#lots of angst with hurt/comfort at the end tbh haha
gingerjunhan · 11 months
Hihi!! It's 🧈 anon, and I was wondering again if maybe you could write a fic for Jun han?
Like the reader is kinda like the laid back reader except they use substances like smoking and drinking (if you're not comfortable with this just leave it out), and Jun han is going to a party that the reader is hosting but the rest of the group tags along.
And the reader ends up starting a fight with one of the members (maybe gunil or o.de) and they both end up bruised and battered but Jun han only patches up reader bc he has that "I can fix him" mentality but reader just starts being an ass to Jun han and says some hurtful things
Definitely want it to be hurt and angst with no comfort. I want to feel terrible, that's just the mood I'm in for.
If you don't wanna write this, please feel free to say no!
Have an amazing day!!!
☆彡 I’m still not the best at writing angst, so you’ll have to excuse me. It’s definitely not as physical as you wanted- it’s mainly just an argument. My bad. Also, sorry this took so long! I ended up dropping a class this week! Haha! I love college!
word count: 1,515 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: angst, established relationship | cws: drinking/ getting drunk (reader is a lightweight lmao), protective Seungmin, strong language, arguing, short physical fight, reader is a bitch tbh, no happy ending, implied breakup, Gunil dancing 😟 (mentioned), partially proofread, let me know if I missed anything!!!
Throwing parties was never unusual for you. Almost every other week you seemed to be throwing a rager. This week was no different.
Your boyfriend and his friends had just arrived at your door now that they were done with work, and all of them were displaying different emotions. Your boyfriend, Hyeongjun, seemed happy to be there- or at least to see you. He was a little awkward, granted, but happy to be there. Jiseok and Jooyeon were right there along with him. They were happy to be out and about on a Friday night as opposed to being cooped up in the studio practicing.
Gunil presented himself with a pleasant smile and wave, nothing more. The same with Jungsu, although he also came off as a little more nervous. Seungmin, on the other hand, you could tell was not in the mood to be here right off the bat. He occupied himself on his phone as you greeted the group and welcomed them into your home. He wore a slight scowl on his face, and it didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Your small house was full of people. 30 at least. The music was loud, the air was sticky, and there were people everywhere. Jooyeon and Jiseok quickly made their way to the kitchen.
“Thanks for coming, baby,” you yelled to Hyeongjun over the music. You already had a drink in your hand- your second one of the night. Seungmin rolled his eyes at you as you flung your free arm over Hyeongjun’s shoulders. The party had only started about an hour ago, and you were already on your way to making a fool out of yourself.
“Of course,” Hyeongjun chuckled. You were so dazed from the combination of alcohol and the warmth coming off of his body that you didn’t pick up on his tone. Hyeongjun isn’t a partier. It took a lot of convincing to get him to come over tonight. He clearly wasn’t very comfortable in this atmosphere, but you were too out of it to notice.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” As you looked at Hyeongjun, he began to take note of the slight pink hue in your cheeks.
“Um,” he looked down at your cup. “I’ll just have a water. Somebody’s gotta take care of Jooyeon later.”
You laughed and quickly gave him a kiss before disappearing into the kitchen. It was at this point that Seungmin took his opportunity to come talk to Hyeongjun.
“Dude,” he said, putting a reassuring hand on Hyeongjun’s shoulder. “You don’t have to stay. I know you told (Y/N) you’d come over tonight, but I doubt they’d want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, uh,” Hyeongjun took a second to look at the floor before returning his gaze to Seungmin. “It’s alright. I can stay.”
“Are you sure? I know this isn’t typically your type of thing.”
“Yeah, I’ll be alright. Besides, I don’t plan on drinking or anything so I’ll be fine.”
Just then, you returned with a cup full of water for Hyeongjun, and your cup had been topped off as well. You handed him his cup and took a sip out of yours. A new song started to play over the speakers, and you gasped excitedly.
“Oh my god I love this song! C’mon, Jun, let’s go dance!”
Hyeongjun quickly averted his eyes to the group of people all dancing together in your living room. He saw Gunil dancing with a girl on his arm, laughing to each other as they bobbed to the music. Hyeongjun couldn’t help but to smile.
“I think I’m okay with just watching. You go have fun though. I think Jiseok is out there somewhere if you want to find him.”
“Nooo,” you whined, practically throwing yourself at him. “I don’t wanna dance with Jiseok, I wanna dance with youuuu. C’mon, baby, pleeeease.” You took one of Hyeongjun’s hands and started slowly walking him out towards the crowd of people. He didn’t say anything, he just swallowed hard, accepting his fate. That was, until, a voice spoke up.
“He said no.”
You looked over Hyeongjun’s shoulder to find Seungmin glaring at you.
“Excuse me?” You walked your way over to him, still keeping a firm hold on Hyeongjun’s hand. You took another drink out of your cup.
“Hyeongjun told you he didn’t want to dance, so don’t force him to. He can stay here with me.” Seungmin’s expression was stern, but his voice was calm. For some reason, this made you angry.
“Oh I’m sorry,” you looked up at him. “Am I suddenly the bad guy for wanting my boyfriend to have a good time? Because I don’t think I am. So why don’t you-“ you poked Seungmin’s chest “just shut the fuck up?” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hyeongjun’s eyes widen. “C’mon, babe, let’s go.” You started to pull on his arm again.
“What did you just say to me?” Once again, you turned your attention to Seungmin. You dropped Hyeongjun’s hand entirely, and got close to Seungmin. He stood straight up now, and if looks could kill, you’d be on death row.
“I said,” you couldn’t see it, but Hyeongjun sent Jungsu a pleading look once he was located across the room. Jungsu noticed immediately. “Shut. The fuck. Up.”
There was a beat of silence between the two of you again before Seungmin finally responded.
“Make me.”
With that, something inside of you snapped, and the drink in your hand was suddenly all over Seungmin. He wasn’t typically one to fight, but he wasn’t going to stand by as you did something that blatantly made his friend uncomfortable. As the people in the room slowly began to take note of the situation at hand, Jungsu began to budge his way through the crowd. Seungmin was quick to react, reeling his hand back and swinging an open palm at you, landing a harsh slap wherever he could reach. He ended up catching your cheek, and one of his rings caught your skin.
Before you could do anything other than yell more profanities at him, Hyeongjun was grabbing you- throwing his body around yours and pulling you away from Seungmin. Jungsu quickly made his way up to Seungmin, putting a hand on each of his shoulders and holding him back as well. As you continued to yell, Hyeongjun pulled you away to the small bathroom down the hall. Once inside, he locked the door and stood in front of it, forcing you to stay inside and take a second to breathe.
“What was that for?” He asked softly. “I’ve never seen you act like that before, and suddenly you get drunk and start fighting with one of my friends?”
“Oh, so you think I’m only doing this because I’m drunk?” You were yelling at him. Hyeongjun was surprised. He assessed the scratch left on your cheek by Seungmin’s ring, and he began looking for bandages.
“Yes, (Y/N), I do.” The bandages were located quickly. He held it up to you, “Come here.”
You approached Hyeongjun and crossed your arms. He began to unwrap the bandage. “I was trying to get you to have some fun, Jun. I was doing that for your own good. Seungmin’s just a bitch.”
“Hey,” Hyeongjun pulled away from you now. The tan bandage on your cheek held a strong contrast compared to the flush over the rest of your face. “Don’t call him that.”
“Am I wrong?”
“Yes! Seungmin was just trying to help me.”
“Help you?” You scoffed. “That’s so stupid. I was just trying to make you loosen up a little.”
“And I didn’t want to do that, but you clearly didn’t care enough to realize.”
“God, you’re so fucking boring.”
Hyeongjun felt a pain in his chest. He always worried about being “boring.” You knew this. It was a huge insecurity of his.
“So first you’re going to get in a fight with one of my best friends, and now you think I’m boring?” He was finally starting to raise his voice a bit.
“Yeah, I do,” you confirmed. “You and all of your stupid friends. The only one out of all of you who knows how to have fun is Jiseok. Maybe I should’ve dated him instead.”
That was it for Hyeongjun. He knew things between you weren’t going to be the same the second you raised your voice to Seungmin, but this just solidified it.
“Yeah,” his voice was quiet again, but still stern. “Maybe you should’ve.” He began to walk towards the door, and your rampage only continued.
“Yeah, leave!” You called out to him. “Go cry to Seungmin. I wanna see what he’ll do now.”
Hyeongjun slammed the door on you before making his way back down the hall. All of Hyeongjun’s friends were waiting for him in the kitchen. He silently rushed past them all as he made his way towards the front door. Seungmin tried to apologize, but Hyeongjun just kept walking.
