#dont like self inserts? keep scrolling
star-mum · 1 year
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
Ive been thinking about this post again today after I saw some posts in The Sandman tag that seemed a bit like gatekeeping to me and using the comics as an excuse to make fun of Dreamling shippers.
I usually ignore stuff like that, but I think its worth reminding fans of a few important points.
1. Whilst I highly recommend reading the sandman comics, it is totally not necessary if you just wanna enjoy the show (and not spoil upcoming stories!) As Neil Gaiman has already previously said, Sandman is for EVERYONE regardless of which media you choose to engage with. No gatekeepers allowed!
2. The Sandman universe in the comics is rich and full of super interesting characters and only gets better the further on you read (Overture my beloved fave!) BUT fans of the show DO NOT have all this context and therefore will only want to explore what theyve seen in the show. Don't be dicks pointing out how show fans are somehow wrong for their show based headcanons.
3. If show fans wanna make up headcanons and fan theories that don't fit in with comic book canon that is totally within their right and it is no ones place to mock them for not following comic canon.
4. Learn to live with Dreamling. Yeah look I get it, its a tiny fragment of a story in a much wider multitude of beautiful stories. Yeah it can be frustrating how fandom has "main charactered" Hob Gadling. Just accept that fandom is gonna fandom. Dont like, dont read. Keep scrolling, rant on your own blog OUT OF THE MAIN TAGS if you must. Hell, make an anti dreamling tag if you must waste energy on negativity but please keep the negativity tagged and separate from positive fandom fun.
4. On the Dreamling note, its worth mentioning that Hob Gadling in comic canon is not a really nice person. He is selfish, he makes bad choices, he is rather rude and tends to be on the wrong side of history. He's not very likeable. He says inappropriate things sometimes. He's not what fandom has made him (because fanon Hob is a fandom projection and self insert character more than anything else at this point). That is not an excuse to piss on peoples Hob Gadling headcanons and smugly point out what an ass he is. Its certainly not an excuse to attack people as if liking him makes them morally inferior to you.
5. Honestly though if you're looking for perfect characters you're better off quitting Sandman altogether because literally all characters in the comic are flawed especially Dream. He's THE problematic fave. He's a bit of an asshole, even though we love him. Tbh even comic Dream and Hob are made for each other in that respect.
6. The show is not the comic. I feel like this should be obvious, but its very clear that the show is telling a kinder story than the comic. The characters are far more likeable already and a lot of the more eyebrow raising stuff (such as Desire raping Unity) has been removed. Therefore anyone using the comic character flaws to somehow justify why Dreamling shippers are morons and their faves are assholes is just a dick. Let show fans enjoy what the show has presented to them.
7. At the end of the day, let people have their fun. The Sandman is an ideal fandom sandbox in that the world is rich and full of potential and a beautiful source for creative inspiration. Fans wanna play in this sandbox and make up their own fun ideas and stories and that is a wonderful thing.
Don't piss in the fucking sandbox.
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lovemyromance · 5 months
I have a little rant lol.
In general, the entire acotar fandom is immature and toxic (I honestly think its gotten so bad since nesta's book came out). Most of these people are grown women and men arguing back and forth about characters and ships. It's bad enough that its been going on for years that its sad. "I'll laugh at the elriels or gwnyriels or the eluciens if their ship isnt endgame" Do the people who say that realize how embarrassing they are? Many people are going to have good and terrible theories but bashing people and harassing people over fictional characters is just immature. I also hate when they say "its that [insert ship] the one who is being the most toxic and weird" NO. its all of you. None of us know who is going to be endgame no matter the theories you have or anything. YOU DONT KNOW. So, please, can we stop this already? its getting annoying and weird. This fandom has made it incredibly difficult to know who the next book is going to be about when its right in front of their eyes. Sarah has not made it impossible to know who the next will be about and I think thats why shes been so quiet about because everyone is being so aggressive about this ship war. I just know the moment she announces the couple, she'll get a ton of hate when its not even her fault because people love to twist her words on paper and thinks she's probably doing that but it could mean a whole other thing. Yall have let theories get to your head and twisted words so much that I think it's incredibly unhealthy for all of you to be acting this way. Stick with who you ship or love and of course, you can have beautiful theories, but toxicity is not necessary. No need to go back and forth about who is the real "endgame".
I mean yeah this fandom is insane. Sometimes as I'm aggressively typing out a reply to an anon who calls me a delusional psychotic bitch bc I made an Elriel post they didn't like, I genuinely just blink and think what the fuck am I doing?
It's partly why I didn't want get involved. At all.
I still try to keep to myself. Only even entertain the antis if they come to my posts. I stick to my own tags.
But there are people - and you're right they are from both sides, as I have also said multiple times on my blog -that go out of their way to start a fight on posts they know aren't meant for them.
These are the people that are making this fandom so toxic. Like I understand, no one person can be responsible for a fandom's collective behavior, but you can be responsible for yourself at the very least.
I have always made it clear what i believe acceptable behavior for discourse in this fandom is and isn't. It's not something I can personally enforce for others, but I can follow myself.
