#don't know yet where they will go since my shelves all need organized
aro-tarot · 1 year
I’m also excited since I just happened to look, which I’ve done maybe every couple of months, and there was a lot for 6 out of the 7 Merlin figures on eBay. I’ve been wanting them since, I mean, I like figures and dolls and surrounding myself with the things I like. The seller is also in the states, so shipping was about $8 and not $20+ like the individual ones I’ve seen. Just add that to the multiple things I’m looking forward to next week lol
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artzybumpkin · 3 months
I know you kinda mentioned how the rest of of the smiley guys react to Al/lan's pregnancy, but do you have anything to expand off of that? Does G/lep get jealous or just unaffected by it? Is Ch/arlie ever awkward about it but trying to be cool? Eee I AM VERY INVESTED 😭😭
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Figured I'd group these two together since they're similar❤️
(This one's a long one, buckle up y'all)
First thing's first.... telling boss man.
Al/lan had no immediate intentions to confess his pregnancy to anyone just yet, since he'd only JUST found out himself. He hadn't even been to see a doctor yet but after having 5 at home tests come up positive(not to mention the constant nausea and the slightest hint of a bump beginning to poke out under his tie)... it was painfully obvious. But after he had to come clean to P/im, he was persistently prompted to at least fill the boss in on his situation.
"I-I dunno, P/im..."
Though he didn't want to admit it, he was extremely nervous. Would this affect his job at all? His position?? What if he's viewed as a nuisance and gets fired for it?? He can't afford to be fired! Not NOW!
"Well... You won't know unless you try. Mr B/oss is uh.... a strange one, to put it frankly, but he's usually pretty understanding. I don't think he'd fire you over this. He's a father himself, after all!"
About that time they heard keys jingling just outside the back entrance. As expected, they heard the boss's voice sing out a gleeful 'Morning, guys' as he came through the door, passing them on his way to his office.
A gentle nudge from P/im suggested he go ahead and bite the bullet. With a dreadful sigh, Al/lan got up from his seat and made his way towards the office himself.
"Eh, Mr B/oss?... Could I speak with you real quick? It's uh... urgent."
"Oh hey Al/lan! Sure, come on in! What's up?"
"So.... something's come up, and-... Well, I don't really know how else to say this but-"
"Hold on, lemme stop you right there. I've seen this enough times to know where this is going."
Al/lan's eyes widened nervously. "You do?"
"Yeup. But If you're putting in your notice, I urge you to reconsider."
"I-...," he paused, losing his train of thought for a second, "What??..."
"PLEASE don't quit, Al/lan!" Mr B/oss clambered onto his desk, hands clasped together, a pleading look on his face. "I know firing Tyler was kinda out of the blue but there were reasons I can't legally discuss! It was a hard blow to all of us! We can't afford to lose you too! Things would be wack around here without you! Unbalanced! It just wouldn't be the same!"
"Who'll keep the finances in check? Who'll keep the paperwork organized and the files alphabetized and the plants watered and the shelves stocked and fridge clean and the... er- um... WHATEVER else you do! Please don't gooooo-!"
"I'm not- Mr B/oss, I'm not quitting!"
"You're... you're not??" he sniffled pitifully.
"NO! I'm trying to tell you I'm...," he hesitated a second before finally steeling himself. No sense in putting it off now, "I think I'm... pregnant...."
"Oh!..," he straightened up immediately, as if he hadn't just been bawling in front of his employee, "Is that all? You had me worried for a sec there, haha!"
Al/lan was completely taken aback. Wait... It was that easy? "You're... okay with this??"
"Yeah man, that's great news! I remember when Jason came around it was the happiest I'd ever been! It's nerve wracking, don't get me wrong, but it's worth it! If it's what you decide you want, that is."
The red critter's eyes darted side to side briefly in thought. "It won't affect my position at all?"
"I don't see why it would. Unless you just NEEDED some time away or something. Whatever you decide, you have my full support, dude!"
"Um... Wow, I- er.... Thank you."
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Meanwhile, back in the breakroom.
Shortly after Al/lan left the room, Gl/ep made his way into the breakroom. P/im smiled and waved frantically to him!
"Good MORNING, Gl/ep! Ready for a brand new work day?"
The small green critter narrowed his eyes suspiciously, making P/im shrink slightly in his seat.
"Wajdhfkrjrurup?... (Why're you acting so skiddish?...)"
"Skiddish? ME?? HA! No no no, I'm not... Th-That's ridiculous!...," he mumbled, his tone growing quieter and quieter with every word.
Sweet fella can't lie for SHIT. And Gl/ep could see right through his attempt as if he were looking through freshly windexed glass. All it took was the unwavering glare to break him.
"Okay, okay.... It's not really MY news to share but... Can you keep a secret, Gl/ep?"
"Æ, (Meh.)" he shrugged.
P/im quickly peered over his shoulder before motioning Gl/ep to come closer. He put his hand up to his ear and whispered. "Al/lan just found out he's expecting!.."
Gl/ep's expression turned from brief confusion to brightened wonderment as he muttered his own version of 'WOW' under his breath
"You're the only one besides me and Mr B/oss that knows right now so try to keep it on the down low, alright?"
"Keep what on the down low??.."
P/im nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of a voice behind him. "Ch/arlie! When did you get here?? You startled me!" he yelped shakily, grasping his chair for dear life.
"I literally just got here, man. You didn't hear me come in? The front doorbell went off and everything," he said as he placed his lunch in the fridge. "So what's all this secrecy nonsense you were babbling about before I walked in?"
"Ah... Well..."
"Sjdidjfjoieuehjkipodepibop! (Al/lan's up the duff!)"
"GL/EP!" he semi scolded, earning another half hearted shrug from the smaller critter.
"'Up the duff?'..," Ch/arlie pondered a second, "I've never heard that phrase in my life, 'up the duff,' what's that even mean, dude?"
P/im shot Gl/ep a slightly stern look before sighing. Guess it's only fair to not keep him in the dark, now that basically everyone else knows. "Al/lan's pregnant, Ch/arlie."
Ch/arlie soaked the information in for a hot minute, momentarily wracking his brain to make sure he'd heard that correctly. "Pregnant, huh?... When'd he find that out?"
"I think last night? He'd taken several tests and they came back positive, so he's pretty sure. He must be at least a month or so along! He's even got a little bump starting to show!" P/im's enthusiasm obviously started to swell again when he reached the end of his statement.
"Ah... Cool."
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Soooo to recap first reactions:
Mr B/oss, super cool about it.
Gl/ep, also happy but kinda neutral.
Ch/arlie, mildly traumatized.
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occultation, earthshine, and libration for whoever you'd like! 💚💜
Hello friend!!!
Occultation: How quickly did you come to trust your FO? How quickly did they trust you? Were there many barriers that needed working through, or was it easy to get to know each other?
Hmmmmm I think I'm gonna answer this one for Eizen and Demyx! Water people!
Eizen, my beloved 1000 year old morally fucked up Reaper pirate, is not always the easiest man on the sea to get along with. He's known to be kinda violent, and is known as the Reaper because he's cursed to bring bad luck to those around him. He's not always a people person.
That being said, he's also a massive nerd. Mention art or history around him and he'll go off.
He's also not human. He can be a little iffy around humans at first, but when he first meets Ash, he quickly realizes that she's not human. It's not just the red of her hair, but he can feel it. So immediately he's a little curious. Someone like him, someone who has been around as long as he has. But, although Eizen's element is earth, Ash's is fire (haha get it? Ash? It's a pun!).
So point is! Eizen was a little distrustful of Ash at first because what's some lost little girl have to do with him? But when he senses the magic she has and just how strong it is, he's curious. Curious, yet still cautious. As he takes her back to the ship and she makes a little passing comment about a painting he likes, he's even more curious because he thinks he may have found someone just like him, both in terms of being a lover of the arts and also being a Malakhim.
They're fast friends. Normally Eizen doesn't let his curse dictate who he spends his time around, but it's a horrible feeling seeing the one you love getting hurt because of you. There's a period of time of him distancing himself from her. But blah blah blah they talk it out blah blah they kiss, so on and so forth-
As for Ash, she may be a fun pirate in game, but she was very not used to the pirate life when they first met! If anything, she was pretty afraid. You see, Eizen has a scene where he snaps a guy's finger like it's the most casual thing ever. Ash is intrigued because a handsome Malak pirate found her, but she's also... mildly intimidated. It's not often she sees one of her own people that's not being enslaved by the Abbey, but a pirate?! A criminal?! That's not okay!!! Breaking the law isn't right!
Funny, since she breaks the law all the time in game- Eizen is a great influence!
Anywho. Other water guy! Demyx! Dance, water dance!
Demyx isn't used to having friends. Ash's memories are fuzzy and barely there. They bond over a love of music, but Ash just doesn't remember a lot of things. Demyx is pretty quick to be chill around her since she's a very hard-worker! In fact, Xemnas sees her as quite the useful tool.
So Demyx assumes he can get away with Ash carrying his weight on missions. He never knew he'd fall for her.
Ash is a little quick to trust him since she can't remember much, and some other members of the Organization are honestly kind of frightening. They get along well after a while, but it's a slow start. They need to start talking because they really feel a spark.
Though Ash did thing Demyx was very cute at first glance! After all, I fell for him the first time I saw him!
Earthshine: Do you live together? Do you ever argue over interior decoration choices?
I'm gonna answer this one for Kyohei! My beloved husband!
Yes and yes.
They happily life together, but the thing is that this Ash S/I is pretty similar to me. She owns a lot of books, she owns a lot of albums and figures and video games. As a result, she likes to have a lot of bookshelves.
Her and Kyohei don't really fight very often because of how open they are with each other (Kyohei is the #1 wife guy after all LMAO), but Kyohei is a little tired of her constantly wanting new shelves and needing his help displaying things.
A lot of their dates are them building shit from IKEA together haha! Ash always teases about how since he works in construction, this shouldn't be anything new! He rolls his eyes and says that what he does isn't this, but he loves seeing how big his wife's smile is. In addition, Ash is kinda short, so Kyohei is always helping her put stuff on shelves and grab things for her.
Sometimes he even asks her for a kiss as payment. Ash gives him two.
Overall, Kyohei honestly loves how much Ash works on personalizing their home. The pictures (he keeps a picture of their wedding in his wallet too) on the walls, some of Ash's cosplay stuff, all the shelves and funky colors... It really makes it feel like a home. He loves his wife! And his wife loves him too.
Libration: Are they the type for jewelry? What style would they wear? Gaudy or minimalist?
Oh man oh man oh man- Great question! I love jewelry a lot, and you will never see me not blinged out. I have a huge collection and I never go out without my earrings and rings. Jewelry is totally my jam!
Kyohei wears a simple wedding band, but that's about it. He also has a necklace that was a gift from his wife that he wears under his jacket. He's not the biggest jewelry person, so he prefers things that are morw similar.
I think a more casual Demyx when he's not in his Organization robe wears a lot of jewelry! He thinks it's stylish and has several ear piercings.
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renataturner · 2 years
Catching Up with...Cpt. Renata Turner, CFI (Ret.)
(From Flame Quarterly's Spring Issue)
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Cpt. Renata Turner may have retired from the Immortal Flames, but she has been spotted in the Hall a time or two to advise and assist in the transition of her unit. During her storied career, she's seen war, conducted missions that still remain classified, and settled into her role as Chief Flame Interrogator.
