#dont look at me I dont know how to draw eclipse
lunapegasus · 1 year
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tamagotchikgs · 4 months
i was so spiteful as a kid that when my mom told me not to look at the sun as a general comment i started doing as much as possible even though prior to her telling me i had already known it was a fucked thing 2 do & never even considered it
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floofballsammy · 1 year
I hate having brainrot for multiple fandoms.
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Not only do I have 20+ unfinished doodles in the span of a week, I also need to relearn how to draw all these characters-
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amberluvsbugs · 1 year
opinion in the fnaf ruin eclipse (reboot sun and moon)?
which eclipse you prefer, sb/classic eclipse or this new one?
(also,a little drawing of them,sorry i dont know how to draw robots)
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AWAWWAWAWAWWA I LOVE YOUR STYLE FOR HOW YOU DRAW HIM HE LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! I wasnt very big on the arcade eclipse all too much, mainly because he was an anomaly and we didn't really get to see what he exactly was or how he really acted/spoke. I've seen countless versions of different arcade eclipse designs that peeps have made that are super interesting!! All of the different interpretations of how peeps thought he would be are so cool!! But in terms of preference, I love Ruin Eclipse for how he is depicted in the game as that's what made me like the DCA in the first place. His biblically accurate design as seen in the game is what I accept and adore. Just him as he is. And if I were to ever be in-game with him, I would have done this as soon as he was present:
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And I'm sure im not the only one who would do the same.
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void-chara · 9 months
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@mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @irrealisms !! you had lots of prompt ideas for writing, but not for art, so i hope you're happy with eclipse federation misery and agony compilation, plus song lyrics
lyric credits: Temporary - Chase Petra / Stranger - The Mechanisms / Easier - The Crane Wives (appears four times) / Two Birds - Regina Spektor / Little Soldiers - The Crane Wives (appears twice) / Heretic Pride - The Mountain Goats
feel free to ask if you want me to adjust some text to make it more readable or something, i think it looks fine but i know different peoples eyes and devices are different, and if i had more time i would definitely have spent more time messing with the colors on everything
speaking. of time. im really sorry i took so long ._. i kind of suck at estimating how long projects will take and how much time i have. thanks for being so patient!!
oh, also, some lyrics and drawings have story reasons for being grouped together, and some went where they looked good. uh. ideally id make sure everything had reason for its location, but this is one area where i did correctly estimate my time, instead of getting stuck in the planning phase.
also in the process of typing all this ive already gone back twice to change stuff in the images and re-add them to the post lol
OH also!! the part where vitalasy jumps off to his death! is as far as i can tell NOT canon accurate!! all the footage shows him jumping off the prison, since thats where he respawns. i didnt think to check this until after id already drawn most of the stuff, and already had the prison drawn, and i didnt want to reorganize the drawing. im telling myself that we only see a few of the later deaths and so theoretically the first one could have been jumping off a grassy ledge somewhere but its still bothering me and i needed to mention it.
anyway yeah really hope you like it i tried some new stuff with this one im not sure how well it turned out and thanks again for being so patient!!
EDITING TO ADD SOME MORE WORDS!!! i love talking about my art! so first, all the text on signs and stuff i did go back and look at videos and vods to make sure was entirely accurate, and i wrote all the words entirely by myself. for the lyrics and other text(death message and DELIVERANCE), i used a text tool first to make sure the words would be neat and where i needed them, and then traced over that on a new layer and deleted the original text layer. my handwritting fucking sucks always no matter what, this was a very necessary step. also! this is officially the first thing i have drawn entirely on my phone, rather than on my ipad like i used to do! also i dont use a stylus of any type i just draw with my finger lol.
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
*sighs loudly* so i Was going to draw them but turns out my own design is too difficult for me to draw. but i'll be making this post anyway bc this au has been cooking for so long i might as well!
Featherless Flight AU
aka dca avian au where these fucks r BIRDS
(disclaimer this is a sun x moon au. it also deals with heavy themes such as child abuse, death, violence, and. ya know. wutever tws come with the apocalypse (also these will not be talked about in detail in this post))
nothing robotic in them. just feathers, blood, and bones. a lot of that stuff may be lost or break throughout their story! but lemme at least tell u wut they look like (without having my own drawings OTL (i only have a ref for their faces (which im not confident of)))
a quick note for both of their designs, they r both Fully Covered in feathers, including their arms and faces (yes they have arms And wings). the only places that dont have feathers is their lower legs and hands. they have anthropomorphic legs. and their face shape is also similar to a barn owl, as shown here (ignore the lack of mouths, idk wut to give them)
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suns design! he has the coloring and general design of a sun conure. hes full of bright reds and yellows, tho the green is replaced with a bit of blue. he has multiple crests around his head that fluff up similar to a cockatiel but theyre in a way that make it look like rays. in the drawing above is wut they look like without their crests raised; that is their default. suns feet r grasping feet which r 2 toes in the front and 2 in the back. sun has high speed wings so aes a lot faster. (if u dont know wut any of this means i recommend u look it up, im a bird nerd) sun is also specifically an omnivore (them having different diets is actually plot relevant)
moons design next. moon is the color of a hyacinth macaw tho his anatomy is closer to an owl. he has one large crest on his head like a cockatoo. its also colorblind! since its anatomy is based mainly off of owls, for moons ability to see at night means he can see less colors. and bc hes more sensitive at night his eyes r always half closed in light, making it look sleepy despite being fully awake. moon has raptor feet with 3 toes in the front and 1 in the back. xis claws r also much larger than suns. moon has passive soaring wings which is better for longer flights. and moon is a carnivore :)
theres also an eclipse but their design is an enigma to me even in my own mind
but back to sun and moon! if anyone is curious moon uses he/it/xe pronouns while sun uses he/it/ae pronouns. they r both aroace and love each other deeply (qpr babyyyyy). sun is genderfluid while moon doesnt give a shit (agender).
