#don't mean to be a james hater when he is literally the only one i trust with these characters but still
caatws · 1 year
Hopefully it's okay to step into the conversation about Gamora/Nebula/Mantis and vol 3. Sorry if this isn't concise but I think part of the problem is that it feels like there was potential for equal representation of women that ended up becoming an either/or scenario.
In vol 2 we get to know Gamora better and see more of her perspective. We also get to understand Nebula's viewpoint and see a change in the sisters understanding of eachother and their life with Thanos. Along with this we're introduced to Mantis. All of that made for the potential of vol 3 going further and developing in equal measure all three women. During IW Gamora got to shine and her relationship with Nebula was strengthened. In Endgame Nebula shined and we got a new start for the relationship between her and Gamora with Gamora also getting a decent bit of focus once time travel starts. In this Mantis doesnt get as much attention but there is still some growth for her in IW. Then the holiday special comes along to let Mantis shine and she grew in her confidence and powers.
All of this should have led to pretty equal footing for the ladies in vol 3, but it didn't. Nebula does get great development and stand out moments with the team but in a way it feels like it's happening because there isn't as much occurring with Gamora or Mantis. Partly because they don't give enough examination or credit to how much work Gamora had done for the team prior to her death and how it's been with her gone. But also because Gamora's arc after Endgame needed more focus. Then there's Mantis and as you mentioned her relationship with Peter doesn't seem to go anywhere and we don't get a lot between her and Nebula and especially Gamora. There isn't much set up for her wanting to leave the team at the end either.
Again I'm sorry for not being more concise but I guess my point is Gamora lead the team/family in a a lot of ways and vol 3 sort of presented like the current dynamics were how it had always been with exception of Peter pointing out she created the guardians. And Mantis spent years with Gamora and that could have been talked about. Nebula carving out her own place on the team was nice and important but it still could have been mentioned she had a place to call home and people to be family with due to Gamora's work and past/2014 Gamora could have had more exploration within all of this. And I think more could have been done with Mantis as this was going on.
( I will say I agree with you that Mantis going with Peter at the end would have been a nice touch. She really didn't get to know him as her brother. I would have loved Gamora staying with Nebula too. Let them spend more time together)
yesss of course it's cool for you to join the convo anon!!! i love getting to keep discussing our gotg faves together 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 and no need to apologize for not being concise! this blog is for ppl like me who cannot be concise when it comes to talking abt their faves <3 so you've come to the right place
and i agree with all that you're saying! i also find it surprising that gamora and mantis' relationship just seems to Not Exist in canon enough to be acknowledged that much in the holiday special or vol 3?? like girlies were living on the same spaceships together for 4 years, you'd think they'd have gotten to know each other pretty well and even become close friends, in the same way we could think of like gamora with rocket or drax, but canon rly said "idk lol"
i know we've talked abt it here before, but original gamora's influence on the gotg was definitely a big, gaping hole of content missing from vol 3 for me. like none of them would be together if it weren't for her, there would've never been a gotg without her bc she was literally the FIRST and ONLY one who cared abt keeping the infinity stone from ronan for quite a bit in vol 1! without gamora, no one would've been trying to save the galaxy!!!!
so to see the impact of her death not even rly be acknowledged much outside of peter and nebula grieving in their respective ways (and, again, the mcu trying to act lowkey UWU abt it, instead of acknowledging that she was murdered by her fucking abuser in cold blood bc he ""loved"" her) is just kinda like. james. kevin. babes. are we watching the same movies 😭 bffr...
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 2 months
the hard part now of getting eatwd into the place where it needs to be is simply just. .. transposing the characters in tma into night vale. like they're literally so shaped by their specific relationships with the fears that to create a reality in which they don't live in that context creates essentially entirely different characters. pretty wacky
#this is spoilers but shhh#eatwd#eyes all the way down#like who even is jon without the experience with mr spider? without the relationship with the eye?#i mean hell. who even is tim. he's literally shaped by such a degree by his brother's death by the stranger#who would he be without that? who would elias be if he was never taken over by jonah#he wouldn't be picked to be head of the institute probably but also. would james wright even be chosen if not for elias?#*jonah lol i think of him as elias because that's how i know him. only proving my point tbh#like literally this is very difficult#also because i gotta extrapolate a weirder london but like. they don't talk about london in wtnv#it does exist. it's mentioned in the life of frank chen and in part one of eGemony (it doesn't have a soul is all we get from that)#and it's mentioned KINDA in the broadcaster because they refer to albert einstein's run in annie get your gun being on west end (in london)#though that doesn't give us too much either#it's difficult. i'll figure it out but augh#also while i was trying to find something out i saw someone complaining that wtnv is ''too conservative ''#because like... they apparently missed the part where the whole fucking point is that it's satire? idk. it bugged me a bit#unrelated. but still. also wtf do you mean cecil and steve should have kept hating each other? do you hate abby???#like holy fuck is that a reading that seems to ignore the entire reason of the problem because it's funnier when cecil hates him ig??#it's not like cecil even stopped being a hater. telly the barber is still in the fucking desert
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lesbianabril · 8 months
My S6 BTVS rewrite
I know this season has a lot of haters but I actually love season 6, I don't mind the depressing parts (meaning: most of the season) because I think it all makes sense for where the characters are at, and I think that after fighting a literal God having a season where the villain is Life really works storytelling-wise.