“Let’s just go home. We don’t have any reason to be here.”
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electric-friend · 7 months
there should be more stede angst to read tbh. i'm sure there's plenty i just have trouble finding, but like... also, i like angst that's more than just stede crying. i like him to have terrible/unhealthy coping mechanisms, and i love him being passively suicidal or having suicidal thoughts, or even worse. i love him being sooo insecure it's horrendous, i love him thinking he's worthless, i love him having panic attacks. i love him seeking pain and punishment, thinking he's a monster, or seeking to numb himself.
idk how much fic out there about that there is, but i want more of it.
a lot of the angst in the ofmd fandom is izzy or ed centric and i'm sure i could find more stede angst but it can be hard to scroll through so many pages and only find so little of what i want.
maybe i'm searching wrong haha but i do keep searches broad out of like... idk, fomo? people don't always use the more pointed specific tags. i don't wanna miss anything i might not otherwise have seen.
i also like happy endings, though. that part doesn't need to be detailed, like it can just be a 'it'll get better' sort of ending, with just a hint of comfort. but yeah, i love the hurt/comfort stuff. just with more emphasis on angst than comfort.
recs pls maybe????
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moonlight-frittata · 1 year
Fic writer; have you noticed any patterns in your fics, themes, styles, etc
Fic Writer Asks
Not to pander to the asker by saying I do love to explore grief ahahaha, but I mean I do. It's just, such an inevitable part of life, and there truly is no way around it. I always think, even when someone chooses not to "deal" with whatever they're grieving, that's still a choice, and it definitely will have consequences and come for you one day or another. It's just so human, and endlessly fascinating and meaningful I think.
For patterns, I definitely have some pet ideas and phrases I gear towards i think haha. I'm a bit hesitant to mention them though, or else I feel like I might be shining a beacon on when I do it and someone will be pointing it out all over the place like when you buy a new car and suddenly see them everywhere.
I guess my biggest pattern is, one of these bitches is going to get their ass beat (affectionate).
But i will say in broad strokes, I do prefer writing angst, but I think more specifically hurt/comfort. I read something recently where the author described writing things like that as, you don't notice your lungs working until you can't breathe. A bulb of glass in my hand is never more clear like the moment right before it breaks. Even if I'm not feeling that way, it makes me think and wonder and engage with material with a depth I think that's harder to find in other ways, for my taste anyway.
Someone told me recently I have a way of carving out misery in a delicate way, and I was really proud of that tbh. I do try and keep "find the hope in the despair and despair in the hope" as an idea when I approach those things. Doesn't mean things are going to work out in the darkness, but like, just objectively if things are endlessly hopeless or endlessly happy, it's boring? All the tension goes out imo. I think I'm also okay not explaining everything to the reader, or leaving it on a more ambiguous ending.
I think my style is constantly evolving. Sometimes changes with the story or what I'm reading at the time has a lot of sway, but in general I try and have a lot of descriptions of emotions and metaphors, and my goal is to try and get someone immersed. When I edit, I read my passages over and over, trying to make sure they flow into each other without zapping you out of the moment. I don't think i always succeed, but I try. I guess goes with word choice and length, trying to make it flowy and the words to sound a certain way. I like alliterations a lot haha, but I have had to work to get a more measured hand so they're not too "sally sells seashells by the seashore".
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likesunsetorange · 10 months
hello, sweet victoria! 💕
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
27. What do you listen to while writing?
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
hi my lovely nina!! 🧡
5. it would definitely be dol, i really never thought people would enjoy it especially since it was my first fic!! but i’m eternally grateful for all the sweet comments i get and it’ll always be the biggest labor of my love tbh
7. i think between laufey and just older love songs in general! a lot of the dol chapter titles are from oldies songs, and then the wedding planner x baker au title is from i do, i do, i do, i do, i do by abba! (i just refused to write that five times lmao so i shortened it to three) the title i chose for the bodyguard au is actually from the bodyguard movie soundtrack too!
16. “tooth-rotting fluff” or maybe “angst and hurt/comfort”
27. i normally listen to classical or whatever fits the mood of what i’m writing; so for angstier things i tend to listen to sad music, and for fluffy/romantic things i like listening to oldies! but there’s the rare occasion i’ll listen to something random, like one day i think i wrote a dol chapter to views by drake 💀
30. aside from being surprised from how much people ended up enjoying my writing (which like i always say i’m super thankful for!!), definitely how much i found i enjoy writing angst! as much as i love romcom-y vibes, i found a love for writing angst, which i find kinda funny bc i wanted to write happier stuff because i didn’t wanna read angst haha. as much as i enjoy reading stories with some more intense or complex themes, or even super fun smut stories, i think im best at writing either angst, or very light hearted things! i guess i kind of found my niche so that was surprising but i’m thankful!
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darlingpoppet · 1 year
DID YOU EVER GET MY ASK GAME ASK??? I don’t remember the numbers I picked and now I’m here in the box so uhhh [rolls dice] 38, 44, 76!
I know I DMed you about it already but YES I DID THANK YOU <3 tbh I’m just stoked that I have more questions to answer weeeee
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story?
I feel like the boring answer is “all my stories are self-indulgent!” Since they’re all generally ideas and scenarios I wanted to play with and bring to life to get my own kicks out of them. I feel like the obvious answer is one of the horny ones. But when I really think about it, the true answer must be Where The Dead Forget because surely there’s nothing more self-indulgent than writing an entire novel-length story over the course of what will be years, literally just for fun?? Especially such a slow burn story as that one??? I want to give myself everything I want uwu
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
Since I assume this counts as a genre where fanfic is concerned: angst! Often if it’s the hurt/comfort variety, judging by my ~oeuvre~ 😂 I am the type of writer who makes the blorbos suffer and we’re all in agony but we’re gonna enjoy it together
76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
Luckily I haven’t received any external pressure that hasn’t been perfectly friendly and encouraging (the “I hope you’ll continue!” sort) and in those cases there’s nothing to deal with except to say “thank you” and “I’ll do my best”, haha. Internally, I sometimes try to set deadlines to try to make myself feel some urgency but I often end up going past them because they’re usually a little too ambitious anyway 😂 idk I guess I’m just at the age and life stage where I have a lot going on irl and I’ve become kind of numb to feeling any pressure or anxiety towards this sort of thing, so nowadays I just have an “it’ll be done when it’s done” attitude. Usually when I’m on the cusp of being done with something I’ll try to escape to somewhere with no distractions so I can reach the finish line asap, but it’s less pressure and more just eagerness to post 😂
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myketheartista · 4 years
“Tommy’s ghost only remembers bad memories.”
Furthermore, Tommy accidentally dies canonically while exiled. Contrary to what we know in canon, Tubbo has not gone to see him at all. Tubbo has basically refused to visit Tommy to accept the fact that he doesn’t need him. This only makes things worse, of course! I haven’t seen anything from Tubbo’s POV after the exile, so if he has said something of the sort, that’s pretty interesting!
Tubbo doesn’t know which one of those deaths is real every time he sees Tommyinnit tried to swim in lava or Tommyinnit fell from a high place. It haunts him, not knowing what Tommy is doing, why is he in danger, why is he not taking care of himself? He’s gotten a passing word from Ranboo, Fundy, anyone who has spoken to him, that Tommy is okay, but he needs to see for himself. So he finally goes to pay a visit.
Except he doesn’t see Tommy anywhere near the tent. His gaze follows the path leading past the nether portal, perking up when he spots Logsted hidden within the trees and begins heading over rather slowly. He feels good. For some reason though, there’s a hint of....jealousy? He’s sad? Tommy seems to be doing just fine after the exile...has a decent looking home, a huge body of water, plenty of space to build, access to the nether...he’s doing fine without Tubbo.
Meanwhile for Tommy, and as we’ve seen a little bit in canon, he thinks Tubbo will visit soon! He’ll come eventually, he’s still his friend, he misses him...right? And as days pass, there’s still no sign. Every time someone else comes, he asks if Tubbo has talked about him, if he’s even mentioned his name in conversation, and the more he asks, the more desperate he becomes. In the book him and Ranboo write in, he always asks, trying his best not to sound as desperate as he is, but it’s without fail that it comes up, ‘has Tubbo mentioned me at all? Not that I care about the guy! He exiled me, he’s a bitch hahahaha he can fuck off...but has he said anything?’