sun is more bubbly and energetic. very much high energy bouncing off the walls. hes the kind of optimist where u cant tell if their "bright side"s r trying to help or be condescending. its a master at back handed compliments. heavily a perfectionist and will reach the point of screaming fits if wut he doesnt isnt perfect. ae has a lot of self image issues. ae hides a lot of aers lack of self confidence and doubt behind a wall of "im the best", tho that wall can crash very easily. a bit of a flirt, but mainly bc he just enjoys seeing how ppl react. he takes compliments from everyone but moons compliments r always the best
moon is lower energy and calmer. at least, he acts like it. hes more reserved and if it wasnt for sun he wouldnt have any friends or talk to ppl at all. he fears abandonment and sun is the only person who has stayed with him this whole time and is the only person he truly trusts. is very aggressive towards anyone it doesnt know. despite being shorter than sun (hes 6ft while sun is 7ft) it definitely does a good job at intimidating ppl. over time when xe becomes comfortable with someone xe will eventually calm down and show a bit of a softer side to them. when xes actually calm and likes someone xe can be a bit... chaotic :)
im honestly not sure where ill start their story since ive already thought about their childhood but i also wanna write about their adulthood as well. the story of their childhood mainly deals with the abuse they went through, then with adulthood theyre shoved into an apocalypse bc... y not :) (btw the apocalypse is mainly just bc ive been enjoying apocalypse aus a Lot lately and wanna write one. the child abuse is for their development and to show y they act the way they do. while it will be fun to write their development, i am by no means saying abuse is okay and this topic will be treated carefully and seriously.)
oh theyre also nd as Fuck
but yeah. these r my babies! i hope to at some point start writing the fic so i can show it to u all, but im already in the process of writing another fic, which will be coming out soon!
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fosermi · 4 months
Shadow is hiding away and avoiding everyone and Wade is very worried about what could be wrong.
Then he hears cries and runs in, to see little wings have sprouted from Shadow's back
Second, enjoy this lil concoction my brain came up with :D
Normal. Wade would call this day pretty normal. A weekend taking care of his three alien kids. Others may say it's not normal but to Wade? This is their normal, and no one can tell them otherwise. He was glad that it was his day off, it allowed him more time to spend with his kids, watching a movie and overall just enjoying a relatively quiet life. A hug from Silver, a soft sound of contentment from Shadow, and the way Eclipse snuggled against him when the other two weren't looking.
Wade was proud of how they all came together as a family despite their... rocky start. He wouldn't change anything for the world.
Wade gently ran a hand through silver's quills gently, assured that they were smoothed down and relaxed. He knew that his sons all liked some form of physical connection with him but he also knew their preferences for when. Silver was just the one to like openly showing such signs of affections. Shadow was more subtle but he still enjoyed a few head pats and hugs every now and again. Eclipse says he doesn’t like such things, but silently craves it.
Everything was normal. Normal and peaceful for once. Yet there was this nagging feeling at the back of Wade's mind- something telling him that this was wrong. Something was severely wrong. He couldn't quite tell what was wrong, only that something was wrong. Today was just a bit too quiet.
Halfway through the movie "Rise of the Guardians", Shadow had let out a quiet grunt and got up and out of his comfortable spot against Wade and headed off towards his and Silver's room. The look that crossed between Silver and Eclipse didn't go unnoticed by Wade. he might not be the sharpest tool in the shed at times but he knew his kids. Silver and Eclipse never did see things eye to eye, except when it came to Shadow. 
Before Wade could even ask what was wrong, Eclipse wordlessly got off of the couch and made his way towards where Shadow had disappeared to. Neither Wade nor Silver went back to watching the movie, having practically forgotten about it by this turn of events. Reaching over for the remote, Wade shut off the TV and allowed Silver to snuggle closer to him. 
“Silver?” Wade finally asked after observing the silver hedgehog closely, taking note of how his ear flicked towards the direction of his and Shadow’s rooms.
“Hm…?” Silver could only let out a small hum, his focus seemingly taken by listening in on what was happening between Shadow and Eclipse.
"What's wrong buddy?" Silver's ear flicked again as he buried his face into his father's arms.
"It's nothing..."
"Come on buddy, you can tell me." Silver looked up to Wade and frowned slightly. Taking a quick glance towards his room, Silver let out a small whine. Wade only ran his hand through Silver's quills again in an attempt to comfort his son.
"Shadow doesn't want me to tell you..."
"Why's that?"
"Shadow said he wasn't feeling good... even Eclipse noticed." Silver admitted, half curling up in Wade's arms. He knew his brother would be mad, but Silver really didn't know what to do. He wanted Shadow to be OK, to be safe. But this was the first time Shadow had said he didn't feel too well and Silver needed to tell someone, but he didn't want to make Shadow mad either.
Wade frowned softly, offering his middle son a comforting hug, telling him that he did the right thing telling him. But Wade also worried for his eldest. He knew Shadow couldn't get sick, so what else could it have been?
That was when both Silver and Wade startled at the sudden loud thud from the other room and a yell from both Eclipse and Shadow. Paling, Wade instantly shot up from the couch, followed closely by Silver, the grey hedgehog's hands glowing faintly in preparation for whatever had caused the other two members of their family yell.
"Eclipse!" Upon turning the corner, Wade instantly rushed over to Eclipse's side, fretting over the alien.
Eclipse was sprawled against the wall opposing the door from Silver and Shadow's room, the door torn from its hinges. Eclipse groaned softly, clutching onto his arm. It was definitely dislocated. "S-shadow..." Eclipse groaned softly, attempting to get up only to be caught by Silver's psychokenisis.
"Eclipse what happened?" Wade demanded, helping Silver set down Eclipse against the wall so he wouldn't rush up again.
"S-Shadow... Shadow! He's not alright!" Eclipse managed to whimper before letting out a yell of pain as he held onto his head, his tail lashing wildly. "Stop!! Make him stop!!" The Darkling whimpered trying to block out the sudden influx of noise in his head.
