#don't talk to me before my coffee
dekublast · 29 days
I am not a "don't talk me before my morning coffee" kind of guy, I am more of a "don't talk to my until my mind has gotten used to the impending doom of the fact that I actually have to go on with the day and can't go back to sleep." kind of guy. Coffee doesn't fix it. Is It just me?
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utilitycaster · 7 months
I'm still thinking about that post about how female characters and especially wlw and f/f ships are treated in fandoms because I got a reply that I deleted on my post about how all the Nein were big shippers on deck for Beau and Yasha that boiled down to "haha Caleb making a tower so the useless lesbians would admit they liked each other!" and it's like. He made the tower to Beau's orders. She had already asked out Yasha, who in turn had of her own volition written Beau a phenomenal, beautiful letter instead of a poem as recommended by Jester. This is factually incorrect and obnoxiously dismissive of a genuinely great dynamic and attributes all agency to a man. When you say shit like this you sound like you are Chat GPT. No new thoughts no time actually spent analyzing a relationship dynamic just "ooh i see a woman in fiction what is the phrase most associated with this ok done onto the next task".
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smalltimidbean · 9 months
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I finally finished Bugsnax
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rat-at-heart · 8 months
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DOn't speak to him until he's had himself!
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pleckthaniel · 7 months
as a trans man who has become a political refugee in my own country, Directly caused by 1. autistic-women-being-manipulated-into-transitioning rhetoric and 2. testosterone being a controlled substance, frankly i feel like i should not have to say this, especially not in this year of our lord 2024. but.
trans men are oppressed?
if you're using "transmisogyny" to mean "transphobia against trans women", you MUST contend that transmisandry/transandrophobia is real
if you're using it to mean "transphobia intersecting with misogyny," first congratulations on knowing the actual meanings of sociological terms instead of making things up based on what you misunderstood from tumblr posts, and second this definition still means that trans dudes are oppressed lol
and, incidentally, if you see a post blaming The Concept Of Trans Men Being Oppressed for trans women getting their blogs deleted off tumblr instead of, i don't know, the Multiple Known TERFs On The Website's Full-Time Staff, maybe reflect on yourself for like 5 fucking seconds before ya hit reblog
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breadandblankets · 8 months
Doug and Elaine Thomas met in a coffee shop at Gotham U, they struck up a conversation in line talking about everything from the weather to certain wildly unpopular school policy changes, they end up talking even after they get their orders (peppermint tea and a chocolate croissant for Elaine, cinnamon latte for Doug)
Doug secures his second date when he finds out Elaine has seen approximately Zero (0) movies and takes it up on himself to show her the world
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aceofbooks · 3 months
Girl Gang Ace bails everyone out of jail and gets their charges dismissed. No one's been willing to get between her and her coffee long enough to find out how she does it or where she gets the money. They're also a little worried that if they try to find out, she'll stop doing it. The whole "I shouldn't have been needing to do this in the first place" look she gives them as they come out of the police station is enough of an answer.
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jaypilled · 2 years
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i love colors so much u guys have no idea
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carcarrot · 11 months
ok thats it i literally need a new job now .
