#dom/me post
spengsart · 2 years
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i saw the most pathetic man on the show and said “is anyone gonna eat that” without waiting for an answer
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Good Boy, Greedy Boy
A/N: Please be gentle with me, it's my first time... writing actual smut for this fandom. A short bit of soft dom reader with Mammon because he deserves to be spoiled a little.
Tags/warnings: afab reader (no pronouns used), dom reader, bottom reader, sub mammon, mammon is greedy and that translates to having a size kink, use of sex toys, flagrant overuse of the term 'good boy', Mammon is a little whiny.
“Mammon, I know you’re greedy, but this is a bit silly,” you tell him gently.
He whines into your neck, where he’s hidden his face. If you thought crowding Mammon against the headboard would stop him from wrapping himself around you, you were sorely mistaken. You straddle him and Mammon makes weak little bucks of his hips, mindful to be obedient and not truly fuck into you. It’s like he somehow wants to force his bottomed out cock further inside.
Or perhaps it was just a consequence of grinding down on the toy inside him, hips twitching whenever it rubbed against his prostate. The toy was the biggest one either of you owned, and yet-
“Need more,” he whines. You tug his soft white hair back until he lifts his face and looks at you. Mammon is truly beautiful after you’ve worked him over for hours, white lashes wet with unshed tears and all tension gone from his face. “Please?”
You sigh, knowing you spoil him too much. But how can you help it? When he’s good for you like this, taking what you give him, asking so nicely…
“How about this,” you begin, and immediately Mammon is hooked on your every word. You smile and kiss his nose. His hips buck hard and sudden and you both gasp at the sudden pleasure. “I’ll buy you an even bigger toy. Maybe something inflatable, so my greedy boy will always have what he needs.”
Mammon flushes with pleasure, opens his mouth-
“After you get me off.”
Mammon isn’t perturbed at all, just smiles mindlessly and rolls his hips with more enthusiasm. “Thank you, thank you, thank you-“
Though his cock inside you feels incredible, filling you to a comfortable stretch, your clit is feeling grossly neglected. With the way Mammon’s fingers are clumsily scrambling against your back, you don’t trust him to play properly either.
“Can you be trusted with a toy, good boy?” you ask him and Mammon lights up, nodding. Good boy always gets him happy, eager to please, and when you press a vibe into his hands and help him switch it on, he leans away from you for the first time tonight.
You both groan when he presses it to where the two of you are connected, the buzzing finally convincing you to ride him properly. Mammon’s face goes right back into your neck, mouthing mindlessly against your skin, but he’s your good boy right now, and he doesn’t let the vibe fall away. It’s pressed into your clit, sometimes slipping in the wetness to find his dick and vibrate through your body.
While you rise and sink down on him again and again, Mammon squirms beneath you. “Gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cum-"
You wait until your own edge to give him permission, your “go on, good boy,” all he needs to let go. Your own orgasm makes you pull his hair hard - but you know Mammon likes a bit of pain.
You guide Mammon to lie down before you slip him out of you and begin to work the toy out of his ass. He’s boneless but watching you with clear adoration, one shaky hand reaching out to hold yours.
You really do love to spoil him.
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Close To The Edge
Pairing: Sub! Kaeya x Dom! G/N Reader
Warnings: Edging (Chara receiving), cursing, calling Reader Master.
Word count: 578
Summary: Kaeya has been quite annoying lately, so a punishment is due, isn’t it?
Hope you enjoy~ Leave a like or rb if you do!
Requests and Thirsts are open~!
Minors DNI
Kaeya felt another wave of shudders run down his spine as your grip on his dick tightened, a hazy cloud of lust fogging his eyes as he tried his best to plead you with them, hums and quiet moans getting caught in his throat whilst his hand moved to your wrist, silently begging you to move.
“What is it, love? Speak up”
You chuckled as you only started and picked up the pace on Kaeya’s member, another moan slipping past his lips as he bit his tongue, praying to any Archon that you’ve had enough and finally let him reach his high without pulling away at the last moment. 
His poor dick couldn’t handle it anymore either, so hard and swollen as you denied orgasm after orgasm, he knew you’d fuck him up tonight, but not to this extent.
“Oh? Won’t tell me? Fine then, guess I’ll find something else to—”
“Ghh—Fuck me, p-please, Master”
Kaeya ended his words with a whimper when you tightened your palm on his tip, his hands clenching the covers as you eyed him with a smile, yet your hand stopped its movements, making the Captain give out a groan as he nearly slumped over onto the bed. (How cute)
“Well, you have been a pretty good pet for a while now…”
You wondered out loud, the praise going to Kaeya’s dick as you felt it twitch in your palm, grinning at him as his eyes nearly rolled back in sensitivity, back slightly arched from all the edging. 