But yeah, Tubbo finally works up the courage to visit Tommy, knows he’ll have to see him eventually, and makes his way over to Logsted. He stands in the entrance, surprised to see the familiar yellow sweater of his old leader who has his back turned to Tubbo. He’s busy chatting away as chipper as can be while his voice is light and scratchy as it has been for the past few weeks ever since he died, but its the quiet, “Ghostbur?” that makes him turn around to acknowledge the boy’s presence. Wilbur’s face lights up and he moves forward to greet Tubbo, but it’s difficult to focus on the ghost’s cheerful attitude when all Tubbo can look at is the pale skin, the white, lifeless eyes, and the messy blonde hair that seems to have lost some of its color. He takes a step back, unsettled by the way Tommy’s expressionless face stares back at him. He’s...is he...he can’t be...?
Wilbur slips back into view because he’s clearly been talking this whole time and Tubbo hasn’t been listening! How rude :(  but it’s okay because- oh! he’s looking at Tommy! 
“Yeah, Tommy’s been like that for a while now, but he doesn’t talk much which is weird, right, Tubbo? Tommy always has something to say, but I guess it’s nice getting some peace and quiet every once in a while.” And Tubbo can only focus on the ‘been like that for a while’ part because what? He’s been what?? Tommy is still staring at him with no recognition in his face, nor does he give a sign that he’s glad to see his best friend after so long. It hurts.
Tubbo feels Wilbur practically hanging off of his shoulder and hears him whisper, “He doesn’t smile as much as he used to. Even when I play the discs, he always looks so sad. Nothing really cheers him up anymore. And Tommy loved the discs, I remember that. I tried asking him why he was so sad because I know I don’t like feeling sad since it doesn’t feel very good, and he just shrugs every time.” Tubbo doesn’t feel good himself. 
Wilbur continues to ramble on about how the things that usually make Tommy happy haven’t been working as Tubbo reaches into his pocket, pulling out the compass. Wilbur stops when he sees it and brightens, “Hey, I gave you that! You still have it on you- see Tommy, I told you he carries it wherever he goes!” And surprisingly enough, there’s a flicker of something in Tommy’s eyes that makes Tubbo hold his breath. Something like ‘that’s familiar...tubbo has one?’ Tommy looks around, confusion evident on his face. ‘i have one too, right?’ It’s been a while since he’s touched it. He stored it away out of fear he would lose it after falling into lava so much. And as he begins to move towards the barrels, Wilbur watches him in fascination, kind of like how someone watches their dog look for a hidden treat because Tommy is finally remembering something! This is good! Tommy sifts through the barrels, taking his time to go through each one until he searches through a particularly full barrel and pulls out the compass from the bottom. Hidden beneath unused materials and more of the like. Things that they weren’t going to use anymore...there was no point. Tommy just stays in Logsted all day. But he fishes it out, turns around and walks over to Tubbo and holds it out next to the other compass that Tubbo has hovering in front of him.
Tubbo’s been too...shocked? Too nervous to say anything this whole time, but he stares at the compasses and looks up at Tommy who’s watching the little red needle quite intensely. He speaks up, feeling his throat tighten as he attempts to get the word out, “Tommy?”
Tommy doesn’t look at him, doesn’t do anything to reassure Tubbo that he’s heard him, just brings his other hand up to grab the underside of Tubbo’s hand and brings their compasses closer to where they touch and there’s a little clink. His brows are furrowed as he thinks, “Your....Tubbo.” Ah, he hasn’t forgotten about him! He might be a ghost, but he stills remembers who his best friend is.
Tubbo nods, “Yeah...yeah, I’m Tubbo.” And Tommy shakes his head, a frustrated noise coming out of him. “Your Tubbo,” and pushes his own compass forward. Tubbo blinks and it sort of registers. “Oh, oh yeah,” and he pushes his compass forward as well, mimicking Tommy, “Y-Your Tommy.”
Tommy nods but still looks a bit confused, irritated, not really satisfied with the “answer” he’s been given. Tubbo stares at him, watching his face sit on the same sad, lost expression. He grabs Tommy’s hand as well, the one with the compass, and brings their hands up. “Do you remember? Remember me?”
Tommy finally looks at him, causing Tubbo to wince at the way those lifeless eyes stare right through his body. He holds Tommy’s gaze though, forcing himself to choke back the tears that dare to escape and gives his friend a smile. “You remember Tubbo, yeah? I’m your best friend, Tommy.” Tommy stares at him before plainly stating, “Yeah, you exiled me.” Tubbo’s smile drops, and his grip on Tommy’s hands loosens. “I- I didn’t- Tommy, I didn’t mean to, Dream wanted-“
Tommy’s expression shifts to something angrier, annoyed, and still a bit confused. “Dream wanted? Why are we listening to Dream? Dream hates me, why would you listen to him? Who cares what he wants.”
Tubbo averts his gaze, shaking his head. “No, I’m not listening to- Tommy, I didn’t want to exile you, but he-“ and Tommy cuts him off again, getting louder. “He what?! What about him, Tubbo? Why are you listening to him? He tried to kill us, he started a war, he hurt our friends, Tubbo, he built walls around L’manberg! And you’re still listening to him? Tubbo, he—he came over here and kept taking my things! Forced me to give up everything I had! Everyday, it was the same thing and he blew them up right in front of me! Threatened to kill me if I didn’t listen, Tubbo!”
And as quickly as the anger appeared, it vanished. His expression falls and his voice grows weak. “You exiled me...and he kept coming back to shove it in my face.”
Ah, but there’s still some resentment left. “He kept- he’s a bitch, Tubbo, that’s what he is. I hate him and I wanna kill him and you should stop listening to him because you’re...” and he trails off, eyes softening and mouth closing into a thin line. Tommy physically deflates and sighs. “You said you’re my best friend, Tubbo.” Tubbo nods and hears his voice break, “I am, Tommy.” 
“Then why am I so mad at you. I don’t feel happy at all to see you.” Tubbo wants to cry and laugh at the same time because the words hurt, but Tommy looks like he’s just pouting at this point. Even as a ghost, he’s pouting. “...Tommy, are you mad at me or mad that you aren’t happy to see me?” Tommy takes a second and chews on his lip awkwardly because he’s right. He grunts out a “both” and Tubbo exhales, letting the laugh slip out.
“What’s so funny? I’m still mad at you. You can’t laugh when I’m mad at you or I’ll be even madder.” Wilbur comes up behind Tubbo and floats beside him because he’s apparently still here, and Tubbo nearly jumps out of his skin cause oh god he saw all that? that’s sort of embarrassing, but Wilbur joins in, “Yeah, that’s kind of rude of you, Tubbo. Tommy’s been really sad and all you do is laugh at him.” And Tommy’s pale skin somehow reddens despite the lack of blood in his body. “I haven’t been sad, you idiot! Don’t tell him that!” Now that sounds like the Tommy he knows.
Tubbo listens to them go back and forth, feeling the burning sensation behind his eyes become unbearable and tries to swallow, sucks in a breath and realizes he can’t hold it back anymore, so he just leans forward and pulls Tommy into a hug and hides his face in the crook of his neck. That shuts them both up. And Tommy doesn’t know what ‘good’ is anymore. Doesn’t remember what happiness feels like. It’s really the complete opposite of Wilbur’s situation and Tommy hates it. He doesn’t want to feel sad all the time, but he can’t think of anything good that happened to him while he was alive and it frustrates him, confuses him, and that just makes him angrier. Wilbur telling him stuff makes him mad too because he shouldn’t have to be told these things, they should just come to him naturally. 
But bottom line, he doesn’t remember what a hug is nor what it felt like. So...hugging is weird. It feels nice? He thinks? He vaguely recalls doing it with Wilbur...and even Techno...a lot with Phil. Years ago for them three but what felt like just yesterday for Tommy. He hugged them all the time back then when they were still a family...he didn’t hug Tubbo enough, did he?
Tommy awkwardly moves his arms to hold Tubbo and stares at Wilbur, helpless and silently pleading ‘help me what do I do’, and Wil just nods like, ‘yeah, you’re doing fine! dont worry.’ And they fall into a comfortable silence. Or rather what Tommy thought was going to be comfortable until he realizes that his shirt is progressively getting wetter by the second and Tubbo has begun to sniff quite a lot. “Uh...y’know, Tubbo, this is pretty cool. You’re hugging a ghost right now. Not many people can say they’ve done that.” He receives a laugh in response and Tubbo’s warm breath tickles his cold skin. “‘m sorry, Tommy.”
Well, he had certainly tried to lighten the mood, but he deflates a bit at the apology and frowns. “It’s fine.” He feels Tubbo’s head shake. “No, I should’ve stopped him. I shouldn’t have made him escort you, and I should’ve kept an eye on him. I should’ve come sooner.” Ugh. All of this apologizing and for what? Tommy rolls his nonexistent eyes and grumbles, his tone growing annoyed. “It’s fine, Tubbo, I don’t care-“ and Tubbo lightly punches his back to shut him up. “You do. You wouldn’t have told me if you didn’t.” Dammit, he’s got a point.
