#dont ask about annes hair just dont
soccer-love · 2 months
Olympic Lovers
Felicitas Rauch x reader
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I can exactly remember the words she said this morning.
When I was laying in my bed, safely wrapped in her arms.
"Whatever happens tonight, I will always be so proud of you."
I was still half asleep and only managed to get out a small nod as an answer, but I knew that it was enough for her.
That I was enough for her.
"Breathe! You can do this." Giuli said to me as I was walking towards the penalty mark.
If I scored, we would be through to the semi finals.
If not....well I guess we would have to do another round of penalty shootouts.
I move the ball to the correct position and then walk a few steps backwards.
After I hear the referee blew her whistle I take a deep breath, trying to push away all the thoughts in my head.
This is soccer.
This is what I am best at.
Without thinking about it more, I start running towards the ball.
And I kick it.
Directly into the net, through the open arms of the Canadian goalkeeper.
I hear my teammates shouting and a scream escapes my mouth while I jump around like a crazy one.
The first one to catch up on me is Feli, she hugs me so tight that we almost fall to the ground, but Anne is there to catch us.
"YESSSSSS" I hear Syd screaming as her arms also wrap around me and it quickly turns into a big group hug.
They scream and hug each other and I see Syd and Laura chasing each other around with the water bottles someone gave them.
Feli still holds onto me, her arms wrapped around me so tightly that I can barely breath, and even though we are both sweaty and my legs feel like they where made out of cement the only thing I care about is the words she says.
There so quiet that only I am able to understand it, but I do.
"I love you so fucking much."
I pull back to look at her and see the big smile that covers her face.
"I love you too." I say and it takes all my strength to not kiss her, right there, right now.
Luckily Sara and Merle come to bring us some water and so we just keep smiling at each other.
"SEMI FINALS! SEMI FINALS! SEMI FINALS!" Bibi and Laura scream as we enter the locker room.
"WHUUUUU" I answer and they laugh.
We celebrate that win a little more but we can fell how tiered everyone is so we quickly take a shower and then go to the bus to head back to our hotel.
Feli shoots me a smile before going into her room with Sara and then sends me a goodnight text.
We're not out to the team yet and so we also have other roommates.
As I wake up in the morning the sun isn't up yet and so Syd is also still asleep.
I grab my phone from the little nightstand and see a massage from Feli asking if I wanted to come over since Sara got up early and went to the gym.
As quietly as possible I get up, put on some shoes and then leave the room, trying not to wake Syd up.
Feli and Saras room isn't far from mine and after my second knock she already opens the door.
"Hey beautiful, any reason your up this early?" she flirts, leaning against the door frame.
"This cute girl asked me to come over but I think she's already gone." I tease, looking past her into the room and then stepping back.
"Whoa." Feli quickly grabs my hand, pulling me back. "You think my roommate is cute?"
"You are cute." I say and she laughs.
"Come on inside before anyone ears us." I follow her inside and then jump onto her bed.
Feli laughs at me but quickly lays down next to me, wrapping her arms around me.
"Feli?" I ask and look up into her beautiful brown eyes.
"Do you really love me?"
Something in the way she looks at me, in this moment, the way the look in her eyes softens, makes me fall in love even more.
"I never felt so much love like I do for you." she whispers and then softly kisses me.
"I love you more." I answer and then let my head rest on her shoulder.
She softly starts running her fingers through my hair and I almost fall back asleep but a sudden loud noise that comes from the hallway, gets me awake again.
"I dont know where she is Syd." I hear someone saying and look over at the door.
"She also isn't downstairs at breakfast." I hear another voice, I would say it's Giuli.
Then I hear a door opening and foot steps.
"What's going on?" Thats defiantly Laura.
"We can't find Y/N." this time it is Syd.
"What about Y/N?" I hear Leas voice.
"What are they doing? A team meeting?" I whisper to Feli and she tries to hold back her laughter, while Syd repeats her sentence from before.
"We should ask Feli, they are usually together." Lea suggests and before I even realize what that means, the door opens.
"Shit." I say and fell Feli pulling me tighter against her body.
"Feli have you.....whoa!" Sara says, stopping in the doorway so Syd bumps against her.
"What...OH MY GOOD!" Syd screams, jumping back and with that the other people in the hallway get to see us too.
"You two..." she adds, looking from Feli to me and back to Feli.
"...where trying out if these Anti-Intimacy beds actually work?" Laura finishes her sentence.
Feli grabs the pillow from behind us and throws it at her.
"Chill buddy, we understand that you both have needs but dont you know how to lock the door?" Sara asks.
"It's not like that." Feli says and sits up, my hand in hers.
"You sure?" Laura asks, grinning at us.
"You two are in love?" Anne says, she is overlooking the rest of the group and her eyes are fixed on our entangled hands.
Feli looks at me and in her eyes I see that she is asking for my permission to tell them about us.
"We are." she smiles.
"OH MY GOOD." Syd screams again and before anyone can react she jumps on top of us.
"MY BESTIE IS IN LOVE." she shouts and pulls me into a hug.
I can see the rest of the room laughing, before Sara also hugs Feli.
"I think you got the right girl, buddy." She says and Feli smiles.
"I think that too."
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Am I Forgiven?
Sebastian x MC - fighting, forgiveness, and nightgown kisses
MC sighed at the open tomes spread out before her and rubbed a frustrated hand across her brow. The aged script was beginning to blur into a mass of sliding characters and there was a dull ache growing behind her eyes. Goblin lore was bad enough during History of Magic lessons, but to sit here in her own time scouring pages upon pages of it was bordering on torture. However, Sebastian's words still stung, they had wormed their way under her skin and she hated how much it bothered her.
MC had reeled at his jibe, the fury on his face and the way he spat the word cutting her deeper than she could ever have imagined. Since when did she care? She had never cared about what other people thought of her, never let it stop her going after what she wanted, she was tougher than that. Sebastian was useful, he taught her things, he was handy in a fight, it was never the plan to grow fond of him. She shouldn't care what he thought of her.
But his words had eaten away at her all day, frustration making her sneak into the Undercroft to dig out the books stashed there, books that were not on the school reading list. The idea that she was not smart enough for the likes of him irked her almost as much as his insult. She would prove him wrong.
Maybe not tonight though. She yawned and stretched, time to sneak back to bed. As she was about to begin collecting the scattered texts, the grate of the Undercroft entrance groaned signalling the arrival of one of the boys. MC shot to her feet. Please be Ominis she silently begged.
Sebastian strode in, fully dressed but tie askew, his hair unruly. He halted in surprise at the sight of her, his eyes widening as he took in her ankle length nightgown, feet clad in nothing but her stockings. MC lifted her chin a little, her eyes skipping to where her Slytherin robe was slung over a crate, her boots abandoned beside it.
"MC," he said. His voice sounded deeper, slightly hoarse. Again, his eyes moved over her and his cheeks reddened a touch. "I didnt think anyone would be here."
"Dont worry, I was just leaving," she said coldly. "Wouldn't want to crowd you with my ignorance."
He sighed. "I didnt mean it. What I said...I was angry. You are from ignorant."
No. Don't look at me with those eyes she thought, and turned to snatch up her robe. She had to stay mad, she couldn't let him lure her in. Her fingers shook, much to her horror. She flung her robe about trying to get it the right way round to put on, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and fury at herself.
"What are you reading?" He asked. His voice was closer, she spun on the spot, eyeing him as he bent to pick up one of the books. He raised an eyebrow. "Goblin lore? You don't give up, do you?"
Her fingers clenched tighter around the cloth of her robe. "Never," she said firmly. "If Lodgok can get me information, get me closer to Ranrok, then he is useful to know."
He met her eyes. "Is that how you see me too? Useful for your own ends?"
MC opened her mouth but no words came out. Sebastian looked away, but not before she saw a flash of something like hurt in his eyes. He nodded as he slapped the book closed in a puff of dust. MC felt something twang in her chest but she shoved it down. She couldn't afford to care, she couldn't let him get close. Closer meant it hurt more when they were gone.
"When I said I wasnt prepared to get involved with whatever this Lodgok wants, you were quick to start severing ties with me," he said. He turned to face her again. "I figured my usefulness had run out. I am not a fool, MC. You forget, when it comes to manipulating people to get what I want, I'm an expert. I know a schemer when I see one. You've got Ominis wrapped around your little finger for a start."
MC felt heat flush her face. "How dare you! As if you're not doing the exact same thing to me! The only reason you help me is because you want me to cure Anne, otherwise you would have had no issue with leaving me to rot inside that scriptorium. You certainly had no difficulty casting Crucio on me and we both know you have to mean it."
