#donghae fic
deargravity · 3 months
obsessed with hajun because he is so loveable but also deeply unlikeable. which is... literally the charm of his character. he's slightly strange and incredibly elusive and undoubtedly morally questionable but no less human. he's sharp-tongued and insensitive at times, but he's clearly trying to be gentler, and a little more aware in his manner when it's necessary. (congratulations on the cognitive empathy, hajun, i'm sure you'll put it to good use.) i like that his moment of vulnerability didn't soften him up but he's learned to be honest with the people he loves. i know hajun is very much in his senses when he does something wrong, makes someone uncomfortable / embarrassed but i also don't think he'd appreciate his actions being moralised. at the end of the day, he wants to be seen, known and understood for who he really is but he's afraid of baring himself that way. he doesn't want to be an open wound, his childhood home was not forgiving enough for him to express any kind of injury. i suppose he thinks, "if i am to be abandoned, i'd rather be abandoned like a house on fire, not a sick dog. something malicious, unsympathetic and worth remembering, if not possible to return to." he's kind of twisted like that, and it's endearing to me (unfortunately).
we don't know much about his childhood in the yeon household (he did move to japan all by himself when he was 13 - which is a whole another can of worms to unpack because can you imagine having to independently build a life at that age in a new country, learn a new language and stand on your feet after being thrown out by your family? can you blame hajun for being a razor-sharp hazard to society? his childhood was pitiless, the city was even more so, no wonder hajun's only constant companions were his isolation and the fangs he had to grow to survive.) but i'll make a reasonable inference based on dongha's experience. we see hajun as he is now, with his cold, precise anger but we also see dongha's wet, thrashing rage that hasn't realised its purpose or target yet. dongha is the closest we have to understanding the extent of the yeon's family cruelty. dongha is everything hajun would have been if he'd still been his parent's son, hajun is everything dongha could be if he leaves behind his family. which is still insane, if you think about it. and i think about it constantly.
the self-made cynic, as they say. i like that he's disarming, unsettling, insincere, insensitive, sadistic, self-serving, cunning manipulative etc. whatever people want to say about him, but i also like that he's his truest self with allen and anne, and doesn't plan on changing that. the world be damned, they are the only ones that matter because they've looked him in the eye without flinching or turning away. like... BAE are so everything...
anyways, i hope he continues to be perceived exactly as terrible as he pretends to be, and i hope the writers leave his beautiful, skewed moral compass intact because i love every single reprehensible act he commits. (for his next trick though, i hope he uncovers something to launch a billion-dollar lawsuit against yeon conglomerate and sink them into bankruptcy.) i hope he continues to cook for allen and anne, i hope he stays fiercely committed to protecting them and caring for them, because clearly everyone else is nothing and if there is one thing he has faith in, it's the family he chose for himself, the family that chose him right back.
hajun and his quiet, precise rage. hajun and the childhood he had to bury so he could evolve to survive in a bigger, crueller world. the childhood that taught him to be afraid, and the adulthood that hasn't quite unlearned it just yet, but baby steps. something about hajun and i get mean when i'm nervous like a bad dog. something about anne and allen embodying tell me every terrible thing you did and let me love you anyway, and hajun taking the risk of believing it. and taking the risk every morning until he doesn't forget. hajun and i am not brave enough to look those who love me in the eye. hajun and it's not a conscience that assures morality, it's the resolve to be a better person to people you care about.
but we can't unpack all this right now. if you suffered through all that and are still here, i hope you have a good day.
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nilesmoon · 27 days
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shout out to this awesome friendship chart that's been going around on twitter for giving me an excuse to talk about the father & son duo of all time <33
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ineunhaeshead · 1 year
Me rendiré cuando las gardenias del corredor se marchiten.
Ese lunes llegó temprano del trabajo. La luz que entrababa por las ventanas pintaba de tonos cálidos su hogar. Eran las cuatro de la tarde y en su mano sostenía una bolsa de tela llena de papas. Lee Hyukjae parecía buscar a alguien en casa mientras analizaba que en realidad “ser el jefe” implicaba, la mayoría del tiempo, llegar antes que todos al trabajo e irte de último. No recordaba con exactitud la última vez que había estado en casa a una hora que no fuera después o durante la cena. 
Se detuvo en medio de la sala y dejó salir un enorme suspiro. En casa no había nadie. Manteniendo la calma, se apresuró a la salida, subió de nuevo a su auto y pisó el acelerador conduciendo cuesta abajo.
Cuando llegó a su destino paseó su vista hasta que por fin, a lo lejos, logró visualizar un cuerpo pequeño y encorvado sentado en una banqueta con algunas palomas que le rodeaban bajo sus pies. Bajó del auto y caminó en su dirección.
—¡Señor Lee Kang Heon!  —el pequeño hombre giró su cabeza lentamente y entrecerró sus ojos bajo las enormes gafas para lograr verlo bien. Le sonrió despreocupado y se hizo a un lado dejándole espacio para sentarse junto a él. —Lo hizo de nuevo, y ni siquiera se tomó la molestia de llamar y avisarme.
—No tengo que pedirte permiso de nada, mocoso, soy un adulto y sé cuidarme solo.  —Hyukjae tomó un puñado de migajas de pan del recipiente que sostenía el otro hombre y las lanzó al suelo.
