#don blevins
“This whole week was a mistake. I’m sorry, Eddie, I should never have asked you to do this for me.”
Eddie exhales.
“I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Buck, okay, so listen to me when I say this.” He waits until he feels me nod before continuing. “I would do anything for you. Anything. Up to and including staging an elaborate lie to tell your family over Christmas, obviously. But I would lie to anyone for you, even my own family. I would fight for you, just as hard as I’ve witnessed you fight for Christopher and maybe even a bit more. I’d rush into a burning building for you, without any of the training or the right gear you get when you’re the one running into a fire.” As he’s talking he picks his head back up, turning to look at my face. I meet his gaze, even though I want nothing more than to shrink away right now, to run back into the building and up the stairs and hide under the covers. “I would kill anyone who hurts you, Buck. I mean it, I would. With my bare hands. Because of everyone I’ve ever met, I’ve never met someone who deserves to be happy more than you do.”
I’m probably seconds away from letting out a truly embarrassing sob. 
Would he be saying all this if I had told him the whole truth, though? On top of the awkward lies I’m struggling with the fact that I have these uncontrollable feelings for him.
I tell myself not to think about it. He’ll never find out about them, I’ll never jeopardize his presence in my life. 
As I watch through blurry eyes, Eddie reaches out, cupping my cheek with his palm. “You’re not doing anything to our friendship. I’m still here because I want to be. I don’t want to be anywhere without you. I never do.”
I take a shuddering breath in, leaning into his hand.
What is he even- why would he - How does he know exactly what to say?
We’re still making eye contact. When did he lean in so close to me? He’s only inches away, I can feel his exhale blow across my face. Eddie’s thumb twitches, moving across my cheek. Against my will, I flick my gaze down to his lips. They’re right there.
We both startle when we hear footsteps rushing out on the porch, dispelling the moment. 
“Oh, Buck, Eddie, it’s just you. Good heavens! Seeing the doors open gave me a fright!” Don Blevins says, pressing a hand over his heart.
I have to fight with a flare of irrational anger that comes over me. Why are these moments with Eddie always getting interrupted?
“Sorry, Don,” Eddie calls out, leaning around me to look at the innkeeper. “I was worried it might lock behind us.
“Oh, we’re not all that fancy here. I’m gonna pull them shut. Please just make sure to lock ‘em up when you come back in.”
“You got it,” Eddie tells him. “Night.”
Even with Don gone, the moment doesn’t come back. I’m lying when I tell Eddie the hot cocoa hit the spot, that I think I’m finally ready to sleep. 
He pretends to believe me, at least.
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Sleepwalker vol 1 3 (1991) . Theater of Madness! . Written by Bob Budiansky Art by Bret Blevins Colors by Bob Budiansky Lettered by Chris Eliopoulus Edited by Don Daley and Kevin Kobasic . Rich Sheridan accidentally came to the Mindscape and encountered Cobweb... . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901sleepwalker #marvelman901bretblevins #marvelman901xmen #marvelman901avengers #marvelman901fantasticfour #marvelman901cobweb . #sleepwalker #cobweb #xmen #fantasticfour #avengers #thor #captainamerica #bretblevins #colossus #storm #wolverine #shehulk #ironman (på/i Mindscape) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJ5ZC9NX_n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In the 23rd century, inhabitants of a domed city freely experience all of life’s pleasures — but no one is allowed to live past 30. Citizens can try for a chance at being “renewed” in a civic ceremony on their 30th birthday. Escape is the only other option. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Logan: Michael York Francis: Richard Jordan Jessica: Jenny Agutter Box: Roscoe Lee Browne Holly: Farrah Fawcett Doc: Michael Anderson Jr. Old Man: Peter Ustinov 2nd Sanctuary Man: Randolph Roberts The Woman Runner: Lara Lindsay Billy: Gary Morgan Mary 2: Michelle Stacy Woman Customer: Laura Hippe Sandman: David Westberg Sanctuary Woman: Camilla Carr Cub: Greg Lewis Timid Girl: Ashley Cox Sandman: Bill Couch Runner: Glenn R. Wilder Last Day Character (uncredited): Joe L. Blevins Sandman Daniel (uncredited): Roger Borden Sand Man (uncredited): Greg Bransom City Dweller (uncredited): Paula Crist The City Computer (uncredited): Virginia Ann Ford Cub (uncredited): Chuck Gaylord Cub (uncredited): Mitch Gaylord (uncredited): Johnny Haymer Confused City Dweller (uncredited): Jessie Kirby 3rd Sanctuary Man / Ambush Man (uncredited): Greg Michaels 1st Sanctuary Man (uncredited): Bob Neill Love Shop Woman with Toy (uncredited): Renie Radich 1st Screamer in Logan’s Apartment (uncredited): Candice Rialson Screamer Party Woman (uncredited): Cheryl Smith Runner Great Hall (uncredited): Ron D. Thornton Film Crew: Director: Michael Anderson Novel: William F. Nolan Novel: George Clayton Johnson Screenplay: David Zelag Goodman Producer: Saul David Original Music Composer: Jerry Goldsmith Director of Photography: Ernest Laszlo Editor: Bob Wyman Production Design: Dale Hennesy Costume Design: Bill Thomas Associate Producer: Hugh Benson Makeup Artist: William Tuttle Hairstylist: Judith A. Cory Unit Production Manager: Byron Roberts Stunt Coordinator: Glenn R. Wilder Casting: Jack Baur Set Decoration: Robert De Vestel Property Master: Jack M. Marino Sound Editor: John Riordan Visual Effects Designer: L.B. Abbott Music Supervisor: Harry V. Lojewski Music Editor: William Saracino Dialect Coach: Leon Charles Script Supervisor: Ray Quiroz Choreographer: Stefan Wenta Second Assistant Director: Alan Brimfeld Second Assistant Director: Win Phelps Assistant Director: David Silver Stunt Coordinator: Bill Couch Key Grip: Martin Kashuk Electrician: Don Stott Associate Editor: Freeman A. Davies Assistant Editor: Chuck Ellison Unit Publicist: Don Morgan Stunts: Dick Ziker Stunts: Jeannie Epper Stunts: Loren Janes Stunts: Beth Nufer Stunts: Alex Plasschaert Stunts: Regina Parton Stunts: Lori Thomas Stunts: Mike Washlake Stunts: Russell Saunders Stunts: Barbara Graham Stunts: Tommy J. Huff Stunts: Sunny Woods Stunts: Paula Dell Stunts: Chuck Gaylord Stunts: Mitch Gaylord Stunts: Rosemary Johnston Stunts: Whitey Hughes Stunts: ‘Wild’ Bill Mock Stunts: Gary Morgan Stunts: Dar Robinson Stunts: Walter Robles Stunts: Angelo De Meo Stunts: Paula Crist Stunts: Dottie Catching Stunts: Bill Couch Jr. Stunts: Gregory J. Barnett Stunts: Craig R. Baxley Stunts: Phil Adams Stunts: Denny Arnold Stunts: May Boss Special Effects: Glen Robinson Movie Reviews: Richard: It’s a ‘Future Vision’ type of movie, plus a bit of an adventure into the unknown. At least for the two “Runners’ who have escaped out of their bubble world. It is fraught with twists and turns in a post Peak-Oil world, where society has finally found a solution to the resources of the planet. The ‘chosen’ few, however have one little catch, their lives have a unique way of ending, until these two discover a new way, and a Lie that was being told to all of the citizens. (Warning for younger viewers,there are scenes where (At the time,) it was considered risque to show people jumping into a freshwater pond and going skinny dipping).
