#don’t you ever get hit with
rosicheeks · 2 years
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
meg baby, I promise we’ll all look the other way if you decide to strangle that chimera ant built bitch. I promise we won’t say nothing.
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the-broken-pen · 1 year
Honestly the pipeline of “reading the-modern-typewriter snippets at midnight on the floor of my bathroom at age eleven so I wouldn’t get caught” to “being a tumblr writer myself” is a wild one.
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fairyfortalliance · 8 months
the imagery of no health regen…… wounded skin that doesn’t heal…. torn clothes….. burns…. scorch marks….. bite marks….. blood everywhere…… unraveling bandages…… oh…….
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quicksilverownsmysoul · 11 months
The way in which Barbie’s world fell apart so fast and there was nothing she could do to stop it. The confusion, trying to figure out why everything was suddenly different. The illusion of choice, of trying to pretend that nothing had changed when in fact from that point on nothing would ever be the same. Barbie experiencing heartache when she realized that being real wasn’t everything she thought it was, that the world saw her so much differently than how she saw herself. Finding her way through it with the help of a woman who had done it before and was watching her daughter go through the same thing, knowing that she was losing her girlhood for a second time through her. And even after fixing everything she knew she could never go back to Barbieland, that no matter how much she wanted it she had outgrown it, that despite how scary it was to leave it all behind that there were good parts about it too. That the pain and love of living as a girl who became a woman coexisted inside of her. Barbie being a metaphor for girlhood and how suddenly it ends and one day you have to become a whole new person. But that little girl is always with you and realizing that your mother was a little girl too and so was her mom. And every woman that ever came before you. That we were girls together. GOD IM A MESS OVER THIS MOVIE GRETA YOU GENIUS
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daddyboyhalo · 4 months
a favorite quote of mine that’s been on my mind in all of the conversations bad was having with the eggs today, and especially with richas in their heavy talks (& in how in his fighting desperation he inevitably embraces acceptance—“what’s your favorite time of day, tio?”) is this—
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one last happy night with late night trio. it’s better to go into it, knowing that this will be the end—that’s an opportunity so few are afforded, so rare. knowing that despite all of the anticipatory grief, the sun will set beautifully that day they get to have one last good late night. the golden light of the stars shine. and they can all hold each other and say, “this was so good. oh my god, this was so good.”
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sourscratched · 4 months
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the hand that feeds
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itsticklishme23 · 5 months
What I Need
911! It’s an emergency! Here’s what I need STAT: to get all dressed up with a handsome man who has a deep craving to tickle me, wine and dine somewhere with my feet secretly in his lap under the table, talking about everything and nothing… then to be whisked off to a cute cabin with a cozy fire, be pampered and spoiled, massaged and cuddled… Afterwards, once I’m feeling all relaxed and cared for, then I’ll be his own personal little tickle toy all night.
