#domestic family fluff is my niche me thinks
ellivenollivander · 1 year
Days Go By Fast
Anyone remember when @applinsandoranges played that lyric prompt game like, a month ago? Yeah, well this is the fic I wrote for the prompt I received. Which was: "Sit back and witness sheer chaos" Summary: "It's not every day that your young man turns eleven, now is it?" In which the Weasley's eldest son turns 11, and MC wants to throw a big party for him, and then stresses out about it. Her husband comes to the rescue. Pairing: Garreth Weasley x F!MC Rating: SFW! Fluff! Silly Fun Family Fluff! A/N: I saw the word chaos, and my brain immediately went to WEASLEY CHILDREN. Also, I named all of the children. It was just easier to write that way.
“Mind his head now, there you go, love.” Garreth's girls seemed to never get enough of holding their new baby brother, he and his wife had assumed it was something akin to a honeymoon phase. Though here they were, six weeks later still bouncing on their toes, begging to hold him whenever he was brought within three feet of their presence.
Lionel now safely resting in his sister's arms, Garreth turned to his eldest son, ruffling his hair “You wouldn’t mind keeping an eye on them would you, Finn? It would be just for a moment. While I go check to see if your mother has blown up the kitchen in her panic.”  
Finn smiled, his hand running gently over the baby's head before rolling his eyes in a way that looked much like his mother. 
“Please go, I’ll make sure they don’t drop ‘em.” 
Garreth tried his best not to turn his elder children into bonus parents for his younger ones, something he had grown up with in his large family. However, he felt a swell of pride each time Finn stepped in to help of his own accord, with a smile. 
He knocked his knuckles against his son's chin with a grin, before taking his leave. Heading towards the kitchen where he knew his wife was flitting around in a panic, preparing for today. He chose to ignore the bickering of his daughter's flabbergasted defenses at Finn having the gall to suggest they’d drop their brother. 
MC was indeed in a state. The hair she had spent nearly half an hour tying up in the mirror this morning was hanging in frizzy tendrils around her face, now held up only by her wand. The wrap she normally carried Lionel around the house in was now drooping loosely around her abdomen, and she was absolutely covered in various baking ingredients. “I told you I’d take care of the cake, MC.” Garreths voice was light with laughter and bewildered amusement at his beloved wife. Who was desperate to make Finn's eleventh birthday party a memorable one. Of course, their son had received his owl with his Hogwarts acceptance letter last week, on his actual birthday. Face crimson red with delight, and loud cheering around the kitchen table when he had received his first proper bit of post just for him. 
Garreth had managed to convince his wife to push his birthday party back a week. A compromise to what he had been really pushing for, which was no party at all. Knowing his kind and responsible son would be just as happy with his favorite dinner and a cake.  
Garreth had been worried about the toll the stress of planning and hosting a large party would take on his wife, so soon after giving birth to their littlest boy. He wanted her to rest, soak up as much time as she could with their newest addition whilst she was still on maternity leave from the ministry. 
Though, of course, his wife was hearing none of it. Her desire to celebrate their eldests first big milestone in the magical world, turning eleven, going to Hogwarts was passionate enough to squash any of Garreth’s defenses. 
He had tried his best to shoulder as much of the responsibility for the party as his wife would allow, which wasn’t nearly as much as he had hoped. 
“Is that egg?” Garreth had rounded on his wife, tugging the bowl from her hands and swiping a finger across the goo on her cheek. She slapped him away, a blush on her cheeks. 
“I can bake a cake for my son, Gar.” 
“As can I, and I can do it without frightening the children. Delia said you were cursing at my moms cookbook. Now, what did it ever do to you?” He set the bowl on the counter, pressing a small kiss to her temple, seemingly the only place she hadn’t managed to muck up with her attempts at baking. Just as MC was defending her tirade against her mother-in-law's cookbook, there was a knock at the door and Garreth winced at the panic filling his wife's eyes, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. 
“Don’t freak out, love. It’s just Lee and his own posse.” 
Her panicked look didn’t fade, and anger flashed alongside it. 
“I asked them to come early, to help out, don’t bother fighting me on it. It’s already done. You just have to deal.” He booped her nose with his finger, a grin on his face that he knew made his wife soften to him. She narrowed her eyes, before bolting out of the room and up the stairs to clean herself up, cursing as she went and her husband's laugh following her along the way. 
“Delia, you should know better than to open the door by yourself.” The sound of the front door clicking shut accompanied his best friend's stern tone. “I knew it was you, Uncle Lee!”
Garreth continued grinning as he cleaned up the mess MC left behind, listening to his best friend chastise his youngest daughter. The thrilled shrieks of the rest of his children soon followed at the arrival of their Aunt and Uncle and their children. “Oh? You knew it was me did you? Can you see through doors now? Don’t yell, your baby brother's little ears are sensitive, you hellions.” Garreth had just finished scourgifying the last of the batter, before pausing his work to join them back in the living room to greet his best friend and his family.  “Oh please, the little brute won’t even sleep unless his siblings are making a ruckus. Poor lad has never known a moment of silence.” 
Garreth couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of this family in his living room. Leander had Delia wrapped against his chest, his fingers tickling her sides. Poppy was crouched beside Tilly, cooing at the baby still in her arms, and Lea was tucked into the corner with the Prewetts two children, Ruth and Oliver. Speaking in hushed tones and soft giggles, while Finn was desperately trying to breach their small circle, being held back by Lea’s hand on his forehead. 
The only thing missing from the picture was his darling wife, who had just reappeared down the stairs, looking as refreshed as a new mother of five could. She pinched Garreth’s side as she passed him, effectively ruining the moment of pride and love he was feeling, replacing it again with his usual playful attitude, making him swipe at her backside. 
MC glared back at him, but he could see the smile tugging at her lips, though it wasn’t long before a familiar look of stress and worry etched itself back into her features.
“You guys really didn’t have to come, you know. I had it handled.”  She shot daggers in Garreth’s direction as she spoke over the dull roar of the children and their noise. Poppy stood up, shaking her head with a smile. 
“Oh please, MC. I couldn’t imagine pulling off this party with five children at home let alone being six weeks postpartum.” She laid a comforting hand on his wife's shoulder. “We would have come early anyhow, even if your husband hadn’t asked us too, so don’t be too hard on him. He just wants to make this a great day. For Finn.” 
Both women turned to watch the boy in question, who was now trying to put his sister in a headlock in his attempts to catch sight of what the Prewetts had brought him for a gift. 
“Please stop torturing him, you three. Come on. Let’s go outside.”
Soon enough, Garreths cake was cooling on the counter and everyone had been delegated a task to ensure everything got done in time for the rest of the plethora of guests that MC had invited to arrive. 
Much to her dismay, Garreth had sat MC down in the soft sunshine to nurse Lionel, alone whilst everyone else finished preparing for the party for her eldest baby boy. 
Garreths parents arrived next, an hour before the party was properly due to start and they immediately had been set to work in helping with the preparations. 
His mother started assisting Poppy in getting refreshments on tables in the garden. MC couldn’t help but smile watching Lea carefully carrying a pitcher of juice across the uneven grass. Her little face full of concentration, determined not to spill. 
Garreth had put his father and Leander to work in helping him raise a colorful tent around the tables, wands raised while Oliver and Finn looked on in wonder. Their little minds still enamored by magic in its simplest of forms.
Soon enough, guests started trickling in. Garreths siblings, their children, which really nearly filled their small garden on their own. Followed by neighbors and friends. All laden with gifts and good cheer for Finn, who had turned into the most gracious of hosts. Thanking each and every person that showed up with a big grin and red cheeks.  
Eventually, Garreths mother had even taken Lionel from her arms, and MC was left to do nothing but wander around the party. Keeping an eye on her children, on the tables seeming to never empty with Garreth and his mother circling them every so often, waving their wands when a dish seemed to dwindle in size. 
She watched as Lionel was passed to Poppy. A pout forming on her face and Leander shaking his head in exasperation before she could even speak her desire. 
MC caught sight of her other four offspring, each and every one having the time of their lives, and the evidence of her own baby fever. 
Garreths sister had charmed an old garden statue of a giant purple toad to spew water from its mouth, delighting all of the children present as they played in its spray. A welcome relief to the summer sun beating down on the party and its guests. 
