#doesn't hold a candle imo :3
lucy-ghoul · 2 years
sooooo, yesterday i watched hotd s1 finale. here are my (semi-coherent) thoughts:
i've had one (1) day to simmer down my instinctive "wtf??" reaction and ponder on some writing choices - actually, two notable writing choices. first, this is no got s8 levels of disaster, but i'd already noticed a couple of red flags in ep9 and so i was - i am - guarded, though my emotional investment is nowhere near as high as my peak asoiaf/got era. i'm way more detached, and if i came off as pissed in some prev posts it was more of a general 🤷🤷 feeling concerning old disappointments in correlated or different media. (having said that, the larys/alicent feet thing is atrocious.)
i see they're still going strong with the childbirth from hell saga - i've already written about it in an older post, and i quite liked it, however gory and heartbreaking it was.
i don't buy the daemyra choking (not in a kinky way) scene. there's nowhere near enough build up for that. yes, daemon killed his first wife (which btw wasn't in the book) but they hated each other and she wasn't a targ. from d. pov's that's quite an important detail. (not that i’m excusing it, you know.) i don't even buy that "he's grieving that's why he acts (more) irrationally and with 0 impulse control (than usual)" because while he's ready for war and legitimately angry at the thought of his brother being murdered (tho viserys had been rotting away for years, last time they saw each other he could barely stand/talk, it was only a matter of weeks, maybe a couple of months at best before he died, they should have been prepared for this & the greens response) he doesn't act that out of control. let's be honest here: daemyra was always problematic and people shouting ~grooming! weren't completely wrong, but the writers also sold it as High Romance. the Stupid Fangirls weren't that blinded by their silly girly brains: d&r were framed as being genuinely in love despite the painfully obvious problematic elements. (& the incest is the least problematic thing here, since this is westeros and they're targs.) i think one of the directors even compared their love to what she feels for her own husband. so no, we weren't dreaming it up, they just couldn't find a balance between Toxic Incest Couple & Soulmates Being Soulmates, and obv they had to put a ~Bad Man is Very Bad, Girlies, Don't Try At Home~ bs Morality Play that seems so damn popular in this day and age. mind you, we all knew shit was going to hit the fan with nettles' appearance (i'm still worried about her portrayal, she's just a young girl and daemon is so much older than her, and i have no idea how they’re going to develop/frame their relationship) but somehow i had not foreseen him being physically abusive to his wife (who just gave birth to their stillborn daughter and lost her father btw). i was expecting him to lash out but... not like this. after their (fabulous ngl) wedding i haven't been much invested in daemyra anyway (i thought their decades long budding romance was much more appealing) but despite what i said above, one thing d/r fans were wrong about was expecting that hbo could actually make a medieval fantasy wuthering heights 2.0 and deliver lmao. no mainstream media would do that, not in the current ~think of the girls!!! climate. this is like believing that the star wars sequels were a gothic female-gazey romance that featured rey's sexual awakening + happy ending with the local parricidal ex darksider - the romance was there, don't get me wrong, but no hollywood-made pop culture piece of media could ever deliver. we also know d/r history from f&b, it's not all sunshine and rainbows... tho it's not comparable to jaime&cersei either. this is no valonqar situation - if and when that happens in asoiaf, motives and characters can't be compared only because d. and jaime share a love for poor impulse control and incest; the framing for their ~love affair and the choking act is also radically different. this feels like a punishment for the girls who tend to romanticize daemon and his feelings for his niece, as a "sharp reminder" of who he is and what is capable of (and that women, even dragon queens who are more than mere consorts and childbearers, can be victimized and have shitty husbands ig). except that however awful and poor little meow meow he may be, he didn't do any of this marital abuse bs in the book as far as we know. which brings me to:
i have a small problem with the people who say "f&b is no real account of the dance, these characters can't be written as ooc because we basically don't know them! it's all headcanons and bias!". theoretically i agree: there are at least 3 different versions of any major event, and what intrigued me the most about this show was the premise of Unreliable Narrator Extraordinaire. which path would these writers follow? because logically one should also say: "is this what really happened in the dance?" like, aren't these people (hired by hbo, paid a shitton of money, apparently asoiaf fans themselves) also writing down their own interpretations? unless grrm himself is behind everything (foot fetish and wife-choking included) who are these people to say this is what actually happened? they didn't create the characters and the plot etc., we're seeing them through their eyes and bias as well. why are the Poor Naive Girls who romanticized the Bad Dark Prince (aka they knew he was a big asshole but didn't think he had it in him to actually assault the woman he loves) the ones to be so awfully biased and affected by media illiteracy, to the point i’ve already seen the usual crowd online gloating over it like “ha ha the bitches had it coming”? one could say this is just another version of the dance... which would actually be more compelling imo. this also brings me to:
grandma vhagar being nostalgic of her war crimes era and gnam gnam lucerys to the oblivion. i have... very mixed feelings about this. i agree that making aemond more than an evil cackling anime villain is a good choice but idk about this tbh. idk how they could have spin it differently either tho, so i give up. people say "at least he doesn't actively seek war out so he doesn't look like an idiot" except he looks like an even bigger idiot because no one in their right mind would chase down their four-and-ten nephew and his dragon (said to be “five times smaller” than vhagar) through the sky while they're riding a huge ass fucking beast that could dwarf a mountain and actually fought in the conquest just to pick out his eye, and not expect it to horribly escalate. like, if you make two dragons face each other (especially if one of them is as powerful and ancient as vhagar is) what do you think is going to happen? realistically, i mean? maybe aemond didn't want to go that far but omg he should have foreseen this from a mile. like, sweetie maybe you didn't study your history and lore so well. and for the "he's just a teenager he doesn't know what he's doing" crowd: in a short span of time this ~poor baby~ is going to burn down the riverlands, hundreds of people will die. the incident that sparks the dance being an actual accident, tho... lmao sorry but that sounds like a joke. like, no matter how you spin it, if you like or love or hate it, it still robs the character of his agency, and therefore the story of poignancy. and i'm not even 100% sold on ~the dragons randomly eating people alive even when their riders strictly forbid them too~ because yeah, i can see that, a dragon is no slave and of course they're not mindless beasts but actually quite intelligent etc. but on the other hand i for one can't wait for drogon to fire up kl of his own free will - maybe he'll just hate that fugly city, who knows - so that ~dany (aka an actual 16 year old victim of rape and abuse who liberated thousands of slaves in a continent she was exiled to as an infant) is going to burn children alive and be put down like a mad bitch because that's somehow comparable to lotr shire chapter!!1~ disk horse can finally die its miserable death.
