#don't care about the repercussions or implications
poisonedfate · 6 months
building a time machine so i can go back in time and only change one thing - it being an added dialogue to a bbc merlin episode where someone says "how's your head?" after gwaine has been bashed in the skull (very likely happening) and he responds with "haven't had any complaints yet"
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lokisprettygirl · 4 months
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 5 here// Series Masterlist
Chapter 6
Summary: Your anger gets Daemon in a bit of a trouble. Something really awful is going on at the king's landing wellness center.
Warning: 18+, smutty scenarios, crude language, boring chapter, description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking.
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You found yourself idly picking at your cuticles as you waited for Dr. Vis to enter his office. You had been called in for a discussion and your gut told you that it was about Daemon. Despite working at the center for two years now, you couldn't even remember the last time the two of you had shared a full sentence but since Daemon had arrived you were on his radar for some reason.
As you heard him entering the office, you stood up to greet him. However, Dr. Vis gestured for you to sit back down,
"You are Y/m/n's daughter, correct?" Dr. Vis asked you as you sat down. You nodded, feeling a rush of emotions at the mention of your mother “She was a lovely lady, always so polite and warm” he commented but you couldn't really tell whether he was genuine with his compliment or not. You didn't think of him as a person who'd remember a custodian of all people.
“Yeah” you smiled as you didn't really know what else to say.
"There's something I'd like to discuss with you about Daemon" Dr. Vis said, and your heartbeat quickened at the mention of his name.
“Daemon-?” You questioned, much to your surprise your voice came out really firm.
“He's been under my care for years now, but I have never seen him so violent as he was with those guards” you gulped as he said that “I visited them and they confessed to me why Daemon attacked them” he continued,
“Why?” You asked him, pretending as if you didn't know the reason already.
“Because of you” he paused for a moment before continuing “those men perhaps said something nasty about you, which i assure that there will be repercussions for such a behavior but that is the reason Daemon attacked them, now if there's one thing i am certain of is that Daemon doesn't do anything that would not serve him in return” he continued
“I'm sorry i don't understand what you mean” you responded as you tried to keep your voice neutral.
“I'll be plain with you y/n, are you offering him services beyond your duty as a custodian?” Your eyes widened in shock as he questioned you plainly. The implication of the question left you feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time.
“Absolutely not, I take my work seriously and always treat patients as such” you mumbled confidently, the confidence came from the anger you felt at his insinuation, even though he wasn't completely wrong.
There have been touching and inappropriate conversations between you and Daemon but it was all over last night, you didn't want to get involved with him again especially if he was entertaining the likes of Shyla as well.
“Daemon is a borderline psychopath y/n, you must know what that means right? He's charming and highly manipulative but everything he does is for his own gain” Dr. Vis said with utmost conviction. Daemon might have been an arse but a part of you knew he was far from being a psychopath with no empathy for others.
“Why does he call himself a dragon?” You asked him so Vis let out a laugh but it wasn't the sort of laughter that could bring anyone any comfort or understanding, on the contrary it chilled you to the bone.
“Because he's sick, why did you ask?” he mumbled, his tone was dismissive.
“It's just I found feathers in his room and when I questioned him he told me that they belonged to him”
The smile on Viserys's face disappeared as you mentioned that, a part of you knew you shouldn't have said anything to him, what if he hurts Daemon more? You felt the sinking feeling in your gut for letting the words slip out of you in nervousness.
“Feathers you said?” He looked at you confused so you nodded “He must have hidden those in his belongings when he came here," Vis repeated, watching you closely. “Guards must not have checked his bag properly. It's just a part of the act, y/n.”
You gave him a nod as he said that.
“Is there anything else you want from me?” he smiled and looked at you intensely as you said that
“Keep me informed if you find other suspicious things in there”
“Sure” you stepped out of his office, rolling your eyes throughout the way. What did he think of himself? And Why did you tell him about the feathers? The guilt was only going to get worse as the day goes on.
As you made your way to room 393, you found the guards doing the thorough search of his belongings. Great job y/n.
Daemon was already tied up to a chair and handcuffed in the corner of the room.
“Ummm can I proceed?” You asked John so he nodded.
“We are almost done, do you want us to leave him like that? For the sake of your safety?” John asked you so you looked at Daemon, there was a definite smirk on his face that most instantly vanished at your response.
“I'd like that, thank you” you glared at Daemon and you could tell he was confused by the sudden change in your demeanor.
As the guards left you quickly went on to do your work, ignoring Daemon altogether. You were acting like a scorned ex-girlfriend and it took you a minute to realize that.
You heard him sniffing as he looked at you up and down before he spoke to you.
“You're upset..why?” He asked you but you ignored him again and that was enough to rile him up.
“Heyy talk to me alright?” He raised his voice a little bit so you glared at him
“i don't want to talk to you, I don't want to look at you and i don't want anything to do with you” Your words were harsh and your tone was cold, making it clear that you wanted nothing to do with him and that was your plan but then his eyes flickered and you could see that he was hurt by your response.
“Why? I apologized yesterday, you forgave me-” you cut him off mid sentence before he could go on,
“And then you decided to fuck Shyla”
As your words sunk in he snickered at first, went quite for a moment, and then cracked his neck in disbelief.
“Bravo..I was wondering why I was being raided first thing in the morning. What did you say to Vis , hmm?” he asked, voice full of hurt and confusion. You knew he felt betrayed about you going behind his back.
“It was a slip of the tongue. I didn't mean it” you defended yourself and though it was true that you didn't share the information just to hurt him, you knew he'd feel hurt anyways.
“Oh why don't you accept it that you did it on purpose?” he asked you, his tone remained loud and snarky.
“Perhaps I did, now we are even” you retorted so he chuckled again.
“Oh are we? You can't hurt me because you're hurting, isn't that what you said yesterday”
“Don't turn this around on me alright? You don't get to be upset with me” your eyes welled up as you felt the surge of emotions coursing through you.
“I share those things with youuu, I choose to do so, because I believe in you or I did at least”
You didn't answer him as he said that. What were you supposed to say? You shouldn't have told Dr Vis about the feathers, you regretted doing it as soon as you had opened your mouth but you felt on the spot in that moment, what you had seen last night coupled with the nervousness you felt under Dr Vis’s suspicion made you feel so angry and you took it out on him. These days you were doing things you never thought you'd do. He really was driving you insane.
“You know what your problem is?” He asked as he suddenly rose up from the chair, breaking the rope and the handcuffs in one quick motion as if it didn't take a single ounce of strength.
He stepped closer, until you felt like he was practically looming over you so you crossed your arms defensively,
“Tell me, what do you think my problem is?” you challenged him
“Your problem is that you don't listen or ask for explanations, you just assume things.. you're so fucking judgemental..you saw her visiting me and just assumed that we were fucking in here” He spoke angrily, his jaw clenching, teeth gritting, face contorted with rage.
“I don't care if you're fucking her”
Now that was purely a lie which even you couldn't deny.
“Huh then why are you acting as if I have broken your heart?” he asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I am-” you didn't even know how to justify your behavior. What was it to you if he was sleeping with other women? He wasn't your boyfriend.
“I don't want to be a part of this ..i can't..I can't.. feel this way that I am feeling, I don't like it ..it's hurting me and I don't like it” you trailed off, barely able to form a sentence that would actually make sense to him.
“I didn't ask you to come to me, to tend to me, to steal for me, i didn't ask for those things” his eyes welled up as he spoke, he felt as if he was losing you forever and it didn't feel right at all but if he was hurting you so badly then he didn't want to add to your misery either. If he was becoming too much to deal with he would not force you to be his friend or more.
You looked at the shredded ropes and the broken handcuffs as you reached for them to clean it up. How did he have such marvelous strength? A part of you really wanted to believe that he was something extraordinary, but then he was also not well, he was a patient.
“We didn't fuck..i didn't touch her like that” he mumbled suddenly and your heart skipped a beat, you couldn't tell whether he was lying or not but then he really didn't have any reason to lie to you.
“Why else would she come to see a man who had supposedly harmed her?” You asked him as you grabbed your cart so he chuckled.
“She wanted to confirm a rumor she had heard at the hospital and she told me why she had lied that day”
“Why did she lie?”
“Why do you care? You didn't want to be a part of this right?” he mumbled sarcastically so you bit on your cheek and nodded.
With a heavy heart, you silently turned around and left his room. You had made such a big fuss, and for what? You couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for how you had behaved. Not only had you made the entire situation worse by telling Dr. Vis about the feathers, but you had also acted like a terrible friend and betrayed Daemon's trust in the process.
During Lunch hour he caught you staring at him, he knew you wanted to talk to him, it's not as if you had many friends here, he was starting to think that he was the only person you had genuinely befriended in a long time, your aversion to men wasn't just limited to sex but the whole idea of intimacy in general.
Later that night when you went to bed you felt extremely upset about the whole situation and you really missed him, perhaps you shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so easily, eyes can be deceiving and a part of you trusted him when he said that he didn't sleep with her..
As you heard the knock on the door, you quickly leaped out of your bed and ran towards the door but composed yourself before opening the door.
“You know if you apologize I will forgive you” he mumbled as he walked past you and pulled down his hood. You knew you owed him a genuine apology for how you had acted this morning.
"Daemon, what are you doing?" you asked, shocked as you watched him frantically open every drawer in your room, rummaging through your possessions. You didn't see what he had taken, but you knew he had taken something and tucked it away in his pocket.
“Apologize darling” he mumbled as he turned around to look at you so you crossed your arms.
“Im sorry, I didn't mean to rat you out..that's not the kind of person I am .. usually” you looked down as you spoke, your heart felt heavy and he could sense your discomfort so he walked towards you.
“Why did you go into his office?” he asked, his tone now gentle.
“He called me in, Darryl and Jacob had told him that you attacked them because they had made a joke about me” Daemon was silent for a moment as he processed your words.
“You know about that?”
“I heard last night, that's why I wanted to see you, and then I saw Shyla and assumed -”
“That I was fucking her.. and that made you upset” he was smiling as he finished his sentence so you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah whatever, he asked me if I was offering you uhhh bed services or something for you to get so upset about a stupid joke-”
“Joke? They were insulting you..these people that you work with and trust so blindly”
“I don't trust them..I don't trust men ..i know how ugly they can be..but you can't attack people-” you responded as you felt a sense of frustration.
“I can and I will again if I hear anyone talking filth about you”
His words were bold and confident, and they didn't fail to have an impact on your already budding feelings. As he spoke, you found yourself staring at him, unable to look away. Despite everything that had happened this morning, there was still a connection between the two of you that you couldn't ignore.
“And why is that?” you asked him so he grabbed you by the shoulders as he pulled you even closer.
“Because you're my friend sweetheart..I care about you, is that enough?”
“You can't attack people Daemon” as he attempted to pull away from you you reached for the collar of his hoodie and for a moment he was taken aback,
“I appreciate that you did..that you care enough about me but I don't want you to get hurt again, okay?” he couldn't help but smile as you said that. You worried about him, that much he knew.
“Alright, next time I'd hurt them less enough that they're not hospitalized” he said as a matter of fact so you let go of him, not knowing whether to reprimand him for being so stubborn or kiss his stupid face for being so protective of you.
“What did you steal from my drawer?” you asked to cut the tension so he stepped away from you.
“I'll show you woman..calm your gorgeous tits” he mumbled with a grin evident on his face, his words making you feel flushed instantly.
“Other men can't make a joke but you can talk to me this way?” you mumbled to hide your giddiness.
“I only do it because you allow me to, the day you'd ask me to keep my mouth shut for real, I'd never go against your words”
He always knew how to warm his way into your heart again, didn't he?
“If it's a scissor or a knife you better give it to me right now” you mumbled to steer the conversation again so he smiled and pulled out the scissors from his pocket, his hand wrapped around the handle, a part of you feared for his safety, he definitely was unpredictable and unstable at times.
“Daemon give me that please?” You mumbled softly as you stepped closer to him so he chuckled lightly.
“Ohh you beg so sweetly darling..but don't bother I'm not going to hurt myself i promise or you for that matter” he assured you and it did make you feel better but you still wanted to snatch that scissor away from him.
“Then why do you have it?” you questioned him softly so he smiled again.
“Trying to prove a point”
You couldn't even understand what he was trying to do so the shock and fear you felt was unimaginable when he started to chop away those beautiful locks of hair on his head.
“Daemon– “
“Calm down darling I can hear your heartbeat it's so loud…it's just hair …they grow back”
“Why are you doing this Daemon?” your eyes teared up as you questioned, a part of you felt awful seeing him chop those silver locks so carelessly.
“Just told you, I'm trying to prove a point”
“What point?”
“You wanted me to show you, that night you asked me to open your eyes so that's what I'm going to do”
“Cutting your hair is going to accomplish what?”
“You'll see”
Once he was done cutting his hair in a haphazard manner he walked towards you and grabbed your hand as he went down on his knees.
“Touch them” he spoke firmly but his tone was demanding and soothing at the same time.
