#don’t let him die like what a lot of people are theorizing
starburst-selfship · 1 year
I really hope no one here thinks I excuse every one of Miguel’s actions just because I love him. Like nuh uh he should’ve never done any of that to Miles?? The 15 y/o he projected onto?? I’m sayin this out of love but he needs his ass whooped in BTSV
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smolbean-17 · 6 months
Hunter is probably going to die this season.
You know I’ve theorized this if you’ve been following me since Season 1. As the season keeps rolling out, the more and more I really do think this will happen.
We know that the ending will be bittersweet, and we know that the emotions behind the ending has a lot to do with fatherhood in particular (according to DBB)
They are putting a huge emphasis on Crosshair and Omega’s relationship. Particularly how he could fill a paternal role for her. Omega mirroring Crosshair is a huge sign to not only us as the audience, but to Hunter as well, that Crosshair can (and will) become a father figure to her. They didn’t have to show us that Hunter noticed Omega mimicking Crosshair. But they did. They’re masterfully crafting that something is going on in Hunter’s head. He’s thinking about Crosshair and Omega’s relationship, and what that could mean.
Crosshair still has a long way to go in regards to his guilt. They could easily have him sacrifice himself at the end to ultimately quell all of his guilt, but I believe that they’re going the route of subverting everyone’s expectations. Crosshair could sacrifice himself for full redemption (like they do with most Star Wars characters) and he probably would given the chance. But story wise, he doesn’t really need to.
If they were planning to go that route, he wouldn’t have been reintroduced to and accepted by the group so early on in the season.
They are actively showing Crosshair paving the way to his redemption. He’s putting in the work. He is protective, helpful, and actively putting himself in danger for the benefit of his family. He’s redeeming himself already. Him dying isn’t necessary to resolve his story. In fact, I think it would diminish the power behind his change. People can make bad decisions. They can hurt others. They can change. And they can live to see happier days. That is hope. And that is always the overarching theme of Star Wars.
Hunter, on the other hand, has been incredibly uncertain and indecisive throughout the entire show. Where Crosshair knows and acts on his decisions, whether good or bad, Hunter has been unsure of himself and his role in everything. His path is way less cut and dry. It almost feels like, in many ways, he has lost his leadership. And he feels it. He regrets his decisions. He probably blames himself for everything bad that has happened. He clearly doesn’t fully trust himself to keep his family safe.
How can his story be resolved, short of him simply finally deciding to take a stand and fight for the other clones?
By giving up his life for his family, for a cause he never wanted to be a part of, as a leader should. So they can go on and live the life he so desperately wants for them.
I don’t think at this point in the story Hunter would allow anyone else to sacrifice themselves. He would stop it from happening. He’s learned from his mistakes.
My theory is that we will see more and more instances of Hunter recognizing Omega’s growing relationships with others, especially Crosshair. And when the time finally comes, he’ll be able to let go of needing to be her primary protector. He’ll see the growth in her, and in his brothers, and finally trust that they’ll be okay. Whether he sacrifices himself or gets mortally injured in a fight/accident, he will be at peace.
I don’t know if his death will be ambiguous or unseen, like him dying in an explosion or something like that, or if it will be more obvious.
I could see him having a Fives-esque death. Where he can say goodbye to his family, and finally pass off the responsibility he held so close to his heart to Crosshair and his brothers.
And if Tech really is dead, he won’t have to be alone anymore.
They’d put Hunter’s helmet above his grave, the last real symbol of the Bad Batch, and a last goodbye to the Clone Wars (since his helmet resembles the regs’ helmets the most)
They’d leave Tech’s goggles on his grave (if Tech stays dead) along with Lula. Omega would leave a bouquet of flowers from Pabu. What a powerful image that would be.
Omega could then go on to lead her own little batch. She’s made the friends and connections to do so. Crosshair and the others wouldn’t be too far behind.
It would be a touching resolution to Hunter’s and Crosshair’s and Omega’s arcs.
Other clues I think they’re dropping that support this theory:
-Omega’s new hair design. It’s perfect for her to wear Hunter’s bandana.
-Batcher joining the squad. She fills the tracking role.
-Crosshair’s increased screen time with Omega.
-Hunter’s increased desire to do whatever it takes to keep Omega safe, and the hints that he becomes reckless upon doing so.
-The Marauder exploding. Something about losing the home and the head of the home making for great storytelling.
-The idea of passing the torch of leadership to the next generation. From Clone Wars (TBB) to the new SW content (Omega)
-The fact that Jen Corbett said Hunter is her favorite character, and I’ve never known a female writer who doesn’t whump the hell out of their favorites the most (fr one of the most compelling arguments lol)
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
Jones confirms that, just like in Rice’s books, Armand is the one who turns Daniel into a vampire. “Will we see that moment of turning? No, but Armand finally made a vampire and clearly made him out of spite,” he says with a laugh. “It looks like it was really not a great moment [between him and Daniel], but that connects those two characters. They will have scenes going forward, obviously.”
This is from the latest Rollins interview. I feel like an idiot now, I was desperately hoping that we would see the turning next season - but while I think Rollins may not reveal everything I don’t think he would outright lie. So we won’t see the turning.
I walked into the finale open to an exclusively present-day DM that might(!) kick-off and I didn’t expect too much given what screeners had warned about. I never thought Daniel would be turned completely off-screen however… I know there’s rumours they might write DM into the past still, but I’m a fan of Daniel and Armand outside of the ship as well and knowing we won’t see Daniel’ turning, probably won’t see anything of his first time with becoming a vampire (because of the time skip) and seeing that Armand might(?) actually have turned someone out of spite makes me just sad.
I also feel a bit off-put by how Rollins is speaking about if, feels a bit like he’s trying to affirm to fans well see more of them together (maybe surprised that so many people are invested?) but also just gives off the vibe that the DM if it all wasn’t fully planned out in the moment of writing. Which sucks when you decide to have one turn the other! This frankly does not inspire confidence and make me feel like my favourite characters been reduced to plot devices (in good writing characters can be both character and plot tool but now this doesn’t feel like it).
F*ck I’m sorry, I realise this is not a fun post to read, I just feel really upset. Thank you for hearing me out!
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Okay. So.
I let this simmer a bit (and I still have a lot of catching up to do with the interviews, since, well, vacation 😅, so thanks for the quotes).
You know what I was chewing on? Armand and… spite.
When does Armand do something out of spite.
And… I came up only with one distinct event that I, personally, would call spite, namely when he goes and has that affair with that english guy - to spite Marius.
Marius. Not yet introduced as a character, but more than hinted at. The one Daniel has also a relationship with in the books.
And here we’re back to my theory that DM did happen in the past… and that Marius wiped Daniel‘s memories.
Eric let spill recently that there might be something between Raglan and Daniel and… well on one hand… but you know if Raglan, as I also theorized, is actually Marius… then that would make a lot of sense.
DM happened in the past. Marius intervened (like he likes to do). Standing order is to leave Daniel alone (maybe). But… Daniel gets sick. They redo the interview. The “surprise“ after dinner, that never comes to pass (Louis wanting to turn Daniel for Armand?!). Louis leaving Armand with Daniel, (utterly pissed at Armand and therefore retracting his promise to turn Daniel) forcing Armand’s hand… Armand… knowing that if Daniel leaves now he will die soon.
And Armand turns Daniel - out of spite.
But not to spite Louis, or Daniel. Nor are they enemies (that‘s BS and given how Assad has talked about Loumand and what it has been on the show I do call BS here).
No, he does it to spite Marius, who wants Daniel mortal (for whatever reason). He does it IN spite of Marius‘ standing order. THAT woukd make sense to me.