“G-Godamnit, Master—hnggg, please”
You watched as Kaeya repeated his pleads, thighs shaking as he looked at you through tear glazed eyelashes, sweat going down his brow and sticking to his hair and neck while heavy pants escaped his bruised lips from the kisses you’d keep stalling with. But most importantly, his eyes looked right into yours, lust filling them as he blinked fast, tears still evident with the occasional shudder when you’d squeeze his dick’s base. 
He was an absolute Angel.
And you were going to destroy him.
“Hmm… Alright then, gorgeous, brace yourself~”
Kaeya’s eyes went wide but instantly rolled to the back of his head when you started to move your hand on his shaft again, twisting and flicking your wrist just the way he likes it as the back of his head hit the bed’s rail, incoherent moans and sounds spilling out his mouth along with your name as a mantra, voice getting more high pitch by the second as his back arched off the bed’s rail.
“‘M close! Ah! Mmhm—So c-close!”
Watching as Kaeya’s thighs tensed again, mouth half open and drooling onto his neck and chest whilst he leaned back onto the bed and started to ride his high, you quickened your pace, yet right at the last second, you stopped your movements and squeezed onto his dick’s base, tight.
Your eyes glimmered at the sound akin to a choked howl Kaeya let out as his body reeled forward at the loss of friction, hand desperately trying to peel off your grip, but in the end he was weaker from the edging, giving up as he slumped back onto the bed, panting heavily and muttering curses under his breath.
“I—pant, w-was so close—guh… y-you fuckin’ ass”
Kaeya let out a yelp when you palmed his tip.
“This attitude is what got you here to begin with, now get begging, then maybe I’ll let you get to it once before sunrise”
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Lucifer wing kink time!!!
You preening Lucifer's wings for the first time and him realizing that oh, he really enjoys this. Much to his shame.
Warnings: wing kink, partner getting off without the other person knowing? But like, not in a non consental way, more like a "oh I didn't know I would feel this" type of way. Sub Lucifer, dom reader. Reader is gender neutral.
Word count: 1,500+
It was a bit embarrassing, in Lucifer's opinion, but he never learnt how to reach the back of his wings for cleaning. The thing is, it rarely needs to be done, and Lucifer has learnt spells to magically fix whatever mess his wings had gotten into. So he was content with never letting anyone preen his wings before.
That is. Until you came along.
He curses whatever bird instincts he has for making him like this, but he can't get the idea of you softly preening his wings out of his head. Every time you delicately use your hands he can't stop his mind from wandering. Wondering what your soft fingers would do to him as you gently pluck out an ingrown feather.
It's ridiculous, and Lucifer vows to himself that he will never sink so low as to give into his temptation and ask you.
But, at he said himself, demons can't help but give into temptation.
So after a shower, taken in his demonic form, something he does every once in a red moon. After stepping out of the shower and seeing you on his bed scrolling through your DDD he couldn't help himself.
"Mc, are you busy?" He asks, tone kept soft and airy. Like he didn't care about the answer.
You look at him in question, silently asking what you could be doing right now that would constuite as "busy". When he gives a flat look back you shrug.
"Not at the moment Luci. Why? Wanna get busy?~" You ask with a teasing smirk, and relish in the blush that paints Lucifer's cheeks. Obviously yes, you mind supplies.
"Not particularly. But I was wondering if you would like to preen my wings." He answers casually.
"What like, clean em? Didn't you just take a shower?"
"Yes, so I imagine now that now theure quick messy. So I was wondering if you were want to stick a few back into place. Since you have such a strange fascination with my wings."
"Ohhhhh, yes please!" You answer delightfully. Lucifer didn't allow you may opportunities to touch his wings, so you were going to relish in this opportunity.
With a nod Lucifer makes his way towards his expectantly large bed and you scraper off of it. In nothing but a towle Lucifer lays on his stomach, wings stretched out for you to see. Climbing ontop of him you watch the steady lift of fall of Lucifer's chest.
"Ok, so what am I supposed to do now?" Ylu ask, clapping your hands.
Lucifer let's out a sigh, like everyone gets preloaded with bird instincts and knows how to preen.
"Underneath my wings, near the folds, rub gently in a circular motion. This should dislodge any dead feathers and straighten out the rest."
