#don't worry though it's still plenty Gay
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posting this also without context
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fakeboycorrection · 2 years
Fakeboy storytime 3(I think?)
You wake up, tired and groggy, trying to remember what happened.
Last thing you remember, you were at the local gay bar. There were tons of dudes around you, but you had taken interest in one of the biggest guys in there. He was tall, handsome, and huge as hell, exactly your type....
Most of the guys around were twinks, a little feminine, or trans, like you. But not this guy. He was 100% masculine, and you loved it. You started flirting with him as soon as you saw him, and he seemed receptive. You were upfront with him about being trans and he was extremely respectful about it, still interested, though you were surprised at how much this shocked him. You never thought that you passed very well, but apparently he couldn't tell. Nice.
He offered to buy you a few drinks across the night, and you gladly accepted. You never considered yourself a lightweight, but the second drink he gave you, right after you got back from the bathroom, hit you hard. You were feeling tired. Confused. Dizzy. But he was kind. He offered up his water to you, took you outside, and got you in the back of his car, promising to get you home. You felt so nice and safe with him, slowly falling asleep in his car.
And now, there you were, waking up, strapped down to some kind of metal table. You felt like a piece of meat on display. You tried to yell out, but your mouth was gagged. You looked around. The room was dark and looked like some kind of basement. The walls looked thick and hard, and you weren't sure how deep you were. Wherever you were now, no one was going to hear you, even without that gag in your mouth.
You heard footsteps behind you. Slowly walking into your vision was the man from the bar last night. Your eyes suddenly widened as things started to make sense.... you couldn't believe how dumb you'd been. You'd fallen right into his hands.
"Well, good morning, sweetheart..." the man said. It was only then the you realized, you didn't even know this man's name, and he'd never bothered to ask yours. You two barely knew each other, and yet you'd been dumb enough to trust him this much...
"I'm sure you've already figured out where this is going, but if you haven't, I'll try to be upfront with you." He said, tearing off the small amount of fabric hiding your front hole from the world. You could only stare down in horror as he gazed at your body hungrily, getting ready to feast...
"Such a beautiful pussy... it's a shame that you hide it behind the disguise of being a girl." A wave of embarrassment washed over you. Not only was this man going to rape you, but he had lied about everything... he didn't even see you and crave you as a man, he wanted you as a girl. You struggled against your restraints, but it was no use. You were much too weak to break free.
The man started touching your pussy lightly, and you jolted up at the stimulation. "We're going to have plenty of fun, but I have another surprise to show you first..." he grabbed a remote from a nearby table and turned a monitor on, revealing a live camera feed of you, accompanied by a long list of chat messages.
"Say hello to your adoring audience, my beautiful girl..." the man smirked at you as your eyes flicked up and down, reading the chat messages. "They'll be giving me some... suggestions... on what to do with you tonight... you better hope they're merciful. Although, usually their arousal trumps any feelings of kindness they might have."
You read some of the messages.
'Fuck her pussy and make her cry'
'Breed her and leave the stream up 24/7! I want to see her swell...'
'Torture the bitch! She needs to know her place'
And there were some darker ones as well, some that scared you... some that made you worry that you'd never leave this basement again, if your captor decided to give in to those suggestions. You started shaking in fear, already crying, trying to plead with him their your gag.
"Oh? Feeling a little nervous about your first live performance? Don't worry, my dear... I'll start off slow with you, then ramp up over the next few weeks... but, by the end of this, I'll be doing literally anything they ask... I hope you weren't too attached to your freedom before this, because you can kiss it goodbye." He smiled, turning to read some of the messages for himself. "Ah, 'Make her admit that she's just a girl'. That's a good one... you did try to fool me at that bar, claiming to be a man and everything... you'll need some severe fixing for that." He started unbuckling his pants getting up onto the table and straddling your trapped body.
"Let's see how long it takes until you throw away all those silly "boy" thoughts, my pretty little girl.
You closed your eyes, trying to hide yourself from him in any way possible as he leaned in, kissing your neck and feeling up your sides. You could hear his throat growling quietly, right as his cock met the entrance to your front hole. Then, you heard him laugh.
"You're already wet for my cock? This might be easier than I thought..." your eyes shot open. Why the hell were you wet? You knew you weren't enjoying this, and yet...
You couldn't finish the thought as his cock entered you, deeper than you'd ever felt before. You'd only ever fooled around with other trans guys in the past, usually just doing stuff with your hands and mouths. But this... this was different... it felt like an entirely new experience. You felt your body betraying you, starting to enjoy the man's cock thrusting in and out of your pussy... you couldn't stop yourself from lightly moaning. The man just smiled down at you, proud of how easily you were being broken down.
"Such a good girl... your audience is loving it..." he grunted, thrusting harder. You couldn't deny it now, that it felt physically good, but in your mind, you were still terrified of him. Scared about what he might do to you in the days to come. Afraid of how far he might go. The chat wasn't scared of going too far though, as you read a few more messages, feeling his cock fill up every inch of you hole. You glanced over at it, reading more.
'Cum inside!'
'Never let this bitch go, she's taking it so well already. She's a keeper.'
'Get some of the toys out, this is boring'
And one more messages, the implications of which scared you more than you could ever have realized...
'Do you think he'll do an auction on this one, or just dispose of her when he's done? I'd love to own that piece of meat...'
Reading that made you realize that there were only two ways that this captivity was going to end, and neither sounded pleasant. You started to cry again, a harsh contrast to the incredible feelings happening inside your cunt. Your captor just laughed.
"Finally figuring out just how fucked you are, hm? Well, don't worry, I've got a gift for you..." he leaned in and bit your neck hard, probably drawing blood, until you finally felt a warm feeling filling up your insides, accompanied by his grunts. You could feel his cock pulsing as he filled you up with his load, to the point that it started dripping all over the floor, spilling out everywhere, such a massive load...
After nearly a minute of cumming, he finally pulled out, looking down to admire his work. "Yep, that's a properly used pussy... I'm sure you feel like a real "man" now, don't you cunt? Dripping cum out of your pussy, so 'masculine'." He said, laughing. "Well, that was fun, but we've got plenty more work to do." He got up and walked over to the monitor, reading through more chat messages. Your heart sunk as he looked through more and more messages, that just seemed to be getting more humiliating and violent by the second.
"Let's see... that one looks fun!" He said, pointing to a specific message. "Should help us break your dumb little boy thoughts..."
You read the message, and your heart sunk.
'Breed her.'
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drdemonprince · 4 months
I have always had a fantasy of having anonymous sex with a stranger but never acted on it because it seems too risky, and also I live somewhere there isn't a "scene" for kink or anything. Do you have any tips for how I could make that happen safely? Or even where to start looking because I wouldn't know.
If you fuck men, it's gonna be so easy. Just hop on Sniffies or Grindr or something, explain what you are into, and talk to people to arrange a hookup that's to your liking. You can tell a friend where you will be, or require some vetting of the person before you hook up until the circumstances are to your satisfaction. If you're not a man, don't worry, you can still use these apps. There's lots of women and nonbinary people on Grindr these days, and plenty of users looking for people like you.
I'll never give advice about how to guarantee safety because there is no such thing in this life, and I don't know what "safety" means to you. But someone knowing where you are, and potentially being nearby enough to intervene prevents a lot of problems. This is part of why gay male cruising spaces are so lovely -- it's far safer to get fucked by a random dude around a dozen other random dudes than it is to take a single guy you *think* you know into your home where nobody can hear you or see what is going on. The men who frequent cruising spaces want to maintain the space's existence and do look after each other, that's how they even came to arise. I can pretty much guarantee that if you have access to truck stops, public parks, parking garages, cemeteries, or the like, there is a cruising space near you -- check out Sniffies or Gays Cruising to figure out where, or google it for your area. Cruising spaces are predominately gay, though often trans inclusive, and there are some spaces where cis women show up too -- Banana Video and Cell Block here in Chicago are examples, your area might have a lot more than you might think.
The other way to set something like this up is to advertise yourself on Fetlife or some other app that's very explicitly sexual, like Feeld. You can create the sensation of a somewhat anonymous encounter by vetting a person online and then giving them a time and a place to be, and then carrying through with the act without speaking much, or by using a blindfold.
