you’re both gone and I’m all by myself.” 
Tommy’s arms tighten a bit around him as he tries to reason with him. “There’s Fundy. And Big Q. Niki, Ranboo, Eret’s there but he’s still a bitch for what he did to us.” Tubbo digs his face into his neck even more, voice breaking again when he continues. “They called me Schlatt. Fundy, Quackity, even you. They don’t like me. They think I’m some dictator for what I did, and I thought I was doing the right thing. Everything hurts when I think back on it, but I can’t help it.” He pulls back and Tommy wants to look away, but the redness of Tubbo’s cheeks and the tears falling down his face keep him where he’s at. “I was scared you had died. Really died. But they always said you were fine, and I thought you didn’t need me. “
Tommy’s grip tightens around his compass “I didn’t.” Tubbo shakes his head and he wipes at the tears that refuse to stop. “You don’t mean that.” Chirp kicks to life in the background, and Tommy hums at the sound, relieved there’s something there to fill the silence “I don’t.” He doesn’t. He really doesn’t, but he’s at a loss. He’s unsure what the right thing to say is. He probably would’ve said something different if he were still alive, but he can’t even begin to think about what alive Tommy would say. All he thinks about is grey.
He looks behind him and sees Wilbur gone, probably inside the house, and listens to Tubbo speak again. “You clearly needed someone. You’re dead.”
Tommy looks back, and his eyes are a bit wider because someone finally said it to his face. It’s like he knew but...didn’t completely process it? And hearing it from Tubbo only makes it worse. “I guess I am...” he trails off, losing focus as the familiar tune of Chirp invades his ears and begins to sound too loud, too much, he doesn’t like how loud it is- 
He blinks and stares at Tubbo. His tears have stopped. That’s good. He doesn’t like it when Tubbo cries. “Tubbo, are you just here to lecture me or is there something you want?” He curses mentally. Those words aren’t what he wanted to say at all, but saying anything else didn’t feel right. He’s not saying what he wants, why can’t he speak?? But Tubbo smiles and grabs his hand with the compass again, staring at it fondly and running his thumb across Tommy’s ashy skin. 
“I’d like if you came back, Tommy.”
Tommy frowns. “Oh, so NOW you want me to come back. You waited till I died to say that! You just want L’manberg to be haunted, don’t you, Tubbo? You wanna be able to tell tourists that you have ghosts, huh?” And Tubbo laughs and laughs. Bubbly and so childlike. “That’s not what I meant-“
Tommy interrupts him and yells, but it’s clear he’s joking this time. “Wilbur- no, Ghostbur wasn’t enough for you, huh? That’s fine, I can be a good ghost for you, Tubbo, I’m great at this thing and I’ve only been like this for a week or so, I’ve practically mastered it.” And Tubbo keeps laughing, wipes at his eyes again as Tommy yells for Wilbur to “Pack our bags! we’re moving back to shitty, old L’manberg! We’re gonna be ghosts, Wilbur! It’ll be less shitty once we take over!” But he leans down and grabs Tubbo’s shoulders, white eyes seemingly glowing a little bit brighter as a smile grows on his face. “Tubbo, you have to promise me that I won’t be exiled again if I haunt Dream. I need to have your word, Tubbo, this is the most important thing in my entire life and I need your permission so I can rub it in his face when he starts crying like a little bitch boy and tells me to stop.”
Tubbo nods as more tears slip down his face, more laughter bubbling out of him. Tommy shakes his shoulders and laughs as well, high-pitched and loud as always. “Tubbo! Why’re you still crying! The president of L’manberg doesn’t cry, he gets angry and tells Dream to fuck off!” 
And Tubbo looks up at Tommy, slipping the compass back inside his pocket. 
“I’m just glad you’re still you.”
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angeloncewas · 4 years
I like the idea that Wilbur's trench coat has passed a lot of hands.
(I was gonna see if any of this was possible, timeline-wise, but I've decided I don't care - take my headcanon.)
Most people think Phil had it first, but it was actually Techno, the only person brave enough to go back to the button room.
