#don't ask what happened to the other arm ok it' s. . ... doing its own thing
neverchecking · 1 year
Um hi I am 🪷 From clouds Page and I wanted to be it on here if it ok
I just wanted to say I really love your work
And I have a huge question It not a requests but a ask
I am autistic high functioning one but it still hard to do things that you don't understand and you have to have yours comer plushy
I have one and even though I am in my Earl 20's I am crying like a baby over my plushy I had snic I was a kid it a cute Pokemon one and it a cute little mew doll and my rabbit and stuff dog. But the got torn up by my sister dog and they are trying to fix it
What would the link boy do
I know sage would try a fix it with touch stuff that the reader would like. Also I just know the gop that is on the itam look so soft and like slim I would beIN playing with it for so long
So my question is how would the boys fix it or think of the reade beIN so over stimulated and can't stop crying and can't cop with out her stuff plushies and would they make a smiler one until the fix it
I know four would quickly get the plushy fix and time with the song of time
And fd is a god he can use powers but the others I am confused on
Sage would be using his hand
Sorry for the long question I am just in a stage of cleaning down and trying to wait for my other plushy.
FROM 🪷Aron p.s I am not good at spelling and my autocorrect is a meany
Hello 🪷anon! Don't worry, I know who you are! Your request is currently a work in progress! You totally can be 🪷anon!
I'm so sorry about what happened to your plushy. I totally understand as I'm nineteen, almost twenty, and have my own comfort plush. I know I would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to her (Her name is Princess and she's a pink poodle :)). I can't imagine what it would be like for someone with Autism. I'm not nearly as educated on the spectrum or what it entails, but I know a disturbance like that can be especially hard. (Please take no offence to what I'm saying, I'm trying not to make this sound as bad as its coming out.)
Now, Time, contrary to how he looks, does know how to sew. He's not exceptional at it, but it's certainly passible. Sure, it's a little wonky, maybe crooked, but it's evident that he put a lot of effort into it. While it's a work in progress however, or after the initial incident, he remains a steady rock for you! If your okay with physical touch during this time, he's holding you to his chest and humming a soft tune under his breath while gently rocking back and forth. If not, he's counting breaths in front of you, tapping off his fingers to help you regulate.
Twilight cannot sew. Point, blank, period. His hands are too clumsy and his movements too rough for the thin, fragile string. However, he knows people who can. If your near Ordon, he's asking Ilia or Uli. If not, he'll take it to a tailor in the nearby village. If your not near a village, he's sucking up his ego and asking Legend. His pelt is always available if you need it, but so are his arms. Lemme tell you, he gives the best hugs. If you don't wanna hug him, that's fine, maybe Wolfie will make you feel better? If you don't want any contact, that's just as okay! Wolfie with sit with you until you feel better!
Sky is tricky because while he can play the harp/lyra/whatever that thing is, I can't say I see him being able to sew. His hands are too used to the thick sturdiness of wood or the gentle plucking of the strings. The repetitive motions confuse him and he just knots the string over and over again. He doesn't wait to ask Legend or Time however, and he'll even use tears to get what he wants. Like Twilight, his sail cloth is always available to you, and he also gives pretty good hugs. If you want your space, he's pulling out his latest project and working on it beside you, hoping the repetitive noises and motions help you ground yourself.
Now, Wars can't sew well either. But he can. He's not going to put your biggest comfort item at risk for that. He's not sucking up to Legend however. No, he'll instead hand over the needed dough to the nearest Tailor or, hell, even Time to get it done as quickly as possible. His scarf is also always available. It's a good way to ground yourself as he'll sit with one end, wrapping and intertwining it around his fingers and urging you to follow.
Legend, my lovely little rat, is the best at sewing hands down. He'll remain by your side, letting you take whatever comfort needed (Physical or otherwise), while he sews your comfort item back to its rightful state. He won't shoot any quips, nor even have a harsh tone with you and anyone who dares to even try and tease you are gifted with a dirty glare.
Wild cannot sew. Period. He'll also bribe Legend with food of some sort or some ancient tech to do it for him while keeping you distracted with food prep. You don't even have to do anything, but sit there and look pretty. If you want physical comfort, sucks for the rest of the chain because they are now on their own for dinner as you become priority number one.
Hyrule can sew! With resources as scarce as they are in his world, he had to learn to preserve what he had. Which included repairing his tunics, pants, boots, etc., etc.. So, he jumps at the opportunity to fix your comfort item. It's done pretty well too! Now, Hyrule probably uses some sort of Fairy magic to calm you, through touch or otherwise, and also hums to keep you grounded.
Four can also sew! He'd fix it up right away! In fact, he'd probably split to speed up the process. One of the colors, probably Vio, would sew the item easily and quickly while the others worked on comforting you. Cuddles? Done. You wanna hear them sing? Give them a song, darling. You just want your space to process your emotions? They're steering the others away. And then, when they combine to give you back the object, Four doesn't leave until he's certain your doing okay again. :)
Wind (This is entirely platonic) cannot sew. But, he's the youngest, so he can use puppy dog eyes and get Legend or Hyrule or Time to bend to his will and do it for him. He is then either distracting you with a game or adventure or small hike, or sitting with you and telling you all sorts of stories about his journey as a pirate.
Sage can sew! He learned after his original Champion's tunic had taken one too many hits and he refused to ask Natura (His Zelda) to fix it, or use the one she was dead set on him using. Of course, he could also use his hand to help, using Recall if the incident is recent enough. If it's not, he's more than happy to fix it himself. He's offering you his hand to take should you want it, using it to pull you into his lap if that's acceptable in the situation. If not, he's sitting with you. He's all too aware of what's it's like to be so...overstimulated, so he's not asking anything. Not humming or singing. Just sitting and acting like an anchor for you.
Fierce Deity can't sew. He can use powers to an extent, but he mostly has to use his scary dog privileges to get a tailor to fix it. He's built like a tank and has a core like a furnace though, so he's perfect for cuddles. If you wanna sob into his chest, he won't do anything but shield you from the view of others. He's another one to offer silent comfort rather than any form of conversation.
Bonus! First can sew! Not badly, nor too well, but it's average. He's humming lowly while fixing the object before giving it to you. He's brushing your knuckles before pressing a kiss to them, tapping your breaths along each bump when he pulls away. His scarf is also available to you. Whatever you need, darling.
I really hope this makes you feel a bit better 🪷anon! I tried using the little bit of knowledge I had to make this as good as it can be. I wish you all the best and wish I could've gotten to this sooner.
With all my love,
Cinder XOXO
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So my request for werewolf myers is pretty dumb. A scenario where his s/o is kidnapped by hunters who want to use her as bait to catch the beast!
That's an interesting idea and a Nightmare On Michael's end.
Hunter's decided to use live bait to capture The Beast of Haddonfield and its his s/o as bait
Live Bait
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Note: I've been slow on writing cause I've been drawing mostly and playing Animal Crossing. Here's a quick one shot of Werewolf Michael.
You thought to yourself while shifting your tied up wrists as marks from the rope around them. You where minding your own business walking through the urban area of Haddonfield and the next thing you blacked out and kidnapped by hunters who are looking for The Beast of Haddonfield and there using you as Live Bait.
Your arms started to cramp from having them held up for nearly hours at the tree you got them at, thinking that they'll become numb when you get your wrists untied. You hope to yourself that Michael will find you and get you back home. One of the men shifted in where he hid with his other companions, guns ready when they see the Beast himself peer out and into the clearing. One felt guilty for getting himself into this idea, drugging and kidnapping you just to be a monster's probably dinner.
"Any moment now, He'll come out of the tree line sees the bait. POW! We blow his brains out, ending his terror on Haddonfield once and for all." One said, as he kept a really close eye on where he might pop out of. The next fella on his right looked at him with concern, "What if he goes after us instead of this incident person we, mind you, drugged with sleeping medicine and kidnapped just for there life to be pretensionly snuffed out by the beast named Myers?" He asked the main guy who sat right next to him. "What it's not like nobody is going to miss them.."I can hear you, you know that?" You said interrupting him.
He was going to say something to you till the sounds of twigs crunching from a distance in the woods caught everyone off guard. "He's near. He can smell us." The one with a guilty conscience said, now having second thoughts about doing this. "It's now or never." The one on the left said as he raises his gun, ready to shoot. You just gripped the rope harder cause you knew it was going to get bloody.
The Wolf came out of the woods and nit towards you, but at the 3 men who took you way from him. Ripping the throat out of one and disembowling the other one. The third one ran off for dear life. after Michael finished off with the two men, he turned his attention to you. "Michael." You said he cuts the rope that held your wrists now with rope burns. He lifted you up his arms and placed you on his back and into the direction when you both should be. Home.
Michael didn't want to leave your side, well aware of what happened tonight. Even trying to go to the bathroom, he's going to be right outside. His paranoia grew during the rest of the night. He held you really tight close to him in bed. "Michael, can you loosen your grip on me? I can't breathe." You said muffled by his shirt, "I don't want what happened to happen ever again." He said, trying to hold back tears. "I know, I don't want to go through that again either." You replied,'But still." Michael said, looking at you. You placed a hand on his cheek, his eyes were watery looking into yours. "It's ok to cry. You don't have to hold back tears." You said quietly to him. Michael just let's his tears run down from his closed eyes. You hugged him as he silently cries. He was worried about you being kidnapped again as live bait for him to kill by accident. He held you tightly while you rubbed his back he took deep breaths as he calmed down. "You ok now?" You asked him, "A little." Michael replied as he wiped his tears away with his shirt. "Michael, I don't think anyone else would try using live bait with a person. But maybe a deer they caught." You said, trying to make Michael feel better getting his mind off human bait. "What happened tonight was a one-time thing. One of them must've had second thoughts about using me, as you know." You said. Michael gave you a kiss before going into a passionate kiss. "Promise me this." Michael started, "Don't let a random man drug you again." He said as he rubbed your wrist. "I promise." You replied as you continued kissing him.
He kissed your sore wrists and your collarbone, "God, I wanna give you so much pleasure right now." Michael said as he kissed your neck. "After what happened tonight? Are you sure about that?"You asked him. He smirked, "Well, more like sexual healing." Michael said as he placed his hand on your cheek. "Ok." You said with a small smile, Michael kissed you even more as he started to slip your pj's off.
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alyssaswrld999 · 5 months
Why Me? Chapter 3: Glenn? Abraham? This can't be happening
Part 2
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Y/n's Pov:
Moments before this all didn't make sense because really none of it all made sense. Why would the love of my life be taken by evil people? The people that took my family?
This isn't right...
This isn't fair...
I decided that I wasn't gonna stand here and deal with my problems this way. I climb down from the platform and I make my way back to my house. I pack my bag with food, clothes, weapons and a first aid kit.
I'm going to go and find Daryl on my own and its gonna help if I make it to Hilltop to see Maggie. I grab my bag and make my way out of the house. As I'm walking down the road to find the place I can climb over the wall I hear someone talking at the front gate that sounds familiar.
Then as that voice kept talking I already knew who it was. It was the same voice of the man that killed my brother. The same voice that took Daryl.
It was Negan...
"Oh shit" I thought. I quickly climb up the wall and make my way over it safely and quietly. As I drop down and land on the other side I make a quick run for it through the woods.
I'm not gonna stay in that place just for them to end up taking me back to the Sanctuary. If I'm gonna find Daryl I'm not ever going to be taken there by them and I don't want to be anywhere near Negan. My feet kept running and running until I couldn't take it anymore to were I finally stopped to catch my breath.
I looked around to make sure that I was far away as possible from the man that murdered my family and friends. I sat down beside this big oak tree and began to cry. I was broken from all of what has happend and I haven't cried since that brutal night.
"Darlin you don't wanna ruin them boots by crying on them" a voice said. I looked up and seen someone that I needed to see. It was Abraham. "Abraham?" I asked. Next thing I know he's giving me a big grin and holds his hands out for a hug.
I wipe away the tears and stand up to give him a hug. "Thought I would never see you again" I mumbled. Abraham chuckled and then pulled away. "Sky im here talking to you it's ok" Abraham said.
"Yeah uhm I'm just.. I'm sorry for what happened" I whispered. Abraham looked at me and gave me a small smile.
"I know sweetheart and there's nothing that you need to be sorry for. You didn't do anything wrong"
I started to tear up again and I nodded at him. Abraham was one of my bestfriends and he didn't deserve to die especially the way he did. "I- I need to get to Hilltop and I'm afraid that Negan is gonna get me." I whispered.
"He's not gonna get you" Another voice said.
I turn around and almost collapsed from who I seen. It was Glenn...
"Glenn!" I said. Glenn smiled and nodded at me. "Hey sis" Glenn said. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. I felt Glenn wrap his arms tightly around me and he squeezed me tightly. I cried in his arms and I didn't want to let go of him.
"G-Glenn I'm s-sorry..." I whispered. I felt him squeeze me tighter. "I know Sky..." Glenn said. I pulled away a little and I looked at him. "C-can you help me get to Hilltop" I asked. Glenn nodded his head and me, Abraham and Glenn made our way to Hilltop.
After awhile from walking it seemed like forever. As I kept looking over I seen Glenn still walking beside me. "You know I figured you would talk a little more" I said. Glenn looked over at me and smiled. "Well I already figured what you were going to say you're my sister after all" Glenn said. I chuckled at his response and I enjoyed his company even if it ain't real.
"Yeah and since I'm your sister I wanna talk" I replied. Glenn looked back over at me and we kept walking. "About what" Glenn asked. I looked back over at him and I kept walking and It took me a second before I could answer. "About everything Glenn... like how am I gonna face Maggie? Or Rosita and Sasha?" I said.
Glenn walked ahead of me and I stopped. As I was catching my breath and trying to think I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and seen it was Abraham. "Sky you are gonna get through this. You are one of the most amazing people I've seen in this group and your strong. Daryls lucky to have you here and everyone else as well" Abraham said.
I put my hand on his and I shook my head. "Abe... I should have done something. I should have known that this wasn't a good idea and it ended this way" I whispered. Glenn and Abraham walked and stood in front of me.
"Sky don't blame yourself. This wasn't your fault and don't let anyone or yourself say that. We know that it wasn't your fault and it wasn't no one elses" Glenn said. "Yeah Sky it ain't your fault. You don't need to be blaming yourself" Abraham added.
"It's just it's hard you know? I- you guys didn't deserve any of this" I said. Glenn shook his head and then Abraham and Glenn hugged me. I started to cry and I cried in their arms. I couldn't stand Negan for taking my brother and one of my best friends away. They didn't deserve to die or die the way they did.
Glenn lifted my chin and smiled at me. "Remeber what you told me at the prison? When we were trying to get ready to face the Governor?" Glenn asked. I shook my head because I think I remembered but there was so much I said. "You said that I shouldn't get in my head. Because it makes me feel vulnerable and that's how someone can get killed" Glenn said.
I nodded understanding what he meant. I didn't need to get to much into my head because it makes me feel angry and makes me want to just give into my emotions. That all I wanted to do was let my rage and anger loose and I couldn't do that right now. "Your right" I said.
Glenn smiled and put his arm around my shoulder. "That's my sister" Glenn said. We began walking again and I felt a little better after what he said.
After awhile from walking it got a little more quiet and I looked back to see Glenn and Abraham standing there looking at me. "You guys okay" I asked. They nodded at me and smiled. "We are here at Hilltop" Abraham said. I looked back and seen the gates in the distance but it hurt because I knew that Glenn and Abraham were gonna leave.
I turn back and seen them walking towards me. "Am I gonna see you both again?" I asked. Glenn and Abraham nodded at me. "Of course. If you need us or wanna see us just call out" Glenn said. I nodded and hugged Glenn. "Goodbye brother. I love you" I whispered. "I love you too sis. Take care of Maggie for me" Glenn said. I pulled away and I nodded at him.
Then I seen Abraham smile and walked towards me. "Give me a hug big guy" I said holding out my hands. Abraham walked close and I gave him a big bear hug. "Take care Sky. Love ya and kick ass okay" Abraham said. I pulled away and I nodded at him. "I will and you both take care okay" I said. They both nodded and walked back into the woods.
I knew that I was gonna see them again. Deep down I believed that if I needed them they are here and it's true. If I ever need my brother he's always here even in death. I turned around and I began walking up to the gates and I breathed in a big sweet feeling of relief.
Part 4
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-BREAKS DOWN UR DOOR- SO ASK GAME HUH? 1, 5-12, 20-25, 32, 35, 43-46 for Kisa? ok you don't have to do all of them, but I'm thinking about HIM again and he's gently being wrapped in warm blankets and rolled away into my lair.
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Ask Game
What’s the lie your character says most often?
"Don't worry!" You should always worry if Kisa says don't worry.
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
He can lol. He thinks about the pain of when his arm disintegrated and the tears just well up in his eyes.
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
His favourite fabric shop. That's HIS fabric shop, grrrr.
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
Me? Probably just his name. Galin would start yelling in some of the WORST Natlanen? Natlanien? Kisa's native tongue. Lucille strikes me as a petname caller for sure.
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
It started very loose, yk, for the job. But he says it less loosely after dating Luci.
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
Gentle love. But lots of banter! And he likes getting the same.
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
any and every fact about his girlfriend ever lol
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Ask him to make something with leather or a jasmine stitch for crochet. Both are Not Easy and someone pretending to be him would most likely not be skilled enough.
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
The look of disgust on Decord's face every single time Galin eats hot peppers from the jar.
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
Kisa has too many fashion opinions for this question. That's the entire industry let's be real here.
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Keeping your elbows off the table when eating. It's stupid, and uncomfortable. Screw you.
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Twist cherry stems with a tongue. So much coordination..
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Uhmmmm, what happened to Lela. Who again I don't think I've spoken about on this blog? Anyways it haunts him. Even though it wasn't his fault.
