#doesn't even turn it into a blackmail cause it's not like she cares about their family or whatever fake ass friends they had
one-vivid-judgment · 7 months
You know what I love about the Ichigang? That they were all alone and at rock bottom at some point, with no one to rely on for support:
- Nanba wanted to be like Nightingale, but then got fired because he took the fall for someone else, who ended up having lied to him for her own benefits. His brother was being watched by the Geomijul and then disappeared; Nanba spent a long ass time homeless and not knowing if his brother was alive or not. 
- Adachi lived with the Kusumi incident in his conscience for years, hating Horinouchi's guts and hoping to find something to take the guy down. First he's demoted to the license center, then he's straight up fired. No job, no retirement, man never got married or had a family. The Barkeep even says he's "not usually a happy drunk" and that "it's the first time in a long time I see him smile like that".
- Saeko's family life is a DISASTER. Her mom died, her sister wants nothing to do with her (to the point where they were both working for the same guy and Nanoha EXPLICITLY told Nonomiya not to tell her sister about it, even when things were tough and she could've used Saeko's help), her dad is old and dying. She is on her own and basically only has her girls and Nonomiya—until Nonomoya dies, and she's conflicted cause sure, he wasn't the best guy around, but he was still there for her when she needed, and now he's gone. 
- Yeonsu's life, man. Yeonsu's fucking life. His dad was a drunkard who abused his son and cared about him so little that he had no qualms basically giving Yeonsu up as tribute to the Jingweon mafia to turn him into their leader's double—mind you, this means he could've been killed at any point. He basically lived as the shadow of someone else for years, never being seen for himself but for Joongi Han. 
- Zhao's Liumang leader status was passed down from his dad. He was doing a good job although he's clearly more passionate about cooking and having his restaurant—that he doesn't mind a simpler life and even EMBRACES it and gets angry when anyone suggests he's "just some chef". He still lead the Liumang though. And then his men and right hand turn on him and try to get him killed and what do you know, suddenly there is nothing anymore. 
- Seonhee was a kid when the whole Jingweon mafia shit show happened and then it all came crashing down. Her people who managed to escape alive were left on their own and abandoned until the Geomijul was created. 
- Even Eri, the optional party member, was in a similar situation. She was tricked by Hosho and her company was at the verge of shutting down, and when she thought she had a chance to get back on her feet thanks to Nonomiya's help, she finds out he died, and basically, as far as she knows, all hope is lost. 
And then, Chitose and Tomizawa. I feel they are the perfect example of how easy it is to stray and go down the wrong path when you are in that type of situation, and how even the tiniest kind gesture can do wonders to you:
- Chitose was a sheltered rich girl whose whole life was dictated by her parents. She craved the independence and the freedom and she wanted CONNECTION—which is how she ended up falling in Eiji's trap and being blackmailed for years and manipulated into using people who actually cared about her and with whom she was finally developing that connection she always yearned for. As far as she knows, said people will push her to the side as soon as they find out about her betrayal, and then she'll be alone again. 
- Tomizawa was living the live with his girlfriend, a nice job and a kid on the way—until Dwight and the Barracuda pinned their crimes on him. He went to jail, Marie lost the baby and then disappeared, he's blacklisted from every bank and had to go to Yamai for help with his debts, and after that, he basically became a puppet who did everythint Yamai asked him to out of fear. He hates himself for being a coward who's not able to pull the trigger even when it's necessary, and he blames himself for everything that happened. He is a horrible person in his own eyes, and as far as he knows, there is no getting out of this situation. 
And then there is Ichi, who has seen nothing but rock bottom for so fucking long but still manages to see the bright side of things. He is a good person, sometimes borderline stupid and his choices end up making his superiors (aka Sawashiro) mad. But it doesn't matter how much life beats him down, he always gets back up because he has that "once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up" philosophy. And, although some of his friends have used him for their benefit or straight up assaulted him, Ichi never turns his back on them. Because he KNOWS how it feels to be alone and to not have anyone there for you, anyone that you can rely on, and if he can be that someone, then he WILL be. If he can change a single person's life, he WILL. 
Anyway, I love the Ichigang so much and these are the kind of thoughts I have about them at 1 a.m
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aurumacadicus · 7 months
"Miss Widow, I need you to be my partner in crime," Peter said, dropping from the ceiling. He waited for a beat, expecting a rolling of eyes or an exasperated sigh. When he received nothing but a raised eyebrow, he hesitantly asked, "Aren't you going to correct me, or..."
"It's good that you have some fear of me, Peter," Natasha told him simply. "Has the crime already occurred? If you want a body buried, ask Bruce."
"...Hmm," Peter hummed, deciding he wasn't going to unpack all that. "Mr. Hawkeye said that you're the resident matchmaker."
Natasha sat up straighter. "Oh?" she asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
Peter thrust his phone at her. "I have video evidence of Captain America being totally gone on Mr. Stark."
"Explain," Natasha said, clipped, even as she opened up his phone.
Peter did not ask how she knew his nine-digit code. Instead, he dutifully recounted, "So Mr. Stark decided we should swap playlists, ostensibly so I could listen to 'good music' but I think he wanted to see what the kids are into. I get some of my songs from TikTok and I think one of them is a bit of an ear-worm for him."
Natasha thumbed open his gallery and went directly to his last video, taking only a moment to turn the volume up. In it, she saw Tony in the common kitchen, fixing himself up a cup of coffee. He was swaying slightly like he did when he was humming. Steve was sipping a protein shake at the table, as if he was not glancing at Tony every other shift back-and-forth.
"I, wish I could synthesize, the picture perfect guy," Tony suddenly mumbled out loud, in that way he did when he had no idea his brain-to-mouth filter had stopped working. "Six, feet tall, and super strong--"
Steve perked up, sitting straight from where he'd been leaning on table.
"--We'd always get along--"
Steve flopped back onto the wood surface and took a morose sip from his protein shake.
Natasha felt her mouth drop open in shock as she watched Tony, oblivious, go back to humming and turn to leave the room. Despite Steve's obvious disappointment, it didn't stop him from tipping in his seat to be able to see Tony's ass properly.
"I'm going to kill him," Natasha decided.
"That's not the crime I wanted to be partners for," Peter cut in.
Natasha lifted her gaze to him, scowling. "He will express his feelings for Tony or die."
"...Hmm, " Peter hummed again. If he remembered correctly, both Sam and Bucky had said that Natasha expressed her affection to the people she cared about with cheesy jokes and threats to their lives. Steve would be fine, probably. "He didn't even sing the best part," he sighed instead.
Natasha slanted another sharp look toward him. "Oh yeah?"
"'He'd pick me up at eight, and not a minute later, 'cause I don't like to wait,'" Peter recited. "'Kind, and ain't afraid to cry, or treat his mama right. That's right, that's what I like.' Which, like, Captain America would rather bleed out than cry, but he doesn't sound constipated when he tells other people it's okay. Also I wish he would be less punctual," he added mulishly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aunt May keeps raising her eyebrows at me when he shows up to pick me up for training and I'm not ready."
Natasha bit back the urge to howl in rage. Of course Tony would get a song basically about Steve stuck in his head and not notice. Of course he wouldn't notice Steve panting after him like a dog. They were both stupid. That's why she was there, though, she supposed. "I will do the actual crimes," she told Peter firmly. "And you will keep your mouth shut."
"There will be actual crime!?" Peter yelped.
Natasha ignored him, instead returning to his phone and scrolling for more blackmail on Steve. He was the weakest link in this chain of idiocy. "Keep that up, Mr. Man."
"Oh boy," Peter sighed, shoulders sagging. There was some regret in his tone.
Good. It would solidify that modicum of fear he should keep about her.
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cheesus-doodles · 1 year
It's funny lowkey for me whenever you write about the reader being unable to resist the tears and puppy eyes because since I'm the third oldest out of ten (oldest daughter, just number 3 in the line up) I've become immune to puppy eyes and if my own siblings can't work that on me I doubt that the Founders could. So I was wondering how you think said Founders would be like if Darling was immune to the puppy eyes, especially if said Darling is like me and has a bunch of younger siblings >:3c
Immune to puppy eyes+multiple younger siblings anon here, feel free to ignore that though if it isn't a prompt you want to do! No pressure at all!
aksjdnaskjdnas finally getting round to answering some of the older asks ;-; sorry it takes so long y'all - just disappointed in myself today cause I hesitated to buy Izzy's standee and in that moment he sold out ;-;
Upon reflection, the Toman founders really are like younger siblings huh. Maybe not so much Draken, Mitsuya or Pah, but definitely your needy trio of Mikey, Baji and Kazutora who would be as good as clingy younger brothers with separation anxiety. Or maybe more so like puppies, but same difference in the end.
I think it would only take just the first visit to your house and a glance at all your younger siblings clamouring for you to help them with something for the realisation to set in with the Toman boys that no amount of tears or puppy eyes would work on you. No doubt Mikey and Kazutora would still try, but the boys would be quick to turn to other means to wring out what they want from you.
Draken and Mitsuya find out quickly that annoying you into giving in and doing what they want works pretty well - after all, Misty himself has two younger sisters and he knows what buttons they usually push to get him to do things for them. Though they personally don't want to whine and plead (they are still delinquents with some measure of pride after all), they know who will, and young kids are easily bribed for their help. Sets your younger siblings on you with a small bribe of sweets and with their help, would ultimately manage to force you into doing whatever the two Toman boys wanted just to get the hassling and pestering to stop. Sometimes even pretend to step in to help you stop the non-stop disturbance so that you can get your homework done, no doubt putting them in your good books. High fives all around, no doubt Draken and Mitsuya are the more popular pair around your place.