He stares at the scribble of lyrics lining the walls, runs a hand along the jagged edges of stone. They were traitors together. They were meant to take the country down. Techno's not sure how to feel about the fact that Wilbur let himself fall alongside it.
I'm not sure what Techno does with the body - maybe he buries it, maybe he brings it somewhere, maybe he just leaves it behind - but he takes the coat and presents it to Phil, who cries, just once, over the child he lost to war.
Phil keeps it for a while, in his ender chest, but it's not as though it fits him and he doesn't know what it'll do other than take up space and conjure memories (both of a bright-eyed child and his soulless self, all grown up) so he offers it to Eret, for their museum.
Eret takes it and feels the burden of their betrayal heavier than their crown. They've long since reconciled it with themself, but they can't help but wonder how things might be different if it had never happened. What Wilbur might've done without those words (those words, that stupid sentence. L'manberg is so much more than a mistake and it's obvious from the way its people pick themselves up and start to put everything back together).
The coat is the first thing they leave inside, hanging next to a plaque. It's also the first and only thing they lose. Eret's begun to believe that things happen with purpose, so when they find it missing, they accept that it must be somewhere more important with a sigh. They're not sure how to tell Phil though, so they never do.
It's been stolen, perhaps surprisingly, by Tubbo. He's never been one to particularly care about rules and regulations and though he's president now, he reaches for it almost on instinct when he sees it. It is a coat, it should be worn, it'll probably be fine.
He gives it to Tommy. That was his sole intention. Tommy doesn't cry or hug him or even seem to register what's going on, just takes it silently and holds it with white-knuckled hands. For Tubbo, that's enough. He hopes it helps, is a good sign of faith in return for being entrusted with the Mellohi disk, and goes back to his paperwork.
Tommy wears it to sleep sometimes, curled into a ball underneath its worn sleeves as though it's a blanket. He never wears it outside of his house and the few times a visitor catches sight of it - Connor maybe, or Ranboo, both of whom only see it as some fabric - he shoves it in the nearest place possible and nudges them in the opposite direction.
It's because of this haphazard habit that it gets taken. Puffy and Niki, still frustrated over the circumstances of their date and looking for useful items (Puffy may be a knight now, but she griefed and stole and even framed Tommy for it when she first arrived) go into the L'manberg Embassy only to find Wilbur's coat on the side of a chest, the edge of its hem sticking out.
Puffy looks it over and then puts it back down because it's clearly useless, only to be startled by the way Niki takes it and seems to cradle it gently. Puffy has no idea what it is, but she suggests Niki take it if she wants it, so Niki does.
(Tommy forgets it at first, the bustle of betrayal and exile sharp in his mind, but shivering under the sky in Logsted, he's hit with what he's been forced to leave behind - grateful, at least, that it's out of Dream's hands.)
Niki hides it in her hidden city, unsure of what to do with it, until the Festival disaster comes and Tommy leads the people she once called friends into failure. Niki puts it on after burning down the L'mantree and destroying her bakery, an attempt to outrun the memories that haunt her. She never takes it off - to taunt Tommy, to torture herself, she'll never quite be sure.
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sheeepdog · 4 years
Let’s be honest
Neither party is in the right here.
Let’s kinda break down what happened today, and look at the flaws at both Tommy and Tubbo that led up to this moment of Tommy’s exile.
Tommy, yes, should not have griefed georges stupid little cottage core house. BUT, Dream obviously used this grief as an excuse to play puppeteer with Tubbo and L’manberg. Exile is such an overdramatic punishment for a crime that has been normalized, and done by virtually everyone on the entire server. It wasn’t a big enough crime to deserve the walls, probabtion, and definitely not exile.
Tommy has a hard time keeping his mouth shut. Since he’s so fueled by emotions; especially when he gets upset or angry, he dug this hole deeper than the small ditch it already was. Tommy struggles with his pride, and that’s obviously showing here. If he didn’t go off on a rant about spirit, things may possibly be better than they are now. (Although, I have never seen Tommy be so vague ? His whole breakdown in the meeting room was very strange and I wonder if there was any reasoning behind his behavior?)