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manue-ringo · 2 months
Chapitre 127 : Enregistrements mystérieux
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Prise au dépourvu, Parker se redressa soudainement, le cœur battant fortement contre sa poitrine, elle répondit sans réfléchir :
Je… Tu veux quoi ?
Est-ce que ça va ? Tu es chez toi ?
L’esprit embrouillé, Parker hésita un instant avant de reprendre :
Ça ne peut vraiment pas attendre ? Car là je… Tenta-t-elle de dire à son amie, mais Mulder l'interrompit en disant d'une voix grave :
… Cette ligne, est-elle bien sécurisée ?
Oui, soit tranquille pourquoi ? Demanda-t-elle avec angoisse.
Il s'agit de ces enregistrements dont tu m'avais parlé.
Parker faillit s'étouffer avant de lui répondre promptement :
Tu les as ? Comment tu… Où es-tu ?
La planque est toujours sûre ? Demanda Mulder, une légère tension dans sa voix.
Oui, ça devrait le faire, je me suis arrangé avec le propriétaire. Dit-elle sur un ton plus assuré.
D'accord, je t'attends là-bas. Il raccrocha. Parker ne perdu pas une minute pour aller le rejoindre pour en savoir plus.
Parker arriva en toute hâte au lieu de rendez-vous. Lorsqu'elle entra à l'intérieur, tout était parfaitement calme. La jeune femme se demandait même s'il y avait quelqu'un dans la maison. Elle l'appela à plusieurs reprises pour s'assurer de sa présence. Elle entendit une porte s'ouvrir au fond d'un couloir puis elle le vit arriver vers elle. Il semblait sortir de la douche, il déclara d'une mine confuse :
Tu as fait vite. J'en ai profité pour prendre une douche. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de passer chez moi.
En le voyant débarquer ainsi, avec ses cheveux décoiffés encore humides sentent encore l'odeur du savon sur lui, Parker, ressentit un profond malaise l'envahir tout entière. Elle en resta troublée sur le coup, mais fit mine de ne rien montrer et répondit :
Fais donc comme chez-toi Mulder. Bon, ou sont-ils ?
Il sortit une vielle boite en carton contenant les précieux cédéroms. Il les confia à son amie qui les inspecta avec attention. Elle demanda :
Nom de Dieu, comment les as tu obtenu ?
Et bien, c'est une longue histoire. Pour faire court, je les ai trouvés dans le bureau de Blevins. Dit-il avec enthousiasme.
Qu'est-ce que tu dis ? Mais comment tu… Commença-t-elle avant que Mulder ne s'empresse de répondre :
J'ai fouillé son bureau, je plaide coupable. Dit-il sous un air de plaisanterie.
Parker le regardait, déconcerté :
Tu as perdu la tête ? Tu aurais pu te faire prendre ! Bon sang, comment savais-tu que tu les trouverais là ? Tu as des dons de double vue maintenant ? Dit-elle dans un sarcasme.
Il eut un petit rire puis répondit :
Si seulement. Non, en réalité, je le soupçonnais depuis un moment déjà. Blevins avait l'air d'en savoir un peu trop sur tout ça. Il se déplace beaucoup en ce moment, alors j'ai profité de l'occasion pour aller jeter un œil discret dans ses affaires. Et comme tu peux le voir, ça a payé. Lui fit-il remarquer fièrement.
Elle soupira :
D'accord, Monsieur le Rebelle. Je reconnais que c'est bien joué. J’admets que ce type ne m'inspirait pas non plus. Tout indique qu'il est de mèche avec le Syndicat. Il n'y a pas de doute, sinon pourquoi aurait-il ces cédéroms ?
Parker contempla à nouveau ce qu'elle avait entre les mains puis poursuivit :
Tu les as visionnés ?
Pas encore. Je voulais te les montrer d'abord. Dit-il.
Scully est au courant de ça ? S'interrogea-t-elle soudainement.
Il haussa les épaules, incrédule.
Pas pour le moment. Dit-il.
Parker semblait amusé par sa réponse. Elle déclara le regard taquin :
Je vois. Oublions ça. Tu as ce qu'il faut ?
