#domino 2005
keiraonfilm · 1 year
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Keira Knightley as Domino Harvey in Domino. (2005)
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mostlygibberish · 5 months
I liked the part with the goldfish.
Nauseatingly rapid cuts, ugly high contrast colour grading, shots overlaid on other shots with different frame rates and digital shakey cam, tedious slow motion and pointlessly sped up footage, and the screen flashing white non-stop to the point that it literally hurt my eyes to look at it. It didn't matter if it was a high stakes shootout or somebody reading a computer screen, every single scene was edited to the same ridiculous degree.
What little plot Domino had wasn't even remotely interesting, getting more and more convoluted as it went. There were multiple instances of it showing things happen and then later revealing that they didn't, as though this was some clever misdirection instead of meaningless filler. Framing the whole thing as a flashback police interview was not only a tired cliché, but it removed any possible doubt about Domino's fate right from the start.
Being 2005, Domino was constantly portrayed as a badass but the only thing she actually did in the movie was be objectified and talk about how she wasn't like other girls. She resolved a standoff by giving a random guy a lap dance, and half the drama in the movie was about how she was so insanely hot but wouldn't sleep with the guy that had no personality yet felt entitled to her body anyway. When they later hooked up after being literally drugged with mescaline this was treated as a romantic development.
Also being 2005, an Afghani man whose name the other characters were too racist to bother learning sent a bunch of money to freedom fighters and then suicide bombed a tower. Really. There was another completely pointless scene in which a black woman went on Jerry Springer to explain some bizarre race theory she had developed, only to be ridiculed as stupid and promiscuous.
Domino is one of the best examples I've ever seen of something trying way too hard to be cool and consistently failing. I doubt this was even cool in 2005, and that's saying something; The 00's were chock full of lame shit people inexplicably considered cool. By the time the last act rolled around my brain was turning to mush. I could barely work out what was going on, and I don't just mean visually. There was no excuse for this to be two hours long.
A truly obnoxious movie. At least Keira Knightley looks hot with a cigarette and gun, so it wasn't a complete waste of my time.
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[narrates, from trailer]  
"My name is Domino Harvey. I am a bounty hunter. You're probably wondering how a girl like me arrived here. What I say will determine whether or not I spend the rest of my life in prison. Let's start at the beginning."
-- DOMINO HARVEY✝ (1969-2005), played by English actress Keira Knightley
FILM: "Domino" (2005)
DIRECTOR: Tony Scott✝
SCREENPLAY: Richard Kelly
STORY: Richard Kelly & Steve Barancik
STUDIO: New Line Cinema
Sources: MUBI, Pinterest, Screenmusings, Eye for Film, IMDb, [FILMGRAB], various, etc...
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aeolianblues · 17 days
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The debut Arctic Monkeys album, Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not. Sent to us way back in 2005 by Domino Recordings, the band’s record label, with a full page press release explaining why us on this side of the planet should be paying attention to these rising hotshots gaining fans rapidly across the U.K.
We also got sent a lot more Arctic Monkeys albums in later years, all up to AM, after which to be quite honest, people just stopped sending out CDs. I’ll post other albums later, we even got sent some promotional EPs, like Who The Fuck Are Arctic Monkeys?
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dilfcherricola · 2 years
you remember robots 2005? that shit was autism bait
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catwhisker · 2 years
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Bigweld from Robots Stimboard
sources: ⚙️ 🔩 ⚙️ x 🔩 ⚙️ 🔩 x ⚙️ 🔩 ⚙️
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taxi-davis · 4 months
waterfront dining — harder they fall​.​.​.
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g4zdtechtv · 7 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - I Have No Words for This | 11/3/04
Playing crappy games, so you don't have to. And playing the best stuff, before you do.
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threadmonster · 1 year
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enjoy i guess.
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vampirecorleone · 4 months
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"The domino scene, where V tips over black and red dominoes to form a giant letter V, involved 22,000 dominoes. It took four professional domino assemblers 200 hours to set it up." V For Vendetta (2005) dir. James McTeigue
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actressplayground4 · 18 days
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Keira Knightley (20) in Domino (2005)
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april-is · 2 months
April 11, 2024: The Coffin Maker Speaks, Lisa Suhair Majaj
The Coffin Maker Speaks Lisa Suhair Majaj
At first it was shocking—orders flooding in faster than I could meet. I worked through the nights, tried to ignore the sound of planes overhead, reverberations shaking my bones, acid fear, the jagged weeping of those who came to plead my services. I focused on the saw in my hand, burn of blisters, sweet smell of sawdust; hoped that fatigue would push aside my labor's purpose.
Wood fell scarce as the pile of coffins grew. I sent my oldest son to scavenge more but there was scant passage on the bombed out roads And those who could make it through brought food for the living, not planks for the dead. So I economized, cut more carefully than ever, reworked the extra scraps. It helped that so many coffins were child-sized.
