#don't underestimate Frisk
I need to remind y'all that Frisk is a bad bitch...
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the-white-soul · 3 months
... *A long silence stands on the other side of the phone. Just as you wonder if Flowey had left, his voice lowly cuts through in a toneless manner.*
Of all people, I thought you'd get it.
I spent so long feeling nothing, and when I finally get to grasp such a fulfilling emotion, you knock me right back down into the dust.
Do you understand how frustrating that is?
The Frisks I've met are the same. Perfectly peaceful and determined to set everything right. You're all so friendly and love to tease. You just love to play games with everyone, huh? You do it because it's funny. *He laughs hollowly.* I'm glad you found toying with me funny.
If that's how it is for you, that's how it is for every other one. You can look different, you can talk different, you can think you're different, but you'd be ignorant to think I'd find anything new if I searched universes for days.
Fly on back to where you intended to go. I can handle the Asgore problem.
*He returns the phone to Chara rather forcefully. Although he was speaking in a low voice so only Frisk could hear during the second half of the conversation, his frustration about something is evident.* If anyone else wants a turn to talk, you can.
(Frisk) "How dare you say I have to have feelings for you! *That's all anyone but Frisk knows about the last part of the call*"
(Kara) "GIVE ME THAT!!! *Takes the phone* We're going to have a serious conversation after this. *Starts talking to Frisk*"
(Frisk) "It's okay. I've been insulted so many times before it barely makes an impact! In fact, very little actually makes me sad! It's one of my greatest strengths."
(Kara) "So you're aroace huh? Why do you joke about that?"
(Frisk) "Well when I said I do it because it's funny, I meant when I was underground fake flirting. I always make it obvious. I wasn't hitting on you Buttercup. If you want to have a romantic partner here's a tip. Stop being an asshole!"
(Noelle) "*Starts to talk* I feel like you aren't giving him enough credit! He's just confused."
(Kara) "Wait, why did you say that?"
(Noelle) "In a second Kara, Frisk if this is how you deal with conflicts I might as well shoot Asgore myself. And for you Buttercup, don't be against people by their sexual preferences! You might as well say, 'Hey I know you want to be gay, why not date girls instead!' Sure it's not that bad yet but it's getting there."
(Frisk) "How am I in the wrong?"
(Chara) "How could you not see why?"
(Frisk) "Jesus, how many people will be part of this argument?"
(Chara) "You literally called Flowey an a-hole. You know what, SCREW IT! I don't care how you both feel about each other. Do you think I got here by just arguing? I don't know about you two but I'd rather not see Asgore turn to dust, OR LET JACK GET AWAY WITH ALL THE STUFF HE DID TO ME!!! Look at this *Pointed down there* You want to know the shit he did to me? You must've forgotten to have this much of a conflict about something this stupid. He touched me you dicks!!! If my plan fails because neither of you two knows when to shut up, I'll personally torture Frisk and Buttercup until they understand what they did to me!!! Understand?!"
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
pardon the papyrus posting but re-flowey and learning the "kill or be killed" mentality, i think part of what made papyrus so interesting to flowey is he, like asriel, rejected the idea with his whole "everybody can be a good person if they really try" (the world and people aren't a stagnant, fundamental way and can change), but even when faced with death directly papyrus held onto his outlook, which flowey found incomprehensible
ehhhh i disagree, personally i think the reason flowey was so captivated by papyrus is because papyrus is the most... "present" character in the game. not only is he extremely fun and alive personality-wise in an average playthrough, he also has the most lines put together out of any character in the game. one of the main things flowey states about how he grew bored of the world around him is that people became predictable and stopped feeling like people. lines of dialogue. strings of numbers.
it only follows, then, that the character with THEE most dialogue, THEE most interactions, THEE most content and information to pry and seek out would be his favorite. if losing his SOUL actively impacted his capacity to love and care for other people (even if not completely, as we all know well), then "entertainment" would've been the closest he could get to genuine care towards another person in his SOULlessness. when everyone else became numbers, papyrus was probably the last one to feel like a real person (until even he fell short. only his idealized memories of chara never failed him, since they physically couldn't. and we KNOW how obsessed he became with them, and with us/frisk and our "unpredictability").
also like. i get that handplates was cool and all, but papyrus believes in second changes and giving everyone a choice to turn their life around, he's not vowed to nonviolence/not killing. can we scrub that from collective fanon characterization? if they don't take that chance, he is 100% going to beat their ass into oblivion. the only reason he didn't do that to us in-game was because he underestimated our strength and died first. noble and positive as it is, his attitude isn't any more morally groundbreaking than, say, Toriel's conviction that no "greater good" is worth someone's sacrifice.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 month
Was reading through old winged au, and I can't help but think of that idea where Blue tells his family about his real job and how they might change things between them and how they perceived Blue. Like, he goes from the sweetest, kindest, and most fragile skeleton in the whole Underground, the guy everyone needs to protect, to potentially one of the strongest being in the entire universe and beyond! Someone who rubs shoulders with gods and dieties, who is comfortable scolding a pack of serial killers like they're children, who has actual coffee dates with the embodiment of Death himself!
But he's also just Blue. Silly old Blue who wouldn't hurt a fly (proven not true anymore but he's still rather Pacifist unless pushed), and likes puzzles and tacos. Blue who has so much energy but is also clearly overworked with keeping up with the rest of the multiverse if the many times he gets called for help is an indicator.
Jsut saying they'll all have soem feelings about the matter. I can guarantee Temmie would be pissed he missed something so big and potentially Frisk too.
Ironically, I, too, have been rereading some of the winged au fics XD
He’s going to have to tell them eventually! Without resets, that’s kind of an impossible secret to hide. I’m sure he’d wait for everyone to get properly settled on the Surface before having that conversation, but that’s assuming it doesn’t come out before that on accident…
Ink just kinda... appearing in front of Alphys absolutely has happened before. It’s not unlikely for it to happen again lmfaooo.
But you're so right! It would be such a dramatic view shift for them all. It's not a secret Blue is strong - his wings are too big to doubt that. They just don't see him use it with any actual intent! Especially Chara and Alphys, they would know. And not only that, but suddenly all his “naive” morals are proved to be respected and powerful in its own right. What they saw as a weakness, the Stars and many universes see as a strength.
Everyone doubted his ability to befriend the bad guys and see the good in the world, and he goes out there and befriends the Destroyer of worlds, probably the biggest mass murderer in existence, and leads the way to bringing balance and some sort of peace to the multiverse, bridging the dark and the light together…
My dude was really just massively underestimated.
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Skeleton is hanging out in his house when suddenly he hears the motor of his car/motorcycle in front of the house. Someone just stole his car and the guy even honked him on the way out to piss him off even more.
For the main boys
Undertale Sans - Welp. That happened. He watches his car go in disbelief. With a sigh, he calls Undyne and explains what just happened. What else can he do? He can't run after his car, he has small legs and he would collapse from exhaustion ten meters later so... Obviously, it's not a good day, so he's going to sleep two days until the situation magically resolve itself.
