#dont let this fool you i struggle drawing them
Padoru season coming. Time to change your icon👀
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i redrew it just for you anon
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teardew · 6 months
im thinking about making a patreon because i .. uh .. i cant justify drawing for myself anymore and its killing me lmao
it takes me really long to draw so any time i hav should be spent on comms... iv been trying to fight off burnout by drawing things i like inbetween commissions like that sv anatomy practice and vampire/werewolf mngling was just for me but it still ended up setting me behind schedule because i had to rest my eyes and wrist afterward. but not only that i also wanna like. make a lot more things ...
like i wanna do animal, insect, architectural, jewelry studies and fashion and character design explorations and try designing icon packs and branch out trying embroidery with mixed media and clothes making and get into making like 3d things with clay and soft sculptures. i wanna make historical fashion coloring books with việt phục and fashion zines ...
also theres a lot of stuff i dont post bc im not sure if anyone would be interested in all the design concepts and notes i had for example the homestuck dreamer outfits or the various sha hualing designs and sketches i had before getting to the thing i posted? like i hav a bunch of different sqh outfit and hair designs but theyr more clothing based and not detailed character/face art ...
idk !! it sounds like an excuse. its like, who cares just post it ! i know i shouldnt value my art by the amount of numbers i get from posting on social media and i dont mostly but its kinda unavoidable ? to me ? i know i only post fanart and ppl follow me for that and its not a bad thing ! being realistic i just dont think anybody but me would be interested in it ??
i dont know. god. i dont know what this post is about. ''i dont think anybody would be interested in the things i really wanna make'' but im thinking about making a patreon for things i really wanna make anyway because thats the only way i can justify it is if i can profit off it in some way. i dont really want to, but with my financial circumstances i dont know. i never wanted to make my livelihood off my art. i dont even consider or call myself an ''artist'' really, i just want to MAKE art
i dont know why i still cant find a steady job after 5 months applying to everything and its making me miserable. its embarassing, they say to be persistent with jobs but calling and even walking in to check on applications and watching employers awkwardly try to turn me away without just flat out telling me no even though none of them hire me is an exercise in public humiliation. how bad do you want a job? bad enough to make a fool of myself with nothing to show for it. and i want to make art for myself to cope but it takes too much time and time is money
maybe this post is about my art anxiety under capitalism. i dont know
i think im safe enough now to admit my friends gofundme i was posting about months ago about helping their friend escape their abusive household was actually my gofundme because i was worried about them finding out and preventing me from leaving or internet stalking me afterwards. i did hav a scare when i got a phone call i thought was from my brother but ended up being a police officer, whos my mother's friend ...
but anyways. me admitting this is just to give context that. i ran hundreds of miles away from financial security and everything i ever knew and im still struggling to find steady income nearly half a year later. i just dont understand what im doing wrong. is it my name? is it because im not from here? iv been working continuously ever since i could legally my resume isnt BAD. am i just stupid? should i have just tried to make peace with my lot in life?
i thought getting away from my family would let me be in a better place to create more art, thats one of the things i was so excited about but this feels just as stressful as when i was the only earner supporting my family during covid. i just want a stable job so i can make art. i dont want making art to be my Job. i dont want to be a ''starving artist'' begging for people to care about my art i just want to make art. but fuck i dont know how to sustain any of this
sorry for this mess. insurance is different out here and i havnt been able to find a psych either so its not like i can talk about this in therapy instead of venting on my art blog. all my life i wanted to make things without the fear of it all being destroyed. the main reason i havnt branched out from illustrations is because its entirety can be saved digitally even if its physically ruined. my sketchbooks were thrown away or ripped apart by my family either from carelessness or anger to hurt me but now that im finally enough safe to have them again or make something i can hold in my hands without the fear that someone will come in break it and make me clean up its corpse i cant afford it
i dont know what to do. is it worth it? is making art worth it? i mean. its worth the rent this month. and i still love drawing god this is probably bad for business because i dont want people to feel bad for commissioning me or anything but not to be dramatic why does it feel like im fucking dying
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liamthemailman · 7 months
yuo have 4 hoc characters right. ,,,..... what if joker card (probably would be the side characters of side characters)
when i first read this the image of a tactical jester appeared in my mind and im. kinda not liking it
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okay but like. this? the joker card in HoC? i saw this ask come in and i keep thinking about it... i hope you don't mind if i ramble
i can't really think of an OC based on the Joker because i already wrote Jack's character to be a wild card, i.e. being chaotic in personality, unpredictable, little to no regard for rules. he fits the role if you think about it
that and i based the characters off the suitmarks first before assigning them what face they got, rather than the alternative. and i know the joker card doesnt have a suitmark but i also dont really wanna draw a jester emblem when the others are so easy lol
then i left it out because i had no idea how to fit in a comedy character into the House of Cards yk? i'm already not funny and i'm not about to add the Joker into the AU and the callsign Joker seems really mean considering there's a callsign that's like 'King'
and i don't know how to write like, a side character well (i struggled writing Price as just a passing figure(i struggle writing in general))
back when House of Cards were in it's first drafts, all the way back when i even considered drawing out a comic for it (Act 1 alone would have taken me half a year to produce), i wanted to put in a background character that would appear just before a catastrophe happens. sort of like an omen
hell, i wanted to put my sona in the background to act as an omen/easter egg/4th wall break or whatever but thought against it since i think it would immediately take away all the seriousness in the scene (and its lowkey cringe lets be fr)
i soon settled to just fics and the idea of adding said background character was tossed aside
i suppose the joker card position remains unfilled? we'll see how things go but i'm curious how a joker character would fit in
a more rowdy and chaotic version of Jack? a funny guy who cracks jokes over comms to alleviate tensions? or maybe just a passing person who disrupts the storyline like a butterfly effect? a random person for any of the existing HoC characters to interact with like a confidant? or maybe a friend for Jack, someone young and fun like him who she can relate to.
maybe it doesn't have to be just the one joker too. maybe it's how Queen views useless soldiers or King referring to FNGs that make fools out of themselves. people in the background with no real value to even be worth mentioning.. not a lot of positive connotations with jokers really,,
i'd like to hear your ideas too anon. ramble with me.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
List of Yan!Idol Event Producers/Assistants:
This will be frequently updated! I'm not posting all anons at once, but I'll spoil the first five who guaranteed a spot: 🕯️ anon, bao bei anon, 🐠 anon, 🕊️ anon, and 🦊 anon!
Producer Lumine: if you sent your request on my inbox and NOT the google forms link as instructed in the guidelines, I'll ignore it. I'm sorry, but Madam Alice will literally blow me up if we hired you without going through her "interview" process.
Dandelion anon: "I'd like to think that my strengths come from my ability to read the room and consider the feelings of everyone whilst still using logic (and not letting it cloud me, so you can call me balanced?). I've been told that I naturally exude a comforting aura and it makes others feel safe around me! I am also quite affectionate and loves to dote on those I love. As for weaknesses, I tend to find more stability in planning, so I may lack a bit in the spontaneity department (but I'd be willing to be more spontaneous with someone who brings out that side of me). I also tend to give advices to others, but struggle to practice them myself at times T-T"
Lumine's notes: "smarter than average, plays a sport/knows martial arts, fond of cleaning". Alright then, you're Heizou's producer. Can't say you can get used to his "spontaneity" quickly... I'm sorry for that.
"Esther" anon: I like jazz music. I dont like rap, but i can appreciate a good melody. I especially like rock, rnb and some pop, specifically the ones with angsty breakup songs as the main point. I like to draw, especially the eyes and the hands. You’d be surprised how much personality is in those. Dont give me that look. I dont have a fetish. I really, really like the sun. I dont like cold weather. But i have this…thing where i drink the coffee in the afternoon, and eat popsicles when it rains. It gives off that…synergy, y’know. Also hot soups best meal ever. Mushroom soup beloved like HHHHH
Lumine's notes: "nosy, likes angst, does theater/spoken word" Hmm... I think you'd do fine with Mister Alberich... I think he'd be quite fond of you.
🕊️ anon: My main personality traits are that I am loud, bubbly, enthusiastic, energetic, easygoing and very kind! My friends always praise my intuition and are always amazed at how I am able to tell what they're feeling - they can never fool me! For my worst personality traits I'd definitely say that I'm really lazy and leave everything in the last minute and that I can get really sensitive sometimes. I'm also very self conscious of how I look which isn't good because I always end up downplaying myself in one way or the other. I can also be VERY scatterbrained, no seriously, it's amazing and kind of pathetic at how easily I forget things... I love history, mythologies and fairy tales, reading manga and watching anime, being with friends!!
Lumine's notes: "well put-together, into soft yanderes, laughs a lot, 'nosy'," amongst other things– *sigh* why am I even evaluating this? This is Diluc's producer.
Snailnom: I may have issues with vulnerability, empathy, and may be extremely touchy, but I'm the best person to be around when you're feeling down. I'll give great distractions and I'm always willing to talk! I'm just fantastic! And that's not the ego talking since I am also the most humble person ever! I am literally perfect! In everyway. I put my all into everything I care about! Which is.. unfortunately, not much outside of friendships. I have bits of trust issues, but that’s not a problem, since you can trust me! Totally! I am your friend and DEFINITELY not an enabler first, friend second. I would do petty crimes with you! I would go wild! I will eat a grape off the floor! Go apeshit! Do no harm!! I'm also a cheapskate, I'd prefer gifts you'd find down the street: like a piece of shiny glass, a smooth rock, a blade of grass, literally anything but something that could cause money! But uhoh! That might have been a lie! Not a complete one though, never those, after all.. The best lies have bits of truth in it! I do like gifts you'd find on the street, but I do like things you spend money on. Ehehehehehehe~ I am both cautious and reckless. I will jump headfirst off a (reasonable) height with no hesitation while be too scared to go down a crowded road by myself. Speaking of doing things by myself, I don't like doing that, and would love to do things with a friend if possible. I love the simple things... Like world domination and trying to eat an entire bag of fries in a few seconds. Ah, the good life is my life.
Lumine's notes: Pfft– haha! I don't even wanna read the rest. I just wanna see you produce Itto. (ps: you definitely got this job because of your energy. Even your other answers solidified it. This is fate–)
Fox: Strengths - Patient, persistent, responsible, witty, loyal and kind Weaknesses - Cautious, sensitive, very serious, low confidence/self worth and indecisive. Interests - gaming, drawing, thought proving exchanges with friends, watching youtube videos, travelling, and eating good food. First appearances: I’m probably one of the most god awkward and reserved people you will ever meet. I will give close answers and forgot how to function out of shock. Despite a million thoughts going on in my brain. But aside from that I’m a pretty chill person from what my friends tell me and can be mysterious, unpredictable at times. Have a huge sweet tooth for sweets and snacks an awful lot. My mind is logical but chaotic at the same time wanting to multitask through 5 other things trying to be efficient as possible. But even then mid way I probably get distracted by something else not even related to the tasks I was doing in the first place.
Lumine's note: I hesitated on whether or not Mister Kamisato gets with Fox because they're compatible or with Producer Hundred for the chaos... But there's just no way I'm robbing Mister Kamisato a chance of a great work partner given how overworked he is. Fox's a smart person, I think Ayato would grow fond of them in due time. He does have a thing for dogs, after all...
mei ✾: i'm creative but also logical. normally very easygoing but serious about my job. i have a lot of love to give! i tend to express my love with physical touch and quality time. i dislike confrontations and will try to avoid it at all costs. i'm shy and find it difficult to talk with strangers (although i do a 180 once i'm comfortable with someone) i'm bad at keeping up communications because 1) i always feel that i'm bothering people or 2) some days i just don't have the energy for it. i struggle a lot with body image especially for myself. - taste in music: i love everything tbh! from pop to kpop to country to cpop to game osts, as long as i like how it sounds, i add it to my playlist haha
Alhaitham's voicemail: "I hired them because they have a neat handwriting. That's all. What? "I don't believe you"...? F-Fine. I hired them because I knew them from before. They're incredibly smart, logical, great at math, and a realist. That's all you need to know."
Solitary anon: My strengths? Probably communications and creativity. I've met loads of people in the past so I'm able to adjust myself to everyone around me. I like to create a balance and it often results with me being the 'trustworthy' or 'reliable' friend. But as I get more comfortable around people, I get a bit more talkative and my humour starts to shine through, My weaknesses is probably the fact that I adjust myself to everyone around me (its a strength and a weakness). I have the constant need to be perfect, to be liked, and I know it's damn impossible to be like that - but I still try. So I end up being pushed over easily and social gatherings exhaust me (as much as I like them,) I really like to write and do art! It's one of my outlets and I've been enjoying it ever since I was younger. I write my own novels aside from fanfiction and I even drew comics! I'm pretty smart but too lazy to study much (unless I like it). My absolute favorite color is blue (im like a moth and blue is my light). I love to game and I also like to listen to music. My style is dark academia and Idk what more to say?
Cyno's voicemail: "Tighnari, I met someone who can understand me. They like dogs. Hmm? Oh. They also like dark academia, tabletop games, a realist-- You're not interested?... Understood."
Bakery anon: "I’m a bit of a bookworm (I own atleast 14 poetry books and..more other books) however I also am quite fond of baking! Though aside from that I’m described as motherly and loyal by my friends."
Dottore's coffee-table book record: "Smart and creative. A perfectly fine mindset, can certainly handle others, a creative– an asset that can be used as a clean-up slave... Hmm, this specimen will prove to be most useful."
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2-kamikou-1 · 2 years
So I'm infodumping about all my prsk autistic hcs!
