#like he thinks he’s got the multiverse figured out when he most likely doesn’t
starburst-selfship · 1 year
I really hope no one here thinks I excuse every one of Miguel’s actions just because I love him. Like nuh uh he should’ve never done any of that to Miles?? The 15 y/o he projected onto?? I’m sayin this out of love but he needs his ass whooped in BTSV
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i just want what's best for you. — miles 42 x reader
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summary: no matter how much miles may love you, you still have to get through his mom for you two to be together. first impressions didn't go so well, and now... now you're starting to think she's right about you. but somehow, you both come to an understanding, and... eventually, an understanding can be made between you two. pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader genre: slight angst + comfort word count: 2,646 request: Could you do a miles (42 or 1610 or both) x reader where his mom isn’t to fond of her but, it’s only because she doesn’t want to see him get hurt. And reader considers breaking up with him and his mom overhears and feels bad. a/n: hello, my lovely anon !! omg i loved writing this ngl, I INTENTIONALLY PUT MORE ANGST HERE THAN I DID FOR 1610 MILES AAAAA please multiverse, don't let this flop PLEASEEEE also SORRY FOR THE CRAPPY SPANISH AND OOC RIO, I TRIED UUEUEUUEUUE BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS !!
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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you had never felt any more intimidated and nervous than you did right now as you sat down with miles' family for dinner. you had partners before and met their parents, it wasn't all so bad; you actually had fond memories of those people and sometimes would reminisce how kind they'd treat you, how they'd welcome you into their families and give you a home away from your home when you'd need it. however, when it came to miles' family... it was so-so.
his uncle aaron, without a doubt, was one of the nicest father figures you had ever encountered in your whole life. he was a sweet man who cared for miles and would, be proxy, care about you, too. he'd tease you and miles when he'd see you two together in the most low-key ways and still make miles lose all his cool and stoic composure around you when his uncle would expose how much he talks about you.
"this kid can't ever go through another day without thinking about you. like seriously, all i did was take him to the convenience store downtown and i see him with all these snacks i've never seen him eat before, snacks he told me he hates with a burning passion. i look at him and ask him why he's got those snacks, and he mutters under his breath... 'these're for them, not for me.' how cute of my nephew, no?" he said with a chuckle as miles glared up at his uncle and pouted at him, with you giggling at the story as everyone but his mother was laughing about that little anecdote.
uncle aaron nudged rio a little, to which she shot him a glare similar to miles' and muttered something under her breath in spanish. uncle aaron sighed as some tension was caught in the air and enveloped the entire dinner table, with no one else uttering another word or sound as you all ate in silence. you felt rio's gaze on you at times while you all ate, and unlike the other mothers you had encountered with your previous partners, she had a gaze that felt a little... judgemental, in a way?
you felt pretty self-conscious as rio looked at you, and you felt yourself jump slightly in your seat when she'd ask you questions about you and her son. she called your name randomly, shattering the silence and causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand up as you nearly sprang up from your seat in utter surprise. "y-yes rio?" you asked her as she winced, as if she heard a discordant tune when you uttered her first name. without even looking up from her plate, she asked you, "did you know miles got a b in spanish? ay, i'm proud of you, mijo, though... you usually do so much better than that. i'm worried, have you been missing classes recently? and do you know anything about it?" she asked you as she turned her gaze up at you, causing you to freeze up and instinctively shake your head.
miles breathed out a small huff as he tried to think of a reason to give his own mother, who he promised he'd never lie to, as his uncle aaron tried to tell rio that maybe now wasn't the right time to talk about it, but rio told him in spanglish that now was as good a time as any, she had to know if her son was being distracted by... she didn't dare finish that thought. she looked over at you then at miles and raised an eyebrow. "so? is no one gonna tell me anything?" she asked the two of you as you bit the inside of your cheek, feeling pretty intimidated by her right now. "mama, it's nothing, i promise you, i--" "it's nothing?" "oh, no." uncle aaron muttered as he silently excused himself and left the table with his plate in hand, gesturing to you to follow what he did and to seek refuge into the kitchen, away from the mother and son.
you did as he directed and excused yourself, nearly stumbling out of your chair as rio's eyes followed you with a kind of suspicious gleam in those hazel eyes of hers. indistinct conversation and arguments between the mother and son were heard, with the sound of running water, the squeaking and setting down of plates being tuning their voices out as you gratuitously helped uncle aaron wash the dishes. "hey, sorry about them, miles' mom hasn't been in the best mood lately." he muttered to you as you nodded. "i-i understand, aaron. it's really okay..." you murmured back as you both finished, with uncle aaron wishing you a good night as he disappeared into the garage doing who knows what.
as you exited the kitchen, you heard rio's muffled voice from the dining room mention your name, and you walked over in a morbid kind of curiosity to know why she mentioned you when she was scolding miles; though a part of you thought of why, you hoped what you thought of wouldn't be the case. "sé honesto, ¿te estás distrayendo con ellos?" she asked miles with a stern voice as miles looked down at the ground, clearly frustrated, but wasn't about to run his mouth off at his own mother. he shook his head and murmured, "mi amante no tiene la culpa de lo que me ha estado pasando, mama."
rio sighed exasperatedly as she looked at her son in disbelief. "and you mean that? you seriously... look, mijo, no quiero hacerte infeliz, y sé que crees que entiendes lo que es bueno para ti, pero… no puedo permitir que ellos te pongan en peligro. they might... not be a good influence on you." she said with a soft voice as miles looked up at her with an incredulous expression on his face. "mama, you have no idea who they really are." he said as rio kept talking to him, but he stormed off on her. she called for her son repeatedly, but he marched into his room, with her sighing aloud and storming off herself, too.
you felt a heavy weight on your shoulders as your anxieties and worries over what miles' mother thought of you were realized; she doesn't trust you, and she doesn't think you're good for her son. you felt so weak in the knees at that moment, thinking that you would never be able to love miles freely without his mother intervening or trying to convince him you're not right for him, that you're a distraction for him. you didn't want any conflict between the two anymore, so you thought of a way to end their feud peacefully, and the only way that'd work was... one neither of you would particularly like.
you snuck upstairs to miles' room and gently rapped at his door, muttering that you were there, and that you wanted to talk to him. miles opened his door a crack, and when he could confirm it was you, he opened the door wider and gently took your hand in his. "cielo," he greeted you softly with a light squeeze of your hand as he looked at you. "am i ever glad to see you." he said as he led you into his room, with you reciprocating his touch and squeezing his hand back. he gestured for you to sit down on the side of his bed as he sat down, with you following him and sitting down on the plush of his bed.
he brushed a few hairs from your forehead and kept his gaze on you as you looked down at the floor, unsure of how to tell him what you were articulating to yourself in your head; unsure of how he'd take it, if he even will be able to. you sighed a little longer than you planned to, causing miles to pull away from you and have worry drawn on his face as he tried getting a better look at your expression. "cielo, are you okay? did something happen...?" he asked you as you shook your head gently. "nothing, nothing, i..." you began, but you stopped yourself, trying to think of how to tell him all over again as all you could think of at that moment was that: miles' mother doesn't think you're any good for him.
you took a deep breath and faced him with saddened eyes. "i'm sorry, miles, i just... i don't think you should be dating me anymore. it's not because of you, of course not, it's... it's on me." you whispered, with miles feeling like he took a blow to the gut, feeling utterly helpless and confused at what you just told him. he wasn't sure what you meant by 'it was your fault', but he wanted to let you know right now that you weren't at fault, for whatever it was that'd come between you two.
miles appeared a little more hurt and distressed by what you told him, the matter at hand still not sinking in, that you told him you'd break up with him... he couldn't, wouldn't, believe it. "what? amor, what do you mean? 'your fault'? i doubt that..." he began as he tried to reassure you, feeling himself coming undone at the seams and desperate to know why you wanted to part ways with him. was it because he couldn't spend as much time with you as before? because he was too busy with his job as the prowler to be with you? if you only told him, then... then he'd find ways to make it work, not make you feel alone ever again, make up for what he lacked in the past by working hard for you now in the present.
"is it... is it because i'm not able to spend much time with you as before? mi vida, i'm sorry... i'll make up for it, i promise!" he said as you shook your head. "no, miles... it's not your fault. it's mine, even if you don't say it is." you said with a melancholic voice as miles looked at you with feebleness filling his face as he tried to understand how it's your fault for anything. he defended you in front of his mother the best he could, and yet... he'd still lose you in the end, if not the argument.
you couldn't figure out how to tell miles that you didn't wish to break up, you wanted to be with him still, but there was no better way of getting his mom and him to make up if you were still in the picture. you heard his mom say it himself, you didn't seem like a good influence on him, and maybe her behavior towards you was a sign that you really weren't being good to miles, good to his parents, and just... weren't good in general. you sighed, trying to keep the tears from flowing as miles tried to tell you that if you really wanted to break up with him, he'd respect your decision, but... he begs of you to tell him how it's your fault.
you felt your heart throb and your throat flare up as you tried to stifle your cries and sobs. "i'm just, i'm not good for you, okay, miles? i'm sorry... you deserve better." you told him in a quieted voice as you got up and went over to his door, about to leave him and give him an easier time with his family than stay with him and just ruin his relationship with his mom even more.
"espera, mi cielo! hold on a minute, can't we talk about this...?" he called out to you as you opened the door to leave, to keep yourself away from miles to keep him and his mother from getting angry at each other and fighting all over again. however, when you opened the door, you saw a familiar face look back at you, and a familiar voice shrieking in surprise--it was miles' mom, who was eavesdropping on you two. you shrieked at his mom's shrieking, as miles shrieked at your shrieking.
"mama!" miles exclaimed as he saw his mom at the doorway, with her telling the two of you to calm down, and that nobody needs to break up with anybody. "i'm... i'm sorry i eavesdropped, but i came here to... to say sorry, mijo, and... i'm sorry to you, too." she said as she turned to look at you with guilt and shame in her eyes. "you didn't deserve to hear all that... i shouldn't have said that." she muttered as she looked at the two of you. she leaned against the doorway and sighed as she began to speak again, looking around miles' room.