so, yeah, mixed feelings about these two (2) plot points, particularly the ~daemon is physically abusive now~ thing. also dk about whitewashing the blacks anymore, rhaenys killed a fuck ton of civilians in ep9 for no conceivable reason (something that in the books and in peaceful times only the worst of the worst are willing to do, no matter how much these elite assholes don’t care about the smallfolk) and now daemon is even more evil than he was in the book. aegon ii may be... well, aegon ii, but with aemond being somehow more humane and whatever they're doing to alicent the blacks are the ones that actually wreak more havoc - and i’m not even touching the blood and cheese thing. at least aemond's fuck-up kinslaying was accidental lol. jokes aside i overall liked this ep more than i did ep9 and while it’s not bad bad... no mistake, this is no high television either. i’ve seen what great tv can do (it’s exceptionally rare tho, more than people think) and this doesn’t look like it except for some acting choices + scenes.
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bingiessm · 5 months
Hello, welcome to the Bridgerton Season 3 trailer over-analysis corner. I am bingiessm--a film student that needs an outlet right now and wants to practice some film analysis--and am here to bring forth the FIRE/FLAME/CANDLE motif that was all over this trailer and I feel will be a HUGE motif throughout this season for Penelope and Colin (Polin).
So within the Polin context, let's look at each shot where a flame of a candle or lack thereof could represent their romantic interest in one another--and in particular the understanding/recognition of it.
This show is going all out putting candles EVERYWHERE--yes it was actual lighting in regency era, but you don't have to have it in the shot. That is a CHOICE. Also a choice to have it lit or not.
Also, "I burn for you" anyone?
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FIRST SHOT: somewhat obvious but considering the context of both the mirror as well as other future shots within this trailer, this flame represents the feelings Penelope has for Colin, that she is well aware of and has held for a long while.
I also just have an inkling that she is seeing herself differently in this moment (feeling something for the first time possibly)--the way Nicola looks feels shocked/contemplative, but not scared as if it might be Whistledown-related.
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SECOND SHOT: they are outside, talking about Penelope being a "lost cause." WHY IS THERE AN UNLIT CANDLE IN A MARKET STALL, if not to represent some unrealized feelings on Colin's part? It is also on his side of the frame. This is similar to this next one, both of which I believe are earlier in the season, as this is the start of him "helping" her.
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THIRD SHOT: Once again, right there on Colin's side of the frame, YOU DID NOT NEED THIS IN THE FOREGROUND. It was a CHOICE to put a candle there again. They could have not had it, yes the shot would have had less depth and this does give a better sense of the space, placing them in a corner of the room instead of in an open space--but they didn't need to make it another CANDLE.
Colin has not fully recognized his feelings for Penelope yet, though they have always been there, and these two shots demonstrate that lack of understanding/feeling, but one that is soon to come with an unlit candle.
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FOURTH SHOT: this, in the timing of the trailer, does come before the third, but RIGHT THERE IS A MIRROR AND CANDLES. It is on Penelope's side of the frame, but Colin, the mirror, and candles are what is in focus. She might be center frame, but we are drawn to the light as well as the contrast in Colin's outfit. This could arguably be Penelope's perspective, her burning feelings as he compliments her--also her future (we all want that mirror scene).
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FIFTH SHOT: a HUGE TURNING POINT--a small flame, barely noticeable suddenly burning brighter as we focus on Colin in the background. This is so clearly him realizing his feelings for Penelope. It is also at the midpoint/turning point of the trailer when there is a big tonal shift. There is no more talk of Colin helping Penelope, but a larger focus on his perspective of her (all the gazing), the idea of romance, as well as mention of Debling--his rival. It will be a turning point for Colin when Debling--an actual suitor vying for Penelope's hand--comes into the picture. EDIT: Also going to add in, the candle is in a lantern--though that might have been easier to manage filming-wise--which could also represent him still holding back, especially with Debling in the picture.
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SIXTH SHOT: This comes right after we hear Debling say "You look especially beautiful tonight, Miss Featherington." One of the many examples of Colin staring at the two of them, being jealous/worried. But right behind him? Oh, more candles. That they totally didn't need to have in the frame. Also, it doesn't look so much like a candle, but they are placed so close to one another that it looks like more of a flame. The lack of focus adds to this.
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SEVENTH SHOT: Colin is coming from the darkness, with an unseen flame flickering directly behind him (small ember that he can't see).
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EIGHTH SHOT: Penelope, also coming out of the dark, but with another flame on (what in this sequence is) her side of the frame. Though it is somewhat hidden behind these bars--some rough patches/guarded emotions? (probably depends on what point this is in the series).
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NINTH SHOT: Penelope, already in the light of these fires, Colin entering with the large burning flame in the background covered by some growth.
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TENTH SHOT: Penelope, lit by these fires, breathing heavily. A very clear close-up with so much blur to focus just on her face.
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ELEVENTH SHOT: Colin, with a flickering/burning flame literally right behind him, lit by these other fires, staring right at Penelope.
So this whole sequence, in my opinion, is a dream sequence. But, in terms of this flame representation, this is Colin realizing he has feelings for Penelope. We see the flickering from the unseen light behind him in the seventh shot build and become the flame right behind him in the eleventh. It feels so obviously representative of the season. (The fog also seems to lift for him in this sequence, he comes out of the fog to Penelope--I could say more about this sequence and why I do think it is Colin's dream, mostly due to costuming and lighting and the fog as well) ______________________
And thus comes to a close my analysis/evidence of the FLAME/FIRE motif between Polin. I am cutting myself off here because this is a lot and I have an actual film shoot to plan. Thank you if you actually read all this. I love film analysis and Bridgerton is so fun and a stress reliever for me, so this was fun for me to write out.