“So you'd know they're real, that I'm not fooling you with a wig”
You hesitated for a moment but eventually wrapped your fingers around his scalp. He closed his eyes as you ran your fingers through his locks, and you heard him purr softly when you pulled on the roots lightly to confirm that they were indeed real.
“What now?”
You asked him softly so he chuckled, as his eyes raked over your inflamed cuticles he brought each finger to his lips and kissed on them one by one as if his kisses would soothe the burning sensation.
“Now you wait” you sighed deeply as he said that.
“Why don't you just come and see me when you're turned into a dragon?” you asked him softly so he sighed.
“It doesn't work that way, sometimes I can only grow my wings, the other times my hair is the only thing to transform, at times I'm able to build fire with my fingers but I lack the control, it comes and goes instantly, the reason why I have been so confused all my life is because everyone around me made me believe that I was losing my mind and at times i thought so too but not anymore” he mumbled, his voice laced with frustration but you could tell that he was choosing to trust you again with his secrets and mysteries. Or his delusions.
“You can..build fire?” you asked him so he nodded again as if it wasn't the craziest thing in the world.
Could that be the reason why he was burning like a furnace all the time?
“Okay, then I wait” you mumbled softly so he rose up slowly and hugged you tightly before he left that night.
However two days passed and his hair still looked the same, it looked really awful and you could tell that he was getting antsy about it as well. He clearly felt embarrassed and frustrated but dragon baby or not, you were going to help him get through this thing. Perhaps this was a coping mechanism for him , something he had developed as a child to cope with the loneliness he had surrounding him..
Three days later you finally dragged him out of his room and took him to the groomer in the facility to get his hair fixed. You liked how the longer hair looked on him, it made him stand out and if you were being honest with yourself it gave him a distinct aura but as he said it was just hair and it would grow back, at least he wasn't hurting himself.
As you assisted him back to his room he seemed a bit gloomy so you stepped inside and closed the door to offer him some comfort.
“Why are you sad?” You asked him so he sighed.
“Now you think I'm full of crap” he muttered, as if he was expecting you to judge him and call him a lunatic.
“I don't think that way” you responded.
“You certainly don't think very highly of me” he mumbled, his eyes seeming as if he was close to tearing up.
“That's not for you to decide” you told him confidently so he snickered at first but as you walked towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist to embrace him, you could see his defenses breaking down. “Besides, I don't care whether you're a dragon or not, I don't care whether or not you can turn into an otherworldly creature. I just care about you and I don't want you to get hurt” you mumbled as you looked up at him and you could tell he wasn't really expecting that, he was expecting you to make fun of his delusions and not be such an angel about it.
“So it's not a problem for you if I am lying about it?” he asked curiously so you gave him a smile.
“I'm sure you think you're not lying, it's real in your head and i believe that”
As you laid down in your bed that night, your mind was filled with mixed emotions. You couldn't stop thinking about the situation, and you found yourself feeling guilty about what you had done by telling Vis about Daemon's supposed feathers. You knew that you had made a huge mistake, and you really wished that you were capable of taking it back somehow but it wasn't possible.
The next morning as you dragged your cart into his room, you quickly beelined towards the bedside lamp, it was dark in his room and you heard the shower running already, which was a surprise as he often slept until late..
As he came out of the bathroom you had your back turned towards him so he smiled,
“I want to show you something” he mumbled in his “I'm sexy first thing in the morning voice” so you shrugged in response.
“Put your clothes on first..or just a cloth would do” you requested him so he grabbed a trousers from the closet and put it on.
As you turned around, you were greeted by a shocking sight - there he stood with a long, wet, silver mane cascading down his shoulders, almost reaching his waist.
As he approached, you took involuntary steps behind but there wasn't much room for you to hide. Was that a wig? How did he find it if it was? It can't be real right? What would you do if it was real? What would that even mean? You found yourself going through an existential crisis at the moment.
As you hit the wall, he placed his arms around you to entrap you between him and the wall, and he smelled divine, which wasn't really fair to you, you must smell like cleaning chemical products all the time, you thought..
You finally dared yourself to look up at his head, particularly at those long luscious thick hair.
“Touch it” he asked you as he let out a whispering voice so you shook your head, your eyes already teary so he grabbed your hand and brought it closer to his head before he leaned down and pressed his nose into your neck like always.
“Touch them please” your fingers eventually clutched around the roots of his hair and you sighed, from the relief but also the weirdness of the situation.
“Pull” he whispered in your ear so you closed your eyes and pulled on his strands slightly to confirm that his hair was actually real. It was all real.
“How?” You asked him a stupid question so he pressed his head up and looked at you intently.
“You know how, you just don't want to believe it”
“You turned into a dragon last night?”
“For a moment, it was enough”’
“What if I'm crazy.. and this is a hallucination? Just my mind playing tricks on me? What if this is not even real? What if you're not real” you looked up at him with your teary eyes and trembling lips so he tilted his head. He didn't expect you to understand this, not yet, nobody did, but at least you didn't run away from him at the first sign of trouble, last night you were in here telling him that you'd care for him no matter what, even if he was crazy and delusional you showed him that you'd stand by him.
His hands dragged up from the side of your waist and your breaths picked up immediately, his fingers then trailed the side of your curves, making your knees feel weak at the touch.
“Would this feel so hot if you were hallucinating darling?” he asked you as he opened the buttons of your cardigan, your fingers clutched around the waistband of his trousers.
“Daemon-” you whispered his name as his fingers glided over your chest, your nipples became erect quickly, the thin bra you had on did nothing to hide your shame. As he finally touched the aroused clothed nubs you almost combusted.
“It's all real, I'm real and I'm trying to show you who I am” he whispered in your ear as he cupped your breasts in his palms and rubbed his fingers over your bosom.
“How? Why? It can't be real Daemon” you asked him, not in the sense of judgment but disbelief. You found yourself annoyed by your own questions but he smiled instead.
“I don't really know, i wish to know why I am this way and I'll figure it out, that's why I'm here” he told you as he brought his palms up to cup your cheeks, thumb grazing over your lips tenderly.
“I'm sorry I am trying to make sense of it, I don't want to hurt you, I'm sorry if I still seem doubtful but I'm trying” you mumbled almost quietly so he nuzzled his nose against yours to calm you down.
“I know, i know sweet girl, thank you, nobody has tried before, nobody cared enough, just you being here is important for me”
You got on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck to hug him, the scent of your hair calmed him for a moment but then he heard something and he immediately had you pressed against the wall with his hand wrapped around your throat, a moment later the door flung open.
“What's going on over here?” Dr. Vis asked so and you felt Daemon's grip around your neck tighten for a moment before he let you go.
“Your stupid fucking maid can't even do her job properly” he stormed towards Vis so he glared at him, a moment later two guards entered and handcuffed Daemon, you knew if he wanted to get out of their clutches he could have done so easily but he didn't even try.
“Are you alright dear?” Vis asked so you nodded, you knew Daemon pretended to attack you in order to protect your job and your image in front of Vis but you didn't think Dr. Vis was a man fooled so easily.
“Yes, I just need a moment” you mumbled as you caressed your neck and fixed your cardigan as you moved towards your cart to get the fuck out of there.
“What is this hmm?” Vis asked Daemon as he flicked his long hair to mock him.
“For a doctor you surely are dense”
The remark earned Daemon a slap on the cheek and then he was dragged out of the room for his therapy session.
The possibility of Daemon being an otherworldly creature was becoming more probable day by day and you didn't know how to accept it. How was it even possible? Did his mother sleep with a dragon? Or she was a dragon? Dragons existed? There were other human dragon hybrids in the world or he was the only one? Your brain was running a mile per second with all those thoughts in there.
Later that night you somehow were able to sneak into his room, there was a mark on his cheek and it made your heart clench for him,
“This is not right daemon..he can't treat you like this all the time, you're a patient here, not a prisoner” you mumbled softly as you caressed his cheek so he sighed,
“We need to stop seeing each other like this” he mumbled suddenly but it didn't really surprise you, you knew it was becoming dangerous for you both.
“Mmmm I'll stop tomorrow..did he not question the hair?” You asked him so he shook his head.
“He blames it on generalized hypertrichosis, claims that i have had it since birth”
“Even with the condition you can't grow 12 inches in a night-” you said to him and you could see the grin forming over his face “Shut up”
“I didn't say anything”
“You're doing it in your head”
“Head is definitely involved darling”
“Shut uppppp ..” you mumbled again so he grabbed your chin and leaned into you to kiss your forehead.
“They're beautiful” you mumbled softly as you grabbed a lock of his hair between your fingers, they were silky and so shiny as if he had just returned from a hair salon.
“Would you cut them a little bit shorter for me?” he asked you so you hummed in response before you spoke.
“Mmmm I definitely can but you should keep them for a night, I can braid them for you”
He was definitely happier about the prospect of getting his hair tended to so he excitedly sat down on the floor after passing you the brush. You carefully brushed the tangles and braided it from the sides before you tied those ends together in the center, he looked beautiful, you couldn't really take your eyes off him.
For some reason you just knew that this particular memory was going to stick with you for a long time to come.
The next morning, as you went about your morning routine, you couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity wash over you. When you saw two policemen in the corridor with Viserys, it piqued your curiosity more than ever before. The police had been around the center quite a few times, usually when a patient would run away. You decided to investigate, and made your way towards the cafeteria, hoping to find answers. As you entered the room, you saw Shyla crying, and Dina trying to comfort her so you approached them as well.
“What's wrong?” You asked her so Dina sighed, her response wasn't what you could have expected even in your worst nightmare.
“That previous patient Tanya from 393? Her body was found in the woods nearby last night”
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting
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wammyhoe · 1 year
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Whiskey in a Teacup (ongoing, 12 chapters)
Summary: Your peaceful life as a bartender halts when you meet Mello, a guy with an alluring smirk who becomes a regular at the bar. As you indulge in the excitement of getting to know him, you fail to notice the warning signals that suggest Mello is not who he pretends to be. Before long, you find yourself caught up in a dangerous conflict between Mafia families.
mafia!Au - After the Kira case, where Mello survived, but Matt didn't
Thanks to @supermarine-silvally for beta reading this and always providing feedback! You're a ray of sunshine!!
Warnings: Eventual smut/blood and violence / original characters
Chapter 1- Villain in the Rain
You meet a stranger at the bar you're currently working at. There's something mysteriously alluring in his presence.
Chapter 2- All red flags ignored
Getting to know Mello is exhilarating, yet you can't quite shake off the feeling there's something dangerous about him. On par with his frequent visits to the bar, strange things about its administration start coming to light.
Chapter 3- A Lie Between the Lines
As suspicions mount about the bar's involvement in illicit activities, you find yourself at a crossroads. Driven by a deep affection for the place you call home, you dwell between approaching the authorities or taking matters into your own hands.
Chapter 4- To Escape Blood and Violence
Life in the mafia is so harsh that sometimes the only way to save a friend is by putting a bullet through their head. Mello is cunning enough to navigate such a predicament, yet he'll have to confront all the implications tied to betraying the family.
Chapter 5- At the amusement park!
Despite each of you harboring individual concerns, you steadfastly hold onto the red lace that binds you to one another. Consequently, you embark on your first official date with Mello.
Chapter 6-Greetings and Farewells
Witnessing you interact with one of your friends, Mello erupts in a displeasing fit of jealousy, inadvertently hurting your feelings. In the aftermath of this incident, you finally take heed of your best friend's advice, recognizing that Mello may not be the right match for you. Interestingly, amid this realization, Mello undergoes a profound revelation about his own feelings for you. Sometimes, it's only when things fall apart that they can find a way back together.
Chapter 7- Fear of Love
The reader stumbles upon a significant revelation about the bar, finally unraveling its secrets. Concurrently, Mello grapples with the repercussions of his actions. In a pivotal moment, Mello's crime partner imparts powerful advice, fueling Mello's motivation to take decisive action about his feelings for you.
Chapter 8- You are the Ocean NSFWish / suggestive
Mello initiates a conversation that paves the way for a long-awaited reconciliation, establishing the groundwork and agreements on how the dynamics will function if both of you decide to be in a relationship. Something in all these conditions sets off your red alerts, yet the desire to finally feel his lips on yours quiets all the questioning in your mind.
Chapter 9- Undercity
Mello was never who he claimed to be. Things fall apart, and the scent of blood hangs heavy. You struggle to breathe, haunted by relentless pursuers.
Chapter 10- The Weight of Expectation
Following the events unfolding at the metro lines, Mello decides that the best way to keep you safe is to take you with him. Don't worry, you're not his hostage. At least, not yet. You can think of yourself as a well-cared-for guest. God, he destroyed your world, and there's no one to blame but yourself. But you're determined to make things right.
Chapter 11- A Matter of Winning or Losing NSFW
After the events on the metro lines, Mello's betrayal to the family comes to light, placing a hit on his head and stripping him of his position as New York street chief. To reclaim his title and restore order to the city's chaos, he is determined to forge new alliances. Simultaneously, he's resolute in showing you that while all degenerates may be criminals, not all criminals are degenerates.