"i didn't mean that you were a bad influence, i just... i default to worrying about what miles could be doing because, you're a teenager, miles--you're both teens and... you both wanna do your own things. it worries me when miles doesn't tell me anything, it makes me feel like i'm failing as a mom when... i'm the only parent you have now." she said in a soft voice as she looked at miles sadly and up at you. she sat down next to miles on the bed and held his hand. "i wish you could just be honest with me." she muttered to him as miles looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "i am being honest with you, mom. you don't even... you don't even know how amazing my partner is, you hardly give them a chance, and that's what hurts me every time." he said as you looked at the two of them.
miles' mom got up from the bed and placed her fingers underneath your chin and lifted your head up to look at her and sighed. "i'm so sorry i judged you too quickly, i just... mom instincts kicked in, and... i got a little carried away and thought i knew what was good for my baby boy, but... i guess i don't know as much anymore. maybe... i'd know him better if i trusted him, if i trusted you." she said with a slight smile on her face as you gave her a slight smile back. "again, i'm so, so sorry for how i was earlier, and... just, in general." she uttered as you nodded. "it's okay, mrs. morales." you told her as she smiled wider and pulled away from you. "y'know what, that just made my evening much better. i think i like you a bit better already. 'mrs.' morales, finally." she said with a slight chuckle as you chuckled back at her little quip, with miles smiling to himself as he finally witnessed you two get along. she let miles keep dating and seeing you, only if he promises to get his grades back up to how they were before.
as his mom left the room, miles told her you two needed to talk, alone. she understood, but reminded him not to lock the door. "lo tengo, mamá, entendido." he said as he closed the door the minute she headed down into the hallway, leaving you both in an awkward silence after you two had 'broken up' a few minutes ago. before miles could say anything, you wrapped him in a big hug, muttering under your breath how happy you were to be with him, that his mom finally accepted you. miles slowly reciprocated your hug, holding you close and kissing the top of your head as he smiled against your hair. he was beyond happy and relieved to know his mom finally saw you as a person he loved, not as a distraction to him or a bad influence, just someone he cared a lot about to devote himself to, someone he wouldn't leave nor let anyone, not even his own mom or uncle, get in the way of him loving ceaselessly.
he gets that his mom just wants what's best for him, but... maybe it was time for him to decide what's best for him on his own, and that'd be to love you with all his heart and stay by your side, never leaving you once because he loves you too much to let you go that easily.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @fiannee @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless
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wickjump · 3 months
Not exactly hurt comfort but I am enjoying the idea that every time Cross reveals something about his past/childhood it slowly but surely makes the team angry. Like he happens to share a "funny story" or mention how he was treated and one by one the gang is horrified to the point where if xgaster actually showed up in the same au as them they would all be gunning for him immediately.
Also the stars showing up during this fight and like Dream: Nightmare stop this!! What are you doing to- Nightmare: (goops over and whispers something in Dream's ear) Dream: WHAT?? No fuck that (starts aiming his arrows at xgaster)
ok ya this is just plain whump warning for lotsa child abuse including physical. like beating the shit out of an 8 year old physical. also I’m so tired right now
chances are that’s not even the worst of it because you know his seven year old ass was told ‘don’t tell anyone about me beating you to near death’ and he still sticks to that. but he speaks about abuse he doesn’t even grasp counts as abuse.
withholding food. sleeping in the yard. eating food on the floor while the others sat at the dinner table as punishment (or to eat out of a dog bowl on the ground i had to do that once lol). as a kid still scared of the dark he was locked in dark rooms until he got over his fear (he’s still scared to this day but he won’t seek help because he doesn’t want to be punished again). cross touched something he wasn’t supposed to? put your hand on the burning hot stove for however many seconds that item was worth in G (maybe divided by 5/10), or until he cried.
cruel and unusual punishments were xgaster’s forte but he tells them like funny stories to the horror of literally everyone around him.
cross is not coping well with figuring out that no that’s not normal and no that’s fucked up. most of his scars are probably from xgaster (excluding the red one on his face obv). and when he delves into the traditional abuse it gets worse somehow?? anyway xgaster is on THE multiversal hitlist. star sanses and bad sanses all want his head on a wall. even ink because ink didn’t know about the abuse because xgaster never told him for obvious reasons and it’s not like cross was willing to share.
i think that once he starts talking about the abuse he can’t stop (same) and he’s just. slowly crying and eventually hyperventilating and oh he’s been holding onto that for SO long. and then he hates that he told people because he wasn’t supposed to and is scared that they’ll see him less or punish him for some reason or hate him now, but he isn’t expecting to be comforted after? wtf? he doesn’t grasp that saying ‘yeah i got in trouble at school so my dad beat me until i lost two of my baby teeth and got a temporary crack in my skull’ normally results in being hugged or something. like dude you were 8 wtf. and he’s so scared but he just wants to feel safe AUGH HE MAKES MY HEART HURT. like dude, he almost beat papyrus at a time he was so young he had to use a step-stool to reach the sink to brush his teeth :( dude…
anyway ya cross is me fr (the burning hand stove happened once/twice to me actually idk i was like 5 lol. my grandfather is not the best man) and he deserves to go through hell on earth and be tortured in his childhood i think. oh and experience comfort or whatever after idk. kross maybe because their dynamic is ‘my childhood was ruined’ x ‘my adulthood was ruined’ and i think that’s sweet. or mtt + cross poly with nightmare as the outlier wondering why they’re so affectionate all of a sudden (he’s aroace…)
BUT THATS SELF INDULGENT LMAO what really matters is how much we torture the poor lad that is cross 🥰
also make him trans because abuse isn’t enough he needs extreme dysphoria all of the time. xgaster isn’t transphobic btw this is independent from everything else
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Scripting Remus to ✨mutually pine✨
Non-exhaustive list of things I script
When he was a teenager, he started to have dreams of me. In his dreams, I appeared as the same age as him.
I was always present in his dreams. Either he noticed me somewhere in the background, or the dream revolved around me. I was just always there, especially during rough times.
The dreams never exaggerated my virtues or vices (Don’t want to set up a pedestal to fall from).
There’s always something missing in the dreams that makes him feel that he’s only experiencing a shadow of who I actually am. Meeting me and spending time with me in person fixes this issue; my voice finally comes through to him clearly, he gets to see my quirks and habits, things I do when I think nobody is looking. How I can be clumsy and forgetful and I constantly bump into things, yet also pay attention to details, etc. Basically, I become reality, not just the person of his dreams.
I appear to age throughout the years with him, but I stop at the age I’ll be when I meet him.
The dreams brought him comfort and he started to get eager to see my face in them. He had warm, intimate dreams, fun dreams, comforting dreams, erotic, etc.
In realities where I sang in an anonymous college band with a small fanbase - Felix, Remus’ younger brother who is my age, heard a song from my band in passing online and showed it to Remus. While Felix lost interest, Remus became our most loyal fan. We didn’t show our names or faces, but he fell in love with the lyrics we wrote and my voice brought him warmth/comfort/ease/etc.
He learned to draw to draw my face. This is how Felix, Cyrus, and Alaina know I’m from his dreams too. (They kinda thought he was crazy. May just about lose their minds when he presents me to them)
When he’d go on dates or sleep around, he found himself looking for me within the people he went out with.
He preferred erotic dreams of me to actually having sex with other people.
Whenever he was stressed or pissed, he formed a habit of imagining talking to me to talk through his problem or to calm down
Foreplay and aftercare expert
Whenever I’m in the room, his eyes are on me
After hearing and briefly spotting me in the apartment sub-level, Remus cleared his entire calendar to dedicate his time to looking for me.
Because he spotted me in the apartment sub-level with a car, he knew I was a resident of the building. So, he bought the entire building. I scripted this as an action he’s already taken.
He’s spent the past week trying to figure out how to approach me without scaring me off.
He’s already arranged a prenuptial agreement to mitigate power imbalances. The agreement is heavily favored towards me.
He doesn’t expect me to date him, per se, but he’s decided that I’m the one he wants and he’s going to pursue that.
If I got married to someone else, he would be of the mindset that he still can’t entrust my livelihood to anyone and will still provide for me, even if I’m not with him. (Not the plan, just for an idea of his personality)
He regularly gets art of me commissioned (even after finding me)
Touch and physical affection is his love language sadistic pleasure dom
Hentai anatomy
Confident and Secure-attachment
He has a habit of buying things if I come to mind when he sees it.
Doesn’t care about publicly displaying his affection for me, does so shamelessly (nearly to the point of exhibitionism)
He believes that our relationship was written into the stars by the gods themselves
*Thinks buying an entire apartment building and scouring security footage will scare me off because he’s intense, doesn’t realize I learned to travel the multiverse for him*
Which leads me to: If I ever told him about shifting, he would take that as further proof of our relationship being destined.
He might cry if he found out I learned to shift for him
He likes to leave marks
He “jokes” that for a first date, we should visit the courthouse. We’ll probably laugh, but it wasn’t really a joke.
Love at first sight
He doesn’t get jealous of other men around me because he knows I will choose him in the end, one way or another.
He listens attentively when I speak, genuinely interested to learn all the little details he thought he’d never get to hear about me
Three days before he sees me, the dreams abruptly end. In his last one, it ended with me with my back turned to him and saying something he couldn’t hear, then motioning for him to follow me. After that, I no longer showed up in his dreams even if he tried.
The disappearance of dream Me stressed him tf out
When he first comes to my apartment to speak to me, it’s obvious he’s constantly holding himself back from touching me
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miguelsfangservice · 11 months
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x F!Famous Idol Reader
Warnings: Angst/comfort, fame has caused reader a lot of pressure and insecurities.
Summary: It doesn't matter he's at HQ trying to keep the multiverse afloat, your face, your voice, your smile and laugh follows him everywhere.
No, he is not losing it (yet); it's just that it’s kind of inevitable when most spiders under his command are... how did Gwen called it? Ah-staning you?
Well, he can't really complain, it's his girlfriend, after all.
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“I’m telling you, he’s been seeing someone” Peter chants while gently bouncing Mayday on his arms, trying to soothe her enough to fall asleep. “That or there’s something super shady going on with him”
“Why are those the only two options for him according to you?” Jessica questions, raising an eyebrow.
“Those are the extremes of all the situations I could imagine for Miguel.”
“Him dating someone is something extreme for him, Peter, really?”
“Ok, you know what?” he rolls his eyes, and looks at Jess completely offended by her refusal to help him figure out what’s happening with their boss. “If he’s not seeing anyone, his behavior is still kind of worrying, don’t you think? Like, even while talking about all the stressing stuff about our work, he seems worried about something else. Miguel does NOT worry about anything else BUT work, Jess. You gotta admit that.”
“It’s just…” she whispers, looking away from Peter, unsure. “It feels kind of out of character from him, don’t you think?”
“I guess so, but maybe he got tired of…you know, the loneliness of the job.” Peter says looking down to see Mayday finally asleep, he smiles and thinks about his friend, of how much he would like to have something like what him and Jess have. “He deserves to have someone who’s there for him when he goes home.”
Jess smiles, thinking about her family, about the warmth that comes after a long day saving her New York and other universes.
“We should ask hi—”
“We clearly need to spy on him”
Miguel entered the apartment with a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the night's events on his shoulders, it’s been hours and the sun is starting to rise in the horizon, but there’s still some left-over adrenaline. All he wants is to get on the bed and hug you, he knows both need that.
The sight of the scattered clothes in the bedroom and half-finished breakfast worries him. Everything your company (specially that annoying manager of yours) is making you do isn’t healthy, it’s going to harm you sooner or later and he needs to find a way to stop it.
Miguel is used to deal with a hundred Peter Parker’s stubbornness, he knows his way around most of them…but with someone who mirrors his own stubbornness? No way in hell that, if he tried to dissuade you to leave the company, it would go well between the two.
