#donate the sperm
vampelenovela · 9 days
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she-is-ovarit · 2 months
The intersection of male supremacy and white supremacy: Sperm donation corruption and rape by deception of women.
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Jonathan Jacob Meijer.
(There is a Netflix documentary: Man with 1000 kids)
Several women went to this Norwegian man seeking a sperm donor. He had great hair. He had great teeth. He traveled and made Youtube blogs of everywhere he went, to all of these different countries. These women went through a private website as opposed to a clinic. He told these women that his intentions were to donate to a maximum of five families.
As they began getting pregnant and giving birth, some bumped into each other. And what a funny coincidence it was that they happened to share the same donor. And then more met and knew of each other. And some realized that their kids were in the same day camp together, and what were the odds of that?
And as it turns out, this man was operating under several different aliases and traveling internationally, donating to 11 different sperm banks under different names, providing sperm privately for women on the side. And he didn't just donate to five women, he donated to hundreds of women, many of whom connected with each other over social media and formed an online group where all were concerned with what he was doing. And this resulted in thousands of children directly related to this man internationally.
And he didn't just use his sperm, but would also meet up with his bald scarred friend and mix their sperm together in the sample bottle, so many of these women non-consensually conceived children with a man they had never even heard of without realizing it. And him and his buddy and other serial donors would "joke" that they were spreading their "white seed" when they would travel to places like Hong Kong and Kenya.
When he was finally tried in court he stated that if there was concern about incest, the children can all simply wear and use a social media symbol that brands them as his so they can recognize each other. And a female judge (who's name I cannot seem to find online) in a Dutch court, sentenced him to 100,000 euro fine for every time he donated if he was ever found donating again and required him to contact the donor banks and request his material be destroyed.
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Donald Cline
(Also a Netflix documentary on this: Our Father)
A fertility (gynecology and obstetrics) doctor in the 1980s who welcomed women into his clinic before cryogenic freezing of sperm was a thing and it was freshly inseminated through a procedure. He let the women know that he was using the sperm of medical students and that there would be no more than three times sperm from the same student would be used. Some women, who weren't able to conceive with their husband for one reason or another, also came into the clinic wanting to use their own husband's sperm.
Years later a woman who grew up knowing that part of her DNA was from a sperm donor began wanting to connect with her potential siblings on 23&Me. She was shocked to discover at least 10 siblings she was related to. She got in touch with them.
It turns out that Dr. Cline proceeded to use his own sperm on the female patients, hiding somewhere in the clinic to produce it immediately before using it to inseminate unsuspecting women. This man covertly reproductively exploited several women and "fathered" 94 children. Whenever the children would try to meet with him, he would show up intentionally carrying a gun to intimidate them.
One of his biological daughters, who didn't realize Cline was her biological father until adulthood, even had him as her own gynecologist. He performed pap smears and breast exams on her. He knew that she was his biological offspring and she did not have the knowledge and therefore the option to decline being sexually examined by her biological father.
Dr. Cline was also tried in court by the victims; however, the judge was sympathetic to him.
This form of sociopathy not only majorly creates significant consequences to the gene pool for our human species as these half siblings are at higher risk of incest, but the psychological harm done to the mothers and the children are horrific. Some of these (now adult) children have described an entire undoing of their self-identity, and many struggled in processing that the men who may have raised them was not their biological father. Some of these mothers are teaching their children to always ask whoever they date if they were ever conceived by a donor. These mothers now wrestle with conflicting emotions - the fact that they were betrayed, taken advantage of, and used to fulfill a man's god-complex, while also finally having a child or children that they love with all of their hearts who were a result of a violating situation.
These two men share two other things in common: they have both argued that they were "helping" these women. That these women came to them in need and that they were engaging in philanthropy and giving them what these women wanted. That they should be grateful.
And that they were interested in contributing to the white race. In addition to Meijer's comments in "spreading white seed", Jacoba, one of the child victims of fertility fraud/the reproductive rape of her mother by Donald Cline, described how he was using her mother as a pawn repeatedly to fulfill religious, male supremacist, and white supremacist ideals to spread the white race.