Anyway, if any more of this fire/flame stuff comes up I might add on later.
TLDR: they are using fire and candles to represent the burning love between these two.
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brotherdusk · 6 months
Endeavour Morse and the case of the disappearing Dean Martin song
Sway has always had one of my favourite openings of any Endeavour episode, mostly for the use of Sway by Dean Martin while the opening titles run. something about this romantic pop song being overlaid on top of the unfolding darkness and drama - and repeated multiple times throughout the episode to punctuate further tragedy - is so striking and really, really does it for me. by the time Huggins puts on that record for his final dance with Gloria, and Sway (the song) starts up, the opening chords are less of a fun bolero flourish and more a banshee shriek of horror to come.
so I was amazed to learn recently that the version of Sway (the episode) I've loved for ten years now... basically doesn't exist outside of the UK and Ireland? the Morse, Lewis, and Endeavour blog theorises that due to copyright restrictions, all overseas releases of the episode - including DVDs and the PBS Masterpiece version, which was later released on Amazon - replace Sway (the song) with a jazz instrumental piece composed by Barrington Pheloung. nothing but respect for Mr Pheloung's decades of work in defining Morse's sound as we know it today, but this replacement doesn't hold a candle to the original episode's vision.
(also, Sway (the song) is kind of hilariously load-bearing in that the episode title doesn't make a lot of sense without the song's appearance at key thematic moments, imo.)
anyway - after I made my initial post about this last week, a couple of people expressed interest in hearing the original episode's music, and after some digging I was able to find a copy ripped directly from ITV! enjoy the opening 3 minutes of Sway (the episode) as Russell Lewis intended:
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
well, i see that your blog is cock friendly, and even tho its a jikook blog, there is something that i think we should adress (i'm not saying that this could be a reason for jk's crush, im not saying it could not), but...
Namjoon's cock!!!!! I suare, if everything in that body is proporcional, you know, i mean YOU KNOW he is fucking big!
Oh anon I really wish you hadn't gone there.
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Now we must talk about JK and his anti Minimoni agenda. We now need to delve into this and get to the root of the issue. We must!
Jimin's hand on RM's lap.
JK: 👀
Love it. Okay let's take a look at some photos, shall we? Jimin's type.
Oh wait, before we proceed, JK's crush on RM i have never thought of it as an actual true crush. I think its played of as such for laughs. But I think JK just really admired him for his talents and what not and I don't think JK is attracted to RM in the slightest. Not even a little bit. Imo.
Now back to Jimin's type. 😁
Number 1) Wonho
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Number 2) Black interviewer
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Number 3) Usher
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Number 4) JB who is basically JK's doppelganger in some of his photos 😅
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Number 5) Gonna casually drop Tony
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And last but not least Number 6) The main topic:
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Jimin has a type. Okay? He likes them muscles and them thick men and them hot men and them arms and chests...and thighs... anyway, Mimi has a type. And while none of the men above hold a candle to his actual boyfriend, you can see the similarities.
Jungtiddies. Check
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Thighs. Check
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Arms. Check
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The whole damn body. Check
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Where I'm I going with this you ask? In short what I'm trying to say is, RM is Jimin's type. My friends and I disected this the other day and concluded the JK Minimoni thing probably has something to do with the fact that RM is Jimin's type to a T. JK looks at RM and sees himself. And then add the fact that RM is a genius and JK's insecurity goes through the roof!
(And like anon mentioned, JK has that Jungkonda, yes but on this post I also share what RM is working with so.... like I said. JK & RM, same thing basically 😂)
See, yeah, JK comes between Yoonmin and hates that Suga thirsts over his man. But, he is not threatened by short, skinny legged, with an ass almost as big as Jimin's, Min Yoongi. He knows Jimin will never see Suga that way. So he can dislike how Suga behaves with Jimin, but sometimes he even ignores it and doesn't look bothered at all. But when it comes to Minimoni he just has to insert himself. For eg, I saw something today.
Look at Jimin's face after JK adds in his 2 cents because of course he did
Minimoni moment, JK is like "not today Satan" He refuses for the audience to associate Jimin with RM and its the funniest shit. I mention here how JK inserted himself when Minimoni were practising the own it dance. Even though he wasn't really supposed to be there.
Disclaimer: The following opinions are my own, I will give them but please feel free to form your own
So listen. I will be the first person to tell people to stop treating the Tannies like characters in a fanfic. And I have mentioned many times that there has never been any in house dating (sans Jikook) That just wouldn't work and BTS wouldn't be together if that was the case. So please, please try not to read too much into the following tiny analysis. It's just something a friend pointed out to me and I couldn't believe it myself. It's short and quick, easy to miss. But it shows just how deep this thing with JK and Minimoni goes.
Okay so In the Soop season 2 episode 3 around 6 minutes in. (Thanks @serendipitous-sky)
Jin tells JK to go wake up either Jimin or V. Of course JK goes to wake up Jimin. Duh!
Sidebar, this isn't the point of my post, I just feel the need to point out that Jikook look at cameras ALOT. The whole time he climbed the stairs on the way to Jimin's room he was staring at that camera
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If you guys remember correctly, Jimin was kind enough to switch rooms with RM the night before. RM couldn't sleep in the main house due to all the noise. So they swapped. But JK forgot this. So off he goes to what he thinks is still Jimin's room (he cheated/helped Jimin to get this room btw, but that's an analysis for another day) Anyway, back to JK looking for cameras.
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If you're looking to mess around with your boyfriend and not get caught its important to find blind spots. So yes, Jikook are always making sure they know exactly where those cameras are. I'm sure y'all get it. 😏😏
Anyway, off he goes into the room and he's surprised to be greeted by RM's snores.
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He forgot this wasn't Jimin's room anymore. But guys, here's my thing. JK is here, right? He has heard and seen that that is RM asleep in that bed, right? So you'd expect him to leave, right?
Wrong!! JK goes further into the room!
