#dont you dare ask him about the stunts
studioboner · 1 year
Hi! I actually am wondering about trying watercolors for the first time but feel a little anxious haha.. how you go about drawing on the paper with confidence? Like, watercolor paper isn’t exactly cheap. I think I got the cheapest one avaible from Canson but still the anxiety is real… do you pick very light pencils like 2B so you can sketch veryyy lightly, or before sketching on the paper itself you do a planning sketch in another paper?
Im asking this cos I really love your art and it’s so cool that it’s mostly traditional! And the way you draw Tails is too adorable and consistent while being in your style, it always feels like you have confidence when you draw him.
oh i think this is gonna be a long one
all in all?i have the same anxiety as you. but i've confidense that i can make something good sometimes, but not that i will get it right every time. So i keep trying, but heres some stuff that helped
a warning though, i keep going on and on in this reply and can get pretty negative at times
my watercolor paper i use costs 2 dollars and has 20 sheets so that's 10 cents per sheet. which i feel helps with my anxiety... it's the canson multimedia block too, 140 msg .....
watercolor sketchbooks i'd find online were around 80 or more BRL, and then 20 BRL shipping.... that's 20 USD in total...
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but a block of this plus getting it binded costs me 4 USD.....so i think that one [price] helps alot lol.....
as for the confidence.....
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i've had enough time to do quite a bit of trad art, specifically ink and watercolors so im USED to the material and now quite as scared to "mess up" as when i first started it.... [hint, i still am] this is one example of a sketch page, they vary in size, and how "done" they are... i dont really worry too much about maintaining a rule of "everything in this sketchbook must be fully rendered " bc it ended up stunting my creativity
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i did try the "sketch it onto a sketchbook and then pass it to watercolor paper" approach and tbh...? not really my thing... i've found that to me the first sketch always end up being looser than when i pass it on... i'm always more focused on getting the flow, composition and pose there than i am getting the right details or right lines or colors etc....
like this one, im more happy with the sketch, it's mroe dynamic, mroe fun
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i DO sketch stuff on cheaper paper first when it's for trad art commissions though, just bc there i HAVE to make sure the client is getting what they asked
and i do use 2b pencils AND a "soft lead" mechanical pencil, btu tbh it's mroe bc of the feeling of it on paper than for the look of it...
here for example you can see the circle i used to have a basis on where tails would be.. i didnt erase it as i continued painting bc tbh it was just the sketch. i ended up liking it tho
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i actually got quite MAD and angry at myself recently bc i noticed how much my sketches were looser in the sketchbooks when i did try the passing onto watercolors thing and i had a full on discussion with a fellow artist about daring myself to be bolder in the future, it has been working well
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I sadly have to say though, that figuring out how to build confidense is more of a personal journey, and i cant claim that what worked for me [trusting my first sketch] would work for you.....
It's time, practice, trial and error....
OH, one thing though that DID help me. is:
-There's no art wasted, even if it doesnt turn out how you wanted it, you still learned something.
-Makins these personal art/fanarts isn't some school paper you have to hand it to be graded and then not get it back. You can re-do a piece as many times as you want until you get it right! I have quite a queue of pieces i plan on re-doing in the future bc i didnt like the first ones i did. im not perfect on confidence and i get scared of fully committing to drawings alot, many of them are pale not for choice bc bc i got scared of making my art too saturated and overworking it
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i am about to get negative now so stop reading if you dont want to see that.
HERE NOW i's a alot of pieces i made that im unsatisfied with and plan on re-doing one day: too dull, simply way too watered
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which led me to make THIS piece and do better colors
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i hATE the way i did the lineart here. it's boring, the anatomies are wonky. it's a good concept but i didnt excecuted it as well as i wanted. but this piece has made me just go and try inking MORE so i could make up for it
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which lead to this piece here eventually
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This one here.... the colors look so muddy it just makes me SAD, bc i had been so scared to use high saturation that i went with the muddier colors by choice, if i had allowed myself to experiment i wonder how happier i'd be about it
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which led me to make THIS piece with softer in value and more saturated colors
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The colors and blending of this one are too soft and not bold enough for what i had envisioned it, i made it as fanart of a friends fic and it made me feel like i failed my friend and insulted her fic when i finished this. I dont think the piece looks bAD, mind you. i know it looks cute. and good even. But i had such high hopes for it.
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which led me to make this one
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THIS ONE OH MY GOD HOW I HATE IT. sonics expression is SO creepy hes like a horror movie weirdo , honestly not my best work when it comes to anatomy
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so i've been doodlin sonic now and then as practice so that i could make this one eventually
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The perspective on knuckles could be better and the characters look out of place on this scene, the background is ok
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but in this piece here i was able to get a better harmony between colors, background and whatever sparse linework i threw in
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Theres so many more haha but i'll stop for now....
Dont get me wrong i dont ACTUALLY think those pieces are HORRIBLE horrible,,,, i see the flaws in them yes, but theres always something i like too, and i know people like them, and that people wont throw away a whole piece over one small detail that in the end doesnt even affect the overall thing....
i've just been getting into the headspace of "ok. at least this one is done, onto the next"
plus the whole thing i told you of realising my first sketches are looser....
sorry im not too good at talking about this and my points arent very clear, i dont think this is going to be quite the help you expected it to be because the truth is that the struggle with your art is soemthign that doesnt go away no matter what skill you have...
at times to me it feels more like a mentality practice than skill, reasurring myself that it's ok to get it wrong and try again, etc etc....
i used to go to therapy and one of the things we talked about was my perfectionism, how i used to be so scared to mess up a piece. that i wouldnt even start, and wouldnt draw for months. this has been going for years now and hey i've gotten better.
but..... yeah im in the same boat as you.... except mine is no longer just about the paper quality!
Sorry this got so personal now, i hope that this hasnt killed your hopes on getting better at the anxiety. it does get way better haha... trying to force your brain to not judge yourself so harshly is half the battle in my opinion, the practice of drawing is the other half....
good luck i hope you have fun painting, i know i do, i love the process even when i dont like the result, good night and thank you for the question
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@out-grid This is all your fault, I hope you know this.
Combining the Thorne/Peter content with the ghost (vampire) hunter au!
Warning: mentioned death, Peter is a Sad Man (tm)
On with the fic!
“Give me my phone.”
Aro looked over at Peter, arching an eyebrow at the sudden demand. Peter glared, motioning with his hand for the damn phone that he knew Aro carried on his person.
“Why?” Aro asked and that only annoyed Peter more.
“I need to check something.”
“And what is that something?”
“I need to check on... someone.” Peter was not going to break, not yet, no. He just needed to know, he had been avoiding it this whole time, since he got access to his phone. He hadn’t spoken to Charley about this person, he would change the topic in their texts to one another, avoiding the subject at all costs.
But he couldn’t avoid it forever.
Aro removed the phone from his pocket, activating it so Peter could access the contents. He set the phone on a table and Peter was quick to open up apps, looking through things.
He found the unread messages in his texts, the unanswered calls. He opened up his internet app and he was sure the room was starting to turn cold now. He looked at calls first, seven unanswered, all with voice mails. He didn’t dare open those, he didn’t think he could handle hearing the voice.
Peter looked at the texts next.
whats going on
r u back yet? usually you call me when yr done playing buffy 
hey wtf is this about there being a murder @ the hotel???
this is a stunt for the show right
pick up your fuckin phone vincent!
this isnt funny
youre not dead you dont die 
fuck its true isnt it 
Peter’s throat felt tight and he was sure he’s be struggling if he could breathe right now. He exited the messages and Googled the reaction to his death from his person. He found an article, someone had asked him about Peter’s murder, and the response was 
‘Can you not do that? I don’t want to talk about my boyfriend’s fucking murder!’
Twitter didn’t help, the guy hadn’t really been active on his personal account since the murder. The band’s was active, but the personal one didn’t say much about what happened. There was one post, made after Peter had made his silly little post on his own account after he got access to his phone again.
‘That’s not funny.’
“Did you find what you were looking for?” Aro asked and Peter looked up, then away.
He could see frost forming on the desk, Aro must be aware of what he’s feeling. “I’m taking the phone back, Peter.” He said, then slipped it across the desk, picking it up. “Is this who you were looking for?”
Peter snapped his head up, glaring, seeing that Aro was still looking at the opened app. “Thorne Jamison, a friend?” 
“More than that, give me my fuckin’ phone.” 
Aro pocketed it again, frowning at Peter. “A lover, perhaps?”
This only served to piss Peter off more. “Boyfriend, yeah, we were taking a break and were gettin’ back together when you decided to slurp my veins, you cunt.”
Aro made a face at his choice of words. “I was not made aware of this boyfriend of yours, in all the times you’ve spoke of what I took away from you.” He sounded irritated.
“Because I didn’t think you needed to know, my relationships are my personal business, not yours.”
“I think it’s my business now, considering our current situation.”
The room was like a freezer now, Peter was sure he was going to make it snow in here the longer he felt upset like this. He breathed through his clenched teeth. “I don’t want to look at you right now.” He said instead of all the things he wanted to scream.
He really didn’t want to, the similarities were weird enough as it was, but right now it really hurt to look at that vampire and his stupid, pretty face.
He left through the ceiling, ignoring Aro calling out to him. 
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secretsally444 · 6 days
Hi. I'm new to this whole thing so please excuse me for my directness but I'm desperately in need for an advice.
So I've been crushing on a guy in since high school. We were there together in the same college, but in different courses. We never talked, not even once. Just made eye contact a few times. Recently we both graduated college and a few days back I decided to tell him how i felt qbout him anonymously. I text him from a newly made Instagram account because I didn't want him to know who i was.
I wrote him a message appreciating how he looks in all his posts. Complimenting him and having sweet little talks with him. He seemed interested to text even though i was a complete stranger to him. He even asked where i was from and guessed that we were from the same place. I told him that i can't tell him and he seemed fine. Our first conversation ended wishing eachother a good day.
I wasn't able to contain my happiness and re-read our conversations, after which i realised how cringe i sounded in the texts i had send him. I wrote him a message,
"Hey, just wanted to say sorry if my
Messages were a bit cheesy and cringe.
It was actually on my bucket list to
send texts like that, and my cousins
dared me to do it for a laugh. Hope you
don't mind the silliness"
To this he replied: "cool"
After this his replies were blunt. He answered in one or two words, late replies even. So in middle of the conversation i confessed to him that i had a crush on him for a very long time and that he has an attractive, magnetic and charming personality. (Im sorry ik i sound cringe)
To this he replied: "Thank you. ☺️"
I again wrote him an apology msg:
''I'm again sorry to have weirded you out
by randomly texting you, that too, not
from my main account. It's weird ik. It's
just that I had a crush on you for a quite
awhile and it was nice talking to you."
He replied: "I could follow your main account. What is your main account. Tell me." He kept insisting.
I rejected the idea saying that i will be embarrassed if he followed me. He replied with: "cool"
I lastly texted "okay" which he hasn't seen till now although he's online most of the time and its been days now.
I don't know what to do. I want to talk to him about random things without him knowing my identity, who i am exactly. But at the same time I feel i ruined things from the start. I feel i should have kept things within me and not pull this stunt. Talking to him felt nice for a moment and i wished i could talk to him for some more time.
He has always been the most popular boy with huge friend circle and has an intimidating personality. He's the cliché main character, which is one of the reason why i dont ever wanna reveal my identity.
What should i do? I want to talk to him but at the same time i think i would seem weird doing so. Any advice?
Wow Anon, if I had a nickel for the amount of times I have been in a similar situation... I would be a very rich woman.