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
Yes, he did. And it was a chocolate chip cookie.
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
His entire job bro, the WHOLE thing??? KISA WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PLOT! Nobody was supposed to get attached to Razvedka. 90% of the related content of them isn't important to the direct plot I was writing.
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
Murder and corporate espionage aside, shoplifting lol
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Well Kisa originally only joined the Fatui for some extra cash so uhm. Oops. It was small at the time.
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
He reads tone and body language wrong sometimes. He'll think someone is being cocky when they're just really into a conversation. He thinks someone is about to hit him when they lift their hand excitedly. Small stuff like that? He hides it mostly, doesn't react. But his mind RACES for a split second.
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
Its hard cause I imagine the languages of Teyvat can sometimes translate, but not fully. We decided he speaks the Teyvat version of Spanish, and according to linguists if you can speak Spanish.. The easiest language to learn is Portuguese! So the teyvat version of that?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
LOL okay so LIKE CIRINO, if this was a modern OUR WORLD, he'd fucking hate a lot of modern luxury brands. But since we're not in our world. He just really hates dark yellow?? PASSIONATELY despises it. won't use it.
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Listener! I think most of Razvedka are? Just given the nature of their jobs. He, much like the others, is really good at 'prompting'. He can swing a conversation in the direction he wants with just a couple of words and then just listens.
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batobob-blog · 6 years
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Don't Go Where I Can't Find You
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Reader ❧ Era: Season 9 (during six year time jump) ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: SMUT—fingering, grinding, sideways sex?? (idk what it's called lol), gentle sex (I think?), unprotected sex (DON'T TRY IT AT HOME), straight (?) people sex, swearing, angst ❧ Word Count: 9.5k
❧ Prompt: "Did you ever even love me?" from the Norman Reedus Whores Discord Prompt Challenge (more info here)
❧ Summary: Daryl hasn't been the same since losing Rick, and though he loves you, he needs to do what he thinks is right: try to find his friend, bring back his body, or die trying. Six months apart is too much to handle, he soon realizes, and something is calling him back home.
❧ A/N: Hiiii how y'all doin... um so like I tried to do angst, smut, and fluff all in one??? And I also tried to knock out several requests in one fell swoop. So I have sort of a bastardization of what @shariiina requested (tho they asked for a big fight and makeup sex which I don't think I quite nailed but I will definitely try do that more accurately in the future), as well as some anon requests for soft/gentle sex and also reader crying during sex. I was ALSO trying to fit in the prompt from my prompt challenge thingy that my Discord group is doing lol so there's a lot happening here. I just hope it turned out ok! I think this is a pretty sweet little story with a steamy lovemaking scene and a pinch of angst. Some cute/funny moments as well I think.
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You weren’t there when the bridge fell, but you heard it, and you felt the ashes from the fire as they drifted over your face. 
Daryl had shifted past you, not answering you as you asked what was going on. He had that thousand yard stare you’d seen before. You’d seen it when he lost Merle… When he lost Beth… When he lost Denise… 
When you grabbed his face with your hands to look him in the eye, asking what on Earth had happened as tears drowned out his vision, you knew what happened. Context clues gave it away, and the ache in Michonne’s wailing as she emerged from behind Daryl, Maggie and Carol supporting her limp, writhing body. 
In your bewilderment, you felt Daryl jerk himself from your grasp, retreating somewhere inside himself you couldn’t reach, somewhere you couldn’t follow. His grief was hostile territory for you, though his heart had become a world of comfort and familiarity the past few years. 
This excursion was far more intense than what you’d seen from him before, though. Death was a fixture of everyday life for you and everyone else you knew, but Rick’s death was unprecedented. Nothing could compare to the grief in its wake, especially not for Daryl.
For as long as you could, you left him alone. The only reminder of his presence after that was the feeling of his body weight dipping on the other side of your bed. You were surprised he even tried to sleep next to you, but it was the one thing reminding you that he was there. 
Only in the morning he’d be gone, a cool, silken expanse of olive green sheets where once his body lay, sprawled out with open arms trapping you so close to his chest for hours on end, until whatever responsibility he had took him away from you. 
Now he seemed to leave on his own accord, you supposed. You weren’t sure where he’d gone during the day, but it wasn’t for lack of looking. You found yourself wandering the streets of Alexandria sometimes, in the back of your mind trying to locate a man who didn’t want to be found, but maybe he wanted you to look for him, you thought. You loved him enough to never stop looking.
Each night he slept less and less. After a while, you weren’t sure if the nights were getting colder from the changing season, or if the warmth of his body you usually relied on was getting further from you. One thing you were sure of—autumn was fading into winter, and for the first time since you found yourself in his arms, you were cold.
One morning when you woke up, you were sure he hadn’t been to bed at all the night before. His musky scent of pine and tobacco still lingered, but it was gradually becoming more faint, and your home was becoming a shell, all because he wasn’t in it.
“Daryl,” you mumbled against your pillow, then flipped over in a half-sleep state to face him where he’d be if he were there. After a month of not waking up next to him, you would’ve thought you’d grow used to it by now. You’d never get used to it, not when waking up next to him was all you had to look forward to.
The haze of sleep still deluding you, you reached out to touch him, the empty space of him. Where are you? you heard your inner voice speak. Daryl… come home. 
Your eyes fluttered open with reluctance to see he wasn’t there. Again. 
But you heard him moving downstairs, that creaking of the old floorboards underneath his feet. You felt his presence when you were awake enough to feel anything. He was home, and that was enough to get you out of bed that morning.
“Daryl?” you called out to him softly, voice still groggy from sleep. Your bare feet were cold against the hardwood floor as you tiptoed down the stairs and into the living room, where you saw Daryl’s worn grey backpack sat upon the couch, next to his crossbow.
“Daryl, are you here?”
Approaching footsteps from the kitchen preceded his appearance. He emerged with a few cans of green beans, and a tired, sleepless look upon his face.
You sighed in relief, happy that he was home instead of wherever he went to be alone. Your smile faded when you realized how exhausted he looked, and how red the whites of his eyes were. 
You hadn’t been able to touch him in weeks, so when you took the cans out of his hands to place them on a nearby table, he seemed almost startled by your movement.
“You need sleep,” you said, tentatively coming closer and closer until you could rest your hands on his chest, gently moving them up and down against the scratchy fabric of his wool poncho. “Let’s lay down. You’re exhausted.”
His tenseness seemed to loosen under your touch, but his glassy eyes portrayed a different story. Something was off, something more than just grief.
“Sweetheart,” you said, while raising a hand to pin the unruly hairs behind his ears, “what’s wrong?”
He huffed, then removed your hands before turning to pick up the cans. “I’m leavin’,” he grumbled, his back turned towards you.
He moved to the couch to stuff the canned beans inside his pack, then zipped and buckled it tight. Next, he turned to the hallway, retrieving his quiver of bolts he usually used on trips outside the walls. 
You didn’t want him to leave. He didn’t have any reason to go out there. As far as you were concerned, his mental health needed to recover from the loss of his best friend, his brother, before he could even think about going out there. Still, maybe it was what he needed, and maybe when he’d come back in a few days like he always did, he’d be more like himself. Maybe it was what he needed to heal.
“When will you be back?” you asked, as you always did. 
He swallowed hard, averting his gaze, but not before he made incidental eye contact with you. You looked so innocent, so unaware of what he had planned. He couldn’t hide from it now. Weeks of milling over it in his addled brain had finally accumulated to this moment—telling you, the person he loved more than anything, that he didn’t know when he was coming back. He wasn’t even entirely sure where he was going. 
“I was going to make that casserole you like for dinner,” you added. It was better than the silence. “But I’ll wait till you get back. Unless you’re coming back tonight?”
He shook his head. “Don’t wait for me.”
“I’ll always wait for you,” you said, with a soft laugh under your breath. “Just tell me when and I’ll save it for when you come home.”
He went silent again, opting to arm himself with his various knives and utility belts instead of answering you. 
It wasn’t like him at all to ignore you, to avoid your touch, to avert his gaze. Maybe when you first met him three or four years ago, but not now. Not after two years of the greatest kind of intimacy two people could share with one another. 
You tested the waters, coming closer to touch him and see if he’d recoil again. Your hands held his, disrupting him from looping his belt. A small smile spread across your face, and though part of it was forced, all of it was born out of love for him. He’d told you before that your smile could fix everything for him, so you hoped he meant it.
“Hey,�� you said. “I love you, Tarzan.”
The corner of his lip quirked ever so slightly, but something held him back from returning your smile, even if you called him that little moniker you gave him years ago, to reflect the “wild man” he seemed to be. He always felt more at home in the wilderness, it seemed.
What you expected was for him to return the sentiment, to call you “Jane” as he usually did. He only chewed his bottom lip, and watched your hands as they fit perfectly in his.
He only shook his head, a gesture so foreign to you in this circumstance. He should’ve smiled, held your hands tighter, kiss you… Not loosen himself from your grasp, not take his undying warmth away as he stepped backwards, away from you.
Of course, it was hard to react that way. It wasn’t his instinct, and a part of you knew it, but it still hurt. He didn’t want to say what he was about to, or to do what he was about to do, but he had to. At least, he convinced himself that he had to. 
“I’m goin’ away,” he said. 
“I know.”
“No,” he replied. “I’m goin’ away, and I ain’t comin’ back till I find Rick.”
You stepped back subconsciously, so much so that you couldn’t feel the back of your legs hit the couch. Gravity forced you to sit on the edge, somewhere between disbelief and confusion. None of those words made any sense together, in that order in which he spoke them. It must’ve been an illusion, some trick of the mind orchestrated by the debilitating loneliness that had settled in your heart. To make matters worse, you feared this was just the beginning. 
You tried to make sense of it, in a way that allowed the sense of it to become something else—something you could grasp. “Rick’s gone,” you said quietly. “How are you going to find him if he’s gone?”
He shook his head, as if he didn’t know the answer to that himself. He truly didn’t. “I’m gonna find him, dead or alive.”
“Alive?” you asked in bewilderment. “You… You think he’s alive?”
“Never found a body… Blast of the explosion coulda blown him somewhere nearby.”
“Daryl,” you said, “that’s…” Your words failed you then, as they often did when emotions took over. You couldn’t help it—you loved him, and Daryl never lied. If he said he wasn’t coming back, he wasn’t coming back. “You can’t leave.”
“I gotta.”
The lump in your throat was becoming impossible to swallow, and tried as you might, you couldn’t keep your voice from cracking under the pressure. Tears would soon follow, you were certain of it. Still, you were trying to delude yourself, to interpret Daryl’s straightforward words into something that didn’t tear you apart from the inside out.
“But you’ll be back soon,” you said, looking up at him with much more than just a hint of vulnerability in your face. “You’ll come back, even if you can’t find him?”
He lowered his head in silence, then finally replied: “I dunno.”
Your legs lifted you up to full height, a sudden burst of impatient energy seething through you.
“What does that mean?”
“Means I don’t know, (Y/N).”
You shook your head in bewilderment. “You can’t just leave. I mean, I understand you want to find him but… You can’t leave.”
He huffed through abnormally flared nostrils, indicating that he, too, was losing his patience. It wasn’t pure anger, though, in fact there was very little anger inside of him—it was more like dread, sorrow for the pain he would continue you putting you (and himself) through as he tried to justify his reasons for needing to leave, even though he couldn’t really think of any justifiable reason. It was irrational, impulsive, dangerous, inconsiderate… Most of all, he just wanted to get it over with; to rip off the bandage and try his best to ignore the sting.
“I ain’t tellin’ ya again,” he said, in that low, extra gravelly voice that told you he was close to a breaking point. “It’s settled.”
Your lips trembled as you tried to speak, with nothing but a barely audible whimper falling and fading into thin air. Your tears inevitably broke out, but they were muffled as you tried to maintain composure. You weren’t sure why—Daryl had seen you cry countless times, but this time was different. Maybe Daryl was leaving you because you cried so much, because you cared so much. You feared he found you pathetic or overbearing, maybe even annoying. 
Of course, no such thing was true, but irrational fears born of insecurity and self-doubt got the better of you. The strain in your face was evident.
“I, uh, I don’t wanna leave,” he said. 
“Then don’t!” you suddenly exclaimed, voice weak and faltering. You took a deep breath to calm yourself, then stepped forward tentatively as you approached him. “Or… let me go with you.”
“Nah,” he said quickly. “No way. You gotta stay here where it’s safe.”
“Daryl… I—I can’t. I need you. I love you… How could you say you’re leaving? Doesn’t what we have mean anything to you?”
You hated to ask him that, and you never would’ve unless you weren’t genuinely afraid he felt nothing for you anymore. Of course, it wasn’t that at all—it was the grief that overwhelmed him, called him to take Rick’s disappearance on his already burdened shoulders. In a sense, it had nothing to do with you, but you were the one who was going to suffer. You were the one who’d be left behind.
“You know it does,” he replied, this time voice much more firm and loud, as though he couldn’t even risk the thought of you not knowing that for sure. “This ain’t easy for me, but it’s eating me up inside. I at least gotta try.”
“Then let me help,” you begged, and somehow you’d gotten close enough to take his hands in yours. If you got desperate enough, you wouldn’t be surprised if you found yourself down on both knees before him. “Please. Just don’t leave me… Don’t—don’t go where I can’t find you.”
“Woman,” he sighed, leaning his forehead against yours. He must’ve known how you melted when he called you that, how easily you could give into him. “Don’t go lookin’ for me. I need you right here.”
You squeezed your eyes shut to flood your cheeks with tears. “I need you here,” you said. “I just don’t understand how you can do this after everything.”
You stepped back, gently yanking your hands from Daryl’s grasp until you stumbled back onto the sofa. You sat there staring straight through his face, which had sunk as the grim reality of his decision came shattering down upon him.
He wasn’t sure what was worse: being away from you indefinitely, or leaving you hurt like this. 
As you held your head in your hands, you thought back to all the times Daryl had said he’d never leave you, in the same breath as the words “I love you.” Now that he was leaving you, without a return in sight unless he found Rick, you wondered if those words really meant anything.
“Did you ever even love me?” you asked sincerely. 
It wasn’t that you wanted him to prove it, or to feel guilty for what he was doing, but you genuinely didn’t know anymore, and that uncertainty terrified you. You’d built your whole life around him the last few years. You’d made sacrifices, compromises, choices that were predicated on the belief that you were going to be with him forever. Was it over now? You had a feeling Daryl didn’t even know himself, all he knew was what he thought he needed to do, and that your relationship would have to hang in the balance until he accomplished his self-assigned task.
He swallowed hard, making sure he didn’t cry when he opened his mouth to speak. “I never stopped loving you,” he said. “I never will.”
That was six months ago now.
Six months since he’d seen you, six months since he’d held you, six months since he’d heard you say, “don’t go where I can’t find you.”
He hated that he’d done just that, and he quickly realized that his decision wouldn’t ease the pain of Rick’s disappearance. 
All it did was render him lonely. Much more lonely than he’d ever felt in his life. 
Still, he gave himself a mission, a responsibility to find Rick alive or dead. There were questions that needed to be answered, and Daryl didn’t leave any stone unturned.
He went where you couldn’t find him, though you didn’t try to find him. You were convinced he didn’t want you, that there was more to his leaving than just finding Rick. He didn’t love you anymore, and you still found yourself wondering if he ever did.
Around the same time he left, though, you noticed you couldn’t find one of your blouses—the cream colored peasant blouse with lace trim and cinched waist. You hadn’t worn it in some time, since it was one of Daryl’s favorites on you, but its disappearance drove you crazy, since you couldn’t think of where it had gone to.
That blouse had lived a more interesting life in the past six months than you had, as it lay neatly folded at the bottom of Daryl’s pack, the only thing he had to remember you by. 
Perhaps he should’ve told you he took it, knowing you were rather sentimental about your clothing, but in the emotional minefield of that morning he left, he couldn’t bring himself to tell you. He spoke very little that day, and he regretted not telling you everything he wanted to.
So now, sitting beside a rocky creek in the last golden light of the late spring afternoon, only the gentle sound of trickling water and birds chirping sweetly in the trees, he thought of you.
He always thought of you, especially with the weather warming up, knowing how much you loved to wear your sundresses and sandals. 
You’d frolic around the house, opening the windows to let in the soft, subtle spring breeze and the twinkling sound of the wind chimes. When he was home, you’d somehow get him to lay on the couch, your body snuggled up to his as you both fell asleep to those wind chimes, on an afternoon not unlike today. 
He could practically taste the sweet and sour lemonade you squeezed fresh from the tree that had grown outside the walls, but hovered over just enough to allow ripe yellow lemons to fall on the shady grass below, waiting for you to pluck them up with a delicate hand in the safety of Alexandria.
In his hands, he held your blouse, absentmindedly caressing the fabric between his fingers. He had taken great care not to let the lifestyle he’d been living the last six months tarnish or tear the thin fabric, as he fully intended that someday he’d return it to you. 
He didn’t know when that day would come, which was why he couldn’t promise you he’d return, but for weeks, he’d felt home calling back to him. In fact, he was sure it’d been calling to him since the moment he left, but now he allowed himself to hear it, those dainty chimes on the wind, drowning out the sound of the creek before him.
He didn’t take your blouse out of his pack often. There was no way he’d risk staining it with his filthy hands, or let the well-preserved, lingering scent of your perfume wear off, but lately he found himself sitting here, not far from his camp, holding that shirt.
Did you ever even love me? The phrase rang out in his head, echoing in the empty cathedral of his mind. 
The fact you even had to question it devastated him beyond even his own comprehension. What was worse was how he left without really proving it, without actions to mirror his words. 
I never stopped loving you, he’d said. I never will. 
He’d played that scene out in his head with every possible chain of events, but nothing could stop him from remembering what he had said, and the fact that what he said simply wasn’t enough. 
Stupid, he thought to himself. I’m so fuckin’ stupid. 
