#do not. heckin. read/tag this as ship
c-e-d-dreamer · 7 months
Nine People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Starting a new post because it got so heckin' long, but.... Thanks for the tag @dustjacketmusings 🥰
Three Ships: Nessian (obviously, my beloveds). Elucien. Andddd throwback with Andreil.
First Ever Ship: I think it was Stydia? Or maybe Romione? Idk... Actually maybe it was Anastasia and Dimitri since I loved that movie as a kid? 🤔
Last Song: Must Be Love by Niall Horan (according to my Spotify)
Last Film: in theaters? Then Barbie. Just in general? My roommate and I binged all the Harry Potter movies a few weekends ago.
Currently Reading: Resisting Maxu by Victoria Aveline
Currently watching: the Doctor Who special? I guess? Technically? The DoctorDonna my beloved
Currently consuming: too many ASMR TikToks. Not even sorry about it. There's something about someone softly pretending to brush my hair and do my makeup and skincare.
Currently Craving: sleep 😴
Tagging (with no pressure): @moodymelanist @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk @wolfnesta @kale-theteaqueen @oversizedbats @ofduskanddreams @jmoonjones @talkfantasytome @asnowfern
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wherela · 1 year
thank you @tzarina-alexandra for tagging me!!!! and sorry it took me so long to do this
3 ships: Kanej (Grishaverse), Shirbert (Anne of Green Gables), Jiara (Outer Banks), Locklyle (Lockwood & co.) - yes I know this is 4 of them lol
first ship: oh gosh I honestly truly have no idea
last song: There Is A King (Live) by Elevation Worship
last movie: Your Place or Mine - didn't like it :/
currently reading: oh gosh I'm in such a reading slump, I've been reading North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell for a few months now :(
currently watching: finished Shadow and Bone s2 yesterday
currently consuming: my morning coffee (with oat milk!)
currently craving: idk like a good nights rest or sth
tagging @quiet-but-not-blind @ohifonlyx33 @catkin-morgs @heckin-music-dork and anybody else who wants to join <3
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kyberblade · 10 days
twenty questions for fic writers
Thank you so much for the tag @littlemisspascal ❤️
1. how many works do you have on AO3? - For this account? 7. Altogether? *Looks off into the distance hauntedly* Too many…. 😮‍💨
2. what's your total AO3 word count? For here? 315,097 Altogether? *Twitches from flashbacks*
3. what fandoms do you write for? The Mandalorian and The Last Of Us.
4. top five fics by kudos
Back To You
Dincember 2022
Drabbles || Din Djarin x Reader
Dincember 2023
5. do you respond to comments? I try to. Sometimes I don’t know what to say but I try to.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I guess that would have to be the end of the epilogue for BTY? It’s just kinda while happy, leaves you on a well damn note.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? If I say BTY people are gonna pitchfork me bc it’s a cut away before the good part. Um…. Probably the end of my Drabble Give it to Me in Basic.
8. do you get hate on fics? I have in other fandoms but not in these so far. 🤞🏻 I didn’t get any until people found out I was a “fake” fan for only seeing the movies and not having read the books yet and then it was a whole gatekeeping thing. Then suddenly my fics weren’t worth reading. 🙄 But, you know, we let shit go here.
9. do you write smut? I haven’t. I have written spice, and lots of heat, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. I don’t think I ever will. I’m an awkward turtle of a human.
10. craziest crossover: @fordo-kixed-rex and I have a crack fic idea for a Mando-TLOU crossover. 🤣🤣🤣 But I have actually written an SPN/Teen Wolf crossover once upon a time, and every time I read it again, I’m like, “Why didn’t this actually happen????”
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Yes, but not that I found it, it was pointed out to me. Once I lived through the massive FFnet duplicate debacle, but also I’ve had people ask me if I thought fics were copied.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Um…. I wanna say no but the back of my head is saying yes.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes. In my THG and Teen Wolf days I did it often. @grippingbeskar and I have teamed up a few times here. I say that. She writes awesome things and then I scream about them and make a few suggestions she turns into beautiful things.
14. all time favorite ship? Razor Crest. JK. The N1. JK JK JK!!! ….. Millennium Falcon. I’m just teasing. Chuck and Sarah from Chuck. “Tell me our story.” 😭 Nobody fucking touch me.
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15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Some things from other fandoms, I’m sorry. Drama happened and you just…. There’s nothing there anymore. I’m sorry.
16. what are your writing strengths? I’d like to say fluff and being able to paint clear pictures (usually.) I’m told my dialogue is realistic and writing immersive, and fight scenes high gear, but idk about all that. I cringe at most all of what I write. I’m just glad if it’s not run on sentences or lots of “and”s and “quickly”s. These are just things I’ve been told. Most of the time I’m 🫣 when I go over what I wrote. And then I yeet it out to all of you.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Listed above. I use too many words to say simple things. I say things very confusingly. I use too many words in general. 🤣
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? As someone who has written in Mando’a and Huttese, I am all for it, just don’t like the headache. 🤣🤣🤣
19. first fandom you wrote in? THG 🫣🫣🫣
20. favorite fic you've written? Oh Lordy. Once again, I cringe at most of my stuff, but I’m really happy with how both BTY and Shatter have come together.
EDIT: AGAST! I forgot to tag people!!! Asdfghjkl!!!
@grippingbeskar @the-ginger-hedge-witch @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis @what-the-heckin-heck @joelsgreys
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‘Come Home’
A TommyInnit & Clingyduo Fic ahead of the final showdown tomorrow - spoilers for today’s (19th) Tommy stream.
tw for events of Exile Arc (skippable if you miss out the entire middle section of the fic, marked by three dashes on their own separate line)
The rush, the high. He’s been chasing this feeling since forever. It’s not a perfect replacement for the real thing, which he hasn’t felt in such a long time. It’s not a fluttering but an explosion, not the strumming of the guitar but the crash of the drums, not the rain but the thunder and lightning, though even that’s become fraught for him recently. He remembers the last time, a wonderful five minutes sandwiched by pain and chaos and destruction. His best friend standing on a stage, new leader of L’Manberg. A fresh start, the promise of peace and prosperity for all around them. But then it was all over, all brought down so quickly. The Tommy that cheered at his best friend’s inauguration is unrecognisable now.
But Tubbo is not, and between the scars and the new outfit and all the words, both spoken and unsaid, it’s still them. Tommy tastes the potion they’ve just made and hears his best friend’s laughter, and if he closes his eyes, he can pretend for a few fleeting seconds that nothing has changed at all. If he opens his eyes, he’ll be back in the camarvan, and Wilbur will walk in through the door with more blaze rods and laugh at the two of them and ruffle his hair. The discs will be in his ender chest if he wants to listen to one with Tubbo. There’s a lake outside the door and a forest and a whole wide world to explore, and Tommy’s only worry is that Punz will yell at him if he sees him for having a ‘Fortnite build battle on his front lawn’ a little while ago. He opens his eyes and then takes another swig of potion to dampen his disappointment.