"Only because you didnt have the nerve to cast it yourself!" He snapped back. His brow furrowed as his anger began to bubble up. "You had me teach it to you only to chicken out at the last moment. I mean, you're hand was shaking like a fucking leaf as you pointed the wand at me. So yes, I do try to help you. Not just for Anne, but because if I didn't, you would go out there to fight Merlin knows what, unprepared and alone and likely end up dead for your efforts."
MC remembered facing him down, wand up, the word Crucio on the tip of her tongue. He was right, she hadn't been able to do it. It infuriated her no end that she hadn't been able to. Because she couldn't do it with meaning. All she could see was his cheeky smirk, the way his face would get all intense when he was reading, the day he took her to meet Anne and the playful way he had been with his twin. She remembered the feel of his hand against the small of her back, the way he had helped her get to her feet when she stumbled, and he always had her back in a fight. She had come to rely on his presence, couldn't wait to tell him about something she had discovered, felt delight at drawing out a smile from him, and it scared the absolute shit out of her. There was no way she could cast an Unforgivable on him but there was no way she was going to admit all of that to his arrogant face.
With a growl of frustration she shook out her robe, determined to get it back on and get out of there, but her hands were still shaking and the blasted thing would not obey her. "I don't need you to save me," she insisted. "If I can face the Keepers trials alone, then I'm fine with everything else. I don't need a baby sitter."
The robe seemed to have a mind of its own. She threw it to the floor and yanked on her boots instead.
"I am under no illusions about your need for a saviour, I've seen you bring down mountain trolls after all, and I definitely have no plans to be your baby sitter," he snapped. "But if you think that I am going to stand by while you walk into some sneaky goblin trap, then you are sadly mistaken. Goblins cannot be trusted."
"And you can?" She spun to face him, her hair flying against her flushed cheeks. He had her robe in his hands and he was even closer, close enough the see the fire light from the candles flicker in his brown eyes. His anger disappeared at her words. A look passed across his face and it looked like sadness. She swallowed down the fear clawing up her throat. "I've told you more than I have ever shared with anyone else. I've put my trust in you and I don't know if that was the right choice."
Her voice cracked on the last word and her chest tightened with the raw honesty she had spilled. She felt horribly exposed to him and she feared that he could see all the other feelings that were swirling around those words.
He stepped around her and placed her robe gently over her shoulders. Of course, the fabric behaved in his long fingers, draping perfectly around her. He spun her to face him, the press of his finger tips a delight and an agony, and he fastened the robe against her chest. She stared at him, her eyes scanning his face, waiting for a smart comment, the arrogant twist of his lips, but all she could see was sadness. Just like that her anger melted, slipping through her fingers and she had nothing else to cling to. Nothing to use as a shield against her vulnerability. How the hell did he do it?
He met her gaze and she was trapped in it. Her eyes were fused with his. "If you want, you can walk out of here and I will not trouble you again," he said softly. "But I meant what I said. I would never let you walk into danger alone, or unprepared. I will always have your back, just as you have had mine."
MC felt a stinging at the backs of her eyes. She never cried, refused to. Weakness was never an option. Sebastian lifted his hands either side of her face, she could have sworn his fingers were trembling as he cupped her jaw, the pad of his thumb grazing an agonising sweep near her mouth. "If you do walk out of here, I will respect your choice. But if you want, I can be whatever you need me to be, I can teach you more spells, I will fight whatever battles I can alongside you, but above all of that, I would be honoured to be your friend. The friend you have put your trust in."
The sting behind her eyes became a burn and her vision was getting a little blurry around the edges. It was tiredness of course, that's all. She was tired. Her body betrayed her and a hot tear escaped to slide down her cheek. Sebastian caught it with his thumb. "I'm sorry that I hurt you," he whispered.
MC pulled in a shaky breath. Merlin damn this boy who refused to give her heart a moments peace. The eye contact was becoming too intense so she dropped her gaze, but that was a mistake. His mouth was so close and those fluttering feelings took a dive southwards to torment her abdomen instead. Her heart thumped madly against her ribs. Fury had become this flaring need and she needed to get back to more familiar ground before his touch drove her crazy.
"For the record, I do not have Ominis wrapped around my little finger," she said.
There was the familiar little smirk on his lips. "Oh yes, you do," he said. His hands were still holding her face. "In fact, I could list a few others who would drop everything and come running for you."
"Like who?" MC said doubtfully.
His thumb gave another sweep across her skin sending sparks shivering down her spine. "Garreth, Poppy, Amit, not to mention Leander..."
MC screwed her nose up. "I highly doubt it."
"Believe me, you have no idea." A scowl flashed on his brow.
MC arched a brow. "Really? You almost sound jealous Mr Sallow."
Teasing was definitely more familiar territory with him, but MC found she was holding her breath.
"Of course not." A glorious blush spread across Sebastian's cheeks and he let go of her, pushing his hands through his hair and turning to pace before the scattered books. Her skin felt strangely chilled without his hands gracing it. "You said it yourself, you reveal more of yourself to me than anyone else. I have no reason to be jealous."
Oh, she was already regretting those words, he was going to be awfully smug now. She folded her arms. "So, you wouldn't mind if I asked Garreth to help me with an extra assignment instead this weekend?"
"What assignment?" He asked, spinning back to look at her.
Her lips twitched with the need to grin. "Oh, you know, the usual sneaking about after dark. I reckon Garreth won't mind breaking a few rules with me."
Sebastian's jaw tightened. His eyes travelled down the length of her before gazing at her face. "Will you be sneaking around in the dark with Garreth dressed in nought but your night gown?"
Embarrassment swirled with a pinch of excitement in her belly at the way he stared, but she covered it smoothly with more teasing. She gripped the white cotton of her nightgown, spreading it slightly as if to curtsey. "Oh, I don't know, do you think he wouldn't approve?"
Sebastian looked as if he was about to step towards her but he hesitated, bringing both of hands to his mouth as if praying. "I think he would be far too over excited at such a sight," he said tightly. "Perhaps not such a good idea."
"No?" Her heart thudded in her chest. "What about you? Are you 'over excited'?"
His eyes widened and another flush spread up his neck and face. He opened his mouth to speak once, twice, and MC felt a giggle bubble up her throat. Oh, but she was being most horrid and scandalous! And it would serve him right after the way he made her heart jump and twirl in her chest at times.
She almost skipped as she moved towards him, her hands reaching for his wonky tie. He had so gently wrapped her in the robe, it would be rude not to return the gesture. She straightened the tie up, slowly and deliberately, hearing the soft intake of his breath between his teeth. She met his eyes, those beautiful brown eyes, and gave him a soft smile. "Its late," she whispered. "We should return to the common room."
He cleared his throat. "Does this mean I am forgiven?"
She stared up at him, her hands resting lightly either side of his tie. She could feel the rise and fall of his breathing, see the way his pupils were reacting to the candle light, and she knew, deep inside her, that he was the biggest distraction in her life but she didn't think she would ever be able to breathe properly again if he disappeared. It was frightening, how quickly he had wrapped himself around her like that. Her own feelings for this boy scared her, more than any monster this new magical world could throw at her, but Merlin did it make her feel alive.
Her lips curved upwards as she gripped hold of his robe, pulling him downwards as her heels lifted. She pressed her mouth against his in the softest kiss, a brief but warm sign of affection that made her blood sing.
"For now," she said cheekily. She let him go. He couldn't look more stunned. "My my, Sebastian, you look lost for words."
She didn't get a chance to step too far back from him. His hands reached for her, snaking about her waist as he pulled her back against him. A gasp burst from her lips as their bodies were pressed flush against each other. One of his hands slid up her spine, his fingers entangled in her hair as he stole another kiss from her mouth. This was no soft, delicate touch, this was a firm declaration that stole the very breath from her lungs. When he pulled his face back a little, their hot breaths mingled as they stared at each other.
"From now on, the only boy who gets to see you in your nightgown is me," he said gruffly.
"Is that so?" She breathed.
"Oh, I am insisting on it."
She smiled. The pendulum of emotions inside her took another swing. Less than an hour ago she had wanted to smack him one on his cute, freckled nose. Now, she never wanted him to let her go.
He slowly, reluctantly, released his grip on her. But, his fingers found hers and they interlinked. "Now, allow me to escort you back to the common room. You never know who could be prowling the halls at this time of night."
His smirk was a mirror of her own.