Many a Flame is familiar with a stern yet fair woman, known more for her trademark scowl than a smile. Yet the Ala Mhigan does smile, and in the less formal role she's played since her retirement, has even let her former comrades see one or two.
Though it needs be noted that while perhaps retirement would give any of us cause to smile, Cpt. Turner is expecting her first child with her husband, Cpt. Percival Turner of The Adders, aka the Behemoth Knight. We sat down with Cpt. Turner to find out about her post-retirement pursuits. (Note: Cpt. Turner, please don't kill us for running this picture.)
It's good to see you, thank you for having me here. Let me ask the obvious...how are you feeling? I am feeling well today. I have been able to eat and so I have been doing so.
Retirement isn't something anyone in the Hall expected from you, certainly not so soon. Though it isn't truly a full retirement, is it? Can you elaborate? I am retired from active combat duty and active work. I am, however, still on retainer as an advisor. After I have my baby, I will only be called in for difficult situations where my experience would benefit the Grand Company.
Your title, Chief Flame Interrogator, is being retired as well, given that the war against the Empire is over. Did you agree with that decision? No, but the prior department of interrogations did not have a lead prior to the battle at Baelsar's Wall, so I expect they will operate just fine, though I think having a lead would be prudent, for reasons of efficiency and compliance.
Would you ever return to active duty? Not with the present state of Eorzea and the star as a whole. This is a time of peace, I wish to focus on my other work, and more importantly, on my family. If circumstance necessitated it, I still cannot say, I would need to discuss the matter with my husband, clearly.
Of course. This other work you mention, tell me a little bit about it? I own an establishment dedicated to knowledge. The Vault operates as a museum, a library, and a research facility of sorts. We also offer tome replication for a fee, should someone wish to have a copy of any of the tomes we have on our shelves. For the present, I am busy enough organizing everything, updating the inventory lists, and dusting off the cobwebs, so to speak. I have owned it for quite a few cycles now, but until my retirement, it was more a hobby than anything else.
I have to say, the news that you were retiring was a bit of a shock. It is often hard to separate the Captain from the woman. I remember being rather terrified of you when I served in your unit. I think more than a few of us thought you'd be with us until you were forced to retire, yet you're still young, all things considered. Yes. I remember quite well. I found it amusing at the time. I always believed work was for work. I was not there to make friends. I was there to fight, and then later, train others to fight with me. I did not have anyone in my unit that I didn't trust to have each others' back, and mine, on a battlefield. How have you healed, by the way?
Me? Oh, I'm doing well. As you saw, I'm walking, albeit slowly. Thank you, for advocating for my pension. (Note: Here Cpt. Turner simply waved her hand and I swear to the Twelve, she smiled, though briefly.) I have to ask though...do you know what you're having? When you're due? We do not know if we are going to be having a son or daughter, our prayers are just that the gods see to a healthy baby, but I am due around my husband's birthday, coincidentally.
Thank you so much for your time, it was good seeing you again, Captain. You are very welcome. I hope the gods grant you further healing.
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requiem626k · 3 years
it only took me watching bsd once all the way through in like five days to know that kunikida is super crazy about organizing to make up for the fact that he feels like his life is out of control :3c
Little Analysis on Kunikida Doppo: What Do His Ideals and Desire to Organise Serve For?
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I agree with what you said, only to a certain extent.
Kunikida is always seen with an emerald green notebook on which we see the word “Ideal”. His façade is a ruthless, organised, neat, professional, control-freak, party-pooper, superficial side character who’s only there for comedic purposes next to “complex” characters who have a “proper” and “interesting” past such as Dazai and Atsushi.
Is that really all there is to his personality?
I’ve been experimenting with this man in my mind for months now. Not just out of love, but also out of curiosity.
This man is by no means an insensitive person as he seems. We all saw that in Season 2’s OVA and Season 3’s incident with that girl. In both examples, his cold walls break vis-à-vis a little child and we witness a tender, soft Kunikida who chooses his words so gently and conveys them with the softest smile.
I’m good at magic tricks. Would you like to see some magic?
If he’s someone who understands that a child’s mentality needs to hear these gentle words and someone who’s able to tell her that when no one’s around, why does he insist on keeping his mask?
Even though the manga/anime keeps talking about Kunikida’s ideals, we never get a full list or even a little glimpse until very later. It’s only at the end of the Season 2, during the OVA that we finally explicitly learn one.
My ideal world is not one where people die before my eyes.
It just seems impossible and extremely unrealistic. Funny, even. How could one ensure such a thing? This Kunikida guy must’ve lost his marbles or something. Is he really that blind?
No, he isn’t.
He’s more intelligent than he’s giving away.
When we’re introduced to him for the first time, he uses two words to define himself: “idealist” and “pragmatist”. The first one is pretty understandable, yet what about the second part? That’s where a very sharp contradiction comes in.
Pragmatism [taken from Cambridge Dictionary] : the quality of dealing with a problem in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist, rather than following fixed theories, ideas, or rules.
This combination means to me that he always has his ideals touch the ground. He’s perfectly able to recognize the limits of the “reality”, contrary to how unrealistic and exaggerated he’s portrayed as sometimes.
He even painfully acknowledges this during the OVA.
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He’s right. That’s just how the world works, and he knows that perfectly.
Which brings us to the original question: Then, why? Why does he insist on organising his view on life through his pragmatistic ideals, if they bring him pain and misery in the long run?
If you’ve read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, you certainly remember the man whose only dream is to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. It’s one of the Five Pillars of Islam. He saves money since it’s an expensive thing to do, he works and works, and one day, he finally has enough money.
What do you think happens later?
"Well, why don't you go to Mecca now?" asked the boy.
"Because it's the thought of Mecca that keeps me alive. That's what helps me face these days that are all the same, these mute crystals on the shelves, and lunch and dinner at that same horrible café. I'm afraid that if my dream is realized, I'll have no reason to go on living.”
I’ve been thinking of this ever since. Could it be that Kunikida’s reason to go on living thrives off of the very fact that some principal ideals of his are, in fact, unattainable?
These principal ideals I’m talking about are the “selfless” ones which depend solely on the world around him and not on Kunikida himself. His ideal woman, his ideal world- I truly think that the unattainableness of these is presenting a motivating inner force to him. As I said before, he knows perfectly what’s realistic and what isn’t, even though he never admits this vocally, he knows.
He’s a very lonely and sensitive being inside. His walls and cold façade are protecting his soft, vulnerable inner world which is hurt by every single death he’s witnessed and his ideals are constantly there to create a balloon of comfort around him. He defines “reality” as a “cruel, merciless shadow” which has apparently hurt him so much in the past even though we don’t know anything about it yet. His ideals are all part of him, it’s the gasoline to his car, food and water to his body, air to his lungs, comfort to his hurt, defense mechanism to his traumas.
He’s aware of many things. Aware of what his ideals and lifestyle could lead to, both utopia and dystopia.
Yet, there’s a difference that merits being mentioned.
“Winning” has never been his goal, unlike the Azure King.
Even if the path I seek is a parched desert of thirst and suffering, I will continue to seek my ideals!
It’s not whether I can win, it’s about whether I’m willing to fight. Prevailing against myself, that’s what I’ve always done.
He never talks about “fulfilling” his ideals, he always “seeks” them, which again supports what I said in the previous paragraphs. He doesn’t necessarily think that his life is out of control, I think, but he’s using this as something to look forward to everyday, to wake up for everyday. As he chases after them and fights himself for a better version of both himself and the world, he feels home and has a reason to go on until the bitter end.
Such are my thoughts on the matter of Kunikida, his ideals and his desire to keep everything under control.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 4 years
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Thank you @appleciderpinegar for the fun prompt and thank you @iceeckos12 for the beta! This ended up going in a very interesting direction but it kept the theme of the prompt so enjoy!
Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Tim and Martin are working late. A mysterious sound distracts them. 
Word count: 1.3K
Rated: G
Tw: none
Tim groaned, threw his pen on the desk, groaned again when it rolled onto the floor, and hauled himself out of his chair to pick it up.
Martin, blinking rapidly, pinched the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses; he could feel a headache coming on.
"Jesus, what time is it?" He half mumbled at Tim's direction.
"Time for these bloody statements to label themselves." Tim said, shoving the whole cursed pile away from him. "Way past work hours, if that's what you meant."
Martin looked up at him bleary eyed from where he was trying to type up a written statement. He's been stuck on the same sentence for the past five minutes, trying to figure out the writer's infuriatingly indecipherable handwriting.
"Just a bit more and then we're done for the week." He said, more to himself than anything.
"Screw deadlines, I've got places to be!" Tim threw his pen once again, this time pointedly ignoring its second plummet to the floor.
"Tim please, let's just finish this and then go. You know how Jon gets." Martin begged. 
"Don't I ever." Tim muttered and leaned to pick up the mutinous pen once more. 
They settled into a tired silence, interrupted only by the sound of typing, pen scritches, and the slow, rhythmic drip of water. 
Wait. Drip of water? 
Martin stopped typing and  glanced around. The sound seemed wrong somehow. He listened a bit more, trying to figure out why, but failed. Shaking his head, he resumed typing. But it just kept nagging at him. The constant gentle tapping of it.
A moment later, he realised what was wrong. For one, he'd never heard a drip in the archives before. Was there a new leak somewhere? And secondly, it came from a completely wrong direction. The kitchenette was across the room to his right, the washroom was way too far to be heard here, and the source of the drip was decidedly from neither.
"Tim, do you hear that?" He asked.
"The sound of my relaxing night slowly ambling away to find greener pastures? I've been hearing it for the past hour, Martin." Tim sighed.
Martin rolled his eyes. "No Tim. That sound. The... That drip."
Tim looked up. Silence fell as Martin let him listen. For a moment it was quiet again. Tim opened his mouth, probably to make fun of Martin's overactive imagination, when it came back, now at a slower rhythm than before.
"Huh," Tim said, tilting his head, "I wonder where that could be coming from."
"Not the kitchen, I think."
"Oh god, you don't think there's a leak from upstairs?" Tim looked around again, more on edge than before. "I swear if we have to dry off another mountain of moldy statements I'll-"
"Okay, Tim. I'm sure it's fine. Let's, let's just look for the source." Martin got up, relieved to finally stretch his legs and get his blood properly circulating again.
"Fine, better than whatever I was doing anyway." Tim muttered and got up as well.
The search was harder than they expected.  They found that the noise stopped every now and then only to resume at very irregular intervals. It also echoed through the space in a way that did not help their hunt.
"Found anything?" Martin called from where he was checking behind the yet to be organized shelves near document storage.
"Nothing here." Tim's muffled voice was heard from further past the shelves towards the entrance. "I swear, just looking through this mess now is making me want to fly to Malaysia and never look back. You are invited to join me if you want. We can jump ship together. Run off towards the sunset hand in hand." Tim said archly as he came back to the main area, winking at Martin.
"Tim, is there something in your eye? You should get that checked." Martin responded dryly, though he couldn't help the small quirk of his mouth. 
"Oh, boo. You know you want to."
"What I want is to find the source of the leak and go home." He decided to give up on finishing today. It'd gotten way too late as it was. 
"Oh, fine. Though if you ask me, this place needs a bit of an elemental touch, be it water or fire." Tim wiggled his eyebrows.