Undertale Papyrus - He's screaming after the buggler and then he starts to run behind the car. Since obviously, the car is faster, he steals Monster Kid's bike right in front of their shocked eyes and he goes after his car. Like hell, he's losing it! The burglar underestimated how fast Papyrus could pedal and was really surprised when the skeleton jumped in the back of his convertible car to fight with them. Eventually, Papyrus wins the fight and the guy has to jump out of the car. Papyrus turned around with his car and honked him back, flipping his middle finger at the poor guy on the floor, who was recovering from that crazy robbery. Don't mess with Papyrus. He picks up Monster Kid's bike on the way back to give it back to them lol.
Underswap Sans - CRAP. It's his police car, he just came home to have a snack. Blue runs outside screaming at the guy to come back, but obviously, they don't. He's so dead. He's not sure how he's going to explain this to his boss. He's not even supposed to take this car home. He asks Alphys to cover him up at the police station while he's using the GPS inside the police car to track it back. Thankfully, the robber is stupid enough to not hide it properly and he manages to get it back.
Underswap Papyrus - Uh oh. He looks in disbelief as the guy leaves with his bike (Honey can't drive). Blue warned him that it would happen one of these days because of how lazy he is to actually secure it. He didn't listen and now he's regretting it lol. He tries to hide it from his brother, but with how guilty he looks, Blue calls him out in less than ten seconds. Yeah, Honey doesn't know how to lie properly. Blue agrees to search for the bike, but not after lecturing him for two hours about how to secure his bike.
Underfell Sans - He's furious, stomping and yelling insults in the air as one of Edge's rivals leaves with his very precious motorcycle baby. Why is the world hating him so much? What did he do to not deserve happiness? Hell this! He's going to see Frisk and asks for a two hours reset so he can beat that asshole ass before they can put a hand on his baby. Except he forgot he can't remember resets and he kinda watched his motorcycle gets kidnapped again, but this time with a terrible deja vu. He's even madder now!
Underfell Papyrus - He throws sharp bones at the car and bursts the car's tires. Ok, maybe he thought only after that he would have to fix that. And Ok, maybe he didn't expect the guy in the car to destroy it completely by driving into a wall. He lost his car anyway, but he arrested the criminal! That's fine though. He's the best lawyer in town, his new terrorized friend is going to pay for the damages, right? He's dragging them to the police station.
Horrortale Sans - Do you know how expensive a tractor is? Well, he doesn't either, but he knows Willow is going to kill him if it disappears. Oak runs after his tractor on all four and since it's not that fast, he's actually catching up fast. The poor guy screams in terror as Oak forces them out of the car and then proceeds to bite their calf like an angry dog. Oak sits on their back so they can't run away, and then he calls his brother and the police. Better luck next time.
Horrortale Papyrus - As the guy turns around to honk at him, Willow, enraged, uproots an entire tree and throws it on the car. His back is ruined but it was very efficient! The robber never expected a raining tree to fall on their head. Welp, the car is not in a good state, but at least he still has a car! The guy begs his rescuers to take him very far away from that crazy skeleton, but that won't save them from being arrested.
Swapfell Sans - Bitch please. He picks up his sniper gun quickly and shoots them in both shoulders, which effectively prevents them from driving further. The car crashes in the bushes with a few bruises, but still working. Nox then gets out of his house, not in that much of a hurry, and calls the rescuers and the police. He threatens the robber waiting for them that if he ever sees them again, the next bullet will go right between their eyes.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh, man, not cool :( He liked that motorcycle. Welp. He walks to another part of the city and steals another one hanging on the sidewalk. What. The first one was not his either, he can't exactly fill a report to say someone stole his stolen motorcycle. You do what you do.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, that's fine. He knows how to freak out his robber. He activates his car in auto-destruction mode from an app on his phone and smiles as the car explodes. ... Wait. But he has no car anymore now. He kinda forgot about that. Urgh. He hopes his insurance covers blown-up cars because he's not buying another one.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - That's fine. If he pretends he didn't see the car is gone, then he doesn't know that the car is gone and Wine will not scream at him. He goes to hide in his wardrobe and refuses to answer as Wine comes home asking where is the car, angrier and angrier as he plays dead. Coffee waits for him to go upstairs to escape by the window. Welp, he's sleeping under a bridge tonight, he doesn't want to die.
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sizeableunderground · 2 months
Three childhood friends - Kris, Chara, and Frisk, have fallen down recently, into an underground full of rather... curvaceous monsters. This is an undertale AU combining the Deltarune and Undertale universes, with as a result some changes. For starters, all characters have been aged up to be 18+, and the universe has changed to reflect that (for example, the school Noelle and the others go to has been changed into a college). Some other changes include Toriel teaching the college instead of alphys (who instead is still royal scientist), as well as asriel still being alive (as chara never dropped in, asriel never got impaled). And, of course, all characters are extremely thicc.
RULES: - 18+. no minors allowed. - Please forgive me if I do not respond to RPs. I have a very poor memory, and probably forgot. Don't be afraid to shoot me a DM. - The main kinks of this blog are Hyper sizes, Casual Hyper, and AUs. There also is a minor focus on Lactation, jiggle physics, giantess, and weight gain.
UNDERTALE CHARACTERS Toriel A kindly teacher teaching at the underground College. She used to be married with the king of the underground, ASGORE, but the two have since parted for unknown reasons. She's very sweet and motherly to her students, though Ref:
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ALPHYS The royal scientist. Shy and nervous, she oftentimes hides behind her love of anime and video games. But she harbours some sort of dark secret... Refs:
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Weight ref, butt ref
UNDYNE The captain of the royal guard, unmatched with a spear. She primarily uses ranged attacks on account of her limited mobility, such as throwing spears. Don't underestimate her actual abilities, however. Ref:
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MUFFET A spider that inhabits an outcove in Hotland. She creates large amounts of milk from her chest, that she sells together with various baked goods as "spider bake sales". Ref:
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SNOWDIN SHOPKEEPER A motherly and gentle bunny, running a small shop in Snowdin. Ref:
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MEW MEW A plush of a famous anime figure posessed by a ghost, mew mew acts unlike her original appearance by having a penchant for being rather rude on occasion, and complaining a lot. She currently lives with Alphys. Noticable is the amount of jiggle her curves have, defying physics by following "anime physics". Ref:
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SHYREN A singer living in waterfall. Her head and body are detatched from one another, allowing both to move about independently from eachother. She's really good at singing, but her nervousness makes it hard to do so. Ref:
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BRATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Ref: (left)
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CATTY One of a pair of lesbian shopkeepers running close to the MTT resort. Huge fans of mettaton. Her chest produces a fair amount of milk, which is usually bottled away. Has beef with Catti. Ref:
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ASRIEL DREEMURR The god of Hyper. It's due to his actions that the world shifted and changed to the manner it is now. Now he travels the underground, helping out where he can. Ref:
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DELTARUNE CHARACTERS NOELLE A deer girl currently studying law in college. With very wealthy parents, which allowed her to attend in the first place, partially due to her... lower half. In a relationship with Susie. Ref:
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SUSIE A large, loudmouthed, and brash dinosaur. Standing at an impressive 12' in height, she works as a taste-tester at "Cooking with a Killer Robot". Refs: left = body ref, right = boobs ref
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CATTI A goth cat. Acts perpetually bored. Despite her (relatively) small size of her chest, she produces extreme amounts of milk that she hides away in her house. She's a little embarrased about it, especially when it makes it harder for her to do her job as a waitress. Ref:
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RALSEI A bustyboy prince of the dark, a second kingdom existing within the underground. However, the two have been at peace for a long time, and borders are open and free. He's always willing to help, and frequently interacts with his subjects. Most of his power he leaves to his co-ruler, Queen. Ref:
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TASQUE MANAGER One of Queen's servants, she is in charge of the beasts (especially cats) in the region. She often wields a whip, working hard and demanding everything in the palace remains orderly. Ref:
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QUEEN The queen of the dark, and the true ruler of the Dark World. Jovial and happy, she often flies around on her specially-modified bed in order to visit others. Refs: left = boobs ref, right = rest of body ref
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punsmaster69 · 8 months
"You've got to try harder than 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵, darling."