Il lui montra l'ordinateur portable qu'il avait apporté pour l'occasion. Ils s'installèrent au salon afin de découvrir ce qu'ils allaient révéler. Seulement, en voulant visionner leur contenu, les deux amis furent très vite rattrapés par la réalité. En effet, Parker et Mulder réalisèrent que les cédéroms en question étaient inexploitables. Des images saccadées apparaissaient par moment, mais ce ne fut pas suffisant pour y déceler quoi que ce soit. Parker était folle de rage de ne pas pouvoir accéder à ce qui semblait si proche de son but. Elle tenta à mainte reprise de déceler quelque chose, désespérément. Mulder la regardait faire encore et encore. Il en était dévasté, il déclara, le regard triste :
Andréa, écoute moi. Ça ne sert à rien, tu ne trouveras pas ce que tu cherches. Les fichiers ont été trafiqués. Dit-il en lui prenant la main pour l'inciter à stopper ce qu'elle faisait. Parker frissonna sur le coup. Elle s'obligea à se convaincre que cette réaction était due à la colère qu'elle ressentait.
Mulder poursuivit, tentant de rassurer son amie :
Tout n'est pas perdu pour autant. N'oublie pas que j'ai des ressources. Je suis certain que Langly pourra nous arranger ça. Ne perds pas espoir.
Quelques larmes commencèrent à couler sur son visage. Parker les essuya d'un geste vif avant de dire :
Ce n'est pas ce que tu crois je… Ce sont des larmes de colères. J'en ai marre de toute cette mascarade ! Avoua-t-elle dans un élan d'amertume et de frustration.
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catmomjudy · 3 months
I’ve noticed that the screenwriters for 9-1-1 often reuse names in odd ways.
Some of these can be read into or analyzed. Some are most likely coincidences. Some of those coincidences have become things that fanfic authors have run amok with. 😁
The grenade guy (2x01 Pressure)
The Münchausen-by-Proxy kid (2x13 Suspicion; 2x14 Survivors)
Nash (Bobby’s brother) (7x08 Step Nine)
Charlie with the Charley horse (2x06 Dosed)
Howard Han
Howard Price
Ali Martin
Taylor Kelly Martin (verified by news article in 5x07 Ghost Stories)
Terry (dispatch)
Abby’s ex-boyfriend (mentioned 1x01 Pilot)
The groom in the hotel collapse (1x05 Point of Origin)
Natalie the Sperm Bank Receptionist (6x07 Cursed)
Natalia, the Death Doula who is there when the sperm comes to fruition
(Note: Natal = relating to time of birth)
Used twice in S4, fairly close together, and both played by veteran character actors:
Don Blevins (4x11 First Responders)
Man Trapped By Falling Humvee (4x07 There Goes the Neighborhood)
The bomber (2x17 Bobby Begins Again; 2x18 This Life We Choose)
The landfill guy who dubs Chim and Hen “crazies or criminals” (6x16 Lost & Found)
(Note: You’d think they’d retire this name after 2x18, but there have also been two Fred’s and a Frederick. They must like it a lot. Almost as much as Charlie.)
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carolynsphotos · 8 months
Adorable animal photos I took, I found many frogs that year 😄 plus a precious baby slug, don ask me why but I thought it was so adorable how smol it was 🥺🥲
My 2015 photos #6 (Final) ©️ by me ( Carolyn Blevins )
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wutbju · 9 months
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Steven Lee Morris, age 72, died August 13, 2023, at Hutchinson Regional Medical Center following a short illness. He was born August 23, 1950, in Bethesda, Maryland to Ray and Violet Boehm Morris. He married Linda M. Shultz on July 8, 1978, in Hutchinson.
Steve was preceded in death by his parents, brother Richard Morris, brothers-in-law Don Meier and Ed Shultz, brother- and sister-in-law Bruce and Janice Shultz, and infant son Samuel Andrew Morris.
Steve is survived by his wife Linda and former foster daughter, Briana Gamblain-Weber, of the home. He is also survived by his brothers James (Jimmy) of Washington, D.C., and David (Dave). Other survivors include sister-in-law Wanda Morris Blevins of Culpeper, VA, sisters-in-law Theda Shultz and Marilyn Meier of Arlington, brother- and sister-in-law Ray and Evelyn Shultz of Randolph, KS, numerous nephews and nieces, cats Frankie and Pepper and his special companion, "nurse cat" Snowflake.
After graduation from Gar-Field High School in Woodbridge, VA, Steve began working for Dart Drug (81 stores in the metro D.C. area). A co-worker invited him to attend Marumsco Baptist Church, and Steve heard the Gospel for the first time: that Jesus Christ took our sin debt to the cross and paid the penalty of death, that He was buried, and that He arose after three days! Steve heard that he must be born again (John 3:7) by personally asking the Lord to forgive and save him. Steve had completed Confirmation classes, but realized that the waters of baptism can never cleanse the heart; only the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can wash away sin. Steve gladly received Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved," Romans 10:13. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost" Titus 3:5.
Steve had a natural talent for drawing and Pastor Alec Bledsoe encouraged him to study art at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. Steve attended for two years. It was there that he met and fell in love with his wife Linda. After their marriage, the Morris's lived in Woodbridge for a year and Steve continued to work for Dart Drug.
Steve and Linda moved to Kansas in 1979, and Steve worked for Collins Bus as a wheelchair lift assembler, Walmart as a layaway associate, and Durham School Services as a bus driver. Steve was an enthusiastic league bowler with a 220 average. Steve enjoyed watching football on TV. It didn't matter to him who was playing, as long as the game was competitive. After retirement, Steve wrote and self-published (Amazon) two novels: Memories and Bad Men United – Déjà vu.
In the spring of 2002, Steve and Linda attended a revival service at Riverside Baptist Church, and Steve rededicated his life to the Lord. On May 12, 2002, Steve and Linda transferred their church membership to Riverside Baptist. Steve was later elected as Deacon. He also began representing the church in nursing home chapels. At one time, Steve preached in five different facilities. Steve encouraged the church to buy a bus with a wheelchair lift so he could pick up residents for the Sunday evening service. Because the residents had to miss supper to go to church, Steve would always stop at a fast-food restaurant and treat them to a meal before taking them back to the facility.