“Aye careful,” Tommy’s vaguely aware of Tubbo pulling the bottle away from his face before he accidentally upends it on himself. “Don’t want you looking like Sapnap earlier.” Tubbo’s grin is brighter than the sun on snow. “I have no idea what was happening with Cracknap other than he still needs help.” Tubbo’s laughter is soft, “He’s not the only one anymore.”
“Too shay.”
They drift upstairs, and then eventually out the door. It’s around 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and there are clouds drifting on the edge of the horizon. They’re dark and heavy-looking, but for now too far away to block the pale winter sunlight keeping the outside temperature a stubborn 10 degrees C. “I should go back to Snowchester.” Tubbo looks restless as they step onto the Prime Path. Tommy knows the feeling. Suddenly tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
“You’ll come back though, right? Tonight, one last ride?” They embrace, squeezing tightly as Tubbo hums an agreement. “Of course. One last ride.” And then they withdraw, and Tubbo gives a small wave as he disappears down the hill towards his highway, and Tommy watches him go. And when he finally looks up, alone with his thoughts once more, he realises he is leaning on the back of his bench; here again, always retreading the same ground. He briefly entertains the idea of putting on a disc and staying a little while, but he doesn’t have any music to live up to the occasion. Not Far, nor Pigstep or Wait, and he still hasn’t sorted out his complicated feelings over his version of Blocks. Besides, he still has things to sort out before the showdown. He walks away to prepare, humming Mellohi lightly as he goes.
‘Home’ is a fraught word for Tommy now. Every home the boy has had in this land is either steeped in blood and bad memories, or blown to bits beyond repair. Somedays Tommy wakes up alone and forgets that L’Manberg was wiped off the map, and it comes as a nasty shock when he rounds the corner by his home to see a crater that stretches all the way down to bedrock. Pogtopia never really felt like home, but it was bad enough when it was only soulless stone walls and bashing your head on the lanterns hanging from the ceiling that its inhabitants and visitors had to contend with. After the Manberg Festival, there was an entire room in there that’s sole purpose was to remind Tommy that he didn’t save his friend and couldn’t have if he’d tried, dried blood on the walls and all. Then there's the fact that it’s practically server tradition at this point: if you want to send TommyInnit a message, leave it on signs in his house. Don’t forget to blow up the house first though! Tommy forgets how many times he’s had to put his abode back together; probably about as many times as he’s had to reconstruct himself.
That leaves Logstedshire. Sometimes he agrees with himself that that place doesn’t deserve to be considered a home of his. He sure as hell didn’t want to live there, barely survived his stay, and the place is mostly blown up, the awful icing on the dreadful cake that was his second exile from L’Manberg. He supposes it could be considered weird that he finds himself stepping down a path he never wanted to walk again, but today… Today is about closure. And if he can look Technoblade in the eyes with a belt-full of potions stolen from his chests, he’s brave enough to face his fears in Logsted. As he arrives at the portal, he hesitates, his gaze drifting away from the swirling purple and to the bubbling orange, much further below. So many times has he been here, only then his mind was a much worse thing to own, a clouded mass of hateful thoughts, most of them not his own. Where the bridge meets thin air there are patches of a shimmering wind where the heat takes the place of the nothingness, and if he squints Tommy can imagine himself standing on the edge, wondering what would happen if he'd just let go. He’s glad now that he was in the Overworld when he made the pillar, even if it seemed like he had nowhere to go.
Logstedshire is haunted, even more so than the Nether path. It’s exactly how Tommy remembers it: the broken Nether portal missing a single piece of obsidian, the craters untouched, the pillar still stretching skyward. He can see himself again; on the beach, repairing the chests, standing at the top of the tower. It’s like being in a haunted house where all the ghosts are yourself. But Tommy isn’t afraid. The ‘Drista’ sign makes him laugh, the ocean where he’d wake up drowning (trying to make it home to where? A country that no longer exists) gets a small wave, even the pillar gets a smile, because he’s here to look at it from the ground. It was a bad time in his life - possibly the worst -  but he made it out the other side. And that’s what matters.
There are some craters though, some specific memories that Tommy can’t face yet. The smiling mask of the green man, snatching items out of Tommy’s hands to then force him to watch as he blew them to bits. How he specifically said “I want you to watch.” when he blew up everything Tommy and Ghostbur had managed to scrape together for themselves out there alone. The two-by-two hole in the centre of the largest crater, and how just glancing at it summons Dream’s voice to his mind, taunting him as he grabbed him by the front of his already ripped shirt and hoisted him over the short drop, “Why don’t you get in the hole, Tommy?”
Those still sting. There’s a reason, he supposes, why Wilbur went mad after losing L’Manberg. Why he asked Philza to kill him instead of facing the wreckage all around. But Tommy refuses to be just another repeat of history. Tommy looks into the pit made by Dream’s TNT where scraps of happiness were burned, and he spits at it.
No more.
TommyInnit heads home.
Hours pass. Tubbo returns from Snowchester soaked through to the skin but smiling. Tommy helps him peel off several layers of frozen clothing (he decides not to ask in regards to the hazmat suit), finding out that the nukes project is going well but they are presented with the usual issues of living in a frozen tundra: cold.
After Tubbo’s showered and changed, they share a dinner giggling about really dumb topics like Tommy pulling a fast one on Technoblade, Jack Manifold being weird and unhelpful again, and good old GeorgeNotFound. The hours fly by, and it's much later that they’re getting ready for bed when the heavens finally open, and the sound of a heavy downpour seeps in through the cracks of Tommy’s dirt house. Tommy can feel the smile crossing his face until he remembers his house is a dirt shack at present, and mud houses aren’t generally known for being the most watertight. Tubbo gets a good laugh out of his expression when he comes bustling down the stairs dragging his bed behind him, crying out, “Our clothes! Beds! Tubbo-” Their plans changed and they put their beds in the storage room, the room voted Least Likely To Have a Leak by a grand majority of two. The sound of the rain is somehow less muffled down there, and it clatters against the ceiling almost melodically.
Tommy picks up the crossbow from the pile of clothes and other bits and bobs he grabbed from upstairs when the downpour started. ‘Chekhov's Gun’. Wilbur’s gun. As in, actual Alivebur’s weapon, from before he blew up L’Manberg. It feels heavy in his hands. Too heavy. Wilbur’s voice echoes through his head, not the usual line he hears in his nightmares, but similar. 
“You’re never going to be president, Tommy.”
It doesn’t hurt anymore. Wilbur gave him that choice, and he declined. He wonders, with a certain detachment, how it all would’ve turned out if he’d chosen to take the presidency. He certainly wouldn’t have exiled Tubbo.
Tubbo, who’s looking at him with a lopsided grin, standing by his bed and holding his covers aloft, one leg already in bed. It seems like an invitation. “You alright?” Tommy nods and sets down the crossbow and clothes on top of one of the chests, “Yeah… Goodnight Tubs.”
“Goodnight Tommy.”
In the split second before either of them can commit to getting into bed, Tommy hears Wilbur again. This time though, he doesn’t mock him, nor does he sound too far gone to be saved. This iteration of Wilbur Soot wears a captain’s hat instead of a beanie, and speaks with soft conviction, and puts his hands on Tommy’s shoulders like he can shield the teen from the choice that he’s made.