Martin snorted and shushed him as the dripping resumed. He looked around, suddenly having a sneaking suspicion.
He began walking slowly in a specific direction, and his intuition was confirmed as the dripping sound became sharper.
He approached Jon's office quietly, motioning Tim to join him. Tim silently followed.
Martin knew Jon was in. He was always in way after they all left, even on late days. He also knew making noises in the assistants' space was fine since Jon's door was always closed. Which is why Martin was surprised to find the door ever so slightly ajar, the dripping noise becoming more pronounced as he approached it, along with some quiet rustling of paper.
He turned to look at Tim and whispered, "It's coming from in there. Can't he hear it?"
Tim shrugged and Martin quietly peered into the room through the crack of the door.
What he saw took him a moment to process.
He supposed that he’d never seen Jon at these hours, and had no idea what his work process was like when no one was around. But he never thought it would be so different from the way he worked during regular hours.
It was...very different.
For one, Jon wasn't sitting on his chair. Jon was perched on his desk, one leg up, his chin resting on his knee and one leg dangling off the edge. In one hand he was holding a document up to his face, squinting at it in a very strange angle from above his glasses, which were nearly falling off the edge of his nose.
His second hand... Martin didn't understand how he was doing it, but with his second hand's finger and thumb he was tapping at his cheek, opening and closing his mouth to its rhythm, making an 'o' shape each time he did.
Each tap produced a sound perfectly mimicking the drip of water. Perfectly.
As Martin finally managed to comprehend the scene unfolding in front of him, he had to suppress the loud snort that was threatening to force its way out of him.
"What is it?" Tim said curiously, inching nearer, leaning under Martin to peer into the room as well.
Tim took a second. Then scooted back quietly, straightened and walked back and away towards the kitchen. Martin turned away from the door, red faced from the effort of  biting down on his amusement, and watched as Tim walked into the kitchen and began cackling loudly to the point of wheezing. Martin turned back to look one last time. Jon didn't seem to notice them at all, nor react to the gasps coming from the other end of the work space. He just kept tapping his cheek and swinging his leg like nothing in the world could stop him.
Martin took a moment to soak in the scene again. Something about it gave him a fluttering feeling. He didn't understand what it meant, nor did he want to. Instead he closed the door as quietly as he could, cutting off the sound once more, and walked back to join Tim.
Tim looked at him, struggling to breathe.
Martin looked back.
"Not a word of this leaves this room." He said sternly.
"Please, Martin, only Sasha, I'm begging you." Tim slowly collected himself.
"Fine. But only Sasha. Not a word to Jon. Leave him be, please."
"Okay, okay, fine. I will." Tim threw his arms out in acceptance. "But you have to admit. That's one hell of a talent."
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kamosweasley · 4 years
I don't want to talk - Part II (George Weasley x Reader)
Description : To read the first part and third part.
Word count : 3.7K
Warning : mention of cheating, angst
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It’s been two weeks since George kicked you out. These words may sound too violent for what happened but you really feel like he kicked you out of where you found a home. It's not so much about the apartment, it's above all living with him, being surrounded by his love every day. As cliché as it sounds, you've never felt better than in his arms, and knowing you may never be able to find your way there again makes you feel terrible.
A part of you tells yourself you deserve this punishment and a part tells yourself it’s ridiculous to lose everything (including the person who matters most to you) because you love two people. You mean, okay it’s not common to be in love with two people at the same time but you can't help it, and it hasn't changed your love for George. So losing him would destroy you, because you still love him like a fool and you don't know if you will ever be able to draw a line under the life you had imagined for the two of you. But there's still hope, George sent you an owl to tell you that he wanted to see you tonight after work. He asked you to arrive a little before the store closes so he wouldn't have to wait for you. The tone of the letter was far from warm or enthusiastic but it suits you, you didn't expect him to forgive you so quickly and you will have the opportunity to see him again and discuss all this with him. You're terrified but also full of hope, if he wants to talk to you that means he doesn't just want to leave you and forget everything, right ?
So here you are, in front of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, the heart at the edge of the explosion. You were so scared to be late that you arrived an hour early, leaving you looking at the window with undisguised anxiety. You keep nipping your lower lip, your hands are sweaty and you keep fiddling with the ring that George gave you a few years ago. It was to celebrate your coming out of Hogwarts and getting your NEWT's at the same time. He was so happy to offer it to you, even though you had only been together for a little more than a year, he already wanted to offer you everything he could. He gave you so many products from his store, you almost got all the new products just a few days before they went on sale. It was important for him to share this with you and it made you happy he shares with you this passion he has made as his job. By the way, you must have forgotten it in the apartment, you didn't think to take them with you. You should have.
The door opens with the sound of a bell, suddenly taking you out of your thoughts and making you jump. It’s George, with a cold gaze and an annoyed look on his face.
-What are you doing here ? You were supposed to arrive later.
-I was afraid I was going to be late, so I didn't really pay attention to my advance. Sorry about that.
-Come in, you're going to scare the customers by staring at the storefront like that. You look like a psycho.
He moves to let you pass. You enter timidly and you immediately have the feeling of entering hostile territory. Maybe it's because Fred looks at you badly as soon as he sees you come in, making you want to disappear. You've never experienced hostility with twins, it's always been the other way around, even more so when you were the girlfriend of one and the sister-in-law of the other. It’s funny that Fred always acted as if you were a married couple. He was the only one to call you Mrs Weasley, saying it should motivate his brother to ask you. Today you doubt he calls you by his last name as he used to. After all, you break his brother’s heart, you doesn’t deserve any sweet nickname.
-Since you're here, all you have to do is help us organize the shelves, you know how it works.
-Okay, what do you want me to start with ?
-I think there are almost no more love potions on the shelf, there's a whole box of them in the reserve.
He hasn't even glanced at you, already on his way to see a customer. You’re going to get that box when Fred passes close to you, saying the air of nothing that you do not need to steal one of them. You immediately understand what he is implying and you want to tell him to fuck off, that it’s none of his business. But you don't have the courage to argue with Fred when you came to try to patch things up with George. That would be counterproductive and you can't blame Fred for being upset with you.
A few minutes later, you put the bottles on their display, being on your guard. You know Fred well enough to know it's not impossible that he might play a bad joke on you to avenge his brother in his own way. It might even be an opportunity to demonstrate a product to customers, unless you're getting paranoid. You’re just so tired of all of this …
-Hello Y/N.
-Luna ! You surprised me.
-I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You came to see George ?
-Great, I’m happy to see you both. It's been a long time since I've seen him, and so have you. I haven't heard from you in two weeks. Were you sick ?
It's weird to see her again since the argument with George. Curiously you don't have that odd feeling like all the other times, you just want her to go away before George sees you together. It would probably make him mad, he might imagine you asked Luna to come or she came to try to stop you from talking to him. You have no idea what might be going on in his head but you refuse to waste your chance.
-Kind of. You should go before you get sick too.
-Luna, what a pleasure to see you !
You stiffen at the sound of his voice behind your back, suddenly so warm that his sentence sounds sincere. But he's angry with Luna even though he doesn't let it show. He knows it's ridiculous because it's Luna, she didn't do anything to make Y/N fall in love with her again and she may not even know about it. But he resents her because she took a part of the heart he desires entirely, just for him.
-Hello George. I was telling Y/N that it's been a long time since I've seen you. It's a bit sad, you're good friends and we see so little of each other.
-But you have seen Y/N a lot in the last few months.
-True, but not for the last two weeks. It was as if she had disappeared, I thought she finally asked you to marry her and the two of you have stayed together ever since. It could have been a secret wedding, I think that's your type. But she told me she was sick.
-What ? Ask me to marry her ? Why would she do that?
-Luna !
-Sorry, I thought you talked about it with him.
-You wanted to ask me to marry you?
-I don't think it matters now.
-I'm sorry I embarrassed you, Rolf tells me I should be more subtle when talking to people.
-Who is Rolf ?
-She didn’t tell you ? Rolf is my fiancé, he’s a magizoologist like me. We met at work, he is adorable and very nice. I'm sure he's going to love your products, I came to buy some for him. He's going back to England in a few days.
George feels lost, he had no idea Luna had gotten engaged. If he had known, maybe he wouldn't have been so angry with you, because he wouldn't have thought Luna could dump her fiancé to get back together with you while you were in a relationship. He knows Luna well enough to know she is not that kind of woman, no matter how she feels about you she would have pushed you away and told you to stay with him. She has always been so nice and fair while he feels terribly selfish. 
-Congratulations, I had no idea. It's wonderful news, you have ... have you picked a date yet ?
-Yes, we will soon send out the invitations, you will receive one of course. It will be this summer, dad is very keen on it. Don't hesitate to come in yellow, it will make him happy.
-I take note.
-I'm going to go pay, it's closing soon. It was nice to see you again, feel free to visit me anytime.
The blonde goes to the cashier after a smile. You've never felt so embarrassed in front of George, it was the weirdest conversation and you don't know what effect it had on him.
-Why didn’t you tell me she’s engaged ?
-What difference would it have made ? You said that no matter what happened between her and me, the problem is I had feelings for her again.
-Luna would never cheat on someone, least of all her fiancé.
-So you trust Luna more than you trust me. Great …
-You're not going to get offended when it's all your fault in this story !
-George ! Calm down, the store is not closed yet.
He almost screamed while there were a dozen customers in the store, most of them looking at you waiting for the next part. Can this day get any worse ? It hasn't even been 10 minutes since you walked in and it's only getting worse.At this rate George won't even want to talk to you anymore and you'll have to say goodbye to him forever before the store closes. Resuming his professional appearance, he clears his throat to regain his composure and walks away without a word. Then you go back to what you were doing before Luna arrived, putting the small bottles carefully. You feel tense, it seems like there's not much missing for you to break down and either burst into tears or go crazy. It's like being in the middle of a nightmare, you would give anything to make it stop and wake up in bed with George's arms around you and his breath on your neck.
Lost in your thoughts and anxiety, the closing finally arrives and Fred leaves the store for the apartment above, not without giving you yet another bad look before winking at his brother. Here we are, and you just want to run away.
George comes to you, always with his mask of indifference on. It’s only a facade, you know him by heart and in truth he tries not to show he’s in pain. You're both in pain but you're the only one to show it, that's the game. All means are good to make him understand this separation hurts you and you miss him. You’re sitting on a step of the stairs leading to the second floor, with desperate eyes looking at the ground like a punished child. It's not going to be a piece of cake, he's probably going to say some hurtful words, but everything has to be said and heard.
-What about the proposal ? Were you really going to ask me ?
-I really thought about it, I never lied when I said that I love you and you are the man I want to make my life with.
He says nothing, assimilating this information with difficulty. He's still hurt and angry about what you did, but he feels it's not as he imagined it would be. He thought the moment he threw you out, you had gone to join Luna and since then you had been consoling yourself in her arms. He doesn't doubt your love for him, he saw how you were that night, but he thought you would move on with time, with Luna. He imagined himself learning that you were moving in with her, and the day you were going to get married. It destroyed him from the inside, this image, this perfect happiness that you would live with her when it should have been with him.
-You are the most important person to me, since we have been together for so long, I told myself that I could be the first one to make the proposal.
-Sounds ridiculous …
-You know that I want your kids. We already talked of this, I want 4 children and you, 5.
-Stop it. I know all of this too, but we can't talk of our future anymore. I'm not sure of our couple anymore.