—¿Nunca ha oído el dicho de que hay un punto en el que el padre se vuelve el hijo y el hijo el padre? Papá, estamos en ese punto ya.
Lee Kang Heon no le contestó, tampoco lo miró de vuelta. Hyukjae lo miró preocupado unos segundos y luego esperó a que su padre terminara el recipiente de migajas. 
En el camino de vuelta a casa Hyukjae se preguntó si la renuencia a aceptar la vejez y la terquedad en general venía inherente luego de los 60 años y todos pasaban por eso o simplemente solo era su padre el que era de esa manera. Finalmente, Hyukjae volvió a hablar.
—Sabes que yo solo me preocupo por ti. Eres lo más importante en mi vida.
—Ese es el problema.  —Hyukjae sostuvo el volante con ambas manos en vez de una sola y se preparó para lo que venía a continuación.  —No debería de ser así. Tienes 36 años y no tienes una pareja siquiera. No puedo dejar este mundo si eso supone que te quedarás solo. Ese es justo el problema, solo me tienes a mí.
—¿Y eso qué tiene que ver con que te fuiste a alimentar palomas y no me avisaste?  —su propio comentario lo hizo reír un poco — Además, ¿Sungmin está pintado o qué? Ha sido mi amigo desde los 15, y aunque quisiese, papá, nunca me dejará en paz, eso te lo aseguro. 
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Hyukjae comprendía las preocupaciones de su padre perfectamente, pero a veces tratar de explicar algunas cosas desde su lado de la brecha generacional hasta el lado de su padre lo obligaban a preferir mil veces resolver en tiempo récord un desfalco financiero de la empresa en 1 mes con un protocolo de contención de 3 meses. 
En ese período de tiempo, no solo la empresa se empezaba a caer en pedazos, sino que su vida ya llevaba medio camino de estarse despedazando, porque durante esa crisis financiera, a pesar del enorme estrés y frustración, se dio cuenta que ya había recorrido lo suficiente como para mandar todo a la mierda y arriesgarlo todo por algo que todo su ser cantaba en coro disparates que susurraba su corazón pero que nunca había querido escuchar, así que terminó su relación de 3 años con la mujer más ilógicamente conveniente y perfecta; aprendió, a las malas, el valor de no precisamente mentirle a su padre pero tampoco de decirle toda la verdad. Y ante las amenazas de Kang Heon de lo que le pasaría si no regresaba con aquella mujer, Hyukjae dijo “Este mes ha sido muy caótico, y me di cuenta durante ese tiempo de que lo último que necesito ahora es casarme. Necesito unas vacaciones y tú necesitas agradecerme por salvar tu legado y no haberme matado en el intento, y agradecerle a ese bufete de abogados que son demasiado excelentes en su trabajo”.
 —Yo solo quiero que seas feliz, lo sabes.
Hyukjae vio a su padre mirarlo consternado desde el otro lado de la mesa mientras masticaba sus papas con queso. Definitivamente las personas vuelven a ser unos niños cuando envejecen, su padre tenía el paladar de un niño de 5 años y se había vuelto un niño muy obstinado también. 
—No sé, papá, tal vez casarme y tener 4 hijos para malcriarlos no sea algo que me haga feliz.
—Bueno, mocoso sarcástico, pues estar solo es algo muy deprimente y desgraciado igual.
Hyukjae vio la terquedad y la determinación que caracterizaba a los Lee brillar a través de los ojos de su padre, entonces suspiró derrotado y dejó de tensar sus hombros.
—Nunca te rendirás con el tema, ¿cierto?
—Me rendiré cuando las gardenias del corredor se marchiten.
Lee Kang Heon cuidaba aquellas flores blancas con más afecto del que recibió Hyukjae en toda su vida; de hecho, esas gardenias estaban más conservadas y saludables que los pasantes de la empresa. Estaba cada día más convencido que su padre vivía sus días para esas gardenias y para hostigar a Hyukjae con el mismo tema. A lo que se refería su padre era que de la única forma en que esas gardenias se marchitaran sería cuando él falte en este plano de la vida, entonces, eso significaba que iba a insistir con el tema hasta su último aliento.
—Te amo, papá, esto que hago o lo que no hago, no lo hago para molestarte y lo sabes muy bien.
Kang Heon le sonrió a su asombroso hijo cálidamente y siguió hurgando el queso en sus papas. Escuchó como Hyukjae contestaba una llamada y se levantaba de su silla mientras empezaba a apresurarse a la salida mientras decía una excusa como “el vigilante vino a dejarme el reloj que dejé en la oficina” o algo así, las excusas que su hijo inventaba comenzaban a ser cada vez menos elaboradas. 
Al escuchar la puerta principal cerrarse, se bajó de la silla y caminó lentamente hacia el dormitorio de invitados, el cual era bodega también, y sacó una caja de madera la cual arrastró hasta la ventana. 
Siendo sincero, su hijo había cumplido y superado sus expectativas toda la vida, y cuando tomaba una decisión que le parecía fuera de lugar, con el tiempo había comprendido que había criado a un gran hombre, inteligente, sincero, paciente, considerado, sensible y seguro de sí mismo, y entonces fue aprendiendo a confiar en él. 