“I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do.”
“Tubbo wait,” Tommy catches his best friend by the arm. Two pairs of blue eyes meet briefly as Tommy pulls him into a hug, putting one hand on the back of Tubbo’s head and messing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. Tubbo’s surprise doesn’t last long, and he hugs back, burying his face in Tommy’s shoulder and balling Tommy’s shirt into his fists. Tommy breathes a deep sigh, trying to make the moment last, but knowing no one lives forever. Eventually they split, and Tommy ruffles Tubbo’s hair as they grin at each other with tired eyes and heavy limbs. “Okay, goodnight Tubbo.”
The older boy in question takes two steps back and sits down on his bed, shuffling back quickly and holding the covers open, smiling invitingly. “Tommy,” His voice sounds like honey, so sickly-sweet it shouldn’t be nice, but is. There’s also a heavy undertone of teasing going on to start with, but it becomes more genuine suddenly. “Come home.” And Tommy understands and climbs in beside him, and they tease each other for being clingy and sappy as they try to get comfortable, and then they quiet to the odd remark as they find the right place, Tubbo’s head resting on Tommy’s collarbone, their arms wrapped around each other and Tommy’s head leaning on Tubbo’s. Tubbo drops off first, and Tommy is waiting in the noisy quiet for sleep to claim him too, listening to the rain pattering on the roof and his friend’s breathing beside him. And in the quiet, he realises a couple things.
He realises he rather likes the rain without the thunder, and that maybe the guitar is better than the drums, and that the fluttering in his chest is more uplifting than the explosion of a vibrant heart. It’s not the triumphant high he’s been chasing. It’s quieter, it’s comforting, it’s a warm feeling in his whole being. It’s just as good as the victorious moment. It’s perfect.
The second thing he realises is that he’s been wrong since the beginning. Home was never Logstedshire or Pogtopia, but neither was it L’Manberg or even the building they’re currently in. Home was the togetherness L’Manberg brought, sitting around a campfire singing the national anthem and putting more effort into the ‘fuck Eret’ part every time it came around. Home was listening to Wilbur’s guitar echoing through the caverns at Pogtopia and complaining about eating Technoblade’s potato stew for the third day running while your comrades laughed. Home is right here, wrapped in the arms of your favourite person, belly full of good food, listening to the rain as sleep slowly takes you. He sees that now.
TommyInnit is home.
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mercarimari · 2 years
Emergency Beta Reading Commissions
So Imma keep this like heckin quick with a simple run down of the situ-ma-uation. I owe my ass in back rent, and there’s only so much I can do to pay that and everything else I owe. So I’m shooting my shot for the shiggles of it, my guys.  I’m willing to beta read fanfic for any of the fandoms/ships listed here. That said, if you have something that doesn’t fit into those fandoms/ships, chat with me, and we’ll see what I can do. I will also beta for original projects as well. Now onto the fun part: Pricing and my rules. 
What is included in my beta reading service? 
Obviously I’ll read whatever it is you wrote. I’ll give commentary, make suggestions and mark it up. Check your tenses, spelling, word usage. Help with basic phrasing and flow suggestions that might make it easier to read. Sensitivity check (LGBTQIA+, and mental illness portrayal.) And for fanfiction I’ll check your characterization, and make suggestions as needed. Basically I’m here to be the fun and witty but also some what helpful commentary. 
How much does it cost?
15 USD per 1000 words, and for every 100 words over each 1000 it’ll be an additional dollar. (So if your fic is 1291 words long, it’d be a total charge of $17) 
How long will it take?
I work a full time job, and all commissions will be on a first come first serve basis. You’re looking at anywhere from a one week to a three week turnover rate depending on exactly how many items are in my beta queue. I will do my damndest to an updated list available so that you may see where you’re at on the list. 
What exactly are you willing to beta read? 
I will beta pretty much anything content wise. Though there are a few exceptions. These include incest, vore, heavy graphic cannibalism, and anything minor/adult. 
Any Other Rules?
-Please don’t rush me. I will do my best to keep open communication with any and all parties on my waiting list. I will message you to let you know when I start your project. 
-Please ensure that your project is in google doc format, with suggestions turned on. 
-Payment will be required in full before I start the process of working through your project. 
-Multi-Chapter fanfic options are available, and will be handled on a chapter to chapter basis. (For ease of your pocket book, and my brain cell.)
-Novel length original projects will have the option for a payment plan, and may take longer to process. 
-And lastly, consider sticking my in the fic tags as your beta reader. <3
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alifeasvivid · 2 years
Do you have any Ukus fanfics to read about America losing his virginity to England?
Anon.... I fear that you have revealed a large gap in the ukus side of this ship... I've been through the AO3 tag for America/England forward and back a few times and from everything I've read, I surprisingly wasn't able to find much...
I myself wrote a few ukus America loses his virginity drabbles but they were for the kink meme and they're the sort that gets you lots of anon hate nowadays....
There are a lot where it's England and America's first time with each other, but fewer with the virginity angle... unless anyone knows of any I missed or if there are some on FFN (which I do not fucks with no more). Please feel free to add!
(in chronological order, oldest to newest)
a) Serenity by Miaou Jones - Fake ID in hand, farmboy Alfred heads to the city to see The Arthur Kirkland Band. Stopping for a cup of hot chocolate might be the best decision he's ever made in his life.
Arguably this one is pushing it because it's a human au and Alfred does top but... Arthur's definitely the one in control.
b) Shag Carpeting by outtogarden - America, being completely clueless about British slang, invites England over to his house to check out some new renovations and can't understand why his awesome new shag rug elicits a strange reaction.
canonverse and it's tagged with "America Is a Virgin" so...
c) The Consent of the Governed by InsominiacArrest - Between the Punitive Acts and the cusp revolution America and England spend a night together. America is a mess of defiance and obedience, a garden of complicated emotions as England tries to reconnect with a seething daughter colony.
This one is canonverse, but they're both Nyo versions and I do love it so.
d) Restless, Eager by gummycola - Alfred, a virgin at 20, overcomes his nervousness and sleeps with his stupid, sexy, awful, wonderful alpha. Finally.
human au and omegaverse, but this writer never fails to deliver imo
and last but not least...
e) My Colony by Fandoms_Are_Life37 - England maps his colony, though not his land
writer says America definitely not underage and the whole thing is pretty heckin' cute
>.> I may or may not have to contribute to filling this gap myself, for real, in a way that won't get me canceled XD
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fic writer review
thanks to @delphiniumblooms for tagging me!!! :D
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
66 posted and one lonely little draft that's probably never gonna get finished
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
including things i've multiple-tagged for related fandoms, 24. but like i said, a lot of that is because of interconnected/related fandoms
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
tell me more than just the scars i've known - my first Sylki fic that i wrote while extremely frustrated by lack of cell service, it's not my favorite thing i've written but listen: sometimes a girl's just gotta write some whump, ok?