That’s when he whips out the silk cuffs and traps me in all night on a comfy bed so I can just laugh and laugh, scream, beg and moan, and laugh even more, all because of his fingers/feathers/tongue/lips/whatever tools he surprises me with. I need someone who can play me like a piano and find out what music i make 🎶 someone who GETS it. Someone who knows exactly what it’s doing to me, and it does the same thing to you as a tickler. Someone who has an innate desire to find all the ticklish spots on my body…then exploit every. single. one. Someone who wants to sweetly, gently, ever so cruelly tickle me until I’m a babbling mess who can’t even form thoughts anymore. Someone who can expertly make me feel like I’m on tickle cloud 9 ☁️
When I’m tied up and tickled and gently teased, everything else in the world just allll melts away (while I’m melting into a puddle ahem). I love when a guy has that dominant energy, with a soft teasing side that just makes me absolutely turn to mush. Cooing in my ear with a honey-dripping voice, the occasional threatening reminder of how I’m absolutely trapped there with nowhere to go. That slight sadistic streak that perfectly compliments my fluffy masochist side. I love the gift of exchanging cheeky smiles and sharing joyous, contagious, uncontrollable laughter 🥰
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shima-draws · 10 months
Actually curious as to what people’s general opinion of Ozbert is in this year of 2023. Does shipping them equate to getting hashtag cancelled? Are they still The OTP of the series?? Or are they strictly Platonic Besties For Life. I do not know
It’s weird tho bc obviously if you’ve read the manga you KNOW their situation is very Complicated™️. When they were both the same age it was fine but then Oz got yeeted into the Abyss and time jumped 10 years forward while he was in there for like 3 days and suddenly Gil’s like. 9 years older than him. But then Uncle Oscar still classifies Oz as being 25 even tho he’s physically 15. And then we find out that Oz’s body isn’t even HIS it belongs to Jack so that’s messed up. AND we find out Gil’s actually not just 24 he’s OVER 100 years old bc Baskerville shit. And THEN we find out Oz is actually the true B Rabbit so that makes it so he’s probably even older than Gil is. When we get to the end of the series they’re both canonically confirmed to be hundred(s) of years old so I’m sitting here like. Well,
ALSO looking at these manga panels and official artworks and stuff from the anime I’m like
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Well, there’s definitely SOMETHING going on there, that’s for sure,
#And don’t even get me STARTED on the omakes. Holy shit#Shima speaks#Anyway either way they are a wonderful duo.#Gil’s always been SO ride or die for Oz and I respect that#I just see them together and I’m like 🥰 There they are. My boys#Pandora Hearts spoilers#Pandora Hearts#Ozbert#Oz Vessalius#Gilbert Nightray#They’re not straight. I know THAT for a fact. LOL#And see there’s the appealing thing. The absolute ANGST involved#Gil who grew up harboring feelings for Oz but knowing it was wrong and that he could never ever act upon them#And by the time he’s an adult he still has some sort of feelings for Oz. It’s very complex#And then out pops Oz from the Abyss!! And he doesn’t look ANY different from the last time Gil saw him#Meanwhile Oz who was still figuring things out but who was almost sure he liked Gil That Way#And then it hits HARD when he’s in the Abyss not even knowing if Gil is alive#And when he finds out Gil’s all grown up.#I mean YEAH I’d develop a massive crush too are you KIDDING#It’d be frustrating tho bc Oz is still technically a teenager.#But then he figures out oh hey I’m actually? A being that’s existed for a LONG long time. And one that isn’t even human#So I can totally see him whole heartedly chasing after Gil once he realizes that#Anyway. Rant over sorry LOL#Either way. Again. They’re so so close in canon there is SOMETHING going on between them#(Not to mention the fact the anime really loved that and tried hinting at it super obviously)
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itlovesinthewoods · 2 months
And if I say Cas and Gabe already have feeings for each other? And that Cas fell first (not that they know) and Gabe fell harder (kinda knows but it has them crying throwing up pulling out their hair sobbing)?