And it would also explain why Armand isn’t there after… Marius might have come by for a… chat.
I know this sounds wild.
But honestly - spite? Anger?!! No. That doesn’t make any sense to me. And, I‘m sorry Assad, but I‘m side-eying your statements there after the Loumand ones. *shrugs*
It sucks that we maybe won’t get the turning.
But I BET - I bet they have a good reason for that. Because it would contradict what they’re trying to establish for now.
It will be a big twist for show-only fans after all when it will be made clear why Armand turned him truly.
So. These are my thoughts, after chewing on it for a bit. Knowing Rolin likes to troll a bit obviously plays into that as well. And Hannah‘s tweet.
We‘ll see how it will hold. :)
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zabala0z · 17 days
Welcome back to “new fan listens to S3 and OH MY GOD THEY NAME DROPPED THE ENTITIES” and I’m your host, Zabala0z!!! I just listened to MAG 111 if you could tell so be prepared for a long post.
MAG 107: Third Degree
Very The Desolation-core. I mean the officer literally asked “what do you love most” and the guys dad was dead a week later so duh. Sucks that Jon literally has to read out a statement or else he’ll like get sick. Bro has to read a scary story unless he wants to die 💀
ALSO JULIA MONTAUK??? TREVOR HERBERT?? Isn’t that bitch dead???? Bro had lung cancer last we heard about him wth 😭 the weirdest duo ever by the way
MAG 108: Monologue
Not much on this but Peter god damn Lukas, get out. He’s very cheerful in a way that reminds me of Michael Crew, y’know. I don’t know how old he is but he’s a sea captain so like 35-40? “Thought we had a chat. Alone” oh haha, you bastard. Anyways the statement dealing with loneliness and Peter Lukas appearing I guess was something Elias did, I mean Peter said it himself. Peter didn’t seem to like Elias a lot which makes me think, why is the Lukas family even patrons of the institute and why is Peter and Elias suddenly having these meetings?
Not much on MAG 109. Still wondering why Trevor is not dead but whatever. Bulbs breaking is a common theme with like Julia’s thing.
MAG 110 has a heavy spider theme (eughhh). Also loving the Basira, Martin, and Melanie trio.
Now finally the major one; MAG 111: Family Business
Oh my god. First off, hearing Gerard speak is giving me so much closure. Literally his first mention was in MAG 4 😭 his mom sucks. Duh. But let’s get to the main part. The entities. Jesus Christ.
There’s 14???? Jon says that’s a small amount for them being manifestations of peoples fears but that’s too much for me. But I’m so happy we get all the names for them. Because of course they are manifestations of peoples fears, that’s what gives them power. Fear has always existed as long as living things existed. I think it’s so interesting they brought in animals into it as well because maybe they aren’t as complex but they feel fear as well. And there’s billions of animals.
Gerard makes me sad. Like every mention of him, he’s like helping people or at least doing something good. I wish his life was better cause god does he deserve it.
The Lukas’s I guess are apart of The Lonely. I thought they were apart of The Vast but maybe there’s just some overlap. I think it’s interested they serve The Lonely and are patrons of the institute which serve The Eye cause if you think about, those are two different things. The Lonely deals with being alone and there being no one around. The Eye deals with there being someone, something, that’s watching constantly. I gotta know how they became patrons or I will explode damn it.
Then there’s the rituals, what the hell is the Watchers Crown 😭😭 give Jon a break. I’m gonna theorize that Jon is gonna have to deal with that and is somehow going to be the key to it because he can never have a normal life. Gertrude is interesting because yeah she’s ruthless as hell but she also stopped the world ending like a ton so I guess give and take.
I think that’s like most of my thoughts I can write on here. Which is like 1/5 of it. But god I’m so happy we have names, these are so cool. Or not cool. I might make like a post, ranking on which would be my biggest ops 💀
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 8 months
Zecharias Theory
Before I start rambling, I do want to say that surprisingly a song lyric was what inspired me to write this theory because it made me think of Zecharias and therefore my brain started going off the charts with theorizing. I’ve also wanted to do something with Zecharias for a while now so if this also ends up being a analysis and also a theory at the same time then yall gonna have to deal with it.
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“But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you. The tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. You’re a shower of light I’d devour any day of the week.” -LIGHT SHOWER by Melanie Martinez.
Now you might be thinking how this made me go into full theory mode. So let me explain.
It’s been mentioned a few times/implied that Zecharias has had muses before MC and in the NSFW alphabet it has even mentioned somebody but I’ve only seen who ever this person is mentioned in this one part and hasn't even been asked about smh.
“He hasn't been able to meet a lot of other people, much less get the chance to do the deed with them. At most, he likely could have done it with one person, but they're as inexperienced as he is.
Who is this person? Well, you’ll find out in the game. :>”
But here’s my thing, if what we know about Zecharias not being human then he’s probably immortal especially that I’ve noticed a few implications that he might be a god or demi-god (Hell, bring Percy Jackson into this and say possibly half-blood.) with one part of Be My Muse and there was a few lines about MC being into greek mythology and he brought up the god Mnenmosyne. (HELP I JUST REALIZED THAT'S HIS LAST NAME WHY AM I ONLY PUTTING THIS TOGETHER WHILE I'M WRITING THIS) Well now that I just figured that out it just puts more evidence to back up my theory and of course with all of those powers he has and everything. Now I know that in the SFW alphabet did somewhat imply that he would die for MC if it was to protect them but I think that just might have been figurative language. .
Zecharias eats people too, but it’s also been said he just does this as a way to survive so I’m not about to bash him about that.
“He’s only interested in adults to be his muse or his meals.”
ANYWAYS, Finally to my main theory that made me write this. Zecharias is likely immortal or lives for a very long time. But (from what we know) all of his muses have been human including MC. It makes me wonder what happened to the old muses, I mean of course it’s very likely they died inside of the backrooms, maybe from old age or something else. BUT that also brings the question of what happened to their bodies so going back to the lyrics that made me think up of this theory. I think it’s very possible that Zecharias could have probably eaten the old muses? Since its for his survival to eat humans and him being obsessed with them could prove this. Or he might just have those fuckers stored somewhere in the backrooms lmao.
I don’t know what else to go on about without going into a full analysis of Zecharias which would include me going more into what we know about his backstory so far and me explaining his motives and all that good stuff but I guess I’ll see how this theory does before starting to write all of that jfnlaajan.
Also keep in mind that this is all a theory, A YANDERE VN THEORY- *gets hit with fridge*
Word count: 647.
Zecharias belongs to @letmeremindyouvn
Taggy tags:
@dont-wannadothis-anymore @mr-ritza @mysticnebula
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rainboneish · 29 days
i don’t mind Yuji dying but ngl if Yuji dies and Gojo comes back i will be sooo upset… stsg brain rot aside, Gojo said he was happy with his death, and more specifically that he preferred going out in his prime while fighting against the strongest to dying of old age or some other more mundane death. If he were to come back and sukuna is defeated, he is never going to be able to die in that way again. I also can’t really see him being satisfied living an “ordinary”/peaceful life (that’s kind of the whole point behind Nanami’s comment about how he thinks like an old war lord in the airport, as well as the interview questions Gege has answered about how he couldn’t really see Gojo being a good romantic partner and how he can’t really picture him being happy in general)
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Satoru Gojo is the head of the progressive Jujutsu faction… but he is also a relict of the past in many ways… he has a lot in common with the Heian era sorcerers in his mentality, and he is a child of the pre-existing system (head of one of the great clans, one of the few people actually able to thrive in that system (though it does isolate him, which is one of the main reasons why he decided to change the system (fueled by Geto’s defection)), Gojo is the most privileged person in their society, which is why he had the power to start change from within (despite the many obstacles in his way).