She was so caught up in watching them, she didn’t notice her husband sidle up next to her with a butterbeer in hand and an arm around her waist. 
He kissed her cheek, pulling a leaf from her hair as he did so. Letting out a happy sigh as he joined her in surveying the party she had spent weeks stressing out over. 
“We pulled it off, love. Everyone’s having a great time. Especially Finn.”
The proud parents found their eldest son, trying to shove his cousins’ face into the frog's mouth. They laughed in exasperation when his grandfather pulled him back by the collar of his now very wet shirt. With the party now in a full, successful swing, Garreth reminds her to just try and enjoy the moment. To celebrate their little boy. 
“I can’t believe he’s eleven, Gar. I feel like I blinked and he went from being an infant and now he’s off to Hogwarts in a months’ time.” She tries to swallow the lump in her throat at the thought. Her chest tightening in anxiety about the boy who made her a mother being so far away from her. 
“I know.” His jaw was tight when she glanced at him, and her eyes threatened to fill with tears knowing he was feeling much similarly. He managed to pull his eyes off his son to his wife, and then they went wide. “Don’t you dare cry, or I’m going to cry and then Finn will never let us throw him a party like this again.”
MC laughed, fanning her heated face with her hand, trying to stop herself from blubbering like an idiot. Garreth pulled her tightly against his side once again, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
“We just have to relax, sit back and enjoy the sheer chaos that is our family.”
MC wrapped her arms around her Garreth's waist, and hummed happily in agreement, slowly letting all of the stress of the last few weeks go, letting herself soak up the sunshine and all of the love being poured out for her son.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
You peeps are absolutely amazing. Love everything you do for this blog.
Do you have any recommendations for any new twinyard bonding fics, with or without Nicky. Or even any with Nicky and one twin?
Or anything around Wymack and Kevin having father son bonding or something like that.
Thank you in advance 💜
OK so sometimes I go off the deep end with these searches and it has happened once again. We’ve tagged a lot of fics with 'twinyards bonding,' even if it’s just a small part of the story — we’re just here for the healing, you know? So rather than delete this huge list of previous recs, I’m going to put them in another post.
Bonus: fics with background twinyards bonding here.
Nicky with the twins here and Kevin and Wymack bonding here are being bumped to their own asks. -A
twinyards bonding since our last ask
‘Shut Up and Dance (With Me),’ ‘never said that i didn't need you,’ ‘Inked Truths’ series and ‘prove your love’ here
‘A World of HIPAA Violations’ here
‘Nor are we forgiven’ here
‘Follow You Through The Dark’ here
‘Did You Get What You Deserve?’ and ‘The Ash is in Our Clothes’ here
‘take yourself home’ here
‘I Think Mom Was Hiding Something…,’ and ‘In Our Family Portrait’ here 
‘Poetry in Motion’ here
‘The Strays’ and ‘Arsonist's Lullabye’ here
‘Medical misunderstandings’ here
‘tall twinyards' series here
‘if you can't take the heat…’ and ‘Microsleep’ here
‘The first time Andrew let Aaron see…’ here 
‘Unique Souls’ and ‘Don't Mind Us’ here
‘Little Miracles’ and ‘Where There is Magic…’ here
‘Witness,’ ‘there’s a niche in his chest where a heart would fit perfectly,’ and ‘… cry over Aaron Minyard tonight’ here
‘Suddenly I see’ here
‘"Wrong Minyard" - Aaron Minyard’ here
‘False Equivalence’ here
‘I’ve been silent for so long,’ ‘in my life i have seen people walk into the sea…,’ ‘Trial,’ ‘You know I don't care,’ and ‘Lists’ here
‘The Road Trip’ here
‘What He Would Give’ and ‘let me tell you something…’ here
‘lamb to the slaughter’ (updated) here
previous twinyards goodness
Andrew supportive of Aaron here
twinyards relationship 2 here
twinyards growing up together here
healthy sibling rivalry here
canon divergent low angst twinyards here
low angst twinyards aus here
domestic fluff w/twinyards bonding, Neil & Aaron friendship here
Aaron & Neil rapprochement here
more Aaron relapse here
twinyards mistaken identity here
Neil mistakes Aaron for Andrew here
the twins with siblings/kids here
twins discover their dad here
why Minyard last name? here
twins meet later in life 2 here
twins meet later, without the trauma here
pre canon
breaking every finger, praying that it makes me clean by orionauriga [Rated M, 9505 Words, Complete, 2023]
Then: Aaron, on the other side of the bathroom door, screaming Andrew’s name in delirious rage. Between: Andrew, fractured between blissfully medicated and painfully sober, trapped with doctors meant to be helping him. Now: Kevin, hands twisted into his hair, watching in silent agony as Andrew sloshes his vodka down the sink. — No one has ever accused Andrew Minyard of being caring, but he is more than capable of handling his loved ones’ addictions. He’s gone through withdrawal before, after all. He knows what it’s like.
tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: vomit, tw: withdrawal, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Both of you, against- by itallcomesbacktoandreil [Rated T, 618 Words, Complete, 2022]
idk what to tell you, this is a vent piece, it isnt even originally about the twinyards, but i wanted to post it and felt they could fit in this
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
In this Gemini weather by codename_adler [Not Rated, 1187 Words, Complete, 2023, Locked]
When Aaron found out about his twin brother Andrew, at 13, he wrote him a letter. Here is that letter.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
this is me choosing you by thewintersolstice [Rated T, 7467 Words, Complete, AFTG Mixtape 2022]
In the months before Tilda's death, Andrew and Aaron try to learn how to care about each other -- aka twinyards bonding as only twinyards can (badly). or three times andrew tried to be a good brother and one time aaron finally got it.
tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced drug use, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to by love_in_the_city [Rated G, 2782 Words, Complete, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022]
Part 1 of Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022 Five times the twins have cried on their birthdays and one time they didn’t have to
tw: child abuse, tw: implied/referenced drug use
until then I walk alone series by rekikiri [Rated T, Collection, Updated July 2023]
Part 1: sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me [3291 Words, Complete, 2023] Andrew gifts Aaron a guitar, and that may just be the start of them learning to exist with each other.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse. tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
NB: inspired by this art by @foxesrefuge; this art also inspired the fic ‘rooftop songs’ recc’d here
Part 2: another turning point, a fork stuck in the road [7718 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2023] aaron is hurt, and andrew won’t let his mother hurt the only family he chose to keep, no matter the cost.
tw: child abuse, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: blood, tw: drug addiction, tw: alcohol abuse/alcoholism, tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: car accidents
My life by diangelonico [Rated T, 562 Words, Complete, 2023]
“You were miserable. You were so unhappy. You hated your life.” Andrew said, angry. “Is was my life.”
tw: canonical character death, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
we'll take it slow (and grow as we go) by pipedreamparrish [Rated T, 2755 Words, Complete, 2020]
the Twinyards's birthday's through the ages, featuring very ugly ties, large sugar intakes, and lots of growth and healing)
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced self harm
post canon
Mirror, Mirror by This_Witch_Writes [Rated T, 7347 Words, Complete, Dec 2022, Locked]
Part 3 of Heimkehr means Homecoming series, parts 1 & 2 here
Aaron and Andrew spent the first 16 years of their lives apart, so they aren’t exactly those twins with the telepathy and in-jokes. Except sometimes. Two mirrors as seen through two imaginary friends, one visitors day in juvie, two relapses and one late night phone call.
tw: self harm, tw: blood, tw: drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: abortion discussion
Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo) by This_Witch_Writes [Rated T, 26732 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
A year post-canon, when they thought they were safe, Neil goes missing.
tw: implied major character death, tw: kidnapping, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: self harm, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: drugs, tw: alcohol, tw: implied/referenced human trafficking, tw: graphic nightmares, tw: gun violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: major character injury
Don't Strike Me Down by crymeariversong11 [Rated T, 5021 Words, Complete, 2022]
Kevin ends up in the hospital and the Minyard Twins realize they have feelings.