A second scream tore through the house. Shadow's scream.
Silver froze on the spot, scared of what was happening. Wade however didn't. His son was in pain. And nothing would stop him from protecting his son- no matter what.
"Silver, watch Eclipse." With that, Wade swiftly made his way into the room, scanning everything quickly to find Shadow on the far wall on his hands and knees heaving heavily. His back was facing towards Wade.
Quickly Wade rushed to his eldest side. Worry and panic being pushed down by the determination to see his son alright again. "Shadow?" Wade called out in hopes to get a reaction from the black hedgehog.
He did get a reaction, but not one he was expecting. Shadow's head snapped up towards Wade, a low, intense growl. A growl like that of a hungry, hungry beast.
Wade froze for a second, his eyes widening at the sight. In front of him, Shadow was hunched over on all fours, large tears rolling down his muzzle, his quills all raised and sparking with a similar energy to that of Sonic's. His gloved were discarded off to the side, his claws in full display. On his forehead, a large glowing yellow black and yellow eye. Two lumps on his back began to grow as Shadow suddenly pounced.
Wade only had a millisecond to dodge the sudden attack from his own son. However wade had been too slow as Shadow latched onto Wade's shoulder with his teeth, his claws digging right into his arm as Shadow forced Wade to slam into the wall head first. Wade hissed in pain, biting back a curse and the flash of white in his vision.
Wade winced as pain shot up his arm and head. He was pretty sure he had a concussion and a fractured arm, having been practically pinned down by Shadow's superior strength at full force. Shakily, Wade lifted up his other arm slowly, earning a louder growl from Shadow as he bit down harder.
Wade bit on his tongue to not yell in pain. Instead he forced himself to reach out and gently stroke Shadow between the shoulder blades, where the two lumps grew into strange wings. But Wade didn't question it. He needed to get his son to calm down.
"S-shhh... its OK..." Wade whispered, rubbing gently circles against Shadow's back. "It's alright Shadow, I'm here... I won't let you go."
Wade couldn't tell how long he and Shadow stayed like that, in fact he didn't really care. All he cared about was Shadow's state. But it was starting to get really hard to stay focused. Eventually the pressure on his shoulder disappeared, and in his warm embrace sobbed Shadow, holding on tightly onto Wade and apologising quietly.
"Shh... i-its alright, blackberry... you're safe now..." Seeing how his son's eyes had cleared from whatever frenzy that was made Wade sigh in relief. Allowing himself to slip into unconsciousness. All he heard as it faded to black was Shadow's panicked yell for help and Silver's gasp.
When Wade opened his eyes again, everything was white. White and bright. There was a tight pressure around his arm and shoulder and there was an underlying twinge of pain accompanying any movement. At least he knew he wasn't dead.
His thoughts immediate turned to his sons. He wondered where they were when suddenly a grey and red head peaked out from the corner of his vision.
Eclipse stood there, holding out a bouquet of freshly picked flowers, his eyes wide as he stared at Wade. Dropping the flowers, Eclipse instantly rushed to his side, tears stinging the corner of his eyes as he rushed in for a hug. "Wade!!!"
The sudden exclamation caused a silver head to pop up from the foot of the bed. "Huh?! Wha- DAD!!" his drowsiness disappeared at the sight of Wade being awake.
"H-Hey boys..." Wade winced, his voice was so hoarse. How long had he been asleep?
Silver sniffled and held onto Wade tightly. "You're finally awake!! You wouldn't wake up!"
"Yeah! You were asleep for three days! I got really cold!" Eclipse complained but there was a shakiness to his voice, suggesting his relief.
"Sorry..." Wade couldn't help but smile, but soon his smile disappeared as he looked around. "Where's shadow...?"
Silver and Eclipse exchanged a look again as they continued to cling to Wade. The first to speak up was Silver. "Shadow... didn't leave the room or eated since..." his ears drooped.
Wade couldn't help the frown at the news. He couldn't help but worry. "C-could you call him...?"
With a quick nod from Eclipse, Shadow appeared only moments later. The black hedgehog stood off to the corner, his eyes wide and full of hope. He hesitated for a moment but then quickly rushed forward to hug Wade when Wade gave Shadow one of his smiles.
Shadow was allowed onto Wade's lap, having needed to be comforted more than his brothers right now. It wasn't easy knowing you were the reason your own dad was hospitalised, that's why Wade was going to make sure that Shadow knew well that he wasn't at fault here.
"I'm sorry...." Shadow finally whispered, nuzzling closer to Wade after calming down his sobs.
"And I forgive you, Shadow." Wade smiled offered Shadow a hug while running his fingers through his eldesg son's quills. Gently, Wade cupped Shadow's cheek and made him look at him directly.
Wade was quiet for a moment before a wider smile crossed his face. "Didn't know hedgehogs have three eyes and wings. That's pretty cool!" Shadow's breath hitched and a whine escaped him. Seeing the signs of insecurity, Wade leaned over and gave shadow a small, tender kiss on the top of his head, just above the third eye. "I love you shadow. No matter what."
It was like a dam had broken as shadow began wailing and sobbing harder, clinging tightly onto Wade soon being joined in by Silver and Eclipse on cuddling their dad. Wade didn't mind. His boys were safe and that was all that mattered.
"I love you three. So much..."
"Love you too, dad." Silver replied back sniffling slightly, glad to have his dad back.
It would get some getting used to, but that was normal for Wade. It was normal for their little strange family.