In a way it feels poetic that he would have to die, and fully hand over the reigns to this new generation that he shaped, a new generation where even the strongest don’t share the attitude (“when you die, you die alone” and the pride that kept him from letting anyone help him in his fight against Sukuna, as opposed to Yuji’s goal of dying surrounded by his loved ones and Yuta’s teamwork-forward approach) that was engraved in his personality by a a flawed system that ultimately led him to his demise.
edit: there is also the whole aspect of how Gojo’s birth tipped the scales of the universe and led to the birth of stronger curses to compensate, so his death starting an era of (relative) peace would be fitting (a lot of people are theorizing that he would come back without at least some of his powers which would also solve part of that issue but see above about how i don’t think that would be fulfilling for him…) plus if the people in the afterlife have insight into what is happening in the mortal world, i don’t think Gojo would choose to come back if he saw that his students don’t need his help to take down the enemy
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t4tstarrailing · 4 months
Dr ratio character analysis thing
Putting this at the very top so no one can ignore/miss it.
No, this post is not about ships. Please do not use this analysis as a way to say “this makes my ship more canon”, because that’s never my purpose with character analysis for Hoyo games. Hoyo likes to make characters that parallel each other, but being parallels does not immediately make them “more canon” or anything like that.
Also, I’m gonna be blunt, and I can say this as a gay transmasc. Some of you are yaoi brained and it’s interfering with your character analysis and interpretation of canon content.
tldr: Dr ratio is just some guy with an ego that doesn't want to recognize that he is just some guy.
So, anyway. Let’s get started.
Penacony is not Dr. Ratio’s story, and I’m seeing a lot of analysis about Dr. Ratio and Penacony, but not actually about the quests where we’re first introduced to him. The first quest where we are introduced to him, who is involved with the quests, and where it’s located really set the stage for Ratio, more so than Penacony ever would to be quite honest. Hoyo loves their parallels after all, and they tend to be established fairly quickly upon a character’s introduction into the game.
Overall Ratio analysis: Academically speaking, Ratio is just some guy. Does he have an impressive academic track record? Yes, he does. But that’s fairly standard for die hard academics like him, even in real life. He even calls himself a Mundanite, after being denied to be gazed upon by Nous. His philosophy isn’t really anything noteworthy, as it’s fairly in line with famous Greek philosophers. And when you’re comparing him to members of the Genius Society, his track record is fairly lackluster (see: the founder of the Genius Society being theorized to have made the aeon Nous). So it’s not really a shock that he hasn’t received Nous’ gaze. Especially when his motivations don’t align with the established motivations of the Genius Society.
And ultimately, on an intergalactic level, Ratio is just some guy. And that’s the whole point of his character story. Some guy being slapped in the face with the reality that the Aeons are uncaring and unpredictable by mortal standards, even after busting his ass to try and earn their gaze.
The difference between the Genius Society and Ratio: Indifference versus ego. The Genius Society works to earn knowledge for the sake of earning knowledge, but Ratio arguably earns knowledge for the sake of recognition (seen where it’s confirmed that Ratio wanted to earn Nous’ gaze). None of the Genius Society members actively sought recognition from Nous, they just happened to earn their gaze. Ratio actively sought Nous’ gaze, and didn’t earn their gaze.
Not implying that he has a secret inferiority complex, just that he has an ego. And canonically speaking, it’s ridiculous to deny it. Ratio is very Greek philosopher-like in this regard, and Greek philosophers were notoriously arrogant with egos.
The Genius Society also breaks barriers with their knowledge and discoveries. Ratio, on the other hand, has many patents and many academic achievements, but it almost seems like he’s “playing safe” with his discoveries and not really breaking any barriers like the Genius Society (see: Ruan Mei’s research on the creation of life, Herta’s Simulated Universe, etc.) The Genius Society’ work also directly impacts history on a massive level (see: Rubert I’s war against organic lifeforms and Ruan Mei’s experiments directly impacting biological lifeforms as mentioned in her character story).
Two great examples of this include Yu Qingtu and Stephen Lloyd: two geniuses that many may argue haven’t achieved much. But that’s the thing. They’re both smart, they’re both intergalactically known…. But they’re using their smarts to do what they want to do, not what will garner people’s attention. Yu Qingtu using her intelligence for her cocktails, Stephen Lloyd using his smarts and love of video games to help develop the Simulated Universe. Hell, Stephen Lloyd has literally created something groundbreaking but just does not care enough to release it to the public, and would rather work at his father’s fruit shop and play video games.
Theory: Screwllum and Ratio are parallels to a degree. Screwllum’s character design theme deals greatly with insects, which is often an indicator of metamorphosis and change in characters. Screwllum also off-handedly mentions that he has the same habit of Ratio in the quest, meaning that he sees a bit of himself in Ratio. Story wise, Screwllum may be Ratio if Ratio had an ego death and ultimately stopped caring about gaining recognition. This would match Screwllum’s insect theme, which is oftentimes heavily associated with change when it comes to character design.
Following Penacony and Screwllum being the one in Ratio’s dreamscape, I’m more inclined to think that this is the correct line of thinking. That Ratio is essentially a pre-ego death and pre-Genius Society Screwllum. It should also be noted that Ratio was significantly kinder in this Dreamscape than in reality, being more like Screwllum than his usual self. There’s a reason that Aventurine wasn’t in Ratio’s dreamscape, and that it was specifically Screwllum.
It’s important to acknowledge that Hoyo likes to establish future parallels with a character’s introductory quest. A great example of this would be Sunday and Aventurine in Penacony. While the parallel wasn’t explicit in the very beginning, it became more and more obvious throughout the Penacony storyline. Some other examples we have of these parallels: Kafka & Himeko (knowing life is predestined versus the freedom of Trailblazing), Blade & Firefly (following destiny and want wanting to die as he should have versus not wanting to die and trying to avoid destiny), Robin & Aventurine’s sister.
Theory: Ratio and Ruan Mei are parallels to a degree. Ruan Mei’s quest is about the Trailblazer forgetting with her serum, Ratio’s quest is about the Trailblazer remembering. Ratio has dedicated himself to a path of Mundanite, while Ruan Mei seeks out Aeonhood. Both are morally gray and their experiments put the Herta Space Station into a level of crisis, to different degrees.
I am not entirely sure where this would lead, but they are certainly parallels character wise with the similarities in their introductory quests and personalities. I am more inclined to believe that Screwllum and Ratio parallels will be stronger because of their constant interactions during Ratio’s first introductory quest.
Overall analysis: Ratio’s story and analysis is found in the Genius Society, not in Penacony and not with the IPC. I also think that his story is one that is similar to Screwllum and, if he becomes a member of the Genius Society in the end, that it would parallel Screwllum’s acceptance into the Genius Society.
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hamliet · 2 years
I feel there's still more to the kurta massacre than we think, i mean why did the spiders kill them in such a brutal way? It seemed personal tbh and what if tserriednich was involved in all of this?
I definitely think it was personal and revenge motivated. Sheila’s association with them and her presumed demise really makes me believe what @aspoonofsugar theorized: that the Kurta clan killed Sheila to prevent her from telling anyone about them. It kinda fits pretty perfectly with the themes of both Chrollo and Kurapika’s arcs.
(I know volume 0 states that a female traveler found the Kurtas, and people assume it’s Sheila, but… what if it wasn’t)
Nothing is impossible, but I don’t personally think Tserriednich was involved. I think it’s a lot more thematically powerful without another, truer villain or without a misunderstanding. That forces Kurapika to choose between revenge and saving what is left, rather than like, teaming up with Chrollo to defeat the true final boss.
