#dominican poison
spacevixenmusic · 9 months
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Model: Dominican Poison
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mizzissypoison · 5 months
mizz issy of 2021
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pmonster07 · 9 months
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Things mainly Dominican say 🇩🇴
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kizoken · 2 months
i just hope that one day venezuela as beautiful as it is be free for once and for all from their shit dictator. from such a rich and vast country to the death hole it became due to horrible administration and poisoned ambition. i see families escaping their home and their roots all for survival, watching them begging in the streets for a single piece of bread breaks my heart. i just hope, as a latin american, there will be a conversation held and more people know about the atrocities the venezuelans are going through.
as of now, the remaining venezuelans are protesting for a transparent and just election. there have been two dead and more than 40 people detained, police brutality is at an all-time high right now. 7 representatives of latin american countries have to pull out the country, and the the ministry of transportation has declared that no air transport to the Dominican Republic and Panamá will be made until further notice, further encapsulating the population so that they can leave the borders though this mean of transportation.
they claim that there will be no power to the right wing political party, however it is not about 'right or left' it is about the good and prosperity of the people and the territory one has the power to administer as their sovereign.
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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The Hunt: Cleopatra’s Long-Lost Tomb
The Egyptian queen may rest in the ancient city of Alexandria, which now lies at the bottom of the Mediterranean.
She has one of the most captivating and enduring mythologies of any leader in history, yet the true end of Queen Cleopatra’s story remains an enigma. Archaeologists might be able to offer some clarity, if they could only find her final resting place.
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The location of the Queen of the Nile’s tomb has eluded experts for centuries. Napoleon famously led an expedition searching for the crypt in the early 19th century. Egyptologists widely believe it is hidden somewhere in Alexandria, where the missing tombs of all 14 of the Ptolemaic Pharaohs, the final dynasty of ancient Egypt, are expected to be. Alas, much of ancient Alexandria now lies at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.
Greek historian Plutarch indicated that when Emperor Octavian ended a civil war by defeating Cleopatra and her beloved husband, the great Roman general Mark Antony, he allowed for them to be buried together. Though the prospect of finding both of their physical remains is thrilling, Plutarch wrote of their death and burial several decades after their occurrence, which casts his words into doubt.
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Many Egyptologists accept that both the Queen and her royal consort died dramatically by suicide, she by snakebite and he by his own sword. Others speculate that she died by intentional drug overdose, or by stinging herself with a poison-tipped hairpin. A growing number of experts suspect the suicide is a cover-up—that perhaps the queen was murdered. Much of the contemporary understanding of Cleopatra is based on the accounts of ancient Roman and Greek historians who undoubtedly held a bias towards her. An autopsy of her mummy might reveal different truths.
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Dominican archaeologist Kathleen Martinez.
Today, the quest for Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator’s elusive burial place has been taken on primarily by Dominican archaeologist Kathleen Martinez, who has dedicated two decades of her life to this mission. Martinez subscribes to the snakebite ending. She believes the ancient queen’s suicide was a ceremonial act, part of a ritual apotheosis: shedding her mortal coil so as to ascend to the status of goddess. The ritual, Martinez theorizes, culminated in moving Cleopatra’s body from her palace to a temple 25 miles west of Alexandria, Taposiris Magna.
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In 2022, Martinez announced the discovery of a tunnel running under the temple that she believes could have served as a corridor for delivering Cleopatra’s body. The tunnel is widely agreed to be an aqueduct, an exact replica of a similar structure found in Greece.
After working with Martinez for 11 years at Taposiris Magna, Zahi Hawass, former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs of Egypt, now categorically disagrees with her. For one, it would be incredibly anomalous for a pharaoh to be interred at a temple. Furthermore, he asserts that there is “no evidence at all” to indicate that Cleopatra, ancient Egypt’s last pharaoh, is buried there.
“I believe now that Cleopatra was buried in her tomb that she built next to her palace and it is under the water,” Hawass lamented. “Her tomb will never be found.”
By Adnan Qiblawi.