Now with an explanation you rub your hands in excitement before leaning down and following his instructions.
Lucifer knew that preening felt good. That after a hard day dealing with his brothers attics and a mountain of paperwork, sorting through his feathers relaxed him.
He was not prepared for the feeling of your hands though. Better than he could ever imagine, Lucifer let out a choked gasp that he was quick to stifle. You hands were so much more delicate, so much more soft than his could ever be. Yet they held on so firm. Lucifer couldn't help but shift against them, trying to move towards or against, not even he knew.
Pressing firmer you scold him for moving, and Lucifer has to bite the inside of his check to stop himself from crying out. It just felt so good.
Like lightening striking across his body your touch set his alight with a fire he had no hope to tame. Moving past the contour feathers, his thick outer feathers used for flight, you pressed into the calamus. The hollow part of is feathers that connect to his wing.
Even he can't stop the breathless moan from passing his lips as you press into him. Pausing, your hands still as they lay against him and Lucifer almost, almost, starts begging you not to stop.
"You ok Luci? Need me to stop?"
Lucifer swallows the spit in his mouth, and maybe his pride, as he wills his voice to normalcy.
"Not I'm quite alright. I just wasn't expecting that. You may continue."
Letting out a hum, you do as instructed. Albeit this time more carefully and gently. "Whatever you say, but if it starts to hurt tell me, OK?"
Lucifer gives out a affirmative hum before leaning back into the pillow.
I will not fall to pieces over a simply wing preening. I will not. Lucifer tries to tell himself. But he's no match for your fingers. The sneaky, careful little things show no mercy as they peel him apart.
Lucifer feels, with great shame and even great arousal his cock harden against the bed. The soft texture of the towel working against him as it only makes him want to squirm even more.
He wonders if he would be able to suddenly shift against the bed in search of the friction he desperately craves. His admits prove fruitless though, when you huff and press your body weight against him. Effective trapping his dick against the bed, but also pressing it against the softness of the towel.
Gripping his pillows so hard he's sure they're falling apart, he holds in a groan as he feels his dick leak and wet the towel. The sensation makes his wings flutter and you coo in appreciation. Reaching forward you run your fingers alongside his coverts and he shutters.
He just needs one last push for his orgasm to topple over. Luckily he doesn't need to wait for long you quickly shift focus from admiring his wings to reaching around to the underside of his wings. You feel around the base, were new pin feathers are growing in and coo at the soft feeling.
"Such a pretty bird.~" You coo absentmindedly, and on any other day, in an other situation Lucifer make take offense but now it just pushes over the edge.
Yes he's your pretty bird. He's your pretty bird to dote on and compliment and preen. His mind rattles at him as he presses against the bed. The orgasm shakes him to his core, as it stretches on and on and on he finds no shame in moaning unabashedly.
You, who thought that this was a purely relaxing experience. Akin to a a message. That idea has loss all it's merit as you watch as Lucifer loses himself beneath you.
Hands stilling against him you wait until Lucifer comes back to himself. Only when his breathing evens out do you finally speak.
"Uh, you ok there Luci?"
In his post orgasm haze, reality quickly filters back to Lucifer as he realizes what just happened. What he just done. Embarrassment like never before fills him and he considers lying there indefinitely. You would need to sleep eventually, right? After you fall asleep he open the window and fly into the night. He will give up on being Diavolo's right hand and live out the rest of his life as a hermit.
"Lucifer? You there? I can tell you're still alive, you're still breathing." Lucifer flinches at the sudden noise, not realizing that you leaned down to get closer to his ear.
Deciding to face his demise head on Lucifer turns towards you.
"Yes, I'm here. What is it?" And prompty takes the cowards route out and pretends like whatever happened, didn't.
Nuh uh, you're not going to allow that.
"Lucifer, I can tell you just came. If you want I can flip you over and see the evidence."
Deciding that would be way more embarrassing, Lucifer relents. "Birds suggest mating by rubing the inside of their mates wing all the time. I'm not sure why you're surprised."
Sucking a deep breath through your teeth you try again.
"Lucifer, did you know that you would cum from this? Because if so, I don't know why you didn't tell me so I could have reached around and gave you a hand."
Face flushed, not at all reader to admit that he liked it because he was pinned to the bed and unable to touch his dick, Lucifer shakes his head.
"No, I ah, never let anyone else preen me before. It's never been so..... sexually stimulating before."
You hum, happy for his honestly but wondering why the hell Lucifer wasn't more forthcoming (ha) about his arousal. That is unless....
"Lucifer, are you embarrassed?!"
