#doing y'all a favor
arttrampbelle · 8 months
Controversial and cringe as it is.
Imma do it.
I'm gonna f/o a disney villain.
But not just any Disney villain.
No imma f/o arguably the darkest,and most greatest Disney villain in the history of Disney villains (again this is entirely based upon preferences and personal opinions. So don't come at me)
Jean-claude frollo.
Yeah you heard me.
This guy
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Maybe if he got laid,had a wife,he'd stfu and leave my girl esmeralda alone. Maybe he wouldn't be an insufferable prick. Maybe if he got pegged,he'd behave his fuckin self
Oh sorry. I went off. My apologizes.
So yeah i have a Disney villain f/o officially and yeah....so new f/o and self ship to play around with the narrative.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
"Why don't you ever just reach out when something's wrong? Why won't you let us help you?"
Sky watched him wearily, though there was hardened anger in his eyes. "What difference does it make? Why should I talk about how anything bothers me when it bothers everyone else too? Why call it depression if it's the baseline everyone is feeling? We're all stuck in this shit. I see no point in adding my problems to anyone else's."
"Oh grow up," Legend snapped, growing frustrated with his melancholy, upset that he wouldn't let him help. "Be mature and actually be forward about your feelings. It's childish to be like this. Saying we all have problems and therefore shouldn't address them is like saying why take a shower I'm just gonna get dirty again. Your feelings--"
Sky rose to his feet, exhaustion gone, his face darkening in rage. "You want me to be mature? You want me to talk about my feelings--you, who hide behind sharp and bitter words, who uses cold stone as a shield instead of ever letting people in? You, who constantly says you don't let things bother you, who is the biggest liar and hypocrite in this group, who tries to pretend that you're not hurting just as much as everyone else?! Don't you dare--don't you dare talk to me about maturity, about being open with emotions. You are pathetic, you either brush everyone off or act as if the world could never understand you and if that doesn't smell of some scared teenage child I don't know what does! You want me to be mature? The mature thing is to handle this on my own and not take it out on everyone else like you do! The mature thing is to recognize that others have difficulties as well and not add to them! The world doesn't revolve around you, dipshit."
"What the actual hell is going on in here?" Warriors asked, walking into the room. Legend and Sky were both red in the face, though the former took a small step back from his friend, looking as if he'd been struck.
"Nothing," Sky growled, storming outside and heading to his motorcycle.
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ladybugkisses · 1 year
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what better way to end a 1st date than with a 1st kiss 💞💙💞
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tarmac-rat · 1 year
CDPR I just wanna throw it out there before tomorrow comes that I know you guys crafted a well-constructed narrative full of twists and turns that will present difficult choices for me to make based on loyalty and our need to survive, but unfortunately you failed to take into account that I am still horrendously attached to my Keanu Reeves-shaped brain tumor and thus any decisions I make throughout Phantom Liberty will be directly influenced by what makes him happy and/or ensures his survival. Sorry to all the other characters you introduced into this DLC but they won't mean as much to me as the greasy-haired rockstar in my head who smokes like a chimney narrates Pulp Noir on my morning walks and enjoys getting choked out during sex.
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finemealprompt · 4 months
DP x DC Prompt #66
There’s a thief in Gotham, City Boy, who’s been here for a while. It’s already been tricky to catch him, but he’s got a new white haired friend. Bruce can already feel the ensuing headache forming.
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fayevalcntine · 1 year
Positioning Louis as the "Edwardian wife who becomes trapped by her husband" in a literal sense does no justice to analyzing his actual place and role as a Black man in his society and in his relationship with Lestat. Any interpretation or analysis you do of him when it comes to their relationship cannot be stripped of the racial aspect because it's constantly there. Texts analyzing Edwardian wives (and particularly ones this fandom loves to bring up) typically were white and the dissection of their place in societal rules are always viewed from the aspect of gender that is within these texts only allowed to white women, but never to Black men or even Black women. And gender and race become inseparable when you discuss the latter, no matter how people may view it.