Having said that, though, I think that a lot of things could have been handled better and since all I have are correct opinions I'm gonna tell you what those are.
1. Willow's magic addiction
Basically I think they went too far when the magic became drugs in the most basic sense, when they start acting like she's "taking a hit" every time she uses it.
I think all of the important plot points could have been kept while making willow's addiction to magic about her need to be in control of everything (and everyone). Up to Tabula Rasa I wouldn't change anything, her use of magic is wrong because she starts using it to bend the world at her will, empowered by having successfully brought Buffy back to life.
After Tara leaves her she starts using even more magic while being reckless with it, she injures Dawn and she commits to stop using it because she realizes it wasn't healthy for her or for the people she loves.
I would eliminate Rack and his stupid crack house hide out, and everything that has to do with the physical withdrawal of going "cold turkey".
I think this also makes Willow responsible for her actions, while making magic = literal heroin absolves her of the blame, in the end. The fallout of having to deal with her dependence of it would also be way more compelling.
2. Spike's attempted r4pe
I would keep their toxic relationship and everything that led up to that god-awful bathroom scene, my only change is that I would make it so Spike is trying to turn her instead.
Hear me out. It would make a lot of narrative sense because all through the season he's trying to convince her she's a dark being just like him, he wants them to be equals because he doesn't think himself worthy of her so he's trying to lower her to his level. So, after Buffy rejects him again he's not thinking clearly and, in his desperation, tries the only thing he swore himself he wouldn't do since he loves Buffy because of her goodness.
After it happens, Buffy feels betrayed, Spike leaves and decides to try to get to her level, to truly change himself instead of trying to change her.
This is a minor thing too but in this rewrite after Spike leaves we don't know where he went and we don't see him again until the start of s7 when he already has his soul. I know this couldn't be done because of James Marsters' contract but in my dream s6 we don't know what happened to him so when we see him again everything about his sudden disappearence and current mental state is a mystery and we find out along with Buffy.
3. Xander dies instead of Tara
Ok maybe this one is based on my dislike of Xander and my love of Tara but I think this would work really well:
Willow and Tara haven't gotten together yet, Willow is working on her more controlling tendencies and they're just friends right now. When Warren shows up Buffy is in the garden with Dawn and Xander went up to Willow's room to talk to her, so both Buffy and Xander get shot, Dawn takes Buffy to the hospital and dark Willow is born after she's not able to revive Xander.
After that things are mostly the same, only this time we get a grieving Buffy trying to deal with the sudden loss of both of her best friends. She's devastated and a part of her says that yes, Warren deserves to die.
After everything happens and Willow is close to destroying the world, Tara is the one who shows up, she appeals to Willow's humanity and, through her love and compassion, saves the world.
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sarahkrolokfan · 1 year
I hate fanon-ization of Lily, James, Regulus and Barty (Evan, Dorcas, Marlene etc. are literally only mentioned in the books, there is nothing to mis-characterize)
Lily is side-lined for a non-existent, non-sensical ship (yeah, I hate jegulus), her Muggle origin is overlooked even though it played a MAJOR role in her life (heck the entire Marauders era takes place during the war against a wizard-supremacist, Muggle-hater and his racist followers). Her relationship with Snape and how his words and newly found ideologies affected is completely overlooked when he was her only magical friend during her entire childhood. Her relationship to her son? (yk, that one thing that set the entire series in motion...) - pfft, don't be silly, she is just a surrogate to James and Regulus.