It really is crazy how out of hand this fandom has gotten because other people can't control themselves. If I see an anti Elriel post I don't like (and I don't follow any tags, actually, so I see ALL the ships posting), I have the self control to ignore it and keep scrolling.
This fandom has been overrun by childish adults, intent on being louder than the rest. It's crazy how many disgusting things have been said over just fictional characters, it makes me wonder what these people are like in real life.
At the end of the day - there's going to be a book and one side is going to be proven right. It's not worth all these vitriol that's been spewed across all sides just to "be right". I at least, would be perfectly fine to read an Elucien book. If Elriel does happen, I'm certainly not going to lord it over anyone's head and laugh.
Not worth my time. Not worth my energy.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
heyyyy im making a pinned post as that is a feature and seems good to keep info all in one place esp for ppl on mobile
❤️im brave!! or rua works if u want to but brave is by far the most popular name i go by. he/him pronouns
❤️art commissions/art trades are NOT on the table rn sadly. i used to offer commissions and did art trades with friends but for the most part im really busy with work/health conditions. if i have a bit of free time i may change this or make a few exceptions on a case by case basis depending on my schedule. for the most part tho i just want my art to be a stress relief activity
❤️art requests i do take from time to time now, but there is no guaranty i will take it. please do not spam requests hoping i’ll do it and please do not get mad if i don’t do it. they’re requests for a reason. if i am particularly inspired i’ll be happy to get around to it if life lets me
❤️technically multifandom blog i would say, mostly i have been focused on the elder scrolls series lately. you will probably see me rb stuff from like, a bunch of series. if this changes i’ll prob edit this post LMAO (i do not control the special interest)
❤️not just an art blog but also personal. my art can be found in my #my art tag. wips can sometimes be found scattered on my twitter if they arent on here. and writing that i publish can be found on my ao3 (though i have like a million wips that dont get published and be warned much of my ao3 is rated E and not for everyone)
❤️ been doing a lot of oc posting so i can do a run down of them currently for anyone that wants to follow along/know the lore:
/// OCS ///
(under cut)
🌟 Eyja: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. past life incarnation was konahrik, alduin’s head priest, murdered by miraak. uses a bow and magic primarily. story can be found here
🌟 Senna: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. proud two handed weapon user and leader of the companions. fought and lost to the world eater who took her back to his den and make her his partner. proof prophecy can be a complicated thing. story can be found here.
🌟 Baldur: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, he/him. grew up on the streets stealing to survive, and certified trans of gender. fought and lost to the world eater who decided to force baldur to be his champion. helps him take over skyrim. story not yet published but will prob contain a lot of mentions of transphobia as a cw :(
🌟 Ansa: skyrim oc, nord dragonborn, she/her. orphaned at a young age, and just a weird, feral child. learned to steal, and ended up joining the thieves guild. killed mercer and turned the guild over to karliah and is helping rebuild it when she finds a weird rock that turns out to be a dragon egg. story not yet published
🌟 Ahkrinaak: general elder scrolls oc, he/him/any pronouns. he is based off me as a sort of self insert/persona character purely for comedy, not a serious au. dragon/god who was corrupted in the war with lorkhan/shor and became more so an agent of lorkhan. he spends most of his time pretending to be a mortal and causing problems. he’s just sillay. looks like a falmer/snow elf and nord hybrid making pretty much everyone just in general uncomfortable. dragons dont have gender he just likes tits. divorced with alduin
🌟 Lyre: not a skyrim oc (yet) but my beloved dnd character i have made a million aus for, including one that has turned into a full on novel lmao. will update everyone when i start uploading the novel (its not gonna be too serious just a fun lil webnovel that is pg rate) and you can see me post illustrations for. depending on the AU uses either he/him or she/her. i just think theyre neat
🌟 Anthial: nerevarine bosmer, tired, angry, nb spellsword. he/them pronouns. just wants to cover their entire body until you cant tell what gender they are. vivec never got them the drink he owed them. was convinced as nerevar that voryn never liked them back all that much. had an open marriage with almalexia. this incarnation was emotionless and lacked a moral compass due to the betrayal in their past life.
🌟 Steren: nerevarine, technically. not actually the reincarnation of nerevar, but the reincarnation of nerevar’s son. nerevar never reincarnated bc he was too busy haunting his descendants, too upset to move on. steren has a couple of aus but mostly its him with vivienne the dragonborn who belongs to @mulberrycafe. calls voryn “ata” and nerevar “dad” because he technically grew up in cyrodiil but remembers his first lifetime in bits and pieces where voryn raised him for the first few years.
feel free to send asks abt my ocs i love answering them
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mothball-munson · 1 year
Anon BS
I personally dont have this issue being a small blog that pops in now and then and has no idea whats going on.
The amount of hateful or just plain stupid things being posted to friends and mutuals under Anonymous is ridiculous.
If you have an opinion that actually matters to you, take off anon. Why take anything you say seriously when you cant even reveal who you are. Im guessing because, from what ive seen. These opinions or self inserted issues you have are completely pointless and irrelevant. But I guess if I wanted to come off as an arrogant insecure brat needing to interject myself where its unwanted, I would like to be anon too.