If you meant "safety" in terms of sexual wellness and health, well, that's where educating yourself about risk factors and deciding which risks you are comfortable with and which ones you are not come in. Again, there's no perfect safety, there are risks to every decision we make -- including deciding not to have the kind of sex that you want. Barriers, testing, vaccines, PreP, and the like are probably what you want to look into using in some combination, but ultimately the decision falls on you.
Have fun!
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ladykailitha · 6 months
EddieHawk? *name in progress*
Listen, come closer. Steddie LadyHawke AU. I know, I know, it's been done before but they modernized it.
Picture this.
Sir Stephan as head of the guard for Bishop William (Billy) and they both fall for the beautiful and ethereal Eddie. He is the adopted nephew of Lord Wayne and crowning jewel of the small principality of Hawkins.
Sir Stephan and Eddie know that they can't wed under the eye of Prince Henry (Vecna) and Bishop William plan to run away together and elope.
Max not knowing that her guardian the Bishop is madly in love with Eddie, tells him of their plans thinking that he could help them get away.
The Bishop is enraged that they would even think of running away and with the help of the Prince place a curse on the pair.
Five years later and Robin, who is a thief and escape artist extraordinaire breaks out of the town prison which was said to be inescapable.
Sir Thomas, the new head of the guard and the Bishop's right hand man is intent on capturing her to find out how she escaped.
She just happens to run into Sir Thomas and the guard right where Sir Stephan was trying to make it back to the center of Hawkins to kill the Bishop and he accidentally rescues her.
But in their running, they move farther away from the Hawkins much to Sir Stephan's ire. When they stop for the night, even though there is still plenty of daylight left, Robin gets annoyed. She wants to get away from the bad men after, stopping now does not accomplish that. So Stephan tells her to leave.
Robin weighs the two options and stays with the buff dude with a very big sword. And strangely a beautiful raven.
Stephan tells her that if she sees a large wolf, run away. Don't engage. He will not be responsible if it eats her.
Robin is confused, there haven't been wolves in the area in decades. But she doesn't argue afraid he'll just leave her behind. He also tells her that when the sun sets to lay out the clothing in right saddle bag and do not talk to the man who comes to get them.
So she does what she's told.
She talks to the young man. Learns his name is Edwin, but everyone calls him Eddie. He's sweet and awkward. And if she was attracted to men, she might just fall in love with him.
The wolf appears and Robin is terrified. But oddly Eddie is not.
Come morning, Stephan is back and the beautiful man is gone. Stephan calls to the raven and he lands on Robin's arm not Stephan's. And ooh boy does that cause a stir.
"I'm gay you daft creature!" she hisses, "Go back to your master!"
Stephan laughs for the first time and the raven lands on Stephan's wrist.
But the guard has caught up with them and a stray arrow hits the raven. Stephan is distraught. Terrified.
He rides for miles, hard and fast to a small fortress. It's run by a group of outcasts. Max, El, Dustin, Will, Mike, and Lucas. All run out of Hawkins for one reason or another.
Max carries the heaviest sin by far.
Stephan yells at the gate. "Come down here and help him. Now!"
They all come running and Robin is confused.
While El and Will seek to heal the bird, Max and Dustin feed Robin. She's worried about Stephan. But Dustin tells her Mike and Lucas have him.
Robin catches Will and El covering the body of a naked Eddie with a wound in his shoulder right where the raven was shot. So she gets the truth out of Max and Dustin about the curse that binds them together but keeps them apart. At night Eddie is a human and Stephan a wolf, and during the day, Stephan is a human and Eddie the raven. Never can they see each other.
Robin is upset. That's horrible.
But the Party has a plan. They just have to get Stephan to agree to it.
Come morning the bird is fully healed and they set off again, Max and Dustin following behind. Stephan refuses to listen to their plan and insists his going to kill the Bishop will break the curse.
The bishop is tired of waiting and sends out a wolf hunter, Yuri to kill Stephan.
There is a harrowing moment that night when poor Eddie and Robin think Stephan has been caught in one of these traps, but thanks to the quick thinking of Max and Robin they kill the hunter in one of his own traps.
But it's too close for comfort. They need to end this and fast.
They travel all day, getting nearer to the city once again. When they camp at night, it's near a frozen lake that they had skirted that morning.
Only when the wolf attempts to cross it, he falls in. And with everyone's help and the big ass sword, Robin manages to save the wolf.
In the morning before the sun fully comes over the horizon, Robin makes a lean-to casting Eddie in shadow long enough for Stephan to be human long enough to see Eddie before he fully transforms into a bird.
Robin tells Stephan that she lost the sword in the lake and Stephan in his anger pushes her. She lands on the ground and he sees the great big gouges from where the wolf had scratched her helping him out of the lake.
He apologies and hugs her.
They make it to the town and Max insists that if Stephan waits until the eclipse to kill the Bishop the curse will be broke for sure. But Stephan can't trust her. Tells her to kill Eddie if he fails. If the bells ring, he's failed.
He goes in and with a sword he takes off a soldier he kills attacks Mass.
He kills Tommy but before he can kill the Bishop, one of the guards manage to ring the bell just as the eclipse starts. Stephan is gutted.
But before he can kill himself, Eddie comes running in human.
The Bishop is pissed and tries to kill Eddie with his staff, but Robin slides Stephan's sword to him and he kills the Bishop, ending the curse for good.
*cradles your face in my hands* Do you, you see the vision? Can you? Because I can.
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distortionposting · 1 month
Shirts And Skins
Jared Hopworth x Stranger!Danny Stoker
Running a gym is harder than expected, but especially when unpleasant clients start causing trouble.
TWs- homophobia (dw it's some rando but queer is used as a slur once), internalized homophobia, canon typical flesh and stranger content (body horror and implied cannibalism)
Also I'm American and know absolutely nothing about gym culture so don't come at me, I just wanna write gay stories lol
"What the hell is that tiny twink doing in here?"
The question caught Jared off guard as he snapped out of his daze. He had spaced out while sitting at the reception desk, like he typically did when things were boring. His gym may have been a front to feed on fear, but he still had to run the place like a proper business, boring or not. It had been a longtime dream of Jared's to own a gym, he just hadn't expected running it to be quite so... dull. At least something seemed to be happening now?
"What's going on...?" Jared rumbled groggily, punctuating his question with a yawn. He hadn't sensed any change in the insecurity levels permeating the place, so it wasn't affecting his fear farming. No decreases, so he didn't need to mess with the lights or the music, and no increases, which meant one of the plentiful victims was ready for "harvest." Things were just... blah.
"Are you fucking stupid? I'm asking you what the hell this guy is doing in here!" The irate man, whose biceps were the same size as his shiny bald head, gestured toward a slender figure on the treadmill, wearing a shirt with stripes on it. He wasn't sure what it was, but Jared figured it was some kind of pride flag. He had a hard time keeping up with which one was which, so he never bothered with it. Gender and sexuality hardly mattered when everyone was a walking meat slab. (Though he did admire the dedication some had in the quest to obtain the perfect body.)
Jared watched the stranger jog for a moment, saw no immediate issue with his form, then looked blankly back at the client making the nebulous complaint. This guy's steroids were probably affecting his brain. Clients did get easier to persuade into new shapes after a while of using the stuff, though, but that also meant their tempers got worse and worse... Which meant Jared had to keep them in check.
The man stared at Jared expectantly, gesturing toward the treadmill once again, a little more rude this time. Without a beat, Jared answered. "Well, it looks like he's getting a better leg workout than you. Should work on that too, you look like you've skipped a couple leg days." The swell of self-consciousness coming off his customer made Jared grin. This guy could be sent over the edge from client to victim soon, Jared could practically taste it. These types of gym bros had such frail egos, which made it so easy to mess with them. Essentially, with lax gym rules, they flocked to this place like a fly to honey. It was like working at a fear buffet, and so long as he kept the lights on, he'd never have to worry about his next meal again. Those meatheads that ditched him for the ritual didn't know what they were missing. Not to mention he thought the whole ritual plan was stupid in the first place, a meat hole lacked any kind of imagination. It's like they didn't even try.