Steve's health began to decline following a bout with sepsis in 2021. Then in January 2022 he fell in the home and after spending almost a month in a hospital in Wichita, remained bedfast. Steve's hospital bed in the dining nook became the control central of the home. Using his laptop computer, he continued to create bulletins and word search puzzles for the nursing home ministry. He managed the family finances and ordered hard-to-find supplies online. Steve was Linda's go-to tech when she encountered problems with the desk computer, printer, or Wi-Fi router, and he was the one who reminded her to install computer updates. Needless to say, he also retained control of the TV remote.
Every evening at 9:30 Steve would ask Linda and Bri to come to family altar time. They took turns choosing a song to sing, and then they read a chapter in the Bible and prayed together. Steve loved his pastor Richard Haley dearly, along with church family. He very much appreciated their prayers, love, and support. We rejoice with Steve in his new home, complete with healthy body and sin-free mind.
The family thanks Enhabit Home Health and Enhabit Hospice for their wonderful care of Steve during the last year. What a blessing the Enhabit therapists, nurses, and other staff brought to our home! The family also thanks the staff of Hutchinson Regional Medical Center for the compassionate care that Steve and they received during the last week of his earthly life.
Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m., Friday, August 25, 2023, at Riverside Baptist Church, 1100 W. 21st Ave, Hutchinson, KS, with Pastor Richard Haley officiating. Visitation will be held on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the church. Burial will take place at Memorial Park Cemetery, Hutchinson, KS. Memorials may be given to the Riverside Baptist Church- Academy Fund and can be sent in care of Hutchinson Funeral Chapel, 300 E. 30th Ave. Hutchinson, KS 67502.
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"The guy never took his foot off the gas, like he wanted that lady dead."
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milfmaddiebuckley · 2 years
Inspiration Saturday - tagged by @captainchimney and @meandthesky38 - to share pics inspiring (or related to) what I’m writing today. So…here goes nothing, I guess
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Also + Jim O’Heir photo as Don Blevins, but I couldn’t find a decent one of him in the show and cba to screencap it myself lol
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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Sleepwalker vol 1 2 (1991) . Behind the 8-Ball! . Written and Colors by Bob Budiansky Art by Bret Blevins Lettered by Tom Orzechowski Edited by Don Daley . Sleepwalker tried to become more of a hero for the humans, but it didn't go very well. He eventually fought 8-Ball and his gang (11-Ball, 6-Ball and 9-Ball)... . See more relevant content here: #marvelman901sleepwalker #marvelman9018ball #marvelman901bretblevins . #sleepwalker #90s #bobbudiansky #bretblevins #8ball #9ball #11ball #gang #6ball #marvelsuperheroes (på/i New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8-d5gMcv-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
In small-town Texas, affable and popular mortician Bernie Tiede strikes up a friendship with Marjorie Nugent, a wealthy widow well known for her sour attitude. When she becomes controlling and abusive, Bernie goes to great lengths to remove himself from her grasp. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Bernie Tiede: Jack Black Marjorie Nugent: Shirley MacLaine Danny Buck Davidson: Matthew McConaughey Scrappy Holmes: Brady Coleman Lloyd Hornbuckle: Richard Robichaux Don Leggett: Rick Dial Sheriff Huckabee: Brandon Smith Rev. Woodard: Larry Jack Dotson Molly: Merrilee McCommas Carl: Mathew Greer Townsperson: Marjorie Dome Townsperson: Tim Cariker Townsperson: Fern Luker Townsperson: Jack Payne Townsperson: Sonny Carl Davis Townsperson: Chris Humphrey Mourner: Jesse Lucio Townsperson: Ann Reeves Townsperson: Kay Epperson Townsperson: Ira Bounds Townsperson: James Baker Townsperson: Kay McConaughey Townsperson: Kristi Youngblood Townsperson: Kenny Brevard Townsperson: Margaret Bowman Townsperson: Mollie Fuller Townsperson: Tanja Givens Townsperson: Glenda Jones Townsperson: Travis Blevins Townsperson: Sylvia Froman Townsperson: Martha Long Townsperson: Jo Perkins Townsperson: Reba Tarjick Townsperson: Dale Dudley Townsperson: James Wilson Townsperson: Teresa Edwards Townsperson: Billy Vaticalos Townsperson: Rob Anthony Larry Brumley: Tommy G. Kendrick Townsperson: Pam McDonald Townsperson: Kathy Gollmitzer Townsperson: Cozette McNeely Professor Fleming: Richard Andrew Jones Friend of Deceased: Charles Bailey Mrs. Pebworth: Suzi McLaughlin Mr. Estes: Grant James Mrs. Estes: Juli Erickson Dwayne Nugent: J.D. Young Dwayne Jr.: Charlie m Stewart Lewie: Joe Stevens Esmerelda: Raquel Gavia Church Goer: Amparo García Oil Worker: Toby Metcalf Chainsaw Artist: Doug Moreland Pianist: Edward Ji Guys & Dolls Performer: Jill Blackwood Mel: David Blackwell Kevin: Gabriel Luna Photographer: Deana Newcomb Assistant Director: David Steakley Bank Manager: Peter Harrell Jr. Deputy Sheriff: Joe Leroy Reynolds Truck Driver: Christian Stokes Generator Operator: John Hornbuckle Sheriff’s Deputy #2: Wray Crawford Café Waitress: Margaret Hoard IRS Agent: Charles Allen Eskew TV Reporter: Quita Culpepper Cashier: Mona Lee Fultz Judge: Jerry Biggs Lead Juror: Robert Works Community Theater Group: Chris Barfield Community Theater Group: Taylor Bryant Community Theater Group: Colin Bevis Community Theater Group: Jacqui Bloom Community Theater Group: Joshua Denning Community Theater Group: Ellie Edwards Community Theater Group: Alaina Flores Community Theater Group: Jennifer Foster Community Theater Group: Leslie Hethcox Community Theater Group: Jordan Hill Community Theater Group: Berkley Jones Community Theater Group: Trevor McGinnis Community Theater Group: Mika Odom Community Theater Group: Chell Parkins Community Theater Group: David Ponton Community Theater Group: Gray Randolph Community Theater Group: Rachel Hull-Ryde Community Theater Group: Ian Saunders Community Theater Group: Madelyn Shaffer Community Theater Group: Larissa Slota Community Theater Group: Daniel Rae Srivastava Community Theater Group: Ellen Stader Community Theater Group: Lara Wright Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Betty Andrews Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Marcia Bailey Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Umpy Bechtol Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Nita Bouldin Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Nellie Hickerson Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Jeanette Kloppe Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Geraldine Miller Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Sharon Rigsbee Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Debbie Shaw Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Flo Weiershausen Mrs. Senior Carthage Pageant Contestant: Gina Wooten Juror: Gary Askins Juror: Ben Bachelder Juror: Meredith Beal Juror: Stacey Bruck Juror: Michelle Briscoe Juror: Lesa Brooks Juror: Gayla Bruce Juror: Brenda Bunton Juror: Kristi Copeland Juror: Jeff Davis Juror: Orion Gallagher Juror: Kenneth C. Liverman Juror: Linda Rudwick Juror: Mary Stifflemir...