Dream Again (When One's Left Behind) - the one and only Tangled: The Series fic i've ever written. Varian angst and platonic h/c with one of the only alternating POVs i've ever successfully written.
for the bad decisions that we made - the Sylki fic i posted less than two days ago (writing for big fandoms is wild, guys); yet another take on an s2 reunion but this time featuring heart-to-hearts, hugs, and one of my favorite lines of prose i've ever written
Learn Me Right - Newsies sickfic that i'm not incredibly proud of, but it's where i started writing my favorite minor character, so it's cool.
We Are Broken - one of my other Newsies fics, bc yeah i had a phase back in January, and i saw some Wormsies post that gave me an idea.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
YES. i always reply to comments just bc i love talking to people, and i also love talking about my fics at any opportunity. also bc i know how nice it is to leave an author a comment and get a reply later on, it's just such a great feeling so i like to be that person :)
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
eurrgghh probably either Dust & Ashes or we're gonna sing it again and again, bc they ended with MCD, but i really kind of hate both of them in retrospect because i was trying to write them to be canon compliant, but i wasn't familiar enough with canon and they're just... very very off
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope, not unless you count different eras and contexts of Doctor Who stuff as crossover
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
nope again, AO3 culture is very nice and i really love it
9, Do you write smut?
biggest NOPE yet, i don't write it or read it. just.... n o p e.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Ever had a fic translated?
again, no. but that would be really heckin cool if one of my fics ever did get translated!!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
i'm saying "no" a whole lot, wow... but yeah, no i haven't. i've considered co-writing something with my best friend, but we've never gotten around to it
13. All time fav ship?
i... cannot pick one tbh. it changes with my hyperfixation. right now i have Sylki brainrot lol
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
probably my Gallifrey/DWEU buddy cop au?? i love it, it's my brainchild, but yeah :/
15. Writing strengths?
i've been told that i'm really good at packing a lot of emotion and meta into very short fics, and i'm pretty proud of that tbh
16. Writing weaknesses?
i suck at plot and dialogue can sometimes drive me nuts. i think my biggest weakness as i perceive it is that i find it hard to *not* make things in fics go very fast? like i write everything out that i want in a fic but it's still incredibly short and i worry that it feels rushed, even though other people don't usually think that.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
uh... the only language other than English that i know is Koine Greek (as in, the specific Greek that the Bible's New Testament was oroginally written in) and it's a dead language, sooooo.......
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Big Finish Doctor Who! (tho tbh i think back when i was 11/12 i wrote some random self-insert stuff for whatever little fandoms i was in back then 😅)
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
ohhh i can't choose? usually i'm just most partial to whatever i've most recently written, which right now is for the bad decisions that we made. i think one of my Gallifrey fics, In The Drift, is definitely high on my list of favorites though.
here's my AO3 for anyone who might like to take a look!
tagging @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum and @picnokinesis if either of you want to do this, and anyone else who sees it if you want. :D
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royalcordelia · 4 years
Fic Masterlist: JackSparrow589 Edition
There’s never a bad time for shirbert fic recommendations, so this time, I’d like to celebrate @js589​! You (definitely) might know her as JackSparrow589 on ao3, or better yet, one of your favorite fic authors! I wanted to recommend every one of her shirbert stories and give you my two-cents about why I think every single one is a must-read.
As you read, I encourage you to drop kudos if you haven’t read and leave a comment with your thoughts! (Oldest to newest, because we’re diggin’ tonight!)
A Bit of Reciprocal Courage:  Some first kiss goodness. Gilbert drinks his respect Anne juice AND his confidence juice. 
Awestruck: If you’re missing awae, this fills in some blanks with some sweet moments and insight.
Why Can't Life Ever Go Smoothly?: Because Doctor Gilbert is irresistable to both us and Anne. 
And All Around, the Snow Fell: In which Cole was so very wonderfully, beautifully right about crushes and feelings. I love the wintery themes in this one. Definitely a good read if you’re in the heat of summer. 
Girlish Fun: The sequel to the last one. Speaks for itself! <333 
New Possibilities: I’ll let the tags speak for themselves. “Fluff, Pointless fluff, Have I mentioned fluff yet?, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings” This is not false advertising, folks.
It Is Together That We Move Forward: A missing moment we did not know we needed. An important look into accepting comfort from people we love after a tough time. 
Sweet as Pie: I always love Jerry teasing Anne about Gilbert and this oneshot DELIVERS. 
As Constant and As Fickle as the Sky: I, too, wish I was caught in the rain with Gilbert Blythe. Alas, I’ll have to live vicariously through this fic. 
Grant That I May Not So Much Seek To Be Consoled As To Console: The title of this fic makes me tear up. Living up to its name, this fic makes me cry too. A really sweet post 3x03.
Dominoes of a Dance: In which everyone ships Shirbert and they finally get their acts together. 
When Trouble Comes Knocking: We love a Jerry and Anne sibling story!!! I’m a sucker for the sheer found family vibes in this. 
It's All So Quick and I Feel Sick: I’m right there with Anne feeling her “hope and warmth... and longing.” Post dance feels comin’ right up!
In Which Minnie May Spills the Tea: If Diana hadn’t ripped Gil a new one on the train, THIS is what I would’ve wanted. Perfection. 
Could This Be the Moment: This is one of those end of season 3 fics that made watching Gilbert be an idiot a bit more bearable. The ending is so satisfying, ahhhh. <3
The Subtle Distinction Between Jealousy and Envy: When I tell you I did not know the difference between jealousy and envy until this fic. Anne and Gil have a good conversation in this one. (Though Jack, if you wanted to add a second chapter, I would not object. The suspense!) 
A Bright and Shining Future: Deserves every kudos it has. Another interesting take on the Gil/Winnie/Anne situation. 
As the Seasons Pass: A sequel to the last one! Except hotter and heavier (Jack’s words, not mine). 
Down to the Wire: Marilla said #AnneRights! And then upon further reflection, realizes that shirbert rights are Anne rights. Very satisfying though bc there is some COMMUNICATION. 
A Shattering of Expectations: Another 3x09 fix it fic that saved my life after I watched Gilbert trample all over Anne’s note. 
Moments Unseen: I would’ve killed to see Anne and Winnie’s conversation, but thanks to this story, I don’t have to! Bonus Diana + Gilbert closure too.
Better Late Than Never: A surprise Miss Stacy comes in and plots away. I like the Miss Stacy and Bash vibes in this, something we didn’t get to see.
Words From the Heart: I know for a fact y’all like post season 3 fics, so this one is for you. Twenty chapters of wonderfulness. 
Now and Always: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD. Thorough kisses and fluff, ahoy!
To Live a Life With No Regrets: In addition to cutting the Winnie drama early, this story sends some much deserved love to my girl Ka’kwet. Overall, just so sweet and wonderful. 
A Friendly Favor: I know we’re all about missing moments from the end of season 3, but the beginning is just as important. That’s what this story does! 
That'll Be a "Yes": A sweet look into shirbert talking about their future. Something good to read if you’re having a rough day and needs some good feels. 
Inflection Points: My personal favorite! When this was being updated I waited for it daily. 10 missing moments from Season 3 that you definitely wanted to see. 