Ya arriba de aquella caja, se asomó por la ventana y con su anciana visión alcanzó a ver el notable y lujoso auto gris frente al edificio. Kang Heon pensó en que quizás no fue el padre perfecto, no fue el más afectivo ni el más comunicativo, pero seguía trabajando en ello incluso a esta avanzada edad, la cuestión era que él quería que Hyukjae comprendiera que no había cosa en el mundo que lo hiciera dejar de amar a su propio hijo y que supiera que podía contar con su padre en lo que fuera. Entonces, ¿por qué era tan difícil hacerle saber eso a su hijo? Bueno porque todavía no se había graduado de la escuela de habilidades en comunicación asertiva y porque a veces hablar de situaciones incómodas son menos incómodas cuando tus hijos son adolescentes que cuando ya son todos unos adultos.
Bajo sus ojos estaba la ciudad vestida de una hermosa noche de primavera y se encontraba su hijo de 36 años corriendo como si tuviera 20 años menos hacia aquel auto que ya estaba acostumbrado a ver, de este se bajó un hombre de cabello y atuendo impecable, el cual también estaba ya acostumbrado a ver. Y antes de regresar a la cocina vio cómo su hijo besaba los labios de aquel hombre. Kang Heon podía ser un anciano entrometido y hasta chismoso a veces, pero también sabía que existían límites y que su hijo merecía privacidad.
Lee Hyukjae, su asombroso hijo, estaba fallando en 2 cosas: En pensar que algo cambiaría en él ante alguna decisión que tomara y en pensar que por tener 79 años era tonto y no se iba a dar cuenta que algo más había pasado durante aquella crisis financiera, crisis de la cual Hyukjae no habla sin mencionar al bufete de abogados financieros, y sabía perfectamente que cuando su hijo se refería a ese bufete, en plural, en realidad se refería a un solo abogado, en singular, el hombre del lujoso auto gris, el hombre que Lee Kang Heon estaba cien por ciento seguro que hacía feliz a su hijo.
 —¿A qué le sonríes, papá?
Para cuando su hijo regresó, notó que en efecto le habían ido a devolver su reloj, y mientras estuvo ausente había tenido tiempo suficiente para darse cuenta de muchas cosas y de juntar el valor para tomar una decisión y sin más, soltó:
—Estaba pensando que fuese bueno que lo invitaras a cenar. O al menos a subir, porque a veces lo tienes ahí afuera en pleno invierno, eres un mocoso grosero.
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Ya casi se cumplen 8 meses desde que el papá de Hyukjae dejó este plano. Lo extrañamos mucho don Lee, gracias por ser un gran padre y haber criado a un gran hombre. Espero que también se le escape en la madrugada a San Pedro para comer cosas que no debe, así como se le escapaba a su familia.
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kittensjeno · 1 year
hi hi ૮◜◡◝ ა
to restart my writing journey, i am once again starting a request blog. i write for the following pairings mainly:
- jeno/jaemin
- jeno/mark
- jeno/renjun
- jeno/haechan
- jeno/chenle
- jeno/jisung
but to be honest, i am open to writing about any jeno pairing under the sun.
no matter what kind of request you have, i will try to fulfill it as best as i can! (although, it’s important to say that i generally do not write about minors.)
if you want to check some of my previous fics, you can go to my ao3 account here.
thank you! 🙇‍♀️
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seawitch62 · 2 years
A bus ride, what can go wrong?
Word count 748
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         Bus ride.
The bus engine purrs, clocking mile after mile. Passengers from the depot now firmly planted as they await their destination. Luggage stored in the allotted compartments, backpacks and handbags ride with their owners.
Several stops as new passengers alight and find a seat, some depart, mostly though they stay, they are here for the long haul.
Thinking herself fortunate she has a window seat plus the adjoining seat is vacant.
The seats are being occupied with each stop, fingers crossed the seat next to her remains unoccupied.
With her head in book, she barely notices the bus  stop, and that passengers walk the aisle looking for an available seat.
Glancing up she notices a very well dressed guy, looking for a seat.
Please no! No! He is looking at the seat next to her. Not making eye contact, she avoids his gaze.
Any other seat please! 
"Is this seat taken?"
The man then claims the seat, making himself as comfortable as one can on a bus.
Returning to her book, the story is building and the pages turn, one after another.
Shuffling and moving constantly. The man wriggles and squirms.
'Not an avid bus traveler' she assumes. His clothing alone speaks he has means to afford other modes of transportation.
"My vehicle broke down" he offers.
Giving him a wry smile, "sorry  to hear that".
"I'm Donghae" 
"Nice to meet you"
Noticing her non reciprocal introduction, "and you are?".
"Look I don't mean to be rude, but I just want to read my book".
Showing him her hardcover of Fairytale by Stephen King.
"My apologies, please continue reading your book".
Totally absorbed with the story unfolding, the passage of time escapes her.
"Do you like dogs?"
Concentration disrupted, giving a sideways glance to the source.
"A fellow dog lover" he replies with a beaming smile. 
"These are my babies" he states proudly as he shows photo after photo after photo.