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But why 🤭🤭🤭 that's my question. He had already established that was RM in the bed why did he need to go further into the room? What did he need to see? He literally has no reason to confirm it's RM in that bed when he already knows it is. So my guess is that he wanted to confirm RM was in that bed alone.
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Now hear me out, even if Jimin was in that bed lying down fully clothed just shooting the shit with RM, it would not have gone down very well. At all. Shit, would have hit, the fucking fan!
We definitely wouldn't have go10 a season 2 of ITS or anymore BTS for that matter 🤭🤭 I'm just saying, for the sake of a million things, I'm glad RM was in there by himself.
JK as he's leaving says;
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And off he goes to look for Jimin. We already know what happens after this. Nothing, coz we were robbed.
But anyway, conclusion: RM is the only one who actually threatens JK. And no this doesn't mean he doesn't trust Jimin. He knows Jimin would never but it doesn't stop him from wanting to make sure everyone most especially RM, remembers who Jimin 'belongs' to.
The End. Stan Namjikook for clear skin
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
That anon never said the dune characters were not developed or hard to understand. I agree with that anon, I realised that I don't particularly care about any of the dune characters, and that is down to how denis is as a director. Chani, who was the heart of part 2, is cool, but if she died or something were to happen to her, I'd probably be like "dang....oh well". This is why Paul atriedes doesn't hold a candle to anakin skywalker( there were a lot of comparisons when part 2 came out. And yes, anakin and star wars was inspired by Dune and paul). With anakin we actually see him do worse things on camera (k*****g children) as opposed to paul and yet ppl not only empathise with anakin because of how much was put in to make us care about him but ppl even seem to love him. Paul is a tragic character and not really a great guy, but I don't even feel hate for him because I already felt nothing. Long rant, sorry, but denis has always been remarkable with spectacle and failed at the core of characters, which is why Dune falls short to the likes of Star Wars and lotr in those regards
Can you really compare Anakin Skywalker (who we saw grow up from a kid, to a teenager, to a vicious adult) over a span of SEVERAL Star Wars films, to Paul Atreides, who we don't have that same development? 🤔
There have only been two Dune films out so far, and Paul is already an adult when we see him in the first film. Whereas we have seen Anakin grow from an innocent child, to an evil adult over a span of like 9 films and COUNTLESS countless series, cartoons, TV shows, etc. 👀
I just don't think it's a good comparison imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not even so sure people were sympathizing with Anakin/Darth Vader like that when "A New Hope", "Return of the Jedi", etc all came out back then. 🥴
Sometimes, you have to let time pass by and films and characters evolve.
We NOW have sympathy for Anakin because of ALL of the films that have come out in the franchise....
We haven't seen film 3 in the Dune installment yet. We haven't seen everything that transpires with Paul OR Chani. You might be changing your mind once you see all of the films and their succession of their characters. Just saying.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
Idk about you, but as a WOMAN I felt sorry for Chani in that ending scene. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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tuiyla · 2 years
have you ever felt like Blaine (like Rachel) also suffered from oversaturation? I watched Glee while it aired and remember feeling like he was getting almost as many solos as Rachel in the later seasons.
I appreciate this question because it gives me the opportunity to whip out the old singing stats for a second. But first, to answer the question, yes. Yes, I've felt like that. Particularly with solos that felt very, hmm, "let's give Darren a song to sing so it can do numbers on itunes". To be clear, that's not a judgment of Blaine's character, who I actually wish benefitted from the screentime his number of solos came with and had more character moments instead. But already in season 2 most of the Warblers numbers were Blaine solos and then there were ones like the prom solo INGTYBHTDWY, which not only am I not gonna write out but which imo is unjustifiable in-universe. He doesn't even go here! And that's not me saying the song is bad or that he "doesn't deserve any solos" or whatever, just that it did result in the oversaturation that you speak of, and in me sort of tuning out for a lot of the solos that felt like they were just filling a quota of Blaine solos than progressing the story. I don't think it was that big of an issue, but certainly noticeable.
Now, that's the how it came across to me, personally part. The other part is the cold hard facts and the numbers. Since you mentioned it feeling like he almost got as many as Rachel, I took it upon me to nerd out a tiny bit like I used to on reddit.
Based on the criteria I have for my handy database of Glee songs, 44 songs can qualify as Rachel solos and 29 as Blaine ones. That difference is mainly put into perspective when comparing these top 2 solo-ers to the third-place Mercedes, who had 24. Because Blaine is much, much closer to Mercedes than he is to Rachel, isn't he? Though, keep in mind that he wasn't in season 1 at all.
Broken down by seasons, Rachel's and Blaine's solos:
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In seasons 2 and 3 already he's just one solo behind and even has the distinction of singing more than Rachel in season 4. That anomaly is counterbalanced with the season 5 decline and then Blaine doesn't get any solos in season 6 at all, but if we're gonna compare the two it's clear that Blaine could indeed hold a candle to Rachel.
If I may, this ask has inspired me to look at one more chart and that's average number of solos per appearance. Because, as I mentioned, Blaine managed to score more solos than Mercedes despite missing an entire season so I think that's interesting to look at as well. So here's a chart showing this average of solos per appearance, adjusted for the episodes characters actually appeared in. Apart from Rachel and Blaine, we have the next four characters with the most solos.
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Now, keep in mind that these are small numbers we're talking about* but they still reflect the truth of solo distribution in Glee. Rachel's lead is such that she's still ahead of Blaine even adjusted for number of episodes, but the gap is now smaller between Blaine and Rachel than between him and Mercedes (relatively). And then Mercedes' lead ahead of Artie and Santana is considerable; keeping in mind, she had 29 solos and the latter two 16 and 14 respectively. Just to note, Santana having fewer solos but the same average as Artie means that she was better utilized overall, in this sense. Santana had the same number of solos in fewer overall episodes, and she was barely featured in season 1, so. Just a sidenote. And Kurt is again much closer to these two than the gaps we see previously. That's true for all things Glee singing stats, btw. Once you get past the top 3, sometimes top 5-7, the gaps seem pretty minuscule compared to these big numbers up front.
