#dont forget about Carre please
x-crowmancer-x · 9 months
Looking at Team Bolas fanart and am noticing the exclusion of q!Carre and that freakin sucks. :( He was good help to the team, especially in the first week when they were struggling. He handled PVP for the others when q!Phil was away. He got along with his teammates, played great, and is part of Bolas Rojas just as much as the others are. I really appreciate q!Cellbit speaking Spanish with him, since the others werent as fluent.
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rooolt · 7 months
OH MY GOD 911. LOVE 911. but also. please stop giving buck fucking gfs that the writers dont carr about
EXACTLY!!! I fully wouldn’t be mad at giving him a girlfriend if she was like, you know, an actual character, BUT THEY NEVER DO THAT. Like I think what makes the romances on 911 often so good is that both parties in most cases are main characters and have storylines and motivations separate from their partners. Sure their partners are very involved in their lives and storylines, but they can have storylines separate from each other. The only real deviation to this is really hen and Karen, but because that relationship has been set up as established from the beginning, it reads more as a fact of hens life than an actual plot line in the way that some of the other romances are. THIS IS WHY BUCK (AND EDDIE) GIRLFRIENDS DRIVE ME SO CRAZY!!! They bring in a random woman, often one FROM A CALL, and then they maybe have one episode where they get together and then they’re MAYBE in the background for a bit (I will never forget ally, what was the point of that). THEN, these women only get proper screen time again when there’s a clearly impending breakup. It’s just like I will never forget Buck, Actually and I will never believe these random women we’ve barely met and the writers spend no time caring about will be that for him. Oh my god it drives me crazy n e ways rant over
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
The price that the devil must pay...
Short and a little angsty.
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You were feeling like a complete fool...
Why should you even had bothered? With him no less?
You had joined the Hassaikai a few years before the older boss had fell onto a mysterious coma... Yet, you knew enough the sucessor and currently the boss of the japanese mafia. You knew something was wrong with him.
After the incident, you notice that Overhaul was more tense than usual.... You were one of the few people who could still even much breath his abandoned name near him without getting killed by his quirk, yet you always notice he would tense up and narrow his eyes at you when you referred to him as much as even Chisaki.
You met Chrono and him on the middle of high school. Without much to have and no where to go unless to a toxic house with brutal and abusive parents, you entered the Shie Hassaikai which Kai and Pops gladly welcomed you with open arms.
... yet now. He seemed... different. Somewhere you knew that in that man was still the boy which you fell in love with... although there was something else there, a dark side of him which refused to open up.
You weren't one to disobey his orders... one time when you tried to coax him to give up on using Eri you were lucky enough to escape his grasp... he almost choked you in front of the girl but one look at his eyes while crying made him scoff and drop you on the ground.
Kurono didn't helped you up but you could still the hesitation on him... Eri was terrified and even begged you someday to not prote t her anymore just for you to not get hurt by him...
That day. Chisaki didn't apologized. You were just curled up in your room and crying yourself to sleep just to try to forget what happened and what kind of hell this house become ever since Kai took the charge of the yakusa.... yet, you tensed when a door opened but pretended to be asleep... you.felt a gloved hand carres your cheek and soon when the figurine was gone you got up to see a rose on your night stand.
What was going on his head you ocassionaly wondered.
You were walking on the halls when a sigh got your attention and out of your memories. You furrowed your eyebrows at noticing it came from his office and you knocked twice before poking your head in and seing him looking at his desk with a tired look.
"Ka-Overhaul." You spoke and he lifted hsi head with a sigh and looked at you with an arch of his eyebrow "Is everything okay?"
"Nothing you should be concerned of." He spoke in a avoided of sleep voice and he looked down at his interviewed hands "Go back to your quarters. We have a long day tomorrow."
"... What if it does concern me?" You whispered and dared to step closer as he looked at you in a expression you were not used to see it anymore.
"... I want to help you with whatever I can... Kai." You whispered hsi name and gulped when his eyes narrowed at you, yet no words leaved his mouth, waiting for what you had to say "I-Is just... I always cared so much about you.. You are.. someone I really care about.. so.." you lowered your hand down to gently touch his hands as he stiffened and looked at you dead in the eyes with a bit of shock and... fear "Let me help you with whatever is happening...please?"
It was silent for a bit before Chisaki let out a dark chuckle and snatched your hand away from his as if you had burned him.
"Help me? With what? As you spoke before, I am the one who assisted you when you were in trouble. I am working my ass off to get this world clean and cured from the hero sickness..." he stood up to glare at you with an arrogant tilt of his head "What an insignificant little garbage person like you could ever help me with I wonder?" He hissed the worlds ar your teary eyes narrowed at him as you gritted your teeth.
"So you will just ignore the fact that I always defended you from the other kids? Just ignore how loyal I was until now for you? Chisaki."
"I. Don't. Care." He growled while walking towards you and towering over you with a cold look "I threw away my past. My old name. Everything that is not the present, it doesn't matter to me." He got inches closer to your face while speaking the words "You. You dont matter to me. You're just a subbordinate who is only assisting me on my experiment. And I suggest you stay out of my way and just obey to what I have to say. Got that?" He spilled the worst like venom and you couldn't help but whimper and just try to slap his face, but he was faster and grabbed your wrist with no much work and only atched an eyebrow down at you as you sobbed.
"You're such an asshole..." you sniffled and snatched your hand away and went towards the door of his office "And here was I thinking that someone like YOU could ever understand what love is OVERHAUL." You shouted his name and slammed the door shut to run towards your room and hiding your face in your forearm to prevent that the other precepts saw you.
He only stared at the door for a few second s before letting out a breath he didn't even knew he was holding, taking off his mask to lay on the couch, looking up at the ceiling and feeling a unique drop of water slide from his eye to his chin and drop on his clothes.
"... you can't pay the price of being with me (Y/n)... you just can't..." he spoke on a soft tune as he discarded his sadness and heart pain on the drops of water that didn't fell from his eyes ever since he was a child.
"I have to keep you safe... even if it means from myself."
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haunted-house-heart · 3 years
so i had a thought the other that made me cry and i'ma try to explain it bc i need someone else to know of it. it's two am i havent slept and i'm ✨emotional✨ so idk if this'll make any sense. over explaining incoming
tw for brief mention of abuse, homophobia and death, specifically of trans people but i'm not gonna talk about that like, explicitly. and also spoilers for the raven cycle
so. there's a quote for the raven cycle that i 100% want as a tattoo. it's "if you can't be unafraid, be afraid and happy." (henry cheng in the raven king). it's so so important to me and i'ma explain why:
i started reading the raven cycle the same year i realized i wasn't straight. the series immediately became my favorite books Ever (this was in 2016, and they're still my favorite today). adam parrish was the first bisexual character/person i'd ever known. i didnt even know bisexuality was an option before this, and i related to his situation (abusive family) and i ended up id'ing as bi for, like. i think like a year after that (until i found out what aro/ace was).
and i was scared. i was 14 and living in an abusive household with homophobic family members. and i read that line in the raven king: "if you can't be unafraid, be afraid and happy." and it stuck with me. it's stuck with me for six (6) years now.
because as a queer person, specifically as a trans person (even more specifically as a nonbinary person) i'm so scared. i'm so scared all the time. i'm very out, and that's how i want to live my life but there are times- just the other day i was downtown when it started getting dark and i was wearing a big trans flag button and i could see it so clearly, a thousand deaths i could suffer for being myself (i took the button off and put it in my pocket).
i don't think i'll ever stop being scared but i am proud of who i am. i'm happy as myself, i'm happy being nonbinary.
if you can't be unafraid, be afraid and happy.
they can't take that from me. the minute i trade my pride for fear they've won.
if you can't be unafraid, be afraid and happy.
and i am.
and i was explaining this the other day and i got hit with this thought.
that scene in the raven cycle, when they write "remembered" on noah's carr
to do both. "if you can't be unafraid, be afraid and happy." for me, and "remembered" for the ones that didn't make it. for the trans people who fought for us, for the trans peoplewho just tried to live their lives.
i'm not explaining this as well as i'd like but i really hope it makes some sort of sense
i made a mock up type thing for what i was thinking of:
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(please dont like, use this anywhere)
its not perfect but im calling it quits for the night
the flowers are amaryllis (for pride) and forget me nots (for remembrance)
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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yeah !! i really wanted to see ed and jo, and it turns out katy is weird as fuck so that’s a definite treat. didn’t realise david would have such serious hugh dennis energy (as in, just doesn’t give a single shit, does he?). i was disappointed to see greg doing what he’s done the last couple series and giving everyone 2+ points even though someone should have to get 1 point no matter how well they did, because that causes a lot of drama which i think is hilarious. i really hope greg and ed’s friendship, which is quite close, gets some screentime too :) seems to be shaping up to be fun!! did you enjoy it?
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i don’t necessarily dislike political comedy, but it becomes very repetitive after a while, and there’s only so much nihilism i want to absorb in one sitting, you know? it’s very often my sense of humour, it’s just that it drains me a bit. as well, there are only so many interpretations of the same news you can hear over and over (mtw, hignfy, breaking the news, the last leg, etc.), especially since everyone is mostly on the same side of the political spectrum, so some shows really lose their general interest factor for me. is hignfy even watchable without the right guest host these days? hmm
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please kindly relay to your mothers that if they are ready and willing i am prepared to promote them to official panelshowsource mascots
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ANON lakjhsdgfkjdfg the weirdest part for me is not that name is robert but that there is a possibility he goes by bob in his day to day life......
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i did it was loooooovely ❤️ i posted it here for people who don’t want to fuss about with the free trial :)
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first of all i wrote this second of all i still dont think i understand why it was cancelled in the first place. richard osman answer for this
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i haven’t!! i will watch it this weekend :) i’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it though!
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anon im sorry i missed this for you :( did you have a good time? did you get a high-five?
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dsrkjhgsdfjld omg why don’t you bring it up to him? are you too shy? it would be so cute if you email him, like, your fave compilation or segment on a monday and be like “using this to get through the week” hehehehe anon you have a duty to spread the gospel of david mitchell everywhere you go, never forget! do this for me!!
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this? you mean this show? this show right here?
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im afraid not
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don’t worry anon you can still see it on regular cats :’)
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lrekjghds i mean anything thin and pale fits the bill right.............:upside down smiley:
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we are the same breed of trash :)
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don’t worry anon there are pleeeenty of people following this blog who would love to punish jimmy carr. trust me
watch links masterpost // f.a.q. // tags
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apocalypticacolyte · 6 years
Finola convo
[09:21] -- waveRider [WR] began pestering apocalypticAcolyte [AA] at 21:21 --
[09:21] WR: heya nerrd
[09:21] AA: hello!!!!!!!