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mossflower · 5 months
ough. vrisrezi. if you even care
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brittlebutch · 15 days
this is a change in topic BUT i know that i’m the statistical outlier in taking drivers ed three times and passing all three times but there are people on the road who do not follow Any road safety laws and nothing pisses me off more
#N posts stuff#bicyclists especially. also motorcyclists also#for 1) Rarely do i ever see a bicyclist following the rules of the road. you are a VEHICLE you count as a VEHICLE#you have to stop at stop signs. you have to follow the flow of traffic. you don’t get to become a pedestrian whenever you decide you want to#you also have t stop at Red Lights my GD#and motorcyclists. GD. if you’re gonna ride one of those you Better be investing in full body gear#not only is it bad enough to see people out there with no helmets on but in shorts and tshirts????#dude when i got run over by a truck i was wearing three shirts and a denim jacket and the guy who ran me over#was driving pretty slowly and it Still left me with Huge scrapes all over my body#if you get hit by a car on a motorcycle and you are wearing a tshirt you are going to become a smear on the fucking pavement#cheese grater style. if you don’t want to wear full body protective gear then you want to be driving a Car motherfucker#Especislly if you’re going to completely disregard the rules of the road when you’re out there in your shorts and sandals#and people in cars really aren’t much better. in what universe do you think it’s acceptable to pull over on the shoulder#and then spontaneously decide to merge back into traffic without signaling but also WHILE ANOTHER DRIVER IS ATTEMPTING TO PASS YOU#because you gave NO indication that you were even inside the car to decide to merge back into oncoming traffic#if i had a choice i’d never drive again just bc half the people out there on the road are completely selfish Morons#but also when i got run over i was walking in a cross walk so if i REALLY had a choice i’d get rid of cars entirely
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saltyfilmmajor · 26 days
I forgot how good The Wizard of the Last Century was
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#sometimes I will think about this quote I read once that said ‘Shakespeare wrote better than he could write. Michael Angelo painted#better than he could paint’ and the point was just. the art as something almost speaking through the artist#especially at certain points#and I feel that way about Taylor#I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes I hear her songs so differently than at other times#like sometimes. (this is going to sound insane) sometimes they sound too fast to me#like. it’s TOO efficient.#in terms of structure#because she is BRUTALLY efficient almost#and sometimes (sorry I keep using the word sometimes) I just want to reach out my hand and like. rest it over the song#and tell it to breathe. and at other times I can FEEL the song slot into place and I can feel the depths reached and I can feel the stars#align into place as she taps into the greater truth#like the first time I heard loml#and burst into tears#or when I listened to it again when I was on a drive in the mountains with Nina and I just started sobbing at the end#it doesn’t hit for me every single time (though every time it’s a good song)#is what I’m trying to say#and I think it’s because Taylor’s talent is the most restless spirit I’ve ever seen. she’s like a beanstalk growing right in front of me#and so as wonderful as she is she is never as wonderful as she WILL be#and I hate that attitude generally (so much) of being like ‘she’s just getting started that’s the crazy’#but the truest comments about Taylor ALWAYS say that#and it’s always struck me as true!!!! and that is why every album is better than the last and to an extent makes her previous work#look small in hindsight.#I keep being so struck by tortured poets and the way it has synthesized the personal and the storytelling#into a new blend we have NEVER seen before. the muses are present but theY ARE NOT PRESENT IN THE SAME WAY#they do ! not ! matter ! the way they used to#in her art she is getting farther away from what we call diaristic songwriting and she is moving deeper into the world of art#and as she does it you can FEEL (or at least I can feel or at least I think I can feel) the lightning and thunder (so to speak) gathering#in her heart and in her mind and in her journey and she is going to EXPLODE one of these days
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Drabble 84/366 - Doctor Who
This has never been a problem before, but then, the Doctor has never had a companion whose legs were so tiny.
One moment, Amelia is on his heels. The next, he looks back to see her at the end of the hallway. His screwdriver is in one hand, unlocking the door, but she won’t make it.
The Doctor careens back down the hall, screwdriver between his teeth as he scoops her up, and runs.
A bolt of energy clips his ear. He tucks Amelia’s head down.
“You need longer limbs,” he tells her, “or heelys.” Amelia, safe and sound, laughs.
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myketheartista · 10 months
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hey gamers! if you don’t know me by name, just consider me the lesbian parvill artist. im here to say that you should vote for Bangarry against Hatsome so they can move on to face Parvill. my offer is that i’ll post the full image of this drawing if Bangarry ends up beating Parvill. i was planning to post it further on in the future… but with your vote for Bangarry, you could get it SOONER! god knows with how bad my attention span is, you could never get it! war isn’t easy, and i am a certified Hatsome and Parvill soldier, but sacrifices must be made to achieve world (bangarry) domination. so vote to move Bangarry onto the true battle against Parvill where your vote will be most valued…. and yeah, you’ll get girlfriends. i’ll also throw in a doodle or two of them as extra compensation.
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