#domon ryuhei
cuddly-asexual · 1 year
Been sitting on this idea for a while, but an Ichika sick fic where her 5 boyfriends try to take care of her but mostly don’t know what they’re doing. She told Hana to keep it a secret so they wouldn’t worry, but Hana lets it slip and the entire defense team goes “SHE’S WHAT?”
Hana is thankfully able to convince them to not all show up at Ichika’s house at the same time because that would be very overwhelming so they decide to take turns and have one person go each day. They draw lots or something and I have the order as thus: Ryuhei > Hyuma > Yusuke > Naoya (+ Hana) > Taisei. Everyone is VERY concerned about Ryuhei being the first one but he manages to ease their concerns.
-Ryuhei’s visit is still a mess tho, he does, in fact, have no idea what he’s doing. You can be damn sure he’s trying his best tho. He tries to cook her some curry, but doesn’t realize that just because something tastes good doesn’t mean it’s always good for you, so he’s just kinda like oh uh here’s some rice??? Does the “puts my forehead against yours to check a fever” thing. Cheesy because Ryuhei doesn’t realize how flustered it makes Ichika. Essentially Ryuhei just brings a lot of big loud energy, but it cheers Ichika up.
-Hyuma is probably the only one who knows what he’s doing since he takes care of his sick mom. A breath of fresh air after Ryuhei the day before. Properly takes Ichika’s temperature, serves her a nice soup, cool towel. He mostly keeps to himself otherwise, just reads a book at her bedside. She’ll point it out and he’ll probably try to pretend he’s not flustered and ask her what she’d want to do then. They have a nice chat about something niche they both enjoy.
-I know logically it makes sense for Yusuke to know how to take care of a sick person the gap moe would be funny so I think he’s surprisingly useless. Does he know basic first aid? Yeah, for injuries on a baseball field not the flu.
-Naoya and Hana just come together since they’re siblings, but Hana leaves early on to give Naoya his time with Ichika. She just checks up on Ichika and drops off a lunch she made (full of greens of course, Naoya helped too). Naoya’s definitely taken care of Hana when she was sick before. I think he’s got some special secret remedy for a sore throat.
-Taisei is nothing if not enthusiastic. Ichika is feeling somewhat better at this point; they mostly just hang out. Taisei knows the basics of how to take care of a sick person. He cooks her some miso with tofu because obviously. I think they get a little ahead of themselves and Ichika like almost collapses or something but Taisei catches her all romcom style, they have a cute moment. Taisei carries her to her bed so she can rest some more.
Ichika deserves all the love in this world and these boys have endless amounts of it.
Bonus: someone else gets sick from this and they do the same thing all over again
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ichika-sakurai · 6 months
Ryuhei: To this day I still don't know what the DS in NintendoDS stands for
Yusuke: Dual Screen
Ryuhei: You've ruined EVERYTHING
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The High School Heroes Whumplist
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Plot: To save his school from majins lurking within, superhero fan recruits five other students to form their own sentai hero squad.
Genre: Tokusatsu
Language: Japanese
Episodes: 08
Watch on: Subber
Majin: Monster of the week
Manaka Taisei/AkaHero played by Iwasaki Taisho
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Ep 01:
Attacked and beaten up by MoTW
Collaspe from exhaustion from fighting the MoTW
Ep 02:
Tied up with MoTW's hair
Ep 05:
Framed and arrested
Locked in a cell
grabbed by Collar
Ep 07:
Flashback: attacked by majin
Emotional whump: Witness his father's death due to majin's power
Fight alone again majin and gets curbstomp
Hits his head on a rock during fight
Ep 08:
In coma for three days & loses his memory
Takigawa Yusuke/AoHero played by Nasu Yuto
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Ep 01:
Bleeding fingers from practicing too much
Ep 02:
Tied up with MoTW's hair
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Morimura Naoya/MidoHero played by Fuji Naoki
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Ep 02:
Slapped by Hana
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Domon Ryuhei/KiHero played by Sato Ryuga
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Ep 03:
Gets his pride taken away, making him easy to manipulate
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Sakurai Ichika/MomoHero played by Kanasashi Issei
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Ep 03:
Beaten by Majin
Ep 05:
Attacked by majin
Grabbed by collar and threatened
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
Oura Hyuma/GinHero played by Ukisho Hidaka
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Ep 05:
Weakened from becoming a majin
Ep 06:
Flashback: In a teacher-student relationship, Lured into a fight and then betrayed by said teacher.
Attacked by majin trying to dispose him
Forcefully turned into majin
Ep 08:
Attacked by Majin
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r1ch1e-the-killer · 2 years
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more (mostly) sentai doodles :3
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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The High School Heroes
I will become a hero!