Mikey and Kazutora, on the other hand, have no such dignity left when it comes to you. The two of them would definitely still try their tears and puppy eye combo a few more times just to be sure it doesn't work before they switch tactics. Would do literally anything to get your attention and affection on them, even if it means blackmailing you - stealing your homework and holding it hostage, refusing to leave the bathroom whenever you need it unless you pinky swear to spend time with them afterwards, dragging you out of class and straight up sitting on you and not moving. Tears and puppy eyes were the easier option if they were honest, but whatever works ain't stupid. Your siblings couldn't get to you when you are in school, but they can, and these baby boys absolutely will, threatening to kick up a fuss and disrupt every class if you don't let them lay on your lap and cuddle. Tried to give you some of their favourite snacks as bribery but obviously didn't work cause they were all half-eaten, so back to disruption they went.
And then there's Baji and Pah - the two who have individually consulted outside persons and have come to the same conclusion. Baji would have asked his mum on advice on how to steal your attention (she thinks he's trying to get a girlfriend), while Pah will ask Peh, and the two airheads will end up bribing and buying your time and attention. Baji would take advantage of the community cats that he cares for and invite you along to feed and play with them whenever he could - none of the other Toman boys can get as close to them as he could, and he knows all the good spots too. The community cats let you pet and rub them since you were with Baji, and this baby boy would use the opportunity to get your attention and affection. Pah is the best out of the six at arcade games, so buying your time with games and prizes was no brainer (or at least that was what Peh told him) - you did enjoy winning a ton while with him, and he got to hang out with you with no complains, so its a win-win.
End of the day, it just makes life more difficult for you if you were immune to their crying and whining, so my recommendation would be to play along when its convenient and encourage the behaviour rather than let the boys come up with their own idea of how to get your attention: the more things doesn't work out, the more desperate the boys become. Wouldn't be long before one of the more desperate ones get the idea that if they hurt themselves, you would be sure to pay attention and fuss. Or worse, if they took out the number of people who wanted your attention, then you'll have to give time of day to them - so maybe just give them the pats and forehead kisses they want and they'll be happy to be nothing more than your clingy baby siblings.
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desultory-novice · 3 months
Noir, Noir! What do you think of the people who took care of Adeleine when she made it to Popstar?
"Oh, those guys! I haven't actually met many of them at all! (but when I concentrate, I can see a whole bunch of them there, which is kinda funny! Especially because they resemble the characters from my stories. How did I get it so right, right? Coincidences are crazy!)"
"But I know some of them, like King Dedede who is a PENGUIN - literally the best animals ever - and he's great and super tough and it's so warm and comfortable to be inside him and I wish I could stay there forever and not have to come out because I don't want to go back to the place I have to go back when I leave! He's the best and I feel really bad about that HUGE scar I gave him when I was........."
"...Hmm? Scar? Did I... Oh, maybe I meant scarf?! Cause we've got the same scarf! He doesn't wear his like a scarf because he's a king and he's got to wear his big fuzzy king robes instead but yeah!"
"And there's Kirby! Kirby's small and pink and I bet he'd feel real nice to hold and he's the biggest impediment to our plans and we have to **** him for sure this time even though he's so nice to everyone! He helped me out of a bad situation even though we just met each other! Can you believe that? He called me a friend and I don't have a whole lot of friends, so that's why I tried to disobey orders as much as I (eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye-eye)!"
"...Woah! Weird! It's like I glitched for a second?"
"He's not just Adeleine's buddy, he's also my little brother Gooey's best friend! There's probably no one Kirby can't win over!"
"And he's got his own theme song, you know!" "Here! I'll sing a few bars for everyone!"
~Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, that's the name of the game~! ~Kirby, Kirby, Kirby, now nothing's the same~! ~He's made of dream stuff, what a powerful puff~! ~Kirby, Kirby, Kirby's the star~!
>This goes on for a while... >Turns out Noir thinks the opening is rather catchy
PS: To any OC with the ability to record things but mostly @ivynajspyder's Techie, I would beg you to potentially possess blackmail footage of Noir enthusiastically singing his mixed-up take on the Kirby opening loud enough for everyone to hear.
...I want it to haunt him later. Mwahahaha...!
[Noir's Fieldtrip Masterpost]
AN: Surprise! It's a belated Cheery Noir ask!
Told you I'd try to come back to these / still answer some fun ones even though Noir is no longer presently in hyper cheer mode!
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Ran doesn't care about the girlies around him ( he has a crush on his father's girlfriend, he's even a slight pervy for her )
And Rindou doesn't go to class for all his fangirls there, but for the English teacher (me)
Look, at them, look.
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Do they look like they have a mommy kink ?
They don't look like it. ( Cause they have one)
Warning: 18+, Minors DNI. pervy Ran, panties stealing, handjob, smut, manipulative Ran. Student fucking teacher, mention of porn, blackmailer Rindou, praises, pet names, tell me if I forgot anything.
Ran didn't liked you at all at first. It was clearer than water that you were only there for his father's money, you were barely few years older than him and Rindou, dating one of the most famous Roppongi's business men, do we even need to add anything?
He loathed the masquerade you were playing, the role of the perfect girlfriend, your polite smile and questions about how his and his brother's day were. You were not his mom, she died long ago, no one could replace her or even pretend, let alone a young gold-digger.
But something to know about Ran, is that when he hates someone, they keep playing in his mind, again, and again, like a broken record.
He doesn't trust you, so he watches you. You, and those tight pants that had his eyes following your path behind you.
He watches you, slipping from the bedroom to the shower every morning in one of your transparent nightgowns, thinking him and his brother were sleeping. And he watches you leaving the bathroom, dripping your beauty everywhere only wrapped in a towel.
He would watch you later, wondering where the hell were your panties that you forgot in the bathroom. Smirking, knowing perfectly how deep in his drawer they were hidden.
-" Ran ?" Your voice was kind of raw, it seems like he woke you up by slamming the door, it was past midnight after all. You turned the lights of the living room on and immediately, a gasp left your mouth seeing the blood on his face and knuckles, he winced watching you getting fastly closer to him.
-" What the hell happened to you?"
He pushed away your hand that tried reaching for his split lip,but you didn't seemed offended by his gesture, you were used to his dryness toward you.
-" t's nothing, just a fight-"
-" No it's not !" He was surprised, hearing your voice flying few decibels higher. " Oh honey, you're bleeding, let me make it right, yeah ?"
He should not, really. The infamous Ran Haitani, missing heart beats because his father's girlfriend called him honey, took his hand in hers and started guiding him toward the bedroom.
But now, he was sitting on your and his father's bed, with you kneeling between his legs, and all balanced thoughts had left his body, all that's left was unholy, unholy, unholy...
He had the opportunity to admire you better in this position, and damn, as much as he liked to ( pretend he) hate you, he could not deny that his father was one hell of a lucky man.
The silk of your pajamas drew magnificently the hardening of your nipples, he could feel the heat rushing in between his legs, right where you were sitting, your hair lovely falling on your face whilst you were taking care of his bloodied knuckles.
On the mirror behind you, he could perceive the curve of your butt seeping through, under your silky shorts. He could not take his mind of the way your skin was so empty of any traces, such a virgin canvas, wasn't his father taking care of you ?
If you have been his, his fingertips would be imprinted on every inch of you.
But wait, since when did he even thought about you this way-?
-" Does it hurt ?" Your small voice asks quietly, applying the disinfectant on his wounds.
The worry in your eyes... The worry in your eyes had him clenching his jaw.
-" A lot. " He quietly utters, getting even harder when you stopped every movement, worrying about him.
-" hurts here" his hand reached for yours, and when you thought he would push you away, he guided it toward the bulge in his pants.
Ran couldn't tell, if the virtuous awe in your enchanting eye color made you adorable, or made him just want to eat you raw.
-" Ran, you insane or something? You can't..."
You gasp again, as he squeezes your hand around his length. Something in the way he almost moans in bliss makes the heat rush to your lower belly.
-" Hurts so fucking good... Don't you see ? Need you to take care of it f'me... "
Breath was getting harder to take, his long lashes, his lavender eyes and sharp jaw, everything about him was mesmerizing.
-" This is wrong, Ran... And you know it "
Then why were you applying more pressure on his hard dick ?
A sigh escaped your lips, the moment he buckled his hips against your hand, your tightening grip fanning the flame ravaging his guts.
-"Why lying now ? Can see you squeezing those pretty thighs... Fuck, such a pretty slut-"
Somehow, it just takes another roll of his hips against your hand, a sweat drop rolling on his forehead, and his strangled voice to make you drop the restraints.
-" Oh fuck..."
Your hands are quick to unbuckle his belt, slide his pants down, and now, Ran Haitani's most secretive part lays heavy, thick, long in your hand.
His breath gets caught in his throat, and his sits, adoring eyes while you cut the ties, uncover the beauty of your body.
On top of his nineteen, Ran has had his fair share of naked girls. Yet, when your top fell to the floor, your shorts soon to follow, he was convinced nothing could make him forget that.
-" So damn perfect... " His hoarse voice whispers, and he liked that, unlike younger, less experienced girls, you don't blush, you don't hide.
You just climb on his lap, knees sinking on each side of the bed.
Is there a word that God has forbidden? Something the heavens and hells would tremble upon hearing ? He wished he could scream it until his lungs burn, as you guide his cock toward your tight entrance and give him no time, immediately start sinking down on him.
-" This... Fuck- this pussy can't possibly be this good " his fingertips finally find your skin, digging as deep as they can. You don't whine, you don't ache, he's in bliss.