Besides, this is his first relationship in years. He doesn’t want to mess this up, he needs you so bad to the point Miguel feels like he could die if anything were to go wrong, separating you from him.
It’s not healthy, he’s aware of that.  But years of trauma and solitude had taken their toll in several aspects of his life, especially in the relationship-love department.
He broodingly picks up the clothes and finishes your breakfast, then goes to bed and tries to get some sleep…tries and tries for what feels like hours, but he can’t stop thinking about you.
You were probably exhausted, hungry and stressed out of your mind.
Miguel looks at the clock on the wall, at 1:00 p.m. he knows you get your one and only break of the day. Miguel can visit you then, bring you some food and try to cheer you up, maybe if he’s nice enough with godawful Ashley she could let him stay for the rehearsals.
It’s not a secret that Miguel despises her and he knows you do too, so, it makes him feel a bit guilty to think that, out of all the people in your and his life, Ashley is the one who knows about your relationship.
You had told him it would make it easier for him to get into the building if she knew, instead of having him sneaking around after long exhausting days saving the multiverse.
Deep down, he recognized the same could apply to his people at the HQ. Especially Jess and Peter, who could probably give him decent relationship advice.
With those thoughts on his mind, he changed clothes, took the keys of the apartment and headed to your workplace.
Ashley leads him through the building, trough tons of hallways covered in mirrors.
“Dios, qué asfixiante es este lugar.” ( God, this place is so suffocating) He mumbles.
Miguel politely smiles and shakes his head. Ashley keeps walking in front of him.
She kept talking about how much your effort was benefiting the company, backhanded praises and just saying stuff Miguel felt bitter about, he knew that even if she was telling him good things about you, she did not mean them, Miguel was aware of how bossy and cruel she could be to you if her demands were not reached.
“If only your girl could up her game, you know?” she was using an upbeat tone, but Miguel was not stupid, he could sense pettiness in her voice.” Lose some weight and be on time she could ready for something more.”
Miguel couldn’t help but scuff and clench his fists.
“I think we both know she’s already more without any of what you mention she supposedly needs to do.” Miguel's response was laced with a sharp edge, his tone far from the usual 'normal citizen Miguel' as you liked to call it. Instead, it resembled the 'mean boss Miguel' that you sometimes reprimanded him for when he took annoying calls from Peter. “She has prepared herself for this her whole life, she’s more than ready for it, she’s already doing more than enough, wouldn’t you say?”
He kept walking, Miguel could see the door to the rehearsal room so he decided to ignore her silence and the few seconds Ashley stopped right on her tracks, watching him walk away from her.
Miguel was about to knock on the door, your sweaty and exhausted self-opened the door. Your eyes grew big and a smile started to appear on your chapped lips; Miguel tried to offer you a warm smile, but seeing how pale and absolutely tired you were clenched his heart, his mind aching to do something, anything to take you away from this place.
“Miggy, what are you doing here?”
“I thought maybe we could find some nice place to eat on your break, cielo.” He can feel Ashley’s presence behind him and he confirms she has catch up with him when your eyes divert to her.
“I’m sorry, love. I- I have to finish this one, but we could eat together tonight, right?” you whisper, your gaze nervously diverting to Ashley. Miguel looks over his shoulder and catches your manager practically giving you a death glare before shifting her attention to Miguel and forcing a tight smile.
Miguel had enough.
“You did not finish your breakfast and barely got any sleep” he hisses. Miguel does not intend to make you think he’s angry with you, but his anger towards the situation is threatening to overtake his rational side and with all the bitterness he can muster without fully showing his anger he says: “Even Ashley here can tell with how pale and shaky you are, although it wouldn’t be convenient for her to admit it.”
“I don’t think I like whatever nonsense you’re implying here” Ashley retorted, her face red with contained anger.
“You know exactly what I’m saying here, stop manipulating her!”
“Miguel, enough! I’m fine! I’m not even hungry—”
“You need to understand, you may not be feeling bad right now, but if you keep this up it’s going to do more damage than good, you know that, right?” Miguel softens his voice, moving closer to you.
He feels his stomach drop when you step away from him.
���Cielo, this place, this people” he almost hisses those words, pointedly looking at Ashley. “Cannot be the only way to get what you want, please…I’ll help you find a way, trust me with this. You’re talented, hard worker—”
“Stop” you whisper, you don’t even have the energy to stop your tears. You look around and there’s people looking at the scene now.
“You are enough, love. Don’t let them tell you otherwise just so they can fill their bags with money!”
You can hear the desperation in his voice, his eyes pleading. But it’s all too much, his words, the whispers of those who know nothing about you, about Miguel… and the relentless stare of Ashley, of this damn company that gave a nobody like you a chance to fulfill your dreams.
Overwhelmed, you felt the emotional weight of the moment bearing down on you.
“Leave, Miguel, please”
Your heart hurts at Miguel’s utterly devastated face. Even with the mental fog the stress is giving you, you are quick to regret your words, he was only trying to help, and while this wasn't the best approach, you know feelings are hard for him.
Miguel composes himself, gives you a nod and starts walking away.
“Miggy, wait—.”
“You need to leave too.”
You turn to look at Ashley, to people who didn’t know her, the expression on her face denoted nothing…but most of your day was spend with her and you knew that look.
Not only were you frightened, but you also felt completely humiliated, you felt like a child being scolded by its mother.
How in the world could you end up like this?
Behind Ashley, you look at your reflection.
Really looked at your reflection, for the first time, not to judge your body or your dance moves, but to actually see what they were making of you.
You felt a familiar warmth engulf your tiny hand compared to his. Looking up, you saw Miguel looking at Ashley solemnly, you imagined this was the expression he made when he gave orders to the hundreds of heroes under his command.
“Let’s go, cielo. You need to rest.”
A/N: I'm so sorry this took me so long! I was having a hard time writing this cuz I didn't know what direction i wanted all of this to take. But I hope everyone can enjoy this! I'll love to hear your thoughts!
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avatarvyakara · 1 year
Presenting the premier Addy Brock collection from Strands of Webbing!
Starting out with diversion of a canon event because, honestly, [bleep] that noise:
52. React
"DON’T!" she screams. But Ven#m is already halfway towards the M.O.R.B.I.U.S. device, a look of determination on its electronic inFace—
Until, with a grunt, all three point one five tons of SP//dr shoves the other mech out of the way of the beam of light just in time. A nearby building fuses into a twisted mess of metal and glass, like a Vonnegut crystogram.
"What the hell was that for?" comes the angry voice of Addy Brock from Ven#m's modulator.
"Rule number one on this team: you don't get yourself killed to prove a point!" snaps Peni.
Ven#m's inFace expresses strong shock.
"…we're a team?"
"I didn't say that."
That chirpy expression looks really weird in black and neon white. It probably doesn't help that the teenager inside has a much more…smug face, and that Peni can see both of them quite clearly.
"You implied it."
"Shut up. Now help me figure out this thing's weak spot. And don’t you dare die."
(Addy survives. But Peni's not sure, after the loud squeal at the end of the fight, whether her eardrums are going to last the week.)
60. Introductions
“You’re welcome to stay longer,” she tells Gray with a little hesitation, as they sit atop the New Chrysler eating putty-cakes from a street vendor below. “You could actually come over.”
His eyes shine, but his brow wrinkles—for once he’s got the mask off. He looks like Peter Parker. He looks nineteen. (Thirty. Eighty.)
“I don’t know if your folks would be okay with that.”
“You already met Addy.”
“Well, yeah.” Admittedly, she did threaten Gray with a fate worse than death and a mech. Neither of which seemed very effective to the other Spider, who had just laughed. One Saturday she’d be very happy to forget, honestly. (But he laughed, so there was some success that day.)
“I’ve been trying to explain this to them, the whole multiverse thing,” she says, and huffs. “They still think I’m crazy. Or that I’m lying and that I’ve actually just gotten myself some shady lowlife koibito to spite them.”
Gray’s face hardens. “If that word means what I think it means, then they should know way better.”
But it softens again when he looks at her. “But a six-foot-three-inch-tall nineteen-year-old with a face like a darned sock isn’t going to be much help to you, kiddo.”
“You’re literally from another dimension—”
“And I look scary. I won’t be making it easier for you on my own, not with how you say your aunt and uncle are. Maybe you can get Miles and Gwen in on this?”
She wants to protest, but then he says: “Maybe Ham and Peter too, Make an outing of it for the whole cluster. That way the others can distract them a little.”
“...I guess that makes sense.” He’s her best human friend, and she wanted to recognize that. But even so...maybe that would be better. She was able to pass off Miguel as a Mercurial pen-pal with a cosplay addiction (most Earthers will believe anything about the decadent and obscenely wealthy and more-than-slightly inhuman Spacers), but the rest are going to be harder—her black-and-white and cartoon counterparts especially. Telling the whole story, with proof, becomes easier if there are kids her age to help soften the blow. (Plus, Peter B couldn’t look threatening if he tried.)
“You’re not scary, though,” Peni insists. “Not to me.” She grins. “You’re too much of a dork for that.”
He squeezes her shoulder, and gives her a smile no less warm for being in monochrome. “Whereas you frighten the life out of me, doll.”
She hugs him. This time around, he doesn’t resist.
“...seriously, though, what’s in that crispy paste stuff?”
“Sun-fried seaweed, Mercury-style.”
“...it’s not too bad. Tastes kinda like latkes. Like a latke dough, but you can eat it.”
“It’s pretty good. My favourite’s yungay potato.”
“Ah, a lady of quality.”
She laughs at that.
80. Comrade
Adelaide Brock is fourteen when she makes her first two real friends. People who actually get it. Who understand the thrill of the ride, and the joy of the psychic link.
They have their differences, of course. Peni’s more of a drill sergeant in the field, always efficient, applying incredible precision. Addy’s always been more of a performer at heart, and her spider (her spider), Weying, seems to sympathize. Ven#m likes the spotlight, isn’t really up to just fighting and heading home, prefers to mug for the crowds and crow over a few muggers. (And occasionally fantasizes about trapping and eating the monsters they defeat like the oversized prey they are, but that’s spiders for you.) Maybe it’s showboating a little, but hey, if you have a ship, why not display it?
But at the end of the day...Peni saved her life. Soon after, she saved Peni’s. They’re a team. They’re actually talking. And she and Weying have been working together for ages now, and New York loves them. Life is good.
Now, if only Peni would actually let her know who she keeps talking to on that weird 2D group chat of hers...
170. Hardcore
“...until ultimate termination.”
Peni blinks.
“Are you sure we’re the same person?”
Other Peni rolls her eyes. “Yes, I’m sure. Even if your SP//dr is a bit...”
“A bit what?”
“You know...impractical? For fighting bad guys?”
Peni frowns. “Mostly kaiju, actually.”
“You sit in a glass cockpit and punch giant monsters and somehow you’ve survived as SP//dr for...how long now?”
“Three years. How about you?”