#i know i bitch and moan a lot abt my job. but not without good reason!#however i really want to get out of here now today.#fucking. supervisor who keeps telling me to do more as far as maintaining the coffee area#when 90% of the issues are actually fault of the dumbass stock traders we make coffee for who dont know how to make a cup of coffee#and cant clean up after themselves. and i get that its my job but this is also just fucking stupid#and normally she tells me this stuff in the area where i brew the coffee which is more or less away from people#its at least more away from people than the hallway where the coffee station is where people always are#which is where she chose to loudly tell me more things i should be doing#maybe don't fucking do that in front of the people i do this stuff for! now they think im a fucking idiot!#like that's just. idk kind of unprofessional to me like you don't lecture your employees in front of customers#if we're so concerned abt the appearance and image of the service we provide (which this place is concerned way too much with)#then idk maybe talking abt that kind of stuff should be done more privately. or at least quietly#like she wasnt yelling at me but like everyone around could clearly hear it#but like ive said before i cant standddddd this job anymore.#so i might apply for that store leader job at gregorys coffee#even though the work culture there seems like a different kind of annoying#id at least be making Much More and also closer to where i live so#i just have to fix up my resume and make it seem like i can handle more of a management kinda job
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When someone tries to talk to me before I've had my coffee:
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
oh, I drank coffee before breakfast today. that's why I'm insane 🙃
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dolly-macabre · 2 years
🥐 ☕️
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POV: You're Murderface and you opened your mouth and said something before 10 am
I give you an AM Dolly. Sans makeup. She cramky
One of these days (soon I promise) I'll make a proper reference sheet for this bitch 🖤
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plumbogs · 11 months
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bianca's round was fun. because it is saturday I decided to have her gather the monty clan for some family bowling (which the eight year old or wherabouts of all people had the final say in the hangout quality whatever). then she had a nice dinner by herself :) and then she went home and gordon king tried to rob her she's seen so much bloodlust and violence living in veronaville that she doesn't even care about the fight. busy making expresso i guess
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aretrothing · 1 year
#this is a scream into the void don't read unless you want to#i'm so done and i just want next week to arrive already#i don't know anything about what's happening next week#i haven't been told anything other than get there for the morning#i haven't seen anyone apart from my family really for weeks#all my friends have been busy and my best friend came over just to do induction work#we didn't talk at all#i'm lonely and i miss my friends#it's been three weeks since i last spent any quality time with any of them and i'm used to seeing them every day#to top it all off i have to be in the same room as my ex on monday and the last time i saw them through the window of a coffee shop#it still felt like i was being punched in the stomach and it's been 5 months#i don't know what i'm doing next and i don't know anything and everything was so clearly laid out in my head for what i was doing before#and i don't even know what subjects i'm doing because i still haven't fully decided#the only thing i know is that i'm doing a comparison of birdhouse on the side which will be nice#i just want to know what i'm up against and what's going to happen next#what my general direction is because i have no fucking clue at this point#my head's been a mess since the week before results day and while i'm miles better i'm still not right#i want to know if all of it is going to be worth it#if what comes next is going to be worth all the effort i put into it and i'm going to enjoy it and so many other things#i'm so sorry for clogging your dash with this i just don't have anywhere to put this other than a diary and i don't have one on me right now#vetty talks#delete later#screaming into the void
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eats-the-stars · 2 years
love the guy assigned to my case at the “help you get a job” program. i have exactly 2 modes. 1) procrastinating until the absolute last minute. And 2) guess I will complete months worth of work that is also due at the end of the year in exactly 3 days of non-stop effort. You can basically flip a coin as to which approach my brain will decide to take for any given task.
so yeah I have a job now. and my poor case manager dude is like “wait. no. that was so fast. it’s been one week. you did how many interviews? and you picked...this one. the one that is not like anything you have done before and also was not on the “jobs I think would work out for me” list that we made?”
and he was scrambling like “accommodations. training. oh god. um. do i need to talk to your employers?” and getting more anxious when I was like “no i think I have it covered.” like i am sorry bro but i know that my vibes in person are like “quiet forgetful autistic person who can pass for either a high school student or a grandma at any moment” and this does not inspire confidence, but I am actually pretty independent once someone gives me a little push to start a thing.
also...dude you have my job history. winter sports area general worker (concessions, ticket sales, renting ski/snowshoe equipment, managing cross-country trails, monitoring the tube hill, etc.). family restaurant hostess (basically every role in the place except a cook). person selling fireworks out of tent for all of July while also living in a smaller tent behind the shipping crate filled with things that go boom. call center customer service rep handling 4 different clients that range from crafts and home decor to incontinence products and super expensive furniture. freelance dog-sitting with clients ranging from “rich couple who wants me to let their elderly cockapoos out twice a day for $50 bucks a pop in a house with a basement theater” to “i’ll give you $10 a day to exercise and feed the 3 huskies in our small apartment also they can jump higher than you are tall and scream louder than you thought possible.” bro we added a whole “volunteer experience” section to my resume because I wrote grants and worked with an environmental group to restore native bluebirds to the community and volunteered at the community table and the animal shelter and the library. like i have done lots of things that are not really connected at all. someone says “hey do you think you could do this?” and I am suddenly living out of a tent for a month googling “what the fuck is a crossette?” i once ended up in Memphis for 2 months doing volunteer construction work in the aftermath of a hurricane because my cousin didn’t want to go alone and everyone was like “oh we know someone who goes with the flow so hard.”