The true boss Kurapika has to overcome in his arc is himself—specifically, his survivor’s guilt that leaves him wishing to die. He has to learn to live.
See, HxH is a coming of age story like most shonens, coming of age stories usually have, as part of their narrative, a defeat/death of the parent or a moment where the child lets go/comes to terms with what they can’t change and learns to live as themselves, not just as their parent’s child. It’s why I think the true person to overcome in Gon, Killua, and Kurapika’s arcs are their parents/histories, not Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo. In fact, given those three’s status as the most classic Jungian shadows, I wouldn’t be surprised if all three have to work together to overcome their greatest challenge.
Gon has already learned about Ging. I don’t think Ging is a villain by any means, but I do think Gon needs to eventually decide not to become Ging even if he appreciates aspects of what he’s learned along the way. Plus there’s Gyro. Killua thinks his big issue is Illumi, but it’s really Silva.
Kurapika needs to accept the deaths of his family and stop trying to join them. To quote Rocket Raccoon: oh boohoo my [family] died! … everyone’s got dead people; it’s no excuse to get everyone else dead along the way!
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Oh hey, sorry let me explain what I meant
I understand the Americanization of saying the main cast of ATLA because the cartoons was a Y7 NICKTOON that hade to be compatible enough to bye syndicated with SpongeBob when needed
Nothing against the og show, just you can pick up the obvious westernization when you get into more Asian fantasy stories
But what I’m talking about is the lack of cultural exchanges despite the access of African kingdoms being for more accessible than before
Also what those things that assassin creed milk the living FUCK out of to explain why we can go to the crusades to Italian renaissance to the North America
And recent to the Viking era to a prequel that take place in 9th century Baghdad?
(Also teasing that India will probably be used in future games)
Oh yeah
Sorry, but I remember Dave pointed out the issues of modern fantasy stories is that they are written by metropolitan people who can’t comprehend life outside of their cities
Vs me who you know grew up in various places ie a college town for a bit.
Also under thing, if your ass can barely comprehend modern farmer lives
Your shit out of luck when writing proper world building
It like the issues with Yasuke for ac red, the thing is that story leaks revealed that Yasuke outsider status will be acknowledged
Hopefully it was a team idea not sbi suggestion
But as you know the assassins value free will, so when research and learning that Yasuke was kicked out of Japan by Mitshundie who refer to Yasuke as animal. I can see the devs desires saying the assassins saved him and Yasuke slowly agrees to help unify Japan to ensure the country won’t be at the mercy of Templars
Also I mention before because I did my own research and theorize that assassins Yasuke will die in Southeast Asia given the East African population there
Oh your other friend who the lawyer with the Cookie Monster icon pointed out that in rings of power made Gaderial a burnout millenial…ugh writers I understand you were told to write what you know
But you need to be VERY conscious especially if it a pre industrial setting
Yeah this is an issues, established. Fucking. Trade. Routes.
Make African kingdoms based off the Mali, the Yoruba, the Moors
Say in your fantasy world a group of refugees and immigrants decide to leave their ancestral homeland and move to the European kingdoms, now in reality most would be in trading ports and such
But say a second gen of them already assimilated into the surrounding area wanted to be a knight, of course it would have a lot of discrimination and such. But it make sense for that one character
Sorry, I was thinking about the Latin Americans and how they acknowledge they are mixed. Now yes Anglophones had a lot of separatism….but I think what huge root cause between black Americans and Africans is that my community don’t realize we’re like the Latinos-wait wait most of them have their native roots so nvm.
Because we grew up in an extremely different culture from them. Yes we can now interacted with native Africans due to globalism
But black activists, if the French and British were at each other throats for centuries. What the hell you guys think we are to Africans when we only started to have casual relations in the 60’s?
Sorry for these essay long anons, but I was thinking what wrong with modern fantasy beyond the woke shit…it’s because these fucks had very limited life experience or understanding of pre colonial times
Nothing against the og show, just you can pick up the obvious westernization when you get into more Asian fantasy stories. But what I’m talking about is the lack of cultural exchanges despite the access of African kingdoms being for more accessible than before
It's that money thing again, managed a great story still tho,
and ya have to wonder about the difficulty of gathering up a collection of "folk tales" from various indigenous groups around the globe, Africa being a massive untapped resource for that,
Not sure how many would lend themselves to movies, but anthology type tv series like twilight zone style with no set cast other than Rod Sterling as the announcer that does a new one every week, I could actually see that working
Your shit out of luck when writing proper world building
All this stuff feels pretty spot on
Also I mention before because I did my own research and theorize that assassins Yasuke will die in Southeast Asia given the East African population there
AC people seem to do a very good job, to the point that folks were thinking the one game could be used to help rebuild Notre Dame, that didn't pan out, but they still gave the game away free on Steam so people could visit if they wanted.
Say in your fantasy world a group of refugees and immigrants decide to leave their ancestral homeland and move to the European kingdoms, now in reality most would be in trading ports and such But say a second gen of them already assimilated into the surrounding area wanted to be a knight, of course it would have a lot of discrimination and such. But it make sense for that one character
Look up the Jewish diaspora that formed after the last time they thought it would be a good idea to piss off Rome. Not for integration so much as routes taken and areas settled
Sorry, I was thinking about the Latin Americans and how they acknowledge they are mixed. Now yes Anglophones had a lot of separatism….but I think what huge root cause between black Americans and Africans is that my community don’t realize we’re like the Latinos-wait wait most of them have their native roots so nvm.
Funny you mention them, that thing that nobody ever expects resulted in large numbers of, once again, Jewish diaspora who not only settled in North Africa they also went to Latin America, weird little pockets of Jewish people dotting places in various countries in the Caribbean and South America, couple that are widely disavowed by 99.9% of the Jewish population that knows they exist.
Might be less useful since they've managed to hold on to their Jewishness and not assimilate
-wait wait most of them have their native roots so nvm.
Number of Mexicans I've known that think they're descended from the Mayans I'm not so sure about that, but you're not actually wrong either.
But black activists, if the French and British were at each other throats for centuries. What the hell you guys think we are to Africans when we only started to have casual relations in the 60’s?
yay technology, it really has made some things better, other things worse but eh equivalent exchange as the Alric brothers say (my animu reference for the year)
Sorry for these essay long anons, but I was thinking what wrong with modern fantasy beyond the woke shit…it’s because these fucks had very limited life experience or understanding of pre colonial times
No worries, sorry bout the time it took to get this out got things pulling left and right and I want to be able to get a good answer out to you so we can call it even, lol.