Trial Talk by sirfatcat_mccatterson [Rated G, 1638 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Prompt from anon on Tumblr Twinyard bonding before Aarons trial.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
No Words Necessary by emmy (emmy7) [Rated T, 820 Words, Complete, 2023]
Aaron in the aftermath of Drake's murder trial.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
Thicker Than Water by exy_shmexy [981 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Aaron himself found himself at a loss for words. He had tossed and turned over what to say for a couple days ever since he sent the text to Andrew telling him he wanted to visit his mother’s grave and if he could come with him.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Raw Sugar by Paradoxolotl [Rated T, 3686 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Betsy tells Aaron and Andrew to find something they can bond over.
NB: fic art by @fortheloveofexy here
I was born sick by Harmonique [Rated G, 3082 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 2 of AFTG whump
Aaron is sick. Aaron should rest, but he has an exam, classes, and a match in the evening. Aaron is an idiot. Thankfully, he has a boyfriend and a brother to make sure he rests
After thousands of cold days by LadyTimelessness [Rated T, 3310 Words, Complete, 2023]
Double sessions was originally a stupid idea. None of them cared about building (or establishing) brothers relations anymore. Andrew always knew it wouldn't work, and neither did Aaron. They learned to live with each other at the level of neighbors, and it seemed to suit everyone. None of the twins needed more.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
Contraposition by Reiss [Rated T, 3595 Words, Complete, 2023]
Andrew and Arron have an emotional and tearful bonding session on the roof of Fox Tower and a breakthrough in their emotions follows.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: violence
Twin Calls series by makememakesense [Rated T, Collection with 2 complete works, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2022]
Part 1: The pressure in my veins (Talk it down, talk it down) [1573 Words] Andrew deals with being a single Cat Dad. Part 2: We're doing alright [1478 Words] POV you're freaking out about having Twins. Who do you call?
alternate universes
I'm leaving this town (and I'm changing my address) by zweimam [Rated T, 21028 Words, Incomplete, Updated July 2023]
Aaron has been looking for his brother for six years. Right when he's beginning to lose all hope, he meets Neil Josten.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced suicidal thoughts, tw: dissociation, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction
Damned If You Do by Inthewritespot [Rated T, 13508 Words, Complete, 2022]
When his cousin Nicky calls about some friends disappearing under ghostly circumstances, Andrew Minyard forces his twin back into the family business. This is a Twinyard Supernatural AU
tw: canonical character death, tw: blood/gore
gutterwitch blues by nanatsuyu [Rated T, 20882 Words, Complete, 2023]
It isn't the worst job Andrew's ever been not paid to do. He and Aaron grew up managing the place, after all. Five years of silence doesn't change that. He can handle visiting 'home' one last time.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced murder
togetherness by Nightingale231 [Rated T, 683 Words, Complete, 2022, Locked]
Andrew and Aaron are brothers. Andrew is the alpha of the twins, and Aaron the omega. Neil and Aaron are friends.
book scene: Aaron’s drug detox art by @nniivek
The Minyard Twins art by @alef-art
Aaron and Andrew sand castle building competition art by @emry-stars-art
Twinyard AU with ghost Andrew art by @ol-unreliable
au where aaron and neil are best friends first comic by @02511213942
Nicky’s picture of the twins art by @prince-peachie
we face the fire together, brothers to the end art by @scribblesandsuch21
aftg inktober day 4: twinyards art by @tigerjawed
twinyards in a campus coffee shop art by @/whyzard on twitter
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scribeoffate · 11 months
Tag Game
I was tagged by no one and simply shamelessly stole it cuz I wanted to play! <3 Tag ppl if you wish, consider yourself tagged if you want to play. Tagging with no pressure: @momentofmemory, @azraeldoesnotdispute, @spikeface, @illbeintheend, @domesticated-feral, @letthestorieslive
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
470, 949
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Teen Wolf In general: Yuri on Ice, La Femme Nikita, Nikita, Animorphs, Supernatural, The Slayers and whatever trips my fancy at the time
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
No Matter What Yuri on Ice, a/b/o dark fic, 845 kudos
Patience , second in the same series, 324 kudos
Mutual Affliction, fourth in above the series, 296 kudos
And I Would Do Anything for Love, YOI bad guys made them do it, 225 kudos
No Matter Where, even darker variation of No Matter What, 224 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Sometimes you become frens when you chat about fic with people. Sometimes I only have the emotional energy for an emoji, but I can't even begin to explain how happy a lil comment makes me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's a tie, but since no Teen Wolf fics make my top ten, I'll go with:
Deucalion's Progeny , a very dark Scott whump fic ft truedemon
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Scott is the Best Dad: This series is ENTIRELY scira fluff, pack feels, Yukimura family feels and just all around everything being adorable
8. Do you get hate on fic?
I have one, that I won't share, from ages ago that has a lot of hate. It was deserved since I was trolling and the fic was really bad. 🤣
9. Do you write smut?
Yess! Someone has to be out here making sure Scott gets all of the filthy sex he deserves.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I do if I want to explore both fandoms! La Femme Nikita/Nikita crossovers are so fun to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Can't imagine anyone bothering. I have a v niche appeal 😅
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No one has offered, but if anyone wanted to, I'd be beyond stunned and flattered.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@illbeintheend and I have started several and even finished one.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I didn't think I had one, until Truedemon. Something about Scott/Deucalion just resonates with me.
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but probably won’t?
I started a scileo fic a while back about Stiles finding Theo at a BDSM club with Deucalion and being realllly into watching Theo get spanked. It eventually becomes Steo, and then they both realized that they are really interested more in Scott. But Scott is busy with school all the time and couldn't possibly like them. But actually Scott would really like Stiles to spank him, please. And eventually they get there.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can churn out a lot of mediocre fic very quickly. I have tons of ideas and am very creative. I can do a fairly decent short fic and you can feel that I love the source material and characters I write for in my fics.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Long fic with cohesive themes and plots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have a lot. Generally, unless it's obvious what the words are from context, necessary for the reader not to understand the language with the character, or making a point to explore a character's cultural roots: "Ah, yes please," Satomi said in Japanese, is the easiest way to handle it. To me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Star Wars in a spiral bound notebook. Shared online: Animorphs.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This is hard. I'm picking this one because it was really hard to write and I just reread it. And even though it has only 32 kudos it's GOOD. Equivalent Exchange: I wrote this for the first scottuary, it's about Noshiko and Scott developing a relationship. It's about gift giving and mentorship and Noshiko's views on Scott as a leader. It's thoughtful and I think a really nice look at both of them. And imo, easily one of my most underrated fics.
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bookish-bogwitch · 2 years
Getting to know you tag game
Thank you for the tags, @captain-aralias, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @fatalfangirl, @angelsfalling16, @artsyunderstudy, and @aroace-genderfluid-sheep.
Relationship status: Married 12 years, in a relationship 19 years. (This explains my preference for smut over domestic fluff. I get plenty of domestic fluff in real life.) 
No kids—the dog and the snake are plenty.
Favorite color: Green, especially sage and olive green.
Favorite food: Occasionally—peanut butter ice cream. All the time—toast made from nice dense bread.
Song stuck in your head: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” by the Beach Boys, because my husband has been picking it out on the piano for the past couple of days. Apparently it changes keys a million times.
Last thing you googled: “how intelligent are rats compared to pigs”
Time: 7:51 a.m.
Dream trip: Scandinavia in summer. Or the northern British Isles—like the Orkneys or Shetland or Hebrides.
I would also like to go anywhere with tropical fruit. I’ve been near the equator twice (Singapore, Ecuador) and mostly remember the fruit. You know how in Rainbow’s books there’s that moment of “I never realized kissing could be like this”? Ecuador was like that for me. But with bananas.
Last book you read: Just started Lincoln at the Bardo by George Saunders.
Last book you enjoyed: I really enjoyed Robert Webb’s memoir How Not to Be a Boy. It was smart, funny, and sad. A lot of interesting observations about how we condition and police children’s gender, with a small but poignant dash of queer pining.
Last book you hated reading: I don’t finish books I hate (anymore. Took a while to realize that was an option.) “Hate” is much too strong a word, but I recently put down We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra because one of the character’s voices felt so artificial that I couldn’t get into it. It would probably have grown on me eventually, but there’s so much else to read.
Favorite thing to cook/bake: Spanakopita, made like a pie with a huge single layer of spinach filling. Eat big wedges of it for dinner. It’s delicious, pretty, and easy. And reasonably healthy. I like dinners that bake for an hour because you can do the cleanup before you eat, which makes the meal more relaxing. 