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surshica · 2 years
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SEVENTEEN - my little pony
masterlist <3
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
yn came back to the room and placed four hot chocolates on a mini table sitting down near heiya and usagi. she took small sips of the hot chocolate; the warm chocolate taste warmed up her somewhat cold body. slight chills went down her spine due to the contrast of the heat and cold in her body. the other girls were enjoying it as well, heiya looked over at yn—letting out a small sigh before running her fingers through her hair to get rid of the knots. “ynn~”
yn looked at her with a weird expression, she knew she wanted something with that tone and they were going to be questions about chishiya. “yes heiyaaa~” the tone was the same as hers with slight mockery in it. “can you tell us what happened between you and chishiya~” heiya shook yn gently. “in return we’ll have kuina talk about how her and ann got together!!” usagi chimed in; she already knew what happened but usagi still wanted the other girls to know.
yn grumbled at first but she caved in, her door was open since her roommate was literally just her cousin. she had noticed mira was leaning against the doorframe interested in the story time too. “well..chishiya and i believe it or not are just friends.” yn smiled clasping her hands together, kuina groaned facepalming herself while usagi started laughing, heiya she had a deadpanned look on her face. “don’t give us that my little pony bullshit..” kuina huffed while heiya shook yn a little harder.
yn started laughing, “ok ok i’ll tell you guys..i cant even say dont tell anyone because i feel like everyone knows something..” yn shrugged, taking another sip of hot chocolate. “well to be honest and to be quiet fair i don’t even know what we are??” yn even questioned it herself, “i thought we were rivals but now? i feel yeah..” yn didn’t know words to how describe her feelings.
she looked at the girl who were all staring at her to give what she wanted, a small smile formed on her lips, “i have liked that stupid blonde mf since middle school and yet i still can’t find the right enough courage to tell him,” “i feel as if i need to be a step ahead of him especially in academics, though the is quite hard” yn let out a low chuckle.
kuina’s eyes formed a smile as she started to giggle as if she met her favorite actor, heiya had a big smile on her face grabbing yn by her shoulders shaking her. “i mean the tension between you two is so painfully obvious..” usagi mentioned taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
“tension? there is no tension” yn laughed aloud, kuina just shook her head “babe i love you bit the tension between the two of you is very fucking obvious.” kuina sighed in a defeat like voice, “chishiya..he’s confusing but i assure you if you ask him out—“ “but i’m not going to ask him. why should i?”
usagi gasped, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOURE NOTGONNAASKHIMOUT” usagi was shaking her so much yn got dizzy. “IF YOU ARENT GONNA ASK HIM OUT YOU DESERVE AN AWARD FOR THAT ACT.” usagi had a distressed tone in her voice, yn had to physically put her hand on her shoulder to stop usagi from shaking her.
kuina and heiya looked at eachother with disappointed looks. “listen LISTEN, i probably have a better chance dating a rock then with chishiya.” yn tried to justify herself but that also had no justice. “why do you say that yn? you don’t know that” heiya questioned with a frown.
“he has like zero interest in a relationship, so therefore he would reject me simple!” yn crossed her arms near her chest acting like she put her foot down. kuina shook her head, “what about the time you two went to a cafe?” “he was being nice” “okay and the time he saved you from niragi?” “he was told to watch over me from mira..” “i call bullshit but that’s ok..how about the time you two almost kissed” “..well it was just a nice gesture yeah”
“yeah IT WAS A NICE GESTURE.” yn tried to convince herself that there was no tension and it was just friendly gestures. “if you don’t realize i’m going to slap you.” usagi deadpanned looked at yn, sending chills down her spine. “OKAY FINE. maybe he isn’t just being nice to me and MAYBE likes me.” a small smile broke out on her lips, “you know if it wasn’t for arisu something could’ve happened” yn shrugged off the thought.
“so would you consider asking him out?” heiya questioned the indecisive girl, “hmm maybe…maybe yeah.” yn has a small tint of rose blush form onto her cheeks.
mira smiled happily before walking back to her room, “did you hear that chishiya?” mira whispered so yn and the girls couldnt hear her, “yeah..” he sounded dry but his face said otherwise. his face has never felt warmer before. since they were on facetime mira was able to see it, she let out a small giggle closing the door behind her. “are you going to make the first move orr..” she left it open like a question, “maybe. but i think maybe i’ll let her do it.” a smile crept onto his face.
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
tags !!
pink doesn’t work
@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium @afckingswiftiebtch @em-asian @saiewithakatana @minyoungieee @eternal-gf @kimtaehussy @theinfaethablefig @elakari @too-many-fandoms666 @lastheavcns @pyrrhicgaze @andreeasancheez @hadesdaughtwr @Iserluver @urgodmoon @nmsl0v3r @lowilaufeyson @dee-dino-man @chiishiiya @444neapolitain @wroophruh @vensworld @starsval @dr3amscap3 @kuinaheartz @bre99 @cheshireshiya @eissaaaa @sollum @conny1111 @luvelyxp @shinobuily @gelliyo @fanfangying1304 @ikon-teen @stay-moa-army @bbyjackie @naegisimp @midlystupid @yvrikoo @chepoyo @luv4kuina @vernon-dursley @itadorim @vseqvt @shigamiryuk @wonswoorld @elisiumnie @abyloxk @asoullessentity @seventeensstrawberry @cupidsaster @bubblycloudy
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obrother1976 · 1 year
can u make like. ur top 10 books. freak books. anything. kisses your brain
sure!! these r not gonna be ranked bc god knows i could never choose between them & also im gonna be annoying and ramble a bit about every one
death in venice by thomas mann (classic. but its so rich w metaphors and symbolism. if you do read it, i'd recommend reading "the uses of myth in death in venice" by isadore traschen afterwards, bc it does a great job explaining all the freudian allegories and mythological symbolism and u'll literally be tearing ur hair out afterwards over how brilliant thomas mann was)
the carnivorous lamb by agustín gómez-arcos (idc that i've already talked about this a gajillion times on here. its literally the best book i've ever read. i'll forever be obsessed and i wish there was literally anything that could ever hit as hard as this did. if u read it, anon (if u havent already) dont go through the carnivorous lamb tag on here bc u need to experience this without any big prior knowledge. trust me)
erotism: death and sensuality by george bataille (ik im just listing the classics atp. but how could i ever leave that one out. this ones a lot and depending on how into bataille & philosophy in general u are it could be too much. but if u havent already read this one anon, just read the introduction. trust me ure gonna loose it from that alone)
gemini by michel tournier (this one... took me ages to get through it on my first read bc of the way its written, but it was so worth it. not even gonna say much about this one - its basically like if twins by bari wood was good lmao)
incest: from a "journal of love": the unexpurgated diary of anais nin, 1932-1934 (or every anais nin diary ever in general, but this one especially. there was just no one that got it quite like she did)
indecent theology: theological perversions in sex, gender and politics by marcella althaus-reid (sorry for literally recommending theory. im pretty sure u were asking for fiction lol, but this (& althaus-reid in general) is everything to me. if u've any interest whatsoever in theology u should check this one out)
the sluts by dennis cooper (slightly controversial opinion i think? not that the book itself is controversial, just that dennis cooper is very hit and miss at times. this book tho, definite hit. its so intense and convoluted and i loved every second of it. read this before death and sensuality and u're guaranteed to think of nothing else for at least a month)
querelle of brest by jean genet ("those knock-out body fluids: blood, sperm, tears!". kind of a classic since theres also the fassbinder movie but i prefer the book tbh. its been a while since i've read it but it'll forever be in my favourites)
crash by j.g. ballard (yeah ik we've all seen crash but i need more ppl to read the book. hold on actually i need to insert one of my favourite bits from it here:
Reaching through the fractured windshields and passenger windows around me, I marked my semen on the oily instrument panels and binnacles, touching these wound areas at their most deformed points.)
ada, or ardor: a family chronicle by vladimir nabokov (one of the most beautiful books i've ever read. probably not the most helpful recommendation bc im pretty sure its a classic but i cant not mention it.)
also some bonus recommendations of books that didnt make the list bc they're either not freak books or bc i havent read them yet:
christopher and his kind by christopher isherwood (not a freak book. not even remotely. but will forever have a special place in my heart.)
the sparrow by maria doria russell (read this one anon!!! this would be on the list, but im not fully finished w it yet so i cant officially put it in my top 10 yet)
exquisite corpse by poppy z. brite (havent read that one yet but its on my list!!)
autobiography of red by anne carson (not a freak book. beautifully written, a work of art really)
as meat loves salt by maria mccann (havent read that one yet. hoping its as good as everyone says)
skagboys by irvine welsh (one thing about me is that i'll always find a way to mention the trainspotting books)
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Im deliberately sending this off anon so you can see that you arent being 'attacked' by 'Anne', and the fact youre even discussing it that way is ableist as fuck. Im going to start this by making it clear, I have BPD, Im also trans and you will not be knowing my AGAB. You are the asshole in this situation.