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Helluva Boss Theory “Striker Kidnaps Stolas”
in the trailer release of helluva boss, we saw clips of stolas being kidnapped by striker and being tied to a train wrack, and stolas calling IMP while being captured
alot of things aren’t being made clear as to why or how any of this happened, like how did stolas manage to get his phone, and not have striker hear him?!,  
also i really don’t understand as to why striker would go through all that effort to kidnap stolas and tie him up to train tracks all the way in wrath ring, my guess is that stolas fought back and fought HARD, but since striker got powerful angelic weapons, most likely from andralphus or stella, it’s possible he managed to lasso stolas with a holly rope and tie him up, but the whole train track thing still confuses me
this one is going to be a big stretch, but i think the reason why striker was tying stolas to the train tracks because stella had him do so, and i also think she wanted octavia to watch him get run over or killed, as a way too teach her a lesson on what happens when you become “traitorous embarrassments”, it’s a huge stretch to say that we haven’t see how stella is like with octavia as a mothher, but considering how vile and monstrous stella can be to stolas, i wouldn’t put it past her to do something like that, since having octavia see stolas like that would be tormenting to him, and she loves to torment him
alot of people think that stolas let himself be tied up and captured because he does like to be the damsel in distress, but here’s the thing, i highly, HIGHLY doubt that stolas is stupid enough to do that when he’s literally being assassinated, and you can tell from the clips that stolas did not go down easy, this man got stabbed and has bruises, and even has a scar over his eye, he put up a fight, and he’s not enjoying himself, he’s all powerful being it would take a lot for him to go down, not to mention he’s not a very good place mentally, so striker chose the perfect time to kill him
also, some have theorized that stolas let himself be captured so he can have blitz save him and be his knight in shinning armour, which i also HIGHLY doubt considering 1, stolas and blitz are in a very awkward position with each other, 2, he’s coming out out his high fantasy and realizing that blitz was using him and doesn’t actually care about him
i previously talked about the hospital scene in the season 2 trailer being either fizz or stolas on the bed, putting their phone away, their is still a chance that it’s fizz, but judging how this season is going, it’s possible that it’s stolas that we see in the hospital bed, and he was maybe checking his phone to see if blitz contacted him or whatever, but their does appear to be a vase of roses, so maybe while stolas was unconscious, blitz sneaked it in but didn’t put his name or anything
i also doubt that stolas is going to be the one dying, his character his WAY to important to blitz’s development and to the story of helluva boss, killing him off would be a terrible narrative to go, because now they just lost their major key, plus it’ll be such a waste for those two be finally work out their issues and become a couple only for stolas to die, like WTF?!!, but i think he’ll have a near death scene, but ends up being okay
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eulaties · 2 years
marionetta: first impressions
as you can tell, i veryy much love marionetta so far and i am super excited to see where the story will go in terms of conflict + character development! so below, i will be theorizing about the connections between anthonn and the ah’kon people, as well as julia’s overarching role in the story. please bear with me bc this'll be pretty rambly ^^;; and because everything is subject to being proven horribly wrong by canon, please also take everything with a grain of salt!
edit (1/4/23): ok so apparently the Hot Guy isn’t anthonn. unless....he’s just lying and he actually IS anthonn.........../hj
jokes aside i have no idea whether this entire post was immediately proven wrong by ep. 4 or not so. i’ll just leave this here in the very slim chance that my crack theory is right...or, if anthonn’s identity is finally revealed and i am proven horribly, horribly wrong, i’ll still leave this up but make another edit.
in either case—happy reading! i am truly excited to see where this story’s mystery will take us ✨
edit 2 (1/10/23): ok yeah i was proven horribly wrong lol but also i would die for tonnie
1. anthonn & the ah’kon people
firstly, with all the emphasis the narrative places on the ah'kon people within just the first 2 episodes, i think it’s clear that—with the whole three eyes thing, and the fact that they look pretty similar—anthonn is related to them in some way. maybe they’re kin, or maybe they only have a shared identity. either way, they are connected.
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another interesting thing to note is the way that kalgratti citizens speak about the ah’kon:
a) episode 1 ➜ the scene on the bus
b) episode 2 ➜ julia’s conversation w/ her father
J: “No way am I sitting there! Can’t you see who’s sitting next to it?!”
K: “Oh, right. That man is one of those Ah’kon people. Do you think it’s true that under that badge they have...?”
J: ...“Stay behind me. It’s dangerous letting this guy travel with normal people...Don’t make eye contact with him, Kamille.”
Afterwards, the people on the bus excitedly talk about going to the circus.
J: ..."But the new uniform orders just came in! The rest of us will have to do twice as much work! You're all just slackers!”
c) episode 3 ➜ the scene after julia wakes up from the dead
F: “We have to return some Three Eyes to the Aspett Research Center.”
J: “Yes, I saw one on the bus yesterday. Why are they letting them walk around like that?”
F: “I don’t know, but don’t even think about talking to them...They’re superstitious people.”
After this, Julia tells him that she went to the circus last night.
F: “To the circus? What for? Only slackers go there!”
these three scenes give away a LOT of information:
J: “Yes, that’s it! Are you trying to drive me crazy?! I’ll report you all!”
D: “Hey...”
J: “You use cheap tricks to poison the minds of Kalgratti citizens! You’re a bunch of—” [censored by the speech bubble]
D: “Calm down, young lady...”
julia, as a character, is very restrained in that she is pretty conservative with her lifestyle and perspective of the world (ofc i don’t mean “conservative” in the political way, i just mean that she’s more traditional compared to someone like kamille, who is naturally free-spirited and inclined to adventure). this is mostly seen in episode 1, where she acts grumpy all throughout the trip to the circus, and consistently wishes that she was anywhere but there. she also doesn’t hesitate to say “i’ll report you!” whenever she gets angry at other people (namely, the circus troupe).
this characterization makes a lot of sense when we consider that julia’s father seems to be a decently ranked official in the village. he looks like he may work for the law enforcement, given his uniform and how he says, “we have to return some three eyes.”
the fact that the three eyes, or ah’kon people, are regularly sent to research centers signals that not everything is as innocent as it seems. it’s almost as if kalgratti citizens generally accept that ah’kon people are all “crazy” subjects that need to be studied by researchers. this dehumanization is similar to what we saw in hooky, though it seems to be more covert; not as outwardly violent as burning someone at the stake, and yet just as harmful. this silent persecution may be one of the driving conflicts of the story.
2. julia’s identity & narrative role?
from the scenes outlined above, i believe it is also pretty obvious that julia parrots a lot of the rhetoric that her father says. from thinking that the circus is just for slackers to wholeheartedly believing that the ah’kon people are freaks, she doesn’t seem to have an identity for herself. even her steadfast work ethic and “stick-in-the-mud” attitude is largely due to her upbringing. this means that the way julia perceives the world is very much molded by her father; she believes she leads a respectable, normal life, while in actuality she lives according to convention and doesn’t question societal norms.
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and here is where the circus comes into the picture.
everything that she has ever known is suddenly turned upside down by the contract that she hastily signs (and doesn’t even bother to read the fine print of). anthonn’s wandering troupe presumably gives the unfairly deceased a second chance of living, at the cost of shedding their former identities, so when julia is simultaneously killed by the circus that is so very diametrically opposed to who she is at that moment, it’s ironic! because she’s also given a second chance through the circus—only that, rather than shedding her former identity, she must pay her dues through murder.
regardless, it seems that when she does commit the murder months later, her former identity is already long gone.
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and there is certainly a lot to unpack here about her chosen (or assigned?) circus costume.
as preface: miriam bonastre tur is an artist from spain, so i think it is reasonable to assume that she’ll be incorporating spanish and/or latin american cultural influences into marionetta. therefore...
julia’s mushroom hat & makeup: mushrooms in spanish and latin american folktales have strong connections to spirituality and are highly respected in traditional shamanic culture. this is super interesting when we consider the context of the circus in marionetta...
“Shamanism is a system of religious practice. Historically, it is often associated with Indigenous and tribal societies, and involves belief that shamans, with a connection to the otherworld, have the power to heal the sick, communicate with spirits, and escort souls of the dead to the afterlife.”
julia’s mismatched tights: they may be a visual representation of going against what is perceived as “normal,” and breaking free from strict conventions. perhaps by being in the circus, julia will gradually unlearn her own subconscious prejudices. this ideological change would then set up conflict with her father later on in the story.
julia’s braids: instead of wearing her hair in only one braid, like what was seen at the beginning of the story, she now wears her hair in two braids. this parting of her single, unified braid visually parallels a fork in the road; in turn, this may imply that she will come to make a crucial decision (i.e., to kill or not to kill anthonn). maybe she won’t choose either of the paths laid out for her. maybe she’ll create a new path for herself...and maybe that'll involve her trying to escape the contract.