"They are adorable," she admits.
Pages of  her book turn, the wheels of the bus amass mile after mile.  The driver alerts the passengers they will be stopping in ten minutes, bathrooms are available and food for those inclined. 
"I'm starving" Donghae tells her "care to join me ?".
"Yes that would be nice, thank you".
Seated in the quaint diner, menu in hand they order. Donghae offers conversation topics that keep them chatting till the food arrives. Not realizing how hungry she actually was till she began eating her meal.
Donghae's meal was large in comparison to hers, he digs in with gusto. "I will regret this later," he laughs.
The bus driver alerts his passengers that they will be departing in ten minutes.
Wheels turn, the engine hums, the passengers all lost in their own individual train of thought.
"Do you play Tennis?" Donghae enquired, "not for a very long time" she answers.
"We should play sometime".
Looking  at him, she just smiles.
Like we are going to see each other again once we exit this ride.
The print on the page slowly blurs, eyelids heavy they reluctantly close.
Awoken by the screech of brakes, her body jerked back and forth.
The bus rolls and keeps rolling.
Feeling like she is in a clothes dryer, she tumbles and rolls in unison with the bus.
Finally the bus comes to a halt, she tries to move, realizing with dread she is pinned under a seat.
Terror takes hold and her body shakes, the threat now is shock.
"Speak to me! Are you hurt? Are you okay?" Donghae asks urgently.
Sobbing, "I can't move!".
Donghae takes stock of the situation.
Speaking calmly to the distressed frightened woman, "I will be right back".
Donghae checks on his fellow passengers, helping some off  the bus carcass, organizing others to help those in need.
The unconscious driver is taken off the bus, passengers busily call the emergency services requesting immediate help.
The shaken and injured mostly cuts and bruises, help those whose injuries are more dire.
"Gas, I smell gas!" One panicked passenger screams.
Mayhem ensues, Donghae once more takes control, telling them to move back.
All the passengers are safely off the bus bar one.
Donghae runs onto the bus, he notices she is unconscious.
With time of the essence, the gasoline dripping, he prises the seat from the unconscious woman.
Gently he picks her up and carries her off the bus safely in his arms.
super junior
we are super junior
we are super super man
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allrisehyukhae · 8 months
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elf-bot · 2 years
this is a list of some of my fave fics and some masterlists for suju, ofc if you know more writers and fics please let me know so i can add them in here !
last update: sometime in november, 2022, i lost the date
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hesitance - smut
hesitance part 2 - smut
late night snack
i’d rather be insane - smut
birthday wishes
cookie kiss
tease - smut
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i don’t mind
next time - smut
quickie - smut
bored - smut
astralsweetness’ drabble -  non explicit smut
we just need a drink - smut
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honeymoon sweetness - smut
“If you weren’t so drunk maybe I would.”
anything - smut
more than a friend
mirrors - smut
pregnancy struggles, baby struggles
good boy - smut
all you have to do is ask - smut
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yeah, ok, but i’m cooler
move night - smut
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06:00 am (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
drunken fwb (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
my prince
i miss you - smut
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cacao - suggestive
one night part 1 & part 2
tails you lose part 1 & part 2 - smut
06:00 am (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
drunken fwb (donghae & eunhyuk) - smut
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a rainy evening
2+1 (leeteuk & siwon) - smut
lost & found
double check
bad habits - smut
from the ground up - smut
shownuslaugh’s siwon smut
batman suit - smut (ao3)
7 minutes in heaven - smut
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working birthday
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did you enjoy it? - smut
knowing hubby 
here, you can have mine
almost - smut
too much to bear - smut
honeymoon tension - smut
lazy evening - smut
sexual tensions - smut
move night - smut (ao3)
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chicken fifi’s masterlist
obsessedwithbbandsuju’s masterlist
blu-jon’s masterlist
2ya2yao’s masterlist
kpop imaginings’ masterlist
sujusoo’s masterlist
some writers rec here !!
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timextoxhajima · 5 months
what's the right word?
my first kpop group was snsd when they first released gee back in 2009/2010 and i was 9/10.
i've been stuck in this hole of 'kpop' since. i turn 24 in april. thats more than half my life.
growing up in a conservative asian family and the elder daughter of two teachers, it's not easy to explain the grievances and troubles i feel like i've experienced. some might not even consider it a terrible thing. yes, i've had a good standard of education and had parents who took care of me but sometimes the challenge was truly connecting with people and finding an emotional support.
nobody else can replicate and/or understand the true depth of the love, admiration, inspiration and reliance a fan has on her favourite idols/groups. throughout the years, i've gone through the eras. going from the snsd/shinee/suju era, and then into the bts/exo/vixx/bap era, and then blackpink/red velvet/wanna one/nct and then i feel like my life had a significant trajectory in the 2019-2020 period because i started dancing.
after having spent a decade being so invested in the idol culture of perfecting every single performance, pushing past boundaries and the idea of 'not being enough' being the exact source of motivation, perhaps picking up cover-dancing wasn't the best idea. especially when i come in a package with a bunch of baggage, anxiety, stress, and other perfectionist ideals.