Six months of searching for a missing man, and he had nothing to show for it but a few dead ends. If he hadn’t found him now, he was never going to find him. He had told himself he’d never stop looking, but something had struck him just then, when he milled over your words once more: don’t go where I can’t find you. 
If he kept looking for Rick, he’d be lost, too. It was time to go home.
He walked longer than he had in some time, long enough for day to stretch into night. The guards at the gate nearly couldn’t recognize the hero of Alexandria, face shrouded by a tattered hood and smeared with several layers of dirt and blood.
Only the crossbow on his back gave away his identity, as well as the gruffness of his voice. The gate opened for him with a familiar rattle, and quickly the routine began to settle in once again, as though he’d never left.
As his aching feet carried him towards the house he once shared with you, he found himself wondering if you were still there, or if you’d moved to a smaller home. His question was answered when he spied your muddied yellow rain boots sitting outside the front door, and your hand painted welcome stone on the front step. 
Thank goodness he’d never lost his house key—he kept it on a long string of twine so he could never not find it. 
As he turned the key and pushed open the door, he was overwhelmed with the scent of something he vaguely remembered coming from the kitchen, where the oven was still warm from dinner that evening.
Hunger overwhelmed him, and made him instinctively head to the fridge, where a recognizable casserole dish was sitting on the top shelf, still warm.
He didn’t notice he let out an audible grunt of hunger before he bent over to pull the dish out and set it on the counter. Peeling back the tin foil, a smattering of potatoes, cheese, garlic, and probably a myriad of other spices and vegetables you’d thrown together, greeted him.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had cheese, or anything moderately tasty, but it must’ve been before he left, certainly it was something you had made. 
As he shoveled spoonfuls of lukewarm food into his mouth, he realized you had inadvertently made good on your promise: you had that casserole ready for him when he got back. 
Turning to face the clock on the wall, he narrowed his eyes to see through the darkness: 10:37 PM. 
You must’ve been asleep upstairs, and plopping himself onto that bed alongside you was just about the best possible thing he could think of right now. He trudged up the stairs, with each step careful not to wake you. He was worried about how you might react to his sudden appearance after so long away, but at the same time, he couldn’t wait to see you. He couldn’t think straight enough to work out the logistics. What if you woke up before he did, and what if you were terrified of his sudden presence? Perhaps you wouldn’t even want him in your house, after so long of not seeing him. Still, there was no indication that your relationship was over when he left. He assumed it was an unspoken agreement that if and when Daryl returned, you’d pick up right where you left off. He only hoped that was a correct assumption.
Sure enough, you were asleep, without the light of the lantern by your bedside table which you used to leave on for him to return. As such, he could hardly see you, your features just barely illuminated by the cool, indigo-tinted light of the moon streaming in through the window. 
In the warmth of the night, you must’ve kicked off your blankets, as your sprawled out body was outlined only in the thin cover of the sheet. He smiled to himself, remembering how much of a restless sleeper you were, always tossing and turning so much that you’d end up tangled in the blankets, and sometimes he’d wake up with your hand dangling over his face. You were even more restless when he wasn’t there, since his arms holding you close to his body seemed to keep you from moving around too much. That, and the comfort he provided you with was enough to lull you into the deepest, most undisturbed sleep. 
As he stripped himself of his vest and shirt, he remembered how filthy he was, covered in grime and tree sap and dried walker blood. He was ashamed to admit he hadn’t had a proper shower in weeks, and if you’d been with him, you would’ve made sure he bathed at least every other day, but he’d been alone for so long, left to his own devices, and his less than sanitary habits.
But a shower sounded almost as good as sleep, so he turned towards the bathroom door, gently closing it behind him as he entered to light the lantern next to the sink. Routine—it was all coming back to him. He had tried to maintain some semblance of normalcy out there in the woods, but he quickly learned that it was nearly impossible, what with the nomadic nature of his lifestyle, moving from camp to camp, never staying in one place for too long. As much as he was used to living like that, he hated it. It made him feel more like an animal than a human. 
Tarzan, he remembered you calling him. Somewhere between man and beast. Right now, under the gentle stream of the warm water, as he struggled to comb his fingers through the large knots in his wild, disheveled hair, he never felt more like he was trying to regain his humanity, to wash the wilderness from his body. 
He raised his hands to rub his face vigorously under the splashing water, and proceeded to further claw at the tangled clumps of chestnut waves on his head. 
“Damnit,” he sighed under his breath. It was so much easier when you did it for him. 
Remembering the existence of shampoo and conditioner, he turned to reach for the bottle of homemade “hair stuff,” as he called it. When he removed the cap, a fragrant burst of sweet pea and lemon awakened his senses. Oh, it was just like he remembered, just like the smell of your hair. 
“(Y/N)...” he mumbled under his breath. “My girl.”
He’d missed lathering his hair with your little concoction, but even more than that, he missed the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp, and the sound of your voice so close to his ear as you asked him about his day. Maybe you’d accidentally tug on his hair a little too hard as you tried to get out the knots, but he’d never complain. Not when even the pain felt so good.
Soon his head was drenched in white bubbles and soapy lather, cleansing his mop of brown hair and removing the blood and dirt that had somehow found their way into his wavy locks. 
When he washed out the shampoo, he squeezed a hefty dollop of conditioner into his palm, and smoothed it through his less tangled hair to get the real stubborn knots out. It felt wonderful to finally be clean, but that was just his head. His body still needed tending to.
You must’ve still been getting those handmade bars of rose petal soap from the neighbors, since the sweet floral scent quickly wafted into his nostrils as he held it in his hands, rubbing it between them to make a thick lather.
As the conditioner settled in his hair, he dragged the soap languidly across his chest, paying extra attention to his underarms, which surely needed it. 
His hands trailed down with the soap to his abdomen, circling around his navel. It’d been so long since his stomach felt full. His belly protruded more than usual, too, a sight that was welcome as he looked down to see the dirt washing off of him. 
Next was, of course, his nether regions, where he’d felt an irresistible urge since the moment he saw you, even if he could hardly make out your face. He knew you were just as beautiful as ever, and that he wasn’t entirely sure how he could sleep in bed with you without getting lost in his lustful thoughts.
He could already feel the tingling sensation surge through him as he ran his soapy hand along his shaft, paying extra care to the tip and all the crevices. 
“Shit,” he muttered, leaning his forehead against the tile wall. It had been so long since he touched himself. In fact, he was sure he never really had time to do it while he was out in the wilderness, constantly in danger. 
That didn’t stop him from thinking of you, though. All those lonely nights of shallow, dreamless sleep without the softness of your body he’d gotten so accustomed to holding. Too often had he found himself reaching for empty air, or whispering your name in the haze of his exhaustion. On particularly desperate nights, he clung to your blouse, burying his head in the bundle of fabric like it was a burial shroud as he unzipped his pants to just barely touch himself over his underwear, but that was long ago, and lately he had to reserve his yearning to simple thoughts and memories, making it all so much more potent. He needed you.
Without entirely meaning to, he gripped tighter around himself as he made longer and more intentional strokes. Soon the soap in his other hand must’ve slipped from his grasp, and he leaned forward to catch himself before the sudden pleasure of his touching became too much to bear.
He flinched slightly as his forehead pressed against the cool wet tile of the shower wall, one hand outstretched above his head, the other now tugging harder and faster on his cock. 
When he became more aware of his body and its movements, he slowed his pace, opting to thumb at his tip in gentle circles as he took a deep breath. He felt the water hitting his back, heard the heavy pitter patter of droplets hitting the tile below and pooling around his feet ever so slightly. Funny how one could feel so alive, so human, in such a simple way. 
And yet, he could hardly bear to allow himself that simple, human pleasure of intimate touch. How could he do such a thing when he’d left you alone for six months? The shower could cleanse his body, but not his mind. 
Still, he allowed his fingers to trace gently along the semi-hard surface of his shaft, as once your fingers had done the same. “I love you, Tarzan,” your voice echoed in a distant memory. He nudged his forehead in small circles against the tile, as if it could ever feel like your warm, soft body, curled up against his as he held you like he always used to. Why did he ever stop? 
Always trying to find something. Always trying to save someone. Always the hero.
The longer the water ran, the more he returned to the reality of his situation, and the more he realized just how exhausted he really was.
He crept out of the bathroom slowly, careful to hold the lantern close to him so as not to wake you with its light. His sore legs seemed to carry him to the bed—his side of the bed, the one that you’d left deserted for six months, as if you knew all along this night would come, that someday he’d come back to you.
What on Earth was he thinking? He could’ve slept on the couch, he could’ve slept on the front porch, for crying out loud, but would it be so bad if he slept here, where he belonged? Weren’t you still his, anyway? Please, still be mine.
If you were awake, he’d beg you, but you weren’t awake, and he’d spent too long having one-sided conversations. He just needed sleep, or you, whichever one he could have. If it was only sleep, he would take that gladly.
Though it was tempting, he had to admit. Tempting to wake you up. Tempting to gently rub your shoulder until your eyes shot open as they always did, an old habit from living on the road. Tempting to engulf you like quicksand until your body melded with his, for the first time in so long. Tempting to rid you of that silky button-up nightshirt he immediately recognized on your body. It looked a little suffocating, a little too modest for his taste. The night was warm, stolid and heavy. Even that sheet seemed too hot, or maybe he just wanted to see your body, that pliant, supple flesh he had once held sensual dominion over. 
In your sleep, you’d finally settled into a fetal position, curled up on your side, back facing him. As he set down the lantern on the bedside table, you stirred slightly, a small, breathy whimper escaping your lips unconsciously. 
From the indirect light of the lantern, he could finally make out your features—a stinging pain rose up in his abdomen, as he’d almost forgotten how sweet you looked in your sleep. It was something out of a Renaissance painting or a pre-Raphaelite’s hazy daydream. Though he could only see your side profile from his vantage point, your lips parted so delicately as your head moved in adjustment against the softness of your pillow.
He was just about to settle into his side of the bed when he noticed a dark piece of fabric tangled between your arms as you held it close to your chest. Squinting, he lifted his knees to the bed and leaned over you to get a better look, and of course he knew what it was. It was his, after all.
Aw, sunshine, he thought, watching your fingers curl and indent the fabric of his old black t-shirt he used to sleep in on cold winter nights. He could even make out some of the holes, in the same old spots. 
Overwhelmed with love, he let himself lay down as close to you as he could without waking you, he’d hoped. His arm’s old muscle memory immediately kicked in as it draped itself gently over your side, a movement he was quick to take back when he felt your body flinch and heard your breath hitch in unison.
Sleep hadn’t quite lost its hold over you as you mumbled out something incoherent. You’d felt his empty presence before, especially when his name echoed in the atmosphere of your dreams on a nightly basis. By morning, you wouldn’t remember them, only blurry glimpses and long lost sensations. 
In your mind, you always knew that slight weight around your waist was nothing but a phantom limb, but in your heart, you’d always bring yourself to look over your shoulder at his side, where he never was. Until tonight.
When you lifted your gaze ever so slightly, you swore you saw a faint glimmer of familiar blue eyes nestled between dark strands of freshly rinsed hair, though it couldn’t be, you thought.
Still, in your transitory state between consciousness and sleep, you mumbled his name under your breath, almost unintelligibly: “Daryl…”
Though he looked much clearer than he usually did in your dreams, you were quick to dismiss the dimly lit, shadowy figure beside you as nothing more than a lovesick illusion, so you turned and buried your face in the shirt you’d been clinging to every night since Daryl left, not knowing that he was right there, only wanting to hear your voice again.
“Hey, Jane,” he said softly, then reached his hand out to touch your shoulder as you flinched yourself awake.
“Oh... my god,” you said groggily. “Daryl?”
His body didn’t give yours the chance to turn to face him. Instead, he aligned his chest snugly to your back, and tucked his arms tight around your sides until you were fully stuck in his grasp. 
Rendered silent, you shook your head in disbelief as you felt his lips hungrily latch onto your exposed neck, while his hands slid along your side in a desperate attempt to remove the sheet draping your body.
He wasn’t entirely sure what had come over him, whether it was the sound of your voice or the feeling of the warmth radiating from your body, but all he knew was that he had no immediate desire to explain himself, or to excuse his actions, if they could ever even be excused, all he could say, repeated in breathless sweeps of his nearly tear-soaked voice, was: “I’m sorry.”
Between each apology, his lips found a new part of your skin to soak with saliva from his frantic open-mouthed kiss. 
The more you felt his lips tremble against your heated skin, the more your heartbeat thundered in your chest, and the more you couldn’t care less if he was sorry or not—six months without him, without love, made you ravenous for touch, and his touch alone. 
When your shock and relief at his presence subsided, you reached back to squeeze his hand as it grasped firmly onto the fabric of your nightshirt, nearly tearing it in his reckless desperation.
You had barely even seen his face, but you felt his body and his presence with you in the darkness of your room, so it was enough to know he was there, that he loved you enough to come back home to you. Whatever anger and confusion you had was still there, but what consumed you was the very essence of him, the only thing you’d wanted for the past six months.
“Mm, Tarzan,” you hummed sleepily, bringing his hand to your chest to cup your breast. 
You felt his chest heave against your back, and the scent of your shampoo in his hair made you smile as you bit your lip, trying to hold back the happy tears and save them for later. 
His hand squeezed your breast gently, but just enough to elicit a deep sigh from your lips. The erection growing in his underwear was becoming unavoidable, and that hardness pressed up against your bottom made you shiver in need. Your body squirmed and writhed so much he hissed between his teeth, burying his head in the crook of your neck, where his tongue traced circles under your ear. 
Heat spread all through your body, until you were uncomfortable under the thin fabric of the sheet. With a huff, you kicked it off you, and Daryl’s hand didn’t waste a second to reach over your waist and palm at your clothed mound. You’d forgotten how strong he was—the pressure of his heavy hand pulled you even closer to him, and sent a small shockwave through your touch-starved body.
Both of you felt so delicate, like thin sheets of glass ready to shatter at the slightest touch. When his hand fondled you there again, you let out a sharp gasp as you reached down to hold your hand over his. “Yes…” you sighed. “Touch me… Don’t stop.”
He put more pressure on his palm as his fingers circled above your underwear, right over that sensitive little bundle of nerves he used to be so good at stimulating. His fingers were still just as good as they had once been—maybe even better from months of using them so much more than he had before. They were nimble and precise, yet somehow still heavy and bulky in shape. You’d never known such perfect fingers before, or such hands that could caress your body with the utmost love and respect. 
Even in his desperation to touch you, to make love to you, he always held you like he could wait an eternity for you if he needed to—there was never any rush to his love, it was always slow and sweet, tender and soft. If you stopped him now, told him to get out of your house and to never see you again, there was no doubt in his mind that he’d respect your displeasure with him and his absence, but you didn’t pull away. Maybe a part of you wanted to, wanted to torture him and put him through the same pain you went through when he left, but something told you that he had gone through that same pain, too, that he never wanted to leave you, but he felt he had to. 
You always knew he loved you, and here he was—proving it.
As his mouth sucked on the skin of your neck, you maneuvered his hand until his fingers slipped underneath the fabric and tickled your outer lips. His hand stilled for a moment, allowing you to use it to your liking. You used it to spread your lips, and encouraged his fingers to enter you slowly, all while you writhed purposefully against his palm, hitting your sensitive spot.
He groaned lowly in your ear as the feeling returned to his fingers, and he didn’t hesitate to dig deeper, two fingers curling up inside you until you whimpered in satisfaction. “Oh, God… Daryl.”
The weight of your leg being placed atop his as you tried to spread yourself out more caught him off guard, and his fingers dug deeper, sending you writhing and whimpering from the pressure. He felt your tightness squeezing all around his thick fingers, soaking them as you became more aroused.
“Don’t remember you bein’ this tight, sunshine,” he whispered into your ear between kisses. “You’re gonna feel so good around my cock.”
“Mm, put it in me,” you said, voice strained as your core rutted against his hand to increase the pressure. You bent the knee of your outstretched leg and grounded your foot on the bed, stretching your entrance as much as you could. “It’s been so long.”
He grunted in agreement as he pulled out his fingers to raise them to your clit once more, circling it in slow, rhythmic motions. 
“I ain’t never stopped thinkin’ of you,” he said. “I missed you… God, I missed you, woman.”
You smiled and reached down to tug off your panties, while he moved to yank himself free from his own underwear. 
Quickly you found yourself reaching back to grasp his hard shaft, pulling it to your folds where you pressed his tip to your clit. His chin pressed firmly to your shoulder, he watched you stroke his cock against your slit, which you dragged back and forth along his now aching shaft.
“Fuck,” he mumbled against your neck. “I ain’t gonna last long.”
“Me neither.”
His hips jutted forward and backward, gently rocking himself against you. Each movement hit your clit and forced a heavenly sigh from your lips. Daryl had tried with all the mental fortitude he had to recreate that sound in his head, but your voice was like honey, coated in sugar crystals and dripping from your succulent lips. He hadn’t known sweetness like you and your body for so long, and he knew with every surge of tingles that ran through him that he couldn’t keep himself from his release for too long. 
You gasped when his cock entered you slowly, breaching your entrance and burying itself in your tightness. Now you could feel just how incredibly close you were to bliss—only a handful more minutes of touching and penetrating would relieve you of your need.
“Oh, God!” you cried out in a gasp. “I—I… Oh…”
You felt his cock remain still inside of you as he caught his breath, trying to pace himself. His hand massaged your breast with tender, circular movements, comforting you. 
You bit your lip and shut your eyes tight as you writhed gently to feel more of the pressure of his tip on that tingly spot inside you.
“You all right?” he asked. “Does it hurt?”