Ichika: (i stole this hc from my friend so I'm gonna paraphrase them some + some things I've observed myself) she's kind of awkward around people who aren't her friends and even then it takes her a while to really be herself around them because she fears that autistic traits drive people away. i smell masking. also miku special interest and she seems to sometimes have trouble communicating her emotions
saki and honami: pure vibes honestly idk it just feels that way. saki sometimes struggles with volume control just like her brother but that's also just one thing ive noticed. idk i dont really pay attention to l/n
shiho: her eyes almost always seem to be averted in her live2d models, in cards where they're talking to people they also appear that way, and even in her 2* they don't appear to be looking into the camera (?), all of which give me the impression of poor eye contact. She seems to struggle with tone, almost always sounding mean/upset without meaning to or even realizing, and has trouble communicating things in ways that aren't blunt. This can sometimes also cause them to say things that are inappropriate for the situation
Minori: haruka/idolship special interest, and we also see her struggle with spatial awareness from time to time, like in the Angel's clover 3dmv she stumbles, and other kinds of general physical awkwardness like that one clip from gunjo sanka. She also has that type of black and white thinking where the first thing she thinks is what she goes with and hard to stray from even if it's incorrect, as shown in the opening to the time to hang out event, where she claims she's "missed the only chance to learn about the Haruka she never knew" despite the fact she had the opportunity to meet up with An again, and when Kohane suggests that she tries to dodge it at first. She also seems to have a hard time making her voice flow naturally, in some mmj covers you can kind of hear her trying really hard to sound good instead of just letting her voice flow
Kohane: general social awkwardness, she seems to have an ability to pick up on music and rhythm just by listening to it. She doesn't seem to pick up on Akito's derogatory tone when reffering to Tsukasa (not by name) in that one area conversation ("My school has this wacko who likes to walk around drawing attention to himself by making random poses"), because she proceeds to say she might ask him for tips on how to be confident. In that same area conversation she worries about drawing attention to herself and refuses to look up. She doesn't understand that An's joking when she says she got 100% on her test on April fool's day, yet another example of her not catching onto tone. In one of her dialogs she hears a cricket chirping in the busy city which is not something neurotypical people can pick out typically!
Toya: he doesn't seem to make a lot of jokes, which is likely because he doesn't catch on to them very well. His speaking voice is sort of flat/monotone, and his facial expressions don't vary much either. His issues with eating squid due to its texture can be chalked up to sensory issues. I think he may also have spatial awareness issues but that one's a little far fetched, seeing as he apparently hits his head off train handles.
might i add, kohane and toya get on in a way only 2 autistic people get along. it's hard to explain they just have that dynamic
long post on the entirety of wxs being autistic
Kanade: she doesn't like the sunlight probably due to sensory issues, and in one area conversation she says she'll wait for a movie to hit streaming because it's too noisy outside to go to the theatre. also sensory stuff! She avoids breaks and resists change, wearing and eating the same stuff every day for the sake of consistency. (These can also be signs of ADHD too but I'm choosing to interpret them as autism because comfort)
Mafuyu: mafuyu is a very good example of the loss of identity that is associated with masking and RSD, both things that can happen in autism. this post explains it in more detail, but in the most simple terms, this happens when an autistic (or any neurodivergence that involves RSD) person creates what are called identity masks to deal with people who are unresponsive to their needs. As they treat personalities like clothes and mirror other people, they start to lose sight of their own identity. That's why we see mafuyu so deadpan when she takes off her good-girl persona, she's disconnected from her core self.
Ena: we see her have something very akin to a meltdown in insatiable pale color, when she makes a mess of all her art supplies. She can be offensive without meaning to at times, as shown in the exciting picnic event. In that same event, it's revealed that Ena defended Airi when she was getting made fun of without even knowing who she was, displaying the innate sense of justice that some autistic people have.
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liquidstar · 5 years
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I wanted to draw oc stuff so I drew some kids hanging out :) in slightly different outfits because I wanted to go for a summer vibe, now that August is coming to a close lol
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shorkbrian · 4 years
THIS ISNT A REQUEST its just me. LOOSING my mind over the Levi Ackerman stuff you write. like?????Levi injuring/hurting his s/o to make sure they dont go anywhere is so fbsjsja and accurate. I can physically SEE the way his hands would move to their knee and theyd be nervous but not sure just yet. Then he'd mention the expidition next week and just like that they'd know excatly what hes about to do.
Commander Erwin knowing but not doing anything about it because hell if humanities strongest solidier is gonna do that shit hes not gonna stop it. They're just gonna have to shh and be quiet. agsshsjsna I love that youd exposed me to this lmao
kashfaskak big Brian time omg
(What To Expect - no NSFW, bone breaking)
You’d get called to his office, hands sweaty and maybe shaking a bit as you open the door.
Levi’s standing at the window, looking out as he thought about who-knows-what, but he turns when you enter, indicating for you to sit.
He starts talking to you, menial conversation that is flavorless and dry, not filled with his common veiled threats or dark confessions of all the things he wants to subject you to.
Levi steps around behind you, hands falling heavy on your shoulders, and you both pretend not to see the violent flinch that the movement draws from you. Levi knows you’re afraid of him, but that works in his favor. 
You aren’t sure what he wants from you yet, maybe a blowjob? But he’s still talking, small hands beginning to knead at the muscles of your shoulders, finding the knots, the sore muscles and digging into them painfully. 
Long moments pass of Levi’s low voice filling your ear, his fingers pushing down hard into your muscles, making you wince and struggle to not move away from his touch.
But it hurts.
When he finally lets up on the painful massage you breathe a sigh of relief. The relief is short lived as he moves to your side, trailing his fingers down your arm to your hand, tracing over the tendons there with a foreboding sense of finality.
“Levi sir?” You question as he falls silent, the man intently studying your hand. He rubs his thumb over the callouses lining your fingers, the callouses that all cadets gain from operating the omni-directional mobility gear. Levi himself has similar callouses, although his are deeper and far rougher, his experience and expertise evident in the scars and weathered skin on his hands.
He lifts one of your hands as he studies it, bringing it closer to his face. You let him, just as you always do. Levi is not to be disobeyed. Maybe he’s in the mood for a hand job today?
“The upcoming expedition is going to be.... difficult.”
Your blood runs ice cold, filling your body with frost and snow. You feel like you can’t move. This can't be going anywhere good.
“I’m expecting there to be heavy losses.” The man continues, moving your fingers, bending them. “It’s a shitty fool’s errand, trying to drive back the titans that far from the wall.”
You want to snatch your hand away, but his grip is becoming increasingly tighter, one of his hands circling around your wrist to hold you fast. There’s an inkling in the back of your brain that whatever is going to happen will hurt. Levi’s going to hurt you.
“I’m ready to serve the regiment in whatever way necessary Sir.” You whisper, watching Levi play with your hand as if it were a toy that he didn’t understand.
The man nodded his head slowly, before his eyes flicked to yours. “That’s what makes you such a fine cadet. The best, actually. Always willing to do whatever your leaders command...”
What was he getting at?
“Sir? Is something wrong?” The silence is stifling, you have to ask. Maybe he just wanted to talk, maybe he just wanted to caution you about getting rest or tell you to train more. Maybe he’d act like a normal captain, and treat you like a normal cadet.
Levi sighed heavily, before the hand caressing your own stilled. “If I ordered you to stay behind, I know you’d feel guilty. Your comrades would wonder why you’re getting special treatment, the other officers would bitch and moan like whiny little piss babies about how I’m showing weakness. There’s no way for me to ensure your safety.”
The words he spoke were true.
“It’s alright Sir, I can take care of myself. I don’t need protection.”
Your hand was crushed in a painfully tight grip, Levi leaning over your chair. 
“You’re so naive. You’d get killed before you could step outside the wall.” He spoke quietly, grey eyes boring into your own, insistent.
He was scaring you.
Not knowing how to respond, you stayed silent, trying to shrink back in your chair, away from the heavy presence of your captain. The man clicked his tongue, before straightening again.
His eyes moved from your face to your hand, where he paused, before taking a closer look.
“Ah, but my finest cadet can’t go over the wall with such an injury. Stupid brat, should’ve gone to the med unit.”
What was he talking about? What injury?
You voiced your confused thoughts, and Levi grimaced, lips drawn in a thin line, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Your fucking hand, it’s broken. You broke it trying to get in some extra training with your ODM gear, didn’t you?”
“Sir, I don’t understa-”
Blinding pain lanced up your arm, and you doubled over in your chair, trying to pull your crushed hand out of Levi’s grip as you cried out.
The man kept a straight face, although a part of him felt sorrow for your pain. But it was necessary.
Another deft move with his fingers, and one of your fingers snapped like a twig, the sharp crack resounding in the room above your pained whimpers.
“Sir!?!” You cried, Levi finally allowing you to wrench your hand out of his grip, clutch the mangled extremity to your chest.
He’d broken your hand.
Levi had shattered the fine bones across the back in a terrifying display of strength, before cleanly breaking on of your fingers.
“A pity, I could’ve used you on the expedition. Too bad your shitty hand is broken.” His voice was flat as he stepped away from you, rounding his desk to sit in his chair with finality. “You should get it looked at, otherwise it’ll heal weird and you’ll be an ugly cripple.” 
You felt like screaming, anger welling up inside.
A knock on the door startled you, Levi uttering a soft “come in” before you could say or do anything.
Commander Erwin stepped inside, blue eyes flitting between you, Captain Levi, and your broken hand. There was a moment of stillness in the room.
You couldn’t let Captain Levi get away with such flagrant abuse.
“Commander Erwin! Captain Levi broke my hand.” You explained, rising to your feet.
Bushy blonde eyebrows raised slightly, but Erwin didn’t seem surprised. No, he seemed... disappointed?
“It appears so. Go get it set and bandaged Cadet, you’re relieved of duty at this time.”
You couldn’t believe your ears.
Commander Erwin believed you, he just didn’t care.
It seem that Captain Levi was allowed free reign
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dumbgothbunny · 3 years
Just a taste (Kanato x Reader)
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Authors note: So I had this idea brewing in my head for a few days. I never have time to write but I managed to do this on the notes in my phone during my down time. I haven’t written actual years so I really hope it’s not total ✨garbage✨ also I hope I did Kanato’s character justice 😭
TW’s under the
TW: Non-con, Lactation, fingering, smut, sorta losing your virginity to fingering,being drugged by Reiji
 ~ * ~
The door pushed open with a creak, cool night air burning your aching lungs. With heavy limbs you manage to stagger down the stairway, bare feet scraping uncomfortably against the stone. You had to keep running, or else he’d find you.
You were a fool for accepting his drink, for thinking that maybe he’d show you some mercy, that the notion had been pure. Yes, you were complete moron for trusting any of the Sakamaki brothers, Reiji included.
Your legs carried on, heavy and weak. Further, just a little further and you could hide in the bushes of the garden and collect yourself.
Your body was burning inside and out, your nerves aching with pain and pleasure. The buttons of your blouse felt tight around your chest, the cotton constricting and rubbing uncomfortably against your stiffened nipples. Whatever Reiji had put in your drink was strong, it was doing things to your body you’d never felt before. Every movement sent your nerves aflame. You round the corner of the mansion, relief flooding through your body. Almost, you were almost there just a little bit more. Pushing yourself farther into the garden on heavy legs, you’re almost to a thick row of bushes-
A small Yelp bubbles up in your throat, your body falling forward and onto the grass. Crumping into a ball, the tears that had been threatening to spill over finally release.
“Ne... Teddy.. look... I knew I smelled something sweet...”
Your body instantly stiffens, the scratch of the grass sending electric shocks down your heated skin. Kanato Sakamaki stands, his favorite teddy bear clutched in his arms. He tilts his head, amethyst eyes wide with curiosity.
“Say, Why are you out here at this time of the night?”
There’s a sharp pain in your side, the force of Kanato’s shoe enough to roll you over onto your back. You gaze up at the full moon, chest heaving. What had you done to deserve this?
“ Don’t ignore me!”
You whine, your eyes moving to settle on the lavender haired vampire who is now straddling your leg, his prized possession resting against the headstone of his late mother. You’re painfully aware of his knee, which is shoved up between your thighs. Through harsh breaths you manage to whimper out.
“I-I’m Sorry”
He smiles. It’s not a sweet smile, but a smile of a predator who has just stumbled upon the most delicious pray.
“I’m thirsty, ne... Teddy what do you say we get a drink?”
Your heart pounds against your chest, another whine passing your lips as he leans over you, nosing your neck. The heat flooding through your body heightens, the pleasure of skin to skin contact overwhelming you. Your mind is muddled, tongue thick. The vampire presses his leg upward, knee digging into the fabric of your underwear. You yelp, nails gripping at the dirt beside you.
You’re painfully aware of his chest, pressing down against your own, of the way his fingers toy with your collar.
Kanato continues to nuzzle your flesh, hands roaming from your collar to play with the sides of your shirt.
“Smells so sweet... I’ve got to...”
Your body arches as he sinks his fangs into your skin. Kanato shifts on his knee, allowing for one of his hands to groap at your aching breast. You gasp, arms moving to wrap around him, fingers desperately clawing at his back.
“P-please Kanato-Kun S-St-“
You’re cut off by the vampire digging his fangs in deeper. Against your will, your body reacts, grinding up against his knee. The motion sends sparks of pleasure surging through you. Everything was heightened, so much so that it was almost painful. Kanato squeezes your chest. The dirtiest moan you’ve ever heard spills from your lips.
Abruptly, the vampire pulls away from you, his eyes filled with fury.
“What the... What did you just do to me!?”
Your vision, which had started to double, returns. For a moment you’re confused, until you see something slick coating his fingers. You push yourself up on your elbows, looking down at your chest. Your blouse was soaked; two distinctive wet stains against your nipples, trails leading down to stop at your stomach. Your face flushes, heart sinking. There was no way.
Kanato’s disgust quickly turns into something else. Whatever you’d just done- it smelled almost as good as your blood. You watch in shame as the vampire moves his fingers to his bloodied mouth, licking at them, smearing the blood against his pale skin. He lets out an animalistic moan, something you thought you’d never hear from him, of all Sakamaki brothers.
“More... I want.... more.”
You try to fight him back, but he overpowers you, ripping your blouse violently. Buttons fly across the garden, rolling through the dirt. He doesn’t bother with your bra, tugging it down over the soft flesh of your breasts. You look away, cheeks burning in shame. You’d managed to make it a week without any of them seeing you like this- but to think Kanato would be the first...
“Ahh...Teddy. Look how sweet her skin looks.... I want to paint it red...”
His eyes trace every inch of your exposed flesh, the look on his face enough to make your skin crawl. The hardened flesh of your nipples grabs his attention, rose pink and weeping with a sweet smelling white substance. It’s thick in the air, mixed with the scent of your blood. You try to cover yourself, but Kanato is quick to smack your arms away, his knee grinding up into your soaked panties.
You flinch at his shout.
“Dont try to hide it anymore! Or else I -I ‘ll really hurt you!”
You stop struggling, biting your tongue to keep the tears at bay. The night air is cool against your exposed, supple skin. You whimper as the vampire traces your nipple with the tip of his tongue, collecting the oozing liquid from your breast. He moans softly, the sound almost a purr.