This is why I can't take this approach to analyzing Louis' story seriously because if you don't consider the racial aspect in his relationship even to himself and his sexuality, what's the point? You're still centering the standards that were more placed upon white male/female couples than you're willing to look into the unique structure of Black families, religion, their view of homosexuality and how that sooner heavily influences Louis than the family's "need" for him to be sold off to an Edwardian husband. Even in Louis' own story, him and Claudia being Black is more centered on than any demeaning "housewife" comment he tries to go against from Claudia's perspective. She makes that comment once, whereas we have at least two episodes from Louis' perspective that have very blatant hints and showings of the racism he still suffers from under the Jim Crow era and how it affects his self-worth as well as his relationship with Lestat who doesn't seem to take into consideration how any of the blatant racial aggressions and objections still affect Louis and what he considers to be important to achieve in his own life.
Then there's also the pointed topic of Louis' position as a Black man who is a pimp to the Black women he has as sex workers, as well as how his position as a Black father affects Claudia, another Black girl. If you insist on Louis being centered as this "Edwardian white wife" who is confined by his implicit gender in his marriage, where does that leave Claudia and the blatant misogyny and disrespect she gets from both him and Lestat? Lestat who is her white father abuses her. Positioning Louis within the strict confines of "being her mother" doesn't do her any favors because he didn't hesitate to choke her when he was deeply emotionally distressed, nor does it make him look any better when he's fine with chopping up her diaries and then delivering them on a silver platter so that Daniel, another white man, can read and dissect. Even if he does this under the sole pretense of "doing right by her", how does it in any way help when he also can't face up to his failures towards her?
#interview with the vampire#claudia#louis de pointe du lac#i just feel like all these needless 'Lestat is the patriarchy' discussions; even when done in order to shield Louis#do him and Claudia no favors because y'all keep centering these weird strictly white standards in your interpretations#'Louis is an Edwardian wife' Louis is a Black man who was turned in 1910s Louisiana#the structural confines Edwardian wives were given really aren't the same when you take into consideration the racial segregation#of Louis' time; and I feel like the specific issues that Black men then faced when it came to 'proving' their worth when it comes to gender#are then just sidelined and forgotten as if those aren't the standards Louis grew up with#if you want to discuss Louis' placement in his relationship with Lestat it's kind of really heavy-handed even on the show#that he's a black man and that that heavily affects him foremostly in this relationship#also I'm so confused over this insane idea that Lestat is somehow the patriarchy while Louis is a woman and y'all say this unprompted#without considering how it looks when you call a gay black man a woman and a white bisexual man a guy#i feel like you can evade bad stereotypes of painting black men as overaggressive without veering off into the whole other side#while still sounding vaguely backhanded#and it doesn't make it any less weird when I see other non-black/white fans insist on this interpretation#it just comes off as y'all sooner being able to connect to Louis if you see him in a role typically embodied by white women#than to refer to the actual identity he has as a black gay man
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
Me: *asks for a teeny thing to be changed to help me*
The other person: Oh, yeah, absolutely! *kindly does the thing without a sigle hint of being upset or inconvenienced*
Me: Perfect!
Me: Why am I crying?
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the-everqueen · 4 months
me [takes your face gently between my hands]: hob gadling would not be a history professor at any number of british universities because of how humanities academia works and even if he were, rose walker would not be his student or advisee.
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Whump Reference Post for Fingernail Removal Torture
 Hi whump writers of Tumblr! I recently made a little introduction post in which I said I’d be making reference posts. This is one I already had typed up, because for some reason this was the first thing I thought of.
There are no images attached, but I’m putting the rest of the post under a readmore since the majority of the content is semi-graphic written description of the how-to’s and wherefore’s and such of fingernail removal torture.
To be clear: I will be going into as much depth as I possibly can without using images. The content of this post will be purely academic. There will be no artistic liberties taken. This post is meant to be as accurate to (and descriptive of) a real-life situation as possible.
I hope some part of this post eventually winds up being a helpful resource for someone!