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beesmygod · 1 year
im not a gamer but i love learning about the lore/themes of fromsoft games. tarnished archeologist on yt analyses architecture and connects themes with real world art history, i thought maybe youd find it interesting
im sorry anon, but this guy drives me bonkers but i think its bc he has historian degree brain and i have art degree brain.
what i mean is: there's a statue in old yharnam that depicts a woman and her attendants looking up while tending to a corpse. this one
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he interprets this as everyone looking up toward an unknown celestial event unmentioned in canon. his reasoning is that because there are some real life historical examples of art made under similar circumstances (witnessing an eclipse or meteor or something like that), that this must be another example of such a thing. he also very baselessly assumes that the woman depicted in the center is the same woman in every statue and decides she was the center of the church and what he assumes is the "old religion" prior to the founding of the church.
but this completely removes bloodborne from its very specific aesthetic influences and like...established canon. soulsborne dorks (me) love to over think tiny details but the invention of characters based on the frankly bizarre idea that all women are the same is a little much lol.
here's how i interpret this statue:
the statue draws very heavily from roman catholic iconology, like the rest of bloodborne. however, it is a surface level scraping of the spooky imagery from catholic art throughout human history. there is very little ACTUAL connection to catholicism. there is no christ figure, no god, no holy spirit, and no literal madonna.
the woman at the center is a maddona-type figure in her posing, but his analysis forgets that pthumeru AND yharnam were/are matriarchies. maybe there was a king in yharnam once but annalise is/was queen. all the blood saints we meet are women, exclusively. the veneration of women in general should not be that surprising in bloodborne.
it is not depicting a stargazing event because everyone is looking in different directions.
its not even clear if the statues have eyes or if their eyes are even open; i assumed that they were closed in religious rapture
they are indoors lol. like NOW the roof is collapsed but it wasn't when the church was built
this statue is located in the church of the good chalice, which was built to worship the undying holy blood. i think he has it right that this body is being prepared for burial, but it's completely dried out and desiccated. it resembles the corpses in the chalice dungeon coffin-chests and used by the labyrinth madmen to beat you
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a similar figure is seen in the statue covering up the entrance that leads you to old yharnam. in fact this might be the exact same one without the broads lol.
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i dont know what this is supposed to depict but my best guess is a used up blood saint drained completely dry. but big emphasis on "guess"
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paramountpetrichor · 4 months
good timezone my fellow celestialcesters!! today i bring you bunch of characters in pretty outifts, bc i wanted to draw A Bunch of Characters in Pretty Outfits!!! (and. and the fits get more and more extreme as it goes on agakgaay)
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starting off simple!!! Eclipse in a wedding dress :] since my handwriting sucks ass, he's saying "I don't know, Earth, this isn't really my... style." and yeah Earth is behind this bc who else could convince him to get in a wedding dress???
not pictured but Definitely there in spirit: Every Other celestial seeing Eclipse in that and then RUNNING to buy wedding rings (sorry boys- he already's spoken for!!! to Earth <3)
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Bloodmoon in a maid outifit :3c, or its Supposed to be a maid outfit- it kinda just looks like a normal dress afajqfahaag dont got much to say about this one!!! other than that lunar roped them into wearing it lol. oh, and he's Thinking, "This is so dumb." :3c
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kitty kitty kitty moon!!! this ones actually rather tame compared to *glances briefly at the two down below*, but i marked it as third craziest cause why are you posing like that brother /ref. he's thinking "LMAO this is supposed to be hot?" bc he does not consider himself hot in that moment!! he is just being a kitty!!! but if you were to ask any Other celestial how hot he looked like that... agskshsha
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listen i cant make excuses for myself- Earth Pretty so i wanted to draw her in a swimsuit. and i didnt Mean for it to be a bikini but it just. Happened like that okay?? okay. sigsisgiag
please imagine a beach episode where she comes on screen dressed like That, and then she does a classic "Can anyone help me put sunscreen on my back?" and Now there's a looney toons esq catfight going on between everyone else to see who gets to do it. (spoiler, Solar did. cause he was the only one smart enough to avoid the damn fight acajfajaafag)
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uhm. uh. i. i dont. man i cant even defend myself for this one AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
it started off as just Ruin in a bunny outfit. but then i thought 'Haha what if carrot gag.' and then i. well, i gave him a carrot gag. and it just Spiraled into him thinking "Well, this is unexpected." coughMoonfinallyfoundawaytoshuthimupcough i mean WOAHHH DID YOU ALL HEAR SMTN CAUSE I DIDNT AHAHAHAHAH
anyways thats it. thanks for letting me be Insane my fellow freaks <3
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penguin--person · 8 months
i wanna share this little eclipse moment since i know you would understand just how cute they could be with eachother. SRS: *lovingly staring at moon* I could call you my reflection but id have to neglect just how much brighter than me you are in this sea of darkness. LTTM: *giggles* you shine brighter than most starts and I want you to be the one i look up for. Hold me during the day and ill accompany you through the path at night.
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wasgonna draw something more for this but itd take me a million years.. i will one day!!! anyway Oughhhh !!!! waough.... for realsies... oughhh... you get me !!!! you get me... its me and crypticemerald against the world... !!!!! they could be everything... i wish i had the words... its !! the care !!! caring for each other despite their inevitable erosion and death ..
you dont understand theyre everything to me. its been a while since ive thought about them in detail but i need to get this out of my heart.
theyre so.. both care!! so much!!! both care so much for those around them. they could care so much for each other.. dont even get me started on the sun and moon symbolism and all. both celestial bodies but. oughh. the moon shines bc its reflecting the sun and all... or something...
and like, pebbles' rot !!! suns dooming not only him but moon too !! two people they care so much about !!!! i like to think about how pebbles would react to them being in a relationship... ive got many thoughts on iterator relationships as a whole, theyre so different from us that they most likely (i like to think so, at least) have a different perception or relationships. 'romantic'? 'platonic'? umm i think you mean (ancient term)... i think you mean (post-mass ascension term) ... you get me?? so much potential..
do you think relationships are tabboo? in ancient society, at least someplaces, intimate relationships must have been, right? and some iterators must be vehement on following the ancients' traditions after the mass ascension, right? or something like that !! the worlds too big for nothing like that to happen .. ough ..
theyre so. they care!!! they care about each other!!! they care !!! suns cares so much. they care about spearmaster, about pebbles. they worry !! moon does, too !! she cares about rivulet, about pebbles. she worries !! she doesnt want to force communications !! suns sends a messenger to pebbles !! they worry !! oughh . its so...
theyre doomed from the beginning !! tragic doomed yuri or whatever ... oughhh .. and like, ancient and iterator perception of gender ?? of sexuality, of the self ??? its so !!! ough ... sorry if this is incomprehensible i dont feel the best today but. goddd. theyve got potential. so much potential. to me. to us.
but theyre not onl y tragedy !! theyre love, too !!! theyre spending time together and making each other lives brighter just by being there !! theyre talking long into the cycle !! theyre together !! theyre love‼️‼️‼️and so on... theyre sooo Therefore you and me ... theyre love in the face of everything !! to me !! theyre choosing to care despite it all. and theyre happy..
thank you so much for the ask!!!!! it made my day to receive it:) and sorry for the late reply teehee...