I built the boxes well, nailed them strong, loaded them on the waiting trucks, did my job but could do no more. When they urged me to the gravesite— that long grieving gash in earth echoing the sky's torn warplane wound— I turned away, busied myself with my tools. Let others lay the shrouded forms in new-cut wood, lower the lidded boxes one by one: stilled row of toppled dominoes, long line of broken teeth. Let those who can bear it read the Fatiha over the crushed and broken dead. If I am to go on making coffins, Let me sleep without knowledge.
But what sleep have we in this flattened city? My neighbors hung white flags on their cars as they fled. Now they lie still and cold, waiting to occupy my boxes. Tonight I'll pull the white sheet from my window. Better to save it for my shroud.
One day, insha'allah, I'll return to woodwork for the living. I'll build door for every home in town, smooth and strong and solid, that will open quickly in times of danger, let the desperate in for shelter. I'll use oak, cherry, anything but pine.
For now, I do my work. Come to me and I'll build you what you need. Tell me the dimensions, the height or weight, and I'll meet your specifications. But keep the names and ages to yourself. Already my dreams are jagged Let me not wake splintered from my sleep crying for Fatima, Rafik, Soha, Hassan, Dalia, or smoothing a newborn newdead infant's face. Later I too will weep. But if you wish me to house the homeless dead, let me keep my nightmares nameless.
Today in:
2023: Running Orders, Lena Khalaf Tuffaha 2022: April, Alex Dimitrov 2021: Dust, Dorianne Laux 2020: VI. Wisdom: The Voice of God, Mary Karr 2019: What I Didn’t Know Before, Ada Limón 2018: History, Jennifer Michael Hecht 2017: from Correspondences, Anne Michaels 2016: Mesilla, Carrie Fountain 2015: Dolores Park, Keetje Kuipers 2014: Finally April and the Birds Are Falling Out of the Air with Joy, Anne Carson 2013: The Flames, Kate Llewellyn 2012: To See My Mother, Sharon Olds 2011: Across a Great Wilderness without You, Keetje Kuipers 2010: Poem About Morning, William Meredith 2009: Death, The Last Visit, Marie Howe 2008: Animals, Frank O’Hara 2007: Johnny Cash in the Afterlife, Bronwen Densmore 2006: Anne Hathaway, Carol Ann Duffy 2005: Sleep Positions, Lola Haskins
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comics-n-stuff · 1 year
Everyone who has ever, even slightly, been Robin
*In official, DC-endorsed media 
Total: 98 (i think)
my definition of a ‘Robin’ is extremely vague. For example, I’m counting Lois Lane because she went to a costume party as Robin, and I’m also counting ‘Boy’ from Batman: the Return of Bruce Wayne because he had the domino mask paint and was clearly a stand-in for Robin. Et cetera.
They’re organized chronologically by their first appearance as Robin
Also this is heavily dependent on DC Fandom Wiki, so please let me know if I missed anyone or if anything is inaccurate
Red = actually Robin for a significant portion of time (more than a few in-universe days & more than one issue/episode/movie/etc)
Italics = was never Robin in main continuity (i.e. Earth Two [before Earth One existed], Earth One, New Earth, and Prime Earth)
Bold = I actually acknowledge them as Robin in my heart
Dick Grayson (Apr 1940)
Julie Madison (Mar 1941)
Ricky (Dec 1944) [possible future]
Mary Wills (Apr 1950) [Earth-Two]
Bruce Wayne (Dec 1955)
Vanderveer Wayne (Jun 1962)
Alfred E. Neuman (Sep 1966) [Mad Magazine]
Jimmy Olsen (May 1970)
Jason Todd (Mar 1982)
Boyd, the Robin Wonder (Apr 1983) [Earth-C-Minus]
Carrie Kelly (Jun 1986) [Dark Knight Returns]
Tim Drake (Oct 1989)
Robert Chang (Apr 1990) [Digital Justice]
Redbird (Jan 1993) [The Blue, the Gray, and the Bat]
Thomas Wayne (Jan 1993) [Robin 3000]
Bane (Apr 1993) [rejected elseworlds]
Robin Redblade (Jun 1994) [Earth-494]
Tengu (Sep 1994) [Narrow Path]
Alfred Pennyworth (Feb 1996) [Batman: Dark Alligiances]
Jubilation Lee (Apr 1996) [Amalgam Universe]
Tris Plover (Jun 1996) [Legends of the Dead Earth]
Darkbird (Jul 1996)
Bruce Wayne Jr. (Feb 1997) [Earth-3839]
Lois Lane (Oct 1997)
Rodney the chimpanzee (Nov 1997) [Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty]
Marya (1998) [I, Joker]
Barbara Gordon (Feb 1998) [Earth-37]
Robin the Toy Wonder (Nov 1998) [DC One Million]
Rochelle Wayne (Feb 1999) [Reign of Terror]
Kon-El (Mar 1999) [Hypertension]
Clark Wayne (Mar 1999) [Earth-3839]
Squid Wonder (Aug 1999)
The Robin (Mar 2000) [Earth-40]
Robin Drake (Feb 2002) [Riddle of the Beast]
Stephanie Brown (May 2004)
Koriand’r (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Garfield Logan (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Rachel Roth (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Victor Stone (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Robbie the Robin (Jun 2005) [Krypto the Superdog]
Control Freak (Oct 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Damian Wayne (Nov 2006)
Robin Olsen (Oct 2007) [Earth-8]
Bizzaro Robin (Nov 2007)
Unnamed penguin (Jun 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Boy (Jul 2010)
Robin Robin (Jul 2010) [Tiny Titans]
M’gann M’orzz (Nov 2010) [Young Justice (2010 show)]
Jericho (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kid Devil (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Wildebeest (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kroc (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
The Joker (Jan 2011)
Lance Heart (Feb 2011)
Fransisco Ramirez (Feb 2011)
Christopher Ward (Feb 2011)
Robin John Blake (Jul 2012) [Dark Knight Trilogy]
Helena Wayne (July 2012) [Earth 2]
Robin’s Egg (Jan 2013) [Farm League]
Super Robin (Jul 2013) [Teen Titans Go!]