throughout the years before 2019/2020, my reliance on my kpop idols was emotional. i wrote letters to them like they were my best friends, wished them the best of health and that they were always enough, while wishing i was as good as they were (ironic?). to my past loves: sooyoung, donghae, minho, jonghyun, jungkook, baekhyun, kang daniel, irene, jaehyun and the other members who have helped me through alot - i owe my life to them. quite literally.
tbz and enhypen have a special place in my heart. because not only did they become the usual emotional support pillars i had all the while, they became my mentors. an actual source to learn and be better. enhypen even more, because i've covered at least 5-6 of their items.
this growth in myself and the growth i see in them was so quiet but so sudden last night as i filmed their performances. 'oh my god, i danced to this song back in 2022 and now i get to see it live?'
as a fan, i feel more emotional because not only am i a fan who enjoys their music, i feel like i had connected to them on the 'stage performer' level and though i'm still lacking in many, many ways, i owe my progress and improvement to enhypen. they push me both mentally and physically during practises and their want to surpass themselves always reminds me that love knows no boundaries. the love for the stage and the love to be the best version of yourself.
i'm quite sure there's some psychological term for it, when you rely on someone who doesn't know you exist, and that you gain energy just from this person's existence.
the story is much, much longer but i could write a whole fic about it if i wanted to.
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to my strength, my (probably last) love, heeseung.
i could write a billion words about you, and it would still not be enough to share how much of my life, my success, my motivation, my strength i owe to you. the love between a fan and an idol can only go so far, but i promise it will be forever.
i have a knack for choosing the members who seem to be the 'ace' of the group, but you are so unapologetically open about being a perfectionist. that's just my opinion. you know you want to be at your best, and you strive so hard to get there, sometimes i almost feel sad that you think you're not yet perfect. but then again, that's the very thing that makes me look up to you.
saw you for the first time and probably the last time last night. thank you for reigniting this want to surpass myself in every way possible. thank you for reminding me that lacking is the only way up.
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hopelesstaemintic · 1 year
The Promise of Spring (Ao3versary requests 3)
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Better late than never! I actually finished this Friday but real life got in the way here it is lovely readers of tumblr. The schedule is out the window but I hope the fact that this fic is a whopping 6,800+ words more than makes up for it.
Thank you so much @calee231 for the prompt of Jeno, light angst and bento boxes. I hope this makes you as giddy as it made me when writing it. (I think my bias is showing).
Details, tags, preview and link to full fic are all below as usual.
complete (17/03/23), 6,887 words, one chapter.
Jeno has invited you over to make food for the annual company cherry blossom viewing party. You reluctantly agree as you are busy trying to ignore some overly friendly feelings you have for him. A moment in the kitchen leads to some internal agonising that your friends do their best to help you resolve.
Jeno/female reader
f/m, female reader, older woman/younger man, friends to lovers, smutty-fluff, cooking, picnics, sakura, oral sex, vaginal sex, snogging, making out, burnt eggs, Haechan is wrong, inexperienced Jeno, light angst.
Link to full work
"Simple, yes?"
Jeno nods like a puppy who knows he should respond but doesn't know why.
"You weren't listening were you? Look, when I said I'd come over and help you cook for the picnic I didn't mean I would just do everything for you."
"Sorry, Noona. I'm trying. Can you show me how to roll the kimbap again?" Jeno brushes his fringe out of his eyes and yawns so wide you wonder if he is going to dislocate his jaw.
"Late night?"
"Yeah, we didn't finish practice till 3:00"
You look over at the mishapen mound of rice and seaweed that is Jeno's first attempt and decide to take pity on him. "Fine, but pay attention. I still need to pop home to change and we haven't even got started on the geran mari."
Jeno just nods sleepily and turns to watch you as you place a fresh piece of seaweed on your rolling mat and start spreading on the cooked rice. You are about to start layering in the filling when he moves behind you and places his chin on your shoulder.
"yah… I'm not a pillow."
Your protest is half-hearted and Jeno ignores it. Instead of moving away he wraps his arms around your waist and leans his body into your back.
"I can see better like this, plus I'm cold."
"So I'm a heater now?"
Jeno just hums in agreement and squeezes you a little tighter. Despite his claims he feels warm against you. He smells good, like fresh laundry, making you think of bare skin and cotton sheets and half-asleep kisses and you wonder idly if he would still hug you like this if he knew you'd thought about touching him a thousand times. If he knew that the woman he treated like a big sister dreamt of tugging off his clothes. You take a deep breath and internally shake off thoughts of being under him so you can focus on the task in hand without giving yourself away. He'd asked you, his friend, to help him with this and you were going to help. That's what friends do. Friends.
For two people from fairly different worlds, born over ten years apart, you've become closer than anyone would predict. Things had been comfortable from the moment you'd been introduced, a year ago almost to the day. You'd been at a loose end when your school friend, Donghae, had invited you to the cherry blossom viewing with a few people from his work. As if hanging out with artists from one of the largest entertainment companies in South Korea was a completely normal thing. At first you were nervous about meeting celebrities, but when Jeno sat next to you, ate your food, and then immediately declared you had to come to every company picnic, the anxiety quickly wore off. Perhaps he'd been told to look out for you by Donghae, they'd long been closer than brothers, but regardless of the reason Jeno had made an effort to get to know you from the start. You met a lot of cool people that day, some you'd kept in touch with and some you hadn't, but Jeno had become a permanent fixture.