We're going to start off simple, you are not an expert on BPD, google and tiktok is full of misinformation and harmful stereotypes about Borderline pplo. BPD is not an 'abusive person' disorder, there is no such thing as a condition that makes you an abusive person. BPD does cause intense, deep emotions that can shift quickly and be hard to control; often this includes having intense feelings for people around them and being scared of losing them/them not being who you thought they were. Because this condition comes from trauma (usually from family/relationships) there are often amplified feelings around abanonment and betrayals of trust especially from ppl you thought were your friends. It is in fact common for some of our nost intense lifelong interests start bc of stupid reasons, but starting bc of a stupid reason doesnt mean the interest isn't genuine. Have you never done something bc your friend wanted you too and you ended it up loving it? Why is it any different bc it was a crush not a friend? BPD doesnt make you a manipulative person, nor does it make you gaslight ppl and seeing as 'anne' has a psychiatric degree Im sure he understands his condition better than you do.
Secondly, 'Anne' is allowed to be trans in whatever way he wants too, she doesnt have to bind, or pack, or change his appearance for anyone. I have a beard, long hair, wear any kind of clothes I want, have tits, have bulge, am hairy and wear a full face of makeup. Some of those things are part of my agab, some of them a part of my transition. And its not a single iota of your goddamn business whether youre friends or not. Gender is a performance and you get to choose the outfit and 'Anne' is deciding what she want his to look like.
Thirdly, you do not seem to understand that part of the reason you very clearly show yourself to be the asshole is the way you speak about others. Describing being an introvert as being more sophisticated or above extroverts is just ridiculous, you are not superior bc you dont go out to parties. I don't either, I find them uncomfortable and loud, but that doesnt make me sophisticated. You talk about 'Mike' as if he cannot be the arbiter of his own interests or relationship, that hes just stupid and couldnt piece it together if 'Anne' was 'faking'. You talk about 'Anne' like she's some master manipulator but you did everything that happened to yourself, you went to the GC and convinced them that something was wrong, you took a group of ppl who didnt know 'Mike' to 'Anne's' house to confront him, you made a callout post about 'Anne' on facebook, you tried to immediately go running to 'Mike' for damage control when your 'intervention' didnt work and you are the person that blasted it all over facebook and now tumblr. And now you are the one losing friends and family, and you deserve it, because the ppl you convinced to attack 'Anne' realised wtf they'd just done and how fucking horrendous that is. You have no evidence of any manipulation, or that 'Anne' is faking, or that 'Mike' isnt happy, you just presented your prejudice. 'Mike' and 'Anne' realise what youve done and they have enough proof to convince a judge or they wouldnt have gotten that restraining order. You are the person behaving manipulative here and everyone can see it except you.
I've tried writing a response to this so many times but I end up deleting it because when I try to explain myself it just sounds like I'm going in circles. There are tons of other asks I've tried answering and rewritten like seven times each before giving up. I've been writing over and over trying to explain like how while yeah technically Mike never told me word for word that he was T4T, when he told me I wasn't his type and then like two days later came out as trans it felt very, very much like he was coming out specifically to let me know that's why I wasn't his type. Or how I was trying to explain how look I know it might be controversial but the constant "main character syndrome" of extroverts just gets on my nerves and is supremely selfish in general and also the truth is you're just GOING to be more intellectual if you spend your free time actually expanding your mind instead of smoking pot and grinding against strangers and how someone like Mike who prefers the same free time activities as I do is just not going to work with someone who would rather party and get wasted than pick up a book, or how Anne is pretending to be trans and I know this because she isn't changing ANYTHING, and I was going to explain that the group chat was full of people she didn't know because it initially was a fandom ship discord from a show she doesn't watch but eventually when I started getting concerned yes it kinda became my "complain about Anne" vent place because nobody there really knew her well enough to go tell her what I was saying and it was a safe place for me to vent and explain why I thought she was abusive and cheating and they would actually listen instead of tell me to knock it off like others, and obviously OBVIOUSLY I thought her and I were close enough as friends she wouldn't mind me using her spare key which she kept under the doormat so it's not like I searched hard. I've written all of that so many times to so many different asks I can't even count and then i just end up deleting it because it feels pointless to even try because I know people will just keep sending asks so why bother so I never wrote it til just now unless I deleted it.
Im gonna be totally fully honest here I woke up and I saw the 99+ notifications in my inbox and I haven't been able to stop shaking because I'm so fucking angry because nobody is on my side, I literally scrolled hoping to find at least one person who was agreeing with me and nobody was and honestly I was so mad I couldn't even see and then I finally found a couple of nice asks and they were signed and I was so excited someone finally agreed with me and when I checked on their blogs they were all fucking terfs. All of the people who were taking my side were fucking terfs. And like I'll be honest with you I have two very close family members who are trans and honestly they've both blocked me recently and even though I tried to contact them they didn't respond and I seriously hate hate HATE terfs because they've been so cruel to my two family members. And I'm so angry. But then I found your ask and at first I was so angry and I tried to reply but I just deleted it because I was getting angry. But then I found more terfs in my ask and then even more hateful anons from non terfs.
But then I kept thinking about how conservatives will literally LITERALLY have Nazis agreeing with them and dig their hills in and in like wtaf how are you not seeing that NAZIS are agreeing with you? But literally the only people agreeing with me are terfs. And honestly that's the last shit I want, I luterally hate terfs. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this is the nicest ask that WASN'T from a terf so I've just. I dunno. I am freaking out because this did not go the way I planned. I knew some people wouldn't agree with me but I thought it would be more split, like some YTA but mostly JAH and NTA. And then when I saw the poll for a hot minute I thought maybe it might veer ESH but obviously that isn't the case. It's just like have you ever really cares about someone, really really cared about someone, and he says oh please don't hug me and pulls away, and then other people hug him so you think I better tell these other people "don't hug him, he doesn't like hugs" and then he says its fine and then starts hugging other people but not you? And you realize at no point did he ever say he didn't like hugging, he just asked you, specifically you, not to hug him? Well imagine that but with Mike, and he stopped wanting to hang out with me and told me not to touch him but whenever I'd remind Anne not to touch him he'd say it was fine and I guess when he came out as trans it was just easier to believe he didn't date cis people than he didn't want to date me. And there were times I thought man I wish I were a trans person so Mike would notice me, and then it seemed like Anne was doing just that because of COURSE it crossed my mind to pretend just for a little while, because if he just gave me a chance he'd realize that we are compatible. Honestly I'm just freaking out because I made this blog a month ago after sent the ask to the aita blog but then it didn't get answered so I started the blog to get all this off my chest. And bam suddenly I was bombarded a month later and it took me a minute to realize the aita hadn't deleted it. Honestly none of this went according to plan and nobody except people I fucking hate want to hear my side. And I dunno. I just don't know. Bur if the only people agreeing me with me all day are terfs then obviously I need to think things through.
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juni-ravenhall · 5 months
2, 20, and 21 for the ask prompt :3 x
hi toruq :3
What does your Starter Horse look like? What did you name it, and did you ever change that name?
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his looks are based on my imaginary heart horse since i was a kid. i saw a "black" horse with brown hair on a family trip to england and scotland when i was like 11 or something and my brain chemistry changed. i felt a huge bond to this horse i met for 1 minute on the side of the road. back then, i made a hobby horse based on that horse (sadly dont think anyone ever took a photo of it, the time before smartphones....) the only major thing different about his sso version to my brain version is that he has some kind of white face mark, but im not rly sure still what the mark looks like.
he didnt really have a name tho. i cant remember if i ever gave the hobby horse version a name or not. when i joined sso (as a random "lol ill try out this silly kids game" moment and didnt know i would actually keep playing) and had to decide a name for him, i went with Winterborn bc i love the winter and it just sounded pretty, and i wouldnt change it now, i think, esp bc i also tied it into his story (foal found alone freezing to death in the winter and getting rescued to south hoof). but i have other names for other versions of my heart horse, in other games and stuff. some other ones attached to it is Evening Star, Starlight....
