#doesnt show up well we'll see
shittywriterbrain · 4 months
"you should be at the club" me at the club:
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fandomfucker · 3 months
Hey bestie
I’ve loved you stuff for ages so I thought you would be a good writer for a lil idea I had!
Poly! Judgement Day x reader (or just Rhea Ripley ) where bubbly (but smart and snarky) reader gets moved to smackdown during the draft and only sees the rest of her partners one or two days a week.
She acts independently like it doesn’t bother her that she has to travel alone, and doesn’t tell her partners that she’s had trouble making friends at smackdown. But it’s taking a toll on her.
When she starts seeing them post more photos without her and all text her less she finally loses it.
After a long day of losing a championship match reader goes home to find out that her partners didn’t even know that she had a match that night and barely acknowledge her homecoming. Reader cries herself to sleep alone in their kingside bed.
Hurt/comfort ensues
- I hope this wasn’t too long 💕,
Thank you so much for all your support!!🫶
Definitely get toxic relationship vibes with this so i kinda played into it a little. Also, this doesnt actually follow anything because I dont actually really watch Smackdown, pls dont kill me🙏
Some of the dialogue and resulting reactions/scenarios are from this list by @judgementdaysunshine and @romanthereigns
Word count: 4,473
Reader’s POV
It felt like my heart had been ripped in two and then thrown in a woodchipper.
Without any kind of warning or anything, I had just been removed from my partnership with the Judgment Day and put on Smackdown instead of Raw.
Backstage in our shared dressing room it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop as the five of us all stood around in stunned silence.
Dominik was the first to break it as he launched himself at me, cradling my head to his chest as the news began to sink in.
Tears began to well up in my eyes as I stared off over his shoulder at nothing. Our hug was jolted when Damian, Finn, and Rhea joined us, surrounding and enveloping us whole.
I blinked until the tears receded, refusing to cry over an unfortunate situation such as this.
I felt tears on my shoulder from one of my partners and heard the shaking sobs of the others, making it just that much harder to not cry myself.
Reluctantly, I pulled away from our group hug, wiping away any remaining strays.
I cleared my throat, "This isn't going to change anything, okay? We all still love each other and at the end of the day, we all go back to the same home. We'll be okay."
Dominik nodded, keeping a hand on my waist as he wiped away his own tears. Catching Damian also wiping away his tears I sent him a small smile, hugging into his waist.
"You're right, dove. It might be hard, but we'll make it work just like we always do." Rhea smiled as she cradled my face in her hands.
I nodded my head, smiling at her in return before removing myself from the boys' holds on me and crushing her body into mine, holding onto her waist tightly.
Finn stood to the side of her and took one of my hands in his, "Lass, this isn't goodbye, and it never will be. You're going to do great by yourself, really get the chance to show everyone just what all you're capable of."
Nodding my head again against Rhea's chest, I squeezed his hand in acknowledgment and comfort as I took in all my partners in the group locker room for what was possibly the last time.
"I'll make you guys proud."
Two smackdowns later and I still had yet to make any of them even remotely proud.
Turns out, even if you leave a group, people still hold grudges against you for being in that group.
Rhea and I had obliterated the entire women's division both individually and as the occasional tag team so no one liked me or even so much as acknowledged I was there.
The ignoring was worse than any bullying or ambushes I could have anticipated.
The only woman in the locker room that would even look at me was the new girl from NXT, Blair Davenport but the others had warned her about me, so she too stayed away.
All the men wouldn't talk to me either more than a 'hello' in passing because my boys had swept through them too.
Apparently creating grudges left and right isn't as fun as I thought, once those I made the grudges with are no longer with me. I had burned all the bridges I now needed to keep from drowning.
We managed to work our schedules out enough so that we'd all be able to see each other once or twice a week, unless there was a PLE in which we'd be together that whole week.
I was given a newer design along with new beefs. Instead of my usual black and dark purple I wore more pastel colors. Baby blue, lilac, light yellows, etc. I was given extensions and my makeup was much less dramatic. My shorts were traded for skirts and my hand symbols for hearts.
I was told they were wanting to take some more creative liberties for me and I could either get on board with it or leave.
My first match on Smackdown was against the new girl, Blair Davenport who wanted to "show the world what she's made of" and decided to try and make me her example.
Long story short; I won. And that really didn't do me any favors, except to get me a match against Chelsea Green. The winner of which would be getting a shot at the Women's Championship title against Bayley.
Sitting in the locker room after winning my match against Chelsea I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest as I texted the Judgment Day group-chat.
Y/N: Guys!! I got a match against Bayley for the title next week!! We're about to have two womens champs in the JD!😁😁💪💪
With the different time zones I wasn't expecting an immediate reply so I just went ahead and began scrolling through Instagram until it was time for my promo.
Rhea's post came up first. It was just a picture of her dinner, at a fancy restaurant, and you could see Dominik's shirt and hands in the background.
Some of us go on dates with each other by ourselves all the time so I thought nothing of it, just liked it and kept scrolling.
Until I saw that Damian had uploaded a friends-only story. Clicking on it, it was a mirror selfie of him and Finn wearing tuxes, a peak of a flowy red dress just out of frame. The next slide was a full picture of Rhea in her dress. Her dress that I had given her.
My eyes stung a bit that my partners had all gone out on a really nice date without me, but I blinked it away because it didn't matter. It was one date and I'm on the other side of the country right now, they can go on one date without me. It's fine.
When it was time to do my promo, someone came and escorted me to the specific area where my favorite unbiased interviewer, Cathy Kelley, was waiting for me. Her face lit up when she saw me as I barreled towards her.
Crushing her into a hug, we both squealed with delight at finally seeing each other for the first time in forever.
We caught up and did my promo and decided to go out for a really late dinner together after the show. I told her about my struggles with the women on the roster while she spilled about her own personal problems.
"Oh! Let's take a cute little dinner date picture for Insta!" Cathy exclaimed pulling out her phone. I agreed and joked that we should hold hands across the table like a real date and she agreed.
She posted the photo and we watched as the comments rolled in from the fans. Some were loving it while others thought she might be dating both Rhea and me now. We laughed at some of the comments before going back to our conversation.
Wrapping up dinner, Cathy revealed to me that while she would be on Smackdown more often than before, she still wouldn't be there every week.
"It's okay, its not your fault," I forced a smile before we made our way to our separate hotel rooms. "I'll see you tomorrow though?" I asked hopefully.
"Of course! Sweet dreams, Y/N," She replied before we went our separate ways.
Two hours later, now laid in my hotel bed about to go to sleep, and the only response I'd gotten was a thumbs-up reaction from Finn. Secretly, I hoped my partners were just too busy planning something special for me when I got home and didn't want to accidentally ruin the surprise.
Deciding to just get over it, I went to bed, dreaming of finally being with all my partners again, going on a date with all of us.
The sound of my phone's notifications woke me up early the next morning. I reached out, aiming for the nightstand where I had left my phone to charge the night before. I blindly hit around the area until I felt my phone, bring it up to my half-open eyes, blinking rapidly at the burning brightness of the screen.
The screen was filled with angry texts from my partners.
Finn: What the hell were you doing with Cathy???
Rheas: Were you on a date last night???
Damian: Answer us Y/n!!
Dominik: Y/n answer your fucking phone this is insane
My eyes teared up in fear at my partners' reactions. They seemed genuinely upset, especially with the combined 24 missed calls in a 4-hour time period.
I just texted back a simple, "We just went out to dinner and thought the picture would be cute. Nothing more." before getting up and going about my day. With my next flight leaving in just a few hours, I had a lot to do before I could even get to the airport.
After getting out of the shower, I checked my messages only to see no response from any of my partners. Clicking on the chat, I saw that I had been left on read by all four of them. I tried to push aside my feelings but lately it was getting harder and harder to do so.
But, I managed to pull myself together just enough to make it on my flight home just in time.
It was mid-Sunday by the time I made it to our shared house, and I knew I'd be alone for the next couple days since my partners' flight out for Raw had been around the same time as my flight in.
The rest of the day was spent self-loathing in the bathtub as I watched a few of Bayley's old matches, trying to give myself the upper-hand for our match by learning how she fights.
I fell asleep in bed that night, shoveling ice cream into my mouth as I watched old reruns of Full House on the TV.
The next morning was nice because I was finally able to sleep-in after so many early mornings. I was able to make myself a cup of coffee and make french toast (something I hadn't been able to have in forever) as I sat on the back porch watching the birds fly through the trees.
My nice little fantasy, however, was broken when I received an Instagram notification. This one was a picture Rhea had posted; a selfie of the four of them in the car they were driving.
I was too emotionally exhausted for my eye to even begin welling up. So, to save myself from anymore heartbreak and/or grievances, I blocked all four of them on both socials and messages and told myself I'd unblock them later that day.
Later that day turned into fifteen minutes later when I started feeling guilty, so I unblocked their messages and left their socials alone. I'd see the pictures eventually on my feed posted by fans, but hopefully it would take a little bit longer than if they weren't blocked. None of them ever bothered to text me individually or the group chat of all five of us the rest of that week, even after I texted them to congratulate them on their wins form Monday. 
Brushing off the avoidances form them, I just went about my week. A few facetime interviews and a podcast. I answered emails and went to the gym. I cleaned the house and did laundry, wondering when on Earth my partners would get home.
I even called them to ask to no avail. But I saw the posts on Instagram of them a few states away hanging out, going on dates. They had decided to do a road-trip back home instead of a flight. 
The uncomfortable lump in my throat increased with each swipe to the next picture. As I swiped through the pictures, my growing fury and heartache increasing in a swirl of mixed feelings, Dominik texted me, saying they'd be home Thursday night.
Around the same time as my flight out to the next city for Smackdown.
I sent a thumbs up in reply and threw my phone off to the side so I wouldn't have to think about it for the next little while.
I just went ahead and began packing all my stuff for Smackdown Friday night, making sure I had everything I needed for my new ring gear I was about to debut. It was a special occasion, after all. I was about to be the next women's champion.
Friday night had arrived and I now stood in the guerilla bouncing around as I shook out my nerves. Onlookers shot me weird looks as I went through my warm-ups as well, they weren't your typical ones as I had learned them in high school doing theatre.
Bayley passed me, giving me a look I couldn't quite decipher as her music hit first and she walked out. 
A minute later my own started playing and I walked out, swaggering my way down the aisle. When I was told to change my look, and my attitude as well, to make myself not apart of the Judgment Day anymore, I was finally given my own theme music, but I missed our group theme more than anything.  My now long hair swung as I made my way up the stairs and into the ring to do my entrance against the ropes.
Stepping into the middle of the ring, I faced Bayley as our title match was announced and the title showcased to the audience. I caught her mouthing something at me, making me grin sadistically. You can take the girl out of the faction but you can't take the faction out of the girl.
"May the best woman win."
I didn't win.
It was a long match that wound up being longer than anyone anticipated, ourselves included.
Bayley eventually got the best of me when my head hit the turnbuckle at just the right angle for me to black out for a second, leaving room for Bayley to pin me as I was too disoriented to kick out.
The ref had to help me backstage to the medics after the lights went out, signaling the commercial break. She even had to hand me a towel to catch the blood beginning to flow from the small cut.
The on-sight paramedic gave me some ice for my head as she checked my pupils. "Yeah, I think you got a minor concussion there, hon. I'll let Mr. Aldis know but you should sit down and rest until you can get an uber, you shouldn't be driving." 
She left the room and I immediately started bawling my eyes out, making my headache worse. Not only did I now have a concussion which would cause me to be out for at least a few weeks, but I was lonely, my partners were ignoring me and probably didn't love me anymore, and I lost my one shot at the title that I had earned and fought for entirely by myself.
My cries attracted the attention of a few passerby but only one stopped and came in to check on me.
"Hey, Y/n, I'm really sorry. That was my fault, I totally botched that, I'm so sorry. If you want I can take you back to the hotel so you don't have to pay for an uber? I just have one more promo to do and then I'm all done."
I looked up to see Bayley standing there, her title nowhere in sight, looking so sincerely upset and apologetic it just sent another wave of tears down my already soaked cheeks.
"That'd be great, thank you," I laugh-cried as she helped me down from the table and back to the shared locker room.
All the other girls stared at me as I walked in, my face and eyes puffy and my forehead bandaged, as I continued to hold an ice pack to the top of said bandage. No one else seemed to have any sympathy for me and rightfully so. I hadn't actually done anything in the past 2 years to warrant any.
Bayley brought me over to my locker and began helping me get all my stuff together. "Why are you helping me?" I croaked pitifully.
She avoided eye contact, "Because I know what it's like. To lose your faction--the people who mean the most to you and are always supposed to be there for you, I mean."
A small laugh escaped me as well as another tear. I swiped it away before offering my hand to her. "Truce?"
"Truce," She nodded and shook my hand.
Finally getting home late the next day, I was relieved to find all four of my partners already at home. I was nervous to see them after all the ignored communications and their Instagram posts of dates I wasn't invited on, but I was tired and hurt and wanted my partners.
Unlocking the door, I stepped into the entryway, smiling softly as I heard my partners' rambunctious laughter coming from the living room. I left my suitcase by the door and made my way over to them.
They were playing the new WWE2k24 game with the new Xbox Rhea had gotten from being on the cover.
"Hey guys! I'm home!" I announced my presence from behind the couch as I walked in.
I received a chorus of "hey babe"s from all four of them, not one of them turning around to actually acknowledge me. And that stung worse than any failed title match or concussion. 
It was like my heart had been ripped out and stabbed repeatedly with a knife before being set on fire. I tried to tough it out and managed to get all the way to our shared bedroom before I burst into tears again.
My pent up feelings, mixed with the concussion, my heavily drugged brain resulting from said concussion, and the overall exhaustion from everything all at once finally came to a head as I sobbed.
I collapsed to the floor, my knees being too weak to hold me up. Crawling up into the bed, I laid there and cried into my pillow as I cradled another to my chest. I cried so hard I couldn't breathe and snot ran down my face.
Eventually, I fell asleep, having not even bothered to change my clothes or take off the makeup that was now streaked down my face. 
I just hoped that when I woke up it would've all been a dream.
3rd Person POV
The four members of the Judgment Day sat around the living room, playing what they agreed would be the last match before they made dinner.
"Alright," Damian spoke as he stood up and began stretching out his sore limbs, "Who wants what?"
"I want chicken tenders!" Dominik shouted excitedly. 
Rhea laughed and ruffled his hair, sliding her fingers through his silky strands. "Okay, well while Dame and I get started on dinner how about you and Finn go pull Y/N out of the shower and she what she wants."
Dominik nodded like a happy little puppy before grabbing Finn's hand and dragging him upstairs to go find their girlfriend.
They went first to the master bathroom, noticing the light was still off and there was no trace of her having taken a shower. They continued on into the bedroom where they saw the curled-up figure of their girlfriend.
Finn went and turned the bedside lamp on, emitting a soft glow about the room. 
The two of them rounded the bed to face Y/N and wake her up. Dominik saw her first and stopped dead in his tracks, the blood draining from his face causing Finn to rush over.
Before he could even ask what was wrong he looked at Y/N and no longer needed to ask. 
Her face was puffy from tears, her makeup smeared and streaked down her face making it even more evident she had been crying. The pillow she held onto with a death grip had a wet stain on the top of it from previously fallen tears.
But the thing they were most concerned about, was the small bandage on the top of her forehead. Dried blood seeped out from underneath the bandage and was crusted around and in her hairline, the whole area swollen and red.
"What the hell happened?" Dominik asked Finn as they watched Y/N sleep. 
"I dunno," Finn replied in the stunned silence. "We need to get Rhea and Damian, though."
Down in the kitchen, Rhea and Damian danced around each other grabbing various ingredients as well as silverware and dishes. They made idle chat and were laughing when Finn and Dominik bounded down the stairs. 
"What'd Y/N say she wants for dinner?" Damian asked the two of them, his back turned to them as he fiddled with a dial on the stove. 
"She's asleep, but you guys need to come see, something happened," Finn told the two of them.