Tubbo is trying to do his best as president of a nation that has just come out of a war, and is doing his best to restore peace. Tubbo is right when he is advocating for peace between nations because L’manberg CANT handle another war. He needs to keep the peace so that L’manberg doesn’t fall again, and so it can prosper as it always should have in the first place.
But Tubbo should never have exiled Tommy.
What everyone already knows is that Dream wanted Tommy exiled over such a small crime to seperate him and Tubbo. After seeing how Tubbo gave Tommy probation for a crime that didnt deserve that punishment, Dream knew that he could get away with a much more intense punishment if he pushed Tubbo a little. Which is what happened. Tubbo is just a war-ridden child ina suit that is two sizes too big pushed into power, who is doing what he thinks is best to avoid more conflict. It’s not his fault that he’s in power.
But exiling Tommy was probably the dumbest decision. Tommy is the glue that holds L’manberg together. Even when he says he knows L’manberg is in safe hands and that he can focus on his disks, Tommy will always flock back to L’manberg to fight for its glory if need be. He built the country, and as a founding father he will always defend it. He’s the guard dog. He always bears his teeth when threatened, and will run into battle head first to protect the place he loves. Getting rid of Tommy has left L’manberg defenseless, and even tho Tommy isn’t the best pvp’er, he is the one who gets everyone through each battle because of his leadership skills and determination. Without Tommy, Dream has his full grasp on L’manberg. Quackity was right when he argued with Tubbo saying that they should have never negotiated with Dream in the first place. Tubbo’s cabnit was submissive from the start. They see a green man in netherite and panic, which is exactly what Dream wants.
Tubbo is a hypocrite. I can’t express how angry it made me when he didn’t support Tommy’s plan of teaming with techno (which was a stupid fucking idea it was terrible and not thought out I’ll give Tubbo that) but then he immediately turns around after exiling Tommy and forming the butcher army? Tubbo yells that he wants peace and therefore Tommy needs to be exiled but then does a one-eighty and goes off with his cabnit and declares attack on techno? Who was - always upfront with his intentions and never lied about his allegiance? Hypocrite.
You can see tubbos horns beginning to grow. You can see Tubbo cutting off the connections that he’s had for lifetimes. His power is getting to his head, whether he knows it or not.
Tubbo getting angry at Tommy isnt completely unjustified. Tommy can be a loose canon, and at times is a liability. But Tubbo complied with Dream, and exiled his best friend. He just agreed with the man that they’ve been fighting against this entire time. He took Dreams side over Tommy.
I’m not sure of what’s going to come from this arc. How Tommy will interact with Tubbo after this, how he will return to L’manberg and the smp.
All I know is that ghostbur is doing his best to keep his promise to Tommy, and that’s to never leave his side. Ghostbur is doing his best to be there for Tommy, to understand what is happening and try to make Tommy feel better. It’s just like how it started. It’s just Wilbur and Tommy. Off together again, with Logsted.
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‘Come Home’
A TommyInnit & Clingyduo Fic ahead of the final showdown tomorrow - spoilers for today’s (19th) Tommy stream.
tw for events of Exile Arc (skippable if you miss out the entire middle section of the fic, marked by three dashes on their own separate line)
The rush, the high. He’s been chasing this feeling since forever. It’s not a perfect replacement for the real thing, which he hasn’t felt in such a long time. It’s not a fluttering but an explosion, not the strumming of the guitar but the crash of the drums, not the rain but the thunder and lightning, though even that’s become fraught for him recently. He remembers the last time, a wonderful five minutes sandwiched by pain and chaos and destruction. His best friend standing on a stage, new leader of L’Manberg. A fresh start, the promise of peace and prosperity for all around them. But then it was all over, all brought down so quickly. The Tommy that cheered at his best friend’s inauguration is unrecognisable now.
