#don't make this just about walking to Maine I'm begging
After the catastrophic failing of BJ's marriage, what is the weirdest turn his post-war life could take?
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imnameimswrld · 1 month
ⵌ ׄ ۪ 𝐀 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐍 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 ⁴⁴ ׄ ⑅ LH44 ‌˖ ֺ ᰮ
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— DESCRIPTION ੭ in which getting stuck in an elevator brings you to a truth that had been hiding and eating away at your heart.
— PAIRING ੭ lewis hamilton x fem!ready.
— FILE ੭ imagine.
— DISCLAIMERS ੭ angsty with fluff at the end and a little in between, not (currently) edited.
❪ main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist ❫
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"Fuck !"
Lewis delivers a rattling kick to the sealed shut elevator doors, and the action pulls an eyeroll from you.
"Oh yeah, kick it some more maybe the stainless steel doors will open on Sir Lewis Hamilton's command !" your words drip in sarcasm, you tone causing your boyfriend to turn and face you in the corner you're slumped back in.
You hands rub at your arms that your knitted sweater is failing to block the cold from, and despite the tension between the two of you, Lewis can't stand the site of you cold. So, he rips his jacket off with a huff, walks over to the corner you wish could swallow you whole if it meant giving space from him, and tucks the jacket so carefully and neatly around your front that you almost regret your thought about the corner of the elevator snatching you away from him – almost.
The atmosphere in the broken down elevator becomes even more chilly with the tension that settles between the two of you. Half of you wants to hobble closer and cling to his natural body heat, and the other half wants to firmly plant your hands on his shoulders just to shove him further away.
His presence right now is simultaneously making you beg for space and wallow in guilt, and the only way things could get worse is if he starts talking-
"I just don't understand it, Y/n."
A groan of annoyance echoes loudly in the square space. "Seriously Lewis ? You're gonna make me feel bad about declining your proposal ?".
He rounds on you, facing you fully with anger simmering in his gaze; but it's mixed eith another emotion. Hurt.
"Of course not, but what I want is an apology."
Matching his defensive stance, the jacket slips from your shoulders as you turn so quickly to face him. "An apology ? You want me to apologize for saying "no Lewis, I'm not ready for another marriage yet" ?"
Lewis shakes his head, his eyes dead set on yours. "That's exactly it actually. But not for declining me, but for lying to me, Y/n."
A silence blankets the two of you, but unlike the purpose of the item, it doesn't enclose you in warmth and comfort; no, it suffocates you with a so deeply embedded feeling of guilt, that your breathing halts for just a moment.
You and Lewis have been dating for three years now. Before him, the thought of committing yourself to another after the disloyalty of your last, made you shudder and almost feel sick to the stomach. You minded your business and kept in your own bubble for the good part of a year, and then Lewis so calmly squeezed himself into your life with a charming accent and a dashing smile, and with how he made you feel, you knew that he was here to stay. You love him, more than you've ever loved anyone before. He would make the perfect husband; he's loyal, kind, loving, uplifting – but, in the midst of those thoughts, and the wonderful adventures you experienced together, you failed to mention that you just weren't ready.
Your throat bobs sorely with the harsh gulp you take, and with how Lewis follows the action action closely, he knows exactly how you feel. He knows he's right. He knows he deserves an apology, and he's not stopping until he gets it. Breaking up isn't an option for him; he's chosen you to spend forever with, and that's not going to change. What has to change for him, however, is the treatment in this relationship.
If you expect honesty and loyalty from him, then he expects the exact same in return.
"You lied," he states softly, his brows losing the angry knot they were in as he remembers that night. "You said you were ready. You know you said it, and yet...".
The second the tears start welling up in his coffee brown eyes, yours immediately respond in the same way.
"You lied."
"I know." you whisper, even your voice facing the aftermath of your dishonesty.
"Why, Y/n ?" he shakes his head slowly now, hand coming up on pure instinct just to swipe your falling tears away quickly, before returning to his sides. "It's not fair, and you know it."
You sniffle, your gaze failing to continue it's silent words with his and you drop it, eyes staring down at his Tommy H sneakers instead. This whole thing is the effect of your dishonesty back then, so it's best if you're honest now.
"I was scared."
"Scared ?" he repeats, before tucking your chin in between his forefinger and thumb to gently lift your chin, resetting your gaze with his. "Scared of what, love ?"
Lewis inches closer, and with each step your confidence in yourself breaks.
"I was scares that, if I said that I wasn't ready to be married again, you'd...you'd..." the words can't even leave your mouth, let alone formulate in your brain properly with the pain the bring you.
"Talk to me, my love."
And with his arms enveloping you to eliminate the remaining space separating you from him, you break in his warmth.
"I was scared that you'd leave me, Lewis."
The truth is here, revealed, and she's rattling your entire being with cries and guilt. Lewis rubs a hand on your back while the other holds you close, your tear-stained face buried deep into his chest where his heart beats in your ear. You don't understand why he's trying to soothe you when you're totally in the wrong here.
Still, you will never refuse anything he offers you. He just means that much to you.
"If that was ever a fear for you Y/n, then I haven't been doing my duty in loving you like I truly do." he says ever so softly in your ear, and you immediately pull away to stare up at him with reddening eyes.
"No, Lewis," you shake your head as he wipes more of your tears sway. "I am in the wrong. You have shown me what it is like to be loved wholly and with passion."
"So then why have such an irrational fear, my love ? I love you with my entire being, and I want to spend forever with you," he says, cradling your pink cheeks in his hands with the utmost amount of care.
"Now that doesn't mean we have to get married any time soon, because of course I want us both to be ready for a step like that. But I would appreciate your honesty where it is vitally needed."
You nod in, your hands going numb from the death grip that have on the material of his shirt.
"I'm sorry, Lew," you state. "Right now, I'm not ready for the step of marriage, however, I am positive that I do, want to spend my forever, with you."
A smile tugs at the corner of his lips, and he places a blossoming kiss to your forehead. "Perfect."
"What ? My apology ?" you snort, peering up at him with glassy eyes.
He nods as he begins to help you into his jacket. "That, and just you in general."
You slip your arms in as you shake your head in disagreement. "Perfect people don't make mistakes."
Tucked warmly into his jacket, Lewis pulls you close once again to thread his finger into your hair as you close your arms around his waist.
"Call me insane or hopelessly in love," his gaze is filled with every passionate emotion unde under the sun as he stares into your eyes.
"But you'll always be perfect to me, my love."
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Slipping Through My Fingers
pairing: Mafia!Jenson Button x Assistant!Reader
Words: 1.3K
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood, language, guns, hospital, etc.
Requested: Yes/No
Request: Hi If you are taking requests I might have one if you would like, obviously you don’t have to it’s just an ask So like Mafia!Jenson where like the reader gets injured and like ends up in the hospital and him being all worried. If you want of course.
A/N: I'm not sorry for this
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Jenson turns in his chair, dropping the pen hanging from it. Your smile fades and turns to irritation as you know he didn't hear you. "I'm sorry, pretty girl. What'd you say?" Trying to cover up the fact he was completely ignoring you. "I asked; I'm going to pick up lunch later. What would you like?" You repeat, watching the thoughts move through his eyes.
Eyes you haven't been able to stop thinking about since Greece, and the way you two were so close, nothing came of it. His meeting had gone horribly, Fernando had sided with Jenson, but the newcomer to the business felt like he was being fucked around. Jenson didn't let you join, but you still remember the way the newcomer stared at you and the way Jenson was close to ripping his throat out.
"Don't, I'll order food, and we can eat here. Don't go outside without me." Jenson begs, voice softer than you've ever heard it. "Mr. Button, it's the annual luncheon. I have to go get the lunch." Jenson leans back in his chair and loosens his tie. "Pretty girl, please stay here where it's safe." Sighing, you fully enter his office and close the door with a soft click.
"Jens, what did that man say to you?" Jenson rips his eyes away from you, refusing to answer you. "Jenson," Moving, he hears the clicks of your heels and then the soft warmth of your fingers lifting up his chin. Dammit, he didn't want to look at you because he knew he'd cave looking into your eyes. "What did he say?" Jenson gives into his craving, splashing his fingers over your hips, and pulls you in, his forehead resting on your stomach.
"Nothing, he didn't say anything. I'm just being paranoid." He whispers and moves, turning his head and melting into your warmth; fingers digging into his hair, you tug it, feeling his breathing even out. "Jenson, I really need to pick up the lunch." His arms tighten before slipping away from your body. "Take Lewis with you." Wanting you to take him would give him a sense of security, but he already knows you are shaking your head.
"Lewis would try to control my every movement. Mr. Button, you said I'd have free control of my life and that you wouldn't let your…main job interfere with my life. This is interfering." Jenson hates it when you call him Mr. Button; it's just a show of the wall you have placed between each other. "You're right," Throat tight, he clears it and sighs. "Please be back in 40." You nod, step back, and walk out of the office.
He'd do anything to place a guard on you, but he didn't want to pull you deeper into his world. He refused to let his life be the thing that ended yours.
You rush out of the restaurant, holding a special lunch for you and Jenson. It was from his favorite steakhouse, and you knew it'd make his day. So what if you're about 10 minutes past when you said you'd be back. It'd be worth the strict talking if it got Jenson to smile.
You bump into a man and apologize as you dig through your purse for the blaring phone. You don't even look at the phone as you answer it, laughing. "Yes, Jenson. I know I'm late, but I'm returning now. Even have a little gift for you." You two might have flirted in Greece, but this was full-on; you only wanted him to ask you. If he didn't, you sure as hell would.
"Mhm, a little gift. Would this little gift require me to see it on you?" Jenson teases, losing all his anger about you not being back yet. You already saw that one in Greece; maybe this one is in the bedroom. You hear Jenson's chair tip and him cuss and things falling. "Jens, you okay?" You walk towards the crosswalk and hit the button, waiting for it to let you walk. "Yep, yeah, of course, just tripped into my desk." You laugh and turn slightly, noticing the man you tripped into is staring at you, but you just shake it off.
"Aww, baby, don't worry. I'll let you be in control tonight." You tease, and Jenson snorts. You hear screams and turn, seeing a large SUV screeching up before slamming on the brakes. It all happened so slowly, where the man from earlier shoves you forward, and loud fireworks are set off. Except you feel a piercing burn fill your body. More screams, more deafening, and all around you.
"Pretty girl?" Jenson's voice sounds so far away as you stumble back and crumble on the road. Something warm pools at your back, yet your body feels like ice and fire pokers stabbing you all simultaneously. "Pretty girl?" His voice is filled with such terror, vision blurring. The man from earlier leans in close and takes something out of your hand. Jenson's voice grew distant with each second. The man chuckles and places your red-covered phone to his ear. "You should've taken the deal." Coughing, you make this gurgled sound, almost choking on the thick iron in your mouth.
The man drops the phone before slapping his heavy boot down on it. "He should've taken the deal." He growls in your face before running off as sirens lull you to sleep.
"JUST TELL ME!" Jenson roars at the nurse, slamming his hands down on the counter. The older nurse just stares at the disheveled man before her and sighs. "Young man, I can't tell you anything because I don't know anything. There is no, Miss. Y/n L/n that's been admitted here." She sighs as Jenson makes the sound of a broken animal.
"Ma'am, any Jane Doe's?" Mark steps in, pulling Jenson back as he paces before flinging himself into a chair and sobbing. Lewis moves and hugs his friend as Jenson doesn't even care about his men flooding the hospital trying to find you. "Oh, yes," The nurse blushes and pulls up a medical record. "We have one, horrible really. Shot 5 to 7 times, they believe it was a drive-by. They do have a birth." "There's a birthmark on her hip shaped like a bit of heart." Jenson fills in, and the nurse sighs, giving Jenson a heartbreaking look.
"Oh darling, she's in CCICU." Mark tenses like Lewis, and Jenson stumbles into the desk, pulling at his hair. "What, what is the CCICU?" Jenson asks, rubbing the snot away as he tries to pull himself together. "Critical Care ICU, that's where they send those who are close to death." Jenson immediately runs before he gets directions. He's bolting through the hospital, trying to find it.
He does. And he about rips the palce to shreds. "Pretty girl," He whimpers, seeing you with 2 policemen standing guard. "Sir," One steps forward but stops seeing who it is and quiets. "She hasn't woken up. They're worried she never will." He whispers and returns to his position as Jenson trudges into the room.
He hates this room. Hates how it has no color. It's dark and grey and sad. This isn't you, he thinks. You're color, the brightness in his world. He should be fighting for life, not you, not his pretty girl. You shouldn't be in a room like this. He wanted to see the sun on your skin. The way you light up as you read and enjoy the beach. He never should've left Greece with you.
"My pretty girl," His voice breaks, dropping to his knees and cupping your broken and pale face. "I should've done it; I should have just taken that deal." He whispers as his face shatters, and he buries into the bed, holding your hand. Jenson was going to kill the man; he was going to burn the world down.
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arminsumi · 9 months
HELLOOO THERE!! Can I request gojo dating reader because of a bet with suguru and falling for reader, reader doesn’t know and was hurt when they overheard they’re just a bet, angst to fluff pls 🫶🫶🫶
thank youuuu, hope your having a good day!!
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𝐈𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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A/N: u have no idea how much i LOVE this idea anon!!! 💗💗💗 i really hope i did it justice 😩
Wc ≈ 1.4k
Pairing: GOJO Satoru x f.reader
Summary: Suguru betted that Gojo could make anyone fall in love with him, even someone who was his complete opposite — like you.
Warnings; angst-to-fluff, angst contents — {self-loathing (Gojo), crying, heartbreak}, a little bit suggestive at the end, kissing/making out
♪ michelle
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It was nice while it lasted.
The handholding in public, the stolen cheek kisses, the pampering and spoiling, relishing in the jealous looks thrown your way when he fed you bites of his food in the cafeteria, bathing in Gojo Satoru's affection. A lot of people would have killed for your position, or even a glimpse into what it's like to date your college's biggest heart throb.
You two seemed to really like each other. It was like two mismatched puzzle pieces somehow fitting together — a fascinating connection was shared. No one would have put you and him together, not even Gojo.
The only reason he asked you out in the first place was...
"Suguru, that's such a nasty idea... I love your mind."
"Just don't actually fall in love with her. The whole idea of this bet is that you can prove any girl can fall in love with you, don't forget that."
Gojo had chuckled at this, it seemed so ridiculous.
Why would he actually fall in love with you? You weren't even his type. He never paid you a sparing glance, not at school, not at parties, not around town.
You weren't his type...
So why did his heart start panging excitedly a few months into your 'fake' relationship? Why did he swoon when you fell asleep laid on his chest in his dorm room? Why did he want to kiss you so badly every time he saw your face? Why did he jump like a cat whenever he got a text from you? Why did he kiss you like the world was ending?
And why did he cry when you found out the truth? He looked distraught when Suguru let the secret slip.
Why did Gojo Satoru, the strongest, beg on his knees for you to stay when you were about to walk away?
"Please! I'm so sorry! I know it was so wrong and fucked up — shit I regret it so much — I really like you! I swear to god, I swear on my life!"
You choked on your tears so badly that you could barely talk. "I can't believe you. This is such a fucking horrible th - thing to do to s - someone, Gojo."
He felt so hurt that you went back to calling him Gojo and not Satoru, like you used to when the two of you were just mild acquaintances.
"Don't go!" He almost yelled.
His arms wrapped around your midriff, he slid down like he was too weak to support himself — like his legs went limp. He slid down until he was clinging to your legs. He sobbed with such a genuine-looking crying face that you almost believed it. He wasn't play-crying like he does to get attention or persuade people, he was ugly-crying.
Gojo Satoru, the prettiest boy you ever knew, was an ugly-crier. A string of saliva glistened between his canines, his mouth hung open like a dramatic renaissance portrait of a distraught man. His eyes were pinched so tight that fat tears cascaded out the corners.
"Please don't go!"
Suguru found his best friend sat in the middle of the campus' main stairs. Desolate. One hand holding up his heavy head. Regretful. eyes closed.
"So it didn't go well?"
Satoru didn't raise his head, but he slowly opened his eyes and looked miserably at the floor. He watched a line of ants.
"It went as horribly wrong as you could imagine." he responded eventually.
Suguru came to sit next to him. "Are you really in love?" he asked him seriously.
"Of course I fucking am! — sorry..." Satoru snapped, then immediately mumbled an apology.
A long summer breeze went by.
"Try again." he suggested, "I'm sure she'll - "
"She fucking hates me."
There was a heavy silence after Satoru said that.
"If I were her, I'd hate me too." Satoru muttered.
Suguru went silent. He felt guilty, after all, he was the one that dared his best friend to do something as stupid as play with your heart.
Satoru watched the ants scurrying along. He felt as puny and weak as one right then. The realization of these feelings themselves are what urged him to abruptly stand up.
"I'm not giving up. I'm gonna explain to her that I really did fall in love — that I really do fucking like her so god damn much it's insane and stupid."
"That's the spirit — where are you going?" Suguru asked curiously as Satoru began heading over to the parking lot.
"I'm gonna go bring her flowers and... stuff..." he replied unsurely.
Will that really work? He wondered to himself.
"But it's gonna rain." Suguru said, "Heyyy, Satoru, listen don't just — ah, there he goes... idiot really fell in love when I warned him not to..." he muttered pitifully.
There was a knock at your apartment door.
You wrung it open to reveal a heartbroken Gojo Satoru, soaked-through with rain, standing in the downpour, panting while holding onto a bouquet of vividly red roses. You couldn't have witnessed a more dramatic scene in a movie.
His hair was completely flat with wetness. There were raindrops running down his cheeks and dripping off his chin.
On the walk to your apartment, Satoru had mentally written a speech for you.
It was definitely a well-rehearsed heartbroken boy's 'take me back' speech. Flawless and direct. Surely it would have sufficed.
But he didn't say even the first few words of his practiced speech when your door flew open.
All he did was break down crying and fall to his knees right in front of you, like some dramatic actor — except he wasn't acting, you could feel the realness of his regrets and miseries through each sob.
"Satoru..." you looked down at him pitifully. "Come inside, you're gonna get sick." you said tenderly.
For some reason, those very small words communicated more emotions than any form of 'I love you' ever could.
His pretty nose was slightly upturned. You noticed that when he first kissed you after your third date.