A shout from the other side of the room pulled Jared out of his residual anger regarding his recent abandonment, and he quickly realized that the guy he was mocking a second ago was about to go full 'roid rage. Lax rules or not, a fight would attract unwanted attention. Annoyed with the whole situation already, Jared hoisted himself out of his seat and pushed past the growing crowd of gym rats. He was fully prepared to wrench the tinier man from the larger patron's grasp, but to his surprise, the smaller of the two seemed to be holding his ground. This could get interesting.
In this very moment, Danny was facing down the goliath who had unceremoniously turned his treadmill off, pulling the plug at the source. At first he had assumed it was some sort of emergency, like a small personal object had rolled underneath the track, or even an electrical fire, but this was not the case. No, this asshole was just looking for a fight. Danny was hardly bothered, though, he'd been confronted by men this size before and thrown them for a loop, easy-peasy. The big lunk seemed awfully cocky too... Danny decided that a quick stretch wouldn't hurt, especially while this asshole was trying and failing to intimidate him.
"Are you even listening to me?! I said I want you outta my gym, fucking queer!" The man snarled, attempting to shove Danny back mid-stretch. Fortunately, Danny found it all too easy to evade his touch by purposefully dropping to the floor like a rag doll. Not far from the truth of the matter, he thought, contorting himself to be standing on all fours. It was in that very second that Jared realized that he had a Stranger in his gym, and that things were about to get weird.
The instigator stared at Danny in pure shock, and Danny seized the opportunity to have a little fun.
"I'd be listening if you had anything interesting to say!" He twisted his torso around a full 180 degrees, his legs following as if it were an afterthought. At this sight, a handful of the customers bolted out the door. "At least you noticed something right, big boy~" Danny winked at the man, laughing as his opponent's face got redder and redder. Jared wondered if the man might explode if his blood pressure got too high.
Unable to hold back panic and rage any longer, the man attempted to punt the Stranger in front of him, only managing to graze Danny as he deftly somersaulted backward and subsequently skittered up the shelf holding the hand weights, like some sort of feral animal. Danny goaded him on, throwing his head back and laughing between moments of making kissy noises. The man wasn't having any of that, and before anyone else could stop him, he hurled one of the benches in Danny's general direction. Unfortunately for Jared's wallet, the man missed his intended target and knocked down an entire row of exercise bikes, which fell with a terrible crunching noise.
"Alright, everyone get the fuck out of here." Jared bellowed, sending whatever bystanders were left running. They had seen Jared mad a handful of times, and knew better than to stand up to him. Jared was an enormous man, towering over even the strongest power lifter among them. Those who stood against him either disappeared completely or were hospitalized with severe injuries. Danny, however, knew no such fear, and continued his reign of chaos by launching himself directly onto his foe. The man attempted to avoid the sudden blow by turning away from his attacker, only for Danny to cling to the straps of his tank top like a maniacal little rodeo clown. The man scrambled to pull Danny off his back, but was unable to get a proper grasp on him. Bodybuilding came with an unfortunate price: his arms were so swollen that he could no longer reach the small of his back.
Jared attempted to pull the man back toward the office, but lost his grip when the man threw himself backward against the wall instead, desperate to get Danny off his back. Danny didn't seem to be in any distress at all as he was slammed repeatedly against the bricks, but in all fairness, he was gathering a good amount of fear from this nonsense. Jared cursed under his breath, pissed about what he was about to do, but there wasn't enough time to hesitate. The longer this fight went on, the more likely someone was gonna call the police. It had to be shut down RIGHT NOW.
With a single fluid motion, Jared ripped his baggy t-shirt off as easily as if it were made of tissue paper. What might have appeared as a beer gut beneath his tee (though he was not slender by any means) was actually a well hidden second set of arms, equally strong as his openly visible set. Mourning one of the few shirts that fit him decently well, Jared threw himself into the scuffle. His lower set of arms deftly grabbed the instigator's wrists, while his right hand gripped the man's throat, pinning him firmly against the wall. The remaining left hand pried Danny off the man's back as if he were a scruffed kitten. This was done with far less force considering Danny hadn't started this whole incident in the first place... and because most of Jared's strength was being put towards holding the bigot down.
Danny looked Jared up and down, the momentary peace finally giving him the chance to actually see the gym owner up close. Ripped, shirtless, and real handsy, Danny thought, realizing it was an excellent chance to shoot his shot.
"Finally!" He exclaimed, "A man who knows how to handle me!" A sly grin crossed Danny's face as he spoke. "You can handle me anytime. Nice grip."
Jared went bright red, his grasp on the human tightening out of surprise, the tendons in his hand bulging out. The suddenly strangled man gargled in protest, all the while Jared stared back at Danny, mouth hanging open. Girls had tried fawning over Jared a thousand times before, but this felt different. He couldn't figure out why, though... maybe it was all three of his hearts fluttering in unison. He tried desperately to ignore it, which was a little easier when the man he was holding down was trying to escape not one, but two monsters.
"Stop being so annoying, I'm trying to--" Jared growled as the man beneath him thrashed, to no avail against Jared's iron grip. "You know what? Fuck this."
Jared set Danny back on the ground, pointing at him, and then the front door. "Go lock the door and flip the closed sign for me while I shove this jackass in my office. I want a word with you." Danny saluted in response, which elicited a snort from Jared. The little guy was pretty funny, he couldn't deny that. Once everything was properly settled (aside from the muffled screams from the guy locked in the office), Jared sat down on one of the benches, gesturing for Danny to sit next to him. He tried to ignore his racing thoughts regarding the seating situation as well, shaking the idea and his shaggy brown hair out of the way.
"Sorry about your gym," Danny started, idly kicking his legs. "I didn't think I'd cause a scene so soon. I thought I was gonna mess with you, actually."
An abrupt half-snort, half-laugh escaped Jared's lips. Him? Scared? Impossible. "Yeah? " Jared challenged, grinning mischievously at the circus geek next to him. "What were you gonna do, huh?"
Flirtatiously walking his fingers up Jared's massive arm, Danny laid on the classic Stoker charm. "Oh, you know~ Wait until closing time, make you come over and tell me to leave, and just when you're about to tap me on the shoulder..." Danny suddenly let his upper half go slack, his neck hanging at an unnatural angle, like a marionette that suddenly had its strings cut. The surprise of it all made Jared laugh. It definitely wouldn't have scared him by any means, but it was still well executed.
"Hey, that's pretty good, man. The dead-eyed look sells it. Woulda scared the shit outta someone who didn't harvest organs for fun." Jared lightly elbowed him, prompting Danny to pull himself into a more natural position, giggling all the while. Man, that laugh was infectious.
"Do you want any of our extras? I mean, we try to use every bit at the Circus, but even Nikola doesn't really know what to do with a spare gallbladder-- Anyway, I could bring some to you as an apology for wrecking your place? Say... tomorrow at closing time?" Danny looked up at Jared with wide, sparkling eyes. Maybe a little too wide, revealing a sliver of the plastic that kept his frame together.
Jared didn't know what to say. Nobody had offered him anything before. In his life so far, if he wanted something, he had to get it himself, regardless of how legal it might be. It took clawing tooth and nail to get his gym, and he committed plenty of murder in the process. Yet here this Stranger was, wandering directly into his hunting grounds, and apologizing for causing trouble. To say it was a touching gesture was an understatement. Blinking in complete shock, Jared managed to blurt out an astonished "Yes??"
Danny squealed in pure joy, throwing himself against Jared in as big a hug he could give the man. It ended up closer to Danny face-planting himself against Jared's bare chest. Jared blushed again, staring at Danny momentarily before awkwardly giving him a pat on the shoulder. Were all Stranger avatars this touchy-feely? It wasn't that he hated it (though he'd never admit it), it just so happened that Jared wasn't used to this kind of contact. When his ex-friends were still around, the most positive contact he would get was a slap on the back. All of this was so new.