*Small as in Mercedes had a quarter of a solo per episode small.
Not sure you expected numbers when you sent in this ask lol but here they are anyway. Again, to answer with subjective feelings, yeah I did feel like Blaine was oversaturated but I only minded when there was no rhyme or reason plot and/or character-wise. Same with Rachel, actually. Far from Glee's biggest problem but since some of the major issues were results of time constraints, too much singing not enough plot didn't help.
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white-eyed-girl · 2 years
Thoughts of the day after  the week after - Sanremo 2023 So The level of the line-up was a tad disappointing (and I know Sanremo songs always grow, but the ungrateful comparison with 2022 and 2021, two years which turned out to be incredible, can't be helped) and for me so was the way whole thing ended The top 5 should have been more diverse, and absolutely NOT just for the sake of it, but because imo it's simply unrealistic for those 5 to all have deserved to be there Ultimo's song was subpar even compared to other songs of his and while the song was cute I don't think I would have seen Mr. Rain in the top 3 Madame, Lazza, Elodie, Tananai and one between Anna, Marco and Coma_Cose would have been my ideal top 5, but once again the biases in this country don't fail to show up (Of course Anna would never have got that high anyway, as someone said, it's like she was playing the same match as everyone else but in a different field where she was the only one present lol) Mind you, I'm happy for Marco, he's a good guy, he's so talented (I have actually enjoyed his music since he came out of XFactor) and I'm sure he'll fare well in ESC (apparently he really wants to go this time and I even heard him speak some quite good English) I just would have preferred for something different to win, since it was there and it was good Now, to my absolute favourite things of the week! - Elodie and her fashion choices I really liked her song as well, but I especially love how hard she purposefully decided to go in looking as good as she did while singing it
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Look at these and tell me they weren't THE BOMB
- "Il bene nel male" and Madame in general I've been vibing to this gem nonstop since last tuesday and the disappointment of not only not seeing it win but it not even being in the final 5 is unquantifiable I think one of my favourite aspects about this is how unique and non-generic the story it tells is I love the grace in her ungracefulness, her gestures and face movements, how her performance steadily grew a little bit in intensity every day of the week, I love her strange fashion sense as well
(By the way, the studio version doesn't hold a candle to her live interpretations, so I'm resorting to every kind of 🏴‍☠️ to pry them from RAI's cold hands before they erase them from existence :"" )
I love the way she smirks here!
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A Sanremese icon in the making - Giorgia and Elisa's duet Hands down the highest moment of the week was elf and fairy queen joining their kingdoms here lol
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The duet itself was not just a gem, it was the whole treasure chest, and also well, you know winner and runner up being supportive to each other keeps me alive and thriving :" I had never seen Giorgia on stage enough to notice this, but despite her history as a singer with one of the greatest voices it's like every time she's as nervous as the first Elisa was so cute being there for her, there's this backstage video where Giorgia clings to her like she's her safety anchor or something and that's the sweet wholesome shit I like to see on my national television , 11/10 made Sanremo worth it
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seripatreon · 2 years
Bitcoin on Feb. 25th 2023 ✨
Today, Bitcoin is forming an accumulation after decline. (A flat sideways motion in the hourly and now 4 hour charts.)
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On second thought, we are appearing to form a descending triangle 🐻
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📊 Accumulatios are trend-breaking patterns!
In other words, they mark a halting to the sell off. In other words, the hourly downtrend has stalled. Accumulation patterns are often followed by a rise in price (That's also what happened on February 15th.). Assuming we continue to draw out sideways and do not break lower.
I want to get in while nobody else is (as much as possible).
As they say, buy boredom & fear 😉 (imo)
And sell anticipation & excessive optimism. ($25k level was a perfect example; we were distributing [flat ⚠️] but it was not boring. The collective sentiment was more of anticipation. So a perfect time to derisk.)
We are at the Fib³⁸²* level ($22,850). And have double bottomed there on the 4 hour (sign of a base).
I will be withholding action today. And see if we build more structure. Could we swipe down one more time? Sure. But selling momentum has greatly declined atm.
With further decline. The next reversal level would be Fib²³⁶* level ($22,284). This level has a strong likelihood of getting a bounce if Fib³⁸⁶ doesn't hold. It would be a good longing opportunity.
I will be buying more bitcoin & altcoins at Fib²³⁶*. I have longs open in this range.
If we close lower than $21,484 in the coming weeks, we have to consider the idea of us going lower rather than higher in the timeframes following that. I would get into 90% USD position. And consider the rally to $32,000 over.
* - Fib levels pulled from February lows ($21,370) to relative highs ($25,247)
We are still in a weekly and daily uptrend. Accumulation periods within this timeframe are golden 🤩 (imo).
Next target for 7-week timeframe (imo): $28,100 Bitcoin (Fib²³⁶** level)
** - Fib levels pulled from ATH ($69,000) to current bear market lows ($15,457)
We have 3 days until a monthly candle close. Any closure above $23,300 bitcoin would be favorable for monthly continuation 💹.
That's all Folks
my patreon (where I cover all such predictions) ✨🪐 - https://patreon.com/serithelover
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sarcasticmudkip · 4 years
Just a quick tip: Since the creator of helluva boss is the same as hazbin hotel, people will probably come into your notes and complain about how offensive, bad and discriminatory the series is.
Obviously thats all bs, this weird new definition of whats "problematic" is nonsensical anyways, but I just wanted to give you a quick heads up in case you didnt know how absolutely outraged people may become over this fictional show.
Hmm, I guess I can get the idea where people might find the show offensive, since it deals with more *cough* mature topics. Art style aside, it’s definitely something that’s for a bit of an older audience than, say, thirteen year olds, but I doubt that stops anyone :p lol. 