First of all, this is all incredibly normal. I want to make sure you know that. It's so hard putting yourself in a position where you could be rejected, and even harder when it's someone who you have felt a connection to for a very long time.
No matter what the outcome I want you to remember these things:
Your feelings are valid
You are worthy of love
Relationships do not define you.
Your self-worth is rooted in who you are and you don't need someone else to make you a better person... You are already enough!
Now... onto the advice!
"Main Character" is a myth. We all have strengths, weaknesses, fears, passions, faults, and skills. Just because someone is more "mainstream" doesn't mean they are unapproachable. You have every right to interact with and be connected to him, even if it may seem like he is popular and intimidating. I encourage you to be bold.
As hard and uncomfortable as it is, if you want this to be a real relationship/if you want to make a genuine connection with him you're going to have to put yourself out there. There's a saying that we throw around at work a lot... "Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind." Being direct is scary, but ultimately it's the only way you will know for sure. I think there is a lot of value in being open and being yourself. You have no reason to hide your identity from him. I know that idea is scary since there is the possibility he may not want to talk, but if you're wanting to genuinely get to know him you will need to embrace the un-comfy.
Since you don't have a super close relationship yet, I would also say start as friends and nothing more! Take the pressure off of your interactions by just embracing the friendship helps you feel like you can be yourself more.
Confidence is key. If you approach him confidently and explain that you have wanted to get to know him I believe that you will have more success than if you created another anonymous Instagram to do so. Like I said earlier, this is always the risk they he may say no... but if you're anything like me, you'd rather try than never know...
I think being honest and communicating clearly will get you far and in your situation I truly believe that it's the best possible solution. Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Unapologetic! The worst thing he can say is no, and in that case he's not worth your time any way. You deserve the best!
I hope this was helpful Anon, and if you need more specific advice or have further questions, please message me anytime!
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larentsaloud · 3 years
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
my daisy / chapter 10 (finale) | kim mingyu
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➝ CEO!Mingyu x Secretary!Reader
➝ strangers to lovers // single dad!Mingyu // fluff // lighthearted // non idol!au // like pls dont expect any dramas here lol // tiny bit of angst ig
➝ series warning: mentions of sex, no smut but there’s implied sexual activities, insecurity (as always jshbdjhsfshbf am sorry), curses, food, let me know if theres more ^^
➝ word count: 4k
➝ song rec for this particular chapter: EXO - Lucky, Super Junior - No Other (wow, literally my first kpop song lol)
➝ A/N: here bc it's too long sjdhfbjsdhfb
when your cousin asks you to be her substitute at SVT Inc. as she takes her maternity leave, you’re pretty sure this wasn’t what you signed up for.
series masterlist
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If you didn’t have a clear view about the kind of power the Kims has before, you do now.
In the span of three days, they have managed to book a court date for the lawsuit against the poor media company. Mingyu stays true to his words, refusing to personally make an appearance to deny the whole thing and instead simply releases a company statement about how it’s a disgrace to be spreading hoaxes against anyone in SVT Inc. He makes sure to emphasize that it’s a violation against privacy, and he’ll also sue everyone making unfounded comments over his ‘friend’. The message is clear: if anyone dares to pull this kind of stunt against any personnel of SVT Inc. ever again, the company would not hesitate to take every necessary action.
Mingyu has half the mind to buy the media company altogether just so he can close it down himself, but you manage to convince him it would be too much because there are probably still good enough people within the company that doesn’t deserve to be jobless out of nowhere.
“They know better now, okay?” you remind him, softly holding on to his arm. “And you’ve made sure they delete every picture and files regarding that day, which means Lili is safe and that’s all that matters, right?”
“And you too,” he huffs, loosening the cuff of his sleeve. “They had the audacity to ask for a settlement, you know? But I told Seungkwan I want them sued no matter what.”
“You really should treat him one of these days,” you push his shoulder away when he sneakily tries to lean his head down to you. You’re both in his office now, the blinds are shut tight from prying eyes. Still, you’d rather be careful and you never let Mingyu touch even your hands during office hours. Sitting next to him on the sofa in his office is the most you’d give in to him. “He’s been swamped with the lawsuit thing that his workloads are piling up.”
“Already planning on it,” he grins at you, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. You scoff at his childlike tendency, something fond bubbling in your chest at how free he is in front of you. It doesn’t take long for Mingyu to get rid of his usual work persona when it’s just the both of you, he’d whine and he’d beg you to accompany him unwind whenever he could.
That’s about all, though. Even though he whines and complains that he has too many things to do, he does them all perfectly and never once misses a deadline. You guess Mingyu is just glad he can openly whine to you (he used to do it to Jennie too, you find out later on. But not to Seungkwan because he still wants some dignity to himself) and that helps from being too tense from work.
Like a ghost, Seungkwan knocks on his door and his head peeks in the moment Mingyu says he’s welcome to come in. “Oh, okay. I’m glad you two aren’t doing something inappropriate.”
“Boo Seungkwan!” you glare at him, face blazing from whatever the guy is implying. Next to you, Mingyu just laughs without denying whatever implication Seungkwan has in his mind.
He simply shrugs, and then sits down on the sofa across you when Mingyu tells him to do so. Mingyu cracks his neck to the side before he sits straight and links his fingers together, smiling at Seungkwan.
“Thank you so much for taking care of the media situation. I know you have enough work as it is but you took care of this flawlessly nevertheless.”
Seungkwan shrugs, telling him it’s no problem and he’s glad he could help not only as an employee but also as your friend and Mingyu’s.
The boss asks him if there’s anything he’d like to eat or any other form of present he’d like to have. Seungkwan jokingly asks if he needs to eat with you and Mingyu or if he can just use the chance to eat by himself, but when Mingyu seriously tells him he can just take his card and Seungkwan’s free to invite anyone with him, the younger guy immediately shakes his head and says he’d be happy to visit that steak restaurant from two months ago again.
“You know, when I told you to shoot your shot, I didn’t mean for you to end up in a ‘scandal’ with him and his kid,” Seungkwan says once you’re both out of Mingyu’s office.
“Can we not talk about this in the office?” you pout like a kid, though a part of you is just nervous that people would talk if they find out. Mingyu has made sure no one finds out it was you in the picture and, as far as the majority of people know, the girl and the kid in the rumour were simply his childhood friend and her little sister.
He has no idea how the media has somehow got the picture of Gyuri in your arms but not Gyuri getting out of his car.
“It’s fine,” Seungkwan teasingly waves your worry away with a cheeky grin. “Your boyfriend makes sure no one knows it’s you.”
“Seungkwan!” you scream under your breath, hitting his arm.
“Alright, alright. I’ve got reports to finish and presentation to prepare before today ends and I’d appreciate it if you don’t bruise my arm.” His words are playful, but you can tell for sure how tired Seungkwan is from tackling the lawsuit problem himself. Mingyu didn’t let you help him in this case, saying he doesn’t want to risk any of the media people recognizing you at that point.
“’Kay, I’ll help you do the reports,” you pretend to be reluctant when you say it, knowing that Seungkwan gets how grateful you are to him. “Give me the notes and I’ll help you finish them.”
The smile on Seungkwan’s face is too playful that it’s borderline annoying, but when he takes your hand and squeezes it once, he immediately turns sappy and tells you that he’s glad you’re fine and not bothered by the amount of harassment directed to you online.
“Hey, they don’t even know it’s me,” you give him a small smile. “They’re just making up stories, for all I know.”
“Still,” he frowns. “It must’ve been hard to see people calling you gold-digger for being caught on camera with Mingyu.”
“It’ll come sooner or later if I really want to be serious with him,” you shrug nonchalantly. It hurts, if you’re being completely honest. Even though you know they’re all just baseless assumptions and none of them are true, you know this would be the case once people find out someone as ordinary as you are dating the heir of SVT Inc. It almost feels like a teaser to you. “I’ll consider it practice.”
“What a world we live in, huh,” Seungkwan comments, knowing full well that you’re right.
“It’s fine,” you smile genuinely at him. “You’ll help me sue them again if it happens, right?”
Seungkwan grins before telling you he’d beat all of them up for you if that’s what you’re into.
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Two weeks later, it’s Saturday and you’re eating lunch with Gyuri and Mingyu in his house. The guy has just gone back from a phone call, grumbling the moment he returns to his seat next to you at the dining table.
“Mom is asking about you again,” Mingyu says, making you choke on your drink. Gyuri pats your arm twice and tells you to drink slowly before she goes back to her apple. “Do you not want to see her?”
“Gyu, we’ve been dating for a month. One. You haven’t even met my friends!” you try to reason, hoping it’ll mask the nervousness in your voice.
“I have, actually.”
“Not as my boyfriend.”
“Well, then, why haven’t I?”
“They’d beat you up, Gyu.” Mingyu raises his eyebrow, but he doesn’t get the chance to answer because you’re already shaking your head at him. “It doesn’t matter that you’re taller than them, your Highness,” you roll your eyes playfully.
“I can take them,” he nods to himself. “I take boxing classes sometimes.”
“Gyu, Soonyoung has a black belt in Taekwondo, Seokmin is almost as buff as you are, and Jihoon is basically Hulk just waiting to pop out.”
Mingyu’s about to retort back when he suddenly frowns, crossing his arm in front of his chest. “Wait, why do they want to beat me up in the first place?”
“Stupid guy friends stuff,” you shrug nonchalantly. “They’ve always wanted to do it once I have a boyfriend. Unfortunately for them, I didn’t get into any serious relationship until now.”
“So we’re serious, huh?” he whispers as he playfully squeezes your thigh under the table, hidden from Gyuri’s eyes. You quickly slap his hand away, but Mingyu isn’t really affected by your glare and just continues to grin.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckles, holding up his arms in the air because your glare doesn’t seem to falter until he does so. “She’s just curious, okay? Gyuri always talks about you. We can take it slow, but I’m just telling you she’s interested in knowing you.”
You nod as you hold back a sigh, trying to focus back on your meal and failing to do so. You look back up at him again when his palm lands on your thigh once more. But this time, his touch is comforting as if he knows what you’re thinking about, promising you there’s no need for you to worry about the whole thing. You often wonder if you’re just that readable or if Mingyu is just that good at detecting your mood.
“No need to be afraid, Daisy,” he gently reassures you, long gone is his playful grin and instead a small, encouraging smile replaces it on his face. “I know that you can’t help being nervous, but trust me when I say you have nothing to be afraid of. She’s nothing like the evil mom in high society dramas.”
You chuckle at the comparison, thanking Mingyu once again for not being tired in reassuring you things are going to be fine. “I know, I know. I’ll meet your Mom if you agree to meet my friends.”
“Deal!” he replies quickly, much to his embarrassment. “I’d be happy to meet Jihoon and Soonyoung again.” Then, after a beat. “And Seokmin too, even though I practically know him first before you.”
You raise your eyebrow in challenge, a smirk blooming into your face at his reassured tone. “You do know Jisoo and Jennie are included?”
“Maybe we should wait a few months before you meet my mom.”
Mingyu would never get bored at the sound of your laughter.
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“Daisy, okay?” Gyuri asks when she notices how much you’re fidgeting under her. She’s the only source of your calmness, her weight against your lap calming you down in ways you don’t understand possible.
“Yeah, just a little nervous,” you tangle your fingers in her hair, combing through them softly. “Are you excited to meet the baby?”
“Yes!” she turns to you. “Auntie says Lili now big sister.”