[09:22] WR: arrgaia just told me to stop talkin to you
[09:22] WR: so guess vvhat i'm doing
[09:22] WR: talking to you!
[09:22] AA: :O
[09:22] WR: ha
[09:22] WR: fuck herr
[09:23] WR: she doesn't get the rright to make the rrules anymorre
[09:23] AA: may i ask why not???
[09:24] WR: she scrrevved a bunch of us overr in ourr game
[09:24] WR: and it doesn't even matterr novv, rright?
[09:24] WR: like, ourr session is toast vvhetherr vve like it orr not
[09:24] AA: oh
[09:24] WR: shouldn't matterr about enforrcing all these bullshit rrules
[09:25] WR: i mean i vvish ourr session vvas still out therre somevvherre
[09:26] WR: that vvay maybe vve could go back and trry to fix things, knovving vvhat vve knovv novv
[09:26] WR: ha
[09:26] WR: yeah rright
[09:26] WR: it vvould take a mirracle to get ourr grroup vvorrking togetherr again
[09:28] AA: :(
[09:29] AA: that sucks
[09:29] WR: i just rreally vvant to get my povverrs and not let everrybody dovvn, yknovv?
[09:30] AA: yeah
[09:30] AA: :(
[09:30] WR: not that vve'd have a good time playerr orr anything anymorre
[09:30] WR: sorrrry you don't knovv vvhat that is
[09:30] AA: could you explain what it is???
[09:30] WR: uhhh just knovv it's rreally helpful forr biggerr and shittierr grroups
[09:31] WR: because vve fuck up a lot morre than smallerr vvell-coorrdinated ones like yourrs
[09:32] WR: but nooooo vve get stuck vvith the time playerr that doesn't give a shit about anyone but herrself
[09:33] AA: :(
[09:34] WR: blah blah can't do this can't do that can't fucking fix ANYTHING
[09:34] WR: like that's yourr entirre fucking job!!
[09:34] WR: anyvvay
[09:34] WR: sorrrry
[09:34] WR: doesn't much matterr novv i guess
[09:35] AA: its fine to rant or vent to me if you want to!!
[09:35] WR: avv dang
[09:35] WR: thanks man
[09:37] AA: since you mentioned time players are there other types of players???
[09:37] WR: uhh yeah that's the povverr shit i've mentioned beforre
[09:37] WR: you got like a fuckton of those
[09:38] WR: can't even think of them all to list
[09:38] AA: !
[09:38] AA: !!
[09:38] AA: !!!
[09:38] AA: !!
[09:38] AA: !
[09:38] AA: is there anything i need to know about them before going into the game???
[09:38] WR: ha look at you go vvith yourr funky little pyrramids
[09:38] WR: and uh
[09:38] WR: vvell
[09:39] WR: the vvay you get yourr povverrs is kinda surrprrising
[09:39] WR: so just uh
[09:39] WR: don't be too shook orr anything i guess?
[09:39] AA: huh
[09:40] WR: and be carreful vvith yourr extrra lives (that's vvhat you guys call them in games, rright?)
[09:40] AA: (i think so??)
[09:40] AA: alright!!!
[09:40] WR: they'rre imporrtant
[09:40] WR: you prrobably vvon't see vvhy forr a vvhile but they arre
[09:42] WR: oh hell
[09:42] WR: just looked ahead
[09:42] WR: yourrs arre prretty cool my man
[09:42] AA: owo
[09:42] WR: novv hold up just a flipping second
[09:42] WR: did you serriously just "ovvo" at me??
[09:43] AA: maybe i did
[09:43] WR: like you just totally unirronically ovvoed at me
[09:43] WR: man maybe arrgaia vvas rright i shouldn't talk to you!!
[09:43] WR: (jk jk)
[09:43] WR: you furrrry
[09:43] AA: im not the furry in my group!!!!!
[09:43] AA: thatd be kacy!!!!
[09:43] WR: HA
[09:43] AA: he has a fursona and everything!!!!
[09:44] WR: vvait
[09:44] WR: vvait vvait vvait
[09:44] WR: like no shit?
[09:44] WR: that man has an honest to gog furrsona??
[09:44] AA: yeah!!!!
[09:44] WR: that's fucking horrrrible i love it
[09:44] WR: vvhat an icon
[09:46] AA: i should make him a fursuit for his next birthday
[09:46] WR: HA
[09:46] WR: vvait vvhen's his birrthday
[09:46] WR: because if it's not in the next uhh couple vveeks orr so...
[09:46] AA: i dont really remember when it is,,, dont tell him i said that
[09:47] WR: oh nah i vvon't don't vvorrrry
[09:47] WR: you'rre the only kid i talk to thrrough the vvhole thing i think
[09:47] WR: orr at least the parrts ive alrready done?
[09:47] AA: !!!!!!!!
[09:48] WR: vvhoa therre
[09:48] WR: vvhat arre ya so excited about?
[09:49] AA: im just !!! that im the only one of us youve talked to so far
[09:52] WR: yeah and?
[09:52] AA: just uhh forget i sent those !!!!s ok
[09:53] WR: alrright if you insist
[09:53] WR: considerr them forrgotten
[09:53] AA: good
[09:54] WR: 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8)
[09:54] AA: !!!!
[09:54] WR: in the trrue spirrit of lana, an emoticon pyrramid
[09:54] AA: !!!!!!!!!
[09:55] WR: (man cmon that vvas the perrfect opporrtunity forr you to follovv up vvith anotherr pyrramid!)
[09:55] AA: (sorry i just got really excited that you also did it!!!!!)
[09:55] WR: oh neat that's fairr
[09:57] WR: avv hell you guys got a ton of cool povverrs
[09:57] AA: oh???
[09:57] WR: sorrrry im just lookin ahead don't mind me
[09:58] WR: it's like you got all the good ones
[09:58] WR: i mean technically vve did too? because vve got all of them?
[09:58] WR: (big grroup and all)
[09:58] WR: but vve had
[09:58] WR: uh
[09:59] WR: shitty people vvith them
[09:59] WR: man hovv come only the assholes got povverrs huh??
[09:59] AA: :(
[09:59] AA: thats super unfair
[09:59] WR: i shouldn't say that it's not entirrely trrue
[10:00] WR: karr and pos arre alrright
[10:00] WR: vvouldn't say theyrre assholes
[10:00] WR: i mean karr can be annoying sometimes surre but he's an ok guy i guess
[10:02] WR: yeah i guess novv that i think about it vve did get a fevv ok people vvith povverrs
[10:02] WR: mixed in vvith the assholes
[10:05] WR: pos gets annoying vvith herrs sometimes
[10:05] AA: what are hers if i can ask???
[10:06] WR: not surre i can say specifically but just knovv she's annoyingly optimistic as a povverr and she trries to make the rrest of us feel betterr about ourr shit situation
[10:06] WR: doesn't alvvays vvorrk vvell
[10:06] AA: huh
[10:07] WR: i'm surre you can imagine
[10:08] WR: man she is RRRREALLY trrying harrd on elv huh
[10:08] WR: everry damn perrson up herre knovvs she's crrushing harrd
[10:09] WR: everryone except elvirra, naturrally
[10:09] WR: sorrrry to derrail the converrsation she's just rreally playing it up rright novv
[10:09] AA: huh
[10:09] AA: do you have a crush on anybody up there if thats ok to ask???
[10:09] WR: hah
[10:09] WR: these assholes?
[10:09] WR: nah
[10:09] WR: no <3 forr me
[10:10] AA: valid!!!
[10:10] WR: sometimes that's betterr, yknovv?
[10:10] AA: also ruby asked if you could give us any more info on what were going into
[10:10] WR: <3 gets rreally trricky in such a confined space - oh uhhh lemme think
[10:11] WR: just uhhhh
[10:11] WR: take it serriously, it seems like a game but rreally it's superr fucking serrious
[10:12] WR: you'rre on a prretty strrict time limit, so uh prriorritize and shit
[10:12] WR: prriorritize yourr frriends overr the game and the game overr us
[10:12] WR: some people vvill tell ya that the game's the most imporrtant thing
[10:12] WR: but rreally it's yourr grroup
[10:13] WR: you need ALL OF YOU to succeed
[10:13] WR: that's vvherre vve fucked up
[10:14] AA: thank you for the info!!!
[10:14] WR: yeah no prroblem
[10:14] WR: but like 100% no shit put yourr grroup beforre yourr session
[10:15] WR: because the game is strrange
[10:15] WR: it makes you think you'rre supposed to do one thing, and you get so focused on that thing,
[10:15] WR: but rreally that vvasn't it at all
[10:16] WR: and if you decide that a possibly vvrrong goal in the game is morre imporrtant than yourr frriends, vvell...
[10:16] WR: it's not good
[10:16] WR: it was the worst mistake we ever made
[10:16] WR: and look where we ended up
[10:17] WR: everybody'll tell you you can't trust anybody and all that crap
[10:17] WR: but really the one you can't trust is the game itself.
[10:18] WR: it's not you versus each other or you versus us or even you versus the queen. it's your group versus the game.
[10:18] WR: that's how i see it anyways. not that anybody listened. not that i knew it in time to make a difference.
[10:19] WR: not that i could've, without any powers.
[10:20] WR: you have to stay together. promise me that. i know kirrin's told you not to give a shit about us, that you have to win.
[10:21] WR: she's partially right.
[10:21] WR: don't give a shit about us.
[10:21] WR: about me.
[10:21] WR: winning is keeping your group together.
[10:21] WR: don't lose each other, because then you've lost everything. not just the game.
[10:22] WR: don't lose yourself either.
[10:22] WR: especially you, lana. don't lose yourself.
[10:22] WR: please.
[10:22] AA: alright.
[10:24] AA: i promise you im going to do whatever it takes to keep my group together.
[10:24] WR: thank you, lana. but remember to keep yourself together too.
[10:25] WR: i don't know why the game picked what it did for you. but i'm worried about what that could do to you.
[10:27] WR: don't be afraid to ask for help
[10:28] WR: the others are there for you too
[10:28] WR: you have a good group, lana.
[10:28] WR: i know why the game picked you.
[10:28] WR: ha
[10:28] WR: look at that
[10:28] WR: guess i finally figured out where i stand on this god/technology thing
[10:28] WR: fesvah was right
[10:29] WR: so was kirrin, in a way
[10:29] WR: the game is a sort of god
[10:29] WR: it wants what it wants and we don't understand why
[10:29] WR: but yknow what
[10:29] WR: we're gonna kick this god's ass
[10:29] WR: you and me, lana
[10:29] WR: you do the kicking i'll call the shots
[10:29] WR: it's gonna be EPIC
[10:30] WR: and i think that maybe
[10:30] WR: just maybe
[10:30] WR: if we work together
[10:30] WR: if you all work together
[10:30] WR: you can win
[10:30] WR: we can win
[10:31] WR: and maybe we can get out of here
[10:31] WR: but hey that one's only if we have time ;)
[10:33] AA: i hope theres time for that
[10:33] WR: don't worry about that too much
[10:33] WR: i'll see ya if the game means for it to happen
[10:33] WR: and if not, hey.