1) Not as painful as it’s made out to be
-It's painful, but definitely not to the extent it’s shown in movies or whatnot. A lot of the "pain" comes from the shock factor of seeing your body without something it’s always had, as well as the inherent "wrongness" that comes with experiencing a part of your body being removed.
2) There is very very thin film of skin between the fingernail and the finger.
-If one is careful in removing the fingernail by peeling it back slowly, one can preserve this thin piece of skin. -If one pulls the fingernail back quickly and without taking care, this thin film will rip, and the nail will pull away with bits of flesh attached.
3) The flesh under the nail will be vertically striated.
-If one uses the peel-back method, and is careful to not let the thin film of skin between the nail and the flesh rip, the skin/flesh underneath the nail will be as visibly striated as the fingernail itself. If you look closely at your fingernail right now, you’ll see that there are many tiny grooves from the tip of your nail to the base. This is true for all human fingernails. If the nail is peeled back with sufficient care, those striations will be echoed on the skin underneath the nail.
4) The  “peel entirely off” method versus the  "peel back and then stop" method versus the "pull out entirely" method.
-The “peel entirely off” method is how I will refer to the method of grasping firmly the tip of the fingernail in some sort of vice (usually pliers) and then peeling it backwards, moving the pliers from the nail at the tip of the finger towards the hand itself. Using this method, the nail will remain firmly grasped in the pliers the entire time. The movement of the pliers only stops when the base of the nail is ripped entirely out of the finger. This will necessarily result in ripping out a fair bit of skin past the cuticles, as the technical base of the nail (aka “nail matrix”) is generally around half a centimeter hand-wards past the cuticles (and follows the curve of the nail, so is deeper than the cuticles as well). Due to the nature of skin, I would expect a tear reminiscent of an extremely deep hangnail that goes from the base of the cuticles to at least halfway between the first and second knuckle (and at most goes to the second knuckle). In this case, it is not guaranteed that the nail will grow back. There is a chance it’ll come back, but there is also a chance that the nail matrix is permanently damaged and will not be able to grow a new nail. Since every human is different, there’s not an exact science to determining where a person’s nail matrix is before it’s ripped out. A (very) general rule of thumb is to follow the curve of the existing fingernail, and draw a point on that curve before it hits bone. Obviously, this is extremely subjective.
-The “peel back and then stop” method is how I will refer to what is essentially the previous method, but one stops before the nail-ripping goes past the cuticle and snips off the peeled part, leaving a milimeter or so of fingernail existing on the nailbed. In this case, it is assured that the nail matrix is undisturbed, and the fingernail will grow back. This is the method I will assume is taken for the future steps
-The “pull out entirely” method is how I will refer to the situation where one grasps the protruding part of the nail firmly, and applies force away from the hand and in the direction the finger points. In this case, there’s a large chance that the nail will rip. This depends largely on the care taken with the pulling object (pliers, usually) to grab the nail exactly parallel with the sides of the pliers. If any part of the pliers digs into the nail at a singular location, this will create a point at which pressure will build up, and the nail will likely rip at this location. The strength of the individual’s nails also affects the ripping. The individual’s nail strength can vary based on nourishment as well as on a general person-to-person basis. Personally, I do not recommend this method.
-If one wants to make the removal definitely permanent, there’s the possibility of peeling it back all the way down and out, and then chemically burning where one assumes the nail matrix is. (Some serious irl hikers do this to their toenails on purpose, to reduce the chances of getting ingrown toenails from being laced into hiking boots for days on end.) Removing the nail permanently will obviously reduce the opportunity to peel it off again, but will give a permanent Horrific Aspect to the victim.
5) For the first three days, the exposed flesh will be painful.
-The entire tip of the finger will be a constant deep and throbbing pain. Any deviation from this norm will be an increase in pain, never a decrease (save medication or an ice-bath-for-full-minutes immersion to the point of numbness).
-Any contact with the exposed nailbed will increase the pain. Knocking the exposed flesh against anything, even extremely gently, will result in a visible bright red welt under the thin layer of skin (bright red on light skin only! on darker skin, the welt will still be visible, but will show as a dark red-brown). It is a visual similar to an extremely tiny, non-protruding blood blister. Knocking the nailbed against something less gently will result in fully scraping off that delicate outer layer of skin.