Tommy purses his lips and glares at Wilbur who smiles innocently. God, he definitely shouldn’t be here, just go a w a y. But Wilbur either ignores him or completely misses the social cue and floats over to a barrel, pulling out a disc and moving out of Tommy’s peripheral. Tubbo keeps going, “I was scared. I’m the president, Tommy, but I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to follow you, but that’s...I’m a leader now. I can’t. That’s all I’ve ever done. I followed you and Wilbur, and now you’re both gone and I’m all by myself.” 
Tommy’s arms tighten a bit around him as he tries to reason with him. “There’s Fundy. And Big Q. Niki, Ranboo, Eret’s there but he’s still a bitch for what he did to us.” Tubbo digs his face into his neck even more, voice breaking again when he continues. “They called me Schlatt. Fundy, Quackity, even you. They don’t like me. They think I’m some dictator for what I did, and I thought I was doing the right thing. Everything hurts when I think back on it, but I can’t help it.” He pulls back and Tommy wants to look away, but the redness of Tubbo’s cheeks and the tears falling down his face keep him where he’s at. “I was scared you had died. Really died. But they always said you were fine, and I thought you didn’t need me. “
Tommy’s grip tightens around his compass “I didn’t.” Tubbo shakes his head and he wipes at the tears that refuse to stop. “You don’t mean that.” Chirp kicks to life in the background, and Tommy hums at the sound, relieved there’s something there to fill the silence “I don’t.” He doesn’t. He really doesn’t, but he’s at a loss. He’s unsure what the right thing to say is. He probably would’ve said something different if he were still alive, but he can’t even begin to think about what alive Tommy would say. All he thinks about is grey.
He looks behind him and sees Wilbur gone, probably inside the house, and listens to Tubbo speak again. “You clearly needed someone. You’re dead.”
Tommy looks back, and his eyes are a bit wider because someone finally said it to his face. It’s like he knew but...didn’t completely process it? And hearing it from Tubbo only makes it worse. “I guess I am...” he trails off, losing focus as the familiar tune of Chirp invades his ears and begins to sound too loud, too much, he doesn’t like how loud it is- 
He blinks and stares at Tubbo. His tears have stopped. That’s good. He doesn’t like it when Tubbo cries. “Tubbo, are you just here to lecture me or is there something you want?” He curses mentally. Those words aren’t what he wanted to say at all, but saying anything else didn’t feel right. He’s not saying what he wants, why can’t he speak?? But Tubbo smiles and grabs his hand with the compass again, staring at it fondly and running his thumb across Tommy’s ashy skin. 
“I’d like if you came back, Tommy.”
Tommy frowns. “Oh, so NOW you want me to come back. You waited till I died to say that! You just want L’manberg to be haunted, don’t you, Tubbo? You wanna be able to tell tourists that you have ghosts, huh?” And Tubbo laughs and laughs. Bubbly and so childlike. “That’s not what I meant-“
Tommy interrupts him and yells, but it’s clear he’s joking this time. “Wilbur- no, Ghostbur wasn’t enough for you, huh? That’s fine, I can be a good ghost for you, Tubbo, I’m great at this thing and I’ve only been like this for a week or so, I’ve practically mastered it.” And Tubbo keeps laughing, wipes at his eyes again as Tommy yells for Wilbur to “Pack our bags! we’re moving back to shitty, old L’manberg! We’re gonna be ghosts, Wilbur! It’ll be less shitty once we take over!” But he leans down and grabs Tubbo’s shoulders, white eyes seemingly glowing a little bit brighter as a smile grows on his face. “Tubbo, you have to promise me that I won’t be exiled again if I haunt Dream. I need to have your word, Tubbo, this is the most important thing in my entire life and I need your permission so I can rub it in his face when he starts crying like a little bitch boy and tells me to stop.”
Tubbo nods as more tears slip down his face, more laughter bubbling out of him. Tommy shakes his shoulders and laughs as well, high-pitched and loud as always. “Tubbo! Why’re you still crying! The president of L’manberg doesn’t cry, he gets angry and tells Dream to fuck off!” 
And Tubbo looks up at Tommy, slipping the compass back inside his pocket. 
“I’m just glad you’re still you.”
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voasprofile · 2 years
vil with an s/o who is a singer and love music from their orig world
I could probably shorten the title but eh I'm new cut me some slack
being brought to whole other world without knowing anything about it can really take a toll in our little readers hearts
luckily they have their phone with them, music really brings comfort to people. especially because it was the only thing familiar to them. what's in it? well yk only the most heart swelling, gut wrenching, eyes watering, hair pulling music you could ever think of
either that or the most back arching, eyes rolling, butterfly giving music
or yk like a psychopath like me, both. on shuffle
ok neways
vil had known of the prefect, not very hard to
they were the talk of the school, from being magicless, to defeating what like 4 overblots, or being in trouble like every other hour
they were rather infamous to put it nicely
what he didn't know them from is their music
like holy hell, how tf did they get so popular? when did this happen?
well tbh he didn't find out until he saw people discussing about a new underground artist
after that he forgot to search up their name whoops
until he saw a vid from twistedtok raving abt this artist
so he was like eh why not and searched them up
it was yuu(pun not intended) he was kinda surprised like weren't you just fighting jamil 4 weeks ago?
browsing to yours list of song was like browsing through a teenagers diary
angst, angst, oh a horny song, and another one, and another one, and oh wait this sounds like- nvm it's angst
and it was just yuu recreating their fav songs and publishing it cause their phone died and twst doesn't have the same charger things
not me promoting but think somewhat this playlist of mine
you had garnered a lot of attention, for someone who plagiarized /j
don't tell anyone, but vil would totally listen to your music
i mean come on
but he wont admit it, that little bitch
during vdc camp, he would wear them small ear phones and would guard his phone with his life, like no one needs to know abt this
except rook knows, he always knows
and epel, because he once barged in vil's room for smth idk he seems like the type to do that
you only found out because vil asked you to play the song they were supposed to be practicing on. which was supposed to be the most recent one
but when you clicked play it was your song. let me put something totes not embarrassing for the both of you, hmm let's see
i wanna be your slave by maneskin yuu
the song was the next song as the practice song just ended a few seconds prior
silence engulfs the room your voice singing the most vile things anyone from here has ever heard you say
you kinda just froze like what were you supposed to be feeling?
why does it have to be this song?
so you were internally freaking out still frozen as rook puts it on himself to save two prideful beings egos. and walks to you and slowly gets the phone from your grip before pausing the song
while vil was witnessing the end of his life his career with an open mouth
"so you like my songs eh?"
"shut up literally shut up"
wow what a non-toxic way for the beginning of a beautiful bloom of a relationship
there was a lot of songs that reminded you of vil yet you only realized at like 2 months into the relationship
so you began dedicating love songs to him and only him cause like duh he's your so
but like the songs that are erotic and sad like real sad are literally dedicated to no one
cause your a moody little bitch who when even the slightest bit sad release a whole ass song with the most heart breaking lyrics
when asked in an interview on who hurt you, yuu were like
"haha myself"
or like abt those sussy songs
"i was feeling down so i had to cheer myself up"
or those songs dedicated to vil
"i am madly in love"
you two were almost the epitome of a picture perfect couple
almost(i thought abt making an angsty ending but i decided against it)
that bitch rook always steals your thunder
you were performing a new love song to vil and asking his thoughts about posting it
and rook comes up and recites a poem right. in. front. of. you.
you almost grabbed him by the neck and not let go for 30 minutes. by accident of course
so it was like a competition to the both of you
and the vibes were like yuu being like
and rook being like
"lmao what you talking abt neways. your skin as fair as snow and as smooth as porcelain-"
cue you throwing a vase at him
overall 10/10 would be a cute relationship
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eileen-crys · 2 years
Tumblr media
I thank the Lord above, my life has been saved.