You noticed it again when you observed how red it had become from crying and sneezing.
Wrapping a blanket around him. Drying his hair. Fluffing it with your fingers. Making him some tea. Sitting him down on your bed. Putting on a movie. Letting him curl up into your arms — something he never did when you two were 'dating' because he was convinced he had to show off his dominance to win you over.
All of this together settled the air between you two. But it still didn't explain everything.
"Why'd you do something so dumb?" you asked him half-humorously.
He nibbled and chewed on his lip, eyes on the TV — not really, actually they were looking at your subtle reflection within it.
"I'm an asshole." he admitted.
"You don't say." you chuckled.
He felt bad, and uncurled his body and raised his face to look at you. Satoru never wore a serious expression in all the time you've known him, both as acquaintances and 'lovers' — except for now, which is how you know it's true.
"I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you. Suguru dared me because... well, because it seemed comical. We're opposites, no one would ever put us together right? But he and I thought that was a hilarious challenge. We wanted to see if I could catch you and make you fall in love with me, or something like that..."
He started mumbling his words and refused to look at you.
He reared his head up at you.
"Did it mean something to you, the time we spent this summer?"
He didn't hesitate to respond, "It meant everything." he said.
"Well, then there we go." you said with a little smile.
"Am I being forgiven...?"
He seemed taken aback and unsure. Was he really being forgiven? Were you reversing the script on him and pulling a trick on him now?
"Does this mean..." he mumbled quietly, "... that I'm allowed to kiss you right now?" he asked nervously, heart panging, eyes giving your lips a longing glance.
"You're such an idiot." you sighed, "Yeah of course it means you can kiss m — mmmf!"
You never managed the rest of your words out, they all got muffled on Satoru's lips. His hand came to cup your right cheek, fingers caressing your skin like you meant everything to him. He tilted his head into the kiss, broke apart for air, dove back in, kissed you feverishly fervently violently eagerly �� with so much affection and thankfulness that you almost couldn't breathe due to being smothered.
"Sorry..." he panted after breaking the kiss, bottom lip glistening with saliva. "I'm sorry for breaking a heart as good as yours."
"Just don't do it again." you told him in a whisper.
The poor boy, two days without kissing was really too much for him. He went right back in and kissed you blue, until you gasped and subconsciously wrapped your legs around his slim waist and pulled him closer. His whole body felt hot and eager. You tasted so good, you looked so good, you loved him so good — he decided right there in the back of his mind that he'd marry you after graduation.
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stilinskibaby · 3 months
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brother's best friend.
PAIRING : stiles stilinski x mccall!reader.
CONTENT : fluff ๑ angst ๑ smut
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it started out as a childhood crush, as most longterm infatuations do. you couldn't have been older than four when you met stiles, your stiles. he was missing his front tooth and he spoke with a lisp.
he was wildly loud and animated and you know when you're a kid and you think a boy is so cute that you're sure there's hearts in your eyes. he spoke of playing dragons and knights with scott, “oh! and you can be the princess.”
it was a memory that you kept crawling back to, a time much simpler than now. you could have let out a cold laugh, now you were in constant fear of your life, scott’s life, stiles’ life. it wasn't anything you couldn't handle but you wished for the times when all you had to worry about was your silly schoolgirl crush on stiles.
today was surprisingly quiet, just defeating peter and dealing with the deadpool, you were tired. all of you were, but you kept an eye open just on the off chance that something would try to kill one of your friends.
you stared at your reflection in the mirror, and dotted some concealer under your eyes, anything to make it look like you got some sleep last night. you didn't have scott’s powers to fall back on, nor lydia’s intelligence and intuition. everyday you wondered if you'd be another human lost in the fight against the preternatural.
you tried to wipe the thoughts from your head before walking down the main hall of the high school, stiles stood leaning against his locker while your brother talked about god knows what.
you walked up to the two of them and tried to act normal. like stiles isn't a whole foot away from you, like his cologne isn't enough to make your knees quiver, like every little wink, smile and joke doesn't make you wanna beg him to love you.
you'd been dealing with this crush for as long as you have memories, it should be easier by now. it seemed like lately though, it was getting harder. almost like he was purposefully invading all your thoughts.
“helllloooo?” you came back to the present because of stiles’ voice and scott's hand waving in front of your face. your skin warmed from the embarrassment of getting caught zoning out.
“what? sorry, I'm just tired,” you sighed, seemingly having said that alot recently. but dealing with what you can only assume to be a unrequited crush is tiring. especially when that crush happens to be on your brother's best friend.
stiles eyes squinted with disbelief. if there was one thing you hated about the boy, it was his ability to tell when anyone was lying.
“right, anyways,” scott continued eyeing you from the corner of his eyes but you were already zoning out again.
your day continued on like that, just skating by with your mind constantly drifting back to stiles. it felt almost like you were cursed, your brain almost short circuiting whenever you tried to think of literally anything else.
before you knew it, as if on airplane mode you found yourself walking out the doors towards the jeep. since scott started working at the clinic, you'd just been riding home with stiles. and due to the supernatural nature of your life, it's easier this way.
you climbed into the jeep and tried to keep a semblance of calm. stiles scent was invading your nostrils, with his lacrosse gear in the back seat and him sitting directly next to you. a soft song played on the radio, and if your emotions weren't getting the best of you ; you'd romanticize the man before you.
you were almost never quiet when left alone with stiles, it almost like you don't know how to shut up when around him. so the silence filling the jeep was becoming a bit much even for the hyperactive mind of stiles stilinski.
“you sure you're okay, sunshine?” his hand awkwardly patted your leg. stiles has been calling you sunshine forever, it's yours-and-his special little thing and even when you feel like the world is crushing you, it still gives you butterflies.
you had be around ten, you sat on the bus one seat in front of stiles and scott. stiles was talking mindlessly about lydia ( 12 year olds and their crushes ). and some kid was in the seat in front of you talking about how weird you were. being just a kid, you were almost to tears until stiles heard what the unkind words sprouted from the kid’s mouth.
“you don't even know what you're talking about! she's like sunshine.”
you found yourself blushing and feeling embarrassed, just for the kid to start making fun of you and stiles.
you let the silence hang a bit longer, trying to buy some time to tell a somewhat believable lie. the jeep came to a stop in front of stiles’ house. your eyebrows knit together trying to remember if there was some prior agreement that you forgot about.
“i think i know exactly what you need!” stiles spoke excitedly, and your heart felt like it was gonna fall out of your chest.
“a-and what's that?” you tried to convey a sarcastic tone but your voice shook as spoke. you prayed to whoever was listening that he didn't notice.
his eyes scanned your face as if trying to pry into your mind and it would give him all the answers. “movie night! i know we haven't done one in forever, but i think it'll help get your mind off whatever is bothering you. I know scott is usually here for this,” he sighed a little and rubbed the back of his neck.
your heart warmed, you couldn't believe the absolute kindness this boy had to offer. though every moment around him, was a kick to ego and a kiss for your heart.
“thank you, stiles,” his hand still awkwardly sat on your thigh, burning a metaphorical hole through your jeans.
he grinned that big smile, the one where his whole face turns into pure joy. it took everything in you not to just kiss him right there. and right as you began to get the courage he pops open his door and falls out the jeep. you chuckled to yourself bitterly.
you followed him into his room where you plopped yourself down on the bed. “so what's on tonight, star wars again?” you giggled as you watched him fumble through his dvds.
“actually, i rented heathers last night just for you, i know it's your favorite!” this boy was going to kill you.
and just like old times, he made popcorn and let you lay on his chest. you thought you might throw up. watching your favorite film, with the biggest crush of your life and it started to feel like you were suffocating.
you sat up anxiously, leaning against the wall, stiles’ head lazily rolled to the side, watching your every move.
“stiles,” your voice shook, your lips quivered and you were rubbing your hands intensely.
“hey! woah, hey, it's okay, whatever it is, it's okay, what's got you so upset? did you kill someone or something?” he tried to joke and relieve the tension and at this moment you think that might be an easier conversation.
“no, no, nothing like that,” the Perception of rejection was getting to you, an anvil falling on your heart. you laughed bitterly, “actually, now it feels so dumb. i just, stiles, i-i love you. i love you so much and i cant, i tried to swallow it and for a while that worked,” you were basically sobbing now eyes closed and lip shaking and you were about to lose your breath.
“but i can't, and I can't keep pretending i dont, but it's killing me and that feels dramatic but please, please don't hate me.” he knew this was very serious for you, a girl that almost never let anyone see her cry. amd he didn't mean to, and he feels so bad for it but he laughs, it just thr awkwardness that's in his bones.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, please I didn't mean to laugh, but i guess it just seems so silly to me that you wouldn't just tell me or someone and let it get so bad.” he pauses almost like he's trying to find his words. and all you can think about is running, running as fast as you can but his hand is on your leg and you'd feel so bad for it.
“i can't believe you could be so oblivious, I've been trying to hint to you for years now that i felt the same,” you didn't let him finish his sentence instead, doing what you've always wanted to do : kiss him. your lips mold together perfectly, you felt so far away, like you were in a dream.
the dream felt more hazy, when his hands find your hips and pull you into his lap. you can feel his cock hardened underth you, restrained by his jeans. you grind against and whimper into his mouth.
“stiles, stiles if you don't do something right now,” your words were breathless, somewhere between a whimper and a whine. his fingers move quickly to undo his jeans, while you shed yourself of everything but your bra and panties. you always wore cute panties in a secret way to manifest this happening.
as soon as he has you below, his hands are moving to grope your tits, he groans, eyes scanning every inch of your body, trying to commit every part of you to memory.
“fuck, you're so pretty, baby.” his words go straight to your core, warm, wet and clenching around nothing. you're thoughtless, the only thing left in your mind is him, so you just whine.
his fingers trace around your hips and slide your thong to the side to get a view of your beautiful cunt.
“you ready?” you nod, and he shakes his head, as if a new man. “say it,” as his hands slide over every part of your body except where you need him most.
“m ready, please stiles need you, need your cock. please, please” you were practically begging so pumped himself a few times before sheathing his full length into your cunt. it's so deliciously painful.
“mm such a good girl, taking me so well,” he pressed his lips against your forehead in a long kiss. before giving you long thick strokes, ans his hand reaching between you to rub little circles onto your clit. you were seeing white as continued to fuck you, your fingernails scraping against his pale skin.
his teeth gritted as he moaned, trying so hard to hold back. “m close, please please.” you whined and he fucked you faster, and harder. rough groans falling out of his lips.
your climax was closing in on your, your nails skating harder against him, your legs closing in around his hips. you basically screamed your orgasm out against stiles neck. he chuckled to himself, proud he could do all this. he funally let go, fucking you both through your climaxes. and keeping his now soft cock in your cunt, to keep his cum in you. thank god for birth control.
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very-normal-abt-this · 7 months
I want talk about how much love was nonverbally expressed *after* their last conversation in S2 Finale. Yes, you heard right. AFTER.
Sure, they ended the conversation completely pissed at each other. Broken hearted. But, like in any solid relationship, they don't hold grudges. Only a few short moments later, all the anger is gone from Aziraphale's face, and the only emotions left are: love, longing, fear, regret. He can barely pay attention to Metatron, because he keeps looking out the window at Crowley. I think I counted 7 times of him turning his head to look. And of course, he is close to changing his mind several times. (BTW, I would *kill* to know what thoughts were going through his mind right before he committed to leaving, right before he said "nothing at all" with that fake smile)
And Crowley. Most humans, when they feel they've been rejected and/or abandoned - they slam the door and they leave in a huff! They don't look back, they get in their car, and drive away as fast they can, possibly with a middle finger pointed in the direction of the offending party. (Unless they're the type of person who would stand by the door, cry and beg them to stay, but obviously that behavior could never be exhibited by Crowley).
But Crowley does not leave. He does not even try to hide in his car. He stands there, intentionally on display, waiting and watching. Why? Because either A) He is not viewing this as a rejection and abandonment, but as a [huge] difference of opinion, so he is not reacting like someone who has just been rejected. Or B) he IS viewing it as rejection, but he loves Aziraphale so much that his main priority is still to make sure that the Angel is safe, regardless of their current relationship status. His love for Aziraphale is literally unconditional. Crowley wants to watch him walk into that elevator with his own eyes, and make sure that he's not doing so under duress. Or there is option C) He is standing there defiantly, to communicate his disapproval and disbelief at what Aziraphale is doing, like "I can't believe you're actually doing this, I have to see this shit with my own eyes to believe it." Or option D) He is hoping to influence Aziraphale to change his mind, because he knows that its incredibly hard for Aziraphale to leave him. Standing there to send a message of "I'm still here. Are you really sure you are okay with being separated?" Or maybe even E) A small part of him wondered if he (Crowley) might change his own mind about going, once he saw Aziraphale actually walking toward the elevator, once he saw that it's actually happening.
I don't think it's option C because of Crowley's facial expression and body language after Aziraphale gets in the elevator. I don't see any anger, frustration, disgust, or judgment there. All I see is...utter despondency, numbness, melancholy, hopelessness. So, I'm thinking its a combination of reasons A, B, and D. Maybe a little E.
And, I wondered the same about Aziraphale. As he is walking to the elevator, he is not acting as someone who is angry at their significant other. I imagine that a lot of people who feel angry after a fight, and feel their partner is completely in the wrong - they would walk into that elevator without looking back at the offending party. They might put on the happiest face and try to hide all traces of negative emotions, just to "stick it to them." But Aziraphale does look back at Crowley. And, this last nonverbal communication with his partner is also very intentional; he wants Crowley to know that he is looking at him on purpose (just as Crowley's behavior of standing by the Bentley and watching him leave is very intentional). Aziraphale stops and makes eye contact with Crowley, right before he walks into the elevator. Just as Crowley, he is trying to send a message with that pause and look. What message? A) "I can't believe you're not coming with me, I'm hurt and disappointed in you." B) "I want you to know that it's very hard for me to do this, I'm torn about it, and I'm thinking about you." C) "I just found out very bad news and you're in danger." Or option D) "I just found out very bad news and I'm definitely going to need your help. I'll be back."
My opinion is that its a combo of B, C, and D. I do not think its A, based on Aziraphale's behavior and emotions right after Crowley walked out.
So, to summarize the point I am making - despite their deficits in communicating with words, Aziraphale and Crowley continue communicating their feelings nonverbally. They remain committed to each other, even in the face of the biggest rift they've ever experienced in their relationship. Their behavior shows that their first priority in the relationship is not "to be right" or "to win the argument." Their priorities are - taking care of each other. Letting each other know that, "no matter what happens, I am here, and I'm thinking about you."
Thanks for reading! please leave a comment.
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angelanderson · 1 year
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⚠️: gets 18+ under the cut. established relationship, dom!abby, bratty!reader, some degradation. aka you fuck around n find out with abby. no use of y/n. my first full length fic! woohoo! (2.3k words!) (men & minors dni!!!)
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abby definitely gets off on how easily she can overpower you. she’s the strongest person around. you know it, she knows it, everyone knows it. but sometimes you liked to act out— acting like you’re in charge, acting like you’re stronger. however, it always ends with you practically in tears because abby definitely doesn’t mind putting you back in your place. she’ll let you act out until she’s in the mood to make you her sweet girl again.
it all started this morning. you spent 10 minutes of abby’s workout time begging her to let you try and lift what she was. that was strike one in her mind. you were told to “stop being a brat. you know i don’t want you to get hurt, so sit down, and be good for me” by your girlfriend. everyone knows abby doesn’t like to have her workout time interrupted. if the hardened look on her face was anything to go by, you should have immediately stopped.
your second strike of the day was not following the orders abby gave you while out on a short patrol together. she knows she was explicit enough in her orders. the issue was you decided to be defiant, and it almost cost you.
abby decided she wanted to check an abandoned house for supplies, so you followed along. that was the start of your second incidence. the wooden stairs inside creaked with each step the two of you took— a nasty sound with each step. abby was in front, you nervously followed behind.
abby sucked in a breath as she neared the top, “fuck! stupid stairs almost broke under me. i want you to go back, okay? please go check the main floor to see if there's any usable supplies around. I'll be back soon."
she left you no choice to argue, walking the last few steps before turning the corner. you carefully retreat down the steps, mumbling about how you could take care of yourself under your breath.
it only took you twenty minutes to get bored enough to defy abby's orders. a book you'd shoved into your pocket to give to abby later was the only salvageable item you could find. reaching the staircase you quickly followed your steps as you started up the staircase again. you were able to avoid any loud sounds this time until you stepped on the ninth step. you screamed loudly as the stair broke under your left leg, rendering you stuck. abby immediately heard the scream, almost dropping her backpack as she ran to find you.
"fuck! what happened? do you think you're seriously injured?" abby asked you in a panic the second she saw you. all her usual level-headedness left her body the second she saw her girl hurt. a million panicked thoughts entered her head while you looked up at her with tears streaming down your face.
you whimpered in pain, "i think 'm mostly okay. just-just help me get out." you saw her once pale demeanor gain back its flush as you confirmed you were okay.
you could almost see the wheels turn in abby's brain as she thought about the best way to get you out. she looked much more confident as she bent down to reach under your armpits. "i'm going to pull you up slowly. it's best we don't add any more weight to the stairs. you tell me the second something starts to hurt, got it?"
you nodded in reply, too nervous to use your words. you let out a big exhale as you felt abby grab you. she moved you up higher and higher slowly. abby quickly pulled you next to her the second you were completely out.
"how does your leg feel now? think you can manage our trip back?" you knew by now this was your out before she got upset you defied her. you couldn't look her in the eyes,
"i'm fine. nothing hurts, 's just scary. let's just go back now." you didn't have to look her in the eyes to know her worry changed into annoyance.