“Ne.... put your hands in my hair....”
You do as your told, trembling fingers weaving through silky lavender. Kanato shudders, his lips encasing your swollen nipple. You arch into him against your own will, the pressure in your chest slowly relieving itself. His tongue twists, a fang scraps against the sensitive skin of your areola.
He chuckles against your nipple, the vibration sending sparks down through your nerves. You’re all too aware of his hand, which is slowly making its way down your bare ribs, cool skin soothing the heat that’s burning under the surface. Your fingers grip at his hair, not to harshly. You don’t want to make him angry, not when he’s acting like this.
“So sweet...Hey, Doll. Do you think it’ll taste sweeter mixed with blood?”
Your captor looks up at you, milk dribbling down his chin. The sight is alone causes your legs to tremble.
“I -I don’t-“
He doesn’t let you finish your thought. Not that you could anyway. The fog of drugs makes it almost impossible for you to form thoughts or words now, the only thing in your mind is Kanato. There’s a familiar sting as his fangs puncture your breast. You shudder, bucking your clothed sex up against his leg. You’re desperate for him, every nerve in your body is screaming for his touch. He sucks you, drawing in not only your blood, but the sweet nectar leaking from your nipple. It’s too much, this sensation is driving you wild. The noises your making are shameful and the way you’re dry humping against his leg is equally as degrading. He doesn’t comment on this though, Instead he unlatches from your breast, moving to the other.
Your head is swimming, pleasure and pain and heat sending you into delirium. Your head lulls to the side, eyes clouded from pleasure. Kanato punctures your other breast, his tongue lapping and sucking against your weeping nipple. The cool touch of his fingertips travels lower, skipping over your waist line and right up your thigh, below the fabric of your school skirt. A moan hitches in your throat. He couldn’t possibly be thinking-
“Neee... girls like it when you make them feel good, right? You’re rutting against me so shamefully.. I should make you feel good, so you’ll let me drinking more of you, right?”
His voice is velvety smooth, the sound alone enough to coax your legs apart. Kanato moves his knee, which is slick with your juices.
“P-please don’t I’ve never-“
Your pleas fall on deaf ears. The vampire above you slurps against your skin, his cool fingers slipping under the already drenched cloth of your panties to delve between your thighs. It stings.
Your legs flail weakly, your cry of mixed pleasure and pain echoing into the cold night. Kanato grunts as your fingers dig into his scalp, but he doesn’t say anything. You’re too delicious to be separated over something so small. His other hand, the one that’s not knuckle deep in your cunt, is gripping at your own hair. A garbled sob passes your lips, but you’re not sure if it’s from pleasure or devastation.
A man has never held you like this before- has never violated you in such a way. Eventually Kanato growls against your skin, letting your breast go with an audible pop.
“Stop squirming! I’m trying to make you feel good! If you keep it up I’ll stop and just let you suffer!”
You do as you’re told, the look in his eyes alone is enough to let you know he’s absolutely feral right now. He begins moving his fingers, scissoring you open eagerly. Kanato’s lips trail along your nipple, a fang poking at its tip. You jerk involuntarily, the movement pressing your cunt up into his fingers. Your head falls back, body arching into him. He laughs. The sound is cruel and if you weren’t so far gone it might send chills up your spine.
“The better you feel the sweeter your taste gets... I’m the first one to do this to you..?”
You nod your head, eyes closed.
Kanato grins, pressing a third finger into your weeping heat. He begins to stroke his thumb against your clit, the movement soft and gentle. Your eyes widen, fresh tears trailing down your cheeks. The vampire looks up at you, watching your every expression as he strings you along.
“Nee~ yes Teddy, I agree... she’ll be perfect for my collection”
Your heart is pounding in your ears. With each heave of your chest milk cascades down your breast and onto your ribs. Kanato presses his tongue against the fallen droplets, licking back up to take one of your once bitten nipples back into his mouth. You try to focus on anything but the sensations bursting through you, try to still your hips against his fingers, but it’s no use. You’re riding him, letting him take you in to the knuckle. The pad of his thumb circling your slickend nub.
His fangs pierce you again, the pain quickly turning into pleasure. Your eyes fixate on the small bear sitting atop a headstone. Shame twists in your gut. To be doing such a thing here...
The drumming of your heartbeat gets faster, your vision slowly going dark around the edges. Ecstasy is close, your body threatening to melt around Kanato’s fingers despite your better judgement.
“K-Kanato-Kun please. Please d-don-“
Your toes arch, digging into the dirt.
No. No no no this can’t be happening.
Your captor hums against your breast, drinking down both of your delicious essence. Kanato isn’t the least bit surprised when your walls spasm around his three fingers, nor is he surprised when your juices violently push against his hand, only to drip out of you like a leaking faucet. He’d read about that in one of Laito’s books. The fact he’d made you feel so good was more than pleasing to him. It awakened a sickening obsession.
You slouch back onto the ground whimpering, mind pleasantly numb. The fingers that had been tangled in Kanato’s hair were now resting on the ground beside you. The vampire unlatches from your body and pulls his fingers from your throbbing heat. He kneels back, licking each one from knuckle to tip. You look completely spent, tear stains marring your usually perfect skin. He nudges your legs apart, curiously peaking at what he’d just been assaulting. Kanato licks his lips, then stands.
“Get up. It would be bad if my brothers found you out here. You’re my favorite toy and they’d break you.”
When you don’t move he scowls.
“Tch. I said get up!”
He bends to the side, curiously looking at your crumpled form.
“Eh~ Teddy. I think she passed out.”
After a few moments the vampire nods at his companion.
“You’re right Teddy. It would be a problem. I dont like my idiot brothers playing with my toys. They always break them.”
Kanato picks up your limp body with no problem, swiping Teddy from the tombstone of his departed mother and gently, every so carefully setting him against his abs and on your tummy. He hums delightfully as he practically skips inside. The door had been left open, making it easier for him to get in. He kicks it closed before making his way to his room.
Your head is pounding, your limbs feel heavy and tired, but your body is no longer overly hot and sensitive. The first thing that registers in your sleep-fogged mind is the tenderness of your chest. The next thing you’re aware of is the cool body pressed against yours.
Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the dim daylight that peeks through purple blackout curtains. The silky sheets draped over your body feel amazing. You try to move carefully, unaware of your surroundings.
The soft snore makes you stop moving. Your heart leaps out of your chest. Suddenly everything from the previous night comes rushing back. You’re overly aware of the fact You’re no longer in your own clothes. A soft cardigan has been buttoned around your body, loose and inviting. It smells like Kanato. Tufts of purple peek out from under the comforter and you feel like you’re about to scream. He’s latched onto you, arms tightly holding you against him. His cool cheek is pressed in between your breasts. You don’t risk trying to get away. If you were to wake the sleeping vampire no doubt he’d be ill.
After the shock subsides you try to get comfortable again. Your body is aching, sore from the previous trist you’d had in the garden. Your fingers gently comb through lavender locks, your eyes slowly closing once more.
“Just relax”
You tell yourself silently.
“Just go back to sleep. You need to recover”
After a few moments you drift back off, nuzzling your nose against the top of Kanato’s head.
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
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PART 3 | previously: part 2 | masterlist
pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem! reader
ratings/warnings: swearing, fighting
synopsis: When UA’s hot heads, Katsuki Bakugou and you, are forced to put your hatred for each other aside and plan the third year Prom, things end up getting a little heated...
a/n: hello friends, i hope you all are doing well<3 taglist is open so just lmk if you’d like to be added :)) enjoy xx
three: sorry
You sat through the rest of class, watching your classmates battle each other. You wrapped up the cut on your arm and you were good to go. When the school day was finally finished, you headed back to your dorm and changed out of your uniform and into something more comfortable. You began to head down to the basement when you came across Todoroki.
“Hey Shoto, sorry about that,” you said nervously, pointing to the bandaid on his cheek.
“Don’t worry about it. You put up a good fight and looks like I got you too ,” he replied.
“Barely. You better beat me next time,” you smiled. He nodded.
“Don’t worry, I will.” You and Shoto parted your ways and you went down to the basement. The door was propped open. Bakugou was flipping through the folder that Aizawa had given you both.
“Hey…” you said. He didn’t look at you.
“So uh, how should we split up the work?” You asked. He still ignored you. Getting annoyed at this point, you snatched the folder from him.
“Listen, you were the one who said you wanted to split up the work for this fucking dance so we have to talk in order to have that happen. What’s going on? You seem more pissed off than usual,” you complained. Bakugou looked at you, gritting his teeth.
“I’m fine dumbass. Just tired,” he mumbled.
“Sure you are.” You grabbed a stool and sat next to Bakugou. He rolled his eyes.
“Well damn you don’t need to be that close to me,” he said. You sighed, losing your patience.
“Bakugou, we both need to take a look at the papers. If I could I would be on the other side of the world to stay away from you.”
You looked down at the list of everything that needed to get done.
“Okay so for starters we should order the stuff that will take longer to get here. That would probably be decorations and stuff like that,” you said.
“We’d need to pick a theme before we order decorations,” replied Bakugou.
“Oh true. Okay um, any ideas?” You asked. Bakugou got up, walked over to a box, and pulled out 3 magazines. He sat back down.
“The theme packs that are crossed out are ones that have already been used. The themes circled are the ones within our budget. And the ones with check marks are the themes that we could get but we would have to cut back on other stuff to pay for it,” explained Bakugou. Your eyes widened.
“Did you organize this?”
“Yeah. I did it after class.”
“Okay okay. I just didn’t think you cared.”
“I can not care and still want to do it right. Remember if we do a shit job Aizawa’s gonna fail us or something.”
I forgot about that part.
“Okay well which of them do you like best?” You asked. Bakugou opened up the second catalog and turned a few pages. He pointed to a theme.
“This ones okay...I guess,” he whispered. You peered over at the theme, a smile creeping onto your face.
“I like that one too,” you said. Bakugou looked at you.
“Yeah, and its within our budget, so I think it’s a good choice.”
Bakugou cleared his throat.
“Cool um, I’ll grab a laptop so we can place the order.” Bakugou got up abruptly and walked upstairs.
Is he always in a hurry?
As you waited for Bakugou to get back, you began compiling a list of the work you would need to do. You decided to take more of the creative lead and began putting together a design for the tickets. You wanted it to match the theme that you and Bakugou had chosen.
“You can draw?” said Bakugou, peaking over your shoulder. You jumped.
“Jesus shithead you can’t just scare me like that,” you said, hitting his arm. Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“I thought you were only good at one thing,” he muttered. You turned to look at him.
“And what might that one thing be?”
“So you admit I’m a good fighter.” Bakugou got flustered.
“NO I'M JUST SAYING YOU DON'T TOTALLY SUCK ASS,” he replied, “I’m still better though.”
“Well I hate to break it to you Bakugou but I’m a girl of many talents. So yes I can draw. Can’t you cook or something?”
Bakugou’s eyes widened.
“How’d you know that?”
“I remember from the training camp. You helped cook almost every meal,” you explained.
“Can we not talk about the camp,” he whispered. Your chest got heavy.
“Shit um I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine just drop it,” he said firmly. You nodded.
“Um, did you place the order?” You asked quietly.
“What does it look like I’m doing,” huffed Bakugou.
“Yeah sorry.”
“Why do you apologize so damn much?”
“I-I uh, sorry, wait no-” you stuttered out. Bakugou continued typing.
“You should save sorry’s for when they actually matter,” he muttered. You tilted your head.
“So they don’t always matter?”
“Well if you say the word so damn much it just becomes another useless word. Then when you actually mean it, it’s pointless,” he explained. You never really thought about it like that.
“I guess you’re right. Then I’m totally not sorry,” you joked. Bakugou let out a small chuckle.
“Okay nerd, keep drawing your stupid ticket.”
You and Bakugou worked in silence for the rest of the time you spent in the basement. You checked the time.
“We’ve been down here for like 2 hours. I feel like that’s enough for today,” you said. Bakugou looked up from his laptop.
“Uh yeah. Just let me place this last order,” he said. You nodded and began to pack up your stuff.
“Do you have the keys?” You asked. Bakugou nodded and fished the keys out of his pocket. Bakugou grabbed his things.
“Let’s go dumbass,” he said. You sighed and trailed behind him as you walked up the stairs.
The two of you went back to the dorms and saw your friends socializing in the common area.
“There you two are! We lost you after class,” said Mina, waving the two of you over.
“Yeah well party planning awaits. It’s a lot of work for just two people,” you explained, taking a seat.
“Damn right it is,” mumbled Bakugou.
“How’s the planning going?” asked Kirishima. You looked at Bakugou and smiled.
“Bakugou is having so much fun planning. He even picked the theme for the dance,” you said.
“Wait what’s the theme?” asked Mina excitedly.
“It’s a surprise,” you insisted.
“Just to clarify, Y/N is just shit at planning so I’m having to do more work,” chimed in Bakugou.
“I KNOW YOU DIDNT JUST-” You stood up but before you could go over to him, Iida had grabbed your arm, stopping you from going any farther. You huffed.
“Anyway, how’s your side Deku?” You asked. Deku had a bandage around his stomach, most likely from your doing earlier during training.
“Oh I’m all good! Recovery Girl definitely knows what she’s doing,” he smiled nervously.
“Yeah well I’m sor-, I mean uh, I hope you feel better anyway,” you replied, “you got me pretty good too Deku, so I guess we’re even,” you joked. You lifted up part of your shirt to show the bruise that Izuku had given you from his punch from earlier.
“OH MY GOSH Y/N I‘M SO SORRY!” panicked Izuku. You laughed.
“Don’t worry about it. Makes me look like a total badass,” you smiled.
“Sure it does,” mumbled Bakugou. You gave him the side eye.
“What the hell is your problem today?” You asked, crossing your arms. Bakugou stayed silent.
“God you are such a piece of shit,” you huffed. Bakugou stood up and walked over to you. He gripped the collar of your shirt, pulling you towards him.
Your blood began to boil. You kicked Bakugou in the stomach to get him to let go but his grip was so tight on you that he ripped the collar of your shirt, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. You pinned his hands down.
“Stop this at once!” ordered Iida but neither of you listened. Bakugou flipped you onto your back, almost knocking the wind out of you. He then pinned you down as well. Bakugou leaned in to look you dead in the eyes.
“Shut. Up.”