“I’m fine… I think I just… forgot how big you are.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked with a smile, slightly more cocky than his usual one-sided smirk. He slowly pushed himself deeper, his cock curving more and more inside of you. The warm, confining walls of your body clenched around him on their own accord as they adjusted to his sizable thickness. Your body had been so used to it before, but now it was almost foreign, like your first time all over again.
“So… tight,” he grumbled against your shoulder. Letting go of your breast, he snaked his hand down to your clit, moving his fingers with increasingly fast pace. “Want you to come on me… Want ya to get this cock all soakin’ wet… like a good girl.”
You giggled under your breath. After all this time, you’d still never get used to Daryl’s dirty talk, but you loved it��the way his gruff, scratchy southern drawl made those sinful words sound so sweet and nearly angelic, yet with a deep, growling animalism in the pit of his stomach.
“Mm, don’t stop,” you sighed. “I’ll… come for you.”
“You better.”
His hand applied more pressure to your outside as his cock buried deeper inside you, going all the way until his hilt hit your bottom. You stretched your leg further behind him, allowing more room for the girth of his cock, though still you were so constrained around him, a feeling that had him gasping for air between heavy, breathless breaths.
“Fuck,” he muttered. “You feel so good.”
He moved as rhythmically as he could as he lay on his side, with your leg wrapped behind him and your bottom on his lower abdomen, causing him to strain. His feet anchored him, allowing his hips to thrust in steady, consistent movements. There was just enough pressure on you, just enough to get those shockwaves of bliss pumping through you as he got you closer to letting go.
The more he penetrated you, the more your body soaked him in arousal, allowing more comfort for your orgasm to soon take over. As his hand applied more pressure, you grinded yourself against his palm in a desperate attempt to get more of that sweet tingly feeling.
“Easy, girl,” he whispered in your ear. “It’s all right… I got ya… Your man’s got you. I’m home.”
“Daryl…” you whimpered shakily. “Oh, Daryl… Don’t you… ever leave me again.”
“I won’t. I got you, sunshine. Let me make you feel good, just like I used to.”
Even he was starting to crumble the closer you got to relief, and as he pleasured you, inside and out, you shut your eyes tight and felt the incoming surge of pleasure about to send shockwaves through you. Still, you weren’t quite there, and the agony of wanting that sweet feeling to send your body into unrestrained convulsions was so potent that you couldn’t stand it anymore. Your sensitive, supple body couldn’t stand it anymore.
Tears began to roll down your cheek, seeping out from between the tightly closed lids of your eyes and falling into the corners of your lips until the taste of salt melted onto your tongue.
“Oh, fuck!” you cried out, tears breaking your voice. “I need…”
“What do ya need?”
“I need to… to come.”
“You will.”
His hand gripped your mound hard and hit harder at your clit, sending you into a whimpering state of frantic writhing and panting. “Please…” 
“I’m here… I got ya.”
The glass shattered when you least expected it, but it was so mind-numbingly good that you flung your head back onto his shoulder, while your body writhed and rocked back and forth in pleasure as each wave of bliss surged through you. “Yes!” you cried out. “Oh, yes… Oh, God…”
He held still inside of you as your walls clenched and squeezed around his aching cock, swollen and just about ready to burst inside you. Each pulse has him groaning against your scalp, where he’d buried his face in your hair. “Shit,” he groaned. “You’re gonna make me come, too.”
As your high subsided, you unfurled your leg and rolled more completely onto your side, careful not to let his cock go. He clung to you, his arms around your abdomen as he refused to release you from his grasp. He meant it when he said he wouldn’t leave again—he knew that from the moment he decided to come back home. 
Without a word, he thrusted deep inside of you, moving at a more desperate pace. He kept his arms hugging around you, with his hand placed firmly on your stomach, where he felt his body meeting yours.
“I love you,” he panted in your ear. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, Daryl… Come inside me.”
He groaned just at the thought—the thought of filling you in the most sensual, intimate way possible, and watching it all trickle out, the proof of his love for you.
One more deep thrust and he felt the final pulse trail down his shaft, into the tip, and out into you, his moans and “ah’s” of relief sinking into your shoulder as his teeth dug a small imprint. 
Your sigh of pleasure broke out into a breathy, delirious laugh, the feeling of his spend tickling you from the inside and heating you up with its warmth. He held you close by your waist as his hips kept thrusting, eager to drain every last drop inside of you. 
He must’ve had so much built up inside of him, so much pent up need for release—his explosion never seemed to end. He was writhing against you, dragging heavy, open-mouthed kisses along the nape of your neck. 
“Mm,” you sighed, rubbing your stomach as if you’d just eaten the best meal of your life. “You still got it, Tarzan.”
He blushed and leaned forward to kiss your cheek. “Ain’t nothin’ without you, Jane.”
You turned your head till your lips met his, for the first time in so long. His tongue snaked languidly into your mouth, and yours did the same, until you pulled away, with your tongue circling over his lips.
You studied his face in the dimness of the dark room, and that sorrowful look in his eyes reminded you of your own sadness, the one that had left such a bitter taste in your mouth for so long. Daryl might’ve filled you up with sweetness again, but you wouldn’t forget how he left you.
“You jerk,” you said, much to his surprise. “You left me… I thought you’d never come back.”
“I—I know,” he said, tangling his hand in your hair. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…” He trailed off, not sure what else to say. He never had a way with words, and he was hoping he’d proven it with his actions. “Shoulda never left. Shoulda stayed right here, with you.”
You shook your head and turned your body towards his, finally seeing him in full. It reminded you of long nights laying in bed together, talking endlessly until the sun came up, or until one of you fell asleep, usually you. Only now, instead of talking about the future, you spoke of the past, of the moment Daryl broke your heart, and his own, too.
You soon found your cheeks were soaked in tears, and his hand quickly moved to catch them. You’d cried so many times since he left, always wondering where he was, if he’d found Rick, if he was even alive. You yearned for his touch, for his thumb to brush away the tears and for his lips to kiss them away until there were no more tears left to cry. 
Now, he was finally here, you just weren’t sure how to deal with it. 
“I know… I know that you love me,” you said. “I know that. I just wish… I wish I would’ve wrapped myself around your ankle and made you stay.” You laughed through your tears, and he smiled, too, just a little, at the thought. “I think I loved you too much to do that… You weren’t happy. You did what you needed to do. I understand that. I mean, I didn’t like it, but I understood it.”
He shook his head. “Nah, don’t make excuses for me. You should be mad… Shoulda kicked me outta this bed.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, still tearful, but clouded now by happy tears, not sad ones. “I don’t think I could ever kick you out of bed… But I’ll tell you one thing.” You wrapped your wrists loosely around his neck, pulling him closer until his forehead touched yours. “Next time you leave like that, you might not have a warm bed, or a woman, waiting for you when you come back.”
He nodded seriously, his damp bangs tickling your nose as they fell into place. “Yes, ma’am. Don’t gotta worry about that, though. Told you, I ain’t ever leavin’ again.”
You sniffled and wiped your nose, giggling at your own emotional state. “Good. Sometimes, I felt like going out there, try to find you. Almost did once or twice. Michonne stopped me. But you know, I knew I wouldn’t be able to find you anyway.”
He sighed, the cruel sting of guilt stabbing him in the side. His chin lifted to rest on your head, as his hand moved to stroke your back, replacing your nightshirt to cover your bottom half. “You don’t belong out there,” he said. “Neither do I. I know that now. Just… had to try.”
“I know. Hero complex. I think that’s just one reason why I love you so much.”
You leaned up to kiss his forehead, nestling your nose in his scalp, where you got another good whiff of your shampoo. “Did you take a shower just for me?” you asked, slightly blushing at the idea. Of course, you knew he probably would’ve taken one anyway, but a part of you hoped that maybe, just maybe, he did it for you, knowing how much you loved him when he was clean.
He shrugged, his lips curling into a small, wry smirk. “Well, uh… Maybe. Knew you wouldn’t want me dirtying up the place.” He looked around the room, the light of the lantern behind him casting a shadow of your curved figure on the wall. Not much had changed at all since he left, other than a few of the trinkets he had brought back for you being on full display on your shared dresser. Absence really did make the heart grow even fonder, though you were always certain you couldn’t love Daryl anymore than you already did. 
It reminded him of the shirt he had seen you clinging to as you slept, and how he, too, kept one of your shirts for just the same purpose. “You sleep with my shirt every night?” he asked with a slightly mischievous raised eyebrow.
You huffed. He knew the answer to that question, you could tell. “Don’t make fun,” you said. “I missed you. You’re important to me, and… sometimes, that shirt felt like all I had left of you.”
He swallowed back the lump in his throat that formed at your words, and he knew if you said anything like that again, his heart would break into a million pieces. Not only because he had put you through this, but because he knew the feeling, too. He knew the fear that he would never see you again, the uncertainty of it all. 
“I, uh… I got your shirt, too.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion. “Huh?”
“Well, uh…” He cleared his throat. The slight embarrassment of his sentimentality made him flustered. “Ya know, I… mighta taken that white shirt with me.” Another pang of guilt knocked the wind out of him. He had taken one of your favorite shirts, for his own benefit, what kind of man was he? “I’m sorry. I shoulda asked, or—”
You laughed and squeezed him tight, nestling your head in his shoulder to kiss the junction of his neck. “That’s so sweet,” you said, choking up once again. “Sweetheart, do you have any idea how crazy I was, tearing this place apart looking for my blouse? I thought it just… grew legs and walked out of here, never to be seen again.”
“Well, I kept it in perfect condition,” he said. “Good as new. No stains, no rips, nothin’. Like it never left.”
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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m-joys · 2 years
Donnie x Anxious Mutant S/O
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@bevkin :hi!! I just found your blog and I really like your writing with your hc!
I want to send in a request so I hope this is ok,, Can I request for a scenario with Donnie and a mutant s/o (gender neutral is ok) who's very quiet because they don't want to scare others, maybe they also have a scratching habit from the neck due to anxiety, they could be based on a reptile of some sort, I haven't seen alot of people with a mutant reader so I hope this is ok!
A/n: Did I stray away a bit?Yeah. Is it absolutely awfull? Not quite I would say.
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Its been almost four years since you've met the turtles and even longer since you've last been in contact with other humans. Sudden mutation which disabled your abillity to live a normal life has taken a big toll on your somewhat already strained mental health. Along with trouble getting used to the new form of living, the building insecurities about your brand new look werent helping much.
Some of the weight has been lifted off of your shoulders since bonding with the turtles, majority of it being since you've gotten close to the purple nerd in a romantic way. Even while you have still been just friends, you've felt the most comfortable around him as he's shown you that you can lean on him whilst he respects your personal space and boundaries. He made sure that he and others listened and respected what you had to say even while your voice was the quitest in the room. Even when you didnt voice it, he still asked for and appreaciated your input on whatever the topic may be. What more, listening to you telling him your opinion on his hand crafted trinkets or future plans has been especially dear and enjoyable to him.
As a mutant himself, hes obviously very aware on how you may feel about your appearance and tries hardly to show you that it doesnt matter what people think as long as youre still your good-intentioed self. It goes in hand that hes noticed your scratching habbit and, while it does pain him to see your unhealthy coping mechanism, he tries to gently, almost secretly, approach it and help you without overwhelming you.
You have been sitting quietly on the pillow overflowed bed in his room thats convenietly connected to the lab. The two have been separated by just a heavy steel door that even Donatello himself sometimes has a hard time pushing. Its been two years of your blossoming relationship with the purple clad and it only came as natural to start sharing the same space and move into the same room.
While yes, you have gotten better over time generally, but the anxiety that followed you before your mutation was still present. Managing it has been for a great portion under control along with not letting it get to you too much, yet one thing you seem to not be able to get rid of is the constant scratching your neck had to endure out of habit. Already having tried things like fidgets, cutting your nails, taking deep breaths of which none had worked, you've quietly gave up on stopping it much to your lovers dismay.
This week, tho at first glance avarage, had many small slip-ups that have greatly builded up in a large, seemingly burning, pile of cripling nervousnes that takes control over you especially when you're alone with your own thoughts. Sitting in a uncomfortable positin with your knees thightly against your chest with your arms hugging them, cold sweat seemed to constantly drip down your forhead and under your oversized found clothing. Eyes pacing in all directions folowing your brain, your hand secretly found its way to your bruised and damaged neck. Anxiety blurring your thoughts enough as to pay no mind to your harmfull doing.
It wasnt your first time something like this happened, and you were certain it wasnt the last. Anxiety attacks have slowly exited your life over time as you've worked on your health, but now seemed that youre on the werge of choking on seemingly thick air which would allow heavy sobs to escape behind your eyes. Your state has made the world irrelevant and the only thing you could focus on are the blury sheets infront of you.
Not having noticed your partner entering the room, you jumped and almost winced at his sudden touch of pulling your hand away and pressing it on his lips. "Im here" he reassured as he sat himself behind you enough to lean you on his plastron whilst still holding your hand. Even tho your state has easen at the thought of him being there for you, your hand gripped and burried its nails into his as if its beinf restricted. He didnt mind if it meant you'll calm down.
Slowly turning you around so he could connect with you better, you instictively burried your face in his neck as to inhale his ever calming scent. Patting your back he moved your head so you could listen to his much slower heart beat as to help calm you down. You've been together for a while and there wasnt any issues, but sometimes he does whish you would be more vocal about what you needed and when you needed help but theres plenty of time to work on that as long as your willing.
"Its going to be okay, I"ll make sure its okay"
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
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↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
SUMMARY: reader and blaise are partners in potions class and he lets something slip about a certain friend of his.
WARNINGS: none i think!
A/N: this is my entry for @simpology 's writing challenge with the prompt "Oh, and he's wretchedly in love with you"... hope this is good :)) the plot is kind of confusing but just go along with it
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"Do you have the instructions?" asked a nonchalant Blaise Zabini as he settled next to you, letting his bag fall down next to his chair.
"Of course, yes. We'll need-"
"I know, i've already picked everything." he said hurriedly as he placed several bottles and containers on the table, surrounding the boiling cauldron at the center of it.
"Oh! Ok... we can start then, we'll have to add-" you interrupted your reading as you noticed Blaise already pouring a non-specified quantity of some green liquid into the cauldron.
You eyed him curiously as he continued the potion-making on his own.
"Why did you ask me about the instructions if-" he raised his index finger in front of your face, successfully shutting you up and irritating you at the same time.
He poured another range of ingredients in the cauldron and began mixing, finally raising his eyes at you.
"Now we can talk about important things." he stated, not stopping his movements.
"You just interrupted me twice in the span of 5 minutes, what could be possibly more important than the potion that Snape is going to grade today?" you asked with annoyance audible in your voice as you crossed your arms in front of you.
"Don't worry about the potion, it's going splendid. We have far more important matters to discuss." his calm voice was doing nothing to soothe you, instead doing just the opposite.
"And what is that?"
"You." he announced, remaining as stoic as a statue.
Your eyes widened at the mere syllable that had just left his mouth.
"Me? And what about me?"
"Not exactly you, more like your current situation." his eyes bored into yours with such coolness you wondered whether you were the daft one there.
"My situation? And what-"
"Your sentimental situation." he cut you off. Again.
"It's the third time you do that."
"And you keep on posing questions but i'm the one that should be asking and we don't have a lot of time. Do you know Draco Malfoy?"
"What does that even mean?!" he raised an eyebrow at you, unimpressed, and you simply scoffed. "I'm not interested in whatever game you are playing right now, Zabini."
"Just answer my questions, y/l/n, i swear there is a point." he continued stirring the concoction, eventually dropping new ingredients. You sighed but decided to play his game.
"Yes, yes i know him."
"How would you describe him?"
"Zabini, i swear, this isn't making any sense, can you-"
"What did i say about asking questions?" he scolded you. You rolled your eyes and narrowed them at the boy in front of you.
"Fine. He's blond, tall-"
"Not physically, you idiot." he scoffed and you smiled to yourself, which made him eventually soften his gaze.
"He's a slytherin and..." you didn't know what to say. You obviously knew about his past actions, he wasn't exactly well-seen at hogwarts.
"And?" he asked expectantly.
"And i don't know, he's not the nicest person around, i think."
"Interesting." he muttered, almost to himself as he got lost in his own thoughts. "What do you think about me then?"
"You? You are like him, aren't you?" you asked, smirking as you did so.
"I don't know, i'm asking you." he said, returning the smile with playful eyes. You scoffed and returned to your potions book but Blaise snatched it our of your hands. "We were talking, weren't we?"
"We were supposed to brew a potion, weren't we?" you asked, mimicking his previous sentence while taking back your book.
"I got that under control." he added other ingredients and at this point you were wondering whether he knew what he was doing or whether he was improvising just to talk to you. "So, me and Draco are the same, correct?"
"Actually," you said while trying to find the passage in your book, "i hope he has half the patience i have or he should have hexed you ages ago."
You skimmed through the pages but you couldn't find the right ones. Blaise grasped it again and hid it behind his back, earning the most choleric stare you could muster.
"Or maybe i don't. I'd love to see him hex you. Know what? I might do it myself."
"Now that's a wonderful idea." your eyes widened again and, furrowing your eyebrows, you just stared at the boy i front of you, wondering what had happened to him. "But i had something else in mind. Why don't you go take your book back, we might need it."
You switched your gaze from his own eyes to his hands and noticed that he had no longer the book, instead his wand, pointed towards one of the other tables of the class. A table you noticed had two copies of the same book on it, meaning one had to be yours.
"What game are you playing, Zabini? Do you even know what you're doing there?" you asked, pointing to the concoction.
"I don't, so you better get your book back if you want to fix this." he said and you could feel anger boiling in your chest at the smugness of the slytherin.
You marched towards the table, exasperated.
"Oh, and y/n?" you turned around while walking, eyes still flaming with annoyance, "he's wretchedly in love with you."
You couldn't process the new cryptical information as you bumped into someone. You immediately returned your eyes to the front of you, finding a tall blond there, holding your book in between your bodies.