BUT! I dont do that. Because im smart enough to know that I can simply keep scrolling when I see something that I dont like. That is an option people. I recommend giving it a try! OR if whatever it is your worked up about really has you going to peoples pages to post this shit...come off anon. What are you so worried about?
There are times when inserting yourself into something can be of use. If you want to be heard, say it yourself. be constructive, have a point. Put your energy into solving something that matters- theres plenty out there to chose from. Whining just to stir up emotions under anon is pathetic. And if you got problems with one specific person and this is how you chose to pester them...grow up. move on. Maybe get off Tumblr.
If anyone has problems with me in the future. thats cool. fight me. but dont do it under Anon because thats pathetic.
To my pals and my mutuals: I love and support you <3
To their haters and whoever else wants to be a problem: Id suggest reflecting what your life is like and why your doing it but can assume that wont happen. so instead-
Get absolutely wrecked :)
To everyone else. have a good day!
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raitrolling · 8 months
Cursed Drabble meta post because i cant help myself sometimes
while i dont think i nailed the vibe for the tumblr reader x celebrity self-insert fan fiction (mainly because i just Could not get through a single fic without dying of cringe. im sorry i do not vibe with this genre in the slightest for reasons that are probably evident in how i wrote that fic) and its probably more wattpad / quotev fanfic tier, i think i did pull off the standard tropes for those sorts of fics
like how the self-insert is supposed to be a blank slate for anyone to, well. self-insert into, but they're always very obviously written to be (cis) women. and the author can't decide if they want their self-insert to be meek and easily smitten, or sassy and genre-aware, as well as simultaneously living the fantasy of having a glamorous lifestyle that people would be jealous of, but she's also totally just an ordinary girl you guys. see, she's got average looks!
and also the combination of fulfilling the fantasy of 'what if my dream man saved me from a scary situation like gross dudes hitting on me', and the fact that the love interest is... often not written that much better than the bad guys lmao. the 'i saw you from across the room and immediately fell in love and wanted to protect you because you are so beautiful' seems to be popular in self-insert fics from what i skimmed through, but a lot of the time the dudes always come across as creepy to me. but in this fic sharle is using french terms of endearment so clearly he is sexy and romantic and not also a weird sleaze, duh
i died the most writing every single piece of sharle's dialogue but also the descriptions talking about how hot he is, btw. the line about the reader imagining his hands choking someone and them smelling his intoxicating scent in his bedsheets both made me want to hurl LMFAO props to people who can write that shit, id rather swan dive off a cliff thanks (tho the hand focus is also due to me listening to that read-through of the foxhole court and the video essayist mentioning how often the characters in that story grabbed each other by the chin. i was just like 'ok yeah i need more hand stuff in this people eat that shit up')
the warnings at the start are there solely because when i was scrolling through the tumblr tags for reader self-inserts i saw quite a few that warned for swearing which i thought was funny since like. this is a 13+ website. you can say the fuck word here and not get in trouble. apart from the cringy dialogue i wouldnt say anything in the fic actually merits a warning, but i felt like i needed to add the other stuff to keep it true to the formatting style that is common for tumblr self-insert fic
the bit with ropikk at the end definitely breaks the illusion and probably turns the fic into some 'lol well that just happened' marvel '''humour''', but tbh i just wanted to include a 'he would not fucking say that' joke and needed to write a palate cleanse LMAO you can pretend that last paragraph doesn't exist if you dont like the immersion-breaking
anyways uh. this was a lot of words i wrote to explain my stupid drabble i wrote as a joke and because people voted for something cursed. you can't say i half-ass anything lmao
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thewhumperinwhite · 1 year
WKW: The Rose Queen, Part 2
WKW Masterlist / The Rose Queen Part 1
alternate title: [insert power man] you in danger girl
like i said i dont remember who my taglist was and i think a bunch of those people are inactive now so i'm just going through my activity on other wkw posts i'm so sorry anyway uh @whumpitywhumpwhump @buggy-about-town @the-monarch-whumperfly @whump-cravings (also yk please message me if you wanna be tagged in wkw stuff)
TW for: implied/referenced child abuse/neglect; (graphically) referenced whipping; Mild Ritual Self-Harm (cutting palm); Fantasy Religious Themes
She should know better by now, she should. But when the news comes that some shadowy invader from the North has besieged the Castle at Colomur and means to take the Lion’s head, Cinth really believes that her grandfather will rise in his King’s defense.
The Rose Count has been one of the royal family’s most important political allies for seven generations, almost as long as the Horned Lady herself. Cinth takes it as a given that the count must marshal his forces against the invaders—he must. He has tied himself to Fourshield house by decades of service and by blood, too—Cinth’s mother may have left the Court at Colomur, and have dragged Cinth away along with her, but she is still the Lion’s wife, and the Lion’s sons have Rose blood in their veins as surely as Cinth does herself.. Cinth knows there is no love in the old man’s heart for anything more complex than the silks and feathers of his own Court, but surely it must be politically expedient to—surely—
“The Rose Court has weathered many of the Lion’s wars,” he tells her while she stands before him in his study, her face hot and palms cold with horror. “We shall weather this, as well.”
About the House, he may even be correct. That remains to be seen.
About himself, at least, he is wrong.