Your heart soothes at her excited smile, and you immediately exhale in relief when your eyes catch the sight of Mingyu still in his dress shirt, making his way to where you and Gyuri are sitting in the waiting area.
It’s somewhere around 3PM when Jaebum has called you in panic, telling you he’s just finished filling in administrations after rushing Jennie to the hospital because her water finally breaks. After hearing the news, Mingyu tells you you’re allowed to get off work early because, evidently, you’re too nervous to be at work since the phone call. He asks you to pick Gyuri up from her daycare on your way, as he knows Gyuri would want to be there and that he’d join you in the hospital after his meeting is done.
You immediately lean into his touch once he sits beside you, his arm goes around your waist the moment he’s close enough to do so. You’ve been doing this a lot these days in front of Gyuri, slowly letting her know that there’s something more between you and her father. So far, she doesn’t really comment on it, but she always insists on holding your hand everytime she catches Mingyu holding the other one.
“How long has she been in there?”
“Not long,” you try to fill him in. “Jennie’s still in her room when I arrived because they’re still waiting for another contraction. When it came, they didn’t wait long to bring her into labor.”
His hand softly rubs your back to remind you to relax before he drops a chaste kiss on top of your head, telling you Jennie and her baby are in good hands. The serene scene doesn’t last long though, as Soonyoung and Seokmin barrels through the waiting room minutes later, Jihoon walking behind them because he really doesn’t know why the two feel the need to run.
“Is she okay?!” Soonyoung asks immediately, and you’re sure he would’ve shaken the answer out of you if not for Gyuri on your lap. “Is the baby here already?!”
“Not yet,” you tell him to sit down on the seat in front of you. The waiting area is pretty empty for some reason, but you’re not going to complain because you’re sure your group of friends would need seats once everyone is present, and everyone will show up because that’s just the kind of people they are. “We might need to wait for an hour or more.”
You’re not finished explaining when Jisoo and Seungcheol come in, Jisoo just as panicked as Soonyoung was which makes you think maybe you’re not that nervous after all.
“The baby’s not here yet, she’s been there for half an hour, and we might need to wait longer,” Mingyu sums it up before Jisoo can even open her mouth.
Your best friend narrows her eyes at him, somewhat annoyed at the way he relays the information on. “Don’t you have meetings to attend, Mr. CEO?”
“Finished for the day,” he shrugs. Seungcheol greets him with a high five, one that Mingyu accepts with his free hand. This makes Jisoo’s eyes flicker to his arm disappearing behind you, his fingers softly grip your waist through the material of your clothes.
“Did you say we need to wait longer?” Jisoo throws the bait, crossing her arms before her chest. Mingyu nods, unaware. Your friend then shares a look with Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Seokmin, nodding to each other as if they have some kind of telepathic ability. “Then you won’t mind if we step out for a while?”
“Do you want to step out?” he asks you instead, unsure if you want to leave just in case Jennie comes out earlier than assumed. But you’re holding back a laugh for reasons that he doesn't seem to understand. “What?”
“I don’t think they want me to step out, Gyu,” you giggle, hugging Gyuri closer to your chest.
Mingyu blinks owlishly, still not getting it until the four of them stand up and signal him to follow them outside. Seungcheol laughs at this, holding up his fist in encouragement. “Good luck, dude. I’ll be here with [Y/N] and Lili.”
He sends you a helpless look, but you simply pat his cheek and scrunch your nose at him, reminding him that indulging them now would mean you meeting his mom sooner than later. This seems to be enough motivation for him, so Mingyu reluctantly stands up, telling Gyuri with a flair of drama that she has to behave well because ‘Papa might not be back for a while’.
“Uncle Cherry, Papa go somewhere?”
“Do you want to see Daisy for long?”
“Yes!” Gyuri enthusiastically answers. “Want see Daisy a lot.”
“Well, Papa is making sure that can happen,” he helpfully supplies. You laugh at his words, well aware that Mingyu is going to do more than that. Your friends can be a lot when they want to be and you’re pretty sure they aren’t going to let Mingyu have it easy just for the sake of it.
“Then Papa try his best,” she nods to herself, and you share another laugh with Seungcheol, despite the fact that you’re a little afraid that they’d scare Mingyu away somehow. Gyuri easily distracts you though, babbling about her day in the daycare and her word of the day.
Mingyu will be fine… right?
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That night, you agree with your boyfriend when he suggests you stay in his place instead of back to yours. The day has been long and tomorrow you’re all going to visit Jennie and her baby again, anyway, so might as well just stay at Mingyu’s and go with him tomorrow because his place is closer to the hospital.
That proves to be the wrong choice.
Gyuri is sleeping in your arms when you arrive, but you tell Mingyu it’s fine and you can put Gyuri to her bed when he offers to take her from you. The girl has only fallen asleep for ten minutes top and she seems to be way too tired, you’re worried she’d wake up if she’s being moved around like that.
Naturally, Mingyu tries to open the door so you can step in first, but it opens before he can even reach for the doorknob. Jooyeon’s name is already at the tip of his tongue, but it’s his mom behind the door, a soft ‘Oh my’ out of her mouth when she sees Gyuri soundly asleep in your embrace. You’re so shocked that you’re frozen in place, but she quickly ushers you in because it’s getting late and Gyuri might catch a cold.
Mingyu tells her to wait by the living room as he escorts you to Gyuri’s room as if you’d get lost. You’re both whispering to each other the moment his mom is out of earshot, and you really want to bop Mingyu on the head because of his stupid grin if not for the little angel you’re holding.
“Well, it was you who told me meeting your friends means you’d meet my mom,” he teases you softly once you manage to untangle Gyuri from your body. You’d change her into her pajamas if you could, but the girl is way too sleepy that she immediately succumbs back to sleep the moment her back meets her bed.
You’re at a loss of words, but can’t really blame Mingyu because it’s not like he knows his mom is in Seoul to begin with. You take a deep breath before the last step of the stairs, and Mingyu pulls you for a sweet kiss to calm you down, telling you everything will be fine and he will make sure his mom won’t cross the line. You believe him, but it’s only natural that you’d want to impress your significant other’s family and you don’t know what to expect when her first impression of you is… thatscandal and, the first time she sees you for real, you’re holding her sleeping granddaughter at this hour—in her son’s place at that.
At your hesitation, Mingyu gently grabs your face and pulls you for another kiss. This time longer, because he needs you to stop thinking too far away and he knows you’re always a little disoriented when he kisses you out of nowhere.
“You’ll be fine,” he reassures you. “We’ll be fine.”
And, true to his words, his mom is mostly just curious about Mingyu’s new girlfriend—you. She talks to the both of you over light dinner. Her questions are all well-meaning, and when she asks you what do you parents do for a living, you can tell that she’s just curious in a way that I-want-to-know-more-about-the-girl-that-catches-my-son’s-heart and not I’m-ready-to-judge-you-whatever-your-answer-would-be.
After a while, she excuses herself for bedtime, taking the only available empty room that you’d usually use when you’re sleeping over. Surely, in a house this big his mom should’ve had her own room? But Mingyu says his parents rarely sleep in his house, preferring to stay in their own place in Seoul so the old room that was built for his parents has been turned into Gyuri’s play room a long time ago.
Well, there are two other empty guest rooms. But one of them has the biggest window in all of the rooms here, and the other has a big mirror facing the bed. Simply said, you’re too scared to sleep there by yourself. You half contemplate to just go home, but Mingyu sternly says no because it’s too late already and you can just sleep in his room if you’re afraid to take the other available rooms.
“Come here,” he pats the space beside him the moment you step out of the bathroom, already clad in a shirt and a pair of shorts of your own because you already have spares in his house. “Baby, it’s not like this is the first time we’re sharing a bed.”
“Yes, but usually we’re just taking naps and your mom is most definitely not here,” you mumble, but dutifully sits next to him and plops into his waiting arms.
“What makes it different?” he asks curiously, not really getting it. “But you know it’s still not the first time.”
You frown at him, still not getting it until he’s giving you a pointed look without even saying anything. Oh. “Um, right. I thought we agreed not to bring that up ever again?”
“Huh, did we?” he playfully indulges you. “I thought we had just never talked about it until this very second.”
“Okay, then now I’m telling you we agree not to bring it up ever again.” Mingyu barks out a laugh at this, squishing you further into his embrace which makes you squeal in return. “Mingyu! Stop! I can’t breathe!”
“Are you embarrassed?” he grins annoyingly to get a raise out of you, and the soft touch of his fingertips against your arms suddenly burns in the most pleasing way possible. It’s working very well, if you might say so yourself. “It was pretty good though, wasn’t it?”
“It was just okay at best,” you pretend to be nonchalant, scrunching your nose.
Mingyu gasps dramatically, shaking his head in disbelief at your outrageous lie. “I’m pretty sure the whole floor heard you scre—”
“Kim Mingyu!” you slap his chest again, trying to get out of his embrace even though his strong arms are trapping you in. “I’ll tell Jennie if you don’t let go.”
Mingyu doesn’t really let go, but he reluctantly loosens his arms at the threat. You don’t mind though, because who are you to deny yourself from sleeping in his arms? Also, you’re more tired than you thought you were, it turns out, because it only takes the both of you shifting into a more comfortable position and Mingyu’s fingers threading through your hair for you to fall asleep almost immediately.
“You’re not going to leave me once you’re awake this time though, right, Daisy?” he whispers against your ear, his laughter once again filling the room when you simply decide to jab your fingers where you know he’s ticklish instead of wasting your energy screaming at the guy.
“Am sorry, am sorry,” he finally says, catching your wrists once he’s too tired from laughing. There’s mock annoyance in your face, one that he only finds adorable, if anything. Mingyu pulls you closer to his chest after that, telling you to get some rest because tomorrow’s Saturday.
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you, and Mingyu could’ve sworn he can hear the content hum buzzing in his chest. He looks down at you, falling asleep as seconds go by with the most adorable frown Mingyu has ever seen on someone. How did he get so lucky, really?
“Thank you for giving me a chance, Daisy,” he whispers against your hair, his arms tightening in the subtlest way possible.
“Hm?” You sleepily look up at him, barely even conscious.
“Nothing,” he smiles before he plants a chaste kiss on your forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Night, Gyu.”
“Night, Daisy.”
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
taglist: @yslshua@penny-quinn@nollixtrml@dnylwoo@itsveronicaxxx@john-and-paul@wheeinz@rjsmochii@w0nuuu
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thinknicht · 3 years
Okay, okay, bear with me but… I think Kishimoto might’ve actually shipped Kakashi/Sakura. *hides*
Sounds crazy, right? I mean it’s definitely not something that could ever get published without editors all over the world having aneurisms but… Kakashi literally has more lovey dovey moments with Sakura – KAKASHI! (you know emotionally-stunted, used to be her teacher? That guy?) – than Sasuke ever did. What the hell, Kishi? And if you don’t believe me… well. The evidence is just–
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I think these pictures are kind of self explanatory. However, someone COULD say that it’s just in the anime right? Wrong.
There’s plenty of examples of this in the manga, you know the actual source material, as well. Like…
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that pose with her hand on his chest… ummm hello? i dont think thats routine behaviour between students/teachers ? Especially someone as non-physically affectionate as Kakashi? or am i the only one here who thinks this is… something?