Last but not least, here's final contribution to @queenhurtcomfort weekend - Day 3: Wreckage (kind of?), cut off, Hypothermia VS Carrying bridal style, Hot Bath, Aftercare
Nothing hurts more than your beloved one spitting venomous words out of frustration, even when they don't really mean them. But a surprise blizzard can hurt as much
WARNINGS for this fic: Angst (with happy ending)
Eek, I hate writing them fight, but what's hurt/comfort if not dragging your characters into pain and heartbreak just to give them lots of care and cuddles afterwards? This fic has been hard to write and I must admit I got emotional a couple of times, but I hope you'll still like it 🥰
Also this is my 50th fic! You'll see 47 on AO3, but a couple of them have multiple fics listed as chapters so the total would be 50! Congrats to me, I've never expected any of this tbh haha 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💕💕💕
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withoutpeer · 2 years
                                              𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙣
— 𝙗𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙨
(𝙋𝙀𝙉)𝙉𝘼𝙈𝙀: salem.  𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙎:  she/he/they  𝙕𝙊𝘿𝙄𝘼𝘾: scorpiooo  𝙎𝙄𝙉𝙂𝙇𝙀 / 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀𝙉: i’ve been single every day of my life
— 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙨
𝙞.  my birthday is on halloween and honestly it’s the best. i love getting to dress up and get presents and cake and candy on my birthday. i’ve also been told that my birthday being on halloween “explains a lot”, so do with that what you will. 
𝙞𝙞.  i’m a stage combat performer! i’ve been certified in unarmed, rapier and dagger, single sword, small sword, and knife. i was working on getting my broadsword certification when the pandemic unfortunately hit. 
𝙞𝙞𝙞.  according to @jedialone, i don’t have a third fact because i am, quote, “not interesting.” so uwu
— 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚
i started rping on proboards when i was ten on a warriors rp site. i started rping on tumblr in 2010 in groups, and then really got into the indie rpc in 2011 with my mystique blog and have been here ever since! i’ve had this obi-wan blog since 2014. 
— 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚
good dad’s and poor little meow meows. sometimes that venn diagram overlaps but not always. 
— 𝙨𝙪𝙗-𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚𝙨
𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛: lolol eventually? i’m more of an angst bitch myself lmfao. but something starting with angst and ending in fluff? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩: i... genuinely enjoy writing smut, and it kinda makes me sad that there seems to be kind of this odd taboo around it now in the rpc?? (and i hate rping on discord, so i won’t take it there haha). but! i do enjoy writing smut lol, but i’m also equally as fine fading to black or something else! 
𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩: listen. angst is my bread and butter, dude. i fucking LOVE angst. hate-angst, too-much-love angst, hurt-comfort angst, GIVE ME ALL ANGSTS!!!
— 𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙨 𝙫𝙨. 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙨
honestly memes tbh. send me a meme that fits our characters or that you think would fit our characters. if you’re inspired by it, turn it into a thread. i’ll do the same back! but once we have something kinda established, i then love plotting out from there. 
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙: @commandsir
𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜:  @tachiisms @ofpolitics @gildedglcry @jedialone @praefurnium
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Save Me, -Lucifer
Originally written September 2021
Genre: hurt, angst, comfort
Ship(s): Barbatos X Lucifer (or just queerplatonic tbh)
PLATONIC: Mammon and Lucifer
Trigger/content warnings: chronic pain disorder flare up, blood tears (I used blood tears a lot at this point for whatever reason lol)
Headcanons/notes from the author: this was written with the headcanon Lucifer developed a chronic pain disorder after the Great Celestial War (please don’t make “haha he’s old” jokes, not all disabled people are elderly and that was not the intention of this fic).
Brief Blurb: Lucifer has a bad chronic pain flare up and can’t bring himself to move from his desk.
It was way too much.
Lucifer was at his wit's end. Nothing was helping him calm down, and he didn't have anything to distract himself with. It didn't help that his body decided to have a chronic pain flare up, so it hurt to move. He had been sitting at his desk for days, and he hadn't gotten up once. Whenever he tried, a shock of pain would wash through him, making him cry out and writhe. There was nothing to do except sit and attempt to work.
Usually, his pain wasn't this horrible. It was constant, sure... but he had learned to get by with it since it developed, mostly. The flare ups were the worst of it, and even then they usually didn't make him incapable of doing basics... or rather, his stubbornness didn't allow. This time though, he was already in a bad place mentally, and the flare up had settled in. He knew it would stay for a long while.
There was a knock at the door, and he let out an exasperated sigh. "Come in..."
"Lucifer, you haven't left your room for a few days... are you okay?" Mammon walked over and sat in a chair near the desk. "Like, have you eaten?"
Groaning, Lucifer rubbed his temples. "I just don't feel good."
"So you didn't move from your room for three days?"
"Mammon go away." Pouting, Mammon reached over, but Lucifer recoiled from his hand. "Seriously, just leave me alone." He sniffed, blinking back tears. Now that someone had reached out to him, it was difficult to push them away. He wanted to ask for help so badly, but pride was swallowing him. "I just need some time..."
Eyebrows furrowed, Mammon asked him, "Do you need help?"
"N-No, that's utterly ridiculous. I'm just—" Lucifer was interrupted by a sudden stabbing sensation from moving his arm, biting his lip and curling into himself. "Fuck..." he swallowed down a sob, hiding his face in his hands. "Just go away. Now."
"Is it that pain thing?"
"H-How do you know about that?" Lucifer had intended to snap at him, but it sounded more like a kicked puppy's plea. "Go away, I don't care."
"I heard Barbatos talking to Simeon about it."
"I said go away..."
A little hurt, Mammon finally complied and left the room. Lucifer collapsed onto his desk, tears rolling down his cheek. He doubted Mammon or anyone else really cared enough to do anything about him staying holed up in his room. They would just be curious, not do anything, and continue to demand things of him, like always.
"Lucifer, the internet!"
"Luci, fur or no?"
"Lucifer! The credit card!"
More tears rolled down his cheeks. He loved his brothers so much, but there was only so much he could do... He just wanted to keep going, so why did it hurt so bad...? Ever since this pain developed it just made everything so difficult... it hurt... Why does it hurt?
Lucifer wasn't sure how long he sat there crying, but eventually he felt a gloved hand go through his hair. "Lucifer, hey... shhh..." He recognized the voice, but he was too exhausted and pained to think about exactly who it was. "Lucifer, you should have contacted me..." Weakly, Lucifer moved his head to its side, and he met Barbatos' gaze. "You're crying blood..."
Sniffling, Lucifer muttered, "I-I'm sorry... I know all these papers are due... I'm r-really trying..."
"How long have you been like this?" Barbatos kissed Lucifer's forehead and ran his fingers through his hair. "Lucifer, don't tell me you really have been in here for three days..."
Lucifer blinked out a few more drops of blood, then squeezed his eyes shut. "I-It hurt too much to move... so I... just stayed at my desk..." he mumbled, the crying not helping his pain very much. "I... I just want to feel better... make it stop..."
Frowning, Barbatos wiped Lucifer's face. "It's okay... I've got you..." He continued to play with Lucifer's hair, wanting to calm him. "Tell me, will it hurt too much if I move you to bed?"
"Yes... b-but it hurts sitting like this..."
Barbatos very carefully scooped Lucifer into his arms, then walked to the bed and laid him down. "There, now you can be comfortable..." he said softly, pushing some of Lucifer's hair out of his face. "I'm so sorry, Lucifer."
"I-It's not your fault... I... I... I just... I hurt so bad..." mumbled Lucifer, not sure how to describe the searing pain he felt. "It's n-never been this bad before..."
Barbatos kissed his forehead. "Shhh..."
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idlikeanextrasmall · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Fanfiction
(these are just my favorites of favorites compiled into one place, ongoing list)
First, shameless plug:
Gas Leak, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING!
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, M
this ones mine… its self indulgent. heist fic, hurt/comfort, sort of six of crows au. check it out!
Alright now my favs:
In Another Life, 23k, major character death
bokuaka, T
its just here bc i cry everytime i read it hahahaha *dies*
Where Worlds Collide and Days Are Dark, 42k, major character death/graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, M
skyfall au and i love action/violence lmao
Unravel, 253k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, daisuga (equally divided), M
zombie au, very long, insanely action packed, GAH ITS SO GOOD
The Loyalty of a Traitor, 76k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, E
mf yakuza au, very intense, also deathbelle ofc
Drowning in the Depths, 30k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
bokuaka, M
HAHA pirates also prince akaashi. very good
Wild Misadventures, 79k
kuroken, E
this is the only kuroken fic i’ve ever read but it was good so,, kuroo and kenma go on a cabin vacation/adventure
Shiver, 16k
iwaoi, T
this is one of the first ones I read I think, it’s been a while but it was stellar
Desperado, 82k
iwaoi, M
this felt incomplete without it, tbh this fic: not long enough, rate 11/10
Behind Bricks, 60k
bokuaka, E
angst, akaashi is a prostitue, spoiler alert bokuto clocks a guy in the face at one point that’s why I read it (read tags for more pls)
Night Call, 127k, graphic dep. of violence/rape/non-con, INCOMPLETE
iwaoi, E
ok bigger warnings on this one: there are parts of this that are written really beautifully and the world building is pretty insane. However, it’s stuck at 9/14 chapters and is also heartbreaking. pls read the tags/summary for tw and more info bc it is very intense.