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birdshuus · 5 years
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Deathlok Vs. Sleepwalker. Night of the Living Deathlok! Sleepwalker™️ Vol. 1, No. 8, January, 1992. Published by MARVEL COMICS. Bob Budiansky- writer, Bret Blevins- penciler, Mike Manley- inker, Marie Javins- colors, Rich- letters, Don Daley- editor, Tom DeFalco- editor in chief
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Feb. 19, 2020: Obituaries
Chloe Huskey, 12
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Miss Chloe Reese Huskey, age 12 of North Wilkesboro, daughter of Ronnie Huskey and Alisha Adams Huskey, passed away Saturday, February 15, 2020, at her home.                               Reese touched the lives of many with her infectious smile, her sincere kindness, and her incredible and courageous journey.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM, Thursday, February 20, 2020, at Fairplains Baptist Church with Pastor David Dyer officiating. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday, February 19, 2020, at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Reese was born February 7, 2008, in Catawba County to Ronnie and Alisha Adams Huskey. She was a member of Arbor Grove United Methodist Church.  Reese was a student at Central Wilkes Middle School and attended North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro Elementary  Schools during her elementary school years.
She was preceded in death by her maternal grandfather; Gene Adams, her paternal grandfather; Troy Huskey and an uncle; Tommy Huskey.
Reese is survived by her parents of the home, maternal grandparents; Dean and Linda  Absher of Wilkesboro and Cleo Huskey of North Wilkesboro, a sister; Reagan Adams of Charlotte, a brother; Reid Huskey of North Wilkesboro, aunts and uncles; Angel Minton and husband Jeff of Wilkesboro, Alison Thornton of Mooresville and Alison Huskey McCormick, cousins; Alex Minton, Lauren Minton, Raylan Minton, Aubree Thornton, Pierce Thornton, Cole Huskey, Alaina Grit, her special person, Deana Wyatt, and other relatives and friends who loved Reese very much.
The family would like to thank the doctors and staff of Levine's Children's Medical Center CVICU and Sanger Pediatric Heart Institute for their excellent care provided to Reese.  A very special thank you to Mountain Valley Hospice for the incredible care and compassion provided to Reese and the entire family.  The family appreciates all of the prayers and concerns extended to them during this time.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mountain Valley Hospice 401 Technology Lane Suite 200 Mount Airy, NC 27030, Camp Luck PO Box 5159 Charlotte, NC 28299, American Heart Association 10 Glenlake Pkwy NE South Tower Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30328 or Ronald McDonald House Charities 26345 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673-1263.
 Eldon Gentry, 81
Mr. Eldon Gentry age 81, of Roaring River passed away Saturday February 15, 2020 at SECU Hospice Center. Mr. Gentry was born March 30, 1938 in Wilkes County, to Lonnie Spurgeon and Ruby Walters Gentry.
Eldon was a Retired farmer and a member of Benham Baptist Church.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Mable Billings Gentry; and a brother, Bob Gentry. Survivors include: son, Eddie Gentry and wife Rhonda of Wilkesboro; brother, Raymond Gentry of Roaring River; granddaughter, Meagan Leigh Gentry of Raleigh, and several nieces and nephews.
A funeral service with be conducted Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 2:00 pm at Benham Baptist Church, with Rev. Keith Lyon, and Rev. Joe Souther officiating. Burial will follow in the Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends Tuesday evening from 6:00-8:00 pm at Elkin Funeral Service.
In lieu of flowers, the family request that donations be made to Mtn. Valley Hospice and Palliative care, 688 N. Bridge St., Elkin N.C. 28621
  William Jennings, 51
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William "Billy" Jennings, age 51, of Hays, passed away, Saturday, February 15, 2020 at his home. He was born May 29, 1968 in Portsmouth, Virginia to Roy Glenn and Onnolea Jean Johnson Jennings. Billy loved his model car collection, building and collecting hundreds of models. He loved NASCAR, the Pittsburgh Steelers and golf. He Loved and adored his family. Mr. Jennings was preceded in death by his parents; and wife Chrystal Jennings.
Surviving are his wife, Natasha Wingler Jennings; daughters, Stormy Dawn Davalos and spouse Alejandro of North Wilkesboro, Shandy Rae Miller and spouse Daniel, Kaylea Gentle all of Hays; grandchildren, Davari Davalos, Leticia Davalos, Zaiden Davalos; sisters, Angela Jennings Reed of Jefferson, Vickie Fox of Hays.
Funeral service will be held 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Jamie Rollyson speaking. Burial will follow in Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends at Miller Funeral Service from 12:00 until 2:00 on Wednesday, prior to the service. Flowers will be accepted. Memorials may be made to the SECU Family House, 1970  Baldwin Lane, Winston Salem, NC 27103. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Gary Miller, 66
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Gary Wayne Miller, age 66, of Millers Creek, passed away Friday, February 14, 2020 at Alleghany Health. He was born June 11, 1953 in Wilkes County to Issac Lester and Adna Ruth Miller. Mr. Miller was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Loretta Miller; several brothers and sisters. He was of the Baptist Faith and employed with W&L Motor Lines as a truck driver.