They both looked up from what they were doing, Rhea grabbing a towel to dry her hands. "What's wrong?" She asked as she ran around the counter and up the stairs to their shared room.
"I'm not even sure," Finn replied.
The four of them raced up the stairs and down the hallway to their bedroom, Rhea leading the way.
She slowly rounded the corner to face Y/N and upon seeing her in the same state the other two had, threw her hand to her mouth in horror as she gasped at the sight before her.
Damian, right behind her, made it to her side to see what all the fuss was about and all the blood drained from his face when he did. "Oh my god."
"Should we wake her up?" Dominik asked, like a scared child.
Rhea, ever the caretaker of the group, chimed in. "No, let's just wait until she wakes up. You guys go back downstairs and finish making dinner and I'll stay here till she wakes up."
"If you're staying here then so am I," Finn argued, taking a seat on the small ottoman at the end of the bed. Rhea nodded reluctantly before looking at the other two.
They both nodded, knowing they wouldn't win any fight they picked. They both walked over and gave Y/N a small kiss on the forehead, the opposite side of where the bandage was, before shuffling out of the room and down the stairs. Now, all they had to do was wait.
It wasn't until an hour later that Y/N finally began to stir.
Rhea and Finn both shot up, kneeling beside the bed as Fin gently stroked Y/N's cheek as she awoke. 
"What's going on?" Y/N asked groggily, thoroughly confused as hell and not knowing anything. After any normal nap, it takes a minute to even remember your own name, not to mention a nap after that kind of extreme emotional distress.
"We're just worried about you, sweetness," Rhea explained as gently as she could. If Y/N did actually have a concussion and didn't remember anything, she didn't want to freak her out any more than she possibly would already have.
"Why?" Y/N asked, gently pushing the two of them away form her to sit up and rub her eyes. In doing so, she felt the edge of her bandage and remembered everything. From losing the match, to making a truce with Bayley, to coming home and them not acknowledging her.
Rhea and Finn saw the look that overcame their girlfriend's face. Anger, betrayal, sadness.
She pushed them out of the way again, this time harder than any of them were expecting which sent the two flat on their asses as Y/N made a move to get out of bed.
"Woah, woah, woah. Where the hell do you think you're going?" Rhea immediately was on her feet and grabbed Y/N's arm to keep her from going any further. The look she received from Y/N before she pulled her arm out of her grip was scathing. 
"Nowhere that concerns you." She began to move towards the closet, starting to grab new clothes, seemingly to change into before she grabbed a bag and began stuffing the clothes in there.
"Y/N! What the hell is going on? Please, just talk to us!" Finn tried to reason with her. 
By now, the commotion had reached the ears of both Damian and Dominik downstairs and they raced up to the bedroom, just in time to hear their girlfriend's explanation.
"Talk to you? Talk to you?! I have been trying to talk to all four of you for weeks! And all I get in response is a thumbs up! Sometimes, not even every time!" She screamed, stepping out of the closet into full view of her partners. Clothes were left forgotten on the floor, and some half-hanging off their hangers as Y/N finally released all her pent-up emotions.
All four members of the Judgment Day stood in stunned silence as Y/N kept going, now unable to stop herself even if she tried.
"I was forcefully moved away from my partners, surrounded by people who hate me and then you four go out and have date nights without me. Constantly! I had a title match tonight against Bayley, we could've had two champions and you didn't even care! I lost because I hit my head and got a concussion and you don't care!" At this point, Y/N had started to grow emotional. Each word was a fight against the myriad of tears threatening to spill over.
The four of them felt awful, how could they have neglected their girl so badly for so long to get to this point?
"We're so sorry, cariño, we had no idea you even had a match last night-" Damian's attempts at an apology were cut off by Y/N.
"Of course you didn't! You never bother to talk to me anymore!" Her partners began to reach out for her as she started fully crying, the emotions winning this fight.
"I'm barely holding on," Y/N sobbed as she curled in on herself, rejecting any attempts at physical touch from her partners. "It's so bad, that my opponent had to come to my rescue after the match because no one else will even acknowledge me."
"Y/N," Dominik spoke, the sound of his heart breaking evident in his voice.
"No, just...don't," Y/N wrapped her arms around herself as she backed away from the four of them. 
The five partners stood around in silence, each member processing their emotions. 
Once Y/N's tears had slowed down, she wiped any remains off her face before facing her partners, who now surrounded her again. This time, however, they left a spot for her to escape.
"Hey, we're sorry, okay? But we promise to do better. This is new for all of us and we admittedly didn't handle it well but we're gonna fix that, alright?" Finn explained to her gently, so as not to scare her off.
"He's right, amor. We love you, so much. We'll do anything that you ask of us, please," Damian practically begged her.
Rhea and Dominik both clutched each other, tears streaming down their faces as they were both too choked up to speak, but they nodded in agreement to both of the boys' statements.
"Okay," Y/N broke down again, walking into the shared hug between the partners. They would make it up to her, just like they always did. Everything would be okay. They would be okay.
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lev1hei1chou · 1 year
Why i believe Gojo could come back
This chapter left us in a devastated state and was absolutely uncalled for, but I personally believe this isnt the end of the strongest sorcerer. There are several reasons as to why (These are just opinions, I could be wrong in certain areas AND personal feelings might make an occassional appearance.)
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This whole panel was obviously made for a reason. And we dont see gojo making a decision. Considering the fact that this is literally THE Gojo Satoru, he's more likely to choose north since there's numerous things left as plot holes. We'll get to that.
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Here in this page, he mentions that Toji should've cut his head off to actually kill him. In the leaks, whats cut off is his upper body but not the head! I still can't quite wrap my head around RCT but lets say he's not able to heal himself. You know who can and who would? Yuta and Shoko
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Now moving on
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"Gojo then bids farewell to everyone." If hes truly gone then why would he be bidding farewell to the fallen comrades? If he's dead then isn't he supposed to stay in the afterlife with them?
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Pretty self explanatory
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What if Kashimo is going in to distract Sukuna while Shoko and Yuta can heal Gojo?
Now think about this. Gojo is gone, Shoko doesnt fight and who are all left? A bunch of sorcerers who are literally under 20, need guidance and we havent really seen any panel where they actually plan how they're going to go about in the whole battle. Gojo isnt a want, hes a NEED, a NECESSITY.
Remember, Toji who was dead long ago pretty much appeared out of nowhere in Shibuya Arc LMAO so- yes
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Theres no way Gojo would be left sealed for 3 whole years, brought him back just to kill him off in the most disrespectful way possible.
Besides, things that Gojo wanted to do haven't happened yet.
He wanted to tell megumi about his father
He wanted to see his students surpass the strongest sorcerer, aka him
He wanted to get rid of the higher ups
He wanted to properly mourn suguru (for which kenjaku has to be defeated but oh well)
He wanted to save Megumi
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How'd we know what Gojo said here.
On to the other aspects of why killing off Gojo was a bad idea. We barely ever saw what happened to him, and an off screen death to the so called strongest sorcerer is just senseless. Gojo is a fan favourite. People started watching the show for Gojo (myself included) and there's a high possibility of multiple people dropping the manga since he isn't even there anymore.
The ending could take a turn for the worse considering the fact that Sukuna is just overpowered and Kenjaku hasn't done anything as of now. Unless there's some heavy plot armor I dont think the students even stand a chance against Sukuna and Kenjaku. Both outcomes- the students and others emerging as victors or sukuna emerging as a victor could make the ending absolutely terrible and this might as well top AOT for being the manga with the most disliked ending.
Gojo Satoru is the mentor for multiple; for Yuji, Nobara, Megumi, Yuta, Maki, Panda, Toge and the third years and its necessary for them to have someone to teach them. It is one of Satoru's wishes to see his students surpass him, which can happen only when he's there since there's nobody else who is actually capable of teaching them and leading them into the world as actual graduated sorcerers.
So Gojo dying will make the manga take a turn for the worse. Killing him off in the middle makes absolutely no sense and is just plain bad writing. People are prolly gonna kill me for this but lets admit the truth. Hyping this battle, building up tension just to finish him off screen is NOT good writing.
Anyways. There is factual proof of Gojo potentially making a return. Maybe at a cost, like him losing his power, losing his "strongest" title or anything else. He may not even be the same anymore but honestly as long as he's back, I'm fine.
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It happened previously, and could happen again.
Satoru Gojo may not be the strongest and the honoured one, but may be reborn as a newer version of himself after getting humbled. Lotuses, as mentioned above symbolise rebirth, which is why i believe this is not the end.
A small bit of advice for gojo fans: Go watch haikyuu or highschool babysitters as a form of self care <3
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beautifulfuckup99 · 1 year
How about an insecure reader who thinks she is unworthy of love and keeps pushing JK away and wants to keep it just friends but he doesnt care and snaps one night showing her how much he wants her 🤭😉
Awe! So cute! Got you right now! Lol
Title: I can handle it
Warning(s): Talks of body weight, Insecure!Y/N, Face-S!tting, Dom!Jungkook, D!rty Talk, Spank!ng, Some Hair Pull!ng, Curs!ng, and some well-earned fluff!
Author's Note: So this will follow a curvy and/or plus sized Y/N because as a fellow 'big girl', I know we deserve some damn good smut too! Hope you enjoy! Oh! And this will be and "Idol!AU"...
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"Jungkook, stop!" You snap, finally fed up with today as you move out of his arms. "I'm not going." You declare as you walk back into your closet to change out of the dress. Tonight was nerve-wracking. Management had given Jungkook the green light to make a public outing with you in order to confirm that he was in fact in a relationship.
This would be your first introduction to ARMY, this giant mass of unstoppable force, that could make or break you and your relationship. And you were panicking.
"Y/N, what was wrong with that one?" Jungkook asks in the same calm and soft tone as he always had with you.
But how long would that last?
How long would he put up with you before realizing he could have literally anyone else? Famous or not.
You were spiraling now.
Just fucking great!
"I looked like a fucking pumpkin!" You say with an eyeroll. "Tell the guys I'm sorry, go out with them on your own. We'll do this reveal another time." You state and Jungkook frowns, walking into your closet to actually face you.
"First off..." He says, eyebrows knitted together in slight frustration. He would never let that out in his tone though. "Orange is a great color on you. And secondly, we can't keep putting this off..." He says as you rummage through your rack of clothes to try and find something. Nothing looked good enough.
"Baby, could you please just leave? I wanna change." You say, never a fan of changing in front of him. He rolls his eyes at that.
"Y/N, we've literally had sex before, yet I can never see you naked? It makes no sense." He sighs and you turn to him.
"Out, Jungkook. Now!" You order as you fuss at him. He sighs heavily before just giving in and leaving. There was always tomorrow...
"Mm... Something smells good..." Jungkook says pleasantly as he wraps his arms around you from behind. You sigh deeply and move from his arms, not liking the feeling of his hands so close to your stomach.
"It's nothing special." You say casually and Jungkook frowns a bit at that and sighs softly before letting it go. He did that a lot when dealing with you. But you were worth that. Even if you never saw it that way...
"Oh? Nothing special, my ass. It smells like Samgyeopsal!" He laughs softly and it almost melts your icy demeanor. Keyword: almost.
"Wait till it's done, to see." You mutter and he laughs more.
"No. Let me see!" He says as he tries reaching over you to uncover the pan.
"Kookie, no! Let it be a surprise!" You laugh as you move in the way so he can't uncover the pan.
"Let me see!" He laughs as he starts to play fight with you.
"No! Go away, wait till dinner!" You fuss and gasp as you feel Jungkook wrap his arms around you and you feel him begin to lift you.
"No! Jungkook, put me down!" You practically shriek in panic. He's quick to put you down and you push him away. "Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself!" You say as you back away, feeling panicked. Hiding your body with baggy clothes was one thing, but having him always trying to grab you and hold you? God, it was like he'd find out, without a shadow of a doubt, that he was dating a plus-size woman. And you didn't want that.
"Y/N, calm down. I was joking. Plus, I lift more than that at the gym-" You cut him off.
"I don't care! Don't do that again!" You say and huff before storming away, leaving your boyfriend upset and hurt in the kitchen.
"What are you looking at?" You scrunch your nose as Jungkook gets comfy on the end of your bed, watching you as you read your chapter for the night.
"Just... Watching my beautiful, smart girlfriend read." He chuckles softly and you shift at that.
"Don't be weird." You mutter as you go back to reading.
You had this theory going. See, if you let yourself fall for Jungkook and all his sweet words, you'll only feel stupid when he finally comes to his senses and leaves you. So, acting cold and nonchalant? At least you could act like you don't care when he breaks up with you. And what's better is he'll never get the satisfaction of knowing he hurt you! It was the perfect plan!
"Why do you do that? Just take the compliment..." He sighs and you look up from your book at face him and breathe deeply. You knew you didn't have much time with him left. He only had this week off, hence why he wanted to come out publicly with you this week...
"No." You say finally and shut your book. He sighs and moves closer to you, gently touching your thigh and you grab his hand. "Night, Jungkook." You say simply and he sighs.
"Hey, baby. Good work out today?" You ask gently as Jungkook comes bouncing into your apartment.
"Yeah! It was great. You should come with me next time to-" You cut him off.
"I like working out alone." You state fast. Last thing you wanted was for your, very toned, boyfriend to watch you run on a treadmill for an entire hour.
"Well, I just thought-" You cut him off again.
"I like my privacy." You say and walk past him to go to your room.
"Y/N... Come on, I... I just think It'll be cool for you to watch me!" He tries as you shut the bedroom door. He groans and rubs his still sweaty face. He sighs and shakes his head. "Ok. I'll cook dinner tonight?" He calls with no response. "Ok. Got it..." He mutters and shakes his head.
"Oh! Here." Jungkook says as he tries pouring more noodles into your bowl and you're fast to pull it away.
"No! I'm good." You assure fast as you shake your head.
"But you only had a little bit." He argues gently as he tries again.
"No, Jungkook. It's not like I need the extra food." You snort, trying to make light of your appearance. He frowns.
"What does that mean? Food is food." He says and you hum at that. "Y/N, I don't like when you-" You cut him off.
"Tell the truth?" You raise an eyebrow. "Jungkook, you look fucking amazing. That's a given." You state. "I don't, and that's just as obvious." You shrug.
"Y/N!" He says just as offended as he'd be if you were to make fun of him. "What's been going on with you this week? Ever since I brought up going public with you, you've been-" You cut him off again.
"A bitch?" You ask. You couldn't explain the attitude change. Maybe a part of you was hoping to tire Jungkook out enough for him to leave you? Maybe you were hoping to spend this whole week picking fights with him so you wouldn't have to go public with him? And then he'd go back to Korea and you two could go back to skype calls and long text messages instead.
"No! Y/N, stop." He says, shaking his head. "You're fucking perfect the way you are. I love you. Stop acting so... Cold." He says and you watch him closely and feel your heart clench at the fear of letting yourself believe him. You couldn't.
"I'm gonna go wash dishes." You state and get up, walking off.
"No. No this is all wrong." You sigh as you eye yourself in the mirror.
"I think you look sexy." Jungkook smirks as he comes around to grab you from behind as your eyes stay glued to your stomach area that you could see through the tight black dress you had on.
"No. You can see... Everything. And it's so... tight." You pout a bit as you feel the cool metal of Jungkook's lip ring trail along your neck.
"So? We're going out to a bar. You look good." He encourages as he trails his lips towards your pulse point.
You feel the anxiety building up as you think about tonight. Going public, what that means for you both. The 'what if's pile on as you stand there.
What if he gets bored of you?
What if you guys don't last?
What if you get hurt?
What if it becomes clear to everyone that he can do so much better?
You couldn't do this...
You liked your relationship over the phone. Where it was safe. Where he was where he was, and you were where you were. Where he only saw what you wanted him to see. Where you could hide from him. It's always easier to love from afar. You get to use your imagination for the rest and fantasy is always better than reality.
You were spiraling again...
Just fucking great.
"No. I'm not doing this. I can't." You say finally and pull away. "I look horrible, I'm not going out like this." You state as you try moving away from Jungkook, only to be yanked back.
"Y/N, enough." He says and you move away from him.