-I understand. But you asked me to come here to talk. I'm trying to make you understand I don't want a future without you. Isn't what I'm supposed to do?
He remains silent, staring at the display of love potions. He stands up straight with his hands in his pockets and again you can't read him. You hate it, feeling like he's already so far away from you when the breakup isn't official yet. You're afraid he won't want you anymore and say it out loud, that he'll move on and make his life with another girl. He would have the right, nothing obliges him to stay with you, but how could you survive it ? He's the love of your life, it's the only thing that's been going round and round in your head for the last two weeks. It's him and nobody else, Luna is nothing compared to him. The tall man sighs and raises his head to the ceiling, you can see that he is chewing on the inside of his cheek. This is not a good sign.
-You understand it changes nothing for us.
-Not even a little ?
-I don't think so.
-Why ? It must change something. We both want to marry each other, we want a home and a family to build together. I told you more than I can remember that I am sorry and I choose you for ever and ever. Why isn't it enough ?
-You're going to get angry now ?
-I do, because I don't understand ! I understand you need time and you're mad about me and you have all right. But I didn't do anything to get her, not a kiss, not a look, not even a word. I never wanted to do anything with her, I was lost in my feelings and you … you say you will never need me again. How I'm supposed not to be angry ?
Tears fill up your eyes, it's kind of unfair of you to put a blame on him for his choice but you can't handle it. This man is yours since so many years, you've already imagined what your future would look like, to the kind of grandparents you would be. You want to live so many things with him, like traveling abroad, laughing at your children's mischief, celebrating your wedding anniversaries in so many different ways, just laughing every day of your life with this wonderful man. He can't take that away from you without you saying a word.
-Everybody makes mistakes, there is such a thing as forgiveness and you have to know how to forgive the people you love. I'm not saying this to make you feel obligated but because I want you to do it, because I still love you. Do you know that saying, "Love cannot be divided, it can only multiply" ? That's exactly right, I didn't take a part of my love for you to give to Luna. It's an old love that has woken up, it's something totally different. It's more like loving a friend very much or wanting the last broom, it’s unreasonable, foolish and not that strong as the way I love you.
-Is that supposed to make me want to take you back ?
-Shut up George ! I’m falling ! There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, and you heard Luna, I haven't spoken to her in two weeks ! I’m ready to do anything for you, to prove you my love !
-And you think that makes you respectable and forgivable ?
It's the most frustrating situation you've ever experienced, it's like talking to a wall. No matter what you say or what you do, he doesn't want to forgive you. This sudden realization makes you cry your eyes out. You refuse to give up your story, but it takes two to make one more, and George is sinking the ship. You don't know what's more powerful between despair and rage, but you're falling apart again. So it's really over ? He asked you to come here to finish you off like this ?
-George, I’m begging you … Don’t do this … Please, don’t leave me …
-I love you from the depths of my being, I was ready to give everything for you. But I can't give you my forgiveness, and above all I know I can't give you back my trust.
-But I don't understand ! I didn't cheat on you, I didn't do anything with her, she doesn't even know what happened ! I ignored her, I left you alone waiting for you to come back to me to talk and try to make things right because we love each other and this story doesn't change anything about OUR story !
-It changed something.
-No it doesn’t ! Maybe you’re afraid and you don’t trust me like before, and again I understand it and accept it. You’re hurt because you feel betrayed, you wanted to be the only one I love and unfortunately this is not the case but you still want me. In spite of everything you feel and what you told me, you still want me to become your wife and to raise a family together. You still want to offer me your newest products in advance and find me every night at the apartment. Because you know as well as I do that we are meant to be together. We survived Umbrage, we survived the war, I was always there when you needed me and you did the same. This love that unites us, it’s different from the one I have for Luna, it’s much more powerful and indestructible. We can break up if that's what you really want, but you know as well as I do that this love will never die. And you'll miss me every day of your life because I'll miss you too. I’ll love you forever, and I can’t do anything against that. 
-You’re cruel. Do you really think I'm happy I have to break up with you ? I'm not because you are ... everything I've ever wanted. I've always felt lucky to have you, I was sure we would make it. I’ll love you forever too and that’s the problem ! I can't escape you while you are hurting me, you will make me suffer all my life because I will have to try to run away from you all my life !
-You don't have to run away. Especially if it means it will make you suffer for the rest of your life.
Neither of you has moved since the beginning, almost like statues with words. You are together on a path that separates into two other paths, and you don't agree on which one to take next. One is clearly a dead end while the other leaves more possibilities. But you can't force George to follow you, if he really wants to stop everything then you'll have to accept it. Even if it breaks both your hearts, you can't stop him from living his life the way he wants. You've already done enough harm, and his feelings will make him suffer for a long time if he chooses to break up, there's no need to add to it. But you're not ready to hear it so you try to save this love story that's falling apart.
-Why can't we at least try to work things out before we break up ?
-If I come back to you, I know I would forgive you and we would go back to the way things were, almost as if nothing had happened.
-And it would be a bad thing ?
-I talked it over with Fred, he told me not to be fooled and not to give you a second chance. He says I deserve better than a woman who can't love only me.
-Excuse me but we don't give a shit about what Fred thinks. He's your brother, your twin, your partner, but he's not the one living your life. You know me much better than he does, you know our history and you know if I'm honest or not.
-So why didn't you tell me about Luna ?
-See where that got us ? As soon as I realized, I was ashamed, and I knew it would lead nowhere because there is only you for me. She has never been an option, least of all when she is engaged and I was hoping we would be as soon. I know, it sounds cheesy and cliché but it's the truth. I just wanted to wait for it to go away.
-By continuing to see her every day ?
-What would you have thought if I had stopped everything suddenly ? And I really thought it was a kind of nostalgia for a time when it was simple and not painful. The more the days go by and the more I'm sure of it, I don't miss her as much as I miss you, her absence doesn't hurt as much as yours. It was stupid to go back to her like that, I know. I’m sorry George. For all of this, it’s my fault. I never meant to hurt you, but I did. And I can never apologize enough for that, I promised you I would never hurt you. I’m really sorry George.
These words ring true in George's heart, yet this is not the first time you have said these words and he already knows everything, even what you didn't say. All you've done is tell the truth you both know, and even if it hurts he can't deny it. This is the moment when he must choose between yes and no. This is the moment when no matter what his twin brother said to him, his heart beats reason. It’s true he has loved you for four years and he can’t see a future without you, that's a pretty good reason to give a second chance. 
-Come on, let's go home.
-What ?
-Come quickly before I change my mind.
Without a word, you get up in a hurry and leave the store to let George close behind. You don't know what to expect, but this opening draws you like a beacon in the night. He lets you come home, which means he wants to try. You feel like you're living again, breathing is suddenly no longer painful, everything seems a little better and a little less sad. 
-You’ll sleep on the couch.
-I promise you nothing.
-That’s fair.
-I hope it will work. It would hurt too much if it didn’t.
You walk side by side in the night, without holding hands as you used to do. It's strange but there's a glimmer of hope that's lit up for both of you. Maybe it’s not the end.
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
Why couldn't more focus could have been placed on the cherry blossom festival?
I am so sick of eggs. Really I never liked them but I tried to tolerate them and just... no. I finished making all the DIYs and I have no use for any more eggs yet it goes until the 12th.
The cherry blossom stuff is so difficult to collect I've spent HOURS attempting to and I still only have part of the recipes. I am missing at least two I really want, the clock and the wand, oh and the pile of petals I want too. And then I'm missing few others as well not even sure what they are. I did get the umbrella which I wanted and the little purse which I didn't even know was one you could get but I love it. And the thing is, despite it being difficult I am still having more fun with it than I did with the "Bunny Day" event and that goes on two days longer and has such a big focus compared to the cherry blossom stuff. I don't know why, really.
But anyway, yeah, I am pretty much doing the same thing as last night now. Wasting time and then checking the right beach on minutes that end in 0 or 5 for the regular balloons. It's been working pretty well I suppose, but it still takes a bit so I have to find some way to pass the time in between minutes.
Euphoria is getting better everyday. Today I was able to give Marina's house a fenced in yard and I prepared to move Biff's so I can do the same for him. I built the cherry blossom lanterns and put them at the entrance to my outdoor bath and they look pretty nice in the moonlight I think.
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Wart Jr. is moving out! In exchange for Coco who I am excited to have join the Euphorian Club. I hate to be one of those people who kicks out ugly villagers just for being ugly, but I mean, the thought of warts makes my skin crawl. And these games are supposed to be enjoyable and if this is how I enjoy the game then this is how I'll play it.
I still have to pick who I want to invite next, because I have 3 I definitely want to move out and as much as I love some of the others, the only ones completely safe are Marina and Beau. And if Beau asked to move on his own i might let him, so really the only one i know i would beg to stay is Marina. But yeah, I think I have a deck of amiibo cards something like 16 packs thick with less than 6 doubles, so I have quite the decision to make. I don't know if I want to go for a certain type of villager... I think maybe I could go smug for smug and move Curlos out and another smug villager in, but I don't know, I'll have to see who I have in my deck.
Oh! And I have to share the letter Biff sent me this morning completely unprompted.
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It's little things like this which make me love this game soooooo much. It's nice to be appreciated even by a fictional character.
I paid off my 758,000 bell loan today (or it was somewhere around there) and now the loan is over a mil? I feel like I won't ever be able to pay that back, but I need more STORAGE for clothes! And other things, but mostly clothes. Ugh, it got so expensive so fast. Was it like this in other games?
And I have gotten my paths done for the main middle part of the map where stores and things are. Now i need to figure out what kind of paths I am going to make elsewhere and honestly what I am going to do everywhere else. I think I want an outdoor library, but I need book shelves and such first. And I know I want to make my orchard more organized looking, but I don't know how to even start that. I want to do more decoration with cute pastel and dark spooky things (yes both) in the middle part of the map but I need to find more things like that that I can use as decor.
I guess I need to start seeing if I can get into the trading world. Or something like that where I can find more of the items I need and at least catalog them so I can buy them myself. I am kind of nervous about trying all that though because i am pretty socially anxious, and i get panicky even playing games with people i don't know. But then i have done so well playing with my new friends who weren't as familiar to me when we started playing, but I still didn't panic when we first played, so I am thinking I could do this. But I dunno. We'll see. First I guess I need to find a good place to go about such things anyway.
Anyway, I guess that is mostly it. There isn't gonna be a ton of new stuff to talk about since I beat story mode, but I am still enjoying the game and feel there is much left to do, so you know, I'll be around, wasting time in between balloons or shooting stars, or looking for helpful tips on different things.
I may be having oral surgery Wednesday, so I have high Hope's that when I can't sleep, AC will take away the pain. We'll see though.
Oh, like turnips. I found a good guide so I'm gonna read up on 'em for next week. The were selling pretty high here this morning like they seem to be every week so I put it off. But maybe next week.
So yeah, like I said I'll be around but I don't know how many more text posts I could squeeze out of doing a lot of the same things over and over.
I leave you with the weird stuff Puddles says when Wisp is around...
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I would totally watch a show called "Ghosts 'n Stuff".
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iamyoursinblog · 4 years
Find you
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Im Jaebeom ( feat. You)
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2,4 k
Part: [ 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
POV Jaebeom
'And why did Mark insist that I go into this new coffee shop,' he thought of himself standing in the alley, looking at the black door without a sign. He checked the address again on the card to make sure he got there. Maybe Mark's just playing it. I wonder Jinyoung was here? He took the phone out of his pocket and dialed Jinyoung's number.