James is portrayed as a ray of sunshine, good boy whose biggest sin was being a bit sarcastic. No, he WAS an arrogant asshole who mercilessly bullied another student simply for his own enjoyment. Yet he was also incredibly loyal man who didn't hesitate to share his home with his friend after he ran away from home and who grew out of his arrogant phase and changed himself for better because of a woman he loved (loved so much he died protecting her and their son later).
Regulus is portrayed as an edgy yet kind-hearted little aristocrat boy whose parents forced him into being a Death Eater - no, he wasn't pressured into becoming anything, Regulus for the longest part of his life WAS a Voldemort supporter. He collected newspaper articles about Voldemort, he talked to Kreacher about how great Voldemort is and how great his ideas were - yes, he realized later he was wrong but it doesn't suddenly mean he was pressured into anything.
Barty is portrayed as a silly little babygirl who has an IQ of goldfish. No, he was one of the smartest characters with multiple talents but was also a mentaly-unstable young man (Azkaban/Dementors have horrific influence on everyone but while other Death Eaters managed to last 10+ years there he was already on his death-bed in a year and started to scream for him mother the same day he was brought in) who went completely insane and evil by the end and craved for father figure so deeply he was ready to become a murderer/torturer to get one. His manipulativeness and sadism? Non-existent in fanon...
In the end... I truly dislike the overall state of "Marauders era" fandom - like, they are a generation impacted by war and ever-changing politics who essentially needed to choose a side while they were still children, some betraying their families and loved ones - and then you try seeing stuff in Marauders fandom and they are turned into edgy teens who all wear crop-tops and black nail polish, listen to Taylor, go to Starbucks and talk in a Tik-Tok slang....
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elysianymph · 1 year
🔥 anything about sirius because i am being a little hater towards some characterisations too
i've already talked your ears off about this on discord but i'm happy to talk to about it again bc i fucking HATE new sirius black with a burning passion. i hate him as much as i love my sirius black that marauderstok can pry from my cold dead hands bc i'm not letting him go. i don't know when it happened and why but marauders fans are particularly persistent on taking away any interesting traits sirius had and leaving behind a whimpering pathetic twink that cries when someone looks at him the wrong way. sirius has been scrubbed clean of any morally grey traits he might've had (he's not allowed to care for his family (unless it's regulus) or long for them bc they are bad, he's not allowed to have any prejudices even though he was literally raised with pureblood mentality and taught he was superior to everyone else from the day he was born, he's not allowed to be an asshole bc he's not like his family guys!! and when he is an asshole it's always used to victimize the character he's being an asshole to and sirius is painted as the villain with mommy issues that can only be fixed by getting dicked down apparently)
i cannot stress this enough: LET THIS MAN BE A COMPLEX CHARACTER!! and no, giving him mental illnesses that miraculously disappear when he gets together with remus and making him attempt to kill himself post prank because he feels bad is NOT making him complex! you're just weird. you're just romanticizing mental illnesses and i can't believe you don't see anything wrong with it. giving him bipolar to justify his actions is?? not??? representation??? it's offensive to people who actually have to deal with these issues in their day to day lives and yet here you are using something that will impact their life forever as a plot device for your uwu sadboy mlm fanfic.
and that's what new sirius boils down to. he's a plot device, an accessory to everyone else's story that's never given much depth other than "oh his mom used the cruciatus on him and now he's traumatized". no hate to jegulus but hate to specific jegulus fics that turn sirius into an overdramatic caricature of his former self for the sake of drama and angst.
also, some of these wolfstar shippers... wtf are you guys on?? idk when and why (that's a lie i do but i'm not gonna say it) remus became sirius black in a werewolf costume but here we are. oh sirius was cool and effortlessly smart and handsome and girls wanted him? well guess what? snatches all of those character traits and throws them onto remus they're his character traits now. ignore how it doesn't make any sense for the werewolf child who was isolated from the rest of the world to be a smooth talking alpha casanova who plays basketball actually. while we're at it, ignore how unrealistic it is for a boy who was raised in a family that believed they were superior to everyone else based on blood status, who was raised to be the perfect heir and checked off all the traits needed to be one to be insecure?? and unsure of himself?? and stupid??? and a loser??? i don't understand what the point of flipping the wolfstar dynamic was when you're left with a shallow copy of the original but ok. you do you ig.
to summarize, my sirius is cool and effortlessly smart and egotistical and a complete asshole who thinks he's the best thing ever. is it an act to cover up how damaged he thinks he is because of his family? possibly. but i also fully believe sirius thought he was a god amongst men and everyone should be glad to be in his presence. he talked down to other people because he considered himself smarter, he rolled his eyes when students asked stupid questions and made fun of them when they got an answer wrong. he's a teenage boy let him be a dick with no excuses.