Chapter 12 - For the dancing and the dreaming NEW CHAPTER
You soon discover that Mello has a soft side to him that you didn't think was possible. For a moment, you hesitate, questioning whether or not to continue with your plan to bring him down.
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dreamweave01 · 12 hours
Ok, I have lots of questions about Z2-i in your au:
Does Z2 still know he was built to protect those who can not protect themselves? Even if he doesn't have the memory of his father telling him, would he still have the need to be protective? Has he tried to protect the others from things at any point?
Does Z2 have his sixth sense in this au? Does he get visions?
What does the Golden Order think is powering him? Do they care about the implications of an unlimited energy source, or do they just focus on the elemental power stuff?
This au is so cool. Keep up the good work!
Let's go, I love questions!
Z2 does not know why he was built/why he was created. However, he has always had the intense desire to protect those who are in need of protecting, (whether they be friend or foe.)
He has attempted to protect the others on multiple occasions. (C1 has as well, though he doesn't think through things nearly as well as Z2 does.) However, when it comes to Z2, "others" isn't exclusively his brothers.
Z2 does indeed have a sixth sense, and has had many visions throughout his life. (The Golden Order may or may not try to exploit this ability to see hints of the future.)
The Golden Order have concluded that Z2's power-source is a self-sustaining battery of sorts, though they have no idea what material it's made of or where it was even discovered. Clearly, whoever had built Z2 had been a technological genius well beyond his or her years.
The Order has made efforts to try and utilize this seemingly limitless power source, or at least attempted to extract samples to figure out a way to replicate it. However, they quickly discovered that meddling too much with Z2's power-source could lead to major repercussions on his performance levels.
For this reason, as well as the fact that Z2's programming is highly sophisticated beyond anything they've ever seen before, they prefer to take an intense level of caution when it comes to these kinds of things.
They don't want to lose one of the key 'elements' of their operation after all (pun intended :P)
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
Do you ever think about the implications of bee always being the youngest autobot and possibly having been a necessary child solider suddenly living in semi peace with the maltos? Like imagine, because the comics and shows say this happened, bee hoards energon a little because he grew up with multiple food shortages and him feeling both relieved and guilty that the terrans don’t need it. Or imagine he has tapes of voices, songs, and movies from when he lost his voice and sometimes likes to play them to remember.
child soldiers may be one of my favorite character archetypes, and bee strikes me as one in every continuity. idw and earthspark seem to be a little off from that, but since cybertronian ages are really long, i'd still wager bee was considered a child when the war started
it's really hard to snap back into a civilian lifestyle so yes, he absolutely would still display war habits, being careful and sneaky a lot of the times, adressing some people by their rank (Lieutenant Malto or possibly Optimus, but the last is just my pet peeve). it's very sad
honestly, if we're talking earthspark here, i really don't think bee lost his voice in this. i like the trope, don't get me wrong, it's super angsty, but it doesn't seem to fit into earthspark. i feel like there would be repercussions if that was the case, that's a whole ass trauma he had to go through and he wouldn't have been so happy-go-lucky. sure he puts up a mask, but it's more than that, he would have to show some sings of it, like using songs, like you said. ooc for me, but i do like what people are going for
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humongouscatfan · 2 years
could i get some yandere alicent x lady-in-waiting hcs?  👀 
Who am I to ever deny any asks for our lesbian queen?
You come into her Majesty's service shortly after Alicent wed Viserys.
The royal life is harder than she ever expected. Rhaenyra stills refuses to as much as hold a conversation with her and while she cares for her husband, she does not love him as a wife should love a husband.
That's when you come in.
In the darkness, you are her sole light and she clings to you. Your warmth, your kindness soothe her fears. You are the only person that gets to see her true, blinding smile anymore.
You two spend almost every moment of every day together. You have picnics beneath the heart tree, read together and go on walks through the gardens.
During the birth of Aegon, Alicent demands that you be in the room with her. You hold her hand through the whole thing and you are the second person that gets to hold the newborn prince.
After that the two of you only grow closer. Aegon begins calling you both mom. At first, you are worried Alicent might take offence, but her response is one of absolute delightment.
Sadly, not everyone in court shares that opinion.
Soon you are very aware of the other ladies in waiting gazing upon you with envy. They are jealous that you are the one who gets the Queen's favor and attention.
Alicent urges you to pay no mind to them. They don't matter. You are her only real friend.
Friend. She uses that word very often to describe your relationship. She speaks it with near reverence.
You know how devout to the Seven your Queen is. She often invites you to pray with her. So you keep your true feelings locked down to perserve your friendship.
Still, sometimes it is difficult. Especially at night, when Alicent summons you in her chambers to keep her company. You watch her in her dark red robes as she sips on her wine. Her eyes meet yours and there is a spark of something in them. You want nothing more than to press your mouth against the lushness of her lips.
But then there is a knock on the door as Viserys summons her, reminding you the impossibility of your situation.
Everything changes when one of the other ladies of the court accuses you of performing witch craft to bewitch her Majesty. Those accusations are vile and foolish, but the repercussions could be great at even the implication.
You try and hide it from Alicent. She already has enough troubles with Rhaenyra still avoiding her and her father pushing for Aegon's claim.
Regardless, she finds out somehow. That morning, when you come for tea, you do not expect to see such fire in her eyes.
She asks you why you hid this from her. You have never heard her so cold and harsh. Your voice trembles as you explain.
Her gaze softens at your nervousness. Before you can react, her hand cups your cheek and she pulls you closer, sealing your lips with a kiss.
Your mind goes blank. Nothing exists except for her taste, her scent, the feeling of her body against yours. She tastes like honey and smells of roses and mint. You wonder for a moment if you are dreaming but then she sucks onto your bottom lip ever so softly and you feel a tinge of pain, reassuring you this is real.
"You will never leave me," she whispers against your lips "Promise me."
At this moment, she could ask you to burn the entirety of Westeros for her and you would.
"I won't," you promise.
"No one will take you from me," her voice is a little harsher now and when she pulls you back in, the kiss is much more demanding, hungry.
The next day, the lady who accused you is gone. You ask around but can't find anything about her. When you bring it up to Alicent, she does not seem bothered at all.
"One less person to distract you, my love. Come to me. I want to braid your hair," she responds sweetly.
If you two were close before, now the proximity is suffocating. Alicent requests you stay in her chamber every night. She feels lonely without you. You pray together, eat together, sleep together. After her fall out with Rhaenyra, she is always gifting you green dresses and jewelry, often matching her outfits with yours.
When you suggest that you want to visit your family, Alicent says she will begin preparations instantly for both of you to go.
But when you actually get there, her mood seems to dull. When you ask her what is wrong, she sighs.
"I don't think these people are good for you," she says "They are taking advantage of your kindness. They don't deserve you."
"They are my family," you argue.
"Would I ever lie to you?"
At the very suggestion that you may be betrothed, Alicent shatters. She grasps your hand and refuses to let go.
"You promised me. I need you. Our children need you," she pleads while you soothe her, insisting you will keep your promise.
As time goes on, you find yourself more and more isolated. Alicent is always around and when she is not, one of the kids is running around, keeping you on your feet.
On the tragic night when Aemond loses his eye, you stand by Alicent. This is the woman you love and the child you have raised after all. Despite her heartbreak, her tears, you catch the adoration in her eyes as she turns towards you.
That night, she comes to your chambers. Her lips meet yours and it is every bit as addicting and maddening and overwhelming as it was all those years ago. She is pressed up against you and you feel her pounding heart.
"I love you," she confesses "I love you as a wife loves her husband. I love you in every way that has ever existed. No one has ever loved as much as I love you. Marry me."
You wipe the tears falling down her cheeks. It is impossible you explain. She is already wed and even if she were not, you are both women-.
"I don't need the court to know of our oaths. I only need you and the Seven to be present,"
You never could say no to Alicent. And that very same night, the two of you stand all alone at the Sept and speak your vows as she wraps her green cloak over your shoulders.
You are hers and she is yours.
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pasiphile · 1 year
>.> Can you say more words about GO2
Oh, I can, but they're not very nice words.
While I had my issues with the first season, the second season is just so... bafflingly bad? Like, so strangely bad. Plotwise it feels like something written by a beginner. Like for some reason they've given a huge budget to some mediocre fanfic. There are just so many instances where they obviously had to get from point A to point B and just made up a quick shortcut without thinking too much about the implications or it, you know, making sense. Some of it is because of the honestly strange decision to let other writers take care of the flashbacks, with the worst contender the WWII flashback (zombies exist now? with no repercussions? so much gratuitous gore? Also the whole sequence with the gun would be so dramatic if, you know, demons actually died instead of being discorporated being nothing but a minor administrative setback). But it's also there in the main plot. Fire extinguishers work against demons for some reason? Aziraphale goes all the way to Scotland and back to learn basically nothing? The whole contrived romantic subplot with Nina and Maggie? The fucking Gabriel/Beelzebub thing? It's all either so heavy handed or just plain lazy. And I'm all for suspension of disbelief but if it's just one thing after another...
To me it feels like the basic plot of the whole second season could've over and done with in half an episode, and they just put in filler after filler to fluff it out into a full season where, in fact, barely anything happens.
And it's so odd! I know John Finnemore's work, he's good at intricate little plot connections! And Neil Gaiman can hardly be called an inexperienced writer either! It just feels like they were too lazy to actually bother writing a plot that works.
Meanwhile characterisation-wise, they've gone further on the path they'd already started in season one and wandered even farther away from what made the book characterisation interesting. In the book, Crowley is the nice one, who's generally polite and friendly and very fond of humans, while Aziraphale is, honestly, a bit of a dick and a recluse who prefers not interacting with humans and is 100% down to kill a child if it means he can keep his comfy lifestyle going. Aziraphale accidentally kills a dove and doesn't care about it. Crowley is the one that revives it. It's that kind of contradiction that makes it so fun, and to see that reversed into Aziraphale being a bleeding heart saving-the-poor-humans and Crowley acting all tough and sarcastic really erases a lot of what makes the pairing so charming.
But the thing that bothers me the most is how much they included the Big Conflict between Heaven and Hell. In the books, both Crowley and Aziraphale are low in the hierarchy. You only catch a glimpse of the big players and only at the end. Plus, they're lazy. It's a plot point that they both have human agents to take care of the work for them and that they don't get involved. They're not remotely interested by the overarching conflict or wanting either side to win. The whole point of the Agreement is that they take over a bit of each other's work for ease and convenience. And they're not particularly involved in humanity's welbeing either, and they definitely don't go around saving individual humans. They're disturbed by it, sure, but they don't think about interfering in any way. They only start taking an active role when their comfy lifestyle is threatened. And that's what I like about the whole thing. It's small, in a way. It's contained. Meanwhile the TV series went full out with Hell and Heaven fighting against each other and Crowley and Aziraphale suddenly becoming major agents in that conflict, catching the interest of demons and angels all the way up. It feels very at odds with the central theme and message of the book.
I did enjoy watching it. About 50% for the little things that did work, and about 50% to point and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
And to spot the Pratchett references, of course. Those were nice.
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comraderomeo · 1 year
Where Skin Ends Ch. 6
Updated every Thursday (I missed the release date for this chapter like three times I'm so sorry. However, this is a particularly long chapter so hopefully that makes up for it.)
Links: ao3 masterpost
cw: nothing of note
The following morning, you wake up without issue. It's mostly out of the desire to avoid sleeping more than the bare minimum, though you're always a slave to physical training regardless. After a mile and the usual reps, you're tempted to complain about how MechWarriors technically don't need to be in peak physical condition, but you bite your tongue after Alex steals that time to complain about not being assigned any active contracts. You cringe at the implication. It's your Hatchetman that's still in for repairs. She needs it, but the lance could be working right now if it weren't for your lack of skill. Edward seems to take notice and helpfully notes that everyone is generously on a garrison contract in the meantime. That does nothing to calm your nerves and you stalk off again. The anger doesn't last long because it’s rooted in petulance, so you wander. You weren't awarded any further responsibilities, so you do so without repercussion. You track over the exterior of the base, setting new walking paths in your mind while avoiding that pond from the night before. When mealtime comes, you eat, and when colleagues call upon you for one thing or another, you oblige. Following dinner, you take an indulgent trip to the ‘mech bays. It's difficult to reenter the lustful fugue state you entered the last time, because the head ‘tech is still mulling around. The fleeting groundedness you have in that moment allows you to talk with her for more than one sentence. You learn the local ‘mech production facility specializes in incompatible engine designs, so they were forced to order well out of system. She apologizes when saying it would come out of your account, but you don't care. It will never be about C-Bills for you. Afterwards, a brief trip off-base rewards you with a bottle whose label you barely read and some freshly laundered clothes. The purchase is disgusting, but you frame it as a reward. After a half bottle and not nearly enough water, you clumsily turn in for a dreamless night’s sleep. What a pointless day.