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them just kinda ALWAYS somehow finding themselves standing next to each other. all the time. Every second panel. (I could add more pictures but tumblr only lets me up to 10 per post)
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again there’s the exact same pose but in a different panel. kishi drew it TWICE! he mustve really liked it huh
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him holding onto her despite her added weight whilst literally dangling off a piece of paper over a volcano
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ummm... in the actual anime he was literally stroking her face with his thumb. i mean if that aint a love soap opera move i dont know what is
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More lovey dovey manga scenes. Seriously, am I the only one noticing how relaxed – dare I say, almost at home – they seem with each other? Like they draw energy just out of being next to each other, like they share in their exhaustion, taking comfort in the other, etc? Given, it could just be a very close friendship but it feels like more after seeing those other panels, y’know?
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Kakashi literally standing straight to attention at the sight of sakura having a moment w Naruto. Or am I just imagining how tense he seems in this one? I mean normally he’s drawn slouching? And that bead of sweat running down his cheek? That downturn to his brow? Why add it, kishi?
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Finally I present to you: Sasuke being a cold ass– er, cool avenger… and (surprise!) rejecting Sakura to… wander aimlessly around – surely this must be the pinnacle of unconditional love – but who’s the one standing next to her like: “yo? Still here? As in, actually here”?? Literally what did you mean by this kishi??? Was it a sign??? A message??
I’m beginning to think he made the lack of love between Sasuke and Sakura obvious on purpose. I mean nobody can be this oblivious, right? It’s almost like Kishi didn’t want Sakura to end up with Sasuke but someone was forcing his hand so he went with it, but kicking and screaming…
Seriously. You could even say that Sakura had moments with Sai. Sai. Like literally her helping him get over his Root conditioning (which is a big deal) and putting up with his attitude to see what lay beneath. Sai literally quit Root because of her and Naruto (though Naruto was a lot more antagonistic, if I’m remembering right, so sakura definitely played a big role there) and clearly cares a lot about Sakura (and there’s a panel where he asks Naruto whether he’s in love with her, so he obviously cares about that too). Their bond could be seen as sister-brother I suppose, I think kishi settled on that as sai faded into the background after being introduced, but still. Initially, sai calling her “ugly” is I think canon for him meaning the opposite. So yeah. Kishi definitely at least considered having sai be a love rival to Sasuke of some sort. I feel like kishi’s the type who likes to keep a lot of possibilities open to him (ie. for example flirting with Itachi being good or evil since the very beginning, probably unsure of which one he was going to pick, etc) but anyway. I’m getting sidetracked!
The point is sakura was supposed to end up with Naruto initially, I think. They had so many moments together and honestly, from a literary standpoint it’s what makes sense. The hero winning the affections of the princess who initially didn’t spare him a second glance, the heroine moving on from the toxic love she was embroiled in, etc. Like literally kishi based Sakura off on his wife and naruto on himself. But alright. The fans wanted Hinata to be with Naruto, so Kishi might’ve caved under the pressure… but he definitely couldn’t have wanted sakura to end up with Sasuke. I mean just look at what he did to them:
Every Sasuke/Sakura moment basically boil down to:
*tries to kill her*
*tries to kill her again*
*abandons her with a baby*
Ummm… HELLO?! I’m seriously starting to believe Kishimoto (or at the very least a lot of someones at the animation studio) would rather ahip Sakura with Kakashi than Sasuke. And Kishimoto too, damn it! And then his evil editor decided that Sasusaku had to be the final pairing because popularity polls made Hinata into the better candidate for Naruto and because “otherwise she’d seem disloyal if she changed her mind after so long”. It’s called character development, doofus!
Seriously, to anyone who has watched Bakuman (meta manga by the creators of death note about writing manga), you know what the mangaka industry is like. I’m 100% certain that Naruto’s crappy ending had a lot more to do with shitty editors and popularity polls with a demographic of 14 yr. old teenage boys as the only participants rather than Kishimoto actually deciding a damn thing. In fact, it’s known that he wanted to end the manga at the pain arc and yet he was forced to continue it, so that proves that he wasn’t given a lot of choices in regard to what to do with his work.
And that’s why, as he drowned in his feelings of powerlessness, he pulled one last act of rebellion against his editors and snuck Kakashi/Sakura Easter eggs into the manga and conspired with the animators to help him. Maybe he even secretly writes fanfics and nobody knows. (I watch too many dramas I know)
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dr4cking · 3 years
I just came across your blog and I love your writing so much. Can I request where reader and draco are in a secret relationship so she likes to tease him in public by flirting with guys!? And he gets like so possessive and fucks the living shit out of her 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
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draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : thank you for requesting! this was so fun to write! <3
this is one of the most excited things she got when she signed a deal to be in a relationship with the one and only, draco malfoy.
they have been secretly dating for 7 months and the fact that no one know about this, making the adrenaline of getting caught more exciting.
y/n loves how draco would treated her like she is the only girl for him, which is true. but she also likes how she would seek a chance of getting him worked up when she gets on his skin then she would get what she wanted.
like now, it was no different days but she decided she would add some fun today, she loves when he goes rough with her in bed and now she makes sure she would get it without having to look desperate.
y/n smirked as the brightest idea popped up in her mind. draco is the type of jealous and overprotective boyfriend, so why doesnt she proves it today?
she admit she was kinda scared when she saw the angry version of her boyfriend but she loved it at the same time. she likes to tease him, knowing he cant do anything.
and if this how she would get what she wanted then she would take it.
she walked out of her dorm and run downstairs, she knew draco already waiting for her in the great hall. it would be the perfect chance for her.
her eyes looking for the blonde haired guy as soon as she entered the great hall and she found him already looking at her, his eyes were telling her to sit near him,
but no, not today.
y/n took a seat beside theodore nott, a friend of draco who would always take his chance to flirt with all the girls who passed by him.
“hey nott, you’re looking good today” y/n raising her voice a little bit louder on purpose, draco who sat across them already fuming at her flirty voices.
“hey y/n its all you, looking hot as always.” she laughs although its not really funny, she cringed at the way her laugh sounds but play it along when she heard a thumped sounds from a fork dropped to the plate.
y/n continues her flirting with theo touching his arm and laughing about his jokes until it was time for their class. she looks at draco’s red face and give him a wink and a smirk.
“what the fuck is up with your bratty behavior today?” draco asked as he walks past her, he makes sure no one was looking in their direction.
“who are you calling brat? because i’m for sure not one.” y/n replied giving him her sly grin before she runs to the class not giving him the chance to answer her.
they were sitting next to each other in potions class, draco tried his best not to distracting the class by calling y/n’s name at any chance he got but she was still ignoring him and told him it was nothing.
“baby, did i do something wrong?” she swore she almost wanted to stop all her game when she heard the intonation in his voice but she decided to be stubborn.
“its nothing draco i promise” y/n shoots him a smile reassuring him, the least she could do right now.
professor snape called out and announce that they’re gonna make a new potion and have to partner up with someone and when he listed her name with harry potter, she couldnt get more excited as she look at draco and shot him an apologetic smile.
“hey y/n, could you bring the ingredients i’m still working on how to make this properly” she nodded at harry’s order and get the ingredients immediately but not before taking a look at draco and swaying her hips on her way making him glared at her.
“here, harry. so, what’s the first step?” y/n asked and do what harry instructed.
she keeps asking him not-so- important questions to keep their conversation going but to make it worse she touched his arm on purpose and twirling her hair.
draco behind her already watching every move she made.
but whats make draco more mad is when they finished the potion and y/n jumped happily as they successfully made the potion and give the chosen one a tight embrace.
draco stormed out of the class balling his fists up, anger radiates off of him making all people passed by him to back off a little. y/n noticed this right away feeling guilty and decided to follow him but he was nowhere at the sight.
she was still looking around for draco asking people if they’ve seen him but the answer is no.
until a cold hand grabbed her wrist harshly and pulling her in one of abandoned class. she yelped when the person lock the door and put his hand on her mouth to muffled her scream.
“you did that on purpose, dont you, brat?” y/n rubbed her thighs together as she recognized the deep voice behind her, its draco.
“now you gonna have to stay quiet and be a good girl for me while i teached you some lesson, yeah?” she only nodded at him cant speak as his hand still on her mouth.
“for the whole day i’ve been wondering what i did wrong to make you act like an ungrateful brat. but all i see now is that you just need to be tamed, right?” draco whispers into her ear guiding his free hand down to the bottom of her skirt after y/n gives him a nod of permission.
he sneaked his hand under her skirt and put it in her panties rubbing her cunt getting her aroused then he pushed in his fingers into her without warning making her body jolt out.
“you just wanted to be fucked braindead, yeah? what a dumb girl” his hand still remain on her mouth not trusting she would be able to keep her voice down.
y/n put her hand on his hand that were buried deep inside her and pushing his fingers deeper into her starting to fuck herself on his fingers making him chuckle.
“think you deserve to cum after what you did earlier, hm?” draco said taking all the control in his hand and starts to thrusting his fingers deeper and faster.
his long fingers abused her cunt just like the way she needed and when he curls them inside she screamed, luckily his other hand still covering her. she was squirming there and then under his touch.
y/n rolled her eyes back in pleasure when his fingers meet her spot and pumping into it over and over again.
draco feels her walls clenching around him and quickly pulled them out of her leaving the girl whining.
“think about the consequences next time, princess.” draco turns her around and pushes her chest against the wall, placing her ass right in front of his crotch.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry draco! please i need to cum.. fuck me please dray punish me!” y/n finally let her voice out as his hands are too busy roaming around her body.
a hard smack delivered to her ass making a loud sound causing her to whimpered at the sting.
“stay quiet princess or i will not consider about giving you the chance to cum” she shuts her mouth instantly as draco unbuckled his pants letting it falls to his ankle.
y/n cant help but letting out high pitched moan when his hand came in contact with her marked ass again and when he pushed her panties aside finally lining up his cock against her entrance.
“now you will remember who you belong to.” draco said as he slammed all of his cock inside her, pounding into her right away not giving her time to adjust.
“oh fuck! y-yes dray..” y/n moans out loud which earned her another slap on her sore ass.
“quiet, brat” she tried to hold her moan by biting her lips but it just slipped off of her especially when his tip hit her spot.
draco’s eyes rolled back in pleasure, groaning quietly as he let himself disappear inside her going in and out of her with snaps of his hips, each time it gets harder and faster.
he roughly squeezed her breasts through her shirt making her shirt ruffled and messy before letting his hand down to circling her clit.
“make yourself cum, y/n.” he slaps her sensitive clit a few times making her writhed, ripping her orgasm through her body, she doesnt care anymore when she moaned his name out loud.
“feels so fucking good” with the last thrust, draco stilled and shoots his thick cum into her non stop, painting her walls white with his liquids over and over again making the girl moaned when her panties became sticky.
draco pulls out and put his pants back on. he stared at her fucked out body before turning her around to face him and quickly pressing their lips together kissing her passionately.