"What do you need?" answered the voice barely holding back the laughter.
"And for you hello too. Where are you?"
"At home, where else am I can be? Weren't we going to go to the training together?"
"We'll go. I'll be back soon. What are you laughing at?"
"Watching the movie, okay bye, because of you I miss the most interesting." Jinyoung hung up
He looked at the phone. Did Jinyoung just  hang up? He didn't even have time to ask  what he wanted. Whatever. He went to the door and opened it. Despite the fact that the sun was shining outside, it seemed that it was a deep night, and only a dim yellow light illuminated every table. Was it really a coffee shop? He saw a couple at the far table, who had a cute conversation with each other. What? Mark sent him to the coffee shop for the couples. He was approached by the waiter "Good afternoon. Are you alone or with  someone?"
"Alone" he replied, had long been since he was so embarrassing.
"Please follow me" the waiter turned around and strode and deep into the hall. He pushed the curtain, skipping him forward. It seemed here was even darker than before. It was a spacious hall on the perimeter of which were placed single soft vintage armchairs next to which were low bookcases on several shelves. At the end of the hall there was a bar. The hall was empty. Only one person at the end of the hall, read a book sitting in a armchair. Only now he noticed that near each armchair there was a small reading lamp, which stood on the coffee table.
"You can choose any place you like" said the waiter before leaving. He once again inspected the hall before choosing a seat in the corner from which the whole hall is clearly visible. He sat down on armchair and smiled. It was like a little world that only he was in. He laughed softly. Jinyoung would have liked it here. This place was unique, no wonder it was hard to find. He drew attention to the wall of the locker, which was attached to a tablet with the inscription 'To order use a tablet'. Unlocked the tablet, he chose a drink and sent an order. He heard the sound of a slight vibration from the side of the bar. The person who was reading got up from his seat and walked towards the bar. Or rather it was a girl with long dark hair. She was wearing a red trouser suit and rabbit-slippers. He could barely contain his laughter. He wondered if this girl was the reason Mark insisted on coming here. You went to the bar, because the hall was big, he couldn't see your face. A few minutes later you took a glass of his drink, and headed in his direction. His heart started beating harder. For a long time no one worried his heart, perhaps the atmosphere of the coffee shop enhances the effect of anticipation. He took a deep breath returning his composure. Your skin was white, and your bright lips were immediately conspicuous. He couldn't take his eyes off you. You looked straight into his eyes, but why did he feel like he was sitting completely naked now under your glance. You came closer and smiled.
"Here, please, your order" you said by placing a glass on the coffee table next to it.
"Thank you" he quickly replied
"Hopefully you'll fully enjoy the time, what you'll spent here" you turned around and started to leave.
"Wait..." he grabbed you by the edge of your jacket, stopping you. You turned slowly, your eyes were glued to his hand. Gently with two fingers you took the sleeve of his shirt, removing his hand from your jacket. You turned your eyes on him, but he felt like you'd slapped him. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something," he said quickly as you let go of his sleeve.
"For this, people have such an organ as mouth. You don't have to touch them at all." you answered, still looking into his eyes. Why did your look make him feel defenseless.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know, here always so empty?" he asked, pointing to an empty hall. You came closer, looking at him from head to toe.
"People come here when they are tired and want to rest. If you need an overflow coffee shop with a lot of people or you want to chat, then you clearly got the wrong address."
"No, I think I've finally come, exactly where I've been dreaming to be for so long time" he smiled broadly at you without taking his gaze off your face.
You bent down on him, resting your hands on the armrests on either side of him. He had completely to leaned back. You looked at him with a glance that he would definitely call dangerous. "You're wasting your time. Don't try to find something here that doesn't exist" you turned around and left, this time he didn't have the courage to stop you. His heart was pounding at breakneck speed, and his back was covered with sweat. What was that? The feelings were all too familiar. He mentally returned at the time that he and Jinyoung left behind and decided not to remember again. He wanted to get up and only now realized that his whole body was tense. He got up and quickly walked towards the exit. Having paid off, he went outside. A bright light blinded him up for a few minutes, his eyes aching after the dark lighting in the coffee shop.
He came to training and only then realized that he had no belongings. He went to the side of the locker room. Going inside, he saw his bag next to his locker. Jinyoung. Despite the fact that Jinyoung always complains about him, still does everything to take care of him. He smiled broadly. After quickly changing, he ran towards the field. He found Jinyoung's eyes and ran in his direction. He jumped on Jinyoung and knocked him down, causing them to fall.
"Yay, gosh! I brought him a uniform, and he knocks me down. So do good to the people after that"Jinyoung resented.
He hugged him tightly from his back, wrapping his arms and legs around Jinyoung, while they lay on the grass. "Who is this grumbler here, who cares so much about me?" he laughed loudly.
"Jaebeom, confess to me honestly. Have you gone mad?" asked Jinyoung
"Yes" he got to his feet, helping to rise Jinyoung. "Come on, the training has already started" they ran towards the team, which already warmed up.
As always they were lying on the field when everyone left. He lay with his eyes closed, and still constantly felt the look of Jinyoung. Although after that drunken night Jinyoung never crossed the border again, even when he got drunk. In his memory a moment surfaced on the river bank. When Jinyoung lead hand down his cheek. He saw the exact same look today. A dangerous look. He wasn't sure if anything was worth changing when things went back to their seats. First he wanted to tell Jinyoung about the girl he met today. But now his resolve has not been so strong. Too many questions arose in his head. But the most important thing was: why was he so excited to meet the girl Jinyoung came up with?
"Are you not going to go home?" a Jinyoung voice snatched him from his thoughts. He opened his eyes and saw Jinyoung, who was standing beside him, reaching out his hand. He got up and they went to the locker room. After taking a shower, they quickly gathered and went home. "Did something good happen today? You looked happy when you came to practice."
"Something happened, but I don't know yet whether it's good or bad." replied Jaebeom
"If I ask what it is, will you answer me?"
"I'll answer, but not today"
"Okay" Jinyoung smiled "Tell me when I can ask you. What are we going to have at dinner?
"Usually when you ask me what we're going to have at dinner, you already have the answer to that question," Jaebeom laughed.
"You're damn right, my friend."
After a few days of deliberation, Jaebeom siting on the bedroom floor after dinner, looking at the coffee shop's black card in front of him. He decided that let fate make its choice. Jinyoung went into the bedroom and sat across from him, giving him a beer. Seeing the card on the floor, he picked it up, carefully scrutinizing.
"What is this?" asked Jinyoung with interest
"The answer? Which answer?"
"On the question you wanted to ask me a few days ago"
Jinyoung turned his eyes from business card at him, and stared intently for a few minutes before looking at the business card again. "Is that the answer? And which is this answer: good or bad?"
"You'll have to tell me that later, " replied Jaebeom, taking a few more sips of beer.
"You're not coming with me?"
"No, you have to go there alone"
"I get it. I'll go when I'll have time" he smiled and put business card on the nightstands near the bed.
After drinking beer, they went to bed.
POV Jinyoung
Today he was alone. He was very bored. What's he going to do? He was lying on the bed looking through the SNS. Jaebeom went to help Mark, he had to go with them. But he didn't want to plant trees. He got up abruptly because of what hit the nightstand with his knee. Half the stuff fell to the floor. He began to lift them off the floor until a black piece of paper caught his attention. He considered it for a long time, recalling the words of Jaebeom. Think he just had plans for tonight.
Why did Jaebeom send him here? What exactly should he find the answer to? He understood nothing while standing, in a narrow unlit alley looking at the black door and painted windows. He went inside, a few couples sat at tables, and there was dim lighting in the hall. The waiter appeared before him a moment later, "Good evening. Are you alone or with a couple?"
"I'll be alone" he smiled, representing Jaebeom to a similar dating spot. He looked around while following the waiter. They went to the second hall with single armchairs. Choosing a place, he considered everything around. There were about five other people besides him. Someone read, someone looked at the phone, someone listened to music with eyes closed. What is this place? Having made an order, he curiously examined everything around. He turned his eyes to the bar and saw a girl making a cocktail. She had fair skin and dark hair. You came out from behind the bar heading in his direction. You were wearing a red urban midi dress and instead of shoes, panda slippers. Your eyes were on him. Is it? No, it can't be truth! Wild! That's the first thing he thought of when watching your every move.
"Here, please," you said, and smiled. But the smile didn't touch your eyes, they kept scanning him.
"Who are you?" he asked
You tilted your head looking at him, "Hmm, this is the first time I've got a question like this. It's interesting."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It slipped out. Do you work here?"
"It can say like this." said you looking around the hall
"It seems that there are not many visitors. Interesting place" he took his glass "Thank for that" he said taking a sip.
"I think I've got deja vu. Well" you looked at him with a cold glance before you turn around. You took a step, but stopped, turning your head slightly, you said "Hope you fully enjoy your time here" you quickly walk to the side of the bar.
Cold passed through his back. You is the girl he made up himself. But why now he was scared, meeting you face to face. This is what Jaebeom wanted to show him. What for? It seemed to him that they had left everything behind. Why now. How does he must react to that. Good or bad, what of this he must choose. "Jaebeom what you're up to. Why did you want me to see her?" he whispered. He drank his drink and came out of that coffee shop without turning around he went home.
He sat in a dark room, looking at the amber liquid in his glass. He heard the sound of the front door when Jaebeom returned home. He took off his shoes and went into the living room
"God, you scared me! Why are you sitting in the dark?" said Jaebeom
He got up and headed towards Jaebeom. He was making slow steps. He came close, forcing Jaebeom to back down. "What's wrong with you? Are you drunk?"
Jinyoung did not respond by taking another step and Jaebeom crashed into the wall. He went up in tight to Jaebeom, approaching his face. Jaebeom tried to shove him away, but he pressed his hands against the wall.
"What's wrong with you today?" Jaebeom's breath became quicker.
He squeezed with the force of Jaebeom's forearm, he leaned to his ear, pressing his body. "Isn't that what you expected when you sent me to that coffee shop?" he whispered.
"I’m ... No... I don't know."
"Why would you want me to see her?"
"I don't know"
"Didn't you ask me to stop, so why are you doing this now?"
"I don't know"
"Don't you think you're repeating yourself? Who then should know the answers?" he felt the tremor emanating from Jaebeom's body.
"I couldn't think of anything, when I saw her. The girl you dream up. What else was I supposed to do?"
He put his head on Jaebeom's shoulder. Now he realizes Jaebeom was just as him scared and excited the day he met you.
"We found our girl, it left just to win her heart," he said, taking a few steps back and laughing.
"Have you seen her? I think we're going to have a problem with that," chuckled Jaebeom.
"We're going to have to try," Jinyoung said, "Is the game starting to be in our favor, but the chances of winning are still zero."
Part: [ 1] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 3.5 ] [ 4 ] [ ]
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stories-mostly · 6 years
Starks Bug
Tony Stark x son!reader
I did not expect the amount of notes the first chapter had gotten so I hope y'all will enjoy this one just as much.
Word count: 2252
Chapter 2
The first month with you was more draining than Tony had expected. He not only had to be there for you 24/7 but also needed to work, work on his projects, go to meetings, run stark industries simultaneously. He had a lot on his back. He had already made a small baby play pen in his office, though you didn't interact with much yet.