[10:34] WR: i'm sure we'll have a great time on the inside together, even if i'm stuck up here.
[10:34] WR: and maybe we'll still be able to talk afterwards
[10:35] WR: in any case, don't change your chumhandle. i'll try to reach ya if you guys end up moving on
[10:36] WR: maybe kir can rig something up, she's good at that tech stuff
[10:38] WR: you been quiet for a while over there, buddy. you good?
[10:38] AA: im good im just,, thinking
[10:38] WR: about?
[10:38] WR: share your thoughts with me bud
[10:40] AA: about the game and whats in store,, i hope we can get you and your group out of there!!
[10:41] WR: seriously bud you gotta stop worryin about us
[10:42] WR: worry about your friends!
[10:42] WR: it seems so natural to have them there with you that you kinda forget how important they are while they're with you until
[10:42] WR: well,
[10:42] WR: until they aren't
[10:43] WR: i guess
[10:43] AA: :(
[10:48] WR: you guys don't do moirails so it'd be different for you but
[10:48] WR: uh
[10:48] WR: yeah
[10:48] WR: just be careful
[10:49] WR: it sucks, no matter what your relationship with somebody is
[10:49] WR: or was
[10:49] WR: or could have been
[10:50] WR: it always sucks to lose somebody
[10:50] AA: yeah :(
[10:54] WR: anyways
[10:54] WR: might be bad advice i dunno but
[10:54] WR: get your team together as soon as possible
[10:54] WR: like in the game physically together in the same place
[11:01] AA: ok
[11:02] WR: i think that'll help ya
[11:03] WR: anyway
[11:03] WR: sorrrry to dump all this stuff on you
[11:03] WR: i should go
[11:03] WR: bye forr novv i guess
[11:04] AA: bye please stay safe
[11:04] WR: it's not me ya need to vvorrrry about, kid
[11:04] WR: sleep tight
[11:04] -- waveRider [WR] ceased pestering apocalypticAcolyte [AA] at 23:04 --
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alwaysbegaming · 7 years
Hey I Take Viewer Requests for videos and much more i can help with tip please just ask me and i can tell you all the info and send you a list of the games i have i have pretty much every new game and a lot of others. wanna stream or upload to more channel click here and sign up it works great and easy http://bit.ly/2xvgxob To get your own shoutout please subscribe n ill do the same for you here r some of my links. I'm Joey, Aka AlwaysBestarting up new strea,mGaming Aka Samurai Joe (Head Host) We live steam all the time and upload recorded videos of all types and a lot of game variety, we also take game or video request. Channels Twitch: http://bit.ly/2vmcne8 Stream.Me: http://bit.ly/2ynb6FV Picarto: http://bit.ly/2hmVb2E Mixer- http://bit.ly/2wM0O3w Ustream: http://bit.ly/2hjTfeR Vk: http://bit.ly/2wtpkYd Smashcast: http://bit.ly/2ynb7JZ Periscope: http://bit.ly/2wsjFSh StumbleUpon: https://stumble.it/2hmVbzG Top Streamers- http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Social Media Twiitter: https://twitter.com/AlwaysBGaming Facebook -http://bit.ly/2wM4qTd Discord: http://bit.ly/2fAGVTP Google+ - http://bit.ly/2vmaBtv Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2hmF3Ot LinkdIn - http://bit.ly/2wLZ8Ho Reddit: http://bit.ly/2hmcdha Tumbler: http://bit.ly/2fAq83k LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2hjdt8l Top Streamers: http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Help The Channel Donation: http://bit.ly/2fA62pN Boost Channels For Free: http://bit.ly/2hnKzQK Stream/Upload To All CHannels At Once: http://bit.ly/2xvgxob Get Paid The Most N Sponsored (90% Take Of Cut): http://bit.ly/2wM4t1l Thanks For watching please click on link n read below to WIN HUGE I live stream all the time so make sure to come back and check me out live n I take Game and Video request and make edited video and do shoutouts -Please make sure to take click on the cards(the white circle with and i in it in the upper right corner of the video) Makes sure to choose an answer for all 4 polls -Let me know if you guys would like me to play music during the video or not please it would help me out a lot. Free Prize Giveaway rules details Read FULL VIDEO DESCRIPTION PS4 Username: LC_Joey420-710- Stream Username: TwoJoints4201 I have a bunch of games so dont worry this isnt my only game. BIG Giveaway 1st come 1st served join while supplies last! Details on how to enter Make sure to read about it below and please email me( [email protected] ) once with all the info once you have completed so i can get you your prize. Rules: 1. Subscribe And Vote On http://bit.ly/2x4GNDs 2.Like all the videos u can 3.Tap the bell. For notifications 4. Share video and 2 other Videos (Share Video using all you social media accounts, Comment N ill Do the Same for you) 5. follow me on twitter and or Facebook links bellow 6. Email me both your choices gift card type and Kontrol Freek pair of your choosing(Please give answer to both choices) 7. Your Console 8. Message Me Subject title "Giveaway" when done for once your done My EMAIL is [email protected] Please Thanks And Talk To You Soon If Your New Don't Forget To ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ playstation walkthrough playthrough xbox one gameplay #ps4live let's play gameplay sony 60fps commentary mlb 17 road to the show mlb 2017 rainbow six siege nfl 18 steelers madden nfl cowboys packers rainbow six siege ranked strategy new dlc guide dspgaming destiny 2 subclass saints dallas rainbow six siege montage live stream yankees dodgers twitch xbox one playstation uncharted the lost legacy giveaway shout out green bay packers vs atlanta falcons 2017-18 td full game xone champions league chelsea arsenal career mode fifa 18 liverpool patch kills of the week clg ezekiel ahri zed league of legends yassuo gragas shen vods foxdrop tsm altec lemonnation r6s ps4 pro multiplayer live subscriber count sub4sub tactical #ps4share bengals cincinnati bengals ela dirt 4 gameplay rallye spain bf1 obs get subscribers fast madden 18 franchise toke derek carr elgato hd60 playstaytion uncharted: the lost legacy pc gameplay bears chicago bears real madrid world class chesnoid sbc tom clancy's rainbow six siege for honor gameplay cod infinate warfare madden 18 ultimate team codemasters by AlwaysBeGaming420 Channels
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writeit-up · 7 years
I felt the panic fill my body as I looked into his eyes. There was a lone tear streaking down his face as I tried to say goodbye. Namjoon and I have been dating for 2 years. We've been living together for 8 months. We wake up every morning together before we go to work: him to the studio and myself to the set where I film.  We talked about getting married after he got back from his next tour. I never expected this to happen. I never thought I'd have to leave him behind. "Namjoon, please don't cry. I can't handle this. Please, don't make this any harder than it has to be." He just stared into my eyes, silently, not saying a word. Thousands of people scrambled around us, trying to get through security as quickly as possible before it was too late for the flight. Namjoon and myself were in everyone's way as the rest of the boys watched in silence from behind. "Y/N, i dont want you to go. Please for the love of god, don't go. You can get a different role here. You can stay with me, with all of us. LA is too damn far from me, i need you here. Please just stay" There were more tears now, from both of us this time. "I need to do this. This is the role of a lifetime, joon. I need this for me." He just nodded his head and opened his arms, letting me fall into them one last time before it was too late. Before I left him standing there. I accepted the offer and threw myself into him, burying my face in his chest. I felt his lips on my hair, and his tears fall on my shirt as we said goodbye. "Flight 275 to LA, California boarding" "Y/N. I need you to promise me you won't forget me. Promise me you'll come home to me. Promise me you'll still want me when you come back." "I'll always come back to you. You are my home. You will always be home. "I love you more than anything, baby. You are my everything. Be happy in LA. If you ever need me, I'll throw away whatever I'm doing just to come to you. I love you so much." "I love you namjoon." The rest of the boys came up to us now, and I could see them all crying quietly. Jin put his arm around namjoon's shoulder and squeezed. Jungkook squeezed his hand. I looked at the scene unfolding in front of me and hugged each boy. yoongi whispered "we'll keep your seat saved in the dorm. It'll be waiting for you when you get back." Hobi squeezed me and said "don't worry, we'll take carre of him." Jimin brushed the wet hair off of my face and kissed my cheek. Tae sighed sadly in my ear. I walked back to Namjoon feeling my world falling apart around me. He threw both of his hands on my face, taking over each cheek and kissed me. The anger, the sadness, the tears, and the pain all melted into a passionate kiss that still burned, even after he pulled away. "You're home is with me, Y/N. Always." "And my heart is with you too. Take care of it for me." I kissed him one last time before turning away to leave. Namjoon yelled "Is there anything i can do to make you stay? Please! Anything!" I just shook my head, tears falling faster than before. "I love you, Namjoon. Dont forget that" **** As the plane took off, I cuold see inside the glass walls of the airport. There were seven boys with bright colored hair leaning against the class, each with their hands in the shapes of hearts. The tallest figure wore the sadest face and that was what burned into my memory for the next 2 years.