-" I... Ran, baby, your cock's too good... Fucks me so good-"
Your dirty words, his thrown back head, his stolen heart, you on his mind.
You had those unimpressed ways, though your walls were too tight for his own length, your sight was radiating fetch, riding him like you wanted him to ruin you, taking care of him like no one ever did. His hands were now wrapped around your tits, thumbs experimentally playing with your hard nubs.
Waves of beatitude washed over him, he was swimming in you, diving in the euphoria of that moment, and he couldn't even tell the moment where he did it but Roppongi's strongest delinquent lost control. Later, he would call himself pathetic, but he wasn't thinking anymore now, shameless moans leaving his mouth watching your pretty face contorting in pleasure.
-" Shit, you're clenching on me, princess... Is my dick's making you feel good ? Does he fuck this pussy as good as I do ? Why the fuck is it so tight, hm ?"
He hates it, that after your grandiose night together, his expectations of what would be you and him were reduced to stolen glances, to gasps leaving your enticing lips whenever his hands would brush yours. He hates that his whirlwind of emotions is reduced to almost-said speeches.
He hates it, that the blaze you ignited in him is reduced to shameless presses of his morning erection against your back, reaching for the cereal box while you were cutting fruits on the kitchen counter. He hates that you don't even try to push him away.
And he loathes, oh so much, the knowing face you make, hearing the click of his camera under the table, your short skirt, you say nothing.
But little did you know, he loves when his father's not home. He loves when you leave the bathroom's door unlocked, he loves the haze around your glowing body under the shower, and loves the war in his own seeing you all bare.
You don't even startle, he hates it. You feel him behind you, his desire hard as concrete against your back, his loving hands on your stomach, his lips on your neck. Ran, Ran, Ran...
-" Y'really cute, thinking you could get away with this so easily... Got no idea how fucked up you get me "
Now about Rindou and the teacher thing !
Now thinking back to all that happened, Rindou thinks it's all your fault.
How could anyone blame him ? If you were just so enticing, if you walked around the class in your not so academic clothes ? If you greeted him with such a mind-blowing smile whenever he comes back to class ?
He's only coming back for one thing.
Ran keep wondering since when his brother turned so interested in english lectures, but Rindou's careful not let him know, it is for moments like this.
You, who are so, oh so caring toward your students. He just had to show a confused face while you explained one stupid little thing, and there you were, standing next to him, leaning over his table desperately trying to explain it in better words.
So much for English, Rindou's attention has been stolen by your plunge cleavage. They traveled miles of your delicate skin, his hands in a deathly tight grip around the chair he's sitting on.
-" Do you get it now, Rin' ?" You purely ask, he could drown in your doe eyes, get lost in the gap between your glossy lips, burn between your small hands patting his shoulder when he nods.
-" That's a good boy "
Oh to when you say that, oh to when you smile, before you're walking away, skirt slightly riding the back of your thighs, he doesn't miss an inch of you, best believe you're engraved in the deepest, dirtiest corners of his mind.
It's your eyes, your smile, your touches, your body, that got him fantasizing about fucking his teacher.
And it is fantasizing about you, that got him missing hours of sleep, scrolling through porn sites. There, where he would find the less expected, the most incredible turn his life could take.
He could not believe the lies his eyes were reporting, was it really happening ?
But those lavender hues, oh they held every inch of you so dearly, they could never mistake you for any other human being.
No, it was you,in the amateur porn site he just found. You, your doe eyes, your glossy lips, your delicate skin, shoving the pink vibrator deeper in your impossibly sensuous pussy. It was you, spilling the most flagrant moans, it was you, once again, having his pants tightening.
Rindou's the cockiest after that. He would not say anything, just there sitting behind his desk, a brow arched and the ghost of a smirk in the corner of his lips.
A look that says " I know what you're doing"
If anything, it intrigued you. But at the end of the day, it is one of the things you throw away at the threshold of the school, and honestly ? Rindou Haitani's expressions were always too deep of a mystery for you to decorticate.
He was fine with it how it was, really. Spending every night checking your channel, looking for new content. Friday, it was your posting day, after the overwhelming pressure of the whole week.
Rindou likes to forget about the screen, the miles separating you, and the thousand other eyes looking at you now, as he lays on his back.
He likes to think it's his hand, not yours, starting to turn you on, gliding upon the soft fabric of your brand new bra. And he thinks it's appealing, how you take your time to take it off, how your breasts look even more alluring than what he had ever imagined, and how you turn into a whining mess as soon as those fingers that patted his shoulder that morning begin sinking inside you.
He was really fine with what he had, he even felt lucky to be able to witness you in your most intimate moments . But the day that man, basic car, basic clothes, basic motherfucker ( as he calls him) drops you more and more often at school, well he's not fine at all.
And everyone notices, even his boss. Not like Manjiro cares, but he just wants his gang members to be 100% focused on their missions, and he's not.
Because of you. You turned him into this disgusting guy in heat, now you should take it upon yourself.
You're startled when Rindou's drops his phone on your desk, first of all, he never stays that late at school, and second of all, you've never seen such a stern expression on his face.
-" Yes, Rin' ? Is there something wrong?"
Cocky bastard.
Doesn't say anything, once again.
Rindou's a man of few words, he just leans over, towering above you, his manly fragrance invading your senses, blonde locks tickling your cheek. Without leaving your eyes a second, his finger reaches to press play.
He knows you know, watching while you just close your eyes, looking like your nerves are about to stumble down, you know your voice, you can't be mistaken.
-" Such pretty, pretty moans... " His hoarse voice makes you open your eyes, quickly reach for his phone to stop the replay, earning a smirk from him.
-" How much ?" Your voice has never been less confident, it felt as if in a second, he drained you of all the sunshine you radiated. He frowned. You repeated.
-" How much do you want ? Grades or money ? Or both ?"
Ah, there you were, finally.
Rindou wraps you in his lavender haze, you never thought a younger man could make you feel as small as he did, fingers tucking a hair lock of yours behind your ear. You close your eyes, feeling every brush of his lips against that one, as he murmurs.
-" A taste... Love. I'm dying to taste you."
Somehow, you know where the path of hell started for you. That split moment, the space between your two pair of eyes, that knot in your throat you gulped, and the breath he stole from your lips.
-" Please... Rin', can't take no more... Too sensitive!"
His hands are firmly holding your thighs open, and if you weren't that spent, you would've drank in the sight of his popping biceps, holding you high against the wall, while he was on his knees devouring you.
-" You better shut that pretty mouth and take it f'me, yeah ? "
His senses never lied to him, he knew you would taste sweet, smell so appealing, have him bury his tongue deep inside you with his nose rubbing against your sensitive clit.
Everything felt surreal, the feel of your tits he freed from your top, surreal. The juices you were spilling on his tongue, surreal. Your walls clenching around nothing, surreal.
-" Knew this lil pussy would do good for me, look how wet these slutty lips are... You're making a mess on me, love this so fucking much"
You've lost count on how many times you came for him, the only thing you know is if you don't lower your voice, you both are gonna get caught. It is almost as if he wanted it, with how fiercely he was stimulating you.
But there is nothing as sweet as Rindou's adoring gaze from under you, when your orgasm hits you again, and he rests his chin on your lower tummy.
You've got his pretty face, messy hair, sparkling eyes getting high on you, you've got Rindou kissing every inch of your skin, the delinquent on his knees.
-" Your taste's dope, baby. That's what you were hiding under those skirts, hm ? Hiding from me ?"
If you dare to think it is over...
He knows how important your career is for you, he knows how fastly you can get replaced if they learn your secret.
And he knows how addicted to his cock he made you.
-" what you doing here, Rin' ?" You sigh, he shrugs, taking off his expensive shoes at your door.
-" Wanted to see my girl, got a problem ?"
Sometimes it is not even about sex, just about having you in his arms, on your couch, watching whatever show on the TV.
Other times...
-" repeat that for me, would'ya baby ?"
Tears made your vision blurry, his tip was abusing your cervix with each thrust, your bed dancing with each roll of his hips. Rindou has your hands pinned above your head,your knees pressed to your chest, watching with a small smile your eyes rolling back in your head.
-" just tell me, who can fuck this needy pussy like I do?"
It's been months, and if you thought he would be done with you in few weeks, you were so wrong. Because it felt like with every kiss, every glance, every touch, parts of his soul mended with yours. He was obsessed, the pictures in his phone were the best witness of his folly.
His hand reaches to squeeze your cheeks.
-" tsk, going dumb on my cock already ? I asked you a fucking question. Tell me just who can love you like me ?"
Better be ready, that needy boy could drag you to any corner of the school at anytime, begging, no, ordering you to "been craving you so bad, love. Gimme one "
Yes, he thinks all of that happened because of you.
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an-au-blog · 10 months
Sanon back again, I have written 15kish words for Mihawk X Sora and I'm killing my friend with this too. I'm sorry.
You have to remember Zoro bathes canonically once a week, him and Luffy both, they reek. Mihawk absolutely hoses him down like a dog while Sora takes photos. It's necessary
Zoro also doesn't tell the other hats about Sora, he tries to talk to Sanji about her but Sanji has removed himself so far from the idea of claiming to be their son for everyone's safety that he shuts down every conversation. It's not something he wants to hide but if it gets out to the wrong people it's going to cause major issues. To him Mihawk Sanji is dead the way Vinsmoke Sanji is just because it's safe.