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socksandbuttons · 11 months
Bestie...us this to ramble about anything you like.
I'm tired but I want you to be happy.
OKAY SO u only have the full context but i get to ramble ALL I WANT AS U SAID SOOOO Im working on an au's design that i told you about. so far silhoutttes good i LOVE THEM. dying at this one concept CAUSE I LOVE IT SO MUCH HAVENT SEEN IT YET BUT SORT OF BUT NOT ENTIRELY. Anyway design wise 3/5 look good! i can work with them (its colors per usual bestie as u KNOW) the other two look too much like Vamp lunar and of eachother and im like ... i need to fix this cause vvamp lunar different (did u know i fleetingly considered using him for this??? i decided against it i like making new things) THEN THEN THERES MY OWN PIZZAPLEX AU which i havent touched in a while but i rmabled enough about it to you but i never showed off the thing i was doing about that. SUN!LUNAR AU PLAGUES ME ONCE A WHILE. BUT I DONT TALK ENOUGH ABOUT HIM. Love me some Solar vibing with his new bro and not having a crisis about the other two. Whomst are still having issues (I will remind u all that NICE ECLIPSE'S MOON was something he was also trying to save. That it wasn't verbal abuse until the more recent episodes when they reintroduced how his world is. Makes a good reason for Solar to leave tho.) My au's Moon has bad mood swings. Does Bloodmoon Exist? No. Does KC? No. Could they? KC can't anylonger unless they legit kept that code but i doubt that. (Due to Moon literally wanting it out. Solar not wanting to put him thru that ordeal and knowing it wont work in getting his moon back.) Bloodmoon was only made when Eclipse wanted OUT for realsies. Vs Solar and Sun may have been switching but nothing that opted violence for an answer. Just mistakes that they didnt realize would happen. Sun!Lunar literally being a result of trying to put code back in but just making a New Person instead. So they continue to find a way to help Sun (Solar just... desperately not trying to think about how unlikely that could be) OH YEAH REMEMBER WHEN MOON PROMISED TO FIX SOLARS STAR AND HIS MOON AND SUN??? YEAH??? well rip that that. We aint gonna think about that. what else can i ramble about POKEMON AU WHERE U HAVENT SEEN IN A WHILE BUT SOLAR FLARE... I FINALLY... FIGURED OUT HOW I WANNA DRAW/DESIGN HIM LOL Space AU i cant recall what ive shared ever. But Love me some thinking about how theyre made and their differences. Lots of cute ship stuff. Yes I forget to share those. Theres more bean au stuff i was thinking over too like when bloodmoon comes in. I definitely wanna think about his like... whole thing about trust and death and instance on not being a tool. Its partly why he doesnt get along well with Eclipse (Someone to put the aggression onto vs killcode who in this au actually still calls him son, Lunar this time round since NOT a hostage a better reception. Sun still has a panic attack. yknow i remembered solar WOULD actually exist.... one thing at a time i need to make a list of things here and there.)
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torchstelechos · 20 days
i realize how nothingish this question is regards to like answerability but like how do you get.... ideas...? or. i dont really ever have any kind of bigger things i want to draw its always like small stuff.... or... idk.... i want to make things that are like.. more... i want to make stuff that like... means something makes you think something... most of my stuff is just tiny little things with nothing behind it just something to get it down but i like want to make things that are interesting to look at.... idk..... okay wait ill share a self portrait i did.
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^ im really hapoy with this stuff theres color theres studf going on! an eclipse! right like its. its neat theres things theres associations being made theres questions theres something there this is the only thing ive made where i actually feel like ive expressed something that was in me and i just dont know how to do that again i want to make more things like that i want to get more out of my art than just putting stuff down thatll be forgotten the second its down i want what i make to be meaningful to me and idk how... uhhhh anyway thanks for reading thisif you do i just needed to get thoughts out or smth frustrated with this. doing this for six years and its just. ive managed like a handful of things id want to show people everything else is just things made because i just have to do this urghhh sorry about all this
Howdy! I had to take a bit to think of an answer for this question. I didn’t want to fall back on the statement everyone gets when they ask about art (practice), especially since you specified ideas rather than art appearance/style. So! Lets get into that! (gonna be kind of long oops)
First I want to say that I enjoy your self portrait, its very colourful and I LOVE colour. The choices in colour also complement each other very well, as yellow, orange, and blues go well together. Not only that, but the saturation of each colour help bounce off each other and bring it all together. Now, I assume the materials are a blue pen, and crayons? It might be markers, but the way the orange moves across the yellow makes me think of crayons. I adore it! I love crayons and haven’t been able to use them in a while, so it’s nice to see them being used. 
Now, your question, I feel needs some context from my side of things before I can properly answer it. I have been doing art for about 15 years now, and I have done multiple mediums including painting (water colour, oil, and acrylic), drawing (crayons, pens, markers, pencils, etc.), fiber arts (knitting, sewing, crocheting), baking/cooking (i think the presentation counts and how its a medium that takes combing lots of things to make a singular outcome), and a few I wont share right now. I’ve had official art classes that made me do things very specifically, one that taught me art history and how different genres of art were introduced, another on creativity and how to help flourish ideas, and some others on how to use different mediums and styles. I also watch speedpaints, animatics, and animation progress videos to learn some quick shortcuts in digital art since I was never taught officially on digital art. Including all of these, I also have done LOTS of practice in art. Having said this, lets get into some of my own thought processes. 