There are lots of simple reasons for this. Initially you'd liked his quiet sense of humour, his thoughtfulness, and his straightforward nature. He's easy to read and you hate having to guess if others are in a bad mood. The two of you have similar taste in movies and food. You both hate oysters and like to nerd out over cars. You both like cats. In the early days your shared friendship with Donghae meant you'd had an uncomplicated reason to keep hanging out, nobody questioning when the three of your would meet for dinner. After dinner number five Donghae had bailed last minute and you'd ended up watching a movie just the two of you at your place. Now it isn't weird that Jeno calls you up when he wants advice, or that you come over to the dorm occasionally to have a drink after work. The other boys are used to you. You are just Noona. Just a woman who happens to be Jeno's friend. That's all it it is.
So when Jeno had asked you to help him make a lunch box for this year's picnic your answer had been simple. Of course you would. You hadn't asked who it was for and your were ignoring the irritable little gremlin that surfaced in your stomach every time you contemplated possible answers. He can date who he likes. Friends can date other people. You are friends. Except when he crosses that line and holds you, when you can feel his long black hair tickling your cheek and his heartbeat through your back. In fact, when he does what he is doing in this exact moment you don't feel like friends. It feels like…
"Okay, ice-man. I think you are warm enough now." You squirm out of Jeno's grip before you can follow that last thought through to its conclusion, "You finish making the kimbap and I'll get started on the eggs."
Continue reading here
Enjoy this work? leave a like or reblog - every single one is appreciated. If you want to read more you can find links and descriptions to everything in my master list.
If you want to listen along to the accompanying playlist you can find links to my spotify on my soundtracks page and also on my caard, which also has a link to my twitter.
Also if anyone wants to be added to a tag list just drop me an ask or let me know in a reblog. 🤗
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jaesqueso · 11 months
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sujuimagines · 4 months
a little something about ...
... me.
Hi, everybody 🙋🏻‍♀️ My name is Amanda, I'm 24 and a fairly new SuJu fan. I love reading kpop fanfic (and SuJu fanfic in particular) and I noticed after a while that I had read - almost - every piece of fanfic there was, at least in English. Also I noticed that the majority of fanfic is a little bit older. 😅 So without further ado I decided to do something about it. It's the reason I'm writing you this now. My goal is to write fun, gooey, sappy fanfic and imagines, short and long stories, and anything else my mind might come up with. Although I'm not a native English speaker, I would say I'm fluent enough to make almost zero mistakes. Since this is literally the beginning, I only have a few ideas in my mind about what I want to write, so in the process I would love it for the readers who enjoy my fics to contribute ideas for future fics.
There are however a few things I won't write about or incorporate in my stories. I've thought long about if I should even mention this, but in the end I decided that it would only be right to make my standpoint clear. Please know that I am in no way trying to piss off anyone, it's just that my ideals may differ from yours.
Things I won't write about include:
members being romantically linked amongst each other
weird kinks
I might add something in the future but for now these are my only red flags.
Since Donghae is my bias, actually my ultimate bias 😍, the majority of stories will be centered around Donghae, but I also have a soft sport for Yesung, Siwon, Leeteuk and Kyuhyun too, so they will probably also get their own stories at some point.
I think that's about it. If I forgot something, please drop something in my ask. I will definitely read and reply to your messages. 🙏
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babypetri · 9 months
Get to know me tag game
thanks for the tag @briliantlymad
1. 3 ships: Hard to choose but currently my faves are James Potter / Lily Evans/ Regulus Black, Tom Riddle Jr / Harry Potter and uh Pepper Potts / Tony Stark / Stephen Strange
2. first ever ship: I really don't know but maybe Eunhyuk / Donghae or Kai/ D.O. it was so long ago. Oh wait i think it's might be Jang Geum/ Jeong Ho.
3. last song: Let's Get It Started by Black Eyed Peas
4. last movie: oh boy i don't remember it's been a while nothing comes to my mind
5. currently reading: Other than fics I'm trying to finish Soul Screamers series om on the volume 3
6.currently watching: I don't really watch anything when i do it's whatever my family watching at the moment
7. currently consuming: Water and rice with vegetables because it's lunch time
8. currently craving: Something sweet I'm not picky
9. Tag people you want to know better: no pressure @parislifee @morganassimp @hollyannewrites @scarlet-fall @lesbianmckinnonn
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chicken-fifi · 1 year
I rarely see someone asking for Donghae fics now.. can I request a suggestive headcannon for him? 😉🔥
It'll be posted on May 16th
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hxtwasabi · 1 year
Doacao de Plots
E vim aqui de novo pra mais uma notícia kwjrjkljr ainda tenho alguns plots disponíveis para doação, irei deixar o nome original do plot, sua sinopse original e ideias para o que fazer. O plot não tem prazo nem quantas palavras específicas, então sinta-se livre e confortável para escrever quando e o quanto quiser. Quase não for usar mais o plot avise na MP do Spirit ou no Chat do Tumblr e eu coloco ele de volta na lista de doação. Por favor, se pegar e postar me avise e coloque créditos também, obrigada. Caso houver alguma adição de plot irei atualizar aqui.