He is survived by his daughter, Rebecca Billings and spouse Dwayne of Millers Creek; son, Richard Bryant and spouse Shelley of Millers Creek; brother, Lee Miller of Millers Creek; sister, Louise Beverley of Greensboro; grandchildren, Christopher Queen and spouse Rebecca, and Breanna Billings all of Millers Creek.
Funeral service was February 17, at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Danny Dillard and Rev. Don Bowling officiating. Burial followed in Miller Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Linda Brown, 66
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Mrs. Linda Mae Wagoner Brown, 66, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on February 12, 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital.  
Linda was born on March 25, 1953 in Wilkes County to Dollie Odell Wagoner and Gladys Eddie Brown Wagoner.
Linda is preceded in death by her parents; sons, Randall Shannon Wagoner, Allen Parsons and many brothers and sisters.  
Linda is survived by her husband, Christopher Brown; granddaughters, Kaitlyn Wagoner and Erica "Hannah" Wagoner both of North Wilkesboro ; mother in law and father in law, Vea and Paul Brown of North Wilkesboro; sisters, Marlene Testerman ( Jerry) of Millers Creek, Rebeca Blevins (Dewey) of Wilkesboro, Jeanne Shumate of Millers Creek, Sue Absher of Wilkesboro, Shirley Osborne (Robbie) Gallatin, TN, Sandra Stewart of Grover, NC; brothers, Fred Wagoner (Delores) Taylorsville, James Brown of Forrest City, Danny Brown (Kathy) of China Grove.
A visitation was held at the Mountlawn Memorial Park Chapel  February 14, and graveside service   followed.  
Pastor Scott Wagoner  be officiated. The family request no flowers or food please.
As an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be sent to the American Heart Association, 128  S Tryon St #1588, Charlotte, NC 28202.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Brown Family.
 Billy Anderson, 75
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Mr. Billy George Anderson, 75, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at his home.  
Billy was born on August 3, 1944 in Wilkes County to John Olden Anderson and Johnsie Bell Miller Anderson.
Billy is preceded in death by his parents; son, Jason Dewayne Anderson; brother James "Jimmy" Anderson; sister, Mary Jane Lowe and grandson, Zackary Cochran.  
Billy is survived by his wife of 57 years, Wanda Lee Cain Anderson; daughters, Gail Parks (Ricky) of Yadkinville, Penny Cochran (Larry) of North Wilkesboro; sons, Tim Anderson of Denver NC, Dalton Anderson (Anne) of North Wilkesboro; brother, David Lee Anderson of North Wilkesboro; five grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held February 22,  at Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes Chapel, 2109 Moravian  Falls Rd, Moravian Falls.  
Rev. Charles Cain will be officiating.
Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Anderson Family.
 Kent Greer, 81
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Mr. Kent Tracy Greer, age 81 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, February 11, 2020, at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
A private burial service for the family was at Mount Lawn Cemetery in Boone, February 15. Masonic rites were conducted by Ashler #373 and Military Honors were provided by the United States Air Force Honor Guard.  A Celebration of Life service followed with Reverend Shannon Critcher and Reverend Jim Gore officiated.
Mr. Greer was born on February 9, 1939, in Watauga County, North Carolina, to Walter Monroe and Viola Nichols Greer. He was a devoted husband to Kate for fifty-two years, a beloved father, and grandfather. He was a member of Millers Creek Baptist Church. Throughout his entire life, Kent had an adventuresome, entrepreneurial and get it done spirit. He served in the United States Air force for four years, which took him to several countries. Later, he took his wife, Kate, to many more countries abroad and all fifty states. Known for his sense of humor and fun-loving nature, Kent readily shared laughs, jokes, and hugs with people he knew and didn't know. Regularly, Kent stated, "I've had the best life of anybody I know."
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Lenna Kate Greene Greer, a sister; Anna Lee Greene and four brothers; W.M. Greer, Jr., Fayne Greer, Brook Greer, and Quentin Greer.
He is survived by a daughter; Janet Greer Brown and husband Mike of Banner Ek, North Carolina, two sons; David Kent Greer and wife Nicole of Concord and Philip Ray Greer of Wilkesboro, six grandchildren; Zach Brown and wife Emily, Jenna Brown, Kent Richard Greer, Katelyn Greer, Tracy Greer, and wife Kelsey and Amanda Greer Stewart and husband Chris and four great-grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Heart Association, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or Mountain Valley Hospice, 201 Technology  Lane, Suite 200, Mount Airy, NC 27030.
  Brenda Savage, 74
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Mrs. Brenda Joyce Caul Savage age 74 of Wilkesboro passed away Sunday February 9. 2020 at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston Salem.
Funeral Services were February 15,  at Rickards Chapel AME Zion Church with Rev Richard Watts Officiating.  
Mrs. Savage was born January 24, 1946 in Wilkes County to Anthony and Cynthia Marie Rouseau Caul. She retired from Tyson Foods and was a member of Rickards Chapel AME Zion Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a son, Bobby Joe Campbell and a brother Reginald Keith Caul.
She is survived by her husband, Lavon Savage, two daughters Yolanda Burgess and husband Stephen of Walnut Cove and Lola Porter of Statesville;  two sons John Porter and wife Staci of Louisville, KY, Billy Campbell of Wilkesboro, and two step sons Terry Calhoun of Wilkesboro and Rashaun Calhoun of Wilkesboro; nine grandchildren, three great grandchildren and four sisters Jacqueline Barber and husband Marvin of Wilkesboro, Deborah Carlton of Wilkesboro, Linda Howell of Wilkesboro, Maria Harris and husband Ronald of Wilkesboro; and one brother Timothy Caul of New Philadelphia OH.
Flowers will be accepted.
 William Childress, 64
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Mr. William Cole Childress, better known as Bill, age 64, passed away Sunday, February 9, 2020 at his home in Moravian Falls.