"AGH. I'm tryinggg!!"
frisk whined and tensed their shoulders in focus.
"I wouldn't be sucking so bad if my teammate wasn't doing NOTHING!!"
i received a sideways headbutt that didn't require them to drop their controller to do.
"for someone doing the work of two, you're holding up well, kiddo."
"I don't want to be doing two people's work!"
"Sans, I know you wanna let Papyrus win and all, but this is buttface behavior."
"go ahead. i'm gettin' something to eat."
"Me too!"
papyrus and mettaton switched to two player mode, and frisk followed me to the kitchen.
"what sounds good?"
"I dunno. What've you got?"
they opened the fridge. container after container of spaghetti, some orange juice, door condiments, a jug of milk, and a mostly empty chip bag of mine. there's a note in papyrus' handwriting to go shopping soon.
tugging the freezer door open, i raised a bag of frozen pizza rolls to frisk.
"we'll have to wait for the oven, but-"
"Not necessarily."
they tilted their head in gesture to the microwave.
"i like your thinking, kid."
"what's stopping me?"
"I am. Don't do it."
'it' being ketchup on pizza rolls.
"Give me one."
"I'm trying ranch."
"gimmie one."
"THAT- actually, it isn't the worst."
"here, mustard."
"I agree. 'Eh' is about right."
"I won't try that one."
"fair enough."
"Yeah, stop that."
"Chocolate sauce would be bad, right?"
"oh, abhorrent."
"i'll try."
"That is NOT convincing."
but convincing enough, apparently.
they gagged.
"alright, alright. i think that's enough pizza roll ruining."
"Peanut butter. You won't."
"five bucks. do jelly."
(combined faces of disgust, and a loss of five dollars.)
finally sitting down, we shared a bowl of pizza rolls like a popcorn bucket as we watched mettaton and papyrus play.
"I'm surprised you didn't ruin your appetites with terrible combos."
mettaton leaned against papyrus as he played. papyrus suddenly started losing.
"you underestimate my ability to eat like trash."
"Not yours particularly. Mostly Frisk."
"teenager stomach."
"Could probably eat rocks and be fine."
frisk nodded confidently.
"you're gonna talk about eating rocks right in front of our pet rock?"
i dramatically shook my head in pretend disappointment.
they leaned in close and whispered to me.
"(I'll eat that one too.)"
"see? you're even giggling like one."
"this kid's a whacko."
they laughed harder. it was weirdly contagious.
"what a nutjob."
"You're my favorite short bonehead."
"and you're my favorite human."
"By default or not, I do agree. I don't know of any other humans who could parallel my own fabulousness."
"Sans, can you stop taking all the pizza rolls though?"
"snooze you lose."
"I can't believe you would treat your favorite human so harshly..."
"gotta show a little tough love sometimes."
"can't have you getting soft."
"That's just your excuse for being a poopy head."
"maybe it is."
i messed up their hair with my hand.
"You're gonna get pizza roll crumbs in my hair!"
"it'd be a fashion statement."
"I can think of another person he does this with that's not Frisk."
"everyone gets the same treatment."
"It's the Sans experience."
you hear that? i'm an 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦.
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flamingskull28 · 11 months
Splatoon undertale Au because I can't sleep. I will state who would be what character and why I think they would, any disagreements or comments on this are encouraged
In this Universe Humanity wasn't completely extinct and eventually came back to the surface and coexisted alongside the sea turned land creatures but eventually grew fearful of them and attacked their cities forcing them underground. The sea people ( I don't have a better name to generalize everyone) would definitely put up a better fight than the monsters didn't undertale but cephalopods weaknesses to water and Humanities probably more advanced technology would out do them. Everything basically plays out the same as undertale from there except for the fact that they're trying to use humans DNA to open giant mechanical gate the humans use to keep them underground, just go with it and the royal guard is the NSS . Until Neo 3 lands I'm the underground (which would probably be a connection or mix of the domes, Alterna and the deep-sea metro.) Is initially Guided by Craig who nicknams them neo 3, clashes with agent 3, fights pearl until they get tired, beats agent 8 who's trying to go to the surface to be a star, then fights Octavio. I'll assume determination isn't a thing here or at least not in the fourth wall breaking way of undertale, so after Neo 3 beats Octavio everyone else comes to intervene then are all captured by Callie (when she got splatted her soul instead of flying into a respawn Point flew into a flower) who.... uh wants to absorb all their ink to regain her body and gain power? but is defeated by neo with the help from the others, Callie realizes the error of her ways and uses the power she got to destroy the gate. Then everyone lives happily ever after I guess.
Agent 4 - Sans
Chill and laid back on the surface, cares deeply for those around her. Likes telling jokes and pulling pranks, is definitely underestimated by everyone. Sibling Vibes with agent 3. Would most definitely be deadly if you got on their bad side or hurt someone they care about. Has a few secrets.
Agent 3 - papyrus
Would definitely be overly dedicated to her cause and more effective than most people give her credit for. Can be a bit blinded by ambition and is desperate for approval. Goes by agent 3 to show her dedication to joining the group and forced agent four to do the same.
Pearl - undying
Could definitely be dedicated to a cause, strong and imposing despite her clear flaws.