-Using the finger for anything will be painful (though not unbearably so), and it may even be painful to bend the finger at all.
-Any moisture on the exposed flesh (including anything from regular water to antibiotic ointment) will hurt a lot. This will intensify the throbbing at least twofold across the entire nailbed, and will also result in an amount of stinging as if one had just realized one had been stung by a bee.
6) For treatment and healing thereof (if quick healing is desired)
For those first three days, any bandaid application is inadvisable -The exposed flesh will be so tender and vulnerable that any bandaid (even the non-stick kind) will stick to the exposed flesh and rip it upon removal. I can only assume this is in part due to the curvature of the finger, which means that any wrapping-around type bandaid will inherently put pressure on the nailbed, resulting in sticking.
-To promote healing, the first three days should be without any sort of covering on the wound.
After the first three days, a scab will form. -At this point, the pain will be much less. it might be uncomfortable to bump the nailbed into objects, but it will not be the same pain as in the first three days.
-The wound will also be much less sensitive to moisture.
-When the scab starts to crack (usually a vertical crack), one should apply antibiotic ointment and a bandaid. At this point in the proess, it is desired for the scab to remain as consistently moist as possibly. This will help the scab fall off when it is ready to do so.
-At this point, the finger can be used normally (within reason) without much (if any) pain.
After two or three days with the bandaid covering, the scab will start to fall off.
-One may expedite this process if one is careful.
-At this point, the skin on the nailbed is sensitive to the touch, but not to the point of pain.
-There will be some dry, loose skin around the edges of the nailbed.
-The previously visible striation will no longer be there.
-Pressure on the exposed nailbed will not be necessarily painful, but it will feel decidedly Odd. Though not painful, It will be an extremely sensitive area.
-The nailbed will be a delicate pinkish color.
Around a week after the initial scab falls off, there will appear to be another scab. It will be a relatively thin layer of dry, dead skin.
-If the nail is allowed to grow normally, it is likely that it will cover this second scab before it has the chance to fall off.
-If the stub of the fingernail is trimmed routinely, it is possible for the scab to fall off, leaving only relatively smooth unblemished skin where the nailbed is. This skin will be roughly the same color and texture as the skin on the tip of the finger. 
7) The rate at which fingernails grow back is extremely slow
-The average growth rate is about 3.5 milimeters per month. There are several factors that can cause this to vary:
-Fingernails on the dominant hand grow back faster than the nails on the non-dominant hand.
-Fingernails grow back faster than toenails.
-Nails grow back faster in warm weather than in cold weather.
-Depending on the nail and the aforementioned conditions, one can expect a total regrowth time of anywhere from three to six months (or more).
8) Life Without Fingernails
-Fingernails affect a large part of our everyday lives. We mostly use them when we’re manipulating objects with our hands, and we use them to scratch. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s a lot. It’s hard to explain just how weird it is to not have fingernails to someone who’s never experienced it, but here goes:
-Fingernails are the Hard Backs used to brace our fingers against a hard shell when we manipulate something with our hands. If you pinch your fingers together right now, you’ll see a white band along the top of your fingernail. This is where the pressure from the pinching goes; it’s braced against your nail.
-Picking something up without fingernails feels extremely odd the first few hundred times you do it. It takes a long time to get used to it.
-Writing is even worse. Without the hard shell backing your fingers, the pencil tends to slip out of your grip more often. If you usually have long enough fingernails that you balance your pen/pencil on them, you’re extremely likely to have the pencil completely slip out of your grip multiple times a sentence.
-You don’t realize how much you unconsciously scratch itchy parts of your body until you no longer have the ability to do so. If you’re only missing a few nails, you have to consciously adjust your hand so that you can scratch with the existing ones. If you’re missing all of them, you have to actively find an external object to alleviate the itch.
Some places on the body one can scratch with their teeth, but for most places, one needs to either find an “itch stick,” or rub that part of their body on something scratchy. A lot of clothing is scratchy enough to work for this. One needs to learn how to vary the pressure so that one can alleviate the itch without tearing through the skin or scratching themselves.