Also I’m Greek-American and cooking Greek dishes feels like using special knowledge form the old country, even though I learned it from a book.
Favorite craft to do in your free time: I am a serial monogamist with hobbies. For the forseeable future, that’s writing fic. In the past I’ve enjoyed quilting, and before that Ukranian egg decoration (pysanky). Those were fun but not at all portable or social. Or meaningful to me on a deeper level. (There are definitely people who engage profoundly with their crafts, I’m just not one of them.)
Most niche dislikes: Maybe I just have Greek food on the mind but I hate pre-crumbled cheese, like feta and blue cheese crumbles. All dry and powdery and smelly. Ugh. Just crumble your own cheese.
Opinion on circuses, now and in history: I think my only relevant opinion is that animal abuse is bad. Stop the presses.
Do you have a sense of direction, and if not what is the worst way you’ve gotten lost: Once I took a wrong turn driving from Montreal back to the US. I only realized the mistake when I thought “wow, what beautiful mountains…that weren’t here on the way up.” The stakes felt very high because I had to ask directions in French and then explain at the border crossing why I was so far afield. And because there were three generations of family in the car, all of them helpless. (This was before smartphones.) We made it in the end.
No-pressure tagging @facewithoutheart, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @moodandmist, and @johnwgrey.
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innytoes · 2 years
For the fanfic writer ask, 1, 5, 7, 13, and 28? Also, I absolutely love your writing, it's fricking amazing!!!! Happy fanfic writer appreciation day!!!!
1: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Found family domesticity with plot sprinkled throughout. Even the Darkest Timeline is overwhelmingly just... people loving each other and trying to live their lives together.
5: Share one of your strengths.
I think I'm pretty good at writing dialogue. It's one of the first things that usually pop up in my brain and then I write the scene around it.
7: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Her dad had taught her how to play the piano. They used to write songs together, squished together on the little bench in front of his keyboard. Her mom had taught her how to hack, fingers flying over a different type of keyboard, making music with code and bytes and command lines.
I love this bit from Breanna and the Phantoms, it's just so poetic and moody and it flowed out of my brain in one go.
13 What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Make Garbage You Enjoy! Write for yourself, not in the 'oh you shouldn't whine about comments because you should write for yourself' way but in the 'write pure self-indulgent nonsense' way. That super niche crossover you're pretty sure nobody but you will vibe with? WRITE IT. That smut fic with the kinks you've never seen in that particular fandom? WRITE IT. The forty millionth coffee shop AU of a fandom? WELL THIS ONE IS MADE BY YOU SO WRITE IT.
Write what makes you happy. It doesn't even have to be good. You don't even have to post it if you don't want. But the internet is wide and full of weirdos, so who knows who will find your work and be like YES. THIS IS WHAT I'VE WANTED EVEN IF I DIDN'T KNOW IT.
28 Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
There are SO MANY GOOD FIC WRITERS out there! Some that I know, because if you bother someone enough on tumblr you more or less become friends eventually.
To keep it fair, I'll link one person who isn't just one of my tumblr mutuals. RebelPaisley writes (wrote, I don't think they're writing for JATP anymore and I can't seem to wrestle my way through Descendants for long enough to be able to read their fic) amazing fics with lots of angst and misunderstandings and feels and they're funny and so good and it was TORTURE waiting for the weekly update because you just wanted to KNOW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.
@invisibleraven is amazing, she finds ways to take cliché prompts and TURN THEM ON THEIR HEAD so you never actually know what you're going to get. A+ amazing domestic fluff but also sometimes heart-crushing angst or an AU you never thought would work. (And she has a new prompt list up every Friday which is both super cool and also made me freak the fuck out the one time she had a long weekend and posted it on Thursday because my freelancing ass never knows what day it is.)
@daintyduck99 is the queen of soft schmoop and wholesome fluff and her fics are like a cozy blanket to wrap yourself up in. Also the queen of Rulie, and the one who made me ship it hardcore in the first place.
There are so many more omg I am blessed.
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
Painting Pandemonium
Alright, I know this should’ve been part two of “Out With the Old, In With the New,” but I had a bad few days and needed fluff. Part Two of last week’s fic will be up next week, barring any other mishaps.
Summary: You and Piotr host a Bob Ross painting party for your family and friends.
Rating: G for domestic fluff and found family stuff.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Ellie Phimister x Yukio, Kitty Pryde x Illyana Rasputin (alluded to), and Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin.
Set after “Future: Realized.”
Sidenote: I’m thinking about doing a dedicated arc to Alexandra. She’s got an entire fleshed out backstory for the series, and I love her so much and would love to feature her more. Would any of you be interested in that/some Alexandra-centric fics? Let me know via DMs or asks; Tumblr changed the notifications system and made it too hard to keep up with reblogs.
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @nebulous-leo
It begins one sunny, early Spring day, when you’re watching your husband work on his latest painting (one of two hands holding each other, each smeared with the colors of the lesbian, gay, and asexual pride flags) in his art studio.
“Have you ever heard of Bob Ross?”
“Da.” Piotr dabs some more magenta paint on the wrist of the left hand, then looks over at you and smiles. “I watched tutorials to learn English. Why ask?”
“Eh, just wondering,” you say, curling up in the cushy arm chair Piotr keeps in his studio –he says it’s so he has somewhere comfortable to sit when he’s thinking, but it’s as much for you as it is for him. “Wasn’t sure if he’d made it over into Russia’s cultural bubble or not.”
“Ah, that, not so much.” He takes a step back from his easel, eyeing the canvas with no small amount of scrutiny, undoubtedly weighing out whether the distributions of the colors on the two hands–the rainbow amalgam for the gay pride flag where the fingers interlock, and the lesbian and asexual pride flag colors on the separate, untouching parts of the hands and wrists—are up to his incredibly high standards. “Matushka found some for me to watch on tape when I started painting, but I earnest watched when I came to America.” He quirks his mouth to the side, then looks at you and jerks his head at the canvas. “Mysli?”
“Needs more yellow and green,” you declare after a moment of studying the painting. “Otherwise it’s a lot of warm tones and purple-y tones, and that just makes my eyes start glazing without something to liven it up.”
Piotr nods with a grunt of agreement, then adds more yellow and green paint to his palette.
 It continues a few weeks later, when the two of you are buying groceries.
“Hey, have you heard about those ‘Bob Ross painting parties?’” you blurt when you two pass the arts and crafts section of the store. When Piotr gives you a blank look, you elaborate. “You know, a bunch of people get together with a bunch of paint and canvases and shit and follow a Bob Ross tutorial while hanging out.”
Piotr blinks rapidly as he processes the concept, then smiles slowly and shakes his head. “I take it you have reason for bringing this up.”
“I mean…” You let your voice trail off, then look up at your husband with your patented ‘I’m-so-cute-you-can’t-resist-me-please-make-me-pancakes’ eyes. “We have a house. We have access to YouTube and Netflix –which are where the tutorials are. We have friends we like to hang out with.”
Piotr chuckles, then grins down at you. “Would you like to host ‘painting party,’ myshka?”
“Well, since you brought it up!” you chirp brightly, which only makes your husband laugh harder. “But yeah, I think it’d be fun! And we got paint right here!”
Piotr shakes his head –still smiling—as you gesture at the Crayola-stocked arts and crafts section, then ushers you away from the aisle. “We can host party, lyublyu –but we can get better paint than that.”
 It takes a few weeks of planning, gathering supplies, checking schedules, and inviting people –but finally, towards the end of April, it all comes together.
The kitchen counter is laden with snacks –chips, fruits and veggies, cookies, little sandwiches, and the like. The coffee table in front of the couch has canvases, tubes of paint, and jars of paintbrushes loaded on it. The TV that hangs over the fireplace is on and set up to play one of Bob Ross’s tutorials, once everyone’s ready.
Nearly everyone is already here. Kitty, Russell, Illyana, Ellie, and Yukio are milling around the kitchen, jabbering while they down various snacks. Mikhail and Neena are sitting on the couch, looking at something on Neena’s phone. Piotr and his mother, Alexandra, are talking about one of Piotr’s latest paintings, while Nikolai stands nearby quietly, only throwing in the occasional comment.