The following morning, you wake up full of regret. Your head is pounding, and you have no one to blame but yourself. You swallow mouthfuls of water directly from the sink, in hopes that it will save you from the headache. It helps enough to get you to physical training only slightly late. Ashe comments on it snidely, as she has a right to, but you catch Alex giving her a look about it. She stops afterward. You perform suboptimally at the exercises, but that's to be expected. The wandering that follows isn't any better than it was the day before. Enlisted members of the LCAF wander around base, often in a rush but sometimes leisurely. You catch a moment of gossip between two grunts about how, “MechWarriors get all the special treatment, but they'd never survive a real firefight.” You want to interrupt to say you've done more than your fair share of footsoldiering, but it's not worth the inevitable argument. However, you do lose yourself in a theoretical debate and thoroughly defeat the poor imaginary grunt with your vastly superior intellect and valuable real-life experience, such that I'm sure he feels the psychic beating you give him. This takes you away from navigation, though, and you fade back into reality to discover you’re near the pond from your most recent round of night walking. It puts you on edge, despite the fact it's inhabited by a few soldiers in casual clothes who seem to be perfectly happy. You nervously glance to the bushes, in fear of a blinding light that never comes. Later, you take a very light dinner to your room and avoid drinking yourself to sleep this time. Luckily, no dreams come. What a pointless day.
The following morning, you wake up just fine. It's almost as if a metaphysical fog had previously rolled in and is just now receding. In fact, you don't remember much of the past couple days. The bottle sitting on your side table is most likely the cause of that. You dress yourself in your exercise clothing and make short work of today’s physical training. While jogging, you and Alex discuss the state of the war and how odd it is that your lance is stationed on the complete wrong side of the Commonwealth for their attacks on the Draconis Combine. Regardless, the Commonwealth seems to be doing well in their Operation Götterdämmerung with the assistance of your Bravo and Charlie lances. The Federated Suns are doing much the same on the lower side of the Inner Sphere. This is all very insightful and you nod along dutifully but don't develop any real opinion on the state of affairs. After a shower and some food, you find yourself with nothing to do again. This lack of direction is crushing to you, and you promise yourself that you'll protest garrison contracts in the future. So, you sit on the pavement with your back against a warehouse. You start to settle down and tell yourself that maybe you'll nap for a while in the middle of a military base and surrounded by people trying to work. Luckily, you barely get a minute to yourself before a voice breaks through the crowd,
“Oh, Sergeant, is that you?”
You track the source of the voice, and of course, you find none other than Hannelore Geelen. You take the opportunity to be snide,
“Ah, Corporal. I assume I missed another of your dinner invitations?”
She chuckles, and you find it reassuring.
“Well, not this time, and I can't say I'm that hungry either.”
“That's a shame. I was just starting to think that awful story I made up worked.”
She laughs fully this time.
“Well, I wouldn't say that's the part that ‘worked,’ but sure it was a great story.”
Your unaltered brain stops you from going down another regrettable route.
“Ha, though I think I have to clarify and say I wasn't actually trying anything. I was just drunk and stupid.”
An emotion passes over her, but it's hard to catch.
“Ah, yeah I figured as much. It didn't seem like your specialty, no offense.”
“None taken. But anyway, why did you stop by?”
Hannelore makes a show of thinking for a moment.
“Well, I was just going to say hi, but if you're so positive that I need something from you, then maybe we should do something before I have to turn in for curfew.”
“What would we do?”
“I don't know. We could find a place to sit and talk?”
You find yourself being contrarian out of necessity.
“You're not hungry, I don't feel much up to leaving base, and military installations don't often cater to casual seating, so I'm not sure where we’d go.
“Oh, right, hmm… Wait! Don't mercs have their own rooms here? I think I heard that somewhere.”
“We do.”
“Then we could use yours, if that's alright.”
“Oh I see. Maybe that story worked a little too well…”
It's subtle, but Hannelore’s cheeks redden as she rushes through her response,
“Oh, nono, that's not what I meant! It's just convenient. Sorry, I didn't mean anything weird.”
You reply with a protective bluntness,
“I didn't think you did. It was a joke. We can do that, if you'd like.”
“Ok… Great! Lead the way.”
You get up and gesture matter-of-factly for her to follow. She does.
An awkward silence hangs between the two of you, as you walk. However, the base isn't too large, so it's only a few moments before you manage to make it worse. A few doors before your own, you realize your room is just as you left it (a mess), so you panic slightly. The only reasonable conclusion you come to is that you'll have to make Hannelore wait outside while you tidy,
“Sorry, Corporal, but I need to take care of something quickly. Please wait here.”
She looks at you with a cocked head, but you slip inside before she responds. Your room isn't that large, and in honesty, it's been worse. However, the duffle bag that holds the remnants of the clean laundry from a few days ago and the growing pile of discarded clothing are sitting out, looking as unappealing as ever. You rush to throw the dirty clothes all directly on top of the clean ones, only barely stopping to lay a shirt out flat to delineate the separation. Then, the bag is zipped and thrown into a corner with no consideration for what damage you could've just done. This is why I try to tell you to store important documents better; it's not like you listen anyway. You find solace in the only other visible issue being an uncleaned mirror, which you file under “things everyone has.” Then, you're back at the door. You decide there's tension and that it needs breaking, so you open the door and say,
“No solicitors.”
Hannelore jumps at how suddenly you reappear, but recovers quickly with a half-hearted chuckle. You wave her inside, and she follows, visibly nervous. The both of you stand in the only room that's not for bathing. You feel cramped with the extra company, but Hannelore seems to disagree,
“Oh, wow. This is way nicer than anything they give us.”
“It's better than I usually get. The dropship only has bunks.”
“Well, you should take advantage while you've got it.”
You don't often look people in the eyes, but you catch Hannelore’s flick to your side table before she makes a deserved off-colour joke,
“Or, maybe you have already, haha.”
“Oh, right, sorry…”
You shamefully grab the remnants of the alcohol from where you left it and slide the thing under your bed. Hannelore looks slightly embarrassed the whole time. You anxiously push onward and state matter-of-factly,
“You can sit on the bed, if you want.”
“Oh, ok. Thank you.”
She does as you offered, and seems unsure as to whether she should make room for you or not. You make sure to answer her unsaid question by leaning against an open space of your completely undecorated wall. She shifts to the middle of the bed and starts off with the formality of smalltalk,
“So, how’ve you been?”
“It's been boring, mostly.”
She nods knowingly.
“Ah, yeah. Perimeter patrols will melt your brain after a while.”
“I don't get that even. I'm not sure your brass knows what to do with me.”
“Oh, huh. I guess because your ‘mech is still in for repairs right?”
You shrug and reply bluntly,
“My own CO doesn't know what to do with me. It's a bit of a pattern.”
She doesn't seem to know what to say to that so instead pulls a small, pill-shaped object from her pants pocket, followed by something more circular with a cable hanging off it.
“So, are you into music at all?”
You hesitate but respond honestly,
“I'm a musician.”
“Oh really!? That's so cool! What do you play?”
“It's um- It's called a ‘tiorbarrón.’ It sort of takes elements from a guitar, a bass, and a lute, if that helps.”
Hannelore thinks, trying to imagine the thing you could have just physically demonstrated. She seems to find some logic in that explanation and nods happily,
“It sounds interesting! But anyway, I just got a bunch of new music from a catalog I follow. Do you want to hear some of it?”
“I suppose I do.”
“Great! One second…”
She plugs the cable into the oblong device, which you guess is a music player, and fiddles with its controls. You hear the beginning of a few songs flicker by until she settles on one. She introduces it as the song fades in,
“Ok, this one is called ‘Walls Crumble Under the Weight of Judgement.’ It’s off the new album by the Forgotten Tides Orchestra, Ashes From Faraway Fires. It's probably one of my favorites of theirs.”
When she finishes, the wider instrumentation seems to take a cue, and what was once a single somber distorted guitar grows to a sudden crescendo of noise. The harshness slowly dies down as its memory reverberates through the hall it was recorded in. The percussion section seizes this lull and strikes you with a driving beat. Vocals soon join for the first time, a chorus filled with rage and ragged at the edges, same as all the strings. They sing about destruction and war. The harmony is clean and speaks of shallow mourning and pallid reassurances from the lips of an oligarch. Another rise precedes a somber section. The first chair guitar duets with a single vocalist. Allegory to some religion you're unfamiliar with accentuates the feelings of despair from being alone in the face of a hungry war machine, but as the pair's soliloquy reaches its conclusion, the rest of the performers rejoin the song one-by-one. You mark this beginning of a new movement at about eight minutes in, and prepare to be here a while. The renewed energy brings with it a sense of solidarity, as the choir sings of just that. You slowly start to lose track of the song, becoming overwhelmed by first time analysis, and when you come back to it, a long, synthetic note screams out the end of the song, fading like the hopes of trillions. Upon reflection, you find the subject and composition immature and malformed, but it's earnest. Hannelore looks at you expectantly,
“Well, how’d you like it?”
You hide your true feelings on the matter with a deflection of sorts,
“It was… interesting. I've never heard anything like it, but I wasn't necessarily ‘classically trained.’ Regardless, I’m sorry House Steiner dragged you into their war.”
She looks at you confused,
“Wait, what?”
You rightfully feel like an idiot but are unsure why,
“Because of the music; you were drafted right?”
Hannelore takes her turn to be embarrassed now,
“Oh, no, I uh- I enlisted a few years ago. I guess my music taste is a little weird given that…”
“Sorry, I just thought that since, you know, the whole theming of the song.”
“I… yeah. I'm a bit of a poser if you think about it.”
“It's still a good song.”
“It is! Neo-orchestral post hard-punk is probably my favorite genre right now.”
“I'm sorry, neo what?”
“Ah, right, I forget most people aren't as well versed in modern music.”
“I'm learning that I'm far less well-versed in music than I thought today.”
She laughs with a tinge of nerves before launching into a kind of spiel that she must have practiced in her head countless times without being able to say it to anyone,
“So, I guess I'll start with the basics. I'll assume you get what the ‘neo-orchestral’ part means?”
“I think so.”
She takes a deep breath; you've gotten in too deep.
“Ok, good, well the other parts go back to a few movements in the late 20th century that kind of made a comeback after parts of them were discovered in various Star League caches –can’t thank those guys enough for having good taste, haha. The easiest to explain is probably the ‘punk’ part. You know the angry simple chords and heavy distortion and vocals about how the government sucks? That's kind of what punk is in a way. And, the cool part is the subculture never really died, but that means there's now a whole debate about whether classical punk or current punk is the ‘real’ thing –which is a debate that also never died, I think. So, there's that and a little while after that scene developed on ancient Terra, another movement split off from it called hardcore. To really oversimplify things again, it was kind of like punk but pure anger, so it ended up being almost incomprehensible walls of noise with vocals that would rip my throat to shreds if I tried to sing them. And from that genre of hardcore, evolved a subgenre called post-hardcore and- Are you familiar with A Silver Mount Zion?”
You shake your head,
“Not at all.”
“Yeah, that makes sense. But ok, they're a particularly good example of early post-hardcore, I think. And if it helps drive the connection home, they went by a lot of different names, including ‘Thee Silver Mount Zion Memorial Orchestra.’ So, that's kind of how people made the jump to combine all these genres. And, it helps that whoever was stationed on that old Star League research station was a big fan, so we got a pretty complete discography. That, plus the pretty constant state of war that we’re in, directed some artists away from the more esoteric lyricism of post-hardcore to some more direct calls to action. All in all, the genre is a pain to classify, but it produces some of the best music around, at the moment. For example, you have Forgotten Tides, and Ample Reason to Lose, and-”
You again are overwhelmed by analysis. You deign to find yourself interested in this, but at this point, the band names all blur together, and you're unsure whether ‘Combat Wounded Veteran’ is the name of a song, an album, an artist, or someone you used to know. You keep nodding along regardless, which is practically lying through your teeth. Eventually, she slows down, and you catch the social need to show your interest with a question,
“You seem really dedicated to this, so why are you still in the military? It seems like you should have the moral imperative to leave.”
That is possibly the worst question you could have chosen. You've mortified your guest at least three times this evening. It's a surprise she's still here.
“Oh, well, yeah, uh, it's weird, but I don't know. I guess I'm just stuck in it.”
You at least have the grace to apologize,
“Sorry, I shouldn't have asked.”
“Nono, it's ok. I asked about you being a merc after all.”
She chuckles to diffuse the situation and buy her time to think of an answer.
“And just so you know, I’ve thought of it, leaving that is. I think I would do it, if I had anything else to do with myself.”
“I'm sorry. I know the feeling, in a way.”
“I can see that. And well, it's just that I fucked up my chance at school, and they didn't let me finish that training when I enlisted. I haven't died yet, and maybe if I last long enough, they'll give me a pension or something.”
She says that profanity with such vitriol that it catches you by surprise. You haven't heard her angry at all, especially not enough to curse. After that first night, you assumed she was incapable of anger. How presumptuous of you.
“Can’t you use what pay you have already to try again?”
“Maybe, but I don't get mercenary pay, much less Lyran ‘mech pay. And, I feel like I lost my chance anyway.”
“I'm sorry then.”