-Body horror
Fingernail removal is a more mentally significant mutilation than cuts or burns, if only because it draws on the "that was there and now it's not" aspect of body horror.
-Can be inflicted more than once
Since fingernails grow back, they can be removed again and again and again. Though it may take some time for the nails to regrow, it isn't even close to the type of permanent that’s chopping off a finger or a toe.
Since it takes a few days for the nailbeds to heal enough to be able to use one's fingers, a complete removal of all fingernails will take away one's ability to use their hands. Even after this initial period of extreme sensitivity, the lack of fingernails is something most people aren’t prepared for. The previous section explaining how fingernails affect daily life is significant here.
-Can’t repeat often.
Once a fingernail is off, it's not coming back for at least three months (likely longer). It doesn't have the relatively quick reset time that burns or cuts do.
-Relatively short amount of time in pain
All of the pain is in the first few days. It is inconvenient afterwards, but there is little to no pain at this time.
-Amount of care needed
One needs to be relatively careful inflicting this. Fingernails are not as resilient as you'd think, and the likelihood of them ripping before you can finish ripping them off is fairly large if you're not being careful.
If you have a short-tempered or impatient whumper, this might not be their particular wheelhouse.
Overall, I’d say that the effectiveness depends entirely on the desired result. The time it takes for the fingernails to regrow versus the amount of time in which the subject is in pain is not a very productive ratio, so if you’d want your whumper doing a particular torture regularly, I wouldn’t recommend this.
However, if the whumper’s goal is to appeal to the body horror aspect without permanent damage, this is a great option. The fact that it takes nails so long to regrow gives the victim a sense of horrified freakishness. It also has the added benefit of reducing the victim’s maneuverability far after the fact.
The semi-visible nature of this method of torture can be effective if one wishes to horrify characters outside the whumper/whumpee relationship. You don’t immediately look at other people’s hands when you meet them, and as such it might take a while for outside characters to notice the lack of fingernails (especially if they’re past the three day mark). But once they notice, it will be hard to look away.
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pedroisghosties · 1 year
It's so funny seeing people post their "realistic thoughts" on Ghost as a lover for example like, realistic for who?? because in my world, someone with his trauma could develop as 10 different persons and you will never know which one it is until they actually grow up and stuff so calling their personal thoughts THE correct one is just ridiculous.
Plus most of them picture him as this monster that doesn't know how to communicate in any way, shape or form like bffr
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faejilly · 3 months
Sorry for the lack of Finna rambles, the Early Access for 7kpp came out and I had to try and remember how to get my first delegate to her ludicrously successful ending
/it can be such a found family game y'all, I was absolutely flapping my hands at the screen and doing a 😭 face for like an hour 💙💙💙
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
another broke take i keep seeing is that ashley develops feelings for leon but that it’s not mutual, which is dumb bc even if leon isn’t as open about it (the ‘running from creeps’ and ‘good company’ lines notwithstanding), his body language is very telling imo.
holding on to her a little longer than he needs to during the church escape, touching her shoulder to check on her (when they’re saved by luis) or in reassurance (post-stabbing), gently cupping her head and tracing his fingers down her arm, reaching for her face again when she’s on the altar, grabbing her hand to pull her into the lift, and the way he always stops to help her up with both arms when she’s downed by enemies
even the fact that he’s literally being paid to protect her can’t justify the tenderness of all these little touches. i highly doubt “touch the president’s daughter like she’s the only thing that keeps you going” was in his job description. don’t even get me started on his boyish, almost bashful, “i can catch ya” like literally what the fuck
I think, after being forced into the shadows for eighteen fucking years by this fandom -- and by Aeon fans especially -- I've been hesitant to make any definitive statements on Leon and Ashley's relationship outside of its effects on Leon's character arc (and reaffirming over and over and over again that Ashley disappears from the series, as though to soothe people's reactions??).
But I was on discord talking to @godtier earlier, and once I actually said it out loud and then actually got an agreement from someone who could not be paid to give a fucking shit about this ship -- I'm just going to go ahead and say it for the wider fandom.