That was it. That was all you needed to be pushed over the edge. You were pissed. Words couldn’t describe your hatred for Katsuki Bakugou.
“THAT'S IT!” Before you even realized it, you were already generating a small bond to hit Bakugou with.
“Y/N NO!” yelled Deku. Just as you were about to throw it at him, Kirishima had grabbed Bakugou off of you and Deku had pulled you towards him.
“BOTH OF YOU! THIS HAS TO STOP!” Shouted Iida. Your breath was heavy as you looked at Bakugou. Kirishima had let go of him but Deku still had his grip on you.
“LET ME AT HIM! I AM SO SICK OF YOU KATSUKI!” You yelled, beginning to struggle from Deku’s arms.
“Fuck off princess. I’m going to bed,” said Bakugou, turning around and leaving.
“YOU OWE ME A NEW DAMN SHIRT!” You shouted at him but he didn’t turn to look at you.
“And here I thought the two of you were finally getting along…” mumbled Iida.
I thought so too.
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @bokutory @complimentaryhugsgirl @cloudswritings @kriswu46 @neodnyl @evivn1 @jazzylove @mileven-reddie @whalerus @misssugarless @random-fandom-girl-24 @fanfiction-and-stress @ushiwakatrash @minhoswife @addictofsupernatural @the-shota-king-masayuki ]
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
...i would like to request a part 2 of the Kennyo×Reader×Y!Nobunaga plz only if you want to I understand if you cant/dont want to I just loved it so much 😣💘❤
All For Her - Yandere!Nobunaga X Reader X Kennyo PT 2
Not gonna lie to you, it was so hard to pick an ending for this. I enjoyed writing the conclusion to this work that I'm sad to see it end. Don't worry, I have many Yandere works I'm still working on!
Because you requested for a second part, I decided to make this a bit of a more hurt/comfort type since I wanted to give you some happiness in this work.
TW: Yandere, Self-Poisoning, Hurt/comfort
"How would you like to rule the world by my side?"
Those words…
Those words were your death sentence.
"Your death will surely be my greatest victory," Nobunaga cried, swinging his sword at the monk. "The people would find it heroic how I rescued my bride from the Ikko Ikki's leader―"
"You defiled her!" Kennyo roared, unsheathing his staff. He blocked the rampant parries of the Devil King. "And you think that's love."
"This will be the last time you hold her, Kennyo."
He roared, howling at the pain of the sword. Kennyo fell to the ground, the stab to his shoulder numbing all of his senses as the blade cuts deep into his flesh.
"Perhaps YN would cast you away if I scar your face once again… Oh… How adorable she'd look to you in horror with the new scars I give you," Nobunaga teased, his menacing tone only edging his sword. "Or, I should kill you right here, and your head should be my bride's present…"
"Not so fast, Nobunaga."
A uniform of dark blue came to view, and two twin shining katanas.
"Masamune… Should I consider this a betrayal or a duel?"
"Consider this your loss," Masamune confidently chided.
"Why... Why do you defend a demon One Eyed Dragon?!"
Masamune struggles against Nobunaga's sword, pushing him away and giving distance between them. "Abbot... I'm not defending you. I'm doing this for her," He said, smiling at the man who won his Kitten's heart. "I'll let her be happy with you. Anything, just anything away from the Oda. Now go."
"You'll be in my prayers, Date."
Kennyo hung onto Ranmaru, the swishing of swords and cries of confusion dying down as Ranmaru escorts him away from the battlefield.
Masamune heaves out, taking a large blow to his chest as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven holds a sword to his neck.
"How would you like to lose the other eye for treason, Date Masamune?"
"Apologies Lord Nobunaga."
"You owe me one, Masamune."
Ieyasu and Mitsunari raised their swords at Nobunaga, blocking the oncoming attack from reaching Masamune's neck.
"Oi, Date Dragon, don't fall just yet…" Keiji said, holding onto Masamune, with Kojuro trying to stop the bleeding from Masamune's armour.
"I won't Keiji… Not until I see her happy…" He said, passing out from the fight.
"Kennyo!" You were frightened by the red stains on his kimono as Ranmaru brought him in from the battlefield. Before you confronted Kennyo, Sasuke bowed to you, joining up with his group.
"YN, I'm glad we meet again but I must go on with Kenshin's plan."
You bowed to both Sasuke and Ranmaru, appreciating their help.
You tried to wrap and dress his wound as quickly as you could, salvaging any amount of salve you could. Kennyo winced in pain, enduring it for now.
After dressing his wound, you couldn't stop shaking. He was weak at the moment, barely opening his eyes. You could feel his hand reach out to yours, and you brought it to your cheek.
"YN… I'm sorry I couldn't protect you…" He said, trembling under the thought of the battle.
"He… He did this to you…" You whispered, frightened of the thought of Nobunaga and the terror he brought on to the battlefield.
Kennyo tapped your palm once again, bringing you to listen to him. "The Date Dragon saved me, YN… For that I am grateful…" He coughed, pressing his hand down on his chest. You quickly cleaned up any saliva that seeped out, begging him to take rest.
Enough was enough, you thought.
You couldn’t afford anyone else to be hurt.
Be it your friends in the Oda; Masamune, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu…
Or be it your friends you met through Kennyo; Kenshin, Ranmaru, Yukimura…
You couldn't.
Not for your selfish reasons.
Once Kennyo had passed out, you kissed his temple, whispering your affections and apologies.
"My love… I'm sorry… Live for me, won't you?"
You ordered one of the guards to carry you on horseback as swiftly as the horse could to the battlefield. You clutched the napkin carefully, your eyes searching for the warlords.
Without hesitation, you jumped off the horse, running up to where Ieyasu and Mitsunari were holding off Nobunaga.
Ripping off your hood, you revealed yourself to the warlords. "NOBUNAGA! I CALL TRUCE!"
Nobunaga saw your face, and he blocked off his allies, reaching out to you.
"She said, she called for truce," Kenshin said, standing next to you and guarding you.
Once all the troops had returned, you allied yourself with the Uesugi-Takeda warlords as the warlords of the Oda alliance reluctantly sided with their commander.
Nobunaga spoke first, "Now, my Princess, did you call truce to willingly return to me?"
You firmly replied, casting away your anxious subconscious at the sound of his voice, "I'd be a fool."
"Instead," You spoke again. "Let the Uesugi-Takeda leave. Let me stay with them, in exchange for the Oda claiming this land and the resources here."
They did not word it, but Kenshin and Shingen stood by you with no rebuttals. Your heart stilled at their silent agreement and support.
Shingen added on, "Consider the Princess collateral for your war, Nobunaga. With her, the alliance has reason to believe you won't be a threat to us."
Nobunaga was unimpressed, reaching for his katana. "What half-assed words… There is no benefit to the Oda in this arrangement."
The other warlords of the Oda were dumbfounded. Hideyoshi spoke up, "My lord! This is considerably generous-"
"Do not cross me."
You shivered, remembering the cold tone of that voice. No, this was not the time to give in. You threatened the warlords, revealing the needle closer to your skin. "Let me go, or you will have nothing to live for, Oda Nobunaga."
Those manipulative eyes quickly looked in horror as you pricked yourself, the poison quickly drawing into your system.
"YN!" Sasuke cried out. Yoshimoto quickly caught you, but you stopped Yoshimoto from touching the wound.
"Suffer as I did, Nobunaga."
The Devil of the Sixth Heaven, in front of his vassals, fell to his knees.
"Ieyasu!" He roared. "Heal her!"
The Tokugawa lord did not budge an inch.
Ieyasu curtly responded. "Call off the war, then I'll do it."
"Too little too late, Nobunaga," Masamune said, sheathing his katana. "Your allies will abandon you if you go on with this war."
"Lord Nobunaga, no, Nobunaga," Hideyoshi claimed. "Return the admirable lord I served, not one who falls so easily."
Kenshin chipped in, "I will retreat my troops as well, Oda. You're not a worthy opponent now, so fight me once you've gained your honour."
The Uesugi-Takeda warlords stood behind you, as Yoshimoto clutched your poisoned body.
"Foolish girl, you knew this would finish him," Yoshimoto whispered, trying to discretely draw out the poison.
"It's done. The Oda will retreat."
The moment Nobunaga said those words, Ieyasu rushed to your side, immediately drawing out the poison from your blood. "Honestly, you're such an idiot after all this time," He scolded, a tear or two slipping down his cheek.
"And not one of you has changed," You said. "Ieyasu, everyone, thank you…"
All you saw was your dearest friends crying out for you as the world turned black.
Days later, you woke up in your room at Kenshin's place. Nothing but seeing Kennyo entered your mind, as you raced to his room.
"YN?" He was well and up in his futon, being visited by the Uesugi-Takeda group.
You jumped into his arms, finally being able to feel his warmth.
"I heard what you did, my dear…" He said, sitting you on his lap. "Thank you."
You shook your head, "It was for you, for everything you'd granted to me. My freedom, my livelihood… and love," You said, looking up to your lover. "For that, Kennyo, may I marry you and can we stay together until our time ends?"
Kennyo himself was shocked, not expecting such words from you. He turned red, and unexpectedly the warlords still didn't leave the room.
"C'mon old friend! Your lovely lady proposed to you!" Shingen cheered on.
Sasuke and Yoshimoto nodded. "What a wholesome ending," Yoshimoto added on.
"Gosh, why do I have to witness th-"
Yukimura was quickly silenced by his lord and his best friend. Kenshin simply smiled, drinking his sake in response.
Kennyo hugged you, his tears soaking your kimono. "My love… I will. I will live for you and stay with you until our time ends."
"You swear on it?"
"Of course, it’s all for you."
"LN Kenta! Are you listening?!"
The boy slumped his head to the desk, reiterating the history lesson, "-And the leader Ikko Ikki was rumoured to have escaped the battlefield with Lady LN YN but no proof has ever been found except for a bear made by Lady LN left in Kennyo's temple…"
"Right!" The history teacher exclaimed. "Next test will be about Oda Nobunaga's married life, including the tale of Lady LN and all relating battles…"
Kenta shuffled out of the classroom, slinging his jacket over his shoulders and then and there, he saw his lover Mai waiting for him.
"You could've eaten on your own…"
She smiled at her boyfriend, leaning on his shoulder. "Well, food's better when you're around people you love!"
Unbeknownst to the couple's eyes, a stalking figure of the captain of the baseball team watched them, his gaze envious at LN Kenta.
"Oi! Oda-senpai!"
"Oda Nozaki! Hurry up!"
The dark haired boy shifted away from his hiding spot, putting on his cheerful façade in front of his kouhai and friends. "Guys! I'm here…"
"Sheesh… Took you long enough…"
"I bet Oda-senpai was staring at the Drama Club's tailor again… Katakura Mai-san right?"
Nozaki shushed his teasing kouhai, shoving their caps straight on. "Hey, don't waste your time on gossip. We've got a war to train for."
"It's just a friendly match Nozaki!"
As the group went ahead, Nozaki trailed behind, taking one more glance at his beloved Mai.
It's alright, my little fireball. This rivalry between me and Kenta…
It's all for you.
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eigwayne · 3 years
Fic Time! It’s the first part of the ChengQing fic I keep mentioning.
A Little Spoiled
Rating: Explicit Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) Relationship: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Wēn Qíng Characters: Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Wen Qing (Módào Zǔshī) Language: English; Words: 4045; Chapters:1/4
Additional Tags: Inadvisable Hook-ups, paying for groceries as a form of affection, kinda sugar daddy jiang cheng, Emotional Constipation, First Time, Awkward First Times, vacillating wildly between annoyed and horny, as many of us are when jiang cheng is involved, Secrets, drama canon
Read chapter 1 on AO3 here.
Wen Qing knows this is a bad idea. He's short tempered, fought a war against her clan, and has responsibilities that dont- can't- include her. She returned his comb and is keeping a secret that could destroy him.
But he's paying for much-needed supplies and when he almost smiles she can pretend things are simpler, that he's just the shy young master who could have loved her. And sometimes even the most commanding people want to be a little spoiled.
(A vaguely drama-canon-compliant affair between Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng during the Burial Mound era, where secrets are kept, gifts are bought, and Wen Qing struggles between respect for herself and desire for Jiang Cheng before deciding she wants to attempt to have both. Fic concept notes at the end, if you’re into that.)
Wen Qing inspected the produce, turning over a potato as she checked for faults. Most were unsprouted but one never really knew. And she certainly didn’t want Wei Wuxian to think she was encouraging him. This was a treat, not a crop! Wen Ning stood behind her, patient as always and uncommenting on her vegetable selections, with his now-empty radish basket waiting to be filled.
“We’ll take some,” she said to the seller, “but you’re asking simply too much for…” A flash of purple caught her eye. Her heart jumped at the thought of him, although it wasn’t easy to tell if it was fear or not.
(Fear would be safer. Her family had made enemies of the Great Sects, Jiang Wanyin more than most, and she should be wary of him. But late at night, when she let herself dream… Well, that was a different story and she certainly wasn’t going to mull that over right there in the marketplace.)
Either way, he had as much right to cross Yiling as she did; Wei Wuxian hadn’t started a sect no matter what the rumors said and Yiling was no one’s territory. She pretended to be unaffected, hoped Wen Ning hadn’t noticed him, and turned back to the potato seller. “No, this price is too much. I am willing to spend…”
Later, potatoes successfully haggled to a reasonable price and more Wen Qing-approved vegetables joining them in Wen Ning’s basket, the Wen siblings walked together toward the exit of the market square. Wen Qing could almost pretend things were normal- that Wen Ning was alive and well, and she was simply restocking her dispensary. They would go home and everyone would have enough to eat and-
She cut that thought off before it could go further. It was too tempting, the fantasies and could-have-beens. Her mind supplied enough of those as she lay in the dark, in the moments after she laid her head on her pillow and before sleep claimed her. And her mind supplied more as she paused near a display of haircombs.
‘I should have at least asked him for some seeds and fertilizer when I gave it back,’ she thought as she remembered Jiang Wanyin’s gift. She thought of a million things she could have asked him for, after the comb had already been returned. But a rebuilding sect could spare none of it, really, and the unspoken offers were heavier than the spoken one. And all of it was foolish could-have-beens.
But she had a practical reason for looking at combs. The last good comb had broken tines and A-Yuan needed something gentle on his scalp. He cried every time he had his hair combed and that simply wouldn’t do.