When I make art, the first things I tend to ask myself is “what do I want” and “what do I think would be interesting”? These aren't mutually exclusive, but they can be answered very differently depending on how I want to do something. For the Siffrin during the Mal du Pays fight piece, I actually started it by seeing a cat picture and thinking, “I want a discord reaction with Siffrin face down on the floor” which went into drawing Siffrin as the cat and then asking myself, “Wait, why is Siffrin face down?” which went into Oh! It’d be funny if it was Mal du Pays! So, doing that I decided to make it in the king's room which meant I had to draw a background. Eventually that transformed into “Okay but it doesnt look right, why?” the answer was that it didnt look like the game so I had to add some texture details and ta-da! Siffrin face down! 
But this also comes from years of practice in knowing what I want and knowing how to draw it, some of my art pieces were, “I think it would be cool if I drew a character looking down at me in front of a skyscraper” but um,, I didnt know how to draw that ;-; so I had to just let my hands kind of try and finish the piece even if I didnt like it. At that point, I realized I needed to practice the character and my style more until I COULD draw what I wanted. Which led into my drawing, a LOT of things I couldn’t and didnt like. 
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As for symbolism in art, and how I got ideas for it, a lot of it comes down to knowing the character and how you want to translate your thoughts of the character into art. One of the ways I started doing this was adding flowers to the characters art, or learning what flower I considered “theirs” that way I could add hints to  it in the drawings. Some of it also came from animals, others came from art genres and their historical significance, and some come down to theories (such as colour theory in art). 
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Finally, it really does come down to practice. As much as I hate to say it, a lot of the art pieces I do and share tend to lean towards “practice” or concept doodles so that I can better understand HOW I want to add it to a bigger piece. Most of my Siffrin and Loop drawings tend more to that as I need to better understand how their shapes and lines communicate to an art piece (Loop being a fucking star gets me so much) before i can add symbolism and make a bigger art piece. Even then, sometimes it doesnt work and the bigger art piece needs to be put to a back burner before i can communicate my thoughts on the characters as I wish to. 
(Here’s also a neat little trick I do, write out what you want to draw and then draw thumbnails so you can figure out the composition of the piece you want. It helps you know where something goes and how you want it to appear without keeping it in our brain for a long period of time. Some of the things I share are concept doodles but I’ve shared pictures of me doing this before! It can be annoying but trust me, it helps when you can’t figure out the draft at all.) 
Also, heres some of my REAL old art for reference when I say I’ve practiced a lot and didn’t always know how to do big art pieces ;;;;
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Hope that helped answer some of my thought process on ideas and how that translates to art? I could go into more detail if you need me to discuss something further
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coastxlwaters · 2 months
*cough* hullo i hope this isnt a strange or rude thing to say- but as like. a person from the side of sams who likes to ship things, i very much love and appreciate how kind you are!!! some people who dont like to ship things (which is 1000% okay btw, we all have our preferences) are. very big on harassment (and so are some people who *do* ship things, to be fair), but you are just. a nice person!!! ive seen you advocate to leave shippers alone and to not harass them, and that you should just block people you dont agree w instead of pestering them. and i thank you for that a whole lot, sincerely!!!
okay thats it buh bye
You just made my day, its not weird! I love to get these kinds of things, and yes im against harassing others for their own preferences. I do not like to make my blog about this stuff, and i do follow many shippers! Their art is super cool, and i just avoid the shipping parts they make. I mean, im not a romantic shipper (other than solruin) but i do have a QPR ship of dark sun/solstice x eclipse. I have lost many, many followers and mutuals from that and i dont want other people to have that feeling of dread or sadness when they watch their follower count go down or be blocked by sm they would once call their friend. It really does hurt even if you understand the reason why.
I do draw the line of shipping when it comes to minor x adult though, so i am not some amazing person who has the ability to forgive everything. I appreciate that i have had several asks like this that have made it seem like that, but i am not that great of a person.
I also think there are some that do not ship that go and harass others that dont ship under the disguise of being sm who does ship so it throws more hatred to the ones who do ship and enjoy that. I think that as i have seen it happen many times IRL and in other fandoms. Its a way to make the other side look bad, it usually works.
Im not saying that shippers do not harass, as i have seen some that do, but i am saying both sides are in the fault here.
Im adding this here:
Do. Not. Hate. The. Show. For. Disliking. Some. Ships.
They are real people who also have boundaries and preferences, we understand that yall ship the characters and not the VAs (i mean, some have done that and you really shouldnt do that) but think of it like this.
You and your sibling/close friend (just sm who you dont feel romantic attraction to) make ocs, you post them online. Then people start shipping them. You would get uncomfortable, right? Since a part of your brain is thinking: “but me and my (non romantic partner) dont like eachother like that, but now yall are making this stuff and making us uncomfortable.“
Ofc i feel as if the VA’s could have handled some things better, but we are all human and make mistakes. Just dont bring them into this. So tag your stuff correctly, do not harass, and enjoy the stuff that you enjoy and ignore the stuff you dont. Thats what you call basic human decency, you can be mad at them all you want in your head as long as you dont say it.
Sorry for the long rant, but i cant reblog stuff like this due to being blocked by people who do say stuff like this so i wanted to get this out and on my blog. And i swear to god do not go annoy or harass the people who do say this stuff and saying “why did u block this person!“ they have their reasons for blocking me and others and we should respect them. I have seen people who do this and i dont like it. So dont go harass another person for blocking sm you may think is nice. For all you know i could be a bitch and asshole irl and they know me irl and thats why they blocked me.
Dont harass or get angry at sm until you can see it from their point of view. Since you dont know what they are seeing that you are not.