(also i find it funny when people write about sirius getting into a fight with james or remus and crying because they said something mean. as if sirius wouldn't throw hands the moment someone started criticizing him. he's toxic and that's what makes him interesting. that's his purpose! characters exist to make stories interesting, to start drama, not to be your moral guide on how to act. stories become so much more fun once you let go of the need to make every character a good person. also liking a character doesn't equal liking them as a person. i love sirius but i would hate his guts irl)
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rab-moonbeam · 2 months
i love jegulus & haters can suck it
saw this reddit post from last month and got really heated and then this rant came to be
it's crazy to me how people who are in the mauraders fandom (specifically more canon-mauraders fans) have such a strong hatred towards jegulus. first of all literally please grow up it's a fucking fictional world about wizards first and foremost. IT'S NOT REAL ANYWAY. but like y'all are shitting on people having fun with people creating characterizations for a character(s) that in all honesty, jk rowling only used to further her plot to help the good guys and were nothing more than black and white bad guys or random names of people who were friends but didn't matter enough to be anything more than names.
the fact that the one main issue some have with jegulus is that there is no way that regulus and james would never have interacted with each other which is honesty, truly a stupid take. even during harry's years we see him interact with people who are in the years above and below him so to think that james never interacted with regulus at any point during their time at hogwarts is ridiculous. not only would he have met regulus during his second year because honestly to think that sirius would not have introduced his younger brother to his friends is kinda dumb and you obviously don't have a good sense of who he is as a character in my opinion. sirius would still have treated regulus as his little brother, would have wanted to share his friends with him. i don't care how they differed later on, it didn't happen over night and it probably didn't happen until after regulus started at hogwarts and got more and more indoctrinated with the other slytherins.
now later on when regulus starts to get involved with the death eaters, and as he goes through his time in slytherin yeah they probably didn't interact much. BUT again, who is to say they didn't end up in the library at the same time, they didn't interact with each other through smack talk about quiddich, weren't in similar clubs, hell weren't in prefect meetings together. you truly act like they will never have seen each other ever, that james and regulus will never have said a single thing to each other.
another point jegulus haters love to try and make is that sirius hated regulus and that regulus (barty and evan too) are bad people. in canon they killed people, they were death eaters. first of all again it's fanfiction, it does not have to have a damn ounce of whatever is in canon. second is that there is not one time in the entire series that sirius says that he hates regulus. he says that he was naive and believed everything his parents said. THAT is canon. THAT is what can be literally found written by the terf herself. also to reduce regulus (and again barty and evan) to their actions like "they killed people" and that's all there is to say about that is dumb. yes in canon, they killed people. evan and barty are confirmed to have killed people. regulus with the fact that he was a death eater most likely killed people. that is not anything we negate as people who like jegulus. what we do though is take that and create characters who are able to fucking have more depth than the bad shit they did after having been indoctrinated into a cause that they were made to believe was the correct way of thinking since literal birth and then continued to get hammered into them for years and years at school and at home. like yeah they were kinda shitheads, but let me be honest, barty is always portrayed as a shithead, he's a little crazy, gets into trouble, might have some messed up morals, he's also got a shit home life, his dad kinda sucks and that doesn't mean he can't be a good friend, doesn't mean he can't love someone, can't be loved, can't be silly, can't be smart. the exact same thing happens for evan. he's the same as regulus raised in a pureplood slytherin household. like what else was he going to think? but again does that mean he can't have more depth, doesn't deserve love? can't be a good friend? can't be silly? then we've got regulus. yeah he can be cold, take no shit, be kind of pretentious, but you know what he can also be babygirl. he can love, he can have love, he can be anxious, he can change his mind after learning that the way that he was brought up was shit. they all can need comfort and need their friends and ride or die for their friends. like none of that negates either point.
now the biggest thing that gets to me and makes me really heated is when people shit on jegulus and say it doesn't make sense then have the gall to like drarry but then say the paralle between jegulus and drarry is wrong.....how the actual fuck does that makes sense. regulus and draco are so much like each other. not only because narcissa is someone regulus grew up around and was also bought into the same bullshit he did and married someone who was just as in deep if not more into the whole volemort love fest, but you think they aren't the same? they don't have the same ideals? they didn't have to go to the same type of pureblood parties and dinners? like draco wasn't around people who were death eaters from the jump? like even more than regulus probably was given the time he was born. like no the only difference between draco and regulus is that one had actual loving parents who cared about him and the other was born into a family where his parents were cousins and definitely only had kids to carry on the family name and nothing else.