“I have a few small things to get,” she said to Wen Ning. “I’ll be along shortly. Head back and help the others, okay?” He nodded and murmured his assent, and turned back to the main road. Her heart swelled with fondness. Such a good, obedient, caring boy, even now.
Wen Qing stood in front of the display, looking for something inexpensive but well-made, the tips blunt enough for A-Yuan.
At her level of cultivation, she easily felt him approach. He wasn’t even attempting to hide his presence, but she would know the feel of him even if she was drowning in the resentment of the Burial Mounds. There was his natural energy, a tumultuous pulse that she had spent so long rebuilding. There was the electric feel of his inherited spiritual weapon. And although it wasn’t something she could detect consciously, she imagined she could feel it, as the one who put it there- the blazing heat of Wei Wuxian’s golden core.
He was a storm made flesh, and he stood beside her in the marketplace of Yiling. And he said, his voice low and tight in her ear, “If you needed a comb, you should have kept the one I gave you.”
Anger flashed through her- how dare he get so close, use that voice! How dare he say something like that without even looking her in the eye! How dare he speak of it in public at all! But she swallowed it, never let it reach her face. It was a skill she learned serving a harsher master than he.
“Sect Leader Jiang,” she said with a slight curtsy. It was cute and feminine and she should have bowed, to remind him they were both cultivators and she was not without power, but she was standing straight again before it even occurred to her.
He bowed to her then, just the correct angle for politeness’s sake.
“I need a comb for a child,” she said calmly, in response to his words. “That comb should be given to a bride.”
He flinched, visibly, and she turned back to the display. The shopkeeper was surely drawing conclusions but if she wanted Wen Qing’s business, she’d keep her mouth shut.
She selected two combs, simple in design but tines sanded smooth and blunt with care. Jiang Wanyin stood beside her the whole time and she drew it out, letting him stew. He could say something if he wanted her attention that badly. He certainly had no qualms about getting close enough to be heard.
But drawing it out too long would be a waste of her time, too, so she eventually made her decision. As she reached for her too-thin money pouch, Jiang Wanyin stopped her. His hand was warm on her forearm but then, she was always cold. They were all a little cold, on the Burial Mounds.
“You don’t have to,” she hissed.
“I don’t,” he agreed, and handed the shopkeeper the silver.
The combs were wrapped in fabric- not patterned silk, just a soft linen Wen Qing would use for patching or handkerchiefs later- and she led Jiang Wanyin a few steps away.
“I do not intend to owe you anything,” she said, voice low as she dug the silver out of her pouch to repay him. She didn’t bother to hide her annoyance.
“It’s a gift. Keep your money.”
She looked at him, lips tight. There was still tension in his face (perhaps there always would be), but she saw the shadow of the boy he had been. The boy who looked at her with wonder and longing. It was just a tiny, dying ember but the fact that it was there at all, after everything, made her breath catch in her throat.
‘He is so soft when he hopes, like he could be gentle again someday. Is this what drove Wei Wuxian when he begged me to do the surgery?’
She turned away, too aware that she was staring. “I don’t want to discuss this in the middle of the market.”
“Shall we have tea, then? My treat,” he said, and pushed past her to head for the teahouse. She followed him, and cursed herself for a fool.
They got a private room, but tea was served and they savored the first sips before either of them spoke to the other. Wen Qing broke the silence first.
“Why are you in Yiling?”
“I was passing through,” he said.
“Passing through,” she scoffed. “With no disciples? Do you take me for a fool? Sect Leaders don’t travel by themselves.”
The look on his face was hard, angry, but embarrassed. “I sent them on ahead when I saw you,” he admitted.
She still wasn’t sure she believed the ‘passing through’ bit, but let it go. “You could have just left. I wouldn’t have blamed you for not wanting to speak with me.”
“A-jie would want to know how Wei Wuxian is doing. Who better to ask?”
Wen Qing would have been disappointed that he had not stopped for her, but Wei Wuxian had always been what brought them into each other’s orbits. “He’s managing,” she said. “Still bothering me about potatoes. Trying to branch out into even more fickle plants.” Nevermind that she was the one who enabled Wei Wuxian in the first place, buying those lotus seeds.
Jiang Wanyin huffed. “He never could do the practical thing.”
“It seems to be working. The lotuses are growing well, at least.” Wen Qing bit back a smile at how his eyes bulged. Good. Let him be surprised.
Jiang Wanyin looked down at his tea for a moment, digesting the fact that the man he cast out, the man he let exile himself, was growing the family emblem. Wen Qing waited a bit, then asked, “So what made you take out your wallet for my combs? We’re not beholden to you. Or was that also an excuse to ask after Wei Wuxian?” She wasn’t going to lie to herself about the combs any more than she would about his reason for stopping at all. Jiang Wanyin may still hold a tiny spark of his adolescent crush but he was no altruist.
“I felt like it, and Yunmeng Jiang is in a position where I can do things because I feel like doing it,” he said.
So he was showing off. She bit back the urge to slam her teacup back on the table. As it was, she still put it down with more force than strictly necessary.
“You don’t need to look down on us, Sect Leader Jiang,” she said with as much calm as she could muster. “It may be a simple life but we are managing.”
“Are you? Because I remember what you looked like before. Are you getting enough to eat? Is that boy getting enough?”
“You would dare-“
“I would dare! Wei Wuxian meddled in things he shouldn’t have, and now he can’t even take care of you! This is what playing hero does! You’re still suffering!”
“There are different types of suffering. I prefer this to the Jins.”
Her voice was level, the heat simmering below the surface of her cold tone. Jiang Wanyin had the grace to look embarrassed. They sat in silence again, and Wen Qing contemplated on whether she should leave now or later, after their food was brought in. Her pride said now. Her stomach said later.
“I’m not a hero like he is,” Jiang Wanyin said before she decided. He looked down at his teacup rather than meet her eyes. “I can only protect what’s mine. But I still wish to include you in that, sometimes.”
“So you bought my combs?”
He gave a curt nod. “I know I’m nothing compared to him, but-“ There was a soft knock at the door of their private dining room. They fell silent again as a waiter bustled in and their food was set down. The smell set Wen Qing’s stomach growling and she had to hold herself back, too conscious that eating quickly would make her sick, and prove Jiang Wanyin’s point about the insufficient dietary needs in the Burial Mounds (she also wondered how much she could stow away to bring home for A-Yuan without sacrificing too much of her dignity). And frankly, she had better manners than to bolt her food in front of a Sect Leader, no matter how much she wanted to. It kept her occupied, keeping up the pretense of being genteel, and she didn’t have to think about how this was possibly her longest conversation with Jiang Wanyin and how Wei Wuxian would be surprised at open he was with her. She wouldn’t think about how he looked healthy enough, no signs of weakness in his spiritual energy (although she’d have to check him properly to be sure, and oh, how her fingers twitched to grasp his wrist at that!), or how he looked charmingly uncertain when the silence went on. And she definitely wouldn’t think about how pink his lips were around his chopsticks.
She had just taken a bite of course, when he finally spoke again. “It’s been six months since A-jie got married. My third-in-command- well, second-in-command, now- he knows what to do to keep things running. Now that most of the boardwalks are rebuilt, it seems all I do is paperwork and oversee lessons. Buying those combs… I felt….”
He poked at his food with his chopsticks, clearly not comfortable with the thoughts he was forming. No one Wen Qing knew was comfortable with that much truth about themselves.
‘For all we aspire to the inner peace an immortal would have, we are ill-suited for it,’ she thought, about herself and Jiang Wanyin and every cultivator they knew (except perhaps her own little brother).
“You felt needed?” she suggested. “There would be nothing wrong with that, if we were any other people.”
“If we were any other people, I would buy you much more than a couple combs.” As soon as the words were past his lips, he looked up at her with wide, startled eyes. He clearly hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
She should ignore it, might have if they were adolescents still, but the fresh food with proper spices (and no radishes at all, because even she was sick of them by now) made her feel alive and bold.
“If we were other people, I would let you,” she said. As angry as he made her mere moments before, she liked this honesty in him. She was treated to the sight of hope in his expression again- a softening of tension, the creases between his brows smoothing just a bit- before he remembered his responsibilities.
“I can’t spend too much more- time or money. My disciples will worry if I don’t catch up with them soon. But-”
“It’s fine. I also have to get back before anyone starts to worry.”
“Let me walk you back,” Jiang Wanyin said in a rush.
Wen Qing wanted to say ‘yes’. Jiang Wanyin was pleasant to look at, after all, and had warm hands. If he was a bit awkward and kept putting his foot in his mouth, well, Wen Qing wasn’t the smoothest individual either and rather liked having someone she could get snippy with. Plus, Wei Wuxian still cared about him and would want to see him. But he was also the master of a Great Sect and her family, small as it was now, had been his sworn enemy.
“I’m not sure that would be wise,” she said. “We’ve already been seen together. Someone might recognize us.”
“Only because we’re known here. If we were somewhere else, I would do it. I would buy more than a couple combs for you."
Wen Qing stopped picking at her food and looked at him. There was that expression again, the hopeful puppy one she enjoyed but so often turned away from. She hated saying ‘no’ when he made that face.
So she said ‘yes’ for a change.
‘This is terribly selfish,’ she thought as they walked. Despite saying he shouldn’t spend more money earlier, he bought a rather large amount of baozi, and a couple hair ribbons in neutral tones (he must have noticed her frayed edges, damn him for being observant), ginger and dried peppercorns for her family and chili paste that was clearly for Wei Wuxian, and a very nice kitchen knife. He tested it on his thumb for her, like an idiot, and she used just a bit of her spiritual energy to heal the cut for him, ignoring the small gasp he let out when she took his hand.
(The contact wasn’t long enough, for all it seemed to burn them both. But he took her healing easily and she has no cause to worry about the golden core’s function, and no cause to keep holding on to him.)
He pressed all these items into her hands and she didn’t protest at all. She should, a token refusal for politeness’s sake or a real refusal because this was foolish of him and she couldn’t repay this kindness. But she thought of how well her family would eat tonight, between the fresh vegetables she sent with Wen Ning and these baozi. She didn’t dare take a chance that he would accept a refusal and take it all back.
She carried the baozi in a wooden box while Jiang Wanyin walked beside her, eyes straight ahead and hand on his sword like he was ignoring the people on the street and daring them to say something, all at once. Wen Qing had seen Wen Ruohan and his sons manage it but Jiang Wanyin was too self-conscious to pull it off quite yet. But then, their circumstances were different. Jiang Wanyin’s position was still precarious in many ways, and the Wens of her youth were unquestioned masters of Qishan.
Well. Things changed. Perhaps someday, Jiang Wanyin could walk down the street with a young lady and be confident about it. Wen Qing felt a pang that that young lady would not be her.
Lost in thought, she barely noticed when they reached the edge of town and kept going. Jiang Wanyin was still beside her and it seemed, perhaps not natural but certainly pleasant to feel his stormy presence and see the violet of his robes out of the corner of her eye.
“I shouldn’t go much further,” he finally said. They were at the foot of the Burial Mounds, within sight of the dark forest and the walls.
“You let me walk all this way without thanking you?” Wen Qing set the container of baozi down and bowed. “I want to repay you for this kindness, Jiang-zongzhu. I will find a way.”
“I told you I don’t want repayment,” he said, putting his hands under her elbows to stop her bow from sinking deeper. “We are even and this changes nothing.”
“This is money you weren’t planning to spend. Money that should go back to your sect.”
“My sect is fine and that money was my own!” He stepped closer, forcing her to straighten or hold her bow with her arms pressed against his chest. She chose to straighten her back. “You don’t owe me for this. I wanted to- to check on Wei Wuxian. For A-jie’s sake.”
“And yet you won’t come to see him?”
They stood for a moment, Jiang Wanyin’s hands still on her arms, almost as close as that day in the teahouse when they’d both been chasing Wei Wuxian. She glared up at him in challenge and started to pull her arms away, but he held her fast.
“I can’t. But… I’m not ready for you to go,” he said, and he pulled. She stumbled, two jerky steps, into the circle of his arms.
“Jiang-zongzhu,” she started, but her voice trailed off. He was warm and- well, not soft, but his muscles were invitingly firm under his robes. While she contemplated the feel of his chest and the silk of his robes (both very nice and she wanted to spend an hour or two running her hands over them), he wrapped his arms around her.
She was caught. She should have been angry, alarmed. He was the leader of a Great Sect, a danger to her family, and even a normal man could be dangerous to a woman alone. But she was hardly helpless and he had spent his money on them and he didn’t feel dangerous, not now.
‘It’s just a hug,’ she told herself. It was extremely inappropriate, with them being unrelated and unmarried, and even though she was still annoyed (he was infuriating! And infuriatingly inviting), she leaned into it anyway. There was something nice about being held close, secure in the cradle of his arms, hidden from the world by his expensive silks.
“A kiss,” he said, shattering the quiet of forest. She looked up at him. It wasn’t a good angle on him, mostly cheek and sideburn and nostril, but that didn’t calm her wild thoughts at all.
He didn’t look down at her or loosen his hold, and indeed he tightened his grip until she could feel Zidian digging into her shoulder. “What if I said a kiss would make us even?”
Her first response was a resounding ‘Yes!’ Their bodies were pressed together, his arms holding her tight, and she could see his lips, tempting and moist where he licked them in nervousness. A kiss seemed like a natural extension of their embrace.
But she had never traded affection for anything. Not goods, not money, not position, not even safety for her family. ‘I’m not that kind of woman,’ she wanted to say, needed him to know.
She could be, though, if it meant having Jiang Wanyin’s lips on her.
But she took too long thinking about it, and he loosened his hold and started to pull away. “Nevermind,” he snapped. “It was just a whim. I’m not so desperate that I can’t get a woman without bribing her with gifts!”
“I didn’t say anything,” Wen Qing said as she grabbed his sleeve. “And I’m not the sort of woman who can be bribed with gifts. Make no mistake about that! When I kiss you, it will be-.”
She was cut off by the crash of his lips against hers. One of his hands grabbed her arm. As if she would try to escape! She let him deepen the kiss, all her hesitation fleeing in her eagerness to have him. She put one arm about his shoulders, and he slipped his other arm around her waist, still holding tight with his other hand as he kissed her.
He tasted of the tea they’d had with their meal, and he held her too tightly and kissed like he was trying to devour her, all tooth and searching tongue. She should have shook him off, demanded he be more gentlemanly.