"listen to me this time. we are going to walk down two steps at a time. keep your hands on the railing. i swear to god you better listen this time," she all but spat at you.
both of you wordlessly left the house together. you could tell abby was fuming about your choices as she practically dragged you back to your base. your usual post-pator silly conversations were a thing of the past tonight. neither of you dared to start a conversation— abby too upset, you too ashamed.
the second you got back you tried to push past abby as she start to speak. it was your third and final strike. abby grabbed your arm, "you are going to go back to our home right now. i expect you in nothing but your panties on the bed, got it? if you're not, i will make you regret not being on the bed by the time i'm back from speaking to manny. got it?"
abby didn't like the timid nod you gave in response. "what? too ashamed to speak up now? oh baby, i’m going to make you regret not following what i told you back there." she smacked your ass, signaling you to get hurry back.
the ticking of the clock just made time go by even slower for you. it only took you four minutes to get back home, two to take off and fold your clothes, and not even ten seconds to sit on the bed. guilt filled your mind for the other eight minutes it took for abby to get back. you knew it was stupid to go up those steps. you knew abby only ever looked out for you. so why did you do it? you had no time to dwell on it as your heard abby enter your shared home.
heavy boots echoed against the floor as you waited for her to enter the bedroom. two minutes later you saw her appear in the doorway. "so you can listen? what happened to being able to do that back on patrol, huh? you just had to be stupid, didn't you?" your girlfriend practically hissed as she approached you in a clean outfit.
"abby-" you went to interject. but abby wasn't having any of it.
"no. shut up. it seems like you can’t remember who's in charge here. you wanna act all big, baby? i have no trouble putting you back in your place." and with that, you were forcefully rolled onto your stomach, ass in the air.
"you fucked around. and now you're going to find out what happens when you do." her words barely registered to you before you felt her hands running over your left leg. she caught you before you could speak, "don't even try to speak. had to check on your leg just in case. seems a little bruised, but don't worry baby, it won't be as bruised as your ass by the time I'm done with you." you yelped as she smacked your ass.
fat tears were rolling down your face by the time the fifth smack rained down on you. you were blubbering out apologies as she spanked you again and again. you tried to apologize, to explain yourself, but all that came out were snot-filled babbles. she sighed looking at your current state. "you always wanna be my good girl again when i have to teach you a lesson. my sweet girl knows i just want her to be safe. can’t have my baby getting injured," she whispered that last part.
the guilt you felt started to pour over. a sob escaped your throat before you spoke, "abby, abby, i’m sorry. i just- i got bored! i wanted to show you i could do it myself." something about your confession made the girl soften for a second.
"i know angel, i know. you know i just always want you to be safe. gotta punish you now though baby. you know i'll always help you be my good girl again though, yeah?" you meekly nodded. she quickly gave you a sweet kiss to the lips. and with that, abby switched back into her dominating persona.
squealing as she suddenly flipped you over, you grabbed the bedsheets to stabilize yourself. you felt her hands start to trail down between your legs. you almost tried to quiet your moan but decided against it last minute-- things would only be worse if you did because abby loved hearing you. warm fingers slowly parted your legs. it felt like pure torture. fingers suddenly swirled, teasing your clit. you couldn't keep quiet any longer.
"please. please! I'll do anything! i'll be your good girl now," you begged her.
abby only chuckled and shaked her head at that, "we're just getting started and you're already begging me like a slut? pathetic." your cries only fueled her fingers to move faster.
abby quickly pushed you up the bed, forcing your legs to open more. you had no time to respond before you felt her thumb on your clit again with her pointer finger teasingly circling your hole. you felt so overwhelmed you couldn't do anything but let out a strangled moan.
"yes abby, please! I'll be good! i promise!" but your pleas weren't enough for her. she plunged in a finger before you could talk more. "
didn't say you could talk, did i?" no words of yours followed hers. you couldn't speak when she had started to repeatedly hit that spongey spot inside of you that always made you lose your mind with pleasure.
you weren't sure how much time had passed before you felt something familiar buildup in your stomach. both of you knew you were at the brink of orgasming. your moans started to get louder, babbling incoherently. abby just looked smug as she went faster, responding with 'uh-huh?' and 'you like that?' and 'yeah?' on repeat. you knew better than to cum without her saying so when you were in trouble. you shouted out as the coil inside you started to get tighter, you needed that release, you needed to chase that feeling.
"abby, abby, abby. please- oh! please let me cum", you begged her.
she pretended to think it over before suddenly ceasing all of her movements. you cried out pathetically as she pulled her fingers out of you. "shit baby, i need to see you crying this prettily on my cock. if you keep being good I'll let you cum, deal?" abby couldn't help but moan out at the sight of you all fucked out. she couldn't help but feel that rush of euphoria knowing it was because of her. her pants were off the second you whimpered out in agreement.
abby rubbed soothing circles in your thigh as she pushed you to the edge of the bed again. you watched abby tease your slit with her plastic cock. it was the purple one-- a sold 7 inches, with a thick girth, and fat tip. your mouth that was opened to beg suddenly morphed into a gasp as you felt her easily slip into you.
"fuck!" you exclaimed as abby smirked before picking up the pace. you were sure everyone could hear you by now. abby's moans joined the mix of wet sounds, moans, and tears as the base of the strap rubbed against her clit.
it all suddenly felt like too much. you could feel your slick running down your thighs. abby's moans while she chased her own orgasm added a new layer to your pleasure. abby knew you well enough to know that you were at the edge of cumming again. "beg me. make me believe you deserve this," she demanded in between her own moans.
and, well, you knew how to beg, "i'll never cause trouble again! promise! I'll be your best girl again. please abby!"
on the edge of cumming herself, she grunted before crashing your lips together, "cum for me. want to see you become more ruined all because of me." that was all the permission you needed before you fell apart-- you swore you saw stars as she continued to thrust into you screamed her name before cumming.
and usually abby would stop now, but tonight you were being punished so she continued to fuck you as you cried tears of overstimulation. a loan groan left her lips, "fuck angel, you feel so good." all it took was two more strokes before abby's whole body shook as her orgasm ran through her.
within the blink of an eye, abby pulled out of you, causing you to whine. she sushed you as she placed a kiss on your forehead. "you're my best girl, yeah? i’m going to go get a washcloth to wipe you down. not even a whole two minutes, okay sweet girl? she always reassured you she'd be back soon as you tended to whine about her leaving. all you could do was nod as you watched her slip out of the room.
abby kept her word of being less than two minutes. she came back with a big water bottle, your favorite blanket, and a washcloth. you were handed the water to sip on while she wiped in between your thighs. she worked as gently as she could, whispering quiet apologies as the rag ran over your most sensitive parts. you watched her as you sipped your water. "you did so well. always my bravest girl, huh? i just love you so much." you could see the way she looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
instead of telling her you loved her back like usual, tears started to roll down your eyes. abby looked at you panicked. "are you hurt? what's going on in my angel's head?" you shook off her questions before wiping your tears away.
"i didn't mean to scare you. i’m sorry abs." she sushed you, not allowing you to guiltily apologize any further. "
it's all over now. you did so well for me. why don't we nap now, yeah?" you nodded, signaling abby to get in bed with you. after throwing the rag to the side and turning off the lights she joined you in bed. you curled up next to her while she placed the blanket over the both of you. you fell asleep feeling safe to the whispers of the both of you confessing your love for the other.
not super edited cause i couldn't stare at it anymore after the second read through n also sleep deprived now oops? this is my first time writing smut, can you tell lmao? i wanted to push my writing boundaries so this lil guy was born. more n even better things to come as i start my summer! if you've read this far thank u so much!! a rb would be so cool if u liked it that much! xoxo, angelanderson (extra note: i realized it spaced it weirdly when i posted so hopefully it’s fixed now?! lmk if not!)
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shinestarhwaa · 2 months
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This is @hwashotcheeto 's fault
Genre: Smut with a smidge of angst
Pairing: San x Fem reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Tags/Warnings: Aged-up!San (like half 30's), Butler!San, Chaebol!reader, reader has depression symptoms, oral sex (f&m), fingering, begging, daddy kink, dirty language, unprotected sex, rough sex, San knows he's hot & thicc
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno
"Is there anything else I can help you with, ma'am?"
You sighed and looked at San. "Please, please don't call me ma'am, how many times do I have to ask you this, San?" He nodded. "My apologies," he spoke lowly, but he didn't budge. You sighed again. "No, San, I do not need anything, thank you." San nodded and bowed to you before exiting the room.
It wasn't your choice to have the servant, the butler or whatever you might call it to babysit you for the month. You were an adult, old enough to stay home alone but your parents wouldn't let you.
Their company was big, huge in fact and there have been bad rumors going on about insurance fraud. You know they are just rumors but a part of the media was dragging your family, making you - their only daughter - an easy target. Therefore they wouldn't leave you alone.
They tried to hire a bodyguard for you but you would not let them, so they asked San - the butler that has been working for your parents for years - to be your babysitter. God, you hated it. You did not hate him, but the whole situation of still being babied by your parents just made you extremely frustrated. You're 21 and they have been treating you like you were barely a teenager since forever.
San hasn't done anything wrong. He's a perfectly respectful and hardworking man. He doesn't exactly baby you but calling you ma'am frustrates you too. Actually, everything frustrates you at the moment. You barely even left the house, barely left your room.
But you didn't notice San has been actually worried about you. You laid in bed a lot and he was sure the whole situation was becoming too much for you. You often took care of your parents when they were around, helping them with the company and talking to them so they wouldn't go insane. But who takes care of you?
So he has been cooking his ass off, cleaning his ass off, even suggesting going for walks with you, but you declined. You felt bad for saying no, knowing he was trying to do his job, but you just figured you'd be better off on your own.
It was week 3 now and you were bored out of your mind and most importantly; horny out of your mind. You were aware that when women are ovulating they're more likely to get horny but man did you want some dick right now. You pouted as you laid in your bed, squeezing your thighs together and whimpering at the tingly sensation that was far from enough.
You heard some rumbling in the kitchen downstairs, reminding you that San is right there. And then it hit you. You are home alone with him. San is right there.
With light footsteps you made your way down the stairs into the kitchen. San looked up and smiled. "You're out of your room? It's good to see you," he kindly smiled. You nodded and watched him unload the dishwasher for a few minutes.
"Sannie?" You spoke with a pout, taking a few steps towards him. "What is it?" "I'm feeling bored..." You batted your eyelashes at him as you came closer. "Bored? Well what do you-" "Do you wanna play with me?"
You traced the veins on San's forearms as you bit your bottom lip. "Play with you? What do you want to-"
Before he could say anything else your lips were attached to his. San was startled and his instinct was to push you back but when you pushed him against the counter, breasts pressed up against him he gave in. San didn't get intimate with anyone that often, always busy working for your family, but he definitely didn't expect getting intimate with that said family. But God, he could not resist.
His hands grabbed the back of your thighs and he lifted you up on the counter of the kitchen island. Your lips moved together smoothly and your hands were all over each other. You touched his strong biceps, bulging out of his white dress shirt. Just the thought of him manhandling you with his big strong arms made your legs give out.
You moaned into his mouth and wrapped your legs around him, heels digging into his lower back as he laid you down on the counter and pressed kisses down your neck and along your exposed collarbones. He shoved up your t-shirt and groped your breasts. ''Fuck, Y/N, I shouldn't be doing this.'' ''No, fuck, please daddy, you should, you should, please, you should,'' you begged him, grasping the waistcoat hugging his form.
His longue latched on your bare breasts and moaned as he licked and sucked on your nipples. ''But Y/N, fuck they'll kill me, they're gonna kill me dead.'' ''They don't have to know, please, they don't need to know anything. I'm just so lonely. I know you can help me, right San? You'll treat me nicely?''
You looked at San with big puppy eyes and he was a goner. Your pants and panties disappeared and he spread your legs open. He practically gawked at your wet, awaiting pussy. ''Daddy, please,'' you begged again, pulling him closer. He loosened his tie and waistcoat and unbuttoned a few buttons of his dress shirt before he dove inbetween your legs.
You threw your head back and let out a high pithced moan when he runs his tongue from the bottom of your pussy up to your sensitive clit, wrapping his soft lips around your clit and sucking it harshly.
“Please, I need…” you sigh. ''What do you need?'' San asked as he pulls away from your cunt. ''Need your fingers too, want both, want it so bad,'' you whined. San smirks and brings two of his fingers to your mouth, telling you to suck them. You smirk and take his fingers into your mouth, coating them with your saliva.
After a little while he pulls his fingers out and brings them to your pussy, slowly guiding them in. He soon sets a rhythm of licking and sucking on your clit and fucking his two fingers deep into your core. Your moans got gradually louder, your thighs shaking over his shoulders. ''Daddy! O-Oh my god, Daddy, please, please, please!''
San notices you’re close because he can feel your walls spasm and clench around his fingers. He started stroking your clit with his velvet tongue as he curled his fingers inside your cunt until you're screaming his name, arousal seeping out of you.
San rides out your orgasm and removes himself from you, licking his fingers off. ''Fuck, you taste like heaven, Y/N, such a beautiful little pussy,'' he sighed. ''Bet you've been dying to have a taste of my young pussy, right daddy?'' you panted, teasing him. He smirks and pulls you off the counter, putting you down again.
''You're such a little minx, aren't you?'' he grunts into your ear as he grabs your ass from behind. He unbuttons his pants and pulls the zipper down, whipping his thick cock out. ''You want daddy's cock in your pussy, don't you? You want it so badly, you want a real man to show you what pleasure feels like. Guys your age can barely last 9 seconds inside a pussy like yours,'' he spat.
You giggled and wiggled your ass for him. ''Put it in, daddy, please put it in, play with my pussy, pretty please?'' ''Fuck, you're driving me insane,'' he grunted before pushing his dick inside of you. He let out a long, low moan as he watched himself bottom out and push in again. ''Look at that, fuck,'' he whispered.
A whiny, breathy moan slips past your lips as you let your head rest on the cool marble countertop. You can see San in the reflection of the window. San's eyes are fixated on your ass, jaw clenched and brows furrowed. ''Daddy~,'' you whined out, ''Go faster, this is not enough!''
''Such a little... Fuck, I'll give it to you baby, I'll give it to you so good.'' San begins to pick up his pace, thrusting into you faster and rougher each time. You could feel yourself slowly fall apart, breathing becoming ragged as he slams into your cunt, groaning your name. His hands are over your ass, gripping it tight as you clench on his cock. ''Daddy, daddy!'' you cried out. ''Oh? You like that huh? Is this finally enough for the little rich girl? Is she finally satisfied?''
''Oh my fucking God, fuck me, fuck me harder!'' you cry out, trying to grasp the countertop, but it's too slippery. You have no choice but to let him abuse your pussy as you lay there moaning his name. ''I'm gonna fuck you so good that that little young pussy of yours will remember the shape of my cock and nothing, fucking nothing will feel as good as I do, is that clear?'' You whine in response but it is not enough for San.
''Am I fucking clear? You're my little fucktoy now, yeah? You'll be a good little girl, letting me fuck your pussy, hm? Speak.'' ''Yes, Y-Yes! Yes I'm your fucktoy, just use me, just fill me up, fill my pussy, please daddy, fill me up nicely, please I want it, I need it!'' you moan out, feeling yourself get close to climaxing again.
''Yes baby, God I'll fuck you nice and full, you'll carry that cum for me won't you? You're so good to me, such a good little pussy for me to fuck.'' He thrusts into you a few more times before he's groaning in your ear and stuffing you full with his hot cum. He thrusts again and sends you over the edge, body trembling with pleasure.
San rides out your orgasm and you moan and whine. He pulls his cock out and watches your pussy clench around nothing. San smirks and places a few kisses on your shoulder. ''What a good little girl can do, hm?''
''I-I can do so much more, daddy, I can, please I want more,'' you begged. San cocked an eyebrow as he took his tie off. ''Well let's go then.''
⋆ ★
San wasted no time in getting you to your bedroom and stripping you and himself naked. His arms were big and muscular, just as his chest. His pecs and abs were strong and prominent. To die for.
You were seated on the floor, your wrists bound together with his tie. San's cock was hard and stood proudly against his pelvis. Your mouth watered at the sight of the thick veins running over the shaft and the head glistening with pre-cum. His balls big and heavy and waiting to release in your mouth again.
"Open up, Y/N," he breathed, cock in his hand as he tapped you on the lips with it. You opened your mouth and let him enter. He slid it in slowly and nearly completely. You could feel your pussy clench around nothing as you slowly bobbed your head up and down his shaft.
His hand held your hair back in a perfect ponytail and soon enough he pulled it, making you moan around his member. "That's a good little girl. Love daddy's cock, don't you? Bet you've never had a cock like this before? So big...So thick," he smirked. You moaned again and moved your head faster.
You pulled off his cock to breathe, panting loudly. A few strings of saliva mixed with pre-cum attached your lips and the tip of his cock. Before he could say anything you hungrily took his thick balls into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and sucking on the sack.
''Oh my fucking God,'' he moaned out, ''Baby you don't know what you're doing to me.'' You moaned, wanting to use your hands on him too but they were still tied behind your back.
''Baby I won't last like this, you're gonna make me cum.''
A mischievous smile played on your lips and you took his cock back into your mouth. Seconds later his hips bucked forward and he spurted his cum into your mouth, coming with a loud groan.
''God, you're insane,'' he panted as he watched you swallow his load and lick your lips. ''In the best possible way, daddy.'' ''I should get the kitchen cleaned up,'' he sighed. ''Why don't I help you with that and as a reward I'll let you fuck me again after?'' ''Sounds like a deal, babygirl,'' he smirked.
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
Found Treasure
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1000 Follower Special!
Saw I reached 1000 Followers and 5000 Likes! So a nice fluffy Buggy Twins fic!!
Buggy × Reader +TwinsDeeBee
Support me on Ko-Fi
"Bugs I don't know about this-" You say with a frown as you stare at the man before you, finishing his makeup in the mirror and Grinning widely.
"Well they said they wanted to join me on collecting some treasure and besides next week we are starting that little vacation. Might as well get some more cash before we go" He said dismissively. You frowned at hearing this and raised a brow-
"Besides its probably the safest place, it's literally just where I stash my extra treasure! Who would be there"
You couldn't argue his logic technically- making a fake treasure pick up for the boys who had been begging to do 'pirate stuff' with their father. This seemed fairly safe and with the boys Devil fruit abilties they could protect themselves.
"I guess- but I don't want them in real danger Sweetheart"
"They will be fine, I swear" He said as he turned to finally face you, smiling brightly in his signature look. He leaned in like he was going to kiss you but you held a hand up- Both of you still in this weird relationship if you two were actually dating or not. Which made things awkward at times- Like this.
Both of you sort of froze as tension filled the air- unsure of what to say or do at this point. Thankfully the noise of your guys sons came crashing in- both boys having insisted in doing face paint like their father and doing it themselves.