my last thing is that people act like regulus doesn't have any redemption in what he does with the locket. like yeah fine he probably only went after voledemort because of what he did to kreature but like okay and? he obviously wasn't indoctrinated as much as y'all love to claim he was the same way lucius wasn't as loyal as everyone thought either bc they knew that that loyalty only ran so far. this man hurt someone they loved and THAT meant more to them than this war and pureblood culture. like so i think regulus had some room to actually become like fanon regulus where he's able to see a different side of things. he's able to get away from that deeply ingrained prejudice. you know the same way draco does at the end of the series. but like y'all can only care and love and vouch for draco bc he's still alive god forbid we want to see a character that was killed off at 17 trying to destroy the one thing that he could to get revenge and hurt voldemort.
all in all let's be real clear it's fucking fiction. you guys are allowed to hold dear something that has meant so much to you for years because of course harry potter has meant a lot to a lot of people and still does despite jk rowling being a terf and bigott. but that doesn't mean you get to police or shit on how other people interact with that content because they find are also finding solace and fun and enjoying shit the same way you are and that means something to them.
please just just let people ship and enjoy what they want. it doesn't have to make sense to you. it doesn't need to be your cup of tea. if you and others aren't being genuinely hurt by it shut! up!
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lightofraye · 9 hours
"Um... you are clearly not online much, sir. Phew."
I mean yeah is is not online much, but you thinking he does not actually know what is going on then you clearly don't know him. Jensen has been subtly calling out on fandom shit for years, and you guys are just too stupid to realise it wen he is calling you out or anyone out.
"You guys".
Who is "you guys"?
The anti Danneels? The anti Jensens? The anti Jareds? Anti Mishas? I need context!
Wait. Nope. Stop right there.
Subtly calling out fandom shit. What's the loudest, if still minority?
Destiel fanatics. The hellers.
What's the second loudest, if still minority?
The Jared haters, precisely because in their mind, he's preventing Destiel from happening.
Thankfully the "We love Jared" fans are bigger in number. I mean... it's certainly why Jared had won people's choice awards after that one year Jensen did. Because Jared fans are more numerous. (Sorry, it's true.)
So what could Jensen potentially be seeing that is upsetting? The giant sized holes in his stories about family? About his wife? About the hell he's been putting up with? I hope he realizes there are people who actually give a damn as opposed to the AAs wanting their perfect Ken doll, and who don't give a fuck about his health and well-being. Who actually want him to pace himself and take good care of him because we care, as opposed to demanding him 24/7, like I've seen the AAs say.
Oh, and that there are true J2 fans out there, who aren't happy at seeing the Jared hate.
As for Danneel--well. That's on her, not Jensen. I don't subscribe to the concept that you have to love both people in a marriage. It's nonsense. Never happens in real life.
If Danneel wants positive conversation about her, maybe she ought to be a better person. A better wife. A better mother. If their kids are crying to Jensen that they miss him, that means it's bad at home. If there are people upset at how Danneel treats Jensen, maybe she needs to quit being a class F bitch and be a better person, period.
Oh, and trust me, fans are noticing that she's not doing well in terms of business given that the One Tree Hill reboot is being done without consulting the rest of the cast... just like the prequel. Two strikes. Joy and James just spoke out about how they weren't consulted about the reboot.
There's nothing to stan about Danneel. There's nothing good to stan about Misha.
There is good to stan about Jared. And in my humble opinion, there's good to stan about Jensen too.
You can't avoid negativity. It's around everywhere. Celebrities are accustomed to it. A wise celebrity would avoid it.
I only object when fans literally send death threats or wishes that the celebrity would die.
I don't do any of that. I would denounce it in a heartbeat if someone tried to claim they did it in my name. Many of the other blogs I follow are the same. @laf-outloud also stated correctly that if someone was sending Jensen death threats to let us know as we would absolutely report and block as well.
It's okay to disagree in an fandom. It's okay to have negative opinions about folks. I draw the line at outright bullying, death threats, and threats of violence.
I've already received several death threats and threats of violence from fanatical AAs and hellers.
Why do you think I kept anon asks off for a while?
Nice talkin' to ya.
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