Instead, she said, “Don’t bite,” nearly breathless. She let him back her against a tree and press himself to her body, and the one harsh kiss softened and became many.
These kisses were not as frantic, but were still demanding, deep and wet. His breath was burning hot against her skin, his body firm under her hands. He had one thigh between her legs and she could feel everything. These kisses? These, she wanted more of.
Why shouldn’t she have this? What good was maintaining her virtue? Making a good marriage would never happen now, and she no longer needed to keep herself chaste as a bargaining chip for her family.
Ah, but he looked down on her family, didn’t he? Would she have any self-respect left if she let Jiang Wanyin touch her? She hoped so, hoped that his small kindness today meant that he wasn’t so bitter.
But did she have any right to touch him, knowing what she did about his golden core?
She flinched, and he loosened his hold on her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking away from her. “I shouldn’t have done that. I know you’re a respectable lady.”
“I… Even respectable ladies have wants,” she confessed. “I just… I have to get back soon. And this isn’t the sort of thing I want to do under a dead tree.”
Hope blossomed in his face, a smile on his kiss-dark lips, and he touched her cheek with more gentleness than he’d shown since before the war. “Agreed. And… I liked spending the afternoon with you, Wen-guniang. I don’t want this to be the last time I see you.” His tone suggested that had been a possibility, and she found she didn’t want that, either.
She returned to the settlement shortly after, with the box of baozi and an agreement to meet again in ten days. Wen Ning leapt to his feet with a happy “Jie!” when he saw her. Her family gathered around her all talking at once.
“Qing-guniang, what’s all this?”
“I got good deals on some things,” she started to explain, and because the truth was easier than another lie she admitted, “Wei Wuxian’s martial brother sent some, but be quiet about it if you’re in town. He still can’t be known to help us.”
Wei Wuxian’s head peeked over the others’ shoulders as he joined them, drawn out of his cave by the commotion. “Jiang Cheng? Really? What did you say to him to get him to send something over?!”
Wen Qing just smiled at him, and started distributing her acquisitions.
So yeah, at the beginning I mentioned this had a note on the fic concepts, so here it is. Be grateful it's at the end; it was at the beginning at one point.  
This has been kicking around my harddrive for a while in various drafts and levels of completion, and I decided to just wrap it up and start posting it. Right now, I estimate it at 4 chapters. Please do not expect the chapters to be a consistent length; they're looking to be very different.
The concept is to let Wen Qing be the one being taken care of for a change, and to let Jiang Cheng spoil someone he cares about (I believe my initial thought was something like "Jiang Cheng wants to be Wen Qing's sugar daddy but he is not daddy enough at this point").
And I love and firmly believe that Jiang Cheng would go down on a partner and enjoy it, I don't think he could have started out that way. He's in essence a spoiled rich kid with no experience with women, he's going to start off as a stumbling, selfish lover. He has to learn about possibilities, and that's going to involve some fumbling first. And I also love confident and commanding-in-the-bedroom Wen Qing but I don't think she would have much opportunity for that experience in canon. I also very much want Jiang Cheng to support Wei Wuxian in secret ('cause during my first Untamed watching, I thought he was sneaking Wei Wuxian supplies or money during the Burial Mounds exile), for Wen Qing to follow-up on her miraculous and devastating secret surgery (like seriously, she never tried to sense his qi or anything after, not once?! And then some posts floated by my Tumblr dash- iirc, winepresswrath is a ringleader but you can find them kicking around i’m sure- that I was not the only one who thought things like this and I knew I had to do it, at least a little), and for Jiang Cheng to dress Wen Qing up. So I mulled those thoughts for a bit and eventually a couple snippets came to me, and I attempted to make them into a story.
And then I was an idiot and challenged myself to 1) not use any scientific or 'vulgar' terminology in the sex scenes but also not use too much purple prose, no Jiang sect color puns intended at this time, and 2) end it so that the story is, in some way, canon compliant. This is a side moment, something Wei Wuxian knows nothing about and therefore canon theoretically continues uninterrupted. Of course, if you prefer a future where Wen Qing develops the sexual confidence we all know she has in her and rides Jiang Cheng to a different and possibly better fate, please think of that instead (and wish me luck on the idea I had for a canon-divergence sequel).
Next Chapter
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heavenlymisa · 4 years
could we maybe get some first date hcs with,,, todoroki, bakugo, and kaminari?
an; of course!!! ty for the headcannon, anon!!! enjoy!!
now that im looking back at this- i just now realized that i confused karminari for kirishima- ill make a seperate headcannon for him! sorry for the confusion!
shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugou, and eijiro kirishima x female reader (seperate)
Shoto Todoroki
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⤷ he would ask the girls (execpt for you) what to do for a first date. you two have been dating for 1 month, but never had a first date because of school.
⤷ after hours of planning, stressing, and switching up the plan, he figures out what to do.
⤷ rollerskating rink.
⤷ he’s never been to one, but the girls were talking about what you like to do and rollerskating was the first thing that popped up (sorry if that isnt your favorite thing to do 🥺)
⤷ after figuring out what to do, he texts you to meet him in the common area afterschool after you change out of your school clothes. of course you said okay, but you were skeptical about this.
⤷ the next day, afterschool, you got dressed into a white graphic tee and a black skirt. you checked yourself in the mirror that in your dorm, went downstairs, and waited in the common area.
⤷ you waiting on him for about 5 minutes until you heard him behind you.
⤷ “sorry to keep you waiting. i couldn’t pick out what to wear.”
⤷ you turned around and was met with todoroki in a black turtleneck and black jeans. if you didn’t die the first time you saw im, you have officially died now. sorry, i don’t make the rules.
⤷ “you look beautiful.”
⤷ nevermind, you died now.
⤷ you thanked him and returned the compliment. he nodded his head, grabbed your hand, and he lead you out the door of the dorms.
⤷ “so... where are we going..?”
⤷ “you’ll find out.” he said with a smirk. f u c k
⤷ after 15 minutes of walking and small talk, you two finally made it to the skating rink. you two went inside and saw all of the strobe lights flashing everywhere and people skating.
⤷ you hugged todoroki and thanked him tremendously for taking you here. he of course hugged back and said ‘you’re welcome.’
⤷ todoroki went and paid for the general commission and two pairs of roller-skates (with endeavor’s debit card. make his pockets hurt😋). you two put on your roller-skates and went to the rink.
⤷ well, more like you went to the rink, todo was struggling to stand up. you went back to him and helped his to the rink. he thanked you and attempted to skate
⤷ keyword- attempted.
⤷ he busted his ass.
⤷ you snickered to yourself and attempted to help him up.
⤷ key word- attempted.
⤷ you busted YOUR ass.
⤷ now you both are on the floor looking like boo-boo the fool 😔👊🏽
⤷ but its okay! you two eventually got up and you helped todoroki with skating. he quickly learned how to skate and was skating like a pro on the rink.
⤷ you two raced and todoroki won majority of the time, but you were happy that you could teach your boyfriend something.
⤷ you grabbed todoroki’s hands and started to skate backwards while he skated forwards. oh god he loved when you did that.
⤷after you two were tired, the both of you went back to the dorms to be met with the 1-A girls pestering about the date.
⤷ you told them that you would tell them later because you were really tired, and they understood!
⤷ so you two and todoroki both took a shower (separately) and mysteriously not really ended up sleeping in todoroki’s room.
⤷ everyone was surprised when you and todoroki walked out of his room together.
katsuki bakugou
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⤷ i think kirishima would bully bakugou into taking you on a date when you two hit 2 weeks.
⤷ “i think bakubro is scared of taking dear old n/n on a daattee~”
⤷ “scared!?! i’ll shOW YOU SCARED-“
⤷ he snatches you from your room and drags you downstairs. literally everyone is watching you being dragged by bakugou and not doing anything.
⤷ “yall hear sum...”
⤷ “hm.. might be the wind.”
⤷ bakugou ignores your pleas and cries of him kidnapping you until you two make it on the train.
⤷ you two sit down on the train and bakugou covers your mouth before you even have the chance to talk.
⤷ “im taking you on a date, nerd. dont get too cocky.”
⤷ you pulled his hand down a little whispered, “where?” 🥺
⤷ “you’ll see! just.. shut up..” he looked away with the ᴛɪɴᴇsᴛ blush on his face. you decided to not pester him with it, so you just lay your head on his shoulders and closed your eyes.
⤷ holy fuck, he loves that.
⤷ when the train stopped, he grabbed your hand and walked out of the train. you two were walking for a good bit until you two stopped at.....
⤷ a carnival!
⤷ your eyes lit up as you looked at the bright lights, tents, and the P R I Z E S
⤷ you went behind bakugou, wrapped your arms around his waist, and buried the side of your head to his back.
⤷ “thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU!!”
⤷ bakugou patted your hands and hummed.
⤷ “alright loser,” he unwrapped your arms, guided you in front of him, rested his head on your shoulder, and wrapped his arms around your torso. “lets not waste my time. i got shit to do.”
⤷ you giggled as you both walked inside of the carnival.
⤷ you both first went to get some food. you got a funnel cake while bakugou got a hot and spicy turkey leg 😳
⤷ he kept on sticking it in your face and you kept on running away while he was hot on your trail, waving the turkey leg around 😔
⤷ after you two were done eating, you two played games!!
⤷ he won you many prizes 🥺 including an ugly ass bear that you B EG GED him to throw away.
⤷ he forces you to keep it 😔
⤷ on the plus side, you got a v cute panda bear ! you named him suki 💕
⤷ after that, you two went to the photo booth!!
⤷ he tried to back away from it, but you shoved him into the photo booth.
⤷ i wish i could draw so i didnt have to describe the poses
⤷ first picturee!!! : you made a peace sign and smiled while bakugou was in the back with his hands folded.
⤷ second picturee!!! : you and bakugou were both staring at each other
⤷ third pictureee!!! : your finger was stuck in between bakugou’s neck and head (youre tickling his neck 🤪👊🏽) while he has a smile on his face
⤷ fourth picturee!!! : he was staring at you while you had a cheeky grin on your face. #noregrets ✨
⤷ you two got out and you quickly grabbed the two print outs before bakugou even had the chance to rip them to shreds.
⤷ he stared at you for a little bit and snatch one from your hand.
⤷ the amount of ST RE S S you were under when he snatched it from you 😐
⤷ he stared at the pictures for a couple of seconds and shoved it in his pocket while grumbling about something and walking away from you
⤷ you smiled and ran up to him. you swear for a faint second he had a smirk on his face. oh well 🤪
⤷ when you came back, the bakusquad stared at you two.
⤷ bats eyelashes BLA N K S T A R E 👁👄👁
⤷ but mina completely took you away from bakugou and shoved you into the hallway.
⤷ “soo... how was it??”
⤷ you thought for a second before replying.
⤷ “best first date ever.”
eijiro kirishima
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⤷ baby boy already had this day planned since he first SAW YOU
⤷ not tryna be on some yandere stuff but LOOK AT YOU!!
⤷ how could he NOT think about you!!
⤷ anyways, on the weekend, kirishima knocks at your door.
⤷ you answer it and he grabs both of your shoulders.
⤷ “are you free right now?”
⤷ “ye-“
⤷ congratulations, you are officially being dragged away by kirishima.
⤷ you decided not to question his frantic tactics and just let him lead you.
⤷ lmaooo yolo bitches 🤪
⤷ you guys have been running around town until you two arrived at a.....
⤷ arcadee!!!!!
⤷ he literally DRAGGED you in and got a shit ton of tokens.
⤷ “y/n, come on!! unless you feel like getting beat today!”
⤷ “ohh... this is war...”
⤷ and thus the war between y/n and kirishima started <3
⤷ you two played lots of games in the arcade and even ate some snacks as a mini truce.
⤷ you two were racing on the motorcycle next.
⤷ you got on the motorcycle and look to your right, waiting on kirishima.
⤷ then you felt a body behind you and hands wrap around your torso.
⤷ you jumped and looked back to be met with your dopey boyfriend having a big grin on his face.
⤷ “i was thinking that we could do this together.” 🥺
⤷ “if we’re doing this together, youre driving.”
⤷ he jumped up to the front and grabbed on to the handles. you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder.
⤷ holy fuck he loves you.
⤷ he let you choose all of the motorcycle styles, the person, and the location. what a manly thing to do 🥺
⤷ “i should get a motorcycle when i get my license!”
⤷ he crashed into a tree.
⤷ he completely ignores it.
⤷ but at the end he does get first place soo... 😎 yolo
⤷ but little do you know... he was recording you two!
⤷ he’s glad he did because he loved to look over to his phone and see you concentrating on the screen 🥺
⤷ he cant believe you’re his wtf.
⤷ anyways, when the competition was over, you were the winner by 14 points!! (kiri probably let you win but whatever 🤪)
⤷ you two decided to save up your points for the next time you come.
⤷ going back to the dorm was a peaceful walk. you two walked, hand in hand, and basked in each others presence. <3
𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑠 <3
𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑔𝑜𝑢’𝑠 𝑏𝑎𝑘𝑢ℎ𝑜𝑒𝑠
𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑏𝑜𝑦’𝑠 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠
let me know if you want to be apart of the taglist!! <3
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an-angels-blessing · 3 years
Song Prompts #1
“Will nature make a man of me yet?”- The Smiths, This Charming Man
“If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?”- Lynyrd Skynyrd, Free Bird
“When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her.”- Hozier, Work Song
“I don’t think that we should be alone together, when we’re in a room you get my eyes, you open your mouth I’m hypnotised”- The Neighbourhood, Single
“She looks as if she’s blowing a kiss at me and suddenly the sky is a scissor”- Arctic Monkeys, That’s where you’re wrong
“You think you want to be alone, just wait until you’re crying on the shower floor”
“They’ve got a pretty face, but they’ve got a pretty empty head.”
“But how the hell do you fall in love, the last time I checked you can’t fall in slow mo”- LANY- The Breakup *There were too many good ones in this song, I couldn’t help myself*
“I know it’s mad, but if I go to hell will you go with me or just leave?” - Panic! At The Disco, Do you know what I’m seeing?