How Kuroo Found Kenma, 37k
kuroken, E
It’s really cute guys oh my god
Moral Ambiguity, 16k
iwaoi, E
gahhh serial killer stuff i reread this one a lot
(Don’t) Touch Me, 17k
bokuaka, E
pretty sure this was one of the first haikyuu fics I ever read, anyways angst angst angst but also happy ending :)
the chrysanthemum looking glass, 75k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
iwaoi, M
this is underrated. anyways royalty au prince oikawa guard iwa you know the drill
Symphonic Hearts, 236k
bokuaka, E
ok you have to trust me,, it starts so good and then just keeps getting better. fluff and angst is v well balanced imo (there’s A LOT of both)
Is There Somewhere, 13k
Tsukkiyama, E
I literally just discovered how good tsukkiyama is wtf. anyways, tadashi’s a singer w an abusive bf and tsukishima is a gov.t hacker. one night stand type beat
Time, 5k
iwaoi, E
this is actually the loveliest thing you’ll ever read so uh go read it right now
Snow in May, 80k, graphic dep. of violence, major ch. death
iwaoi, bokuaka, kuroken, kagehina (equally divided), M
so this is the first fic to make me cry since in another life, it actually broke me. fully broke me. but also one of the best things i read, anyways check tags if u try it pls
Seasons of Love, 101k
kuroken, bokuaka, E
this is one of the best fics i’ve read lmao. i think it does a really great job of encompassing the characters, and not feeding into fanon and stereotypes!! very cute go read it rn
Just a Taste, 213k, graphic dep. of violence,
bokuaka, some kurotsuki, M
STOP THIS IS SO GOOD. it’s very well written, a lot of angst, but the fluff balances it out. does have mature themes so pls read tags :’)
Take Me To Church, 43k
iwaoi, M
american au, post iwaizumi being a delinquent and oikawa has homophobic parents. very coming of age, this is the american highschool fic of my dreams
Gunmetal Blue, 197k
daisuga, bokuaka, iwaoi, kuroken, matsuhana (screen time kinda goes in that order but good amnt of each), E
this ones an absolute whirlwind idek. very good though go read it. military, ptsd, action but like so much fun. updates veryyy slowly, also has a great playlist that i just listen to for fun like all the time now?
The Fugitives, 190k, graphic dep. of violence
ok ready? iwaoi, bokuaka, daisuga, kagehina, kuroken, asanoya, tsukkiyama (equally divided), E
magic! kind of fantasy! iwaoi/kuroken/kagehina enemies to lovers (specifically iwaoi)! very long and good! also insane world building i was shocked
here comes your man, 8k
iwaoi, daisuga, T
just makes you all warm and fuzzy, it’s a series too! go read :)
long nights, no peace, 18k, graphic dep. of violence
iwaoi, E
HAVSHBSJA y’a know how I’m really into action packed violence and fluff? Yeahhh. Pacific rim au which I have never seen but it didn’t matter so go read
Envy for Solid Ground, 9k
iwaoi, E
This is just… car accident, amputation, recovery, so much love. Ok go read it ready go
surfacing, 45k
bokuaka, E
THIS ONE IS so sad and so sweet and so lovely.
rich boy, poor boy, 107k
iwaoi, M
Mmm yeah yeah strangers to lovers economic difference and Oikawa is lowk socially inept mmm yeah yep
my castles in the sky are tumbling down, 73k, graphic dep. of violence, ONGOING
iwaoi, M
there are exactly 2 fics I constantly long for updates from. One is drowning in the depths, and the second is this. Enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, royalty au. :)
snowfall, 31k
iwaoi, M
this is what I’ve been searching for all my life. This one. figure skater/hockey player and fake dating
maybe we could be enough, 9.5k
iwaoi, M
friends to lovers
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keenerkey · 3 years
Top 5 fanworks of 2021
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2021. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by: @playboyphilanthro-pissed (thanks :))
In no particular order tbh
1) I Am Yours:
Osner // 42.7k // Harley is Tony’s bio son, ex comes to town, Goblin // T
Harley is now publicly Tony Stark's son, and life seems to be getting better after the whole 'Darrell Incident'. He is the rising heir to Stark Industries, Harry and him are solid, and he is finally free from the guilt and drama of his first few months in New York. However, when Harry gets busy with some government deal at Oscorp, Harley's ex Tj moves to New York, and the avengers have to deal with a new threat from some underground drug-dealing ring, everything starts to go downhill...again
This was honestly such a fun one to make. It is the sequel to I Am Your Son, which was the first fic I ever made, which I would’ve put in this list but I decided not to since a lot of it was written in 2020. I had a few ideas of what I wanted, such as a Goblin appearance and more Abby but it changed a lot from the first draft lol. It was fun to write!
2)soon you’ll get better:
Abbie&Harley // 3.3k // cancer, grief, death, songfic // T
The same sickness that killed their mother is back for more. Harley deals with the grief of losing his sister, through first discovering the sickness till the end. or Abbie Keener has cancer. Harley Keener doesn't know if he'll survive losing someone else. based on "soon you'll get better" by Taylor Swift
This oneee. Honestly probably the most depressing one I’ve written and I love writing angst lol. It is based off Taylor’s song, mentioned above. The song never fails to make me cry and I- the idea immediately came. I based each scene off of each section of lines and it just worked. Definitely one of my favorites by far. I added a little paragraph at the end a few years in the future because honestly? I thought it needed that. I’ve lost people and I wanted to show some kinda healing from everything in the story.
3)Spideydevil drawing:
Um, yeah. Didn’t think it was gonna be in this lineup since I primarily write fics but I am just so proud of this drawing. I draw as a hobby but I don’t do it often nor do I post it, so yeah. It’s fun. This was requested of me when I asked if anybody wanted something and I’m glad they said something cause it was a treat to draw.
4) Whiskey Glasses and (Un)Wanted Attention:
Tony&Harley // 4.3k // Grief, Trauma, Mentioned Rape/Non-Con, Harley feeling ignored // M
Harley is at another party at Avengers Tower, sitting alone, watching Tony brag about Peter and introduce him to all the business associates. It has become very clear who Tony will hand the company to, and Harley can't even deny he's jealous.—But the worst part is that Tony barely pays attention to him anymore. He so badly needs attention.—So when one of Tony's business partners shows him attention at the party, Harley grabs onto it with fervor. It felt good to be wanted, to be appreciated. —God was it a mistake.
Ohh this one. My baby. Honestly probably my favorite. This one was a product of what I had been feeling about Harley for a while. Ignored, overlooked. The story told itself. I’m a sucker for angst and hurt/comfort and this gave it all too me. I’m really proud of how I wrote the little details, the metaphors. Wasn’t sure I was gonna add comfort until people asked me too haha. Glad I did tho because the comfort chapter is my favorite part.
5) Abbie Keener, A Fashion Icon:
Abbie&Harley // 1.3k // keener siblings exploration, Abbie is a fashion designer, kids ig they are young // G
Abbie Keener loves making fashion and clothing, and Harley models her designs for her. However, Abbie is going through a goth phase, and Harley isn't to ecstatic about it.
This one!! Bro literally just a one shot but my first and I’m a proud mamma. I think this is one of my favorite fics about the keener siblings not to get egotistical or anything lol. Idk I wanted to include it :)
Tags: @dead-inside-pt2 @prosperdemeter2 and @ anyone else who sees this and wants to :) (no pressure at all!!)
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Thanks @musing-and-music and @klainelynch for the tags! 
How many works do you have on AO3? 16 technically, but a bunch of them are french translation. In reality, 10 (almost all one-shots)
What's your total AO3 word count? 62817 words. Which is, I learned today, the equivalent to an 200-page book!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The weight of the crown: My first fic outside of Royai Week, some angsty action. I like it a lot, but I never understood why this one in particular blew up (it has twice the amount of views as my second most popular??)
Watch our back: : again, Royai angsty action. I’m really proud of that one!
A guiding hand: a calmer, more contemplative peace about blind Roy (of course Royai).
The ties of our past: post-canon ball Royai fic. I love this one so much - I don’t think it’s my best fic, but I love the part of their relationship I got to explore there
Soft sorrow: Soft emotional hurt-comfort, Royai. I remember writing this one in one evening, scrambling to get it in time for the end of Royai Week 2020!