"No!" Lucifer squawks, but the blush on his cheeks betray him.
"Oh Luci! There's nothing to be embarrassed about-"
"Of course there isn't I just said this is natural-"
"We can do it again if you want!" Your words make Lucifer as he considers this happening again. As he pictures you tying him to bed. As he imagines you pinning his wings down with your knees before roughly threading your fingers through them. As you push orgasm after orgasm out of him, uncaring as he withers and shakes beneath you. As he imagines your laugh as you taunt him for begging for mercy.
Swallowing, Lucifer nods. Can't help but give into temptation indeed.
"If my wings ever find themselves needing to be preened, I wouldn't mind a....repeat performance."
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thot-writes · 2 years
ok sue u really pulled my leg now i gotta write barbie headcanons
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barbatos when he’s totally fuckin love-drunk headcanons (18+ NSFW);
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barbatos is quite a difficult man to get close to. not that he’s unapproachable by any means, just that he’s so proper and work-focused he tends to keep people at arm’s length
it’s incredibly hard for the average person to find a flaw with him (annoyingly so)
…but you’re not the average person
you are fortunate enough to be the object of barbie’s affections — and the sides he shows with you are unlike anything anyone could predict
first of all he’s a nympho. his libido is ordinarily very tame, but when he’s in love with someone (which he is) he does enough to make asmo blush
his desire now unquenchable, the only thing that’s on his mind now is sex. rough, animalistic sex with you pinning him down and fucking him til the pain and ecstasy mix in equal measure. all he wants at any given time is for you to destroy him
you practically have already. the first time you fucked him he was surprised by how aggressive (and how fucking fantastic) you were and you’ve all but ruined orgasms for him now
he can’t finish if he’s masturbating anymore. no amount of toys or self-inflicted punishments will cut it, if you’re not doing it then it’s not good enough.
despite this he has an extreme amount of self control. even when his mind is flooded with nothing but thoughts of you he’s able to will his boner away — otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get anything done.
he still carries out his tasks as perfectly as before, and on the surface it’s like he hasn’t changed at all. even diavolo insists that he should show more of his “romantic side” to you, you’re his partner after all.
but you know him better than that. when he calls you by honorary titles or gives you his trademark polite smile, you can sense the hunger in it. you know as well as him that in his heart of hearts he wants you to throw him down on the table and wreck him in front of everyone.
let them all see how slutty your boyfriend is, how shamelessly he cries out and begs for more, how much you can stretch his cute little hole out and how many loads of cum he can shoot all over himself.
you’ve told him before that you’d happily do that, and as much as he would love it if you did he simply can’t bring himself to dishonour his duty as lord diavolo’s butler.
of course you mean so much more to him than just sex. but it seems the more he loves you the more he craves you, so it’s a double-edged sword.
you don’t get to see each other as much as you’d like because of your responsibilities, and whenever you do get a chance you never end up doing what you said you would.
whenever you decide on “no sex, just a romantic date” it ends with the freakiest fuck session you’ve had, but when you decide to just “let your inhibitions run wild” it turns into a night so saccharine even the biggest sweet-tooth couldn’t stomach it.
despite that though you still insist on trying to label your dates (barbatos just lets you at this point, there’s no stopping you anyway)
in closing, barbatos is utterly obsessed with you body and soul, and no matter how much you touch him, kiss him, or fuck him its never enough to satisfy him. he’s greedy and always wants more, always vying for your attention and, despite his appearance, quite prone to jealousy.
you can’t say that you mind it at all.
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Commanding the demon bros to cum when they think they're getting a break
Lucifer: he's trembling at this point, completely spent. His wings twitch and spasm against the bed - yes, wings, you learnt quickly in your relationship Lucifer is rather tiggger happy with his demon form. Even when he's not angry.
You rub soothing circles into back, but a mischievous glint still lingers in your eyes.
"Baby? Sweetheart? Darling?" You call out, earning a affirming hum in response.
"Cum." Your pact mark alights as you watch in delight as Lucifer cries out. Hands clawing at the pillows, ripping them to ribbons as he thrusts against the bed.
Mammon: it took a while to get Mammon truly spent. He is the avatar of greed. But after teasing him for a week, something that involved a lot of whining on Mammon's part. You finally let him cum, and cum he did. You're surrounded by sex toys of all types, particularly a nest of them lay around you. But there's still one method you haven't used to get him off, and he was begging so pretty earlier. Why not give him the complete experience?
Leaning forward, getting right up to his ear you whisper. "Mammon, you done yet?"