But Tubbo is not, and between the scars and the new outfit and all the words, both spoken and unsaid, it’s still them. Tommy tastes the potion they’ve just made and hears his best friend’s laughter, and if he closes his eyes, he can pretend for a few fleeting seconds that nothing has changed at all. If he opens his eyes, he’ll be back in the camarvan, and Wilbur will walk in through the door with more blaze rods and laugh at the two of them and ruffle his hair. The discs will be in his ender chest if he wants to listen to one with Tubbo. There’s a lake outside the door and a forest and a whole wide world to explore, and Tommy’s only worry is that Punz will yell at him if he sees him for having a ‘Fortnite build battle on his front lawn’ a little while ago. He opens his eyes and then takes another swig of potion to dampen his disappointment.
“Aye careful,” Tommy’s vaguely aware of Tubbo pulling the bottle away from his face before he accidentally upends it on himself. “Don’t want you looking like Sapnap earlier.” Tubbo’s grin is brighter than the sun on snow. “I have no idea what was happening with Cracknap other than he still needs help.” Tubbo’s laughter is soft, “He’s not the only one anymore.”
“Too shay.”
They drift upstairs, and then eventually out the door. It’s around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and there are clouds drifting on the edge of the horizon. They’re dark and heavy-looking, but for now too far away to block the pale winter sunlight keeping the outside temperature a stubborn 10 degrees C. “I should go back to Snowchester.” Tubbo looks restless as they step onto the Prime Path. Tommy knows the feeling. Suddenly tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
“You’ll come back though, right? Tonight, one last ride?” They embrace, squeezing tightly as Tubbo hums an agreement. “Of course. One last ride.” And then they withdraw, and Tubbo gives a small wave as he disappears down the hill towards his highway, and Tommy watches him go. And when he finally looks up, alone with his thoughts once more, he realises he is leaning on the back of his bench; here again, always retreading the same ground. He briefly entertains the idea of putting on a disc and staying a little while, but he doesn’t have any music to live up to the occasion. Not Far, nor Pigstep or Wait, and he still hasn’t sorted out his complicated feelings over his version of Blocks. Besides, he still has things to sort out before the showdown. He walks away to prepare, humming Mellohi lightly as he goes.
‘Home’ is a fraught word for Tommy now. Every home the boy has had in this land is either steeped in blood and bad memories, or blown to bits beyond repair. Somedays Tommy wakes up alone and forgets that L’Manberg was wiped off the map, and it comes as a nasty shock when he rounds the corner by his home to see a crater that stretches all the way down to bedrock. Pogtopia never really felt like home, but it was bad enough when it was only soulless stone walls and bashing your head on the lanterns hanging from the ceiling that its inhabitants and visitors had to contend with. After the Manberg Festival, there was an entire room in there that’s sole purpose was to remind Tommy that he didn’t save his friend and couldn’t have if he’d tried, dried blood on the walls and all. Then there's the fact that it’s practically server tradition at this point: if you want to send TommyInnit a message, leave it on signs in his house. Don’t forget to blow up the house first though! Tommy forgets how many times he’s had to put his abode back together; probably about as many times as he’s had to reconstruct himself.
That leaves Logstedshire. Sometimes he agrees with himself that that place doesn’t deserve to be considered a home of his. He sure as hell didn’t want to live there, barely survived his stay, and the place is mostly blown up, the awful icing on the dreadful cake that was his second exile from L’Manberg. He supposes it could be considered weird that he finds himself stepping down a path he never wanted to walk again, but today… Today is about closure. And if he can look Technoblade in the eyes with a belt-full of potions stolen from his chests, he’s brave enough to face his fears in Logsted. As he arrives at the portal, he hesitates, his gaze drifting away from the swirling purple and to the bubbling orange, much further below. So many times has he been here, only then his mind was a much worse thing to own, a clouded mass of hateful thoughts, most of them not his own. Where the bridge meets thin air there are patches of a shimmering wind where the heat takes the place of the nothingness, and if he squints Tommy can imagine himself standing on the edge, wondering what would happen if he'd just let go. He’s glad now that he was in the Overworld when he made the pillar, even if it seemed like he had nowhere to go.