By the time she leaves her grandfather’s study that evening—the second evening of the Seige of Colomur, twenty days before its fall—it is late and her voice is hoarse from an hour of reasoning, twenty minutes of shouting, and another fifteen of begging. She thinks, very briefly, of running to her mother’s chambers, next. Of waking her mother with tears, of crawling into her lap like a child and begging her too, of wasting the rest of the night pleading with Lilianne of Rose to raise one single bejeweled finger to save her sons from death and torture.
However, Cinth has bashed her head against that particular wall before. And, truthfully, she has never had her brother’s stomach for punishment.
She goes to the library, instead. She reads for three days. She picks at the sweetmeats and fruit the servants bring her, thinking of siege rations. Starving herself will not give Andry extra food; she resists the temptation.
The seat of House Rose is an elegant and sprawling manor, not a Castle like the fortress at Colomur. It is an edifice of plaster scrollwork and elaborate frescoes and about a thousand doors, and it is much easier to leave without being seen. Slightly harder to pilfer the fine stuff she needs from the kitchens, but all it takes is a single raised eyebrow to convince the scullery maid who spots her to let her leave with the meat and wine, and a gold coin to ensure her silence about it afterward.
There are a dozen illuminated volumes about the Faefolk in House Rose’s library, and they are almost all glorious histories of the Horned Lady and her generous patronage of Fourshield house. (Cinth tucks one of these into her bag, just in case.) Of the few remaining books and scrolls, one is transparent propaganda from the north about the dangers of the unbound faery and how to kill one, one is an exhaustive catalogue of every minor house in the kingdom and its Patron; and one—Lady-Be-Blessed—actually contains some actionable fucking information.
At sundown on the fourth day of the Siege of Colomur, Cinth rides out through the Rose Trellis’s extravagant manicured gardens and keeps going, through the surrounding town and past the vineyards and farms, into the forest beyond. She brings her rapier, more for a sense of security than anything else; it might deter a wolf if wielded cleverly but no amount of skill will make a rapier any good against a wild boar or a bear.
Cinth does not gamble often. She is gambling a little, now. That the rumors she has heard about this place are true, and that something lives here stronger than a wolf, fiercer even than a boar. And that the book she found in the manor’s library, a unadorned linen-bound volume, many decades old and rarely read if she had to guess, has any truth on its pages at all.
By the time she has finished assembling her little makeshift altar, the only light is the occasional firefly, and the candle she sets on top and lights with a flint from her grandfather’s tinderbox. She sits back on her heels, sweaty and out of breath from hauling stones around for what feels like hours.
One does not summon a Faery, according to the book, and attempting to do so will only cause insult. However, the un-patroned man (or woman, Cinth assumes, though of course the text does not say so) might—entice one, with a little effort.
She doesn’t know if its true. She has not prayed to the Lady since she left Colomur Castle, and does not do so now—her prayer, if so it may be called, is directed at no one in particular.
Lady Hyacinth of Rose is a highborn lady, three steps removed from royalty; she is accustomed, also, to being ignored. She will not be ignored tonight.
Cinth raises her palm above the meat and wine she has arranged on the altar. This isn’t in the book. She thinks, though, of the way the blood poured from her brother’s back the day the Lady claimed him, how it soaked through his once-fine trousers and puddled on the packed earth under the pillory. She draws her sword, wraps her fist around it. Slices through her palm, once, clean and deep.
“Hear me,” she says, fiercely, into the candle’s flame. “No one else with any power will. But if you will hear me, whoever you are, and you have power—give it to me. Give me your power, and I swear, on the Lion’s Head, on my own: I will make your name heard from here to the depths of the Leisevan Wastes.” She squeezes her fist once, brutally; blood splatters over the lamb and wine upon the altar. “And if it means anything,” Cinth says through bared teeth, “I promise you a great deal more blood than this.”
As she says this, a drop of blood lands squarely on the candles wick, extinguishing it with a hiss. Cinth swears at the sudden darkness, and her hand opens automatically.
In the blackness, Cinth feels another hand take hers.
“I think we can work something out,” a voice says in her ear.
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self-shipping-angel · 2 years
So anyways here's Steve and Eddie's girlfriend, Seven (Sev for short, they/them pronouns). They grew up in the lab with El but their abilities are almost exclusively pyrokinetic which is why "Papa" never found them as useful as the others.
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Right before El escaped, "Papa" sent them into the upside down to search for something and abandoned them there. Sev had a lot of anger issues growing up so for him it was a win-win situation, either they came back with what he sent them for or they didnt and he would have one less nuisance distracting him from his work with Eleven. Sev managed to find their way into the tunnels under upside down Hawkins and encased themselves in a fiery crystal to save themselves.
And that is where Steve found them a year later while running from the demodogs. Hopper took them in at El's insistence that she wouldn't be separated from her big sister again. Of course Hop had his work cut out for him with not only trying to catch this young adult up on their education but dealing with their fierce need to rebel and be independent.