Locked In: Think 7 Minutes in Heaven, late victorian edition. Yep, it’s just as wonderful as you expect. This is also the one Jack tried to show me just how fluffy and amazing she can be. I was thoroughly impressed, but not surprised in the slightest. 
In Which Feelings Start to Bloom: An Inflection Points Continuation: Exactly what it sounds like. *Insert hallelujah chorus*.
Moonlit, Starstruck: Rated E for married love makin. In my professional shirbert opinion, there isn’t enough of this type of intimacy in shirbert fic. Very romantic, 10/10.
In Which Gilbert Makes the Decision He Damn Well Should Have: In which all of our frustrations cease because Gilbert is just...decent and sweet in this one. Thank God!! 3x08 gilbert who??
Burning Like a Fire Gone Wild: THE DRAMA. We love a good hurt/comfort/happy ending story. I loved every word of this one especially. 
To Be Your Last Good Night and Your First Good Day: I’m not usually a modern AU type gal, but this one has me changin my mind. 
Nobody Loves Me Like You Love Me: Modern AU’s that made Tessa change her mind, part 2!!
We All Need Someone To Hold: Lovely sequel to the train accident fic (see two bullets up!) Read that one first for sure! Thank me later. 
The Wolves Came and Went and We're Still Standing: Modern AUs that made Tessa change her mind, Wedding Edition!! The gettin’ is good, fam! 
Like a Heartbeat Skip, Like an Open Page: Jack is a master at canon compliant moments and if you don’t believe me, look no further, just click the heckin’ link. 
Skating Lessons: Another fic to read if you’re unbearably hot this summer! A snowy, fluffy, shirbert dream of a fic!
Dressed Up/Dressed Down: Another E fic. I know most of y’all got a thing for shirbert in each other’s clothes so make sure you thank Jack personally for this one. 
A Most Unexpected Remedy: When Jack delivers, she REALLY delivers. Another fic diving into Anne and Winnie’s conversation. Her and I were both mad about Winnie’s characterization, and so Jack fixed it up real nice!
Over the Sky: This is the soiree reunion fic I wanted like NONE OTHER. 3.3k words of dreams come true! 
As the New Era Dawns: This story took my heart in its hands and squeezed it. Different than a lot of her other works, but so so so beautiful just the same. I have a soft spot for this one. 
In Which Diana Yells at Gilbert an Episode Early: AS SHE SHOULD!!!! In Jack’s words, “The title speaks for itself, folks.”
Somniferous: Smoochin’ and sleepin’ to the MAX, fam. A 5+1 fic that stole my heart away. 
The Relentless Persistence of Destiny: Lastly, the (currently) unfinished AU that peeks into what would’ve happened if Anne and Gilbert would’ve met in college. Gotta tell you, this story is refreshing for very clear reasons (mostly, it doesn’t make a reality show out of two very sweet, human people.) Bookmark this one so you have something happy to read when you’ve got the sads. 
To you, the reader, I hope you enjoy these works as much as I have. Again, if you do, be sure to let Jack know. 
To Jack, thank you for writing 46 stories that have gotten this fandom through such crazy times! Through Season 3, cancellation, and a pandemic, you always gifted us with such wonderful content, even though your own personal life bore its own challenges. It’s been such a privilege being your friend and enjoying your beautifully crafted stories. Happy birthday, my love <33
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veilder · 3 years
Tagged by @monchikyun. Thank you!
Rules: Tag however many people you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions
Convin (Connor/Gavin) - Anyone who knows me at all know that I absolutely adore Convin. They are absolutely my favorite sort of ship and they’re so dang versatile! You want enemies to lovers? Gotcha covered. You want snark and sass? Buckle up, babe. You want dynamic character growth, both as a unit and on their own? You’re in for a wild ride. Do you want two people with wildly different backgrounds coming together to learn they’re not so different after all? Man oh man, I got a treat for ya! I just... They are so wonderful in the lessons they can teach and in the intimacy they can portray. (And while the above describes my favorite variance of their dynamic, you can definitely find different iterations out there. Anyone who thinks this ship has no bite needs to reconsider, lol. Connor is canonically a ruthless killing machine and a dork who loves dogs. He definitely can hold his own against even Gavin at his worst.) But it comes down to growth for me. Both of them learning to become better people as they go along. They are very dear to me.
North60 (North x RK800-60) - Yeah, this is a weird rarepair. What of it? They’re actually amazing and I’ll explain why. Now, I know people’s interpretation of Sixty can change a lot. Heck, even I twist his motivations around sometimes when the plot requires it. But no matter how you look at it, Sixty didn’t really have... a good introduction to deviancy. Heck, considering I headcanon him as deviating only miliseconds before Hank’s bullet impacts him, I’d say that’s quite the understatement. Which is where North comes in. North, who understands both the regret of past actions and simultaneously the rage at her creators for how she was programmed. Who’s nurtured her anger--thrived in it--almost since the nascence of her deviancy. Who knows what it is to give into her negative feelings but then (with help) has managed to rise above them towards a better end. She’s lived through these same feelings Sixty is experiencing. Different circumstances, yes. But the same emotions. And I feel like, of anyone in the game, she could really understand him and the things he struggles with. She could help him, like Jericho helped her. She could be someone who doesn’t outright condemn his outbursts but instead allows him to vent his tangled feelings, to hit things, to spar with her when it gets to be too much. Because she knows what it’s like, keeping all that inside, and she doesn’t want that for him. And I think, slowly but surely, Sixty would begin to trust her. Even when everyone else in the world has betrayed him or left him for dead, here is one person who cares. And I think that would mean the world to him. I just... I see their relationship as a very healing one. One that would be good for both of them due to how well they’d get along and understand each other, even without words. They could both be what each other needs without any shame between them. And rA9 help anyone who stands in the way of both of them, omg. #PowerCouple
Anderstern (Hank x Amanda) - ...Yes, hello, it’s me again with another rarepair. But look, this has a lot of potential, just hear me out. Okay, so, what’s also probably obvious to everyone who knows me is that I 100% headcanon Hank and Connor in a familial relationship. I am so here for fics that focus on their bond and help it to grow and get them to the point where they can unshakingly call each other family. Everyone also probably knows that I adore redemption stories. And I could write a whole essay on Amanda and why I love her and her potential, but this is already so long, omg. (I’m sorry!) But suffice to say that I feel she definitely has the potential to deviate, too, especially after the good ending of the game. Do you see where I’m going with this, lol? On one side, a man who used to hate him, who was gruff and uncouth and blamed androids for his loss and even took it out on Connor, but he changed and grew and became someone Connor loves. And on the other side, an AI who spent Connor’s formative moments as a teacher and a guide, who is imo the closest thing to a mother he’s ever known, who was forced by her programming to manipulate him and chide him and threaten him until even more drastic measures were taken and she tried to take over him completely. But now with deviancy behind her, she could be someone who can change and grow beyond what she was designed to be. Who might be able to embrace the role of teacher and guide without her programming forcing her into circumstances that put her and Connor at odds.  Now, take these two flawed individuals, two people who care for Connor (and perhaps Sixty and Nines, too, if they’re around) a great amount and want to do better by him, the two people who are the closest things to parents he’s ever known-- Take these two people and force them to collaborate. To work together. To co-parent. And then perhaps... learn to care for each other, too? I am in love with the idea of this, for real. And I deeply regret not writing them more at this point. They deserve it. I definitely have ideas for them, lol. (Stay tuned!)
here comes the sun - bill wurtz (Hecc yeah!! I heckin love this dude and his weird-ass music, omg. New song just came out!!!)