When Sanji's Alive poster comes out Mihawk and Sora rightfully freak out because that doesn't bode well. And when the Vinsmoke Sanji poster comes out, Sora is fuming like a woman on a war path. Mihawk has never been so turned on in his life. And after Wano and Egg Punk the Hats team up with the guild to take down Teach. It's been almost three years since Sanji has seen his parents and his poster says "Vinsmoke"? Boy is terrified he let his parents down.
Of course their arrival at Kari Baria is uneventful, Luffy, Zoro and Nami probably get sucked into meetings and Sanji is probably trying to use up ingredients going bad so he doesn't make it off ship until dinner where Sora is standing next to Luffy and Zoro, looking at him expectantly so he walks over and she cradles his face and he goes "Hi Mama." And yep, they're hugging and crying. Mihawk wanders over eventually and is like "a billion isn't bad but you can do better, fight me." That's how Sora and Mihawk learn to fly and set himself on fire because it's not like Mihawk is going to give him a lot warning, just enough.
Sora immediately adopts the rest of the hats while they watch the fight. She especially loves Luffy, Chopper and Nami, cuz who doesn't. She is seen carrying Chopper a lot, Zoro is getting jealous to the point he threatens to carry Sanji. They are both seen walking and chatting and carrying what is basically the others child. Nami's blackmail folder has increased triple.
Hello Sanon, don't worry I'm invested at this point hahaha
Consider: not only does Mihawk hose him like a dog, but he also acts like a dog. He'll try and bite the water, maybe even growl. Mihawk puts the tream to shoot upwords and he jumps to catch the water.
Sanji being paranoid enough to not wanting to mention Mihawk is so canon to me :'(... but I love the motherly anger at seeing the name on the poster. She's a caring and protective mother, how dare they put that name, she feels as if they're giving the credit to someone else.
Omg reunion would be so sweet. I can see her petting Chopper and him going "It's not like I like being pet by you, you big dummy, don't think you can just flatter me like that" and then immediate after that laying in her lap again like a clingy cat.
Aaa, Sanon, now look at what you did, I can stop thinking about dog Zoro and cat Chopper being tamed by Sora ahahaha
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thenixkat · 3 months
Oh yeah, I finished the Blue Beetle 1986 run.
There was a bunch of stuff I liked. Like Ted's college roommate/bestie Takamoto. And Ted being a decent caring boss/willing to fucking throw down if you try to harm his employees. Giving ex-cons chances. Willing to look out for people's families and financially support them. And caring about homeless people (granted he failed to grasp the fact that he could infact do shit to help them).
Loved the choice to have Ted's Beetle Nest be right under the Kord Inc. building. And Ted's gods awful fashion choices, good fucking lords you have to actively try to pick colors and patterns that clash that badly. Also really like Ted with curly red hair, every other appearance of him in the DC universe should have curly red hair! It looks great and distinct.
Also the whole Ted vs Dan thing and Khaji Da being a mind controlling alien parasite trying to seduce Ted. The ending felt like a fucking cop out but most of it was fun and also Dan lasered a bunch of cops which was neat.
But there was also a bunch of stuff I hated. Like the unnecessary drama of Ted not telling his loved ones about his secret identity even when it became clear that it was causing issues. OG Ted didn't have those problems b/c he told his girlfriend/lab assistant which was hot new and spicey at the time narritively.
You could have had different more interesting drama with folks knowing! Imagine how the arc where Nixon banned superheroes b/c public opinion got turned against superheroes would have gone down if there were people who knew that Ted was a superhero? Like that fucking cop got to figure out Ted's identity but what did we get out of that other than Ted getting blackmailed by that cop to do dirty work for him?
There's a bunch of plot lines that never get resolved and as far as I know just don't get resolved due to folks not really caring about Ted's of solo run. Like, poor Mr. Calhoun does not get fucking rescued after he got horribly burned, forcibly mutated and given superpowers, then kidnapped and enslaved. I didn't see a single peep about Mr. Calhoun after the Titans told Ted to go home and things will resolve themselves eventually.
Just damn, free my mans Calhoun!
And like damn, no one at Kord Inc really thought about Jeremiah Duncan much after he got kidnapped by French people. And that doesn't sit right with me. Especially after seeing what Ted did for Angie and Calhoun when they were in trouble and even that ex-con that was trying to turn his life around. Like? The fuckle?
Also the entire ending of that run felt just ... that's both a downer ending and it didn't feel super in character. Like yer telling me Ted, Mr. 'Oh no my secretary didn't show up and didn't call out and this is very not like her I'm gonna drop by her house to see if she's ok' and Mr. 'Calhoun saved my life I'm going to ride with him to the hospital to make sure he's ok/I will fight all these fucking supervillains trying to kidnap my employee so I can get that man to a fucking hospital' would say fuck yall and dip instead of helping rebuild his company?
Sure, he's pissed off at his dad and his ex but would that spite really beat out every fuck he gives for all the other people that work for him? The folks he said were like family to him that he proved pretty well that he meant it through out the story? If he quits he cant take care of the ex-con's family like he promised to. If he quits what happens to Angie? If he quits Calhoun wont have a job to come back to and its not like he could get another after being turned into a metal skinned mutant.
Nah, I don't buy that ending.
What is Ted Kord other than a bundle of guilt and responsibility, seasoned with depression and self loathing, and covered up with a bright wrapper of quips and humor?
I'm not buying that Ted Kord would leave his people in a lurch just to spite two fuckers when he could spite them by being fucking awesome and taking care of his?
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mourn-and-watch · 1 year
I haven't paid much attention to it during my previous playthroughs because I was already overwhelmed with all the mass murders, power abuses and hate crimes happening in the game but oh boy. the templar order in kirkwall is even more messed up than it seems because despite all the big words about "noble cause" and "protecting the people" no templar genuinely believes or cares about that. among the ones in charge at least.
the thing is, one of the main motivations for hawke and carver (or hawke and bethany but mage hawke's case gets more hilarious in the following acts) to join the deep roads expedition is to escape the templars. they aren't planning to move in the deep roads until meredith resigns or something, they need to get money to escape the templars. to bribe them. and this is actually what happens in act 2! hawke is rich af and nobody bats an eye there is a mage living in hightown and breaking chantry laws whenever they want! they can approach cullen to show him alrik's documents and he immediately suspects they're the one who killed alrik but then proceeds to do nothing. they can spit in elthina's face by calling her useless and still. she does nothing.
it gets better and better in act 3. hawke is a champion and them being a mage is practically a common knowledge. and not just a mage, but a very skilled and dangerous one. also their friends are a possessed apostate and a dalish blood mage. these three are literally the type of people templars are obligated to capture asap. it's like, red alert levels of danger. yeah, meredith can blackmail hawke if they try to turn her down, but she still let them walk freely while they do some favors for her. she acknowledges this. she sees hawke as a threat, but won't touch them as long as they're useful. oh, but where did the "we must protect the city from mages! we must protect the mages from themselves!" bravado go?
templars won't lay a finger on hawke because everyone in the city, the nobles as well, will be mad if someone threatens their favourite friendly amell neighbour and then their champion. if someone threatens champion's friends the champion will be mad too.
kirkwall templars have a reputation of being strict and distrustful but capable, when in fact they beat frightened kids up and make them tranquil for exchanging love letters but if someone who can actually fight back shows up they will shit their pants. even the most dangerous and self-righteous ones.
does meredith believe that she is doing the right thing? I guess so. will she make an exception for extremely powerful uncontrolled mages because otherwise they will endanger her position and become an obstacle to her seizure of power? oh sure she will.
it's not a game conventionality though. if it was one we would get another inquisition where you simply can't be unhinged or say or do stupid reckless shit because it would put the whole organization in a very unpleasant position. inquisition just doesn't give you that option because it had no intention to elaborate on it. meanwhile in da2 all these topics are addressed: hawke can be rude to people in power, they can be openly pro-mage and other characters acknowledge that as well as their class and it makes sense. that's just a templar hypocrisy at it's finest for you.