Sev spent most of s3 hanging out at the mall with Steve and Robin or in tutoring (something they'd often ditch in favor of getting piercings, finding new music, really just finding themselves finally). Meanwhile Steve has found himself falling head over heels for the awkward but self empowered pyromancer and is constantly getting prodded by Robin to just ask them out already. He keeps deflecting and making up excuses which just confuses Robin since she knows nothing of Sev's history. At least until they all get trapped under Starcourt and Dustin's all "don't worry, we've got Sev here! Any Russians show up and they can just light them on fire with their mind! ....Oops you guys didn't know that, did you?" Jumping ahead to when Steve is driving them all away to get to the radio and they find out the Mindflayer is at the mall with El, Sev flips out and goes full Dark Phoenix to fly back and save their little sister. Oh also they totally kiss Steve when he tries to protest it's too dangerous. (Yeah I know it's the old cliche sudden kiss before I run off to save the day thing but I dont care, he's adorable when he's surprised)
After it's all over and El is moving to California with the Byers, Sev opts to stay in Hawkins with Steve so they can figure out their relationship. Not to mention Dr Owens steps in to enforce they have to have some sort of proper education. And so s4 starts with Sev and Steve renting an apartment together, Steve is working at the video rental shop, and Sev has been strong armed into private classes at Hawkins High. It is here that at long last they meet Eddie, shortly after he's recruited Dustin, Mike, and Lucas for the Hellfire Club. Eddie is surprised to find out Sev is the big sister of Mike's girlfriend and gives him hell for not recruiting them to Hellfire sooner. Throughout the year he genuinely tries to keep Sev at an arm's length knowing they're dating Harrington, yet the others in the party cant help but notice their DM getting soft.
I haven't decided yet how Eddie and Sev confront their feelings and make it one big poly relationship but I'll update whenever I figure that out. For the sake of clarity, yes I know about s4pt2 though I haven't watched it, I refuse to discuss it, just know shit is getting changed. Me, Steve, and Eddie are perfectly happy in our cuddle pile, thank you. Also there may be inaccuracies with Sev's storyline in this post as I'm writing this all from memory but this is the basic jist of things. I had started this with the intent to just write like 2 sentences and share the picture but then it just kept going lol so I'm gonna leave this here for now.
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artistic-heartbeat · 3 years
Not to be like. Sad on main.
But man this seasonal depression shit is kicking my ass.
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whonsper · 5 years
hey @ fanfic writers of tumblr
please stop posting your entire story/chapter in a text post without the "keep reading" line
however, please keep posting the stories, or links to your ao3/wattpad/whatever you use!!
love, a fellow tired and stressed fan
this is not an attack, this is a polite request to use the "keep reading" button on your longer stories
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goblinselfshippr · 2 years
Oh shit I dont think I've talked about the library in depth here yet. I’m gonna go ahead and post as is because I don’t think I’ll ever be done, but it’s already long as hell. Get ready for a shit ton of parentheses because I have a weird need to constantly use them
Also called the Library of Alexandria II, it is its own little pocket dimension of knowledge. It isn't technically infinite, but it definitely feels like it. Being Demon King of Time and Space, Sam exists in all dimensions, but not at once. Time is everywhere, meaning there isn't a world that doesn't have a version of him (confusing double negative I know). This means that all versions of him have access to the library.
Since the library is communal between his other selves, it is very common that I am asked where a certain dimension's version of a book is. I don't mind, but they really could just summon it themselves... For some reason I'm the only version of me in the library (it is entirely possible that there's a filter so that I can't see other me's), but most of the other Sam's recognize me. The few that don't just know me as the librarian, which is quite sad that they don't have a version of me. My version of Samael says he would get very lonely because none of his brothers appreciated Assiah the way he did I dont think he realizes I hated it here too until he took me in.
Anyway back to the library, it contains all knowledge that all versions of Samael have personally collected. Yes he has a section of works that he hand copied from the actual Library of Alexandria, but I am not big brained enough to understand all that math. His handwriting from that time is AWFUL too, so even if I could it would take weeks to decipher. This section is the only one that hasn't been updated. The others have since been retyped for easier reading, but these he keeps as they are.
He has a place for his outdated science and math textbooks that were more than likely stolen from a college centuries ago, that he sometimes reads for laughs over a glass of wine. He has so many cutesy math books it is hilarious, these are very obviously children’s books for maybe elementary age kids at the oldest, and they’re all well loved. Big kindergarten math teacher vibes. While demon lore and summoning is in the occult section, there are plenty of books on demon and general nonhuman biology in the science area! 10/10 very interesting. Really cute fact: my favorite bedtime story as a kid was Cosmos by Carl Sagan, (when I say kid I mean I was bringing this nearly disintegrated copy to preschool for show and tell) and the dark blue, gold embossed, absolutely dilapidated copy I grew up with is encased in glass in the science section. Yes I still know every word and when I found out he died before I was even born I cried for a fucking week. I need to buy my fourth copy soon-
The endless history and occult sections are my personal favorites. I actually got to contribute to some of the books in the occult section!! It really comes in handy when helping Dante out on his missions (yeah I’m self inserting by saying I personally made the demon information panels in the first-fourth games bc Nico made the ones in the fourth dhisbcish). There are so. Many. Cursed. Items. In the occult section. I ended up having to make a little corner for them so I wouldn’t accidentally get cursed from putting them back. They’re all given a sticker label like “bat amulet, wearer gets chased by bats until it gets taken off” and put behind glass. You have to come get me to personally unlock whatever item you need and write your reasoning for checking it out.