July 31 2021-September 18 2021
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My first impressions from: The High School Heroes (episodes 1/2)
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Taisei Manaka
Absolute king! This man deserves the world! He's got so much dedication and he's a great leader. Literally reminds me of an excitable puppy that wants to fight everything. Loves his mom and it's beautiful. Fingerless gloves? Random shirts? He makes them work. Adopted Yusuke and won't give him back
Yusuke Takigawa
He and Taisei are besties now and it's adorable. Definitely the group braincell (along with Hana) and it shows. Now he's surrounded by extroverts who just wanna punch first ask questions later. Gives off tired mom energy and I'm here for it
Ryuhei Domon
Haven't been able to get a good read on him yet (waiting for episode 3) but I can already tell he's probably gonna be the loudmouth/loverboy type. And he plays basketball! Probably gonna be a sassier version of Hinata
Ichika Sakurai
Why the hell are you so adorable? Literally the sunshine of the group. Her walking around with her apron and lil' headband and drawing art. Poor thing fainted (twice!) and fell in the pool and everyone just left her there. She must be protected at all costs! She's too pure for them! If anything happens (waiting for episode 4)
Naoya Morimura
He's a little shit, but y'know what? He's my little shit. Sure, he's an ass and has a mullet, but he loves his little sister and eventually did the right thing. Might end up rivalling Taisei for loudest hero. I want fun sibling rivalry with Hana! All the potential! (Plus he was dancing to: I Need a Hero, so he gets respect)
Hyuma Oura
He's an angsty mess but, yet again, he's my angsty mess. He kinda gives me final-boss-before-the-real-final-boss vibes (either that or that woman with the mask). There's so much potential for Oura they better not screw this up. I can't decide if I want a redemption arc for him or not...I just wanna know why he's so loyal to the Majin. Hopefully we get that story soon
Hana Morimura
This! Absolute! Queen! She's the mom friend and makes bento. She literally had no reason to run around helping Taisei but she did anyway because she's perfect like that. If anything bad happens to her I'm suing
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lumidark166 · 3 years
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Taisei is such a dork i love him <3
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jasper-space · 3 years
The High School Heroes [Ep 1]
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So, a new show by Toei has started airing on TV Asahi and it is phenomenal. It is The High School Heroes, a sentai-esque show about a Goranger otaku trying to protect his school against the Majin.
Here are some of my thoughts and a summary of the first episode
In Episode 1, "The Birth of the Crimson Hero! The Blue Spring of Youth Strikes a Reversal Home Run", we get to meet Manaka Taisei. Taisei is a major Goranger otaku, he has watched it hundreds of times and it was his father's favorite show as well. Taisei is the president of the School Defense Club, part Goranger fan club part defenders of the school.
Taisei tries to recruit members for his club under the threat of it being shut down due to a lack of members. He tries to recruit some of the most important students around the school.
Takigawa Yusuke, the "smartest student" and member of the baseball team.
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Domon Ryuhei, the "most athletic student" and member of the basketball club.
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Morimura Naoya, the "most popular student" and member of the dance club.
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All of which reject him (For now). We are also introduced to the "most artistic student" Sakurai Ichika.
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Another worth mentioning is Hana, Naoya's sister and member of the News Club. During the first episode, she is following Taisei around and documents what's going on. She later joins the club.
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The big villains are the Headmaster and the Student Representative working for him, Hyuma.
Taisei goes home dejected and has a vision of Goranger which tells him that he will never become a hero if he gives up now. During this time we also see some flashbacks which reveal that his father created an app that is supposed to transform someone into a hero, that Taisei was attacked by a Majin as a young kid and was rescued.
Things start picking up here. Members of the baseball team start getting attacked by a Majin. A Majin is a monster created by someone whose negative emotion has overwhelmed them. The Majin transform using an app distributed by the evil student Representative and headmaster.
The Majin is a baseball monster who I have to say looks absolutely stunning. Perfectly ferocious and drooly.
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Taisei hears a scream and rushes to the aid of the student being attacked and while selflessly defending him he transforms for the very first time into Akahero using his father's app.
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Akahero and the Baseball Majin fight before the Majin disappears. Taisei then tries to find out who the Majin is in order to help him. He first believes that it is Yusuke who is angry at some other classmates who cheated off of him but that turns out to be wrong.
It is revealed that it is actually Nishinomiya, an underclassman, who is angry at Yusuke for letting the players cheat off of him so they could compete while the more talented underclassman can't.
Taisei shows up and turns into Akahero and trys to stop Nishinomiya who transforms into the Baseball Majin. Taisei sent the app to Yusuke so he can transform and help save Nishinomiya. Yusuke becomes the blue hero Aohero.
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Together the two heroes defeat the Majin and rescue Nishinomiya. However, Hyuma deletes the transformation app from Nishinomiya's phone which causes him to lose his memories of the event.
In the end, Yusuke quits the baseball team and joins the School Defense Club.
Over the next few episodes, I'm sure some more of the students introduced will become rangers and help defend the school against the Majin and the Headmaster.
That's all for now! But before this post ends, you have to admire the School Defense Club's room. BUH BYE!
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ichika-sakurai · 2 years
Taisei, taking Naoya's advice on flirting: I-I'll speak french between your legs?
Hyuma, not seduced, instead dying laughing: I'm sorry, I'm just imagining someone screaming BONJOUR at a penis
Yusuke: None of you should ever be having sex
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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A Bright Red Hero is Born! Youth Reversal Homerun!!
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Green Step! The Whereabouts of Love are a Love Triangle!?
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Yellow Dunks Fly in the Air! Sweet Temptation is a Demon Trap!?
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Pink's Determination! Goodbye, For Now
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Hero Arrested!? The Sad Battle Between Gold And Red
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Silver Shines Brighter Than Gold! The Birth of the Sixth Hero!!
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Red Determination! Friendship and Unity x Quiz
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Final Ep: Last Battle 6 Colors of Friendship and Unity
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Credit: here
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
~Every Friendship Group Should Include~
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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Credit: here
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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ichika-sakurai · 3 years
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