"Is this yours?" he lifted slightly the book but you were speechless. What had Blaise just said? "Cat got your tongue? I'm asking if this is yours..."
Your eyes darted from his to the book several times before settling on the latter.
"Yes! Yes, it is." you finally spoke and heard chuckling coming from behind you. Blaise.
Draco handed you the book and you took it slowly, still unsure of what your next move should have been.
"Wait!" you said, a little louder than you intended to but enough to catch his attention as he was returning to his own workplace. "Do you- uhm..."
He stared at you, waiting for you to finish your sentence but it was not as easy as it sounded.
"Do you want to switch partners?" you managed to let out, visibly confusing him.
"You want to be with Nott?"
"With you actually... Blaise said-"
"Blaise said what?" he suddenly got more serious, his irises darkening as if you had just created a storm.
"He said-"
"I said you are the best at potions and she needs help. Desperately." Blaise came up from behind you, laying his hands on your shoulder, still stiff from the embarrassment but it immediately vanished as you heard the voice, leaving its place to irritation.
"I do not need help and most certainly not desperately." you stated indignantly and the blond in front of you let out a small chuckle, earning himself an angry look from you too.
"I'll leave you to it then." he said smirking and you quickly grabbed his arm to prevent him from leaving you with Blaise.
"Please no, i can't bear another minute with him." you pleaded, which made the blond suppress a chuckle and his friend roll his eyes, clearly annoyed.
You stared at him for a moment longer as he did the same, almost as if time had frozen.
"Well... i'll leave you two to it" Blaise began to make his way to Draco's previous working table, "maybe you'll finally be able to tell her about your crush on her, huh?"
Draco's head whipped towards Blaise as fast as lightning, a panicked look ruling over his features. His best friend kept going, leaving the two of you alone, speechless.
You stared at him and he stared at you.
"I like you too-"
"He was kidding-"
"Oh." you both said in unison.
He stared at you and you stared at him. No more words were exchanged, just looks.
"You like me?" he asked tentatively.
"He was kidding?" you retorted, slightly hurt and embarrassed now.
"That depends."
"On what? On how ridiculous i must look right now?" you continued, the embarrassment turning quickly into annoyance.
"On whether you really like me or not." you were still unconvinced, his face unreadable as you tried to look for an ounce of sincerity in his silvery eyes, "Because i do like you, y/l/n."
Your brows still furrowed, you stared at him inquisitively.
"Were you the one kidding?" he asked now, suddenly self-conscious, letting out a single dry nervous chuckle.
You scrutinized him a little longer, noticing his confidence wavering and his patience thinning from the way he was looking at you.
"I wasn't." you finally stated, smirking at the blond boy in front of you.
He furrowed his brows too, the corners of his mouth hinting at a slight smile. But the sharp hit on both of your heads delivered by professor Snape made you both hurry back to your table.
"Get back to work."
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voxmortuus · 3 years
Tonight, I Make You Mine
PAIRING: Creature!Ateez Park Seonghwa x F!Reader
WORDS: 3.4k
SUMMARY/PROMPT: It marks one year of a relationship with Seonghwa and he has a plan, a romantic plan, he wants to make you his in more than one way, he wants to show you what he is, he wants you to want him for all he was and he couldn't hide what he is to you anymore, and the way he shows you what he is, is a moment you will never forget in your life. In the end, you vow to spend the rest of your life with him.
NOTE: This is my first time writing anything like this. Please be kind to me, and I will absolutely take constructive criticism. I'm sorry if this is horrible! Also, there are links to some things such as outfits and the scent of the women's cologne and one other special surprise at the end.
TW: Tentai content including bondage | tentacle sucking | tentacle breast play | tentacle clit play | tentacle anal play | tentacle suction play | penetration with tentacles | Body fluids | Unprotected penetration | Internal Ejaculation | Short Male Receiving Oral | Oral Ejaculation | Male Masturbation | Mild Language | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this...
IMAGE CREDIT: Google I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF THESE IMAGES. If these are yours or you know who the creator(s) is please INBOX me and let me know. Thank you.
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You never thought it would happen, falling for Seonghwa like this, but honestly, it was easy. He cherished every moment with you, he loved you to the moon and back, and at times you questioned if he just settled. You never wanted to keep him from what would make him happy. He did well for himself. He knew what he wanted in his life, and here you were questioning Seonghwa. With a loaded breath, you sat there looking at your phone when you see the date. Today was the day, a special day he told you to get ready for. Licking your lips, you push yourself off the couch and walk to your room.
You opt for a cute dark blue daisy printed summer dress, and you put your hair up with loose curls. You decide to go with soft makeup and his favorite, Jo Malone, Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne/Perfume. A coastal aroma that will transport the wearer to the shore, with sea salt that's infused with wood sage and a bit of citrus to create a unique fragrance that you can’t quite put your finger on at times. The opening is oceanic with sea salt but is given a typical aquatic partner with the grapefruit. It is so fresh and abyssal but dries down with a bit of sweetness and light woody undertones. Let's not forget the sage, which is a part of the opening but comes into its own later. He loved that scent on you, one of his favorites, and you make sure you keep stocked on it. It was one of the many things that attracted him to you.
Looking at your phone, you let out a small breath, and you begin pacing your shoes echoed in your home against your wood floors. You were anticipating him being here, and you were nervous. Today marked one year you had been with him, and tonight was a special night. Tonight was a night that you had been waiting for. A night he had been preparing you for, for what felt like a long time. He had it all planned, and you were anxious. It was almost like you were on edge. You had no clue how to respond to most things, and this was something you didn't expect at all. You were used to life throwing you curve balls, and today was going to be no different.
You look at the time and make your way outside; you just couldn't wait any longer. You had been pacing your living room for hours. When you got out there, you got there just in time to see Seonghwa pull up, so it was good timing. Making your way down the steps, you stand there as he gets out of the car. Looking over him, you bite your lip, your hand fidgets with your dress, he wore a black suit, and he looked so handsome, so perfect. You smile as he greets you with a kiss on your cheek. Smiling sweetly, again, you kiss him back and watch as he extends his hand to open the car door.
"Thank you Seonghwa." He smirks, nodding his head, and makes his way around to get in on his side.
Your nerves are getting the better of you. Seonghwa reaches over and places his hand on your thigh; looking over, you smile at him. You couldn't take the quiet anymore. You bite your lip and look over his profile and smile, god he was handsome, and there was just something about him you can't quite put your finger on.
"Seonghwa, where are we going?" You inquire.
"It's a surprise, Love." He smirks, and you bite your lip.
"But I don't do well with surprises." You give him a hopeful look that maybe he'll tell you.
He only chuckles, shaking his head, "No love, I'm sorry."
You give a tiny pout and fidget with your skirt while his hand grips your thigh a little tighter, almost telling you to not fidget. Your hands stop fidgeting, and he lets out a small chuckle; you look over at him and tilt your head and watch him a moment. He gives a side smirk and takes a turn. You weren't paying attention to really anything around you, so when he pulled into the parking lot, you looked around, and it was empty. Looking at the building, you smiled and got excited!
"The aquarium!? I've been wanting to go for so long! I'm so excited!"
"Well, I've been paying attention, and I just felt like this was the right place, that and I've got it so it's all ours for the night."
"Seonghwa! This is so... this is... perfect." You lean over and plant a kiss on his lips.
With a chuckle, he leaned into the kiss, and you both got out of the car. Locking it behind him, he places his keys in his pocket and takes your hand. Your heart sputters a bit like it always does. Walking beside him, it was like he towered over you. Walking to the entrance, he smiled and grabbed his keys from his pocket- he held the key in his hand a moment before finding the key to the door and unlocking it. You look at him in awe; you two really were the only ones here.
Walking in, he locks the door behind him after letting you in. Looking at you, he smirks. "Where do we go first?"
"Oh, Seonghwa, I have no idea. I want to see everything."
"Ok," He chuckles, "How about you follow me." He takes your hand and leads you down one of the dark hallways.
Looking around, you enter a tunnel of water, looking above at the blue above, you smile. It was so pretty, so calming. Your hand touches the glass as you step to it, seeing a school of fish in the distance and a shark above. Your heart pounds. You look at him and grin wide. You were like a child in a candy store, and you couldn't wait to see more.
As you two walk deeper into the building, you're in awe by what you see, the colors, the vibrance of it all. Seonghwa chuckles, letting go of your hand, watching you. He slips his hands into his pants pockets and tilts his head, watching you. His heart flutters watching you, the enjoyment he got from this was something he thought he would never find. Seonghwa was always the kind to seclude himself, isolate, and turn a blind eye to the things around him, and here you were, opening his eyes to everything around him. Because of you, he has come out of his shell, and if it wasn't for you, he would never want to explore. Because of you, he explores more. But tonight was special.
Getting to the middle of the building, he looks around and smiles at you. You turn around and notice a blanket in the middle under the dome of water. He smiles and looks at you.
"Y/N, there is something I want to ask you, something I want, and need. Something I want to show you."
You nod your head looking over his face. A little nervous you let out a soft breath.
"I've found who I am with you, I've found myself with you, Y/N. If it wasn't for you, I'd likely be in my house dwelling the day. I want to spend my life with you, Y/N. I want to love you and be with you every day. If you'd have me of course." He looks over your face.
Tilting your head, you step to him and place your hand on his chest and look over his face and give a smile and you look deep into his eyes. "Of course I will, Seonghwa."
"You may second guess, I'm not like other people, Y/N." He tells you.
"So? You understand me and I understand you."
"I don't think you understand. I'm different."
"Show me." You tell him looking deep into his eyes.
He looks you deep in the eyes and licks his lip. He wraps his left arm around you tightly. He lets out a soft breath and you feel this warm, wet, sticky thing wrap around your leg, you go to look down, but with his right hand, he takes your chin and keeps your eyes on him. The way it moves around your leg, feeling it inch, crawl, the suction you look over his face, and your eyes grow wide as it wraps around your thigh, inching its way up, stopping just before it gets to your sex. You let out a soft breath, feeling one on the other leg, but he keeps his hand on your chin, and you look deep into his eyes.
"I told you, I'm not like others..."
"What are you? What is this, that? What is on me?"
"Do you trust me, Y/N?"
"Yes, more than anything Seonghwa, but tell me what is this?"
"This is me... this is what I am. Do you want more?"
Without even questioning, you nod your head and look over his face. "I love you, nothing can change that Seonghwa." you whisper.
He looks over your face and kisses you deeply as the tentacles wrap around your leg tighter and slide up your leg a little further, one begins to play with your clit while the other runs itself along your lower lips. Biting your lower lip you let out a shaky breath and rest your head against his chin. "Tonight, I make you mine." He whispered tilting your head up and kisses you deeply. You return the kiss, deepening it, gripping at his coat lapels, and moan against his lips as the suction of one of the tentacle cups your clit and works at it almost as if it is sucking on your clit, the other tentacle gets excited about your wetness and starts to toy with the entrance of your sex.
You feel another tentacle making its way between your legs. Your lips against his your hands gripping his jacket, his arm wrapped around your waist and another around your throat holding you close you now have 4 tentacles between your legs, one toying with your clit, two massaging either side of your sex, and one playing with the wet entrance. Your hips move slightly. "Please... make me yours." you whisper against his lips.
A tentacle comes up slithering up your spine up the back of your dress and he looks over your face, and strips you of your dress, laying it on the floor next to you, the blanket beneath you both, surrounded by pillows, he looks over you, licking his lips he steps back a bit, watching as the tentacle wraps around you a couple times with another to make you sturdy, one slithers up your spine to the base of your neck, you look at him, watching them protrude from him, such beauty in such an odd way, the color, the pink, the purple, the blues and yellows, something so amazing. You watch him and look over his face. You hold out your hand, while one is wrapped around you under your breasts reaches over and slowly wraps around your arms, inching to your palm and places itself in your palm. You let out a small chuckle and look back at him, nodding your head.
The two tentacles that are wrapped around you lean you back, the two that are wrapped around your legs lift you off the ground. Your breathing picks up but you being to relax. You have 2 more tentacles reaching out to wrap around your arms while the others that are wrapped around you cup your breasts and begin to flick at your nipples, wrapping around them until they are hard and begin to play with them, while the tentacle playing with your wetness enters into you. You let out a gasp as it begins to inch into you further, you feel the way it squirms inside you, feeling the suction cups rub against you causing you to shiver and moan softly. Whimpering as the tentacle against your clit becomes more rigorous in its motions.
The two massaging the sides of your sex decide to join the one inside and they twirl together and plunge into you, moving in and out stretching you and massaging against your walls, the suction cups adding extra texture. You let out a soft moan, as he watches you, his cock hardens a little more, feeling the excitement. The hardness of himself restricts in his pants. He lets out a soft groan feeling what the tentacles are feeling which only excites him even more.
As the tentacles work your sex, penetrating as far as they felt they could go, stopping at your cervix you let out a heavy moan and ball your hands into fists. The tentacles work their ways, squirming inside you in and out the suctions gripping at your wetness as you moan louder they move faster.
"Oh Seonghwa, faster, please." You beg.
As you beg your breathing grows faster and he grows harder, he removes himself from his pants, grips his cock in his hand and begins to stroke himself. He lets out a soft moan licking his lower lip taking it into his mouth biting at it a bit. You watch him and you moan louder.
"Fuck." you whimper. The tentacles work faster pumping into you harder and faster. Your breasts being squeezed by the others and the others that are wrapped around you wraps a little harder while they spread your limbs a little further. Seonghwa steps closer to you and the tentacles lay you on the blanket and rest your head on the pillows, the tentacles work your body, playing with your senses as one wraps around your neck, he kneels in front of you and two tentacles remove themselves from your sex they wrap around your legs and the one that was left inside you removes itself and starts playing with your back hole.
Biting your lip you look over him as he strokes his cock faster, hovering in front of you as he kneels, your hips rise, almost encouraging him to enter you, he tilts his head and smiles, kneeling down he looks over you and he shoves his cock deep inside you, your hips buckle your back arches and at the same time, he plunges into you the tentacle playing at your back hole shoves itself into you at the same time, penetrating you to a whole other level. You let out a loud moan of pleasure.
With a loud moan of desire escaping his lips, his lips smash against yours while the tentacles play with your breasts, the others pulsate around your limbs, the other pumping in and out of your arse, and him pumping in and out of your sex you are in a state of euphoria, you're unable to collect your thoughts, your breathing picks up and you're close to a climax but you want all of the pleasure he can offer you.
"Good god, you feel so good, Seonghwa, your cock feels perfect, you're perfect. I'm all yours. My fuck I'm all yours!" You scream.
"All. Mine." He grunts as he feels himself close to a climax. Holding you tightly with his tentacles, he has one come up and wrap around your neck, gripping you as it pulsates and squirms almost massaging your throat as both he and his tentacle pump faster into you.
Moaning, you look over his face. "Harder... Please." you beg.
As he is happy to oblige to your request, he drives his cock and tentacle harder and deeper into you. Letting out a heavy moan you arch your back into him. Dripping with your own juices he feels them gush around his cock as he slams into you, feeling how wet you are the way you massage his cock with your walls he closes his eyes and takes a nipple into his mouth as his tentacle grips your throat tighter as they pump harder into you, your breathing and moans pick up faster, judging the volume and the speed and frequency of your moans he, himself grows closer to a climax.
"I want to feel you cum... so do they." He growls against your breast. Without questioning two tentacles enter you along with his thick hard cock. You let out a loud moan feeling yourself being stretched and you grip at the blanket. The tentacles wrapped around your arms hold your arms above your head and you let out a pleasurable scream. Without a second guess, another tentacle enters your back hole along with the other and you scream again. Your body shakes and quivers in pure pleasure. "Cum for us, Y/N!" He demands.
Without even a shadow of a doubt, your body releases all of what it could, shaking. Feeling you soak him and the tentacles, he lets out a heavy groan, gripping at your hips tightly, surely leaving bruises as he releases himself inside, you, pumping further. He didn't stop, nor did the tentacles. As they worked with him, the one around your throat started to massage a bit and he kept pumping, harder, faster, wanting another. "Again." He demands. Hovering over your lips, wanting to feel your breath, your body shook and gave another climax. He pulled himself from you and reached down watching the tentacles fuck you he stroked his soaking wet dripping cock.
The faster they moved the more they squirmed inside you the more you orgasmed, the harder he stroked. When your body started to shake you were unable to think straight, he hovered over you and the tentacle that was around your throat pulled your head up and you opened your mouth and he places his cock in your mouth as you begin to take him into your mouth. He grips your hair at the top of your head and fucks your mouth. Within a few moments he explodes in your mouth, like the good girl you are, you swallow every drop of him.
Slowly the tentacles pull from you, receding back to him, hiding, you look over his face as he kneels over you putting himself away, looking down at you. You bite your lip and you move in a way to stand in front of him, you pull his head to your stomach and hold him close.
"Seonghwa, I vow to you, right here, under the fish above, I am yours, I will have all of you, forever, for always. As long as you have me."
He looks up at you, standing, he leans over, and grabs your dress, sliding it back onto you, and smiles. "Forever, for always." He reached into the pocket of his suit coat and looks over your face and smiles, he wanted to wait. You smile taking his hand, looking around heading down another tunnel and you spot some octopi and smile wide. He stops and looks at you, getting down on one knee he looks up at you.
"Y/N, you've seen all of me, you've seen what I am, felt what I am, and didn't run, you've taken me for all I am, and now, I kneel here, before you, with one question. I vow to you, to be honest, to be true, and to be yours like you have done for me. Y/N I have one question... Marry me?" He looks over your face almost in the horror of being rejected.
You hear him, and you listen to what he says, your eyes close, your throat feels heavy, you let out a soft breath and turn around, "Seonghwa, of course, I will." You wrap your arms around him and hold him close. "I would be honored."