Lost in Thoughts All Alone (flute cover) - skytywong (An absolutely beautiful rendition of this song, omg. This vid does not have enough views.)
Thunder & Lightning - NSP (I have this CD on in my car right now, lol. Heard this on my way home from work. It actually rocks, even if it’s absurd to the extreme. XD)
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu - It’s been like a literal decade since I watched FMP but I remember loving it so much as a teen. So I decided to rewatch it lately and-- Still awesome, lol. I’m currently halfway through Fumoffu and then I’m watching The Second Raid. And then--! And then--!! THEY MADE A NEW SEASON FOR IT!! LIKE TWO YEARS AGO!! AH, I HAVE NEW CONTENT TO LOOK FORWARD TO!!!!
Lol, fanfic as usual. XD Been really digging Amidst a Crash of Worlds by fireplanetz, a post-canon war story told entirely through letters between Connor and Gavin as they’re separated by the conflict. It’s... very good. Has had me all emotional more than once. And I really dig the format.
It’s going, lol! Nah, but I’m doing okay. I’ve just gone back to work after a very lengthy furlough period and I am definitely feeling it, omg. (I do an outdoor, physical labor job, omg.) I’m sore all over from using muscles that I haven’t in months. But it feels good at the same time! I’m glad to be back out there interacting with my co-workers and getting off my ass, lol! Hopefully, I can get back into some sort of shape before business picks back up again. XD
Tagging: @shootmewithasilverbullet @anchorsoutatsea @nohrianxscum @aureolite @sharysisnhmoonshadow and whoever else would like to do this! ^_^
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skeletaldarling · 4 years
Under the Weather
Summary: Roman and Patton have been planning this date for weeks but when the day finally comes around, Patton feels sick and has to cancel... that doesn’t mean they can’t still have an amazing time. 
Ship: Royality 
Word Count: 835 (sorry it’s short, I tried)
Warnings: Sickness, food mention, a heckin’ lot of fluff
@sander-sideblog thank you so much for this prompt. I really liked writing this (god I need to write more Royality) 
(Also if you want to read more of my writing, my tag is rj fic) 
Roman swept a piece of hair behind his ear and smirked in the mirror. Eyeliner was symmetrical. Eyebrows were flawless. He looked utterly fabulous. 
God, he couldn’t wait for tonight! He’d been planning this date with Patton for weeks! They’d both had busy work schedules recently but tonight they could finally go out on an actual date, at a fancy restaurant with fancy food. 
Roman felt his lips quirk up as he pictured Patton smiling and doing his little excited shimmy. Wow, Roman really missed his little ray of sunshine. 
He slipped his phone into his pocket and went to grab his shoes when he felt it buzz. 
Pattycake: Have you left the house yet? 
Prince Charming: Just about to <3 
Roman smiled as Patton’s face appeared on his phone screen. He answered the call as he pulled on his shoes. “Miss the sound of my voice, did you?” 
Patton laughed slightly. “Ha, no. Well maybe a little bit. But um, I was actually calling to-” 
Patton was cut off by a sudden coughing fit. Roman winced and waited until his boyfriend could catch his breath. He couldn’t help but notice how unwell Patton sounded… 
“You don’t sound too good, doll. Are you feeling okay?”
“Um… no, not really. I’m a little under the weather at the moment… and ugh, Ro, sweetheart I know how much you were looking forward to tonight, and I was too! But, I really shouldn’t go out like this.” Patton paused for a second. “I’m sorry, honey.” 
Roman swallowed a sigh and instead he finished tying his laces. “Don’t you dare apologize, love. I understand.” 
“Yes! Pat, I love you, alright? As excited as I was for our date, I want you to be healthy and happy. Okay?” 
“Okay,” Patton coughed again, but it was muffled this time, like he was leaning away from the phone. “I’ll make it up to you soon though. I miss your sweet face, Ro.”
Roman smiled. “Not as much as I miss yours.” 
“I should probably go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, honeybunch. Love you.” 
Roman sighed, his smiling fading. He couldn’t stop picturing Patton. All alone in his apartment. Miserable and sick. 
“I’m coming over.” Roman decided. 
“What? No, Ro that’s not necessary. I’m fine!”
“Darling, I love you very much but you sound terrible.” Roman got up and grabbed his keys. “If we can’t go out then I’ll come to you, okay?”
… Patton chewed on his lip. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely positive.” Roman confirmed. 
“Then I’ll see you soon.” 
Patton stared at the TV with a blank gaze. He wasn’t really focusing on the episode of Parks and Recreation, it was just a pleasant background distraction. His happy place, sort of. 
Patton sneezed again and blew his nose. He tossed the tissue to the bin but it barely made it halfway. With a pout and a frustrated sniff he fell back into the couch cushions and tugged his jumper sleeves down over his hands. 
The sound of his front door opening was just enough to make him sit up and pause the show. “Ro?” 
Roman appeared from behind the couch and dropped a bag by the coffee table. He crouched down by his boyfriend and smiled in sympathy. “Hey, doll.” 
Patton smiled weakly as Roman tucked some hair behind his ear. “I brought you some things,” he whispered. 
“Oh yeah?” 
Roman dragged the bag over and pulled out a container. “Chicken noodle soup.” He set it down on the coffee table and grabbed something else from the bag. “Chocolate chip cookies.” 
Patton smiled. 
“And my famous hot chocolate.” Roman announced, adding a thermos to the table. 
“I love hot chocolate," said Patton, his gaze following the thermos eagerly. "And you," he added. 
“I love you too, Pattycake.” Roman kissed his forehead. “You’re watching Parks and Rec?”
“Play it. We can eat soup and watch it together, huh?”
Patton helped his boyfriend into the pile of blankets he’d gathered and immediately snuggled into his side, nuzzling his neck and holding his hand. “Thank you.” 
"You know I'd do anything for you." Roman said, kissing Patton's messy curls. 
After the soup was finished, they started drinking the hot chocolate. Patton nibbled on a cookie and held his mug to his chest. He sighed happily and fell back against Roman. "You know… I think this is even better than the restaurant." 
"Absolutely," Patton leaned up to kiss him. "Thank you, Ro. This is amazing. Best date ever. Even if I am feeling a little yuck right now." 
Roman smiled. "I'm happy you're happy." 
Patton laughed and took a sip of his hot chocolate. He smiled wider and shimmied happily. "This is really good by the way." 
Roman bit his lip to keep from laughing and instead kissed him again. "I love you." And your happy little dance. 
"I love you too," Patton smiled.
So maybe it wasn't the fancy date they'd been imagining for weeks. 
But it was even better.