I think the show handles its topics and themes really really well, it’s definitely not half-assed!! So I think (take me with a grain of salt as you will as my analysis and soaking in of all the content hasn’t settled for more than 24 hours) that if people found it “problematic,” it was “problematic” because of the presence of those themes and topics itself, and not out of mis-representation or romanticism or something. (Well, maybe Stolas’ obsessives hots for Blitz is a bit over romanticized, I could see that argument. But overall show’s good in Kip’s book) Kind of an on-going pattern in fandom....if you talk about a topic like abuse or gender identity, you’re automatically problematic :/ Ah well. Should probably be fine overall, I’m just dipping into fanart and writing analysis, not too much into deep fandom 
Also it’s 4am so hopefully this is coherent and I didn’t accidentally say something stupid
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random percy jackson headcanons!
hey quick note! it would mean a lot if reblog this, i'd love to hear your thoughts! you guys are so nice <3
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hazel is big on candles and remembers everyone's favorite scents
not only is annabeth always prepared, she's also attentive. she'll catch you sniffling and hand you some tissues and smile without asking for anything in return
when piper leaves to go somewhere she always leaves notes around instead of just texting, its like a little game to find the next note from her
personal hc that most camp jupiter kids don't have adhd/dyslexia but have autism/dyscalculia
hazel always has perfect posture
(kinda canon already) jason is the BEST comforter, he'll never thinks your issues are too small and this is why his death affected so many people even if they weren't close to him
hazel has a tiny gap tooth
clarisse identifies as bisexual
imo i think piper is a bit of punk or mallgoth similar to thalia but softer, stuff like long soft black sweaters, dark-colored slip dresses, doc martens, old band t-shirts, finger-less gloves, etc
annabeth fiona apple stan
the seven all become immortal eventually cause i said so and i dont want them to die
percy randomly goes into pet shops to look at the fish who are (often) mistreated and buys them all and releases them into the water
leeches dont affect percy, at all. like they try to bite him when hes playing in the water but because he's half sea god it doesn't work
he also owns black melanoids (black axolotls that look blue in certain light)
hazel goes horse back riding
i feel like annabeth's curls were inherited out of nowhere and so her father or step-mom didn't know how to care for it properly and so when she was at camp and on the run she'd just put it into a ponytail and go with it, it'd become really matted at times or not soft at all. when she meets piper and hazel though she finally gets some close friends who are girls, they are masterful at braids and help annabeth learn new hairstyles and how to moisturize her hair with the right products
im really certain on how percy likes rock bands and punk while annabeth loves oldies and alternative rock (i'll put my annabeth playlist at the end)
leo and annabeth are big pokemon fans
frank being a manga fan and hazel is an anime fan!! they'd be so cute going to cons togethering while cosplaying their favs, everyone would come too and have fun!
leo is just able to have really burnt toast and LIKE it, also blazing hot drinks dont burn his tongue at all while the baristas getting his order have to put gloves on just to hold it!
piper is a fan of killing eve and dickenson
frank is the kind of person when you say "dont look at that person but-" and immediately looks at the person not so obviously or to absolutely crumble at a lie
piper has elegant fingers and dark knuckles
rachel is like friends with everyone at camp, even clarisse is soft for her
jason was scared of nico at first but became really close
nico's love language is physical touch, always clings to hazel, will, or even jason when he can. he's a couple inches taller than hazel so when she's feeling down he'll give her a lil forehead kiss and cuddle into her shoulder. healthy sibling bond <3
after bianca's death and finding hazel, nico almost had closure. not only was he traumatized from her death but felt it was partly his fault she died. getting to know hazel and being her big brother helped him gain a bit of bianca's perspective
because of the lack of technology in chb, rachel does portraits of everyone and in groups, she's their painter photographer (just made that up on the spot)
demeter kids grow olive trees around the athena cabin
genius idea, percy having a naturally cold body, like he just dipped into a bath full of ice, a single touch from him can send sudden goosebumps up your arm, always wears two t-shirts and a hoodie to be comfortable
annabeth being the warm-blooded one was practically raised in the sun while in virginia. the sun on her smooth tan skin feels only natural and like she's at home. she sweats along her neck and behind her knees, puts her hair up, and wears knee-high socks to bear it.
hazel cant ride a bike (same girl)
hazel is the person to never watch shows but walks in on you watching one and becomes attached even though she knows nothing that is going on and cries hysterically when one of them dies
thalia is left handed, percy too
annabeth just being friends with all of percy's friends and percy just never getting along with any of annabeth's is just so funny to me
thalia used to cry a lot as a baby. A LOT, hit her head on a table? SOBS. her ice cream fell? throws a TANTRUM.
dark hc that annabeth has learned to repress her screams and cries because she's learned that no one would come for her anyway
leo's curls actually stay in place when he goes to touch them, very funny when he puts them to look like devil horns and pretends to be a satyr
not fun when he goes to sleep and wakes up with his hair being a mess tho
when campers asked why the chb shirts are orange, chiron said its to keep track of all the campers better while mr d just said casually "cause this place is a prison"
hestia crochets to "keep up with the trends"
apollo is aware of stan culture
percy invests in a water bed and immediately breaks it
heres the promised playlist, reblog, comment, tell me what you think!
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lofipunck · 2 years
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This album I ADORE. I probably like HFK better than this, but it holds such an important place in my heart.
Castle is a good song. The ironic revolutionary vibe that "New Americana" tries to achieve is captured here beautifully and that's because of the overall darker sound of this song. It feels grand, and grand things feel revolutionary.
Hold Me Down is an standard pop song that I don't have a lot to say about.
Now, New Americana is an interesting song for me. I don't care AT ALL for the lyrics. It's almost comical at points how bad it is, even if it's ironic which I really doubt it is. This also says a lot about the rebel-tumblr culture of the time, case study material. The song itself, as in if you substract the lyrics, sounds nice. Again, this song tries to achieve that "grand" sound Castle does so effortlessly, but I don't think the chant-y chorus and the cheesy lyrics do it. Also, high on legal marijuana?
Drive is a good fucking song. I didn't appreciate this song enough back then, wasn't "fast" enough for my taste, but now that I focus more on the song, I see why it's such a beloved song in their fanbase. Not only the song matches perfectly with the lyrics, the vibe throughout is very cozy and cool and "luxury". The white-trash luxury sound, that I find very underrated in Tumblr culture.