“Two. ...oh, no, there is no way you’re older than me. You look twelve!”
“Uh...I’m sixteen.”
“Ah, Peni! I see you’ve met Peni?” says Ham, striding through the workshop with a sandwich and out the other side. “Have fun!”
“I guess,” mutters Other Peni.
“...Dad’s death still bothering you?”
“What? No, that was ages ago.” Other Peni sighs, which helps Peni feel less like yelling at her dismissive tone (which would be counterproductive). “Mostly it’s just the job. It...kinda grinds down on you after a while.”
“...I guess I can relate to that.”
Other Peni coughs. “So...you like listening to music while you work?”
Peni lights up. “Do I? Come on, let’s get the sound started. Have you heard anything by Karam Heiwa?”
For the first time in the entire conversation, Other Peni smiles.
“I can see you’ve got good taste.”
“It’s probably a Peni Parker thing,” says Peni, conversationally. “Gray’s stuck on swing, Peter B’s more Silver Age Electric, and Gwen’s into punk, but you just can’t beat KH for tunes to work with.”
Other Peni cautiously goes through the playlist on the holographic display, as though she’s worried about breaking something. Then her faces lights up.
“Hey, is this ‘Nuke-ular’? I haven’t heard this album in ages!”
...of course Other Peni would choose the most depressing song in the mix. Still, baby steps.
183. Talk
The first time Addy stops by the workshop when Other Peni is there, Other Peni is furious at Peni for suggesting she come and say hi. Genuinely furious.
The second time—after some prompting and a long discussion where Other Peni Parker cries for the first time Peni remembers—Other Peni is there to greet her.
“Uhhhh...Peni? Is that you? You look tired. And...older.”
“...hey, Addy. It’s me. This is gonna sound weird, but...I’m from another dimension and I just...kind of wanted to see you again.”
She sounds so tender.
Addy blinks.
“It’s okay,” says Peni, coming around to the front of the space. “She’s...a friend. Sort of. But you have to keep this a secret. This is beyond mech stuff, it’s insanely important. Swear?”
Addy nods, wide-eyed.
“Good! You two have fun!”
“Peni, you weren’t supposed to—” Other Peni growls, but Peni’s already wheeling herself out.
It should help. She knows it would help her. And she’s about 90% certain Addy will forgive her, and has fifteen different prospective options to hasten that process.
...figures that when she steps back in, Addy and Other Peni give her rather evil grins.
“You know,” says Other Peni casually, “the nice thing about being the same person? It means you’re already well aware of a fair few...embarrassing incidents.”
“...you didn’t.”
“Me? No, no. We just traded life stories. If they match up, it’s just a coincidence, right?”
Addy cackles.
“I’ve created a monster.”
“Aw, lighten up, Choking Hazard.”
“Adelaide Brock, you swore not to tell a living soul—”
“Actually I just said I’d only talk about it with you. And, well...”
Other Peni laughs.
(The sacrifices one makes for the good of one’s fellow Spiders...)
238. Rudolph
“If you think I’m missing this, Peni Parker, you’ve got another thing coming.”
“Addy...I don’t know. I mean, yes, you got bitten, but...I’ve never met another Addy Brock out there. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Addy tosses her head back and offers her friend an easy grin. “Then I won’t get hurt. Simple as that. Trust me, Peni. I know when to pull back now.”
Peni sighs. “Fine. But be careful, right? Follow my lead.”
The red SP//dr enters the hole in space just before the black Ven#m does, and leads the way.
And on the other side—
“Hey!” calls Miles happily, coming over to meet them. “Glad you could make it!”
“...hi,” says Addy, blushing quite pinkly all of a sudden.
Peni rolls her eyes. “Excuse my friend. Addy, this is Miles Morales, Spider-Man. Miles, my best friend and coworker Addy Brock and her Spider Weying, alias Ven#m.”
“...how are you pronouncing that?” asks Ham. “Hey, I thought me and Mister Egg Cream over there were your best friends.”
Gray looks like he’s trying not to grin. Peni can feel a blush coming on herself. “I’ve got four best friends. Addy’s the only one you guys haven’t met yet.”
“Well, welcome to the team,” says Miles easily. “And Happy Hanukkah!”
(“Should I tell him you’re a Zuhariyya Muslim?”
“Nah, it’s okay.”)
297. Tea
“So, that’s one Earl Grey for Billy, one Boba for Peni, two Green for Hida and Other Peni, one Black for Cindy, one Lemon Grass for Roshni, and one Masala Chai for me,” says Pavitr, taking notes.
“I feel like we’re inviting stereotypes here,” says Roshni.
“I don’t reckon so,” Billy replies, preemptively reaching for the sugar.
“For Peter...coffee. And a reminder of what civilization looks like when you don’t commit blasphemy.”
Pauker glares. “I told you, that was in Boston!”
“And a Peppermint for Addy.”
On her shoulder, Weying the spider bounces excitedly.
“...no, Addy.” That’s from both Peni Parkers at the same time, exasperated in different ways.
“Aw, man...”
322. Mitosis
“Don’t count on it working,” says Other Peni. “And be careful.”
Peter cracks his knuckles.
“Just gotta give it the ol’ college try.”
And he walks up to the bulky form of Ven#m. Not as nice-looking as Addy’s, honestly. And a cannibal at that. Joke about it though he may, he doesn’t much like cannibalism.
Peter doesn’t entirely know what he’s doing, but there’s always such a thing as giving it the ol’ college try.
(Granted, he never went to college.)
—what are you?—
“Me? I’m just a good buddy here to annoy you into spitting out my friend’s loved ones.”
The capsule opens, revealing a tangled mess of cable-like tentacles that snake towards him.
—is Peni so desperate that she’s sending in cartoons to aid in her futile endeavours?—
—don’t make me laugh, little piggy—
—we are Ven#m—
—what are you going to do?—
—“huff and puff and blow my house down”?—
Peter pulls out the giant horn his niece Dahlia sent back from a trip to Switzerland.
“Something like that, yeah.”
362. Celebrity
Do I get one? I get one! Wheeee! ...um. Sorry. Anyway.
My name is Addy Brock. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for five years I’ve been one third of the one and only Ven#m. I’m from New York in the year 3150, I have a psychic link with a spider who lives inside the robot I tried to take for a joyride when I was fourteen, and my best friends in the world are Peni Parker and Weying, the aforementioned radioactive spider.
Pretty sure you know the rest. Saved the city, mugged for the camera, saved the city again and again, had a hundredth-of-life crisis during which I, uh...we don’t really talk about that. (I’m banned from Greater Peru until I’m eighty-five, on a completely unrelated note.) But I got back up. Also, I met an alternate version of my best friend who lost her me and really needed someone to keep her laughing. And that’s me. Addy Brock, clown superhero extraordinaire. (Peter Parker? Never heard of him.) Peni may be the OG, but I’m the sequel that nobody knew they wanted but now can’t get enough of. I’ve even been to Mars on business—you know how difficult it is for an Earther to get direct to Mars, let alone for a job? Usually they hire local, or take on seasonal workers from the ecoships. This is big stuff.
...but at the end of the day, I love being Ven#m. And...I like having friends who get it. I got randomly assigned a last name matching my closest genetic relatives, but Peni and her Aunt May and Uncle Ben are the first real family I’ve ever actually had. So guess what? Ven#m is here to stay, with the Parkers, in the Republic of New York, on Earth.
As long as they’ll have me.
(“Well, then, looks like even reincarnation won’t be enough to let you get away, Addy.”
"And when they get sick of you, me and my aunt and uncle and Other Addy will take over."
“Aw, you guys. Peni Parkers? Ultimate upgrade in superhero mettle. Besides yours truly, of course.”
”How modest.”)
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thetavolution · 9 months
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I made my character Bex from @thebonnevillegame a character in BG3!
I thought she'd be perfect as a tiefling in the BG3 world. I plan on doing Laura, Minty, and Ingrid very soon.
Full name:  Rebecca Elspeth McQuoid Name meaning:  Rebecca: to bind or tie; Elspeth: chosen by God; McQuoid: son of Uad (Gaelic form of Wat, short for Walter) Pronouns: She/Her  Race: Tiefling Age: 36  Orientation: Pansexual Romance: Astarion Class: Bard Subclass: College of Swords Origin: Entertainer Theme Song:  Smoke and Mirrors — Gotye
Personality Bex is intelligent, but flippant. Not very many things upset her, but when they do anger her, she goes from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. She can typically diffuse tense situations simply by a lack of reaction or by telling a joke. She generally keeps a cool head, so much so it seems like she doesn’t care. In reality, she’s tired. She’s seen some shit and she is over it.
Her philosophy is life is hard, why make it harder? She’s way too tired for that shit. She tries to help people out and, while she’s not perfect at it, she tries to be encouraging. She's friendly yet apathetic to most people when she meets them at first.
She doesn't hate a lot of people either. Someone would really have to press her buttons or give her a reason to hate them. She’ll hate someone as vile as Cazador with her whole heart, or she’ll just really hate someone like Naaber due to pure annoyance. She’s the type of person who prefers to stick up for the underdog.
She struggles to trust people on a deeper level, yet she continues to seek out connection with others. Under all her bluster, she has a good heart. She's just used to taking care of herself with little to no help from anybody else. Some people see her as trashy and she'd tell them they're correct.
Although not cruel, she doesn’t always do or say what someone needs her to. She’s blunt, but she’s never intentionally hurtful. Sometimes she just sucks at wording herself. She’s never been one to brush off someone else’s hurt feelings with “I’m just being honest” either.
Although she’s intelligent, she’s good at playing dumb in order to get what she wants. She knows how to game the system and happily teaches people she trusts to do the same. When she feels wronged, she won’t hesitate to be cruel in retaliation. She can talk people into things and her charisma can get her out of sticky situations.
Background Bex is originally from my show @thebonnevillegame, but think of this as a multiverse situation. This is what would happen if she were born in Faerûn as a tiefling. Not to worry, there are not spoilers for Bonneville here.
Bex was born in Baldur’s Gate. Her family is, unfortunately, well known for being plagued by drama and heartache. She’s the bastard child of Garrick, a half-elf carpenter, and Sharon “Sauci”, a tiefling barmaid. Sauci believed that, if she got pregnant, Garrick would stay with her and they would live happily ever after. He didn’t.
Sauci was left to raise Bex alone, but she didn’t have much interest in being a mother. So, Bex spent most of her childhood taking care of herself.
There is more to her backstory, but I can’t reveal much else. It mirrors her backstory in The Bonneville Game a bit too closely. But she did start running with the wrong crowd and it would eventually bite her in the ass. She was also betrayed by someone she trusted and loved very dearly.
But prior to getting a tadpole in her head, she was working as a cook in Baldur’s gate.
Likes: Money, cooking, baking, discovering new foods and recipes, animals, working out, being outside, collecting cookbooks, and reading
Dislikes: Most authority figures, debt collectors, working directly with customers, large crowds, and being seen as “soft”
Fears: She’s afraid of losing her freedom and losing herself. She believes she deserves every bad thing that’s come her way, but it still scares her. 