Resident Evil 4 Remake was written as a romance, and the romance is between Leon and Ashley.
With the new scenes they've added in, it's literally structured like a romance story is. I'll even outline it for you.
1) Call to Adventure / The Meet Cute
Literally their first meeting in the church, culminating with the catch and that moment of longing as they lock eyes while Leon continues to hold her just a few seconds too long.
2) Refusal of the Call / Rejection of the Relationship
At first, Leon treats Ashley solely as his mission objective. ("Hey can we take a break?" "Sorry, we need to keep moving.") And Ashley, for a good bit, doesn't trust him at all but goes with him because she has no other choice. ("Seriously, this cannot be happening.")
3) Acceptance of the Quest / Giving the relationship a chance
The escape from the cabin sequence up to the "seems this isn't your first time running from creeps." line. This is where we see them actually start to warm up to each other, and Ashley, for the first time, believes Leon can and will really get her out of there.
4) Trials and Temptations / Three Dates
The three dates are:
1) Ashley busting the window open after the Mendez boss fight, helping brush the embers off of Leon, and helping to pull him to his feet
2) Salazar's introduction ("The girl's just fine. With me.")
3) The road to the Water Hall (Leon jumping across the chandeliers + this is the first time the "knight and the princess" allegory is stated)
5) Midpoint Crisis / I-need-you-but-can’t-have-you
The stab followed by Ashley running away in tears, terrified of hurting Leon again and horrified that he saw her like that. This is also the second time that the "knight and the princess" allegory is stated.
6) The Road Back / Pulling Back Together
The pep talk. Leon is openly vulnerable for the first time ever in this game, and Ashley is grateful to have him with her. Note that Luis calls Leon "Prince Charming" immediately following this scene.
7) The Fall
Ashley stating "I won't run. Wait for me, Leon." And then Leon following up with the "I can catch ya" line.
8) Dark moment / The Break Up
Leon sitting at Ashley's bedside waiting to turn and ready to shoot himself. He's already half given up, and some part of him has started to believe that they won't actually make it out of here -- not together, at least.
9) The Sacrifice
"This time, it has to be different." Leon is forced to challenge the assertion by Ada and Krauser that he hasn't changed, and he even has to prove it to himself. He destroys Ashley's plaga, holding her hand the whole time, smiles breathlessly, then collapses to the floor.
10) Declaration
"Hey... we're a team, right?" "Keep this up? I'll be out of a job."
11) The HEA
Leon and Ashley literally ride off into the sunrise together towards a happily ever after.
The original RE4 is not structured this way. Even if I tried to, I couldn't slot Leon and Ashley's scenes from OG into this outline.
And the romance angle is reinforced over and over and over again through repeated use of the "knight and the princess" allegory beyond what I've even listed in the outline. You know, the fairy tales about the knight who saves the princess and they fall in love and live happily ever after. In addition to Salazar saying it, there's the "Prince Charming" line from Luis, Ashley references it when she jokes that Leon should literally put on the knight's armor -- and, on a meta level, Leon has a fucking fantasy hero costume.
There's even goddamn dialogue in the game where Ashley says to Leon, "I knew you'd come" -- which is basically just ripped right out of the Princess Bride.
And to continue the meta reinforcement of it, Leon and Ashley literally have a matching set of alternate costumes called "Romantic" -- and they are fucking Romeo & Juliet inspired. Come the fuck on, man. They couldn't have been more on the nose about it if they'd tried.
And this is in addition to all the other shit you already pointed out in your ask.
And there's the fact that they completely removed any hint of Ada possibly even remotely being a love interest for Leon in this game. The focus remains solely on Ashley and the bond that she and Leon build together.
Leon and Ashley's relationship in RE4 Remake is canonically romantic in nature, and I'm so fucking tired of pretending like it's not.
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asheskies-writing · 3 months
Oh boy, is it time for another 'why updates are taking so long on my Gwen fic' post?
It sure is!