Marina - Alphys
Smart, shy and desperate for approval all fit Marina. Is definitely hiding skeletons in her closet. Has a crush on pearl
Agent 8 - Mettaton
8 is shown to be photogenic and can definitely give off movie star vibes, especially since 8 saved the world in heels if she can do that she doesn't need stuntmen, plus they do have a good relationship with Marina
Octavio - Asgore
Old and bitter and is dedicated to revenge for the good of his people but it's shown to be willing to do the right thing, gives off gay vibes with cuttlefish too so they can be ex's
Cuttlefish - Toriel
Is shown to be caring sort of... definitely a guide of some kind and would probably not approve of Octavio's decree to destroy the remains of humanity
Callie - Chara
Has both good and evil sides, can easily be lead on the wrong path. Tbf this one's a stretch
Marie - Asrile
Could definitely be shown as caring but also open to making mistakes
Frisk - Neo 3
Would be human, basically falls down a hole into a whole new world that they have to Traverse. Plus they definitely give determined kid vibes
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fizzygutzzz420 · 4 months
“Be careful in the outside world, OK? Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as it is here. There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. Frisk... Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?”
Do not fucking underestimate me Asriel, I will shove kindness, friendship, and happiness down their throats if I have to, even if they're a mentally ill psycho
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currently 2am and i can't tell if i'm having one of those delirious late night old hyperfixation comebacks that go away when i finally succumb to sleep or if it really is coming back full force and knocking me over like a 13ft high ocean wave. said hyperfixation is undertale.
anyways, my dear favorite sans enjoyer (you) immediately came to mind. name everything you love about this skeleton man GO
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god bro i literally cannot express how much i love sans the skeleton. like really and genuinely in every which way he is my Favorite Fucking Guy. ages ago my friends and i had a simp-based slideshow night where we made presentations about our biggest fictional crushes/hyperfixations and i made mine into a tier list bc i love putting things into arbitrary categories and the last tier was "category F: the final frontier (I’m pretty sure I’m going to be on my actual fucking deathbed before I get over these fuckers)” and guess who was #1 on the list babyyyy
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but besides all the silly sentimental reasons why i like him so much, i just. genuinely he's such a good fuckin character. UT is a game with a fucking MEGALOAD of excellent characters designed in a lab to steal ur heart and sans is no exception. his introduction is so god damn good in terms of characterization. when you (frisk) first enter the underground proper, the only other character (besides flowey/napstablook technically) you've gotten to know at that point is toriel, and you just finished battling her specifically because she was trying to stop you from going through the door. you don't know anything about this new area except what toriel has told you/implied, that it's dangerous and full of monsters who are not your friends, who will try to kill you without a second thought. as you the player step into the snow, the background music is silent, there isn't any sort of comfort from the knowledge that you are now stuck in this new place without toriel's protection/guidance (not to mention your encounter with flowey and the fact that you can't get back into the ruins). the only thing you (frisk) can do is go forward, so you do. you start walking. it's quiet. it's cold. you're alone. and then you start to hear footsteps. you pass a stick on the ground, and the second it's out of view of you (the player), you hear someone (something?) step on it and break it. if you go back to look, no one's there. you're about to reach a small bridge when there's more footsteps, and suddenly you can't move, which is an absolutely terrible thing to happen when you're playing a video game. the footsteps get closer. a voice speaks, slow and purposeful. "human. don't you know how to greet a new pal? turn around, and shake my hand." you don't really have a choice. you turn, you take the figure's hand– and then there's a fucking FART NOISE and instantly the tension is completely fucking broken. it's like a dark cloud is lifted off of you. the music comes back in (sans' theme, bouncy and silly and perfect for him) and you see sans fully for the first time and he's this round dorky little funnyman with the biggest grin of all time and he switches up instantly, becoming a comedic relief character after essentially faking you out as your first “boss battle”. doing this is so freaking smart because it is a perfect showcase of sans as a character, not just hinting at his real level of power while also showing that he is at his core just a funnyman, but also exemplifying his primary strategy when it comes to avoiding conflict. he purposefully scares you, and then lifts the tension by revealing he's not here to hurt you, and that sense of relief makes you instantly trust him a little more. he starts his true introduction off with a joke, not just lowering your guard and making you underestimate him a little but also making you like him more and feel more at ease. not to mention it's the exact opposite of flowey's intro which is just such a cool additional thing. it's so good. it's sooo good.
and that's not even touching his relationship w papyrus, his connection to toriel and alphys, the fact that if you reset after defeating him in the genocide run, he could literally kill you the moment he meets you again (and he'd have every understandable reason to do so) but he chooses not to because at his core he WANTS to give you a chance, he wants to believe that even the worst person can change. not only that but in the genocide run he watches you kill his brother, the most important person in his life, and he STILL doesn't take action because he's holding out hope that you'll make the decision to stop on your own. it's only when you reach the judgment hall and you've killed almost every single other character that he finally decides to fight you himself because he's essentially accepted that you're not going to stop unless he stops you, and even then he knows he can't stop you! he only has 1 god damn hit point!! so he hits you with his biggest move right at the start, hoping that'll kick the wind out of you and make you stop trying to get past him, and then when that doesn't work, he dodges and dodges and dodges until he is literally falling asleep on his feet from pure exhaustion, until he's been fighting so long he physically cannot keep going. like it's framed as him going to sleep but let's be real, it's him passing out from fucking dodging and throwing everything but the kitchen sink at you for fucking ages, and his final resort is stalling you, but eventually his exhaustion catches up to him and you get the opportunity to attack him again. but even then he dodges your first attack, probably out of adrenaline, only to run right into your second because he's so fucking tired, he can't keep doing this, he's so tired.
like dude, i know, i kNOW he is funny haha skeleton but he is also genuinely such a good fucking character. he is silly and goofy but also so, so heartbreaking, lazy and yet so so smart, a silly little guy who loves his brother and who didn't ask to be so aware of the resets but he is and because he is he takes it upon himself to become the judge, to watch over you and if necessary make sure you don't take a step outside that hall. he's my fucking favorite dude. i could go on but this is already way way way too long. tl:dr i love him <3
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Time to ramble about Khalila's temper. Because she really, really has one, and I think we all forget that sometimes. But if you actually pay attention, you can see that she's got a very quick, very hot temper, which, if she allows it, blossoms into violence.
The key there of course is if she allows it - most of the time she brings that flash under control again because violence isn't the right option. She appears to be very good at that emotional control, but less so at avoiding the initial reaction. Her anger is used as a tool, mostly, but the fact that it's there at all is often overlooked.
Let's go through some book quotes! (Non-exhaustive)
1. Ink and Bone
He made his countermoves, and almost laughed when her expression turned thunderously dark. Had she been Glain's size and temperament, he'd have been right worried, but on Khalila, thwarted ambition looked about as intimidating as a puppy's snarl. "I shouldn't have played fair and warned you, I suppose." "Not if you plan to win," he said. "I do like winning." She smiled, her fit of pique gone in an instant.
Here's Jess hilarious underestimating of Khalila, who later on in this same book will shoot a Burner at point-blank range. But here also is Khalila's temper. All they're doing is playing Go, and she's just realised that she's going to lose. Thwarted ambition and fit of pique indeed. She masters it almost immediately, and rightly so, but the fact that it flares so strongly here for such a minor event is telling, I think.