Quirks: Bex doesn’t usually bother to remember names at first. She gives nicknames or identifies people by specific quirks they have. I.E. If someone likes grilled cheese and pickles, she might refer to them as Pickles.
Once she thinks you’re sticking around in her life, she’ll remember your actual name. She’s too used to people coming in and out to let herself get attached too quickly.
Astarion: Knives Gale: Rocky (she found him in a rock) Wyll: The Hero or just Hero Lae’zel: Green Bean (how she survived being killed by Lae’zel, we’ll never know) Shadowheart: Shady Halsin: The second she found out he’s called Daddy Halsin, she grabbed onto that and refused to let go. Karlach: Firestarter
Mental Health:  Bex has a wall up. She has been hurt by various people in her life. She struggles to let people get to know the real her. She has an easier time helping people with their problems. It distracts her from her own and it means people ask less questions about her. She’s terrified of falling in love due to past trauma which means Astarion is trouble for her. 
Halsin is less scary to her, at first, due to assuming he’s just a horn dog.
Favorite Foods: Homemade Bread, Potato Scones, Brownies, Macarons, and Paella
Favorite Drinks: Coffee and Mermaid Whiskey
Favorite Flower: Poppies and Selûne’s Tear
Height:  5’6”/ 167.64 cm 
Skin: As a Tiefling (she’s a human in her OG story), she has pink skin.
Hair:  Her hair is a brighter pink, contrasting with her skin. (In her original story, she does dye her hair pink. In BG3, it naturally is.)
Eyes:  Demonic Orange.
Color Scheme:  As a pink being, she tries to find colors that complement her tone. Sometimes she defaults to black, brown, or grey just to avoid accessorizing. However, she’s a fan of blues, teal, and sage. She doesn’t like to dress in too much gold, but she thinks it makes for a nice trim on clothing.
Fashion Sense: She shifts between lazy and all dolled up when getting dressed. Some days she will just throw on whatever is in arm’s reach. Other days, she takes time for her makeup and clothing. When she knows she has a full day of cooking ahead, she prioritizes efficiency and comfort above all.
William “Will” McQuoid Bex barely knows her father and they haven’t interacted very much. He has quite an extensive criminal history that dates back to when he was 14. He’s gotten in trouble for fights, drugs, robbery, assault (including assault at a funeral), and a number of petty offenses. He’s a violent person, but he’s good at coming across as friendly when you first meet him. 
Sharon “Sauci” McNamara Sauci is a terrible mother who is more focused on herself than her kids. She only had Bex because she believed it would make her father stay. When it didn’t, Sauci lost interest in her. She’s even been known to try to flirt with the people her daughter is dating.
Siblings Who even knows what’s going on there. Sauci only has one child, but Will has no idea how many he might have.
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guardian-rocket · 1 year
I have been RPing Rocket since 2014, and over the time my multiverse version of him has been more fleshed out.  I have taken things canon from all media forms to create the version I play.  I try to make sure he fits the MCU most, but I have taken some liberty to figure him out a little further too. 
Various canons I may incorporate - Rocket loves duct tape (canon from cartoon series) 
-He loves music (MCU but I was RPing this before it was even hinted) 
- Rocket has a pocket dimensional vial that he can use to store things too big to carry (canon from cartoon series) 
-He will lie to save face (MCU, comics, cartoons)
-He enjoys vices like gambling, drinking ect (comics, games, MCU) 
-He sometimes goes to junkyards to get parts (cartoon, book)
-He flies off the handle when feeling insulted (MCU, cartoon, Games)
-He has the prosthetic leg Peter got him in the Kyln (cartoon) 
-The original Groot was his best friend/partner and the young Groot is the original Groot’s son who Rocket is the adopted father to/primary parent (but co-parented by other Guardians) (MCU)
-He has Bucky’s arm (holiday special)
-His legal name is 89P13, which he resents and never uses (MCU/Cartoons)
- Rocket will put tracers on things or sneak tracers into food of people he thinks he needs to trace (this is canon from the cartoon, comics and the games) 
- Rocket is overcoming an overarching hatred of humanoids through his timeline
- His willingness to steal is biological and instinctive (MCU, comics, cartoons)
- Rocket is multilingual beyond language packages in his translation implant (game, MCU)
-His favorite food is probably sandwich (comics)
-Rocket is farsighted and will sometimes use readers (I am Groot series)
-He will say ‘scoff’ at people instead of scoffing (game)
-Rocket carries a torch for Lylla’s memory, but will rarely discuss her (games, comics, ect)
-He likes Christmas (Holiday special, various holiday specials on several cartoons) 
-He will lick the back of his hands to clean his face (MCU)
-He has a ‘thing’ about his feet being touched (comics) 
-Rocket sometimes drinks/smokes (MCU/comics/Games) 
-He likes McDonalds McMuffins (comics)
-In his mind, the ships belong to him (games, comics, MCU)
-He likes the movie ‘Beaches’ (comics)
-He has an ebay account (comics)
-Rocket is connected with Earth’s internet (MCU/Holiday special) 
Various canons I reject - Rocket has had many girlfriends (Scottie Young comics; hell, just put anything he wrote about Rocket in here)  By default my version of Rocket has never dated.
- Rocket has a sentient raccoon family (cartoon) Rocket’s immediate family is most likely dead
- Rocket as a female clone named Shocket (comic) 
- Rocket is an alien that just happens to look like a raccoon (comic, cartoons)  He’s an experiment and the only one like him
- Rocket was created to take care of the ‘Loonies’ (original comic)  This was never a good plot
-He is bad with money (some comics/cartoons)
- Rocket was in a romantic relationship with Lylla (comic)  Rocket’s feelings for her are up to debate but they were never an item for my version
- Rocket would eat from a literal trashcan or bin (comics and cartoons ) My version of Rocket may eat trash-like things, but never out of a trashcan unless he was literally homeless and had no choice
- Rocket is the least empathetic character in the MCU (MCU) this has been stated before, I reject it with a passion.  Rocket doesn’t completely lack empathy for being outside his friends, he just doesn’t have much.  He’s self interested and for good reason.
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moviemunchies · 1 year
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I was super-excited to see that the best Spider-Man movie was getting a sequel, and that they were going all-out on the multiverse. Because what really set Into the Spider-Verse apart was not just its outstanding story, but the way it told it, using unique animation style to not only play with the notion that it’s a comic book adaptation, but that it’s a story featuring multiple dimensions with different feels to them.
Miles is back! It’s been a year since his last adventure, and he misses his multiversal friends. He’s trying to figure out his direction in life when Gwen comes and visits, revealing that she has been recruited to an elite group of Spider-People from all over the Spider-Verse dedicated to protecting all realities. When a new villain of Miles’s, the Spot, leaks into the Spider-Verse, Miles follows and discovers the Spider Society, a specific rule of life for Spider-People across the multiverse that brings him into conflict with the Society’s leader, Spider-Man 2099–Miguel O’Hara.
An idea which is far from tested: I think animation is the best way to tell a multiverse story. A lot of live-action attempts to depict the multiverse don’t really do much, aesthetically, with different universes. The Flash television series did try for a little bit, but as the multiverse kept expanding, they mostly gave up with obvious visual differences. Not so here! Each universe has a different animation style, design, color palette, and musical choices, and it all stands out more because it’s animated.
[I suppose Multiverse of Madness does do some ‘Different universes look different’ thing, but those changes are really weird, bizarre things like garish colors and outer architecture in the city, rather than just…. stylistic differences. It didn’t work as well for me.]
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman is given quite a bit more focus in this story. She has a story in the first movie, but this one has a much more developed subplot about Gwen. The opening of the movie is actually about Gwen, which makes a nice change of pace because we don’t have the female character exist only to prop up the male lead–something still frustratingly common in modern Hollywood.
Miles is still the main character, and he has an incredibly strong story for the film. There’s a subtext about how his attempts to find acceptance with the other Spider-People mirrors the fan reaction to the character’s introduction to the comics (and many other characters to many other fandoms!). The last movie emphasized that anyone can be Spider-Man; this movie helps to cement that Miles, specifically, has every right to be Spider-Man, and have his own place among the greatest versions of the character.
I suspect that in the crowds of Spider-People, different audience members will pick favorites. I was surprised, for instance, about how much  I got attached to Spider-Punk? He’s loads of fun, though like Miles himself, I had some trouble understanding what he’s saying when he first appears on screen. 
Truthfully, it’s downright INCREDIBLE how many different iterations of Spider-Man make it into the movie. When Sony released the trailers, different news sites had articles and slideshows displaying how so many of the Spider-People appearing in those shots were actually drawn from different comics, shows, and games. While most of them don’t have major roles in the film itself, that they’re THERE, and the makers of the film knew about them at all, is incredibly impressive.
I do have the issue though about their inclusion, though. Part of what sets up the conflict of the movie is how Miles differs with what he’s willing to go along with as part of what it means to be Spider-Man. While it’s a great story point, it does seem off that all of these versions of Spider-Man are also fine with Miguel O’Hara’s vision of how things should be done. It IS for the good of the multiverse, to be fair, but that Miguel can call all of them to attack Miles and they just do it without question doesn’t feel quite right for what we know of Spider-Man.
The Spot is a strange choice for a villain for the movie. Not only is he not a particularly well-known comic character, he’s very silly through most of his appearances in the film. That doesn’t mean he’s a bad villain though, and despite being humorous for a lot of his screen time, it’s clear that no one taking him seriously is part of what motivates him to become more of a monster. He’s a joke villain, and it infuriates him, especially because he’s so connected to Miles’s story.
Something that you need to be aware of when watching the movie! This is a cliffhanger. Across the Spider-Verse was originally going to carry the subtitle ‘Part One’, and while the next film (expected for release next year, don’t fret!) has been re-titled Beyond the Spider-Verse, it’s still a two-part film. If you were like me, you might spend a large portion of the movie wondering if THIS was the dramatic moment that would be the point where the movie cuts off for the sequel. And that can get kind of annoying.
[Also there’s no after credits scene.]
This movie is fantastic, but it’s also weirdly complex, and I strongly suspect that I should view it two or three more times to begin to get everything about it. It’s a film that certainly lends itself well to discussion and analysis. Although I don’t think it’s as good as the first movie, that’s more because it’s the first part of a story rather than a standalone installment. When the sequel drops next year, we’ll have at least slightly different ideas about THIS movie, but given the quality of the film, I eagerly anticipate all the things we’ll see and learn, and we can see how they all stack up against each other.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
15 Things I Actually Like/Love in Multiverse of Madness
Since yesterday was a certain someone’s birthday, I figured I’d make a post I’ve been sitting on for awhile.
I’ve made no secret of the fact I have mixed opinions about Multiverse of Madness and have gone into great detail about my issues with the film. Hell, I’ll probably have more to say when the “Art of” book comes out in September. But at the same time, there’s a lot that I like or love in MoM so, why not post my musings?