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veryfineday · 4 years
Wednesday 11 Fabruary 1835
8 1/2
11 1/2
Vc  Vc  L  L  N
no kiss
fine frosty tho’ rather hazy morning Fahrenheit 37º at 9 1/4 a.m. at which hour breakfast – marian came to us and staid a long while (till after 11) – had had Washington before breakfast was over – brought A-[Ann] bacK the small plans he had borrowed – some talK about godley – told him to thinK about it, and try if he could not get some worsted spinner from Bradford to try and buy it for me, underhand – I would gladly pay for the deeds maKing out twice –
marian will get another housemaid – Elizabeth Howarth will not do – told marian (when A-[Ann] had left the room) that she marian ought to have gone out last night in the carriage or had matthew to go for her – she tooK it all very well, and said she was much obliged – mentioned her having her friend in the drawing room –
Had PicKells after 11, to say he had been at yewtrees wood – Gill stealing hedge staKes etc. for not set to brush any part of the wood by mr. Freeman – sent P-[Pickles] to asK mr. Freeman himself – A-[Ann] and I off to H-x[Halifax] at 11 50/.. – down the old bank –
called at the vicarage – mrs. musgrave not at home – A-[Ann] left her card and I wrote my name on it in pencil – then to Wellhead – saw mrs. waterhouse her son John mrs. musgrave and mr. m-[Musgrave] for a minute and a mr. Inglish? came in and was introduced to us – we found miss Bramley there on our arrival- mr. John w-[Waterhouse] the only one with her – introduced her to me – my stately freezing bow forbade all advances – the W-s[Waterhouses] dont care for the Protheroe-letters – seem to fear a scrutiny and another election – mr. Wortley has just lost 5 plumpers by death since the election – mrs. w-[Waterhouse] hoped A-[Ann] would not learn to walK and be liKe me – one miss Lister quite enough – could not do with 2 – one quite enough to move in such an excentric orbit –
then shopping – went to Duncan’s and promised him my tailor-custom and hoped the blues would sticK together – home up the new banK at 2 – Had PicKells to say mr. Freeman had given Gill no orders – P-[Pickels] had found a man getting sticKs in Southholm wood – tooK him down to mrs. Abraham Hemingway – she would not tell who he was and helped to encourage him to KnocK P-[Pickles] down – said I would settle about it – and sent P-[Pickles] to get a warrant for Gill, and a summons for each of the 4 hunters that went thro’ WhisKum bar without paying – mr. Carr, the huntsman, etc. George N-[Naylor] had come to see if I would let him cart stones down WhisKum road gratis – no! certainly not; nor would I let Dodgson cart anything for Coldwell hill farm gratis – told George N-[Naylor] to go to Southholm and get to Know about the sticK-stealer, his name and where to find him – sat talKing to A-[Ann] till out at 3 3/4 –
to Lower brea wood – Throp junior and 3 men getting up sycamores – called home to mr. Bradley – met him in the walK – tooK him to looK about the site of a new public house – thinKs there will be no difficulty in moving the stag’s head to just near the Stony Lane into Common wood – the excavation to be turned into a garden – have 9 DW [Day's Work] of land adjoining – stablishing for 8 or 10 horses – all very to be very nice and well done for £800 (outside) and would make a nice tea drinKing house – should let for £50 per annum independent of land –
[margin: Site, expense and rent of proposed new Stag’s head]
against a corn mill for Holt’s reason – too far from the canal – thought 2 good houses (for shops) might be built at northgate, end of Broad Street, for £600, at most £700, that would let for £80 per annum – suppose would take 300 or 400 square yards of ground at a shilling per yard ground rent – that would be say £20 per annum ground + £60 per annum building-rent – that said I would pay much better than building a new Stags head Inn –
[margin: 2 new houses at Northgate]
then tooK mr. B-[Bradley] to the dry bridge – he will come at 9 to 9 1/2 a.m. tomorrow to give orders to PicKells – then went ot the end of ParK farm wood (late Walsh land) to see another sycamore unloaded – home at 6 10/.. – dinner at 6 1/2 – Coffee – 50 minutes with my father and marian till 8 3/4 then wrote all the above of today till 9 1/4 –
Letter (1/2 sheet full) from Lady Stuart de R-[Rothesay]  she tooK the brown shawl – Lady S-[Stuart] one of the white ones, Vere another, and the 2 Stuart girls the other 2 – all pleased – Lord S-[Stuart] has not got any appointment and none left for him now – that they will be forthcoming for some time –
Letter also from M-[Mariana] dated lastly Bristol, post marK Bristol 10 February – her niece’s, Percy’s, lungs affected – had removed her to near mr. BulcocK’s in Devonshire within Louisa Belcombe’s reach – and M-[Mariana] after staying a fortnight with the poor little girl left her and made a few day’s tour, and then joined mr. Lawton at Bristol – still harps upon me  says it is difficult to forget  wishes she was made of something harder than flesh and blood –
1/4 hour with my aunt till 10 1/4 – very poorly – bad night last night – great deal of pain – very fine day – tho’ rather hazy Fahrenheit 42º at 10 35/.. p.m. – then wrote till 10 40/.. as follows to ‘mr. Freeman, Briar Lodge, Southowram’ to go by george at 8 1/2 a.m. tomorrow – ‘miss Lister’s compliments to mr. Freeman, and is sorry she will be engaged the whole of tomorrow, but will be glad to see him some day next weeK, when she hopes to have got a plan she would liKe to shew him – miss Lister will be obliged to mr. Freeman to let her Know what day he will come – she has desired PicKells to proceed against Gill who, it seems, did not act under mr. Freeman’s orders. Shibden hall. Wednesday evening 11 February 1835’ –
0 notes
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
"Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health Insurance for stay-at-home Mom & Baby?
I need to find affordable, but good, health insurance for my baby and myself. If my son and I go on my husbands insurance, I'd need a job just to pay for it because it's so expensive! I'm currently working but will be quitting a few months after our son is born. We've decided it would be best if I stayed home to raise our son. So, we need to find health insurance that wouldn't be sky high. Any suggestions? And thanks so much!!""
Insurance settlement.?
Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more""
Truck registration in different state health insurance?
I lived in california and drove a car my dad had under his name on the title. He died and i moved to montana with that same car. I have been on my step moms health insurance plan for some time. I am legally able to be on her plan as long as i list myself as being in the same household until age 26. I was wondering if i register that truck in my name if uncle sam can find out i moved and thus making my health insurance unusable. Should i just drop my step moms insurance and struggle to get my own? What are my options?
What to do about Young Driver's car insurance?
I'm 17 and currently looking at buying my first car with insurance sometime during next year. I've been looking around on a lot of price comparison sites and the cheapest I could honestly find was 3,000 a year. I even tried putting myself on my dad's insurance through them and it was still in the 3000's. I have tried with a number of cars, mainly from group 4 insurance as anything below that tends to be really new cars that boost up your premium. Ideally, I'd like to buy my friends Peugeot 306 off him which is a 1.9 diesel that is usually really cheap to insure compared to most other first cars . However since this huge insurance increase I'm finding it impossible to get prices below 3000. Does anyone know of anyone specialist insurance sites for young drivers that offer cheaper prices or does anyone have any tips for filling out the forms to lower the price? I've tried everything I possibly can but I may have missed some important thing. I just know I don't want to pay 3000 a year for a car that I'm buying for 400. I see no logic there, what so ever. I'd rather crash my car and then buy another 6 of them.""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
How much should the insurance cover?
I was at an intersection, a 4 way stop. I stopped, and entered the intersection. As I went into the middle of the intersecton, a car approached from the right hand side and he didn't stop at the intersection. He went straight through it and hit the right side of my car, he basically T-boned me. The guy had Geico, they first offered to pay me 70% that was raised to 75%, and after another call it went up to 80%. So I know they have room to wiggle around. If it helps teh other driver got a ticket from a police officer for failing to stop at the stop sign. The damage to my car is on the two doors, they're completely busted. I would think they would be liable to the full extent of the damages, but apparently not. Im in New York state if that helps at all. I got an estimate, and Im living on a college student budget and can't afford to pay 400 for this.""
Does anyone besides myself think that hair transplant surgery should be covered by health insurance?
I am a 24 year old male suffering from rapid male-pattern hair loss. My hair started falling out somewhere between ages 18-20, and despite always having a lot of heart, will-power, ...show more""
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
Do I need insurance to drive. Or is it fine if the car has insurance?
Driving parent's car without insurance?
*I'm 16 with a license *My mom has insurance under Liberty Mutual *I am not on her insurance but the car is insured *I live in Georgia (GA has weird laws so any laws specific to GA would be great)
How can I find what insurance i had with car I dont have anymore?
After almost 7 years the DMV says that I owe them for a lapse in insurance. Car was repossessed and I didn't take the tag off. (my mistake) I'm pretty sure I canceled the insurance but I can't remember what company I was with or what dealer I got the car from. The DMV had no other information on the car other than the obvious fine. My renewal is coming up and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP!
Is the company allowed to change my insurance price?
Is my company allowed to change the insurance price when i call them and change my occupation details? For example i have been put down as a student but now a couple weeks later i left college and right now i am working. Are they allowed to change the fees, etc? I have a tracking device from the company fitted in my car as well.""
Scooter Insurance Certificate ?
How long would it take to receive a Insurance Certificate through the post ? And can it be done through Email ? I need to know because im dong my CBT soon but my bike has no TAX at the moment. And can anyone recommend a good CHEAP insurance company ? Thank You Very Much James
What type of car insurance coverage do you have?
So, I just bought a new car, and when I called my insurance to switch over my policy the agent tried to sell me this that and the other, saying I really needed all these things since I have a new car now. Just wondering what other people have on their car, and have you ever needed more coverage then you had?""
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Which is the best child insurance plan?
Do i need insurance to drive with my license with my parents?
so i have had my permit for a little over 6 months and my dad doesnt want me to get my license yet (he wants me to wait an extra 6 months). I want to get my license now, but treat it the same as a permit so that I will not have all those extra rules that your supposed to have for the first year of driving with a license. So my question is... Do I need to have insurance if I am driving my parents car with my parents in the car when I have my license? I know it is not required when I have my permit but is it required when I have my license? I live in california by the way.""
How much would insurance be on these cars ( average ) 1st time driver ?
saxo vtr vw golf mk2 anybody help need a rough estimate of the insurance as these are my dream cars and wanting to kno the average insurance price, if to high i dont want to get my hopes up""
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
Vehicle usage and auto insurance rates?
i just noticed on my insurance policy it states one of our vehicles is used for work/school. it should say pleasure use, will that change the rate at all?""
What do you wish your insurance agent would do for you?
Aside from the impossible, what do you wish your insurance agent would offer, help with, take care of for you or do differently?""
How much average does a family of four pay annually or monthly for health insurance?
I'm currently in the military and plan on getting out in 3yrs. I have an EF but people in the service forget about health insurance (because its free now). I want to set my family up. Just wondering what would I be looking at paying when I separate for a family of four so I can start saving
Anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? ?
i work full time, and want to have some dental work done, i was looking online, not having any luck.""
16 year old insurance on Bike (CBT) UK?
Heres the thing, i can afford a bike and ive been considering an Aprilia RX 50 Or a Suzuki TS 50, but the insurance is through the roof in price, my average quote fire and theft is 450 ish any ideas who to go with in respects of insurance companies ? thanks live in the (UK)""
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!""
How much (roughly) would car insurance for this car be a year?
im going to be 15 when i would be driving it and its a 1998 Lincoln Navigator and im with state farm and i will be added onto my moms policy and my sisters also on it and my mom and my sister have never been in car wrecks and im taking drivers ed and I live in montana (low crime) so about roughly how much would it cost a year for insurance on this car?
How much should my car insurance raise....?
I am 16, I've been driving 4 months. I have USAA car insurance, and I went to a driving school. I'm a supertard and today I rear-ended someone.... the cops were called and an accident report was filed, they said that my insurance company and the person's will contact eachother. I'm just curious to how much you think it should raise? There was alot of damage to my front end, but the person's who I hit hardly had a few scratches on the back bumper. I'm already paying $80 a month. Thanks so much for your estimates!! (p.s. i live in TX if that makes a difference.)""