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Back in Philip’s time, tomatoes were seen as poisonous. So Camila has to try and convince him that they’re not.
Beardo Philip: (Crosses his arms) Tomatoes are food of the devil. 🍅
Camila: (Makes some homemade tomato jam, spreads it on a piece of toast, plates it, and hands it to Philip.) I think you might change your mind after trying this. 🍅 🍞
Beardo Philip: (Looks at the piece of bread and slowly picks it up, bringing it to his lips before taking a hesitant bite. His eyes widen, and his shoulders straighten before he quickly takes a bigger bite. With his mouth full.) (Referring to the food) This is god-like!
Camila: (Giggles) Wait until you try pizza.
(Tomatoes are now one of his favorite fruits / technical vegetables. He and Camila love making Dominican dishes together that contain them, as well as American foods.)
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daphne-a-tired-mom · 9 months
Ooc: Here is some info on the character of this account for those interested in know more about them. Edit: I'm updating this cus his hair is now long and white
Name: Yao Junxie Alex Wayne
Age: 15
Gender: gender-fluid
Height: 5’3 & a half
Weight: 143.6 lbs
Body type: 🍐
Sexual orientation: bi-sexual
Status: [alive]
Nationality: Dominican and Chinese
Occupation: they are a baker, writer, and artist outside of being a vigilant
Relationship status: single
Species: human experiment
Mother: unknown scientist
Status: [dead]
Father: unknown
Status: [alive]
Siblings: the batkids
Status[es]: [alive]
Significant other:non
General description
Weaknesses: (min 3)
There asthma
Not eating enough
Strengths: (max 3)
Going to the gym alot
Skills: (max 6)
Very good at art
Fashion designer
Makeup artist
Can go more than three months without sleeping
Fears (min 3)
New people
Bio parents
Alias: crowing
Alliances:bat fam, justice league, young justice, teen titans
Reputation: the innocent bat
Alignment: neutral
Experience: not much
Criminal history: has killed a lot of bad people
Primary weapon: scythe
Secondary weapon: kitanas
Melee(don't know what this is):
Gear: protection and too much technology
Gear pockets and bags
powers: nature creation, and dark summoning, wings, and dark unknown powers they don't use
power weaknesses: if dark summoning is used too much the user can end up in a three day nap or a coma, it depends how much they use it
Healing plants/herbs
Not deathly poison
Deathly poison
Place of residence:Gotham
Safe houses :shares with Cass and has two underground just incase
Home base : bat cave and/or team base aka junior tower
General description: white long hair, green eyes, white as snow skin, and Asian like features, deep eye bags
Scars: big cut scars in back and around body, and a burn on right shoulder
Long term injuries: one eye is still recovering from almost going blind
Major surgeries/procedures: had lung surgery at 10
General description:
Traumatic events: was experimented and abused by their bio mom
Medication: sleeping pills, ADHD pills
Disabilities/mental illnesses: ADHD, PTSD, insomnia, and past eating disorder
Legal Status: [alive]
Backstory: he was an experiment that got saved ( at the age of 7) by the justice league during one of their missions and started getting fostered by Bruce/Batman right after.
And lastly a full body picture of them
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Brief Conversation with the Caribbean Sea - Frank Báez - Dominican Republic
Translator: Giselle Rodríguez Cid (Spanish)
Let me start by saying that the other day I met the Mediterranean Sea and it was a bit like meeting a forgotten actor.
I walked along the boardwalk hearing its waves that sounded like the cough of an asthmatic Joe Pesci.
Although more than a forgotten actor the sea reminded me of the mummies that they exhibit in the Cairo Museum.
Nothing to do with you, Caribbean Sea, this afternoon you have so much vigor that it looks like you're coming from the gym.
I do not know if I prefer you when you lie down calm as a lion in the middle of the meadow.