"No! 'Enough' yourself! I'm not going!" You huff and turn to go to the closet. "My fat ass is sitting hom-" You're finally cut off by Jungkook.
"Stop talking about yourself like that, god damnit!" He finally snaps and you pause, never hearing that tone from him before.
"I am sick of you acting like this. You're so fucking sexy, and you wanna walk around like you're not? You're driving me fucking crazy. Come here." He orders as he pulls you right against him.
"Jungkook-" He cuts you off again.
"I don't wanna hear you anymore." He orders. "Do I make myself clear?" He asks firmly as he grabs your neck to make you look up at him. You feel your face heat up and you can only nod. You feel his strong arms wrap firmly around your waist before he lifts you up. You want to stop him, you want to warn him about your weight, but you can't speak as he takes you to the bed and tosses you back on the bed.
He grips your thighs. "So fucking sexy. I love your thighs and ass." He pants and turns you on to your stomach fast. You're stunned by the strength. "And all you wanna do is talk shit about the body I love..." He growls and smacks your ass cheek, groaning. "Fuck, I love watching it jiggle." He groans and you moan at the sting.
You feel your dress bunch up at your waist and look back at him as best as you can as he smacks your ass again. "Fuck, baby..." He whispers and grabs your hand, pulling it to his crutch.
"You feel how hard you get me? Hm? And you still think you're not perfect? Please." He scoffs as you shiver at the feel of his bulge under your hand. You can't help but open your legs more in anticipation.
He moves away from you and lays back on the bed. "Come here." He orders and you open your mouth, but he grabs your face. "Did I fucking say talk? Hm?" He whispers as he shakes your head for you as you moan out a soft 'no', loving how he controlled your body.
"No. I didn't. Shut the fuck up. And get on my fucking face." He orders and your eyes widen, but you move on top of him, mindful of your weight still.
You hover over his face, and he grips your hips. "I said sit." He whispers.
"Jungkook, I don't wanna-" He cuts you off.
"Why do you think I work out every day? Hm? I can handle you, Y/N. I want you smothering me." He orders and you blush hard.
"Jungkook... I... J-Just... Tap out if it gets too much..." You whisper and he snorts at that.
"I'm a man, Y/N. Tapping out is for wusses." He states.
"You say that till you pass out." You mutter, trying to joke too. He looks you right in the eyes.
"It'll be the best way to go. Now sit." He orders and you bite your lip, but slowly lower yourself on to his face more.
"Watch yourself. In the mirror. Watch how sexy you are..." He whispers against your underwear covered pussy. You nod and slowly look up at the mirror as you feel his mouth move between your pussy lips. You gasp softly and run your fingers through his hair as he teases your clit through your underwear and leaves bite marks along your inner thighs.
Soon, your underwear is pushed to the side as he focuses on sucking and licking your clit. You try and keep your eyes open, but you're a moaning mess as you feel him work his tongue deeper between your folds.
"Ah... Ah... Oh, baby!" You moan and feel his tongue wiggle towards your entrance, slowly sliding into you. His arms wrap around your thighs, and he pulls you harder against him. You can feel his nose on your clit and his tongue moving deeper inside of you, and it's as if he's smothering himself in your pussy.
Looking in the mirror by your bed, you can see your hair a mess, your dress bunched up around your waist, and Jungkook's hand undoing his belt as he lays under you.
You groan at the sight of him using one hand to pull out his cock that's already hard. He strokes it as he focuses on eating you out.
"Oh, baby!" You practically purr, never feeling so... desired before.
He moans deeply into your pussy, and you can't help but rock your hips against his face, gripping his hair more tightly. "So good! It's so good! Baby!" You moan as your head rolls back a bit. You can't lift yourself up from his face even if you wanted to. His tatted and solid arm was still wrapped tightly around your thigh to hold you on his face like an oxygen mask. Oh, the irony...
"I'm gonna cum!" You moan out loudly, unable to stop yourself. God, you loved feeling manhandled like this.
Hearing your moans and cries, Jungkook grips your hips with both hands, moving you more so you're riding his tongue and grinding against his nose, making a mess on his face. "Oh... My god, yes..." You whine as you feel it building effortlessly. You needed this release. And all at once, it hits you.
"Jungkook!" You call out as you cum hard on his face. He doesn't stop though. You squeak at the constant rubbing on your now sensitive clit and fall back on to the bed to lessen the pressure on your bundle of nerves, but Jungkook doesn't let go of your hips, and instead moves to lay on his stomach, still eating you out.
"Oh my god! Baby! T-Too... Too much!" You pant as your back aches at the aftershock.
"Mm... so fucking sweet..." He mumbles against your clit between heavy pants, your juices covering his face like a freakin face mask. It makes you blush as he kisses up your body. "Get on your stomach. Face the mirror." He orders.
"I get it, you like my body-" He cuts you off.
"Too late for that. I want it drilled into you." He says and forces you into that position.
You blush hard and try covering your face, but he's quick to smack your ass hard. "Look. Look at how pretty you get when I slide in." He pants in your ear, and you shiver and look in the mirror.
You gasp shakily as you feel him start to slide in. "Atta girl. Stay just like that..." He praises breathlessly and reaches around to hold your neck as he fucks you slow and deep. His hand moves to your chin and pulls your head back so you can look up at him.
"You like to overthink? Hm?" He whispers and you blush but nod, admitting to being so trapped in your own mind. "It's ok, baby. I'll just fuck your brains out." He assures quietly against your forehead in an innocent and comforting tone before he kisses your forehead.
You can't help but hum excitedly and feel his thick cock slide out of you slowly. He moans lowly as your walls clench around him. "Fuck, baby. Don't wanna let me go?" He taunts and you giggle breathlessly.
"Fuck no. You feel too good..." You shiver and he smacks your ass.
"Yeah? Beg." He whispers and you moan softly as he slowly slides back into you.
"Please. Please, I-I don't wanna think more. Fuck me. Fuck me, please, bab-" You're cut off by him grabbing your hair hard and making you look at the mirror.
"Look at you. You see how fucking pretty you are? Hm? Did I get it through your thick fucking skull yet?" He whispers in your ear before slamming into you deeply, which makes you scream out in pleasure.
"Yes! Yes! Yes, baby. Yes!" You call out as he starts fucking you roughly.
"Say sorry for being so mean." He growls in your ear as he pounds you relentlessly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, baby..." You whine, eyes rolling back as he starts hitting your spot. "Right! There! Oh my god!" You scream out as he keeps going, no desire to stop just yet, smirking at how he had turned you into a moaning mess.
"Fuck me back, baby. Let me watch that ass jiggle." He orders as he grabs your waist to pull your ass up. You shiver and start to fuck yourself on his thick cock as he smacks your now red ass cheek.
"Fuck yes. Bounce that ass on me, baby." He groans as you watch through the mirror as he watches your body in awe. He really did love you...
You feel your heart skip a beat. He did find you attractive. He did want you. And you had him wrapped around your finger with such ease. You'd spent all this time treating him wrong, to what cost? He was still here. He still wanted you. Who were you to get in his way?
"Kiss me." You shiver and he does just that, kissing you sloppily as your bodies move freely...
"Congratulations, you two! Beautiful couple, really." The paparazzi calls out as he snaps more photos of you as you hold Jungkook's hand tighter while being led out of the coffee shop you'd just finished having brunch at. You both smile sheepishly at the attention and say nothing, deciding that a statement wasn't needed...
You get in the back of the car first so Jungkook would have some time with his fans, to wave at them and such. You see different girls screaming to him about how much they love him and for a second you feel a tug to your heart. An ugly 'what if' trying to rear its ugly head. But instead, you just watch the man who had made love to you all night long last night and feel your breath return to normal.
You had nothing to be ashamed of. Nothing to worry about. Because you had a man who could handle all of you just fine.
And you could handle him too...
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
i have a cute request to make
the tadc gang with a shy and introvert child reader
basically reader is very shy and barely speaks, and when needs to talk they just whisper, kinda like fluttershy!
reader hates loud noises so they barely goes to an IHA with the gang, only if they are bored or someone asks them to go, reader just likes being alone for the silence
but, reader does some cute things for the cast, they make little presents, everytime that the gang is in the IHA, reader is busy in their room making little presents, like paper flowers and stuff and leaves at the gang's doorstep, with cute little messages, like: "ur so cool!" "ur doing so well!" before running back to their room.
Caine, Jax, Pomni x shy!sweet!child!reader who hates loud noises (platonic)
i hope you dont mind me running this through the wheel to select characters </3 i still dont take full cast posts/nm i think imma answer this then maybe write an extra post or two (idk we'll see after i write this one); then thats probably it for today, since i think imma work on more art again.. not really behind on my personal goals anymore, just have some ideas that i want to at least sketch so i have that done
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would try to make the IHAs a little more quiet and calm but with caines energy and his thought process of "it needs to be stimulating so the circus members dont lose it to the monotony"... sometimes he slips. i was going to say he descends into the adventure waving around a red card making all the IHA-stuff freeze as a joke... but i can genuinely see him doing that. most of the time watches over the IHA now that you're here. you're like his lil kid!! tries to be a dad, falls into common dad stereotypes because thats all he really knows.. though he himself can be a little loud and all over the place... and perhaps even overbearing every now and then... WILL show off whatever notes and gifts you leave for him to everyone else. will make a wall in the common room to hang up your art so everyone can see it
i wouldnt say pomni is shy, but i do think overall she is an anxious person and in introvert... of which is more prominent due to being in the circus (you know, a place thats stressing her out) so it lets you two relate.. and it kind of makes pomni pull herself together for you.. so in a way youre kind of her reasoning to keep going no matter how many times she fails to find the exit; as grim as it sounds. keeps all your gifts and notes in her room on display because unlike SOME people shes not all the concerned with her image or how shes perceived (jax). will try to take you away from a place if theres some noise, usually this is either the common room where everyone else is hanging out at or during IHAs... probably lets you crash in one of your rooms until you feel better. i think she would probably get someone to get you something (like a toy or snack) while she keeps an eye on you
i think he would subtly try to get you to stand up for yourself before being blunt that you need to start speaking up. he WAS going to say something about how hes not going to always be there to talk for you buuuuut in the digital circus theres some.. not good implications with that statement, at least a little more than the irl version. less of a parent figure and more of an older brother one.. does keep your notes, though hes not going to tell anyone and hes going to deny it if anyone ever brings it up. hes an asshole but hes not heartless. tries to limit his pranks that can make loud noises, will also play it off to others that he just doesnt feel like doing those pranks anymore. but everyone knows, you know?
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fizzbot · 4 months
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ok im not sure if anyones pointed this out yet, but this is a helluva boss sticker pack that just recently released. its very possible that it means absolutely nothing........but is it possible that these are hints to upcoming shorts???? (personal rambles and theories under the read more)
these all seem really random. which wouldnt be out of the norm for helluva merch, usually its just an assortment of random characters doing random things. but with the fact that we now know that we'll be getting shorts, and the fact that these all seem like very specific scenarios, i think its plausible that these are hints for things that might be upcoming.
the cherubs being here is especially interesting, because we havent seen anything about them AT ALL since early season 1. we know theyll be making a return (presumibly in mastermind) but then why is the merch featuring these cherubs, and not collin, keenie, and cletus? i think its possible that well be getting a short set in heaven, specifically about these characters/perhaps in preparation to the release of mastermind.
as we know from hells belles, verosika will be going on a tour in pride, which presumably sets up apology tour. but in this art shes not in pride, shes in sloth. this is where we know the rehab center is. is it possible shell end up back in rehab/well get a flashback short about her time in there? potentially even some backstory with her and barbie??
the next one features bee, tex, and loona. i THINK it was confirmed somewhere (although i dont have a source) that well be seeing bee again this year, although i just assumed that would be in the finale. its possible that she, tex, and loona will be hanging out again in a short, which would be nice! ive also seen some theories/speculation that this specefic piece of merch might allude to the ship ""honeybunch"" (or bee x tex x loona) potentially becoming canon.
stolas and octavia sort of has me stumped. based on her lines in the trailer, it seems like octavia is still harboring some resentment, and this picture seems like a really sweet glimpse into their domestic life. honestly this feels so out of character for me that it almost made me throw my whole idea about these being potential shorts out the window. im sure they still do have nice moments like this, but i struggle to picture them happening since the only interactions weve seen them have have been negative. maybe therell be a short trying to rectify this? or this could be a pre-blitz flashback.
im partially hoping these are shorts JUST for this next one. i want striker to have a short so so bad. i have literally NO idea what it would be, though. i just wanna see more of him and bombproof :( zooming in on the picture, i did notice that 1) theyre back in wrath. 2) striker is polishing a (not-blessed) knife. and 3), he doesnt seem to be too injured from the escape in oops. although, interestingly, we only get to see the left side of his face. im pointing this out, because in oops, when the explosion occurs, the shot of the fire zooming towards strikers face is a direct parallel to the shot of the fire zooming towards BLITZ face. i think it would be REALLY sick if they ended up with matching burn scars.
finally, moxxie and his mom. this is the piece that gave me this idea in the first place, just because it seems so incredibly random. i cannot even imagine a place where she would come back, if not a flashback short that delves deeper into his childhood. where else would she fit in this whole season? its possible that he has another flashback in the show, but the trailer seems REALLY focused on stolas and (especially) blitzs past, so it feels slightly unlikely. it makes sense that theyd get a whole short dedicated just for them.
idk, maybe im WAYYYY off. i just think it would be nice to get some time away from the main cast in their current states for a while and these seem like some of the best ways to do it
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theshiftingcafe · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ shifting pick a pile ✧˖°࿐ ꒰"what are me and my s/o like in my dr?"꒱
hello! welcome to the shifting cafe!
for today's session, we'll be tackling about what exactly your dr s/os want to tell you all right now in general and in regard to shifting.
i know a lot of you must be currently missing your s/os, so, i hope this simple pick a pile brings you excitement and more motivation to shift.
pick from at least one of these pictures:
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∘₊✧───────────── pile 1 ─────────────✧₊∘
ok this pile is soooo cute to me. i’m lowkey getting forbidden love vibes? also maybe even sunshine x grumpy! i just get this vibe that you two are slightly polar opposites from each other yet still get along so well.
despite everything happening around you; no matter what your statuses, differences, and inequalities are, there’s no doubt that your dr s/o is always going to be by your side no matter what–especially through tough times. i see this pile to be a very mature relationship. they’re ready to help you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders–maybe even just carry it for you all together–just as much as you would for them. is your s/o older than you? perhaps not just physically, but more on emotionally. i see your relationship being full of trust and respect, given equally to each other of course. they have this very mature energy lingering over them that is endearing and comfortable, so rest assured, you’re in very good hands.
you dr s/o is not afraid of showering you with love at all despite there being restrictions if ever there are any. they radiate an artistic and warm energy and show their love for you in the most creative ways possible. like, your s/o just loves you so so so much! they go all out with their, well what they call as “small”, gestures. i see they might even consider stuff like starting a family with you or perhaps you already scripted to have a family with them which is adorable omg!!
one of you might be leading with your head, while the other leads with their heart, and that usually causes some miscommunications, conflicts, and clashing opinions. the cards remind you that it’s perfectly normal when people don’t see eye to eye, what matters most is how you resolve it. which i see you guys don’t really have much trouble with. you and your s/o are so harmonious, small petty fights usually end pretty easily and resolve immediately. which just proves more how emotionally connected you and your s/o are and how emotionally mature this relationship is.
i feel like most of you really have big doubts when it comes to love. whether it be because of old wounds that never healed completely, or fear of what could be itself, the cards tell you to breathe and learn to take risks when giving love another chance. yes, you’ve already learnt what not to do and what to avoid when it comes to love, but, never let that build up walls that shelter you so much that you won't get to experience it. you’re deserving of love. don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
never restrict your foolishly in love heart from chasing after what it wants, even if it doesn’t end the way it wants to. because, eventually, you’ll trip and fall into the right arms. but of course, think before leaping in blind. trust your mind, your heart, but also, most importantly, trust your soul. the trials and tribulations will all be worth it.