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Is AAA a car insurance?
is AAA a car insurance? and how much a year?
How much would I pay for motorcycle insurance in Hawaii?
How much would it cost to insure a 500cc or less motorcycle in Hawaii for a full-time female college student with a 3.0 or better GPA who is 19 years of age and single and has one speeding ticket on her record? I would just like a ballpark range to work with so I can decide whether or not I want to buy a motorcycle for going to college and work while I'm here in Hawaii. I passed a motorcycle safety course and have my M1 license. I want to know if I could afford the insurance.
How much should I pay for a1967 Chevy Impala?
Basically, I want this car. How much (ball park figure, estimates, exact prices, whatever) wwould it set me back? Just the car itself, mind. I'll handle the tax and insurance, etc myself. And no, its not because of Supernatural.""
What are the people called who work for the insurance companies?
That spy on people who claim insurance from not working because they pulled their back, or twisted there neck, etc.. they usually take pictures, or film them for court evidence to see if they are really telling the truth about there injury. thanks""
""Searching for car insurance, suggestions?""
I'm currently searching for a decent car insurance company. What do the great people of Yahoo Answers recommend? Do you possibly have any examples of how this car insurance company has helped you in the past? I don't know if it matters, but I live in Southern Illinois (in case region matters.) If you could throw out car insurance companies that you recommend, I'd greatly appreciate it. Please do not throw out an insurance company based on their jingle, slogan, or catchy phrase. For example, Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there! What exactly makes this company so much better than the others is what I'd like to know. Please and thank you. I appreciate all help in the great quest for insurance.""
Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance?
Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?""
Two-way car insurance?
if a car is damaged by someone else except the owner, will the insurance pay?""
Insurance Coverage?
My boyfriend and I found out not too long ago that I am pregnant, we plan to marry before the birth. Will I be covered on his insurance once married or will my pregnancy be deemed as a pre-existing condition? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!""
Help i need affordable health insurance for my college student daughter in texas?
Help i need affordable health insurance for my college student daughter in texas?
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
Car insurance websites and Brokers? What's your suggestion?
About to hit that time of the year where the dreaded Car insurance renewal occurs. Just wanting your opinions on what would your best websites, brokers, advice will be for insurance. Who? Where? Pricecomaprison websites? discuss and help me in the process : ) Many thanks Incidently im 23 and have a 1.6vetec Honda Civic""
How much was insurance when you got your first car (UK)?
I know that it is extremely high just after you pass and insurance depends on other things like job and where you live, cos I want to get a car but I have been quoted over 1000 and that's with my parents added as well.""
Affordable health insurance?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once? thanks
""How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
How much extra does it cost on your car insurance to use your car in your job, such as delivery driver in UK?""
Cheap car insurance?
any one know where the best place to cheap car insurance, my dad is going to insure a car for me to teach me to drive, it needs to be in his name but i ned to be a driver on the policy.""
Rental Car Insurance?
Can you get rental car insurance through another company other then the company you are renting from? The insurance is as much as the car rental and that's just ridiculous!
Dmv california insurance online?
i want to renew my tags online. but it says my insurance needs to be on dmv file. so i want to know do i have to go to the dmv and wait in the miseriable line or is there a way to show my proof of insurance online to them?
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
Does a Seat Belt Ticket in California increase insurance?
If I have to report a seat belt ticket to insurance, because i am using traffic school for a stop sign ticket, How much will my insurance go up by. I am 17 and I have ameriprise insurance for my car. PLease help also if i will not have a car or drive in college should i just lose my insurance or keep it for 4 years with a perfect record.""
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
Will Homeowners Insurance cover fallen tree?
I cut down a tree in my back yard and yes it fell the wrong way taking out my porch. Will homeowners insurance cover this???
What does it mean when your employer will contribute 100% of your insurance premium?
I am on my husbands insurance and we pay $110 a month for health insurance. I was reading through his contract and it states that The school will contribute 00% of full time employees' single and defendant premium coverage. Why are we still paying for the insurance? What am I missing?
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?!
""Fast, fwd or awd, reliable, manual car that's cheap on insurance?
I already thought of a few possibilities. RSX Base 5 speed 05-06 Mazdaspeed Protege Scion TC Legacy GT Celica GT (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE INSURANCE (I live in NJ) RSX type s WRX EVO Just looking for ideas. Preferably cars that are cheap on insurance and easy to mod.
""If i trade in my car, which doesn't have gap insurance, and get a new car with gap insurance will the total lo?""
I owe $13k on my current vehicle and am looking for an upgrade. we've had horrible weather the past few months and am afraid of wrecking the (potential) new vehicle and still being stuck with a bill. would gap cover the entire cost of the loan, i.e $38k= 13k owed on my car plus the 25k for the new car.""
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Can the mother of my child not allow me to use her health insurance for our child?
So I have a very sick little girl. The mother of my child has health insurance provided to her and our child by her father. Our baby recently got really sick. She needs certain shots based on what her current levels of things are in her body, so I am not able to give her the shots. The mother is telling me that I have to Pay for someone to give her the shots to our daughter will not be able to come to my house. The mother has health insurance and is unwilling to give me the information for her. Is that allowed? I live in california and there is nothing in our court order that says anything about this.""
What is the average cost for General Liability Insurance for a Security Guard Company in California.?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much a 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy would cost for a Security Company in California""
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
Written off car insurance?
ive recently written off my car, does my policy continue after they have paid me ? ie if i get a new car with the settlement money, can i put that on the existing policy, as there is ...show more""
I got into a motorcycle accident. insurance question...?
When I wiped out on my bike I tried to make a claim after I got home from the hospital. Little did I know that my insurance coverage had ended two days before the accident. Now my question is, will my health insurance pay for my medical bills from the accident or will they deny me because of my lack of motorcycle insurance at the time of the accident? When I found out about my lack of coverage, I immediately paid and got up to date but they told me that those two days when my coverage ended will not be covered... am I gonna get hit with all the medical bills? Or will my health insurance step up and cover me?""
A good begginer bike thats fast and cheap on insurance?
I'd like to no what kinda sports bike/cruiser would be a good starter bike that's cheap on insurance and gas, I don't want anything shaped like a harley more of a sports bike shape. Any suggestions?""
Affordable health insurance plans?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
Where can i buy health insurance?
I'm have a low income and I'm looking for a right insurance coverage. I work as a part time job so my employer won't buy an insurance for me. Please if anyone knows any ...show more
Would insurance costs go down if more people had a license?
A lot of undocumented immigrants don't have a license but would them getting a license help the insurance costs go down? I need actual statistics/ proof. It's for a debate we are having at school. Your help is appreciated. If your opinion is otherwise then don't post it. I'm only looking for facts. Thank you.
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Can I still use my mom's health insurance?
My Mom has Anthem Blue Cross SISC III. I am married but 19 years old, and under the Affordable Care Act, children 26 and under are still supposed to be covered, married or unmarried, unless the adult child has another offer of employer-based coverage . My husband is a Marine, so I have the option to use Tricare, but I do not have my OWN employer-based coverage, so can I still use my mom's insurance? Her insurance plan is a lot better than Tricare.""
Getting free insurance when buying a van new?
I'm Ste & I'm 21. I've just passed my license a month a go and I'm struggling to get a decent quote from any insurance company. That's made me think about buying one new as I know some car showrooms do free insurance policies for young drivers (Mainly over 21) which is lucky as i've recently celebrated my 21st. So, are there any van company's with free insurance? I've got no no claims and I've had my license a month. Any help would be brill! Cheers, Ste.""
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
Liability vs Full Coverage??
I don't know much about insurance can someone tell me how liability and full coverage insurance works?
How much will it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance.?
i dont have a car yet im getting it in August, and my mom said that she does not want me under her insurance so im stuck getting it by myself what can i do?""
How much would insurance be when you first sign up.?
well im about to turn 17 and the car i have is a 2000 pontiac gran prix with the 3.8L V6. i live in the city and my grade average is 89% and have allot of experience driving. id also only be driving to school and work about 15k a year. and currently the car has 160k on it. i hoping someone can give me a price of what it would cost me, as iv tryed to get insurance quotes online but never recive the quote itself.""
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Cancelling car insurance?
if i decided to cancel my car insurance and go elsewhere would i have to pay a cancellation fee? if so how much is this likely to be? im with m&s (underwritten by bisl). also will my previous ncd be void because i wont have completed this current year due to cancelling early?
Car insurance when diving in the usa?
i'm going to Florida soon and getting a hired car as part of the package.i phoned the travel company who told me it will cost me 300 to insure us for 2 weeks that's almost double what i'm paying for my own annual car insurance is that the going rate or can i get it cheaper shopping around or because there giving me the rental do i have to go with them
What is the cheapest insurance company?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
How much would the insurance for the 16 year old with a 07 impala?
I am 16 years old and have been working for awhile, i have been working for a new car. i have found this 07 impala that is in GREAT condition. I need a rough estimate of what my insurance might be if I get this car.""
How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?
I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.
Cheap car insurance?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance online? I need full coverage. I have checked Geico and Progressive, they are so expensive. Thanks!""
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
Car insurance for 16 yr old with mustang?
im 16 and just got a 05 mustang, and now im trying to find a cheap insurance company. I want to spend less than $275 a month, does anyone know one?""
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Car insurance help?
i live in northern california and moving to southern california this summer or fall for school. my car insurance is titled under my parents. do i need to tell insurance company( i have liberty mutual) that i'm moving to so cal? because southern california car insurance is really expensive and i dont' know if my parents can afford it. plus, i'll probably go back and forth whenever i'm on break ( thanksgiving, christmas... ) any advise please?""
Pregnant switching health insurance?
i'm going to be added to my husbands health insurance plan in november. is job told us i can't be added until then because that is there enrollment period. so i went and got my own health insurance to cover the period in between now and november (i havent actually gotten it yet, i'm still going over the details, its very expensive). anyway i wanted to know that if i get pregnant before november will i still be covered for the pregnancy when i switch to his insurance in november?... for example lets say i have health insurance and in august i find out im pregnant, then in november i switch to my husbands health insurance, will my new health insurance cover the pregnancy? thanks.""
Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding?
I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage.""
Motorcycle insurance?
how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old male for a 230cc motorcycle in Ca ??
Where to get pregnancy insurance?
Please can someone tell me where to get pregnancy insurance? I am a UK citizen and will be spending the whole of 2010 in America (Boston). Thanks
""New car, no insurance what happens?""
I bought a car in June last year, I paid the down payment, and make the monthly car payment. My mom consigned and pays insurance. I just got alerted saying I haven't had insurance since October 2013. What can happen, can they come and repo my car?""