It took a moment of skin-to-peeled-skin contact for Danny to suddenly realize that Jared no longer had a shirt as a result of all the mayhem that had occurred mere minutes ago. Sure enough, the remaining shreds of it laid pitifully on the floor. The idea coagulated quickly in Danny's mind, and he gave Jared's chest a firm, friendly slap. Damn, this guy was solid as a rock under all that muscle.
"I can get you a new shirt too! The Circus is very good with a needle and thread, see?" To prove his point, Danny held his arm up to display his seams, which were almost impossible to see unless you were looking extremely close. Jared had to admit, it was pretty impressive.
"That'd be great," Jared confessed, "Pretty hard to find stuff I like in my size. Or anything in my size, really. Liked that shirt, too."
With a sense of determination, Danny picked up what remained of the shirt to keep as a template. By god, he was going to make things up to this man. "Then it's settled!" Danny announced triumphantly, "I'll bring you dinner and some new clothes tomorrow night, sound good?"
"Er- uh, yeah, sure." Jared stumbled over both his words and emotions, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "And, uh. You don't have to worry about seeing that guy ever again, I'll take care of him." A skillful press to his chin urged a sharp set of teeth forward, tusks much like a boar's erupting from his lower jaw. A crack of the neck, a shake of the head, and Jared looked like a new man.
"On the same note, wanna thank you for finding me an early lunch. Meat is meat, y'know." Jared chuckled and gestured back toward his office, where the locked door was being rattled desperately by the man trapped behind it. His fear was already delectable, but there was nothing like sinking your teeth into a nice, juicy cut of muscle and sinew. Something of a rare treat these days.
He had already thought Jared was particularly attractive, but the sharp teeth stopped Danny dead in his tracks. Sure, he was playfully flirting with the Flesh avatar before, but that smile had him falling hard and fast. If he had a heart, surely it would have been beating in double time. How was he hotter as a monster?! Danny was so doomed. He didn't even know if this man liked guys! Hell, they hadn't even exchanged names yet!
Fuck it, it was now or never. Danny awkwardly stuck his hand out to Jared for a handshake. You know, the most normal thing to do when you want to date a guy. He was already mentally kicking himself, but it was way too late to take this back now. "You can call me Danny."
"Jared," he grunted in reply, his enormous hand engulfing Danny's as he gave a firm shake. "Names don't mean much to me these days, so it's whatever." This made Danny giggle, perplexing Jared in the process.
"Sorry, sorry!" Danny continued to giggle, "It's just, you sound more like the Circus than I do with the whole name thing. My name's the only thing that sticks with me. Nikola says I'm a special case." He shook his head bashfully, letting his arms swing idly at his sides. "You're uh, you belong to Viscera right?"
"That's a real big word when all you gotta say is Flesh. That's me though. The Boneturner." The way Jared enunciated his title could have given Danny the shivers. Why was he so hot??? Even if this guy wasn't interested in men, his looks were going to haunt Danny's thoughts for the rest of his existence.
The electric lights buzzed around them as the tension grew thicker. There was definitely something blossoming between them, though neither could put it to words so soon. The door behind them continued to shake as its occupant tried to free himself.
"You, uh, you should probably take care of that guy, huh?" Danny gave an awkward smile, fidgeting with the t-shirt fabric in his hands. Jared nodded in agreement, feeling the hunger beginning to gnaw at him. The anticipation of a good meal practically had him drooling.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then...?" Jared trailed off, barely able to tear his eyes away from Danny as he spoke. It was so odd to see a Stranger with such an athletic physique, and the very concept was intriguing to him. Hopefully he'd learn more about him under less hectic circumstances.
"It's a date!" Danny beamed, bouncing on his toes as he made his way toward the door. "Maybe next time you can meet me at my place for gymnastics rehearsal! Bye, handsome~"
And before Jared could protest with so much as a 'no homo', Danny was out of the building. The thought of it festered in the back of his mind as he closed the gym up early. He thinks I'm handsome, was the first concept to sink in, offering a considerable ego boost. Danny saw him passing as a human and a bit of his monstrous form, and it didn't change his opinion a bit. The last time he heard that was from his surrogate mother, Angela, and mothers were basically obligated to say such things, even if she wasn't his real mother. She was just the avatar who helped him get back on his feet again, that's all.
The other phrase took a bit longer to grapple with, It's a date. Jared wasn't completely sure if Danny had meant it in a romantic sense or not, but considering the handsome comment that followed, it seemed pretty damn gay. Was Danny flirting with him? The feelings around that were incredibly murky. On one hand, it was just the two of them who knew, and nobody would ever find out... on the other, if it ever got out, his reputation could be destroyed in an instant, like his father would say. He never quite understood why his father hated queers so much, but the countless news stories and videos of the violence towards them were frightening enough that Jared had tried very hard not to be anything like that. He had wanted to make his father proud.
Granted, he had been kicked out for the weird magic bone book instead. The fear was still there, though.
You know what, Jared suddenly decided, This is too much to think about on an empty stomach or three. He had left his meal stewing in fear for long enough, it was high time he had a bite. This doubt was due to low blood sugar, surely that was it. Yeah, he'd be fine, the gay thoughts would go away if his head was clear. Definitely.
Forcing himself to relax, the crackle of bone could be heard beneath layers of muscle. The sharp edges jutted out of Jared's skin deliberately, just as artfully as he had intended. The perfect form was never quite complete by design, but he always did feel better appearing precisely how he wanted in the moment. He was bone-chilling, threatening, and no one in the world would ever dare touch him. Even better, he'd be able to show off the truly terrifying look to his latest victim.
Bon Appétit.
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Abby x reader head canons?
I will say may not be the best representation for her character because I've only watched (many) play troughs and not played the game yet cause I no longer have my play station :( but I am absolutely horrendously down bad for her ngl so here we go (also abby is closeted wlw in this sorry guys)
warnings: repressed sapphic feelings, gets a little sexual at the ending but nothing major, jealousy, mostly just fluff here cause im easing myself into her character
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I feel like she's not particularly into pda? not anything egregious but she'll have an arm around you is enough, maybe a hand in the back pocket to give you a lil bum squeeze but even that's pushing it. She doesn't want to be obnoxious like *those* couples (she does actually) but she wants people to know your hers.
connecting to this I feel like she gets jealous pretty easily. Not from a place of seeing you as property but from her own insecurities and worrying that you'll find somebody "better" which means sometimes she'll give a snide little comment when you've been hanging out with somebody else that makes you pull back and go "excuse me?" often leading to her either talking herself into a corner or going silent and passive aggressive until your able to pull the truth out of her, often times after the anger has fizzled out hours later and she slips into your room with a soft mumbled apology when you tell you that you love her and only her but that doesn't mean she gets to be an asshole to you for it. (she makes it up to you though. all night long in fact)
braid her hair. please braid her hair. It's a small sign of love that makes her go absolutely crazy. The feeling of your nails gently scritching her scalp has her stretching out like a cat in a sunbeam on a lazy sunday afternoon. She'll set her head in your lap while you undo the braid and run your fingers through her soft locks until she slowly drifts off to sleep because she just feels so at peace with you that she's comfortable letting her guard down and falling asleep
even if you have very short hair, you probably end up wearing one of her hair ties on your wrists because she tends to lose them + its a little part of her to keep by your side :') (i will say its interesting that in the show, it seems like ellie keeps her hair tied back with a hairtie that seems to have been cut, so she has to wrap it around and then tie a knot which makes sense because i'd gather that elastic isn't that easy to come across post apocalypse yknow. I think it'd be cute if you like. found a scrunchie or smthn for her that even though its not her style she's still wear it cause its a gift from you :'))
that being said? i imagine after everything she's been through she's a pretty light/paranoid sleeper so if you slip from the bed for any reason be ready to see her padding after you, squinted eyes and grumbling with sleep still in her voice as she mumbles 'where you goin'?' because babygirl woke up without you by her side and it caused her to panic :(
confident in her body. She's worked hard on her physique and she knows you enjoy it, so don't be surprised to see her not-so-subtlety flex if she catches you eyeing her up. You'll roll your eyes at her peacocking but it doesn't stop that lovesick smile from growing on your face that makes her feel all giddy. Bunch of goofballs in love right here <3
idk why but she gives me a bit closeted energy growing up. I feel like she probably got plenty of shit for being a tomboy and she gives me the energy of those girls who are like "women can be masculine and straight you know >:(" but so incredibly gay lmao (knew countless gals like this god bless them all) but yeah she'll huff and puff because just because she's not girly doesn't mean she's gay but also likes it when you sleep in her bed and you guys tell stories and fall asleep in eachothers arms, sometimes she'll stay awake so she can watch how peaceful you are and maybe maybe think about kissing you and how soft your body would feel in her hands and the little noises you'd make and that makes her feel something owen never did. but yknow. she's still super straight
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nicole-alt-delete · 2 years
Part 3 of Black Bandana! Part One | Part Two | Read on Ao3
Steve hesitates, looking confused for a moment before he enters the trailer and shuts the door behind him. He knew Eddie was freaking out a little about this, but he didn't expect him to be so... distant.