Now, look:
Presently there are little to no regulations or legal enforcement in preventing men from committing fertility fraud/this form of sexual violation and reproductive exploitation of women. There are little to no consequence for men substantially altering the genetic pool and using women as chattel and children as genetic products. In fact, Meijer was the first case in which a judge placed restrictions on male reproductive autonomy as a consequence for causing sexual, psychological, and evolutionary harm.
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i am simple american man. i work 14 hours a day in the cum mines and go home to eat borger.
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sibylsleaves · 3 months
im so sorry i have to be controversial here but i do think Buck would do keto. like during a cut only. not long-term. but he would do it 😔😔😔
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coochiequeens · 9 months
No one is entitled to biological kids and no one is entitled to expect anyone to act as a surrogate. Unfortunately with more and more celebrities using surrogates it's becoming more nor alized in the news. Fuck apparently a soap opera is using a surrogate storyline
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And there's this horror story
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ramithetradfem · 1 month
My prolife stance
1. If the mothers live is in danger and the baby is not viable out of the womb
If the baby is not viable then if the mom dies then the baby will die too. However, if the baby is viable then the baby should be removed and the mother should be treated.
2. If the child would not survive birth due to extreme defects
There are many defects that cause immense pain or extreme struggle for a child. Such as if they can't breathe properly, can't eat, don't have normal brain function. In these cases it's understandable that a parent would not want their child to suffer.
3. Babies conceived from assault are physical evidence of the act.
Getting rid of them only makes the case harder to prove especially with minors. I believe the woman should put them up for adoption if they do not wish to keep them and if they abort then refer to point 8
4. I'm completely against gamete donation and surrogacy and IVF.
Too many cases have come up where people are getting with their own siblings because of gamete donation. Everyone should have the right to know where they came from and many of these places don't want to give up the information of the people that donated the gametes. If someone wants to know who their biological mother is, then they should be allowed to. And with IVF many babies are needlessly aborted because they want to create as many eggs as possible. There's no point in having all of your other babies die just to produce one. It would be better to adopt. As for surrogacy It's completely and utterly not for the child. They don't care about mother and child bonds or about infant trauma. You wouldn't separate a puppy from their mother at birth yet you would separate a human being from their mother at birth and no one sees the problem with this. That baby doesn't know the surrogate isn't their "mother" yet she is the one that they look for when they are born. She is the one that they want and to remove her from that is so cruel to that child.
5. People should be allowed to get sterilized if they want
If someone wants to get sterilized then they should be allowed to. Just as with any other surgery they need to sign whatever paperwork that they need to do to show that this is the decision that they make and they need to stand on that decision. Once a person is a legal adult in their country then they should be allowed to sterilize themselves if they want to. If they regret it then that's on them.
6. Infant adoption should only occur if there are no biological family members that can take them in.
Infants adoption is already traumatic especially when many of these parents take the babies away as soon as they're born in the hospital, these children need their family members and if it's possible to have them go with family it's better for them to do that. Let's not add the fact that many of these families who are looking for babies are extremely manipulative, especially during covid, when many of them were angry that mothers were actually able to provide for their children and thus kept their babies.
7. Birth control and protection should be accessible
Banning birth control would not help mothers keep their babies. We should focus less on trying to stop people from not having children and more on promoting and helping families, especially mothers from preconception to postpartum. If someone does not wish to have children then that's fine, they should be taking the proper steps to not create a baby.
8. Deceased babies should be treated with respect regardless of if their mothers wanted them or not
If in the end a child has to be aborted then that should be treated with respect. They are not medical waste. They are not science experiments. They are babies. They are human beings and should be respected as such. They deserve to be cremated and at least have a small service for them. If you can't do that, then at least give a moment of silence. Small cremation urns like in the photo, or maybe a memorial plaque with each baby's name that can be added. They were not just a clump of cells, they were another human being and if you're going to end their life, at least respect them.
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5
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gracegrove · 1 year
Billy and Steve in their forties, settled well into an established relationship of some form or other. Maybe they have children. Maybe they don't. Maybe they have pets.