"I-I think so darling? I'm, I'm definitely shotting blanks, heh."
Hm, you bit his earlobe in response, earning you a high pitched moan. Before he can ask what he did wrong you slam his hips against the bed.
Sobbing with fresh tears, Mammon does so beautiful. With a voice rough from use that sounds like music to your ears his moans out.
"It's not your decision when we're done, slut."
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comradekatara · 2 years
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thot-writes · 3 years
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how the demon brothers suck the strap (18+ NSFW);
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Self-assuredly. He’s no beginner and he’s not modest either.
He’s almost cocky (haha) as he looks you straight in the eyes with your strap in his mouth. He’s so skilled at it you almost feel it like it’s your real flesh-and-blood dick.
His head bobs up and down expertly, able to take in a decent size - if you wanna fluster him, face-fuck him without warning.
He’ll sputter and cough but stick with it anyway; it’s a battle for power and he hates losing. His mask will crack a little the more erratic and vicious your thrusting is, but it takes a lot to break him.
With enough perseverance, a lot of unpredictability, and a fat enough cock, you can fuck his gorgeous face into submission.
Arguably the most bashful out of them all (save for Levi). He sits on his knees and avoids your gaze, scared that if he catches your eye he might melt into the floor.
His face is flushed bright pink as he sucks you off tentatively, as if he’s worried that he’s doing it wrong.
It takes some praise and head pats before he gets comfortable enough to do it himself. He even ends up getting the courage to deepthroat you - completely unprompted! What a perfect boy!
It ends up making him so hard he cums as soon as you touch his dick. He gets so embarrassed about it he refuses to look you in the eye for the rest of the night (he needs a lot of snuggles & reassurance).
Ends up asking to suck you off again a few days later.
Similar to Lucifer, Satan is also too over-confident for his own good. Once you tell him to suck you, he goes in with no inhibitions and aims to wow you with his skill.
He’s more bashful than Lucifer is, his face is flushed as he holds your gaze, but he’s eager to please.
He can’t handle very much size-wise (but you can always rectify that).
Gets so focused he closes his eyes and eases the entire length in, hollowing his cheeks to coat it all in his hot saliva.
He makes quiet moans when he sucks, similar to what he does when he eats you out. Servicing you is enough to get him horny and he’s pretty desperate for some humping (giving or taking) once it’s over.
This fucking loser is a mess whenever you do anything sexual or romantic with him, so when you whip out the strap and tell him to suck he almost passes out.
You’d lie on the bed, propped up with some pillows behind your back as he - very slowly - makes his way to you.
He sticks his tongue out first, licking the silicone tip as if he’s worried it’d taste bad.
He won’t be good at it at all, but his sweet whines and constant need for reassurance is just too cute.
Fuck his face.
He’d sob, choke, and whine around your cock as the tip hits the back of his throat. His whole body shivers as he loses himself in the myriad of feelings you’re giving him.
Turns into a rabid animal and puts it in his mouth immediately.
His dick sucking is an art form of the highest caliber, once or twice you even find yourself moaning from how fucking hot it is.
He moans and whines wantonly as he sucks, his eyes clouded over with that familiar look of lust.
When you pull away, he sticks his tongue out as he eagerly awaits for you to give it back - or just put your pussy on his face, either way he’ll lap at it like it’s the last thing he’ll ever eat.
“Mmh, your cock is sooo good, Mistress, I want it inside me, please~”
Almost as lewd as Asmodeus, he sucks it like he’s hungry for it - because he is.
An absolute size queen, he can throat the biggest and fattest of straps. He’s at least a little bit ashamed of his eagerness though, he blushes a lot and can’t bring himself to keep eye contact for too long.
Can’t help but touch himself whenever he sucks it - he gets so irrationally horny he just has to relieve it somehow.
If you refuse to let him jack off, he’ll be pouty about it (he might even cry if you do it for too long).
He’ll whimper against your dick as he digs his nails into the palms of his hands. Tears pool at the corners of his eyes as his body is wracked with a need that’s being so cruelly, deliciously refused.
He’s an absolute brat about it. Barely makes an effort despite the fact that you both know he could do it.
“Eh..?” he says, glancing up at you lazily. “Why should I? Sounds like a pain.”
Face-fucking is essentially a given at this point. He’s so annoying to deal with that he goddamn deserves it.
He’s shocked at first, gripping onto your thighs as he tries to push you away, but he can’t deny the shock causes him to harden significantly.
He gags as fat teardrops fall freely down his cheeks, but you soon find his nails are digging into your thighs to pull you closer.