20 i answered here
Which Soul Rider is your Favorite, and is there a reason behind it?
basically linda just bc i like her colour scheme and that shes a geek and has glasses. i think in ssl lisa might be my favourite, shes okay in sso too but theyre just all so cardboardy that theres not much to talk about. anne and alex share the last place (im sorry.....) not for any particular reason, except that i generally lean more towards non-blond characters due to sweden trauma agsdjfds
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ze0wlartist · 4 months
saw your most recent post! Based on that; I think your requests may be open! If so; mind doodling my TLKOE persona? Also uhhh; warning for SA, her story involves it indirectly
She's a 5'6 afro-latina with dark skin, black hair, and dull; basil green eyes. She's a chubbier individual, but she does have muscle on the arms and legs. Andrea has a port-wine stain covering the left side of her face, and she's somewhat insecure about it.
She's commonly seen wearing anything long-sleeved, as there's scars on her arms; which were once poorly bandaged wounds. Most common pair of pants are jeans. Annie (a nickname) is the aunt to a protagonist of TLKOE named Quint Baker; via being close friends with his mother. She natively speaks Portuguese, but she's got a hang of English; she's an immigrant from Brazil!
She is (currently) unmarried, and still a virgin; not being comfortable with sexual intercourse before marriage. In previous relationships; the men/women she dated had tried forcing themselves on her, or just leaving; because she refused sex. Andrea is demisexual; only developing a carnal/sexual desire for someone once romantic desire is set. Anne (another nickname) is 25 years old!
She's a motherly individual, but will NOT hesitate to beat some ass; if given a reason to. She is a retired cop; due to injury, but now she's self-employed as a self-defense instructor, so people don't end up how she (almost) did in abusive relationships. She takes sexual assault very seriously, as on a mission; it was her own fucking SISTER getting raped, and Andrea got shot by the bastard doing it.
her legal name is Andrea Lee Pinheiro
I recommend you dont mention the r-word in my asks please but sure.
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symphonic-scream · 21 days
Something for Joker... Lemme see what I got
Uh. The unposted Cat au?? I've had this for so long I'll screenshot it with the dates to show
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Nearly a year! Alt text available for anyone who needs it
Morgana is the only human. He works at a cat shelter, and cares for the cats with some others (Caroline, Justine, and Lavenza) but. He can talk to the cats. He tries to be normal about it so he doesn't weird people out but this one group of cats, well...
Akira: *Morgana, give us more wet food*
Morgana, glaring:
Makoto: *thank you for trusting us enough to come out to us, Morgana*
Morgana, whispered hiss: I'm not gay!
Lavenza: ...what?
Morgana: I can talk to cats
Lavenza: ...hey is there a history of mental illness in your family?
Ryuji has a chunk out of one of his ears, and a limp cause his leg grew in wrong.
Haru is the biggest, and fluffiest. Her and Ann have to have weekly grooming visits with the shelter, as the long haired ones in the crew
Makoto's file has a mark that says "must sedate for check ups". One of their vet techs got some nasty scratches.
Like. The rest of the shelter is normal cats and then there's this Gang that tortures the staff that let them know he can understand them
Sae and Tae being an older bonded pair that are like, the shelter mascots at that point
Makoto: Sis, can I sleep with you two tonight? I heard a noise ...
Sae: ...
Tae: get in here kid
Sae has the same flipped up ears but she's a grey tabby, and Tae is a classic shorthair tuxedo
Lavenza, who helped bottle feed the little brown cat from the moment of the rescue of the sisters, watching all confused as usually shy Makoto jumps down from the big cat tree to bonk her head against the shoulder of the (shaved, she had matts) fluffy Ragdoll that was just introduced from a week in the quarantine room: that's odd...
Morgana, tired, hearing the gayest most pathetic attempt at Cat Rizz ever: I think Makoto's gay.
Lavenza: Morgana-
Makoto: hey, welcome to the main room. They had you in quarantine, huh?
Haru: yes! But it was lovely, though I am excited to get to know everyone here
Makoto: well, I'm Makoto, and I'll gladly help you get accustomed?
Morgana: god. What is my life.
Tae: ...where's the kid?
Sae: with her girlfriend, in one of the cubby holes. Now I have you to myself again
Tae: you miss her don't you
Sae: ...
Ryuji and Ann were both born in the shelter, different moms but they were both during Kitten Season so. They grew up together, play together a lot. They tend to curl up with the odd blue cat. He was returned after adoption as a kitten for being "weird". He gets along with the others just fine
Futaba was found in the alley of a coffee shop. The owner can't have pets, but he stops by often with freshly baked treats for them all
Haru was a garden centre cat. The shop went under, and the owners didn't want a cat, so they left her in the closed wreck. The shelter picks her up after two weeks
Sae and Makoto were scooped up from a colony. Sae was from a previous litter with the same mother, and Makoto was the sole survivor of this last litter. Sae was feral for so long, and it's rubbed off on Makoto, who only likes 2 people, and is defensive and wary of other cats
Haru: you're very warm
Makoto: THANK YOU. Yes. They took your fur so I shall lie here and keep you warm in your sleep. Yes.
Morgana: ...smooth.
Morgana: I hate my job.
Akira: *TREATS!*
Ryuji: woah, the mean one is being nice...
Akira: she has a name
Ann: ...I forgot it
Akira: me too. Let's go ask her
Akira: hello ladies-
Makoto: *glaring* why do you approach?
Akira: ...wanted to welcome the new cat?
Haru: thats sweet! Is he a friend of yours, Mako?
Ann: Mako?
Makoto: only Haru gets to call me that! Makoto, that's my name. And, this is Haru. If you harm her, I'll -
Yusuke: you two have lovely matching souls
Makoto: akfhdkfhfk
Haru: thank you! I do feel something special between us, right, Mako?
Makoto: y-yeah,
Ann: woah, she broke her...
Lavenza: we need to edit her papers, I don't think Makoto should be adopted alone
Morgana: she's bonded to Haru already. Mark them as bonded.
Lavenza: really? I don't...
Morgana: trust me.
Haru gently grooming Makoto while she purrs, a little broken at first, but then it's so damn loud
Ryuji: damn,
Ann: I want what they have...
Akira: *eyeing the "not friendly" cat in the corner* hmm
Ryuji: don't.
Futaba: DO NOT
He gets clawed and gets "I told you so"
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td-brick · 30 days
brick jo and anne maria 4 ask game :^)
Thank you for the ask :-)) everything is under the cut since the post ended up being pretty long
Sexuality: BUTCH LESBIAN i've talked about this sooooo much but i dont care. she literally immediately read as butch to me when i saw her. i honestly can't see her any other way
Gender: trans girl!
Ship: i mean its obvious if you look at my account that i love jock an abnormal about. i like brawn too though!
Platonic ship: if she was in all stars i feel like her and courtney could have gotten along.. or maybe hated eachother idk but i think they're similar to some degree that i like to think about them as friends. her and anne maria are cute as friends too
Random headcanon: I like to think that she enjoys drawing (even outside of fashion design stuff which we know she canonically likes). whether she's good at it or not is for you to decide but i think she just does it for fun and as kind of a regulation tool in a way if she gets upset or something.. idk like it's comforting to her
General opinion: I LOVE HER!!! (obviously)
Sexuality: again she's a butch lesbian.. i think the butch part is more of a journey for her though bc it's about a specific role and dynamic you have in a relationship and her having such a "everyone for themselves"/loner kind of mindset (i guess idk how to word it) makes it harder for her to embody that but eventually as she grows i think she gets there! and its something she likes being
Gender: cis girl
Ship: like i said. jock. I also lovelove joeather i think they could have such an interesting dynamic... i talked about it like once but i never posted it here and it would make this long post even longer so i won't unless anyone really wants to hear it but! ya.. and jomaria is cute...
Platonic ship: her and lightning!! i think they have a fun rivalry :^)) i also like her and cameron. i think even though she's kinda mean to him, under different circumstances (aka nothing competitive like td and probably after she grows as a person a little more) she would kind of take him under her wing in a way
Random headcanon: She would like faith no more I DONT CARE!! I can imagine anything
General opinion: Fav if they treated her better in canon the world would be so beautiful. she's a cutie pie and i love her so much
Anne maria:
Sexuality: femme lesbian LOL ALL MY ANSWERS FOR THIS SO FAR HAVE BEEN LESBIAN but i could see her as bi too
Gender: honestly i havent really thought about it... i guess cis girl but i'm not set in that. i could see any anne maria gender hc presented to me
Ship: jomaria of course... i don't think i really have any more for her lol
Platonic ship: again her and brick are really cute!!! obviously they have very different fashion senses but they bond over both liking fashion as a general topic. she likes doing brick's hair a lot once she grows it out more too i think. also i saw a post of someone editing her a topher as friends and i thought that was funny and honestly they would probably get along really well
General opinion: I don't have many opinions on her i like her but shes just kinda There in my head. but i think she's cool ^_^ and she has a fun design
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the1weepinqguitar · 1 year
tally hall sketches and other assorted doodles
Here ya go guys! I also have improvement pics from last year! Almost two years in the Tally Hall fandom! Woohoo! My Marvin's CD is gonna hate me even more after all of this
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A Ross sketch! I'm super proud of how it turned out! Below is a close-up!