Not saying a word he pulls from you and places the ring on your finger, a special ring with a red cognac and black diamond with a tentacle band, special for you both. Smiling you admire it a moment and hug him again. Taking his hand he looks at your legs and chuckles watching his mess drip down your legs, licking his lips he smiles.
"How about we go back to my place, and you and I take a bath... and see where the night takes us from there." He chuckles.
Eagerly nodding your head, he picks you up and carries you back to the car forgetting about the blankets and pillows in the middle figuring he'd grab them tomorrow, he makes his way to the car and you two are off to his home.
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cocosstories · 3 years
Bucky Barnes One Shot
hi can you make a bucky x pregnant reader where she gets kidnapped and than tortured and injected with the super soldier serum in front of bucky, you can imagine everything else, why she got kidnapped, by who, how is bucky gonna react, how is gonna end. can’t wait!
Yay so I have a request for Bucky. The reader is a medic for the avengers. Her and Bucky have been friends with benefits for more than a year now. Tony throws a party and one drink leads to another and they hooked up. Then she gets pregnant.
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You had been recruited to join the Avengers after a chance encounter with Black Widow.
She had been injured pretty badly on a mission and you just happened to be near the scene and jumped into action, using your extensive medical knowledge to patch her up quickly while making sure neither of you got hit from the battle that was still happening.
When everything was said and done, Tony offered you a job as the Avengers official field medic and you jumped at the chance. 
You hit it off with the team almost immediately and soon it was like you had always been there. 
One particular Avenger you had become close to was Bucky. 
Many people had noticed the two of you shamelessly flirting and knew it was just a matter of time before thing escalated to more than friendship. 
One night you and Bucky were working out on opposite sides of the training room, both unable to keep your eyes off the other.
You caught a glimpse of the fire burning in his eyes and couldn't help yourself, you walked over and kissed him.
After the initial first kiss, he took control of the situation and this began your friends with benefits arrangement.
You had decided to keep it a secret from the team for the time being and Bucky fully agreed. 
It was a few months into your arrangement when Tony decided to throw a party after another successful mission. 
You spent most of the night with Natasha and Wanda who you had become very close with but felt Bucky's eyes on you the whole night. 
"I thought I would never get you alone, doll."
He says with slurred words as the two of you find yourself in his bedroom as the party dies down. 
"Well, here I am Sargent Barnes. What are you going to do?"
You ask, a smirk on your face.
With that, Bucky takes you to the bed and the two of you spend the night entangled together. 
Weeks later and you were on yet another mission feeling like death.
"Y/N, are you sure you're alright? You don't look so good."
Steve says, pointing out the green tint to your face coupled with the sweat on your brow.
"I'm fine. Just a bug or som-"
Before you can even finish your sentence, you lean over and vomit in the seat next to you, getting the attention of the rest of the team. 
"You are not alright. When we get back to the compound we are getting you checked out."
Natasha says, worry on her face. 
You reluctantly agree and true to her word, Nat immediately takes you to the compound infirmary once the jet lands. 
"Bucky, can we talk?"
It was a few hours later and you were finally feeling better.
You head down to Bucky's room and knock on the open door.
"Of course, doll. How are you feeling?"
He asks, getting up and walking over to you. 
"I'm alright. Dr. Cho gave me something for the nausea."
You reply with a small smile.
"Did she figure out why you were so sick?"
You nod. 
"Bucky, I'm pregnant."
His eyes go wide as he takes in your confession before a huge smile crosses his face. 
"We're having a baby?"
He asks quietly.
"Are you alright with that?"
Bucky reaches out for your hand.
"Doll, that is the best news I have ever heard."
Tears form in his eyes as he speaks and you realize that he never thought he would ever have a family again and your baby was a second chance for him.
"I love you, Y/N."
He finally admits the feeling s he had been hiding for so long, no longer having a reason to keep them to himself. 
"I love you too Bucky."
You say, matching tears form in your eyes just as he kisses you.
"I guess we have to tell everyone now, huh?"
He chuckles and you nod.
"Yeah, but I think everyone will be alright with it."
As you had expected, the team was extremely happy and excited for you and Bucky.
The weeks flew by and before you knew it, you were over halfway through your pregnancy.
You and Bucky were going strong and had even started talking about the possibility of marriage in the future. 
Life was good and you couldn't be happier. 
One day, the team was on a mission, leaving you alone in the compound.
Late afternoon and you were craving something that you could only get from the store and decide to head out for a nice walk to get it.
As you take in the scenery, everything suddenly goes black and you crumple to the ground.
You wake up hours later, strapped to a table with Hydra agents around you.
"Ah, you're awake. Good."
"What are you doing? Let me go!"
You try and fight the straps holding you down.
"Now, now, just relax. We don't want to hurt you but you are carrying a child of the Winter Soldier and that child belongs to us."
The agent lightly touches you stomach as he speaks.
"You are not going to take my baby! Bucky and the Avengers will find me and save us!"
You scream, trashing against the hold again.
Meanwhile at the compound, the team had come home to find you gone and Bucky went into immediate panic mode. 
Everyone went off in separate directions, looking for any sign as to what could have happened. 
"Mr. Stark, I found blood."
Vision calls over the coms.
"Is it hers?"
Bucky asks frantically.
"I have analyzed it and yes, it belongs to Y/N. It seems she was ambushed and taken."
The team meets back at the compound as Steve and Sam do their best to calm Bucky.
"She is hurt! What if the baby is hurt! What if they kill her? I can't lose them Steve!"
Bucky cries as everyone watches helplessly.
"Barnes, we will find her. We will bring her and your child home."
Tony says, placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder.
"It has to be Hydra. Who else would want a pregnant medic?"
Natasha says, doing her best to keep her own emotions in check.
"But why would they want her?"
Rhodey asks.
"Because she is carrying my child. The Winter Soldier's child."
Bucky replies, pure hatred in his eyes as everyone else realizes what he means. 
"Where do you think the would take her, Buck?"
"Where I was kept. Siberia."
Bucky gets up without another word and walks to the jet, the rest of the team following behind him.
The flight to Siberia was a quiet one, the whole team focused on getting to you as quickly as possible.
"Bucky, you need to keep your cool. Your only focus should be finding Y/N and getting her and your child put of there. Do you understand?"
Steve says just as the jet lands and Bucky nods. 
You are in and out of consciousness with what seems like dozens of needles going into your arm when Bucky finally finds you.
"Doll, oh god what the hell are they doing to you?"
He says as he begins carefully pulling the needles out of your arms.
You breathe out, your vision blurred from the trauma. 
"Yeah, its me. I'm going to get you out of here. Just try and stay awake for me."
He says, breaking the straps holding you down and then helping you to your feet.
"Do you have her?"
Steve calls out.
"I've got her. She's barely conscious."
Bucky replies, picking you up and carrying you. 
He carefully gets you through the fighting Avengers and Hyrda agents and back to the jet. 
"What the hell did they do to her?"
Natasha asks once the team was back on the jet and you were headed home.
"I think they were trying to give her the serum. Or a version of it at least."
Bucky says.
"Trying? They didn't do it?"
"Looks like they didn't have time before we showed up."
As soon as the jet had landed, you were taken to the infirmary, every test possible performed to make sure you and the baby were both ok.
"They're alright?"
Bucky asks Dr. Cho when she comes to tell him he can see you.
"Both perfectly healthy. You saved them. You saved your family, Sargent Barnes."
She smiles and leaves him alone with you.
"Tell daddy thank you, baby girl."
You smile, taking Bucky's hand and placing it on your belly where your baby was kicking.
"Baby girl?"
He asks once he realizes what you had said.
"Yes, we are having a girl and she says thank you for saving her."
You nod, laughing a bit as the baby kicks under Bucky's hand.
"I will always do everything I possibly can to save you and protect you."
Bucky leans down and says to the baby, kissing your belly lightly before looking up to you.
"And you too."
He smiles and kisses you, so thankful to have both of his girls home and safe.
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aetheternity · 4 years
I'll admit it's exciting. (Armin x reader)
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Synopsis: Being your professor's dirty little secret. His pet.. Sounded too good to refuse.
Warning: Smut in the later chapters! 18+ only
"Good girl.." Your lip tucked itself beneath your tooth. Spine tingling at the intoxicating scent surrounding you.
You coaxed a breath off your lips as the almost inaudible creak of the desk under your professors weight made you sit up straight. His arms locking you in place.
You looked into his soft blue eyes feeling a tinge of entrapment at the way he had you locked in.
"Do you understand now?" His surprisingly large hands caressed your shoulder.
"Y-yeah." If you could see your own face you'd probably be embarrassed but you were currently helpless to the tiny bits of touch he allowed you.
Your elbows pushed you up just a little bit closer to his chest. His touch disappearing too soon.
"I think you'll be ready for the test in a couple days." And suddenly every bit of him was walking away and back to sit at his desk. "You should still study though. This stuff has been difficult for you."
The tip of your nail stayed fidgeting between your lips.
Words flew through your brain but it all continued to just be flushed straight out again.
"Y/N!" The book flew from your grasp landing with a clatter that attracted glances from all angles.
"Are you alright Y/N?" Eren asked, concern etched into his deep sapphire eyes.
You let out a harsh exhale. "I was, until Sasha stopped my heart." You held a palm up to your chest, glaring over at Sasha.
Mikasa blinked boredom sunk into her features. Her cheeks forced into the palms of her hands as her elbows stayed firmly planted into the table. "New class?"
You nodded, shutting your binder before promptly flipping it open again.
"You'll be fine." She muttered, staring at you with her own version of concern.
"How can you say that? I had to transfer from a different class a month after the semester already started. You know how much stuff I've already missed! Not to mention I had originally thought this class was gonna be next semester me's problem." With a groan you let your head flop harshly onto the mildly sticky table in front of you.
"I think what Mikasa was trying to suggest was that Mr. Arlert has always been said to be a very gentle and caring professor." Sasha said
"You can always take office hours if you really have a hard time." Eren suggested
"Thanks Eren, but I think you're forgetting that I hate doing anything outside of class that won't immediately get me a passing grade."
Eren just shrugged, moving to stuff his notebooks into his own bag. All of them genuinely looking as though he'd just reused them from high school. Each one with a rip in the first page or the spiral unraveling.
"Welp it's 2:00." Sasha reminded you. And you groaned so loud you could practically feel the stares from other tables touching your soul.
"Maybe I'll fall down the stairs and break my ankle before I get up there." You slung your bag onto your shoulder hanging your head as you walked off.
"I'll have your favorite donuts in my room after you get out!" Sasha called
"You should've started with that!"
You made the walk so much longer by dragging your feet up every stair individually and rubbing a finger to your temple. So much so that it surprised you when you walked into the classroom and no one was in there except..
"Oh hello."
So so very hot..
His smile sparkled only futher brightened by his deep blue eyes. His short blond hair parted slightly over his forehead. His blue button up was cuffed up against his forearms revealing a very slender but still fairly muscular set of hands. He probably had a nice chest too.
"You must be Y/N." He chuckled and before you could reassociate he was giving you a whole new list of things to think about as he bent over his desk to retrieve a piece of paper.
"Here's the syllabus. You're starting kinda late so it will be helpful to you to come to office hours. My office hours are at the bottom here." When he reached forward to point his scent caught you by surprise. A sweet almost fruit like smell wafted up your nose. "I hope you'll catch on quickly. Sit wherever you'd like."
His remark barely registered in your mind, your mouth hung open immediately slamming shut as the class quickly began to fill.
Before you could get swept up by the people flooding into the room you made your way to the front plopping down into the seat closest to the window. When you looked up again from where you'd yanked your binder almost haphazardly out of your bag, you caught the quickest wink you'd ever seen in your entire life.
Or maybe it was your imagination.
But the way he leaned a little closer when he approached you wasn't.
"Front row? Good choice."
Regardless of the heart problems he'd recently caused you he was moving on. Quickly silencing the class and starting the lesson.
The only thought racing through your head.
Hot. Hot. Hot..
He was pretty! When he turned off the light his eyes didn't dull in the almost blinding way in which they shone. His hair fluttered over his forehead and ears and his shirt seemed to hug his chest tighter every time he reached up to turn off the projector or even just to reach a high spot on the board.
You already knew everything from today was going in one ear and out the other but it was really hard to give a damn when your professor's pants cupped his ass they way they did. His dark shoes clicked across the floor and-
"Do you understand any of it? I know it's your first day."
You blinked up at him hoping your eyes weren't as wide as they felt or that you weren't popping your mouth open and close like a suffocating fish.
He smiled, flipping the paper on the desk around till it faced him. "Can I?" He reached for the tip of your pen and as you let it go your fingers brushed in probably the strongest current of static that had ever touched your body.
"Don't worry ok this is just a practice test I wanna see what you know." He said, leaving a couple marks on the paper. He then pointed to the two empty test questions. "Don't leave anything blank ok."
This time when he walked away you were without a doubt certain he'd winked. When you looked down at your paper again you could see 3 checks on the paper in the light blue ink you were using and a little smiley face in the corner.
Your chest honestly had no right fluttering the way it did over something so trivial.
The class was only an hour and forty minutes but when it was over you felt like you'd only been seated there for ten minutes. When you handed the test paper back he sent you one final wink that made your knees buckle.
"See you next time." He said and you had to forcibly stop yourself from shuttering.
You half speed walked half ran out of there as soon as his classroom door had shut behind you. All the way to Sasha's dorm room.
You slammed it open already knowing Sasha only kept it locked when she wasn't in there. Your chest was heaving and you held onto the door frame for support. Noticing the immediate and visible flinch from Eren and Sasha.
"He's. Hot!!" You gasped for air before walking in and sinking to the floor in front of Sasha. She didn't budge as you fell against her shoulder just wrapped an arm around your shoulders hugging your back. "Oh god he's so hot.." You breathed into Sasha's collarbone.
"Looks like she did learn something." Eren muttered
"No! You don't understand he's like so pretty!"
Mikasa didn't even try to hide the way she rolled her eyes and Eren just sighed.
"Aww you've got a crush on your professor that's adorable." Sasha said, reaching into the box next to her, grabbing your favorite donut she pushed it into your open mouth pulling it back slightly to allow you to chew.
You sobbed a little before sighing and falling back into Sasha's neck. "What the hell am I gonna do?" You sighed
"Focus on passing the class is probably the first step." Eren replied
"Now you're just being silly." You replied, rubbing your fingers into the floor.
Sasha brought the donut back up to your lips smiling as you took another bite. "I wanna see him now! Isn't he the really young professor? Like he's supposedly only twenty five as of recently and got hired less than a year ago."
"Yeah.." You quickly put your password into your phone, turning the screen so Sasha could see.
Mikasa and Eren scooted closer as Sasha took a closer look. "He is pretty." Mikasa was the first to speak.
"Why do you just have his picture pulled up? How're you already being creepy?" Eren questioned
You scoffed, "I just happened to be looking on Instagram during a quick bathroom trip.. and I just so happened to look for him.. it's his fault for making it easy." You snatched the donut from Sasha taking a bigger bite.
"Yeah no I agree with Eren this is cree- AW HE HAS A DOG!" Sasha snatched the phone zooming in on the puppy in his lap.
"Actually it's his family's dog. Her name's Pumpkin and he goes home as often as possible to see her. A small two hour train ride to be exact." You sigh briefly "I've never really liked Terriers as a dog breed but that one's so cute.."
"Is the dog cute or is it the guy holding her?" Mikasa questioned with a little smirk.
"Not helping Mikasa.." Eren interjected "What are you even thinking? No matter if you like professor Arlert or not he has to keep it professional and so do you."
"Eren, look at the puppy." You took your phone from Sasha turning the screen back to face him.
He glanced down at the image then back into your eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"Creepy!" He pressed the power button on your phone and you deflated against Sasha's legs letting your phone turn over onto its face.
"I'll never understand why you don't go for a degree in hacking or something the way you always manage to pull up information on people." Mikasa shook her head.
"Probably going to be stuck with more math classes for one and secondly when I become a supervillain I don't need everyone knowing it was apart of my major." You replied, with an exaggerated eye roll.
Sasha shrugged, "If it was your major I'm pretty sure everyone would understand your descent into madness."
"I can't believe you just said that.." Eren groaned, squeezing the bridge of his nose.
"Me or her?" You asked
Thursday came too soon. Or maybe you should say, finally Thursday is here! You jumped back and forth between the two but by the time you slid into the honestly uncomfortable classroom seat and placed your bag between your legs you knew exactly what you felt.
"Professor!" A female's voice caught your attention and you turned slightly to see a short brown haired girl running into the classroom.
"You were right about what I was missing! Once I applied what we talked about in office hours it became so simple."
"That's what I like to hear Petra." He winked as he flipped through a stack of papers on his desk.
Wait, had he always done that to all the students or had you just not noticed last time? You felt your shoulders hunch but they were instantly picking back up again as he slid a piece of paper onto your desk.
"You did pretty well on that practice test. Seems like you'll be up to speed in no time." He smiled, a deep warm smile that made your stomach squeeze.
Your lips curled upwards and you quickly moved to hide it behind your paper as he walked away.
"You too huh?"
You felt your skin practically vibrate but you hoped and prayed it wasn't too noticeable.
"Wh-what?" You glanced over at the girl Petra who sat only one desk away from you. Her features flat and her eyes dark in the middle an almost scary contrast from earlier.
"You're into him too?" She muttered
Was it that obvious? Stupid question. How could you be so obvious?
"I don't think you'll win out." She continued and before you could question it, she pointed to the back row.
It seemed almost like a tussle as Mr. Arlert was being held hostage by another young female holding his hand. He smiled mildly awkwardly as he spoke with her, nodding his head to everything her and the other girls surrounding her said. The first girl running a thumb over the back of his hand.
You felt your skin prickle and you exhaled loudly. "So.. I'm guessing you too.."