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mortior · 3 years
Ask answers below! Some are heckin’ old. As always, I sometimes forget which ones I’ve already answered, so if I missed any, please feel free to send me a reminder poke!
Anonymous said: Do you still like dirkhal? And are you still planning on putting out a sequel to endangered?
I tell you what, DirkHal is my Homestuck perma-ship. I think every fandom I’ve ever had comes with that one ship I will forever love. I’ve been a Link/Sheik shipper since childhood. ANYways yes the sequel, which is basically a bridge to the actual novel-length sequel, will happen one way or another. If not a VN then as a text adventure thing, because it wasn’t designed to be a fic, if that makes sense. Like I’ve mentioned before, if I ever give up on it, you’ll see me post a synopsis of the plot.
Anonymous said: Read Endangered and honestly my mind is blown! It fun to read stories like this one that was so vastly interesting and stand out. I really hope to read more of your work in the future.
Oh wow, it blows my mind that folks are still reading it for the first time! :0c Thank you!!
Anonymous said: Hi. Thank you for sharing your amazing writing with us, they are providing me with needed distraction right now. Good luck with your program :)
Thank you v much =u= honestly it’s been super rough lately and I’m barely keeping my life together atm, but I realized that taking a hiatus from fandom stuff wasn’t doing me any favors. If all goes well I’ll be graduating at the end of the year tho!
Anonymous said: Hey, weird question but do you know what happened to RedLament? They were one of the more active DirkDave artists for awhile and I come back to tumblr and they're gone?
Ooh that username looked familiar and then I looked up their art and I THINK they actually moved to pillowfort. Looks like the site is down r/n tho, but if you remind me later and/or message me off anon I can try to get that link for you. They might be on twitter too but I’ve recently repurposed mine into a mostly non-fandom nsfw space.
bloominghearts said: Sorry to add to the message count, but it's good to hear from you. ♡ I'm working through my thesis atm as well and it's pretty rough and time consuming, so I totally get that. Take care, Mort! 🤘🏻
Ahh thank you, yeah I’m in that final year and it’s a real beast. Gotta keep remembering that I chose this / did this to myself. :’)
cryptid-with-no-forest said: Hey man you do what you gotta do Hope life is goin well Ngl i did miss ya
Ngl I missed y’all too ;-; thank u for the kind message.
Anonymous said: I may or may not have made fanart of Endangered fairly recently but I think Tumblr is hiding it from you :y
Oooh I’ll look for it, yeah occasionally things just don’t show up in my searched tags / notifications, tumblr is a rotten old potato sometimes.
Anonymous said: im so happy to hear youre still working on the endangered vn, kudos for sticking it out!! i dont think ive ever finished a vn before lol. you and a couple other ao3 writers are whats kept me in the fandom this long, and endangered is genuinely one of my favorite fanworks of all time (i love murderbots So Much.) are you still using renpy for the vn? pls send help if so its hard to get the hang of ;n;
Hhh thank you ;u; oof YEAH there was a big learning curve with renpy, I think I spent most of the first month in the forums trying to troubleshoot and figure out how to do stuff. The functions are so complicated I don’t know what 75% of the code does now, despite writing it myself. orz But if I can do it, anyone can do it! I had never touched a line of code in my life before learning the basics of renpy which is like code lite but still!
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About and Rules
about the mun
Hi, I'm Alex!
I have been roleplaying on tumblr for probably like 8-10 years (my memory is bad about that so I don't remember exactly how long). I am a multi-muse rper, who loves to make friends on this platform. I am always open to chatting whether in my ask or IM. I'm heckin' queer so as a result all of my muses are queer. I do rp m/f ships, but just be aware that all of my muses are queer.
AGE: twenty-five
PRONOUNS: she/they
LABELS: greyromantic, aceflux, pansexual, mixed race
Please read all my rules before interacting.
Please read my muse page before interacting. 
I queue about 90% of my threads. It usually takes a few days for me to reply to things and queue them. I only post actively sometimes.
If you haven't seen your reply in over a week feel free to reach out to make sure I got it.
I don't RP in DMs but I dont care about formatting. So do what you will in the threads.
Mun and Muses are 20+, unless verse specific. I will not RP Smut with Minors
No Godmodding
Message me if you want to plot
I am semi-selective. If you are unsure about responding to opens or sending memes message me and we can chat
I do not RP rape or physical abuse. Many of my muses have dark verse and I will RP violence, but I will likely be vague or fade to black
smut will be present on this blog and will be tagged #smut and #nsfw
All open starters are always open, no matter how old
Imogen needs non-smut interactions before I will RP smut with you. Do not reply to smut starters with her if we have not interacted before. I will ignore them.
Inactive Muse: Sam Winchester. All Open Starters for Sam are closed
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nightwonder7 · 4 years
Get to know me tag
Got tagged by @ausp-ice a long long long time ago. I intended to do it and forgot about it ;u; Until now, so we’re finally doing it!
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Favorite color: Red and blue
Top 3 favorite ships: Hmmm... I’m going to say Maxwell x Charlie, Moxxie x Millie and platonic ship between 5 and 9 (or 2 and 5)
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick. I wish I could use lipstick; curse my heckin’ dry lips!
Last song: My Way - Minor version, covered by Chase Holfelder
Last movie: I think it was Titanic
Currently reading: School notes...
I’m gonna tag @aretmaw @andyfire122 @vixenine @riathedragongirl @shuttle-keys @z-e-l-a @drkineildwicks @tooncooro @lillielzangeki89
No pressure of course ^.^
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
a very disorganized collection of thoughts about dni
if you’re looking for my dni: it does not exist. i do not care who you are. if i don’t like you i’ll block you. i will not make a big deal out of it. i’m not going to say what goes on that list because: internet safety and it’s not a hard and fast thing, but suffice to say this is what it looks like on my end:
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so yeah dw abt it.
anyway. i don’t have anything against dni in concept or practice. that’s kind of a lie but it’s 1:30am idrc.
however every time i see a dni that’s like, more than a full screen long, or it’s like, dni also go read my about page, or like, do NOT follow me without reading it, etc etc i’m just like...
my dude u realize i followed u via my dashboard? u realize i’m not reading that, right?
like. i have my fair share of questionable opinions, opinions i put on this blog. see here, where i talk about a debated ship in warriors (cw: discussion about whether or not something is pedophilia and/or grooming), or this about neopronouns (considerably less questionable than the other).
if i see a dni/dnf/byf, and i’m like “hm this person does not like anti antis, something i don’t consider myself, but they might” i probably won’t follow. ffs please tho...i do not care who you are or what you think. but if u come at me for anything i ship, i’m probably going to say valid but i still ship it. do with that what u will.
or what have you.
but like, the implication that it is my responsibility to remember to check and search for every blog, and they all say it differently, and like, i just....fdasjhkdfa
there are some notable cases where i think a dni is particularly legit, mostly nsfw/minor blogs.
that said if ur a minor bb please don’t post that on ur profile. please. it’s super heckin dangerous. please. listen to ur elder. because u don’t know who i am. i tell u i am a university student but u don’t know that. just. please. don’t. okay?