She laughs as if something’s funny,
“It's ok. But, back to music, you said you play, right?”
This conversation is becoming half diversions at this rate.
“I did.”
“Well, sorry for prying, but is this an instrument case?”
She taps the rounded corner of the case accompanying your bottle underneath the bed. You nod,
“That's my instrument, yes. Please don't kick it, I've had it longer than I've had a ‘mech.”
“Ah! Sorry!”
“It's ok. I doubt you damaged it this time.”
She hops off the bed expectantly, and you abide. The case slides out from where it has sat since you arrived. The second of your two allowed pieces of luggage is blank but not pristine. You've seen the occasional traveling musician or busker at dropship terminals or streets corners in the past, and your case bares almost no resemblance to the scratched, stickered, and storied cases of those artists. The scratches it does bare are few and far between, and you would hope so since you rightfully insist on hand loading it whenever it's needed. There is also not a single sticker on the thing. Framed by expectation, the question had been asked. A blunt response highlighted how decoration was unprofessional and unbecoming. Hannelore seems to notice your deliberation and politely implies you should stop,
“It's an interesting shape.”
She's referring to the way the neck of the case cuts off at half the length of a normal guitar neck. You nod with the borrowed confidence of an expert and open the case to illustrate,
“The neck folds. It's actually quite long.”
You remove the instrument from its berth, careful to slide the protective flap out from between the neck pieces as you do. Then, you gently unfold it. The neck resembles a merging of a guitar and a harp. The bottom ten strings, two single and four doubled, are set on the fretted part of the neck and serve the part of melody and rhythm, while the top five are suspended on the harp-like section of the neck and provide a droning bass line. Both sets are made of gut, which is excessively difficult to source outside of your home, and they terminate in a bridge on the body that is styled much like a large acoustic guitar. This is all characteristic of the instrument as a class, but what makes the one you hold above the rest is the shape of the sound hole. In the center of the body, a classical ermine coat symbol is cut. Within the shape, a lattice structure highlights the curves of the cut and ensures its structural stability. You know all these details by heart, but you retread them every time you look at them because this is the second or possibly third most beautiful item you'll ever lay your hands on.
“Wow… I've never seen something like that before.”
You return your focus to the conversation,
“You probably never will again. It's a local specialty, I've come to learn.”
“Oh, you mean from your home system? Where is that?”
“It was somewhere on the periphery, but I don't think it would be worth the trip anymore.”
She seems to catch your implication and doesn't press,
“Well, maybe learning about it from you will be good enough then.”
“Anyway, not to be that person, but can you play something? I'd love to hear it!”
You nod, because why wouldn't you? It's one of your most redeeming features that you can play and now’s the time to use it. You choose a song, a simple tune with accompanying lyrics about the changing of the seasons, and you begin using the ever-sensitive geared tuners to put the instrument in key. Your ear is rusty, so half the notes are slightly flat, but it's serviceable. Hannelore watches the process with a keen interest that unnerves you.
“Sorry for the wait, Corporal. Should I start?”
“Of course! Whenever you're ready, Sergeant.”
You nod, and begin. A slow strum of a chord on the bottom strings heralds the song. The bass strings join in soon after, and you find yourself mimicking the grace of a tiorbarrón master. The longer the song draws on and the more your fingers struggle to tap out a melody on the frets, you feel increasingly weighed down. Despite the song being a friendly appreciation of seasons experienced lightyears away, you’re beset by a horrible weight. Your guest doesn't seem to notice, but a tear wells against your eye. You find it hard to concentrate now, and your rhythm begins to stumble into the lead. You don't let the song drag you along and end it suddenly.
“Oh, what happened? Are you alright?”
You force a laugh to stifle the tears,
“Ha, I'm ok. It's just been a while, and I can feel how rusty I am.”
“That makes sense. Maybe you should take your time here to practice then. It seems like we might be here a while.”
You nod, knowing fully well that you won't. A silence follows, and you try to be kind and hold the instrument in a way where Hannelore can see. She looks perhaps too closely and reinitiates,
“So, what's the meaning of the design in the middle? I assume it has one.”
That's not a question you expected and certainly not one you wanted. It's not something you can easily deflect from, so you refuse bluntly.
“I’d rather not say.”
She takes it a little personally, and that shows on her face. It's the better result in your mind. You take the opportunity to break the neck of the instrument again and restore it to its home. During the process, you check the humidifying pack stored in the case. It's fine. Just after the lid thumps closed, Hannelore announces her leave,
“Well, um, I guess I should probably head out now.”
“I'm sorry for keeping you.”
“You weren't! I asked you, didn't I?”
“I guess.”
“Anyway, I'll see you around then.”
“Have a nice night.”
She waves. You wave. She walks out the door. A pit in your stomach forms. You don't know why, but when you slide the case back under the bed, you trade for the bottle to try and fill it. What a pointless day.
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What I think will happen to "Monarch's team" in ODNLB:
Adrien: gets freed and reunites with his friends and gets lots of hugs and kisses and the city declares the day he's freed (which is also the day Monarch's taken down, to be fair) to be a citywide holiday on par with Heroes Day, and Paris holds a parade annually celebrating Monarch and Volpina's defeat and Chat Noir's restoration.
Felix: Tough to say for him. I don't think he's going to prison, but I dunno whether he's being let off the hook, either. He's not fully a bad guy, but he's done some pretty awful things that have caused a lot of harm, and I'm not sure he's really learned his lesson. Right now the best I can think is that he'd be off on the sidelines, probably not implicated in the takedown itself, but not exactly welcomed by Paris or anyone except for Kagami and to a limited extent, Adrien. Hm. Though maybe Felix will have SOME legal repercussions, but of the "slap on the wrist" variety. Something with a pretty minor sentence, in exchange for cooperating in taking down Gabriel and Lila. I could see him being willing to do that, if it makes sure they aren't threats anymore.
Chloe: Paris finds out that she's been a secret agent, trying to protect Adrien, their precious Chat Noir, these last few years as best she could. She's officially welcomed onto the Miracuteam, with her and Vesperia sharing the Bee Miraculous, and becomes generally well-liked by Parisians.
Gabriel: He goes to prison for the rest of his life, and is honestly happier there than he's been these last six years. At least now Adrien's safe and Lila's no longer a threat. Nathalie is avenged. I don't think he'd even hold being sent to prison against Ladybug at this point, I'm getting the feeling he knows full well that he deserves it, even welcomes it.
Lila: I dunno, she's basically evil incarnate, send her to the shadow realm or something.
adrien: his ending has already been foreshadowed! if you've read what makes a monster and collateral damage, you probably have a sense how i'm going to handle him lol. and while i love the idea of him getting a big party welcome back 👀👀👀 i wonder what adrien would like the most?
felix: ooh so you're predicting his ending will be as lukewarm/ambiguous as he's been throughout the story. nice, i like it, it's very fitting for him especially given how he would only really care what adrien and kagami thought about him anyway. i have had his ending planned since the start too, although it hasn't been foreshadowed quite as heavily lol. or has it
chloe: 👀👀 your guesses 👀 they're quite good 👀 and you know she would love the adoration even if it's shared! her ending scene is actually one i've had a clear picture of for a while; i hope it sits well with you when it happens :D
gabriel: love this self-hating angle you're putting on him now, it's actually super accurate. at this point prison and punishment would be a relief compared to what he's been through. he knows he deserves it, and he knows he'll deserve what's coming.
lila: had her planned since the beginning as well! the shadow realm is too good for her. if we can send her to the lowest circle of hell that'd be cool though.
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megatraven · 2 years
Just remembered a thought I had at work about like..
The significance of the Astoria monsters being called Godly Monsters.
I was thinking about how MC mentions she had begun to adopt the same patronizing (might be a different word, can't remember lol) attitude the gods have towards the titans because she admits to herself she had started to see Selene and Helios as "her" titans. And how that was enforced through one of the specials via Persephone iirc.
Godly Monsters.
Creatures that are treated like shit by the divine, who might be better off described as Greek Monsters regardless of how old some are and where they were born. (A Greek God doesn't stop being a Greek God just because home base is linked above New York). They're still attached to the Greek mythos, at the very least.
So why Godly Monsters?
There's no love for the gods coming from any Godly Monster (at least, not most. Cerberus and his brothers are an exception, but even then, most gods treat them poorly despite their connection to Hades.) There's never any acknowledgement that being deemed a Godly Monster has some odd connotations, it's pretty much just accepted as it is. Which, to be fair, that's the least of their worries, but...
Bottom line is, they're monsters- not godly at all. The opposite, if anything. The titans aren't called Godly Titans. So why are the monsters dubbed as such?
There's DEFINITELY the factor of distinction- monsters with auras vs. regular monsters like vampires, werewolves, etc.
But what could have happened in-universe that pushed the name Godly Monsters into being? What in-universe reason is there to be Godly Monsters over Greek Monsters?
I'm thinking that, when the gods and the King and Queen of Monsters "settled" their matters- because we know something happened between monsters and gods that brought on a lot of bloodshed; there's a reason why the monsters have a monarchy untouchable by the gods unless they blatantly violate the terms of their treaty, a reason why they have a treaty (a truce) at all- that the gods supplied the new title to them.
Because the gods are above everyone else, and putting their modifier onto the monsters gives them a certain claim to ownership, it raises the gods even higher above them because they're Godly Monsters, not gods. The gods oversee them as much as their own monarchy does. The gods can punish them far worse. They can do anything they'd like.
Because these monsters are theirs.
Their own can steal away the physical pieces of a monster's soul with no repercussions, but when justice is had and the thief killed, it's the monsters who are seen as cruel and unlawful. When a monster is adopted by one of the gods, the others treat them just as poorly as if they were random monsters off the street. When a monster is living a quiet life, the gods can disrupt that however they want.
The gods don't give two shits about other monsters. But they care even less about the Godly Monsters, each of them kept on a leash, by name and by their agencies.
Anyways. It's probably really not that deep but I thought it was really interesting to think about the implications in-universe :)
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haldenlith · 4 months
Sort of political rant/vent/ramble? I guess? I don't know, I got stuff on my mind and I want to put it out there.
Saw some people waving Palestinian flags on the corner today when I went to grab groceries, and I got to thinking about a lot of things. First, I wondered what the entire point of protesting on a corner was, as I've always understood the point of a protest was to achieve a goal, be it the reversal of a decision, the cessation of something, or the gaining of something. And before anyone says "to free Palestine!", I'd like to reiterate that this was a random street corner. There were no government buildings nearby. No Israeli embassy. No nothing. For all intents and purposes, they were just some people waving flags.
Which then got me thinking about a post I reblogged a few days back, hitting on the point of if anyone has genuinely thought about an end game to all of this "Free Palestine" business. Yes, stop the genocide, but... then what? What's the actual solution? There's no such thing as a permanent ceasefire. You can't just eliminate Israel (as much as I'm sure many people would love to).
It got me thinking on what really, really bothers me about activism anymore: No one stops and thinks about the after, the "now what?".
Okay, you "freed Palestine".
(I think what's worse is that I have yet to see anyone agree to what a "free Palestine" is supposed to look like. Outside of stopping the ongoing destruction and genocide (which, I mean, is a good goal), no one seems to be thinking very far ahead. And no one seems to stop to think about the implications of what "from river to sea" means in that catchy little chant, because there's a reason when it was pointed out to me, I stopped reblogging stuff with it.)
Now what?
Or, better yet, a different topical item: woohoo, you abstained from voting.
Now what?
I just... I just wish people would stop and think more than five seconds ahead. Shit, we've seen the repercussions in action, multiple times. I'd point to the whole BLM movement as an example, honestly. People turned out because it made them feel good, made them feel like they were doing something. And sure, Trump got voted out. But... it feels interestingly like everything just... dried up. The moment was done. No one wanted to think about the "now what" part, to keep protesting, keep trying to do anything.
I guess I just feel fatigued at the sheer amount of performative activism there is. I hate to validate the right and their whole "I don't care about your FEELINGS" bark they like to use, but this is one instance where I honestly think feelings are getting in the way. Everyone wants to feel good, no one wants to stop and think.
And boy howdy, are things getting co-opted because of that. It's making for a whole lot of useful idiots, in multiple realms, not just this whole Palestine stuff.
(*stares at the garbled mess that is current day feminism* The weird radfems didn't just form overnight. That's all I'm saying.)
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linkbusinessnz · 5 months
Navigating the Decision: Should I Sell My Business?
Making the decision to Should I Sell My Business can be one of the most challenging and pivotal moments in an entrepreneur's journey. 
Whether you're considering selling due to financial reasons, personal circumstances, or simply wanting to pursue new opportunities, it's a decision that requires careful consideration and evaluation of various factors.
 In this blog, we'll delve into the complexities of this decision-making process and provide guidance on how to navigate it effectively.
Assessing Your Motivation: 
Before diving into the logistics of selling your business, it's essential to understand your underlying motivations. Are you feeling burnt out and seeking a change of pace? 