You grin when the doorbell rings multiple times in a row, then skip over to the front door and open it with a sunny grin. “Hey!”
Wade greets you with an enthusiastic bear hug. “Howdy yourself, pardner! Hope you saved some yellow paints for me; I’ve always found those ones to be the best tasting.”
You and Nate exchange a fondly annoyed eyeroll over Wade’s antics, in addition to a hug. “Glad you could make it, Dad.”
“Like we wouldn’t come.” He pats your shoulder, lips quirking into an amused grin. “Like he’d—” he nods at Wade “—let me skip out. He’s been talking about it nonstop for the past two weeks.”
 It takes no small amount of shuffling to get everyone situated so they can all see the screen. Kitty, Illyana, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio all cram onto the couch together (which Piotr drapes with towels beforehand), Neena, Nathan, Alex, and Nikolai take station behind the couch with barstools and easels, you and Piotr set up on either side of the couch, and Mikhail and Wade…
“This is fucking overkill,” Wade gripes as Piotr ushers him and his brother to an area he’d prepped by taping newspapers to the floors and walls before hanging plastic shower curtains over the walls and putting down one of his thick drop canvases over the newspapered floor.
“Language, Wade,” Piotr says. “And it is just small precaution.”
“Nebol'shaya predostorozhnost', moya zadnitsa,” Mikhail grumbles.
“You two are… most chaotic,” Piotr says, attempting to be diplomatic. “This will minimize clean up, at end.”
“Sounds like someone wants paint in his shoes,” Wade stage-whispers to Mikhail.
“Agreed,” Mikhail faux whispers back with a nod. “We wait until tutorial puts him to sleep, and then we put purple paint in shoes.”
“I was thinking red, but purple works, too.”
You laugh along with everyone else, then blow your husband a kiss when he sighs heavily and shakes his head. “Alright, are we all ready?”
 “Fu –freaking… why does he switch colors so much!”
“Relax, baby.” Yukio smiles at her frustrated girlfriend, then kisses her shoulder. “It’s just for fun.”
“Fun is playing Mariokart… or studying string theory,” Ellie growls through gritted teeth as she jabs at her canvas with a paintbrush. “Not… dab some stuff here and some other stuff there and making little blobs look like things.”
“Come on, Negasonic the Hedgehog!” Wade coos teasingly from where he’s swiping at his own canvas. “Think ‘happy little clouds’ and ‘happy little trees!’”
“Douchepool, I will jam this paint brush up your—”
“Language, NTW,” Piotr says warningly –though not without a good dose of fondness. “And, Wade, no harassment, please.”
“Harassment? Pretty sure your little protegee there was just threatening to harass my—”
Kitty just laughs as she works on her own ‘mountain sunrise’ scene. “Relax, Ellie. There’s no right or wrong way to do it.”
“Incorrect,” Illyana retorts, brow deeply furrowed as she works on her own painting. “There is tutorial. That is right way.”
“Tutorial is only reference, to show distribution of colors and shades,” Piotr corrects his younger sister as he leans over to look at his mentee’s canvas. “You are loading brush too heavy, Ellie. Start with less, then add more if needed.”
“I think I am less ‘sunrise’ and more ‘disco rave,’” Nikolai chuckles as he peers down at his own canvas.
Neena lets out a ‘whoa’ when she looks over at Nick’s canvas, then laughs lightly. “It’s long distance art. Meant to be seen from far away.”
Nick laughs along with her. “At last, I have found niche.”
The corner of Alex’s mouth turns up in a smile, and she reaches out and pats her husband’s thigh with her free hand.
 Once you’re all done –which takes a lot of pausing and rewinding the tutorial video—you all set your respective canvases on the dining room table, then admire each other’s works.
Piotr’s, unsurprisingly, is the best. He’s the most experienced artist out of all of you, and very familiar with both the materials and Bob Ross’s work.
You wrap your arms around your husband’s waist and kiss his side. “Very nice work, honey.”
He wraps a strong, muscular arm around you and kisses the top of your head. “Spasibo, myshka.”
Alexandra’s is also a “top contender” (even though it’s not a contest, which means there really aren’t contenders, but whatever). It’s not as technically proficient as her son’s –none of yours are—but in balance, composition, and contrast, it’s one of the strongest.
The painter herself, though, regards her work with neutral indifference while everyone else ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ over it. “It’s alright. Average.”
You watch as Nikolai wraps his arms around his wife’s shoulders, murmuring something in her ear that you can’t make out –it’s likely in Russian, anyway, so it doesn’t make much of a difference—before kissing her temple.
Alex’s hand trembles as she places it on her husband’s arm. Just a little.
Before you can make anything of it, Kitty busts out laughing.
“That is amazing!” she guffaws as she studies Wade’s painting –which looks less like a ‘sunrise’ and more like…
Well, it’s somewhere between a ‘LSD trip realized’ and ‘inside of a rainbow.’
(Granted, they might just be the same thing.)
“Very Picasso,” Kitty adds, grinning and shaking her head.
Wade preens theatrically. “I always felt a calling the abstract.”
She moves to Nikolai’s next. “I actually really like this. I think the intensity of the sunrise colors really sets off the greens in the trees.”
Nikolai grins when Illyana translates for him, then does a little bow to Kitty. “Spasibo, tigrionok.”
You can’t help but smile as you watch everyone –the people you love so much—laugh and talk to each other and admire each other’s paintings. This is home.
 “You seem happy.”
You look up from admiring everyone’s paintings –night has long since fallen, and everyone’s headed back to their own places, but you and Piotr had offered to hold onto the paintings for a few days so they could dry. “Huh?”
“You are happy, lyublyu.” Piotr smiles softly as he watches you. “Glowing.”
You smile bashfully as you look up at him. “I mean… I am happy. We’re making a home.” Tears well up in your eyes, and you smile broader even as grief –well-papered over, but there all the same—rises in your chest. “And it’s so different from the one I grew up in. It’s warm and loving and friendly… and that makes me happy.”
Piotr smiles, melancholy tears shining in his eyes, then draws you into his arms and kisses the top of your head.
Yeah. This is home.
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jcmorrigan · 5 years
7, 11, 22
Favorite type of au?
I guess the “Fix Fic.” In which we redo what happened in canon but better this time. But I only seek this out for things I really thought deserved it - I don’t spend too much time on fix-fics for stuff I thought wasn’t broken. But after KHIII left a sour taste in my mouth, I found like forty KHIII fix-fics that really tickled my palate and felt like they had a better understanding of the mythos than the professional crew had. Go fanfic writers! We got this! 
Fluff, smut, or angst?
FLUFF! I love fluff so much! I know I talk up action/adventure fics, but sometimes I just wanna read about my favorite ships having a Moment in which they’re domestic or comforting each other or having some fun. That stuff tickles me. That’s not to say the others don’t have their place, though! Angst in the right place can pack a real punch. If you’re doing hurt/comfort, the worse the hurt is beforehand, the more powerful the comfort will be. And some fics, well, they call for hurt with no comfort, and I know I listed that in “fanfic pet peeves,” but lemme explain: there’s a clear difference between when people are SHOOTING for a hurt/comfort genre feel but then just leave it at the hurt and when people set out to write a really satisfying tragedy fic. I’m not often in a tragedy mood, but some of them have struck me right in the heart. As for smut...I had a hard time with this at first due to the good old SEX-REPULSION, but it was actually a series of Fernald/Henchperson fics by knockoutmouse that desensitized me and made me better with it - I was hungry for content of that ship, so I decided to give a click, and I didn’t regret it! Even the PWP shots were just full of love, and I realized I actually enjoyed smut when it was between a ship I really cared about because sexual situations are a new area to explore their dynamic and how they treat each other! And since then, I’ve been reading some more smut of ships I like, such as IsaLea or Animated Jafar x Captain Hook Onceuponatime (wonder who wrote that second one... ;-) ). I still don’t like VISUAL representations of crotch genitalia, but in text format, I get to “control” the mental image, so to speak, and I can show myself as much or as little as I want even if there are hard descriptions, so that works really well for me! (I might even have a goal set to write some RHBH smut someday - actual smut - because I have a lot of steamy headcanons for them! The thing is, I’ve also attempted to WRITE smut in the past and it’s...literally never worked. Oh well.) Anyway, all three are great, but if I must pick, it’s FLUFF EVERY TIME! With extra cuddles on top!