2. Paper and Fire
Here, we start to see what happens when Khalila doesn't restrain her rage, when she deems it acceptable to react. Hint: it involves violence and death threats.
Just, tbh, the entire bit where she attacks Jess because he won't go after Dario, but here are the highlights:
"And if you ever lay hands on me again, I will kill you, Jess Brightwell! ... Her face was set and terrible, her eyes like dark pits ... "Then let us run," she said, in a voice drained of anything but anger.
To quote myself from this post, emphasis today's:
This is essentially Khalila losing her temper. No-one will help her save Dario, which she takes as a moral failing, and then Jess tries to physically stop her. [...] So she hits him and she shouts that it’s all HIS fault, and then once she’s finished with that she shrugs him off with one well-placed knee. And a death threat.
Next, we have a titbit from the end of P&F when they are in the Iron Tower. This is an immediate reaction to Keria touching Morgan.
Khalila stood up. It was a swift, controlled motion, and although it wasn't threatening, there was a cold look in her eyes that made the Obscurist's focus shift. [...] "if you touch Morgan again, if you try to take her away and lock her up, then you'll have to kill me. I won't make it easy."
She is controlling herself here, because she knows that physically reacting isn't the play right now, but she is ANGRY and broadcasting it. Sadly we don't get to see her simmer down from this, damn Jess.
3. Ash and Quill
Obviously, we have the best scene of all for Khalila beating the shit out of someone because she knows they deserve it
(If you're not as obsessed as me, this is from the scene when they're first imprisoned in Philly, where they're all being frisked and a guard rips off Khalila's headscarf)
Khalila turned whip-fast to grab the man's wrist and extended and twisted his whole arm. She continue the spin and pressed her palm hard into the back of his elbow, reversing it to the breaking point and held him there as he cried out. [...] Her voice was steady but Jess could see her face. She was still angry.
This is a beautiful and amazing scene but it's not quite as useful for my points as some of the others, because the fury is perfectly understandable here (i.e. not quick/sensitive reaction) and she doesn't bother to calm herself down again afterwards. Though actually I suppose that is in and of itself interesting, that Jess notes some time late that she's still angry, maybe indicating that he hadn't expected it.
A quick second quote here, from after Rafa's death:
Khalila swallowed hard, and for a moment there was a shine of tears in her eyes, but then it was gone, as if it had evaporated under the intense heat of the anger she was banking inside. [...] "I can't think of a time I've needed [prayers] so much." A&Q
This is useful for a) suggesting that prayer helps her to regulate herself, and b) assuming that Jess isn't flat-out guessing here, she is externally showing her internal rage. Obviously again, it's an understandable one, but interesting that anger is her overriding reaction here rather than grief, fear, guilt or anything else.
4. Smoke and Iron
"No!" Khalila shook off Glain's restraining hand. "No, it isn't all right. They hurt him. There was blood-[...] There was a great deal of blood, and I want to go find him! Let me go find him!" "Khalila." Santi put his hands on her shoulders, and Wolfe saw the tense fury drain out of her.
Here, we have her 'righteously' losing her temper again and physically reacting. Yes, I am calling something as minor as shaking off Glain's hand as a physical anger response, fight me. But she masters it almost immediately, as soon as it becomes apparent that it won't be useful anymore. (Note, this very much mirrors that P&F scene with equally missing Dario, where she hits Jess but doesn't attack Wolfe. She knows taking out her feelings on the dads won't get her anywhere.)
5. Sword and Pen
I am actually, shocker, not going to address her verbally castrating Dario as the Pharaoh. I have a lot to say about that scene lol, but in Khalila mind she is completely in the right, so can be outwardly angry, and in control, so doesn't need to physically react.
Instead I'm going to use my probably second favourite example of her temper in the whole series, because it's the only time we get the process I'm talking about from her PoV.
"I can hardly blame them, to be honest. There’s panic in the city. They have families to look after. As do I, but my first duty is still here.” Khalila started to fire back a hot reply, but then took a beat to consider. There was no point in being angry; the woman’s point was well made.
Now, in Khalila's defense she's under horrific stress here. But this is just a conversation with a Library cook, who's pointed out that her coworkers might value their safety over making sure the ambassadors get wined and dined. And Khalila's first response is anger, that she shuts down once she realises she's being unreasonable.
Anyway, so, yeah, some examples of Khalila the hothead!
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py-dreamer · 2 years
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Adding on to the Undertale I guess-
Um, Grown up AU! Don't ask why they're all similar ages, they just are. In the Au, da kids did too many resets, glitched the timeline and somehow pressed the reset button all at the same time. Somehow, all of them became corporeal and most of the characters have been age-swapped! (As in the kids are adults and the adults are now kids) They now have to adapt to the new environment but don't worry, they're adjusting well...mostly
Chara is NOT the captain of the royal guard in this AU. (I'll let you guess who it is) but they ARE Asriel's right hand and know very well how to fight.
Frisk is the diplomat between humans and monsters (I think the barrier gets broken at one point in the au idk) but don't underestimate them cause, while they prefer to use words, they still know how to kick ass.
Blow the trumpets and make way for the king of monsters...KING ASRIEL DREEMURR!!! (If you couldn't already tell, he's kinda my favourite-) Mans has his cool glowing swords and fireballs but sadly does not have his lightning, comets or giant blaster skull thingy. Mah furry boi can still smash your face in though. Btw, on his shirt in the middle pic, it says: 'King Fluffybuns Jnr.' that you bet Frisk & Chara got for him.
For Frisk, I'd figured they'd be more adventurous with their style (they can absolutely rock feminine and masculine) with some more sporty wear but main style is still comfy. I wish I could've made their work wear more detailed, but I still couldn't think of much. I headcannon that they like to buy a bunch of pins and patches to just stick on their clothes. They get the others some pins and badges to but they're not that into it. They still wear some badges though.
In the game its kinda a trend that kids wear striped sweaters and I gave the stripes to Frisk since I think they're the most childlike in this au. Nothing derugatory, just more excitable, cheerful and playful.
As you'll probably have noticed, I gave Chara an Undercut and long hair. I just wanted to give them a different look to Frisk and I really like the beanie but again, they look almost too much like Aimsey. There's nothing wrong with that but looking back, I feel like the two have similar asthetics and the beanie made them look way too similar. I gave them combat boots cause that's cool and a different pattern on their sweater? Overalls? Overshirt? Idk.
I didn't really do much with Azzy other than give make him taller, give him a silghtly yellow beard, made his horns much bigger and gave him a different pattern on his sweater. I imagine him taking care of the flowers now and gave him a less armour heavy king outfit that his dad cause I'd assume he'd be less likely to go to war on the humans.
Chara and Azzy kept the same colour palette cause I think it might take them even longer to adjust. I mean, these two were dead for centuries, one was an apathetic flower who committed mass genocide and the other was basically forced to commit mass genocide. I'm not pinning the blame on anyone but I think these two in particular still have a lot of trauma to overcome.
But they still have each other don't worry.