Do you believe the market conditions are ripe for selling? Or perhaps you've received an enticing offer that's sparked your interest? Whatever the reason, being clear about your motivations will help guide your decision-making process and ensure you're pursuing the right path for yourself and your business.
Financial Evaluation: 
Selling a business involves more than just exchanging ownership—it's a financial transaction with significant implications. Conducting a thorough financial evaluation is crucial to determining the value of your business and whether selling is the most profitable option. 
This assessment may involve analysing your company's revenue, profit margins, assets, liabilities, and growth potential. Consulting with financial advisors or business valuation experts can provide valuable insights into the financial viability of selling your business.
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Market Conditions and Timing:
Timing is everything when it comes to selling a business. Monitoring market conditions and industry trends can help you gauge the optimal time to sell. 
A booming economy and high demand for businesses in your sector may increase your chances of securing a favourable deal. Conversely, economic downturns or industry disruptions may necessitate waiting for more favourable conditions. Keeping a pulse on the market and being patient can ultimately lead to a more successful sale.
Impact on Employees and Stakeholders:
Selling your business isn't just a personal decision—it affects your employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Consider how a potential sale will impact these parties and what measures you can take to mitigate any negative repercussions. 
Transparency and communication are key during this process, ensuring that everyone involved understands the reasons behind the decision and how it will unfold. Additionally, offering support and reassurance to your employees can help ease any concerns and maintain morale throughout the transition.
Future Plans and Opportunities: 
Selling your business marks the end of one chapter but opens the door to new opportunities and ventures. Take the time to envision your future beyond the sale—whether it involves pursuing a new business venture, enjoying retirement, or exploring other interests. 
Having a clear vision of your post-sale plans can provide motivation and direction as you navigate the selling process. It's also worth considering whether there are alternative paths, such as seeking investment or restructuring, that align better with your long-term goals.
Emotional Considerations: 
Selling a business can evoke a wide range of emotions, from excitement and anticipation to nostalgia and uncertainty. It's normal to feel attached to the company you've built and to experience mixed emotions about parting ways. 
Acknowledge and process these emotions, but don't let them cloud your judgment or impede your decision-making process. Surround yourself with a support network of friends, family, and mentors who can provide guidance and perspective during this emotional journey.
Seeking Professional Guidance: 
Selling a business is a complex undertaking that often requires professional expertise. Consider enlisting the help of experienced professionals, such as business brokers, attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors, to guide you through the process. 
These experts can offer valuable insights, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure that all legal and financial aspects are handled correctly. While it may entail additional costs, their expertise can ultimately streamline the selling process and maximise the value of your business.
Deciding to ‘Should I sell my business’is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By assessing your motivations, conducting a thorough financial evaluation, monitoring market conditions, considering the impact on stakeholders, envisioning your future plans, acknowledging emotional considerations, and seeking professional guidance, you can navigate this decision-making process with confidence and clarity. 
Remember that selling your business is ultimately about maximising value while ensuring a smooth transition for all parties involved. By approaching the decision with diligence and foresight, you can embark on the next chapter of your entrepreneurial journey with confidence and optimism.
Source: Navigating the Decision: Should I Sell My Business?
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businessrocketus · 6 months
Why Is Risking Non-Compliance Without a TCP Permit Not Worth It?
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In today's fast-paced world, understanding and following the rules for businesses can be tough. One important rule is getting a Transportation Charter Permit (TCP) if you run a transportation company. Getting a TCP permit is very important and should not be ignored. This article talks about why it's not a good idea to ignore this rule and not get a TCP permit. We will look at what could go wrong if you don't follow this rule and how following it is good for your business in the long run.
Understanding the TCP Permit
A TCP permit isn't just a document; it's what allows your business to work legally in transportation. Getting this permit shows that your company cares about being safe, reliable, and professional. When you register for a TCP application, your business is meeting the top standards that regulators expect, making sure your services match what the industry looks for.
The Risks of Non-Compliance
Operating without a TCP permit is akin to sailing in treacherous waters without a compass. The risks involved are multifaceted and can severely impact your business. Here's why:
Legal Repercussions: The most immediate and apparent consequence of non-compliance is facing legal action. These can range from hefty fines to the suspension of your business operations. In severe cases, it might even lead to permanent closure.
Reputational Damage: In the era of information, a business's reputation is its most valuable asset. Operating without the necessary permits can tarnish your company's image, making it difficult to regain the trust of your clients and partners.
Financial Losses: The financial implications of non-compliance extend beyond fines and legal fees. The potential loss of business due to a damaged reputation and the suspension of operations can have long-lasting effects on your company's financial health.
Operational Disruptions: Being caught without a TCP permit can lead to immediate operational halts. This disruption not only affects your service delivery but also impacts your clients and partners, further straining professional relationships.
The Benefits of Compliance
Legal Protection: With a TCP permit, your business operates within the legal framework, protecting it from potential legal challenges and fines.
Market Advantage: Compliance demonstrates to your clients and partners that your business is reliable and committed to adhering to industry standards, giving you a competitive edge.
Operational Continuity: A TCP permit ensures that your operations proceed without interruptions caused by legal issues, allowing you to focus on growth and service improvement.
Financial Security: By avoiding fines and legal fees associated with non-compliance, your business can allocate resources more efficiently, fostering financial stability.
Last thought
Getting a TCP permit is a key step in running a legal and successful transportation business. The dangers of not following this rule are much bigger than the short-term ease of operating without permission. It's important to remember that you don't have to figure out the complicated legal stuff, including how to apply for a TCP permit, all by yourself. Companies like BusinessRocket, Inc. can help make the process easier by offering expert advice and services. To explore more about their services, visit businessrocket.com. These companies make sure your business follows the law, which helps it grow and succeed in the competitive world of transportation.
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mnbrowshop · 8 months
Lash Training for Beginners: Starting Your Journey in Eyelash Artistry - A Controversial Perspective
In the world of beauty and cosmetics, eyelash extensions have risen not just as a trend, but as an art form. For beginners eager to embark on this journey, lash training offers a gateway to a potentially lucrative career. However, beneath the surface of glamorous before-and-after photos lies a slightly controversial take that every aspiring lash artist should consider.
The Underside of the Lash Industry
While lash training programs often paint a picture of quick success and high earnings, the reality can be starkly different. The industry, though booming, is becoming increasingly saturated. This saturation raises a question: Are training programs truly preparing students for the competitive nature of the field, or are they churning out hopefuls into an already crowded market?
The Myth of Overnight Success
Many lash training courses promote the idea of becoming a certified lash technician as a fast track to financial independence. However, the journey is often more complicated. Building a client base requires not just skill, but also marketing savvy, customer service excellence, and often, a hefty dose of patience. The glamorized portrayal of immediate success may lead to unrealistic expectations among beginners.
The Quality Conundrum
With the surge in demand for lash artists, there has been an influx of training programs of varying quality. Some offer comprehensive education, while others merely skim the surface. This disparity raises a significant concern: Are all certified lash technicians equally equipped? The unfortunate answer might be no, and the repercussions are not just dissatisfied clients but potentially harmful application practices.
The Price of Beauty
The ethical aspect of lash extensions is often glossed over in training courses. Synthetic lashes, adhesives, and removers all have environmental and health implications. Moreover, the pressure to maintain the 'perfect' lashes can perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards. It's vital for training programs to address these topics, fostering not just skilled technicians but also ethically aware professionals.
The Road Less Traveled: Quality over Quantity
So, what's the solution? The first step is acknowledging these issues. Aspiring lash artists should seek out training programs that offer in-depth education, focusing on quality over quantity. It’s about finding courses that don't just teach technique but also business ethics, client care, and realistic career expectations.
The Call to Action
The lash industry, for all its allure, is not just about creating beautiful lashes. It's about creating responsible, skilled artists who understand the gravity of their work. As the industry evolves, so should the training. It’s time for both trainers and trainees to embrace a more holistic approach to lash artistry.
Starting your journey in eyelash artistry is exciting, but it's essential to enter it with open eyes. The industry, like any other, has its challenges. By acknowledging and discussing these controversial aspects, we can pave the way for a more sustainable, ethical, and successful lash artistry community. Let's not just chase after the allure of immediate success; let's aim for long-term excellence and integrity in our craft.
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leroylawpa · 11 months
How Can an Attorney Help in DUI Cases with Injury or Fatality?
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Important Tips: 
Engage a lawyer immediately after the incident. 
Every DUI case with injury or fatality is unique; defense strategies vary. 
Protecting your rights is essential, irrespective of the situation's severity. 
Maintain open communication with your attorney throughout. 
Grasp the gravity of DUI charges involving injury or fatality in Florida. 
Being charged with a DUI is already severe, but when the incident involves injury or fatality, the stakes are considerably higher. For residents of West Palm Beach, understanding the nuances of deaths becomes crucial, especially if you are on the receiving end of such allegations. 
What Does Florida Law Say About DUI with Injury or Fatality?  
Under Florida law, driving under the influence that results in property damage, injury, or death escalates the crime's severity. The penalties increase accordingly, from fines to prison time. It is imperative to be familiar with the specific statutes governing DUI offenses to comprehend the potential consequences and devise a fitting defense strategy. 
Crafting a Solid Defense Strategy  
The significance of a tailored defense in DUI cases involving injuries or fatalities cannot be overstated. Such strategies may involve: 
Challenging the initial traffic stop: Was there a valid reason for the stop? 
Assessing the sobriety tests: Were they administered correctly? 
Analyzing the evidence: Is there any contradictory evidence? A dedicated attorney will employ these and other tactics to question the prosecution's case. 
How Evidence Plays a Role in DUI Cases  
Evidence serves as the foundation for any legal case, and its significance in DUI incidents involving injuries or fatalities is paramount. This may range from blood test results to witness statements to any footage available. Discrepancies or improperly handled evidence can be grounds for defense, making it critical for the attorney to review everything meticulously. 
Possible Consequences and Penalties  
A DUI case with associated injury or fatality can have severe consequences in Florida, from hefty fines to lengthy prison sentences. Apart from the legal implications, there can be life-long repercussions, such as a permanent criminal record, which can hinder future employment opportunities and strain personal relationships. 
Benefits of Hiring a Specialized DUI Attorney  
Retaining a specialized DUI attorney provides numerous advantages: 
Knowledge of the local legal landscape: Every jurisdiction has its nuances. 
Experience in challenging evidence: Not all evidence is foolproof. 
Negotiation skills: An experienced attorney may negotiate reduced charges or penalties. When faced with serious charges, having an adept attorney by your side can make a significant difference. 
Hypothetical Scenario: Sarah's DUI Accident with Injury  
Sarah, a West Palm Beach resident, was returning home from a party when she collided with a motorcyclist, causing him severe injuries. Though she felt she was below the legal alcohol limit, her blood test showed slightly elevated levels. Her attorney, after careful review, challenged the validity of the test, noting that Sarah had used mouthwash moments before the breathalyzer, potentially skewing the results. Using this and other discrepancies, Sarah's charges were reduced, highlighting the Importance of thorough legal examination. 
LeRoy Law: Assisting Through the Legal Maze  
DUI charges with associated injury or fatality are grave matters, but you don't have to face them alone. At LeRoy Law, our priority is safeguarding your rights and ensuring you receive a fair trial. With an intricate understanding of West Palm Beach's legal landscape, contact LeRoy Law. 
Key Takeaways 
Florida law is stringent on DUI incidents involving injury or fatality. 
The right defense strategy is pivotal to the case's outcome. 
The potential consequences of a conviction are both legal and personal. 
Is there a difference between a regular DUI and one with injury in terms of defense approach? Absolutely. While the core remains challenging the DUI allegation, the presence of injury or fatality introduces added layers of complexity, demanding a more intricate defense strategy. 
If I wasn't read my rights during the arrest, what implications does that have? Failure to read the Miranda rights can render any subsequent statements you made inadmissible in court, potentially weakening the prosecution's case. 
Can medical conditions influence a breathalyzer result? Yes, certain medical conditions and medications can affect the results. It's vital to inform your attorney of any medical conditions or medications you might be on. 
What if the injured party doesn't want to press charges? In Florida, even if the injured party doesn't want to prosecute, the state can still pursue the case based on evidence and public interest. 
How often should I meet with my attorney during the case? Regular communication is vital. Depending on case developments, you should stay in frequent contact, ensuring you're updated and actively participating in your defense. 
Disclaimer: LeRoy Law tries to ensure the accuracy of this article. However, Florida Statutes change, case law changes, and as such, errors may occur. LeRoy Law assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this article. LeRoy Law encourages you to utilize our links to relevant Florida Statutes. Contact my office at [561.290.2730] if you have any questions or require legal assistance. 
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randomclam24 · 1 year
This is an actual quote from a shill on 4chins. Things like this aren't even abnormal here
">le viral bleating hillbilly! >le mass awakening!!1 /pol/ needs to stop deluding themselves about this song it's catchy and it clearly strikes a nerve but this isnt the start of some grand assembly of the disgruntled silent majority this is conservative's swan song confirmation that the demoralization is complete and irreversible cons are whipped dogs cowering, whimpering out their sad tune ready to be taken out back and put down like old yeller so yes, by all means, wail out your 'woe is me' blues but let's stop the delusion of this song having downstream political implications"
Source: https://archive.is/F2ZuO
Life was a mistake [(all our tax money actively goes to people like this (nobody cares))]
Shilling like this is the only voice that permeates the governance of the Western nations at any given moment in time since probably the 20's
This update was shadowban-deleted, so I had to upload it *again*
Daily reminder that only shilling like the above is God.