Do you reply to comments, why or why not? Of course! Not as fast as I would like (sometimes I procrastinate on it), but I absolutely love reading comments.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? All my fics have angst in it, but it would probably be the first chapter of Behind every great man. I usually try to stay away from melodrama, but this one was very self-indulgent and I went all in!
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? I’m a sucker for bittersweet, and I usually end my fics with the sweet part...but I think it would be The tapestry of their skin
Do you write crossovers? Nope. No crossover, no AU. I guess I’m very conservative in what I write, but that’s also what I read! Canon-compliant is one of my favorite tag for a reason :P 
Have you ever received hate on a fic? No hate toward me, but someone commented on “Behind every great man” that they really hate the trope I used. But they also seemed engaged in the story soooo I’m still not sure if they enjoyed the fic or not
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Wish I could, but no. I’ll probably try it at one point!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t have enough clout for that haha
Have you ever had a fic translated? I write all my fics in french (or actually in a weird mix of french and english) and I then translate them into proper english. So technically yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No
What’s your all-time favourite ship? I love one (1) trope, which is the bodyguard-to-lovers (or more broadly, comrades-to-lovers). So, in order of preference: Royai, CorvoJess, Rangshi, Levihan.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I don’t really have WIP...usually when I start a fic, I finish it before moving on. Except, apparently, for my two chapters fic “Behind every great man” which is still waiting for its second part, 2 months later :( But I WILL finish it!
What are your writing strengths? Hard to say for myself, but according from the comments I get: my action scenes, vivid description, characterization. I’ll take it!
What are your writing weaknesses? Considering I have failed to update my only every multi-chapter fic.....perseverance! And also, “show, don’t tell”: I have a tendency to just explain my headcanons instead of organically showing them (its particularly obvious in my first fics, like The Tapestry of their skin)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Since I’ve ever only written for Royai, a fic which doesn’t really have a language dynamic, not many thoughts. But as someone who lives a hyper-bilingual lifestyle, I would love to play with that one day.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Hunger Games, in 2012! I started a fic on Fanfictions.fr (!!) about a new edition of the HG, with all OCs. The sheer ambition of that project (that was dropped after 3 chapter) still amazes me.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? I think Watch our back is my best fic, but The ties of our past is my favorite.
Tagging @nightofnyx8 @regardingroyai​ @royriza​ or whoever wants to do it. It was a fun exercise to do!
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tsukidrama · 3 years
I'd like to start this message off by saying: Happy Birthday! I realize I am a day late, sorry about that, but I was busy because yesterday was also my mom's birthday! Funny, huh? You're one of my favorite writers, not just on this platform but in general, and I really hope you had a wonderful birthday, Tsuki. I'm also glad you're feeling better and that you tested negative! And yes, "housewife-ing" it is probably the best choice for now.
Please, don't apologize for the angst! I really enjoy it despite the pain, and all of it really just makes me love Annie's character more. Like, all the things she's gone through to get to TRNT, and all of the things she'll have to overcome to get her happy ending, it just makes it that much more sweet, y'know?
Yes, it does comfort me a bit to know that the first bit is the saddest, but I know the others are probably going to make me cry, too. I feel like it's kind of expected for there to be lying and betrayal in the next parts, but I'm still excited! I just recently re-watched some of the first season and I completely agree. Pure titans still terrify me, just the way they run around and catch people... just gross. One of my younger cousins went through my copy of the first manga and literally started crying at the sight of the smiling titan! Terrible.
omg happy birthday to your mom! we're birthday twins, that's so cute. does that make me also your mom? eeeeeeee thank you so much 💕💕 i really did have a good birthday and i've been having a good trip visiting my family too! i've been rewatching attack on titan with my aunt actually. i'm very happy about being covid free! thanks for the validation too lmao i'll work when i'm ready.
well Annie is a very painful character to love anyway, so i'm glad that the angst is worth it. i've always loved angst / hurt in fanfic and Annie has so much untapped potential. i never wrote any fanfic for aot/snk as a teenager because i used to say that i wouldn't ever be satisfied with just one fic. and here we are a year and a half after i started, casually making an entire universe 😂
exactly 😩 literally all Annie fic that's set before the reader knows about her identity is soul crushing angst by default. oh yeah... the third part is going to be rough. the middle one will be the only one that doesn't cover seriously f'ed up topics. but even still it leaves me a little sad and nostalgic. kslklksdlkslskd oh no.... they really are so scary.. your poor little cousin haha i bet they slept with the lights on for weeks! (and same tbh)
I still can't get over the Trost arc just in general, the whole event is just so heartbreaking to me. The deaths of characters like Mina, Franz, Thomas, and even other nameless victims really hit me hard. They were all kids that thought it'd be easy, and found out differently in the worst way possible. Along with that, Annie's participation in the whole event really depresses me. Like you said I hate to think that she went through it all alone in canon, "I would have been there for u babygirl." A very true statement. I guess that's probably why "Please be... a coward" made me cry.
the worst part about it is that a lot of people fighting in Trost were literal kids with NO combat experience at all. those characters are all super minor but they were classmates with the ones we know and love and it's so traumatic for them. i probably wouldn't remember any of them if i hadn't literally JUST rewatched the whole series. i guess the same way that we have to watch eren's mom die to understand his hate for the titans, we have to watch Trost traumatize everyone enough to justify the 104th kids wanting to fight these terrifying monsters.
girl 😣 i know right. she really didn't want to go through with their mission but she would do whatever it took to get home. and she REALLY didn't want to be responsible for any of the deaths of her friends. i had to transcribe Marco's death scene for Please Be and it hurt soooooo much. every time i watch the anime i conveniently look at my phone during that scene because it hurts so fuckin bad. it obviously ate her up inside and it hurts me so bad. my poor poor baby. if you have a love for her so deep that you think it might be irrational, then you've sure as hell found the right author to follow.
Thank you so much for your message in the tags, honestly it was really nice to hear. I've actually been struggling with tying too closely my worth as a person and how much I write or work. These past few weeks, I've actually been working on my own Annie fic (among about a billion other things), and there have been days where I can't bring myself to write. I always end up feeling like crap when I can't, starting a rather vicious cycle all over again. Again, thank you for your comforting words, they really helped.I noticed, even if it was a while ago, that you said you'd like some Annie fics for your birthday? I actually managed to finish the one that I mentioned before and, though it is far from my best, I figured I'd share it with you! It's pretty short, but I tried to make it sweet. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37177549. I have a few other fics posted, with four of them featuring AOT characters. I really hope you like it, I might edit it and add on if I can!
aw my baby... i'm so sorry to hear that. it doesn't sound like you're being fair to yourself! people say all the time that your worth as a person/writer isn't determined by how much you can crank out, and i know how that just feels like words sometimes. but there's a lot going on in the world right now and in everyone's lives. go easy on yourself. if you can create something then great! be proud of yourself for what you are able to achieve -- whenever you don't have the time/focus/inspiration/whatever the reason may be, then you can be an audience for other people and read. that's an important part of writing anyway and it gives you the chance to explore topics or scenarios you aren't familiar with. it's been great to have you as a reader for as long as you've been around and i certainly appreciate you! give yourself patience and give your situation time to change [heart]
oh my goddd yes, thank you so much! i didn't actually expect anybody to do this but eeee thank youuu! i wanted to wait to respond to this message when i actually had time to read the fic so it didn't seem like i was ignoring you on purpose. i'll post a more in-depth review on ao3 too but OH MY GOODDDDD im so emotional now because i really wish that's what actually happened... my first instinct is to be liike AAAAAHHHHH because Please Be part 3 that same scenario but sooooo much worse like my jaw actually dropped a couple of times because we had such similar ideas - it'll still be a minute before i post PB3 but i got so excited reading yours because i feel like we exist on the same wavelength! some details are really similar for ideas i was going to put in Please Be, so i think you'll really enjoy the way that shakes out (even if it follows the canon plot and will be far angstier than this sweet fic)
I hope you had a happy birthday,
Pink Anon
thank you so much for taking the time to send a message! i'm sorry that it took me a little bit to get back to you. wishing you the best as always and i'll talk to you soon, have a great week!
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Vienna Waits for You
Author: Pouler
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Details: 151k | NSFW | Complete | Azumane Asahi x Nishinoya Yuu
Primary Tags/Warnings: Post Canon | Aged Up Characters | Fluff and Angst | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Explicit Sexual Content | Mental Health Issues | Panic Attacks |
Summary:  "It was the day before Nishinoya Yuu's twenty-second birthday, and he had never been more convinced that he'd reached the end of the better part of his life."