He chews on his lip a little, trying to decide where to start, wishing that Eddie would just come and sit on the couch with him instead of leaning against the wall so defensively. It breaks Steve's heart, but he sits down alone anyway.
"There's no mob, Eds," laughing softly, nerves dancing around the edges of it. "I'm not mad or- weirded out, or whatever it is you're worried about. I- I didn't mean to force you into outing yourself, so I'm sorry, but It's fine that you're gay, y'know?"
He wants to say more, and he almost does, but he looks up at the other boy instead, curious about whether or not it's actually helping any.
To his minor relief, he thinks it is.
Eddie is still leaning against the wall, but he's a little more slumped into it, not so tense now. The hands that were so fiercely gripping his sleeves are now crossed more normally, fingers tapping anxiously. The jittery movement was better, because it meant Eddie was thinking, taking him seriously.
Steve watches as those big brown doe eyes of his dart up to meet him in the eyes, scanning him for traces of a lie, internally debating whether or not Steve means it. Whatever he sees must be enough though, because he sighs and pushes himself off the wall, coming closer to lean on the arm of the couch instead.
"Okay, so- hypothetically," Eddie starts, pointedly avoiding eye contact now that he's closer. "If what I said wasn't a total fucking joke- you'd be okay with that? Really?"
Steve smiles softly but looks up at him seriously. He nods, "Of course, Eds."
Eddie Squints.
The question catches Steve off guard. He blinks, and makes that confused little face he makes when something should be obvious.
"What do you mean, 'why?', because you're one of my best friends-" He shakes his head laughing, but his heart skips a beat as he takes a breath, "And, well, you're not the-"
Eddie cuts him off before he can get anywhere close to his confession, a frantic,  "That's not an answer Steve!" and a finger in his face shutting him up quickly so Eddie can  be dramatic for another moment.
"Plenty of best friends don't put up with that shit, I would know- one minute it's 'let's hang out', and the next it's 'I don't want you spending the night anymore'- not to mention everyone knows Robin is your best friend,"
Steve can't help but roll his eyes at the irony that Eddie misses from that statement, but he doesn't stop him, simply watching as he waves his hands around and whines about all the reasons Steve might change his mind about hanging out with him.
Steve just leans back into the couch and lets him talk, until eventually he can't help but crack a smile and laugh at something he says.
Eddie stops and frowns at him, hands paused in mid-air, "What? What about that is funny Harrington?"
Steve laughs softly again and shakes his head, pushing his hair back, "Nothing- just- Eds, we were literally cuddling last week at movie night, I think I missed my chance to be scared of gay shit by now. And- you think you're the only gay in Hawkins? I mean, reasonable, but... not true,"
He shrugs a bit as he says it, like it should be obvious, but Eddie stares at him like he just explained the Upside Down all over again.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Steve hums for a second, "I mean... I mean what I said. You're not the only gay guy in town. Or- like, not-straight guy? Not-straight anyone- You- you know what I mean, right?"
He's a little flustered about it now, but the red on his cheeks is only confusing Eddie more. He slides down off the arm and sinks into the couch cushion, leaning towards Steve  as if proximity will suddenly help him understand.
"Steven Harrington, are you telling me you know other gays?"
Steve laughs again, nodding.
"Yes- yeah, man- that's what I'm saying. I mean, I guess technically it's only one- or two? depending on how it counts..."
Eddie leans in more which extremely does not help Steve process his thoughts any better. He's squinting at him the way he glares at the kids during DnD, when he's trying to use his dungeon master charisma to trick them into screwing up.
He swallows.
A small glance down at Eddie's lips.
"What're you saying here?"
Steve squirms for a second, but he just ends up laughing again.
"...That I... wasn't really wrong for wearing your bandana like that earlier?"
Eddie stares at him blankly for a second before his eyes go wide and his face goes bright red. Steve expects him to clarify, or pounce on him, but Eddie ends up laughing and looking mortified, pulling back and slapping a hand to his face.
"NO- nope, no, god, fuck Stevie- don't say that, oh my god,"
Steve frowns. Eddie's still laughing about it, but Steve feels like he missed a joke, and it honestly kind of hurts.
"What? Eds- that's not funny, I just- I'm serious!"
Eddie laughs again but whines apologetically this time, "No- no, I know you are but- god, you really don't mean that-"
"Yes I do! I like Men!"
He looks a bit surprised to hear Steve say it so plainly, but goddamn if he doesn't look pleased about it after everything. It only makes Steve even more lost as to what Eddie's laughing about.
"I'm sure- I mean- I believe you sweetheart- about that at least, you'd have to be an idiot to lie about- but I mean- the bandana Stevie,  it uh. It doesn't...*just* mean that you're... gay,"
Eddie's still giggling, biting his lip now, his usual goofy self back where it belongs. Steve meanwhile, is beyond confused and wondering how his confession has gone so, so wrong so many times in one day.
"It...doesn't? But you said-"
"I know- yeah, well- you wanted an answer and we were in the middle of Family Video for Christ's sake, I couldn't blurt the whole definition, exactly,"
Steve quirks an eyebrow at him and leans in, filling the space left from when Eddie pulled away. He steals another quick glance at the metal head's lips, entirely too aware of how red they are from having been chewed on all day.
When he looks back up into his eyes it's obvious Eddie's embarrassed to say it, and Steve takes note of the way he's dying to hide behind his hair if not for how close their faces are already.
"So, then? What's it mean, Eds?"
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Ayy, finally here with a part 3. Next part will probably get spicy so minors im sorry but you have to leave 🔪
Fun news is that I'm now also posting this on ao3 for all ur bookmarking needs, so please check that out.
Thank you everyone for your support, I'll try to tag as many as I can in the replies but no promises 💜
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farmerlesbian · 8 months
hi farmer lesbian!
so ive identified as bisexual for a long time but ive discovered recently i feel very comfortable within the lesbian ideas of gender and specifically the butchfemme community. i’ve been dating someone recently who also identified as bisexual but has related to transmasc lesbians understanding of gender as well as posts about butches. we both kind of see ourselves within the butchfemme dynamic but i’ve been very tough on myself with calling myself a lesbian because i’ve dated a man before (…in middle school..)
it’s gotten to the point where i’m really worried to label myself because of what it’d imply for my partner? but also what people would say? and while i know i dont HAVE to label myself it just sucks to know theres an identity im drawn to and feel like i fit into that i cant immediately slip into
hmm i'm not really sure how to guide you here. i guess i want to challenge you on some of the things you're saying here, it feels like you're coming at this from maybe the "wrong" angle (wrong feels too harsh a word, maybe just not the most helpful angle)
you're worried you can't call yourself a lesbian because you dated a boy in middle school? i think.. a LOT of lesbians dated boys in jr. high and high school and there are lots of late in life lesbians who were married to men for years before figuring out who they are and coming out. this is all completely normal and common. like, dating one boy in middle school doesn't really mean much tbh. i wouldn't base your identity or label you use around something like that. i dated a bunch of boys in high school and early college when i was still figuring out who i was. your labels or identity or gender or sexuality don't need to account for all you life experiences and past. it's not so much about your sexual history but describing who you are *now*, what you're interested in, in the present.