Here we go!
1. Stephen’s Arc - Like I’ve said before, I have issues with how incomplete Stephen’s story feels in this movie, but I do like that he learns to start embracing love in all its forms and is open to being a bit more vulnerable.
2. Stephen & America’s Friendship - Not much to say here; their friendship is very sweet and I wouldn’t be surprised if, when we get to DS3, it’s revealed Stephen adopted America off-screen and she’s now living in the Sanctum with him. Which means he has someone to talk to other than Cloakie.
3. Sinister Strange - Again, not a surprise here if you’ve been following my blog. Yeah, I know not much is given to the character (I wish he’d been the villain if they didn’t wanna go with Nightmare), but he’s wonderfully portrayed and lots of fun to watch. Speaking of which...
4. Music Fight! - Come on! You’ve got two Stephens throwing magic music note projectiles at each other, with the music being Beethoven vs. Bache. How does that not win best fight scene of the movie!? Also, I don’t care how on the nose Sinister’s music selection is. When you’ve all but implied you wanna force yourself on your ex, you’ve pretty much confirmed you’re evil.
5. The Apple Orchard Scene - Call me crazy, but I actually really like the scene on the Apple Orchard and I think it’s one of the better written scenes in the movie. It’s still bogged down by the problems the film’s plot has, but I do think it’s basic structure and dialogue are fine. Not to mention it does a good job showing Stephen’s softness. Plus, Wanda’s hair in a braid is really cute! She should wear it like that more often. Speaking of my boy...
6. How Soft Stephen is in this Movie - People both in and (especially) outside fandom love to act like Stephen’s an arrogant douche and call it a day. And yeah, they’re right; Stephen is a jerk. He’s also a big softie who’s slowly learning to show that softness to others, and I think that NWH and this film, especially, do a good job at conveying he has a heart beneath his snarky demeanor. Mind you, I think that’s Ben’s influence seeping through, not Waldron’s, but my point still stands.
7. Rintrah - Big Himbo Minotaur I’ve been waiting to see on the big screen! Hate that most of his subplot was cut but maybe he’ll get a bigger role in the next one.
8. Clea - I’ve...gushed enough about Clea as it is, so I’ll keep it brief; Holy shit! The rumors about Charlize being Clea were true and we FINALLY have Stephen’s wife in the MCU! Let the epic star-crossed romance begin!!!
9. The Music - I originally wasn’t crazy about Danny Elfman’s score the first time around, but in subsequent viewings, it’s grown on me. My favorite tracks are the main title theme and (of course) Lethal Symphonies.
10. Dead Strange - I mean...you’ve got Stephen puppeting a zombie variant of himself with a cape made of damned souls, doesn’t get more metal/comic bookie than that! Also, I do love watching Sam Raimi rip off himself with the way zombie Stephen rises from the grave like something out of Evil Dead. 
11. The Cinematography - I’ve said before I think this is a beautifully shot film and I meant it. Raimi has a good eye for visuals and I love that Marvel allowed him to break from their in-house style, because there’s some really great camerawork in this film! The Evil Dead zoom-ins that are tilted on a Dutch Angle, Wanda coming through the gong ala The Ring, Stephen’s face in his broken watch, the entrance to Sinister’s sanctum, the multiverse scene which is basically one, continuous long take? You can say whatever you want about this film, but you can’t deny that it’s beautifully made.
12. The Parkour Fight - I love it when Stephen uses his brains to defeat his enemies, and this is such an instance.
13. I love you in every universe - I think this one speaks for itself.
14. Donna Strange - Again, I absolutely hate they ignored making this into a plot point (especially when it would’ve so easy to do), but I do love the monologue itself. Not only is well acted, but you can tell from how choked up Stephen is over it that yes, the loss of his sister was and is still very painful for him. I also love Sinister’s response, “But we don’t talk about that, do we?”. It says so much about the wound Donna’s left on her brother’s heart, even after all this time. We needed more nuanced moments like that in this film.
15. Stephen being Extra Pretty - I know I’ve been gushing about since we got the official trailer last winter but my GOD is Stephen beautiful in this movie!!! Yes, he’s always been pretty. But it’s like someone asked Raimi, “So how pretty do you want Stephen to be in this movie?”, and he responded with a resounding, “Yes.” Either way, it only confirms what I’ve been saying for awhile now; Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange is FUCKING HOT!!!
There! I listed fifteen things I like/love in this movie. Do with it what you will!
P.S. Also, I’m not listing Armani Strange as a separate item because it still technically counts as being part of Number 15.
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mychemicalrachel · 1 year
thanks for answering!
so the question is (and feel free not to answer at all if you consider it too strange): what could be the relationship dynamic between kavinsky and andrew minyard if they just happened to meet in the multiverse? they both are amazing characters in themselves, dark and bright, and catastrophic and mind-blowing. and given that you have already dove into the depth of kavinsky and know him so well i feel like you’d know the answer — would they hate each other? like/love each other? develop some mutual understanding? would they have a connection that could highlight the best in both of them? or drag each other into total destruction?
i’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter! does kavinsky have his magical powers in this situation or not — i’ll leave it to your liking!
Ooooooohhhhh I am obsessed with this question, and as the self-appointed resident expert on all things Kavinsky, I’m so honored you asked me 😊 I would love to write a fic at some point where I could explore their relationship in depth, from beginning to end (and I think it would have a very bitter painful end) It would be a hell of a journey.
They would have a love/hate relationship of epic proportions– mostly hate. I feel like Andrew would despise Kavinsky at first. He’s annoying and brash and loud and touchy and he doesn’t take anything seriously, but he’s also loyal and sarcastic and self-destructive and violent– all positive things in Andrew’s opinion. So while Andrew wouldn’t like or trust Kavinsky at first, there’s definitely room for a mutually antagonizing friendship to bloom because Kavinsky is like a Chihuahua; he has an impeccable ability to clock the one person in the room who Does Not like him and that's who he decides to befriend. I think Kavinsky would see Andrew Minyard pull a knife on 1 (one) person and fall in love with that bastard in an instant.
Oh, I don’t know if you meant romantic relationship when you asked this question, but that’s immediately where my mind went and there’s no going back. They’re boyfriends in this hypothetical scenario.
Anyway. They’re the kind of couple who you look at and think “why the fuck are they together, they don’t even like each other” because they are always bickering about something and complaining about each other, but the second someone else says something bad about the other, they are ready to throw hands (or, in Andrew’s case, knives.) I wouldn’t say they bring out the best in each other; in fact Andrew and Kavinsky constantly see the worst in each other, but they decide that maybe their worst isn’t all that bad. I think Andrew would love Kavinsky’s fierceness, his recklessness, the way he’s an asshole to everyone. And Kavinsky would love Andrew’s blase attitude, his dullness, the way he is unimpressed with everything, that he’s protective to a fault.
Do I think they would drive each other to self-destruction? Maybe. Or maybe they’re already both headed that direction anyway and they’ll just enjoy the company on the way down.
The rest of this is going to talk about their physical intimacy and I'm gonna touch on NSFW topics as well as sexual abuse and child abuse. This is your warning.
I don't think it's any secret that one of the most controversial aspects of Kavinsky’s character comes when he says "consent is overrated." And I usually avoid this topic because people interpret it how they want and there is no right or wrong way to read this line. But "consent is overrated" sounds, to me, like a boy who has been sexually abused in the past, probably by a figure of authority, most likely a family member: chances are high it was his dad, which could be the reason he killed Kavinsky Senior. Kavinsky got sick of just letting things happen to him and took control in the only way he knew how.
And I'm going to follow a train of thought here and assume that's why he killed the OG Propopenko, too, and then dreamed a version of him that does whatever Kavinsky says– such as when Kavinsky says no, he listens.
And I think that this is something that Kavinsky and Andrew both have in common, but they cope with it in very different ways, which makes sex between them a complicated thing and I think it probably takes them awhile to figure out how to be together in a way that works for both of them. But Kavinsky, as much of an asshole as he is, likes to be told what to do. He likes it when a man takes control. Specifically, he likes it when Andrew tells him to keep his hands to himself, when he ties him up, when he tells Kavinsky to be vocal about what he likes/wants.
I’ve always interpreted Kavinsky to be a tactile person (which could be related to the fact that he has to touch things in his dreams to bring them back with him, he likes to feel things in order to make sure they’re real) and we all know that Andrew is not. It’s something they struggle with at first, but eventually find a good balance of– permission and consent, touch and comfort, trust and love.
I feel like this is just barely scratching the surface and given the time, I would absolutely love to put the two of them in so many situations together. I think they would be insufferable assholes in the best way possible <3
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talia-rumlow · 2 years
Escort To The Multiverse (X Reader) Chapter Eleven - I´m Not Dipping My Dick In His Leftovers!
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You still think about Steve, when you close the door behind you in your apartment. You can’t quite shake the feeling that there is something special about him. Something different. You’re usually a person that figures people out quite fast. But this guy… This guy, you can’t figure him out.
You open your laptop and Google «Non Disclosure Agreement"
«A confidentiality agreement (also called a nondisclosure agreement or NDA) is a legally binding contract in which a person or business promises to treat specific information as a trade secret and promises not to disclose the secret to others without proper authorization.»
Yeah. Well, you’re not the kinda person who broadcasts that you work in the Escort business. So this won’t be hard to do. It’s not like you’re planning on going to the grocery store and be like «Hey, I’m fucking SHIELD Agents». Or, well. To be honest, they are the ones fucking you. Or, did Alexander mean something else with this contract?
You’re not working for SHIELD exactly. You just provide a service. So what is this specific information that is mentioned? And what kind of trade secrets can you possibly get to know? It’s not like you have access to their computer systems or anything. And you can’t imagine Rollins and Rumlow will ever leave you alone inside the building, other than the elevator.
You really don’t want to think about this, you’ll probably never find the answers anyway. So you spend the rest of the day, going trough your clothes and your make up. Searching on line for new stuff to buy. Deciding on what’s best to use for this high end job you just got.
The following Friday, you once again show up at the SHIELD building. This time you have a code you use on the panel by the door, and you get yourself up to the 14th floor. When you reach the door, you can hear Rollins and Rumlow inside. You don’t know why, but it’s something in their voices that intrigues you. So instead of knocking, you press your ear up against the door, and listen in.
– I don’t know Rumlow. Do you think that’s a good idea? It’s only her second time. And we’ve already scared away two of them before!
Her? Are they talking about you? You try to be as quiet as possible, and continue to listen to them.
– She is the only one who’s coming back for a second serving. She can take it. And it could be fun?
You swallow. What the hell are they planning to do to you? Should you leave?
– Fun? I thought we were the ones who was gonna have fun with her. How could this be fun for us?
What the fuck? Are they bringing in another Agent as well? How is this going to end? A SHIELD orgy isn’t exactly what you signed up for.