“next time just ask me if you want your needy pussy to get pounded hard by me. dont you dare do that stunt ever again.” y/n nodded at his words giving him a cheeky grin. sweats running through their bodies.
and when they opened the door, all the students that passed by giving them a weird look, draco smirked at them before pulling y/n back into a deep kiss.
pls i love this one-
tagging : @dracoscum (unblock me hoe) @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @famishedbeak @arzfia @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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heartofholland · 4 years
tom recs <3
hi guys! here is a fic rec list i made of all the fics i’ve loved. personally, i consider myself an avid fic reader so i have read a shit ton of fics. these are just my highlights. let me know if you want more like this! and if you do end up reading any of these please make sure you REBLOG them to spread the goodness. these writers work their ass off and deserve all the credit in the world. enjoy! <3
riding my by @worldoftom this fic is barely started but i love everything this writer puts out. very smutty, very hot. innocence kink check!
breaking curfew by @wazzupmrstark ASSHOLE TOM! my weakness. enemies to lovers but make it FWB. what I wish my summer camp was like instead of my thighs sticking to chairs and lice outbreaks.
eighteen by @angelic-holland corruption/innocence kink! basically all smut but damn do i want bad boy tom.
the situationship by @fairytelling can’t say enough about this fic. the definition of falling in love with your best friend. if my relationship isn’t like this i don’t want it.
happiness is a butterfly by @blissfulparker soft mob!tom and they’re forbidden soulmates! updates are WELL worth the wait!
i only feel you by @stuckonspidey the first time i read my watch thought i was working out for how high my heart rate was. shit keeps you on your toes. there is a sequel fic but just a heads up you will want to unstan tom on multiple occasions.
make me love you by @mrs-hollandstan frat boy player tom turned soft. mans does a whole 180. fuck dom.
perfidy by @peeterparkr couldn’t be more obsessed with this fic. they’re both so fucking stupid but too afraid to get hurt. also the social media posts are so fucking cute and crucial to the story 
eloped by @worldoftom getting married to tom in the most beautiful vacation spot? sign me the fuck up
you. by @txmhoelland i think there’s definely worse men to be set up with as a PR stunt.
erotas by @farfromparker i have definely read this fic for more days than i’ve been on this earth but every time i lose my goddamn mind
dare you to move by @starksparker-archive the best version of FWB tom is when you’re his roommate…
gone by @dahliaspidey this one… hurts. but i just know it will bounce back.
take me out by @angelic-holland warning this one is really dark. like serial killers. but it was so fascinating i am completely obsessed with the psychology of it all. jake is featured and please don’t imagine the mr. music the entire time like i did </3
single all the way by @heyhihellowhatsup0 i read this whenever i need a lil christmas pick me up
sweetener by @keepingupwiththeparkers cute awkward relationship. it is so real i feel like it could actually happen to me.
ex on the beach by @heyhihellowhatsup0 THE ANGST GIVES ME LIFE
bartender by @t-o-m-holland tom happens to own your favorite bar. your subtle flirts aren’t working. the banter between reader and the fam makes me wish i didn't have social anxiety.
siren by @rosyparkers don’t get me wrong i will scream ACAB til the day i die but police officer tom could definitely get it.
best of three by @mrs-hollandstan one of the 3000 threesome fics i have saved. imagine not getting one of the hottest men but TWO.
roommates by @hollandbaby what a coincidence we both want to fuck each other! this checks all the kinks my man. i’ve read this probably no less than 100 times.  
that was that by @moorehollandplz dom!tom but something flips and he’s never been more gentle. mans got both sides of the playing field covered.
know your enemy by @angelic-holland short but sweet. hate sex is always hotter behind the scenes.
wasabi by @angelic-holland literally everything about alice is phenomenal but this is on of my faves. when i read this it makes me feel smarter. also body shots.
say good night by @madmadmilk this writers work never fails to blow me away but this time she managed to encapsulate my entire life. (minus the execution with a very hot and experienced best friend).
buwygf-ib by @hholyholland just ignore tomdaya for a sec and take in the hottest dom!tom i’ve ever witnessed.
cocky by @sykoxartist yeah he’s an asshole but he’s your asshole. at least that’s what he thinks.
sovereign by @farfromparker sub!tom is so hot. man will beg for DAYS.
summer vacation by @kidney9-9  when is hate sex ever like…. not hot as fuck?
ride by @tomhollandsstan face riding. period.
coincidence by @starshinebucky actor!reader and tom fuck… at least they’ll have good chemistry next time.
skin by @hollandbaby dom!tom is not ok with being a sub. unless it’s for you.
you can bet on it by @kiwi-bitchez all of this writers smut makes my pussy throb. this is my fave. just wait for the twist.
a rose blooms by @cornacopicimagines prince!tom drives me wild. but wait til he finds out you’re not a virgin.
begging by @raewritesfiction tom makes you beg for it.
self reflection by @stuckonspidey this is actual proof tom has a praise kink.
minor inconvenience by @angel-spidey toms an idiot but at least he can get you off.
flesh by @starshinebucky cocky tom kills me.
keeping him nice and warm by @marvelouspeterparker mob!tom the gif itself to sends me.
after hours by @cornacopicimagines never had sexual tension with a teacher but this will do.
josslyn by @multiharlot messy situation but reader handles it like a champ. if your heart isn’t broken enough, the last line will make sure it’s unfixable for days on end.  
moral of the story by @kelieah listen to the song while you’re at it to make your cry sesh take a turn for the worst. 
cherry by @xoluvx this one hurts real bad. so does the song. 
a complicated love story by @samhollandssweaters an emotional rollercoaster for real.
he dies in the end by @allfandomxreader ignore the title and just cry your eyes out with me.
eighteen by @fancyxholland you’ll be confused why it’s in the angst category but trust me.
all the lies by @peteywillproceed getting cheated on but the girl is toms gf, how do you tell him. 
memories by @nycparkers i sob to this whenever i need a good cry. 
don’t be a fool by @nycparkers breakups that dont end messily make me so fucking jealous.
kiss currency by @madmadmilk borderline smut. confused and oblivious harrison. dialogue inspires me to talk to males.  
plank all over me by @waitimcomingtoo FILRTY TOM! THE BANTER! i really am a whore for well written dialogue. there’s additional parts but i won’t spoil.
 playing cupid by @marvelobsessedteenager you set everyone else up but wait a damn minute how did you forget about tom?
 little flirt by @webslinger-holland oh to flirt with tom while he’s sweaty from intensely dancing for the lip sync battle.
pour it out by @rhapsodyparker i don’t know what it is but famous!reader going on talk shows or having interviews and they ask the reader cheeky questions about tom might be one of my many kinks…
hubby by @t-holland2080 it’s the small things that make me want to bawl my eyes out for being so lonely.
going live by @redrebecca the dialogue makes me cry of happiness! tom doing a live (what a concept).
paddy’s crush by @tom-holland-is-spiderman jealous tom but of his younger brother.
 wannabe by @sailingintothenight the cliffhanger at the end demands a second part.
flawless by @missnxthingg  tom is a simp.
you and me by @sunshinehollandd best friend tom makes me soft.
dick appointments. web shooters. the duality of a man. by @porterporker  it gets a lil steamy but man is “web shooter” a funny name for a dick.
best day by @thollandss dad!tom gives me baby fever even though i am a virg.
 tom asks your dad by @blissfulparker can i just skip through the bad boyfriends and just marry the love of my life already.
baked chicken by @waitimcomingtoo there isn’t a category for awkward but if there was this would be in it.
lover boy by @starshinebucky  tom being so oblivious you like him that you need to call for backup.
afterglow by @wickedholland i wish someone would treat me like this when im drunk instead of leaving me to hold my own hair back.
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
heyyy!! so i really wanna request a jack manifold x reader if you dont mind! so bassically the reader is a risk-taker and one day tommy dared her to do smth stupid, and she did. But she got really, really hurt and on this smp, she doesnt really have a home since shes pretty new. So she goes to her first freind on the server, jack manifold. he really worries over her and cleans her wounds up and then BOOM they have their first kiss
hihi! i love this a lot, and it's been a minute since i've written anything for jack. thanks so much for the request, and i hope you enjoy it! <3
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
Jack Manifold x [she/her]!Reader - Bandage
genre: /rom, c! in-game, doctor jack manifold, risk-taker reader, feelings admitted
warnings: light mention of injury, nothing gory
masterlist <3
"Hey, Y/n! How are you doing today?" Tommy waved you over as you made your way through a field not far from the central part of the server. He was there with Tubbo and Ranboo, surrounding some kind of large tower made from woodblocks.
"I'm okay. What are you guys doing?" You laughed. The tower was easily 20 blocks high with a base of slime blocks and surrounded by some brush and plants.
Tommy smiled, wrapping an arm around you. "This is the plan for the day. We're gonna try and do some cool flips and shit off this tower."
"Oh yeah? And when you fuck up and hurt yourself? Then what?"
"We won't. Or at least, I won't. Ranboo and Tubbo are both refusing to try anything." You both glanced at the pair who were observing the nearby flowers and bees. They laughed as they whispered to one another, content in their own little bubble.
"I don't blame them. It seems like a stupid thing to do."
"Oh, please. What are you? Scared? So much for 'Y/n the daredevil' or anything of the sort." He mocked.
"I am not scared; I just know the limits of what would be considered safe."
You began to walk off, ready to find someplace to settle for the night, when you heard Tommy shout out after to you.
"I dare you!"
You turned around. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll double dare you-unless you don't feel up to the challenge?" He stood arms crossed, a smirk set on his face.
"You're on." You smiled, jogging back over to where you'd left them. "Give me some ladders."
He gave you a good stack, more than you'd need, and you made your way up the tower, slowly but surely.
"Just make sure you try to land on the center of one of the slime blocks, or you're gonna fuck yourself up!" Tommy shouted up at you.
Yeah, sure. You'd done worse, much worse than this. You might even consider yourself a professional went it came to stunts that were on the crazier side.
When you finally made your way to the top of the tower, you observed the ground below you. It could be worse, but nonetheless, it was quite a height.
You stood tall, took in one deep breath, and leaped off, headed down to the block that would, hopefully, break your fall.
And break it did. The first landing on the block felt great as it launched you back up, a whooping yell and laugh escaping you. But the second time, it was less pleasant. You accidentally aimed at a weird angle, and when you came back in contact with the block, your ankle felt strange.
It didn't help that the angle also sent you flying away, rolling you into some grass nearby.
"Y/n!" Tommy ran over to you, Ranboo and Tubbo joining him, crouching next to you.
"Oh, crap." You groaned, reaching down to your ankle. Ranboo grabbed at it softly, to which you took in a sharp breath.
"It's probably sprained. I told you that thing wasn't a good idea, Tommy!"
"It's alright Ranboo, I'll live. Can you help me up? I should probably get this checked out."
Ranboo nodded, wrapping an arm around you as you limped with him. "Where to?"
"Let's go to Jack."
"Goddammit Tommy, what did you do to her?"
"Don't get mad at him, I should have walked away, but how could I walk away from a dare?"
Jack sighed, taking you from Ranboo and waving the trio goodbye before helping you through the hotel to his room.
"So," he sat you on a couch before going to find some first aid items, "how did you mess up your ankle?"
"Oh you know, casual jumping from a high distance onto some slime blocks."
He laughed, taking your ankle gently and wrapping it with some bandage. You winced, but Jack made sure to whisper soft things, about how stupid you were, but how much he enjoyed the fact that'd you come to him. Once your ankle was on a pillow with some ice for comfort, he moved on to your cuts and bruises.
"Jeez Y/n, what am I going to do with you?" He laughed.
As he worked on the small cuts that littered your arm, you took notice of the way his eyebrows furrowed when he focused on what he was doing. He made sure to ask if you were in pain, or if he could get you anything, really making sure you were okay.
"Jack." He looked up at your soft call, smiling up to you.
"Yeah? You alright?"
You nodded and smiled back. You kept the eye contact as his hands stilled, resting on either side of you.
Your eyes drifted down to his lips. You didn't even realize that you leaned in until your faces were inches away from each other.
"Kiss me?"
He leaned in, pressing his lips against yours ever so softly, almost hesitant. You kissed back, leaning in as much as you could.
It wasn't long but there was a spark, one that you both felt. As you pulled away from one another, Jack let out a breathy laugh, and a small smile played on your own lips.
"You should get hurt more often."
"Shut up."