Which do you do more: read fic or write fic?
Weirdly, I write more than I read. Writing in general is just a really satisfying hobby and outlet for me. I always feel like I have to have some writing project on tap - at first this was about giving my audience content they demanded, but now I’ve kinda mellowed, and it’s more about always having something creative to work on where I can make a new mythos or build a new cute relationship. I’m proud of my current writing skill, and creating fanfic allows me to make things I can really call a job well done. It allows me to play with concepts I don’t often FIND in reading others’ fic, since I like a lot of niche crossovers and weird ideas, so I can make my own fantasy worlds and make them feel palpable in text. “Does she have anything original going?” you ask. I’m...trying. I have a collection of OCs I like, but I keep changing the premise every few weeks and can’t find anything to stick to INVEST in. But one day...I’m hoping I can show my crew to the world! I’m also strangely picky about the fic I read? I don’t think there’s such thing as a fanfic written that’s a waste of time (unless you are deliberately trollfic-ing, but if that’s done for pure humor and not to bash anyone, then that’s pretty fun too). But I have specific things I go looking for, and I don’t just click every fic in a genre or fandom. It’s gotta have a hook to draw me in based on my specific collection of what I want to read about that day (e.g. “Kingdom Hearts III canon divergence,” “Giovanni Potage found family fluff,” “serious fic about nostalgic property I’m re-fixated on,” etc.). But that’s not really a measurement of quality and more like...I get in moods, and I’ll go find what I want. Though there are some authors for which I’ll read everything ‘cause they’re just that good.
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barewiings · 5 years
Tumblr media
Name / Alias:  birdie Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes /  No.
When was your blog established? uhhh 2017 according to the blurb on my sidebar 
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) /  Private (mutuals only).        
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people). /// i always read abouts before i follow, and if i can see our muses interacting, i’ll give a follow. i’ve been overwhelmed lately though with how many people are on my dash who don’t actually interact with me, so i will unfollow if there hasn’t been an attempt at interacting made despite us following for a long time. also, if your muse’s universe is too niche or heavily based in canon, i might not follow just because leah doesn’t have verses set in canon universes 
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  /  A little  / Some  / Mostly /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para  /  Novella  /  All of the aforementioned. /// one-liners rarely stay one-liners for me tbh and i’ve written novella’s in the past before but just not on here ( i’m willing to! but the thread’s gotta be hella plotted ). 
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes /  Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes.   /// i’m on discord! but my activity on there can be very spotty as in i’ll forget about our thread on there for like a long time but when i am in the mood to rp on there, i’m very quick 
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted  /  Fully Plotted Epics  /  All of the aforementioned. // love me some good plotting though since it gives me an idea of where things will go
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month)  /  Slow (3-4 weeks)  /  Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  /  It depends.    
What types of themes do you like? Adventure  /  Romance  /  Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  / Family.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  /   Horror  /  Comedy  / Romantic  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage  /  All of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes.  // i’m like, not 100% how i feel about violence just because i don’t actually rp heavy violence a lot of the time? i think i’d feel more comfortable with it if it was like plotted out between muns rather than it being spontaneous since i literally have no idea how fighting works and if you throw in weapons im like o fuk 
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? no triggers! 
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes.
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  / Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  /  Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic  /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic  /  Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Plot dependent  /  Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to problematic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to polyshipping? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  // leah is a muse that gets jealous and is very possessive so literally any attention from her partner that deviates from her makes her feel insecure, and in a situation like polyshipping, if there’s any inequality then the ship will burn bc leah will not have it
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes.  
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope  /  Yes 
tagged by: @blithened​ ( thank you! )
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millennialzadr · 5 years
About Page!
Hello~! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! My name is Koya, I’m 25, I’m pansexual, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m a full time freelance artist! My main blog is @koyakyuuun, so I’ll be liking and following from there!
Below are some guidelines for those who are curious to know more about this blog and what to expect from it, as well as some general info and FAQs!
Content Guidelines!
The focus of this blog!
So this blog is a mish mash of a couple different themes, but above all it is an adult oriented Invader Zim fan blog!! I grew up with the show and and was a BIG fan during highschool, and after rediscovering it this year I have been DAZZLED and DELIGHTED by the fan content being produced today!! I have a deeply nostalgic yet completely new perspective on the show now that I’m in my 20s, so alongside of celebrating iz content and fan content in general, this blog will center around my niche fave: the iz cast + millennial culture! in other words, the characters depicted as if they lived in the real world and aged in real time! I loved and related to the characters as a kid, and I still love them dearly to this day, so to see people experiment with character interpretations and create adult versions of them means I can still relate to them even now, and even make my own versions! and as a queer neurodivergent millennial who loves niche culture, my favorite versions of the characters are queer neurodivergent millennials who love niche culture!! (and by niche culture I mean MEMES, AESTHETICS, BAD FASHION, GAY CULTURE, CRYPTID CULTURE, DARK CORNERS OF THE INTERNET, CREATIVELY WEIRD SELF EXPRESSION ETC!!)
And of course the other main theme which fits into the first: ZADR! while I don’t ship Zim and Dib as they’re canonically presented in the show, I DO adore the idea of the two growing up together, eventually becoming friends, and eventually falling in love. I’m a Big Gay and I love romance and lgbt content, and ZADR holds such a soft place in my heart 😭 I wrote a big post about why I love it so much which you can see here if you’re curious about my interpretation of the ship!
And now, some guidelines!!
Things I enjoy and will be posting/reblogging!
- general IZ content! because holy SHIT I love the show and ALL the content the fandom creates is awe inspiring and amazing!!!
- POSITIVE CONTENT! IZ is my comfort content and I deeply admire the positive impact the show has had on so many people. I also interpret Zim and Dib as having hard lives and mental problems but eventually recovering and finding happiness (and making each other happy!!). I do also love vent content and gritty/dark themes from an artistic standpoint (and of course comedic Depression™ memes) but I will be focusing much more on comforting and uplifting content!
- character development/relationships, fluff, comedy, domestic content, daily life, sci fi, conspiracy/cryptid content, fashion portraits and camp horror!! these are my favorite themes!!
- friendship, romance, and found family!! I adore the relationships between the characters and they ALL DESERVE LOVE!!!!! JHONEN CAN BITE MY ASS
- the IZ creators!! speaking of Jhonen LOL I LOVE seeing content about the creators themselves!! I genuinely have such affection and admiration for the wonderful people who brought and continue to bring the world of IZ to life, they are such amazing and inspiring human beings and I will be celebrating them alongside their creations!!
- IZ characters + aesthetics!! some of my MOST favorite IZ content depicts the characters being stylized with or sporting the fashion of vaporwave, goth, grunge, pastel, spacecore, cryptidcore, future funk, 90s disastercore and any and all things strange, niche, glittery and neon, and I FUCKING LOVE IT. GOD
- and lastly, I talk a fuck of a lot, as you can probably tell by this post lol. I’ll be screaming in the tags constantly and am liable to write the occasional super long text post! for those who are into that, I invite you to have discussions with me! and for those who aren’t, feel free to ignore them!
Things I will be staying away from!
- romantic content that depicts the characters as minors AKA underage zadr!! there will be no kid ships here! I’m an adult and only enjoy shipping adult versions of the characters! kid content will be either canon, wholesome, or friendship content! while I do find adult versions of the characters attractive since they have qualities I find attractive in real life, I see the adult versions as almost completely different people since they’re so far removed from the source content, and the love I feel for the canon kids is HIGHLY maternal and very nostalgia centric. this would probably be more clear if I didn’t lump the two types of content into the same blog, but I really do love both the adult fan interpreted IZ world and the canon IZ world in equal measure, just in different ways!
- content that fetishizes or ‘yaoi’-fies gay relationships! I am a queer person and I enjoy queer content made by queer people for queer people, you’re not gonna find any “B-BUT WE’RE BOTH BOYS!” shit here 😂
- content that depicts abuse between friends or partners!! while violence is an active theme in zim and dib’s canonical relationship, I very much dislike zadr content that depicts the two being aggressive or malicious towards each other while they’re supposedly in love. complex relationships are certainly interesting, but while toxic and abusive relationships are realistic, they’re not okay and should not be romanticized. I understand some people use that kind of content to cope, but for me it’s nothing but bad feelings. sparring and play fighting is fine and good, consensual violence could be interesting to explore, but hatred will stay separate from romance on this blog.