But you smiled on a regular basis now and held your head up for longer and longer periods of time whenever you were rolled onto your stomach.
You also stared at him whenever he fed, held or was close to you. Before now he did not realize that baby's can hold such intense eye contact.
Today Uncle Rhodey finally had time to come over and actually meet his nephew. Up until now he had only seen pictures of you that Tony had sent him.
You had just woken up from one of your many naps as Rhodey walked in.
"Look who decided to visit (y/n)." Tony said as he turned you into the direction Rhodey was coming from.
"Oh my god, he's so small!" Rhodes exclaimed as he put the bags in his hands down before coming over.
He took one of your small hands and shook it gently.
"Hi, nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you!" Rhodey gushed in a high pitched voice as you gave him your intense eye contact.
"You're turning into a softie, huh?" Tony joked and handed you to Rhodey who carefully took hold of your tiny body.
"Do you wanna feed him?" Tony asked as he tested the temperature of the bottle.
They walked over to the couch and Tony showed him how to properly support you while you got your milk.
"He really likes staring at people." Rhodey chuckled as you continued to stare holes in his head.
Tony nodded.
"Apparently that's what one month olds do. They stare at faces."
Rhodey stayed for a while and before he left, he handed Tony the bags full of gifts for you. He was determined to become your favourite from early on.
Shortly after you turned two months the media had finally found out about you. Tony didn't know who gave it away but wasn't pleased with the situation either way.
But the good thing was that he didn't need to be too cautious with you anymore. He could just take you outside like a normal parent.
Obie organized a press conference where your dad could clear things up. You were in a side room with Obie and Happy while the conference was being held. Tony didn't trust a lot of people with you.
You gurred at Happy as he held your favourite plushie in front of your face. It was a small stingray Rhodey had gifted you on his first visit. You tried to grab it but your coordination wasn't the best. Happy played with you until the conference was over while Obie stood next to him watching you. He also seemed to have a weak spot for you. Let's be honest, who doesn't. You're a cute baby that makes gurgling noises at everyone he sees. You were bound to melt some hearts.
After your existence has been made public Tony agreed, after a lot of debate, to one photoshoot for the public to use. He didn't want you to grow up in the public eye.
At three months you started to interact more with your surroundings. You especially liked to get excited whenever your dad would look into your crib in the early mornings after you woke up.
You smiled and even sometimes laughed at people's antics when they saw you. You also grew more "Talk active" making sounds every chance you got. You really lit up Tonys face even after an exhausting day.
At four months you were starting to try very hard to get from one place to another, you tried pushing yourself up with your arms while kicking with your legs. You were also very close to rolling over on your own.
Tony was very anxious that you'd start crawling soon so he made sure to get ahead of you and baby proof every nook and cranny in the house. He also decided which room should become yours and converted it into your playroom.
At five months you started to play on your own. "Play" meaning sticking your feet or hand into your mouth and giggling about it. Tony found that amusing as well and had Jarvis record every second of it. As if he wasn't recording you since your first day home.
You had also started to accidentally hit yourself with things you held. Much to Tony's dismay. But hey, as long as you kept smiling at his antics he knew everything was alright with you.
At six months Tony was tempted to throw a giant party but he doubted that you'd appreciate that. You were beginning to love attention, and started eating solid food. You also rolled over like a champion.
"Hey (Y/n) guess what day it is." Tony asked before sitting down next to the spot you were laying at.
"That's right it's Christmas! You're so smart. Merry Christmas sweetheart. I hope you will forget this one because as you can see I have done zero decorating." He said before handing you a small Robot stuffie which you eagerly took and placed into your mouth. As you do when you're a baby.
He propped you up between his legs before continuing to open up presents, other people had sent for you and for him. But mostly for you.
"Look its one of those things you can chew on. And you can cool it. This'll come in handy since you already started with your teeth." Tony said and poked your cheek. He handed you the ring with a fluid inside but you didn't want it.
"Well thanks anyway Uncle Happy." Tony said as he grabbed the next one.
"This one's from Obie." He stated before ripping the paper and opening the box.
"Ohhhhh, that's a little Jumper for you! You see this? Here it says "Little mechanic". We don't know about that yet do we?" Tony said talking to you as if you were able to answer. He kissed the top of your head and put the jumper aside.
"And last but not least uncle Rhodeys gift. Let's see what it is." You helped pulling out the paper from the bag but stuck it in your mouth straight after getting your tiny hands on it.
"Oh my god. Look at this. It's a little military uniform. You can be just like your uncle." Tony chuckled. "God this is adorable."
After taking some pictures with the gifts and sending them to each person your first Christmas was over. It wasn't anything too special but Tony would carry it in his heart forever.
And honestly you were adorable in the small military uniform that matched Rhodeys
With seven months you started to "Talk" with Tony whenever he would say something you'd babble back and that's how Tony started to regularly make smalltalk with a baby.
"What do you wanna do today? Wanna go see uncle Happy?"
"Argh pfffb mampa"
"Oh really? I always thought he likes you better but when you say it like that."
"Oh now don't get sassy with me young man. You said it yourself. He likes me better."
"Ampammam mam."
"Nope no take backs. You said what you said."
Things like these were becoming regular these days. But you had a surprise up your sleeve.
"Did you just say Dada? Come on say it again say: Dada."
"Dahdah." You spat out with great effort.
"oh my goodness, you said your first word! And it was Dada! Your such a smart boy! So smart!" While Tony was fawning over your first word. You were kicking your legs with happiness at his tone of voice.
There were tears forming in the corner of Tony's eyes. "I love you so much, bug!"
The next month's leading up to your first birthday you were getting increasingly more mobile. In only two months you had learned how to crawl like a child athlete. You had also started to pull yourself up on furniture making your dad put everything a few shelves higher.
Once you were old enough you even helped him clean up your toys. You grew excited whenever people came into your house and greeted them yourself by clawing yourself up on their legs to stand beside them.
You also started trying to say their names. Rhodey became "RrOoh" with a gurrgled R and occasionally "Oohdi", Obadiah became "Oohppa" and Happy was by far the closest to getting called by his name, his was "Apy".
At 11 months you were finally able to stand alone for a few seconds and walked as long as you were holding onto something. Much to the delight of everyone. You also started to connect words with things more and more, showed your needs more openly and started to play better with other people. You also liked ripping papers apart as Tony had to find out after leaving important documents unattended within your reach.
You explored more too. Every time you were at your dad's office you'd crawl into the smallest spots and looked into any hole or drawer you could open.
And at your first birthday? There was a small party in Stark industries since your birthday corresponded with the opening of the internal daycare for the children of employees. Tony had thought of it ever since he had to take you with him into his office or lab and work while also keeping an eye on you.
You loved to play with all the toys and the different kids.
Tony was pleased with the job he had done so far. You didn't get injured or sick often, had age appropriate social skills and developed at a normal if not higher rate than any other baby. A few selected reporters were also there as it was good publicity.
Tony was just showing them the napping room for the smaller children when a cry interrupted his speech. It was obvious that it was you who was crying.
"Would you excuse me for a second." Tony said to the reporters as he left to get you. You were laying in the middle of the playroom crying. "DADAAAAA!" You were calling out. Tony swooped you up and bounced you on his hip.
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You were fine a second ago."
You just placed your arms around his neck and slowly let that stifle your sobs.
"Was it too much? I'm sorry I won't leave without telling you again."
Once you were calmed he wiped your tears and gave your cheek a kiss.
"You wanna help Dada show these people around? You wanna come with me?"
He asked and you just hugged him again. Tony continued the tour through the daycare with you on his hip.
"Sorry about that, he just got a bit overwhelmed with all these new people here and me out of sight. (Y/n) can you wave at them? Wave hello." You shyly obligated and a few reporters waved back.
"Anyway, as I was saying before. With this we hope to..." And with that Tony was back in business mode.
You on the other hand were bored just being carried. You took his sunglasses and fiddled with them until you grew bored and put them in your mouth. Your father never once broke his speech.
You fiddled with his clothes after discarding of the glasses. The buttons under his tie interested you most. You were trying to get them off to put them in your mouth and when that didn't work you brought your mouth to them. Tony once again softly pushed you away and pulled out the ring to bite on that Happy had gotten you for Christmas, from his chest pocket. You happily nibbled on that for the rest of the tour.
One reporter even asked you a question shortly before they were about to leave.
"Can you say Dada?" the man had asked.
"Dada." you answered. You were officially a pro. This would go down as your first interview.
After everything was over, you waved everyone goodbye, and went home. Happy brought all your birthday gifts along.
You had gotten a ton of gifts from the other parents attending. It was only small gifts but they did stack up.
After you had fallen asleep on the couch Tony couldn't help but get nostalgic. It's already been a year since you came into his life and so much had changed because of you. Meetings in other states or countries had to be planned out completely before he could go, he had barely attended any parties since your birth and hooking up? With a little one around? Impossible. He had so much less time to work, you needed so much care and attention, he slept more than ever, and ate more regularly too. Drinking? That happened less now too. You were truly a gift, you helped him realize how much he didn't like to feel anything but pure bliss. But with you around he needed to make himself emotionally available if he wanted to be a good father.
You were tiny a year ago but from day one you left a huge impact in Tony's heart and that would only continue to grow with time.
Not that he'll ever admit it but ever since you came into his life, he became the happiest he was in a long time. He cried so many times the past year. Out of joy, sadness and being overwhelmed with so many different emotions for you. All your firsts were forever remembered even if all the videos and pictures would disappear. Because they were forever burned into his memories.
Tags: @shannonr2003
If you'd like to be tagged in the future just tell me either on this post or in a message. Up to you.
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Bonds that Bind Us
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Chapter Two:
Connecting with someone is not necessarily a bond with a significant other, or even a friend, but can be the indefinable - perhaps the rarest and most precious thing in life to find at all.
Donna Lynn Hope
Loki sat puzzled as he observed his 'overseer' as she paced the room she called the sitting area. After Omidah quickly took himself and Thor to his designated floor, she dismissed his brother, told him to get comfortable, pulled out some sort of talking device and ignored him ever since.
Next he couldn't wrap him mind around the fact she was being nice to him or why she didn't seem to be the slightest uncomfortable around his presence, and why she looked excited the first time she looked his way. It was confusing and it made him angry.
Omidah on the other hand was trying to get Fury off the phone as quickly as possible but it seemed that her efforts were futile. She could feel Loki's aura of boredom; this was not how she wanted to leave a first impression (which won't really matter to the royal trickster either way but its the thought that counts at least).
"Pennwinkle are you even listening to me?" She rolled her eyes "what else could I be doing since you just keep talking"
"Don't sass me woman, I can revoke your privileges and have you confined to the tower."
"Do that and I'll tell everyone what happened in Fiji."
"You wouldn't dare!
"Try me boss." She said in a sing song voice.
Fury started grumbling profanities under his breath. "Just keep me informed about your progress." Fury hung up.
Omidah moved the phone as the dial tone came on, watched the screen blankly and gave a small yet audible snarl. "Did that chili eating mother--ass just hang up on me!? I see. Alright Fury, we'll see who has more balls than the other."
Sticking the phone into her pocket, she turned her attention back to Loki. His facial expression was neutral but his eyes showed anger. Just great.
"I'm really sorry about that. My boss just doesn't know when to shut up."