Therefore we should throw off our prismatic shackles
Honestly though they *are* in the right. You people have disappointed me so much, it's been by something completely arbitrary to the point itself that I don't just kill myself. I know this and *you* know this. Let's not lie
Update Post like the above are the real reason I hate. People like that talk like that 24/7 and get zero repercussions because they're considered "right", and are! *I'm* in the wrong!
People like this are the ones who need to be taken out back and beaten. But we all know that's not how the police force works. Reference that article about the mentality being trained into them that the poor are cockroaches and that there's an implicit war against the police that constantly has to be quelled. I really wish that were true. In fact it probably has to do with the Masonic aspect of the police fore being actively disrespected, causing Israel to give these quelling demands.
Blame me for drinking overproof Blame *me* for drinking
Really, life is boring generally, so maybe that was more to make it more interesting for a short time
Update I genuinely am the swan song of the white nigger *cattle* *class* before I'm taken out back and shot like a pig
Update autism Trees in the Depths - Kirby Super Star Music Extended - YouTube
I ran out of ideas in life in general, but I came up with a vague concept of an idea which was to go from the idea of the arcade that was in Doom Center and try to make something of that from the ground up with arcade games and other things I have Midway Arcade Treasures on Gamecube I guess is probably the #1 game I would recommend that isn't a particular classic title Just ended up playing Joust and Joust II
I never personally experienced what an arcade in the original context was as a social thing, and that's probably part of my curse of being a near-zoomer millenial, that everything that's good comes to an end like the inverse of a red carpet for me because everything has to be bad for its own sake
My cousin who took it in the ass said Midway Arcade Treasures, just from watching me play it, which was on Toobin', just said it looks like something meant for bored rich kids
Update Also, I disavow the word "gamer" now. It's so broad, it doesn't mean anything. You're getting at something more specific just saying you like "anime" as an ambiguation, because at least that has personality to it.
If you like a more specific genre, own up to that. "Gamer" as a title is a cop-out for owning up to anything that actually requires something of you in particular, because there is so much casual gaming now, it doesn't come with the territory anymore that you actually strive just because you game.
Update Resident Evil Remake Save Room (Safe Heaven) 1 Hour - YouTube
I don't like you
I don't apreciate you
I'm actually kind of sad that Siren didn't get the kind of wonderment surrounding it that Silent Hill did when, confirmed by experience, Siren is easily more tense
Update I think I know what I mean finally. The way I'm pent up, it's as if I would be being a psychopath or something just because I open up. So that's why I want you to know that I fucking hate you Well that doesn't help my case at all
There was a point in time where I was considering making a Doom wad set in an atmospheric open world in the dead of night where the goal of having enemies in it at all wasn't to make an action experience but deliberately to catch you off guard completely
Am I the only one who thinks that "leitmotifs" in the writing in Silent Hill games like "the door that wakes in darkness, opening into nightmares", or "and at the center of his world is his mother" ultimately lead to nowhere
Somebody commented on a slowed version of one of these tracks uploaded online, what we want isn't these tracks, but the memories we have attached to them or something
What we really want is the swan song of the white n* before we get put down like old yeller lol xd
Update What if on some level I hate everything What if there's nothing I ultimately don't hate
What if I told you Lain in and of itself is overrated If there were more shows like it, I might actually shill for, but it's just the same show over and over - there's nothing more to talk about
What if I want everybody to be told the same thing as if in rap they were being called a "fuck-nigga" because all their advice meant jack shit - then I would end up being one of those that got mowed down in the streets because they gained a bit of hood notoriety Good life
I don't really feel that - I just want everybody to back off
First, allow me to remove the poop from my moccasins
Update No, I can't do *enough* to make people feel like shit
Update I'm the kind of person who just takes these soundtracks and doesn't really beat the game Resident Evil
But I did play it, to a decent extent on every difficulty
I'm going to just sit here and be a piece of shit until somebody shoots me
Update Life is totally meaningless, you just have to accept it and get used to it
Update I'm an evil person, and everything I do should be monitored. Please pay more attention to me
Infrastructure won't survive the incompetence crisis Spread the word, even though there are like two Republicans who already know that who aren't drooling retards etc. etc. etc. that the liberal said about them
Every day sucks and I wish for death
8/14 night It is no longer Sunday, so I've been at work already. Hopefully, the program will be done before morning, and then I can show it off, but that will also almost inevitably lead to having to admit that each major unit was only supposed to last around 2 hours each, while I started this in January. It's that bad.
Update That was, for once, a solid 2-hour block of work. I don't think I've done that for real since trying to get into Missouri S&T at Rolla. Now there's just the last half of the last unit, which is shorter than the others.
By the way, I left the Resident Evil remake save room music playing the whole time, and when it shut off, it was during this segment where, in trying to give the scope of the future of web design and development, they just have two Indian CEOs shill about virtual reality, and with the effect of the music gone, suddenly it was about all I could focus on, the fact that I don't want to sit here and write out how these people are getting paid so much to say that.
Oh, and I just stopped taking my meds in secret cold-turkey starting about two days ago.
My mom in particular was acting like she was trying to sedate a rampaging bull, but in the end they're not even prescribing for that. It's for anxiety at worst and then also depression.
Update Well, it's done. That was three and a half hours total as a session, with one short break.
Now either we have to consult with whoever needs to be contacted over IBM Skillsbuild once day breaks, or I could just leave it for even longer and let my parents think I'm still working on it for a while.
Update So it's near morning now. Still have another solid hour, but still
Web designer was one of the career paths through this program that only involved one credit hour.
I worked out my arm muscles, slowly this time.
I checked my room and the bathroom after taking the trash out and decided they're not really in a state that I'd want to clean them anyway
I have nothing to do.
If it's true that this is the last time I'm going to be required to do something without already getting a paycheck at least in the meantime, that would be so great.
8/15 I trimmed the bushes for $30 - I still have only ~$80 grand total
So technically there is enough to get an external hard drive - the question is how large do you want it - or in the long run how large am I going to need it
8/16 night Okay, so based on the transfer speeds, the best deal overall stands out as "WD My Book" at 4TB for $99.99.
I'm still trying to sell the Xbox 360.
Update Since that studying session at midnight, my sleep schedule is out of whack. You can't just plop out a bed and skip to morning like it's Minecraft.
8/16 I mowed the entire lawn, so I'm getting paid for that - I can already afford the external hard drive which is disproportionately large, and the game sales are going well since they've been priced down significantly. The idea with any further booze was to wait until I have permission to drive somewhere on my own without someone there with me. That way I could actually go to a liquor store - the point was to keep expenditures down, since the best alternative that can be found in regular stores was this $30 1L overproof rum
I don't even know what I want to spend money on.
Basically I wasn't going to play that one game until I have the ridiculous amount of alcohol and then I could see what happens
Update Someone bought the whole set of things I was selling, and he made the deal for $100 - I figured not everything would sell individually, so
I did the math and figured he would be getting Silent Hill 4 Xbox for $5 instead of the normal price, with everything else factored in. I asked him if he had played Silent Hill, any of the games, before, and he had played the first and maybe two or some other one, so I just figured give him the deal.
Now I have more money than I know what to do with, starting tomorrow once I'm taken to the bank. I'm going to try to be the one to drive so I can normalize that.
Honestly wasn't expecting that much from the sale. Now I'm going to have about $130 left after getting the external hard drive with 4TB I'll have no idea what to do with.
8/17 night I've decided against getting any electric scooter, because we just don't have those kinds of funds.
I already played some arcade games tonight. What else am I supposed to do all day? My sleep schedule is just as out of whack as before.
Realistically, they're probably not going to let me drive on my own at all - would there ever be a point in time where they're all out but left a car behind in the garage?
8/17 Alright. Order is in, and I have another 100-proof Captain Morgan.
When I asked if I could drive there, I was just told automatically "no". That's going about as I expected.
What if I literally just take a bicycle
Update Right now, I'm stuck just doing a back-and-forth through email with the program I'm included in. I still have until Tuesday before the external hard drive arrives.
Update I'm so sorry I do this - Captain Morgan 100-proof, now less watered down so there's minimal liquid intake Good memories really do come rushing back all of a sudden
Half the time, I think it's actually going to be worth it to recreate dreams I have just in and of themselves with no further context, in 3D, no less - but that ultimately means professional 3D modeling - because basic geometry rendering isn't going to recreate the experience.
It's basically, how many hoops do I have to jump through, which I hate, and then everybody's advice ultimately amounts to "don't even attempt such a thing" when the going gets this high-maintenance. But I do - but I do - I do want to
It's so borderline, I don't know what to do with that even personally.
I guess having the N-word pass still means you can get it revoked, per se. You know how in obsessive fandoms they have "how you doin', every-pony?"
Yeah there was a definitive point in playing Earthbound while drunk for the sake of getting the kicks out of it or something that my eyes following my eye floaters started to feel more real than the screen, and that's when I projectile-vomited. I want that but bypassing the vomiting, so we're doing it with more concentrated liquid. Judge me because I'm not setting a good example - tell him
It was fun and I don't really have any hecks (?) to give
Update I always hated the idea of having any cop-out, but I think it might actually be accurate to my case - "I can't handle no liquor" I'm going to barf this shit up - that's obviously my first instinct. Give me an earful
Update At Philmont, I heard "never trust a fart", and I guess that's much more relevant on the trail than anywhere else.
Now it's "never trust a burp" - I can't see how people can slam down a shot glass and ask for more just like that.
There's more specifically recommended by "Specialisterne" on IBM Skillsbuild - I guess I should do that
I'm an idiot for doing this
You know what I feel compulsive in saying that every time such a thing comes up What if No.
*ukulele cover* "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" etc.
But seriously, when were we *ever* going to find a future? (Nobody wants to *say* it but, *nobody cares*)
I guess you're just not allowed to say that. What is Socialism in and of itself? What happens when you have it of a Nationalist variety?
(Everybody works together)
Shoutout to: (What games have we got stacked up here) Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Everybody's "advice" is contingent on the assumption, you just don't want to go that high-maintenance in the first place, but that doesn't bode well for me.
Update "Blaster, blaster"
There isn't going to be another XXXTentacion. When did you realize life isn't worth having? etc.
Update I think half of what makes me okay with drinking when it comes down to the decision to go through with it literally *is* a complete disregard for what people in general think - because it's not casual drinking we're talking about here - this is pretty serious
It's like I want to be able to just be youthful and stupid as a blessing, but it's starting to bypass me with age, so I have to just take it back by brute force
I actually asked my mom, when she dotingly called me "child" - where after I chastised her a little over a reference sounding like "manchild" (which my dad literally *has* used as an insult to me once) - at worst, I still would find it interesting to build a Lego set according to an elaborate setup book scheme, but I don't play with them like *dolls*, and she acknowledged me because my little sister, who already has a boyfriend now for a few years, got an "architect" Lego set to build with him.
Elon Musk himself, if it wasn't a fake, said something like, having a girlfriend hits different when you know she's there according to gangstalking etc.
If everybody and their grandmother saw what I'm writing here, I'm sure they would think, this boy's work ethic is so great, let's hire him - let me *prove* to you that I can have a change of heart - this is a *stage*, okay?
Update If anything, I love being alone enough, it's like, just do away with the anxiety involved
I had a recurring thematic in dreams where my dad's back-room of the basement is actually *expanded* and includes a room way back there that *somehow* everybody has forgotten about where dad used to play emulations of many, many arcade games, and they're all there included on the PC if you meander back there. The idea was, if you get back there, no one remembers the place exists, so you get to enter "the zone" because you know no one will find you.
And, if I'll describe it to any real length, it goes on to include my grandma on my father's side's abode as well, which also no one seems to remember as part of our basement's back-room's expansions. It's kind of interesting as a labyrinth in itself, and it varies from dream to dream.
Joji - you suck charlie is going to be "creepypasta" by "Welcome Home"'s standards because it was heterosexual
I respect people in general enough, I'm not just going to spam the bottom-of-the-barrel of what's on my mind
But that might have more to do with the fact that I don't want people to jump ship on me - straightforward
Yeah, I think this format has overstayed its factor of, "if a white man had a time machine and could go back in time and say whatever needs to be said in the shortest amount of time"
But I'm sure I don't just understand everything myself all right away
Update I know I said some people out there should "roast" me or something, but I think what I *really* want is that somebody just legitimately, organically *intimidate* me.
It's not good to just be without any barriers at all.
Update To an extent, I have this role that isn't constrained by day-job hours, but beyond that understanding, I don't know if people *really* don't take the example
Update One thing I took from the Bible in my own personalized way, admittedly, was that heaven is a place with many mansions. In my dreams are places with many mansions interconnected.