What about the history right? Surely someone as old as time itself has some really cool information about how people acted prehistory. The answer depends on whether you’re someone that scrolls past the notes or someone who reads as many comments as you possibly can. Sam is a drama queen and self described anthropologist, which means that there are entire file folders of amusing human interactions he witnessed. Things like “Today Neidhart decided he was going to begin courting Grede, and the idiot threw an onion at her. I am still laughing. Worse still, Grede’s sister overheard him wailing to his friend about what happened. All was well in the end though because once she heard the kind words relayed by her sister, Grede decided to give him another chance. How sweet.” It isn’t the flowery biased works about historical figures in power, it’s almost entirely research journals about collective social ideas based on time and region or little snippets that show humans have always been humans. These he keeps the original and hand typed versions together. He does have several signed scores from famous composers and a few original scripts from Shakespeare that he says were gifted to him (idk I wouldn't put it past him to have stolen them or asked for them in exchange for a contract).
Which brings us to the fiction. One of his favorite things about Assiah and the humans that reside there is the creativity, so of course as many nonfiction books as he has, he probably has twice the amount in fiction. Especially since common themes in fiction can show ideals of people at the time. The sheer amount of terrible romance novels in this section is very telling. Some of them have highlighted sections or notes that just say “lol what?” Or “that’s not how any of this works” etc. The only thing he has more of than romance is science fiction. Yes everything is alphabetical, but this section is also sorted by most to least possible. He will get bored one night and just reread the entire section, or at least as much as he can before the sun comes up. He absolutely hates Dr Seuss though and if you bring one in the library he will kick you out. I have no idea why, but this man could not would not in HIS house lmao.
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
getting over a fear
im gonna be trying something new, i suppose. this isnt a serious post or anything, so if youre uninterested or whatever, feel free to keep scrolling on by!
i just wanted to get something off my chest.
as an fan artist and a fandom content creator with a pretty good following (thanks for 1.2k!), theres quite a lot that i never really let myself do because all my life i taught myself that i shouldnt.
one of them is make my own original content.
for a lot of people, its pretty normal to make your own OCs. make self inserts for fandoms, or stories that are your own entirely. its fun! amazing even.
but for as long as ive been online, ive never really let myself make my own art. art that was for me or had nothing to do with fandoms i liked.
and it was weird. it was a combination of things that stopped me from expressing myself to things like cringe culture to even discouragement online because no one wants to really see original content from someone they followed primarily for bnha content. i didnt let myself make stories of my own or have fun with self inserts because, well, i assumed it was just cringy or a waste of time since it wouldnt help my following/reputation grow.
it got so bad that over the recent course of a year... i can count on maybe three fingers the amount of times i drew something for myself. something original.
i dont have a sona. the common depiction you see of me is really just a simplified and edited version of what i kind of look in real life. i dont write original content. every idea and trope i think of thats vaguely interesting gets fed and beaten into a framework for fanfic. i don't even have designs for OCs that i claim to have, excluding ones that were made as extensions of actual characters.
looking back on it now as i try to assemble drawings to maybe put in a portfolio... i realize that im not happy with where it is. i dont have enough original content to fill the pages of my sketchbooks and think of when i sleep. ive given up on being an individual because of all my fears and internalized hatred for original content.
so, now im planning to get over my fears!
i'll still be a bnha blog, if thats what some of you are worried about. im still very much obsessed with deku and will be here for as long as i can manage. but im gonna be trying something new. im gonna try and make my own content now and make things i enjoy. maybe ill finally design my OCs. talk about stories that arent made to be fanfic at all.
and i hope with all my heart that you guys would still be here to enjoy my content along the way :] ♡
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sporesgalaxy · 4 years
I found ur twitter account through something about ace attorney on pinterest and scrolled through everything on ur twitter and here I am on ur tumblr. Number 1, I love ur work and number 2 I am so inspired by you posting ur self inserts and when I found out you have more than a few ocs I thought to go on a quest to find the rest on ur tumblr. Ur my idol because I dont have the courage to be brave about my self inserts, if u read thank you for making my day and keep up the good work :)))))
AAA THANK YOUUUUUU UR VERY SWEET.....Im glad you like all my stuff so much!!! Im sure your self inserts are cool too!!! I hope u have fun with them even if u decide not to share em!
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hanmine · 3 years
Okay so sometimes I see some anons tell you you're mean/rude or shit talk about others blablabla, and personally speaking I can't say anything about that since I only started following you recently, but I'll be honest, these people deserve it when they either ask you your self ship art or when they ask you to tag something in YOUR blog for their ""safety"".