that is all pile 1! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 2 ─────────────✧₊∘
hmm, ok, this pile is very interesting to me. it seems this reading is actually for 2 types of shifters; those with s/os and those without. but first, let me give the reading for those with s/os.
do you happen to be shifting to a fame dr? maybe a dr where you, your dr s/o, or both of you are very well respected and have a certain reputation to uphold. a reputation that could be broken and twisted by anyone–both a blessing and a curse. i can really see the quote “in the death of their reputation, they felt truly alive.” fitting in this pile.
i’m seeing so many restrictions with this pile. one of you or both of you is withdrawing affection and energy from this relationship. not in the way that you or they don’t want to give it, because it’s taking you or their whole will power to hold back, but because there’s something in the way of it all. this act isn’t exactly an act of passion, but rather, an act of security. you want to protect each other, yet can’t freely love each other by doing so. which is quite a pickle itself.
all you and your s/o want is a warm home with a sincere relationship where you could be free to be who you want to be and love the way you want to, but it almost feels like everyday, the world turns against both of you. i’m not gonna sugar coat anything for this reading; it’s gonna be hard. it’s gonna be hard, confusing, scary, disappointing, and sometimes you’re gonna have doubts. but never ever let them make you regret your journey.
that’s just the reality of shifting; it’s real life. you’re gonna go through struggles, you’re gonna disappear for a while, you’re gonna go through it all. but, just when you think all hope is lost, people you love the most are gonna be there for you. they’re gonna stay by your side, especially your dr s/o, and help carry most–if not all–of the pressure of the world off your shoulders. taking even a small break would help. not just for when you’re in your cr, but also when you’re in your dr. you’re probably scared about something. could it be fear that you won't be enough for your s/o? maybe you feel like you’re going to be too much for them. look, let me give you a little pep talk; if they truly love you, they’re going to accept every part of you. and i mean every part. the good and the bad. and i’m sure you’re a great person who deserves all the love from the people you love.
if ever you happen to stumble upon this pick-a-pile but you don’t have an s/o yet still felt drawn to this pile, the cards tell you that you don’t ever need to be pressured into a relationship. you don’t have to feel pressured to persuade anyone in your dr or script an s/o for yourself when you don’t want to, even if everyone tells you to do so. it’s your dr, and it’s your feelings. you can’t force love. and this applies not only to you, but to everyone else.
that is all pile 2! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 3 ─────────────✧₊∘
the moment i started the reading for this pile, i instantly thought about adrenaline inducing scenarios and maybe even a bit of danger, yet also just slow sunday mornings and sun lit rooms? do you happen to be shifting to a superhero dr? maybe a dr that’s labeled as dangerous to some if not most people? i’m also getting a partner in crime type of trope/enemies to lovers trope vibe for this pile, which is super cool if it’s accurate!
you and your dr s/o are literally each other’s safe space, and there isn’t more or less to it.
one of you isn’t particularly fond of being flashy or adventurous. they’re mostly a rule follower and very rarely ever expresses their ideas. however, you can count on them at all times, and best believe they would break every single rule in the book for their other half. this person is stable, practical, and of course, loyal. the other, however, is the opposite. they’re flashy, adventurous, and not afraid to voice out their opinions. always ready to set an idea and follow it, no matter what anyone says. making them a perfect match! they’re the literal definition of left brain and right brain, perfectly balancing each other’s intuition and intellect.
one of you, if not both, has acts of service at their top love language–both giving and receiving. one of you needs help reaching something above the shelves? the other will get it, don’t worry. one of you need help putting on their jewelry? the other will immediately be behind to help clip the necklace on. one of you feel hungry? the other will pick up either the phone for takeout or cook the meal. one of you feel exhausted? the other will be there 24/7 ready to do whatever it was the other didn’t get to do and let them rest.
you guys just enjoy each other's company, even when it’s doing absolutely nothing together. whether it be in the middle of a chaotic crowd in a hustling and bustling situation, or with no one else but each other in a quiet empty space, you guys cherish every single moment of it. you’re ready to accept each other's sweet nothings and bitter everything, which is everyone’s dream!
i feel like most of you really chose this trope because most of you came from a very dysfunctional place and just want to be comforted after a long tiring day. this pile has to be the most comforting reading i’ve ever done. like, literally! that fuzzy warm feeling in my chest and everything! whatever it is that you went through or are currently going through, just know, there will always be someone waiting for you at the dinner table with a warm meal ready to ask you about your day and listen to how it went. ready to give you your dream fairytale love story.
that is all pile 3! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
that is it for today's pick a pile session! thank you so much for everyone who decided to participate/stop by and picked their piles for some guidance. i hope these resonated and i have interpreted them well for all of you.
if you have any suggestions for future pick a piles, please feel free to request through messaging me or leaving an ask!
for a personal tarot reading session, check out my carrd and order from my google forms!
thank you so so so much and i'll see you all soon! happy shifting!
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kumezyzo · 1 year
streamer!gf is also a good idea i’d love to read
again, with this one, its mostly just for me [and this amazingly supportive anonymous] but i still felt like writing it. (although it took me three hours to come up with ideas that made sense lol) i also think this ones kinda ass in comparison to the others.... sorry.
but yea, this is streamer!gf that i tried to make gender neutral until the very end really.... enjoy! or dont.... :) m.list
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bf!sapnap who most likely knew you from the SMP before you started dating. and only recently when he realized how much he liked you, did he start trying to pursue the relationship (which was maybe over a year and a half ago)
bf!sapnap who agreed with you to not say anything about the relationship for a few months just to let it sit and see where you guys lead
when you do finally announce it, its because you guys notice a genuince shift in the relationship where you can tell its getting more serious.
bf!sapnap who shyly brings up the idea of doing a relationship q&a on your channel after the announcement (that was also on your channel)
during the video, hes very clearly all over you, hugging you and leaning against you. your fans think its absolutely adorable how much of a simp he is.
in the middle of that video theres a moment when you two look at eachother after answering a question and it cuts to you two giggling and looking away from eachother. sapnap with a very clear blush and wide grin on his face mostly because you guys took a break to just kiss eachother which accidentally went on longer than expected
bf!sapnap who didnt realize how many people were already shipping you two when he called you the honourary dream team member once a few years ago
bf!sapnap that gets edits of you (sometimes you and him) during TNTL streams and just on his timelines and tries his hardest to not act flustered although he clearly has that glint in his eye
bf!sapnap who manages to come into your room during the most inconvenient times during your streams. ie. when youre actively and/or loudly simping over an actor in your fav movie or show.
you just freeze mid sentence, mid gesture, and stare at him as he steps into the room. he stares back and peeks his head into the frame and your chat proceeds to spam 'LMAOOOOO's
"can i help you....?"
".....so who were you yelling about-"
"Oh my- GET OUT😭!"
bf!sapnap who will very openly brag about dating you and just talk about dating you (he just wants people to know youre taken🤭)
"well im dating y/n"
"how does that have anything to do with vidcon-"
bf!sapnap who gets teased for not being as good of a gamer as you. and not having as many followers (because youre def. very popular) (i also imagine this next convo with george and dream laughing the entire time)
"sapnap, how does it feel having a girlfriend thats better at minecraft than you?"
"george, shut up."
"sapnap, hes not wrong. and doesnt she have more subscribers?"
"im literally never doing a manhunt again then."
"good, then we'll just have your girlfriend replace you"
bf!sapnap who jokingly suggests yout two starting an onlyfans where he posts videos of you two fucking (but he secretly really wants to). cause he has a whole album of pictures and videos of you two that he would be willing to post (if people pay for it obvi)
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again, gimme suggestions and stuff. and show support for my sanity lol -Nony
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orobaxis · 2 years
Hiiiii! You just served my simping Ass some really good fics about Ominis thank you <3 If you have time and Do requests i have one in mind. So like the scene where you learn the crucio curse and reader wants to take it but Ominis obviously doesnt want Sebastian or anyone Else to hurt her? Just something like that? Amazing work thank you <3
a little unsteady
ominis gaunt x f!reader (hogwarts legacy)
the scriptorium requires the use of unforgivables because salazar slytherin believes they are not to be feared. when the new fifth-year casts the cruciatus curse on you, ominis starts to regret the decision to enter the scriptorium.
reader is not hogwarts legacy mc
word count: 3312 (so far my longest one!)
warnings: use of crucio; hogwarts legacy mc bashing!; manipulation
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“sebastian is up to something.”
ominis has been a lot more concerned about sebastian lately. he had brought up some questionable things whenever you three are together, talking about dark arts and salazar slytherin, despite ominis' insistence that the dark arts are dangerous. sebastian would keep talking about how it could be the key to finding out what happened to anne, and while you do want anne to be better and have her curse lifted, you wonder if this is the right way to do it.
“did...did he say something to you again?”
“yes, talking about how we all couldn't avoid the dark arts altogether, and that we may as well be prepared for it,” ominis has a frown on his face, clearly not happy with this encounter with sebastian. “he kept asking about the entrance to the scriptorium.”
you are both in the dungeons, voices quiet so as not to give away the topic of your conversation. “well, knowing slytherin, he'd probably put it somewhere in the dungeons, huh?” you say jokingly.
when ominis doesn't say anything, you sigh and reach for his hand. “we'll talk some sense into sebastian. what he should be doing is spend more time with his sister, not go around on some wild goose chase seeking the dark arts.”
ominis seems soothed at your remark, smiling as he squeezes your hand in comfort. shortly, he stiffens, “i hear footsteps,” and gently faces whoever approaches, partially blocking you out of sight protectively. his frown deepens when the new fifth-year walks behind sebastian. “what are you doing here?”
“hello ominis,” the new student greets after giving you an acknowledging nod, “do you have a moment?” meaning to get you out of the picture.
you move to leave, but ominis' hand grips you, "y/n stays here." you sense that ominis is beginning to feel quite stressed about this encounter, somehow knowing that the new student is going to talk to him about something. your hand squeezes his own in reassurance, as well as to prevent him from pacing anxiously.
“what is it? what have you and sebastian been up to now?” he asks suspiciously.
from behind the wall not far from you, you see sebastian, who is very clearly eavesdropping. you try to catch his gaze, but almost like he notices your staring, he disappears behind the wall once more.
“i owe you an apology,” they started, “i wasn't honest with you before about the undercroft. sebastian did show it to me.”
to say that ominis was upset when you both caught the new student leave the undercroft is an understatement. it is quite suspicious for someone who just arrived to just “accidentally” stumble upon the place, and the fact that they lied about it to ominis’ face is even worse. the undercroft is supposed to be yours. it is your sanctuary, where you, ominis, and the twins would spend some time together playing gobstones, studying (trying to, anyway), resting, and just where you would enjoy each other's presence. it is, was, your comfort knowing that there is a place only for you and your friends. ominis feels understandably betrayed when sebastian just decided to show the place to someone they barely know.
“he wanted me to have a safe place to practice some spells,” the new student continued, “to try and catch up to the other fifth-years. he didn't think you'd mind.”
“we would have appreciated it if you had let us know first, seb,” you say softly knowing that the sallow boy could hear you, and you almost see sebastian deflate at your words, “you must understand why we feel betrayed about this.”
ominis, however, seems to be placated by the apology. he sighs, “i suppose that makes sense. it's just...sebastian's been pestering me lately about something and i'm frustrated with him.”
the new fifth-year chirps, “don't tell me he's still going on about...what was it? a 'scriptorium'?”
you turn to them, "he told you about that?" you see ominis' shoulders sag in disappointment. it seems you both are wondering how and why your old friend has taken to this new fifth-year so easily, not even second guessing before he shares best kept secrets with them. secrets you promised would only be known by the four of you.
"he did," they answer, "we were talking about hogwarts founders and he mentioned it. he wouldn't say much more, though."
"yes, well...he seems to think it contains the answer to saving anne. i think it's likely full of dark magic that is better left untouched."
"wait, you've never been inside?" the new student seems surprised.
"of course not!” even the thought of it sends shivers down ominis’ spine. “i only know about it because of my favourite aunt, noctua. she thought like i do. she didn't agree with the family on the use of dark magic."
you sigh, raising a hand to run it up and down ominis’ back in comfort. "noctua has hoped to convince ominis' faily that there was more to salazar slytherin than worshipping pure-blood status."
"she'd heard of this 'scriptorium' and thought its contents might shed some light on him,” ominis adds, “she even found the secret entrance - in this very corridor.”
you stop from rubbing ominis’ back, looking at the new student cautiously. you can see the sparkle behind their eyes, now fully interested in what ominis has to say.
"she wrote regularly to my father about her efforts to gain access, and then she simply vanished. no one else ever tried to enter."
“i'm sorry about your aunt,” the words are devoid of empathy, “don't you want to find out what happened to her?”
ominis sighs, shaking his head, “aunt noctua went down this path with good intentions and lost her life. i don't want the same to happen again.”
“you don't know that history will repeat itself. besides, you said your aunt thought like you. this could honour her memory—”
“stop it!” you exclaim, “ominis already said no!”
the new student barely hears you, not even giving you as much as a glance before continuing, “--get you answers about slytherin, and sebastian answers for anne. your aunt pursued this alone, but we could do it together.”
"hmm, i see what you've done here," ominis replies, "and, i confess, you've convinced me. i didn't think it possible."
you sag beside ominis. you don’t have a good feeling about all this. it really seems like the new student came to speak to ominis to somehow convince (or manipulate?) him into revealing the location of the scriptorium.
the mirth in the new student’s face is not lost on you.
“very well. i shall tell you what i know,” ominis tells them. “fetch sebastian. we'll wait.”
"let's hope we don't regret this," you tell them before they walk away. "ominis, i don't think this is a very good idea," you turn to ominis cautiously as the new student goes back to get sebastian. all throughout the conversation, you could sense how they are slowly trying to use whatever ominis is saying against him, trying to justify it by mentioning how it will honour noctua grant's memory.
"i...must say i am apprehensive as well. but i need to know what happened to aunt noctua. to see if there’s any way to change my family’s views. salazar slytherin couldn’t have been all bad. y/n, you don't have to come,” his hand leaves yours and flies to touch your cheek in comfort, “i would rather you stay here.”
"i'm not leaving you and seb in there alone," you protest, "i would rather be in there with you than lose my mind out here wondering if you're safe."
"i knew that you would refuse," he tells you with a small smile. "but i promise you that no harm will come to you."
“i promise to protect you too,” you tell him, smiling as you rest your forehead against his, and hear his relaxed sigh, “you and seb.”
when sebastian arrives, he gives you a small and almost sorry smile. you two haven’t spent as much time as before, with him being busy running around with the new student.
"these braziers grant access to the scriptorium." ominis tells them.
sebastian scoffs, "oh now you'll share? you wouldn't tell me when i practically begged."
"seb," you admonish him.
“it wasn't you who told me what i needed to hear,” ominis replies with a shrug. “opening the entrance has something to do with threes.”
“well, three, or four heads are better than one,” sebastian jokes.
"it's two heads are better than one."
“and by that logic, three is better than two. simple mathematics, ominis.”
you roll your eyes at the sarcastic remarks exchanged by the two friends, watching as the new student lights three braziers. then, an intricate door seemingly gets carved out of the wall beside ominis. the door gives way and you see a winding staircase descending.
"there it is," you tell him, "the scriptorium."
"i hope we're ready for this," ominis says apprehensively.
you start descending, using lumos to light up the way. "dark, ominous corridors. my favourite," sebastian remarks sarcastically.
"no comment," ominis notes.
"come on, that was a good one!" sebastian elbows you gently, "right y/n? dark...ominis...huh?"
you roll your nothing but smile at the joke, reaching over to tangle your hand with ominis’. he calms down somewhat, at the touch.
"look, here's a journal entry. signed by noctua grant." the new student remarks.
you watch them cast reparo on the rubble, and it reforms against the wall. "it's a relief of a person facing a snake," you tell ominis.
"that must be the voice i hear. it's ancient, sinister."
"you hear a voice?" the new student asks him.