By the end of it his throat is so sore he doesn’t speak for the next few days (everyone else keeps making guesses as to why), but he’s still texting you asking when you can do it again.
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finalgirlsteve · 2 years
hi matt (bestie) how about “You’d better watch your fucking mouth.” w-with dom!steve…
“Steve, Steve,”
Your head is thrown back against the pillow, fingers gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turn white. Steve’s pushing into you, your legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of your feet pushing into his lower back.
“F-Fuck—you like that? Like t-taking my cock?”
You whine out, grinding back down onto him. Soft moans escape your lips, the pistoning of Steve’s hips making your head spin. But not filling you up the way you’re wanting. You’re craving something more…rough.
Your hands come up from the sheets and grip onto his shoulders, nails digging into his them, the skin dotted with his freckles and moles. “I think you can do more, though.”
Steve’s hips stutter, his movements slowing down just slightly. He looks down at you with curious, confused eyes. “What?”
You huff out a breath, deciding the only way you’ll be able to get what you want is to act out. “Is that all you got?” You goad. “Think you can fuck me better than that, Stevie.”
It takes a moment for him to process your words, then you gasp in surprise when he thrusts into you, bottoming out. You moan when he starts to fuck you again, slower and deeper this time, letting you really feel it.
“Oh really?” He challenges, groaning out when you clench around him, bracketing his hands around the sides of your head to hold himself up. He looks down at you, a wild look in his eyes, one that makes you shudder in arousal.
Keeping up the bratiness, you say, “Y-yeah, really. Thought I told you to fuck me better, can’t you do that-”
You’re cut off by Steve bringing his hand up to your throat, not hard enough to fully cut off your air, but it definitely surprises you, your hips rutting down against his. The action makes him hit your sweet spot and your eyes roll back.
“You’d better watch your fucking mouth,” Steve spits, voice raspy. “you’re lucky I’m even considering letting you cum tonight. Maybe you don’t deserve it though, huh? What do you think?”
You open your mouth to try and retort back, but nothing comes out, just a strangled noise when he pounds into you faster, harder. He fills you up so good, you’re speechless and overwhelmed, throwing your head back, waves of heat flooding to your lower half.
He slides his hand up to your jaw and tugs it forward, making you look at him. “Oh, so now you keep your mouth shut. I asked you a f-fucking question, sweetheart.” He pants, his pace quickening, sweat forming on his brow.
“I’m close, oh my god.” You cry out when he repeatedly hits your sweet spot, your back arching into it. You push your hips down onto his, sinking down onto his cock even deeper, and he lets out a shaky groan. His eyes flutter shut, but he opens them right after, remembering his role.
“You w-wanna cum?” He grits out. You nod quickly, gasping and writhing under him in pleasure.
“Then beg for it.”
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j-nxx · 3 years
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tears of themis characters’ kinks + general nsfw hcs
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switch!reader, dom+power bottom!reader, sub artem, luke, marius, vyn
gn!reader for all except one for marius; fem!reader for that line
(i just didnt wanna put a daddy kink tbh it makes me uncomfy 💀)
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- pretty vanilla, but also not quite as innocent as you’d expect from Stellis’ top lawyer
- super into giving up control; he’s in leadership positions in so many other parts of his life, it’s such a release for him to just let someone else take control and make the decisions for him
- please just blindfold and tie this man up and go to town on him
- doesn’t really have a degradation kink; not a turn-off but not a turn-on either
- pretty heavy praise kink, on the other hand
- biggg service top + switch
- not really into overstim but definitely into edging; reduce him to a mindless, crying, begging mess, until all he can think about is needing release, he’ll love it
“nghh-please—wanna touch you, wanna make you feel good too, can i touch you pleasepleaseplease I’ve been good—”
“Artem, you still have to finish the punishment. Can you be good and do that for me, baby?”
- we have another praise whore LMAO
- pretty big service top and switch as well, even more so than artem
- he just wants to make you feel as good as he can
- if that means trying out some kinky shit, he’s in!
- ?? possibly into wax play ?? it seems like something he’d be into 
- fuck his thighs pleaseeee
- overstim him, but only a little, be nice to him >:(
- probably asphyxiation, the sight of you above him and the feeling of your hand around his neck has his eyes rolling back in his head
“choke me, pleaseplease I need it fuck you’re so good-”
“Hmm…I don’t know…do you deserve it?”
- two words: mommy. kink.