you say both you and your partner really like Lesbian Genders and butch/femme stuff. that's nice, but liking and relating to lesbian culture and gender stuff doesn't make you a lesbian haha! it's who you're attracted to and who you're not, that determines your orientation. gender and orientation are different things, as i'm sure you know. obviously very connected and stuff. like, for example, just because someone identifies as a man it doesn't make him straight, even though heterosexuality is an integral part of manhood, in the dominant culture. gay trans men are certainly not rare! the same goes for you guys.
also, remember that transmasculinity is a broad umbrella and encompasses a wide variety of people and their identities and experiences. plenty of butches aren't transmasc, and probably most transmascs aren't butch.
i will tell you that in the course of running this blog and being on the internet, i've probably seen and shared thousands of photos and drawing of people. not once have i ever seen something that represents me and my wife. if you are seeking out representation or examples of the options to be, in order to figure out who/what you are, i would advise against that. seek what feels true to you, what feels honest and right. you do not need to be similar to other people in order to find belonging, acceptance, and community. (though of course this is absolutely nothing wrong or bad if you do find others just like you, if you do fit in to existing roles and dynamics! that is of course perfectly normal!)
now, i don't know you or your partner. you know yourselves best. i can't tell you what you really are or really aren't. and i certainly am not going to tell you what you can or can't be! everything i'm saying here is to prompt you to think about and questions to ponder for yourself.
so, i think you have some points to think about, why have you been identifying as bisexual? what is drawing you to the lesbian label? have you tried using 0 labels and not thinking about your identity or labels for at least a month or two (if not a several months) and then coming back and evaluating it afresh? what about the butch-femme dynamic are you drawn to? what is holding you back? you are allowed to discover that you are a lesbian! or you are allowed to continue to be bisexual! i can't tell you who you are - but you're allowed to be and do whatever you want, whatever feels true to you! even if it doesn't make sense to other people or you don't see anyone else like you out there. you gotta be a little bit brave!
hang in there, and sending much love to you and yours! 🧡
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yardsards · 7 months
This is very silly but I think I kinda wanna call myself aro but a part of me is worried this will somehow interfere with my enjoyment of shipping. I love romances just not ones I’m part of.
you can still be aromantic and like shipping
in fact, looking at some polls it's actually quite common!
some aros are uninterested in or averse to shipping and romance as a whole. others are super into it. both are perfectly valid ways to be aromantic! there are no rules here!
(i myself fall somewhere in between. i ship occasionally, but i prefer platonic/familial love, and i am extremely picky about shippy stuff. and i am very critical of amatonormativity in parts of shipping/fandom culture and in certain romantic tropes).
it's like, you don't need to be attracted to characters in order to ship them (like, a gay man could ship an f/f couple even though he's not into women). and you don't have to want to do something personally to enjoy reading about characters doing the thing (plenty of people are chill homebodies who like to live a relaxed life, but love fast paced action adventures in fiction)
and ultimately, whatever label you use is just a way to *describe* yourself. it's not a rulebook on what you can and can't do. it's just an adjective, not a job description, y'know?
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dsudis · 11 months
For the ask meme, Ring the bell backwards, if you feel like it.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Oh boy, a blast from the past! I'm trying now to remember how I originally came up with the idea that became Ring the Bell Backward; I think it must have come out of seeing someone express the worry that an amnesia story, of which there were of course plenty about Bucky, wouldn't resolve with him remembering, and the imp of the perverse that drives a surprising amount of my writing went "what if he didn't, though, what would Steve do."
I started and abandoned a story on the good old HTP kinkmeme that involved Bucky's mind being truly entirely wiped--losing procedural memory as well as episodic, essentially starting his brain development over from a blank slate as his serum-healing kicked in--and that was ultimately too awful to go through with, but the idea clearly lingered and somehow connected with the de-aging trope to give the essential setup for Ring the Bell Backwards: Bucky is de-aged to ten or so, still minus his left arm, and never coming back to who he used to be. What would Steve do?
And I think I only ever really considered one answer to that question.
I think I still had no intention of writing it until the Not Without You zine started organizing, and I wanted to sign up for it and was looking over all my ideas and trying to find one that was purely Steve/Bucky, wasn't overtly HTP or extremely kinky, and could be compressed into something resembling the desired length for the zine. And then I said to a few people "what if I wrote the saddest Steve/Bucky idea I've ever had for this zine," and somebody probably said "yeah, do it" and away I went. The fact that the zine title was almost painfully apt for the story was a wonderful bonus.
I don't think I ever really considered the story going substantially differently from how it goes, though there were definitely decision points--Bucky's Judaism would have been not there or not nearly as coherent without @dancinbutterfly's advice.
And I didn't understand, before writing it, just how sad it was going to be.
(I did plot out an entire sequel and then almost entirely failed to write it, but please join me in staring into space and smiling fondly at the thought of de-aged Bucky and Steve being taken under the wings of Tony and Rhodey for most of their second adolescences and getting entirely the wrong idea from Tony and Rhodey's pre-emptive reassurances of how totally okay it is to be gay now, and parent-trapping their new foster dads into a long-overdue romantic relationship with each other.)
[Ask meme questions are here if you'd like to send me a question about one of my fics!]
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void-botanist · 3 months
7, 13, 15, 50 for the multigender asks!
Thank you!! Edith, Corcra, and also me are genderfluid but in very different ways.
7 - Do their genders fluctuate, or are they all their genders all the time?
Edith: she feels that her genders are sort of roots to whatever gender she's actively feeling, so while she's usually one or maybe two genders, there's always a tiny bit of all of them in her.
Corcra: she sometimes feels that she hits moments of alignment between them but even though it's not usually 100% exclusive she does feel that she's generally man or woman.
Me: like Corcra, my genders are more or less "man" and "woman" but even though they fluctuate I'm always kind of both of them. It's probably fair to say that mix is sort of its own gender, androgyne.
13 - How does their multigender identity impact their sexuality? Do they use multiple labels for it?
Edith: in terms of what she does in the bedroom and who she's attracted to, not really. But in terms of how she feels about it, the quality of her attraction, she has all kinds of ways to describe it that I haven't really been able to align with real-world labels. Like with her pronouns she generally simplifies it into just being bi, but she'll explain the nuances if people ask.
Corcra: on the one hand she's not really worried about it because she doesn't feel like she has to explain it to anyone but her husband. But on the other her attraction to him can feel very different depending on how she feels gender-wise. She's still bi regardless, but when she feels more man her label of choice would be vincian.
Me: I'm loose with my labels in general - I don't really see a shift in my sexuality but I'll use whatever feels right - bi, gay, queer, but generally masculine or neutral descriptors.
15 - Do they use any “conflicting” or “contradictory” labels (cistrans, manwoman, girlboy, fagdyke, lesboy, turigirl, etc.)?
Edith: the closest she comes is demigendervoid, which isn't exactly contradictory, but does underline how one of her genders is really just the lack of gender.
Corcra: I could see him using vincigirl but on the whole he hasn't really felt the need for a conflicting label.
Me: none of them have really captured me at this point but anything can happen.
50 - Wild card! Mention anything else you want! The more I got thinking about Edith the more I realized that she has a whole lot of genders going on (the current list is voidgender, gendervoid, dymanic, cedargender, stonegender, aporagender, woman) but this isn't really obvious to anyone but her and to a lesser extent her family. Leon has built up the ability to guess what gender she's feeling mostly based on what she's wearing and adjust his nicknames accordingly. Horatio unintentionally absorbed the idea that the state of being Mom means having multiple genders and he's mildly surprised when many Moms don't (gee, Bill, why does your mom only have one gender?). I think he also thinks the pinnacle of relationships is having at least one person with multiple genders (not that he'd ever break up with someone on those grounds, that would be silly)—which led me to think that perhaps he discovers he's the one with multiple genders and actually he's living the dream. But I haven't yet figured out how that shakes out.