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
Oooo I too am simping for scara hhnngngbg
I just had a dream that he was crushing on me and super overprotective during missions and stuff. I can’t take him and his jorts or mullet thing hair (?) seriously like wut. So idk if that would count as a request but uh it would be funny to know his reaction to seeing someone disrespect his crush and him go full psycho lol fbgbfnfp even tho he isn’t that threatening to me haha (Mihoyo pls release him) - 🎀 anon
Protecting you [Genshin Impact]
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[Scaramouche x Gender Neutral! Reader]
Notes: ASKNGI— I WANT TO HAVE THAT KIND OF DREAM AS WELL- 😭😭 BUT I DONT REMEMBER MY DREAMS- IF I REMEMBER THEM, THEIR USUALLY NIGHTMARES— SHHS- but can we appreciate how adorable this is-? 🤧 (besides the psycho part—). Hope ya’ll like this!
Word Count: 1235
Warning: mentions of disrespecting and jealous, overprotective Scara-
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Scaramouche knew something was wrong, he has this strange feeling in his gut that something would happen. But, like usual, Scaramouche ignores it. But currently, he’s starting to regret not trusting his gut instinct.
He watches with narrowed eyes as a member of the Fatui approached you with a wicked smile on his face. His electric blue eyes watch as the guy stopped just behind you, you were unaware of the guy’s presence, busy talking with a fellow Harbinger, Childe.
Scaramouche’s black orbs turn into slits when he noticed the guy’s hand moving. What the guy did next made Scaramouche furious and you surprised, and Childe disgusted. The echo of the slap echoed through the room, effectively silencing everyone. You yelped while turning around with a red face and a glare.
“What the-?! Why did you do that?!” You screamed at him angrily, how dare him slap your butt like that?! The guy, who literally has no shame or regret in his face, only laughed at your reaction. “I just wanted to see how hard your butt is. Now that I know.. why don’t you come with me? I’ll show you a good time.”
You made a disgusted face as you took a step back. “Hell no! What? Were you thinking I’ll join you after that stunt?! As if!” The guy’s smile turned into a sneer. “As if you have a choice in the matter. You’re nothing but a lower member of the Fatui. I honestly don’t even know why you’re still here.” “Hey. I think that’s going a bit too far-“ Childe tried to intervene but immediately shut his mouth when he noticed a very familiar presence approaching you three.
Not wanting to be in the way, he decided to leave this to his fellow Harbinger. Even though he’s nothing but a douchebag to Childe and the others, everyone can tell that Scaramouche has a soft spot for you. It isn’t really hard to tell. Childe took the spot beside a Fatui member and lean on the wall behind him and watch as the scene unfold. Ready to intervene if needed.
You stared at the guy in disbelief, you didn’t have anything to say to him. He was completely right. You were nothing but another member of the Fatui, one ready to be sacrificed if needed for the Tsaritsa. You can feel everyone’s eyes were on you two, which further adds to your humiliation and embarrassment. But you still have your pride and dignity left, even though its little. You opened your mouth to make a comeback when-
“Shouldn’t you have better things to do instead of bothering someone because you’re horny?” You blink, surprised to hear his voice. You turn your head to the side to look at the person who spoke. There stood, in his fullest glory (and his humongous circle hat-), Scaramouche, with a scary look on his face. His eyes bright with purple, slightly darkened by his bangs and electricity being sparked around him. He really looks furious.
You can tell that the guy was frightened at the sudden appearance of one of the high ranking Harbinger. Him gulping before speaking up once again, not a good idea really. “T-Tsk. Who ask for your opinion, Balladeer?” The intense gaze that Scaramouche is giving to him never falter, the electricity around him is sparking more though.. “Oh? You wish to stand against one of the Harbinger?” Scaramouche laughed, dryly if I may add.
The guy was really nervous now, you can tell. You can’t blame the guy really, you would also be nervous if the electricity is almost hitting you- “You wouldn’t stand a chance.” Scaramouche sneered before letting out a bolt of electricity to the guy. The guy swiftly tried to dodge but Scaramouche’s electricity was faster. The guy drop to the ground, shaking violently. Many gasps can be heard as the guy continued to shake on the ground.
“Let this be a lesson to you if you ever want to disrespect [Y/N] again. This is also for all of you.” Scaramouche’s gaze switch to the people in the room, whom flinch at the intensity of his glare. “If you ever disrespect or bully [Y/N], I promise you that your death would be a slow and painful one.” As he finished that, he lifts his finger and snaps it. The guy stopped shaking, but he was breathing heavily. Scaramouche returned his attention to him once more. “Do you understand now?”
The guy hastily nodded before standing up, stumbling slightly while doing so. You honestly pity the guy now, but what he did to you was unforgiveable. So you suppose you wouldn’t scold Scaramouche for this.. “Y-Yes sir! S-Sorry for doing that-!” “Sorry? Is that all you gonna say-?” “Scara.. that’s enough.” You said softly while placing a hand on his shoulder. His blue, still glowing purple, eyes look at you in the corner. “‘Enough’? What he did is unforgiveable-!” “I know. That’s why that’s enough.” You said firmly.
Scaramouche stared at you before sighing, the electricity around him died down, making the purple hue around him vanish. When he reopen his eyes, it returned to its original color blue. “Be glad that they convince me that you should live. If they weren’t here, you would be dead on where you’re standing.” The guy slightly whimpered, he looks so pathetic right now, it makes you feel sorry for him. “Scram. I don’t want you appearing before me, or [Y/N], ever again. If I see you.. well, I can leave that to your imagination.”
The guy didn’t need another warning as he ran off immediately after Scaramouche finished speaking. “Pathetic.” Scaramouche sneered in a whisper while shaking his head before turning to you completely. You flinch a bit but you stood your ground, staring back at his intense eyes. “You know, you always bring trouble wherever you go. Do you know how much of it is a hassle for me to clean up right after?” “I didn’t ask for help.” You grumbled while looking away. “You were the one who interfered. I could’ve handled that-“
“Yes, and you handling things would only make it worse.” Scaramouche said, effectively cutting you off. You grumbled under your breath. “Atleast I’m not the one who’s most hated here.” He glared at you, before sighing. “C’mon, let’s get you something to eat. I’m sure you’re starving now.” He said as he started to walk towards the exit of the Fatui headquarters. “How come he knows me so well?” You mumbled under your breath before following him.
“I want some seafood-!” “Hm.. sure. If we find a restaurant that sells seafood that is.” “Psh. We’ll find one!” “Whatever you say.”
“How come [Y/N] gets special treatment from Scaramouche?” One of the member of the Fatui complained while shoving a spoonful of rice in her mouth. The other two members shrugged. “Maybe because he likes them?” One said. “Yeah! Have you seen how soft he is around them?! Like, that’s not the Scaramouche we all know and hated-“
“I’d advise you to not talk about Scaramouche or [Y/N] out loud.” The trio snapped their heads towards the 11th Harbinger, Childe, who only smirk. “Unless you want to get punish that is.” He laughed when he saw how pale the trio got. “Just a word of advice from a fellow Harbinger~ Happy eating-!”
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[x] Main Page || [x] Fatui Harbingers Page
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oshicakes · 4 years
when your classmates tease you with other guy
pairings. shirabu kenjiro x reader, futakuchi kenji x reader
genre. fluff
other: kunimi and hoshiumi, kageyama, suna and kenma, miya twins, sakusa and oikawa, aone and yamaguchi, konoha and semi
Shirabu Kenjiro
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both of you keep your relationship lowkey to avoid being teased by both of your classmates.
but it doesn't occur to him that you'll get tease with other guy.
at first he didn't budge much. it'll die down in days, he thought.
he thought wrong. for two weeks, the guy constatly bother you. when there's pairings in subjects the guy would instantly come to you. it'll cause a commotion from your classmates.
although you cleared to the guy that you already have a boyfriend, he didn't believe you and continue doing his stunts.
you're already feeling uncomfortable. he calls you and texts you and everytime it happens you let shirabu talk to him.
shirabu already talked to the guy in calls, text and even at school. but the guy just smug at him.
anytime his patience will just disappear and ready to spike a ball right into the guy's face.
and that day came. the guy's keep holding your shoulder. you're clearly uncomfortable to it. although you dodges, he still keeps doing it. your classmates didn't even see it, they just continue teasing you together.
shirabu got fed up and slam his hand on his desk. everyone got quiet. he quickly go to your chair and face the guy.
"y/n's being nice to you but your taking advantage of it. can't you see how uncomfortable my girlfriend is? what's 'i don't like you and i have a boyfriend' that you can't understand, huh?"
the guy got quiet and his face is red because of embarassment.
"i've already talked to you, stop bothering my girlfriend. can't your little brain process it clearly?" he's pissed.
then he glared to all of your classmates.
you held shirabu's hand to calm him up. "kenjiro, please calm down."
shock is an understatement on how your classmates feel right at the moment. they taught that your just living next together that's why you both walk together. you stay late because of your own club activity not waiting for shirabu.
after that incident no one dared to tease you with someone else, they don't want to get to shirabu's nerve.
while shirabu become more clingy to you. when it's break time he would sit next to you then rest his head on your desk. play with your fingers while you talk to your friends.
Futakuchi Kenji
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both of you keep your relationship a secret for no reason.
as the student council president, you are assigned to accompany the transferee around the campus. the transferee's nice so it's not hard for you to be close to him.
little did you know, your classmates been shipping the two of you. and when you came to the classroom together, they keep teasing the both of you.
you denied having a feelings with him infront of them but they just said that you're just indenial with your feelings.
it went on for a week. it's been stressing you out and your boyfriend can see it.
yes, you told him about the transferee and your classmates. he just keep his cool but he's already cursing all of them.
it's weekend. you went to futakuchi's house to bond with him, you know, babe time.
another little did you, your class group chat's a chaos for a reason that you and the transferee isn't online. they thought that you both are on a date.
you fell asleep on top of him on the couch. your phone's ringing so he took it and saw someone called you, it's the transferee.
"hi, y/n. they're teasing us again in our group chat. ive been telling them that we're not together but they just won't believe me."
"hey man, this is y/n's boyfriend. don't worry ill handle this."
"thank you, their teases just really becoming uncomfortable now." and the line died.
he opened the said group chat and saw 200+ chats talking about you and the trasferee.
he's really annoyed at the moment and he just wanna spike a ball straight to their face for them to realize that theres nothing going on between you and the transferee.
"we're not dating, i already have a boyfriend." he typed. the teasing goes on. now he's beyond annoyed now.
"hey pea brains, if you don't stop the teasing i will not hesitate to spike a ball straight to your faces. got that? it's not cool" then he send the voice message.
now the group chat full of 'who are you?', 'where's y/n?'
he snapped a photo of you and him then sent to it the group chat. you're on top of him and your face is on his neck. you're hair is blocking your face so he tucked it in on the other side. while he's just showing a smug face but you can clearly see how pissed he was.
"im the team captain of the volleyball club, futakuchi kenji and im the boyfriend of your classmate. so stop all of your nonsense while im still asking you all nicely, you dont want a ball hitting your face, right?"
that made the group chat more noisy. they're all asking about you and futakuchi's relationship and how could you keep it a secret from them.
he turned off your phone with a grin on his face. after that he snuggled to you and sleep in each other's arm.
futakuchi got woken up with a slap on his arm. "you're so rude with my classmates!"
"we'll they're rude too! they've been teasing you with the wrong guy."
"they don't know we're together."
"and who's idea is it to keep it a secret?"
"no yours!"
"yours!" he then realize it's him but he don't want to admit it.