"it started when you repaired that relief. i hear a whisper saying, 'speak to me'.
i'm a parselmouth - i can hear and speak to snakes,” ominis explains. “nearly all known parselmouths are descended from salazar slytherin."
"i'd like to be able to talk to snakes," the new student says cheerfully. you and ominis both frown at that.
"you might not want the ability to speak parseltongue. it's often associated with dark wizards."
"you haven't spoken parseltongue in ages," you remind ominis.
"yes, but i'd wager if i speak it now, the door will open."
"i'm hoping you're having second thoughts," you turn to the new fifth-year.
"not really." they shrug nonchalantly. your frown deepens. they can clearly see how uncomfortable ominis is about all this, do they not care?
“it's ironic,” ominis sighs. “when i left home, i vowed to leave the dark arts behind. and yet, here i am. stand back."
he extends his arm in front of you protectively, making you stand behind him. "i can't believe i'm doing this," he mutters, seemingly to himself.
"ominis, don't do this if you don't want to," you tell him, "please, we can just go back up."
"we're here, aren't we?" the new student chimes in. "we might as well go in."
you watch worriedly as ominis begins speaking parseltongue, the language coarse, ragged and so unlike ominis. the door before you opens, and you hear the new student excitedly raving about it, "it worked! ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed!"
"i don't like the look of this," you tell ominis as you watch sebastian and the new student delve deeper into the maze-like hallways. "we really should turn back."
"i need to know what happened to my aunt...but if they don't solve the puzzle and get us out of this maze, we'll go back up," ominis promises you, "i don't like spending time down here."
much to your chagrin, the new student figures out the maze and leads you down an ever more unsettling hallway. the door has disappeared behind you completely, leaving you trapped in this hall.
"ominis," they call out, "a skeleton. and noctua's last journal entry. she mentions being trapped here - blocked by an unforgivable curse."
"oh ominis, i'm so sorry." you turn to him, seeing the distress and grief in his face.
"this...is where she died. this is where we'll all die," ominis laments, panic evident in his voice, "i shouldn't have listened to either of you." he turns to you, sorrow in his face, "you were right, y/n. we never should have gone...i'm so sorry, i should have listened to you."
"ominis, i'm truly sorry about your aunt," sebastian says, although once again, you notice the lack of sincerity in his voice, "but i know what to do. it's going to be difficult."
"sebastian, stop it," you beg.
he ignores your comment, "tortured faces on the door and crucio is etched into the stone. my guess is if we cast the cruciatus curse, the door will open."
"seb, do you hear yourself?!"
"no y/n, listen! that is why noctua died. she had no one to cast the curse on. ominis has the most experience with this. he should cast it." turning to ominis, he starts, "ominis, i know this is the last thing you want to do--"
"yes, it is!" ominis wails, anguish in his voice at the thought of being trapped here, of dying, of not listening to you earlier, of being forced to cast the spell again. "i thought you knew me better!" once again, he feels coerced, like when he was younger. he thought he had gotten away from all of it.
"but this is different!" sebastian rationalizes. "whoever you cast it upon will have agreed to it first. it wouldn't be an innocent 'victim'. we have to open the door."
"the spell won't work unless you mean it." ominis shakes his head. "that's true of all unforgivables. if it must be done, then one of you must cast it."
"we cannot cast it on you," you overhear sebastian tell the new student, "you have to solve these puzzles. if there are more of those ahead, we need you in the right state to solve them."
"then should i cast it on you?" they ask.
you are both horrified and resolute at the thought of using or receiving the cruciatus curse. you know you can't have ominis cast it, not after he had sworn off it for what he had been through. you also cannot fathom the idea of having one of your best friends, sebastian, who you think of as a brother, on the receiving end of it. and it seems like it cannot, or should not, be casted on the new student, who sebastian needs to be in good condition to face whatever's ahead. the choice is clear, you think, but that doesn't mean you like it.
"cast it on me." you tell them.
instantly, ominis stops his fretting, and sebastian turns his head so fast that you wonder if he will get whiplash from it.
"y/n..." sebastian starts.
"absolutely not!" ominis exclaims, anger now in his voice at the very thought. "it's my fault for bringing you into this mess, y/n, i will not have you do this."
"there's no one else, ominis," you try to reason with him, holding his hands in your own to stop him from pacing. you can hear his breath picking up, and it breaks your heart that there's no other choice, "it has to be me. i can't have you or sebastian be on that receiving end."
"no..." he whispers, "no, i'll do it."
"y/n," sebastian chimes, "i can take it, don't worry. you don't have to."
you ignore him, now turning to the new student. you give them a nod, which they returned, looking at you resolutely.
it is quiet at first, and ominis thinks for a second that you don't have to do it after all. then, he hears your screams.
muffled, gritty, like salt to his wounds. it feels the same, almost like it was him who is being tortured when he hears your screams. it is clear that you are trying not to scream out in pain, so as not to alarm him or sebastian--he has done that too in the past. suddenly, he’s transported back home to when he was younger, watching as his family hunts and tortures muggles for fun. but instead of them, it was him pointing his wand and casting the torture curse. at you.
ominis snaps out of it, and almost like reflex, his wand is out and he is yelling at the new student, "stop! stop it right now!"
the new student looks surprised, eyeing ominis’ wand apprehensively and drops their wand. you crumple on the floor, breathing heavily as you try not to cry from the pain. the new student turns around to see the door has opened, and they are talking to ominis gently, almost comforting him, as ominis still has his wand pointed at them.
"y/n?!" he calls out, his wand still brandished. sebastian moves to help you, but stops when ominis points the wand to him, "stay back!"
"i just want to check up on y/n--"
"you've done enough," ominis hisses.
sebastian looks hurt at ominis’ remark, but says nothing as the latter kneels down to you, calling your name softly.
he hadn’t meant for you to be involved in all this. the one person he has tried to keep it all away from, is the one that is currently hurt from the cruciatus curse.
“please, y/n…” he grasps your shoulders, wanting you to be alright.
you finally gather yourself, looking up at him and seeing his eyes filling with tears. you raise your hands shakily to his face, “i’m alright, ominis. i promise.”
ominis says nothing at first, exhaling in relief as he leans forward to lean his forehead against yours. “we have to find a way out now,” ominis states, helping you get up and wrapping his arms around you protectively. he keeps you close as you navigate the scriptorium and ushers you to the exit. “we need to go to the hospital wing—”
“ominis, no,” you breathe, “they’ll know we’ve been using unforgivables. we’ll get stuck in detention, if not expelled.”
“just stay with me,” you plead, “i’ll be fine…i just need you here with me.”
he nods, his arms tight around you. he rests his lips on your temple, savouring the feeling of you next to him, of you being here. “i won’t leave,” he promises you, “i’ll stay here with you.”
back at the undercroft, you find yourself cuddled next to ominis in a loveseat he had conjured. he’s quiet, eyes unfocused and unlooking straight ahead as your play with his hair.
“what’s going on?”
“i failed you,” he turns his head to your direction, his face streaked with tears, voice cracking in sorrow. “i promised myself that i would keep you away from all this, but i hurt you and i failed.”
“my love,” you sit up from his lap, trapping his face between your hands, “it was my decision to do it. you didn’t fail. please…ominis, i need you to understand that.”
“it will take me some time to forgive myself,” he tells you, “but as long as i know you’re safe now, i’ll feel better. and i promise that you will never experience that again. as long as i'm alive.”
you nod against his forehead, whispering, “okay,” feeling ominis’ hand on the back of your neck.
“i love you,” he whispers, “please forgive me.”
“there’s nothing to forgive," you reassure him, "i love you too."
ominis sighs, nodding once, and presses his lips to yours. it’s salty, from his tears, but also soft, and you kiss him back. his hands fly to your hips, squeezing gently, before pulling away.
you grin at each other, noses touching and rubbing together, before he closes the distance again.
my tooth hurts so bad 😖 i hope i get it removed tomorrow!!
tysm everyone!! <3 ily all!
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wh1spyz · 3 days
a little bit awkward
03. yeonjun is not COOKED (half written)
a/n : unfortunately im a bit lazy so only one chapter this week...
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tuesday, 2:40pm.
you'll be fine.
is what yeonjun tried telling himself SEVERAL times before stepping into that god forbidden starbucks. sure, he definitely wanted to apologize, but he was beyond nervous (he was genuinely shaking in his boots).
taehyun stood beside him as they stood outside the starbucks like weirdos, peaking inside for the same girl yeonjun saw that day.
"are you sure you dont see her.. its been like 30 minutes since we came out here, and i still don't see the girl you described.." taehyun mumbled.
"shut up! she'll show up eventually." yeonjun said, still peaking inside, keeping his eyes locked onto the front counter
then, the door to the starbucks opens, revealing an extremely confused giselle.
"can i help you..?" giselle mumbled, tapping her foot awkwardly, looking at the two stalkers customers standing infront of the window.
taehyuns eyes dart to her, and so do yeonjuns.
"uhm.. well..."
"we are here for one of your staff, my friend here wants to talk to her. she was here at 11:30 am yesterday." taehyun says with ease, saving yeonjun from any further embarrassment.
"oh! i remember you! are you the one that called y/n madam?"
"ill take that as a yes. but unfortunately, she doesnt have a shift today. she only works mondays, wednesdays, and thursdays."
shit, so we just stood for nothing... great.
"good to know! thank you for informing us! we'll be back tomorrow then!" taehyun says, dragging yeonjun off before he can even utter another sentence.
"i definitely have to tell y/n about this."
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tag(s): @aduh0308
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lackofbrains · 10 months
i dont really know how to work tumblr posts and im not really a good writer but i wanted to write a velvet x reader story since theres hardly any on here
story info:
its kind of angst but like ends with fluff or whatever its called
so basically you’re like a pop artists along with velvet an veneer, and you’re like almost more famous than them and velvet gets really jealous and starts to hate you, but in the end she realizes she doesnt.
y/n's POV
"so y/n your new song is at the top of the charts!" the interviewer fred or whatever his name was said, i honestly couldnt care to remember his name. "yeah. im so greatful for everyone who listens to my songs i wouldn't be here without all of you!" i replied directing the last part towards the audience in front of me. they all cheered in response and i smiled a bit, loving the attention and thankful for the fans. "awww, thats so sweet! so we need to know, is there any new songs in the making?" he asked me really prominently on the need part. "welllllll" i drug out my word trying to thing of a good response. i get really awkward and anxious around huge crowds, kind of a bad thing for a pop star but. "i may be working on a new song, look out for teasers on my instagram." im so excited for the new song to release its definitely gonna be one of my best songs yet "okay we'll make sure to check!" he glanced down at his watch, i guess the interview was finally over thank goodness. "well, y/n. looks like our interview is sadly over, it was great having you thanks so much for coming" he said "no, thank you! this was great-" i stood from the comfy sofa i was on "and thank you all for coming!" as i said that the crowd went crazy, mount rageons screaming all over the place. it was kind of overwhelming so i probably walked faster than i needed to off stage, as i got backstage i blew out a sigh of relief, thankful for the opportunity to spread my music but also thankful it was over.
                                velvets POV
"ughhhhhhh" i groaned "i cant stand her and her goody two shoes self, shes so annoyinggggg" i complained to my brother, veneer. "shes not annoying velvet, she seems really nice." he replied to me, i abruptly took my feet off the coffee table they were on and turned to him. did he really just say that to me. "why are you defending our competition!" i basically screached at him, "sorry, velvet. i wasnt lying though, you just like to see the bad in people" he sighed, crossing his arms like the sassy twink he is. "i cant stand you sometimes! its like you want us to be second best." i really did not understand why he was defending someone thats trying to take MY crown. i got up off the couch and walked away from him, i mean yeah she may be nice and pretty but shes trying to take whats mine and that cannot happen."
(time skip to some award show thingy that i just made up bc it helps the plot)
                                y/n's POV
looking around i see so many different singers, some well known, some not as much and probably werent even invited in the first place. as my eyes scan the crowd of celebrities, looking for my friend, f/n, they land on no other than veneer himself, standing with my mortal enemy, velvet. the green haired twins were my competition and i had to beat them. i honestly didnt mind veneer too much, he seemed like a nice guy. velvet on the other hand, i had a totally different opinion on. ever since she basically said my music sucked in an interview of hers, and no i don't just watch all her interviews(yes you do dont lie), i havent liked her, thats an understatement. i cannot STAND velvet.
as i was in my own little word of dislike towards the prettier twin, i didnt notice someone standing right in front of me. i looked up expecting the brown caring eyes of f/n, only to be met with cold blue eyes. i sharply inhaled, to be honest scared out of my mind "y/n!" "what are you doing here?!" the green haired girl shriecked, "i was... invited..?" i replied in a hushed tone, not being able to find my voice. "well you shouldnt of been, your music sucks, and overall you dont deserve any award." she replied, flipping her hair asif i wasnt even there? "okay... well my song on top of the months best pop song chart says otherwise" i said turning around and walking away before she could hear the last part of that, she had really pretty eyes..
"y/n!" i hear from behind me, this time from a more scruffier voice. i turned around recognizing the voice was coming from f/n. "there you are! i was looking for you everywhere." "i saw.. i also saw your run in with the twins. tell me everything!" i groaned at that last bit "no f/n it was scary enough i dont need to repeat it." i replied also turning away from him "attention! all invited pop singers, please make your way to the stage!" 'finally' i thought to myself, ive had to wait an hour and a half through the rock, country andddd rap awards.
im going absolutely insane, why did i have to be seated RIGHT NEXT TO VELVET. its like torture, i could feel her eyes on me for the whole 10 minutes it took to introduce everyone, it was awful, but sort of nice in a way.
(time skip to the actual awards bc im a horrible writer and cannot care enough to try and fill the gap with sappyness)
"andddd the award goes to-" his eyes widened as he read the slip of paper with the award winners name on it "velvet and veneer-" he was interrupted once again only this time not by himself, but by the crowd behind him going crazy "wait!" he said and they all quieted down just enough to hear him, i looked beside me and velvets smile dropped hearing him say that "AND y/n y/ln!" the crowd went even louder this time, i gasped hearing my name "well dont just sit here come get the award..s?" all three of us walked torwards him, i looked to my left towards velvet and she actually smiled at me, and not even a condescending one! we both took the awards, as we walked back to our seats, velvets arm brushed against mine, i got so flustered i had to turn away so she didnt see me blushing. i dont know why i was acting so weird i hated her... right? "congratulations to the winners of this months most amazing pop stars!!" the crowd hadnt stopped yelling yet, i was fidgeting uncomfortably in my seat, picking at my hands, feeling a panic attack coming along, when suddenly i felt a hand on top of my own, locking fingers with me. i was so shocked i didnt even wanna look because i knew the amazingly pink painted nailed hands belonged to.... velvet.
she had held my hand the rest of the show, which in reality was about 10 minutes but felt like hours with her hand in mine, her hands were so soft.
(time skip to like after the show but like not left yet bc thats so unsexy an doesnt fit my amazing plot)
i was standing around the desert table talking to f/n, well it was really him talking about how much i deserved the award and how great my music is. he really knows how to make someone feel special. i looked around for velvet spotting her talking to her brother, i really wanted to speak to her, my "hatred" for her had turned to love in less than 3 hours.