"Mom! Dad! Look!!" Bee cheered loudly as both boys stood before you. The makeup on their face was- Something. Bee had clearly tried to do something like a clown makeup a sloppy layer of white layered on his face with blue on his cheeks like blush and red on his lips in a crooked smile. Dee had declined the white layer of paint and put blue on his lips in a smile and red on his cheeks.
Buggy smiled as he stared down at his boys, smiling with pride- Despite the sloppy makeup he felt a sense of pride.
"Look at you two!" He said cheerfully as he fixed hats over their heads to cover their hair- smiling brightly at this as the boys looked up at him and smiled brightly.
Ge felt a odd peg in his chest at seeing them like this, like his chest got warm and fuzzy. Buggy gave a slight body shiver to get out of it and turned to head upstairs, shaken by that warm feeling.
"We will be back later (Y/N)-" Buggy said a bit shortly to you before dismissing himself. He knew the boys were following him as he headed to the Main Deck. Once there he saw the crew was on high alert and Cabaji rushed to him.
"Sir! Strawhat pirates are ahead of us! Just around the bend" Cabaji said as he passed the telescope to him, Buggy looking through quickly as he saw in the distance the Strawhats in that hellish ship he was trapped in sailing not far from his destination.
"Captian?" Cabaji asked again, Buggy glancing down at his boys who were excitedly waiting for him.
"Let them pass- I'm not wasting my time on small fry pirates" He said nonchalantly- choosing to not let his time with his sons be disturbed by those damn Strawhats.
"We dock at Coal Island" Buggy said quickly and turned away to go to his boys, missing the deep frown from Cabaji.
Once on the island Buggy walked them through things to do- Telling them to stay close to him as he walked him to the safe spot to dig up the extra treasure.
"Now boys, this should be quick and then we head back understand? I did see a ship passing and we need to-" He stopped as he heard silence and turned to see the boys gone. In less then 30 God damn seconds they were gone!?
"Boys?.. Boys!?" Buggy yelled out in confusion as he saw that his spawns were missing from his sides.
He ran around the island wildly, his stress spiking as he tried to find his children. Panic rushing through his system as he darted around wildly on the island searching for his kids. Even getting into some beef with a large bird- hearing chattering behind a large Boulder he froze, recognizing the tone of those little voices as his kids.
Blades out he jumped around the corner and damn near felt himself have a brain aneurysm at what he saw- lowering his blades he stared.
Buggy felt an acute pain in his temple as he watched his boys talk to the Strawhat pirate crew and being the social butterflies they were in making new friends.
"That's so cool! You're stretchy!?" Bee said excitedly as Luffy laughed and let the child pull on his arm to show his elasticity- Usopp spinning some stupid story to the overly energetic child.
Dee was looking up at Nami and Zoro in awe, shyly asking both of them questions. Nami about the weird tattoo on her arm, Zoro about the swords. Nami gushing at the adorable boy and ended up picking him up and holding him in a hug as he asked them questions. Sanji even gifting the two some cookies he had in a bag with a kind smile.
"For the love of- Boys come here now! Don't make friends with the enemy!" Buggy yelled and marched over red faced to take his boys from the Strawhat pirates.
The crew immediately getting defensive over seeing him and wanting to take these wondering children in bad face paint.
"Binky?-" Luffy said with a sense of indifference. Zoro's hand coming to his blade calmly, even Nami holding Bee closer like she was going to protect the little tyrant.
"It's Buggy Damn It!-" He yelled still marching forward.
"But Dad!-" Both boys started, Making the whole crew freeze and Buggy wanting to sob in defeat.
"Dad?!-" the whole crew parroting as the discovery was made. Buggy groaned at this as he rubbed his temple trying to figure out if a very late late abortion was an option.
"Yes these are my kids... Danny and Benny- Boys these are the bastard Strawhat pirates that seem to exist to be a thorn in my ass-" He deadpanned before taking Dee from Nami with a glare and set him down calmly next to him. Bee looking up at the irritated Buggy with a confused look.
"Wait, Someone actually let you ejaculate I to them?" Zoro questioned calmly as he gestured to the two kids with bad face paint on them.
"Dad what does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, which earned a snort from Sanji. Buggy glared at them all and sighed.
"Ask your mother later and Yes- I do have a social life" He deadpanned at Zoro for the sly insult to his abilties to have a sex life.
An awkward silence followed at this, Buggy gesturing for his kids to get behind him which they did- Still munching away on the cookies Sanji had gifted them.
"Listen I'm in no mood to fight- While I'd love a chance to beat you strawhat-"
"We wouldn't fight you infront of your children" Luffy said calmly as he gestured to the boys, Grinning proudly. Zoro nodded at this. "Nor are we going to say anything about them either"
The clown blinked in surprise at this feeling a bit confused over this. They had a chance to get the upper hand on him, Hell even an emotional weakness of learning of his kids. Yet they were just letting him go? And his kids without wishing to say anything.
Buggy felt conflicted... normally he would have used the fact that the Strawhats were distracted to attack them and get the upper hand but... he couldnt... he couldn't just let his kids be used as bait or have them in that type of danger... while he had always appreciated being raised on Roger's ship and the experience it had given him but- He couldn't never put his kids in that same envirment, he loved them too much...
He nodded at the crew for this, not having words for his gratitude nor wishing to vocalize it. Guiding the kids away he felt his mind racing at this point, walking them back to were his treasure was buried and the three of them retrieved his hidden loot. Letting the boys chatter and do as they pleased before heading back to the ship- Still mentally out of it from these feelings he was having.
"Hey Dad?" Bee's voice snapped him from his thoughts, looking at his son holding his hand and the other holding the small bag of treasure since he wanted to carry something.
"Hm?" The clown hummed in question. Bee smiled proudly at Buggy as he squeezed his hand.
"I love you Dad!" Buggy felt a ping yo his chest like Bee had just shot warmth through him, feeling the squeeze on his other hand and looking to Dee who also smiled.
"I love you Dad" Dee said too, smiling brightly up at him and squeezing his gloved hand too.
Buggy felt hot tears well in his eyes, looking at both twins and using his Chop Chop abilities scooped them both in his arms with care.
"Love you guys too peanuts" He said with a smile as he walked them back to the ship. Ignoring the stares of his crew as he boarded his ship holding his boys with pride.
Walking down to his Cabin were he knew you were he kicked open the door with his foot and looked at you. Who was seated there surprised by his rather blunt arrival into the room. "Buggy?-"
"I'm in love with you, I-I don't know what that means emotionally but I'm fairly sure I love you and the boys more then I knew possible" Buggy blurted out, you'd never seen this side of him before. He almost looked afraid at this point like you were holding the one thing that could kill him, which in some way you were... his heart.
"I-I well.. We can always start back up Bugs if you want... and it's natural to love your children" You say shyly, Watching him set the boys down and walk to you. Pulling you up to your feet and kissing you, you felt every drop of emotion from his hungry lips as he devoured you heart and soul. Blushing cherry red you couldn't help but kiss him back, holding him close as you two shared in the passionate kiss.
Pulling away for air Biggy grinned at you, his eyes sparkling as he looked on you in awe.
"I love you" Hear him whisper, When you tried to reply you heard Cabaji call out for Buggy for assistance.
"You should um...take care of that" You say softly.
He smiled brightly as he gently released you. Calling back out to Cabaji as he reached over to remove the boys hats and ruffle their hair before heading out.
You stood there blushing as Buggy left, a wide smile on his lips as he headed upstairs to assist with his crew. You giggle as you turn to look at your boys, wiping some of the red from your lips
"Hey Mom?" Bee started, looking up at you like tye adorable God damn bean he was.
"Yes my heart?"
"What does ejaculate mean?" Dee asked, staring up at you in question. You froze in your spot- hearing the fast footsteps from Buggy as he rushed to the Main Deck clearly wishing to escape you.
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lovelybucky1 · 8 months
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Kinktober Day 17- Sweat Kink
warnings: GN!reader, lacrosse player!anakin, established relationship, anakin is 6'5 in this because i said so, musk kink, body worship, rimming, 18+ minors DNI
main masterlist
kinktober masterlist
As Anakin walks off the field, you run towards him, preparing to embrace him in a big hug. When he sees you coming, his face splits into a smile and he drops his lacrosse stick and takes off his helmet, tossing them both carelessly to the ground. He holds his arms out to catch you as you dive into his chest.
“Baby,” he chuckles. “I’m all gross.”
Truthfully, he is. He’s in a pair of lacrosse shorts that fall to his mid thigh and chest pads without a shirt over them. He’s dripping with sweat from every inch of his body, especially his hair.
You don’t care about the sweat though. You hug him tightly around the middle and he embraces you back.
“Practice is all done, right?” you ask.
“Yeah, baby.” You look up at him with doe eyes, which make him smirk a bit. “What’s that look for?”
“I want you to come back to my place,” you say.
“You could’ve just texted me that, sweetie,” he laughs. “But alright. Your roommate's not home?”
You look away bashfully. “They are, but we won’t bother her.”
Anakin laughs. "Let me go shower and I'll be right over, okay?" You whine and hug him tighter, not letting him go. "Baby," he chuckles.
"You don't have to shower. I'll just take you back in my car," you offer.
He looks down at you with a confused expression. "But I'm all sweaty."
"That's okay," you shrug. "It's not that bad."
"There's grass stains all over my knees."
You sigh dramatically. "I don't care, Anakin. Just come home with me and you can shower later," you practically beg.
Anakin rolls his eyes fondly and smiles. "Okay, okay, you win. Let me just grab my bag."
You reluctantly let him go and he runs over to the team bench to gather his things. He takes off his pads and cleats, leaving him shirtless and in slides. He slings his heavy bag over his shoulder and carries his lacrosse stick in his other hand.
Now that his pads are off, his glistening abs are on full display. You shamelessly look, and he clearly notices. He smirks at you as he walks up to your side, slinging his arm over your shoulders.
It's a short walk to your car and when you get there, Anakin throws his bag and stick in the trunk before joining you inside. He sits in the passenger seat, not because he doesn't want to drive, but because you don't want him to mess with your mirrors.
You start the car and pull out of the lot, then turn onto the road. Anakin places his large hand on your thigh and lets it rest there absentmindedly. You glance over at him when he starts to trace circles into your skin, but he doesn't take it any further than that.
When you get back to your apartment, you run up the stairs ahead of Anakin while he lugs all of his equipment with him. You unlock the door and do a quick scan of the living room, making sure your roommate is in her bedroom.
Anakin comes in and drops his bag on the floor by the door with a loud thud. You shush him and he gives you an apologetic look. Grabbing his hand, you drag him into your bedroom and shut the door behind him.
"What's the rush?" he asks.
"I need you," you say, batting your eyelashes up at him.
Anakin's face splits into a smile. "What's got you so worked up?" You look over his body, gesturing like it's obvious. "Use your words."
"You," you huff.
"What about me?" he asks, knowing he's being a tease.
"You're so..."
He raises his eyebrows at you expectantly, a smirk on his lips. He steps forward and places his hands on your hips.
"I'm so what?" Anakin walks you back until your legs hit the edge of your bed. "Talk to me, sweetie."
You bury your face in his chest so you don't have to look into his eyes.
"You were so eager to get me here but now you can't tell me what you want," he chastises. "How about I guess?" You nod your head, still not pulling away from his chest. "I think watching me run around out there all sweaty got you worked up."
Anakin knows you like the back of his hand, so you're not sure why you're surprised that he reads you so easily. You nod again, embarrassed but knowing there's no use lying to him.
"Yeah, baby, that's what I thought." He pushes you back so there's space between the two of you now. "Now you have me, so what are you gonna do with me?"
"Get on the bed," you say.
"Bossy," he grins as he steps around you to flop back.
You fall to your knees between his legs and press your face into his crotch. Anakin makes a surprised noise but makes no move to stop you. You take a deep inhale of his shorts and suppress a moan at the scent of his musk.
"What are you doing down there, baby?" he asks with a chuckle.
"Smellin' you," you mumble against his thigh.
"Do I smell good?" he asks.
Your response makes him smile widely. He never expected a sweet thing like you to be so dirty, but once you became comfortable with him, you let your true colors shine through.
"You can take my shorts off if you want," Anakin offers with a smirk.
You nod and he lifts up his hips to help you pull them down. When you do, you reveal a jockstrap with a sizable bulge inside. You press your face into the junction of his hip and take a deep breath.
Anakin reaches down to grab your hair and holds you firmly in place as he bucks his hips up. With his other hand, he reaches into the front of the jockstrap and pulls out his cup, then tosses it to the side carelessly.
"Didn't know you had a thing for me being gross," he says. "Didn't know you were so gross." You frown but he can only see the furrow of his brows over his thigh. He tilts his head at you and laughs. "Don't give me that look. How about I give you something better?"
Wondering what he has to offer, you allow yourself to be pulled away form him. You sit back on your heels and watch and Anakin rolls over, showing off his ass. The elastic of the jockstrap digs into the muscle of his ass, making it look even more juicy than usual.
"Really?" you ask.
"Yeah, baby. Eat my ass if you're desperate."
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reiderwriter · 8 months
♟️ Please, Let Me Know That It's Real ♟️
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Chapter 10 of That's What You Get
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Emily and Penelope take care of you after Spencer's dishonesty comes to light. They help you fill in some missing pieces of the puzzle that is your relationship.
Warnings: angst, but hopeful angst. Spencer is an idiot. No, you don't find out who the other witness is yet.
A/N: We're so close to the end 😭 I'm feeling bittersweet about this one because I'm excited to wrap it up but I also don't want to!!! It's been so fun to write. There are two chapters left after this, so please stay tuned for those ♥️ You can find my main masterlist here, and my special kinktober masterlist here if you missed the smut in this one. My requests are open until the end of the month too, so of you had any ideas, let me know!
There were no words to describe how you felt wasting away in bed that next day. You couldn't say whether a minute passed, or an hour passed or if time had simply ceased when he'd left. You just knew that there was a weight pressing down into your heart, a grief filling your lungs and stuttering your breath. 
You had the vague sensation of someone entering your apartment, wrapping their arms around you and telling you that you'd be okay before you drifted off into a coma-like sleep. Instead of escaping everything, though, you had to relive it all, again and again. 
You'd woken up chained to that bed again and he was there telling you how guilty and horrible he felt, and you'd practically shoved the words into his mouth. But he hadn't told you he didn't remember. 
You'd woken up in his bed again, and he still wasn't there, trying to avoid you getting your memories back, the one thing you were trying to work towards together. 
You'd woken up in his arms, walking you back towards his bed as you were telling him you remembered. The gleam in his eyes though wasn't excitement, happy to receive any news about what could've happened before, but fear. What did you remember, and would you figure out he'd been lying? 
You'd woken up a mess, and you wanted to go right back to sleep. 
When you finally did come to, the tears that had dried against your skin began to Spring again, the sobs silently wrecking your body as you disappeared under the darkness of your comforter.
Spencer had known. He'd known the entire time about everything that had happened, he'd practically told you as much from the very beginning. But he'd also let you assume that he didn't, and you weren't sure if you were angrier at him or yourself. Something happened on your wedding night, beside the intimacy, that he obviously didn't want you to remember, having gone to such great lengths to hold you at an arm's distance away whilst embracing you tightly. Parts of your body still held traces of him, and you were too emotionally exhausted to drag yourself out of bed to wash him away.
You wanted to call him. You wanted to make him come back and explain, and beg for forgiveness, or tell you it had been some kind of horrific miscommunication. You wanted to never see him again. 
Penelope bought food, and Emily got you cleaned up, pulling you into the bathroom and wiping the tears from your face as she ran a bath for you, helping your shivering form into it. You hadn't called or texted either of them, but you didn't question their appearance until after you'd eaten, feeling a little less broken. 
"How did you know?" The two of them looked at each other over the food on the table, unable to hide the worrying glances they were sending each other. 
"Spencer. He texted me, asked me to check in on you." Penelope explained, and you're heart cracked hearing his name. 
"Of course he did." You hated that even when you were supposed to hate him, he was still intent on taking care of you. You'd excused yourself from their company and climbed back into bed, grateful that neither woman had tried to stop you. They did follow you though. 
"Wait, Y/N. Spencer told us you needed us, but he didn't tell us what happened. Maybe talking about it would help." They sat carefully on opposite edges of your bed, waiting for you to un-cocoon yourself and talk. 
The first few attempts, you couldn't make it, too close to shattering to pieces again. With a gentle squeeze of your hand and a encouraging nod, you started telling them about the night before. 
"I chased after him yesterday and I caught him in the parking lot. And he never takes his car, but he was there and I thought it was some kind of sign." You sniffled and pulled the quilt off your face some more, sitting up to continue what you knew would probably be a long story. 
"We finally acknowledged everything and… God, I think I told him I love him. I do, and that's why it's all so shitty and ruined." Your throat grew thick with the pain and fluttering, memories from the night before seeping into you and grabbing a hold. 
"I told him I remembered, finally. He asked me how much, and I just kept trying to flirt with him. I didn't realize anything was wrong until  after we'd…" You flushed, shy all of a sudden as you felt all the shame of the previous night's interactions. 
"He said some things in the heat of the moment… he said I felt better than he remembered." 
"Y/N, that doesn't sound so bad, that's just-" 
"He wasn't supposed to remember. Neither of us were supposed to remember, fuck I think we would've been happier if we hadn't." You shut your eyes, the lights suddenly sparking a pain behind your eyes as your tears stung. 
"He didn't forget anything about Vegas. I think maybe it's my fault for assuming he did, because he just went ahead and reminded me of his stupid fucking eidetic memory." 
You let your head fall back to the pillow again and curse yourself, the extended cut of the last three weeks flickering to life in your head again. 
"Y/N…" Penelope started taking a gentle hand and patting your head as she struggled to find the words to comfort you. 
"Y/N, this is not the end of the world." Emily was blunt in her words and for a second they snapped you out of your self imposed pity party. "I thought he'd rejected you, or served you divorce papers or something." 
The anger crept up in you quickly as you shut your ears to what Emily was saying. 
"God, Emily, it's not that fucking easy you know.
"How would you know? Did you try to listen to him? Ask him why he did it?" You snapped your mouth shut, still angry but momentarily softened to the words she was saying. 