- degrade or praise the fuck out of him; either way, he’ll love it
- call him a good boy and he’s a mindless, whimpering mess, call him a dumb cockslut and he’ll protest, being the brat he is, but he’ll spasm with his cock leaking
- I can’t explain it but I feel like he’d be into cockwarming in any form; shove your cock or strap down his throat and just keep him there in your lap while you work on some documents, pet his hair every now and then, even pull it and facefuck him a little if you’re bored
- or keep him bound and gagged with his thighs spread over yours, a cock shoved into him and your chest against his back while you watch a movie; every shift will have him letting out muffled moans and whines
- thrust your hips up just a little every now and then; can’t have him getting too comfortable, baby boy needs to learn his place ;)
“I can’t believe that plot twist! What do you think, Marius, hm?”
“H-huh? Oh, I-haah! Fuckk, feels so good-”
- totaaaal fucking masochist
- literally do anything you want with him he’ll love it
- degradation, praise, overstim, edging, sensory deprivation, bondage, asphyxiation, pain, the whole package
- willing to try nearly anything at least once
- leave him tied up with a cockring, his wrists above his head and a choker around his neck, with a few vibrators and a spreader bar after slapping his cock a few times, pretend you’re leaving the room after blindfolding him (the whole opening-and-closing-door bit)
- a vibrator on his cock, two on his inner thighs, obviously one pressed right against his prostate ;) mess around with the settings with a wireless remote, too
- pure bliss
“I’m back, love! You still doing okay?”
“nghh…. ♡ ♡ ♡…”
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brownshoes · 2 years
Chilaether is such an underrated ship and I have so many thoughts about it
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lycanstonebutch · 2 years
Really wanna dom another butch rn and stroke their cock teasingly while whispering how good and adorable they are for me and how nice they feel when hard in my hand only to push em down and fuck them in doggy while reaching around to stroke them off until theyre burying their face in the pillow and cumming all over the covers and then we get to clean up n cuddle and i get to call them my good boy or smth idk...
Or maybe just laying down together and stroking eachothers cock while breathing hard into eachothers mouth while kissing... Just jerking eachother off casually w/o any pen or anything and drifting off after we clean up
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thot-writes · 2 years
No no no no, it’s ALRIGHT. In fact i think you just give me some ✨ ideas ✨ about having sexy sleepover with your another bf Asmo (im a true believer at poly relationships HDJSKS). Gossiping with him would be so much fun 😭 mf probably know who you hated and he keeps roasting the shit out of that bastards 😭 like he’s side eyeing you, gauging your reactions about names and when he noticed the sneer in your expression, Asmo is like ‘🤩 TIME TO DESTROY SOMEONE’ and he tells you about embarrassing shit that bitches did thanks to his incubus and succubus friends.
Not even his brothers could get away with it 😭 for an example is Lucifer somehow managed to pissed you off by idk, acting all prissy and all more so than usual and Asmo is like “.... tell you what, darling, i have this pictures of dear brother of mine that’s gonna make you smile again....” 😭😭😭 regina george Asmo event when
And OH imagine you and him are in a heated gossips and you’re so close to tearing each other’s clothes and suddenly he’s vanished and you instantly know that, that mf Solomon summon Asmo for god knows what and you’re both pissed and when Asmo is back, he’s just “say, is Solomon in your to be conquer list???” And you’re just 👀👀👀 oh
bitch….. u can’t just send me this stuff and expect me to just read it then disregard it 😭😭 honestly poly is dope asf in fiction but in reality i would be too lazy for that shit LMAO
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asmodeus is the best boyfriend on the planet and u can’t convince me otherwise (18+ NSFW);
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you and asmodeus are like if the hottest, most popular girls in school were also dating
you always go to and from school together, and whenever you can you’re touching. the PDA gets you in trouble all the time but neither of you care, what can they really do other than scold you anyway?
you pretty much treat each other’s bodies as if they’re extensions of your own. you use each other’s pockets, your legs are always entangled when you sit together, you feed each other, scratch each other’s itches, fix each other’s hair— everything that one would only be comfortable doing alone you do together.
even the gross stuff. on more than one occasion someone has walked into the bathroom to see you taking a piss while Asmo chatted happily with you and fixed his makeup.
despite how desperately in love you are with each other, you have little issue with sharing. Asmo is all-too-familiar with polyamory, and he doesn’t mind sharing you… sometimes, anyway. he has to approve of them first and foremost, otherwise he’d just be overcome with jealousy.
but anyone else you choose to share your affection with is in for a mind-numbing time, having both of you pleasuring them whenever you’re horny (which is always.)
anyone who earns your scorn, though, will find themselves negged into oblivion. you’re ride or die for each other, and you all but jump at the opportunity to tear down anyone who hurts one (or both) of you.
between asmodeus’ smooth, impeccably timed roasts that are enough to permanently ruin one’s self-esteem and your eagerness to punch the shit out of someone (or a whole lot of someones) you make for an incredibly fearsome couple.
your sleepovers are legendary, the iconic movie-type with the silk robes, romcoms playing on the tv, feeding each other fruit and chocolate and playing with each other’s hair.
you always spend a good amount of time shit-talking any and everyone who has managed to piss you off.