It's coincidental that Corcra is also a (step)mom, but interestingly, she is a public figure (COO of Revalo's Tailory) and makes plenty of public appearances on talk shows and stuff so she's learned how to navigate being genderfluid with that. It's not always seamless, but he's really not too bothered about people getting things exactly right as long as they're being respectful. And he tries to make it as easy and obvious as possible for them. I said in the past that her stepson Mick made her a bracelet years ago that she wears as a sort of identification when she shifts into her canid form at the full moon and I'd like to think that he included the genderfluid colors, even if it's only meta (not sure if there are genderfluid colors in-world but I could believe it).
I think I've vaguely referenced my hoard of secret gender labels in the past but honestly, they're mostly variations on trans genderfluid androgyne faggot. I also mentioned recently wanting to take on she/her as some of my pronouns again, but I feel like that would just end up being an easy out for a lot of people who know me as a trans guy. I want to be she/her in a queer gender way, and that's just not how people are going to see it.
Send me a multigender ask
Shifter taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs (there's just enough shifter here to invoke the taglist lmao)
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alexissara · 1 year
Gundam: The Witch From Mercury - Quick Review
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury or as we'll refer to it as Gwitch has finally wrapped and I wanted to share my thoughts quickly in the quick review format [written in basically one take with just all the points I feel like bringing up]. This is a show I'd watch with my Gfs and my Metamore every single Sunday for a while now and that's given it an extra special flare. I was captured by the stunning animation, great fights and the blooming of some lesbian feelings.
This 24 episode toy commercial is among the best in the Gundam series and is probably one of my favorite anime. However, it is a flawed series that I feel was really lacking in a lot of ways likely due to executives being worried about both having a woman be the protagonist of their warm crime cartoon and to have queerness be a center of the season.
The shows 24 episode length feels too short to tell the story that was being told, while individual episodes don't ever feel like they waste time there was not enough space for things to have impact and Miorine in particular feels like she is kind of just an object for the plot whose feelings vary depending on what the writers want. She isn't given the time to cook up an arc for her so she ultimately just serves the plot as a "I don't think killing is good" character. Still her romance with Sulleta is compelling even if it's not the connection to Sulleta that is my favorite [Sulleta sapphic polycule all the way really].
The show has good background music but it is mostly the same song. The opening and EDs are all really great songs. The mech designs are mostly super cool and they are in fact, great toy commercials. While I would never put together a model kit, I would and very likely will, buy whatever video games they produce that put Sulleta in the for front. It set up an interesting world I would like to see more stories told in.
The fights are all really amazing but the end does include one fight between broths that really muddles the rest of the plot to sell one more toy and it sucks ass. Still the rest of the fights were really Immculate.
The series does kill off most it's women who can pilot a gundam which is annoying because we see men getting to live. While the show does center a Lesbian relationship the most explicit romantic desires outside of Sulleta are expressed by men about women. In general the show puts a ton of men in the spotlight and keeps them in the forefront. It feels like the show was insecure about women taking the center stage so the rest of the plot is mostly focused on men. Women do get to do plenty of things but it still feels like we could have had more women taking the stage in battles. For gundam though, it's a decent amount of women in mechs. Plus Sulleta does get to be in a mech most episodes.
The show doesn't have a kiss in it, there is no kisses between anyone but the lack of a sapphic kiss feels bad. Like you can say "yuri doesn't do kisses" but you would be old if your saying that because I do quick reviews of Yuri manga all the time here and basically everything I am reading has kisses, a lot also have explicit sapphic lust, and increasingly even using the word Lesbian. This show instead opts to say "Gay Marriage is normal" in episode 1 and then never show anyone being gay who isn't the main couple, there are ships but every single known romantic connection outside of Sulleta and Miorine is a man's feelings towards a woman or a woman's feelings towards a man. Queerness isn't even off handily mentioned by anyone else. Still it is really nice to have them be gay married at the end even if we're not seeing the wedding or a kiss we do know for sure their married, that's explicit and they have matching rings.
Still, the show does offer us a lot of really cute sapphic ships. It also offers us a really good cast of women even if I wish they got to do even more. Chuchu is maybe my favorite gundam character ever, Prospera my beloved I will stan forever my wonderful wife, Secelia  is a bitchy queen, and a lot more are also bangers.
Politically the show nods to leftist politics but it doesn't really fully commit to that as it keeps giant companies around in it's time skip and it seems there has just been some kind of "balance" stuck where captalism is fine again. Even though the government is evil we don't fight it really. I'd like to see a show in this world that takes on the Space Assembly League. I guess the takeaway is buy Gundams, I mean Revenge is bad.
Overall, I really enjoyed the show Sulleta is such an endearing main character she is charming and sweet and strong and she is for sure my favorite MC of any mech anime and in general one of the best anime main characters of all time. I think the show is a great piece of art but short of a master piece. Perhaps these are the limits of a show that is a toy commercial. Regardless, I had a great time and I don't look forward to my wallet running dry on prints from fan art of Gwitch and Super Robot War games and shit.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Comfort prompt--"breathe." Sweet tarts
By now, Carrie is pretty used to her dad's eccentricities. The crystals and meditation room upstairs, evidence of his ego in the foyer, all white walls and bland furniture.
She rolls her eyes as he uses his helicopter to see his quack therapist, or go get the latest fad vegetarian super food, even though it would be easier to drive, or hell, even walk.
But when he disappears, she's kinda freaked out.
Look, Trevor Wilson will never win the award for World's Best Dad, but he still always lets Carrie know if he's leaving. Yet when she wakes up that Sunday morning to no note, his room empty, the copter still there, she worries.
Her dad isn't the type to go on walks, he's nowhere on the grounds, and his phone goes straight to voice mail. She curses them not installing cameras on the door, just so she could have checked them, but Trevor insisted the gate and razor wire was enough. Carrie had snorted at that-if Flynn and Julie could scale it, then how safe was it really?
She's honestly trying not to panic, but it's hard. Her dad's fame had started to wane a little since his last few albums had flopped, but he still had plenty of fans. Some of whom had threatened and promised awful things in the past. Had one of them finally carried through?
She knew it was too early to get any police involved, and even after calling Dr. Crystal, she had no leeds. So maybe it was desperation, maybe it was just needing to hear some reassurances-she called Reggie.
Reggie Peters had been her math tutor all year, and honestly the only reason Carrie passed with a high enough mark to graduate-her and numbers didn't get along alright?
But they had also struck up a tentative friendship, with Reggie sending her corny jokes or songs she might like, and she replied back with terrible memes and a playlist of gay country songs that made him laugh.
"Carrie?" he answered. "Not like you to call this early on a weekend."
The sound of his voice made her started to sob and she couldn't stop even as she word vomited over the phone at him. "R-reggie... my dad... he's gone and I don't know where he is and I'm freaking out and I didn't know who else to call..."
"Okay, slow down doll, breathe for me okay? Breathe."
Carrie hiccupped a little then slowly drew breath, blowing it out, over and over until the tears stopped. "Okay, I'm breathing."
"Good. Look, I'm gonna come over okay? We can figure this out, and then you won't be alone-you shouldn't be alone right now. You want me to bring you some snacks?" Reggie asked.
"We do have food here," Carrie replied.
"Yeah, no sugar no calorie no taste vegan crap," Reggie replied, making her snort. "I'm talking an actual snack-full of carbs and high fructose."
"Pink SnoBalls and the super spicy Takis?" Carrie asked.
"I'll get you a disgusting kale smoothie to even it all out," Reggie promised. "You want me to stay on the line until I get there?"
Carrie was so tempted to say please, to hear him cheerfully talk at her, have the comfort of his voice in her ear. But what if her dad called? Or worse, the people who may have her dad? So she shook her head before saying no. "I'll be alright-just... hurry please?"
"I'll be there in two shakes doll, I promise."
True to his word, Reggie was there before she knew it, and she barely waited for him to get out of the car before launching herself into his arms. Reggie caught her though, rubbing soothing circles into her back as he whispered words of comfort into her hair. "Come on, let's go inside and we'll see if we can find out what's going on, okay?"
Carrie let him hold her as they sat on the couch, gorging themselves on the snacks Reggie brought, while Carrie started texting and calling any acquaintance of her dad to see if they knew where he was.