- discourse and long conversations about negative topics! I acknowledge the importance of discussing problems within the fandom, however I wish for this blog to be a positive and comforting place, since iz content in general is positive and comforting for me! there may be an occasional post that touches on real life negative topics but overall this will be kept to a minimum.
- explicit content!! while I DO both draw and consume nsfw adult zadr content, it will not be on this blog! since tumblr decided to be idiots and remove any way for minors and people who don’t wish to see nsfw content to hide it, this blog will remain pg-13. I will also not be providing any links to my other sites because of this (I am a nsfw artist and I sell porn commissions for a living, not trying to shove that in the faces of my minor, ace and sex repulsed followers, but by all means seek out my art if you DO wish to!). similarly, I will not be releasing my nsfw zadr art publicly anywhere, since aged up characters are controversial and my career, being online, could suffer if someone wanted to use that against me. HOWEVER, for fellow adult fans with extra cash who take a shine to my art, paid content could be a possibility in the future 👀
Interaction Guidelines!
Things I’m okay with!
- tagging my posts in any way you wish! kinning is fine! any ship interpretation is fine! any gender/orientation interpretation is fine! sharing your thoughts/opinions is fine!
- as long as you CREDIT me! using my art for icons/headers etc, drawing my iz designs, referencing my art, and reposting my art on other sites is all okay!
- asks or anons of any questions you might have about me or my content!
- asks or anons popping in to share thoughts, opinions and ideas! it’s always nice to hear from other fans!
- leaving comments in the tags/replies/reblogs of my posts makes me very happy!! tumblr is the only place I post my fanart and I love seeing what people think of it!
Things I’m not okay with!
- messages, reblogs, tags or asks that are blatantly rude or disrespectful! I really do not care what the subject or reason is, if you act like an asshole, I will not respond and will block you!
- asks or messages that say only ‘hi’ or ‘how are you?’ I have no problem with people trying to be friendly but I never have a single idea of how to reply to these kinds of messages, I’m so sorry 😂 please talk to me about fandom stuff though!!
- pressure to produce content! I like any other creator adore comments and compliments, but things like “DRAW MORE!!” “MORE ZADR!!” “WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DRAW MORE!!” are not compliments!! it is in fact very off putting so please don’t do that! it will mess with my motivation! consider commissioning me if you want more content!
- if you are considering trying to be my friend, please be 20+!! I am not comfortable being friends with teens! nothing against my teen followers, I respect and appreciate you, but please understand I cannot relate to you on a personal level, and besides that, being friends with someone over 20 can be harmful and even dangerous for minors! I am an adult and only wish to have adult friends! please respect my wishes!
About my content!
So since what I like to draw is usually pretty different from the show, here are the basic headcanons for my interpretations of adult Zim and Dib~! Basically they’re queer 2019 millennials who are damaged but doing their best and enjoy niche interests and subcultures. Zim is the type who’s tough to handle but it’s worth it because he’s an amazing and colorful person underneath it all and only those he’s close to get to see that, and Dib is an eccentric but completely reliable, intelligent, passionate, and loyal friend whose company is a familiar comfort and a total safe space. They live together and are mutually beneficial allies to friends to lovers!
I HAVE A FIC, or at least an idea for one lol and when using my designs for the characters, my drawings will most likely be set in its context! Affectionately nicknamed the Soft AU, it’s centered around rest, recovery, affection, care and bonding… bc I’m SOFT OKAY 😂 You can read the full summary here, but here’s the gist!
A little over a decade after arriving on earth, Zim’s banishment is reinstated and as a result his entire base and all his equipment is confiscated, leaving him stranded on Earth with no way off the planet and in danger of being caught and killed by the humans. Dib offers him a deal that he’ll hide Zim instead of turning him in in exchange for letting him study Zim. They live together in Dib’s apartment and eventually get used to each other. Loneliness induced affection ensues. Hooray!!
And now for the boys themselves!
My Dib!
- 25, 6′2″, Mexican, cis boy, bisexual, bilingual
- is recovering from depression and anxiety and has ADD and insomnia, has had a nicotine addiction
- has a ton of ear piercings and a few facial piercings, as well as a few tattoos
- is still just as obsessive about his interests as he was as a kid, just with more curbed enthusiasm due to, yknow, depression. researching Zim however brings his enthusiasm back full force. he still sucks at taking care of himself when enthralled with his work but he’s getting there
- runs various blogs, forums, and youtube channels making content about cryptids and conspiracy theories, the ad revenue of which is his main source of income (he dislikes using his father’s money to support himself, but will dip into the family account occasionally)
- is very patient and can communicate and problem solve very well, and is skilled at handling various conflicts and mental issues
- still has his ‘I hate people’ attitude but is more open minded and understanding than he used to be, and more compassionate. he has difficulty trusting strangers but his friends and family are very important to him
- can be moody and dramatic but he’s a big sweetheart at his core
- being friends with Zim has made him more willing to enjoy acting like a huge dork and total weirdo, even in public
My Zim!
- young adult, 5′5″, androgynous presenting demi boy, panromantic demisexual
- has PTSD and anxiety, is recovering with help from Dib
- displays inhuman behavior such as hissing, growling, chirring, chirping, scratching/biting, screeching, territory guarding and dominance displays
- is a demi boy, meaning he identifies as mostly but not completely male, and is more nonbinary than cis, but he’s never given it too much thought because gender is stupid. he has little to no concept and zero regard for human gender roles
- is a SHIT who’s main entertainment is annoying Dib and ‘winning’ arguments, but Dib seems to get harder to piss off as time goes on, much to his confusion
- pitches a fit when he doesn’t agree with/doesn’t want to do something but can be swayed with rewards such as food, sweets, new clothes, video games etc
- rambunctious and high energy, he gets stir crazy often, but since he hates the city he and Dib often take car trips to more fun/nicer places outside the neighborhood
- moody and bratty with skewed logic but smart and more intuitive than he used to be, he’s more than a handful to deal with, but this also makes him the most entertaining person Dib knows
- after having the free time to discover the world of aesthetics, he becomes very much into clothes, make up, accessories etc (be they masculine or feminine) and enjoys making a hobby out of creating a unique self image using fashion (thus also subconsciously asserting his individuality)
- is much more dependent on Dib than he admits (or even realizes)
- his beliefs in nationalism, fascism and genocide are direct results of brainwashing and personality altering programs run by his PAK, and are not actually part of his core personality (these programs will be overridden and deleted eventually)
Side Note: I haven’t thought as far with the other characters but my Gaz and Tak are definitely lesbians 😂
And finally, my tag list!
#my art - things that I drew!
#my post - any post that I posted!
#asks - asks!
#text post - any text post longer than a couple lines!
#video - videos!
#audio - audios!
#canon - content from the show/comic/movie etc!
#creators - any content featuring the IZ cast or crew!
#memes - memes, shitposts, short comics, comedic posts etc!
#friends - friendship art between any characters!
#family - family bonding between the membranes/found family between any characters!
#ships - ship art between adult characters!
#suggestive - any content that could be considered sexual in nature!
#positive - fluff, friendship, wholesome content, uplifting content, characters being happy/cute/having fun etc!
#negative - angst, vent art, violence, mental illness, dark themes, characters fighting/being sad/getting hurt etc!
#kids - content depicting characters as kids/irkens as their canon designs!
#adults - content depicting characters as adults/irkens with noncanon designs!
#millennials - content depicting adult characters that includes any modern culture! (personal fave)
#aesthetic - highly stylized or surreal portraits centered around aesthetic themes!
ship tags!: zadr (zim and dib romance), tagr (tak and gaz romance), rapr (red and purple romance)
friendship tags!: zadf (zim and dib friendship), tagf (tak and gaz friendship), zatf (zim and tak friendship), tadf (tak and dib friendship), zagf (zim and gaz friendship), zag (zim and gir)
character tags!: zim, dib, gaz, tak, gir, red, purple, membrane, skoodge, gretchen, keef, spork, miyuki, recap kid, bg chars, ocs
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redeadepression · 5 years
im curious, in your modern au, is there a found family aspect to it, despite the domestic abuse part (also yeah, whump is kind of niche but we do exist)
The short answer is yes there is. I’ve written about my modern AU a couple of times before. Mostly here and here. But honestly I could talk about it again and again, forever. There is another set of headcanons I did back in Dec 2018 which I haven’t linked here as they aren’t really current after spending the last 9 months thinking about the characters and getting to know them better, I’ve changed them. 