3. miscellaneous wonderings
is there narrative significance to having julia (& everything she represents, especially in relation to the ah'kon people) “kill” anthonn?
in a society where ah'kon people face covert persecution, was founding the circus troupe anthonn’s way of surviving?
who wrote the contract? who “chose” julia to kill anthonn? alternatively, are there more people in the circus tasked to kill him?
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
Not a fan of redemption Mapleshade headcanons and storylines, not because I don’t like her but because let women be evil!!
Also Mapleshade kinda read as a metaphor for parents who uh let their children die because of their own beliefs and shit. ( cough parents who refuse to vaccinate children ) so personally I really don’t like the idea of redeeming her for this very reason 😭 although I think it’s cat fantasized enough that call her a silly gal all you want or whateva
Been a lot of discussion about gender and evilness on warrior cats tumblr lately so here’s a summarized version of my takes:
-Rainflower and Crowfeather are equally awful, but don’t treat Rainflower any better because of how some fans treat Crowfeather. I don’t think Crowfeather is written particularly well but it’s also worth noting that a lot of fans like him more because well. He’s a protagonist and has a lot more content to theorize over than Rainflower who just straight up bullies her disabled child. Although you can still like Rainflower if you want, just let’s not bbygirl ify parents like Rainflower or Crowfeather.
-More Bramblestar slander on my feed PLEASEEE
-Sometimes people blame things on characters when… babe the writing is just awful. I know a character is told by the narrative to do something cool but then never actually is shown doing it, I don’t believe that’s a fault of the character I believe that’s bad writing.
-Not related to any fandom discourse actually but can we talk about how boygirl and girlboy core some of the warrior cats characters are because I have never come across this many in fiction
-I also think it’s worth noting that despite how much I really don’t like Mapleshade and Rainflower for their actions ( not as characters I actually like them as characters and the roles they fill in the story ) the actions of the male villains and antagonists in Warriors are way worse and often are not acknowledged for how awful they are and it’s good to acknowledge them but you shouldn’t try and apologize for characters who have in writing no mistake on the writers, done horrible shit. You can still like Mapleshade and Rainflower without excusing what they’ve done. Mapleshade blatantly murdered her own children due to negligence, do I like her tho? Yeah. I do.
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tammyhybrid21 · 9 months
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Ahh the bioengineers and their Slugcats.
Time for the Friends to talk. And boy, I am... hng, I have some opinions I’m pretty sure will not meld with the rest of the fandom well.
So first off, I love both of these guys. Mostly, I do have some opinions as I said before the read more, but I really do love both of these fools. Just I also have a lot of deep thoughts because I can not be normal about thinking and analysing characters...
So let’s do this in some kind of order I hope. First the obvious, yes, I am a tall Suns believer... or at least tall for an iterator. Make Pebbles literally have to look up to him, yes please. And NSH with what I mentioned makes me LOSE it, 105cm/3’5, a single cm turning into a whole inch. Anycase, Sig might be small but he’s the most intimidating iterator in the room and I will die on that hill.
Most intimidating Iterator ever I actually think. Sig has so much concentrated rage and is honestly so ICONIC. He’s the one who first theorized that Slugcats could be used for messages-- And the Hunter Campaign. Oh I have so many feelings about Sig’s efforts there. And opinions about Hunter’s state as well, because there’s not much about whether it’s on purpose or not-- I lean towards not more and more because even in the pearl delivered, if you choose to deliver it, Hunter is mentioned as been used due to degrading systems.
I like to think Sig was super proud of making Hunter to. And as much as he’s angry at Pebbles-- I do think there’s care there. It’s just buried under the very, very justified anger. Anger borne of worry probably to both Moon and Pebbles because while he might not have been close to Pebbles I definitely don’t think he actively hates or despises him. Gives him a hard time sure, finds him frustrating sure, but-- he clearly wanted to see him grow before all, everything happened. And even those words, harsh sure but not like they don’t need to said.
I think if anything more care is shown with NSH calling Pebbles out with the “I hope you can reflect and see--“. But Hey that’s a YMMV thought. Also you might notice, yes I fully go the whole, Sig is senior after Moon headcanon. I imagine everything about the situation in canon was stressful all the way down.
Nobody thought this could happen.
Now... onto the other half of these two. Suns. Oh Suns, Suns you dumb, dumb empty headed loser.
Look so I love Spearmaster, I love their campaign and everything that it gives to the Lore. Love seeing how Sig and Suns are such friends but at the same time. Good lord I am going to make people hate me for my take on Suns. But genuinely, Suns is not as good a person as they or anyone else portrays them. It’s not intentional but Suns has some very specific issues that I have noticed and that remind me of certain people I’ve encountered in my own life. Well-intentioned and bad at math Suns might be, but that doesn’t excuse that they’re-- well patronising.
Pride is Suns flaw. From top to bottom. Pride in combine with abandonment issues, also if you’re in a bad place Suns is absolutely the LAST person anyone should be going to for mental health. Both the Bug in the Maze conversation and the decision of sending that Golden Pearl. But seriously, I take a lot of issues with how Suns talks to and addresses others.
Good lord Suns, the way you word things. And sure the obvious is with Pebbles, I have a number of issues with both the Bug Maze conversation as well the pearl that we deliver as Spearmaster. Like good lord. I cannot put into words my exact issues but man, Suns please stop talking down at people.
Speaking of, I take some issues with Suns and NSH’s talks as well. Not as obvious, but Suns still has the whole... more practical thing on the messengers. Like I love Spearmaster, I do-- but Suns... Suns my friend-- HOW IS VAMPIRE SPEAR SLUGCAT MORE PRACTICAL?! Also Suns got a behaviour pattern, with the self-blame and self-pity. “Oh I doomed everyone”, hmm, it’s fishing for sympathy behaviours, which leads to the realisation that this is most likely how Suns abandonment issues show, but at the same time...
I really have so many issues with how Suns is playing the situation. Almost downplaying some aspects, playing up others, self-deprecation so that Sig turns to reassurances. I know it’s a stressful situation and we can only take so much characterization from these glimpses but oh boy...
Suns giving themselves a lot of credit as well in other places. I just... ugh. They need some calling out for their bad takes that are even still in canon. Like dude, giving that information out at all-- biggest “L” moment in history. Also I’d love to talk about how suspect that pearl was delivered, and Suns even having it themselves in the first place-- but that’s a whole other thing.
At least Sig knows when to call everyone on mistakes.
Again unfortunately don’t have much to say on the Slugcats, whoops. But to be fair, they’re super interpretable having no distinct personalities in the game beyond how people choose to play them.
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onigiri-dorkk · 2 years
Assuming if Mikasa does indeed die by Eren's hand in the anime, I wonder how that will happen. Maybe he regenerates after she kills him? If Levi also dies, I wonder if they'll still keep the "Mikasa, stay with me" by having Levi hold Mikasa in her dying moments before Eren kills him too. I've also seen Tensa seaparately theorize that Mikasa may die from an arm injury like her Muv-Luv counterpart Sumika did. What do you think?
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YES okay you brought up the “Eren is alive and well” branch of a theory too — a lot of people think that Eren lives even after being beheaded, due to 1) Reiner’s ability to transfer his conscience throughout his body to save his life when getting his vital point cut (mirrors Eren’s beheading) and/or 2) Jaw Titan ability to operate a full Titan with powers while being in a crystal underground… Just seems like Isayama builds and creates such OP Titan abilities for no reason…? And if anime-Eren actually intends to live, wouldn’t he exhaust all means he learned before accepting defeat? (The way he utilized Annie’s fighting style once he learned it too!)