(but this ask did make my day! Im literally so happy rn cause i try to practice what i preach but smt i feel like i fail or do the wrong thing that makes me look like a hypocrite!!)
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visionthefox · 10 months
I love Earth’s new design it’s more fitting though I would’ve loved to have her be plus size that’s the only think I’m going to miss, why do they have to always be skinny? >:c
BM is working with this tails doll named Rodrick or something but it feels the same BM meets someone new and they get used like a tool, Solar (aka Nice Eclipse) helped him get upgrades but I don’t know what episode did I miss that eventually now he is in hated territory by BM, bc that’s the perception I have currently with newer episodes.
I wish there could be a redemption arc but the person I wanted to help BM get better was killed off, I feel like they didn’t know where to go with KC so they just said you know what let’s get rid of it, but I truly feel they had a lot of things that could happen with KC.
Just like when his killing thing came back idk how he managed to suppress it i’m guessing power of friendship and all so now I think they are going to take that route with Ruin bc yes the virus got eliminated and whatever but for him to keep humming “You’ll be back” from Hamilton is sus.
Anyways love talking to you <3
HIII NEW ASKKK!! yea! I think I mentioned it once- but it bother me how she is clearly a big woman! (yea model is messy but! still!) and it made me look at bit confused how the fans draw her skinny! like- even I as an old hater of her respected her curves! :V they missed a chance to make her plus size- shame.. I mad dislike the character- but the fan art was ok- if only they draw her plus sizee aaa also- ye- I know of Tails doll- bothers me that they use an actually cool character like this.. like. cant they just made up a villain? leave my cool creepy TD alone! :C (I cry in Sonic fan!) Also- I am of the idea that KC was better as a "another side of moon" and when he was given a new life- I lost interest- becase he NEVER deserved such chance- he made Moon life miserable for YEARS- then was the FIRST one to use BM- eventually left them - only when they show up- be an ass to what is- in theory- his mini him.. how can KC be of any help? KC was a poorly used character.. also- yea- how the hell does he suddently controled the only reason to be alive? he is a Kill Code- not Rapper Code! or Cook Code! bruh had it easy while Moon had it worse! also..Ruin-- I hoped to maybe see his eps? but also-- ngh.. I cant have the same route I took with Eclipse.. seeying someone so great eat dust- be a walking joke- then be killed in such way.. I cant do that again aaaaaa - cry in spanish- but ah- I love to chat with ya too <3 I love getting these messeges! <3 Hope I wasnt mean! I just love to complain of something I dont even see anymore- feel free to make fun of me haha
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solarjamstudios · 26 days
Hello! I just saw your Life Series Winners art and was curious- is there any specific symbolism for mars and jupiter? I haven't seen them used before but it seems interesting :)
also your art is soo pretty!! I love the way you draw eyes and how expressive they are :D
Thank you!
I honestly just went with what the wider fandom has deemed their symbols - all except Cleos, I had no idea what symbol represented her so I went looking for discussion on it and found one with people suggesting Jupiter. After I posted it I got a lot of people telling me that Pluto fit Cleo better and I am inclined to agree with that; Pluto in myth is the god of the underworld, ruler of the dead - Cleo as a zombie is dead, yet not. Pluto as a dwarf planet also fits because many dont consider Real Life to be canon, and thus Cleos win not to be - simular to how Pluto isnt a planet anymore.
When it comes to symbolism behind Jupiter - some elements fit, but not enough to consider Cleo as Jupiter; after a bit of googling I found that Jupiters symbolism is luck, growth, optimism, responsibility and sort of mightyness? I believe the luck and responsibility fits with Cleo, being lucky to win Real Life and being a sort of leader in her alliances (not all of them, but some), but not enough to really be her symbol.
As for Martyn being Mars, thats one I’ve seen in a lot of fanart around Limited Life, I know there is discussion around it (some would say Martyn is a comet) - I think Mars fits because Martyns behavior in Limited Life was agressive (a lot of players were in that season, there were a lot of kills and deaths in general). Mars in myth is the god of war, wanting bloodshed and death. The planet itself has symbolism of determination, action, wrath, agression and a strong will for survival, also impulsivity - just based on symbolism alone Mars seem to fit very well with this; Martyn is motivated to survive, he is agressive and sometimes too impulsive, he takes action to get the job done and rarely hesitates on his goals.
I am very much new to the symbolism thing behind them - some are easier to understand; like Grian and Pearls. I dont fully understand why Scott is the Stars or why Scar is Earth (some would say Mercury or Eclipse, I dont know). I know it has to do with their behaviour in the season they won or the symbol behind the planets and celestial objects itself. I personally dont believe in Astrology so I dont know too much about it, just googled a little for this answer. Personally I just like the symbolism for designs and illustration purposes. I am trying to research it though, just havent had the time with studying and life in general. After the new season comes out and concludes I’ll update this lineup.
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unsafecoma · 4 months
YAYAYYA i wanted to do madamemiz's ask game about the DCA because i llike them 🫶 UNDER THE CUT !! ! !! ! !!!
how did you get here?
my hyperfix on the dca started earrrly january this year because i played hw2 and was promptly swept off my feet and ive been sick over them since. id played it before , but started playing again bc i wanted too 100% the game! oh if only id known !!
2. why these characters in particular? what was the hook for you?
originally it was Sun that hooked me onto both of them. hes just so silly!! and such a prissy bitch!! and i love it!! plus i love the idea of 2 separate ids in one body, thats always fun to mess with 😋
3. how long have you been here?
since early january of this year!! though, im not SUPER active in the fandom itself. i just silently enjoy fanart/fics , and VERY RARELY draw and post on my art bog. im not a big participator in fandom itself, im perfectly comfy just watching.
4. have you actually played fnaf sb?
NO. and i do not plan to. the game is too buggy to pay 40 bucks for it, plus i really dont wanna give scott anymore money (fuck you scott cawthon i hate you scott cawthon a million plagues upon you and your life scott cawthon) so ill pass. im perfectly fine with just watching videos.