Petra blinked at you then quickly shifted around in her seat. Mr. Arlert quickly approached the front of the room clapping to get the classes attention. And with that the lesson was beginning.
You noticed from the clap at the beginning of class to the last word uttered that not one word in Mr. Arlert's lesson had actually registered in your mind. Your thoughts too full of Petra's words, her blank almost villainous expression as she'd talked.
And that girl's hand. That annoying girl in the back row. You peeked your head back there looking at the now empty chair. In fact the entire classroom was empty and had been for at least 15 minutes since you continued to struggle with stuffing your binder back into your apparently shrunken bag.
"Need help?"
You bit your lip and looked away as he came closer. You weren't really standing up straight but you immediately noticed the way he towered over you. His fingers so delicate in the way they brushed over yours sliding the irritating object into the confines of your bag.
"Thank you.." You whispered
He chuckled, "No problem, happy to help."
His eyes didn't leave yours for an almost uncomfortable amount of time so you shifted your feet backing away a little. He seemed to notice and placed a hand on the back of his neck, backing up himself.
Oh no. Now he was getting uncomfortable.
He made his way back over to his desk but not before you'd slipped in something to ease the tension. "Sorry for over staying my welcome.."
He let out a soft chuckle. "You're not bothering me plus there are no classes in here for two hours after mine on Thursday. You can stay as long as you'd like."
"O-oh." You face palmed internally at your stupid reply. "So.." You began again. "Do you mind if I asked you how you're such a young professor.."
His eyes flickered up from the work he'd been filling out. "Well, I skipped a couple grades and I was in college by 15. I'm actually still in college now but I was an assistant teacher at 18 for about three years for a high school a couple blocks from here before I became a full fledged teacher and then I worked at the same school as a teacher for three more years before I finally left and started teaching here."
It should've been obvious from the start that he'd worked tireless hours of school to get here at such a young age. Not to mention probably having worked just as hard in the gym. He'd only leaned back a little bit in his chair but it was enough for you to have a perfect mental image.
Your eyes flicked up to his much softer more.. Arlert like smile? Maybe? It just felt like the kind of smile he'd give a friend and less like the smile he used in the classroom. Not that that one felt fake, just.. different.
"Do you.. I mean.. have you always had girls?.." His eyebrows scrunched as you spoke. You pointed to the back of the classroom. "You're young I mean, do girls always touch you like that?"
He blinked up at the ceiling then back down to you. Your breath hitched as he pulled himself up from the desk walking closer to you.
"As soon as they find out I'm not that much older than them? Yeah."
You probably should've stopped but your brain was suddenly working independently. "Does it?.. Do you like that kind of attention?"
He sat down on the desk crossing his arms over his chest and his leg over his knee. He spoke his head. "Not normally no."
He stood again but this time he stopped directly in front of you. Sharp blue eyes cold and yet warm and vibrant. The desk creaked under your weight as you leaned back into it. His hands at your sides, his breath tickling your upper lip.
His thumb came up to graze your cheek but was quickly removed and planted back on the desk. "Can I kiss you?"
You nodded way too eagerly and-
So so so much softer than you'd even thought imaginable. His nose rubbed against yours and he was pulling away. Too soon.
You grabbed the back of his neck, yanking him back to you. Immediately delighted by the warm touch of his pretty pink lips.
He pulled back and you yanked him forward. Over and over again with soft peppered kisses. And then one slightly longer one where he was comfortably mushing his lips against yours.
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chemicaldd · 3 years
─ heyy [😎]. first post, well ok lets gooo,
─ fluff, slight chaos
summary. Hunter got into a slightly brutal fight with a demon and Ares had brought him to you, so you could fix up his wounds that where too difficult for Ares to heal.
warnings. don't worry about triggers, other then mentions of injuries there wont be anything bad in this one! its just some fluff drables with ares(myoc), hunter & y/n being platonic lovers/lh. [😎]
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You placed the flower pot down before, your close friend suddenly burst through the door. "Y/N!" They said with an obvious grin, even though you couldn't see their face. "Hey Ares, oh and Hunter!" You responded, giving the two a smile of your own.
You brought them inside and Ares had explained what happened, you nodded. "So you, obviously need me to fix up Hunter better?" You said with a chuckle. Ares looked to Hunter and he nodded. "You two are terrible at getting to the point." You joked, Ares huffed along with Hunter scoffing. "Just help me! Bruises aren't fun y'know? Plus this idiot next to me only does combat and can't do a lot of healing magic!" Hunter complained, Ares scoffed bitterly. "Yeah, neither can you!" Ares argued in response. "Ares!" You stated, flicking their head. "C'mon, i can barely do magic and the artificial magic that Hunter has is fine." You said, crossing your arms as Hunter took off his cape and lifted up his shirt. "Stop picking sides, you simp." Ares said, leaning back against the couch. "Your not any better Ares," Hunter said, rolling his eyes under his mask. "Oh, no, I'm not the one getting me to sneak out with you to see Y/n, every night." Ares spoke in a slightly bitter tone but it was obviously light hearted. "S-Shut up!" Hunter argued as his face got red, though the only way to tell was by his voice which was slightly muffled by his mask. You broke out laughing along with Ares. "Let me finish this up and then we can go out and get some lunch," You said, calming the mood.
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You where sitting at a table with the other two as they chatted, you where enjoying being with the two again. It had been awhile since the three of you had gotten time to hang out out like this. Usually the other two, who where working at the palace, as junior guards. Ares had only gone to work there after being able to beat one of the well-trained emperor covens men. Which, only got them to be in the guard but not officially in the coven. Hunter on the other hand was the emperors nephew, so he got special treatment. "Y/n, your zoning out, whats up?" Hunter asked, causing you to flinch slightly as you where brought back to reality. "Oh it's nothing. I was just reminiscing on moments like these." You explained with a smile, the other two nodded. "Yeah, it's nice to hang out with you again Y/n, its been awhile since we've gotten to go out and do kid things." Ares said, elbowing Hunters side. "Oh stop teasing him Ares," You said with a chuckle. Hunter huffed bitterly, "You two need to stop teasing me, I never got to go do 'teenager things'." You held back a slight laugh, along with Ares. "Belos needs to let you live a little Hunts. Well, lets go find things to do! So you can experience what it's like to actually be a teenager!" Ares exclaimed. You nodded, grabbing Hunter and Ares arm. "Both of you need to experience more teenage things." You stated, knowing full well the two never get out enough to have fun.
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peakyscillian · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet | Cillian Murphy |
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Summary: hahaha I'm going to go sob in a corner after writing because of the Fluff! A/N: This template can be found here , not mine credit to the creator! NOT EDITED OR PROOF READ.
Masterlist NSFW Alphabet
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?) Cillian loves how you totally support him, in everything, you're willing to just be there for him and cheer him on, making sure he's well rested and getting everything he needs. You're just wanting to take care of him and support your man! B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?) Your neck, Cillian loves nuzzling into your neck when you're in bed and he's drifting off. You always smell so good there as well, its comforting. C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?) Cilian loves when your basically wrapped aroung him like a koala bear! He likes to feel you close. He's the big spoon in bed though! Legs tangled through yours, arms around you. D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?) Cillian is really into live music, so if you get him anything gig related he's so damn excited and thankful! E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?) Cillian is good at expressing his emotions around you, he will let you know if anything is bothering him, talk things out hoping you can help and he's constantly reminding you how much he loves you!
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?) Yes! You would both love a family, but you haven't got a set plan, if it happens then you'd both be overjoyed! G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?) Cillian loves giving spontaneous gifts so he'll come home with a little something or get something delivered to you. When it's your birthday he'll go all out, getting you the things you need and all the things you would never ask for.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?) Cillian loves holding hands, your hand fits perfectly in his, like it was made for him and he just likes to have a hold of your hand so he knows you're right there especially if its in a busy crowded place.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?) He would be beside himself, dropping everything to get to you! Insisting you didn't lift a finger until you were completely healed.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?) All.The.Time. He's the ultimate dad joker, loves some sarcasm & just likes to make you laugh. He's always doing something goofy to pull a smile onto your face.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?) Cillian is a traditional kind of guy, a good kiss on the lips that leads to full on makeing out, with his hands cupping your face, nipping at your lips. He's got passion!
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?) Cute little texts if he's had to leave before you woke up, sometimes a note resting against the coffee machine. Coffee in bed when he's home. Of course telling you just how much he loves and adores you everyday!
M = Memory (favorite memory together?) The moment he spotted you on your first date, you were so nervous you were stumbling over basically thin air, you didn't stop rambling all evening and he just felt so in awe of you.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?) Losing you because of something he can't control like the media or fans.
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?) He can NOT sit still, have you seen this man in interviews the fidgeting. I'm here for it, but sometimes you just want to watch love island without him fidgeting next to you!
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?) He's very much a 'baby' 'darling' 'love' kind of man. BONUS: Cillian is BUB ok, he is my bub!
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?) Walks! sunday morning hikes, with hot coffee, just you and him hiking and chatting about your weeks, making plans, occasionally your stopping because he needs to kiss you! Followed by a big breakfast at the local pub!
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?) Breathless Love By Lucero 100%
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?) So open, you know everything about each other, hell! he knows all your friends secrets as well because he doesn't count as not telling anyone duh! Cillian couldn't keep a secret from you if he tried!
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?) Cillian had his doubts his life isn't normal but you took it slow and were officially together two months after your first date.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?) Cillian HATES to see you upset, whenever you're upset he has to make things right again, he's very overprotective if someone has upset you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?) He's so proud of you for completing your studies and he's going to tell anyone who listens that his girl just graduated and is going to go on to do *insert dream job here* This guy even got social media so he could show you off!
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?) He would 100% fight for beside you! he knows you can hold your own, you don't need him to fight for you but he'll be by your side.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?) Cillian can read you so well, he's so in tune with your every emotion. Sometimes it's frustrating you just want a moody day!!
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?) Definitely low-key probably in the house, just you two maybe a few friends. He'd have a whole speech prepared but in the end he's just a bumbling over his words and 'basically i love you marry me?'
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?) You! Just being there, maybe stroking his hair you know thats so calming, holding him to keep him grounded, little kisses to his cheeks, whispering sweet little stories in his ear as he relaxes finally.
** Taglist @missymurphy1985 @janelongxox @queenshelby @being-worthy @noctvrnalmoth @cloudofdisney @elenavampire21 @datewithgianni @magicalpieex @uchihacumdump @heidimoreton @vhscillian @otterly-fey
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 7
A/N- I'm back! At least I think I am 😂 I wrote this while I was struggling with writer's block so I don't think it's great but the next chapter I'm working on I feel back to the old me 🥳🤞
Summary- Are your lies finally going to catch up to you?
Word count- 2.8K
Pairing- Chris Hems x reader x Liam Hems
Warnings- Mature themes, cheating, swearing, smut
Strictly 18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 2nd Sept 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <
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The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
"What the actual fuck." You shout, storming out of the bathroom in a huff. "There's no way he's gunna stay quiet, it'll be all over the press come tomorrow." You paced the room, your heart beating fast as the adrenaline rushed through you. This was it, this was how it was all going to end. Liam would know as soon as he saw the headlines, all those late night and weekend conferences at the same time as Chris was conveniently away with work.
"To be fair, he does have good taste in men." Chris' usual nonchalance annoyed you, how come he could stay so calm? Why did he make you sound like a crazy person for actually worrying about what might happen.
"It's really not funny Chris, do you want our business known by strangers before we even have chance to speak to Liam and your Mom Chris, she's going to hate me." You feel the warm tears dripping down your cheeks before you even register you're crying. The thought of their mom hating you upsets you more than the thought of Liam hating you. Cathy, their mom was like your own mother, from day one she'd taken you under her wing.
"My Mom would love you no matter what, you know she thinks of you as her own daughter. It's me she's going to blame, Liam's her baby." 
"Yeah you're probably right but still what are we gunna do?" 
"Let's relax babe, you don't know what's going to happen and you can't change it if it does happen so what's the use in worrying about it. Come here."
"You piss me off Chris, you're so laid back. This isn't something you can just sweep under the carpet. It's serious." You needed to take your anger out on him, to let it all out so you could feel better. The four walls of the hotel room were becoming claustrophobic, you wish you could just put your headphones on and just run for a while to clear your head, that's what you usually did.
"I know it is but what can we do? I've done everything we can do, now it's out of our hands. We'll work it out tomorrow, can we enjoy our last night together without all the serious talk?" He raises his eyebrow at you, smiling that sweet, goofy smile of his that has your heart melting.
"You piss me off even more when you look at me like that. I can't stay mad at you and how could I say no to that?" You put your arms around his back, loving the way his height makes you feel so small and safe. He wraps his arms around you, stroking your hair and holding you close.
"That's why I love you yanno." 
"Why?" You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes, your neck stretching to reach his height.
"Because you never say no." He laughs, a real laugh that you can feel on his toned stomach, shaking against you. It was the best feeling hearing him laugh like that, it'd been so long since you'd heard him laugh. Your life being full of a lot of drama and upset recently that you were appreciative of the little time you had left together.
"Maybe I should start then." You pout pretending to sulk.
"No way, I love how easy you are." He picks you up so you can wrap your legs around him, looking down on him for once. You punch him lightly on his shoulder, still pouting. "Ok, ok I'll stop teasing. You know why I love you though." 
"Tell me." 
He sits down on the end of the bed with you still in his arms, resting on his great big, thick thighs. He moves your hair behind your ears so he can see your face, studying it carefully with a look of adoration in his eyes.
"I love you because you're absolutely drop dead gorgeous, I mean the first time I met you, you literally knocked the air from my lungs. I've been obsessed with you ever since." He shuffles slightly beneath you, getting himself comfy. "This would never have happened with just anyone, I'm not a dick that goes around sleeping with his brothers girls." You give him a questioning look, your eyebrows furrowing. "Seriously, it took fucking everything in me to try and resist you. I'd never felt that before, never been one of them that wants what they can't have. Until I met you. Fuck me you were an absolute bombshell." You frown at him. "Are, still are a bombshell, don't look at me like that." He laughs.
"Tell me more." You whisper, feeling yourself tear up at his revelations as you run your hand through his hair, his eyes closing as you do.
"Am I stroking your ego?" He smiles slyly. "Do you remember the first time you met me?" 
"Of course I do, me and Liam had already been together a year but you'd been in Australia. I was eighteen, young and dumb..."
"And full of..." 
"Do not even finish that sentence, you're ruining the moment." He laughs at you but quickly gets back to being serious.
"You were eighteen and ridiculously mature for your age, I was twenty six and still acted like a teenager. I remember you walking in in that little denim skirt and tank top, smiling at me with that beautiful smile. The first thing I noticed was your eyes, the way they lit up when you smiled. You had me right at that moment, I was smitten. Then you introduced yourself as Liam's girlfriend and my heart sank." 
"I can't believe you remembered what i was wearing, it was twelve years ago." You kiss his forehead, holding his face in your hands. So glad you had the opportunity to talk like this, knowing all this made you know you hadn't made a mistake. "I was so nervous walking up to you, I'd only ever seen you on photos and crushing on you when you were in home and away. Then you're there in front of me looking sexy as hell and I knew I had to make a good impression."
"Little did you know, five years later I'd be bending you over that table and giving you everything you'd been searching for?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow at you with a smirk.
"No, dick! Little did I know you'd sweep me off my feet and make me question everything I ever knew." 
"I am a dick but that's why you love me isn't it?"
"Your ego definitely doesn't need stroking. I fell in love with Liam when I was still a girl and I fell in love with you when I was a woman. People change, needs change and..." 
"And I give you everything you need." His hand travelled to your ass pulling you into him, pressing against his growing erection.
"You do, you need to work on your arrogance though." You laugh. "But seriously I'm done with all this now, we can't go on like this anymore. I want all of you, all of the time."
"So you've made your decision." His lips part, his head resting against your forehead.
"Was there ever any doubt?" You question, running your finger over his lip and grinding against him subtly making him groan.
"Fuck Y/N, I fucking love you so much it's crazy." He says through gritted teeth, holding the small of your back as you raise your hips, your face contorting with need. "What would you do if I asked you to marry me?" His hand travelled down the back of your shorts, cupping your ass in his hands.
"What do you think?" You tease, taking his bottom lip in your teeth and pulling gently.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." His face was set seriously, he wasn't joking, he wanted to marry you.
"Of course I'd say yes, once we'd dealt with everything." You smile watching his face light up.
"You're going to be Mrs Hemsworth and mine, not Liam's. I can't fucking wait." He picks you up, gripping your ass making you squeel before planting you back on the bed on your back.
Leaning over you, his palm caressing your stomach, kneeding your breasts with his long fingers. His erection poking into your clothed heat.
"You're so fucking perfect, are you ready to cause destruction?" 
"Like now, in bed or?..." 
"You know what I mean." He laughs, reaching down to attach his lips to your neck, sucking gently.
"If it means I get you then yeah, I'm ready." 
"Right answer. You've made me the happiest fucking man in the world yanno?" His hand moves under your top, pushing it up to your chin as his lips finally meet yours. Kissing you deeply with everything he's got, your body rising from the bed to meet his.
"I think... I can... Make you even happier." You say between kisses, pushing down his boxers, your nails scratching his skin gently as you do. 
He rests on one elbow watching you free his cock from its barrier. You cup his balls in your hand, stroking along the length of his cock with the other. He groans, pushing himself into your hands.
"I'll be happier once I'm buried inside this perfect pussy." He kneels between your legs, pulling your panties off before hovering back over you.
"Go slow baby, I want to feel everything." You whisper.
"Fuck, I can't guarantee how long I'll last." He moans, lining himself up and slipping in making you both moan as his cock stretches your walls perfectly.
He rests on his elbows, holding your face in his hands as he gently thrusts into you, wrapping your legs around him and pushing him in further, deeper. Hitting your spot with the curl of his hips, agonisingly slowly. You look into each others eyes, his forehead resting against yours. Tears in your eyes from the intense intamacy.