Logstedshire is haunted, even more so than the Nether path. It’s exactly how Tommy remembers it: the broken Nether portal missing a single piece of obsidian, the craters untouched, the pillar still stretching skyward. He can see himself again; on the beach, repairing the chests, standing at the top of the tower. It’s like being in a haunted house where all the ghosts are yourself. But Tommy isn’t afraid. The ‘Drista’ sign makes him laugh, the ocean where he’d wake up drowning (trying to make it home to where? A country that no longer exists) gets a small wave, even the pillar gets a smile, because he’s here to look at it from the ground. It was a bad time in his life - possibly the worst -  but he made it out the other side. And that’s what matters.
There are some craters though, some specific memories that Tommy can’t face yet. The smiling mask of the green man, snatching items out of Tommy’s hands to then force him to watch as he blew them to bits. How he specifically said “I want you to watch.” when he blew up everything Tommy and Ghostbur had managed to scrape together for themselves out there alone. The two-by-two hole in the centre of the largest crater, and how just glancing at it summons Dream’s voice to his mind, taunting him as he grabbed him by the front of his already ripped shirt and hoisted him over the short drop, “Why don’t you get in the hole, Tommy?”
Those still sting. There’s a reason, he supposes, why Wilbur went mad after losing L’Manberg. Why he asked Philza to kill him instead of facing the wreckage all around. But Tommy refuses to be just another repeat of history. Tommy looks into the pit made by Dream’s TNT where scraps of happiness were burned, and he spits at it.
No more.
TommyInnit heads home.
Hours pass. Tubbo returns from Snowchester soaked through to the skin but smiling. Tommy helps him peel off several layers of frozen clothing (he decides not to ask in regards to the hazmat suit), finding out that the nukes project is going well but they are presented with the usual issues of living in a frozen tundra: cold.
After Tubbo’s showered and changed, they share a dinner giggling about really dumb topics like Tommy pulling a fast one on Technoblade, Jack Manifold being weird and unhelpful again, and good old GeorgeNotFound. The hours fly by, and it's much later that they’re getting ready for bed when the heavens finally open, and the sound of a heavy downpour seeps in through the cracks of Tommy’s dirt house. Tommy can feel the smile crossing his face until he remembers his house is a dirt shack at present, and mud houses aren’t generally known for being the most watertight. Tubbo gets a good laugh out of his expression when he comes bustling down the stairs dragging his bed behind him, crying out, “Our clothes! Beds! Tubbo-” Their plans changed and they put their beds in the storage room, the room voted Least Likely To Have a Leak by a grand majority of two. The sound of the rain is somehow less muffled down there, and it clatters against the ceiling almost melodically.
Tommy picks up the crossbow from the pile of clothes and other bits and bobs he grabbed from upstairs when the downpour started. ‘Chekhov's Gun’. Wilbur’s gun. As in, actual Alivebur’s weapon, from before he blew up L’Manberg. It feels heavy in his hands. Too heavy. Wilbur’s voice echoes through his head, not the usual line he hears in his nightmares, but similar. 
“You’re never going to be president, Tommy.”
It doesn’t hurt anymore. Wilbur gave him that choice, and he declined. He wonders, with a certain detachment, how it all would’ve turned out if he’d chosen to take the presidency. He certainly wouldn’t have exiled Tubbo.
Tubbo, who’s looking at him with a lopsided grin, standing by his bed and holding his covers aloft, one leg already in bed. It seems like an invitation. “You alright?” Tommy nods and sets down the crossbow and clothes on top of one of the chests, “Yeah… Goodnight Tubs.”
“Goodnight Tommy.”
In the split second before either of them can commit to getting into bed, Tommy hears Wilbur again. This time though, he doesn’t mock him, nor does he sound too far gone to be saved. This iteration of Wilbur Soot wears a captain’s hat instead of a beanie, and speaks with soft conviction, and puts his hands on Tommy’s shoulders like he can shield the teen from the choice that he’s made.
“I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do.”