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The aforementioned close-up, showing the shading on his face and the folds of his sleeve!
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Zubin! I love the side profile, and I used his picture in the MMMM booklet as a reference! Close up below, so you can see some of the more fine details/shading
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the close-up!
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Here's Andrew! His hair is kinda hard to not fluff-ify, but I dealt with it anyways and tried my best to keep it close to reality. Obligatory close(r)-up below.
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next will be some other random stuff, mostly tally hall, but some of it is oc art
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drew this drawing of Ross last September. Not amazing but very stylized, which I love/hate. the tag on the bottom left reads, "he's rather disheveled but this is the best I could do back then"
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wtf is he doing? He in an action movie or something? btw this was last-year's andrew. very stylized. i hate it.
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decided not to include the other last-year Rob cause i hate it deeply. this one's much better. very fluffy. i dont like the collar tho
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just me poking fun at my horrendous attempts at stylizing joe. im not gonna draw him as much as the others btw.
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This is from an au created by @bonkdd, but i did rob and andrew's designs bc i never saw his designs for them. i also added a lot of lore and plot stuff because i really liked the concept. in simple terms the tallies are robots that were abandoned by Marvin after he passed away so now they're falling apart n stuff without him to care for them (that's why rob hides his face). Anyways, huge thanks to Bonk for the original idea! They're a great artist, you should go check them out!
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Edith, drawn/sketched with a ballpoint pen.
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Another one. I like this one better, but I spent two days on this one versus a half on hour on the other so i guess it makes sense
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Adrian and Reuben (OCs), done in a college-ruled notebook bc i ran out of pages in my sketchbook. next is a close-up so you can see more shading.
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probably my favorite gay couple i've ever written ngl
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Ace again, but wearing Reuben's favorite sweater.
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Looking mighty fine!
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He's lookin' tough, he's got the stuff, he's got the spiffy shades... (/lyric)
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pose practice
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Boll weevil, why don't you get out of your home? (/lyric)
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old art jumpscare - i actually kinda like this one, might redraw it. Below is the full thing
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why is zubes staring like that??? its creepy
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here's another. i don't know why it's sideways. andrew is scared of joe btw, this isn't the entire drawing
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Did an embossing peice. It's the Mojo Chessmaster! I tried by best to make it as detailed as possible, and I think I did pretty alright. The neck was probably the worst part to do. Below are close-ups
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the head of the guitar was a pain in the ass.
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This part was also pretty tricky but it came out okay. the dials at the bottom are raised as much as I could get them to go, so I'm not worried about them. My issue here was the pickups.
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I also added Flansburgh's little signature guy but i drew his hair because why not? Anyways this piece took me a good hour or so to finish, I think it'll fetch a good grade (it was for my metal design class).
I'll add a sketch I just did as a bonus:
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it's from a tally hall fanfic/au i made back in may after my grandpa passed away. It was a great stress-reliever and I still really like how it turned out. It's about cryptids and monsters and shit. I'll post a summary on a different post because this one was mostly for the drawings. I might post a few installments of it on my ao3. It could be a weekly thing since i usually have time on fridays to write.
Once again, a close-up is available below.
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I put literal hours of research on cryptids and of the area (ann harbor, MI) while writing this fic. It was fun though, and it helped me a lot. Feel free to ask me anything about the plot or world-building !
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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We are just now leaving Paul and Sam's wedding part two! I did not expect dinner to go so late. I am glad I dressed up nice and was able to feel very pretty.
The rest of today could have been a little better. It just didn't go as planned. Things I thought would be readily available just were both and I felt pretty frustrated with the whole situation. But it wasn't a terrible day.
I slept alright. I woke up naturally at 8. But let myself sleep until 930. I had fallen asleep with damp hair but it had been in a braid so it wasn't to crazy but there was just something about it that made me laugh because it was sticking up funny. But it was quickly delt with and I got cleaned up and dressed and felt alright.
Mostly I was starving. I would skip breakfast food completely and just have a frozen pizza. It is the quickest thing I can make. 2 minutes. And while I was waiting for that I would move Ruby the Roomba upstairs to vacuum. And open the back door for Sweetp to enjoy the sunshine.
It was a beautiful day but outside the safety and shade of the house it was very very hot in the sun. I would find myself very miserable in it later. But while I was home I was fine.
I hung out on the couch and worked on cutting all of the yarn for May's temperature blanket square. I had not done any for this month. Which is so bad. I haven't finished sewing down last months either but I knew I would be able to catch up. I hope to do some of it at the market and it's easier if I precut the yarn and then dont have to bring all of it with me. Saves time.
It would take a while to do 24 days of rows though. 48 pieces plus the two begining rows. It's a lot to measure. So I was on the couch for a while. And once it was made I balled it all up and felt pretty accomplished.
I decided it was time to go out then though. I would packed myself up and headed out into the hot hot world with a plan. I would go to the restore. Then Home Depot. I wanted to get another storage shelf and then two raised wooden planter boxes. This was the goal.
I would have to go back in the house first though because James needed a number from a flyer we got yesterday. We are trying to get estimates from contractors for a few things. New doors and a fence mainly. But hoping it will give us connections for the larger projects in the future. But once I relayed that I was on the road.
My plan did not workout as well as I had hoped. Restore was fine but didn't have anything I was looking for. Home Depot was more promising but no wooden garden beds. Only plastic. So I was feeling a little annoyed but I thought I would go to Glen Burnie to the Lowe's and then I could also hit up the value village and then go to second chance. This seemed super promising.
But no luck.
The people at Lowe's acted like they had no idea what I was asking for. I even showed it to them on their website. Only one woman knew what I meant but her directions for where they were was not correct. And they also only had plastic. They said I might have to order them online for pick up. I was not totally defeated yet though. Walmart was coming up when I was googling and one was just down the street.
So I went there. Even though I had no gift cards for there (the whole reason I was going to the other stores was because I have gift cards!!) but even then no luck. And I have not even shopped in a Walmart in a decade so I felt a bit uncomfortable. And sad I still wasn't finding what I was looking for.
I tried to make myself feel better getting a pretzel from Auntie Anne's but then their credit card reader wasn't working and it was a whole thing but she did reset it and I was able to get my pretzel so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. But I was a little frazzled. The heat did not help.
I sat in the car in the parking lot and had my pretzel and tried to not be completely upset. I was frustrated. I felt stupid. I really thought this was going to be an easy project and I could feel accomplished at the end. But no. And that wasn't a nice feeling.
I decided to go to value village still. And I did have some luck there. A new jumpsuit. A shirt sleeve black cardigan (which was already on my list), the green striped button down I'm wearing in my one picture. I got two pairs of shoes for working events. I would wear one of them tonight and I love them very much. I don't normally go for a square toe but apparently I should because I really liked it on myself.
I also got a cool camera bag I think would be useful for travel. And a yellow cat plushie that made me think it's the love child of two of my other plushies (Daniel and Paul), couldn't pass him up.
I would still try second chance. But nothing there was what I was hoping for. I walked all over the store but I just wasn't feeling anything. So I went home.
I was super happy to be home. It was so hot out in the world. I would change and try on my new things and put things away. And then I was just chilling. I had the backdoor open. I was knitting. I was having a good time. Even if I felt a little sad that I wasn't successful, I was still doing okay.
James would call and offered to get me shake shack, which was the only thing I wanted to eat. And I appreciated them so much for doing that.
They would come home a little later then normal because of that. And we would sit together but I was feeling a little overwhelmed and overstimulated. So they gave me some space. But soon it was time to get ready to go over to fells point for Paul and Sam's American wedding day dinner.
James would iron their shirt while I went and got dressed and did my makeup. I had trimmed my bangs last night and I was afraid I made them to short but I actually felt really cute. And pretty soon we were heading out.
We left super early to get parking. And that ended up perfect because it did take a few loops. But once we were parked we were able to find the wedding party near the water. And it was so nice to see everyone.