– Come on, Rollins! We can watch. We can hold her down. And we can have her afterwards.
– Before, Rumlow. We’ll have her before. I’m not dipping my dick in his leftovers.
You don’t understand a single thing. Are they bringing in another Agent they don’t like? Why the hell would they do that? Is it like to make fun of someone with a small dick, or someone who hasn’t done it before? Someone they know can’t make you come like they did?
– Fine! Before! We can warm her up first. Make it a bit easier for him. The mission he’s about to go on, requiers loyalty from his side. We need him back.
Aha.. That explanes a lot. A disloyal Agent, or at least an agent they believe to be disloyal. And they are going to use you, as what? Bait? Reward? Dangle you in front of his face, and threaten to take you away if he doesn’t follow orders. Can you do that? Are you prepared to let them do that to you? 70%, YN! You can do this for 70%, and a company card. 70% means you can cut off some of the sleazy clients, you really don’t like. Although these Agent guys are rough and scary at times. They are the most good looking clients you have. Yes! You can do this. You just hope that disloyal Agent is just as good looking as them.
– Do you think he’ll be able to do it?
– What do you mean, Rollins? Will he be able to fuck her?
– Yes, Rumlow! He probably haven’t had a hard on for years!
– Well if not, she can probably teach him a trick or ten. She was good, Rollins. You know that!
Wow, you were good? They actually said that to each other? You never thought about that before, if you were good or not. You usually just show up, do the stuff they want you to do, and then leave. And you always, ALWAYS fake it. But you didn’t with them. Is that why you were good? No! Most of your clients are regulars, maybe you’re always good. Or maybe they just don’t care. As long as they get a hard on, get sucked off, or a hole to put it in.
– Of course I know that, Rumlow. I just don’t get why we are going to GIVE her to HIM. What has he ever done to deserve her?
Rollins seems to have a hate towards this other Agent. And your curiosity wants to know why. Do they know you’ve arrived? Can you continue to listen in, or will they start to look for you?
– We’re not going to give her to him. We’ll be in charge the whole time. We’re not going to leave her there!
There? Where is there? There is no way in hell you’re leaving the SHIELD building with them. In fact, you’re not allowed to. The madam has strict rules about stuff like that. She wants to know where you are, when you do a job. Stories about escorts being kidnapped and killed goes around. And these rules are for your safety. If you break the rules, you can get fired. The madam is adamant about your safety on the job.
– You’re the boss Rumlow. But I’m still not thrilled!
– You will be, when you get to watch the show.
Oh, so you were right. Rumlow is the boss. That’s what you thought after last time. Although Rollins has a rougher look, Rumlow seems more like the boss type.
– And well, if you don’t want to dip your cock in his leftovers, we can always give her the reward she deserves in the shower. Wash him off her…
Jesus fucking God. They are standing in there, planning the night with you down to the teeth. Did they have a plan last time too? You’re not afraid of them anymore, like you were last time. They both turned out to be pretty nice. But this new person they’re talking about, makes you a little nervous. And you don’t know how you feel about being used like this. Like a reward, a threat…
– Shower sex is my favorite.
– Yeah? Maybe it’s hers too!
Rollins laughs a bit.
– To me it kinda looked like she enjoyed the pain we put her through last time.
– Who said we can’t inflict pain in the shower?
OK, you’ve heard enough. You already know this night will be painful. It’s not your first visit here. And it’s better if you don’t know everything. You take a deep breath, before you knock on the door.
@nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @randomlittleimp @here4thefanfics
Check out the Escort To The Multiverse Masterlist HERE!
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
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I posted 4,299 times in 2022
That's 1,858 more posts than 2021!
492 posts created (11%)
3,807 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 836 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 220 posts
#professor layton - 189 posts
#professor layton au - 136 posts
#my art - 111 posts
#multi’s art - 109 posts
#pokemon legends arceus - 101 posts
#shiny legends au - 82 posts
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#subway boss ingo - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#his exit from targent isn’t exactly clean and ​he becomes a descole like figure (just without the harming/threatening people with big robots
My Top Posts in 2022:
(Spoilers for the end of Stray)
I am this close to making an au where b12 survives, moves himself into one of the companion robot bodies, adopts the mc (main cat) and the rest of their cat family and then has to deal with being the only remaining ‘human’, trying to figure out his role in this fledgling society while mourning the loss of his own.
510 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
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The sculk has corrupted many humans before, but what if it got its hands on a dragon? I present to you, the Sentry, the warden’s even more dangerous dragon counterpart.
Brighter version under the cut:
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653 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Stray - Resurfacing Au
A lot of people liked this post and I’m getting more ideas from my second play through so let’s do this. Stray Spoilers Ahead.
When the city opened up, the zurks died and the sentinels deactivated, the Outsiders were finally able to reunite and make their way towards the surface
(Zbaltzar had to stay behind until they had a place to put his monitors and everything else, but he didn’t mind, it just gave him more time to meditate)
They reach the station. They’re off put with how emotionless the helpers are, but decide to help them out at a later date
They’re about to exit to the surface when Momo hears something coming from the main control room and goes to investigate
He finds the little outsider, curled around his drone friend who’s eyes aren’t lit up anymore
Momo comforts the little outsider, picking him and his inactive friend up then taking them to the others
Doc ends up taking B12, believing he may be able to recover him
While the little outsider goes out to find his family, Doc sets up his new lab on the surface and works on bringing back B12
He finds that yes, he can recover B12, but the small drone body is beyond repair so he ends up installing B12 into a companion body
When B12 wakes, the cat and his reunited family are there to greet him. Doc explains everything that happened while B12 is covered in cats
B12, while happy to still be alive and with his memory, struggles with his identity. Now that everyone is free and he no longer has the mission of opening the city to focus on, he’s forced to face the implications of being the last human on Earth and if he even counts as a human anymore
The outsiders welcome him into their group, even if they’re free now, they still have their camaraderie and still consider themselves the outsiders
B12 doesn’t tell them about him being human right away, he wants get a bit more comfortable in his new ‘skin’ before he does so
That’s all for now but I do have more planned for this au. Feel free to ask any questions!
893 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
I don’t know why but I find the idea of the other outsiders thinking Momo has terrible fashion sense endlessly funny, like:
Doc, after returning to the slums: Momo! It’s so good to see you, I’m surprised you’re still wearing the coat
Momo: >:(
Zbaltazar: wait, Momo went through the sewers? Rainbow screen Momo? Terrible fashion sense Momo?
Momo, just arriving at Zbaltazar’s level: >:(
Clementine: I can’t believe you made it through the sewers! You must have gotten braver since I last saw you. It’s a shame the coat made it though
Momo, done with all of this: >:(
Nothing against Momo’s coat but it’s just a really funny idea to me that the outsiders, having not seen Momo in decades, immediately comment on his coat and Momo’s just:
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899 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This is their dynamic and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Also hc that Clementine can and does carry the other Outsiders around.
1,706 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wickjump · 2 months
Would milkbone hang out w the dogs in UT like greater dog n doggo n stuff more often because yk milkbone............ Not to make him an animal or smth ofc,,,, ALSOALSOALSALSOSSOO. I WANNA ASK ON WHY MILKBONE WON'T ATTACK ASRIELS BUT THAT'S LORE WORTHY STUFF RIGHT THERE.
milkbone would probably initially hang out with the more anthropomorphic members of the dog group, ie dogamy, dogaressa, and doggo rather than greater + lesser dog. he has an odd feeling when around greater and lesser dog but doesn’t look too deep into it. doggo, dogamy, and dogaressa are more. sapient? i guess? milkbone’s more sly than classic sans, the sort of person your more socially adapted friend would point out and say ‘don’t talk to him he’ll scam you out of 20 dollars and your left shoe’.
but he can relate to the hound patrol (is that what they’re called?) to an extent, even if he might distance himself at times out of discomfort. while he gets their love for certain things, there’s a sort of animal thing about them he feels off around. they like petting, they smoke dog treats, they bark and yip and do all sorts of dog things that he doesn’t do, and he doesn’t want to associate with something so… animal. this isn’t a dig at them, even if he mistakes his discomfort towards those things as discomfort towards them. before his au’s plot “went down” he didn’t mind hanging out with them, and probably cracked a lot of jokes about being an ‘honorary dog’ or something. he just doesn’t like being compared to a dog, or any sort of animal, now. dehumanization is my most favorite trope so he gets all of it.
as for why milkbone wont attack asriels, he was asriel’s caretaker for a while. the au they’re both from, undertrap, is still a work in progress, but ive established a familial bond with them. the general idea of undertrap is that monsters were viewed as less than human, kept as novelties and all that, and to escape it they went underground, where they lived happily for hundreds of years. however, humans eventually found them when looking for chara, who had gone missing. chara was angry about this because their intent was never to hurt their new family, blah blah, but most monsters were taken back to the surface against their will.
two of those monsters were asriel and sans, aka milkbone, who were both looking for their families whom they got separated from, as they managed to escape the humans. this is why milkbone doesn’t like being dehumanized—outside the general discomfort that comes from it, he was quite literally treated as an animal as every other monster was.
over time sans became a familial figure to asriel, an older brother of sorts. still working out the kinks, but so far i think that at the end of it they’d find asgore and then humans try to kill them all, sans steals part of asgore’s soul to keep himself alive whilst he dusts, blah blah. and then! memory loss! bro doesn’t know who he is or what he is! he just has brief snippets of memories and discomforts, and while he’s done dirty work for his clients before, an asriel is the one monster (outside of papyri) he feels an extreme discomfort doing any harm towards.
he is canonically a multiversal character due to this split second decision throwing his fate off. by all means he was supposed to die there, but he didn’t. and his code, not knowing what to do, basically threw him out of the au until someone else approached him and he got introduced to the multiverse.
this is what im thinking anyway, he’s still hugely in development,, fun fact though! his collar wasn’t a choice he made to have, it was given to him, but he couldn’t take it off at the time and now, since he doesn’t remember the reason he has it, still wears it under the assumption ‘past’ him had picked it out himself.
THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT HIM GAH. man if only we hadn’t established a multiversal status quo id love for him to have been popular in 2016 😔 unfortunately i was stupid and also eleven years old with unrestricted internet access, and not exactly an artist of sorts either. maybe ill write a long fic about him and get some people to think he’s cool. i mean undereats and post sans got popular, and i think tear and stitch are too but i might be biased cause i love them. i can do this
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fluff And Angst Masterlist
and you needed someone to show you the way (ao3) - SailorChibi bucky/steve/tony T, 24k
Summary: Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It's a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He's okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve's and Bucky's names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine.
It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony's well-kept secret out into the open.
Born For This (ao3) - Capsicle2013 steve/tony M, 71k
Summary: Being an Avenger was something he always wanted, but for some reason his parents didn't want that for him. He just wishes they could see what he sees.
Dissonance (ao3) - stuckybarnes peter/wade M, 121k
Summary: Wherein Deadpool is reluctantly hired to protect Peter Parker from an organization out to hunt him, with varying success on both ends and quite a lot of feelings, revelations, and identity crises.