Funeral services were February, 14, 2020 at Reins Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Ronnie Murray and Pastor Rodney Blake officiating. Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 prior to the service at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Childress was born March 19, 1955 in Wilkes County to Luther and Pauline Annalee Porter Childress. He retired from Louisiana Pacific after 44 years of service. Bill liked to fish, loved to go out on his boat and going to Auctions. He loved his family and grandchildren.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Ellie Minton Childress, a daughter; Jennifer Childress, two sisters; Florence White and Mary Kay Childress and a brother; Edward Gray Childress.
He is survived by a daughter; Sally Hampton of North Wilkesboro, three grandchildren; Katie Hackett, Michael Walker and Malcolm Walker, a great granddaughter; Journee Hackett, two sisters; Elizabeth Murray and husband, Ronnie of North Wilkesboro and Carolyn Parks and husband, Alan of Lenoir, a brother; Harold Childress and wife Betsy of North Wilkesboro and a girlfriend and caregiver; Virginia Dancy and her family of Purlear.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Hospice 126 Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or American Cancer Society PO Box 9 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 James Garris, 94
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James Arthur Garris, age 94, of Traphill, passed away Sunday, February 9, 2020 at Woltz Hospice Home. He was born June 9, 1925 in Wilkes County to Isom and Oma Wiles Garris. He was a member of Christian Home Baptist Church. He enjoyed coon hunting and fishing. James was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Floie Prevette Garris; daughter, Lois Gregory; son, Willie Garris; brothers, Guilford Garris, Troy Garris, Lester Garris; sisters, Estelle Walls and Edith Tucker.
Surviving are his children, Billy Garris and spouse Janet of Traphill, Dottie Stanley of State  Road, Buck Garris of Traphill; sisters, Cordie Bauguess of Traphill, Ruth Martin of Lexington; special friend, Mary Pruitt of Hays; eleven grandchildren; eighteen great grandchildren; and ten great great grandchildren.
Funeral service was February 13,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. David Key officiating. Burial   followed in Christian Home Baptist Church Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Joan & Howard Woltz Hospice Home, 945 Zephyr Road, Dobson, NC 27017. A special thanks to Rose Glen Manor and Joan and Howard Woltz Hospice.                                 Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
Pallbearers were Scotty Garris, Marty Garris, Rocky Garris, Tracy Ward, Chris Gregory, Aaron Thomas.
 Angel Brown, 31
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Angel Nicole Brown, age 31, of North Wilkesboro, was called home early on Thursday, February 6, 2020 and left her worldly struggles behind. Angel was born June 3, 1988 in Wilkes County to Gary Maurice and Bessie Bell Bledsoe Brown. She enjoyed cooking, camping, wild crafting herbs and loved to sing.      
Angel graduated from North Wilkes High  School with honors and was a former cashier with Dollar General. She was preceded in death by her father, Gary Brown; grandparents, Ruth Ann Edwards and Faye S. Goss.
Surviving are her son, Channon Roark of the home; fiancé, Chancey Roark of the home; mother, Bessie Brown of Hays; sister, Ashley Brown and spouse Kenny Ashley of Hays; niece, Riley Ashley of Hays; nephew, Bentley Ashley of Hays.
Memorial service was February 16,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Robert Harris officiating. Flowers will be accepted or donations may be made to the family for her son, Channon.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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political-fluffle · 5 years
Kentucky officials say local voting systems are "one emergency away from disaster."
Don Blevins, Jr., has a lot to think about. In his job as the clerk of Fayette County, home to Lexington, the University of Kentucky, and more than 240,000 registered voters, he’s in charge of making sure elections happen securely and accurately. “There’s a lot of hand wringing over the Russians, there’s hand wringing from the far right about illegal immigrants voting and all that,” but Blevins says he’s more worried “about Americans cheating than anybody.”
Blevins cites a range of possible disruptions—from bomb threats to jamming the internet connections used to verify voter registration—that could cause long lines or deflate public confidence in the accuracy of the tally. While Blevins, a Democratic elected official, insists Fayette, the state’s second-largest county, is well resourced and equipped to securely conduct balloting, he worries about less populated regions.
“The smaller counties are in dire straits, and Kentucky for a combination of reasons,” Blevins said. “They are chronically underfunded for just basic government services, much less elections related expenses.”
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Mother Jones illustration; Stefani Reynolds/ZUMA, Michele Sandberg/Getty
Don Blevins, Jr., has a lot to think about. In his job as the clerk of Fayette County, home to Lexington, the University of Kentucky, and more than 240,000 registered voters, he’s in charge of making sure elections happen securely and accurately. “There’s a lot of hand wringing over the Russians, there’s hand wringing from the far right about illegal immigrants voting and all that,” but Blevins says he’s more worried “about Americans cheating than anybody.”
Blevins cites a range of possible disruptions—from bomb threats to jamming the internet connections used to verify voter registration—that could cause long lines or deflate public confidence in the accuracy of the tally. While Blevins, a Democratic elected official, insists Fayette, the state’s second-largest county, is well resourced and equipped to securely conduct balloting, he worries about less populated regions.
“Mitch’s inaction is directly harming his home state…there’s no question.”
“The smaller counties are in dire straits, and Kentucky for a combination of reasons,” Blevins said. “They are chronically underfunded for just basic government services, much less elections related expenses.
Meanwhile in Washington, DC, Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky senator for the last 34 years and, as senate majority leader, Congress’ most powerful Republican, has steadfastly refused to allow meaningful election security legislation to reach the Senate floor while stymieing most related funding, arguing new laws or mandates would be an overstep of federal power.