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constantvariations · 1 year
"Why do you like Adam Taurus when Cinder is right there" is a sentiment that's been popping up lately and it's so fucking stupid. The two have a lot of similarities, but only on the surface
Both Adam and Cinder were abused during their childhoods, but Cinder was bought by a business woman who enforced servitude via a shock necklace while Adam was forced into hard manual labor due to his race by a powerful, far-reaching company and permanently disfigured while under its thumb
Both have hurt the people they've worked with, but the dynamics are completely different. Adam and Blake were presented as equals while from the start Emerald and Mercury have been Cinder's underlings. While it's unclear how Adam and Blake's relationship started, we know for certain that Cinder found E&M while they were desperate and vulnerable and made them an offer they couldn't refuse, thus creating a power imbalance. In the voiceover in The Beginning of the End, we hear her slap Emerald for speaking out of turn. When Adam slaps Blake, it's for her perceived naiveté about a peaceful path to equality
Both use violence to gain influence, but only one is a proper terrorist. While the definition of terrorism isn't entirely agreed upon, one of its main hallmarks is the targeting of civilian spaces. The White Fang were explicitly said to go after businesses that refused to service Faunus and people associated with the Schnee Dust Company. It's more akin to assassination than terrorism. Cinder, on the other hand, targeted a school during a major event that was being broadcasted live across the world with the express purpose of spreading fear. She even blackmailed Adam into assisting her
Both have lost an eye, but while the source of Cinder's wound is unknown, Adam is branded with the initials of the company that stole his childhood
Both present themselves as cool and collected to cover up short tempers, but Cinder is clad in Femme Fatale while Adam is more Gentleman Criminal
One thing Adam has that Cinder doesn't is the fact that, at one point in the writing time, Adam did fight for a noble cause. "We are a force of revolution," he'd once said. "You're asking my men to die for a human cause. That's not an idea I'm willing to entertain." He clearly cared about his people, even agreeing to work for Cinder to stop her from harming them more. At no point has Cinder ever indicated she cared about any of the people around her
Yet Cinder is the one that gets both narrative and audience support. She's the one that gets a whole flashback to her sad childhood. She's the one that has a moment of vulnerability to endear her to the audience. She's the one that gets to live despite impossible wounds and falls. People look forward to a potential redemption arc despite her never once showing any remorse over her actions and actively fucking over every person unlucky enough to be in her path, like the woman she robbed and potentially killed at the beginning of V6. She does the same thing over and over again - uses brute force to plow through obstacles, mistreats her allies until they leave or die, does whatever she wants even against orders - and somehow fails upward
In a word, she's boring. It's boring for her to have no real consequences, no arc, no unique characteristics, and no real endgame
Compare that to Adam. His goals are tangible: uplift the Faunus by any means necessary and fuck over the partner who betrayed them all for human favor. Even as atrociously shitty as the writing is, his negative arc is still interesting. After his failure at Haven, he's lost his respect and standing within the Fang. Everyone turns against him, so he fights like he always had to. It's all he knows, all he can do. But the game has changed, the new rules are constraining, and he can only ever lose
There's plenty of other reasons folks might like Adam more than Cinder. He's got a cooler design, his weapon and semblance are badass, Cinder's voice is annoying, etc. I'm personally drawn to characters that get fucked over by the narrative and misconstrued by the audience. I didn't like Adam any more or less than other background characters until I saw the constant vitriol against him and now he's my poor little meow meow
Also, it's not cute or progressive to suggest people like one character over another because they're sexist or an abuse apologist. Y’all are just drinking the radfem "all men are evil"/white liberal "violence is uwu bad" propaganda koolaid cocktail
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cheemken · 8 months
Ok so, you got me thinking about Drayton in the Villain Champion AU, the one where all the champions are evil while Iris and Hau are being manipulated and/or blackmailed
Like Drayden got murdered by the others to worsen Iris’ mental state, and cause he knew what happened to Iris, but now we got Drayton to add to the story. While I know he has parents somewhere in Unova, I can’t stop thinking about Iris being the one to comfort him about the death of their grandfather despite being devastated herself
Cause she knew WHY Drayden was killed, and she can’t afford to tell anyone else less they end up in the same position as Drayden. And she definitely won’t be telling her younger brother
OUUGH MY GUY JUST.., Diantha seeing Iris being so caring of her younger brother and making that another reason as to why she sees herself in Iris. Why she believes pushing Iris down this path is the right thing to do
But I can also see Diantha using him as blackmail, saying if Iris does ANYTHING she doesn’t like she’ll find a way to hurt her. And Iris knows that means her little brother. She would rather be dragged to the distortion world and tortured again then let anything happen to Drayton
No cause I've been thinking abt how fucked up the villain aus would be now ever since I posted abt Drayton bc you know how most our villain aus have Iris being the main charac and oughhfjdhdj ofc we're gonna make her suffer lmfao
But ough,,, villain Diantha I missed you,,,
Fucking imagine during one of the meet ups at Unova, Geeta informs Diantha abt Drayton, Iris' younger brother, and ofc, that intrigued Diantha, Iris never told her she had a brother. So she sent Geeta off to find out more, talk to the students, Geeta had said a few of her students and proteges were there too
Can you fucking imagine how devastated Iris would be tho, after the meeting, Diantha had Iris all alone w her at the top of Unova's League, overlooking the region, it made Diantha feel powerful, it made Iris feel like a traitor. Then Diantha spoke, voice so haunting, pulling Iris close to her, going "why, darling, I never thought we could be any more similar," she began, chuckling to herself, god Iris just wants to die then and there, "you never told me you also have a younger brother."
And god did that fucking break Iris. How in the absolute hell did Diantha know?? She never told anyone, not one of the Champions, she made sure to keep her brother a secret from them, she's not going to lose another person she loves to Diantha's hands. She turns to Dia, fear in her eyes, her breathing quickened.
Diantha merely smirked at her, "what's his name, darling?"
It took all of Iris' willpower to not say it, she'd risk it all, she'd risk dying, she'd risk being thrown into the Distortion World again, Arceus please she'd risk it all just to protect her brother
But it's Diantha, y'know. Nothing gets past her. "Was it Drayton? Yes... Geeta had told me." She laughed, dark, hollow, it sent a shiver down Iris' spine, "quite a similar name to your grandfather, don't you agree?" Turning to Iris, there's that glint in eyes, interest, "tell me, does he have the strength to become a Champion? Do you think he can dethrone you?"
And Iris really really doesn't want Diantha to target Drayton next, god please not her brother, so Iris w a shaky voice goes "no... No, he never... He has never won against me, even against grandpa. He's lazy, useless, he's no use to us... The only title he ever got was that fake Champion title he has in that wannabe League at his school."
And Iris could only let out a breath she was holding when Diantha seems to believe that. "Is that so? Well, he reminds me of Augustine, that boy has never won against me as well."
But also y'know in that final battle, or maybe there really is a point where Drayton starts to notice there's smth wrong w Iris. Ever since their grandpa died, Iris changed, she seems more... Paranoid. At first ofc he thought that maybe it was just the pressure of trying to find someone to fill in for Opelucid's Gym, and it saddened him how she didn't choose him, but he understands why, he still has classes, so Opelucid's Gym was then taken over by one of the heroes, Hilda. But even w that, Iris still looked like she's always stressed, he can't remember a time now where Iris didn't look like she was about to combust, she looked like she was just one problem away from lashing out, from crying her heart out, but she knows she can't.
Imagine if he confronts her tho, or maybe, if he actually asked Hilbert and the others for help. After all, they're his sis' friends, they know her, and he knows they're concerned for her too.
DUDE CAN YOU IMAGINE CHMDBFKD that concept where the Unova kids are sneaking inside the League to eavesdrop on one of the meetings and it just so happens that was the meeting after Iris' battle w Hilbert, where they finally saw just how the Champions treat her, imagine if Drayton was there with them too
Imagine Drayton having to watch how they treat his sister, how they kicked her and sneered at her and dragged her to the Distortion World and back. How Iris was shaking like a leaf after all that, crying out, apologizing, how she'll try harder next time, that she won't come close to losing again next time. Then Dia's there staring at her, her eyes glowing, threatening her if she so much as comes close to losing like that again, well... at least her brother will see their grandfather again
And god imagine the other Unova kids having to cover Drayton's mouth to stop him from screaming, to hold him close cause he's trembling, he's shaking, out of anger, out of fear, fear it's dread, it's terror, he's fucking terrified. Tears stream down his face as his own breathing quickened, Hilda and Bianca had to try to calm him down while N and Cheren had to ground Hilbert too, and soon enough when they heard Diantha say there are others there other than them, the Champion, well, they ran outta there, hoping that no one really saw them
God fuck imagine how that'd mess up Drayton too tho bcmdnd like having to watch his sister go through all that, and he realizes why she always looked so paranoid, bc she is, bc the other Champions are there breathing down her neck, making sure she's going to be just like them
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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lmao okay akechi i fucking dare you to go to the police with that. i dare you. here is my weird iphone panorama photo except someone moved and fucked up the image.
but no he has video too so FIIIINE I GUEEEEEESS that's decent blackmail material.
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allegedly when Akechi was following the Thieves around, he ran into Black Mask, who shot at him, and the confrontation awakened Akechi to his persona.
Did I not say that we wouldn't see his awakening? Because he's deffo had his persona for longer than a month.
All of Akechi's testimony is contrived as fuck and has nothing to back it up, but because the Thieves are panicking (and are kinda dumb) they don't question any of it. Instead, Akechi just lays out his ultimatum: either they help him uncover the true identity of the "real" killer, or he turns them over to the police.
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i wanna crack open his skull and read it like tasseomancy, what the fuck is even going through his head, what is his morality, what are his goals. I have no fucking idea.
I KNOW HE'S THE KILLER. Like, the thing about Persona games (or at least 4 and 5) is that you reach a point in the story where the story narrows things down until there is only one option left. As with Adachi, Akechi has been suspect for a long fucking time, but eventually the branches of the story get trimmed until there is only one option remaining. And it is Akechi.
.... Hm. And like with Adachi, I have no idea what his motivations are. Funny, that.
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hang on, after the meeting, everyone leaves except Reverie and Morgana, and things go hazy and weird for a sec before the scene abruptly ends. And Morgana's little icon there is the "talking" icon, not the "surprise" or "confusion" icon.
What is happening? Is something important occurring that the story is obfuscating or is Reverie-In-The-Framing-Device getting woozy?
The School Festival is over, Akechi bails on the rest of the interview without answering who the Thieves are.
There's an extended animated cutscene where Kasumi dances at the post-festival dance? But uh. I don't.... care. Sorry, Kasumi, you are suffering from how tacked on you feel to the story.
Like, Kasumi's bit is so OBVIOUSLY shoehorned in, it's coinciding with the exact same place where Reverie is supposed to have a mandatory hangout with Haru?
Like, Kasumi and Reverie leave, the game says the dance is over....
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l m a o Persona 5 Royal, you are KILLIN me here. this is worse than that time Mishima said "kek" out loud, goddammit.
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Haru is much more likeable. She gets called up to do an impromptu interview and the emcee is an asshole and starts asking about how she feels about the Phantom Thieves killing her fucking dad
so Reverie stands up and causes a commotion
Reverie is the best protagonist yet.
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Sojiro obviously noticed his daughter has gone through a significant change in the past few months but has chalked it up to her finally finding friends her age who support her. But finding the calling card seems to confirm his worst fears.