"yeah you were obviously winning the awar-" f/n was cut off mid sentence by the green haired girl that i couldnt get out of my mind "hey y/n can i talk to you?" she asked me, her cold demeanor still up but i felt like there was something under her coldness, i followed her after muttering a quick "sorry" in f/n's direction.
we finally got to a deserted hallway when she finally spoke "are you okay?" she asked, cold demeanor slipping as soon as we were alone "y-yeah why wouldnt i be?" i asked stumbling over my words abit because of the close proximity between us..
velvets POV
her stuttering was kinda cute. "because you seemed like you were gonna pass out, babe" i couldn't catch myself before the pet name slipped out, i guess its out there that i dont reslly hate y/n now. i guess i just didnt like the idea of not being on top, but now that we're both on top its kinda nice. "oh yeah that..." she trailed off, blushing a bit, either from embarrassment or the pet name, probably the latter if we're being honest. "sorry, i just get a bit overwhelmed with thr crowds and loud screaming, which i know is weird since im a pop star- so i basically signed up for this-"y/n" "and they probably saw me too and they think i hate them now- and im gonna lose the award-"y/n" "and im not gonna be able to write music anymore because everyones gonna hate me, and ill have no money- and ill be homeless and-"y/n!" i finally got her attention finally silencing the rambling girl "sorry.." she looked really upset "its okay y/n, you dont need to apologize. you did nothing wrong i promise." i replied tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair, finally noticing how close we were. "velvet" y/n whispered, as i cupped her cheek "hm?" i hummed leaning in a bit waiting for her to initiate what was about to happen(consent is sexy) "are you sure" she muttered "mhm" and with that she finally closed the gap, her soft lips meeting mine. when we finally seperated we were both panting from the lack of air. "that was..." "great" i finished her sentence. "would you wanna maybe, you know. go out tomorrow?" i asked, still a bit flustered from the kiss. "like a date?" she said teasingly "y-yeah. a date." "of course, what time are you picking me up" she said with a smirk "is 8 good?" "see you at 8 velvs" and with that she gave me one more peck and walked away.
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goldentlme · 8 months
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i’m searching for you in my fading memories .
alternate versions .
whooh . WHOOH !!!!! good GOD !!!!
listen to the song linked while looking I think it really adds . look up a translation too if you want ! listen to the entire lies of p ost in fact . its fucking fantastic .
in april 2022 , i drew a fanmade book cover for the danganronpa x reader fic Sleep Awake . in december of 2023 i redesigned my reader for that story for the third time and thought it appropriate to redraw that old cover with their new design . and yesterday , january 13th 2024 , i finished that bitch . View the fruits of my labour .
in my last Notes section i talked about nerfing the lighting . well um . i nerfed it again . i dont know if it was fate or if i just . idk . didnt want to but i axed both original concepts - the yellow overhead light ( mostly) , and the light blue under light - and just Winged the fuck outta it . that ' mostly ' means that the light source is Still overhead but i just took the colour out to make it more neutral .
another thing i brought up were the shelves and how i wanted to add more items to them . I did it this time , but not to the extent that i really wanted to . i'd hoped for more Clutter and ultimately couldnt think of anymore than a few items . SAID ITEMS BEING !!!!
the pills . self explanatory , since they haunted the majority of cases 2 and 3 .
chess pieces . cute little reference to the chess scene ! even if the scene itself didnt feature real chess pieces , the imagery wouldnt work if i didnt use real pieces .
the letter opener . dont need to explain this one . but i Did originally plan to have it in shin's hand ( explaining why that one is balled like that , because there was originally a Thing in there ) but i couldnt figure out how to draw it and make it look Good . i only added it back when i was colouring the trinkets on the shelves and realised that i Forgot to put it back into the drawing .
the joker card in the bottom corner . also shouldnt have to explain this one .
THE HANDS !!!!!!!!! i decided at the very last second to make them vaguely see through . and theyre all a persons ! amami and shinguji are the obvious ones , but the two holding at the top are supposed to be ouma ( on the scarf ) and akamatsu ( on the rope ) . i would have included tojo's as well but i couldnt fit it in the composition without it looking awkward and out of place and i thought there were already enough references to case 3 as is .
and you literally cant even see it but if you look REALLY closely at oumas hand . his skin is a little grey and you can see the veins through the skin . wonder what happened there . Guess we'll never know !
THE BOOKS !! did the same thing as last time with a Little More . purple books are ouma , green are both amami and tojo , blue is both kiibo and chabashira , pink is akamatsu , and red is phys themselves . i know phys's canonical colour association is olive green but consider : shin is red . look at him . hes Red . that ones for me specifically .
with that . i did all of those books by hand . i drew about 9 variations of books and copy pasted them sure but i Shaded and Coloured them all individually . youll never guess how fucking LONG that took . so yeah . no one book has the exact same shading . goodie !
THE JOKER !!! yes i know i talked about it in the previous section but i WILL talk about the card itself . because i unironically am so in love with how that drawing came out . the little guy featured there is my Lies of P oc scaramouche or scaramuccia ( i use them interchangeably ) . hes a silly jester :3 . the depiction on the card is of him in his prime , before . All Of That Happened . story-wise he's a super famous circus performer known as " The One Man Show " because all of his acts are done alone and are absolutely insane . hes very good at what he does which is Why he doesnt have a crew . and the only reason hes so good is because he't not even human , just pretending to be !
additionally , i originally planned for that joker card to be a Real Life Joker . because a little known fun fact about me is that i collect playing card decks ! but i looked and literally NONE of the ones i currently own would have fit the piece . so . yeah . i just ended up drawing darling scaramuccia . heres the full image im so chuffed
i think thats all i got for the drawing itself . i initially started this back in early december but got stuck and picked it back up a couple days ago , so its been marinating for a bit . hope we all like it ! i think its Better than the original . THE SERIOUS STUFF .
its so fucking insane to think that its been almost 2 years . not only have i truly rediscovered my love of reader insert fanfiction after so many years unable to even think about it without feeling a little sick to my stomach , but ive made so many good friends and core memories through this fic . i even got back into writing . literally never thought id write again after my 11th grade english class and my 10th grade creative writing class . and im having FUN with it . wild .
anyways , this one goes out to vee @chihirolovebot for writing one of The Fics of all time , putting up with my insane ramblings about idol these past months ( READ SWINGING RIGHT NEOWWWW ) , and for letting me help design their dnd characters . godspeed .
it goes out to nex @nexuswrites for beating better genshin character builds into me , giving great fic recommendations , creating thief of detectives quandary fame . READ DQ ( THREAT ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , and being a fellow p5 and pokemon lover . i miss the coordinator and justice
and of COURSE !!!! rei @berry-creates . the gay the myth the legend . a fellow oc haver and lover , a fantastic writer , and an overall lovely person . this one goes out to u for sharing oc playlists , playing splatoon with me , and for creating maddie . theyre a little freak and i want to study them . i love seeing u go insane over them its like enrichment for me bc i too am also a little mentally ill about them im just really good at hiding it .
theres a whole lot more i could say and more people i could talk about but this is long enough , isnt it ?
thanks for a beautiful 2 years of physouma yaoi . heres to the upcoming sleep awake case 6 , epilogue , all the future additions to the one shot book , the entire rest of dq , tfp , and sams , and more blorbos to put in the smoothie maker . this took a whole two hours to write .
cheers , boys .
song of the post .
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eminsunnytoons123 · 5 months
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The muppets Show: Life in the boarding home series
"whos that wocka agent?"
Disclaimer: at the end of the Journal pilot episode, i'll write the characters like what are Main ones, mentioned ones or the supporting ones, And the villains. And i'll tag the characters that had most voice roles. I wont tag all the characters that were mentioned, And I really want tumblr to make a update where you can tag more than 30 tags- And i'll even write the song name and who is created by.
The intro starts with the muppets boarding home showing on the screen, And kermit Opens the door:
Kermit: its the muppet Show Life in the boarding home! Starting with fozzie for this pilot!
And the music in the background is the muppets Show theme but more energetic, everyone are shown in the House doing their activities while singing the muppets Show theme song:
"its time to play the music,
Its time to light the lights!
Its time to get things started in the muppets boarding home tonight!
Its time to put on makeup,
Its time to dress up Bright!
Its time to raise the curtains in the muppets boarding home tonight!
Statler: why do we even live here?
Waldorf: I guess we'll never know.
Statler & waldorf (together): its like a kind of torture to have to live in here.
The camera Shows Kermit infront of the door
Kermit: But now lets get things started! ♪
Miss piggy: why dont we get things started?~ ♪
Fozzie: Its time to get things started! ♪
Then the camera shows all of the muppets in the muppets boarding home sing at the same time:
All muppets: ♪ On the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational-
Welcome to the muppets boarding HOOOOOOOMEEEE!!! ♪ ♪ ♪
Then gonzo tries to play a tune on the trumpet but then a Badge comes out saying: "secret wocka bear"
Gonzo: what the?-
Then fozzie snatches the badge
Fozzie: OH! thats mine! Hahahahaha!
Then the title card of fozzie dressed up as the "secret wocka agent" shows up with fozzie's voice saying: "who's that wocka agent?" While the instrumental of the lazytown song called "man on a mission" is playing.
The camera shows the muppets boarding home. The camera shows inside the kitchen of the boarding home, there were only Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, Pepe And Rizzo in the kitchen, others were probably either in their rooms or outside.
Kermit: hey, where's fozzie?
Pepe: probably fantasizing about being an famous comedian, okay?
Rizzo: well, he is one, Pepe.
Pepe: well, okay, but still, okay?
Then Rizzo slaps his hands on the table And glares at Pepe
Pepe, smirking: eeehh.... No, okay!
Rizzo: UGHHHH!!
Then fozzie comes from upstairs And he is carrying an poster with The wocka agent bear on it.
Fozzie: hiya, Guys! I have an AGENTY thing to tell ya! Hehehehahaha!
Gonzo: oh, what is it, fozz?
Fozzie, who has a big exciting smile on his face, he shows the poster of the wocka agent bear on it.
Fozzie: This is the wocka agent bear!! And he is in OUR TOWN!!
Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, pepe And Rizzo stare at the poster for a few seconds And then they start laughing, but Kermit was chuckling
Kermit: oh, fozzie... Wocka agent bear doesnt exist! He is just a character from the comic for our town.
Miss piggy, laughing loudly: yeah!! And if he even existed, he would call moi to go on a date with him.
Kermit And fozzie stare at miss piggy with an awkward look on their faces
Miss piggy: what!? Im just joking.
Fozzie: wait! What do you mean that he DOESNT exist? He does!
Rizzo: oh, really? You Got proof, fozz?
Fozzie, sweating a little bit: well... I, uhhh...
Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, Rizzo And pepe start laughing loudly again And even nearly falling off their chairs. And fozzie has a sad expression on his face.
Fozzie: Aww.... Looks like they dont believe me.
Fozzie sighs And goes upstairs to his room again, And then chip the IT Guy was going downstairs while Seeing fozzie going upstairs And he sees Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, Rizzo and pepe laughing loudly.
Chip: uh.. can you Guys Shut up? Zondra, Ubu and I are trying to do our show, And you're interupting us with your loud laughing.
Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, Rizzo And pepe stop laughing but they are still smilling And have tears in their eyes from laughing
Kermit: oh, sorry, chip. Fozzie was trying to tell us that the "wocka agent bear" exists-
Chip: yeah, yeah, whatever. I dont care. But PLEASE Shut up and be quiet! Again, zondra, Ubu and I are tryna do our sho-
Rizzo, smirking: oh, when you mean THAT, you mean trying to sabotage us, right?
Then chip started sweating
Chip: uhh... No? We- youknowwhat? Whatever.
Chip started to walk away while staring at them but then he bumps into a wall And breaks his glasses, And he looks down at those broken glasses.
Chip, his eye twitching from annoyance: oh, how great.
Chip takes his broken glasses And runs upstairs again. Then Kermit, miss piggy, gonzo, Rizzo And pepe started laughing loudly again And even fell from their chairs while saying: "OW!!"
Meanwhile with fozzie, he was in his room And he was still looking at the poster of wocka agent bear And he sighs
Fozzie: I wish others would believe that you're real, Mr. Wocka agent bear..
Fozzie was still looking sad And then he Got an Idea And he gasps
Fozzie: oh, shucks! I can be the wocka agent bear! And then the others will believe me!
Then fozzie points at himself
Fozzie: fozzie, you're a genius! Why thank you! Wocka wocka-
Then he puts on a black agent hat And he speaks in the voice he had as foozie on muppets 2011
Fozzie: wockaaaaa...
The camera shows the outside of the muppets boarding home, And it shows Hilda with her Bag, And then kermoot jumps infront of her
Hilda: oh!
Kermoot: Gimme yo Bag, Lady!
Hilda: oh why there's no way that i'll give you MY Bag!
Kermoot then sighs
Kermoot: welp, you made me gonna do it!
Kermoot then snatches Hilda's bag And runs away
Hilda: HEY!! MY BAG!!
But then fozzie- I MEAN! wocka agent bear shows up and he puts a bear trap on the walkway And kermoot steps in it, yelling loudly And dropping the bag
All the muppets look outside the windows And see the scenario And some gasp
Wocka agent bear (fozzie) takes the Bag And he gives it back to Hilda
Hilda: ah! Thank you, dearie!
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): your welcome, ma'am. Its my Job to protect everyone And solve mysteries.
Everyone in the muppets boarding home looked amazed And shocked because they thought that wocka agent bear REALLY exists
Gonzo: Woah... Fozzie was right! Wocka agent bear DOES exist!
Fozzie Heard that And he was proud of himself for dressing up as wocka agent bear to make others believe that agent wocka bear DOES exist
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): well! My Job here is done.
Then wocka agent bear (fozzie) runs away somewhere near the muppets boarding home, but the muppets didnt notice that he went there somewhere near the boarding home
Then fozzie whispers to himself
Fozzie: oh boy! I cant believe they believed it! Now they wont make fun of me!
Fozzie Chuckles And he takes off the wocka agent bear clothes and he hides them behind his back and he gets back to others, who are still looking outside And chatting about wocka agent bear
Fozzie: hiya, Guys! Whats going on?
All of the muppets look at fozzie And smile
Kermit: fozzie! Wocka agent bear really does exist!
Fozzie: really!!? Woah! See? I told ya he does exist!
Yolanda: definetly! I even have a picture of him giving Hilda back her bag!
Yolanda shows the picture to fozzie
Fozzie: Woah! He looks just like on my poster!
Yolanda: he sure does! He looked so hot!!
Pepe: not as hot as me, okay!
All the muppets groan And roll their eyes as Pepe Said that
Pepe: wha??
Fozzie: oh boy... Im very glad you Guy believe me now! See?! He does exist!
Kermit: well, it looks like he does, fozzie.
Fozzie: well! I'll go now to MY room! And be happy about you Guys believeing me!
Fozzie laughs And he goes inside the House And goes upstairs to his room
The muppets were still looking outside through the windows, or balconies or Doors, And miss piggy gasps, she Got an idea
Miss piggy: oh moi!! We should sing about this!!
Some muppets say: "yeah!" And some groan, especially chip
Chip: im not in the moo-
The starting music of the lazytown song "man on a mission" starts (they all are gonna dance And sing like the characters from lazytown in that episode with The song)
♪ ♪ ♪
Miss piggy: ♪ quick and suave, no one knows who he was, he's a-.. shh!
Gonzo, rowlf and janice: ♪ Secret ageenntt.. ♪
Miss piggy: ♪ with phones on his feet, he's a Spy you cant beat! He's a-... Shh!
Gonzo, rowlf and janice: ♪ secret ageenntt.. ♪
Miss piggy: ♪ if you've Got his back against the waaaaall... You'll discover he's not there at aaaaaaaaaaaaalll... ♪
Gonzo, rowlf and janice: bam! Bam! ♪
Annie sue: wocka agent bear! ♪
Gonzo, rowlf and janice: bam! Bam! ♪
Kermit: he's everybody's hero! ♪ X-ray vision, a bear on a mission, he's a- ♪
Gonzo, rowlf and janice: bam! Bam! ♪
Gonzo: wocka agent beaaar... ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ (Zoot plays the saxophone)
Miss piggy: gadgets galore, no one knows whats in store, for the-... Shh! ♪
Rizzo, Pepe, yolanda, gonzo, Janice And rowlf: secret ageenntt.. ♪
Miss piggy: saving the world, And getting the girl, he's a-... Shh!
Pepe: secret agent... ♪
Rizzo, Pepe, yolanda, gonzo, Janice And rowlf: bam! Bam!! ♪
Annie sue: wocka agent bear! ♪
Rizzo, Pepe, yolanda, gonzo, Janice And rowlf: bam! Bam! ♪
Kermit: he's everybody's hero! X-ray vision, a man on a mission, he's a- ♪
Rizzo, Pepe, yolanda, gonzo, Janice And rowlf: bam! Bam! ♪
Miss piggy: wocka agent- beaaaaaaaaaaa... ♪
Kermit: piggy! Piggy, piggy. Stop! Its over. Piggy, stop!