Or when you get angry and roar and you try to sodomize the coast in the manner of Marlon Brando
in The Last Tango in Paris. The pelicans and the seagulls they run off your fingers when
you try to catch them, it's as if you want to get out of your seabed, but your chains hold you
so hard that all you can do is shout and rant. Tell the me truth, aren't you bothered by
the cruise ships filled with the elderly and all that crap we throw at you? We have poisoned you, contaminated you.
Last year your coasts had so much seaweed it seemed that on our beaches a tourist
gave you syphilis. I told myself this looks ugly. And I wondered if this was not the end.
But instead of sending a tsunami and taking your revenge on our cities and erasing Miami from the map,
you went back to grazing your flock of waves in peace and harmony throughout the coast.
What else can I tell you? You are the sea Of my childhood, I've spent my life deciphering your words.
We both have aged, but despite the passage of time I keep coming to this reef
to talk to you with the same innocence as when I was a kid and walking around
your beaches I picked up a conch and I put it against my ear and you you spoke to me for the first time.
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mask131 · 11 months
Fragments of fright (10)
This translation comes from a small witch-and-occult centered section in a French magazine entirely dedicated to the Middle-Ages (Histoire et Images Médiévales, Medieval History and Images). It was the issue 51, August-September 2013). Written by Claire Goumot.
The Belladona
The Belladona, or Atropa belladonna, is a black-berried plant well known in the Middle Ages. It was nicknamed the Devil's Cherry or "Belle Dame", the Beautiful Lady, because of its incredible properties. Its botanical name, "Atropa", is from the same root as the name of the last of the three Parcae/Moirai - Atropos she who cuts the thread of mortal life. This was because eating belladona caused hallucinations, and could be deadly. This is why it was considered a a "plant of witches", and witches used it as an oinment to either poison people or fly all the way to their sabbath. But its common name comes from the cosmetic use Italian women had for this plant during the Renaissance (the "bella domna", beautiful ladies) - a few drops of belladona juice in their eyes dilated their pupils, which made their gaze more shiny and intense. As with all plants, when well-dosed, it as benevolent properties: it is appeased, can be an anesthetic, prevents spasms. It is still used by modern medecine to treat skin and eyes.
Since Antiquity, salt is a divine and magical element in many societies. It is believed that it can protect people from bad luck, evil spells, and that it can unveil the truth. Men of the Middle-Ages spread salt inside their house, and placed some on their doorsteps or in their pockets. Salt was a mark of wealth, because it was a rare and costly product in the Middle-Ages, that had its own tax. People who accidentally spilled their salt-pot took the habt of throwing a pinch of salt over their shoulder, as a way to mock Fortune and to show that they still had plenty more salt to throw around... With time, as witch trials were on the rise, salt became a protection against the Fiend. The one who spilled the salt-shaker could be accused of being a sorcerer, because it meant he couldn't actually grasp the holy salt. He then was forced to grab a pinch of it and throw it over his shoulder to prove that he did not fear the salt. A variation of this rite had the person throwing salt over their shoulder to blind the demon haunting them, and thus prevent any kind of misfortune or curse it could have caused. Today, to spill the salt-shaker is still believed to be a bad omen, and this is why people try to avoid passing it from hand to hand. By putting it on the table and letting the over person take it, you limited the risks of the salt spilling AND placed the next person to the test. It should also be remembered that ever since Antiquity, poisoners had the habit of putting their poison inside the salt - as such, not giving the salt container from hand to hand made you less of a suspect, and made the victim more "responsible" for their death, since they took the salt off the table on their own.
The book against witches: the Malleus Maleficarum
The Malleus Maleficarum, also known as the Witches Hammer, is a book of the 15th century written by two German Dominicans: Heinrich Kramer "Institoris" and Jacques Sprender. This manual for inquisitors and jurists detailed the process to identify, interrogate and punish witches. The first part of the book defines the "seal of the devil", aka the marks to recognize a witch (birthmarks, warts, beauty marks, parts of the body that do not feel anything, extreme skinniness, unbridled sexuality, presence of a familiar). Some details are quite... something, since the book details the most extavagant powers of the witches : they could use charms and tie knots to make men infertile, or they could steal men's penises to hide it in birds nests. The two other parts of the book are less amusing, since they are "practical" parts detailling several cases of witch trials, witch interrogations and witch executions. All those were done by the use of trials and tortures that harmed the flesh, "by fire or by water", "under the eye of God", to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. One of the most famous accusations of witchcraft of history stays the one of Joan of Arc, who ultimately was proven innocent of witchcraft... But still condemned as a heretic and burned at the stake for this. The witch hunt will only end in Europe in the 18th century - with a total number of victims estimated between 50 000 and 100 000.