"shut up, i still want to sleep." then he pulled you on top of him again.
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Imagine being Tenzin's eldest daughter and dating Bolin which Tenzin isn't very pleased with. So Tenzin makes it his mission to keep you and Bolin apart which just means the two of you find sneakier ways to be together.
Part Two here
Tenzin got back to his house and for once it was quiet, confused where the small army he shared his house with was he approached his second eldest daughter Jinora. "Where's korra?" Tenzin asked. "With Asami". "And Ikki and Meelo?". "With uncle Boomi". “And your mother?”. “Out with Aunt Kya”. Tenzin smiled everyone was taken care of and he could finally relax. "And y/n and Bolin?" Tenzin asked relaxing into his chair. "They'e in y/n's room" Jinora shrugged and Tenzin jumped up "with the door closed? Y/n" he bellowed pushing the door open with air bending. "Okay okay im sorry" he heard you yell and Tenzin sighed having your boyfriend stay here was making him age faster.
You and Bolin were in your room relaxing on the bed preparing to watch a movie. For once you didn’t have to babysit your younger siblings or train so had rushed off for some privacy with Bolin and your dad almost kicked the door down. Your dad was insanely worried about leaving you and Bolin alone despite the fact you were dating and Bolin was the sweetest guy in the world. Bolin had been trying to show you the mover he was in for week but you never had a spare moment where you could be alone with him. So when your dad had gone out and left you and Bolin with no task it seemed like the perfect time. You were determined your dad wouldn’t stop another one of your dates but of course he managed to. When your door flew open you sighed and called back you’d leave it open as per your dad’s many rules about you and Bolin. You looked to Bolin worried this would ruin the date but Bolin didn’t seem to mind. The movie started and you moved closer to Bolin to lean against him and he accomodated you hugging you against him. You and Bolin were just getting into the movie, despite the noise your family was making throughout the house when your father knocked on the open door and walked in. "Y/n its getting late, i think you and Bolin should get ready to go to sleep soon so he should go do that in his room soon". You nodded at your dad in reply so engrossed in the film you didn’t realise he hadn’t left. Tenzin coughed and you both looked up to see he didn't look impressed. "Ow you mean now?" Bolin asked and Tenzin nodded "well yes i think that'd be best". You blushed as Tenzin stood waiting glaring at Bolin. Bolin jumped up obediently while you pouted annoyed. Bolin paused the film and gathered his things and smiled "we can finish the movie tomorrow". You nodded "i suppose" and Bolin went to step towards you when Tenzin actually growled. A literal noise escaped his throat at Bolin daring to step closer to you. You sighed but Bolin just smirked and left shooting you a smile. Tenzin watched him go staring into his back and then turned to your door and fixed two bells around the door handle. "Dad!" You cried "what is that?". "Nothing just a decoration...". "You're doing it so you’ll know if i leave my room! Do you not trust me?". "I trust you y/n but i do not trust teenage boys! And i have to do my duty as your father! Having your boyfriend under the same roof..i have to take precautions". "But you didn't do this for Mako and Korra!". "Yes well Korra is older than you and Mako is more responsible than Bolin". You groaned and Tenzin coughed "you weren’t going to break the rules so this shouldn’t be an issue for you". You rolled your eyes "fine whatever...can i go to sleep now?". Tenzin nodded "i am only doing it because i love you y/n, if you have children you’ll understand". You huffed and Tenzin frowned "well goodnight y/n". "Goodnight dad" you said exasperatedly as the door closed but you didn’t plan on sleeping. Your dad hadn’t put bells on your window so as soon as you heard him go to bed you got ready. You gathered what you needed and climbed out of your window before airbending onto the roof. You carefully climbed across the roof to Bolin’s room and landed outside his window. You knocked on Bolin’s window film projector in hand and saw the curtains swing aside as Bolin realised it was you. "Y/n" Bolin grinned hanging out of his window "what are you doing here?". "Well we didn't get to finish the movie because of my dad so i figured we could now without him knowing?". Bolin hesitated for two seconds before grinning "yes come on it!". It had only been lightly raining but Bolin still wrapped a blanket around you before bringing you back to your prefered spot on the bed. He bustled around getting the movie ready and the secret snacks Tenzin didnt know about before jumping down next to you.
The film finished and Bolin looked at you anxiously "so what did you think...i wasn't sure if it was too far fetched and could you tell i couldn’t do my stunts properly and i didn’t look that great in that scene with the royal guards...". "Bolin" you said grabbing his shoulders "it was great! You were great in it, your stunts were amazing, your acting was really good and you looked well..." you trailed off blushing "basically it was amazing and i really enjoyed it!". "Really?" Bolin asked and you nodded. Bolin seized you in a hug and it made you blush he valued your opinion so much. "Im so glad you like it" he smiled putting you back down "your opinion means a lot to me" he blushed and you smiled. "Yours too Bolin" you told him "you're one of the most important people to me". Bolin's blush grew and he looked down his eyes slightly glazed. Bolin smiled and took your hand "you're pretty important to me too y/n" and kissed you softly. Bolin was always so caring and affectionate he just always made you feel loved and safe. He never pressured or rushed you, he was the best man you'd ever met. You broke away blushing and smiled at him before sighing "i should probably go". Bolin frowned "are you sure i mean it's not even that late...plus it's raining really heavily outside you could get a cold or get blown off the roof! Or lost". "Lost? My rooms practically across from yours!" you smirked but Bolin shrugged "i still don’t think you should risk it". You smirked "so what i stay here until the rain stops...that could be all night". Bolin shrugged "i just think it’d be safer it probably won’t be all night" he argued but his tone told you he hoped it would be. You smirked and nodded "fine..i guess i can stay for a bit longer and see if it stops". Bolin grinned "that's a very good decision y/n i must say". "Stop it" you pushed him before blushing as he grabbed your hand. You smiled and leant into him "i might nap while im here for a bit, if that's okay?". Bolin nodded "of course" and gathered even more blankets to keep you warm. You smiled getting into the blankets and Bolin got in beside you. With a bolt of lightning the rain came down ever harder. You noticed and Bolin pretended to look away. "i didn’t do anything!" he said when he felt you looking at him. "Mh hmmm?" You asked laying beside him but you were smiling. "Promise" Bolin smiled putting an arm around you. Bolin was so broad you fitted against him easily and curled up against his side. Bolin wrapped his large arm around you and you felt do safe and warm with the rain pounding against the window. "Goodnight y/n" Bolin smiled kissing your forehead and you smiled closing your eyes. "Goodnight Bolin".
You vaguely heard voices and groaned trying to sunk further into the warmth and Bolin. You buried your head against his chest and fell back to sleep when suddenly Bolin’s door was thrown open. "Y/n" Tenzin screetched and you and Bolin jolted awake. Bolin let out a yelp as Tenzin stared his eyes bulging. "You didn’t put bells on my windows?" you offered and your father turned even more red. "I’ll be putting bars on your window young lady if you dont stay in your assigned room!" He yelled and to your dismay others flocked to the room. "Did you find her?" Asami asked before smirking "ow...i see". "She's in here?" Mako asked "but thats Bolins room" before trailing off as Korra stumbled in too. "Well you did want Y/N to help rebuild the air nation" Korra smirked before she halted as Tenzin spun on her making the avatar gulp. "Is there something funny about my little girl growing up?" Tenzin yelled at them "no? Didn’t think so! Y/n get out of there right now and march yourself to your room this instance". You distangled yourself from Bolin and all the blankets and stood up red faced. "Sir it wasnt y/ns fault..." Bolin tried but Tenzin silenced him with a look. "You are grounded young lady and if i ever find you in his room again i'll...i'll take away your bison!". "Dad...." you groaned but he shook his head "no buts now to your room". You rolled your eyes but did as he said.
Later you sat in your room avoiding your dad's wrath when you heard someone near your window and opened your suprisingly still unlocked window to see Pabu. "Pabu?" You asked as he scampered in and dropped something on your bed. You grinned to see it was a note from Bolin with a wild flower attached "so guess you're our go between huh Pabu" You asked the fire ferret as you fed him a treat as payment. Pabu made a happy noise and you smiled before turning to Bolin’s note. "Sorry i got you in trouble but it was worth it" he wrote "think your dads gonna have us under surveillance for a while but i'm sure we can work around it. I'm game if you are and next time we wont get caught. Love Bolin". You smiled hiding your note and wrote a quick reply before handing it to Pabu who ran off to give it Bolin. You picked up the flower Pabu had also brought and smirked, you had the best boyfriend ever. Father be damned you’d find a way to see him.
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katsukisbayy · 3 years
I Miss the Misery (Shoto Todoroki x Female Reader Band AU)
Warnings: sex, oral (f receiving), cussing
S/O to @unbreakablekiribaku for thirsting over this with me and @thewheezingwyvern and @nocturnalazura for betaing!
Also this is over 3000 words and I don’t know how that happened.
“When we get out there, I wanna do the set like normal and then end with the new song.” You told your band mates. Your bassist Eijirou Kirishima, guitarist Shouto Todoroki, and drummer Denki Kaminari all snapped their heads in your direction, wondering if you’d lost your mind. Shoto was the first to speak.
“You mean the song that I’ve practiced with Kirishima and Kaminari and Kaminari and Kirishima have practiced with you, but we have yet to all run through together? Are you dense?” His smooth voice stated. That voice used to be the last thing you listened to at night and the first thing you heard in the morning, it gave you the idea to start your band after he had heard you sing God knows how many times, and it was the voice that broke your heart when the two of you broke up less than six months ago. The two of you had been together for years, starting your band with your friends before you started dating and being together throughout the rough stages of becoming one of the most loved alternative bands in the world. 
Now you hardly spoke to each other on bad days, and joked around like best friends on others. 
“Yeah. That song. I think it’ll be fine, you know the tempo even without hearing me sing the lyrics. We’re doing it.” You told him flatly, side eyeing him to see his muscles tense.
“I haven’t even seen the lyrics, how am I supposed to know what the song is about? Or play it without fucking you or Kaminari or Kirishima up? It’s not a good idea and you know it.” He glared at you.
“I think you forget who runs the show, Shoto. If I say we’re doing a song in the set, we’re doing it. Besides, Denki and Ei have heard me sing it and they think it sounds good. Just go with me on this, please?” You finally asked him. 
“If we fuck up, this is on you.” Came his reply through clenched teeth. Hearing the signal that you four were to be on stage in five minutes, he grabbed his guitar and left the dressing room. Kirishima and Kaminari both turned to you.
“He’s going to hate you when he hears the lyrics since they’re about him Y/N.” Kirishima told you.
“Yeah, he’s gonna be pissed. I can’t wait to see what the tabloids and Twitter have to say about the end of the show!” Kaminari laughed.
“There’s a reason he hasn’t seen or heard the lyrics. I can’t wait to see his face.” You stated before grabbing your mic and following the two boys out the door. Oh yeah, this show was going to be one you never forgot.
The show so far had been uneventful, but you could tell the closer it got to the last song of the set how agitated Shoto was getting. As the final notes from your penultimate song echoed through the stadium, you knew it was time to announce a slight change of plans.
“You guys have been a fantastic audience tonight, but unfortunately we’re at our last song of the show. I know the set list had been given out and Playing God was supposed to end the night, but I think it’s time a new song we’ve been working on is played. Would you guys like that?” You asked through the microphone. As soon as the words left your mouth, the audience went crazy at the thought of getting to hear a new song before it was released.
“That’s what I thought! This is something I’ve been working on for a few months, so here’s I Miss the Misery!”