 A story about losing many things, finding some of them again, and realizing the rest wasn't really lost after all.
Readers Overall: I love this paring a lot though I have a hard time finding really good fics for this and boy, is this good. Like really really amazing writing and plot and the author gets so much in there in a short amount of time. This story is about growing up and asking for help. All the real and hard things.
Readers tbh
I’m a bit of a sucker for Adulting Is Hard fics cause man the feels haha. I loved that this is post canon, like after all the boys have moved on and grown up and separated and especially that these are two characters canon doesn’t give up much about. Love~ how the author shows their growth and how they might have changed since high school (canon) while still remaining true to the characters themselves. 
This story is about how scary it can be out in the world on your own and about how going back home isn’t a bad thing. Really, really sweet and healing. 
There is quite a bit of sexual content to this fairly early on and throughout ! So fair warning if that is not your thing.
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babiekeiji · 4 years
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“Because…” he said quietly, looking at his desk, “because people want to remember what it’s like to be young? And in love?” — Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor and Park
All I’ve Ever Wanted
the tsukishima kei addition to A Heart’s A Heavy Burden. masterlist
warnings angst angstt, cursing, hospital setting but very vaguely described, memory loss-ish (does that count as a warning?)
pairing tsukishima kei x reader
a/n eek this seems more like a shitpost tbh haha omg, but please !! enjoy this lik tsukki angst..i kinda touched more on tsukishima’s emotional senses on this one, so if tsukki turns out a lil ooc i’m sorry !! n e ways, enjoy!! ur comments r very much appreciated <3
taglist @miyulovestowrite @hqprotectionsquad @savemesteeb @the-black-birb @alexa360b34st @hqkeiji @bb-noya (send an ask to be added to the taglist!)
— ♥️ —
“If you are the moon, Tsukishima,” you say tenderly, lacing your fingers in the gaps between his, your touch soft, warm, and loving—everything he’s ever needed, really—and Kei thinks his life’s never really going to get more romantic than this, “Then I am the sun.”
“How so?” He whispers as he asks; which is weird, because though nobody else is in the room except the two of you, the moment feels intimate enough that anything loud could ruin it in an instant.
“I’ll always be right behind you,” you say against his lips, closing your eyes and saying before you call them again into a sweet kiss, “That way, you’ll shine the brightest...”
...is what you said years ago.
He still remembers the way you said it; your voice soft and sultry, maybe even tired, eyes halfway closed, naked, with every inch of your body pressed up against his. He remembers what it was like to love and to be loved by you, and he wishes he could hold on to what bittersweet memories he had left of it.
But holding on to them makes him feel like he’s holding on to the stem of a rose; all while the rose stays so beautiful, so red and fresh, his hands are bleeding out through holes by the puncture of its thorns. I can bear it, he thinks, I’ll get through this for us.
There’s only so much pain he can handle before he has to let go.
Kei wishes it won’t ever have to come to that—no, he wants to believe it won’t come to that point. But no matter how tightly you hold on, the rope will burn your palms if you keep slipping.
He’s not stupid—Kei knows that it’s important that he’s by your side, but he’s so, so tired—he’s starting to lose hope for the two of you. He reasons, just to remind himself to be strong, that this is just a rough patch for the both of you, or that this will pass in the blink of an eye. If he could only try harder...help you remember what it was like to be in love, to live happily with his unbearable behavior (that only you seemed to tolerate)...he wants to try harder.
He visits you again today, at the same time as he did yesterday, and the day before.
“Hey,” he says softly as he enters your room, and the sight of you staring at nothing is enough to make his heart shatter into pieces.
You blink and break out of your trance; you straighten your back and smile at him. “Hey,” you greet, and for a minute he’s happy again, “You’re back.”
“Yeah,” he says, closing the door behind him gently as he approaches you. “I’m always back.”
“Were you here yesterday?”
He tries so hard not to cry.
“Yeah...yeah,” tears well up in his eyes as his voice cracks, but Kei keeps his head down so you don’t notice. “I was here. Right beside you.”
“What did we do yesterday?”
“We...” he spaces out for a second, but shakes himself as if he’s getting rid of his dark thoughts, “We were looking at photos of you. Baby pictures.”
You smile weakly, and Kei doesn’t know whether he wants to cry or smile back. “I’m sure we had fun.”
“We did.”
You’re staring again, but this time, right at him. He finds it hard to believe the same eyes that looked at him with so much emotion—be it anger, annoyance, or love—looked at him now with a foreign familiarity, like a word that’s on the tip of your tongue, or a sentence missing one important word. You blink slowly but don’t break eye contact, and even if just a bit, your eyes form crescents at the smile that reaches your cheeks.
He wishes he could see you smiling without being sad.
“I hope to remember, Tsukishima...I’m trying my best.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Even still. I wish I could remember faster...”
“Don’t force yourself to do that.”
Your next words hit him like a train running a hundred miles an hour, “I know you’re tired, Kei.”
He tries not too seem apprehensive; but the way you turn away from him when he freezes tells him he came off otherwise. “I..I’m not tired?” He tries to convince you, but he figures he doesn’t sound so. “I’m not tired of you. I won’t ever be.”
You shake your head and keep your eyes to your fidgeting hands. “You don’t have to keep doing this. It must be so taxing for you to come back and find out I’ve forgotten everything we did the last time you were here.”
“I don’t care if it’s so tiring as long as it’s a little step to helping you remember,” He says. “I love you. You know that.”
“I do.”
He pulls out a picture from his bag, one he had specifically printed just for you, framed in hopes you’ll keep it on your nightstand. It’s a picture of you lying on the snow, cheeks flushed red, snowflakes dotting your eyelashes as you smile. “You remember this?” He asks as he hands you the picture. You hold it in your hands hesitantly, running your thumb over the smooth glass that goes over your face. “We went back to Miyagi. This was our first Christmas together.”
You sniffle. He knows you’re about to cry, so he crawls up next to you on the bed and holds you close, cradling your head between his neck. “I’m sorry,” you choke as you clench the back of his shirt, and he can’t help but shed a few tears as he holds you closer, “I’m sorry I forget—I’m so sorry, Kei.”
It’s at moments like these Kei relives the broken glass shards of life, much like the ones from his broken windshield, that pierce through him even deeper than any knife can go. When he holds you close, he remembers—this is not the same person he used to love.
And the thought in itself is enough to shatter his very being to pieces.
The only person he loved, the only one who could tolerate his constant mood swings, the only only person who he could really love, trust, and adore behind closed doors...gone. Just like that.
Everything he’s ever wanted, everything he’s ever needed, all taken from his clutch at the blink of an eye.
He rubs small circles in between your shoulder blades, in the middle of your back, hoping you remember that at the very least. “Do you remember this?” He asks, his voice nasal and stuffy from crying, “You loved it when I touched you here. It comforted you.”
You sob, and that is all that it takes for Tsukishima to understand that the answer was an ugly, hideous no.
“Please don’t give up on me, Tsukishima,” you say in between cries, and his heart breaks into two, “You’re all I have left to remember.”
He’s crying—you both are—and the pain feels just as agonizing as it did the first time. Like an open wound being opened deeper, deeper with exactly what hurt you, then buried in a sea of salt—the pain is long, hard, and fucking miserable.
“I won’t,” he replies in all sincerity, “I’ll be right here for you.”
“Do you remember how we fell in love?”
He blinks away his tears. “No,” he replies, “It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment we both knew we loved each other.”
“Well, then, do you remember how you fell in love with me?”
He swallows his tears for the nth time that day. “I...” he says, “I do; we were fighting about something so small that day.”
“And then?”
“I don’t remember how we got into that fight,” he sighs, “All I remember was that you were able to put me in my place—and that was how I knew; because every other person who’s tried always made me feel bad, but when you put me in my place it made me feel like i could do better, improve, for you.”
From then on it was only silence, and the soft whirring of all the machines and the air conditioning of the hospital. Tsukishima feels your fingers trace the dip of his spine, fingertips skimming up and down his back. Your movements become languid and slow; you must be falling asleep, he thinks. and he’s happy he gets this one moment of serenity, no matter how ephemeral it may be.
He’s holding you close—the you that he’s familiar with, the one he knows won’t think he’s a stranger when he wakes, and it almost feels to good to be true. He falls asleep with you in his arms, on a cramped, less-than-comfortable hospital bed; but if this is what it takes to get to you again, he’ll go through this and a whole lot more over a thousand nights just for you.
He remembers, in the worst way possible,, that all good things must come to an end, and that all he’s ever wanted was being snatched away from him all over again.
You wake up, frantic, and utter a sentence only three words long.
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