The witch's broom
The broom is the most iconic emblem of the witch, and this since the Middle-Ages. Why attach such a usual and banal item to the figure of the witch? First, because women were deeply associated with the broom - just like the cauldron or the spindle, this was one of the tools of the woman's domestic work, and the cauldron and the spindle in fact would also go on to become magical items in folklore and fairytales. In the Middle-Ages, feminity and domestic work only make one. Then, we also have to recall that brooms were made of Genisteae, aka "brooms" (broom shrubs, broom trees), a plant usually used in magical potions or medicinal brew to fight venom or lower tension. It was this same Genisteae that the witches used in the skin-ointment that allowed them to fly and to go to the sabbath (though sometimes the ointment serves to cover the broom rather than the witch's body).
The broom-shrub has a strong symbolical meaning : according to the Bible, the broom plant's rigidity is a cuse because the shrub refused to open its branches before the Holy Family as they fled king Herodus. Witches thus use a plant cursed by God to get closer to the Devil. Outside of the witches domain, the broom-plant had better connotations: it was the emblem of Charles VI, and the one of Goffrey Plantagenet, who always wore some of it on him, hence his name (the "broom plant" is known in French as "genêt").
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spacevixenmusic · 10 months
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actual speed of someone with huge tits trying to descend the stairs without knocking themselves out
Model: Dominican Poison
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mizzissypoison · 6 months
mizz issy 2020
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 year
its caribbean heritage month im back on my dailt shepards hc shit srry not srry to everyone who doesnt like these!!!!
im gonna make up for the past few says and today so here we go‼️‼️
for context i hc the shepards as haitian but i will make comments about them being dominican cause i feel like of they were hispnic theyd b that so,, yea,,,
1) curly tends to whisper in creole (or spanish if u wanna hc the shepards as dominican pick ur poison) anout whatevers on his mind while ponys sleeping next to him cause pony finds it pretty comforting actually and thinks curlys voice sounds nice!!!!
2)when at a beach or rlly anywhere w seashells they play zanset (this traditional haitian game. where u toss and catch shells in rhythms/patterns)
3) i already gave them middle names but imagine em w more haitian middle names!!! angelas could b like erzulie, antoinette, or roseléne and tim and curlys could b nerat, désir, anri, zamor, isidor, list goes on
4)when they were way younger, tim did this thing w pony and curly called krik-krak, and its this call and response thing done in haiti used during storytelling of things like haitian folklore n stuff like that but rlly curly did it anytime he was telling a story bc oral storytelling is very important in haitian culture
basically the storyteller goes “krik” and the ppl listening go “krak”
5) now im adding this cause my mom did this a lot when i was a kid BUT the shepards (mostly angela) always says “anmwey” when they see something that annoys or fustrates them, they just mumble it under their breath and rub their face its just so funny to me
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celestialautifutch · 2 years
Being biracial comes with a whole host of unique issues in community, culture, and identity, and biracial people often get made fun of for talking about it (which I get that some biracial people talk over other experiences, but when it's in our own spaces it's fucked up to pull it out of those spaces and mock it). But like. This is not a deep statement post despite the opening. But sometimes I think about the fact that I come from two different "cultures" (I'm hesitant to call what my mom's side had going on a "culture") and my white mom did a great job making me feel like I'd never belong to my Dominican culture. I didn't grow up with that side so that part was easy for her, but she did everything she could to stop any attempt I made at connecting with it internally and externally.