Umm, in terms of my style, I tried thicker lineart in some areas. It's most prominent in Azzy's design I think so let me know what you guys think.
Will I be drawing the rest of the main cast? Idk, probably not but who knows?
Idk what to name the au, maybe you guys can leave an idea?
Until next time my lovely marshiemallows!
(Click on photos for better quality)
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natsunenuko · 1 year
Never underestimate frisk!
In the spirit of classic
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rosietrace · 2 years
Can I kiss you for VicYasu, AzuCarol, NanoGrey, EmilFrisk and Eikichi Azrail
You can do less if its too much. ^^
Oho.... You underestimate my ambition/procrastination skills
OC's: Azrail, Grey, Frisk, Victoria, Azure
Ships: Azure x Carol, Grey x Nanoya, Frisk x Emil, Azrail x Eikichi, Victoria x Yasuno
Warning: Favoritism in terms of writing in Victoria's part cause it's longer than the others- TvT
{ Possibly NSFW? Idk tbh }
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
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{ Azrail x Eikichi }
Busy with his notepad looking at his newest herbology invention, Azrail scribbled down ideas on how to improve the invention with Eikichi next to him.
Hm.... Should I add a router that absorbs sunlight to let it work?... Azrail asked himself, looking at the many ideas he had for his invention. He sighed, crossing out two of the ideas.
Eikichi hummed."Guessing those two didn't make enough sense?" He asked. Azrail turned to him and sent a discreet nod in response.
"Pretty much. They didn't add much logic to help contribute to the inventions improvement, so I simply crossed them out. However I will look into them just in case..." Azrail explained, giving his notepad to Eikichi.
Eikichi raised his eyebrows a bit when he looked into the notepad."Damn, you put all of your ideas in here..." He muttered. Azrail scoffed quietly, silently offended that Eikichi assumed that he didn't have more ideas.
"I'll have you know that my brain has more than a few ideas to help with my inventions." He let out a 'hmph' right after pushing up his glasses.
Eikichi snickered, and nodded."Right...." He trailed off of his sentence as an idea appeared in his mind.
He looked at Azrail, wearing a slightly cheeky smile."Az..." Hearing his nickname being called, Azrail turned his attention back to Eikichi.
"What is it?" He questioned, raising a brow in suspicion. Eikichi smiled somewhat brighter before he looked at Azrail and asked...
"Can I kiss you?"
For a moment.... Azrail blinked, and eventually dropped the screwdriver he was holding.
Eikichi began to chuckle as Azrail's cheeks began to burn a bright red. Almost as red as his pomegranate colored eyes.
"I beg your pardon-"
"I'm pretty sure I don't need to repeat myself in your presence, Az."
For a couple moments, Azrail remained silent... Eikichi assumed that he felt uncomfortable by the question and hummed awkwardly.
"Ah... We don't have to, I was just-"
Suddenly, Eikichi felt his lips against his own as Azrail tugged on his shirt to pull his close to him.
They eventually pulled away to catch a breath or two.
Azrail panted slightly as he looked at Eikichi's relatively shocked expression.
He scoffed, smirking as he stared at him. Lovingly, but teasingly.
"You could've asked a bit quicker... I would've given you more than a kiss."
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{ Grey x Nanoya }
She grunted, throwing another punch at him as he narrowly dodged that attempt as well.
Grey decided to take Nanoya to her personal training grounds in Goldstein and suggested that they'd have a spar or two while they're in there.
Sure, Nanoya was surprised... But he couldn't exactly back away from it after Grey continuously teased him about not wanting to lose.
So now, he's finding himself narrowly dodging her punches and kicks.
Is it just me or she getting more aggressive- Nanoya flinched as Grey was about to kick him in the crotch again, before narrowly dodging it yet again.
But then Grey somehow tripped on her tail and was about to faceplant onto the ground until Nanoya caught her.
"... Thanks." She says after all Nanoya heard from her were frustrated grunting. He hummed awkwardly as he helped her up.
"You shouldn't be overexerting yourself too much. Your movements were more aggressive but that was at the cost of a lot of energy.." Nanoya stated as he picked up a towel and threw it at Grey, who managed to catch it before it landed on the ground.
She groaned."Yeah yeah, I'll be more careful from now on..." She rolled her eyes, hiding her amused smile behind the towel.
Grey put the towel over her shoulders."Hopefully I didn't further increase your fear of women." She joked, silently hoping it didn't make him uncomfortable.
Nanoya chuckled awkwardly."Well... You technically did." A drop of sweat fell down her forehead as she sent him a semi-awkward smile.
"Ah... Sorry."
"No need to, its in your nature to be like that."
"Is- Is that supposed to be an insult or a joke."
"Take it as you will..."
As he awkwardly tugged on his towel, Nanoya inhaled sharply before turning to Grey."Grey..." He called her name. She looked at him, tilting her head slightly as she walked towards him.
He blushed a bit, smiling rather awkwardly.
"Can... I kiss you?"
After a moment of silence... Grey sent him a playful smirk."Alright..." Nanoya gulped a bit as she walked closer towards him.
"But... We may go a bit further than that."
Nanoya sighed, pulling her a bit closer.
"I'm... Prepared for what you'll do to me."
And... Well I'm not going to go into the details cause I'm pretty sure he got more than a kiss-
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{ Frisk x Emil }
Calmly painting the rose bushes in heartslabyul, Emil watched as Frisk delicately painted the white roses red with a heartwarming smile.
"You seem to like the roses..."
Frisk chuckled a bit as she looked at Emil."I suppose so. They're quite pretty, so I tend to take the time to admire them every once in a while..." She said, a slight dust of blush on her porcelain skin.
Emil hummed."I see..." He muttered, continuing to paint the roses Frisk assigned to him.
I'll admit, she's right... They are beautiful. Emil thought as he painted over another rose petal. He looked at Frisk for a moment, and his eyes widen.
Sure, he knew Frisk was beautiful. She's called the beauty of heartslabyul for a reason, after all. But still...
The way the wind flew against her hair, the soft smile on her face... And how the sun illuminated her so gorgeously that... Emil wouldn't have believed she was actually a person.
He blushed, looking away as he assumed Frisk caught him in the act. Fortunately for him she didn't. Instead, she hummed a few tunes as she continued to peacefully paint the roses.
Feeling somewhat bold, Emil inched a bit closer to Frisk. To the point her bare shoulders (she was wearing a tank top to prevent paint on her sleeves) touched his own.
She yelped a bit, attempting to hide her embarrassment by covering her dusted red cheeks with her equally red hair. Once again, Emil admitted that such habits were cute.
"S-Sorry..." She whispered, her cheeks getting even redder from pure embarrassment. Emil hummed softly as he too attempted to hide his embarrassment.
"Its nothing to worry about..." He murmured, deciding to distract himself by continuing the process of painting the roses. As did Frisk.
Both were completely unaware of how close in proximity they actually were after 30 minutes.
Suddenly, Emil had an idea. Seeing as he's been wanting to be more affectionate with Frisk...