“The way that dude was following you around, staring at your ass, god I wanted to dog-walk him so fuckin’ bad,” you grumble, only pausing from your rant to eat the grape Asmo was holding to your lips. “I mean who does he think he is? That since you’re the Avatar of Lust you’ll just fuck anyone? Including his dusty ass? When you’re with me?!”
Asmodeus coos at you and strokes your hair. “I know, he was so rude! He wouldn’t even leave when I told him no. I hate people like that! They take away our precious time together!”
you slip your hand into his robe and absentmindedly play with his perky nipples as he talks. he rubs his hand along your thigh in return. “I’m kind of bummed that someone else called him out though, part of me wishes he kept bugging us so I could show off to you by beating the shit out of him.”
he giggles and kisses the tip of your nose, then your cheeks, and before he can stop himself he’s peppering soft kisses all over your face. “You don’t need to show off for me, [Name], I already know how strong you are…”
you pinch his nipple and he whines at you. you can see his erection poking out of his soft pink bathrobe. “So you’re saying you don’t want me to show off anymore?”
“I didn’t say that…” he pouts as you poke the tip of his dick. “Hey [Name]… are you going to fuck me already? I’m not sure how much longer I can hold back, being this close to you… I want to taste you so badly I can’t stand it…”
“That hungry, huh? You want this pussy in your face, you little slut?” you grin as you tease him and he nods urgently.
“Mmhmm,” he moans, rosy pink tongue lolling out of his mouth, “I need you to fuck my face with your perfect pussy, Master…”
you cup your hands around his slim waist, about to push him into the cushions and give him what he wants, when all of a sudden you’re clasping thin air.
you blink a few times before you realise what’s happened. that fucker Solomon summoned him again! how many times has he interrupted your time together like this?!
you grit your teeth and curse him loudly. your cunt is yearning for Asmo’s masterful tongue, and here you are, alone in his room! maybe Solomon’s the one that needs to be dog-walked.
then your phone starts buzzing, text messages from Asmo. he’s just as — if not more — upset as you are and he’s spamming you angry and sad stickers.
Solomon’s the worst! I’m still half-naked and hard! he texts. I wanted [Name]’s pretty pussy! I’m going to lose my mind! I’m suffering withdrawal here!
more angry stickers. you can’t help but laugh a little, it’s cute that he’s “suffering from withdrawal” even though you face-fucked him this morning before class.
you calm him down and tell him to just do whatever stupid job Solomon wants so he can come back and get fucked til morning. he sulks but agrees.
you don’t know what he said, but Asmodeus scolded Solomon bad enough for him to send you a gift basket and an apology card the next day
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iguessigotta · 2 years
I can't even begin to write this idea out because the second it popped into my head it shut my e n t i r e brain off BUT just imagine
You're in a relationship with Dark. You have been for quite some time. He regularly soft doms the hell out of you. You've become a spoiled-rotten pillow prince/princess and he encourages it like crazy.
Now imagine the two of you invite Annus to join you. The three of you spend the whole day together, Dark taking his time teaching Annus exactly how to please you. By the end of the day, you're exhausted and delirious, not sure how long these two have been completely overwhelming you - you have even less of an idea how many times Annus has made you cum (entirely under Dark's careful direction of course) - a satisfied smile plastered on your face when they finally stop to let you have a break.
Annus is extremely quick to learn, but maybe Dark should make him go again to show he's really understood his lessons. Just in case.
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Diavolo has such a royality kink it's honestly ridiculous. No, not him being royalty, you being the royal one. He just can't get the idea of you sitting on a throne - his throne wearing a crown with him kneeling on the floor beside you wearing a collar that's tied to the throne, out of his head. Takes you crown shopping for "a gala" and because it "fits with the theme" but in reality he just wants to see you in a crown THAT badly. He's not even subtle about it once you got the crown on either. All it would take is one look and he'll instantly fall to his knees.
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