Loki did not answer her. He got up, made his way to the shelves of books and picked out one, then returned to the couch. Omidah smiled at his choice 'William Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice' she loved that one.
"Are you hungry?" Silence
"Is there anything I can get you as you wallow in silence?" More silence.
"Have you always been so reticent? It will do you no good to just sit there and ignore me. I just want to help."
"Then don't mortal. You're very annoying."
"Is that the best insult you got? I already know I'm a mortal wise arse; you can do better than that your lordship. Come on throw another insult." Omidah's voice was dripping with sarcasm and a wide smile was on her face as she looked at Loki.
Loki on the other hand grew angry at her taunt and slammed the book shut.
"What's the matter God of Mischief, no come back? I must say this is a let down. Wuss."
Loki quickly walked towards the annoying female with murderous intent and grabbed her upper arms, lifting her off the ground.
"For the death of Odin, what is your problem you mewling quim!? Do you wish for me to destroy you? Do you have any idea who I am and what I can do to you?"
Omidah continued to smile as she looked into Loki's breathtaking blue-green eyes. Just being elevated at his eye level, she leaned in her face and planted a quick kiss on Loki's nose; giggling as she moved away.
All of Loki's anger vanished and replaced by utter confusion.
The look on Loki's face caused Omidah to burst into a fit of giggles. The sound spreading throughout the room, filling it and caused Loki's heart to do a weird flip but he quickly pushed it aside.
"I'm really sorry, I don't mean to be so happy but its just that, believe it or not, I've always wanted to do that if I ever got the change to meet you.
It's so good to finally say that I can scratch that off my bucket list; kiss the God of mischief on the nose." She said matter of factly.
Loki gave her that 'I-truly-believe-you're-really-dumb' kind of look.
"Now Loki are you hungry? I'm sure you haven't eaten a full course meal in quite some time and I'm happy to cook for you if you'd let me."
Loki just continued to watch the strange girl he was holding, trying to find something, anything, that would reveal if she was playing him for a fool; there was absolutely no way any sane person, who knows of his reputation would be happy to do anything with him. Alas, he could find nothing but pure glee in her hazel eyes.
"Come on Loki, as much as I enjoy looking into your eyes, I too am hungry. So, can you please put me down, lasagna is calling out to me."
Finally able to register her words, he slowly placed her down "What game are you playing mortal?"
Omidah arched a brow at his sudden question "I don't understand the question. If you're referring to why I'm not afraid of you, it's because I'm not."
"But you are aware of the things I've done or of the people I've killed on this pathetic planet, have you not?"
She could hear the irritation in his voice, whether it be from the realization that he is now on said planet he caused havoc or something else entirely, she wasn't sure.
"Yes, I'm fully aware of all that you've done and what you're capable of doing but I can't comprehend what that has to to with, why I can't be nice to you or simply talk to you." Sighing she crossed her arms and gave him her full attention.
"I want you to fully understand something. My world has people in it that has done a lot of bad things to good people, some still continue to do so. I work for an organization that kills those type of people and my hands are stained with the blood of a few.
"Everyone in this tower has killed someone, whether it's to save the lives of people, revenge, brashness and cockiness or in your case trying to concur this world. The reason you're labeled the 'bad guy' its because you chose to be all flashy about it; making yourself a spectacle, parading in front a crowd of people who recorded you and post it around the world and to put the cherry on top the ice cream Sunday, you went and brought an alien army through a large hole in the sky, attacking one of the largest cities in the world." Omidah let out a sigh.
"Look all I'm trying to say is, no one's a saint in this place, we all have our reasons for doing what we do. I just don't want you feel like you're the only screw up. The others may or may not be judgmental towards you and I know you won't give a dam but I want you to know that I'll be looking out for you, Okay?"
Loki snickered "I don't need a mere mortal to look out for me."
"Well you really don't have much of a choice. I'll be looking out for you whether you like it or not, plus you really shouldn't think little of us mortals, we can surprise you. Have you never heard the saying, don't underestimate your opponent? Now if you don't mind, please follow me so I can prepare dinner."
With that she turned on her heels and headed towards the elevator, which opened automatically for her.
Loki stepping in after her, each opposite the other.
"Good evening miss Penwinkle and Mr. Laufeyson, where can I take you."
Omidah smiled "J.A.R.V.I.S, good evening to you too and please call me Omidah, the formality is too much."
"If you wish miss."
"Thank you, will you please take us to the main lounge? I'm going to prepare dinner."
"I see. The others will be quite excited about dinner; would you like me to notify them the moment you've finished?"
"Sure that would be great, thank you."
At the end of the short conversation, they arrived at the desired floor.
"Your stop miss. Have a good evening."
Omidah chuckled realizing he's never going to address her by her first name.
"Thanks a lot JARVIS. Catch you later. Come on Loki, this is going to be so much fun."
Loki scoffed at her enthusiasm as they passed the seating area and headed into the large kitchen.
"I fail to see how cooking is fun. Its a maids' chore if you ask me."
Taking no offense, Omidah tied her hair with chopsticks and put on her apron.
"Just have a seat on the bar stool and here,"
Taking a book from behind her back, she placed it in-front for him. Loki realized it was the same book he took from the shelves earlier. How did she get it without him noticing?
"I've been told you love to read, so I organized for that library to be on your floor and while I prepare dinner this will help you pass the time."
Loki couldn't figure her out; She was strange. Then he saw her remove her footwear and placed them by the door of the kitchen; he was more puzzled.
Omidah saw his puzzled look as she returned back into the kitchen; she chuckled.
"This is something I do when I prepare meals; it warns everyone who walks into the lounge that I'm in the kitchen. I like cooking with no disturbances.....well unless I invite anyone. Now time to get to work."
"Why would you do something so trivial? It makes no sense."
She headed into the pantry and returned to the island, placing the ingredients onto it "as I stated earlier it's to warn the others. I started preparing dinner about two years ago because I strongly believe we here at the tower are a family and family should have home cooked meals."
Loki rolled his eyes and continued to read but still listened on
"So three months after I started cooking, Tony decided to be real jerk. I decided to make chocolate fondue and an assortment of treats in which you can dip into the chocolate; anyways Tony was drunk from the previous day, having thrown one of his extravagant parties. I turn my back for 10 minutes and when I returned Tony was face flat in the fondue, chocolate was splattered all over the kitchen walls, all the assortment s were gobbled down; it was a disaster."
Loki watched as she moved back and forth,
"Oh how wonderful it was to make him pay for wasting rich chocolate but that's a tale for another time"
Loki scoffed, "So do you have anything in particular you like to eat?" She asked.
Loki looked up from his book and watched as she mixed some contents in a bowl, while periodically blowing strands of hair from her face.
"None that you should concern yourself with,"
"Aww come on, I'm curious to know, so that way I can add your preferred dishes to the dinner menu."
Loki didn't like the feeling he was getting when she made that statement; she was showing an genuine interest in him and it felt weird. He decided not to respond to her and continued reading.
A comfortable silence fell between them and the only sound that emanated from the kitchen was the clanking of pots and pans. As some time passed, Loki would periodically glance at her from behind his book, making sure not to get caught.
"Here you go Loki" Omidah said while placing a small plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of him. Loki lowered his book and eyed the cookies with suspicion
"If you think they're poisoned, then think again. I like you, so i have no intentions of harming you in anyway."
Loki ignored what she said to try and subdue the feeling in his chest. He refused to take her words literally; no one cared about him and he had to keep reminding himself of that.
"How did you makes these so fast?"
Omidah smiled "we've been in here for well over an hour now. Dinner is almost done and I'm now preparing to clean up. Plus I tend to bake goodies first before doing the actual cooking."
Loki looked at the cookies and back at Omidah who already turned away to start cleaning up.
Cautiously he picked up one and bit into it. Loki suppressed a groan; he had never eaten a cookie that tasted so divine. The chocolate melted on his tongue, sending a tingling sensations to his taste buds. The texture was soft, fluffy-like but was still solid. It was one satisfying cookie.
Within a matter of minutes the entire plate was cleared and he let out a satisfying sigh. The sound of the timer was set off almost simultaneous and when he looked in Omidah's direction, she was removing dishes from the oven and quickly rushing to set the table.
He was surprised that she cooked so many dishes in such a short period of time. He wondered if they tasted as good as they looked and smelt.
"Hey Loki are you comfortable eating with the others around or would you like to go back to your floor?"
He scoffed "I refuse to dine with incompetent mortals."
Omidah puffed her cheeks like a little child and pouted.
"You're not fun Loki, I really wanted to see how well you work under pressure. Oh well, I'll prepare a plate for you in a few."
Before he could respond to her statement, Tony entered the kitchen with a glass of scotch.
"Hey river Nile, what's cooking good looking?"
"Tony Stark, what have I told you about coming into the kitchen when I'm cooking! Do you want a repeat of what happened the last time you were in here?"
Loki observed the two conversing and how sudden Tony became nervous; beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. Just what did she do to him to cause such a reaction?
"Ah-am I'll just be in the lounge. Sorry Omidah." With that Tony quickly walked out.
Loki continued to observe the young woman as she finished setting the table. He was still trying to figure her out. Being able to analyse someone and tell the type of person they are was a specialty of his but with her it was somewhat difficult.
"Jarvis can you let everyone know that dinner is ready. Thank you."
"Absolutely miss."
Omidah continued to move around the kitchen, ensuring that everything was in order. Tony decided to stick his head through the kitchen door.
"Hey, did I hear something about dinner? Don't mind if I do."
Omidah sighed 'He is a sucker for punishment.' "Sure Tony come on in. Have a seat and wait for the others. I'm going to fix a plate for Loki."
Tony chuckled "let me guess, Reindeer Games thinks we're beneath him and chooses to dine alone."
Loki shot Tony glare and boy if looks could kill, Tony would have dropped dead by the one Loki was giving him now.
Completely ignoring him, Tony moved to the bar and poured himself a drink
"So what's on tonight's menu Omidah?" She smiled
"Egyptian cuisine. Remember I promised everyone I'd try something new every few months...."
Tony nodded "well I decided to cook dishes from my distant home land. I hope you guys like it. Please ask the others to send me their feedback."
Tony looked at her perplexed "wait a minute, aren't you joining us tonight?"
She shook her head as she continued her task "not tonight tin can. I wish to keep Loki company before I start my training."
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that the mission would cause them to see less of her now that she had to watchman Loki but he wasn't expecting it so soon; he didn't like it.
Omidah laughed at Tony's antics "oh stop being dramatic, sharing is caring. You guys had me all to yourselves for these past few years, now allow me to delegate my time to someone else.
And before you say anything else, I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, just that you'll see less of me from time to time. So behave and exercise some patience."
Tony walked over to her and ruffled her hair "You're right, just a bit paranoid."
Omidah quickly hugged him "best cousin ever. Thanks tin can."
Removing herself from Tony's embrace she returned to her task. After packing enough food and what she believed would full the Asgardian, packaged everything in a bag.
"All done. Come on Loki we'll eat dinner on your floor. See you later Tony."
Loki watched as she bounced happily out the room before quietly following behind her.
Tony on the other hand was puzzled and quickly pulled out his phone to call the others. There were a few things that needed to be discussed.