Miss piggy stops singing
Meanwhile with fozzie, he was in his room And he looked proud of himself for making other muppets believe that wocka agent bear is real
Fozzie: I cant believe the others really believed me! This is the best Day of my Life!!
He was still very proud of himself
After a few hours, it was night, everyone went to bed except for fozzie, he wore his wocka agent bear clothes and he again has the voice of wocka agent bear (foozie from muppets 2011) And he whispers to himself
Fozzie: its time to solve mysteries.
Then he Got out of his balcony And was outside the muppets boarding home, about to solve some mysteries
Fozzie- I MEAN, wocka agent bear, was going around the muppetown, And then he saw an shadowy figure from behind the trash cans
Wocka agent bear (fozzie), whispering: ah-ha!
Wocka agent bear started walking fastly towards that shadowy figure And he jumps on it, trapping it
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): I GOT YOU!!
Then it shows that it was Bonzor, the "fantastic", wearing his acrobatic clothes but they looked more darker
Bonzor the fantastic: hah! You Got me, Mr. "Wocka agent bear". But I Got my friends with me.
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): hahaha! Really? Let me see them.
Bonzor smirks And he snaps his fingers, And then lots of roosters come out from behind some places, like shops, trash cans, bushes, trees... Etc.
Wocka agent bear looks around And he sees roosters surrounding him And Bonzor, Bonzor kicks wocka agent bear with his legs, making wocka agent bear letting him go.
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): OW! you are strong there, boy.
Bonzor the fantastic: I am?
Bonzor Chuckles And smirks again And he flexes his muscles
Bonzor the fantastic: why ofcourse I am! Hahahahaha! ROOSTERS!!! ATTACK HIM!!
Then all the roosters started bitting And attacking wocka agent bear while he is Screaming And yelping in pain
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): OW!! AAH!! OW OW OW! OH THAT HURTS-
And suddenly some muppets like selena, Tammy, Hilda, Cliffy, cliffster And a few others from their own houses opened their Windows And peeked outside And they gasp And look surprised, but Bonzor ran away with The roosters before they noticed them.
Wocka agent bear was laying on the ground with bruises And scratches, but he wasnt very far away from muppets boarding home, even the muppets from the boarding home Heard the Screaming noises And they all gasp loudly as they saw wocka agent bear from a little afar
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): goouhhhhh... That Hurt, A LOT!
Then he immediately Got up and ran away And he hides in the shadows, with other muppets in the boarding home being confused, concerned And scared. And a few muppets from other houses being surprised And scared. But cliffster recorded the whole thing.
Cliffster: Holy... Toledo.. this is awkward.
Meanwhile with The muppets in the boarding home, they were all chatting And talking about what happend
Kermit: oh gosh... That didnt look good! He Got very Hurt by those roosters.
Gonzo: wait! Those were Bonzor's roosters!
All the muppets: really!?!?
Gonzo: yeah!
Rowlf: wait! Where's fozzie? He isnt here.
All the muppets were nodding And they were confused too
Miss piggy: oh that bear's probably sleeping.
Kermit: well, maybe. We should back to bed too.
Then all of the muppets nod And went back to sleep.
Wocka agent bear (fozzie) Got back to the muppets boarding home And he looks up at the balcony of his room.
Wocka agent bear (fozzie), whispering: aw, shucks... How do I get UP there now?
He looks around And sees ladders, he takes them And theyre even high to get to his balcony. He started climbing, until bean Bunny noticed him from outside the window of his And the jim Henson hour gang's room, he gasps And screams
The other six in the jim Henson hour gang immediately woke up and look at bean And then out the window And see wocka agent bear (fozzie) outside with The ladders And climbing up
Vicki: w-what the!?!?
Wocka agent bear (fozzie) looks at them And he does a wildtake And he screams
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): WHAAAAAA!!
And then he falls off the ladders while Screaming in pain
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): YAAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!
Wocka agent bear is on the ground And he sits up, again with some scratches And bruises
Wocka agent bear looks up and sees bean, digit, Clifford, Vicki, Lindbergh, Waldo And Leon looking down at him from their window
Wocka agent bear runs away And hides in the shadows immediately
Leon: god! Can we have ONE normal night in this town!?
The next Day...
Everyone were woken up, (note: fozzie did make it inside his room, he succesfully Got inside) And they were downstairs in the kitchen eating breakfast. Then fozzie Got downstairs
Fozzie: mornin', everyone! Was your night "wockatastic"?? Aaaaaaaah!
Fozzie giggles, And the muppets groaned and they were watching the news with wocka agent bear on it after being attacked by roosters
Fozzie: so, uhh... What are you Guys watching?
Pepe: you didnt hear it!? Wocka agent bear Got attacked by Bonzor's roosters last night, okay!!
Fozzie gasps as if he is shocked, but the others dont know the truth
Fozzie: what!? Thats horrible!
Miss piggy: yes.. its horrible Seeing your idol being attacked by ROOSTERS! Hmph!
Bean Bunny: And we literally saw him last night with ladders!! And he tried climbing to your room, fozz!! Clifford, digit, Vicki, Waldo, Lindbergh, Leon And I saw that!!
The other six in jim Henson hour gang noded
Fozzie: really!? I didnt see that!
Kermit then noticed fozzie's bruises And scratches, And it looked like wocka agent bear's scars
Kermit: uhh... Fozzie? Where did you Got those bruises And scratches from?
Fozzie: oh! These?? Well...
Fozzie was sweating a little bit, trying to come up with an good excuse
Fozzie: I Got bitten by mosquitos! Yeah.. And I uhh- scratched a Lot! Yea-
Other muppets were looking at fozzie with suspiciousy in their eyes, especially miss piggy And kermit. Miss piggy slaps the table with her hands
Miss piggy: are you sure!?
Fozzie: ofcourse I am! I never lie!
Kermit: well, okay, If you say so...
Fozzie: welp! I'll go now, Guys!!
Fozzie then Got upstairs to his room again very quickly
Kermit: I feel like he is hiding something...
Miss piggy: me too...
Other muppets nod and agree too
It was night aga-
Chip appears infront of the camera, looking closely at it
Chip: WAIT! STOP! PAUSE! how is it already night if it was morning?!
I, who was the narrator of the story, spoke up:
Emin (me): well, chip.. thats called: "TMS:LITBH logic", shirt for "the muppets Show: Life in the boarding home logic", man.
Chip: well... I guess THAT makes sense to some others, but not really to me!
Emin (me): well, then STOP COMPLAINING And let ME finish, m'kay?
Chip rolls his eyes And sighs
Chip: Fine.
He gets away from the camera
Anyways, it was now night in the muppetown again...
Other muppets in the boarding home went to sleep, while Meanwhile with fozzie, he was in his room again and he put on his wocka agent bear clothes again And Got outside from his balcony
Wocka agent bear (fozzie), again in his foozie voice from muppets 2011: time to solve mysteries..
He was walking sneakly around the muppetown And he saw that there werent any mysteries that he can solve, he sighed...
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): oh, shucks... There isnt any crimes or mysteries I can solve, nor help anyone.. i'll just go back home..
He sneakly Got back home, but at the front gate, he Heard a noise from the bush
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): Huh!?
Then suddenly, Bonzor And kermoot came out of the bush, And kermoot had a bandage on his foot because of the Bear trap. They were both smirking evilly
Kermoot: we Got you now, Mr. "Wocka agent bear"!
Bonzor the fantastic: HAH! we indeed do!
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): you two!? Well, it looks like this is one VS two, right?..
He put his black hat a little bit over his face to look more mysterious And to make his face look shadowy
Kermoot: ofcourse it does, bear!
Wocka agent bear (fozzie): well then go on!
Kermoot And Bonzor look at each other And smirk, And Bonzor snaps his fingers And yells loudly
Bonzor the fantastic: ROOSTERS!!!!!! COME HERE!!!
Yet again, like last night, the roosters occupy all the sides And corners And they surround fozzie. And wocka agent bea- i mean, fozzie, speaks in his normal voice again.
Fozzie: uh-oh....
The roosters jump on fozzie And attack him again while fozzie screams loudly And yelps in pain
Bonzor And kermoot were chuckling. Then suddenly, the muppets look outside their Windows of the boarding home And AGAIN see "wocka agent bear" being attacked by Bonzor's roosters, And fozzie's sunglasses And hat fall down, revealing his True form, And he screams loudly for help
All of the muppets from the boarding home gasp
All the muppets: Fozzie!?!?
Kermit: I KNEW he was hiding something!! FOZZIE!! HANG ON!!
Then suddenly, an shadowy figure that looked like a bear, maybe... Real Wocka agent bear!? He comes out of the shadows And he had his face shadowed, except for his eyes And sunglasses, and he speaks up in his voice of foozie from muppets 2011 And he had a deadly look on his face
Wocka agent bear: ...leave the kid alone...
The roosters stop attacking fozzie And look at wocka agent bear, kermoot, Bonzor And all the muppets look at the REAL Wocka agent bear, and fozzie gasps
Some whatnots (from muppets Show) And muppets who lived in their own houses looked outside their Windows to watch the scenario
Then the instrumental from Garfield game tango toss (high quality) comes on And wocka agent bear attacks kermoot first, with a "POW!" on the lips and fists
Kermoot: AHH!!!
Kermoot falls on the ground, wocka agent bear looks at Bonzor, who is sweating
Bonzor the fantastic: UHH... IT- IT WASNT MY IDEA!! I SWEAR-
Wocka agent bear gives a "POW" on bonzor's lips with his fists to Bonzor
Bonzor the fantastic: AAAAH!!
Bonzor falls on the ground too, And both kermoot And Bonzor sit up, And bonzor's roosters run go Bonzor And hide behind him
Wocka agent bear: now... You two leave this kiddo alone, before I didnt do something to you two And the... MOOPETS...
Kermoot And Bonzor nod And they get up and ran away, And bonzor's roosters run away with them
Bonzor the fantastic: AAAAAAA!!!!
Fozzie gets up and he looks at wocka agent bear with a huge smile on his face, And the muppets get out of the boarding home And walk towards fozzie And wocka agent bear
Fozzie: I- Its really you!!! You're wocka agent bear!!!
Wocka agent bear: mh-hm, I indeed am. And you're not. You pretended to be me, kiddo. Thats not wockatastic for my fans, y'kno?
Fozzie: uh, well... Im- uhh... Im very sorry if I pretended to be you, Mr. Wocka agent bear... Its just that you're my wockatastic idol! And im your wockatastic fan!
Wocka agent bear nods
Wocka agent bear: I understand that, kiddo. But thats not very wockatastic towards your friends too.
Wocka agent bear points at the other muppets that are standing outside the gate of the boarding home, And they were all looking at fozzie, they were sort of angry at him.
Fozzie: oh... I-...
Fozzie sighs
Fozzie: im sorry, Guys... I just wanted to prove you all that wocka agent bear DOES exist, but I more made you all angry... And I made wocka agent bear look bad...
He looks down at the floor And he looks sad And guilty, Kermit And the whole muppets gang then dont look Mad anymore, they now look like they were calmed that fozzie was brave enough to say the truth. And wocka agent bear puts his hand on fozzie's shoulder.
Wocka agent bear: you know, kiddo? You're very brave because you Said the truth to your friends, now THAT'S a thing that a good fan And friend would do.
Fozzie: r-really?
Fozzie looks at wocka agent bear
Wocka agent bear: ofcourse, kiddo. And I respect you as my good fan. And now, Im very proud of ya. Im sure your friends are too.
He looks at Kermit And the whole muppets gang and they all nod And look happy that fozzie Said the truth
Fozzie smiles And then he nods
Fozzie: Woah! It looks like i learned a wocklesson this night! Hahahaha!
Some muppets groan from that joke but they Chuckle too
Wocka agent bear: ya sure did, kiddo. And im proud of ya. And never forget, I know my fans' every move, especially yours now.
Fozzie nods And hugs wocka agent bear tightly
Fozzie: m-mm! Thank you, Mr. Wocka agent bear! Wocka wocka wockaaa!!
Wocka agent bear looks surprised from that tight hug, but he hugs fozzie back
Wocka agent bear: wocka, wocka, wocka.
Then wocka agent bear looks at fozzie
Wocka agent bear: well, before I go, want an autograph, kiddo?
Fozzie: I would love that!
He takes out his poster of wocka agent bear and he signatures on it
Wocka agent bear: im glad to see you happy now, kiddo. Good luck kiddo. I hope we'll see each other again like how I do see my other fans.
Fozzie: ooohhh I cant wait to see you again, Mr. Wocka agent bear!
Wocka agent bear smiles a little bit like a faint smile And he waves a little bit And runs away back in the shadows
Fozzie had the biggest smile on his face And he jumped up and down from joy
Kermit: ya sure did, fozz! But you still lied to us tho.
Kermit crosses his arms the rest of the muppets gang did And they look at fozzie
Fozzie: well... I Said I was sorry! I wont do that anymore! Promise!
Kermit And the whole muppets gang smile And Chuckle And they all hug together
Gonzo: well! Lets go inside, im kinda sleepy-
Everyone nods And go back inside the muppets boarding home
Meanwhile a little bit with wocka agent bear, he had a few pictures of fozzie disguising himself as wocka agent bear, And he smiled a little bit And chuckled
Wocka agent bear: Im glad that kiddo learned. I hope i'll see that brave comedian bear again.
And the instrumental of lazytown song "man on a mission" plays while the credits are on:
The screens shows the "the end" screen
Created by: Emin Muslich (eminsunnytoons123)
Main characters that mostly spoke: fozzie, Kermit, miss piggy
Supporting characters that spoke more: Pepe, Rizzo, gonzo
Characters that spoke a few Times or once/Sang a few Times: Janice, rowlf, Leon, yolanda, Leon, bean, Hilda, cliffster, Vicki, chip, the rest of the whole muppets gang
Characters that have been mentioned by the characters or narrator but didnt spoke: Ubu, zondra, Tammy the red haired whatnot, selena the brunette haired whatnot, Clifford, digit, Lindbergh, Waldo C Graphic, Cliffy, Zoot (except for playing the saxophone)
Villains: Kermoot, Bonzor the fantastic, bonzor's roosters
Guest characters: Wocka agent bear
Music/songs: man on a mission instrumental From lazytown And muppets' version of the song, tango toss theme from Garfield tango toss game
I hope y'all enjoyed this pilot episode I made for TMS: LITBH i literally worked on this pilot episode nearly this whole Day ^///^;
I'll make the episode 1 of season 1 on Friday =^_^=
And this is for all my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals:
@splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxx @ducktoonz903707 @muppet-fan-real @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @acen404 @walt-diego-rodriguez @goatsarecool1 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith
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scentedashes · 5 months
more alrebina and reader threesome😡😡😡 (and some fluff hcs pls)
More women for my mouses<3
How about we do some headcanons first and proceed to the threesome story❗ (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠)
Arlecchino NSFW HCS 🐱
•Rough, she loves and likes it rough. Crying? You guys arent stopping, whimpering and moaning can't stop her, she loves it rough and hard until you cant handle it anymore and you end up passing out.
•7-8 inch white to black strap/cock, her nails will definetly hurt your insides when she fingers you, your body will be full of bite marks, scratches, and hickeys.
•She loves seeing you riding her strap/cock you going up and down while your eyes are full of tears from how big it is. The bulge is seeable from your stomach<3~
•She teases you and calls you pet names, (Doll, Pet, Dear, etc~) She likes your bratty side and loves to control you like her pet, when she tells you to cum, you cum. If she doesnt, you dont. You always try and be a good girl for her, but sometimes you like to be bratty and want her to be rough. (Ending in you being bruised up, tied up, and more)
I'll be skipping Columbina HCS since i already did her (lazy)
~A time with an angel and a devil~
Top!Arle, Switch!Bina, Switch!Reader
(Usage of whip, finger, and eating out)
Women only threesome NSFW
•You were invited into a private room by two anonymous people, you wondered why but you decided you come. When you entered you saw there was two women, and angel and a devil. They introduced themselves as Columbina and Arlecchino, the angel being Columbina, the devil being Arlecchino.