FUTABA'S VA IN THIS IS AMAZING BTW she is palpably trying to explain something very emotional while staving off a fucking meltdown and the way she struggles to control her words is like-- I HAVE BEEN HERE. I HAVE DONE THIS EXACT STACCATO SPEECH PATTERN.
It's fabulous.
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I was straight up ready to fess up but Sojiro doesn't Get It and seems to think Reverie is just linked to the Thieves somehow
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i wanna crush Futaba against my chest and hug her for about an hour
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gurrrrrrl, same tho
The Thieves meet up the next day to go over everything they know before giving Akechi an answer. Makoto lays out that all of this, the hacking, the manipulation of the media, the way Okumura was placed in their path, the hype cycle around the Thieves, it was all a huge set-up and set-ups like that take money and resources to happen. Ergo, the person they're up against is no Republic serial villain, they're either an extremely powerful individual or a whole organization.
Also there is a 30 million yen reward for details about them now.
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Yes I know I'm a huge bitch and I loudly dislike Ryuji and I have been screaming for tens of hours now what he and Mishima are broadly to blame for all of this shit happening.
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It's deeply satisfying to see the rubber band finally snap back as the weight of his actions falls on him. Yeah, he's like 16, 17, but he's been toying with people's hearts and minds like it's a game to win. It's turned him into a kinda terrible dude, so the clarity hitting him this hard is actually reassuring. Somewhere in that brain, he knows the gravity of this fuck up, he knows he's gone astray. Not even led astray, he was hyped for fame all the way back before Madarame. First a desire for recognition, sure, but it grew into a ravenous monster appetite for infamy and all the perks that come with it.
I'm just relieved that the fucking hours upon hours of dealing with his horseshit was actually building to something. That doesn't make me like him, but it makes me feel satisfied that all of that was intentional.
Now if we can just get Mishima in on this shit.
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Good for you, realization of the self is the first step to changing the self. Now please: grow as a fucking person, i'm begging you.
Also he apologizes for his outburst scaring Ann and Haru.
Still nothing for Morgana, so that ship has sunk.
oh btw in case you don't believe me, here is Mishima literally saying "kek".
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we should have stolen his fucking heart when we had the chance, jesus fuck
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Happy Oc Sunday! For Nihlus or any one in crisis company!
👑: What does your oc want to be remembered as? Why?
🔫: Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back to someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
💧: Random angst headcanon
☄️: What do people assume about them? Are they right?
Thanks so much!!! asdjghasgh Sorry this took so long, tumblr desided it didnt like this post so its been hard tryinga get it to post
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One Nihlus and Crisis Company, coming right up! (under the cut for lenth purposes) Gonna stop trying to format it and just post it cause this website likes to shit itself anytime you use its own built in features
What Do they want to be Remembered as?
Nihlus: Doesn't want to be remembered, and actually goes out of his way to make sure he is generally never perceived in the first place. To Nihlus, for Nihlus, knowledge about him is a weapon against him. Better to pass through most of life like a ghost. Jet: Wants to be remembered as a smart Captain and a Good Man if he can, someone effective and reliable at what he does. Jet would have deserted the GAR after Geonosis if he didn't believe in the cause of protecting the innocent from the horror of separatist occupation and destruction, because he doesn't believe in the republic itself. He doesn't want to be a hero or maintain a system, he just wants to end the suffering. Margo: She want to do something cool! Mostly just wants to be remembered as that awesome uncle that fixes everything everyone needs Cynic: Would love to be a beloved artist. He wants people to want what he makes. He wants to be remembered for what he can do rather than what he is. Many of his watercolor sketches already sit framed on the walls of Mary Ann's fine dining restaurants, so it could be a reality if the galaxy is kind to him. Heron: Doesn't want to be remembered by anyone except those closest to him. People would be harder to lure in to back alleys to try and mug him if they know to stay away from the guy with the prosthetic leg. And how can he commit crimes against the force gods if no one attacks him first? Lake: Chronically unsure, Lake thinks he wants to be remembered as a decent guy all things considered. Thinks they're all going to be remembered as monsters, but whatever. That's whoever comes next's problem to deal with, he's just trying to have fun and stay alive. Torch: Torch doesn't care if or how he's remembered after he's gone, he's also just here to have a good time while he can. His captain would probably say he's going to be remembered as a goofy problem soldier, but he's going to be remembered as absolutely devotional to his squad, and an excellent sharpshooter. Sprig: He wants to be remembered like a kickass fantasy spy advisor like leliana or zeveran from dragon age. Course the only reason they're deeds are known is because they're part of a video game. Maybe.... he thinks about writing a blackmail book. It would highly embarrass so many senators and office officials for petty (usually illegally so) shit, but that's what they get for legally making him the guy who had to deal with all the bomb threats by chance of birth. Empty buildings give him time to riffle through their shit.
Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back to someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Nihlus: He trusts trustworthy people.... as long as they aren't Jedi or Sith. Anyone capable of resisting his ability to unconditionally access their thoughts and intentions is an eventual threat even if they chose not to resist him.
-He doesn't do things for the good of doing it, if he wants to help even at risk to himself, he really has to like someone. Otherwise that honor is reserved for his clan, for whom he would give himself at the lightest provocation.
-Nihlus ended up in the Era of the Clone Wars due to being locked into a stasis chamber in his archive meant for fragile documents by his former master and oldest friend, Kishta, who had lured him in there to prevent his attempted assassination of the sith emporor for the destruction of his previous clan
- Nihlus is physcially incapable of betraying any of his squad no matter the cost (one of Jets orders), nor would he want to if he could. that is trust for Nihlus. Anyone else is fair game to whatever else serves the needs of him and his people
Jet: Has a healthy suspicion of others because to do otherwise would be irresponsible, but it does not stop him from reaching out, from trying, when he feels that the person is worth it
- Jet will never turn his back on his squad, his family, by his own admission. Has, though, on numerous occasions given some orders that put them in unnecessary danger for appearances sake. no one is perfect.
-Jet has never been truly back-stabbed, but he has been lied to on numerous occasions
-Jet... is initially ready to trade Nihlus life if and when he has to, for the sake of his squad and their family, as was his deal when becoming the Siths Captain. However, the longer he has him, the less likely he is to actually do so. Would not be able to choose between the lives of his squad even if their lives depended on it.
Margo: She trusts hard and fast, but if her trust is ever completely lost... that's it. Good fucking luck ever getting it back.
- Puts her trust in her Captain, and would turn her back on anyone he deemed it necessary for. Otherwise, she goes with her gut to do what she thinks she has to, to be able to sleep soundly at night.
- There have been several times where Margorashly believes they have been betrayed, by Nihlus... by Jet... by militia allies... for the first two it turned out alright, the last one... is still up for debate
- Will betray anyone she has to, to protect their family. She's the second in command, and that saddles her with a certain level of responsibility damn whatever her own morals say.
Cynic: Does not trust a single soul outside of their squad, although its less of a "all of you are sus" and more of a "none of you are reliable"
- it's not turning your back on people if you weren't really going to help them in the first place. Anyone who isn't squad is just fodder for the cause, although he has far more of an affinity towards helping other clones than to even looking a natborns way
- you can only be backstabbed by people you trust and he believes his squad wouldnt do that, everything else is just an unanticipated attack
- has a tier list of who he would trade for who within his squad if he had to that he would never tell anyone else about. It's not based on who he likes best, but rather who he thinks would be able to best keep the squad going
Heron: Doesn't trust easily outside his squad, that's how you get caught. and he hates nothing more than when the jig is up, tehee
- easily, he'll easily turn his back on people (who arent his crew). The only people worth sticking your neck out for are the ones as willing to kill for you as they are to die for you.
- Definately thought Nihlus did that one thing that one time like Margo but was also wrong, although he didn't take it as personally as she did. He is well aware there are worse people them him out there.
- has a tier list like Cynic does. two, actually. one that he publically shifts around as a joke anytime someone fucks with him, and the real one that he holds close to his heart.
Lake: Wants to believe the best in people at all times, genuinely wants to
- would, in the opinion of much of the rest of his crew, would give his life too easily in order to do the right thing. would not easily turn his back on anyone that needed help
- All the time, if by back-stabbed you mean 'dissapointed', Torch is too cautious though, so Lake has never had the chance to be seriously betrayed
- Would never betray his crew outright, no matter what. the morality of his crew matters less than the vows he has made to them. Has been given an ultimatum before, and he made his choice.
Torch: Wants to believe the best in people, but always expects the worst, he has to. it's kept them alive before, and it will do so again.
- will trust easily, and will break that trust easily if he thinks he detects the slightest threat. His squad comes first, always. Will tattle on them to the Captain if he thinks it'll be funny though.
- His initial fuck-ups almost cost his training batch their spots in the GAR, but they didn't have to throw him as under the bus for it as hard as they did
- Will die with his crew before he betrays them, but if he thinks accepting the initial offer will get him a way to help, he can put up a pretty convincing front
Sprig: Trust is hard earned with Sprig, but he notices potential and offers tentative trust accordingly
- socially, he will not be caught unawares. he's spent too long watching people.
- Has never been truely betrayed. had brothers who told him they'd come back who never did, but it's hard to blame the dead, isnt it?
- Sprig will betray anyone he has to, again, for his crew. Jet built this squad well. for his crew? He also has a list of who's life comes first. like the others, his isnt on top of his own.
Random angst headcanon?