Hurricane is a mega-song. I never really liked this song, find it very rudimentary and run of the mill. IMO doesn't hold a candle to other "pop" songs of the album like Roman Holiday, or the masterpiece that is Haunting. "I'm a violence in the pouring rain" is a good line though.
Roman Holiday does what Hurricane wants to do better. It's a catchy, straight-forward, sentimental pop song with a nice melody. I don't really want to talk about tumblr culture here as I think it's not really needed, but this is a tumblrcore song if there is any.
Ghost is a calmer song. I like the calmer songs on this album, they feel more meaningful, although this is one of Halsey's biggest songs. Their vibe is also more structured. I love the chorus, love the lyrics, love the song.
Colors is beautiful. Another "tumblrcore" song that can define the genre. I'm having flashbacks rn as im writing this holy fuck my stomach feels funny of all the nostalgia holy shit. I can't describe why I love it, or why it's a good song just take my word for it lolll. im too much in love to write coherently.
Strange Love was my favorite song four years ago and I don't know why. Maybe because of the earwormy chorus? Looking back, it is one of the weaker songs on the album. I still like it, but I'd rather listen to Colors, or Ghost, than this.
Coming Down is another "calm" song. Almost as if these are interludes to hits, as Ghost is to Colors and Drive is to Hurricane. "I've got a lover a love like religion, I'm such a fool for sacrifice". I love it. Love it love it love it. Sounds cute. Sounds "rich". I love the melody. It isn't trying to be a hit, it's a Halsey song. It is though, a little bit long. If it was under 3, it would've been one of the perfect songs on the album.
Haunting is absolutely, ... haunting!!!... fuck me. This is it. The best song on the album. One thing that I always notice about it, is the pacing. It starts so perfectly, and moves effortlessly through the whole thing. The chorus is mesmerizing. Their songwriting is so good that it compensates for the atrocity that is New Americana. "I'm begging you to keep on haunting me" haunts me to this day ayyyooo!! fuck. It's also 4:20 mins long, but absolutely owns every second of it. What a song, wow.
Gasoline is also a rich song. After Haunting, it's a proper breathing track. It definitely has less going for it, which for the overall pacing of the record is a good thing. The lyrics are also really good on this. In general, lyrics are really better on the second half.
Don't have much to say about Control. I like Gasoline better, but the chorus is something to think about.
YOUNG FUCKING GOD. Wow. Again, I can feel the song move in this one. Move through its phases. That's how you should do pacing, it plays really nice when you are a good songwriter who knows how to pace their songs. This is probably the most "HFK" song on this album in terms of lyrics and the theme. Do you feel like a young god? what a song.
In the end, this is a really really good album. A really really really good one. Of all the vibes it tries to capture, the slower-paced songs do it better than the radio-hits.
Haunting, Colors, Ghost, Young God and Gasoline are my top 5 songs from this album.
Hurricane, and New Americana are also the weaker tracks of this record.
I dont fucking know what im even writing.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Most Selfish to Most Selfless from the main 3 of TS?
It goes Benedict > Frederica > Roland.
Roland has so little self worth that it total sense he'd be dead last, even if his "vengeance mode" can appear to be his little space of selfishness, it doesn't hold a candle to "DESTRA <3" and "Fuck Norzelia and its citizens as long as they're not Rozellians".
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seven-oomen · 4 years
If you find yourself needing a temporary distraction from the angst for a while, again, for the Ship Headcanon Meme thing: 1-5, 9, 12, 13, 21-29 (or really any combo there of, doesn't have to be all of them) for Peter/Noah (for preference), Chris/Noah, and Chris/Peter (also acceptable). Because the TW DILFs always need more love, and it's always fun to see how other people's thoughts/headcanons compare to my own. :D
Truth be told a distraction is very welcome today and I’m very happy to answer each and every one of these. So here we go for Peter/Noah:
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Canon verse: Noah was a young deputy who kept having to arrest a teenage trouble maker Peter. And Peter kept trying to push himself onto the older man, though naturally, Noah didn’t respond to any of it while Peter was underage and merely ignored him. When Peter’s 20 though, and Noah 25, he caves and eventually asks out the young college-bound Hale by asking him out on a date to the place where he first arrested Peter.
Once Upon a time verse: Noah moved first, surprisingly. Yes, Peter flirts and gets in Noah’s space and smiles at him like that, but he’s respectful about it. If Noah gives him a vibe he needs to back off, he does, and he doesn’t try to push himself on Noah too much. Eventually, when they’re about fourteen, Noah gets a bout of courage and corners Peter against a locker during lunch and pushes a wad of paper into his hands. When Peter reads it, one eyebrow up, it merely reads; will you go out with me? Peter only has to smile at the paper before he suddenly gets a peck on the cheek from the young druid and a “See you Saturday at 6 at Sal’s.”
Red Dead Redemption verse:
Peter returns to Beacon Hills after years of mayhem and running around West and Noah’s not sure how to handle him and his crew. But somehow he finds himself aligning with the outlaw king and sees how his way has merits. (Though he does try to get Peter on the straight and narrow, and succeeds for the most part too.)  Eventually, though,  Peter makes a move when they’re alone by the river. They’re out on a bounty hunt together, who was an old associate of Kate Argent and someone who had to do with the Hale fire. And they’re standing there by the river, the sun bringing out the gold in Noah’s graying hair and Peter can’t help himself, he moves in and captures Noah’s lips in a searing kiss. A make-out session near the burning fire and running river ensues.
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
 once upon a time
Noah’s the most insecure between the two of them, which is a result of what he went through at his father’s hands. The one thing Peter does to make him feel better though is wrapping him up in something, his arms, his jacket, a blanket and he just holds him close and lets Noah bury his nose in his neck. 
I’d like to say Peter is probably more insecure as the younger of the two. He looks pretty confident and suave but really, he’s quite insecure when it comes to their relationship and what Peter’s role is in it. Noah is a patient man though and always makes Peter feel better by reminding him just how much he saved Noah. He does that by pulling him close, by talking and by letting Peter know just how much he’s loved.