"Look, it's not like he confessed his love for me. He fucked me and then I caught him in a lie." You were exasperated at having to explain your emotions again and again but this time the wound had been ripped raw. He hadn't said those last words. 
"Oh, sweetie. That's what this is all about, isn't it? You think he held back because he doesn't love you?" Emily's tone had softened completely and you found yourself suddenly shaking with tears, unable to answer, just nodding your head back and forth while you contained the loud echoes of pain from escaping your body. 
"I need to stop starting sentences with 'don't hate me, but', but this time I think it's absolutely necessary." Penelope squeaked the other words from your other side and you drew yourself up again to hear her out. 
"Penelope, you're here making sure I am still breathing while I'm in the middle of an entirely selfish crisis. I think if I even thought about you negatively, a puppy would die or something." 
"Save that bravado for after this." She pulled out her phone then and scrolled through it for a second, searching for something. "Now I need you to know that I only withheld this in the hopes that I could play it at your actual wedding, where I would obviously be maid-of-honour, but as that plan has backfired I think I need to show you it now." 
She handed you the phone, and you noticed a video was playing. The camera was shaky, so it took you a few minutes to figure out what it was you were looking at.
The Elvis impersonator was the thing that tipped you off to the fact that this was probably your wedding venue. Sure enough, when the camera focused, zoomed in a bit, there the two of you were. 
"We're going to do the ring exchange now, if you'd like to repeat after me-" discount, slightly rotund Elvis said in a horrendous accent, but he wasn't allowed to finish. 
"We can do our own vows, right? That's allowed?" 
"For the amount of money you're paying me, you could consummate the marriage right here and I wouldn't give a damn." Your past self in the video had flushed at that, and you were glad that you hadn't jumped at the chance the way you had in the hotel room. 
Spencer brushed it off, clearing his throat and starting again. “Y/N, I don’t remember when I started loving you, which is absolutely ironic because I remember everything else. I think I just woke up one day and knew that I’d either spend my life watching you, or take this final leap to have you. Don’t look at me like that, I’m being serious, we’re getting married.” 
Your grin was wide, genuine happiness setting you alight. The two of you giggled a little bit before a glare from Elvis's direction led you to believe that his generosity only extended so far. 
“Let me try again. What I’m trying to say is, you’re too good for me. And I love you so much it aches. Everytime you say anything I’m caught hanging on any word. Every time you mention a book you’ve enjoyed, I read it cover to cover 50 times that week. Every time you tell me something stupid, like what your favorite flower is, I get this overwhelming urge to… to buy myself some flowers, so that if you ever turned up at my house, they’d be there waiting for you.” 
“I don’t know if you’ll remember this in the morning, or if I’ll be too scared to remind you, but I love you Y/N. And I’ll keep loving you no matter what happens.” His hands were gripped so tightly around your waist that he'd had to whisper some of the last words into the air between you, the space suddenly so narrow. 
You stopped the video there, throwing the phone back at Penelope, ready to bask in your idiocy, but she didn't let you. 
"You need to watch it all, come on, mother knows best." You rolled your eyes at her and sat yourself straighter again, taking the phone from her again and pressing play as Emily looked over your shoulder, watching too. 
It was your turn for the vows. 
“Spencer Reid. If I don’t remember how much I love you now in the morning, if I somehow manage to ignore this absolute feeling of bliss and rightness, I need you to fight for me. I need you to remind me how much I love you. I need you to remind me how we ended up here. I need you. I’ll never stop needing you.” The video had ended seconds after that, Spencer having lunged for you with both hands pulling your lips into his as he sealed the deal with a kiss. One you could swear you still felt tingling against your lips. 
"I paused it there because I didn't want to see if you'd take Elvis up on his deal." You heard Penelope's words but didn't register them, not really. 
"He didn't… He didn't fight for me." Your words weren't sad, but they obviously weren't the words either woman was expecting. 
"Y/N, did you not hear him? He loves you!" Emily almost shook you to wake you up from whatever daze you were in, but you were throwing your sheets off in a second and scrambling out of bed. 
"He didn't even tell me. Oh my god… I'm going to…" You ran a stray hand through your hair as you let out an incredulous laugh, not believing any of the last twenty four hours. Your next move was to lunge for your own phone, dialing his number before you could be stopped. Penelope did try though, before Emily out a warning hand on her shoulder, interested to see where it was you were going with this. 
"Spencer," you said into the receiver when he finally picked up. A single ring and he was there like he'd been waiting for you this entire time. 
"Y/N, I love you, I'm sorry." The words caught in his throat and his voice was weak but they made your heart skip a beat nonetheless. You hoped none of that reflected in your voice at all. 
"Spencer, I want to see you. Now." He barely had time to agree before you were hanging up, turning around with a half manic laugh again as you begin pulling yourself together. 
"Emily, Pen, thank you for everything but-" 
"You don't have to explain, I think we were just leaving actually." Emily smiled up at you, confident that you knew what you were doing. 
"No, no wait, please explain! I need an explanation, Y/N, what-" 
"If you'll excuse us." Emily guided Penelope swiftly out of the door and you were suddenly once again alone in your apartment. 
Pulling yourself together. You'd had a bath but you still felt groggy, so you hopped in the shower and thought about the time Spencer had taken a bullet for you. It had really only grazed his vest, but he'd been the one to grab you and change your positions so you were safe nonetheless. He'd done it and you'd never been sure why. 
You sat and dried your hair and contemplated. He'd helped you with countless case files ove the years. The others had joked before by putting their work on his desk, knowing he'd have it completed for them, serious or not. He'd only ever voluntarily taken files from your desk though. He'd said it was because he could do them quicker, but that was always a none answer. 
You picked your outfit out carefully as you thought about all the times you'd woken up with a blanket covering you after a nap on the jet. You'd seen JJ wrap them around team members before and just assumed it had been her, but now you weren't so sure. 
You stood at the door looking down at a message that said he was almost here and you thought about the last few weeks. And you thought about how much he loved you, and how much you definitely loved him and you waited at the door, engagement ring sitting on your hand as you waited for him to knock. 
🏷️ @w-windyy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @high-functioning-cosplayer @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @casss2111 @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @doriantomybasil
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solarwonux · 1 month
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Business Proposal || knj (9/?)
pairing: namjoon x f!reader || ex friends to lovers!au friends to lovers!au
Genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, fwb!au, non idol!au, unrequited love
Warnings: slow burn, angst, fluff, flirting, semi-edited, smut, fingering, eating out, unprotected sex.
Rating: mature, 18+
w.c: 8.0
Synopsis: Namjoon is living on borrowed time, and it’s time to cash in. His father is months from taking his last breathe and his life long dream is to watch his oldest son say “I do.”
A/n: lol, hello, I'm sorry for being so MIA lately. I kinda have had half of this written since November but my mom came to visit me in Korea and I forgot about it haha. If you are still here thank you for sticking around! Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts!
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10 Years Ago
Things were finally looking up.
“If you just remember everything we have gone over you'll be fine.” He simply says like it's no big deal, waving you off. 
You on the other hand are filled with the gnawing pain of your nerves. As you look down at your notebook filled with an equal mixture of correct and incorrect answers. 
Maybe things weren't really looking up. 
“I think we should do a few more.” You rush out, flipping to a new page. In that exact moment, the buzzer in Namjoon's hand goes off, and he stands up. 
He pushes in his chair and walks to stand beside you, putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Over studying is not the answer.” He says gently, giving your shoulder a light squeeze before walking away to pick up your drinks. 
Your protest dying as you burn daggers into his back. You aren't sure if it's a good thing that he has so much faith in you. When you don't have an ounce in yourself. Especially when in two days you'll hopefully end your misery with the dreaded math final. 
It's been two whole months since you've started your weekly tutoring sessions with Namjoon. You aren't completely lost in class anymore. If you are, you just come to the broad man and drown him in all kinds of questions. With this tactic you've even managed to get an eighty-five present in your last math test. 
The only thing left for you to pass is the stupid final.
You have been seeing Namjoon a lot more this week. Scheduling, and practically begging him to squeeze you into his tight schedule since Monday. A request to brush up on equations and gain some clarity on things you might have forgotten. To say the least, your test anxiety has reached a whole new level. You visibly look exhausted, your skin is oilier than usual, sporting a few painful pimples on your chin, and your hair looks so greasy despite just washing it in the morning. You should feel slightly ashamed for even leaving your house looking like a hot mess, but your thoughts are suffocating. Staying in would make the panic in the pit of your stomach worse. 
Especially when you and your tutor have recently discovered your inability to do word problems. The main reason why you keep calling Namjoon at three in the morning. Even though he thinks you're just being paranoid, especially with the silent sigh of defeat you hear through your phone speaker. He tries his best to reassure you that you're going to be fine at the end of the day. 
“There will probably be three, five at most. He had said last night when you called. 
Thankfully he had stayed up revising his final paper, instead of being three dimensions deep in dream land like on Sunday when you called. Still, even though he had muttered out a tiny complaint, he stayed on the line with you. Until you were calm enough to fall asleep again. 
In just three months your acquaintance has blossomed into a full on friendship. Along with your sneaking suspicion that both Taehyung and Jimin like him better. It was obvious last Friday night when Jimin had a small end of the semester get together at his apartment. Namjoon got so drunk he performed the entirety of Grease Lightning on karaoke. Including the dance break with special guest and step brother Jeon Jungkook. 
Later on in the night the older of the four cried about the final scene in the Titanic. It was a rollercoaster of emotions, but heartwarming to be able to see a different side of the Philosophy student. 
“Look who decided to join us.” You jump, placing your pen down in your notebook, closing it to hold your page. You turn around, feeling a wide smile come onto your face when you lock eyes with the other source of your happiness these last few months. 
“Hobi,” you exclaim, holding your arms out to him. He chuckles, and leans down giving you one of those awkward hugs one gives when the other person is sitting down. It only lasts a few seconds and then he is leaning his head back to plant a sloppy kiss on your cheek, making you cringe. 
“Ew,” you pout, wiping your cheek with the back of your hand. He chuckles, pecking your lips lightly and then taking the seat next to you. 
“Joon says you need a break from being a math wizard.” He chuckles, dragging your notebook to him. He places his arms over it keeping it hostage.
You whine crossing your arms in front of you, pouting like a child. “But what if I don't pass. I don't want to have to take the class a third time.” 
Namjoon shakes his head, sets your chamomile tea in front of you, and sits down. “I already told you, you won't. I did the math last night. Even if you get a sixty five percent, you'll still be able to pass the class with a B.” He states firmly and takes a sip from his coffee. 
You huff, sinking further into the chair. “I don't want a B, I want an A.” 
Hoseok snakes an arm over your shoulders and brings you close to his side.” “Then you will pass the class with an A honey cakes.” He kisses your temple before resting his cheek on top of your head. You take a deep breath, nodding and snuggling closer to him.
“So are you two dating now?” Namjoon leans back in his seat, crossing his arms in front of him.
Hoseok waves an arm, brushing off the question that has been surrounding the two of you these past three weeks. “You know it's not like that.” He answers before you can. He pulls his arm away and sets them both on top of your notebook. He sends you a knowing wink. 
“Yeah you out of all people should know it's not like that.” You back up Hoseok, sticking your tongue out at the other. “How's Rina by the way?” You challenge making the man next to you burst out in a fit of giggles. 
You see, most of the things Jungkook told you about Namjoon prior to your first meeting have all been lies. Or just not the whole truth.
Namjoon was a broody person. He did put his studies as one of his priorities in life. And he didn't want a relationship. 
Yet in the last few months you have gotten to know the career driven man. You've also managed to peel back some of his layers. 
He did have his moments of indignation, but he could also be very playful and funny. This side mostly comes out when Hoseok is around or when he wants you to get your mind off the things that have been stressing you out. He does have a strong work ethic, but he also knows when to take a break. 
There have even moments in your tutoring slash now study sessions when he forces you to take walks. He says it helps clear your head, but you also know it's his way to get his ideas to flow again whenever he feels stuck. 
During these walks you've managed to find out more things about him. He loves museums because he's shit at art, and knowing that there are people out there who aren't makes him appreciate the art a lot more. At least once every two months he visits the tree he and his father planted his mother’s ashes at to update her on his life. He cares so much for Jungkook and his mother even if he doesn't show it all the time. And despite not wanting a relationship he has been head over heels for the girl he's been casually hooking up with for the last two years. 
Though he won't come out and say it himself. You have witnessed the way his face settles down into something calmer. And his eyes light up whenever his phone rings and her name pops up on the screen.
He once spent thirty minutes talking about a joke she had told him one night. Spoiler alert, it wasn't a good one, but it was adorable watching him try to get it out in-between chuckles. 
You also know he shares the same negative sentiment Jungkook has about your current relationship with his best friend. But just like he claims that his relationship with Rina is complicated. So, is yours with the ray of sunshine you get to now call friend.
“She's fine.” He shrugs, clearing his throat and looking out the window. You share a look with Hoseok before letting out a fit of shared giggles. 
If someone had once told you that your strict math tutor slash friend would turn into a shy mess with just the simple mention of a name. You would've thought they were fucking with you. Even if it still surprises you a little bit. 
“You should just ask her to be your girlfriend.” Hoseok chimes in. 
Namjoon throws his head back groaning. “It wouldn't work out if I do, plus that would require for me to act like a boyfriend and I'm not ready for that kind of commitment.” He speaks with his eyes trained on the high ceiling of the cafe. 
You lean forward placing your elbows on top of the table and wrapping your arms around the hot mug. “You already do Namjoon. A switch of labels is not going to change anything. And don't you think she deserves some kind of confirmation and respect when it comes to your relationship?” You finish tilting your head to the side. 
“I do respect her though, which is why I don't want to ask her, like you just said a label won't change anything.” 
You let out a sigh, “I didn't say that you didn't respect her. I just think that from a girl's perspective she might be feeling a little bit confused with your words and actions. You say the two of you aren't anything serious but then you act like you can't live without her. If I was in her shoes I would feel very frustrated. So, maybe you don't have to make this big grand gesture or ask her to officially be your girlfriend but just clarify things between the two of you. If you aren't serious about her then so be it but if you are then tell her that.” You finish and take your first sip from your tea. 
“I agree with honey cakes, just be a little more straight forward that's all.” Hoseok shrugs before standing up. 
Namjoon rolls his eyes, and looks between the two of you. “And what about you?” He counteracts childishly. You knew it was coming. In his eyes the two of you giving him advice when you're in a similar situation is a bit hypocritical. Plus you and Hoseok are on the same page so it's di–
“That's different.” Hoseok speaks before you. “And this is about your love life not ours.” He states stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
“Whatever.” Namjoon brushes off. You sigh, aware that if you choose to continue the conversation it will end in the three of you having a petty argument. You look at Hoseok as he leans down, placing a delicate kiss on your cheek, making the man witnessing the affectionate gesture scoff in annoyance. 
If he wants to say something he doesn't voice it instead he opens his leather bound notebook to a new page. 
Hoseok ignores him and stands up straight. “Are we still on tonight?” 
You nod. “I can't stay for long though I want to catch up on sleep.” 
“Fine then just one movie it is.” He winks before turning on his heels. Leaving you behind with the grumpy man. He looks up from his journal, opening his mouth, but you raise a hand to stop him. “It's different Namjoon.” 
Namjon clicks his tongue in annoyance and shrugs. “Whatever, let's just do one more world problem before calling it a day.” 
“Fine,” you huff, sliding your notebook in front of you and opening it to a clean page. 
Just one more day and you'll be free from this torture. 
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Hoseok's apartment is everything you expect from the maximest man. Just upon walking in you are hit with waves of bright colors. By the doorway there are different KAWS figurines that you can only imagine cost a fortune. Yet they greet you with their x'd out eyes as you remove your shoes. 
Then you have to pass by the Supreme beaded curtain to finally enter the living room. A bright red leather couch is settled in the middle. With wine colored pillows and a black throw blanket that you've adopted since the first night you spent in Hoseok's arms.
Abstract art lines the walls behind the television. There are more figurines lining the shelves in between books, records, and framed pictures of his friends and families. Along with a few miscellaneous items that he's told you he's obtained over the years.
His TV is huge. Takes up almost the whole wall, but your favorite to watch movies since he installed a surround system upon moving in years ago. 
You still remember the first night he invited you over. It was after spending two whole weeks texting non stop. He simply asked if you wanted to watch a movie with him and you thought why not. 
One night led to another and now another. It always starts the same. The two of you spend days teasing one another through text. Lewd texts along with pictures. You come over for a movie and then you end up underneath him. 
When it's over, he lets you use his shower while he orders takeout from the vegan restaurant a block down the road. And the two of you resume watching the movie as if neither of you were panting each other's names in pleasure. 
A simple arrangement with absolutely no strings attached.
It was what you were expecting when you came over tonight. Not that you don't mind the nights in which you do come over and nothing happens other than the deep hearted talks over a slow record playing in the background. But that wasn't happening either, because ever since you arrived at his doorstep, the overzealous man has been quiet. Biting the inside of his cheek and moving around you far enough to raise suspicion. 
It has your mind traveling back to the conversation that occurred in the afternoon. Was Hoseok having second thoughts? Or was there more to his actions than what you were picking up? 
“Hobi,” you whisper the minute he enters his living room with a bowl of popcorn stepping over your legs that were resting on his coffee table. He silently settles down next to you, on the other side of the couch with a gap wide enough to fit a person in between. 
Now you're more than positive that something is wrong. 
You groan, “I think I'll just go home then.” You mumble, pushing the throw blanket of your shoulders. 
This is enough to catch his attention. His eyes are wide behind his dark rimmed glasses and he sits up. “What why?” He tilts his head in confusion. 
A dry chuckle escapes your lips. “You obviously don't want me around, so I'll just go. I need to go to sleep early anyway.” You shrug, slipping your feet in his fuzzy slippers and swiftly start making your way to grab your stuff in his room. 
“No I–wait.” Finally, he speaks up, earning an eye roll from you that he can't see as your back is still turned. 
With haltered steps you spin on your heel to face him again, “What? You've been acting strange since I got here. So, if you don't want me around I will just go home.” 
At lightning speed he sets the bowl of popcorn on his coffee table, and stands up. He makes hasty steps towards you and when he is finally standing in front of you, he sets both of his hands on top of your shoulders. 