No leads yet, and finally Reggie encouraged her to call the authorities, even if they waved her off, it would give her piece of mind.
Only as she lifted her phone up, an unknown number flashed on the screen. She gripped Reggie's hand, and he nodded as she answered. "Hello?"
"Daddy! Where are you?"
"Baby I'm so sorry I worried you. I went out to get some papaya-I even got an Uber because I remember you lecturing me about the helicopter. But then I found this cute little farmer's market and there's a booth here selling Filipino food like my lola used to make, and I got caught up talking to them. Didn't realize my phone died, so they're letting me use theirs. I'll be home soon okay?" Trevor explained.
"You didn't leave a note," Carrie sobbed.
"I figured I would be back before you got up, I am so sorry Carrie," Trevor replied.
"You'd better be. And bring me back some turon."
"You got it baby girl."
Carrie then looked at Reggie who was still there, holding her hand, smiling wide. "Actually daddy? Bring back two."
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The entire concept is toxic garbage though: haplessness and ineptitude aren't the natural consequence of being queer. "Oh no, my crush" isn't queer culture. It's just a common human experience.
HARD disagree. Having a crush is not "the same for everyone" when you went to high school with classmates who literally believed that AIDS is God's way of punishing gay people, and a guy in your AP History literally told you, "If a guy ever hit on me I'd beat the shit out of him" to your face.
Having a crush as a queer person comes with queer baggage. It comes with the threat of social ostracization or potentially even physical violence in the form of "gay panic" (the original definition).
The world might not be quite as homophobic now as it was when I was in high school, but there are still plenty of places in the US where people experience even worse homophobia now than I experienced growing up in a blue state two decades ago.
The queer "oh no" really is different from the straight "oh no."
Homophobia leaves lingering trauma that affects how self confident a queer person feels about their attraction, and how safe they feel in expressing their attraction. Queer people have much bigger things to worry about than "what if my crush doesn't like me back." Things like "what if we get harassed holding hands on the sidewalk." Any anxiety associated with having a crush is magnified by environmental homophobia.
As for the term "gay panic."
I don't like seeing people use "gay panic" as a synonym for "the queer baggage and anxiety attached to feelings of queer attraction" without acknowledging it's grim legal history.
I think they should use a different term.
But you seem to be arguing that queer people shouldn't have any terms at all to describe how their experience of attraction differs from straight people's feelings of attraction. You seem to be insisting that there is difference.
And that's simply not true.
Our experiences are, in fact, different. Homophobia is real. The trauma queer people have from homophobia does affect how queer people experience attraction.
If it were actually primarily used like that, it wouldn't annoy me like it does.
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guppygiggles · 3 months
hi fluffy/casper (i dont know what you prefer to be called)! lurker here, just wanted to say i love your art, your characters and style are genuinely adorable
sorry if this question has been asked and answered on the blog or in a drabble before, but in your world is avery the only cloud person, or are there others scattered around?
im not the kind to interact directly a lot but just wanted to spread the appreciate. keep being you and being awesome~
Casper will do just fine! 💙
Oh, thank you so much, that means a lot to me!
No worries on asking questions I may have answered before, I don't mind.
Avery is from Cirropa, which is a cloud city located in the mesosphere -- the highest level of the atmosphere where clouds can still form. Though their population is dwindling due to climate change, plenty of sentient clouds still live there. The reason Avery leaves Cirropa is to try and help Earth's scientists combat climate change, by anonymously providing them with data gathered using advanced Cirropian technology.
He is the only cloud to have ever left Cirropa, and he was never meant to have direct contact with humans; at the current point in my fic, humans are not ready to be exposed to his species or the technology they possess.
He comes in contact with Casper by accident; Avery watches him sustain an injury and fall, unconscious, into the ocean. With nobody else around, he has the choice to either save him and risk being discovered, or let him drown -- he chooses to save him (because no Cirropian would find the alternative acceptable), and then the story gets. Well. Very tickly and gay from there, hehehehe~ 💙
Thank you for the ask!
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onippep · 1 year
Let it Happen
The big Five-O, Peppi...ha! Don't you worry, I'll catch up to you soon!
Believe me, you don't want to. I walked up some stairs the other day and thought my joints were going to lock up.
[Laughs] Ah come on, I'm sure it isn't all bad! Just look at you! You don't look a day over 35.
Wait til you can see the white hairs.
You're alright, Peppi, honestly. You've been doing well for your age. I know it's a big number, but think of it this way! You're in a much better spot than you were a year ago! Several months, even!
Strange how fast stuff can change.
It's... been hard, either way, but yeah, a little easier. Especially with him.
He's been a blessing for you. I hope I can continue to help you out wherever I can, but I think that frog's been doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Super heavy.
But look at it. Does it look exhausted at all? No. That's passion. That's what love is, I think.
Big word.
Hm? Pbffft, no it isn't, bro, it's a simple word! Four letters!
Not what I meant.
Hear me out, though! It doesn't have to be complicated. Me and Brick? We're tight. He's like a sibling to me. First our fists were flying at each-other in that Tower, but now we're watching cartoons together every night and joking about rat and gnome things. I'd say that's love, too! Just in a different way.
Just-- point is, don't let more complicated definitions keep you from it. You can work for love, but it'll never be a chore. Never a stress. Let it come to you.
You're sayin' all of this as if I have a crush on that thing.
[gives him a look]
You're still such a scaredy-cat.
Oooh, awesome thing to say to me on my birthday, Gus! Come on, man. I'm not scared of anything.
...[snickers] Quit it.
Nuh-uh. You've been clammed up ever since we repaired that window. The tension can be cut with a dull spoon, compagno. [smacks his shoulder]
Whatever! Leave me alone. [chuckling]
It's my job to pester, you damn fruit! [laughs]
D-don't pressure me! I swear it's becoming clearer. Slowly. I just wanna be open to other options while I'm at it.
Anton's not coming back, sweetheart.
[shoves him playfully] YOU HURT ME. You hurt me good. You sure you're not single?
[both laugh]
Back to being real-- I support you in anything you do, Pepp. Just don't overthink it. You're in a better spot now, you can process things. Don't let me set you back.
Yeah. For sure. I've-- been feeling shit I haven't felt in ages, so it's just a little jarring.
Ooh, what, the... [makes a butterfly motion with his hand]
[mockingly] OoooooOOOoooo!~
Sorry! Sorry. I'm actually thrilled. I think something in you is healing, friend.
Pfft. Cheesy. You think so?
Yeah, absolutely. That doesn't just 'happen'.
I--uh. I just. Get super aware of time and everything, so I think that mixes into all of that. Age-wise.
You're middle-aged. You've still got plenty of time.
Easy for you to say, man, all my biological functions are already waning.
It's natural. It doesn't mean anything's ending, man. That happens as soon as we're born.
S-still, I can't help but think about how I've got a bit of a time limit to decide who I wanna be with for the rest of my life.
Sheesh. Easter really screwed you up, didn't it.
[chokes] You fuckin' think?! It's humiliating seeing everyone all married with kids while I'm the fag of the family that hasn't even gotten a date for the last 10 years. I'm such a loser, man.
Aye, easy, brother. You're fine. Look around you. Do you see anyone else across these fields? You're just in a really bad location, with bad circumstances. You're not some lesser man for that. If anything, the world owes you an apology.
That sounds like the most narcissistic thing I've ever heard.
It's got some merit to it. You have to believe me here, Giampaolo, I swear all the gays in town would be all over you if you were closer to the city.
Pffft. Whatever you say.
Next Pride, I'll prove it to you. You gotta come out this year.
I think I've still got my leather around somewhere...
That's the spirit. And who knows, maybe a certain frog can come with you. Enjoy the sights and sounds. Enjoy the You.
[flustered] Fffffuckin'. Whatever. [chuckling] My life's never been really ordinary anyway.
Your first mistake is ever thinking otherwise. My roommate is a giant rat. You suplexed a man with a pizza for a head and destroyed a giant Tower with nothing but your rage.
[sigh] ...yeah. You're right.
Sometimes you gotta let things happen. You'd be surprised.
Yeah. [smiles]
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