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
What can I do when a cap on my tooth is breaking away and I cannot afford insurance and not enough money?
Can I have two health insurances?
I am pregnant, and my work covers me but i already have insurance. But only for myself my not baby so I was curious how it all works? I will be getting kicked off my current insurance soon so would my work insurance just take the place of it when that happens? thanks for any help :)""
Do you have to be on the insurance of the car you use for your drivers license test?
I know the car you use has to have insurance but do you, the driver, have to be on that policy?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
Hey, I dropped my motorcycle on the right side yesterday during a turn. It's a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Two pieces of fairing were damaged pretty badly (right side and front piece). I just got insurance the day of the drop (before dropping it). Will insurance cover the damage? Also is it even worth getting them involved? I already have very very high insurance ($400 a month for a Honda Odyssey) due to previous car accident. I don't want to get any more things on my record. Will my insurance go up if I call them? The replacement fairings will cost me $560 out my pocket. I have a $250 deductible on the bike. So I would save about $300. Is it worth it?""
How do i sort car insurance out?
okey it might sound a stupid question but ive only just passed and dont know how to go on about it, do i need to get a car first or insurance? how can i compare insurance prices without knowing what car ima get but how can i get a car without insurance :S help pleasee and wheres the best place to get insurance and wheres best places to get a decent cheap car""
Car insurance help for a young driver?
I'm looking to buy this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I'm a new driver and have looked everywhere for a cheap insurance quote. I'm just wondering whether the insurance will go down by much after my first year driving? thankyouuuuu x
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
""Liability only car insurance, does it matter what car you get?
I'm pretty sure you pay more if you get a mustang than a honda 4 door civic. Just liability only - not full comp and collission. No notes that if you have a loan in the car you have to carry full coverage. I know that already. Car would be cash and use same year for both cars.
Do you need insurance for permit in ca?
I am going to get my provisional driver license in california. Do i need to get it before i take the drive test? aM i covered under parents policy? How long do i have to have my insurance before im eligible to get my driver license?
About car auto Insurance?
After the accident, i towed my car three times to different places. IIF my dad wants to know that where i towed my car from, would insurance company have record for knowing that where i towed my car from??""
First car for teenage girl? Insurance...?
Need a car 17 year old girl 1.0 ltr engine. Cheap petrol and cheap insurance please? I also read getting the box fitted where you can drive between certain times also makes it cheaper?
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
How insurance did you pay for your insurance and how old where you?
I am 17 now, and i want to buy a 125, on average what do you think i would have to pay""
""Non owner SR22 insurance for TEXAS, what is a cheap website?
I don't own a car so I don't know what to do... Help! Thanks
50CC Does motorbike insurance cost more than moped insurance?
Ok so i just turned 16 and have got my provisional license and also have done a CBT my mum tells me that a 50cc Motorbike that you put your leg over costs way more in insurance then a moped that you put your leg through is this true ? also im talking About 50cc motorbikes and mopeds
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance in the uk?
""How much cheaper would it be to go under my dads insurance for a van, if it was 2000 on my own policy? (Year)?""
My INSURANCE quote is around 2000 Annual for my Ford Transit Van. Im 17 years of age and would really like this to be a tad cheaper for the first year until I get my little own run Business going a bit more. Is there anybody who can give me an estimate on how much Im looking at if I went under my fathers Insurance? Cheers Guys! Jack Osborne. All Answers Appreciated. (Added - I am not able to get a quote from my dads insurance people so we are changing it over. Please do NOT give me nasty answers as these will be classed as immature) If you haven't got anything nice to say, Don't say anything at all.""
Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?
Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.
""When the term is up on term life insurance, what happens to the money you paid? do you get it back?
im in my early twenties and im looking for life insurance outside of my job. i want to know if you sign up for term life insurance and the term is up what happens with the money you've paid? or is it just better to sign up for whole life insurance?
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
Carr Colorado Cheap car insurance quotes zip 80612
0 notes
zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Overhaul / Chisaki Kai sfw alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Yeah... not very as you all may have expected. Chisaki is very reserved and his mysophobia doesn't help at all. Although, years of not touching nobody can do so much to a person and he MIGHT be willing to touch you after a few months... maybe years.
At the first few times he will only show his affection by giving you things. That's it.
But well, the wait is worth it. Chisaki is a gentleman by nature. Kisses on the hand whenever you pass by, forcing/invinting you to sit on his lap.
His forms of affection are from actions, not from words. He sucks with words, Im sorry.
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Something tells me that Chisaki would start a relationship only when the person gives him some type of interest. Personality, knowledge.... QUIRKLESS.
Really, he does care more about how intellugent or what they could be to him as a partner, appearance comes just as a bonus to him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Jokes apart, Chisaki is just as a stone when cuddling... if he is willing to honestly because this man is such a tsundere brat it huRTS-
He would slowly learn how to do it, but please give him time and espace, he never done this before God help him.
He is much more comfortable with you laying on his chest as he continues on with his paperwork, it gives hkm a sense that he is not alone and that he can spend time with you while doing something so tedious as paperwork.
BUT! On harsh days, as example got into a argument with pops or a bad day in general, he likes to lay his head on your lap and just forget the world exists as hugging you close and inhaling your clean scent.
Also well, enjoy when he is sleepy.
Also, cuddling only after a shower. No buts.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Well, he does want to settle down but as long as he can continue gis work on the Hassaikai then its nore than fine to him (if we're talking about after the raid THEN HE NEEDS TO SETTLE DOWN AND SOME THERAPY)
Cleaning master. Sucks at cooking.
Okay, he is not that bad he can make a toast, but he just really doesn't like to do it, since is just so messy. Really enjoys your cooking though if you know how to...
If not his poor childhood friend will become the chef of you two. Seriously Hari need a break-
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Fuck. If HE had to break up he would be straight to the point. Cold and uncaring. Not even the whole "is not you, its me" no no. Chisaki will make sure to tell that he is breaking up because of you and thats final, being on his good intentions or not.
Kai would break up with his partner if they did something like cheat on him or something... and he is from the mafia you rreally want to take the risk?!
Or he would break up due to his fear of you getting hurt. But this will only happen when his paranoia would take over him.
He doesn't want to lose you soon, affirmative.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He feels unnecessary before he mets someone he feels really in love with. He doesn't believed in love when younger so its a tragic change.
And no. Chisaki wants to make sure he knows the person very well before he goes to get down on one knee for them. And surprisingly, if he feels like he is safe and can be vulnetable around his partner? Then he is on the cloud nine internally.
Only time will tell when you can get engaged with this plague man.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Is that enough? No? Ok.
He is always scoffing and rolling his eyes when you are affectionate with him but ny god dont stop or else he will discount his rage and frustation on poor Rappa.
Although, when he gets a bit drunk or just overworked he is so gentle. Like, sweet words and all, it even shocks you sometimesm
For him, you are the light of his dark life, his angel. So he doesn't mind speaking behind closed doors on how much he loves you and cherish you being here with him. Likes to carres your cheeks with the back of his gloved hand or plant sweet kisses on your forehead, hands and most of all: lips.
Appreaciate it because his behaviour can change on how you take his words.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Nope. Only when he feels the urge to it, when he is tired or when you are down.
He is not much of a hugger. But is willing to give some to you since... you're special to him.
Although Chisaki hugs are like 👌😤. His arms caging you to gis chest and how warm it feels its just heavenly. He hugs you close and likes to give you little squezze that does not hurt to make you sure he is not letting go for a while.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Long. Long time until he says this.
Saying those three words means to him only one thing: vulnerability.
Its going to take a lot of time for Kai to let out those words, mostly sure that his partner will be the one to say it first, but Kai would jjst stay there and not reply.
One: embarrassed as heck; Two: he is sure that he loves you back but... he needs time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He is more overprotective than jealous. Yet he does feel it. A lot.
He doesn't trust OTHERS, he knows you love him. But the world around him failed so many times when he was young that this man has doubts even on his most considerate coomurate. He fears that they might take advantege of you.
A tiny part of him fears that you will leave him because he is not the mostproper partner, but his pride takes over that very easily.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft, passionate and hot.
As spoken before Kai loves to kiss your hand, forehead, cheeks and lips. Those are the cleanest and softest places he found to make you embarrassed and all soft.
He isn't much to being kissed... but he does love it when he is there working and then you rub his shoulder a bit before kissing his temple than pecking his lips softly.
Leaves him a blushing mess all the time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
*laughs* ERI-CHAN-!
I have a few scenatios of him actually being a good dad so... I will just skip this one and let you all see it for yourselfs.
Although, one word. Strict dad. You guessed right.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Especially when he doesn't go to work because its only there that you can see his resting face on the pillows. Usually when he goes to work he gets up, dress himself and carres your check softly before leaving a kiss on your temple and leaving.
When he is free you're trapped. Cant get out of the bed until he does.
Sweet scraches and petting coming from him. TAKE THOSE.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Soft. Watching him, tired as always getting out of his clothes to put his nightwear. If neither of you feel like crashing down onto the dreamland, Chisaki will pick one book you may like, let you rest your head on his chest, shoulder or lap as he reads it out loud while scracthing your head.
If he is on the mood he might even sing you a lullaby... only if you're feeling down though.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
After a very long time on the relationship.
If he does have a mentalbreakfown he is blurting everything out like he is about to die and just needs to tell you everything. Although it would be almost impossible.
I feel like Chisaki would slowly reveal things of himself to you. Is the most like to happen.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Easy peasy little squeaky.
This man gets angry easily but he does know how to control himself over this situations... although when he loses his patience he does get pissed off (we saw him already guys with pops and the heroes)
In discussions he woudl rather distance himself then to just shout at you though.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He knows everything and more about you. Every little detail he will remember
Seriously, he might still have that annoyed face of his when you're talming but he is listening and paying attention.
Might as well surprise you with your favorite sweets or flowers.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
First kiss.
He never kissed someone besides you so all the memroy is very well guarded on his mind and he does cherish it everyday.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Overprotective. Will kill for you, overhaul and then kill again for you.
Chisaki is powerful, not only by his quirk but his status as well so only one look of his is enough to scare the others away.
Or his threatenings like... slipping his glove out and showing his victim his bare hand as a signal to not speak or dont come any closer unless they want to die.
Will fell weirded out if you protect him since like... he is a boss of the mafia? He doesn't need protection? He is your knight in shinning armor not the other way around.
... although it makes him a bit embarrassed.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
So much money that the Hassaimai is stealing from other gangs because of this asshole expending shit tones of moneh in your guys dates.
Everything you once thought or mentiomed for him is there. He is not afraid to spend money when it comes to you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Brush off something that its important to you bit seems unimportant for him.