Selina Kyle (Mar 2014)
Damien Wayne (Jun 2014) [Infinite Crisis Video Game]
John Thomas Grayson (Dec 2014) [Earth 2]
Nibor (Jan 2015) [Teen Titans Go!]
Daxton Chill (May 2015)
Dre Cipriani (May 2015)
Riko Sheridan (May 2015)
Duke Thomas (Jul 2015)
Troy Walker (Jul 2015)
Kat-R-ina (Aug 2015)
Isabella Ortiz (Aug 2015)
BlackDomino (Oct 2015)
Darkestdawn (Oct 2015)
SideKicker (Oct 2015)
Yellowcape (Oct 2015)
Shug-R (May 2016)
Robinbot (May 2017)
Dinesh Babar (May 2017)
Rabid Robins (Oct 2017) [Earth -22]
Cult Member Robins (Apr 2018)
Rosie (Apr 2018)
Matt McGinnis (May 2018) [Futures End]
Harley Quinn (Apr 2019)
Jarro (Oct 2019)
Billy Batson (Oct 2019)
Six of Hearts (Dec 2019)
Maps Mizoguchi (Dec 2020)
Talia Kane (Feb 2021) [Earth 11]
LeBron James (Jul 2021) [Space Jam: A New Legacy]
Drake Winston (Oct 2021) [Batman ‘89]
Anita Jean (Oct 2021)
Kiki (Nov 2021)
Son of Don Mitchell Jr. (Mar 2022) [The Batman (2022 movie)]
Gan (Mar 2022)
Jon Kent (Jul 2022)
Amish Boy Wonder (Nov 2022) [The Last Harley Story]
Darcy Thomas (Nov 2022)
Elizabeth Prince (Jan 2024) [Possible Future]
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okay I just rewatched Robots (2005) and honestly? underappreciated movie.
the jokes are something a child would understand with humor you'd only get as an adult layered on top of it (my personal favorite being the "WHO WANTS TO GET FIXED?!" *crowd cheering* *dog whimpers* like what child is gonna get that???)
and the main premise of the movie being something that's such a parallel of today it's sad. (who would've thought that of all movies, this is the one to get thrown a dogdeball?) corporate greed literally killing the poor and making an elitist society with the main villain only caring about making the most money.
not to mention fender being a trans icon? genderqueer icon? I'm not entirely sure what he is but like, halfway through the movie he loses his legs and gets a skirt and piper just accepts it! she literally just goes "I have a sister!!" and it's not bad! she just openly accepts that! and no one bats an eye! and then fender uses his newfound ~feminine wiles~ to take out a slew of chop shoppers during the final battle
the way rodney almost gives up, multiple times, only to be convinced he needs to do something? cranks change of heart? the use of the upgrade rhetoric to cause problems? not to mention the domino symbolism with aunt fanny knocking over bits waiting to be repaired, actual domino's, and the new sweepers at the end, its rather fascinating
it's just such a good movie and I love it immensely. I highly recommend watching it just because
also the animation bit with the crosstown express swept me away as a child and it's still a fun scene to watch now as an adult (especially if you like rube goldberg machines or other such similar things) and it's just fun
not to mention it shows the power of protesting!!!! and the ability of the working class to fuck up the rich!!! the fact that ratchet literally gets fucked over at the end it's honestly kinda inspiring
it's just such a charming movie. go watch it
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Turn of Fortune: the only thing I can think of in regards to the "one tiny piece of luck cascading" is that one domino ocean scene from Robots
I guess you could call that
you could call that
I guess you could say
that's a
that's a real
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