Not all of them are great, though. Some of them have great negative emotional aura.
Update The ultimate fate of Mother 3 embitters me on the fate of gaming. It's, like, if they were going to release something that good, it - apparently *still* would be in such an abstract format, it's not the experience itself you're paying for or get to own, but the "intellectual property" of it in abstract form.
Update I think anyone can understand what "putting all your eggs in one basket" is. It doesn't matter how smart someone is, when it comes down to that. Most of that is when you're at your best. (And yes I put figures of speech in quotations because this is multi-lingual)
Update I have two earplugs I normally use against gangstalking which are basically ring-shaped tiny handles with something like an earbud, and the earbud got stuck in my right ear.
I feel like, all the time when I do this, one of these days I'm gonna own ya, but in real life the government will come in and do that to me sooner.
(By making myself stupider marginally, I give myself effective midwit charm) - is that true?
And once again, not to make anyone panic, although in a way it should
Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Update I don't think "competent" describes the kind of expertise needed to write poetically. I wish I had that.
But does the kind of inconsistency to reality that the Magic House has really bear enough meaning to be called "madness" poetically? And yet things like Lacey's Pet Shop has a similar inconsistency in the faces represented in the glitch segments - I'm so sorry
I wish more than I can "muster" - "mustering" is more like, knowing what exactly people respond to (more so than what actual effort can muster)
This shifting of the hand to 180-degrees of what it is usually as a gesture - my little sister once reacted to it in the car when there was no real given context and said that was "dangerous"
I do wish I knew poetry, because then I could carry on in this state like nothing even matters
Since I *don't*, you get: "ay John, it is fucking - *awful* to see ya stupid ass *face* - whare is my lasaga?"
You can leave
I wish somebody would *help* my ass
When I get up, I want to post *poetry* (would be better than the autistic-level spasms I have in bed)
Sublimity: can I even achieve such a thing?
Update In the grand scheme of things, I'm just a retard, but I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to appreciate
There was a point in time where Filthy Frank ironically said "raise your blades in the air everybody", but if *I* posted that, it would feel like I'm breaking the rules or something
Update Mario B3313-abandoned - do *I* feel abandoned? No.
MGS itself has the quote, he who is able to say enough is enough will always have enough. Can I say enough is enough on drinking already? No, I'm still experimenting.
What's up, nyugguz? Bw*bwbw*bwbwbwbw (yeah)
Update I want someone to intimidate me with BEN DROWNED with a vengeance ( )
Update I'm legitimately too scared to replay Five Nights at Freddy's I don't know what made the difference
I'm trying to judge personally whether or not PSA-type content on drunkenness and dying because of it is accurate as it says or not - current diagnosis says it's exaggerating, because it fixates on the examples of when it does happen
Of course, I'm f'ing 28, so if you're 16, disregard
I really don't have a justification for the sheer numbering of years in my life.
I mean, I *tried* - I keep shilling against the system.
When my whole existence starts to feel like a snowglobe inverting within itself when I close my eyes, that's when I would throw up on 40% ABV or lower from the volume of liquid intake.
I guess in a way you could say, what's so bad about saying what's good, everynigger? But at the same time, I'm including everyone in my audience in what I say. That's different from -
Okay, so so far, my parents haven't gotten on me over not showing up to dinner -
Update Unironically, teeth *clenched* because I'm trying to control myself so hard
Quite the River - Mother 3 (Remastered) - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aTJ_rxWd3Q
That doctor in Darling in the FranXX who had 3/4 of a head made into a robot for automating purposes - I relate to that more than what you immediately understand.
Update My parents aren't charging me any rent. I think that's the biggest miracle here. I don't know what it would take to convince me to live in an apartment that charges like $1000 a month. No way.
I'm actually kind of impressed by how much I feel "in orbit" because of the drinking when I close my eyes as opposed to any other time. You don't think it's that bad, until
Update What do you do when you feel like killin' it (Takyon) but you realize you're not that special
In the St. Louis City Museum, they have cylindrical seats that you can spin around in where you let the momentum take over - what do you call that?
I can't into poetry, and that slays me
Yume 2kki's version which was a particular contributor's last version in being included - now it's not even mentioned as to who the user is
My life is a looooong continuum - this doesn't please me
We don't have fun like going to the mini-golf park when the things like water-karts were intact anymore. They had pizza and refillable soft-drinks, and an arcade to go with it, if you had tokens.
My nerves are shot again, and it actually gives me a wonderful sensation.
My dreams include things that you wouldn't expect unless it was a kamikaze-difficulty mod course, but it has more casual things in it too, weirdly enough. I don't know what I'm thinking with this. I'm sorry for bothering people, but at the same time these dreams themselves are particularly profound. I just need a chance to express them, somehow.
I wish, seriously, there was a way to approach this state without this substance - Easterners back in ancient times would do actual drugs, and I don't mean to mention that ironically in any way. Of course it will never be legal in the USA. Even though ecstacy *was*, during the boomers' time. I'm just saying.
I'm just saying, in general, it doesn't seem like more than a midwit IQ is fit for this modern era, unless you're going to give it something more profound for future interpretation!
Update It's by the way that some things can be taken the wrong way into sin that I'm effectively in a prison in my own mind trying to come out with some things, by effect. I've already experienced them, but, too bad.
I did get a YouTube comment once on a video, saying this might be too pleasurable for most people.
And what *is* the point? What is it going to contribute in real life?
Banjo-Tooie: Witchyworld (Wild West Zone) HD - YouTube
Yare yare daze x infinity
Update I don't have anything in taste to say about the fate of the West anymore. Like for example, saying, I hope it turns out well, even in earnest - what if it most seriously doesn't? I can't help that.
Update You know what? I've bought the entirety of Courage the Cowardly Dog and watched it through, but I don't feel like I've really witnessed the horror of Courage the Cowardly Dog. You know what I'm sayin'?
Update I don't want my youth to leave me, but I'm 28.
Update I think at some point - yes, I remember - I got the gold-plated Pokemon card for Pokemon 2000 or Pokemon the first movie, because it was the first showing.
Now, the equivalent of that kind of drama is, life itself has forsaken you, so why don't you just chill for a moment?
(Insert the Nietzschean aspect of that, that kings of their time are expected to "wait")
If I didn't have any spite over that otherwise, there still is the kerfuffle over "mulatto broccoli" Like, this is all you're doing? Okay
Update Asking, what do I want with zoomers, seriously? is like asking, what if I had kids, and wanted to bestow everything I knew upon them? I'm smart, but I'm not that wise
There isn't exactly that much sense where we're coming from. Things like Pokemon legends from the initial movies are just like excuses. But they're cool I guess. Life is a shit, 10 million dead cops etc.
Actually I don't repent. If I could have anything I want without these people I live with that I was spawned from, that would be great.
Update All things considered, do I hate my parents or people like my parents as much as the generic shills hate people like people who hold our politics in general? That would take quite a lot. I honestly don't know what they hold against us.
Update If I was ever to endorse drinking seriously, I would do so in the context of listening to a playlist of one's already-favorited music.
Sometimes I would want to just shut my brain off, and this would be about that time.
Update Like, a lot of my time in elementary school was spent being what 4chins considers a "Kid Pix augur" - do I care what every second of my time amounts to in Clown World? Hell no, like a zoomer
That was back in the early 2000's
Burn, burn, burn, baby burn
At this rate I'm going to unashamedly jerk off to Saya no Uta, and I'll post it
It's true that people who try to "scrap" are dead in the water by now, but really, and honestly, homeschool or bust. I want to go to public school because:
I'm evil
Sometimes I feel like I need a more personal presentation than this
What am I going to do with 4TB
Update I can't believe how much time has passed since I've been born (had to redo a letter for every word there) - it's been such a long time
(Give you a comment on the *government* - fuck the government - the government's corrupt)
Life's too slow, but mainly we should stop having politiciians who are patently ugly and jewish
I certainly don't want to show my whole hand at once, but sometimes the situation begs me to show off, because things in general are genuinely mediocre!
Update I'm caught between not giving any cares what people think about what people think about me and having someone I knew personally judging me constantly from having only just started paying attention to my content like several days ago.
It's not just "one man's garbage is another man's treasure" - I can think this shit is sex, but then I'll probably get judged as being trash
If I was really evil, I would just cold-turkey not tell people I have a beer gut - that way they couldn't even say "fat blob says"
Update What if I told you, on account of the quality of advice I've gotten from people altogether, this is a two-bit country we're dealing with altogether!
Update When going through the OSTs I have on my hard drive (without the 4TB external hard drive) - (Link's Awakening, Marin's House) - why?-----------
Things like the owl's theme for the first time - again, if you don't appreciate, I'll come over and kick yer ass - just kidding but same difference
Makes one wonder, has anyone ever honestly posed such an OST in front of someone to do drugs for the first time and say, what do you think of that as an alternative? It's seriously powerful stuff. I've never done drugs.
I don't know why, but there's a feeling that's gone all but unresolved since, when on a bus on a band camp tour, I showed my 3DS to a peer, and they said they were sure they were high when they saw the effect.
It's kind of ironic in a way that, truly, the will for me to pass the torch on in life has more to do with classic videogames than it does with my actual family lineage
My parents have let me down.
Update I don't know. My feelings are mixed. Like, would it prove I'm evil by posting this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h848dMB0LgU
For some reason, this type of thing speaks to me more than even regular Zelda games. For fans, that should speak volumes
Update Turtle Rock, from that game, is one of those things that makes me wish there were languages to speak in that are universal more so than English
Update Despite the remake, Link's Awakening, the original = underappreciated
Update I'm still just reviewing music to see if anything stands out
Update I don't know why, but I just want to see Siren appreciated like Silent Hill and Resident Evil are.
Update I'm sure by now "gamer" doesn't even enter into the realm of what Siren is thematically.
I don't want to be a narcissist, but there's a realm that even Trump mentioned saying, we don't want to mention it to just everybody; we want to keep that kind of profit to ourselves What - you don't think that kind of thing exists?
Update Okay, so, we got a new authentic Chik-fil-A sauce container in the pantry which can be transferred to the fridge when opened. I want to try it with the pulled pork left over in the fridge, to see if it goes together well.
I don't hate myself, but I really thrust the alcohol upon myself when it comes down to it. Will try downing some actual food in the meantime.
Update I ate all of the pulled pork with a little bit of the Chik-fil-A sauce. What else is left to be eaten with the sauce? Not much.
Update I don't apreciate you if you're a Satanist.
8/18 night AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I played Luigi's Mansion for the first time in my dad's basement compartment in my grandma's basement until like 12AM.
Update And because I can't get into poetry's quality, I can't ad-lib either. But
The entire dichotomy of, all these inventions of landlines and phone services, and most people have nothing to say, and you think that applies to me more so than most other people? I think not, not to be a narcissist, but I have *something*, for goodness' sake
Update I'm going to honestly re-read A Series of Unfortunate Events.
I don't have all the novels, but I'll try.
Update I seriously thought about what that term event means in the first place.
Urban Dictionary: fuck nigga
Honestly, I care less about that kind of thing than I do about being able to be a horror game designer when I feel the mood to do so. I want to be able to pull off a very personal horror vibe when I feel the vibe myself.
Yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah - the author who wrote horror fiction was the same guy to come up with "niggerman" as the name for his cat, and said in addition to that, these black people are the reason the world is more horrific, in the end, than anything he himself could write. Because they're so unpredicatable, I guess.
Ironically, I'm not completely ignorant when it comes to that. I've heard of the trope that African tribes had the highest level of "social" justice between individual people, for what existed among tribes, including white tribes, and so forth. But that still doesn't account for what becomes of them in white societies, hence the "niggerman" naming from the schizophrenic who made "The Pit and the Pendulums" as a novel in the first place. Don't insert your own narrative here. This is priceless.
Update I haven't downed the entire Captain Morgan, but the entire thing is now emptied into my cup.
Update I think I'm tired of drinking. It's almost emptied.
"What Lies in Space" - "phantasmagoria"
but there's much more manly tears to be had with "Get in the Teacup" from Warioland II
Update It's like 2:30 in the morning good God What's good nyugguh?
Update I will see what I can do once i have a 4TB external hard drive at my disposal!
Update Given Cuphead's soundtrack, I'm actually kind of disappointed what kind of reception there it for that sort of thing. I guess there's no such thing as a free lunch! Work hard! Work hard
My mom even thought the composure was cute, but that still doesn't amount to any free lunch! Git gud, git gud
Update even though I don't want to Rainbow Chucklefuck
8/18 I mean, I had nearly the entire Captain Morgan [100-proof], and I clearly got *kind of* drunk, but even that's really just not doing it for me. I'm not joking.
Update After the last posts last night, I probably just lost memory and went to sleep without thinking.
So overall, what are the results?
I think people being in a drunken stupor is a meme. I don't get how that even happens. Even at my worst, I probably just sound like my grandma at the nursing home.
Update The external hard drive arrived just today, even though online it said it would probably get here by next Tuesday.
0 notes