There's a few things I'm not happy about with the fic, which have been really hindering my ability to write it.
So... I'm working on a revision to every published chapter of the fic, to get it more in-line with what I actually want it to be.
Think like the midpoint between just an edit, and a full-on rewrite. Most of the story will be the same as everyone already knows, but for previously stated reasons, I'm distancing myself from Spider-Verse's take on Gwen.
Which also frees me up to have the story be a lot more ACAB than it had been. Because, honestly, that was my biggest issue with the fic in its current state. The copaganda baked into Spider-Man stories is obnoxious, and one of my biggest gripes with the franchise as a whole.
So there'll be a few changes to the story, namely how the story portrays the police (and Gwen's views on them), the ways Gwen does the whole Spider-Woman thing, and the Spider-Verse references will be toned down drastically.
I don't wanna make promises on how long this revision will take, and... I understand if this is difficult for a lot of readers to adjust to. Changing the context of a lot of the previous story beats is, understandably, a rough choice to make halfway into the story, and I get that this will be disengaging for some readers.
But, to be honest, it's either this, or I can't really write more. If the story isn't something I'm passionate about, it's not something I can really do much with. And I'm mainly writing this because I want to, because it's a story I personally want to read.
For those of you who are willing to give the new version a try, I look forward to hearing your thoughts once the revisions are done. And if this is a deal-breaker for anyone, no hard feelings.
To make it easier to tell what's changed, I'm planning on recapping the main edits in the endnotes of each chapter.
So, that's the plan at the moment. I won't be uploading any of the revisions until I've finished them all in a word doc, so they'll all go up around the same time.
Thanks for your patience, everyone.
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furrama · 6 months
I don't know how or when or why it will happen, but I feel like my time on the Internet, and what eventually morphed into social media, is coming to an end. I'm pretty disenchanted and disenfranchised and I feel like I'm waiting for the last straw to fall.
And this isn't like, ooh I should take a break, this is ohh this is going to get worse with or without me maybe I should swim for shore?
I guess I should find replacements. Read more books. Just be ready for the final disappointment. The degradation point of no return.
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thewolfisawake · 8 months
💟 Aside from Mhoirbheinn's plans to try to be the first one Bal sees that morning
Send in 💟 to hear my muses idea of an ideal Valentine’s Day date!
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"Would it be unfair tae say tae jist be with m'eudail would be enough? Och aye, ruling takes a fair bit of work but because of our...arrangement it can be hard tae hae quality time thon isnae my chambers or sneaking 'round like we're teenagers. 'Course ah can and hae simply put others oot but ah cannae dae thon a'time lest ah want gossip running aboot. Again."
"It's hard tae say though. Such a holiday is aboot yin's lover, innit? The problem is m'eudail is so amenable on my suggestions, sometimes ah cannae decide if he enjoys it truly or is following my whims. And he's nae partial tae much. Food wise, activity wise...so it's a struggle finding what he would love tae dae. But ah endeavor and hae tae thoughts."
"Outside of the Winter Revelry and some minor celebrations, there is nae much reason tae dress up in Unseelie. Or rather there's nae many places we could show up and it nae...rouse attention. So ah would choose a show up on in the mortal realm, likely choosing...ach, ah believe they cry 'em boxes tae be alone. It's an excuse fir the garbs he liked...maybe the appearance of a gift...och, how lovely they'd look on him. And dinner should be easier up there since they hardly believe in fae, much less thon they'd stroll in."
"The other goes...almost the opposite. Ah thought of a ride thon'd be outside the Citadel. Jist us on mounts, you'd be surprised how rarely we dae thon anymore. Something aboot me nae getting injured or inconveniencing the Royal Protector. Ha! As if thon wasnae something we were doing years prior. But there were some new additions tae some areas we've tromped through. Yin in particular ah heard practically belongs in the clime it sprung frae. And yin tae gang a' oot. We huvnae had a row with no limits in a while. Sounds mad but in some ways it is how we fell. Course close with a picnic. A small peace fir the day."
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memoirsofamanager · 13 hours
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
[long silence]
.........Are you propositioning me???
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