Clique abaixo e veja os plots. Clique aqui para preencher o formulário.
Plot 3 - The Forgotten Ones (Os Esquecidos):
 "Quando as irmãs A e B, filhas de "personagem de desenho" e "personagem de desenho" de "qualquer conto de fadas que desejar", descobrem que, tanto elas quanto outros filhos de alguns personagens de outros contos, não foram aprovados para entrar na Escola de Auradon elas decidem se vingar e fazer Auradon pagar por terem esquecidos deles. Afinal, Auradon se esqueceu deles, mas elas não esqueceram disso tão cedo. " 
Essa fanfic era uma fanfic interativa e era baseada em Descendentes. Pode continuar ela como interativa ou não. Pode ser baseada em Once Upon A Time ou qualquer fandom ou ser original. Fica a seu critério... Manter o título (pode traduzir), pois se trata de personagens esquecidos do churrasco no mundo da animação como Anastasia, O Corcunda de Notre Dame, etc.
Alterações: Personagens. Manter o título.
Plot 4 - In A Flash (Em Um Flash):
 "Personagem A, uma semideusa filha de "qualquer deus grego (não obrigatório), viaja para Central City com seus pais no período de férias. Ela se sente deslocada, mas logo acaba fazendo amizade com a personagem B e "qualquer super herói". 
Além de vários encontrões com "super herói", personagem A vai se apaixonar por "nome verdadeiro do super herói (ex: Clark Kent)", mesmo não sabendo que ele é o "nome do herói" (ex: Superman).
Essa fanfic era uma fanfic na categoria Flash que fazia crossover com Percy Jackson. Você pode continuar com o crossover ou não, fica a seu critério. Essa fanfic é recomendada pra categoria de super heróis como o próprio Flash, Aquaman, Batman, etc. Ou um universo alternativo. Pode ser usado para casais canônicos de série que nem WestAllen, Selina e Bruce, etc. 
Alterações: Título e personagens.
Plot 11 - Evanesce:
"Miyeon tem uma paixão por Yesung, porém os dois são que nem gato e rato: um dia são amigos, no outro dia estão pegando no pé um do outro; Minnie e Heechul namoraram por 4 anos e do amor apenas o ódio restou e ela não suporta ele até hoje; Taeyeon e Leeteuk já tiveram um affair também, mas a distância os separou, isso não significa que eles pararam de pensar um no outro; Dara e Donghae são amigos há muito tempo, mas será que isso vai se tornar algo há mais?; a tensão sexual de Hana e Eunhyuk você pode cortar com uma faca; Tiffany e Siwon também já se conheciam, porém nunca sentiram algo tão forte assim antes; Seohyun e Kyuhyun namoram antes dele entrar pro exército, porém ninguém sabe desse namoro exceto os membros de cada banda; Yeri e Ryeowook há anos tem crush um no outro e todo mundo sabe disso, mas Yeri tem medo de relacionamentos; e Hyoyeon está de casamento marcado, porém está tendo dúvidas sobre se casar. Cada casal interligado. Cada história de amor se interliga. Mas, afinal, o amor é como um sonho."
Como é muito personagem então deixei a sinopse original mesmo kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Essa fanfic era baseada em alguns casais Super Generation e era da categoria do SUJU e personagens originais. Serve para fanfics de kpop (principalmente com grupos com vários membros), com foco em relacionamentos, tinha outros assuntos polêmicos que nem relacionamento no kpop e sassaengs, etc. Pode mudar o título. Indicada para interativas, mas pode-se fazer como uma fic normal. 
Alterações: Título e personagens. 
Plot 12 - Jurassic Dragons:
“Personagem A sempre foi apaixonada por dragões e hoje em dia é bastante reconhecida por ser uma treinadora de dragões. Quando Personagem A vai viajar para (país de sua escolha) ela encontra Personagem B, e os dois têm uma conexão na hora.Só que ele tem uma tarefa: resgatá-la das garras do (insira o nome de algum vilão/monstro)."
Essa fic era uma trilogia dos filmes Jurassic World, eu decidi apagar por conta do necroso do Pratt. Essa fific pode ainda ser do mundo Jurassic Park, histórias sobrenaturais, monstros, etc. Pode mudar o título.
Alterações: Título e personagens. 
Plot 18 - Midnight Horror Memories:
“Londres. Capital de Inglaterra e Reino Unido e que mantinha uma das maiores faculdades do mundo: a Universidade de Londres. Com isso todo ano a mesma recebia novos rostos com o sonho de brilhar no seu futuro emprego. E não é diferente para Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall e Zayn. Cada um com seu sonho. Até que descobrem algo poderoso e maligno dentro da faculdade que pode mudar suas vidas para sempre....”
Fanfiction antes com o One Direction baseada na série japonesa da Netflix Alice in Borderland. Todos os meninos tinham super poderes, tipo Darwin 's Game, um anime que também está na Netflix. Vou fazer uma fific apenas com minha personagem original de AIB, solo ou com algum par, ainda não sei. Mas fique a vontade para pegar o plot. Pode mudar o título.  Indicada para interativas, mas pode-se fazer como uma fic normal. Também doei para doação de plots do Wonderful Designs, mas ainda está disponível.