so you better believe i told you “oh i don’t know, maybe a receptionist position would be nice” and then applied to every local job known to god and then a few extra and took the first one to say “cool can you start next week?” i know i did not give off “I will try anything at least once if you ask me fast and then go ‘great!’ before I can process what i agreed to” vibes while sitting in your office in my colorful leggings, grandma sweaters and animal hats while not making eye contact and talking about how lovely my nephew is and how much I enjoy quiet time alone and gardening and i struggle with a poor memory and navigating social interactions. but i know you proofread my resume my guy. you asked questions about all these things except the construction thing because i actually forgot to mention that actually which is good because then i might have had to mention the cult involvement that i wasn’t aware of until i was stuck on-site but it all worked out so no sweat. still, i am glad that he is concerned by my “out of the blue” spontaneity. it’s kind of his job to help people settle into jobs that they can handle, and I also know that I would realistically need more assistance from him if I wasn’t so good at adapting on the fly due to my bad habit of saying “sure, I can do that” to literally anything. also my new job is honestly pretty tame, so i am not sure what he is freaking out about. i should really not mention some of the other jobs i spontaneously applied for before accepting this one. like..my friend...i could be working in a bridal shop. i could be training to install and repair vending machines or decorating cakes or delivering medical equipment. i applied for a job that was literally “window production.” none of these are actually as wild as that time I spent 2 months with a religious cult doing manual labor and living out of an abandoned, half-destroyed school building because my cousin talked me into it. i had to watch a dramatic reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus on my very first night that brought the whole gymnasium of strangers to wild, howling tears while I was awkwardly clapping my hands as my cousin sobbed incoherently into my shoulder. i once dog-sat a bluetick coonhound for 2 weeks in the dead of winter, and the snow if his yard was so high that he was able to jump the fence and book it down the street. i had to chase him through knee-high snow for over an hour before he stopped to sniff a bemused old lady long enough for me to catch him. i once had a customer at the restaurant rail at me for a good twenty minutes because she was absolutely sure that we did serve pineapple upside down cake and i was just withholding this dessert from her, specifically. the bar for “jobs I would apply for” is so low that I actually thought “well as long as nobody spits in my face, pukes on me consistently, or shanks me in the kidney again I could probably do anything.” although to be fair to my case manager i did not mention those things to him (except the pineapple upside down cake lady because I mention her all the time, i am still pissed off about that situation). also, my sister was actually the one to have a dog wake her up in the middle of the night only to puke directly into her mouth, but I watched it go down, so the psychic trauma of witnessing that still exists.
#honestly i think my poor social skills get me into half of the situations in my life#because i agree to things before i process them because most people talk and talk too fast for me#so i spend the whole conversation trying to keep up also figure out what the hell we're talking about#and then at the end i turn to my sister and say 'so what was that about?'#and she says something like 'you signed up to sell fireworks out of a tent for all of july' and i just have to run with that#the other half of the situations just come from having relatives and family friends that actively seek out situations#but want to drag someone adaptable and chill along who will also not say 'that's literally insane. no' when asked#also i need less cousins who take the zombie apocalypse life tip of always bringing a slow runner with you to situations#like i am a small person ok. my legs are shorter. i can't help it that everyone else is sprinting around on their stilt-legs#also just like i like to take walks with my dad because the mosquitoes love his blood way better than mine#i have a history of 'first person to get stabbed in a situation' that is probably just due to being the weakest looking person in any group#and i don't really panic in emergencies. i don't really know why. maybe it's something to do with being autistic#but if someone is screaming in pain and writhing on the floor#or an alarm goes off#or a bus skids on the ice and smears a stranger across the sidewalk right in front of me#or if i get mugged in a coffee shop while i'm studying for exams#i don't really do the things that other people around me do in the same situation#i personally think that the bubble i exist in just runs slower than everyone else's#so they're all having their reactions and freaking out while i'm still like 'damn something sure is happening right now.#am i supposed to do anything about this?'#and then if the answer is: 'yeah you should probably calm down that guy on the floor. figure out why he's screaming. then call 911 maybe?'#then i'll just do that while other people are saying things like 'oh god what's happening?!'#like if i panicked every time i had a dog that i was responsible for make a stupid life decision in front of me#or had a cult member ask me. an atheist. if i felt like i connected with god at the emotional catharsis activity#or honestly even just every time i've ever been stabbed in the left kidney even tho that's only happened twice#then i don't know i would probably be doing a lot of panicking#maybe it's an energy thing. i feel like panicking requires more energy than i usually have access to
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killbaned · 2 years
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