Frisk hummed in confusion."Y-Yes...?" She responded shyly.
Emil put down his paintbrush.
"Can I ki-"
.... And that was the moment where they both realized how close in proximity they actually were.
Let's just say Frisk was too embarrassed and almost passed out
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{ Azure x Carol }
Azure and Carol were together in his room, as Carol was helping Azure take down his notes for algebra.
"For someone so well versed in literature, you aren't exactly the best in algebra." She joked, as Azure rolled his eyes playfully.
"It's not exactly simple for everyone. Quite frankly I'd say I'm good enough at algebra to give me a passing grade." He said, pushing up his glasses.
Carol giggled."Right... But in return, you'll teach me french." She suggested, easily managing to pique his interest.
"Oh?" He chuckled, "I'll be sure to help you with whatever you have trouble with in french, Carol."
She smiled."Thanks, Azure." The latter hummed, before he kissed the back of her hand affectionately.
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"It is no problem, Mon tout..." He smiled at her, as she smiled at him in return.
Carol smiled affectionately as she and Azure continued to take down notes. As Azure was reading the formula, she felt relaxed... Even when he wasn't reading a novel, his voice managed to soothe her relatively easily.
But then... Carol had a totally brilliant idea.
"Hey.... Azure."
Azure put down his textbook to look at his girlfriend. He rose a brow, waiting for her to ask whatever question she may have.
"... Can I kiss you?"
Azure dropped his pen in shock, as he was now in a completely flustered state. Carol had to admit herself, it's always adorable to see him like this.
"Eh- Well, it's just a suggestion. We don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable with it right now." She laughed awkwardly, trying to defuse the tension.
Azure sighed, his silence wavering before he took Carol's hand and smiled.
"Yes. You can."
Carol's eyes widen in surprise as her cheeks became a bit red, before she eventually smiled.
Soon, they found themselves in each other's arms, with their lips against one another.
Once they pulled away, Azure grinned."I love you, Carol.." he said, kissing the top of her head.
In response, Carol smiled back.
"I love you too."
{ Victoria x Yasuno }
As she wrote down her alchemy notes Victoria pondered on her date with Yasuno last week.
It wasn't exactly unenjoyable, I was quite fond... Not that I'd ever admit it to that obnoxious pillock... She thought as she wrote down the ingredients for the poison she created.
Then again... It wasn't like she was smiling by thinking back at the date. Not at all.
Victoria sighed, narrowing her eyes to the side as she recognized a disgustingly familiar presence.
"... I know you're there, Yasuno." She scowled as Yasuno walked towards her in amusement.
"Aw... Don't be like that, villainess. I'm sure you quite enjoy my presence deep down." He teased as he was about to caress her cheek before she inevitably smacked his hand away.
"I'd rather not let your hand get on my cheeks. I might catch an infection."
"Well that's rather harsh of you to say..."
"You call me a villainess, I'll act like a villainess." She sent him a glare as he smirked at her.
So beautiful... He thought, looking into her menacing sapphire eyes. In general, she was intimidating. So naturally, Yasuno can see why nobles are slightly scared of her. If not more than he expected.
He hummed as he sat next to her, further increasing her annoyance. But she wasn't pushing him away, so there's that.
She scoffed, continuing to write down her alchemy notes.
"So... What exactly are you writing down that notepad of yours, angel?" Victoria felt the urge to snap her quill in half by the sound of one of many of Yasuno's nicknames for her.
"Alchemy notes. However it should be obvious that I don't intend on having you help me, no matter how much you excel in the subject." She stated blankly, fighting the urge to snap her quill in half.
Yasuno gasped dramatically."How cruel of you, my angel... My villainess... The most beautiful woman in all of-"
"If you continue to say those obnoxious nicknames, I will judo flip you unconscious." Victoria threatened, her patience thinning with every second.
Yasuno chuckled."Don't be shy, angel... Tell me you like the nicknames. If not the nicknames... My voice~" he continued to tease her.
Thankfully, Victoria has mastered the art of the poker face. Which helps her hide her flustered expression
Victoria sighed."Your voice annoys me. If I heard you moan, I'd very much likely choke you to death." She remarked.
"Oh... So you want to hear me moan so you can showcase your choking kink... How lewd of you..." He responded.
Her eye twitched as her quill was on the verge of being snapped in half.
"Tell me...."
She sighed heavily, her eyes narrowing in annoyance."What." She responded, sounding almost demanding to hear what Yasuno had to say.
He chuckled.
"My villainess... If I'd kiss you.. How would you feel?"
Victoria blinked.
"... I BEG your pardon?"
He scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"What I'm trying to say, sweetheart... Can I kiss you?"
Silence. Absolute silence.
But surprisingly... When Yasuno anticipated a judo flip, it didn't happen.
Victoria put down her quill and notebook, before standing up and pulling Yasuno towards her.
"If we're going to... We may as well do it in a place where no one can see us."
Yet again, Yasuno gasped dramatically."Oh my! Have I finally won over the cold-hearted villainess with my charms? Have I... Seduced her to the point of no return?" He joked.
"Tsk..." She dragged him behind a nearby tree. He snickered.
"Is this truly the only place you thought of?"
"Weren't you the one who pinned me to a tree last week? Think of it as a way to reward you for not making me want to kill you."
He laughed a bit, wrapping his arms around her waist."I'll take what I can get out of you, angel..." She rolled her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Soon, they both found themselves making out behind a tree. And it even escalated a bit.
Victoria breathed heavily as she pulled away, blushing slightly.
Yasuno smiled, leaning close to her ear."It seems you enjoyed it a little too much, angel..." He whispered.
Victoria's blush increased before she walked away for a moment to get her quill and notebook. Yasuno rose a brow.
"What exactly-"
Victoria hummed."I'll admit, I enjoyed it... But it seems we'll need to continue this... In a more private setting."
She extended her hand.
"So... To my bedroom?"
Yasuno huffed in disbelief, taking her hand and kissing it gently.
"As you wish... My villainess."
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💔Alter post💔
Meet the alters of the 'Heartbroken system, or 💔 sys for short. (We'll update this as time goes on, doubles are also welcome to interact with us.)
Troy, He/They, NB Bisexual, 20
Source: "Not comfortable telling you where I'm from." - Troy
Role(s): Trauma holder, Protector, Caretaker, Main host
Likes: Reading, being alone (sometimes), sleeping, experiments, and making gadgets
Dislikes: Assholes and receiving physical touch w/o permission
Interests: Science, stuffed animals, video games, reading, and macabre things
Sign on/off or when talking w/o Pluralkit: ⚛️
My social battery is low, but I'll try my best to talk whenever I can.
Apologies if responses sound dry, I speak in a blunt manner.
June "Sweetheart" Angelic, Any + Bun/Buns/Bunself, 11
Source: An oc created by Joey
Role(s): Little, Protector
Sign in/off: 🐇
Likes: My friends/family, toys, coloring, spaghetti, the color pink, toys, and video games
Dislikes: Long eye contact (depending on who it is), being yelled at, loud noises, jerks, creepy people, and being underestimated
Like Chara, I'm also a little! Don't be mean to me or I'll kick your shit in.