“Don't leave…I'm sorry.” Hoseok's eyes cast down past your face. They settle upon the graphic on your old washed out t-shirt. He takes a deep breath and looks up again. His face twists into something you can't decipher. It's a look you've never seen him wear, and it settles hard into your chest. 
He looks troubled, chewing on the inside of his cheek. His eyes dart to five different focal points. You know he's arguing with himself. When he finally looks at you in your eyes again. You can't help but shrink a little bit. 
His features have hardened, and you want to reach out to smooth over the little worry lines in the middle of his forehead. Guilt washes over you. 
For what? 
You don't know but you hope more than anything that you'll soon find out. 
“Can we talk?” He speaks up, letting his arms fall down, his knuckles brushing against your skin. 
For a second you think he's going to pull away. Retrieve into his body, but when he grabs your hands and laces his fingers with yours. The guilt in the pit of your stomach dissipates and you're left with confusion. 
When you don't answer his question, he repeats himself. This time differently, “I just think we need to talk, I've been thinking since this afternoon. I want to check up on you, and I guess us.” He clarifies, and now you're filled with a different kind of emotion. As much as you're relieved that you didn't do anything wrong per se. You are slightly annoyed that he couldn't just tell you that when you first arrived. Instead of ignoring you until you reached your breaking point. 
Frustrated, you say slowly, “Then just say that, instead of ignoring me.” 
Hoseok closes his eyes and sighs, nodding his head before speaking, “you're right I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind and I am not sure how to bring any of what I'm thinking about up.” 
“Hobi, just say it. We agreed on clear communication when we realized that this was going to be more than just a one night stand.” You sigh, beginning to walk in the direction of his couch, stringing him along. “Whatever is on your mind, just say it.” You push him onto his couch and take the seat next to him, your body fully facing his, and you fold your legs beneath you. 
He nods, running a hand down his face. “I don't think this is working anymore.” He whispers, eyes trained on his ceiling. 
Okay you were definitely not expecting that, but instead of voicing your surprise, you squeeze his hand. Encouraging him to continue. 
He does, “I think I'm slowly falling for you, well I don't know I'm confused about my feelings.” He whispers the end and falls quiet. 
As much as you want to run away and hide at his confession. He looks troubled and you wouldn't be a good friend if you just left him to wallow in his thoughts. No matter the pressure that has settled in your chest. Or the fact that your heart thinks you're running a marathon, making your ears feel like they're about to fall off too. 
With every passing moment you're finding that it's getting harder to breathe. You aren't dumb, the atmosphere has also changed, but it isn't because of his confession. It's because you are also a bit confused about your feelings.
You clear your throat, “W-What are you confused about?” 
He stops his staring game with the ceiling, shifting his whole body to finally face you. “Do you know why both Kook and Joon are so against us?” 
The question throws you off guard but you suppose it has to do with what he's going through. You do have an idea as to why your friends are raising a brow at your relationship. Jungkook’s warning the first day you met the barista is enough for you to get a rough idea of what they mean. But you want to hear it from him. 
Still you don't know if you can trust your voice so you shake your head. 
He continues, “I've never been in a relationship because I don't trust people to love me the way I know I can love them. So, I just sleep around, and when I get bored I break it off.” 
 “I know. They warned me about you when you immediately showed interest. And trust me I knew what I signed up for when we agreed to keep seeing each other. I don't expect anything more than what we are doing.” You tilt your head to the side.
“I know that's why I'm confused. At first that's all I expected and wanted. But then I don't know I feel so full and empty when I'm with you. I don't want you to leave when the night is over. You're the last thing I think about and the first thing I want to see. I've never felt this sure and comfortable with anyone ever, and I don't know what to do because we both know this isn't forever, your forever is with someone else, and so is mine. But for now I just want to be with you and know what it's like to fall in love and with you.” He takes a deep breath. “Even if it's just for a little bit. You know that next year I'll be leaving for that design school, and I'm sorry but nothing and no one is going to stop me. I've waited too long for this opportunity. I know I'm being selfish to ask you this, but can you please find it in your heart to let me be yours until then?” 
Hoseok finishes. And you're left to your own devices. To deal with your emotions as they spill out of you in hot tears. You've never had someone confess to you so passionately before. Actually nobody has ever bothered. And even though it's semi depressing you can't help but feel on cloud nine with all his words wrapping around you in the warmth that he radiates. 
Without thinking you kneel, and wrap your arms around his neck. “Okay let's do it.” You beam and he matches your smile. He leans in to kiss you but you place your hand over his mouth to stop him. 
Confusion plagues him like a bitter sting. You laugh, “But only if you agree that when everything is over there's no drama between us, and if I ever get married you have to design my wedding dress.” You remove your hand, and cradle his cheek, rub your thumb over his eyebrow. 
He chuckles, rolling his eyes. “You will get married.” 
“Nah, but it's okay. I've accepted my faith.” You shrug, resting your forehead against his. His hands come up your cheek, squishing them slightly.
“You will honey cakes, that's why I'm already planning your dress design in my head.” He wipes your forgotten tears, and tilts your head to the side. 
You feel your breathing get faster, as his heart shaped lips rest centimeters apart. “How are you so sure?” You whisper, swallowing thickly at the end. 
He smirks, with a glint in his eye. Like he knows something you don't, “because I know someone who is also falling for you but they’re to dumb to notice “ 
“Secret,” he says before finally crashing his lips onto yours.
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Hoseok’s room is equally as loud as his living room. It’s a little more diluted with simple decorations and a huge abstract painting on the wall in front of his bed. His bed takes up most of his space, adoring a black duvet with black sheets. He has three pillows and two of those you’ve taken ownership of. His brown dresser holds little trinkets of things he buys or finds in the pockets of his pants. It’s also home to a series of designer colognes. Your favorite one was definitely Terre d'Hermes. Somehow the smell always fills with comfort. 
Your favorite part of his room–other than his bed–was his desk. They say you can tell a lot about a person by just looking at their work space. 
He’s a messy artist. His sketches are always thrown around, or pinned on the corkboard hanging over his desk. He has two bookshelves filled with sketchbooks and magazines. Sometimes if you’re lucky he will leave his sketchbooks open, awarding you with a small glance of his work. He has different notebooks for different magazine cutouts. Each one labeled something like, ‘street’ or ‘formal’ or ‘one-day.’ The latter always peaks your interest but you’ve never thought to ask. He has a thousand different sketching materials, and so many colorful markers. You just know that he was that kid in class with the sixty-four crayola back. 
He's passionate about his craft. A passion that shines through everything that he does. Especially when he’s sharing that passion with you. Now, as he lays you down onto his soft mattress. He kisses his way down your neck, slowly pushing your shirt up to reveal your stomach and the few stretch marks that appeared one day in your early adolescent years. 
For years it was hard to be intimate with someone in fear that they would disgust your partner. But the one thing you learned while growing up was that most men didn’t give a shit unless they were getting it. 
Yet Hoseok, your boyfriend, now. 
He cares. 
In a good way. The first time he saw you naked he almost came in his jeans. Your curves were all in the right places. You have enough skin to grip onto, and he loves all the marks and imperfections your body has. 
He couldn’t understand why you were so beautiful in the soft glow of his bedroom lights? Why he didn’t have the words to describe how his heart was literally beating against his ribcage?  Why for the first time in his casual dating experience he feared he wouldn't be able to give you the pleasure you deserved? 
So, that first night together, he took his time. Trying to get his thoughts under control. He painted your body with featherlight kisses. Determined to leave his trace imprinted in your body for however long you two would engage with each other. 
Everytime you came over. He did just that. He took his time, choreographing a dance with your body. It was a no-brainer that he had fallen for you. Something he knew shouldn’t have happened. He had plans for himself. He had a future mapped out since he was teenage. Though, he had the sneaking suspicion that you wouldn’t stop him from achieving his goals. That you would support him through everything. He should’ve stopped his feelings for you from growing. 
He kept them quiet until his portfolio got accepted. Until he saw the brief glances Namjoon gave you when he thought you weren’t looking. Perhaps it was the jealousy that made him confess. Or that his time with you was now limited. Whatever the reason was that led him to his confession, he only hoped that you felt the same. 
You giggle, the beautiful melodic sound grounds him as he wraps a calloused hand around your right breast, circling his thumb around the pebble. 
You're his girlfriend now. 
He, your boyfriend and he will bring down the moon for you tonight if you asked him too. 
“What’s so funny?” His curious stare meets your amused one. 
You had failed to keep your giggles at bay while he made out with you on his couch. He let a few of his own out when he had had enough of kissing and grinding in his living room, and guided you into his room. 
He loved the sound, and he loved that it was only because after months of dancing this tango you were still shy underneath him. 
“Nothing, it’s just that Mickey is staring at us.” You whisper gasping when he grinds his lower half against yours. Hoseok playfully rolls his eyes, reaching and turning around the newly added picture of his family dog on his bedside table. No more prying dog or human eyes around to interrupt the two of you. 
His attention returns to you. Gaze burning with lust as he leans down, pecking your lips lightly. “Can you stay over?” He says, kneading your breast again. The teasing touches were driving you insane. But this is how you preferred it. Slow and intense, tangling your body with his, until the two of you became one. 
“I’ll make an exception if you promise to drive me to my class tomorrow with a free coffee.” You smile, pushing your chest into his hand. 
He shook his head, reaching down to your lips. “Hustler.” He mumbles, capturing your mouth in a slow sensual kiss. “You got yourself a deal baby girl.” 
Your body shudders at the nickname. He only used it when it was just the two of you. He knew the effect it had on you. “Can I take your shirt off now?” He smirks. 
You let out a pleasurable sigh, nodding your head, before verbalizing a soft, “yes.” 
He pulls away, sitting back on his heels, peeling his shirt off before helping you with yours. He discards the two of them somewhere behind him. He pulls you towards him again, resting his forehead against yours. A bright smile adorning his perfect face. 
It makes your stomach crumble, knowing that from this moment on.
Hoseok would always be the one who got away. 
Your big “what if.” 
Your biggest treasure. Your safe place. Your blueprint for a future with someone else. The love story that was made to end. But one that burned so bright that would have you telling your future daughter to never be afraid of love. 
“Can we go slow today?” You run your hands down his torso, playing with the belt buckle of his expensive belt. 
“I’ll go at whatever pace you want me to go, baby girl.” He reassures,  his fingers play with the bra strap that had fallen down your shoulder. 
You tilt your head, looking at him with soft eyes. And he swears he feels himself melt. 
The next few minutes were a mess of soft kisses and clothes being discarded. Each article of clothing, landing with a soft ‘thud’ against his bedroom floor. You’re on cloud nine, his lips kiss down your neck, your collarbone. His hands part your thighs, baring your cunt to him. He sits back, mouth watering at how wet you are. He couldn’t wait for a taste. 
He could never wait. And he never did. 
He kisses your mound before wrapping his lips around your clit. He savors the sigh that escapes your mouth. He smirks when he immediately feels you grip his hair, pushing him further. Just like he couldn’t resist, you also couldn’t.
He sucked, distracting you from his finger circling around your entrance making you gasp in surprise when you feel him insert one. Slowly thrusting it as he licked you like a man who has been starved for weeks. 
“Hobi,” You sigh, pushing his head further. He fingers you faster until he feels you clench around him, and he stops, making you whine. 
“Please,” you plead. He chuckles against you, inserting another finger. This time he doesn’t give you time to adjust. You feel him thrust into you with no hesitation. His mouth sucking on your clit, swirling his tongue around it playing with the nub. 
You were withering, moaning his name, and anything your mind could conjure up in this moment. 
Overwhelmed with blissful pleasure, you grip his bed sheets, bucking your hips into his face. He groans, knowing you were on edge from how tight your grip on his head was now. And he did the one thing he knew would drive you insane. He slowed down, until he came to a complete stop. 
“Hoseok,” you groan, slamming your hand onto his comforter. He chuckles, lifting his head. Your body was flushed, your lips swollen, your hair splayed out around you. He loves bringing you to this moment. 
“You said you wanted slow.” He grins, taking his fingers out of your pussy. Loving the way it clenched over nothing now. Almost as if it was begging to be played with again. 
You roll your eyes, pouting. “Not this slow. I want to come.” You say, sitting up on your elbows. 
“Oh baby you will.” He winks, licking his fingers clean. He leans over, pecking your lips quickly. “You will come as many times as you want. But I want the first one to be around my cock tonight.” 
You gasp at his words. You knew his mouth was lethal but sometimes it still surprises you. The lust lacing with his soft timbre made you weak in the knees. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, grabbing his face and kissing him hard. 
The word ‘slow’ is forgotten from either of your vocabularies, while the two of you kiss hungrily. Sucking on tongues, teeth clashing, hands touching and clutching onto anything and everything. 
Hoseok lays you down on your side, climbing in behind you. His teeth nips at your bottom lip and he wrapped your leg around his hips. He kisses down your neck, while you help guide his cock to your entrance. He locks his eyes with yours as he slowly pushes himself in. His arms wrap around your torso, and he pushes you closer to his chest. 
Both of your heartbeats are in sync. Racing against the clock, basking in pleasure that you never want it to end. 
“Move please.” You say, lifting your face to kiss him. 
He begins to move his hips, making you gasp into each other's mouths. It’s a sloppy pace from the start but you don't care. You want more, so you met his thrusts halfway. One of his hands palms at your breast. He alternates between swallowing your moans and leaving his mark on anything he can get his lips on. 
“B-Baby.” He moans, resting his forehead on yours. “I’m close, are you?” He thrusts, letting out a low moan when he feels you clench around him.
He didn’t give you a minute to answer, before he was lifting your leg higher around his waist, allowing himself to reach the deepest part of you. “Touch yourself baby.” 
You moan his name, letting go of his hand, your finger meeting your clit, rubbing it in circles. Trying to keep up with his unrelenting pace. And soon you feel him still behind you, eyes shutting in pleasure as he spills himself inside of you. His orgasm triggers the coil in the pit of your stomach as you feel your release wash over you in a tidal wave, making you push his cock and cum out of you. His fingers frantically come down to meet yours as he helps you ride out your wave. He whispers praises against your skin while you come down.
Hoseok kisses your lips slowly, chuckling before whispering words that you will forever hold near and dear to your heart. 
“I love you.” He pushes your hair away from your face. “I love you so much to know that one day I’ll have to let you go.”
You giggle, turning in his arms, nuzzling your head into his neck. “I love you.” 
You feel him laugh, twinkling his fingers down your spine, “Let’s get matching tattoos.” 
You look up at him, raising a brow before shaking your head. “You just made me squirt, told me you loved me, and now you want to get matching tattoos?” 
“What better way to commemorate the best ego boost.” He shrugs. 
“You’re insane.” You untangle yourself from his embrace. You stand up, putting on his shirt. 
“I didn’t hear a no.” He says smugly, putting his arms underneath his head. 
“Because you’re an insane idiot who makes me agree to things like these.” You smile, before walking out of his room. 
“Great, I’ll make an appointment.” He shouts after you, “I love you.” He adds after a moment. 
You enter his kitchen, and turn on the lights. You can feel your smile take up your entire face. For a moment you realize that for the first time in a long time you felt happy. 
So yeah, maybe, things were finally looking up. 
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“You’re late.”
Namjoon says after taking a slow sip from his coffee. He looks at you from over the rim of his glasses. 
You roll your eyes, setting your bag down on the empty chair. “It's raining, and I forgot my umbrella. I had to wait for the rain to stop.”
“You could’ve texted to let me know.” He shrugs, setting his cup down on the coaster and flipping the page of his book. 
You sigh, before (gently) throwing your phone onto the table. “It’s dead. And before you ask, no I didn’t bring a charger. No, Jungkook wasn’t in class today so he couldn’t give me a charger, an umbrella, or a ride. Jimin is sick. And Taehyung doesn’t even go to our school. He's probably getting high with his new fling, so I wouldn’t have been able to ask him either.” You say, listing all the solutions he would’ve thought about in seconds. 
“Mhm,” he nods, closing his book. “And your boyfriend?”
Annoyed, you let out a whine, crossing your arms in front of you. “I don’t know, let me go downstairs and ask him. I’m sure he can stop managing a business to give me an umbrella.” 
Namjoon leans his elbows against the table. “Trouble in paradise?” He tilts his head, clasping his hands on top of his book. 
You shake your head, pulling out your chair and slumping down in it. “Hobi and I are fine. It’s not like he’s leaving in two months or anything.” You throw your hands up in exasperation. 
It’s month seven into your shining relationship with Hoseok, and you should’ve known that things would start to hit the fan sooner rather than Later. Your boyfriend was in the middle of the most tumultuous change of his life. Things were moving quickly and his time dedicated to you was bumped down his monstrous daily to-do list. 
Yet you couldn’t do or say anything because isn’t this what you signed up for? 
“Ah, so there is trouble.” Namjoon chuckles before opening his book again, setting his fancy leather bookmark aside. “This is exactly why I don’t do relationships, they just attract problems.” He adds, giving you a pointed look. 
You roll your eyes, “Shut up asshole, not all of us can be like you and Rina.” 
“Sure you can, it's simple just don't attach any strings to it.” He shrugs, underlining a sentence in his book. 
“Two people who have been only exclusively seeing each other for years literally the definition of strings attached. You can keep denying it all you want but she’s your girlfriend. You guys do all the couple-y stuff.” You grumble, leaning back in your chair, looking out of the window. The gloomy weather adds to your shitty mood. 
“She’s not, we are not dating, and I don’t need to talk about this with you again. Rina and I are on the same page.” He finishes, taking a long sip from his coffee.
“Well, how would you feel if Rina was spending time with another guy, completely ignoring your presence when you walk into her coffee shop all wet and angry because your professor basically told you your topic for your essay was shit.”
Namjoon smirks, leaning back in his chair. “Sounds like you’re jealous of Yuri.” 
“So what if I am?” You bite, “I understand that he’s training her to take over his position, but all he talks about is her and what he needs to teach her when we’re together. And whenever I come in they’re always laughing at something behind the coffee machine. And I know she’s nice and all but I would like his attention too.” You scoff. 
Namjoon hums, tapping his index finger against the table. “Do you trust him?” 
The question doesn’t catch you off guard, the obvious answer is on the tip of your tongue. But with how things have been going lately. You can’t help but hesitate. 