Gets rude sometimes.
Always demanding on cleaning duty.
Wanting to keep his personal espace due to his mysophobia.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Not much. He only gives care to his cleaning habbits and his smell. Definitely not because you find his scent amusing and devine. Nope. Definitely not.
He doesn't care about looks. Really, do not give a shit. Is just a bonus to him. You're divine and angelic to him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Many thumbs up.
He feels extra annoyed and bothered when you're not around. Pls stay with this plague man.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cant sleep without you on his side. Really, he just cant. He tried many times already but just ended up scoffing and going after you just because he needed to sleep says him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He calls you brat as a affectionate nickname but seriously, he doesn't want a child as his partner, so dont be too childish. It irritates him a lot.
BEING ORGANIZED IS NOT A OPTION IS A MUST. or else it will feel like he is more occupied scolding you then loving you for that matter.
Hates. HATES. when his plans doesn't work well and when suddenly you cancel a date of you two or any plans in general.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Cling to you for dear life when he gets comfortable with you. And I would suggest you to stay awake for a bit longer than him since he mumbles in his sleep.
Might be nightmares of rombas chasing him with knifes or words of how much he truly loves you? You might as well find out.
190 notes · View notes
panelshowsource · 6 years
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hello! series 15, episode 1!
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is it because now he looks like a pencil
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there is nothing dumb about complimenting the deity that presides over this hot mess. she thanks you for your words and will bless you
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aww i love lolly too she is precious! i feel like she has been focusing a lot on her acting career, as she’s played lead parts in rovers, loaded, and damned, and she’s been in plebs, sick note, josh, etc., and she’s about to star in the new hulu series shrill!! she’s the real deal!!! in the meantime if you rly miss her def check out her run on house of games 😚
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hi anon, i talked about that briefly here. but who cares what i like! do you like him? :)
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the best thing about katherine is how well and hilariously she goes along with anything: people (okay, let’s be real, jimmy carr) will talk about her plastic surgery, call her a ho, make fun of her being a single mom, call her american (damn that’s rude) and she takes it all and dishes it back like u dont even know. and i’ve definitely talked about this on the blog before and agree w you completely. like, ily stephen fry, but katherine knows what a jaffa cake is. just get on with the facts. but katherine has such a grace and is so good at reading the tone of a room, it doesn’t faze her at all. maybe we’re just rly defensive of her bc we love her hehe
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i want more asks like this
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that’s so mean of a question!!!!!!!! cats does countdown
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you guys are so easily impressed by this man it is honestly endearing
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hahaha well, you know how celebs have it: stay-at-home parents when they’re not at gigs and can afford babysitters and night nurses. but when you’re naturally witty, relying on improv can sometimes be your best material!
and jsyk i added a lot of radio panel shows to the masterpost :)
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it was definitely good but to be fair he did it this with nish first, which imo was even funnier!
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hi anon sorry for taking so long to reply to this! well i’ve looked into it a bit (x) (x) (x) (x) and i wouldn’t necessarily say so, no. especially nowadays jimmy seems to get a kick out of james!
but i've read more than once about how competitive cats and mtw have a reputation for being, especially in the lock/manford years but even afterwards. up-and-coming comedians and new comedians were often made to feel like they didn’t have a right to outshine the longer-standing comedians, particularly sean. allegedly — and this is just a rumour — this is why some of the more impressive and popular comedians were regularly on sean’s team (jack dee, johnny vegas, etc.). this way, when jimmy would throw to sean’s team for a comment or answer, sean could immediately speak and up so they couldn’t, because he knows how much screentime they would get if they had a chance to do a full bit. jimmy was alleged to be part of this system, of not applauding/laughing loudly at an up-and-comer’s bits or moving on hastily to the next segment to eclipse a guest’s applause. in a way, i can see that happening during the regular cats episodes bc james really does come off as a standout act in those eps... but listen. this is all just industry say-so by some comedians who didn’t enjoy panel shows. as we know, a lot of comedians who still appear on panel shows have talked shit about panel shows (x) (x). so who knows the real truth 🤔
ps. i giffed that 8 out 10 cats bit and it’s in the queue ;)
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hey anon, nooot much apart from hypothetical, but cats, mtw, and qi xl will be out soon. you can keep up with that stuff over at /r/panelshow. and you know i  always keep updated episodes on the masterpost for all three of those programmes and more x
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not sure what you mean anon, all of the links seem to be working for me. maybe you can’t stream certain files bc you’re on mobile (which is only compatible with certain formats like .mp4 and .avi). here are past episodes and all new episodes are posted here. please don’t forget to check the f.a.q. so you know how to source this stuff in the future, it’s really easy and a great skill to have x
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you’ll have to judge for yourselves...
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tags // f.a.q. // watch links masterpost
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alwaysbegaming · 7 years
Hey I Take Viewer Requests for videos and much more i can help with tip please just ask me and i can tell you all the info and send you a list of the games i have i have pretty much every new game and a lot of others. To get your own shoutout please subscribe n ill do the same for you here r some of my links. I'm Joey, Aka AlwaysBestarting up new strea,mGaming Aka Samurai Joe (Head Host) We live steam all the time and upload recorded videos of all types and a lot of game variety, we also take game or video request. Channels Twitch: http://bit.ly/2vmcne8 Stream.Me: http://bit.ly/2ynb6FV Picarto: http://bit.ly/2hmVb2E Mixer- http://bit.ly/2wM0O3w Ustream: http://bit.ly/2hjTfeR Vk: http://bit.ly/2wtpkYd Smashcast: http://bit.ly/2ynb7JZ Periscope: http://bit.ly/2wsjFSh StumbleUpon: https://stumble.it/2hmVbzG Top Streamers- http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Social Media Twiitter: https://twitter.com/AlwaysBGaming Facebook -http://bit.ly/2wM4qTd Discord: http://bit.ly/2fAGVTP Google+ - http://bit.ly/2vmaBtv Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2hmF3Ot LinkdIn - http://bit.ly/2wLZ8Ho Reddit: http://bit.ly/2hmcdha Tumbler: http://bit.ly/2fAq83k LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2hjdt8l Top Streamers: http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Help The Channel Donation: http://bit.ly/2fA62pN Boost Channels For Free: http://bit.ly/2hnKzQK Stream/Upload To All CHannels At Once: http://bit.ly/2xvgxob Get Paid The Most N Sponsored (90% Take Of Cut): http://bit.ly/2wM4t1l Thanks For watching please click on link n read below to WIN HUGE I live stream all the time so make sure to come back and check me out live n I take Game and Video request and make edited video and do shoutouts -Please make sure to take click on the cards(the white circle with and i in it in the upper right corner of the video) Makes sure to choose an answer for all 4 polls -Let me know if you guys would like me to play music during the video or not please it would help me out a lot. Free Prize Giveaway rules details Read FULL VIDEO DESCRIPTION PS4 Username: LC_Joey420-710- Stream Username: TwoJoints4201 I have a bunch of games so dont worry this isnt my only game. BIG Giveaway 1st come 1st served join while supplies last! Details on how to enter Make sure to read about it below and please email me( [email protected] ) once with all the info once you have completed so i can get you your prize. Rules: 1. Subscribe And Vote On http://bit.ly/2x4GNDs 2.Like all the videos u can 3.Tap the bell. For notifications 4. Share video and 2 other Videos (Share Video using all you social media accounts, Comment N ill Do the Same for you) 5. follow me on twitter and or Facebook links bellow 6. Email me both your choices gift card type and Kontrol Freek pair of your choosing(Please give answer to both choices) 7. Your Console 8. Message Me Subject title "Giveaway" when done for once your done My EMAIL is [email protected] Please Thanks And Talk To You Soon If Your New Don't Forget To ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ playstation walkthrough playthrough xbox one gameplay #ps4live let's play gameplay sony 60fps commentary mlb 17 road to the show mlb 2017 rainbow six siege nfl 18 steelers madden nfl cowboys packers rainbow six siege ranked strategy new dlc guide dspgaming destiny 2 subclass saints dallas rainbow six siege montage live stream yankees dodgers twitch xbox one playstation uncharted the lost legacy giveaway shout out green bay packers vs atlanta falcons 2017-18 td full game xone champions league chelsea arsenal career mode fifa 18 liverpool patch kills of the week clg ezekiel ahri zed league of legends yassuo gragas shen vods foxdrop tsm altec lemonnation r6s ps4 pro multiplayer live subscriber count sub4sub tactical #ps4share bengals cincinnati bengals ela dirt 4 gameplay rallye spain bf1 obs get subscribers fast madden 18 franchise toke derek carr elgato hd60 playstaytion uncharted: the lost legacy pc gameplay bears chicago bears real madrid world class chesnoid sbc tom clancy's rainbow six siege for honor gameplay cod infinate warfare madden 18 ultimate team codemasters Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ by AlwaysBeGaming420 Channels
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alwaysbegaming · 7 years