“Mitch’s inaction is directly harming his home state,” Blevins said. “There’s no question in my mind.” (…)
McConnell has been forced to address his opposition to federal election security legislation several times. In June he told Fox News that such efforts were part of a House Democratic push for “full-bore socialism.” As long he was the majority leader, he pledged, “none of that stuff is going anywhere.” Alongside his stated view that states should keep control of elections, some have speculated that he’s avoided the issue for fear of upsetting President Trump, who links the topic to the Russia investigations that plagued his first two years in office. “[He] knows full well that blocking election security legislation makes it easier for Russia and other foreign powers to attack the next election,” Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told Politico in early August at a cybersecurity event. “And my sense is this is a price Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump are willing to accept.” (…)
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goalhofer · 5 years
1st American Born NBA Draft Pick By Birth State
Maine: Jeff Turner (17th overall, New Jersey) 1984 Bangor
New Hampshire: Matt Bonner (45th overall, Chicago) 2003 Concord
Vermont: None drafted
Massachusetts: Lou Tsioropoulos (57th overall, Boston) 1953 Lynn
Rhode Island: Joe Hassett (52nd overall, Seattle) 1977 Providence
Connecticut: Johnny Egan (12th overall, Detroit) 1961 Hartford
New York: Bob Cousy (3rd overall, Tri-Cities) 1950 New York
New Jersey: Herb Scherer (18th overall, New York) 1950 Maplewood
Pennsylvania: Chuck Cooper (12th overall, Boston) 1950 Pittsburgh
Delaware: Ronnie Murphy (17th overall, Portland) 1987 Dover
Maryland: Gene Shue (3rd overall, Philadelphia) 1954 Baltimore
Virginia: Earl Lloyd (100th overall, Washington) 1950 Alexandria
North Carolina: Bobby Speight (9th overall, Baltimore) 1953 Raleigh
South Carolina: Jim Neal (6th overall, Syracuse) 1953 Silverstreet
Georgia: Charlie Hardnett (19th overall, St. Louis) 1962 Atlanta
Florida: Lucian Whitaker (64th overall, Indianapolis) 1952 Sarasota
West Virginia: George King; Jr. (89th overall, Chicago) 1950 Charleston
Michigan: Phil Martin (29th overall, Milwaukee) 1954 Jackson
Ohio: Chuck Share (1st overall, Boston) 1950 Akron
Indiana: Jim Riffey (19th overall, Ft. Wayne) 1950 Washington
Kentucky: Ralph O'Brien (68th overall, Indianapolis) 1950 Henshaw
Tennessee: Art Burris (31st overall, Ft. Wayne) 1950 Knoxville
Alabama: Bryant Ivey (18th overall, Rochester) 1952 Tuscaloosa
Mississippi: Archie Dees (2nd overall, Cincinnati) 1958 Ethel
Illinois: Don Rehfeldt (2nd overall, Baltimore) 1950 Chicago
Wisconsin: Harry Grant; Jr. (46th overall, Minneapolis) 1950 Superior
Minnesota: Hal Haskins (22nd overall, Minneapolis) 1950 Alexandria
Iowa: Chuck Darling (8th overall, Rochester) 1952 Denison
Missouri: Bill Stauffer (6th overall, Boston) 1952 Marysville
Arkansas: Bob Burrow (8th overall, Rochester) 1956 Malvern
Louisiana: John McConathy (5th overall, Syracuse) 1951 Sailes
North Dakota: Glenn Hansen (31st overall, Kansas City) 1975 Devil's Lake
South Dakota: Jim Iverson (16th overall, Boston) 1952 Mitchell
Nebraska: Bob Boozer (1st overall, Cincinnati) 1959 Omaha
Kansas: Ernie Barrett (7th overall, Boston) 1951 Pratt
Oklahoma: Claude Overton (52nd overall, Washington) 1950 Ada
Texas: Bill Sharman (16th overall, Washington) 1950 Abilene
Montana: Ed Kalafat (9th overall, Minneapolis) 1954 Anaconda
Wyoming: John Pilch (13th overall, Baltimore) 1950 Sheridan
Colorado: Bill Gossett (11th overall, Tri-Cities) 1951 Ft. Collins
New Mexico: Bob Priddy (61st overall, Baltimore) 1952 Las Cruces
Idaho: Roland Minson (15th overall, New York) 1951 Idaho Falls
Utah: Bert Cook (35th overall, New York) 1952 Weber County
Arizona: Leon Blevins (80th overall, Indianapolis) 1950 Phoenix
Nevada: Willie Smith (18th overall, Chicago) 1976 Las Vegas
Washington: Ed Gayda (15th overall, Tri-Cities) 1950 Hoquiam
Oregon: Chet Noe (12th overall, Boston) 1953 Eugene
California: George Yardley III (7th overall, Ft. Wayne) 1950 Los Angeles
Alaska: Almario Chalmers (34th overall, Minnesota) 2008 Anchorage
Hawaii: Cedric Ceballos (48th overall, Phoenix) 1990 Maui
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biggoonie · 5 years
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Written by ROBERT E. HOWARD, ROY THOMAS, DON GLUT & MORE Penciled by DAVID WENZEL, HOWARD CHAYKIN, STEVE CARR, BRET BLEVINS, MIKE MIGNOLA, JOHN BOGDANOVE, JOHN RIDGEWAY, AL WILLIAMSON & MORE NEW Cover by TBA He’s a weapon of God, stalking the Sixteenth Century! A tall, grim wanderer, roving the Earth to right all its wrongs! Let those who worship the power of evil beware, lest they face…Solomon Kane! He sprang from the mind of Conan the Barbarian creator Robert E. Howard — and just like the Cimmerian, this Puritan adventurer was a comic book sensation! Now Kane’s complete, classic Marvel adventures are collected in one jaw-dropping Omnibus volume! Featuring adaptations of Howard’s formative tales and new chapters by such scribes as Roy Thomas and Ralph Macchio — all filled with pirates, cannibals, demons and vampires! Collecting MARVEL PREMIERE (1972) 33-34; SOLOMON KANE (1985) 1-6; MATERIAL FROM CONAN SAGA (1987) 50, DRACULA LIVES! (1973) 3, KULL AND THE BARBARIANS (1975) 2-3, MARVEL PREVIEW (1975) 19, MONSTERS UNLEASHED (1973) 1, SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN (1974) 13-14, 18-20, 22, 25, 26, 33-34, 37, 39, 41, 53-54, 62, 83, 162, 169, 171, 219, 220. 624 PGS./Rated T+ …$100.00 ISBN: 978-1-302-92514-7
Cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN & JOHN BUSCEMA 624 PGS./Rated T+ …$100.00 ISBN: 978-1-302-92561-1
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