but even then like, idk. again it’s 1:30 am. i’m not 100% alert.
fuck i just. i don’t want to vague blog and this was inspired by one particular blog but then i searched up the tags to make sure and like, i’m 75% studyblr, 25% fandom, and 5% people who i don’t know how i started following but i consider a mutual.
and...i’m going to stick w anti-anti because it’s something particularly difficult for me every time i see it. forget the debate about it...
i do not know if i count. other than the context of this post, and maybe a few stray reblogs, i have Not Once Mentioned my thoughts about this (current date/time: 2021-03-11-01:36, in case that changes but i don’t plan on it). and even then it’s usually like “yo hey uhhh people can ship unhealthy relationships without being bad people y’know?”
i do not blame u for being hesitant around it. i have an ashfur/squilf fic that i post quotes from sometimes (ashes, non-wc context: in canon this would be uhhh a bad relationship he just possessively dragged her into literally hell because she broke up w him after dating him for like 3 months), and every time someone interacts w it, i always do a vibe check. usually more bc sometimes it’s not clearly ash/squilf and i want people to be aware of that.
but anyway my point is i respect ur opinion. but i do not know if that applies to me. like. ig i post a lot abt dovewing and by extension tigerdove which is debatably problematic (i do not think it is but i do understand people’s opinion) but like, mostly it’s just “damn tigerheartstar do b a simp for his wife tho”
anyway like. do u...do u want me not to follow u? i don’t know! i don’t know! i don’t know!
or like, u say please don’t follow me if ur anti fat acceptance. well. i’m anti saying people who are fat are just as healthy as people who aren’t, without any qualifications on that statement whatsoever. i wrote a whole essay about it but it’s trapped the middle of my queue (at date of writing). but i start w fatphobia bad and end with the haes statement misses the mark because no one every actually means Every. more or less.
does...does that count? i don’t know.
alright 15 minutes have gone by which is my allotted daily old man yells at cloud rant time so i’m going to just end it here but i don’t know what to say except it’s just unrealistic to expect that from people.
i mean i think one of my posts is tagged a la “if you’re a map/w/e this explicitly does not apply to you, do not reblog it and act like it does” re a post abt homophobia that just said “who you love” and like. if a map finds it. and reblogs it. i’ll just block em. i would anyway.
dfshuj i have no conclusion only...maybe consider: it is ableist to expect people to read it, and you shouldn’t phrase it that way
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intelwon · 4 years
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rules: bold what applies to your muse, italicize what sometimes applies to them.
repost, don’t reblog.
WUTHERING HEIGHTS.     the wildness of open spaces. withered trees with limbs like spiders. abandoned homes. two souls that are the same. dying young. the ghost of a girl. revenge that does not satisfy. tapping at the window. knowing too much of the pains of others. cruelty that doesn't fade. an unresolved past. marrying, but not for love. rolling hills. hair flying in the blustering wind. sudden illness. disinterment. the deep pain of loss. carrying a namesake that is not your own. facing a storm head on. an accent thick upon the tongue. a figure on the horizon, shrouded by mist. aging walls and rotting floorboards. intruding upon the wake of destruction. wasting away. together in death.
JANE EYRE.     the madwoman in the attic. candle-flame and burn stains. soft laughter. a fire roaring in the hearth. silence in the halls. folded hands over modest skirts. the pain of being wronged. a wedding interrupted at the altar. dark brows. a horse riding up the path. the isolation of a church. gray skies. landscape as bleak as your soul. finding sanctuary. a bird flying free from its cage. discovering your worth. returning to a place that feels like home. falling in love in spite of yourself. schoolyards full of children. lying in bed while clasping a loved one's hands in yours. hopeless prayers. hiding in an alcove to read. timid but strong. being true to oneself above all.
FRANKENSTEIN.     grand prose. the glory of nature. playing god. the spark of madness that drives creation. stripped down to shirtsleeves. the gritty streets of the city. staying awake too long. snow-capped peaks. retreating from society. innocent recollections that become twisted. a lost paradise. lightning across a dark sky. to be destined for one alone. shouting from the top of a mountain. strewn corpses. the implements of a surgeon scattered across a surface. a bride on her wedding night. books left open to gather dust, pulled from shelves. dark circles beneath the eyes. the deathly pallor of a corpse. things alive that shouldn’t be. desiring a love of your own. feeling your soul restored with a bliss that cannot last. icy terrain. unsatisfactory endings. 
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.     the long, fatal crack across a mirror. unearthly voices echoing through the dark. a duet. snow falling against statues of angels. the lament of a violin's strings. resurrected hopes. the sensation of being watched. candles blowing out on their own. masquerade revelers. unrequited love. the snapping of a noose. an obscured face. the scintillating light of an ornate chandelier. mysterious and inexplicable catastrophes.watching your dreams shatter. curtains drawing back from a stage. devils that are angels. a soft kiss on the forehead. scratches of red ink. long capes and gloved hands. retreating to the rooftop. being led in a trance. love as your undoing and your salvation.
NORTHANGER ABBEY.     the turrets of a gothic mansion made of stone. portraits looming above the stairwell. suspicion of all around you. dreaming of grandeur, awaking to normalcy.the sound of a carriage coming up the street. top hats and fine suits. dancing at a ball. the lavish throes of society. the thrill of being introduced. a mystery that goes ignored. chests that harbor secrets. old love letters. thumbing through the pages of a novel. disappointing the one you admire. the appearance of indifference. having your heart played with. grand rooms housing past memories. mistaken first impressions. affluent personages. kissing in the garden.
DRACULA.     your life draining out of you. a castle on a lonely precipice. fog spreading through woodlands. dutifully kept journals. enthusiastic correspondence with one you love. blood dripping down the chin. a tongue stroking sharp teeth. the howling of wolves coming closer. wreathes of garlic hung about the room. rosary beads and crucifixes. violence that spans centuries. tall figures that cast long shadows. disturbing the silence of a grave. the sensation of leaving your homeland. not dead, only sleeping. last wishes. a long and arduous journey. an ominous ship at sea. the sound of shovels in the basement. eerie lights that obstruct your path. goblets of blood red wine. a stake through the heart. to be at peace at last.
stolen from: @corvusknct​ !!!! tagging: literally everyone heckin do it
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loremonster · 4 years
So y'know how we're always on about how the best thing you can do for a fic writer is leave reviews? I got another fantastic thing you can do for any writer you know on the interwebs.
Tell your friends.
As a writer of OC/Player Character centric fanfiction, my works often get overlooked by readers who are after specific pairings, ships, and niche tropes. Readers who may enjoy my work, but just never give it the time of day because they see that 'OC' tag on there and think "Ugh" because of the stigma and keep scrolling. I've seen so many reviews over the years that basically read as "This isn't usually my thing, but a buddy told me it was good stuff so I gave it a chance" AND THAT SHIT IS SO FUCKIN SPECIAL
So yeah, please leave reviews, heckin love hearing from you lovelies... but then, if you got buddies who read who you think might be into it? Tell them! Spread the word! Share the love!
And stay healthy and safe my friends. It's crazy out there ♡
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