Nihlus: Sometimes he looks in the mirror tries to grin and wishes he could smile in full like he could when he was young and happy and didn't had nerve damage over a full third of his face
Jet: gets migraines from his numerous head injuries
Margo: Several of the squad she commanded before she became Jets second died very soon after she transferred, and sometimes she wonders if she had turned him down whether or not she could have done anything to prevent it
Cynic: feels a lot of insecurity initially over his place in the squad, although he doesn't show it, since it was Margo that requested (demanded) he join with her rather than Jet offering.
Heron: Gets phantom cramps in a foot that no longer exists if he leans on that side for too long without a cane, and nothing except straight 'sith magic' has ever seemed to help make it go away
Lake: For better (and through worse) Lake will stay by Torch's side, no matter how often he ethically disagrees with the rest of their squad, because the rest of their batch is DEAD and Lake will be damned if he loses his last batcher, no matter what sort of monster he has to become to keep them that way.
Torch: Constantly puts up a front of whimsy because he's afraid that what he has underneath it isnt worth loving.
Sprig: So, so scared of dying. It's one of the reasons he transfered out of the ordinence corps
What do people assume about them? Are they right?
Nihlus: People often see Nihlus' lightsabers and lack of clone armor when the squad is together and assume that he's either the Jedi, or the one in Charge. They are oh so very wrong on both accounts. He will get really pissy if they're stubborn about trying to talk to him over his Captain about mission shit he could really not care any less about. Jet: People assume that the Sith is some how mind controlling his Captain into doing what he wants, when he wants. Jet just scoffs in Blood Oath and orders Nihlus to scrub the refreshers for the third time this month as punishment for breaking some ships rules or ditching drills to hang around Kix, again. Margo: People often assume she's a mechanic, when she's just a tech. Sure, she dabbles in machinery, but she's much more capable on the software than the hardware aspect of technology. She can rewire the engines power cells but for the grace of the force don't ask her what model of spark plug the damn thing needs. Cynic: People assume that by his name and attitude, he hates fun. a real stick up his ass stick in the mud. Truth is he's an early twenty-somethings man trying to make the most of things, he's just a little pessimistic, like, all the time. Absolute party animal otherwise Heron: People assume that as a Medic he's a real 'save everyone you can, do the least amount of harm' mildly Hippocratic oath inclined kinda guy like a majority of the medical professionals in the GAR. Unfortunately, he has... serial killer tendencies. Bit of a god complex, Giver and Taker of Life kinda thing. See enough guys with your face die under you hands and your knife and it's bound to do something, warp you in some way. Lake: People may assume that as like, one of the few people with a truely morally compassionate compass of the group, that Lake would be the weak link to press on to coerce into betraying the squad, but they would be very, very wrong. He values his families life above all others, just not his own. Torch: His whimsical nature might trick one into thinking he's a fool, but Torch is actually one of the most tactically brilliant soldiers in Crisis Company, and has the best aim out of all of them. He's just... occasionally taken over by the urge to Have a Good Time. Sprig: Is a real Seems like a Cinnamon Roll, Could Kill You, kinda guy. Really great at drawing people into just talking. In reality, he's filling it all away to use at a later date should it come in handy. (rarely does it, so he always just comes off as a peoples person)
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Disastrous Hook household in the 1920 mafia AU:
Their combined bodycount is at least a dozen. They will gladly elaborate if asked.
You might end up traumatized though.
They ended up adopting Claudine Frollo after Uma dragged her to Harry, like: „She wouldn't survive on the streets. She's your problem now.“
Harry, of course, is unable to say no to Uma.
And Harriet just throws her hands up „Well we are not gonna throw her out, are we?!“
And when CJ comes back from her honeymoon (with her husband still alive, to her eternal annoyance), the conversation goes like this:
Harriet: „CJ, this is your new sister Claudine. She is legally dead. Say hi to Claudine!“
CJ: „Hi Claudine!“
CJ: *slowly turns at her siblings*
CJ: „Why is she legally dead?“
Harry and Harriet: „Hey! She was like that when we got her!“
(It was Frollo's fault. Fuck that man.)
„Claudine?“ „Yeah?“ „You grew up in a cult.“ „...Oh.“
This conversation takes place at least once a day.
Uma knows what do the sisters do for living. That said, she doesn't care. It makes for pretty interesting family dinners though:
Uma: „So, CJ, how did your husband die?“
CJ, smiling sweetly: „Natural causes.“
Harry, choking on his drink: „You pushed him off the roof!“
CJ, smiling wider: „Yeah. Gravity is natural.“
Harriet is just siping her wine throughout the entire conversation.
Ok, now, CJ's first husband was Gaston Junior (I'm sorry & rest in peace). I'm mentioning this only because he is/was mostly immune to wide array of poisons due to his sheer size, never even mind physical attack, and I find the image of fairly petite CJ getting increasingly pissed that her dumb husband just won't die hilarious.
At the end, she got him drunk and dragged him to the roof to go stargazing, since it's so romantic activity to do on such a beautiful night, no?
And eventually, he... Slipped. Gravity is natural, after all.
Harriet is also harbouring fugitives in one of her completely legally inherited manors. (Here is where Sammy Smee comes into play )
She is using another one of these for her rendezvous with Ginny and Anthony.
Harry tried persuading Uma to take another of those properties as housing for her gang (because of course that Uma collected a gang), but luckily for him, she was fine where she was. Luckily, because he didn't ask Harriet first.
Uma ends up crashing at his flat pretty often, though, so he isn't complaining.
And yeah, in between Uma herself, her gang of street menaces, her wide folder of blackmail and wider array of favours owed to her, Harry, who is gonna get pissed on her behalf, and his sisters, who will back him up... You don't wanna fuck with Uma.
CJ is on the ace spectrum in this, because I said so. It makes being a black widow a good bit easier, and, like, good for her.
Freddie does have a bit of a crush on her though. There isn't gonna be anything, because a) CJ isn't one hundert percent into it and b) Freddie would know better than to hook up with a black widow anyway (unlike Ginny Gothel and Anthony Tremaine.)
Harry has been trying to figure out whether his younger sister and the singer are hooking up or not for the better part of the last year. Unsuccessfully.
They hang out pretty often, but they do other stuff. Normal stuff. You know, do eachother nails, hair, gossip about fashion, play with the Ouija board a bit, bitch over the price of arsenic on the black market... You know, like you do.
They are having fun.
And yes, CJ is an arsonist in this AU too.
That particular hobby of hers was sparked when she helped her older sisters start a completely accidental fire in the office of the match factory her third husband owned. ...While said husband was inside. What a terrible tragedy.
@hannahhook7744 @dragoneyes618
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Carmine Serrif
How does it feel to serve under the Queen? To lie, to kill, to O B E Y? SF!Red Sans will not answer, and instead chooses silence.
- Official height is 5'7 because he wears heels
- He/Him
- He is competitive in a passive way
- Likes to drink Tea since he would enjoy a cup with the Queen often
- He is picky about touch, and actively avoids giving it. He's slightly uncomfortable if someone initiates it, and depending on who it is, he'll go out of his way to make sure they don't touch him
- He was competitive with Razz before, and even found him to be annoying before they became friends
- He's close friends with Powder
- He had a horrible relationship with Gaster, and can only dream of him where he can recall good memories before it turns into something....bad
- He was super distant from Rus and yet overprotective in the underground. He didn't want others to truly see how much he cared in fear of others using it against him and his brother
- Won't admit it, but he wants praise and validation
- Will try to be rational before using violence, but will proceed to not hesitate if his opponent pushes him enough
- He feels the need to constantly be independent and he doesn't trust himself or others enough
- Intelligent, cynical, confident, intuitive, well spoken, loyal, clever, dedicated, perfectionist, reserved, serious, over-thinker, stubborn, blunt, and a workaholic
- Does not curse often, but he will when he deems it appropriate
- He is much slower to trust others, even if he secretly craves companionship
- Considers himself selfish while close with others, but he is only softer and more patient with loved ones
- Despite his big talk, it takes awhile for him to actually strike someone physically, since he prefers to de-escalate the situation or use intimidation tactics
- Despite the strange nickname Mutt for his brother, he does not actually mean it in a demeaning manner and only uses it sparingly
- A wonderful strategist, he's wonderful at collecting data on others and he uses this to his advantage. He is not below blackmailing someone
- He is heavily scarred but he is not ashamed of it
- A gentleman, he would never go beyond your comfort level as long as you respect his
- He is adamant with giving advice, but he gives space for you to decide. However, he doesn't listen to his own advice and doesn't know how to help someone with their relationships
- He will berate you, but not to demean you or cause you shame. He does it from a place of care
- He is a smooth talker, so he's great at flustering or disarming others if he needs to. However, despite his constant appearance of seeming to be put together, he's constantly tense and anxious
- Emotions are not his forte, so jealousy is something he deals with. He stews in it until confronted, and even then he struggles to face it
- When he apologizes, it is extremely sincere unless he is faced among other higher ups. He rarely will apologize, and only will do it if he deems someone worthy of it. Otherwise, he can suck up his emotions in the face of authority and pretend to actually apologize
- He appears ruthless to his guardsman, the lieutenant of the Royal Guard
- He hates beating around the bush, he's direct and can appear very blunt
- He does not care for PDA in any sense, since that puts him and his partner in a vulnerable position while somewhere dangerous
- Magic smells of frost and mint, his magic tastes like red raspberries
- Doesn't do it often, but he will cook his brothers favorite meals out of feeling bad or when he sees his brother isn't doing well
- Gets really frustrated if he cries, and is quite loud while trying to hide it
- He hates his dynamic with the Queen. He is loyal to no one but her Queen, and fights for her. He knows she has an interest in him, but in truth he does not care and is only acting. He only cares for his brother, and knows she will excuse his brothers actions as long as he works for her
- He makes chalupas and is a wonderful cook, but he doesn't do it often after being placed with the other skeletons
- Goes clothes shopping with Wine, they're quite close because of this
- He has yellowed bone and red magic due to his LV, stress levels, etc
- A romantic
- He gives handshakes or of formality, but otherwise he won't touch someone else
- He would call his lover love or his lovely
- He's tactful about his decisions, avoiding getting attention at all points because he feels that a lack of attention is safer
- Despite acting like he doesn't care, he actually deeply feels awful that he cannot show his love for those he cares about
- He would rather tear his tongue out than admit that he actually craves companionship
- He sacrificed a lot to get into the Royal Guard in order to keep him and Rus safe, he doesn't realize how badly Rus got affected though with his role in the Royal Guard since he doesn't see him as much as he wants to
- He got his scar over his eye from the Queen, but he pretends to not despise her for it even if he dislikes her
- He confuses acts of service as a way of earning love from someone, and in turn he gets confused when earning gifts. He doesn't ever understand when someone does something for him, let alone gifts. So, if someone shows their love to him, he is left to wonder if they want something in return. Only later on does it become a healthy habit for him to see affection for what it actually is
- He doesn't like to think about what would ever happen if his brother actually hates him, since that's quite literally his only family and the only person he'd kill or die for
- The amount of dust on his hands is hard to count, he doesn't like talking about it though
Closing Notes: He's a character I definitely have rewritten a lot since his origins are written by a proshipper, and that influences stuff a lot. I honestly have fun writing him though, especially with his dynamics with the other Sanses and his brother. Rus is next, so eat up🫡
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
i have been ruminating and i do have more to say about promising young woman so i’m gonna say it all now and because i’ve decided to be nice i’m gonna put it under a read more. also i’m gonna try to keep it as spoiler free as possible idk how possible that is but i will try because i really do genuinely think it’s a better experience when you don’t know what’s going to happen like i wouldn’t have had nearly as much of a Time with it if i knew some things. ok let’s get into it
first of all the big criticism that people levy against this movie seems to be that the way it ends is really disappointing and unsatisfying but i think that’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of what the narrative was supposed to be. like it wasn’t supposed to be a revenge fantasy count of monte cristo situation it was supposed to be an honest and realistic tragic narrative of what this woman went through and how it affected her so deeply she could never have let herself be happy. there’s a section of the movie where you think she might be able to let it all go and then she finds out that last piece of information about what happened and there was literally no way she was going to come back from that. like this woman had dedicated her entire life to avenging her friend and herself and it’s not a stretch my any means for the story to conclude with her putting herself in that situation that she knew would cause her death. yeah nvm what i said about trying to be spoiler free i can’t not talk about it.