“I don’t know anymore.” You whisper looking down at your hands, turning the ring on your middle finger. “I know I should, and I do…I think I do. It’s just things have been so shit lately and I feel like a burden to him because of everything he has to do.” 
Namjoon lightly kicks your foot under the table, making you raise your head to meet his gaze. “I don’t know if I am being of much help, but he loves you. I know that whatever is happening he’s not doing it intentionally. Just talk to him about it.” 
If only it were that easy. 
“I’d love to but he never has time.” 
“Why not talk to him now then.” He says reaching into his bag to take out his cigarettes and lighter. 
“He’s busy downstairs with Yu–” 
“No, I’m not busy now.” 
You jump at the sound of your boyfriend's voice. You turn your head to look at him. A small tray with a mug of probably chamomile tea on top of it. His hair is shorter than the last time you saw him two days ago. He got a haircut and didn’t even tell you about it. That’s how low you have made it on his list. He can’t even send you a stupid picture of his new haircut. He can’t even send you a ‘goodmorning’ or ‘goodnight’ text. He also probably forgot that you were nervous for the meeting with your professor about your essay topic.
All these realizations make you want to roll into a ball and cry. You knew your time with Hoseok was limited. You just didn’t expect for the end to be so torturous. 
“That’s what I told her.” Namjoon speaks, narrowing his eyes at you for a second before turning his attention to his best friend. “She’s jealous of Yuri, because you’ve been spending too much time with her.” He shrugs, walking quickly to the stairs before you can bury him ten feet underground. 
You hear Hoseok let out a heavy sigh, and take the seat next to you. “Honeycakes,” he starts.
“Nice haircut.” You interrupt, slumping into your chair more. It earns another heavy sigh from the man sitting next to you. 
“Is Yuri the reason why you’ve been so upset lately?” He says placing a hand on top of your knee underneath the table. 
You let out a dry laugh before shaking your head. “No, it’s not her. It’s how you’ve been acting lately, it’s the time you’ve been spending with her. It's never having time for me anymore. It’s forgetting our date last week. It’s not even telling me that you got a haircut.” You finish, closing your fists to keep yourself from crying. 
Hoseok gives your thigh a squeeze before leaning back in his chair. “You know how things have been lately. I’m trying so hard to do everything I need to do. I don’t mean to be so dismissive but I can’t juggle everything at the same time.” 
You flick off a piece of lint from your jeans. “It’s nice to know that I’m just something you juggle around.” 
“That’s not what I meant. You knew what would happen when I started my application process. You said you understood.” 
“I did, or I thought I did Hoseok. I didn’t think I would become so secondary to you.” You sniffle. “I love that you’re chasing your dreams, but this is me trying to support you. I’m trying to understand how you’re feeling. But you stop me. You have shut me out and now I’m just something you remember sometimes.” You close your eyes, feeling the tears fall down your cheeks. 
The last thing you wanted was to be crying like this in public. 
“I-I want you to tell me when you’re having a hard time like you used to. I want you to feel like you can relax around me when we’re together. But every time we are together, we either argue, you don’t talk, or you talk about work, deadlines, or how you can’t wait to move. How do you think that makes me feel Hoseok?” 
Hoseok sighs, and wraps his arm around your shoulders. “I’m sorry.” He kisses your temple. “I wish you would’ve told me earlier before it got to this point.” He whispers, rubbing your back, while you lean your head onto his shoulder. 
“But Hobi like you said, this is what I signed up for. This is what I agreed to.”  You add bitterly. 
“Yes Honeycakes, but you’re still my girlfriend. And I know that I haven’t been the best boyfriend lately, but I do care about you and I do love you.” He lifts your head from his shoulder. He gently grabs hold of your face, making you look at him. “Just like how you want me to talk to you when something is bothering me, I also want you to talk to me.” 
You close your head sighing, “You’re right, I’m sorry that I keep making things difficult.” 
He shakes his head. “You don’t. I’m the one that can’t seem to keep my girlfriend from doubting me. I’m the one who hasn’t told her how much I yearn to be in her presence at every waking moment.” He says, his thumbs wiping away your tears. “I love you, and I think that’s why I’ve been so avoidant lately. I know that our days are numbered and I would rather ignore the fact that I’m moving away soon than cherish the moments I get to spend with my family, my friends and you.” 
You nod, holding out your pinky out to him. “I promise to keep trying my best.” 
He hooks his pinky with yours bringing your laced fingers up to his lips. “I promise to keep trying my best too.” 
“I love you,” You whisper, letting go of his finger and wrapping your arms around his waist. 
His low laugh makes his chest vibrate against your head, “I love you.” He adds, rubbing soothing circles over your back. “Now, can you please drink your tea before you get a cold. I texted you earlier asking if you needed an umbrella but you didn’t answer. And now look at you coming in here all pouty and wet.”  
You raise your head to look at him, opening your mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by the forgotten voice of your friend. “Her phone’s dead.” Namjoon throws his lighter onto the wooden table. 
Hoseok tsks shaking his head, reaching over to push the tray of your lukewarm tea closer to you. “I should’ve known. I knew you didn’t charge it last night, just like I knew that you left your umbrella at my place.” He pinches your cheek. “How did your meeting go?” 
“He basically said that I need to restart my essay topic over again.”
Hoseok laughs, bopping your nose with his own. “Well did he say those exact words?” 
“No but it was basically implied.”  You emphasize. 
“Fine, I’ll talk to your study partner if my baby isn’t being told that she’s a genius all the time, then what am I paying him for.” He jokes, which earns a glare from said study partner. 
“You’re not paying me, idiot.” Namjoon rolls his eyes, grabbing his brown leather messenger back and stuffing his cigarettes into the front pocket. 
He’s grateful that he came back to smiles and not tears. The stoicness of his actions makes the two of you laugh hard. Your laugh resonates longer in his mind. It always does. No matter how much he tries to deny it. You always resonate longer in his mind. But he pushes that fleeting thought aside. 
Namjoon is happy. 
His friends are happy. 
Things in his life were finally looking up. 
“I have to go, but don’t be late next time and charge your phone.” He says hoisting his bag onto his shoulders. 
You nod, saluting in his direction, before bursting out into a fit of giggles as Hoseok tickles your side. 
Namjoon doesn’t stay for longer than he needs to. He’s already running late to meet Rina, but he can’t hide the smile taking up his space.
He can’t help but feel proud that things were finally looking up for you too. 
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a/n: I hope you have enjoyed it. I will try not to be so MIA and upload a little more frequently rather than every 6 months haha. But my life has been pretty busy lately. In the past few months. I have moved to a different part of Seoul and I got a new job. I basically just hang out with my friends when I have free time haha. I also do dance class 3 times a week, and I started personal training last week. But I will try to manage my time better because I do miss writing and this story!
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nikkisheep · 1 year
Rick Grimes x reader
Warnings: SMUT, arguing, enemies to lovers, dirty talk, hate fucking?, sex on a run, rick's mouth, Rick (he a warning in general), oral (m), cursing, degrading, SWITCH!RICK, tension, Rick is covered in blood, dirty smut (literally), Rick looks hot with blood, mentions of walkers
Summary: Rick Grimes is the bane of your existence but also the man you crave most.
Can be read as male reader as well
Got way too long lol
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Hunger eats you up inside before anything else. Thirst makes your throat beg for water. Your muscles plead for relief. Your thoughts are asked to be silent. Everything craves to be around the man you hate the most.
Rick Grimes, the leader of Alexandria, orders everyone around. Who appointed him to lead the group? It wasn't just that. Yes, he is a smart man but the main reason that you hate the southern man is because of his mouth. He would be so cocky with his words and you would want to slap him. You wanted to make his mouth to be put to better work than yelling orders. You wanted to be the reason that he can't speak. You wanted to be the reason that he is speechless. You wanted him to be consumed by you and only you.
But, you hated the tall man. You hated the way that he consumed your every waking thought. You hated the way that he could get you to do anything. All he had to do was smile at you or tip his head in your direction and you hated it. You mostly hated yourself for finding the man attractive yet so cocky. He was the reason that you could barely sleep at night.
You pressed a hand to your forehead, begging the headache to go away but then another headache came by on two legs.
"Morning," Rick called.
"Fuck you," You grit.
He smirked.
"You missed the morning meeting."
"Fuck the meeting. I don't even care."
"You are on run duty today."
"I'm on lookout today, Rick." You finally look at the man. He was wearing a white shirt and those damn jeans that made him look like sex on legs.
"Not today. You are going on a two week run with me and Daryl."
At least Daryl would be there. The two of you were best friends. Ever since you stood up to Rick and his orders, Daryl had taken a liking to you and you were glad that the two of you grew close. The thing was, Rick got jealous of the closeness that you and Daryl had. He wanted that with you but more. Oh, but he hated your guts. He hated you so much.
He hated how you would challenge his authority and how riled up you make him. He hated how much you were on his mind. He hated how every time he tried to jack off in the shower, the picture of you under him came to mind. He hated that it was the best orgasms he ever had. He hated how you would smirk at him when someone agrees with you rather than him. Yes, Rick Grimes hated your entire being. He hated how much he craves you.
You jumped on the motorcycle with Daryl and smiled at his joke about Rick being upset. Rick actually looked jealous when he saw your arms wrapped around Daryl's chest. He saw the way you would laugh at his jokes, squeezing the archer a tad bit tighter.
"Get in the truck," Rick ordered.
"Because Daryl may need to have room on the bike if anything happens."
"I'm fine," Daryl said.
"Rick, lets just go." You mentioned.
"Get in the truck," He ordered again.
Daryl patted your thigh and you got off the bike. You were pissed. Rick never made you ride with him. You walked over to the driver's seat and got in.
"Get in Rick."
"I'm driving," He scoffed.
"Get in the truck, Rick."
He got in with a huff and a sigh but then you were off. The tension in the truck was so thick, you were suffocating. Rick was reading the map and gave you the directions.
A week had passed and you were ready to strangle Rick. He was arrogant and never left you alone. Getting everything that you needed, you were planning on going home early. That was until a fucking storm hit you and the truck slid off the road into the woods. Daryl had lost sight of you and it was just Rick with you. The man you hated.
"This is why you don't drive," Rick shouted.
"Fuck you, Rick. I knew what I was doing."
"So that's why we're in the woods with walkers anywhere?"
Rick was seething and wanted to kill something. He needed to get out of this truck. He grabbed his machete and left. You followed him and watched as he stabbed any walker in his path. Your lower stomach became hot with arousal with every flex of Rick's body. You watched the blood splatter on his face, his shirt, his body, every where.
You grabbed his arm, pulling the machete away from his hand once all of the walkers were dead. He looked at you, seeing that your eyes were blown with lust. You were turned on at the sight of him killing the dead. You were attracted to him.
Tension builds between you. The air stilled with your breaths. You looked up at Rick, wanting him to get closer. He was still covered in blood and grime but you didn't care. You wanted him. You craved the bane of your existence. You wanted him. You needed Rick Grimes.
Rick's mind filled with thoughts of taking you right then. What would you sound like? Would you moan for him? Would you scream his name? Would you let him touch you?
Your hands moved up to his bloody face, wiping the blood from his cheeks. You shook slightly with excitement as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him, feeling his warmth. Your eyes flicker back to his and ask for his permission with your touch. He closes his eyes, wanting nothing more than this to not stop. He wants this to happen. He wants this to be real. He begs that this is real. He hated you, yes, but he desire for you burned with fiery.
A snarl from within the woods is the only sound other than your breathing. The two of you look into each other's souls and just when you go to graze your lips against his, a walker slips right from behind a tree. Rick steps back and grabs the walker and snaps the neck. Blood splatters on your face. You look at Rick and he then grabs your face and kisses you with fierce passion. The walker wasn't even dead but it did not matter right now.
His tongue slides into your mouth, begging to taste you. Hands run through Rick's hair, pulling when you moan at the feeling of pure sexual tension flowing between your bodies. Rick's hand slips down your back and squeezes your ass. Your hips rut against his thigh and you throw your head back with the sensation that courses through you. Rick smirks at your moan. He knew you would sound beautiful when he touched you. He grabs a rag from his pocket and wipes the blood off of your neck before he starts to kiss there. He sucks on your skin while wiping the walker blood from your face. You smile at how he is trying to get you clean.
"Rick," You step away from him to take off your tank top and wiping the blood completely off of your body. He groans and moved to nip at your chest. The only issue is that he still has a little bit of blood on him. You realize that it was actually his and you melt at the sight. You grew to love it when Rick was covered in blood. It didn't matter if it was human, his, or walker. Something about Rick with blood is hot.
Cleaning the little bit of blood off his face and neck, you kiss him deeply.
"Get on your knees," Rick said. You slip down to the ground.
He smiles at your eagerness but he doesn't realize that you have been waiting for the man above you to ask you for this. You have daydreamed about what is under his pants and belt. He moans when you press your face to his crotch. You unzip his pants and pulls his dick out. He watches you when you kiss his tip.
"Look at you, practically begging me to take you in my throat." You taunt him.
He groans and pants when you finally take him fully. All at once. You hollow your cheeks as you pull back and go back down on him. Rick's whines and whimpers send shivers down your spine. Here was the big bad leader of Alexandria, falling apart under your mouth.
''I should have done this a lot sooner if I knew that it would shut you up," Rick moans at your words.
You swirl your tongue around the tip, tasting the man's flavor.
"Sweet and salty. My favorite,'' You smirk at his glazed over eyes.
"Fuck, sweetheart."
You stand up, leaving him to teeter over the edge. You grin at the whine that leaves his lips.
"I'm not your sweetheart.''
You pump his cock in your hands.
"Fuck me, Rick.''
A switch flips in his mind and he has you pressed against a tree. Rain starts to fully fall around you. The water soaks your clothes while Rick plows into you. He presses against you g-spot and has you wanting to scream at how good it feels but Rick covers your mouth. You beg him with your eyes to fuck you harder. Begging him to fuck you like he hated you.
"I.fucking.hate.you." You moan into his mouth, kissing his lips with hunger.
Your core was burning. You bit his lip, blood spilling out the wound. You kiss him again, this time, not letting up. Your hands grasp at his hair and shoulders while his held you up against the tree that he fucked you against.
"Wanna feel you better," He said before having you wrap your legs around his waist so he could lay you on the wet, muddy ground. The rain made the ground soft and wet, causing Rick to slip as he fucked you. His thrusts were rough and deep. He didn't stop as you slid on the muddy surface. Your hair was caked with mud, leaves, and twigs but it didn't matter. Not with how good Rick was making you feel.
"Make me cum, Rick."
"Shut up," He groans.
"Because if you keep talking, I will not be able to-" He stopped when he heard something.
"To what?"
"To continue hating you."
"Then fuck me like you hate me, Rick."
His thrusts became faster, more punishing. You wanted to scream as the tears poured. You dug your head into the mud, pushing your hips against Rick's. You wanted to fill everything that he could give you. But, within the hate and desire, there was passion in his thrusts and touches. He gripped your hips with a tight grasp and all you could think about was never letting Rick leave you.
You look into his eyes, watching his pleasure show on his face. He moved slower now, softer. Your hand goes up to his face, swiping a thumb across his lip which he takes it into his mouth to suck. One sharp thrust is all it took for the two of you to cum together, lips crashing onto one another as pleasure floods your bodies. The two of you shake in the rain, Rick thrusting slightly and your hips meeting them.
No, there was never hate. You had never hated Rick and he never hated you. All there was, was lust and craving. The two of you had a fire of passion that people mistook as hate. You both even took it as hate. No, it was love. A love that was burning so bright, that not even the two who felt it could have known what it was or how to control it.
So with Rick laying on top of you in that mud, you had never been so happy before. He continued to kiss you, passion slipping in and you were happy to receive it.
"I don't hate you."
Rick looked at you as if you were crazy.
"I actually care deeply for you and I thought it was hatred. I was wrong." You said once you had made it back to Alexandria.
"I care about you as well.''
No, you had never hated each other. You craved each other too much to understand your feelings. So, you let the passion burn and light everything else with your lust. You were both consumed by love, lust, passion, and just craved each other.
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ha1taniwh0re · 4 months
What a conversation
Summary: You are fallen angel and you were done with Charlie's ideas about sinners getting to Heaven.
Warnings:reader is angel, curse, reader is backstabber, reader is with Alastor..
A/N: Im obsessed with song "You didn't know" and thought what if I use this as conversation but at hazbin hotel between main cast and reader.
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The whole hazbin hotel crew was sitting in lobby waiting for extermination.
Charlie jumped from sofa.
"UGHHH STOP IT CHARLIE!!" I yelled at her
I was laying my shoulder on wall annoyed. Everyone looked at me confused, except Alistor who stil had his grin.
"What do you mean?" Charlie asked.
"There is no help anymore if we survive we survived the end" I said.
"No Angel changed he deserves to go to Heaven, he saw the light, (name) checked all the boxes that they said would. Prove a person deserves a second chance, now you turn your back on second glance?" Charlie was annoyed
"It's not as simple as you think not everything is spelled in ink" I said with sad face
"It's not fair, (name)" Charlie said.
"Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head" Vaggie tried to calm her.
"No! Don't you care, (name)? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways. Turn the page, escape infernal blaze" Charlie said with angry face ready to fight me.
"I'm sure you wish it could be so but there's a lot that you don't know" Alastor said.
I was glad that Alastor took my side but this annoyed me, everyone knows Im fallen angel and that I worked with fucking Adam why can't she just listen.
"What are we even talkin' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew shots, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty" I yelled i walked to Charlie who was standing in middle of lobby.
"There's no question to be posed. He's unholy, case closed!! Did you forget that Hell is forever?!" I yelled.
"A man only lives once, they'll see us in one month gotta say, Adam can't wait to come down and exterminate me" I yelled.
"If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!!" Charlie yelled
"Charlie!" I wanted to sya something
"If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again" Charlie yelled
Vaggie came to comfort her girlfriend who had tears in her eyes now.
"I was told not to trust in angels" Charlie said.
"BY HER?!" I yelled and smiled
Alastor came and tried to calm me.
"Dear don't" he said.
"Ha! She should know" I still had angry smile
"We should go" Vaggie tried to take Charlie to other room
"Don't you act all high and mighty" I said to Vaggie
"Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar" I was now looking at Charlie.