She changed my name at the last minute to something Anglo as opposed to the very Latine name my father had picked out. She brushed my hair out dry and encouraged me to straighten or hide it in buns instead of helping me learn how to care for nonwhite curls, she didn't support me learning Spanish, she told me my nose was "probably Greek or something - I have no idea where it came from" when it was the same nose she'd stared at on my father's face for four years, as well as all his siblings. When I talked about being Dominican she'd scoff and say "you're so light they wouldn't even consider you one of them" which. Fucking yikes. Yikes and not true! Latines come in all fucking shades, Latines know this, but she was the one who looked at me and didn't see it. That's how she wanted it. She wanted me to be like her in every way and I just wanted to be a part of my culture and community. I wanted to stop feeling like I didn't belong anywhere. She made me feel like I didn't belong.
I can just assume that, at "best", she didn't want me to remind her of my father. Too much pain there. But in doing so she fed me so much racist bullshit, self loathing, and loneliness. That's what it comes down to - when white people try to make sure their kids don't remind them of their ex- partner of color, it almost always means they go about it by trying to sever any connection the child has to that ethnic group, not the individual person. It's "let's make you as white as possible while also instilling in you that you will never be the same as me". It's poison.
Being biracial is something that should be so beautiful, but so many white people don't actually unlearn their racism and biases when they have kids with a partner of color. And there's the issue of this fucked up idealized version of "the perfect mixed child". Yall know what I mean. Did you know my mother wanted me to have brown skin and dark, curly hair, until she left my dad and then suddenly she was so happy when I was born light and with blonde, straight hair? (Jokes on her, my hair darkened and curled and my skin is significantly more on the olive end, so get fucked mom). It was never "he likes music so I don't want you liking music because it reminds me of him", it was "he's brown so I don't want you to be brown too". And this is what a lot of mixed kids who grow up with white family end up going through! It's not a unique experience ffs.
Idk why I'm posting this. I guess to remind myself why I cut her off. It's only been three, almost four weeks, and some days I feel like I went too far. Unfortunately I'm in a place right now where I need to remind myself of all the different types of violence she put me through. Someday I'll move on and let bits and pieces go, but for now I need to remember that this didn't come from nowhere and that I really am doing what's best for me and my family by finally saying "enough".
(Block my mom trauma tag if you don't want to see these posts)
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dan6085 · 15 days
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been involved in numerous covert operations since its inception in 1947, including attempts to assassinate foreign leaders and individuals considered threats to U.S. interests. Many of these operations were part of Cold War tactics to combat communism, prevent unfriendly regimes from coming to power, or support U.S. foreign policy objectives. Below are some of the most well-known assassination attempts and operations linked to the CIA, some of which remain shrouded in secrecy and controversy.
### 1. **Patrice Lumumba (1961)**
- **Target**: **Patrice Lumumba**, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- **Details**: Lumumba was the first democratically elected Prime Minister of the newly independent Congo. The U.S. and Belgium feared that Lumumba's leftist policies and ties to the Soviet Union would make the Congo a Soviet ally during the Cold War. The CIA reportedly attempted to poison Lumumba, but he was ultimately killed by Congolese rivals with Belgian support. The CIA’s exact role in his assassination remains unclear, but it has been implicated in orchestrating the political environment that led to his death.
### 2. **Fidel Castro (Numerous Attempts, 1960s)**
- **Target**: **Fidel Castro**, Prime Minister of Cuba.
- **Details**: The CIA made numerous attempts to assassinate Castro after he overthrew the U.S.-backed Batista regime in Cuba and aligned the country with the Soviet Union. Some of the bizarre assassination plots included poisoning his cigars, slipping poison into his food, and even using exploding seashells in a location where Castro liked to dive. None of these plots succeeded, and Castro remained in power for decades. The most notable attempt was part of **Operation Mongoose**, a large-scale covert operation aimed at destabilizing Cuba.
### 3. **Rafael Trujillo (1961)**
- **Target**: **Rafael Trujillo**, Dictator of the Dominican Republic.