All that to answer your question — I could totally see a route in which everything of manga is animated normally (including Stay With Me, etc!) to the death of Eren as it happens in the manga, making everybody think oh shit, maybe this is just going to be an exact manga adaptation……..
only for him to be shown to actually survive. BOOM, a cliffhanger where the Part 1 episode ends.
Then Part 2 happens and it’s where all hell and chaos lets loose.
You brought up the Sumika arm death with the butterfly wings!! I’ve seen this comparison too and I never stopped to think about how exactly that would play out. It would make sense, maybe, and honestly probably makes for a more emotionally impactful moment, for a slow death of Mikasa. Who knows if it’s exactly arm injury tho, since ripped butterfly wing could just symbolize any type of deadly injury. But knowing how specific the image is, absolutely it could be exactly that. Pure tragedy especially if her death happens in Eren’s arms, as some other theories suggest which is my next segue…
The AOT song theories are insane as a whole but let me bring up 1 specific song, written and sung in Mikasa’s POV: Clean Earth.
Clean Earth is quite literally a death song — if you’re into Les Mis it’s also very much like “A Little Fall of Rain” where Eponine ignores her slow death after being shot, only wanting to soak in being in Marius’ arms to the point where she doesn’t even finish the song. Pls read the full lyrics of these songs but here is how it ends:
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This is getting long LOL sorry, but yes — long story short, I believe if Mikasa’s death happens it will be caused by Eren injuring her to the point of bleeding to death, and she will die in his arms while speaking. Because after all, just being by his side was enough for him (ugh). It will be the most tragic ending; Eren doesn’t want to have to do it, but he knows it’s the only way for him to achieve real freedom from these deathly timelines she is somehow able to start, and it never ends bc she can’t fully let go of Eren.
Isayama also always said he always envisioned a tragic ending for AOT, too. How much more tragic can it get than THAT 😢
Throwing Levi into the mix… 100% I could see Levi giving his life to try to save Mikasa and the others. If Eren lives to complete rumbling I don’t see the alliance living 😭 And when it seems hopeless, Captain Levi who defended and protected them for so long would do exactly that til the very end. Fack.
IM SORRY @chrissythisissforyou
(I’m also half falling asleep so hopefully this all is coherent enough)
((Real talk, I’m excited to have all of these written down because if all of this does freaking happen!!!! I have references!! LOL))
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Updates and Introductions
Hey guys! We’ve posted our final class to the blog and are now moving onto bigger and brighter things. We’re going to utilize all the information we’ve posted to upload analyses classifying characters in media, and why we believe they fit the criteria of a certain class!
When we post these, feel absolutely free to disagree with us on our verdicts! Just be prepared to provide your reasoning, we’ll be sure to ask. If after mutual consultation and review we agree with your claims, we will add an addendum to the post clarifying our new view. Contrarily, if you’d like to provide further evidence / participate in the discussion for why the classification fits, once again, feel free! Also be sure to recommend some characters you would like us to analyze! We’re always looking for fun and interesting characters to break down and theorize about.
Our post schedule will be changing, too. It would be a near-impossible feat to get an analysis up every single day, so while our team remains this size we will bring down the posts to twice a week (Mondays and Fridays at 12pm EST)! Our first analysis will go up on the following Monday.
Now finally, for a little insight to the people behind this system! Currently, we are a team of two, but we’re always looking to expand our partnership to make a brighter future for CCS. Here are mini-profiles of how we would classify ourselves to shed some light on our personalities.
Apollo (he/him 🏳️‍⚧️)
Yellow-Dominant Courier
Adaptable. I’d say I’m a solid 5/10 in terms of adaptability. There’s a fifty-fifty chance when I go into a situation that I’ll be able to really thrive or straight up book it out of there. No in between. 
Eccentric. My colleague says this should be higher but I disagree, I’m going with a 6/10 since I certainly have my moments but I’d die if I had to be “on” all the time. 
Encouraging. While I like being the one who pushes someone to be their best self, I also don’t like the idea of asking others to perform above realistic capabilities so… 6/10.
Idealistic. This is definitely one of my higher ones. I live for the light at the end of the tunnel, the reason to keep moving forward. Easy 8/10.
Passionate. At my best I am quite a passionate individual, but like eccentricity it cannot be my every waking minute. I’d rank this slightly higher though, so I’ll settle on a 7/10.
Philosophical. Let’s philosophize right here, right now, I am so ready! Let’s get into the weeds, asking the big questions about whether God or anything for that matter is even real. I love understanding the underlying reasons and motivations behind why people do the things that they do, and more than anything I want to nail down what we’re really here to do. Self proclaimed but well deserved 10/10.
Related Characteristics:
Ambitious (from Captain).
Creative (from Artist).
Inquisitive (from Inventor).
Introspective (from Merchant). 
Ash (he/him)
Green-Dominant Athlete
Bold. Perfect 10/10. If you wanna challenge it, come and face me. However, on a more realistic note, I like to take a lot of risks and jump into scenarios where other people may hesitate. It’s an ideal trait I’ve seen in many forms of media, and I aspire to use said boldness to help others to the best of my ability.
Capable. My ability to manage the situation and take control is something that has been forged into my very body from when I was young. I am the blade that will not quit in a fight. 8/10.
Disciplined. Apparently my colleague thinks I should rate this higher than I think I deserve. I'm lazy but I do follow a weekly routine and like to make a schedule. 6/10
Dynamic. While I love to be in motion and using my hands to do whatever, I do also love being lazy and in bed when I have nothing else to do. Action is my passion, but not being on the run is a lot of fun. 5/10.
Formidable. I’m only a 3/10. If you saw me in the streets, you would see the rats mugging me.
Keen. If this was One Piece, I’d specialize in Observational Haki. 9/10
Related Characteristics:
Attentive (from Inventor).
Dependable (from Warden).
Playful (from Bard).
Strategic (from Tactician).
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Since seeing it pop up a lot on the timeline but can’t listen to it myself since my Autism doesn’t like how it recognizes stuff as Tally hall. What is the whole story behind Choony jash? It looks interesting
Alright! Spoilers below and it’s long, you got 27 songs for me to explain
Warnings for suicide and self harm
I’m going to generally explain and then give more in depth stuff on each song
First off, we only have half the story. We don’t know when Maniac’s Bootstrap will come out but it’ll have intro to Calamity and Outro to Concord + another section starting with C
Secondly, it’s a loop/cycle. It’s constantly referenced in the songs but basically they always fall back into this cycle of fighting and becoming whole before fighting again, and from what we currently know it’s kickstarted by Whole himself during TMR.