“Tubbo wait,” Tommy catches his best friend by the arm. Two pairs of blue eyes meet briefly as Tommy pulls him into a hug, putting one hand on the back of Tubbo’s head and messing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. Tubbo’s surprise doesn’t last long, and he hugs back, burying his face in Tommy’s shoulder and balling Tommy’s shirt into his fists. Tommy breathes a deep sigh, trying to make the moment last, but knowing no one lives forever. Eventually they split, and Tommy ruffles Tubbo’s hair as they grin at each other with tired eyes and heavy limbs. “Okay, goodnight Tubbo.”
The older boy in question takes two steps back and sits down on his bed, shuffling back quickly and holding the covers open, smiling invitingly. “Tommy,” His voice sounds like honey, so sickly-sweet it shouldn’t be nice, but is. There’s also a heavy undertone of teasing going on to start with, but it becomes more genuine suddenly. “Come home.” And Tommy understands and climbs in beside him, and they tease each other for being clingy and sappy as they try to get comfortable, and then they quiet to the odd remark as they find the right place, Tubbo’s head resting on Tommy’s collarbone, their arms wrapped around each other and Tommy’s head leaning on Tubbo’s. Tubbo drops off first, and Tommy is waiting in the noisy quiet for sleep to claim him too, listening to the rain pattering on the roof and his friend’s breathing beside him. And in the quiet, he realises a couple things.
He realises he rather likes the rain without the thunder, and that maybe the guitar is better than the drums, and that the fluttering in his chest is more uplifting than the explosion of a vibrant heart. It’s not the triumphant high he’s been chasing. It’s quieter, it’s comforting, it’s a warm feeling in his whole being. It’s just as good as the victorious moment. It’s perfect.
The second thing he realises is that he’s been wrong since the beginning. Home was never Logstedshire or Pogtopia, but neither was it L’Manberg or even the building they’re currently in. Home was the togetherness L’Manberg brought, sitting around a campfire singing the national anthem and putting more effort into the ‘fuck Eret’ part every time it came around. Home was listening to Wilbur’s guitar echoing through the caverns at Pogtopia and complaining about eating Technoblade’s potato stew for the third day running while your comrades laughed. Home is right here, wrapped in the arms of your favourite person, belly full of good food, listening to the rain as sleep slowly takes you. He sees that now.
TommyInnit is home.
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tw, slight mentions to suicide, manipulation, (specifically dream’s manipulation), slight violence and/or murder, and curse words
even though techno said sbi (as a family) isnt canon, im still gonna head canon it, because he said that was okay
so, here we go *takes deep breath*
im literally obsessed with how strong sbi is. i mean, of course theyre hilarious and tommy’s a child, but other than that... god damn.
starting off, we have techno, of course. and hes super strong just by himself. (TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD)
then, we have philza. angel of death. killza. he’s insanely strong. like, god.
then, wilbur. wilbur isnt physically strong, but he was always a leader. he started an entire country, for hells sake. he’s smart, a leader, and doesn’t give up. (he also went insane and died, but we dont talk about that)
im gonna think of ghostbur as this kind of seperate entity. (cause he kind of is) ghostbur isnt inherently strong, but no one would ever want to hurt him. hes nice.. a little too nice. now, forgive me if im overthinking here, i feel as if ghostbur might be hiding something. apparently, a few days ago ghostbur joined the server with a new skin, a skin with large goatlike horns.... hmm... little sus...
and, then, of course, tommy. tommy, tommy. the only person dream’s scared of. at the current moment in time, hes super confused. he keeps thinking that dream’s still his friend, and upon seeing the final control room his first instinct was to run back to dream, his abuser. but, techno’s taking care of him right now. hopefully techno can get tommy back on his feet and then they can become a great team.
another thing about philza, he doesn’t really have any allegiance to any country, (*cough* lmanberg *cough*), and he mostly only has allegiance to techno, wilbur, and tommy. aka, sbi. he also recently revealed that he doesn’t think that tubbo isnt actually doing a great job at being president. so, what does this mean for sbi? that once phil gets out of house arrest hes probably gonna go live with techno, tommy, and wil.
oh, lord, am i excited for that.