We would walk to a bar first to wait for Paul and Sam to finish their pictures. I loved seeing Stephanie and Gabe. And we were also joined by Paul's friends Kieth and his wife Amber. And they were lots of fun. We talked about our jobs and I got to talk about my arts background for a while. Amber is pregnant and it was fun hearing about her cravings and how she only had shortness of breath as her first pregnancy symptoms! No throwing up at all! Very interesting.
Paul and Sam would find us soon though and we headed to the very fancy dinner. Rec Pier Chop House. This place is like. Very very fancy. I did not expect the inside to have a whole green space with trees. And I was not prepared for a 5 course dinner.
I couldn't eat all of it, for vegetarian reasons, but they were really accommodating and made a special vegan pasta for me and Amber who had some allergies and couldn't have the crab pasta. My favorite thing was the sheep's milk ricotta toast with hot honey. And the vanilla gelato at the end. But literally everything was beautiful.
The conversion was loud and funny and the energy was great. Paul and Sam looked great. Sam's dress was so cute. So simple and elegant. Honestly everyone looked lovely tonight and it was fun getting to be in this fancy space and eat fancy food. I had a really nice evening.
I didn't realize it was going to go on and on and on though. Not in a negative way at all. I was having a great time. I truly enjoyed everyone's company. But by 1030, after the second dessert and James getting two entire to-go boxes of tiramisu, it was time to go home.
Hugs all around. Congrats and see you at wedding part three. And me and James were off into the night.
We stopped to take some pictures. A nice couple offered to take them for us but I told them it's funnier if I'm running from the timer, but thank you for offering!! We were in a silly mood. People were everywhere. Fells is always so busy. A girl told me she loved my dress. It was such a nice way to end the night.
We got back here in short order and I have been sitting in the floor writing this. I want to go get a quick shower and get to sleep. Because tomorrow is the farmers market! My first of the year. I missed the opening market last week but I am still hoping for a very good day.
So wish me luck everyone. I love you all. Good night!
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dragonmuse · 2 years
i dont remember if theres been overlap of the two characters mentioned before, so in any of the aus where faith lives, what does her and read's relationship look like?
(this is kind of sadder than I mean to make it, but such is Faith, sorry! This is from the OG Faith lives AU: have a little faith)
It was Faith that found her, for one thing. Read had been circling the shelter where Faith volunteered, considering her options when the blood loss caught up with her. It was Faith that got into an ambulance with her and held her hand in the waiting room, convincing her not to leave. 
“You brought her home?” Izzy frowned down at his keyboard. “You’re okay?” 
“She’s not a danger to me,” Faith chided him. “And the shelter is full. Anyway, she needs a place to just catch her breath, I think she’s been running a long time.” 
“What was the full name?” 
“Faith. Just pays to know.” 
“Fine, let me see if I can get a look at her ID.” 
Izzy researched and read and came home with two bags of groceries. Read looked up as he walked in, accessing and tense. 
“Meatloaf or chicken parm?” he asked her. 
“This is my husband,” Faith sighed, closing her book. “Israel, this is Read.” 
“Yeah, I figured,” he gave Read a look. “It’s Izzy. Meatloaf or chicken parm?” 
“Um, meatloaf, please?” she ventured. “I don’t want to be any trouble.” 
“Then you can wash potatoes.” 
She stayed in their guest room for months. Faith took her out shopping and to get her haircut. They talk about a lot of things, late at night over tea and cookies. Read and Izzy get along well. They work out together and he tended to buy her things that he thought she needed and leave them on the guest bed like a cat with a dead mouse which she liked. 
But it was Faith that she was dedicated to. It was Faith that she would call regularly even after she moved out. and Faith that met Anne first.   
Mostly because that first night, Faith told her, 
“There has to be a first day eventually.” 
“First day for what?” Read asked, raw and tired and scared that she was trusting this weird couple in their big house. Not sure if she would stay another hour, let alone the long months that would follow. 
“A first day where you breathe a little easier. A first day where you wake up and your first thought isn’t ‘how do I make it to the next hour’. There’s a first day when you know you’re going to be okay. It’s coming, I know it feels far, but it’ll be here sooner than you expect.” 
“How do you know that?” Read had demanded, then winced. Faith was so much smaller than her and everything about her screamed ‘delicate, handle with care’.  But the woman didn’t flinch. She had looked Read right in the eye and said with the utmost confidence, 
“Because it happened to me. And I will make sure that it happens for you.” 
And Faith did that with Israel at her side. There was Lydia too, who seemed amused by Read’s existence and scooped her up occasionally to meet her friends, who were all gray-haired, and hysterically funny. Read wanted to be them, some day. Could see the future spilling out ahead of her. 
Lucius got her the job at the Revenge, but it was Faith who drove her there for the first few weeks until Izzy gave her the keys to the bike. It was Faith that helped her open up a bank account and taught her how to invest. 
“Why?” Read asked, years and years later. She was helping Faith set out a spread of food, a small party gathering for Lydia’s birthday. Read couldn’t say why she asked just then. She couldn't have known that this was the last party then.  “Why did you help me?” 
“Why do any of us?” Faith smiled at her. “Because I wanted to reach back and help myself. Instead, I got you and that was better.” 
Faith wasn’t there when Read finally got her social work masters, but Read felt her there anyway in her bones.
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margotquinsel · 1 year
Modern Encanto au
Holiday chapter 2 The drive
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there- "
" You did hit her Isa, I saw you"
" Girls you're going to give your mother a headache.."
20 minutes in
"Pa what time is it?"
" Your Pa is sleeping Lu. Check your phone."
" Isa what time is it?"
"Mira whats the time?"
"Mister wolf"
"check your phone Lu.. I'm not gonna say it again.."
A couple minutes later Agustin woke up clung onto his esposas arm and rested his head on her shoulder, then he got bored so he turned on the radio but of course they had to be playing Ed Sheeran, Agustin groaned when he realised who it was.. He decided to go on his phone to see if there was any celebrity drama or just any type of drama.
"Ugh" He groaned
" What's wrong? Is there no drama?" His esposa asked him.
In which he replied with,
Julieta ruffled his hair during a red light and kissed the crown of his head.
" Mama, how long until we're there?" Mirabel asked
"Where? The airport?"
Mirabel nodded,
" About an hour, maybe more."
The car sat in silence for a while until Luisa finally spoke up,
" Why dont we play the alphabet game? Ehh the theme will beee.... Celebrities?"
"Pa will be good at that." Answered Mirabel,
" Oh, be quiet"
" Thats a great idea, I'll start. A.... Angelina Jolie.
"Ariana Grande."
"Hey! You knew I was gonna say that Mira! "
" Too bad.."
"Ugh, Anne Hathaway.."
"Alexa PenaVega"
" Who is that Pa?"
" She was in Spy Kids."
"Thats all?" " Yes"
"My turn...... Eh......Amanda Holden?"
" Now B, Bruno Mars,."
"Brad Pitt"
"Betty White"
"Britney Spears."
"Betty Boop."
"Thats not a celebrity, its a television personality."
" No one uses Television anymore."
"Now choose a celebrity."
"Bruce Willis."
50 minutes in
"Mama tell Isabela to get her head off me!"
"Mira she probably asleep."
" What?" " Dont you dare take a picture!"
" I wasnt going too!"
Agustin did end up taking a picture and got into a big fight with Mirabel. Then Julieta got hungry so she drove in the Mcdonalds drive thru.
"Right what do you guys want?"
"Wrap of the day and banana milkshake."
"Chicken wrap"
"Chips please."
"Hello, could I please have a Wrap of the day, chicken wrap , 20 nuggets, chips, and 3 banana milkshakes and 2 chocolate milkshakes please, thank you."
"Is that all?"
"Alright please make your way to the first window."
2 minutes later
" Ugh...Hurry up and move your car! Theres people wanting to order!" Groaned Julieta...
Finally after ages the car moved and they could now get their food.
2 hours 53 minutes later
" Are we there yet-"
"YES" Julieta and Agustin said.
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weebnotheree · 1 year
TBHK x M!R CH8. || Anothe assistant
You know how sometimes you keep losing things for no reason? That's because Yousei is trying to play games with you. 
¨no way¨
¨dont tell me you lost something again, that's been happening a lot better hope it's not yousei or you could end up dead¨
They say that if you see yousei and look directly at it, it will take your life. However, [handful of candy] ¨Here¨¨candy?¨¨yeah carry some pieces around in your pocket if your suffering from a yousei attack, candy distracts it so it'll forget all about stealing your things and wont want to kill you¨
¨For real? I've never heard that before.¨
¨good luck, I gotta go now¨ Shiro said waving at them.