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lady-snavely · 4 years
Sands of Time: Part Four
Put Your Foot in Your Mouth
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem!OC
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, mutual pining, all the fluff
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Two days later Jade had a note taped to her work locker. Kiyoko had called and asked that Jade please please please call her as soon as she was in. Concern etched across her face, Jade hurried out to her coworker. "Margaret, do you know if Kiyoko said anything in regards to what she needed?"
"Something about the study group tonight I assume. I didn't take the call, Denise did." The older woman replied without turning from her monitor. "Can you run to the supply room and grab more paper for the printers?"
"Yeah, sure thing." With a small shake of her head Jade took the portable and called Kiyoko as she began her shift.
"Shimizu." The answer was swift, to the point and professional.
"Kiyoko, this is Jade from the library. I had a message that you needed to speak with me. Is everything okay?"
“Yes, everything is good, thank you for calling me back so quickly."
Jade listened as she picked through the supply room carefully. For as organized as the shelves on the floor were the supply room drove her a bit crazy with as haphazardly things were quite literally just tossed inside. One of these days, she vowed, she would get the room organized.
"All ten of you?" Jade paused her search as she thought. Did they have anything else going on this evening? No, no group readings or reservations in the meeting rooms. No other study groups, it was Friday after all, most other students would be going home for the weekend or going out to parties. Finally, Jade nodded into the receiver. "That won't be a problem, Kiyoko. I'll prepare a meeting room for you as well so you can all work in peace and at the same table. How does that sound?"
"You're sure? We all aren't out of classes at the same time so some will be trickling in later than others."
"Don't worry about it," Jade reassured. "I'll take care of everything."
True to her word, when the first wave of students arrived a handful of hours later, Jade escorted them to the room she'd prepared. Inside she had an assortment of drinks and snacks as well as extra pens and notepads ready for them. Kiyoko had mentioned a longer session tonight, so why not? There were even a few books scattered around the table.
Kiyoko gave her a grateful smile but said nothing as she circled the table, glancing at the available titles as she went. After the third book she turned a frown towards the group still by the door.
"Midterms are around the corner so I pulled some of the more fact dense and helpful material for your respective fields of study," Jade explained when she saw the look.
"You remember each of our programs?" Iwaizumi cocked an inquisitive brow at her.
"Now, now, Iwa-chan," Oikawa scolded lightly. He even went so far as to pat Jade on the head like a dog who performed a trick correctly. "Be nice to the girl."
"I am nice," Iwaizumi snapped. The two bickered like an old married couple on occasion but deep down everyone, Jade included, could see that they cared greatly for each other.
"It makes sense if you think about it," Yaku said as he settled himself into a chair. "We've been coming here regularly for a year. Clearly Jade was being observant and thoughtful."
Iwaizumi grumbled incoherently but nodded his thanks to Jade as Oikawa dragged him through the room.
"Thank you for the kind words Yaku. You know where to find me if you need anything at all." Jade was quick to duck out of the room before anything else could be said.
Over the course of the next hour and a half most of the remaining students showed up and were guided back to the meeting room. Each was just as surprised as the last by the books already in the room. Each thanked Jade profusely for her thoughtfulness.
She was just coming back from showing Akaashi and Bokuto the room and awkwardly accepting their thanks when Kuroo and Kenma entered the library.
"You're actually going to study with us, right?" Kuroo wondered with a glance at his friend.
"I guess," Kenma replied, though his tone held no commitment. "I feel pretty confident about my grades though."
"And yet you're here," Kuroo smirked. "Why won't you admit that you like hanging out with everyone?"
"Because I don't."
"Do too."
"Do not."
"Please, not again," Jade stopped the friendly banter before it could go any further. Nonetheless she smiled and beckoned them to follow when the boys turned their attention on her. "Come on, everyone else is already here."
"It's not Monday, is it?" Kuroo asked without moving. A frown soured his face.
"No," Jade dragged the word out in mild confusion. "It's definitely Friday and I would appreciate you not try to make the week longer than it already needs to be. Hello Kenma."
"Hey." He didn't even look up from his phone, but Jade had expected that. She watched him for a moment with a small smile before looking up at Kuroo again.
"Why would you think it's Monday anyway?"
"You always dress up on Monday's," he replied with a shrug. "Got a hot date tonight or something?"
Jade was not amused. "Would it matter if I did?"
Kuroo frowned. "Don't be like that, we know each other well enough, wouldn't you say?"
"Not at all," Jade replied a bit too quickly.
"Enlighten me," Kuroo suggested, "why'd you dress up?"
"It's not like I'm even all that dressed up." Jade glanced down at herself in an outfit that wasn't simply jeans and a blouse like usual.
Kuroo continued to frown down at her. After a moment of silence she huffed and rolled her eyes. "Listen, I need to restock returns," Jade gestured over her shoulder, "the others are in the first meeting room down that way."
"You're an idiot," Kenma said after Jade had left them.
"Hey, I noticed she was dressed differently from usual, didn't I?" Why was he getting defensive?
"You could've just complimented her outfit then. Or even asked her if it was a special occasion instead of assuming she only dressed up because she had a date."
"I bet she does have a date."
"That's – you're an idiot." Kenma repeated. He lightened the insult by smiling faintly as his friend.
"Am not," Kuroo huffed, pretending to be more offended than he truly was. He even went so far as to cross his arms and turn his head away.
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are you two going to join us sometime today?" Having poked his head out of the room at the sound of their voices it was Akaashi who saved Kuroo and Kenma from each other. Just as Oikawa and Iwaizumi had their senseless bickering so did Kuroo and Kenma. Both stemming from decades of friendship and an understanding of one another that only those sort of friendships came with.
She restocked books with an angry sort of gusto that befitted her mood. How dare he assume she only dressed up today because she had a date! Maybe she decided to doll herself up for fun or, you know, just for shits and giggles. And damn him for being right too! Jade's first date in far too long and, if she were being honest with herself, she only got the date because Nyra annoyingly set up a profile on some stupid dating app without her knowledge.
Regardless of her annoyance with Nyra and now with Kuroo, Jade was both excited and incredibly nervous about tonight. A well and true blind date that she'd only been told about this morning and details were still coming in by the hour from her sister. What if the guy was a total weirdo or a creep? What if he wasn't a Tree Nymph, but really one of the dark Fae that her father had warned her from a young age to stay away from? Tonight would go one of two ways; either very well and Jade would agree to a second date or utterly disastrous. Should the latter come to fruition, Jade had already decided that her parents would lose a child.
Jade wasn't asking for Prince Charming. No, she didn't want Mr. Perfect. She didn't even want a knight in shining armor. She didn't need saving. She could slay any of her demons on her own. What she wanted was a partner in crime. She wanted insecurities and flaws. She yearned for intellectual conversations and challenges and a fan of books. An animal lover, not just cats and dogs, but all animals. She hoped for someone who would go for a walk in the rain with her and who held her when she cried over a book at two in the morning. She wanted Tetsuro.
"Are you even listening to me?"
"Oh, Margaret, I'm sorry," Jade shook away her thoughts to focus her attention on her coworker. "I was daydreaming again."
"Do that on your own time." Margaret's tone held no amusement. "It's six now, so I'll be going home. You can handle the last couple of hours on your own, can't you?"
"Of course." Jade fought the urge to roll her eyes and only just held back the animosity in her voice. She'd been working with Margaret for over a year now and closed rather frequently on her own. More often than any of her other coworkers but that was by choice. So naturally she could handle the end of the day customers that came through. "Have a good weekend, Margaret."
Margaret left without another word, something she typically did. In her old age, Margaret didn't see the point in replying to send offs. They get drawn out and tiresome, she'd explained to Jade once. And thought it hadn't sat right with Jade who was she to say otherwise to someone so set in their ways?
Another hour passed and Jade had topped off all the printers of paper, she'd checked in and restocked books as they came through and even helped the mother of an eager pre teen find a handful of books to begin his journey into the world of familiars and dragons and spells. She read a bit, eager herself to begin yet another book. It was her third that week.
There was still two hours before closing and Jade hadn't heard or seen anyone from the study group since storming away from Kuroo and Kenma. Hesitating only a moment she knocked on the door frame alerting them all to her presence. "Just checking in to see if I can help with anything," she explained when all eyes turned on her. "I can take away any books or grab new ones?"
"We'll take care of putting everything away," Sugawara gave her a simple smile.
"You look lovely by the way, Jade." Oikawa leaned back in his chair, dangerously close to toppling over, in order to make eye contact with her. "That color really brings out your eyes."
"Oh, thank you, Oikawa. Anyway, it's been pretty dead here tonight so you guys don't have to be so quiet that even a Brownie would be jealous of you. Folklore says they perform chores for Humans at night in exchange for staying at the home." Jade explained when she was met with confused looks. "Right, so, Bokuto, you can resume your usual antics."
"No! No. Absolutely not. Bokuto, don't you dare." Jade took Akaashi's uncharacteristically loud response as her opportunity to go back to the check out desk.
Oikawa didn't let her get away that easily though. Leaning against the counter he propped his chin in his hand. "Spill, what's his name? Where are you going? How did you meet?"
"This is the first time I'll be meeting him," Jade admitted with a sigh. She fell back into her chair, seemingly exhausted.
"Oh, a blind date," Oikawa sang. "How mysterious. Who set you two up?"
"It's only a blind date for one of us. Nyra, my sister, decided I've been single for too long and set up a profile for me on one of those dating apps."
"That's awful kind of her to help you get your feet back in the water."
"Is it though? I don't even know what she wrote in the about me section so how do I know this guy she agreed for me to meet is even there for anything more than just looks. It's shallow."
"Well, I think you're stunning and anyone who says otherwise is a liar."
"Thank you, but your word is far from gospel, Oikawa," Jade snorted a laugh. "And I don't think your boyfriend will appreciate you complimenting me so openly. He may get the wrong idea."
"Don't worry about Iwa-chan." A dismissive wave of his hand and a wink her way easily turned Jade's scowl into a half smile. "There it is. I'm sure if this mystery man gets to know you tonight he'll see just how wonderful you are."
Jade was used to Oikawa's flirting. She knew it meant nothing but even on his best days he never went this far. With one eyebrow raised in question she cocked her head to the side. "What do you want?"
"Told you she would catch on!" Yaku cackled from the hall.
"Yeah, you aren't that sweet!" Iwaizumi added.
"So mean, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whined his mantra but regained his composure quickly. He flashed a smile at Jade filling her with dread before his request was even heard. "Would you be a dear and order us some bento boxes? We'll pay of course."
"You know we don't allow food in the library."
"Please Jade."
Oikawa sounded like a child begging to stay up past his bedtime. Jade's scowl returned as she stood, making it back into the meeting room before her chair stopped spinning. "Did you draw straws or just send him because you know his whining irritates me?" She asked no one in particular.
"Yes," Kuroo nodded with a mischievous grin.
"That's not a proper response to her question," Kiyoko remarked. "I did try to dissuade this, Jade but I was overruled. I apologize."
It's not that she didn't want to not break the rules. She herself ate in the library all of the time. But they didn't need to know that. Still, they had been here for a good long while now. "You'll eat with the door closed and put the studying away, you all need a break by now anyway and you'll wash your hands afterwards." Vigorous nods answered her stipulations. "I know one of the guys at the shop nearby, let me call him up real quick. Put your requests together and I'll order for you."
"I knew you'd come around!" Oikawa hugged Jade quickly before returning to his seat.
"I'm sure you did," Jade grumbled. Sometimes she was such a pushover.
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