"Its surprising you came! Please, sit down and have some tea with us!~" Columbina patted the spot in the middle of her and Arlecchino.
"Say, you're very beautiful.." Arlecchino compliments you and proceeds to pour you a cup of tea, she adds "sugar" to your drink. You didnt question what it was since you thought it was just sugar, right??
"Pleasure meeting you guys!" You took a sip, you tasted off.. But you still drank it to be polite, a minute later you started to get dizzy..
"Oh, did you put too much Arlecchino?" Columbina looked at her while smirking, "No, i didnt. Dont worry, we can still have fun."
You woke up in a bedroom with Arlecchino and Columbina "Hm, you finally woke up.." Arlecchino said while looking at you "W-where am i?!" You were confused. "Shh, we'll take gooddd care of you~" Said Columbina.
You realized you were only wearing and bra and panty. "Such a good and perfect body.." Arlecchino complimenting you while her hands wonder your body.
"Lets see how much you can handle both of us." While she rubs your clit through your panties, making you squirm "Mmn..." You let out a soft moan "Shes a sensitive one i see~"
After the teasing they finally start (You were probably waiting for that part) "Well then, shall we get started?" Arlecchino whispers to you as she forcefully makes you go doggy style, fully showing your ass and pussy to her and Columbina.
"Hm, lets start with just my fingers since your so tight.." Arlecchino then inserts one finger inside you pussy making you squirm, she feels your walls tightening around her finger. She inserts another finger and she thrusts slowly, knowing she'd go rougher later. Her thrusts and fingers made you moan out loud in the room, you were lucky no one could hear you outside..
"Is she ready yet Arle?" Said Columbina, wanting to just start treating you like the whore you are.
"I guess so, do as you please." Columbina approached the bed and fixed your positions making you lay down on your back, she then takes off her panties, she then said.. "Take a deep breath for me will ya?~" she then wiggles and positions herself on your head "Eat up whore~" You do as she pleases making her moan, her wings flapped on how good you were.
"Oh~ S-shes a keeper Arle~ Dont kill her like the others~" She kept riding your mouth, meanwhile.. Arlecchino pulled her fingers out and put her strap on, "Be a good girl for my strap will ya?" She thrusts half of it roughly, making you moan while you were eating columbina out.
"Mmmn!!" She fully thrusted it inside you, it was big enough to make a bulge.
Every thrust hit your g-spot, all you could do was moan, whimper, and squirm. They knew you enjoyed it. "Such a slut for me arent you?" She thrusts roughly "Mmmnnff~" Columbina jumps off your head, lifting her hips.
"Aww~ Your mouth is full of cum..~" Columbina gets another strap and wears it. "Lets see if this slut can handle two straps in both of her holes~" Arlecchino suddenly picked you up, making you face her "Hm.." Columbina added lube to her strap and inserts it in your ass.
"Mmnngh! I-its too much..!" You begged, it was so much for you. Both of your holes filled by their strap, while you.. helplessly hoping youd last the whole night with on how rough they are~ (LOOK I KNOW I ALREADY DID THIS BUT I PROMISE ILL MAKE IT DIFFERENT IN A BIT also bcz i was lazy)
After 40 Minutes of continuous pounding from both of their strap in both of your holes. Your body full of their bite marks and hickeys, you three decide to take a break before round two starts.
Arlecchino then gets an idea, she whispers something to Columbina make her flustered and blushing, her wings flapped. And she mumbled, "Sure.. I guess.." Arlecchino smirks at Columbina and kisses her "Handle it like a good girl you are Bina" Arlecchino then approached you.
"Well, since you were such a good girl, why dont you try dominating? Hm?" She said and handed you a strap "Wear this and do your best." Arlecchino then lays on her back and making columbina sit on her, she thrusts the strap inside her ass "Mmn!" Columbina squirms, "Well, insert it?" Wanting you to insert your strap inside columbina's pussy, you couldnt complain so you did what she pleases.
A second after you thrust the strap inside her she kept moaning and whimpering from double penetration.
"M-mmngh~ Fuck~ Mmmh~" The room was filled with moans and whimpers coming out of columbinas mouth.
"Oh~ mmn~ H-harder..!~" Her little body was so tight, you can even see the bulge from your strap. "Look how you act like such a whore when getting topped while you act all sassy while you top."
Arlecchino went rougher as she said that, tears filled Columbina's eyes from pleasure "Mmngh~ ah..!~" Arlecchino kisses Columbina and afterwards Columbina kisses you. Her mouth was open, saliva dripping down her chin while her eyes was just looking at the ceiling. "A-ah.. hah! Mmmn..!" After an hour Columbina collapses. "You act like such a whore when your dominated."
Arlecchino said to Columbina as she layed down, "So? Atleast you know im enjoying itt~" Her body was full of bite marks and hickeys also so i guess you werent going to be alone, suddenly, columbina got an idea and whispers to you. "Pst, what if we tease Arlecchino?!! It would be a fun testt~ Lets see what'll happen!" She giggled while saying that, "Now now, what are you two up to?.." Arlecchino wondered "Nothing!" both of you said. Arlecchino lays down on the bed and takes a nap for ten minutes, when she woke up, she saw her hands were tied to her back, and a cloth on her mouth "Well how was your nap? !" Both of you and Columbina giggled, not knowing what'll happen when shes free afterwards..
"Mmmf???!!!" She aggressively muffled. "Shhh~ we have alot planned..!" Columbina giggled as she got a vibrator, "Just enjoy..~" She presses the vibrator down on her clit. "Mmmnnf!.. mmfg..~" Her saliva runs down her chin while she bites hardly on the cloth.
"Such a good girl~" Columbina continued teasing her, while you took of her shirt and you started to leave hickeys and bite marks on her, "Mmmnf..!" She kept struggling and struggling. twenty minutes later you finally let Arlecchino free. "Hah... Hah.." She panted, then looked at you guys with a stare that both made you shiver "S-surprise...!" You said, "Both of you. Come here. Now." She demanded, you two quickly go at the spot she wanted both of you to be, "Y-yes?.." You guys both wondered what shes going to do after both of you teased her.
"You two really tied me up while i was asleep huh? And teased me for twenty minutes straight." She glared at both of. "W-well, you se-" Arlecchino interrupts you, "Quiet." You instantly shut up, afraid of your life. "You two, get my that whip. Now." Both of you and Columbina gulped as you two knew you we're about to get punished harshly by Arlecchino. "Y-yes ma'am.." As you gave her the whip she asked for, "Both of you, go in all fours. NOW."
She seemed mad, her screaming mad both of you very scared at this point. As you both got in all fours, she whipped both of your ass HARD. Bot of you Columbina whimpered and couldn't even stand without almost collapsing from the harsh hits from her whip. "This is what naughty girls get." Her eye get caught in something, Columbina was wet. Even if it was from the whip.
"Oh? You're wet i see.." She breaks open Columbina's panties and fingers her harshly and fast. "M-mmngh~ Agh~ O-oh~ M-mercy..!~" She playfully begged, Arlecchino knew she acts like a brat and becomes to thrust her fingers in her pussy more harshly and deeper. "You want this too, yeah?" Arlecchino starts to finger both of you and Columbina. "N-ngh..! M-mercy!~" You and Columbina kept moaning and whimpering from Arlecchinos thrusts. "Bad Girls." She continued to assault both of you and Columbinas cunts with her fingers. Both of you and Columbina collapsed on the bed, "Did i tell you guys i was done? No i did not. Now get back up you Sluts."
She orders both of you, Columbina nor you can even stand from her thrusts earlier and whips. You and Columbina managed to get up in all fours again, trembling while doing so. "Good, when i tell you i'm done, then i'm done. Got it?" Both of you and Columbina noded, "You guys need a harsher punishment for teasing and tying me up." She puts on a strap and gets a vibrator, She ties Columbina up and ties the vibrator directly on her clit. "M-mmngh~ Fuck~" She kept moaning and groaning. She kept cumming all over the mattress.
Arlecchino then positions you and inserts the strap harshly as she can. She then begans to thrust deep and hard. "M-mmngh! T-too rough..! M-mercy..! Mmmngh..!~" You and Columbina switched after doing that thirty minutes straight. After 2 hours of switching, and thrusting, you and Columbina collapsed. "Good girls." Arlecchino lays both of you down, you being in the middle. You and Columbina ended up snuggling together while Arlecchino reads a books (She wears reading glasses trust).
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minthara · 1 year
i extracted files and searched for Minthara's name, some snippets (I sadly cant see who says them AND its really hard to tell one line from another) and it shows the romance is either bugged or they cut it out of the game
its all jumbled up, so theres 100 % more i cant find, but it doesnt mention her name. i did not add lines i personally encountered in game
So, Minthara has one in the proverbial oven?
I hope we're not finished with our current labours before Minthara drops her egg. War is the perfect nursery for a child.
Minthara with child… Somehow I can't picture her sitting around the campfire, knitting baby booties…
Minthara's pregnant. A new life, a little one, sprung from all this fuckin' chaos.
companions about/to minthara (GUESSED BY ME!! IT DOESNT SAY WHO!!)
It's funny seeing you so smitten, Minthara. Didn't think you were able.
How curious - I've only ever known Minthara to moan with pleasure when somebody's losing a limb.
So, you and Minthara, is it? I suppose that little spark we shared has been snuffed out then. I don't blame you though - she is a… compelling prospect.
And you're carousing with Minthara.
Not interested in Minthara's leftovers, I'm afraid.
Any doubts about falling for a foe, Minthara? Or does that just add spice to things?
Minthara's something of a closed book, but I suspect a heart of gold lurks beneath that stern countenance.
So. You and Minthara. Wow. Impressive.
I bet Minthara is fun.
To choose Minthara over, well, anyone… It's certainly a brave decision. One might hazard to say reckless. Stupid. Fatal…
I hope you and Minthara are very happy together. Or miserable. Whatever she prefers.
Right. Well, far be it for me to stand in the way of true love. Or anything else Minthara wants, for that matter.
What about Minthara? Weren't you guys in some kind of horrific power play masquerading as romance?
Hey, so, what's romance like in the Underdark, Minthara?
And you favour Minthara, no less. I thought you valued yourself. Minthara certainly doesn't.
pc to/about minthara (GUESSED BY ME!! IT DOESNT SAY WHO!!)
Amorous passions usually make people more considerate, Minthara. Kinder. Sympathetic. Better at cooperating.
Even my people know the value of a carefully crafted coalition, Minthara. Is our own alliance not a case in point?
Who do you love, Minthara?
I'm yours, Minthara.
I've decided to pursue a relationship with Minthara. I thought you should know.
You've judged my affections wrongly - I am much closer to Minthara!
It was only sex, Minthara. Do you have to be so dramatic?
I'll do it. Just please - don't hurt Minthara.
Yes. I'm yours, Minthara.
She comes in here, into our camp, and lays hands on my Minthara?!
We'll find your family, Minthara. And slaughter them. Would you enjoy that?
You think I'm beautiful? Oh, Minthara.
You slept with the drow Minthara. You pleased her.
The guard is happy to let you pass - Minthara is rather less happy about your choice of words.
You slip into Minthara's mind while all her attention is focused on saving her own skin. You can feel her guilt everywhere, writhing and churning. All it takes is one little push…
Who knows how long the real Minthara has been strapped to Orin's altar? We owe it to her to bring her back safely. She would do no less for you or I.
You're that True Soul that's been chumming around with Minthara, aren't you?
Care to share any of Minthara's weaknesses? Or would it take too long to go through them all?
And Minthara is - eh. A friend of yours, I am sure.
Distract her with thoughts of your night with Minthara.
Orin, masquerading as Minthara… That certainly explains her vociferous antipathy towards me.
And what more beautiful terror can there be than that wrought by Minthara and her love?
Why so surprised? Minthara murdered her way out of the womb.
I'm glad to know you have a softer side, Minthara. I was beginning to think you rather heartless.
Minthara Baenre. It is fair to say her intimacy is not easily won. Nevertheless, I did. Tried. (ORIN??)
My good friend Minthara is the funniest person I know.
Orin thinks Minthara's abduction is an ultimatum to kill Gortash.
Partnered with Minthara
Orin abducted Minthara. She told us that she'll release her if we kill Gortash.
Minthara is in Orin's clutches.
searching for "baenre"
It is true. Surface food lacks flavour. House Baenre banquets were legendary.
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calm-potato · 1 year
Includes- shinso,todoroki,and denki
Summary- reader can't seem to fall asleep,luckily they have a loving partner there to help!!
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Shinso isn't really a sleep kind of guy either. Due to his eye bags it's quite clear that the boy also has trouble sleeping so having a s/o who also has trouble sleeping... well that's kind of a problem. He won't tell you to sleep or put away your phone as he'd be a hypocrite  as he's also doing the same thing. Lying in bed with you watching videos and laughing,apologizing if he's too loud. But I will say that at some point,since shinso cares for your health,he'll attempt to tell you that you should sleep.
Will often rub his hands in your hair to sooth you to sleep. But it's also something about your presence that calms him in ways that at some points at night he'll fall asleep before you whole cuddling you. Has tried multiple times saying "tonight we'll sleep early together" which always ends up being you both on your phones or him falling asleep before you. It's not that he does it on purpose he really does want to sleep at the same time with you. But it always seem he'd fall asleep,you just have a way of calming him to sleep with just your presence. Most nights when he finds he can't sleep with you he's restless and tries to text you a million times although it doesn't bother you as  much but it can at times. Not to mention you won't be sleeping anyways so he figured why not?
He's kind of a baby at times though. Will always want a good night kiss and if he doesnt receive one will pout silently or turn away from you. He always feels like the kisses are like a promise that he'll see you in the morning.
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Now todoroki,he's kind of the type of sleep early but not as early as bakugou but early enough. Once he finds out his s/o can't sleep and is up late at night he'll start to get worried. Asking you to sleep or tries to help you the best way he can. Since he's used to sleeping early it would be hard for him to get you to sleep.whenever he's in your dorm and sees you're still awake will offer to make you something to eat. He tries to search up ways to get you to sleep. From trying warm milk to Watching some late night shows or movies. Which the movies and shows do tend to help at times but then he finds himself up watching the movies and shows instead. He's happy he got you to finally sleep but now,how will he?
Todoroki would find comfort in holding you to sleep. He's not used to PDA so any form of physical contact from you would feel like heaven to him. He never knew that holding someone would feel so nice,especially if it's you. He's an early sleeper but tries his best to stay awake to make sure you get thee proper rest,it doesn't always happen but he tried. Finds comfort in holding your hands to sleep. Even when his get all warm and sweaty  he still wants to hold your hand. It helps him sleep better and when you're not around hell find himself waiting for you to come back or he won't sleep.
Often wakes up to make sure you're still asleep or next to him. Then will plant soft kisses and tell you goodnight.
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Now denki,he's not really a sleep early or wake up early kind of guy. He always tends to find himself playing games untill 1:00 in the morning before he sleeps. So when he finds out his s/o can't sleep he sort of gets excited. Of course he cares for you health and all and wants you to get the proper rest you need. But denki never really had someone to stay up with especially a s/o. So it was all sort of new to him at first. For a few weeks he'd find it fun at first. Forgetting that you need sleep he'd often want to play games with you or laugh and talk about memes or even how your day went. He just loves to talk on and on about what happened and everything that he got so lost in the moment of sleeping.
But of course once he finally remembers will try to find ways the both of you could sleep together. Making tents in your dorm rooms,telling each other random stories,heck he even tried thinking of watching shows and movies but always found that no matter what it was hard for either of you to sleep. Denki wasn't really the type to sleep early so he wasn't really sure about how to go about this and trying to attempt at sleep. He always found it hard to sleep when it was time so he's wasn't quite sure on what to do. But he did know that once you guys finished gaming he'd find himself sleepy and at times you'd often yawn too.
A big goof when it came to holding you as you two always ended up sleeping in the most weirdest positions as you woke up to find.
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