To summarize though for anyone that doesn’t want to read the links. John is placed in the Foster Care system around 6 years old and taken in by Dutch and Hosea who are a married couple. (older than they are in the game). He isn’t adopted by them even though they adopted Arthur years before so his relationship with them is strained as an adult. He is told constantly he’s being silly and they consider him family but he can’t help feeling out of place around them.
Despite the sour relationship with his parents, he is close with Arthur who he considers to be his brother. Really he is the saving grace in a shitty situation. He’s the one that keeps the family together and stops John from casually slipping out of contact as he’s tried to do a couple of times.
John also considers Bessie Matthews to be his family.
My OC, Karmen and her parents are John’s found family as well. Her parents treat him like their child and it only becomes more apparent how welcome he is in their family when they start dating.
I have literally never heard the term ‘whump’ in my life and I’ve been in fandoms and reading/writing fanfiction since I was around 14. But yeah... I guess that’s accurate. 
I have been trying to tone down my whumpiness for my John/Abi series because even though my heart is aching for me to take advantage of ALL the possible angst in the canon story, I feel like you’re right and it is a niche genre. People want to read a little bit of angst that’s immediately followed by fluff and that’s just not who I am. But I’m trying to change it up so John gets some reprieve over the course of canon. 
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
For the fanfic askmeme: 7, 14, 16, 18, 29, 31
Yet Another Writing Ask
Your favorite ao3 tag
To Write in: Fluff
To Read: Also Fluff.
Don't know what I expected. It's the most used tag (with some variants like domestic fluff, family fluff, etc) I have, and what's in most of my bookmarks.
Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
(like, a sentence for a fic that I plan to follow through with writing to completion, or can I just fire off a random sentence with no commitment of seeing it written about further? Because I can do both and not label which is which, like an evil person)
-She really had changed him, Nokto thought with a defeated smile, sliding the champagne glass from Clara's reach.
-Miri stopped breathing, her blood turning to ice as she stared, helpless, as Lucifer's eyes, dark and fuming, turned to her.
Are one-shots really underrated?
Considering the vast majority of what I read and write are one-shots, not really? It probably has more to do with me and my short attention and energy span and the fact that the fandoms I'm in now are much smaller and much more niche, but one-shots are usually the norm from what I've seen. You don't really see many long-form fics often, which I think makes them more underrated than the one-shots. At least from my view of my current fandoms.
First, second, or third person?
Second person if I'm writing a Reader POV, Third Person if I'm doing an OC or a canon character. 1st Person feels a little too close for comfort for me and describing your actions as you're doing them/have done them feels weird to me.  I've backed out of fics before that were 1st person pov and the pov person was narrating their every single minute action because it bugged the hell out of me. Not saying at all that 1st Person POV is bad overall, it's just not for me.
What's the hardest thing about writing?
Everything, with a few things being harder than others. For me, it's fighting with the anxiety of if my ideas are 'good' enough that someone else would want to read them, not helped by the fact that I write quite a bit of OC-related stuff and fandom at large (at best, from my experience) usually ignores OCs.  Plus, I'm bad about checking stats and notes for interactions (hit counts, likes, retweets, etc) in the way that I stare at the stat page/activity page/what have you until something happens, willing the counters to change, even a little bit. I have gotten better about it in later years (like putting my phone and laptop down and walking downstairs and doing something there, even just walking around to get rid of the restlessness), but I can only distract myself for so long before giving into temptation and having a peek at the engagement.
If we need something writing-specific, I'm bad about stopping myself from editing as I'm writing? Like, I've scratched out full paragraphs while still writing because I didn't like where the scene was going and tried to stop myself from continuing further. Sometimes it doesn't work and I end up rewriting what I scratched out, just with slightly different words, only to scratch it out again, rinse and repeat.
What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
I'm gonna split this question up because I think a fic being difficult to write can be difficult in different ways. Love at First Sight was rough because of all the technical problems surrounding its creation. At the time, my laptop was dying and it didn't save the original draft, so I had to rewrite what I could remember on my phone (html included) and send it in late, as it was originally for an appreciation week, and I think my writing suffered for that week because of that loss. Went back later and fixed what I could of those fics, but still. That one was the technicality most difficult fic.
For emotionally difficult fic, tho it technically doesn't count (since it really isn't a fic as much as a list with paragraphs), that would be my Warlord and Ace Reader headcanons. I've toyed with writing ace characters in different fandoms before (this wip Wednesday from Seduce Me, and one that I haven't released from the MysMe fandom) but I was always worried I wouldn't do the ace characters/reader justice or represented fairly like I have with allosexual characters.
If we're going by strictly fic-only standards, tho it's still unfinished, that would be Second Glance. It's the first time in a super long time that I've taken on a multi-chaptered work (haven't really done that since high school, so you know it's been a long time). It's challenging me with story consistency, believable relationship building, conflict and resolution, problem-solving, character consistency and motivations, all that fun stuff that happens in long-form writing. And coupled with that 'this is a bad idea/no one wants to read this' anxiety mentioned earlier, it's been an emotional rollercoaster, even with as far as I've gotten with it.
0 notes
asocier · 5 years
Tumblr media
Name / Alias:  birdie Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No. Is your muse(s) over 18?  Yes /  No.
When was your blog established? 2013; remade in 2016 and again in 2019 ( this current iteration! )
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) /  Private (mutuals only).        
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people). 
/// i always read abouts before i follow, and if i can see our muses interacting, i’ll give a follow. i’d like to keep this blog pretty lowkey though so i’m being more selective on this blog as to who i follow. if your muse’s universe is too niche or heavily based in canon, i might not follow since it’s hard to adapt my muses to that world. also, i keep my following list clean, so if i feel like our muses don’t click anymore/no interaction has happened in anyway, i’ll unfollow. 
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  /  A little  / Some  / Mostly /  Strictly  /  Not Applicable.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  /  Single-Para  /  Multi-Para /  Novella  / All of the aforementioned. /// one-liners rarely stay one-liners for me tbh and i’ve written novella’s in the past before but just not on here ( i’m willing to! but the thread’s gotta be hella plotted ).
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes /  Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes.   /// i’m on discord! but my activity on there can be very spotty as in i’ll forget about our thread on there for like a long time but when i am in the mood to rp on there, i’m very quick
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted  /  Fully Plotted Epics  /  All of the aforementioned. 
// i really prefer plotting with these muses since their personalities are very particular, and i’d like to know where things are going so the thread doesn’t go dead so quickly! like nate will literally just walk away from your muse if he’s not feeling the conversation asljdalksjd but alison and emile are more receptive of unplotted things, like replying to opens since they’re more friendly
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month)  /  Slow (3-4 weeks)  /  Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days)  / It depends.    
What types of themes do you like? Adventure  /  Romance  /  Fluff  /  Angst  /  Smut  /  Violence  /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  / Family.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy  /  Supernatural  /  Science Fiction  /  Historical  /   Horror  /  Comedy  / Romantic  /  Drama  /  Action  /  Adventure  /  Espionage  /  All of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes.  
// i’m like, not 100% how i feel about violence just because i don’t actually rp heavy violence a lot of the time? i think i’d feel more comfortable with it if it was like plotted out between muns rather than it being spontaneous since i literally have no idea how fighting works and if you throw in weapons im like o fuk
violence probably will occur on this blog though ( historically, my blog has had some violence on it ), but again, if it does, i’d really like to plot it out. 
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? no triggers!
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned.
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  / Yes.
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual  / Demisexual  /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  /  Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic  /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic  /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic  /  Sapioromantic  /  Aromantic  /  Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  /  During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Plot dependent  /  Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to problematic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
Are you open to polyshipping? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  
// for a muse like alison, i can see it happening. emile requires more emotional attachment and the reassurance that he isn’t going to be used. cedric and nate aren’t up for it ( especially nate tbh since he’s single-shipped currently )
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never  /  Sometimes  /  Yes.  
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope  /  Yes
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