I also sometimes feel uncomfortable with some self ships (not you in particular, but anyone in general) because well, I don't know, it must be something psychological since I also like them ig, but I have no right to tell anyone else what to do with their own blog, Scrolling is the best option, it takes 1 second.
i feel like i have a very "one or the other" personality LMAO you either have a very nice tee or a very snappy tee
it honestly kinda just stems from my short temper if were being honest here erjfberhbhgv (im working on it—its a 19 year wip okay ?? LMAO) but i like to think i snap only when its asked for. all things considered, sometimes ig i can be a bitch lmao i can live with that, but i wouldnt say im like morally skewed or anything. if it was a tw or something like that id definitely tag it for ppls safety bc id never want my blog to trigger someones traumas and stuff
but a self ship on my self insert writing blog...could we maybe not be so self absorbed on my blog ?? i have it for my own entertainment above everyone else's
anyway, life lessons with tee even though im definitely not qualified for this oh well. ur always gonna be a villain in someones story so its okay if some people think ur mean and stuff, id rather be mean than a pushover. im sure ive misinterpreted the tone of an ask here and there and snapped at someone who had genuine intentions, but its bound to happen im human. i do genuinely want to be nice to everyone though, i dont get like a kick out of being mean or anything, i just have a hard time keeping my cool when ppl are rude or inconsiderate
but i also think its fair game at that point tho to be snappy
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probably-haven · 3 years
hi I just wanted to let u know that your posts on the traveler are so amazingly accurate (in my opinion) and its always a joy to see you come up on my dash!
also before following you I didn't know much about/wasn't really into xiaoventi (is that their ship name??) but like,,, you've persuaded me to get a new ship- also do you have any fic recommendations for them?
mostly I just wanted to let you know that no matter what content you post I always like reading it!
jhsuykjhg first off- i am grinning obscenely hard rn, like seriously you have no idea how happy this made me lol.
and yeah! the traveler is actually a really interesting character in my opinion because a lot of games just make the MC like a self insert thing with a side of lore but traveler has like this whole thing with their lore and their characterization and all the voice lines and its just really interesting to analyze everything we have on them in my opinion, which a lot of people dont really seem to acknowledge.
also- very pleased to see that the xiaoven agenda has been spread XD its very much one of my highest ships so- tehe, finna search for fanfics rq cuz i have the memory of an adhd chihuahua. Warning that most of what i need is comprised mostly of angst and hurt/comfort tho so- recommendations will be heavily skewed in that direction
....... new realization that i dont read nearly enough xiaoven fanfiction- i really need to start doing that more- or like- saving them- or actually reading the titles for once...
..... after scrolling through various ao3 tags for over like 30 minutes without recognizing basically anything I've decided that this is shameful of me/j and that before i can trust myself to give accurate fic-recs for the ship I need to do at least a wee bit more reading for it than I have lmao, so I'll definitely make a fic rec post in the future for Xiaoven(and I'll probably try to keep more track of recommendable/rereadable fics in general too now that I think about it lol) ... still probably gonna be mostly angst tho XD
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kilibaggins · 4 years
Johnmurphyisbisexual's Writing Challenge!
(My writing challenge is a bit different because I'm opening it to be for SHIPS TOO! For Example: Drarry (Harry Potter) and Murphamy (The 100). But you can do ANY ship from any fandom!)
1.) Reblog this post (following me would be appreciated but it's not mandatory!)
2.) Send me an Ask with the full name (first and last) of the person you want to write for -or the name and fandom of the ship you want to write for- as well as the prompt you choose from the prompts I give you bellow! (Two [or one] prompts per fic and Three people per prompt) (You can write multiple fics for this challenge, but I might cut you off after a few. Because there needs to be enough for everyone.)
(I will be crossing out the prompts that are unavailable and I will be writing your account name and which Character/ship you're doing under the prompt(s))
3.) If more than 2k words add a keep reading option, so people don't have to scroll through it all if they don't want to read yours.
(It's fine if you can't since you can't do it on Mobile)
4.) No end date!
5.) Use the tag #ryswritingchallenge and tag me in it! If i don't see it in 2-3 days send me an ask telling me you did it!
The 100 • Marvel • Harry Potter • Supernatural • The Hobbit/LOTR • The Walking Dead • And anything else, though I'd love to read these ones.
Writing Prompts (Send which list in ask):
1. ) "Kiss me."
2. ) "Cuddle with me."
3. ) "Please take care of yourself."
4. ) "Dance with me."
5. ) "I'll take care of you."
6. ) "I'm happy I met you."
7. ) "Are you scared of me?" "No. Never."
Blaise Zabini X Reader | @angelinathebook
Remus Lupin x Reader | @shaynawrites23
8.) "I love you so much."
9. ) "I do."
10. ) "Marry Me."
11. ) "You're so perfect."
12. ) "I don't care if you have scars, you're handsome/beautiful anyways."
Bellamy Blake/John Murphy/Reader (The 100) | @justarandomgirlreadingstuff
13.) "It's not a defect, it's a special feature!"
14. ) "I'm Pregnant."
15. ) "God, you're so beautiful/handsome."
16. ) "I could read to you, if you want."
Bellarke (The 100) | @edgelessness
17. ) "Your hair is so fluffy!"
18. ) "Stop looking at me like that, or I'm going to start blushing."
19. ) "*Insert cheesy pick up line here*" "Try Again."
20. ) "You're the one thing in my life I don't regret."
21. ) "Hold my hand, I'll protect you."
22. ) "You can sleep, I'll keep you safe."
Murphamy (The 100) | @ceruleanoctober
23. ) "You're the only person that makes my self preservation fly out the window."
24. ) "Quit stealing all of the pillows!"