- **Details**: Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic with an iron fist for over 30 years. Although he was initially supported by the U.S., his increasingly repressive regime, combined with a personal vendetta against U.S. officials, led to the CIA’s involvement in his assassination. Trujillo was ambushed and killed by Dominican dissidents in 1961, with the CIA providing weapons and support to the conspirators.
### 4. **Ngo Dinh Diem (1963)**
- **Target**: **Ngo Dinh Diem**, President of South Vietnam.
- **Details**: Diem was the U.S.-backed leader of South Vietnam but was unpopular due to his authoritarian regime and religious persecution of Buddhists. By 1963, the Kennedy administration concluded that Diem was a liability and tacitly supported a military coup against him. While the CIA did not directly assassinate Diem, it is widely believed that the agency was involved in supporting the coup that led to his capture and execution by South Vietnamese military officers.
### 5. **General Abd al-Karim Qasim (1963)**
- **Target**: **Abd al-Karim Qasim**, Prime Minister of Iraq.
- **Details**: Qasim led a coup in Iraq in 1958 that overthrew the pro-Western monarchy. The U.S. was concerned about Qasim’s nationalist policies and his perceived closeness to the Soviet Union. In 1963, the CIA provided support to Iraqi Ba'ath Party elements who overthrew Qasim in a coup. Qasim was executed by his captors. Though the CIA’s role in the assassination is still debated, it is believed that the agency provided intelligence and possible material support to his enemies.
### 6. **Salvador Allende (1973)**
- **Target**: **Salvador Allende**, President of Chile.
- **Details**: Allende was democratically elected as Chile's president in 1970, but his Marxist policies alarmed the U.S. government. The CIA, under the orders of President Nixon and Henry Kissinger, worked to undermine Allende’s government. On September 11, 1973, a military coup led by General **Augusto Pinochet** overthrew Allende, who reportedly committed suicide during the siege of the presidential palace. While there is no direct evidence that the CIA assassinated Allende, they played a significant role in destabilizing his government and supporting the coup.
### 7. **Che Guevara (1967)**
- **Target**: **Che Guevara**, Marxist revolutionary.
- **Details**: After the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara became an international symbol of revolution and leftist ideology. In 1967, while attempting to lead a guerrilla movement in Bolivia, Guevara was captured by Bolivian forces, with the assistance of the CIA. The CIA’s involvement included intelligence gathering and providing advice to the Bolivian military. Guevara was executed by Bolivian forces shortly after his capture, with CIA agent **Félix Rodríguez** present during his interrogation and execution.
### 8. **René Schneider (1970)**
- **Target**: **René Schneider**, Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army.
- **Details**: General Schneider opposed military intervention in politics and supported Chile's constitutional process, which included accepting the election of Salvador Allende. The CIA, in its efforts to prevent Allende from taking power, supported a plot to kidnap Schneider. The plot, which involved right-wing Chilean officers, went wrong, and Schneider was shot and killed during the kidnapping attempt. The CIA's involvement in Schneider's assassination remains a contentious topic, as the agency provided weapons to the conspirators.
### 9. **Mohammad Mosaddegh (1953)**
- **Target**: **Mohammad Mosaddegh**, Prime Minister of Iran.
- **Details**: While Mosaddegh was not assassinated, the CIA played a crucial role in orchestrating a coup to overthrow him. Mosaddegh had nationalized Iran's oil industry, angering Britain and the U.S. In **Operation Ajax**, the CIA, along with British intelligence (MI6), organized protests, spread disinformation, and supported military elements to overthrow Mosaddegh. After the coup, Mosaddegh was arrested and spent the rest of his life under house arrest. This operation is seen as a pivotal moment in U.S. involvement in the Middle East.
### 10. **Osama bin Laden (2011)**
- **Target**: **Osama bin Laden**, leader of al-Qaeda.