¨club meetings? Your so busy lately..¨
¨I'm going to visit a friend.¨[giggles]
¨huh?! In the girls' bathroom?!¨Σ(▼□▼メ) they both said.
¨she's so weird¨
¨ωєєє¨five of the are Mokke are seen sliding down the rail of the stairs with candy in their hand that M/n gave to them. They were happily walking when they suddenly bumped into someone. The first one fell back and dropped his candy and then the others did. ¨hey runts. Where are they?¨ They look up at him. ¨im looking for your buddies Hanako and m/n.¨ They huddled together [scared noises]¨ωнσ'ѕ тнαт?¨
[Whoosh! 💨] 
They all ran off leaving their candy behind. ¨wait come back! (౦ ‸ ౦ ;)¨ ??? said reaching out to them sweatdropping. ¨whatever that's fine ill just track them down myself (¬_¬).  . .when I find Hanako and m/n that will be the end, time to exercise! AHAHAHAhhahahah¨ he said with determination. ¨Whats with him?¨ a guy said.
¨he's a bit crazy¨ a girl said.
¨yeah, just keep away from him¨  another girl said.
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M/n, Hanako, and Yashiro(imma call her Shiro) are reading this fairytale book. M/n is in the middle, Hana is holding the left side of the book and Shiro is holding the other. 
[Sighs] ¨I wish a hot guy would fall out of the sky for me that way.¨(ノ︶ヮ︶) She said happy sighing? while me and Hana blinked twice (• -• )and said ¨seriously?¨
¨No not seriously. I know the difference between reality and fiction thank you. But I'm working as an assistant and subordinate to ghosts so yeah sometimes I wonder about those kinds of experiences.¨
¨what experiences?¨ Hana asked and I agreed nodding my head wanting to know too.
¨so many but like in this movie, for example,{A gorgeous young girl is held captive by an evil spirit. And just when she starts to lose hope, a man falls from the sky and rescues her.[Heya]}He skillfully strips the spirit from his powers. Then he and the girl are free to fall in love.¨ 
¨was Hana just exercised in that daydream¨(0^0) I questioned. ¨You have a dangerous mind¨
(•.•)Hana said while taking the book from Shiro.  ¨whats more [grabs her chin] dreams like that are useless. [Leans in closer to her] You still got me ann m/n here after all.~¨ M/n made jealous noises and puffed-up face (//¬>c¬//)until-
[Bang of a foot being stumped]
¨Thats enough! Don't you dare harm her evil spirits.¨ he said pointing his golden staff at Hana and me. Hanna let her go and goes 'huh', I stopped what I was doing. We all looked at who it was. It was a boy with yellow golden hair and blue eyes on top of the roof on the balcony where we were. He then proceeded and jumped down landing.
¨Im from Kamome Academy junior high. 3rd year¨'A boy from the sky!'(人//✧▽✧//)。o○♡[Hot guy- ¨Nene come to me¨]¨Im Kuo Minamoto, in case they ask you how you're finally sent to the underworld. Hehehehehe¨ [nene]groans as her dream disappears. All of our faces - (-.-)(¬ヘ¬)(o^o)I started chuckling and my hair slowly turned white 'huh..?' Kuo thought. 
My chuckle then came to a laugh. They all stared at me.
 ¨Why're you laughing at?! Σ(▼□▼╬)¨ Kuo said. 
I tried to calm down and held my stomach. Then I opened my eyes and they were red¨You think you're stronger than us¨ I said pointing at him. ¨Just go ahead and try it¨ I finished and he gripped his staff.
(•ヮ•) [Hana gasping]
¨M/n calm down¨ 。゚(p~q)゚。 Shiro said panicking trying to calm me down. ¨Here, have some candy¨She said giving me candy making me immediately calm down. My hair slowly went back to black and my eyes went back to teal blue. I started eating the candy squatting down beside Shiro then she said¨wait a sec, do you guys know him Hanako?¨
¨I don't know about Kichō but we never actually met in person. But I know who he is he's from the Minamoto Clan.¨ Hana said grinning.
¨what does that mean?¨ Shiro says rubbing my locks. 
¨Back when the skies were deeper and darker than they are now, apparitions were called yokai and we were much more powerful than we are today. That was until yokai were dispelled by a brilliant exorcist called Minamoto no Yorimitsu. He was an ancestor of this kid.¨Hana explained. ¨So you know your stuff huh? Guess I shouldn't be surprised.[points staff at hanako] You should be trembling at the very mention of my name. And now, its time to do my duty as a member of the Minamoto Clan.¨  
[nene gasps]
¨Hope your ready¨ He jumps in the air, lifting his hands along with the staff. My eyes widen, I was about to get up and stop him from hitting Hana but then¨Hana..¨He hits Hana on the left shoulder. . .It had no effect on him. (•-•)
¨exercise me? And do you honestly expect to pull that off¨Hana said gripping his staff. / ¨uh yeah¨
[⚡⚡TzzZZzzzZz!!⚡⚡] ¨Huh¨ Hana 'shocked' face.
♡♡ I Hope you enjoyed! Bye mini dumplings!  ♡♡
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skrunglebeasts · 1 year
Same anon: sorry, last time I'll respond. One thought I had is that if you pretend CA doesn't exist, then the feeling of 3B Anne being nerfed goes away too. She'd still be sidelined to give Sasha more spotlight in other 3B, but that feels less bad then Anne being OOC. For me at least, taking any of CA seriously feels like deciding Anne will always be inferior to Sasha despite 2 1/2 seasons of show saying otherwise, and that kills any my interest in Sashanne, rom or no, more than any "toxicity".
the whole point of the trios friendship is that it had become toxic, so thats a confusing thing to point toward sasha and anne specifically. but im not interested in discussing that. i was in deep with homestuck and literally nothing anyone could say about any combination of the trio will top the novels people wrote about how. i dont fucking know. shipping the clown troll and the weeb troll was either depraved or noble depending on who you asked.
im just here to give my observations on the characters i like when asked and anne perfectly fills the fluffy haired doofus niche for me
as for reconciling Commander Anne showing annes incompetence, you gotta remember she got over it pretty quickly. and its an interesting writing opportunity to have that jive with who she was an episode ago and get into the head space of why she would be acting like that
or dont, if youre not interested. im not your boss
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jean-carrow · 1 year
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Name: Mary-Anne Jean Carrow Age: 31 Occupation: Bartender @ The Silver Dollar Saloon, Mechanic for Hashknife Ranch Pronouns & Gender: She/Her & Cis Woman Neighborhood: Settler’s Valley
— Mary-Anne was legally adopted by her grandparents. They didnt talk about her mother, so she learned not to ask. She’s fine with the dynamic. As a teen it had been frustrating and a little lonely, but her grandparents raised her to be confident and outspoken otherwise, so it wasn’t like she lacked much. They were mom and dad for everything that mattered, and the older she gets the more she appreciates. 
— She usually goes by Jean, but when you’ve known people since you were in diapers, sometimes your given name slips through the cracks. She doesn’t feel like Mary-Anne. Her grandfather always called her Jean and she thinks it suits her better. She’d always been close with her grandfather and he taught her everything he knew about working on all sorts of large machinery. Cars, tractors, mowers, motorcycles, lifts… you name it, old man Carrow dragged her along to work on it. A little girl with hair falling into her eyes and two front teeth missing, lugging along the biggest toolbox you’d ever seen: “I don’t need no help!” 
— Losing her grandfather in her early twenties was rough. She was newly employed at the Silver Dollar at the time and if she drank too much during her shift more than a few times… Well, no one said as much. She doesn’t have that problem so much anymore, but she does like a stiff drink after a long day. She’s a no-nonsense type of woman at work too. She’s got her regulars who visit her because she’s a little flirty and a lot mean. 
— Jean likes working at the Saloon, but she knows her real calling is as a Mechanic. She’s always loved tinkering. Taking things apart and figuring out what makes them tick is just about as fun as it gets for her. Her clothes and hands dont stay clean for long if she’s got anything to say about it. Still, she has an immeasurable amount of comparison raging inside her– will she ever be as good as her grandfather? Sometimes she even considers going to trade school, though it’s embarrassing for her to admit. 
— She’s had a few relationships here and there, but for some reason nothing seems to stick. It’s her, it’s them, wrong time, wrong place… you name it… it’s been an excuse. She’d love to settle down one day, maybe even have a family, but it’s hard for her to picture. She still feels young, even if the world would like to tell her that her time is ticking. Her grandmother has a lot to say about the matter (“you’re a strong, beautiful girl, it’s about time you found someone other than me to keep you company.”), but Jean takes what she says with a grain of salt.
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