25. ) "I'm sleepy."
26. ) "I think in dying!!" "Baby, it's a cold."
27. ) "You're my new pillow."
28. ) "It doesn't matter what they think, I love you and that's what matters."
Remus Lupin x Reader | @shaynawrites23
29. ) "You're hands are so soft"
30. ) "Come back to bed, I'm still sleepy."
1. ) "It hurts."
2. ) "Please dont die, oh god baby, please."
3. ) "You broke my heart!"
4. ) "Don't leave me, I need you!"
5. ) "I'm sorry, They're dead."
6. ) "I want to die."
Blaise Zabini X Reader | @angelinathebook
7. ) "You said this time it'd be different!"
Bellamy Blake/John Murphy/Reader (The 100) | @justarandomgirlreadingstuff
8. ) "I don't love you anymore."
9. ) "Don't push mr away!"
10. ) "You are so selfish!"
11. ) "When will you stop thinking about only yourself and care about others?"
12. ) "You killed her/him/them!"
13. ) "I'm sorry."
14. ) "It wasn't your fault."
15. ) "It's all your fault!"
16. ) "I need to be alone."
17. ) "I'm dying."
18. ) "I have cancer."
19. ) "When did our love turn into possession instead?"
20. ) "You could've- could've stayed. You could've helped me fix things."
21. ) "Stop calling me."
22. ) "Why did they have to die?"
23. ) "Leave."
24. ) "Get out of my fucking house!"
Game Night Gone Wrong
Clarke Griffin/John Murphy | @malvieswift
25. ) "I thought you loved me?"
26. ) He/she/they're gone."
27. ) "Did you ever actually love me?"
Bellamy Blake x Reader | @im-a-writer-right
28. ) "My heart can't take this!"
29. ) "Stop! Please stop hurting him/her/them!"
30. ) "I love you." "Well, I hate you."
Bellamy Blake x Reader | @im-a-writer-right
1. ) "Get back in bed, you're still healing!"
2. ) "It hurts" "Oh, I know it'll be okay."
3. ) "I think I'm going to puke..."
4. ) "Can you see me?"
5. ) "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Clarke Griffin/John Murphy (The 100) | @malvieswift
6. ) "Can I have some water?"
7. ) "They can't hurt you anymore."
8. ) "Who hurt you?"
9. ) "Crying is a perfectly fine thing to do."
Murphy x *TBD* | @ceruleanoctober
10. ) "None of this was your fault."
11. ) "Its okay, let it out."
12. ) "Come here. Cry into my shoulder."
13. ) "You're safe."
14. ) "I'm not going to hurt you."
15. ) "Try to breathe for me."
16. ) "Don't cry baby, it's okay!"
The Great Pancake Mishap
Clarke Griffin/John Murphy/Emori (The 100) | @malvieswift
17. ) "Let's get you cleaned up, okay?"
The Great Pancake Mishap
Clarke Griffin/John Murphy/Emori (The 100) | @malvieswift
18. ) "Need to be held?"
Clarke Griffin/John Murphy (The 100) | @malvieswift
19. ) "Let's patch you up."
20. ) "I'm going to make you some food, and you're going to just lay there."
21. ) "How long has it been since you ate?"
22. ) "Those idiots hurt you, I'll tear them to shreds!" "..." "After I cuddle you and take care of you."
23. ) "I told you to be careful and what do you do? You go and break your arm!"
24. ) "You love me right" "Nope" "oh... Okay..." "No wait I was kidding! Wait!"
Remus Lupin x Reader | @the-moon-and-the-book
25. ) "Don't fucking touch her/him/them!"
Remus Lupin x Reader | @the-moon-and-the-book
26. ) "You can hold onto me if you're scared."
27. ) "Do you need a kiss?"
28. ) "Want to kiss it better?"
29. ) "They did WHAT to you??"
30. ) "I'm going to take care of you until you're better, I promise."
1. ) "Make Me."
2. ) "God, you're so hot."
3. ) "Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? Because if you did, then were having sex. Right now."
4. ) "You're so big."
5. ) "Stay quiet for me."
6. ) "You're my slut."
7. ) "I want to try something... Kinky."
8. ) "I need you in me so bad!"
9. ) "You like being full?"
10. ) "It hurts so good!"
11. ) "I'm going to eat you out/rim you for hours, baby."
12. ) "Can you cum again?"
13. ) "Alright, I'm not into choking, but I wouldn't mind if you grabbed my throat every once in a while."
14. ) "Beg for me."
15. ) "Aw, are you hard/wet? You need some help with that?"
16. ) "Kneel for me."
17. ) "You look so hot like this."
18. ) "I'm really sensitive."
19. ) "It's too much!"
20. ) "I'm going to overstimulate you all night, baby girl/boy."
21. ) "Don't you dare cum yet."
22. ) "Touch yourself for me."
23. ) "On your Knees."
24. ) "You're a pretty slut aren't you?"
25. ) "Fuck me."
26. ) "Harder. Faster!"
27. ) "Handcuffs? Sounds fun."
28. ) "I want you stripped and on your Knees when I get home."
29. ) "That wasn't sex, that was making love."
30. ) "I'm going to make you feel so good."
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