Heart and Mind are constantly fighting, trying to get control. Soul is trying to stop the fighting and his main goal is for them to become Whole. The conflict between Heart and Mind seems to be started by Heart when he shot at Mind, although we don’t know Heart’s reasoning currently. Soul threatens multiple times to kill all 3 of them if they don’t stop fighting. Eventually Heart and Mind acknowledge they’re not so different and they all unify. The section of the album Concord is mostly Whole songs and not as connected to HMS (heart mind and soul)
So the album starts out with Time Machine Reprise which starts with Heart and Mind saying “Wait! No please wait!” To Whole/CJ the rest of it is then sung by Whole, until it fades into Soul at the end of the song. All 3 (Heart Mind and Soul) are now separated again and Whole is gone
Then comes Dream. Dream is sung by Soul (with a line from Heart + Mind in there) and basically about his thoughts on the situation and Heart and Mind and their fighting that he knows is about to happen. He hates it but he’ll also keep fighting to try to get all of them unified
Then is Mucka Blucka this song is 6 minutes of lore and references (and chicken puns). Anyways it’s the intro to the section of the album called Cacophony and really does it’s intro job well (notably the other songs are part of the section called Calamity which has no current start). It talks about futility of cyclic things and identity struggles with being 3 now. The ending section is extremely important though. Mind brings up being shot at, and a few seconds later it’s revealed that Heart is the one who shot at him but missed. There was some kind of moment of clarity during the shot though. And then there’s more lines referencing cyclic stuff I wonder why
Never Meant to Know and Spring and a Storm aren’t too lore important and have very little changed from their originals and it’s only one of them singing for most of it
Now for Night, a lot of people theorize that Night is about a rough first meeting between Mind and Heart. Soul is also there too and it seems like he’s already been around Heart for a bit. This is also where a popular theory of Heart being blinded by a trident (wether by Soul himself or Mind with Soul’s trident) comes from with the line “tines stabbed through eyes”
Oh boy Ruler of Everything. So it starts out with Juno shooting at the sun as usual and is then followed up with “well listen to this, he shot and he missed. And so Juno got what he deserved, imprisonment was all that he earned” Juno here is Heart, and The Sun is Mind. Heart got punished for shooting at Mind, the rest is mostly the same as the regular song, but towards the end there’s Heart acknowledging Mind as the Ruler of Everything (if you see Mind drawn with a crown this is why usually)
Alright, Good Day. This one is the one that really needs that suicide warning Good Day is sung by Heart and is a lot about their mental state, mentioning wanting to die and possible methods of dying. There’s also a bit where it’s presumably Whole who says “you want me to sing? Fine.”. The “let us sing” part is taken by Soul and Mind
Just Apathy is a Heart and Mind song, Mind seems to be wearing down Heart, making him well, more apathetic (which probably isn’t great for the embodiment of emotions :D)
ALRIGHT HEART ACOUSTIC TIME Now we really get to hear Heart’s side of things. He sings about his frustration with Mind “life can’t thrive controlled by digits” He also acknowledges that they’ll need to become whole (“but I know that one plus one can’t equal two if happiness is both our truths”) He then goes back to critiquing Mind, saying that he’s corrupting Soul and making him “sickly dead and cold”. Heart ends off the song calling Mind and automaton freak and giving him control because he doesn’t care anymore (And well being right after Just Apathy makes sense)
Be Born! First mainly Mind song! It starts out with mentioning Heart being content in his “little hole dug for someone else’s remains” which I’ll get back to during The Mind Electric. Mind is singing to Heart during this, pointing out that they’re the same and that Mind isn’t really the villain or enemy and Heart isn’t really the victim, and despite being the logical side Mind seems angry. Then there’s Mind reminding Heart that “time will move forward, onward, without you” and that no one is listening, and that’s for the best. The end is an ultimatum “So make your choice, and make it right, will we be ours, or will you die?”
STORM AND A SPRING another Mind song. Still tearing into Heart. He mentions how Heart has seemingly not done as well as he should for emotions ( “when the tears streamed down that day obfuscated by the rain can you truly say with a straight face that you tried your best?” ) Then Heart comes in, and asks him what he sees behind “those dead leaden eyes” Mind says he sees Soul, dark and eternally cold. And that there was an oath between him and Heart to keep Soul whole, but he doesn’t trust Heart to be able to deal with things and he’s not going to let Heart ruin things. During the ending it’s an overlap of Mind singing new lyrics and Heart singing the original lyrics from the ending of Spring and a Storm and seemingly overwhelming Mind
The Mind Electric, Mind is really getting the spotlight in this section isn’t he? Anyways he starts out insulting Heart, then says “I could go on but let’s leave it there” and proceeds to not leave it there. He later accuses Heart of faking things to make himself seem more innocent (and Heart accuses him of lying). The hole that Heart dug for “someone else’s remains” is brought up here, the someone being Mind, presumably connected to Heart shooting at him.
Ah the Soul Eclectic, you would think Soul would be the only singer with THA and TME almost exclusively being sung by their title character, nope. But it starts with Soul just introducing himself with a bunch of different kinds of titles. Heart calls Mind a madman and Mind calls Heart a depressed fool, both trying to get Soul to take their side. Soul refuses to take a side though and reminds them that he’s the one in charge here. He uses Heart and Mind’s words against them and then points out that “neither is wrong yet neither is right” and then comments on the futility of them trying to control him and continues to assert that he is in charge and that he’s not going to let them just continue like this. The bridge is Heart and Mind arguing again, Soul mentions how they keep doing this and that they have one more chance or he’s killing all three of them
The Bidding, where things finally start getting better for the characters. Still starts with Heart and Mind arguing and Soul trying to be some kind of mediator between the two. Heart and Mind end up harmonizing during “your violence/silence deafens more than any sound” and Soul is amazed and begs them to at least try to unify if not for eachother then for him because he can’t take this anymore.
Light!! Heart and Mind talk to each other and recognize their faults and that they need each other. Soul asserts again that he won’t be Heart or Mind, all of them need to be working together, whether dead or alive. Then Heart and Mind switch musical styles for a bit until Whole shows up for the bridge. He tells them to “open the window look out and see me, this sad sulking mess, this human you’re being” to help them see their state of how things are from their arguing.
We’re Gonna Win :D Heart and Mind song, and there’s a moment of care between the two, harmonizing at “how do you feel? you’ve been concealing your worries from the world, but we’re not so different you see” and towards the end they just sound happy about finally getting along
TWO WUV! Soul song, Soul reflects on his views of Heart and Mind and how they’ve changed. He also reveals that he has quite a bit of religious trauma, due to a lot including being queer. At the end he’s accepting of Heart and Mind being part of him, accepting “Tridential sovereignty” or rule by three kings, which connects to his “tridential regicide” line in TSE which is killing three kings
Variations on a Cloud is split into three parts as opposed to the two of the original, and most of the added lyrics here are Soul’s. Bringing up “there’s no difference ‘tween night and day” referring to Heart (night/the moon) and Mind (day/the sun). He also brings up religious trauma again with “though we say our prayers happily we can’t stand the sound”
The Whole World and You! Heart sings it it seems like, and talks about unifying and that it’s felt freeing. Mind is there and singing about how he wanted them to be one all along (liar but whatever). They acknowledge not being alright but “at least now I’m mine” and the rest of the song is a genuine praise of Tally Hall
Welcome to Tally Hall isn’t really too much story-wise, but he’s definitely put his own twist on it there. It’s the intro to Concord, and in Concord there’s a lot less character-relevant songs
Banana Man isn’t a HMS (Heart Mind Soul) song, but it is a critique of the original Banana Man
Haiku, this one’s got some relevance! At the start not really, but once the Haiku is actually completed it picks up. “Been trying not to try my Heart, I’ve minded my own Mind” being said. Infamous titty line is here. The singer ends up stabbing themselves at the end of the song
Hidden in the Sand is a little relevant, the voices of the three start singing towards the end and “simply that when I took my shot I missed” is said, again the theme of taking a shot and missing
Greener isn’t really plot relevant but is more “Don’t idolize me, my life is screwed up and you really shouldn’t be envying me. I write these songs for myself but I’m happy you’re listening”
Special is a Heart or Soul song, I think Soul? Kinda hard to tell even with the video. At the end though all four of them are there, Soul and Whole are singing Time Machine, Heart and Mind are singing VOaC
Taken for a Ride is the last song and is Whole/CJ reflecting on the album, with a lot of references to duality which is well a massive theme of the album. Plus just the immense hard work put in to make it. He’s taking a break but he’ll be back. And also references to it being a cycle, and says he just wants to enjoy time being one
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