Hey I Take Viewer Requests for videos and much more i can help with tip please just ask me and i can tell you all the info and send you a list of the games i have i have pretty much every new game and a lot of others. To get your own shoutout please subscribe n ill do the same for you here r some of my links. I'm Joey, Aka AlwaysBestarting up new strea,mGaming Aka Samurai Joe (Head Host) We live steam all the time and upload recorded videos of all types and a lot of game variety, we also take game or video request. Channels Twitch: http://bit.ly/2vmcne8 Stream.Me: http://bit.ly/2ynb6FV Picarto: http://bit.ly/2hmVb2E Mixer- http://bit.ly/2wM0O3w Ustream: http://bit.ly/2hjTfeR Vk: http://bit.ly/2wtpkYd Smashcast: http://bit.ly/2ynb7JZ Periscope: http://bit.ly/2wsjFSh StumbleUpon: https://stumble.it/2hmVbzG Top Streamers- http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Social Media Twiitter: https://twitter.com/AlwaysBGaming Facebook -http://bit.ly/2wM4qTd Discord: http://bit.ly/2fAGVTP Google+ - http://bit.ly/2vmaBtv Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2hmF3Ot LinkdIn - http://bit.ly/2wLZ8Ho Reddit: http://bit.ly/2hmcdha Tumbler: http://bit.ly/2fAq83k LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2hjdt8l Top Streamers: http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Help The Channel Donation: http://bit.ly/2fA62pN Boost Channels For Free: http://bit.ly/2hnKzQK Stream/Upload To All CHannels At Once: http://bit.ly/2xvgxob Get Paid The Most N Sponsored (90% Take Of Cut): http://bit.ly/2wM4t1l Thanks For watching please click on link n read below to WIN HUGE I live stream all the time so make sure to come back and check me out live n I take Game and Video request and make edited video and do shoutouts -Please make sure to take click on the cards(the white circle with and i in it in the upper right corner of the video) Makes sure to choose an answer for all 4 polls -Let me know if you guys would like me to play music during the video or not please it would help me out a lot. Free Prize Giveaway rules details Read FULL VIDEO DESCRIPTION PS4 Username: LC_Joey420-710- Stream Username: TwoJoints4201 I have a bunch of games so dont worry this isnt my only game. BIG Giveaway 1st come 1st served join while supplies last! Details on how to enter Make sure to read about it below and please email me( [email protected] ) once with all the info once you have completed so i can get you your prize. Rules: 1. Subscribe And Vote On http://bit.ly/2x4GNDs 2.Like all the videos u can 3.Tap the bell. For notifications 4. Share video and 2 other Videos (Share Video using all you social media accounts, Comment N ill Do the Same for you) 5. follow me on twitter and or Facebook links bellow 6. Email me both your choices gift card type and Kontrol Freek pair of your choosing(Please give answer to both choices) 7. Your Console 8. Message Me Subject title "Giveaway" when done for once your done My EMAIL is [email protected] Please Thanks And Talk To You Soon If Your New Don't Forget To ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ playstation walkthrough playthrough xbox one gameplay #ps4live let's play gameplay sony 60fps commentary mlb 17 road to the show mlb 2017 rainbow six siege nfl 18 steelers madden nfl cowboys packers rainbow six siege ranked strategy new dlc guide dspgaming destiny 2 subclass saints dallas rainbow six siege montage live stream yankees dodgers twitch xbox one playstation uncharted the lost legacy giveaway shout out green bay packers vs atlanta falcons 2017-18 td full game xone champions league chelsea arsenal career mode fifa 18 liverpool patch kills of the week clg ezekiel ahri zed league of legends yassuo gragas shen vods foxdrop tsm altec lemonnation r6s ps4 pro multiplayer live subscriber count sub4sub tactical #ps4share bengals cincinnati bengals ela dirt 4 gameplay rallye spain bf1 obs get subscribers fast madden 18 franchise toke derek carr elgato hd60 playstaytion uncharted: the lost legacy pc gameplay bears chicago bears real madrid world class chesnoid sbc tom clancy's rainbow six siege for honor gameplay cod infinate warfare madden 18 ultimate team Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ by AlwaysBeGaming420 Channels
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alwaysbegaming · 7 years
Hey I Take Viewer Requests for videos and much more i can help with tip please just ask me and i can tell you all the info and send you a list of the games i have i have pretty much every new game and a lot of others. To get your own shoutout please subscribe n ill do the same for you here r some of my links. I'm Joey, Aka AlwaysBestarting up new strea,mGaming Aka Samurai Joe (Head Host) We live steam all the time and upload recorded videos of all types and a lot of game variety, we also take game or video request. Channels Twitch: http://bit.ly/2vmcne8 Stream.Me: http://bit.ly/2ynb6FV Picarto: http://bit.ly/2hmVb2E Mixer- http://bit.ly/2wM0O3w Ustream: http://bit.ly/2hjTfeR Vk: http://bit.ly/2wtpkYd Smashcast: http://bit.ly/2ynb7JZ Periscope: http://bit.ly/2wsjFSh StumbleUpon: https://stumble.it/2hmVbzG Top Streamers- http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Social Media Twiitter: https://twitter.com/AlwaysBGaming Facebook -http://bit.ly/2wM4qTd Discord: http://bit.ly/2fAGVTP Google+ - http://bit.ly/2vmaBtv Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2hmF3Ot LinkdIn - http://bit.ly/2wLZ8Ho Reddit: http://bit.ly/2hmcdha Tumbler: http://bit.ly/2fAq83k LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2hjdt8l Top Streamers: http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Help The Channel Donation: http://bit.ly/2fA62pN Boost Channels For Free: http://bit.ly/2hnKzQK Stream/Upload To All CHannels At Once: http://bit.ly/2xvgxob Get Paid The Most N Sponsored (90% Take Of Cut): http://bit.ly/2wM4t1l Thanks For watching please click on link n read below to WIN HUGE I live stream all the time so make sure to come back and check me out live n I take Game and Video request and make edited video and do shoutouts -Please make sure to take click on the cards(the white circle with and i in it in the upper right corner of the video) Makes sure to choose an answer for all 4 polls -Let me know if you guys would like me to play music during the video or not please it would help me out a lot. Free Prize Giveaway rules details Read FULL VIDEO DESCRIPTION PS4 Username: LC_Joey420-710- Stream Username: TwoJoints4201 I have a bunch of games so dont worry this isnt my only game. BIG Giveaway 1st come 1st served join while supplies last! Details on how to enter Make sure to read about it below and please email me( [email protected] ) once with all the info once you have completed so i can get you your prize. Rules: 1. Subscribe And Vote On http://bit.ly/2x4GNDs 2.Like all the videos u can 3.Tap the bell. For notifications 4. Share video and 2 other Videos (Share Video using all you social media accounts, Comment N ill Do the Same for you) 5. follow me on twitter and or Facebook links bellow 6. Email me both your choices gift card type and Kontrol Freek pair of your choosing(Please give answer to both choices) 7. Your Console 8. Vote On The TopSteamers the links below 9. Message Me Subject title "Giveaway" when done for once your done My EMAIL is [email protected] 10. Check Out N Enter My New Shout Out Series It Just Click here: https://youtu.be/jMeMwqcRMxo Please Thanks And Talk To You Soon If Your New Don't Forget To ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ playstation walkthrough playthrough xbox one gameplay #ps4live let's play gameplay sony 60fps commentary mlb 17 road to the show mlb 2017 rainbow six siege nfl 18 steelers madden nfl cowboys packers rainbow six siege ranked strategy new dlc guide dspgaming destiny 2 subclass saints dallas rainbow six siege montage live stream yankees dodgers twitch xbox one playstation uncharted the lost legacy giveaway shout out green bay packers vs atlanta falcons 2017-18 td full game xone champions league chelsea arsenal career mode fifa 18 liverpool patch kills of the week clg ezekiel ahri zed league of legends yassuo gragas shen vods foxdrop tsm altec lemonnation r6s ps4 pro multiplayer live subscriber count sub4sub tactical #ps4share bengals cincinnati bengals ela dirt 4 gameplay rallye spain bf1 obs get subscribers fast madden 18 franchise toke derek carr elgato hd60 playstaytion uncharted: the lost legacy pc gameplay bears chicago bears real madrid world class chesnoid sbc tom clancy's rainbow six siege Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ by AlwaysBeGaming420 Channels
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alwaysbegaming · 7 years
Hey I Take Viewer Requests for videos and much more i can help with tip please just ask me and i can tell you all the info and send you a list of the games i have i have pretty much every new game and a lot of others. To get your own shoutout please subscribe n ill do the same for you here r some of my links. I'm Joey, Aka AlwaysBestarting up new strea,mGaming Aka Samurai Joe (Head Host) We live steam all the time and upload recorded videos of all types and a lot of game variety, we also take game or video request. Channels Twitch: http://bit.ly/2vmcne8 Stream.Me: http://bit.ly/2ynb6FV Picarto: http://bit.ly/2hmVb2E Mixer- http://bit.ly/2wM0O3w Ustream: http://bit.ly/2hjTfeR Vk: http://bit.ly/2wtpkYd Smashcast: http://bit.ly/2ynb7JZ Periscope: http://bit.ly/2wsjFSh StumbleUpon: https://stumble.it/2hmVbzG Top Streamers- http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Social Media Twiitter: https://twitter.com/AlwaysBGaming Facebook -http://bit.ly/2wM4qTd Discord: http://bit.ly/2fAGVTP Google+ - http://bit.ly/2vmaBtv Pinterest: http://bit.ly/2hmF3Ot LinkdIn - http://bit.ly/2wLZ8Ho Reddit: http://bit.ly/2hmcdha Tumbler: http://bit.ly/2fAq83k LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2hjdt8l Top Streamers: http://bit.ly/2vm4HJ2 Help The Channel Donation: http://bit.ly/2fA62pN Boost Channels For Free: http://bit.ly/2hnKzQK Stream/Upload To All CHannels At Once: http://bit.ly/2xvgxob Get Paid The Most N Sponsored (90% Take Of Cut): http://bit.ly/2wM4t1l Thanks For watching please click on link n read below to WIN HUGE I live stream all the time so make sure to come back and check me out live n I take Game and Video request and make edited video and do shoutouts -Please make sure to take click on the cards(the white circle with and i in it in the upper right corner of the video) Makes sure to choose an answer for all 4 polls -Let me know if you guys would like me to play music during the video or not please it would help me out a lot. Free Prize Giveaway rules details Read FULL VIDEO DESCRIPTION PS4 Username: LC_Joey420-710- Stream Username: TwoJoints4201 I have a bunch of games so dont worry this isnt my only game. BIG Giveaway 1st come 1st served join while supplies last! Details on how to enter Make sure to read about it below and please email me( [email protected] ) once with all the info once you have completed so i can get you your prize. Rules: 1. Subscribe And Vote On http://bit.ly/2x4GNDs 2.Like all the videos u can 3.Tap the bell. For notifications 4. Share video and 2 other Videos (Share Video using all you social media accounts, Comment N ill Do the Same for you) 5. follow me on twitter and or Facebook links bellow 6. Email me both your choices gift card type and Kontrol Freek pair of your choosing(Please give answer to both choices) 7. Your Console 8. Vote On The TopSteamers the links below 9. Message Me Subject title "Giveaway" when done for once your done My EMAIL is [email protected] 10. Check Out N Enter My New Shout Out Series It Just Click here: https://youtu.be/jMeMwqcRMxo Please Thanks And Talk To You Soon If Your New Don't Forget To ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ playstation walkthrough playthrough xbox one gameplay #ps4live let's play gameplay sony 60fps commentary mlb 17 road to the show mlb 2017 rainbow six siege nfl 18 steelers madden nfl cowboys packers rainbow six siege ranked strategy new dlc guide dspgaming destiny 2 subclass saints dallas rainbow six siege montage live stream yankees dodgers twitch xbox one playstation uncharted the lost legacy giveaway shout out green bay packers vs atlanta falcons 2017-18 td full game xone champions league chelsea arsenal career mode fifa 18 liverpool patch kills of the week clg ezekiel ahri zed league of legends yassuo gragas shen vods foxdrop tsm altec lemonnation r6s ps4 pro multiplayer live subscriber count sub4sub tactical #ps4share bengals cincinnati bengals ela dirt 4 gameplay rallye spain bf1 obs get subscribers fast madden 18 franchise toke derek carr elgato hd60 playstaytion uncharted: the lost legacy pc gameplay bears chicago bears Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ by AlwaysBeGaming420 Channels
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