oh lordy lord lord
im so hungry
what was i doing
oh yeah sbi
anyways, moving on from the immense power in that group,,, um tubbo? i like tubbo
he really cool
i mean, i really dont like the way hes ruling lmanberg right now, but before that he was awesome
i think a lot of pressure was put on him when he became president, especially because he didnt ask to be president and he didn’t even run for president.
and, since everyone else in the cabinet is being more controlling, (possible glatt possestion?), tubbo is seeming less and less like a president as everyone else starts making more decisions than the legit president.
so, i think that exiling tommy wasn’t only a plea for peace, it was also to show that hes the president, that hes in charge and he makes the decisions.
but, sadly he just lost his best friend
also, obviously dream is so bent on controlling tommy because tommy doesnt do what dream says. tommy does what he wants to, what he thinks is best, what he thinks will help his friends.
so, when dream manipulated tommy, and tommy kind of broke, dream thought he finally had him. he had gotten tommy, the uncontrollable hero, under his control.
but, when tommy made the room, dream used that as first; a sign that tommy wasnt completely under his control and second; a way to manipulate tommy even more.
but, that, (at least i think), is when tommy realized that something was wrong.
sitting on that wooden tower, looking at the blown up logsted he realized that... maybe dream isnt his friend.
i honestly cant wait for tommy and tubbo to make up with each other, though.
i really miss the consistent content that they made with each other, and i miss when it was “tommy and tubbo vs dream”
another thing, after wilbur blew up lmanberg, tommy kept saying, “its me and you vs dream,” which i think is kind of ironic. both of them agreed that even before lmanberg, before wilbur, before everything, it was tommy and tubbo against dream. they were best friends and they had a common enemy.
then, they both seperately went to dream for help. tubbo becoming dream’s “ally” while plotting to kill him and tommy being manipulated into being dream’s friend.
obviously, the manipulation isnt tommy’s fault though.
back to more sbi themes
i literally live for how good techno is being to tommy rn
like, literally, he hid tommy from dream, protected him from mobs without a thought, let him live in his house, gave him armor and weapons, and when tommy saw the final control room he said, “its fine, it doesnt take one day to heal,” and got tommy out of there.
tommy’s still a little bitch tho
anyways, tommy’s first response to the final control room was that he wanted to go find dream. this is how manipulators and abusers work. they make you think that you need them, and so when anything bad happens you want to fall back onto them, and that’s what tommy had been doing for the past few weeks, so of course his first thought is, “where’s dream? i need dream.”
luckily, though, techno was there to help him through it, and i just think thats neat.
and, isnt it funny that a sixteen year old minecraft player is representing manipulation and mental illness better than most movies? hmm....
maybe now we can have some incorrect quotes OwO
(im sorry i never want to do that again but i was on a call with a friend and she told me to do that im so sorry god i feel so guilty i hate that i hate is so much i want it to die im so sorry for putting you through that omfg im so sorry)
phil: tubbo.. where’s tommy? tubbo, knowing that tommy is trying to light techno’s house on fire: who’s tommy? phil:
wilbur: tommy, i hate you. you are so annoying, not funny at all, and the worst child ever. you disgrace every other normal child with your weirdness. tommy: wilbur, to literally anyone else: im so proud of tommy and how far hes come. that kid, hes so funny, i dont know how the world will be ready for tommyinnit. he makes great content, and deserves all of the attention that hes got.
techno:  butcher army: im gonna kill technoblade. techno: butcher army: yeah, you are so dead, techno. you better count your days. techno: butcher army: *starts attacking techno* butcher army: *almost gets killed by techno*
thats all i have for now! *fades out of existence*
/rp of course
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sleepyheadcannons · 4 years
First DreamSMP Headcannons are here:
When Tommy is back with Tubbo, he Debated on Cutting his Small Ponytail off cause it reminded him of being with Techno, and his exile - he decided against it, and only trimmed his hair a bit.
Tubbo still gets Nightmares sometimes of Tommys Tower from Logsted, and Often when those Nightmares occur he will walk to Tommys Room (and they were roomates-) to check to make sure he is alive.