"Don't, (name) please!"Vaggie begged.
What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like me~?
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lovelybrooke · 7 months
I haven't seen much of this concept around, but how about Platonic Yandere Akaza? And the reader is like his little sibling. Maybe they were siblings as humans, and now Akaza is insanely overprotective, or he found them as a human or low level demon later on and got attached?
I can only hope (Platonic Yandere Akaza x child reader.)
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I've only watched the anime, so I'm basing this off of that and what I know about him from other works I've read, so sorry if this isn't completely correct.
There was screaming, screaming everywhere. It was loud, agonizing, and it enveloped in your ears as you shoved yourself deeper into your hiding spot.
It rang, even when the last sound was drowned out by the disgusting sound of gurgling and choking, when a harsh thud hit the ground and everything was silent. It rang as you squeezed yourself deeper into the cupboard, covering your mouth as you heard footsteps grow closer to you.
Your eyes were blown wide, tears covered your face as you watched from a small crack, a demon. You could only see his feet, moving carefully around the body of your parents and siblings, which were mutilated and covered in blood. His steps were hard, harsh, causing you squeak when he gets even closer to you. You bite down on your hand, attempting to quiet your fearful sounds, tasting the irony blood on your tongue.
The demon only grows closer, to closer for you to be concerned with staying hidden. There was no point now, he's most likely already found you, smelt the blood covering your hand. You were going to die, alone and afraid, to a bloodthirsty demon.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the cupboard door as it slowly was opened. Your chest heaved up and down, a clear contrast to the demon in front of you, who was completely calm. He was coved in tattoos and blood all the way to his face, which only made you more afraid. He tilted his head at you, strangely gentle as you back away from him.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He says. You back away, not getting far enough. The demon was large and terrifying, so big he completely blocked the view of your parents. "You're scared, I'll help you."
You didn't respond, not daring to speak up. The room was silent as the pink haired demon sighed, sounding almost disappointed, and reached a large hand into the cupboard. He grasps your hand, shushing you as you cry. Pulling you closer, he wraps another arm around you and holds your face into his shoulder where you could see your parents. As the demon walked away, you kick and scream and beg for him to kill you, begging to be returned to your parents.
He didn't listen, walking out of your destroyed village with you in hand.
"Give me your hand." The demon, who called himself Akaza, demanded. You listened, not looking at him as you slowly move your hand towards him.
As he cleans your self inflicted wound, you examine the cabin you're in. It was small, just two main rooms. There was a hearth that Akaza was using to boil water, assuringly to make you something to eat, though you weren't sure your stomach could handle it.
The demon patted you on the hand gently when he was done, prompting you to slowly put it back in your lap. You refused to look at him, knowing that if you did you'd only see the version of him towering over your cowering form, covered in blood.
"Here, you should eat." You were handed a bowl of very plain looking soup. It looked bland, very little filling or seasoning, but the smell still caused your stomach to growl.
"I'm not hungry." You said defiantly, ignoring the pain in your stomach. Akaza roles his eyes, not convinced by your lies. He sits down next to you, placing the soup down in front of you, motioning for you to eat up.
"Eat. You're weak." He stares at you, but you were to afraid to look at him. "It was too easy to carry you." He mentions quietly. You look at the bowl in front of you as if it was poison. You slowly take it from the ground, shaking, bringing it up to your lips. Your gulps are slow, before your stomach grumbles and you start to heave the soup down like a mad man.
You finish the soup not too long after, picking out the small vegetables and chomping on them in an attempt to quell your still present hunger. "Why didn't you kill me." Your voice was small, and you still didn't look at the man beside you, but you couldn't help but speak up. You've been asking yourself the same question ever since you've arrived at the cabin, and you just needed to know.
Akaza sighs, though he didn't sound annoyed or upset, it was more of a tired sigh, like he didn't know how to answer the question. He shifts a bit, getting closer to you, not missing when you cower away from him. "I saved you because it was the right thing to do." He said, like it was obvious.
"Then why did you kill everyone else?" Mom and Dad, your brothers and sisters, everyone your village. Why would he brutally kill everyone else and leave you alive. You don't get an answer from the demon, but you could tell he was looking at you, you felt it in your bones. It caused you to cower into yourself, hug your legs to your chest in an attempt to protect yourself.
"Your village, it was weak." He speaks. "People were dying of starvation, sickness, other things." You reminded of that night again, of him covered in blood, and you shiver.
Your heart drops as he lets out a laugh. "You call us demons, but the things some humans will do in order to keep themselves safe, it's pathetic."
He looks at you, and for the first time since that night, you were looking at him. You were shaking, terrified, and tears were streaming down your face. "Your parents would've abandoned you sooner or later, why do you care if they're gone?" It sounded genuine, but you really couldn't care.
You knew what he was referencing, and it made your stomach lurch. Your village was weak, and so it didn't help when children were born. They were a hassle, another mouth to feed, a waste of space. And so it was uncommon for parents to take their children out of the village for days, not returning with them. It was an unspoken rule that you didn't acknowledge it, even if they were your friend.
But your family was different. Your parents loved you and your siblings all the same, and they would never hurt you or abandon you. So the accusation made your blood boil.
"My parent's wouldn't do that." You growl at him, still sniffling a bit from your tears.
He stares at you blankly. "And how would you know? I've seen tons of parents leave their children cold and starving in the woods because of their own selfishness and greed." He says with a snarl. "They would've done the same to you if it wasn't for me."
You stand up, now face to face with him. "So you killed my parents because you think they hurt me?" His face hardens, and slowly, he stands, enveloping you in his shadow.
"I protected you." He says slowly. "And you should be grateful." You don't respond, even when he takes your hand a drags you to a futon. He forces you to lay down with a huff.
"Get some sleep, you'll be better in the morning."
You could only hope.
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james-is-here · 21 days
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I lovingly blame @belladonna6-6-6 for it since I run ideas by them and something was said to get the gears working and here's what it produced along with the photos in the header
Blogs: @demtttt @heartbinn @succubus-hansol @yongbokkk
Tags: After Met Gala, drunk horny Felix, blowjob (Mn receiving), implied subspace, riding, implied hyung kink (it's used a lot), implied exhibitionism (and brief mention of Hemsworth and Eddie Redmayne 🫢), Subby Felix is called Pixie.
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The whole night you couldn't stop glancing at your boy. He was so pretty, so elegant, so adorable.
Those were your thoughts, you couldn't stop appreciating the fact that you had someone as ethereal as the Lee Felix.
Now Felix on the other hand....
You were fitted with a red victorian style coat on top of a navy blue shirt with the same flower lace as Hyunjin and Felix. Your coat was left open and hugging your waist was a matching red corset -You didn't even tell anyone you liked corsets, Tommy just knew- and your bottoms were white and Felix found you...Well, to put it simply, he wanted to jump you when he first saw your look.
He found you so hot, you looked amazing in the corset and the coat. Your look stood out among the boys but in a good way, he couldn't stop hugging and holding you.
And you thought you were obsessed with his waist.
When leaving the Met, you literally had to grab him and hand him to another member cause he wouldn't leave you. You were a secret relationship outside the group, Felix's horniness was gonna expose you both.
At the hotel, Felix didn't let you go to your room. immediately pulling you to his. "No, Felix-" "Hyung~!" He dragged out, pulling on your hand when you stopped, you were just standing there as he barely used his strength to drag you. The most that moved was your shoulder. "Felix." "What?" He pouted, stopping his pulling and looking up at you, the slightly taller heals on your shoes making you taller.
"You are very much drunk, don't know why me and Chan let you in the first place, but I'm not going to do this." "Please Hyung?" He begged and you realized he's using the honorific a lot more than usual. "Felix...are you here?" "Yes, Hyung." "No, I mean Felix not Pixie."
He pouts, swinging your connected hands back and forth while staring down at the floor. "Pixie, don't pout." You tell him, sighing as you pull him along instead and to his room.
After shutting the door, you push him lightly onto the door and he giggles, wrapping his arms around your neck before you grab his wrists and remove his arms. "Mnie..." "Pixie, come on-" "I couldn't stop thinking about you~ So sexy with the corset...Did you not think of me?" He pouts, swinging his hands around to fight your gentle grip around his wrists.
"Of course I did, you look so cute and pretty, Pixie." "And?" You laugh lightly, watching him toss his hands back down to his sides when he finally realizes getting out of your grip to touch you was inevitable. "And? What do you mean? I was thinking how adorable and beautiful you looked. Was thinking how much I love you and your looks." "Those...Those are pure thoughts." "Oh, really now?" You laugh, completely amused as you let him go and walk into the main room.
"You're teasin' me." His small murmur was slurred and you chuckle again. "Okay, What did you think about?" You turn back around, gently pulling off your coat and laying it across the little bench at the end of the bed. "You." You snicker, shaking your head and sitting on the bed. "Well I got that much but what else?"
He sluggishly took off his coat and he tossed it from the entrance of the small hallway to the door and you caught it as it veered off its path and draped it with yours. "Careful, Pixie." He huffed, walking up to you and straddling your lap. "I was thinking how good you look in corsets. How much I wanted to take it off you. How much I really really wanted to steal you away."
A smirk grew on your lips as your hands place themselves on his thighs, the white fabric of his dress pants squeezing them tightly and your a little surprised that they haven't ripped by accident when he straddled you.
"Anything else? Why did you want to steal me away?" "I just...really wanted to kiss you." His hand moved from your shoulder to your face, his thumb tracing over your bottom lip as he stared, smearing the rosy gloss that your surprised lasted all night. "Really?" Your eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes, watching as he seems to almost be in a trance as he hums out a response.
"Would you still just be staring at my lips if I said the gloss that was used was my cherry gloss?" "Seriously?" "Yup." "No I wouldn't." He leaned forward, finally crashing your lips together as he immediately starts biting your lips, he's always been addicted to your cherry gloss and instead of wearing it himself he'd rather lick it off your lips. Which he was addicted to just as much as the gloss.
You bite his bottom lip in return, sliding your tongue into his mouth and sliding it along his, claiming his mouth to draw a moan out of him. "Pent up?" You pull back slightly, lips still practically pressed against his. "Fuck, Hyung, please, you have no idea." He crashes his lips back into yours, his hips going to grind down on you but it was futile and he whines, pulling back and looking down. "What?" "Pants too tight." He huffs. "I was gonna force you to undress anyway, these fits are too good to be soiled."
He whines, wrapping his arms around your neck. "I don't wanna move..." "Then don't."
You scoot back on the bed, readjusting before turning to the side and laying him on the bed, laying between his legs. You start kissing along his neck, smearing gloss along the column of his neck, biting softly under the top of his jaw, biting next to his adam's apple, biting under his ear and everywhere else. You loved kissing neck, getting him to squirm and whine. Your addiction for kissing his neck has almost gotten you in trouble but honestly it's worth it to make your boy weak.
His whines eventually turn into moans and you lean back. He looks up at you with glossy eyes, his neck covered in blooming bruises and his hair messed up slightly from his squirming. "Awe, there's my Pixie~" You coo, voice deep as you leave a kiss to his lips and reach down to undo his pants before stopping, dragging your hands down his thighs, stopping to palm his straining hard on causing him to arch his back and throw his head back, hips bucking up for more friction.
"Fuck~ Hyung, Please." You chuckle darkly and drag you hands further down, pulling his knees to bend next to your sides before moving to his shoes. Once they're off along with his sock, you move back to his pants button, gently pulling them as he lifts his hips and you pull them off, reaching behind you to lay them with the coats.
"Hyung~" He whines, reaching out for you and pouting. "Too slow." "I'm trying to be gentle with these fits, darling, be patient." You unbutton his shirt, barely getting half way when he grabs your arms and uses some momentum and strength to flip your position, now comfortably able to grind down onto your straining arousal this time.
He unhooks the corset hooks at the front, patting your waist for you to arch your back so he can slide it off. "Ah, don't toss." You stop him and he sighs, turning around to place it in the stool.
As he unbuttons your shirt, you finish undoing his, slipping it off his shoulders and arms before placing it next to you. You sit up, letting Felix slip your shirt off of you and grab both to place with the rest of the pieces.
The only garment that remains is your pants and both of your boxers. "Being so patient, baby." You pull him down and kiss him, your left hand moving to the back of his head to take out his hair and braids as his hands trace along your torso.
You pull back, lifting both hands to comb through his hair once it was all undone. It was so soft and long, so pretty. You comb your fingers through again before scratching his scalp, pulling a moan from him as he drops his head onto your shoulder, gently rocking his hips along yours.
He groans, undoing your pants and pulling them down, both of you finally stripped as Felix straddled you again and his grinding began again but at a faster pace. "Finally." He moaned breathlessly as he connected your lips, immediately licking into your mouth to fight with your tongue. He knew you'd win but he loves the struggle.
You roll back over, trapping him below you. "Yes, finally, you horny baby. Could you be any more impatient for me to fuck you?" "Yes, I need you, Hyung, please." "Don't worry, Pixie, okay? I got you."
He huffs and you smile. "What?" "I wanted to suck you off." He pouts which makes you laugh. "Don't cry now."
You lay on your back again and he moves between your legs, unable to resist as he leans down to kiss your stomach, kissing the tones muscles and leaving a few small marks as he pulls down the waistband of your boxers, hissing when the cold air hits your hard cock.
His small hand wraps around you and brings your tip to his mouth, giving it a couple kitten licks before dragging his tongue from the base to your tip. His lips wrap around your tip and his tongue licks around your tip before lowering further down onto your length. "Fuck, Pixie, so good." You praise and he whines, pleased that he's making you feel good.
He starts to gently suck you off, content with finally having you in his mouth. "Have you been wanting me in your mouth all night, Pixie?" He looks up at you and you can tell just by his eyes. His oral fixation has almost gotten you in trouble before but you can't be mad at him for it, his mouth is so good.
His bobbing has gotten quicker and his tongue licks along a vein as he hollows his cheeks. "Fuck, Lix, I'm gonna cum soon." He hums, wanting exactly that as he moves his hands to your thighs and takes more of you, your tip reaching the back of his throat and he swallows around you, his tongue swirling around you wherever he could reach before your releasing down his throat. He pulls up, catching some of it on his tongue before he pulls off you, sticking out his tongue a little to show you before he swallows it and shows you his empty mouth.
"You drive me crazy, baby." You smile when he giggles softly and you lift him up and into your lap, sitting back on the headboard.
He wraps his arms around your neck and he leans forward to kiss you. Sometimes you forget how clingy he is when he's had alcohol but you don't mind, you love to hold him when he is, sexual or not.
Without pulling away he manages to reach back, raising himself up just enough to line you up with his entrance and he sinks down fully. You pull back, your protest dying on your tongue when you moan with Felix when you slide in with no resistance. "Fuck, Felix, how- Shit." You can't even get your words out as you groan and grip his hips. "May have...prepped in the bathroom..." "Fuck Felix, you are a slut, aren't you?" "Yes. F' you, only you." He moans, lifting off you before sinking down again.
"Is that how you got turned on? Fucking yourself with your little fingers in the met bathroom? Bet you got excited when someone else walked in." "H-Hemsworth Hyung came in...a-and w-when I finished I-I saw the actor Eddie." He says shyly, hiding his face in your shoulder. "Oh, really?" He whines but his hips move, bouncing on your dick slowly.
One of your arms wrapped around him, holding him close to you at his lower back as your free hand holds onto his thigh. He moans wantonly into your shoulder and his angle lets you leave wet kisses along his neck before you lean back, reaching a hand up to the back of his head and pulling him back by his hair to connect your lips, letting him play with your tongue.
He felt so full, so good as you angle your hips, bringing your knees up and thrust your hips up to meet his hips when he sinks down. "Fuck, right there, Hyung. Please." He begs when you hit his prostate dead on and continue to do so. "Fuck." He breaths out as he sits up, propping himself up on your chest.
He thought you looked as attractive, your sharp eyes looking over his fucked out face and your lips parted slightly as you let out small groans and gasps. Felix looked just as good, his hair all over the place, sticking to his forehead and his eyes were dilated, blown wide. His face flushed red and his mouth wide open as moans fall from his kiss swollen red lips.
Leaning forward again, he hovers over your lips for a moment before taking your bottom lip between his lips, licking and sucking before kissing you properly, firm and a bit messy as his hips stutter and slowly lose momentum. "You close, Pixie?" "S-So close, Hyung, don't stop, please don't stop."
You struggle but eventually make it to your back with out slowing down to much, Felix still holding himself up on your chest as you place your hands on his ass, spreading them before fucking up into him, pulling a yelp from him before he's leaning down and biting your shoulder causing you to hiss slightly. You repeatedly hit his prostate and the feeling of your hands moving to grip his hips in a bruising grip had him moaning into your shoulder.
A few more thrusts and his cum releases onto your stomach and his chest, his gummy walls squeeze you tight and you cumming in him, slowing down your trusts as you finish your release. "N-No...H-Hyungie, don't s-stop...s' close." His voice is quiet and meek and you realize just what has happened.
You gently roll over to lay him on his back, pulling out and brushing his hair away from his face. "Hey~ Pixie, you with me?" He whines softly and you sigh, quickly finding your boxers and rushing to the bathroom and rushing back to Felix to clean him up with a warm cloth.
He's still not back when you finish cleaning up and you sigh softly, moving to his suitcase and pulling out one of your hoodies and a pair of sweats that you are now realizing he stole from you since they were your size. You put the sweats on and put his boxers and your hoodie on him before getting both of you under the blankets.
You pull him onto your chest, pulling the hood onto his head and holding him close and tight, rubbing his back and whispering soft praises.
When he comes back, he buries his face into you neck, his hand balling up in the sweater sleeve as he tried to get closer to you. "Pixie?" He whines, moving his hand up to your collar bone. "Hey Baby. You okay?" "Yeah..." His voice is quiet with him buried into your neck. "I don't like it." He pouts and you chuckle as your left hand moves to the back of his head, lightly squeezing the back of his neck before rubbing his shoulders. "I'm sorry, Pixie."
His left arm moves to wrap around your waist and you pull him closer. "Sleep now." He mumbles and you can't help but laugh. "Okay, tiny, we can sleep now." He picks his head up slightly and kisses your jaw. You smile, pulling him impossibly closer and kissing his cheek before closing your eyes to sleep with your baby in your arms.
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