“I don’t know who’s protecting me, but we hit it off”- Drake, Sandra’s Rose
“Do me a favour and break my nose, do me a favour and tell me to go away?”- Arctic monkeys, Do me a favour
“Baby just came back around, said she needs time to explore, said I can’t love her no more”- The Neighbourhood, Baby came home
“Just one mistake, you say you’re not in love no more, but was it really love if you can leave me for something so innocent is this the end?”- LANY, Thick and thin
“You can have Manhattan, I know it’s for the best, I’ll gather up the avenues and leave them on your doorstep. I’ll tiptoe away so you won’t have to say you heard me leave.”
“You can have Manhattan, the one we used to share, the one where we were laughing and drunk on just being there. Hang onto the reverie, could you do that for me?”- Sara Bareilles, Manhattan
“You don’t love me, big fucking deal, I’ll never tell you how I feel.”
“I’ll send my best regards from Hell”- Marina and the Diamonds, Starring Role
“I been writing these songs ‘bout how I can’t be with you. I don’t want to be a monster, but I’ve been here for days, drinking too much now I want you, can’t get you off my brain.”- Henry, Monster, Eng. version
“Change lives, get better, yeah that be the plan”
“That’s why you see me winning, yeah, even after I lose”- Jay Park, Ask bout me
“Love is not looking over shoulders, Love is you should trust what I told you”
“Love is not struggling to say I love you”- 6LACK, Disconnect
“All these people taking miles when you give them an inch, all these followers but who’s gonna follow me until the end?”- Drake, Emotionless
“She’s in the rain, you wanna hurt yourself I’ll stay with you, you wanna make yourself go through that pain, It’s better to be held than holding on,”- The Rose, She’s In The Rain *Absolutely love this one, don’t @ me, I will die for the The Rose**
“Sex by the fire at night”- Bruno Mars, That’s What I Like
“I’ve got the good side of you, sent it out into the blue.”- Troye Sivan, Good Side
“Standing by the window, rain falling, I want to have you full in my embrace and tell you, even when I’m born again and love you, even then, will you be with me?”- KREAM, 선물 Gift *Translated*
“It all passes, Someday, For sure, Certainly”- RM, ft. NELL, everythingoes *Translated*
“Please stay as long as you need, can’t promise that things won’t be broken, but I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me”- Sleeping With Sirens, Scene One- James Dean & Audrey Hepburn
“When you move, I’m put to mind of all that I wanna be, when you move
I could never define all that you are to me”- Hozier, Movement
“Wake up and smell the coffee, is your cup half full or empty?”- Billie Eilish, come out and play
“Am I a bad person? Or am I just in pain?”- DEAN, Sulli, Rad Museum, Dayfly *Translated*
“Kiss me on the lips, a secret just between the two of us, deeply poisoned by the jail of you, I cannot worship anyone but you and I knew the grail was poisoned but I drank it anyway”- BTS, Blood Sweat & Tears *Translated*
“When the sun sets and darkness comes, I only remember your warmth, where the stars wrap around us. I’m going there, I’ll be there”- SEVENTEEN, Highlight *Translated*
“I don’t ever wanna feel like anything I do ever had a fucking resonance or meant a thing to you.”- Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes, I Hate You
“You can’t take this away from me, the way I hit the melody, the waves bring clarity, running through me”- Tom Misch, Del La Soul, It Runs Through Me
“It was a lie when they smiled and said you won’t feel a thing”- My Chemical Romance, Disenchanted
“The fog has lifted and things get clear, all the lies pass by like a reel of film. I hate you”- EXO, 내가 미쳐 (Going Crazy) *Translated*
“I’m sorry- no, I’m not sorry, I’m just getting started and my life’s a party”- DEAN, Eric Bellinger, I’m Not Sorry
“Ain’t it fun, living in the real world?”- Paramore, Ain’t It Fun
“Ready or not, we are coming back- yeah, we’re over, we can tell you ‘bout what you need. You can look it up when you’re older”- Evergreen, Cargo Cult
“You, you got so much potential, every moment spent with you I bet was always eventful”- Aminé, Kehlani, Heebiejeebies- Bonus
“Could you imagine the taste of your lips if we never tried to kiss on the drive to Queens? ‘Cause I imagine the weight of your ribs if you lied between my hips in the backseat”- Halsey, Roman Holiday
“Forever isn’t for everyone, is forever for you?”- Arctic Monkeys, Snap Out Of It
“Wish you good luck being lonely, I’mma push red every time you phone me. You vow to be a memory”- Ella Mai, ft. Ty Dolla $ign, She Don’t
“I’ve been dazed and confused from the day I met you, yeah I lost my head and I’d do it again”- Ruel, Dazed & Confused
“I just want you closer, is that alright? Baby let’s get closer tonight”- Paolo Nutini, Last request
“You have no idea how pretty you are when you wake from sleep, you have no idea how beautiful you look as you get ready for bed”- Zion.T, No Makeup *Translated*
“I was thinking I could fly to your hotel tonight, baby, ‘cos I can’t get you off my mind”- Shawn Mendes, Lost In Japan
“She’s soothing like the ocean rushing on the sand, she takes care of me, baby, she helps me be a better man. She’s so beautiful, sometimes I stop to close my eyes, she’s exactly what I need”- Jeremy Passion, Lemonade
“And her lips are like the galaxy’s edge and her kiss the colour of a constellation falling into place”- Arctic Monkeys, Arabella
“It’s how you look, not how you feel. A city of glass with no heart”- Queens of the Stone Age, If I Had a Tail
“I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife”- Hozier, Take Me To Church
“Bitter and hardened heart, Oh, aching- waiting for life to start”- Keane, Bend & Break
“When you move I’m put to mind of all that I wanna be, when you move I could never define all that you are to me”- Hozier, Movement
“She said, ‘Baby, I’m afraid to fall in love, 'cause what if it’s not reciprocated?’ I told her, ‘Don’t rush girl, don’t you rush, guess it’s all a game of patience.’”- Pink Sweat$, Honesty
“Share a casket with you, we’ll be buried alive, me and her playing truth ‘til the day we die.”- Granata Ft. Phoniks, You Dont Need Me
“And hope that I had survived yesterday, and today is jealous of tomorrow.”- Emeli Sandé, Breathing Underwater
“Heaven if you sent us down so we could build a playground for the sinners to play as saints, you’d be so proud of what we’ve made.” Stephen, Crossfire
“Tell me how do you cope with it? How do you sleep with yourself at night? How do you cope with it? How do you sleep with yourself at night?”- blackbear, make daddy proud
“If anyone looks perfect, you look perfect next to me.”- Nick Wilson, Obsolete
“When I meet you after time passes, I’ll know (you were my future), I’ll know (I was your yesterday). When I meet you after time passes, I’ll know (you protected me), I’ll know (I desired you).”- SEVENTEEN (Wen Junhui & Xu Minghao), My I *Translated*
“I need my sex n’ drugs, I need my money first, bless me with all my sins.”- Abhi The Nomad, Ft. Harrison Sands & Copper King, Sex ‘n Drugs
“Naked and fallin’ in love, look here I got you. Safe where there’s no one to judge, keep it insightful.”- Keiynan Lonsdale, Preach
“All alone, all we know is haunting me, making it harder to breathe, harder to breathe.”- The Neighbourhood, Leaving Tonight
“Now I see you get off of the subway, haven’t seen you in months but it’s okay. I’d forgotten but I feel the same, hate that I still wish you were…”- Claud, Wish You Were Gay
“A perfect stranger lying next to me, he’s playing God with broken figurines. He keeps calling me his little queen and I believe.”- Jake Wesley Rogers, Little Queen (This song deserves way more recognition, make sure to give it a listen!)
“Hell is so close to Heaven, hell is so close to Heaven. Hold on don’t look back, you know we’re better- we’re better than that. Lost and thrown away, you know we’re better- we’re better than that.”- Sleeping With Sirens, The Strays
“Alone tonight, I’m drawing my dreams across the sky farther than I can imagine- She wants it.”- CIX, Movie Star *Translated*
“Yeah I mixed words and some whiskey on the flight just to make sure I landed on time and I wrote me a song I could sing just in case I forgot everything.”- Marc E. Bassy, Last One I Love
“Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna know, learned my lesson way too long ago.”
“Deadly fever, please don’t ever break, be my reliever 'cause I don’t self medicate”- Billie Eilish, my strange addiction
“And it’s worth it, it’s divine, I have this some of the time.”- Hozier, Cherry Wine
“And I realize you’re mine, Indeed, a fool am I.”- Queens of the Stone Age, No One Knows
“Look in the mirror ‘til I forget everything I know, everything I did was just a way to make the time feel faster.”- Miya Folick, Stock Image
“Do you feel how I feel? Are you numb? Do you tread crystal waters, bound to be stung? Are you scared? If I see you, we’re upon,
will you dye your hair dark so you’re no longer blonde?”- Isaac Dunbar, Cologne
“Tell me; To you I’m bad & hurtful. Because I’ve been busy, you’re hurting. Bad, bad, bad, I’m bad, bad.”- Crush, NAPPA (나빠) *Translated*
“Just for the record, the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of: A. Indifference or B. disinterest to what the critics say.”- Panic! At The Disco, London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines
“‘Cause you don’t say what you feel, I’m the one driving but you take the wheel. You wanna wait, 'til we’re older, I’m the one who started this, but now I just want closure.”- Ieuan, Closure
“Our names carved in the pavement, sealed by what’s left of our handprints, now. I told my mom, she’d love to meet you, but it’s too bad she won’t get the chance to.”- COIN, Malibu 1992
“I’m running outta time to hold you close, running outta time to be your man. I’m just lost in this moment, I’ve been zoning.”- blackbear, 4u
“Standing on your mama’s porch, you told me that you’d wait forever. Oh and when you held my hand, I knew that it was now or never”- Bryan Adams, Summer Of ‘69
“I’ll go out, grow my hair too long, sing your least favourite songs at the top of my lungs. I’ll go out, kiss all of your friends, make a story and pretend it was me who made this end.”- The Vamps, Hair Too Long
“Getting my mind right, I’ll wait 'til the time’s right. I’m meaning to tell you why it’s hard to sleep at night. There’s nothing to fear now, girl, we should be here now. So why don’t you hear me out?”- Jeremy Zucker, Ft. blackbear, talk is overrated
“We haven’t spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won’t you ever be the first one to break? Even my phone misses your call, by the way.”- Harry Styles, From the Dining Table
“Look overhead at the stars and the ocean, foggy emotions, moments, erosion. This supernova could cause a commotion, my minds of the notion, you’ll still be my motive”- Ansel Elgort, Supernova
“I love that new dress you bought, yeah, you sure look nice. Heard you liked that new restaurant, you know, I’ve been there twice. And the way that you switch up your hair, all of the moments we’ve shared, strolling the streets back in Rome, oh, how I wish I was there. It ain’t fair.”- Ruel, Face To Face
“Welcome to your life, there’s no turning back. Even while we sleep we will find you acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature.”- Tear For Fears, Everybody Wants to Rule the World
“I’m wide awake, not losing any sleep, I picked up every piece and landed on my feet. I’m wide awake, need nothing to complete myself, no.” Katy Perry, Wide Awake
“If you don’t realize, all of the things your life can do you will be left behind, swept up by the storm of those you knew.”- Meltycanon, thankful
“I always knew that we’d be by each other’s side forever, now our time has come and I’d be satisfied if we died together. Yeah, our climate’s fucked, we might as well enjoy the weather, our time is up and I’d be satisfied if we died together.”- Samsa, Anthropocene
“There’s still so much to say, I’m faded, broken, pretending you’re on the line, wasting my time. Sinking deeper, watching you spend your night,
like I’ll be fine and I’ll be over this.”- NYK, Faded
“I’d rather go to hell, than be in purgatory, cut my hair, gag and bore me, pull this pin, let this world explode.”- My Chemical Romance, Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)
“I reached for a shooting star, it burned a hole through my hand
Made its way through my heart, had fun in the promised land.”- blink-182, Wishing Well
“Let go of your baggage, but don’t think I don’t understand it’s probably a challenge,”- Isaac Lewis, Fly
“It’s been a long night in New York city, it’s been a long night in Baton Rouge. I don’t remember you looking any better, but then again, I don’t remember you.”- John Mayer, Who Says
Prompts 101-119
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Stubborn Independence
TITLE: Stubborn Independence 
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight
Imagine Loki struggling to adjust to someone who is independent and insists on paying for themselves all the time, even if it is a struggle sometimes. They need to do everything on their own. They never ask for help and refuse help. Just imagine Loki really wanting to spoil this person. Imagine how creative he would get to make life easier on this person who has captivated him.
Imagine being a talented singer at your local club. Loki comes in one night with Thor and the others (he’d rather be anywhere else but who turns down free drinks?) and gets ensnared in the voice of the beautiful singer on stage. Suddenly, his interest (and arousal) are more than piqued.
Imagine getting into a petty fight with Loki, so in retaliation, he puts everything on the top shelf where you can’t reach? 
  AUTHOR’S NOTES: College AU. Loki is determined to take over Odin’s company. He works hard and has a strict schedule for success. However, with the interference of Thor and the other four, Loki’s plans are often interrupted so they can play matchmaker.
  My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Loki went with Thor to talk to their parents together a few days after.
  Odin yelled. “As a family we have images to uphold for the business-and a child in college and not married? Your grades are already bad enough, how do you expect to pass college once this baby is born?!”
  Loki tried to step in. “Thor’s grades have improved drastically. Father, Thor IS working hard.”
  Odin made a loud abrupt sound to silence everyone.
  “You are stripped of any chance to have my company. Get out.”
  Frigga spoke calmly as her eyes tried to catch Odin’s. “Let him finish his dinner.”
  Thor replied as he stood, “I don’t have an appetite anymore.” He threw his napkin on his plate then left.
  Loki sat still as Thor left then looked to his mother who nodded.
  Loki stood and excused himself.
  Thor was walking up the street and Loki hurried in his car to pick his brother up.
  Thor got in with a growl. “That went exactly how I thought it would. That old man is a fool.”
  Loki spoke quietly as his hands sweat. “I am going to help you however I can.”
  There was a silence as Thor seemed to be thinking.
  “I have been thinking about changing my major to science. Jane is a genius and her passion about things keeps me interested to learn. There is a house we were looking into buying.”
  “I will help where I can.”
  “How about we go get our women and go eat somewhere.”
  Loki nodded, “sounds like a wonderful plan.”
  They found them sitting with everyone in the common kitchen.