another criticism i saw from the idiots on letterboxd is that it's not a "real" rape revenge story because cassie wasn't the one that was raped, her best friend was. so her motivation was apparently weak. girl her best friend since childhood, who she saw as a sister for her whole life, had something horrible happen to her, and cassie was the only person she had left to turn to and take care of her, and it wasn't enough and she still killed herself. it is not weak motivation to avenge your sister's rape and suicide, like please be serious. i don't even have matching friendship necklaces with my sister but if anything like that happened to her and she became a shell of herself and i was the only one she had to turn to before killing herself, i too would go on to do insane things in the name of justice. an idiot wrote that review fr.
also i love how i so deeply had no clue what was going on in the plot that i said all that stuff about the love interest character being unecessary and antithetical to the plot and then THAT happened. i shan't say becasue that revelation was truly so game changing it kind of made the whole movie for me. that was the moment that i was like ohhhhhh i get it... it all made sense when that happened. i also liked the inclusion of alison brie's character and her being the one that ultimately gave cassie the final piece of the puzzle, but not because she had any epiphanies or revalations she just genuinely wanted cassie to figure out her shit and never speak to her again. like she was soooo Girl You Know Who Doesn't Like Other Girls Because She's Been Taught To Prioritize Men, even after what cassie did she didn't really let up on that vibe because it's really not that simple, all cassie did was freak her out so much she gave her blackmail material just to get rid of her, really hammered in the tragedy of cassie's story, she doesn't really win at all and it's just really fucking upsetting you know.
the only characters in the whole movie you can really get behind as good people are gail, and nina's mom, they're the only people cassie interacts with that want her to move on and heal, and i loved the detail at the end where cassie gave gail her half of her and nina's friendship necklace. like how cassie would wear nina's as her way of carrying on what she felt was nina's legacy and avenging her death, she leaves her legacy to gail, who won't turn bitter like cassie did. i think that was like, the glimmer of hope within the tragedy of it all. that cassie was ruled by anger, but gail was consistently motivated by love, and she won't be destroyed by what happened to cassie the way cassie was by what happened to nina
also i think it was both genius and stupid to cast all those beloved in pop culture men in here. genius becasue these aren't men we see as bad people who would do these things, but stupid because some people earnestly watched this and still wanted to fuck bo burnham. which is so insufferable i can't even get into it, men always have the worst fans. consistently.
the other thing i saw a lot of people criticize was the involvement of the police in the conclusion. i know why we're inclined to not like narratives that depend on cops as like, saviors, but i honestly think it worked for this movie. because they're very obviously NOT saviors, they're just the vehicle by which the bad guys face consequences for their actions. that man is going to prison for rape and murder, he didn't get off easy because no one killed him. prison is not going to go well for him he did not get off easy... cassie only went to the police because she knew she had indisputable evidence, it's insane to suggest that it's dumb for her to "trust the police" when that did nothing for nina. she's not putting faith in the fucking police she's giving them indisputable hard evidence, it's not up for interpretation. idk that's just an insane thing to criticize to me, especially when there are other points to criticize in this movie. like for example how deeply unsatisfying it is that she didn't kill anyone. don't kno about you but when i saw the trailers for this movie i assumed she would kill someone. it's very tonally weird that this movie was like a drama thriller and not a dark comedy horror slasher. the tone is weird. like the whole time something is so off it's like they wanted it to be a movie that didn't pull punches and didn't have a hollywood ending but ended up making a movie that was just kind of lamely realistic. idk how to say that really, there's just something weird about it.
i would like to see how this plays out on a rewatch, however i will not be doing that any time soon like peace and love but no thanks
all in all, it's a movie that was meant to provoke discussion and maybe a little controversy, and it did that, and for that we have to give it props. but it didn't do enough of that to really cement it as a real cultural Moment, you know? we could probably blame this on when it was released, 2020 was not the time to be releasing movies you wanted people to experience in the traditional way, 2020 was truly the year to be releasing brian duffield movies. which is like, the opposite of what this movie was going for.
anyway, it was an experience to watch, many movies are good and many movies are bad, but few movies are what this one has going on. however i do think hustlers is better, nit that they're truly comparable, but in the ways that they are comparable hustlers is better. also i loved this being produced by margot robbie, hashtag barbie approved!
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goddessofroyalty · 2 years
wait what if Mylo had actually caused Silco to be infertile?
Like what if Silco had some major injuries (even more that usual for his case, I guess) when he gave birth to Mylo?
Also did Marcus eventually become sheriff in your AU?
(I like that baby face Dilf but the man was clearly willing to accept bribe from shady ass Silco in the original show)
I mean that's kind of the theory in Silco's head in the verse where they never have another one despite not doing anything to prevent it. He just never actually bothers to get it checked out to confirm because there's never been any other signs of possibly more dangerous results and... they have 5 kids. That is plenty of kids in his mind even if he might of liked to have one more.
Like I mentioned previously there's probably a bit of an in-joke in the family that Mylo did something to prevent any younger siblings happening.
From an 'I am the author and god of this verse' perspective? Ehhh yeah probably. Although the fact that both Silco and Vander are heavy smokers and drinkers didn't help.
(little bit more under the cut because birth complications/trauma stuff)
As for Marcus I'm torn because like I so want him to be sheriff but I also am keeping Grayson alive. IDK she gets a promotion some time between what is Act One and Act Two timeline wise (to Comissioner? let's just pretend that's a slightly higher role) so he gets Sheriff. Either that or Grayson is still Sheriff and he's like the immediate next highest position until she retires.
He is abslutely still being bribed and then blackmailed by Silco though. And he hates it. He's constantly trying to get Piltover to turn on Silco and the family but in a like... comically nonthreatening way. Nobody belives him when he tells them the Zaun Representative who represents Zaun's interests in Piltover is also the Eye of Zaun who runs most of the illegal business that happens in Zaun (similarly that Powder the ‘princess of Zaun’ is Jinx a violent Zaunite terrorist).
(And, yes, the 'family crest' Silco makes is the same Eye symbol with his and Vander's initials in it like the canon - Grayson is being willfully blind about the truth but most of Piltover just doesn't care)
Back to the first point - Silco also doesn't know if the possibly infertility is the result of the birth itself (or something Mylo did while being born) or the result of what the midwife/doctor did to stop him from bleeding out after things went bad after Mylo was born.
He was probably told that what happened may affect his fertility going forward. But again, the fact that this was his third meant that even with him having enough wealth to investigate if he needed to he was probably advised only to if a sign of something else more worrying started happening. Yes, I think having up to double-digits worth of kids wouldn't be uncommon in Zaun but I also think having three kids would be considered not a bad run, especially considering Silco's track record with births. The midwife probably says that if this does cause him to be infertile it might be for the best.
When Silco's being particularly blunt with the ""joke"" about Mylo preventing other siblings from happening it's that "[Mylo] tried to take the womb with him".
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