3. Who is the most romantic?
Both of them are romantic in their own way. Peter’s more the type for grand gestures like I rented a restaurant or bought you a car or I flew you to Paris. Where Noah is far quieter like, I cooked you your favorite dinner or I lit candles all around the room and have a single red rose for you as you come home. Or even simpler, I bought our favorite ice creams and rented our favorite movies and have two blankets and a couch. It’s all about the small gestures for Noah.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Peter. I feel like this goes without saying but Peter is a very tactile person and he constantly wants to run his hands all over his sheriff. That the sheriff lets him is just icing on the cake, really.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first? 
Noah, it comes out of nowhere, they’re just hanging out but at some point Noah just blurts it out and surprises even himself with it. But yeah I feel both of these boys wouldn’t say it easily but Noah would be the first to break. IMO.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
Noah definitely squirted soda out of his nose in front of Peter because he thought Stiles was coming through the door and almost choked on the illegal soda he was drinking.
Peter once had to walk butt naked through the sheriff station because he tried to surprise Noah and was instead caught by a very upset Parish. Noah had to watch Peter being marched through the station in his birthday suit with only his own hands for moderation.
  12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
The way they act in public, before that there’s always a barrier. A very serious tone to their interactions. Once things get more serious though, that barrier starts breaking down and they get more light-hearted with one another, more open in public. And occasionally are even shown holding hands or kissing one another while dropping each other off at work or dropping the kids off at school together.
13. When do they realize they should get together?
For Peter, it’s when Noah shows that he has Peter’s back through hard times. That whenever he’s in trouble in court cases, or in some verses, with the law itself or other factors, Noah’s there and he has Peter’s back. After the scuffle of the day is over, Noah is also there to take him home and Peter knows he doesn’t want anyone else in his life but this quiet idiot.
For Noah, it’s when he first sees Peter interact with kids and sees there’s a much softer side to the tough Peter Hale. He sees how absolutely caring Peter can be and what a good parent he could be if given the chance. For a man like Noah, who seems to be about domesticity, I’d say that’s a very attractive quality.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Their respective families. They’re not really the type to bring someone home and the mere prospect of doing so gives both of them an aneurysm. Everywhere else is something that they might be able to handle together, but family, yeah, that’s a major hurdle.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
I tend to imagine their first kiss somewhere in nature. They’re either standing near a river, a lake, looking up at the stars, at the base of the Nemeton (OUAT verse), etc. But they’re completely alone and only surrounded by nature.
23. Where is their favorite place to be together?
Either in nature or in their own homes. I like to imagine these two love to go hiking and camping and just being one with nature. Where Peter can run free in his evolved form and where Noah is free to perform his elemental druid magic.
Or in their own homes surrounded by lots of blankets and pillows and with their kids curled up beside them. That’s where I’d envision them to be happy.
24. Where do they first have sex?
In OUAT verse, it’s at the base of the Nemeton when they’re fifteen. Later that’s also the place where they bring Chris and where Peter is gifted with Chris’s virginity. Coincidentally it’s also the place where both sets of twins are conceived in that verse.
In the outlaw verse, it’s in Peter’s tent back at the outlaw camp. Of course, the entire camp hears them and it’s the talk of the camp for several days after.
In canon, I’d say it’s probably at Noah’s house or a motel room Peter booked for them while on a romantic getaway. But there’s some serious candle action going on and a lot of thought put into it. Or on the flip side of that, it could also be hot and fast in the back of the sheriff’s cruiser or on the hood.
25. Why do they fight?
Over stupid little shit like why are there a pair of socks in the middle of the room. Or why is the laundry next to the hamper. Or can you never put your dishes in the fucking dishwasher? Because Noah is a bit of a slob and Peter’s pickier about what goes where and how. But also over more serious things, like criminal activity, lying about whereabouts or activities or each other’s insecurities.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Because Noah won’t stop asking Peter where he’s been and with who and it’s driving Peter insane. He gets it, Noah’s insecure about being left behind or that Peter will find someone better, someone younger or someone with fewer problems. But Peter needs Noah to trust him.
On the flip side, Noah and Peter need to have a serious chat because Peter has a jealousy issue and a money spending issue. (Yes, Peter has the money, but that doesn’t mean he needs three expensive cars.) And also because Peter absolutely cannot show up buck naked at the sheriff station again.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Because when these two agree on something, they’re a force to be reckoned with. You will not sway their mind, they will not keep their hands off of each other and while they will listen to your opinions, they will always come up with a better argument for theirs. It’s very annoying to be faced with ‘ that couple’.
28. Why do they get jealous?
Peter gets jealous because Noah smiled at someone or laughs at someone else’s jokes. He also tends to get a bit jealous when other people comment on how hot Noah is in his uniform. Because that is his officer, dammit. Get your own.
Noah gets jealous when Peter flirts with other people. He doesn’t show it when they’re around others, of course not. But once they’re alone he feels an inexplicable need to show Peter just who his ass belongs too.
The only time when Noah absolutely claimed his turf was that one time while on vacation in Italy and they were at a hotel bar with a rather annoying Spanish tourist who wouldn’t stay away from Peter. He may have kissed the wolf in public, put his hand in Peter’s back pocket, and called him darling while maintaining eye contact with the tourist.
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Because Noah bites his lip when he’s concentrating on a case and taps his nose with a pen or pencil while he’s doing crossword puzzles. And he looks so smart and young and irresistible that Peter just wants to stare at him all day. He falls more in love with every smile, with every wrinkle that develops over time and every small gesture that Noah does for him. 
Noah falls more for Peter because Peter has a knack for calming him down when he comes home from a difficult case. He falls for the patience Peter has around kids and how wonderful of a parent and uncle he is. He falls more for Peter’s smile and youth every single day. He falls for his intelligence and the way he keeps surprising Noah and keeps him on his toes. 
He falls for the many, many cuddles, both in human and wolf form. And he falls for the way Peter naturally falls into step beside him while they’re walking together. He falls for the way Peter runs his hands over his when Noah’s upset and for the way those arms wrap around him to keep him safe. He falls a little more every single day.
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