"I love you Y/N." He declares gruffly, his voice deep with lust.
"I love you too." You whimper.
Moaning everytime his thighs connected with yours, flesh slapping together, bringing your hips up to meet him. Him grunting with every thrust, your sex noises filling the otherwise silent room. The sound like a symphony to your ears, turning you on even more to hear his exclamations of ecstacy.
"It's always been you Chris." You whisper, making his pace become sloppy, losing his composure and restraint at your words. You can see it on his face as it twists, his cock twitching inside of you.
"Come for me baby." He grits his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening as his body goes rigid.
"Ah fuck." He brings you over the edge with the last of his powerful thrusts, your legs shaking around him, the feeling of satisfaction melting through your body simultaneously. A proud look on his face as you both come together and he falls limply onto your sweat laced body.
You stay like that for a while, both enjoying the moment, his cock still twitching inside of you. The heaviness of his body burying you into the mattress but you don't complain.
You don't want him to move, you want to memorise the feel of his heaviness and how his cock feels inside of you. How his rough face feels against your smooth skin, his hair tickling under your chin. You trace the muscles on his back, the defined shoulders and lean waist. Your hands gripping his tight, round ass and you close your eyes, remembering every dip and ripple, dreading the thought of being without him in your arms for at least another couple of weeks.
"I don't know how I'm going to watch you walk away tomorrow." He rolls on to his side, pulling you into him. "I think that's the hardest thing to deal with out of everything."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers brushing against his tight pecs. "You know we've been doing this for nearly 6 years now and I don't think I've ever felt as close to you as I do now. It's going to be even harder for me to leave this time." 
"I don't even want to think about it but we only have hours left together, what's our plan?" 
"You mean when and how do we tell Liam?" You ask sitting cross legged in the bed, reality kicking back in. You have to go home to Liam and leave Chris all over again, back to the lies and sneaking about.
"That and when am I going to be able to see you again? I don't want to wait as long as last time, you know how crazy i start getting when I don't see you." 
"We've got your cousin's wedding next week. I'll see you there." You risk a glance at him, pain set on his face.
"You'll see me but you'll be arm in arm with Liam and I'll be alone again." 
"How about once the weddings over and done with, we can tell Liam about us?" You watch his face change, like a little boy.
"A week? I can do that, I think. But I'm not going to the wedding alone." 
"What do you mean? A date? With who?" Panic laced in your voice.
"I don't know but I'm sure I won't be short of options." 
"Are you fucking with me? Liam thinks you're dating a married woman, where you going to find one of those?" 
"I don't know but I'm not turning up to a family party on my own again, my aunties can be fucking brutal." 
"Well don't expect to playing all happy families and me being all nice." You sulk.
"Are you jealous?" 
"Yeah, duhh."
"Come here." He pulls you into arms wrapping his legs around yours. Comfortable silence drifting over you both as he strokes your hair and you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up in the morning smiling, then remembering what day it is and that you have to leave to go back to boring reality and your smile fades. Chris stirring beside you, his muscly arm resting over your stomach, locking you in place.
"Chris, wake up." You whisper in his ear, admiring his sleepy, perfect face. "It's 9.30 we've gotta check out at 10." He makes an unrecognisable sound of exasperation, his eyes opening, puffy with sleep or lack of in this case.
"Aww man, can't we just stay in bed a little longer, I don't wanna let you go." 
"You need to go check out first so we don't leave the hotel at the same time." 
"Fuck sake. Back to reality it is then." He says all hint of jokiness gone from his tone as he sits up and rubs his eyes. 
"I'm afraid so, I need to go grab my things. Text me when you've left please." 
"Wow! I feel used, do I not even get a kiss before you run out on me?" 
"I was just dealing with the business before I dealt with the pleasure, like I'd just leave without giving you a kiss." You threw yourself on him, wrapping your legs around him as he leant against the headboard. Taking his lips in yours, open mouthed kisses that left you both breathless.
You packed up the couple of things you'd actually taken out of your pull along suitcase, you'd spent most of the weekend naked or slobbing about in Chris' t-shirts so all your clothes were still folded and packed.
You were anxious about going home to Liam and having to pretend again, having to try and not slip up about where you'd actually been. You literally had to go through possible conversations in your mind, conjuring up imagined answers to Liam's possible questions so you didn't get caught out. It was hard work.
Then you got the text from Chris telling you he was out of the hotel and on the road back home, followed by how much of a good weekend he'd had and how much he loves you.
You couldn't help having a spring to your step as you walked through the lobby, a weekend full of love making and reminiscing would have that effect on anyone.
After you'd checked out, the anxiety set in, like stepping out of this hotel would be like stepping in to an alternate universe. A universe that wasn't simple and easy like it had been this weekend but stepping through those revolving doors would mean that will all end. This safe feeling of being alone, away from prying eyes would end as soon as you stepped foot outside and it did, a ominous feeling sweeping over you, goosebumps covering your flesh. Maybe you conjured up the feeling in your own mind, manifesting it into existence but you couldn't shake it.
A feeling of being watched, was it your imagination or not? You didn't know, all you knew was how much you wanted to get out of public and back home. As you stood in front of the hotel, picking up your suitcase to carry it down the stairs, something caught your eye. A flash. And then another flash coming from your peripheral.
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pseudofaux · 3 years
I'm partially embarrassed to request this hence the anonymity but I couldn't pass up asking for Ikevamp Charles abs body worship? Either or him doing the action to or reader to him. Actually reader granting Charles some sexy under table worship while seated at dinner sounds hot. Faust and Vlad get so much love he gets left behind I feel like. If you don't know his characterization well it's ok. I'll probably write something hot myself when my sexy imagination kicks in. Which oh boy I think it has. Love ya lots Pseu! You're writing is impeccable as always. :)
Ohhhhhhh, this is a really good idea and I think you are right on all counts! Originally I was going to have him seated with someone and open this with the other person (Faust?) asking “Where is she?” (🥵), but I think Mssr. Sanson could reeeeally benefit from some words during worship, so this is just the two of them. Please enjoy! And I hope when you write what you are inspired to that it makes you really happy. Or that it already did!❣️
(Requests are closed, readers, but there are a lot to be filled in May and likely June, too! Feel free to follow along or just check in and enjoy as many as you like. A masterlist will go up when they are all completed.)
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The castle’s dining chairs are upholstered with silk, because... well, what else would be in Vlad’s beautiful home? That silk is fitted over very fine, full stuffing, and the arms are carved wood, dark and polished. The waxy scent of the polish gets in Charles-Henri’s nostrils in this place. He doesn’t mind it, but he is surprised how unavoidable it can be, even over her perfume. Even over what she is doing to him.
Which is, carefully and reverently, making him insane.
Her pretty skirt is spread out over her knees and the floor like a tent, the circle of it impeded only by the legs of his chair. And her mouth is on him and murmuring endless love. Her words might be silly if anyone were to write them down, but it’s like she took them right out of the darkest, loneliest places of his brain, and she doesn’t trip over them, so he is under her spell and her lips, and he does not want to get away.
“You’re delicious,” she says, so sweetly he laughs.
“You can’t taste me the way I can taste you,” he reminds her. She just hums like she is at the top of the food chain and fondles his balls like she is on the lowest rung of society. He shivers, not for the first time.
“You are,” she insists, sucking a tiny kiss onto his hip, “Delicious.”
“Whatever you say,” he mumbles, so pleased he is jittery. His soul knows and fears that any moment this attention could be snatched away, and he wants it but he can’t depend on it...
“So smooth,” she whispers, her harmless fingernails scraping down what she can reach of the inside of his legs. She knelt there a few moments ago and opened the front of his trousers like it was nothing, and she has been touching him and mouthing him and speaking to him ever since. Charles doesn’t know why this is happening (Did Vlad order her to do this, as some kind of reward for him?), and he won’t rely on it, but he is enjoying it. The way he bobs beside her cheek is proof enough of that.
Surely she feels it? She is gripping him.
“This part,” she whispers, squeezing him and beginning to tug, release, stroke with a practiced touch, “This is so wonderful. The things you do to me with it. I’m so happy I can do things to you, too.”
His fingers drum on the table like he’s playing a sonata. “You can’t,” he says. It’s weak. He’s weak. “You don’t have the power... to do anything.”
She chuckles from the place in her throat he wants to touch when he comes. And maybe she will let him, since she seems to be pulling all the things he wants out of his head tonight, here in this empty dining room. Even if he couldn’t feel all her kisses-- and he can-- he can hear them.
“It’s perfect. You are perfect, Charles-Henri,” she says. She kisses the tip of him and her lips come away sticky. She gives it right back to him when she mouths all her praises all over again down his length. “Smooth... so handsome... so very strong... delicious.” She breathes in through her nose, tucked down by his groin, and it’s such a deep inhale that it tickles him and makes him feel like she is trying to take him in every way she can. Does the hair above his cock tickle her nose? She doesn’t flinch.
“I like the way you smell,” she says as she sighs out the breath. It’s hot and damp against his already-agitated skin. Dreamily, she adds “But I love the way you feel. Want you in my mouth.”
What can he say to that? He’s not afraid of her, there’s nothing she can even do to him, but what she is doing to him... if she stops, he feels like his mind will break, and not in clean slice but in a terrible rendering with tears and uneven edges. This entire situation is so dangerous, it’s dark and lusty and makes him feel so good he doesn’t feel safe trusting it. But he can play along. He can always play along.
“Take me in your mouth, then,” he says. He wants it to be dry, but his eagerness bleeds out of him like the juice of an overripe squeezed fruit and makes it sound like a challenge, like he’s not just playing along over her head but playing with her. Thankfully, she takes the challenge, her wet mouth opening around him and sliding down like she is determined to play, too.
He puts his head back against the dark, polished wood of the back of the chair and groans at the feel of her on him. Can love exist in a mouth that is not speaking? Can he shove himself into the deepest part of her throat? Has she ever done this before? His mind is all questions and sensation, centered on how she sucks at him as she pulls back.
Her hum is accompanied by a slight sway. It looks like she is dancing, sinuous. Seductive.
Charles slides his hands off the table, smoother than a snake, and puts them in her hair. “Is that all you wanted?” he whispers to her. She shakes her head with a closed-mouth smile. “Then have more,” he hisses, and pulls her close. He doesn’t even touch the seam of her lips because she opens for him so readily, and that thought and her plush tongue make him groan again. He pulls her (and she goes, easily) all the way down, until her body rebels and convulses around him, then he pulls her back. “More?” he asks. “More of that?”
He is not prepared for the way she rasps a needy yes, or for the way his hands have to chase her head as she goes back to her work. When she pulls away her spit clings to him and it is thick with his early seed, a glimmer in the dimness of the room. “I always want more of you,” she promises before she goes right back down. And as she moves her head down his length and pulls off with wet pops and smacks, she keeps talking, keeps saying so many of the things he’s been wanting to hear. Not needing. Only wanting. but he has been wanting.
She swears under her breath, and slurps, and calls him manly. The base of each of her palms finds the front of hips and holds him tight while she moans on him. “I love this,” she tells him. “I love you.”
It shoots through him like a downfall of arrows. He should be cut open but he only shudders and tries to figure out how to urge her on without betraying how badly he wants her to keep going. Shouldn’t she know, isn’t that why she is doing this?
“Wish I could just stay here,” she sighs before taking him wet and deep. She makes some noise that feels like a gargle around him, like his cock is in a mineral spring, and his cum soaks her windpipe and her mouth as she slowly pulls back without a single cough. He would miss it if he did not feel quite so euphoric from all her words. They might be dangerous, but that’s because they were so good.
“Delicious,” she whispers with a wet, white smile. The pink of her tongue is paler under the coat of cream she seems so proud of. He stares, unwilling to blink, as she slowly moves it over her lips. When she is done she hums like she has just had a wonderful meal, though he was the only one at the table with a plate. Even if it was for show.
Her gasp when he hauls her up and throws her onto the pillow of her skirts on the table is really all he needs to live, he thinks. He takes her on the table and keeps his ear right by her mouth and his mouth right by her ear, so he can murmur all the possessive filth she’s risen to his surface like floodwaters. And catch everything she might say, too. Just in case she says anything else as he’s pounding her into the dark polished wood, pushing the scent of wax into her skin.
“You like me,” he chants several times. “Delicious.” Her earlobe has no taste of its own, but it is the most wonderful texture in his delicate bite. Some day soon he’ll give her the holes for several new earrings, he thinks. But for now he’ll fuck into her all the things he’s not going to say, because for now he is just playing along. He can always play along. Or so he tells himself.
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hollowedwing · 3 years
BNHA Hawks x Harpy!gn!Reader
No warnings: Just general fluff(that is if I can make it cute)
heck well, I haven't written fanfic/scenario/hc type stuff in 5 years, lets see how this goEScbdksofjwosofjwnsckdw ok ok
Reader has a Harpy type quirk!
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(This is an OC, they're name is Baofeng, but this is the style of the Harpy quirk, just imagine it as however you'd like, hope that's alright)
There's not really a gender mentioned, so you can imagine it however you see comfortable?
Keigo fell for you like love at first sight! He saw you soaring through the skies one night and decided to investigate
he didn't remember seeing other winged people around ?
You had just moved from northern Japan to start a new life in Musutafu! No specific reason, you're just very adventurous!
Although your arms are basically wings, you have hands still! Your ears are small wings and you have a tail of silky feathers.
Deciding to settle for a job at large, open spaced library, you worked mainly night shifts(7pm-3am) restocking the large shelves. Reading was one of your main hobbies, as you really didn't want to become a hero.
Your dad and peers wondered why you didn't want the hero life, your quirk could definitely be of use! But alas, you settled for minor jobs and not so life threatening work.
So, one night precisely at 3:31 am, you decided to tour the city from the skies after an exhausting workout of book shelving. (did that make sense oop) Flying alone was so peaceful, especially with the gorgeous view of a dimly lit city where most people were sound asleep.
You flew by Hawks who had been lost in thoughts on a rooftop, quietly gliding through the cool breeze. Just a few stray feathers fell past his face as he was snapped out of his trance and quickly looked around.
of course, he had to see what giant thing just flew by him. That was most definitely not your normal bird.
He hurriedly jumped off and dove into the night sky.
"Hey! Hey dove!" He hollered out a random bird nickname while flying faster to catch up with you. You hesitantly glanced around, hovering for a bit to see what exactly called to you. More like a who. What you didn't expect to see was Japan's number 2 pro hero Hawks flying straight at you at an almost alarming speed. Milliseconds before he would collide into you, he came a an abrupt halt just a foot away from you.
"Ummm, hello there, sir..Hawks. Is there anything you needed from me?" You cautiously asked, kind of scared that you had done something wrong.
"No need for sir, just Hawks is fine! And uhh, maybe, a chance to get to know you?" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck as his other hand slid into his pocket giving him a casual stance. You were kind of in awe now. It all seemed so surreal.
"S-sure! I don't see why not?" You stuttered out as you avoided his curious gaze. You both awkwardly made your way to the rooftop of the library. Hawks stared intently at you before starting to speak.
"So uhh...."
"Y/n, my..my name is Y/n." You introduced your name as he looked a little lost on how to start.
"Oh what a pretty name for a pretty/handsome bird!" He chirped happily. "Well, you already know I'm Hawks so! If you don't mind, may I ask about your quirk? Or, or when you got to Musutafu? Or if you even did move here but were here all along? A-" He was just so excited to see a fellow winged person!
"H-hold on!" You waved your hands, flustered at the amount of questions. Hawks looked to you sheepishly and quietly apologized while maintaining a small grin. "It's ok, it's ok! Just, need to collect my thoughts hahaha." He nodded and patiently stared at you, or, more specifically your winged arms.
"Well, for my quirk, its just Harpy. I have,-these things-" You fluttered your wings to show them off, "and a tail, and yes, I do have talons, but I'm able to retract them so I can wear normal shoes lol. My ears, also happen to be wings too.." You trailed off while looking to the side to show him your ears.
He stared in wonder and whispered beautiful when you turned your head. "Oh! Uh- well- Are you new around here dove?"
"Oh, yeah, I just decided to move here about a week ago, no special reason if I'm being honest. Just simply needed a change of scenery..." You shifted nervously being in the presence of the #2 hero. Hawks smiled warmly with a closed eye grin.
"Well, you probably (lol definitely) know already that I'm Hawks, the #2 hero of Japan! I uhh, if it's alright with you, maybe we could exchange phone numbers! Maybe we can meet up for coffee or something?" He blushed and looked away as your eyes slightly widened at this offer.
You really were having a hard time believing this could be true, it all felt like a fantasy or something. Like it was an imagine if sorts. "Pinch me now, how is this happening," you whispered, still slightly dazed. Hawks slowly lifted twi fingers towards your cheek, pinching the squishy skin. You jumped slightly and let out a little yelp. He smirked back at you.
"Did I saw that out loud ?" You voice wavered with embarrassment. He just chuckled at you and extended his phone out to you.
"Here, you can enter your number! And I'll do the same for you!" You fumbled to pull your phone out of your bag and shakily handed it to him while taking his into your own hands.
Is what he decided to put into your phone while you just save your name as "Y/n". You smiled at this and clicked your phone off.
"Well Hawks...it was really nice meeting you! I should get going now, y'know, maybe actually try to get some sleep hahaha. If it's ok, text me when you're avaliable next?" You stared right into his golden eyes, taking in the beauty of it all. He's such a pretty birb.
"Sounds good! Will do! See ya around dove!" He waved with a large grin as you both took off in your separate directions.
As you flew through the cool nightly breeze, you smiled and warm feelings filled your chest as you recounted your conversation with Hawks. Dang, he is just so dreamy and sweet!
slightly self indulgent if I might add
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