  When Loki looked at Sirena she was talking with Jane and then her face lit up once she saw him. Jane got up and went to Thor who embraced her with an arm around her shoulders and a hand to her head in an attempt to shelter her.
  Loki was happy to have Sirena in his arms.
  She mumbled into his shirt. “You are back early.”
  Loki ran his fingers through her hair. “Odin is a quick decision maker…”
  Sirena looked up at him as she moved away. 
  He followed her eyes to Thor and Jane.
  Loki was a little surprised to see both of them so happy.
  Sirena held Loki’s hand as she looked at him. “Did it go well?”
  Loki tore his eyes off the couple to look in Sirena’s eyes. “I didn’t think so…”
  Sirena walked him to the kitchen. “Did you eat?”
  “Not really.”
  There was a meat mixture in a skillet still.
  “It’s supposed to be sloppy joe but… I didn’t have enough of the sauce.”
  She gave him a plate with a sandwich on it.
  “So now you are just eating joe. Ya know, get it? Cuz its not sloppy?”
  Loki smiled, “yes i get it. A bit morbid but I get the joke.”
  Jane and Thor walked into the kitchen.
  Thor had a small smile. “Thank you for keeping this a secret. But now father knows so I am sure he will try hiding it somehow.”
  Jane held Thor’s hand as she spoke to Loki and Sirena. “Yes thank you. And thank you Loki for going with Thor. The support means so much to us.”
  Sirena nodded. “Anything you need I am here.”
  Loki offered a smile. “Same with me. Just let me know.”
  Thor sported a huge smile. “How about two of those sandwiches.” Thor looked to Loki with a slight smile… “perhaps some tutoring so I can easily switch my major..?”
  Loki grinned. “I can do that.”
  Loki made sure Thor was studying hard but with the plan for next semester to change majors did not mean Thor could afford bad grades. He still needed a good GPA.
  Sirena would keep a close eye on Jane, especially during the evening hours because that was when Jane experienced the pregnancy sickness.
  By the end of the semester everyone knew due to Jane having a bump.
  Sirena was in Loki’s arms as they laid in his bed. Both drawing absentmindedly on the other’s bare skin.
  Loki asked, “what do you think Sirena.. about kids.”
  Sirena hummed. “Well at a later point in time would be fine. I want to finish my schooling, graduate, have a job with teaching music and being a musical therapist. Have a house that has everything a family could ever need.”
  Loki kissed her head briefly. “It sounds nice and I agree. I would like to have a few years into working at A.T. as the new owner. Get settled in before starting a family. During that time I was thinking about getting a cat.”
  Loki felt Sirena laugh.
  “A cat?”
  “Yes and we will name it something elegant and amazing.”
  “Sounds good. I love you Loki.”
  “I love you more.”
  Sirena huffed. “I have to write an original song for my class next semester.”
  “I am sure it will be great.”
  “I never wrote a song before.”
  “Do you want me to help you or keep assuring it is going to be amazing?”
  Sirena smiled at him. “Both.”
  So when next semester arrived Loki helped Sirena write a song. He was a natural poet and came up with the beautiful arrangement of words with Sirena. Then when she practiced the song, repeatedly, Loki felt their efforts really come to life.
  Sirena was trying to get Loki to schedule some literature classes as well as art classes.
  “Loki you are so good though. -And you love to draw and read. The song you helped me with was beyond amazing!”
  Loki’s lips were in a thin line from the constant nagging.
  “Sirena I need to hurry and finish with my current degrees so I can take over the company. My dad is not doing well.”
  “You could still do it. You love to write.”
  “It is a family business, Sirena. Thor has pushed the family away and right now this burden falls to me.”
  “Listen to yourself. You said, burden. Even YOU don’t want this.”
  Loki shut his mouth…
  Sirens started to throw her clothes back on. “You love writing. You LOVE drawing. I see how happy you are when doing that stuff. How you careLESS about the sense of duty that is forced on you.”
  “I have a responsibility to my family-”
  “Yourself.” Her voice cracked. She cleared her throat… “you only have responsibilities to keep yourself happy.”
  Loki scoffed, throwing his pants on. “Happiness never makes money.”
  “Have it your way.” She walks away.
  Loki goes after her and grabs her arm. “Wait. Where are you going?”
  Sirena pulled her arm away as she pointed at Loki. “My future plans do not hold a miserable, bland, and loveless marriage.”
  Loki grabbed her hand and plead with her. “I swear it will never be that way!”
  Sirena pulled her hand away. “I am going into a field I love because the work fulfils me in a way money never will. I know you searched how much a music therapist makes and probably immediately after how much a writer makes.”
  “I don’t understand your point.”
  “You need the money. You need a sense of stability in your life. You need to be able to impress everyone with what you have. Loki… people dont love you for what you have. They will truly enjoy you if you chase happiness, not acceptance for something you are not.” Sirena’s eyes watered. “Ever since you found out you are getting the company you are changing into something miserable.”
  “Sirena, I have to.”
  “Then I have to move on because this will never work.”
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
oooo first time i’m doing this :) can i get a general reading?
thanks for your patience honey! Here’s your reading
~Readings are closed, I’m just finishing off a few from the last batch so please don’t send any more~
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tarot: page of swords, 4 of pentacles, 7 of cups, 10 of cups, 2 of cups, 8 of swords, the fool. 
I see a potential for a relationship here. It could be romantic but doesn’t have to be. If there’s someone you’d like to be friends with or someone you’ve been considering asking out this may relate to them specifically but it could also be that someone will come into your life soon or a more general desire rather than a specific one. There is also an interpretation of these cards that relates to self love and a relationship with yourself which is worth mentioning. I feel it most strongly in those first 4 cards rather than the last 3 but I figured I should mentioning it just in case. I’ll talk a little more about what those messages are as I go through the card but take whatever resonates. Obviously I dont know your situation. The relationship with another person meaning did jump out at me first and feels a bit stronger but if you’re aro and/or ace or just not looking for connections with others at the moment, the self love related messages might be more important. Again, take what resonates and leave the rest. I try to be specific with these things but I’m not a confident enough reader to pick which will be more relevant, particularly since you’re on anon and that can make it harder to know if i’m on the right track. 
So, the page of swords is the first card here. He represents curiosity and restlessness as well as mental energy. This page can sometimes relate to observing someone and a secretive nature which is why I suggested it could be someone you have your eye on either to date or just befriend. 
Now, the page could be representing yourself and in that case the curiosity and excitement or nervous energy suggested by the card could relate to your own feelings. But it may also be representing another person and, I think it’s more likely to be this interpretation based on the other cards. Either way there’s a sense that connecting with this page will bring you happiness. The 10 of cups is a card of fulfilment and dreams coming true so if there is someone you’ve been thinking about connecting with, taking steps to make that connection real will lead to a success and joy. Of course, if the page is you it could be speaking of self love and finding joy and peace within yourself. 
The 4 of pentacles is about protecting what is yours and pulling in what you want to claim. And it’s being clarified by the 2 of cups which is about partnership and unity and connection. Again, there is a way to interpret these as self love and taking care of yourself. The 4 of pentacles can be read as selfishness and hoarding but the more positive interpretation reminds me of the messages you hear in airplane safety instructions - put on your own mask before helping others. These cards could be reminding you to take care of yourself or to put yourself first every now and then if it’s something you struggle with. But, the 2 of cups is generally more about teamwork and partnership with another person. Together these cards could be indicating a feeling of insecurity in yourself and a desire to have someone with which to share your world. It could also relate to feeling jealous of anyone this page of swords gets close to out of a desire for them to be close to you. 
Finally we have the 7 of cups being clarified by the 8 of swords and the fool. Like I said earlier, these are harder to fit into the self love interpretation which is why i’ve emphasised the relationship aspects of each card. 
The seven of cups has 2 main meanings. It can relate to choices or to dreams/fantasies. Fantasising about someone, daydreaming about being in a relationship or friendship, can feel safer than the reality of chasing that relationship. But these cards want you to step out of your comfort zone and go after that connection you want so badly. The 8 of swords is about being held back or feeling trapped by yourself. It speaks of anxieties and self-doubt keeping you from changing your situation and the fool has the opposite sort of energy. the fool is about taking a leap and not worrying about what could go wrong. He symbolises a new beginning and having the courage to go for what you want. So all together these cards are saying that if you don’t just go for it, take the plunge and introduce yourself, then you will always be stuck with just your daydreams and you won’t actually experience the real thing. You need to let go of your fears and trust that it’ll go well. 
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You got 3 moonology oracle cards: Full Moon In Gemini (The answers you need are coming) + Full Moon In Cancer (A personal issue reaches resolution) + New Moon in Aquarius (Bring love into the situation). 
So in the guidebook for the moonology deck it gives a detailed rundown of each card’s main meanings as well as a few smaller additional meanings and one of those for full moon in gemini is “someone is trying to flirt with you - have you noticed?” IT might be that the page of swords has noticed you and is thinking about being with you. Or, if you’ve had your eye on someone, the meaning could be flipped and be about you flirting with them. Either way, whatever question you are grappling with here or having trouble vocalising may be answered soon. Gemini is related to communication so it’s possible this card is tying to that fool/8 of swords energy and encouraging you to communicate what you want. 
We have a similar sort of “everything will be fine” energy of completion with the full moon in cancer. This situation is drawing to a close and opening up a new door for you. The Moon-Cancer combination can cause heightened emotions which makes sense since we had 3 cups tarot cards above and the suit of cups is closely tied to emotions. One interesting little thing is that in the guidebook it warns not to get “too clingy” and the 4 of pentacles card can be read as a clingy person or relationship. This could relate to those potential feelings of jealousy I mentioned and not letting them get the best of you. 
The New Moon in Aquarius card is about moving forward and not looking back. It’s got a similar energy to The Fool and warns that change is coming towards you but whether you get it will depend on whether you believe you can have it. You can bring that love and connection you’re dreaming of towards you but you have to believe you deserve it and block out any self-doubts before you can take the leap. 
Your green witch oracle card is Cauliflower (Transition)
Change is definitely coming towards you. This is the time to let go of whatever your holding onto and whatever is holding you back. 
From the prisim oracle we have Stop and Protection. 
Stop can be a sign to pause for a moment, reflect and collect your thoughts or take a break if you need it. It may also indicate a good time to think about what is stopping or blocking you from achieving what you want and how you can overcome those obstacles. 
Protection is about feeling personally save and protected as you navigate through life. It asks you to find balance between pushing yourself through situations that made you anxious or nervous which also finding ways to make yourself feel secure. Again, it’s very much tied to that idea of moving forward and allowing yourself to try new things and go after your dreams but also it’s about figuring out how to look after yourself as you step out of your comfort zone, be it through constant positive affirmations or turning to others for support, 
Finally your ice cream oracle is Maple (Kindness/Friendship/Support) 
This could connect with the previous Protection card and indicate that friends can help you make your move or take action to make this connection a reality. It could also be indicating that kindness is necessary both to the person you’re connecting with and to yourself. 
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veralovemail · 4 years
hihi! ive been loving ur writing so ive succumbed to sending a matchup. *straightens tie* okay im an esfp and my enneagram is 2w3. i dont have a label on my sexuality rlly but i dont mind any gender, id prefer a survivor though! my prns are he/they. im a generally open person who kinda thrives off interactions, and im honestly vv easy to read it is. very sad. but im a little strong headed/stubborn and even though im kinda loud ik when to lower my volume when need be :] i struggle with social cues but im trying my best. im a joker but with a normally realistic view so im on the border between pessimist/optimist. i love music, specifically singing and violin and im trying to pick up more instruments + learn asl! i also like painting/drawing, even if im not necessarily good at it but its the thought and effort that counts yknow,, id also say my love language is acts of service whether we are in a platonic or romantic relationship hdgdjsf i dont know if thats important but anyways i dont know what else to put but good luck! this was everywhere. ps i love cheesecake too mmm strawberry cheesecake
*smooths out suit* so we goin fancy with this? :0 but i'm glad you've been enjoying my writing!! :DD tysm for requesting :" - mod vera
i match you with... demi bourbon!
OK hear me out.
you two. are so chaotic together.
demi also thrives off of social interaction and loves talking to you all day and all night!
she likes the fact that you're rather open, because she's a rather open person too!
you two, especially in matches, can be loud af and start accidental parties that can go all night. it may just start with demi and you jokingly dancing around together, but then william joins in... then norton... then mike... then victor... then luca... then some hunters hear all the racket and come in and they're like damn we partying? so now we have you, demi, william, norton, mike, victor, luca, fan wujiu, luchino and jack fucking raving in the dining room of the survivors' side of the mansion. naib was definitely very mad.
you know when to quieten down, demi doesn't, so you may need to just tug her hand and tell her to lower her volume and she's like "oops, okay! :)"
she likes that you're stubborn. you once had a conversation that went like this -
"hey, [ name ], do you think i should take melly's net and count how many bees are in there?"
"no, demi, you'll get stu-"
"but there are so many! you can't lie to me that you're interested t-"
"...demi... you can't..."
"okay then :("
she likes holding you. sorry, you're just very squishy to her and she will absolutely smother you, especially if you've been gone the entire day.
if you're of age, she'll let you test different flavours of dovlin, if you're not she'll make alcohol-free dovlin for you! same taste, it's just alcohol-free.
while decoding, if she's had to have dovlin, you may have to ground her a bit because she gets a bit ditzy.
demi is very good with social cues, being a barmaid, so she'll gently nudge you and whisper in your ear if she knows that you're meant to respond in a certain fashion.
she finds it easy to read you, but she struggles with reading people in general, so she's glad when she's able to tell when something's the matter because she gets to absolutely pamper you or start fooling around to make you feel a bit better.
please play music for her. please she will literally cry whenever you start playing the violin, it's just so pretty...
jose has asked if he can be the vicar at your wedding (jokingly) even though he's not exactly trained to be a vicar.
also if you do stuff for her, she'll definitely repay that favour! she likes it when you do though, it makes her feel special.
also if you paint anything, she's gonna show it off. if edgar sees it she's definitely gonna rub it in his face that she thinks that you're the superior artist.
demi is very soft around you. not clingy, but.. soft. she'll pepper your face in kisses or wrap her hands around you from behind while you're doing something.
she loves you very dearly, really, she does! you two have the best experiences together and create some really funny memories.
i hope you enjoy these!! i had fun writing them :> ALSO YES strawberry cheesecake is top tier. cheesecake? s tier. strawberry cheesecake? ss tier.
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