- **Details**: Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. After years of intelligence gathering, a U.S. Navy SEAL team, acting under the direction of the CIA and President Barack Obama, located and killed bin Laden in a raid on his compound in **Abbottabad**, Pakistan, in May 2011. The CIA played a central role in tracking bin Laden and organizing the operation that led to his death.
### 11. **Muammar Gaddafi (2011)**
- **Target**: **Muammar Gaddafi**, Libyan dictator.
- **Details**: Gaddafi ruled Libya for over 40 years, but during the Arab Spring in 2011, uprisings broke out in Libya. NATO, with significant U.S. involvement, launched airstrikes in support of the rebels. Although Gaddafi's death was ultimately at the hands of Libyan rebels, the CIA provided intelligence and support for the uprising. The precise role of the CIA in his capture and death remains unclear, but U.S. and NATO support was instrumental in his downfall.
### 12. **Anwar al-Awlaki (2011)**
- **Target**: **Anwar al-Awlaki**, American-born al-Qaeda cleric.
- **Details**: Al-Awlaki, a radical preacher linked to multiple terrorist plots against the U.S., was killed in a **drone strike** in Yemen in 2011. This assassination marked a controversial moment because al-Awlaki was a U.S. citizen, and his killing raised legal and ethical questions about targeted assassinations. The strike was carried out by the CIA, under orders from President Obama, as part of the broader campaign against al-Qaeda.
### Conclusion:
While many of these assassinations were framed as necessary to protect U.S. national security, they often had significant geopolitical consequences, leading to long-term instability in various regions. Additionally, the ethical and legal implications of CIA involvement in assassinations, particularly those involving democratically elected leaders, remain highly controversial and continue to shape perceptions of U.S. foreign policy.
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jewelrycreation · 3 months
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thewahookid · 5 months
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Louis was born in 1673 at Montfort-sur-Meu, in France, the eldest surviving child of eighteen born to Jean-Baptiste and Jeanne Robert Grignion.
At the age of 12, he entered the Jesuit College of St Thomas Becket in Rennes, where his uncle was a parish priest.
Later he was inspired to preach missions among the very poor. And, under the guidance of priests he began to develop his strong devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
He was ordained a priest in June 1700, and assigned to Nantes. His letters of this period show that he felt frustrated from the lack of opportunity to preach as he felt he was called to do. He considered various options, even that of becoming a hermit, but the conviction that he was called to "preach missions to the poor" increased.
In November 1700 he joined the Third Order of the Dominicans and asked permission not only to preach the Rosary, but to also form Rosary confraternities. The same month he wrote: "I am continually asking in my prayers for a poor and small company of good priests to preach missions and retreats under the standard and protection of the Blessed Virgin".
Frustrated with the local bishops, he set off to make a pilgrimage to Rome, to ask Pope Clement XI, what he should do. The Pope recognised his real vocation and, telling him that there was plenty of scope for its exercise in France, sent him back with the title of Apostolic Missionary.
He once gave a mission for the soldiers of the garrison at La Rochelle, and moved by his words, the soldiers wept, and cried aloud for the forgiveness of their sins. In the procession which terminated this mission, an officer walked at the head, barefooted and carrying a banner, and the soldiers, also barefooted, followed, carrying in one hand a crucifix, in the other a Rosary, and singing hymns
The heated style of his preaching was regarded by some people as somewhat strange and he was poisoned once. Although it did not prove fatal, it caused his health to deteriorate.
St. Louis was a strong believer in the power of the Rosary and his popular book, "The Secret of the Rosary", provides specific methods for praying the Rosary with more devotion. It has been read by Catholics worldwide for over two centuries and is one of the earliest works to establish modern Roman Catholic Mariology. His other writings are: True Devotion to Mary, The Secret of Mary, Rules for the Company of Mary, The Daughters of Wisdom, and many Hymns.
St. Louis died at Saint Laurent sur Sevre, on 28 April, 1716 AD.
"If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins 'you shall receive a never fading crown of glory.' Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in Hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do who practise black magic, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted and will amend your life and save your soul".
⚜ St. Louis De Montfort
Feast Day - April 28
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