5. if you make content, what's your favorite piece you've contributed?
THIS POST!! i love vocaloid, and i love the dca, and whats better than combining the two? i was especially proud of myself bc these were animations, which is something i NEEEVERRR to, so id say i was pretty damn happy with these!!
6. what's your favorite sort of art or fic? what genre/flavor/style?
ive still yet to actually read any fics abt the dca (im in the process of reading one about djmm rn <3 its so good i love it so much <333) but im a sucker for angst w/a happy end (the heart wants what the heart wants, and who am i to deny ?)
7. what's your favorite au?
i like aquatic aus for the dca!!!!! i love seeing all the different designs ppl give them ... i also rlly like cowboy/western aus too :)
8. do you have any ocs, or have any ocs you're fond of?
not yet, but ive absolutely thought about it!! maybe one day ... (for now though, im happy with my silly little technician s/i hehe)
9. what do you think of the dca's canon appearance? Scary? Cute? Something else?
I LOVE THEM I THINK THEYRE SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYY i dont really see them as scary from looks alone tbh, like MAYBE moon but it'd have to be rlly dark so it was just his glowing eyes visible. other than that they are just silly billys cutie patooties to me. id pinch their cheeks if i could (i mean i know u can but. ykwim)
10. what keeps you in this fandom despite the very small amount of canon content the dca had?
im kept sane by both my own brain's constant thoughts abt these robots, and also the art and writing made by other fans!! i 🫶 images.
11. be honest: if you had to pick only one, sun or moon?
:( i GUESS sun, if i HAD to choose, only bc Moon's the one with the virus. it feels so wrong to separate them. you wound me.
12. thoughts on eclipse?
I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! i hc that eclipse isnt one whole robot, but its a state of being where sun and moon are both comfortably, equally in control of the body. so like ... in a WAY they could seem blended into one whole ai, but theyre both still in there, and have moments of one overtaking the other, while still as "eclipse".
13. thoughts on pre-glitch sun?
I feel like pre glitch Sun was juuust starting to get a bit overworked and burnt out, like right before the virus (and afterwards, it jsut got worse and worse). i think the DCA are genuinely good at taking care of kids, they just slip up often and arent absolutely perfect at it (unlike how they would be, if they were actually made to be caretakers and not theater animatronics). sometimes Sun is too loud, having to constantly remind himself to lower his voice when around more meek kids in the daycare.
he definitely has his moments where he needs to correct himself and remember that he is taking care of young kids, but all in all, i feel like Sun was pretty good at taking care of the kids (much better than he was when he was first moved to the daycare, since i can imagine he was VERY, VERY BITTER about being moved from the theater, but its not like being a theater animatronic was synonymous with despising children, so he wouldn't HATE them or anything yk ??)
14. thoughts on pre-glitch moon?
YKNOW I WONDER does moons voice sound like that bc of the virus, or is that just his voice ? nonetheless, i feel like Moon was good with his job, and maybe a bit better than Sun, only bc i feel like handling naptime would come with less struggles than daytime activities.
Moon was probably so much more gentle, less hunched over and 'scary-looking' when he moved, and rather than punishing kids for not sleeping he just ... actually helped them sleep. yknow ? whether its holding and rocking some of the younger kids to help them sleep better, or maybe one of the kids has something on their mind that wont let them sleep, i feel like Moon was actually really good at his job.
im firm on believing the DCA is actually good at taking care of kids due to what cassie says about the AR sun/moon plushies!! theyre good at their job!!! to a degree LOLLLL
15. do you interpret sun and moon as two sides of the same person, or truly two separate beings in one body? does it matter?
i interpret them as two separate beings in one body!! i like this interpretation, it feels more fun to work with and is oddly cathartic? emotional? interesting? theres just so much emotion that comes with sharing a body with an entire other identity, knowing that you and them are tightly knit together, whether you want to be or not, because no matter what, you have them, and they have you, and you're stuck with one another. and yes, you and them are different, but you bleed into one another at some parts, at some angles the yellow and blue smudge, and sometimes you struggle to see where 'you' starts, and 'they' begin.
i love love love thinking about how they experience sharing a body with one another, how they maneuver the world and their thoughts. ITS SO FUN!!! THEY MAKE ME SICK.
16. what's something in the fandom you'd like to see more of?
WAITER!!! WAITER!! MORE PRISSY BITCH SUN PLEASE!!! ill literally never ever get enough of it.
17. what's something in the fandom you'd like to see less of?
this is ENTIRELY just me, but seeing the dca act all suave and sexy feels mischaracterizing. this tweet literally captures how i feel perfectly
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like OB VI OUS LY have fun and do what ur little heart desires, never ever am i gonna bash someone for DOING THAT, but whenever i see them drawn sexily and with abs or anything like that it just makes me wonder if we have the same character in mind. you dont get them like i do. we are playing with our touys in different corners.
18. anything you're looking forward to?
THE MOON NIGHTLIGHT. i have the sun one already and i NEED the moon one so he isnt alone :( i hope they fix up the coloring on the moon one, bc the dark bit looks so weird and messy (im assuming it only looks like that since it was the first look at him, but still!!! i think they should just make him all white, and not make the NIGHT LIGHT dark in some areas, lol???)
19. do you think you'd actually get along with the dca if you met them irl?
this is one of those rare times where i DO think i would get along with them, or at least Sun!! i feel like id definitely be super duper anxious first meeting them, like the enthusiasm levels are a bit jarring, but i really do feel like i could get along with Sun (and maybe Moon ... if this is pre-virus, then more likely, but if its while Moon has the virus .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. mauybe.)
20. free space! talk about whatever's on your mind!
if i think about the dca and their room and state of neglect for too long i get sick. i get insane and curl into a little ball like a roly poly. they make me so sick. i hate them i need to bite them.
also genderfunny aroace dca forever and ever. ok? 🫶
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