Alterações: Título e personagens.
Plot 20 - Nossos destinos se congelaram no tempo:
“Ha Joon sofreu um acidente misterioso há 4 anos atrás e é até considerada morta por alguns. Flashes e borrões de sua vida são constantes, memórias que ela não sabe se são memórias ou não. Depois de muito tempo ela volta com sua tia e sua prima para Seul com novas identidades, mas por quanto tempo isso irá durar? E quem é o belo estranho?”
Essa fanfic é uma mistura dos Doramas Iris II e o plot da personagem que era mãe adotiva da protagonista do Dorama A Lenda Um Luxo de Sonhar. O título foi pego numa doação de títulos da minha amiga Ingrid, então mantenha o título ou mudar conforme o tema da fanfic. 
Alterações: Título e personagens.
Plot 21 - The Underground:
Passaram se anos desde que os X-Men venceram os Inumanos, em uma guerra para impedi-los de lançar as bombas de terrígeno que até então estava assolando a população mutante,os Inumanos agora não lançam mais as nevoas terrígenas.E os mutantes por todo o mundo estão a salvo.Porem o governo dos Estados Unidos tem uma pequena amostra do conteúdo químico da terrigênese,e pretende lançar bombas toxicas no mundo inteiro para acabar com os mutantes, porem mutantes infiltrados no governo alertaram aos X-Men do perigo que os 1534 mutantes existentes no planeta corriam,o Doutor Hank McCoy(mais conhecido por seu alter ego Fera) descobriu um jeito de prevenir os mutantes deste desastre.Um tipo de atmosfera que transmite um ar diferenciado, que pode “cortar“ do ar a terrigênese porem nem todos os mutantes,poderão ser salvos, apenas os que estiverem expostos ao ar criado por fera, foram distribuídos capsulas de ar para o Instituto Xavier,Utopia,Genosha e Ilha Muir atualmente os X-Men estão convocando mutantes de todos os lugares com o pretexto de que estão reabrindo as vagas, entre estes mutantes estão os filhos dos Fabulosos X-Men sera que a nova equipe,formada por Lorna(mais conhecida por seu alter ego Polaris) e Alex Summers (conhecido por seu alter ego Destrutor),irá salvar a população mutante de um Genocídio?
Essa fanfic era uma fanfic X-Men que eu tinha com um colega na época e flopou kkkkkkkkk ela era uma interativa. Não precisa ser só de X-Men, se quiser fazer algo relacionado aos Vingadores, personagens da DC, aos números de Stranger Things, fique a vontade. Indicada para interativas, mas se você não quiser, pode ser longfic, shortfic, etc. Pode mudar o título.
Alterações: Título e personagens.
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astralsweetness · 2 years
Hi Luna!! Writing updates? Life updates? It's been a while since we heard from you, is this blog still active?
Hi! I'd love to write again, I'm just struggling to find things that capture my interest for it that I think you guys would also like to see. It's a delicate line between writing for myself and writing for others' enjoyment, and I've kind of burned out on writing for Pentagon, just like I burned out on writing for Seventeen, most likely because I hyper-fixated on them so intensely for such a long period of time. I can't think of anything to write for them that I haven't already done - and I can only do so much with requests that are like "so-and-so and thigh riding" when I've already written that once or twice or more. If there were newer prompts, then I might be able to find some inspiration there. There are some more popular groups I'd like to try writing like Stray Kids, or older groups like specific members of Super Junior or Shinee, but the latter doesn't seem popular on here and the former didn't get any interest when I brought it up before. I want to find something I both would like to do and that you guys would like to see as well.
I've been having a really tough time lately, both with mental and physical health and college [I'm enrolled in two right now] so I've kind of ended up reverting back to comfort singers of mine, which are a lot of 2nd gen idols. Eunhyuk, Minho, Donghae, Hanhae, Tei, Key, etc, and I haven't really said anything about them on here bcs I know no one really cares about them when it comes to fics on Tumblr, and even less when they're written as sub. I did have a thing I wrote that I was going to post on here, but I had a mental breakdown shortly after finishing it and ended up deleting it entirely lol. @funkywinkyboy got to experience what the mental breakdown was like, it wasn't pretty.
In the mean time, I'll give a suuuper short recommended list since I am a failure as a writer, so maybe you can get your fic-fix through them instead:
@euphoricsunflowers Venus is a very lovely person who runs a very nice sub!idol blog. I think she's got sub!svt on the brain rn, so if you wanna go fill her inbox with that stuff.. 👀
@blu-joons Chloe is pretty much well-known for having a blog with every damn fandom that exists on it.. you sort of can’t go wrong with perusing her masterlist. pls go appreciate her and what she does
@pinkchubbiebunnie Tanisha isn’t a kpop blog but she’s kept me afloat this last month without really even knowing I was grasping onto her blog and our interactions to keep my head above water. If you’re into Stranger Things or The Walking Dead go check her out. She’s doing a cute lil Halloween event rn too so.. prime time to go
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allrisehyukhae · 8 months
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my love for you:
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Bad Liar:
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