One day a 20-something year old shows up on their doorstep with a duffle bag and a backpack.
One of them answers the door, the other looking over their shoulder.
The kid is real subtle, "I uh... I think you're my dad."
They exchange accusatory looks. One smacks the other.
Now what do they do?
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menlove · 1 year
another example of how insanely conservative "liberalism" and "leftism" has become is this movement of the nuclear family being the only one that's non abusive to children
like you'll have people claiming they're progressive saying you shouldn't adopt (though I do agree w this one privatized adoption is an evil industry), you shouldn't foster and especially not foster to adopt, you shouldn't use donated eggs or sperm, you shouldn't use a surrogate, and you shouldn't have children if you're poor or mentally ill/neurodivergent. and they'll say these are all examples of child abuse because a child can only ever be healthy and happy when they're with their birth parents who are rich.
like girl you just did eugenics but with the language that it's for child advocacy
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hostilemuppet · 11 days
If you add Shilo you HAVE to add the rest of the dead fetus gang it's only fair (I want to see more of Charlie plssss)
okay for percy its totally possible that smidge and milton would try to have a bio kid again and be successful this time but. for charlie... his parents are divorced and one half of them is probably dead. so i dont think he has much of a chance sorry 💀
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stardustedknuckles · 11 days
The time and energy put into WHOM, zathuda. You were nowhere! On purpose!
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
That is absolutely unsettling and upsetting! I hope that guy fucks right off and leaves you alone and also constantly bites his own tongue and stubs his toe. If you feel comfortable, you might consider calling the complex manager and letting them know, but I get that it's not always as simple as that. Sending you and owen and the dogs big hugs!
thanks ugh. unfortunately we don’t have a property manager so there’s not really anyone to report him to. I’m going to ask my neighbors to keep an eye out in case he comes around this weekend while I’m out. hopefully when they finish working here he will just move on!!
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Schmitty: Ah boy, aren't kids sweet? I hope to have one of my own someday. If only I knew how to make them.
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pynkhues · 8 hours
Different anon here- I’m generally ok with mpreg existing. But the sheer volume of it in this fandom is pretty weird. Especially considering the source material… one of the great things about the unholy family (to me) is that it’s this family unit without the necessity for sexual reproduction. It’s so interesting because they all had lives outside of each other at some point so it’s part found family, part queer and yet biological parents. I think that’s one of the things I first loved about the 1994 movie and it’s a shame that aspect is overlooked
Yeah, I totally agree on all counts. Like I don't usually bat an eye at mpreg (whatever floats your boat! I'm very good at scrolling, haha) but there have literally been times I've opened ao3 and have counted five or six fics on the front page of updated works that are mpreg which feels really disproportionate to the amount of fic that actually gets posted in this fandom?
I - - mmm, kind of wonder a little if its tied to some of this gender essentialist stuff that's coming up more and more both in this fandom, and in social media generally? There feels like there's this real desire to shoehorn them into a quote-unquote 'traditional nuclear family dynamic' which really feels like it's the antithesis of the show. Like you said, the fact that they've all had lives outside of each other is, and the fact that as a family they are both one found and made is, I feel, pretty crucial not just to their interpersonal dynamics, but also to each individual character?
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AU where Gay marriage is legal in Westeros and the second Vicerys named Rhaenyra heir Otto decided that Alicent was going to marry HER.
But this backfires hard because Rhaenyra is genuinely in love with Alicent and the second she experiences genuine love and affection(as well as real orgasms) Alicent becomes putty in Rhaenyras hands and turns on her abusive manipulative father so fast it makes his head spin.
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I’m in such an “Eddie fell first and thinks Buck could never want him but Buck will realise he is in love with Eddie, it will hit him like a brick in the face, and he will start biting if they don’t get married like yesterday” mood and I think that’s valid
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shadesofnavy · 11 months
Another batch of art I was itching to get done for no reason, featuring Cherry, Keith and Pico's parents
Jeffery and Martha Davis:
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Scott and Michaela Burlington:
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Adams Dankworth and... nameless deadbeat sperm donator:
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