Drowning in Demons (And Learning to Breathe) (ao3) - ariverofthings, PS_NoThanks pepper/tony T, 244k
Summary: The oh-so-overdone HYDRA Peter trope that literally no one asked for, but we delivered anyway. Featuring shameless Peter whump, way too much angst to be healthy, and a bucketload of Irondad and Spiderson fluff.
Endgame (ao3) - YunaYamiMouto tony/stephen T, 196k
Summary: The rouge Avengers are pardoned under the influence of King T'Challa and it is up to Tony to 'welcome' them back. But as he and his new team are at the private airport, an unexpected fight breaks loose and the fate of the whole universe is changed when a wizard places himself as Tony Stark's protector.
Hide A Heart Of War (ao3) - RayShippouUchiha bucky/steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: “You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.”
Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
I can feel the sinkin' (But then I came around) (ao3) - OkayFlorence bucky/clint T, 6k
Summary: He downloaded the next photo . . . and the next . . . and the next. And with each one, the situation became more and more clear. Letting his phone drop onto the mattress, he paused for a few moments. The last photo still shining up at him - Clint and him, standing hand in hand laughing evidently, at the altar of some random crappy chapel.
Bucky looked the to the sleeping form of Clint - he had married Clint Barton.
It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes) (ao3) - aven_garde steve/tony, clint/phil T, 33k
Summary: Three months after the Chitauri attack, Tony received a phone call that changed his life. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child).
just say you do (ao3) - biblionerd07 steve/bucky T, 173k
Summary: Steve just wanted a job. He wasn't expecting a marriage proposal. And he certainly wasn't expecting to accept.
Moments (ao3) - CSHfic, VSfic steve/tony G, 5k
Summary: After being trapped in a pocket dimension, Tony tries to find his way home - and ends up lost in the multiverse.
More Than Meets the Eye (ao3) - LokiNeedsHugs1031 loki/tony, steve/bucky E, 249k
Summary: Tony Stark and Loki have known each other long before the attack on New York. Tony is shocked to find that Loki doesn't remember him at all, that hence the reason Tony being thrown out the window, that is until he's slammed to the ground by The Hulk. When Tony sneaks a peek at the beginning of interrogations he discovers that the Loki that attacked New York has seemingly woken up from some kind of mind control, and is begging for help.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (ao3) - AlannaLioness bucky/steve/sam T, 25k
Summary: Like every other person on the planet, Steve Rogers was born with a tattoo, (though lovers of semantics and exact language would argue that that tattoo really isn’t the right word, because tattoos don’t grow and adjust like soulmate marks do). And like a fair number of people (approximately 35%) Steve was born with two.
AKA Captain America has the Bucky's and Sam's first words to him marked on his body and his life is complicated because of it. He's not always the best at dealing, but he won't let either of them go.
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky, peggy/gabe, clint/natasha, pepper/tony, bucky/brock M, 354k
Summary: When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society's Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky's family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn't only come with rewards, it also comes with certain...expectations and losses--some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.
Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband...
peter's stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while refusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
Sins of the Fathers (ao3) - geekymoviemom pepper/tony T, 303k
Summary: Tony Stark would never describe his relationship with his father as anything other than difficult. So what would possess him to suddenly agree to become the guardian of some random kid from Queens?
Peter Parker lost his parents when he was barely old enough to remember them, leaving him in the care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. But when tragedy strikes again during the Stark Expo, it's none other than Iron Man himself, his hero, who comes to rescue him.
As the months and years pass, bringing with them new challenges and threats, both Tony and Peter will be forced to come to grips with their troubled pasts, and learn that their greatest strengths come from each other.
Walking The Wire (ao3) - emquin pepper/tony, steve/tony, mary/tony N/R, 372k
Summary: “I knew your mother,” Tony said, figuring it was the right way to start. “You know this. She used to work for me and I liked her a lot. We were friends and she sort of reached a part of me that very few people could in those days. I think it was partly because she was brilliant and because she didn’t bore me like most people did. I didn’t love her -- not like that, but I cherished her friendship.”
“Mr. Stark why are you telling me--”
“She left when she found out she was pregnant,” Tony said and had to glance up, “and didn’t even bother to tell me about it.”
It was a one night stand and Tony had a lot of them, but this one changed everything. Tony always knew Peter Parker existed. He had no idea that Peter would become Spider-Man, but he kept tabs on his son, even when he couldn't meet him. Peter Parker grew up unaware of his superhero father, admiring Iron Man from afar and unaware that one day he would too become a super-hero - an Avenger. Spanning the entirety of the MCU , this fic covers a canonical view of what it would be like if Peter was Tony's biological son dwelving heavily into the canon. AU post-Infinity War with an AU version of Endgame and with a Stony endgame.
we're pretenders (ao3) - snufkin103 steve/bucky N/R, 10k
Summary: Bucky sets up a double date. Things don't go as planned.
Wipe Your Tears Away (ao3) - SailorChibi steve/tony, clint/phil T, 121k
Summary: Steve likes taking care of his team. It gives him focus in a confusing new world. But one member of the team never learned that it's okay to be taken care of. Until the night Tony gets a concussion, and his deepest secret - that, when he's absolutely sure he's alone, he likes to role play being a toddler - comes out into the open and affords Steve the perfect opportunity.
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sbnslver · 2 years
Don’t Be A Fool
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Pairing: Stephen Strange x Female! Reader
Warnings: Fluff! Also talk about an injury No Multiverse of Madness Spoilers!
A/N: IM BACK!! I will say this again STEPHEN STRANGE IS THE BEST MAN AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Now that school is ending soon I can get back to writing! Requests are open.
Word Count: 1.22k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Out of all the things that could have gone wrong, this has to be the most embarrassing. You were attempting to hang up a new shower curtain when you lost your footing on the side of the bathtub. You landed on your foot the wrong way and heard an unsettling crack. You cringed at the noise as you came tumbling down. To make matters worse, you’re home alone and this fall has rendered you immobile.
You sort through all the possible options for your next move, which are either calling an ambulance and causing a huge unnecessary scene or reaching your best friend, whom you just so happen to have a huge crush on, Stephen Strange.
Since you live at the near top of your apartment complex in the bustling city of New York, you opt for the latter and lose a bit of your dignity. As you’re sitting on the floor of your bathroom with a throbbing ankle, you reach into your pockets and pull out your phone, calling Stephen. You’d figure it was best since he’s both a full-time wizard and a part-time doctor.
The phone rings a total of 3 times before the other end is answered and you hear the low voice of your best friend.
"Y/N? What’s wrong? You never call me." The worried tone in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed.
"Nothing special, just sitting around, bored... you?" You answered as coolly as you could.
"And for some reason, I have trouble believing that," he sighed. "Tell me what happened before I portal there." He said sternly.
"Well you see, I was putting up my shower curtain and-"
"I’m on my way, don’t move." He hung up before you could even explain yourself.
You sigh, defeated. You rest your back against your tub and cross your arms, patiently awaiting for Stephen to show up and reprimand you as he always did.
"Y/N where are you?" You heard Stephen shout from down the hall.
"In the bathroom, where else?" You replied, you guessed this was the price for free healthcare.
"Geez, really"? Stephen sighed at the sight before him. You were sprawled out on your bathroom floor with your ankle propped up with visible and prominent swelling. "Let’s get you outta here." He extended his hand outward to you, waiting for you to grab hold. "Hold my hand."
"What?" you needed to know if you heard him correctly.
"Just hold it so I can get you to your room." He rolled his eyes, getting impatient.
You grabbed his warm hand and he hoisted you up from the ground, getting a small inhale of your breath from the sudden pressure being put on your ankle.
"Hang on to me, don’t put pressure on it, it’s only going to make it worse." 
You both slowly made your way down the hall and into your bedroom, hopping and limping every step of the way. Stephen grabbed both of your hands as he helped you to sit gently on your bed while he got to work examining your injury. The intimacy and closeness caused your cheeks to burn.
"Well, the good news is that it isn’t broken and I know a simple spell that can reduce the swelling." He suddenly spoke, his eyebrows creasing, and you had to fight the urge to smooth it over. "I hate seeing you like this, you know, but I’m glad you trust me enough to ask for my help." He gave a small smile and said, "I really appreciate our friendship."
Your heart broke into thousands of pieces as the last word of his sentence echoed in your head. Of course, he thought of you as just a friend. Your face must have resembled your messy emotions because Stephen shot up and was frantically asking if you were in any pain and where.
"No, I think I’m okay. I just need to lie down," you stammered, struggling to keep your composure in front of him.
"I think you may be right. If you need anything, and I mean anything, don’t hesitate to call me." And without another word, he vanished completely, leaving you alone with your thoughts and racing heart.
Your ankle was long forgotten and all you could think about was how your doubts were true. Stephen really didn’t think of you as anything more than a friend. You know you shouldn’t be as sad as you are, but it’s hard when, for the better half of your adulthood, you harbored feelings for him and you secretly hoped he had felt the same way. It’s as if you wasted your time going after him.
Almost as quickly as he left, Stephen came back, carrying a small bag with him.
"Hey I know you said you wanted to sleep, but I figure if you’re really in pain you can take some over the counter meds-" His eyes finally met yours as you were sitting on your bed. Streams of tears left streaks on your face before you could quickly hide them away. "Are you in pain? Did my spell not work?" He came and gently sat down next to you, placing his warm hand on your shoulder and giving it a comforting squeeze. 
He was worried about you. It was the worst feeling because you liked it. His worrying about you as much as he did made you feel special. "Why are you doing this to me?" you whispered to yourself, hoping he wouldn’t hear you.
"What do you mean?" He straightened up and looked at you fearfully, scared of what you might say next. "I care about you. I want to take care of you." He lifted your chin to force your eyes to meet his. "This isn’t easy for me to say, but you are so important to me and I’d do anything for you. And I know I’m not the best guy, but I really try to be for you." His eyes held the greatest amount of sincerity you had ever seen. Your eyes started to water at his sudden confession. He wiped them away before they could travel down your cheeks.
"Stephen," you sighed, "being friends with you isn’t enough. I-we can’t be friends anymore…it’s not enough for me." Your hands went up to cradle his, which had been holding your face. You brought them down to your lap where you rubbed your thumbs over his hand, giving him time to say something, anything.
Instead of words, he quickly pulled you into him, wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug. His hand went to cradle your head and slowly rock back and forth, "Oh I'm so glad you said that." He said it in your ear, petting your hair. "I like you too, so much. You're everything. You're my best friend, and I could never ask for anything more."
“Thank you Stephen, for letting me into your life and allowing me to start this new adventure with you.” You smiled from ear to ear allowing yourself to wrap your own arms around him and give him a tight squeeze. You felt a soft kiss in your hair and you felt the rapid beating of his heart resembling your own. 
“I’m never letting you go by the way, you’re in this for the long run” he laughed. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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