I'm very silly, very chatty, but I do swear sometimes.
Mac, He/They, NB Queer, 22
Source: "Not comfortable saying it." - Mac
Role(s): Trauma holder, Protector, Organizer
Likes: Messing with Troy, the color red, keeping myself busy, dark places, peace and quiet
Dislikes: Assholes, time wasters, bright places
Interests: True crime, technology, video essays, video games
Sign on/off or when talking w/o Pluralkit: ⚙️
My voice tends to sound raspy/robotic, so I use a phone to communicate.
Like Troy, I also speak in a blunt manner; I hope you understand.
Clyde "Cyclops" Von Volger, He/They, NB Queer, 34
Source: LISA: The Hopeful
Role(s): Trauma holder, Protector
Taken by Liam and Benny <3
Sign on/off or when talking w/o Pluralkit: ❤️
Likes: Video games, napping, and men <3
Dislikes: Assholes
Interests: I go along with what my bfs are interested in :)
Note: I am detached from my source, as the creator wrote me off a racist stereotype. Gross.
I make sex jokes, but if you're a minor I won't make sex jokes around you.
I'm Hypersexual, so I tend to be uncomfy with sexual stuff sometimes, depending on how I feel at the moment.
Sindy Gallows, He/They, NB Bisexual, 36
Source: LISA: The Joyful
Role(s): Co-host, Trauma holder, Guardian
Likes: Sleeping whenever I can, that's it.
Dislikes: Assholes
Interests: Knitting, archery, and writing stories
Sign on/off: 💚
I'm slow to anger, don't push my buttons thanks.
I make self-deprecating jokes or not alive myself jokes to cope with my Depression.
I'm patient towards people with speaking issues, such as stutters. I won't make fun of you, take your time.
Chara Dreemurr, They/It only, Nonbinary, 13
Source: Undertale
Role(s): Little
Likes: Flowers, toys, coloring, chocolate, playing outside, reading, and rainbows
Dislikes: Jerks and white chocolate
Interests: Playing with toys, stuffed animals, and the outdoors
Sign on/off: 🍫
I'm a minor, don't act weird around me. I'm also semi-verbal, I don't talk much.
If you misgender me, Frisk, and Kris or don't wanna refer to our pronouns which is They/Them only. I don't like you, sorry.
If you portray me as a "heartless monster who only wants to destroy humanity", I'm literally a traumatized child that's mean. :(
I'm squeamish when people touch me without asking, ask me first.
Any Asriels can interact, hi Azzy! :D
Sans The Skeleton, He/She, Genderfluid Gay, 26
Source: Undertale
Role(s): Trauma holder, Guardian
Likes: Making friends, jokes, food, and sleeping
Interests: Reading and comedy
Dislikes: Jerks
Sign on/off: 💀
Unlike my source, I ain't that good at makin' puns. Like that Sindy guy, I'm slow to anger too.
Papyrus's alters are cool, hi Pap.
Any of those AUs versions of me are allowed to talk to us, I'd like to meet ya too.
If you ship me with my lil bro, don't talk to me.
Fluffy, She/Her, Ageless
Source: A irl plushie we've had since childhood
Role(s): Comfort
Likes: Making friends and cuddling
Dislikes: Meanies
Sign on/off: 💌
Fluffy is just a lil baby, don't be mean.
Doesn't understand other languages, but can understand simple phrases and sentences.
Says "Ba", "Bwa", or "Baba" a lot.
Rantaro Amami, He/They, NB Queer, 25
Source: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Role(s): Caretaker
Likes: Making friends, taking care of kids, and goofing off
Dislikes: Jerks
Interests: Gardening and traveling
Sign on/off: 🌻
Don't be mean to me or I'll be mean back, that's it.
("My form is beyond your comprehension." - KO)
KO [Pronounced "Kay-O"], Eldritch being, He/It, He's old
Full name: Koulk Ovruthroxz [Pronounced "Colk Over-ruth-ox"]
Source: Brainmade
Role(s): Prosecutor
Likes: Knives, death, and dark stories
Dislikes: Assholes
Interests: Morbid things
Sign on/off: 🔪
Don't be a dickhead, that's it.
I am unhinged to a degree. If you can't handle that then leave me alone.
I like morbid things like death. If that upsets you, then I won't discuss it around you.
Despite my prosecutor role, I'm chill but still learning right from wrong.
Ermac, They/He, Nonbinary, 38
Species: Edenian
Source: The Mortal Kombat series
Role(s): Protector, Guardian, Observer
Likes: Tea, learning about new things, and watching over others
Dislikes: Annoying people Interests: Training our body, meditating, and reading
Sign on/off: 👻
We don't speak, but we'll speak our mind only if we wish to.
Unlike our source, we're alive.
We speak in 1st person, as our source officially speaks like that.
We like to observe those around us; even if you don't see us, we see you.
We're not repulsed by the concepts of romance, we don't like it when others do it towards us forcefully.
Garcello, He/Him only, Pansexual Trans guy, 25
Source: Smoke Em' Out Struggle (fnf mod)
Role(s): Comfort, Protector
Likes: Making friends and goofing off
Dislikes: Jerks and smoking
Interests: I'm unsure what my interests are, but I'd love to hear about yours.
Sign on/off: 🚭
Don't be mean, okay?
I love hearing people infodump to me, talk away.
I can't find the words to say anything sometimes, please don't take that as me being rude.
Oleander, She/He/It, Dardowffin (Xenogender), 30
Species: Unicorn (I have an Anthro form too.)
Source: Them's Fightin' Herds
Role(s): Protector, Guardian, Organizer
Likes: Donuts, coffee, puppies, goth fashion, studying, nature, the dark, peace and quiet
Dislikes: Idiots, being underestimated, and close-mindedness
Interests: Magic stuff, the occult, the supernatural, learning and trying new things
I take things seriously, not in the mood for nonsense.
My tone may sound stern, but I try to be nice.
I'm brutally honest and sarcastic.
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filename-truechara · 2 years
Frisk would care. You were always there for them through every part of the Underground, from their darkest moments to their greatest triumphs.
Toriel would care. She buried you, and tended to your grave for who knows how long.
Asgore would care. You represented the good things humanity could bring to him.
Asriel would care. He already DOES care. He became the closest thing to God for the purpose of being with you forever. When Toriel and Asgore finally moved on after they were freed of the Underground, he chose to live his final moments in his second life to keep watch over your grave when everyone else has left.
Even if everyone has found closure by now, those scars would be torn open if they knew you were still alive in some form, and chose to die again for a perceived notion of "helping" them.
You underestimate how much you meant to the Dreemurrs. You may not the nicest person around, but they don't care. Your family, your REAL family, loved you dearly in spite of everything.
This is not something to be done lightly, or alone.
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