Though Techno, and Tommy Betrayed each other. Techno had the habit of checking on his little brother (I DARE TECHNO TO SAY SOMETHI-) when Tommy was living with him - and he still does it even though They Hate each other. (He walked miles to check on him ALSLDLA)
Tommy doesn't Know Everyone Hates him, and I feel Like Tubbo Knows everyone does. But he doesn't tell Tommy cause he doesn't want to hurt him.
Its always been Tubbo, Tommy, and Dream. Tommy will lose his last life to Dream like he always has in. Every. War.
Thats all I have for now!
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hi it is sad boi hours
idc if no one asked for this, im doing this anyways
please dont read it tho
(TW for references to suicide and murder)
tommy angst
okay, so starting off, we wanted a villain tommy arc, but now we have a sad tommy arc.. i mean, he was even considering taking his last canon death by jumping into lava. the entire time he has been exiled all he’s been thinking about is tubbo and his friends and wanting to be back home in l’manberg. after tubbo exiling him he realized that no one actually wanted him around. he’s even trying to be more independent and is refusing people’s help just because he feels like all of his friends dont want him around. even when ranboo and fundy came to visit him he made them leave early because he “didnt want to waste their time.” 
obviously tommys glad that ghostbur is with him in logsted, but the fact that ghostbur keeps going back to l’manberg and wants tommy to come back with him, upsets tommy even more. also, even though tubbo promised to help tommy find the discs, in the end tubbo said that the discs dont matter and that tommy is too obssessed with them. 
i think that techno said it really well. (i dont know where the actual quote is, so im going to paraphrase.) “imagine giving your life to a country just to be exiled, haha look at this loser.” this is a great quote to represent what’s happening to tommy, because not only is tommy a loser, he also gave his all to a country that he was kicked out of. he fought for it, he was with it since the very beginning, and even when he was exiled the other times, he fought to get his country back and he worked so fucking hard just to be betrayed by his friend.
i personally think that tommy was mostly, (key word mostly), in the right. dream makes his own rules, he does what he wants, says he’s on the side of chaos but when someone calls him out for it he immediately flips sides and says that he’s doing everything for peace in the smp. so when tommy fought back and burned georges house, dream shouldn’t have gone that crazy. but then, at the first sight of a small threat, tubbo kicked tommy out. but, literally right before, dream had dethroned george, giving the throne to eret. obviously, since there was no reason to do that, george was mad and joined the side of, then, mexican l’manberg. so, what is dream even fighting for? chaos, as he said himself.
and with the tubbo is turning into schlatt theory, i would have to agree and disagree. obviously he thinks he doing the right thing, but in reality he is acting just like schlatt. schlatt would lie and exile someone who was his “friend” and not even tell any of his associates. schlatt would encourage the hit list and killing dream, even after dream held up his part of the deal. schlatt would pretend to be on dream’s good side just to go behind his back and plot to kill him.
but, to condradict tubbo turning into schlatt, i think that tubbo just wants to be seen as his own person. hes always been the sidekick, yunno, “tommy’s friend.” he just wanted to be important, in other words, to have power all by himself. tubbo just wanted to be a good president, a good ruler, but instead he ended up losing his best friend. now he kind of has nothing.
Now, I would like to compare tubbo to wilbur, because i miss wilbur, normal wilbur, that is. when wilbur was confronted with death, he stood up for himself. when wilbur’s entire nation was rigged with tnt by dream he still stayed strong to eventually get l’manberg, and freedom in the process. dream says, “give in or die.” now, tubbo faced with this situation would give in, as shown by how he exiled tommy just because dream threatened him.  but, wilbur responded with, “independence, or death. if we get no revolution, then we want nothing. we would rather die, than give into you and join your smp.” wlibur got blown up and lost one of his canon lives. 
tommys lost everything. he lost wilbur, techno, lmanberg, the discs, his friends. to him, he has nothing left. he really feels that he has nothing to live for.
i guess in the end wilbur was right. “tubbo? he’s lying to you man! he would drop you in a second!”
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