You paused for a second, letting the guys get ready and the crowd to calm down. When you’d decided it was time, you signaled Shoto and Denki and the music began.
“Oh, I miss the misery!” You began. Hearing the boys come in with the music, you walked around the stage letting yourself get into it.
“I’ve been a mess since you stayed, I’ve been a wreck since you changed. Don’t let me get in your way, I miss the lies and the pain, the fights that keep us awake. Oh I’m tellin you! I miss the bad things, the way you hate me, I miss the screaming and the way that you blamed me. I miss the phone calls, when it’s your fault. I miss the late nights, I don’t miss you at all. I like the kick in the face and the things you do to me. I love the way that it hurts. I don’t miss you, I miss the misery.” You continued the song, glancing at Shoto every once in a while to see if he had figured out that it was about him. He stood calm, cool, and collected while watching his fingers pluck the guitar strings. One of the best and worst things about him was that he knew how to keep his emotions under control when needed. That was always one of the things you’d hated when you got into arguments, he could turn his emotions off at the snap of his fingers. You shook your head and continued to focus on the music. 
“I’ve tried but I just can’t take it. I’d rather fight than just fake it. You know that I’ve had enough, I dare you to call my bluff. Can’t take too much of a good thing. And I’m telling you. I miss the bad things, the way you hate me. I miss the screaming, the way that you blame me. Miss the phone calls, when it’s your fault. I miss the late nights, I don’t miss you at all. I like the kick in the face, and the things you do to me. I love the way that it hurts. I don’t miss you, I miss the misery.” 
 Walking closer to the boys, you took a spot close to Shoto. You glanced over at Kirishima and nodded, signalling him to sing his part of the song while you did yours. (Bold is Kirishima singing).
“Just know that I’ll make you hurt.”
“I miss the lies and the pain what you did to me.”
“When you tell me you’ll make it worse.”
“I’d rather fight all night than watch the tv.”
“I hate this feeling inside, you tell me how hard you’ll try. But when we’re at our worst, I miss the misery.”
You turned to face Shoto head on and placed a hand at the nape of his neck, pulling his forehead to yours as you sang the next part.
“I miss the bad things, the way you hate me. I miss the screaming, the way that you blame me.” You trailed off, turning away from Shoto after seeing the rage in his eyes.
“I miss the rough sex, leaves me a mess. I miss the feeling of pains in my chest. Miss the phone calls, when it’s your fault. I miss the late nights. I don’t miss you at all. I like the kick in the face and the things you do to me. I love the way that it hurts! I dont miss you, I miss the misery. I don’t miss you, I miss the misery! I don’t miss you, I miss the misery.” You were panting as the song ended, the adrenaline of being in front of a crowd this large seeping out of you as you tried to catch your breath. 
“Thanks you guys! Stay safe and we’ll see you again soon!” You called out as you began to walk off the stage. Heading back to your dressing room to grab your things, you grabbed your manager and whispered in his ear “I’m not waiting for the boys, I’ll be at the hotel.” 
He nodded as you passed. You hurried to the room, grabbing the few things in there and then heading to the car that was awaiting you outside the venue. You laid your head on the window after climbing in, wondering if debuting the new song without Shoto having heard it first was a mistake. 
After arriving in your hotel room, you stripped and took a shower. You stayed in the shower for a while, letting the warm water soothe the tense muscles from the nerves of the show. Ten minutes after you’d gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed you heard a knock at the door. Shoto stood before you with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Did you think that that was a good idea? You could have ruined the show.” He seethed, stepping into your room and shutting the door behind you. You took a step back.
“I knew that we could handle it, and I wanted to do that song at the end. I knew it would be good publicity too. Who else would debut a song at a concert instead of releasing it on music apps?” You asked, still stepping back as he prowled towards you.
“You make me so goddamn angry sometimes. Don’t think I don’t know who that song was about. And that little stunt that you pulled? Pulling my face towards yours? I wanted to punch you and kiss you at the same time.” 
You stilled at that. He wanted to what?! You felt the back of your knees hit the edge of the bed and knew you had been caught. Sitting on the bed slowly, you looked up at him as he towered over you. He knelt down so you were at the same eye level and placed a hand on your cheek.
“You drive me absolutely crazy. Sometimes I feel like we can get along and maybe go back to being friends and others I feel like the only reason we still talk is because of the band. We need to figure out what’s going on because I feel like I’m going to explode otherwise.” He stated softly.
You placed a hand over his and sighed softly. Feeling bold, you moved your hands to cup his cheeks. He leaned his forehead to yours and exhaled slowly.
“I want to kiss you. Honestly, I want to fuck you. You need to stop me if you don’t want this, okay?” He asked.
His confession shocked you, and you gave your answer when you pressed your lips to his softly. The first kiss was short and soft, only lasting for a few seconds until he pulled back. He searched your eyes for any hesitation and when he didn’t find any, he smashed his lips to yours. It was a flurry of lips, teeth, and tongue as you fought for dominance over the kiss. Shoto won, as he normally did, and as his tongue swept through your mouth you felt his hands slip down your arms and grip the bottom of your shirt. He quickly pulled it over your head, leaving your chest bare to him.
He pulled back slightly, smirking as he took in your chest. “You know, not much has changed. You’re still beautiful.” 
Lowering himself, he took one of your breasts into his mouth and grasped the other with his hand. You moaned lightly, feeling his tongue slip over your perked nipple with ease.
“Sho-Shoto.” You gasped. He pulled back once more, only to slip his hands into your bottoms and slide them down your legs. You lifted your ass up to help him pull them off your hips and then pulled his face back to yours. This time you led the kiss as you traced the tip of your tongue over his bottom lip before slipping it into his mouth. He let you familiarize yourself with his mouth once more before breaking the kiss and pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck and down your chest to your cunt. 
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed this. Seeing you writhe in pleasure underneath me, seeing the face you make when you cum. I’ll make you do it over and over until you can’t anymore.” He accented the statement with a graze of his teeth over your right thigh, causing you to jerk in response. 
Chuckling, he moved so his face was in front of your core. Shoto slowly ran his fingers up your leg until he slowly pushed one into you and groaned at the way you clenched around it. 
“How long has it been since you’ve been fucked, love?” He asks, slowly pushing his finger in and out of your cunt. “It feels like it’s been a while.”
You groaned out “a while” in response, digging your heels into his shoulders and trying to lift your ass so he’d put his tongue to use doing something other than talking. He pulled his finger out and smacked your clit lightly.
“Ah, ah. Remember I’m in charge baby. Be a good slut and stay still.” Shoto smirked at you before plunging two fingers back into your core. You moaned at the sensation as he began to increase the speed of his fingers before finally bringing his tongue to flick at your clit. He flicked it twice before flattening his tongue and dragging it up and down your slit slowly, allowing your juices to coat his tongue and the bottom half of his face. Slowly sliding his fingers out of your cunt, he brought them up to his eye level while pulling back slightly. 
“Suck.” Was all that was uttered out before he shoved his fingers into your mouth, letting you clean them off for him. When his fingers were clean he grabbed your thighs in both hands and spread your legs as wide as they could go. Once you were maneuvered to his liking, he plunged his tongue inside of you, using the tip of it to play with your walls. You could feel your impending orgasm, and apparently so could Shoto because right as you were about to cum he pulled back.
“You don’t get to cum yet sweetheart. I’m nowhere near done with you.” 
He quickly undressed himself before leaning over you and kissing you once more. You felt him grab his cock and rub it against your folds for a few seconds before pulling back to gauge your reaction.
“Are you okay with this? I can stop if you don’t want to.” He murmured. In response you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him forward.
“I promise if I didn’t want this I would tell you. Now please Sho, fuck me.” You whined out.
He didn’t need to be told twice, grabbing your hips and sheathing himself inside of you with one thrust. A dull ache began within your walls and you winced slightly at the sensation. Shoto noticed the slight hesitation and stilled.
“I’m okay Sho. It hurts a little because I haven’t done this in a while, but I’ll be okay.” You felt him relax and push slightly further inside your aching cunt. 
“Fuck I missed this princess. I missed the way your pussy sucks me in every time I try to pull out, the faces you make as I hit your spot, and the sounds you make as you climax.” He accented every statement with a particularly deep thrust that had you writhing. You could feel your juices sliding down your ass and dripping onto the sheets below you and you made a mental note to leave some extra money for housekeeping.
“Sho-” You whimpered. His control seemed to snap at that as he grabbed your ass and lifted it off the bed, angling your body to only allow your shoulders and head to touch it. This angle had him going deeper than before, and you felt your climax rising once again.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna cum. Please can I cum?” You babbled. Shoto got harder at the pleas.
“Cum for me Y/N. Let me hear your pretty little noises.” He grunted out. The permission was all you needed as you felt it crash over you in one big wave, your back arching and lifting you further off the bed. Your cum gushed from your cunt, splashing against Shoto’s abdomen before dripping down his thighs.
“Fuck. I can’t hold back much longer.” He groaned, thrusting into you harder and harder as he chased his own release. He slammed into you four more times before he stilled, then thrusted three shallow thrusts to ride out his own orgasm. 
Shoto slowly lowered your ass back onto the bed, trying and failing to not lay you in a wet spot left on the sheets. He laid a hand on either side of you and tried to catch his breath before trying to speak.
“That was probably the most intense fucking we’ve ever done.” He chuckled. You smacked his arm before covering your face. 
“I can’t tell if that was a hate fucking or a makeup fucking.” You said.
“It can be whatever you want it to be.” He said softly. “I know we were bad for each other, and fought all the fucking time. But I miss this. I miss waking up next to you and falling asleep with you. I miss going out and doing things whenever we’re in a different city. Hell I even miss people following us and asking us to sign things together. I promise I’ll try harder to be worthy of you, and not fight as much. If we do fight, we’ll keep it out of public and listen to each other instead of being so stubborn and hard headed,” he flicked you lightly in the forehead to accentuate that he meant you, and you pulled your hands off your face to look at him. “and just try to understand the other person’s point of view. These past six months have been hell without you, and I want to try again. Please Y/N, can we try again?” He looked at you with pleading eyes as you processed everything he had laid out for you.
There were a few seconds of silence, and you saw the emotions in Shoto’s eyes. You could tell he was wondering if he should’ve kept his mouth shut when you pressed your lips to his lightly. He kissed you back hesitantly at first, then harder. You were the one to pull back from him and sigh.
“If we’re really going to make it different this time, I’m okay with trying again. I’ve missed you so badly these past months that I was hoping the song was going to grab your attention. I didn’t expect it to do this though.” You laughed and gestured to where he was still inside you. “We can try again. But only if we both promise that it will be different this time.”
“I promise it’ll be different.” Shoto said softly, moving one hand from the side of your head to cup your cheek. You lifted your hand to cover his, and turned your face to kiss the palm of his hand.
“I promise, too. Now get out of me before I want to go for round two.” You tried to push him off of you but he caught your hands.
“Wait, we can do round two?”
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dreamboatmomota · 2 years
OMG THANK YOU AND OF COURSE!!!!!! i'll write them as short as i can but that's usually not in my skillset EHEHEHE so some of these might get long-winded, bear with me. also all but 2 dont have names, thats still very much a work in progress SO FOR STARTERS my KG takes place in a simulated dome, kind of like. the hunger games 2 if that comes to mind HAHA but its mostly a campsite in a dense forest, but other shit can be added to manipulate the killing game as motives ultimate astronomer: his name is Hohodzuki Tentai, he's very sheltered because he grew up in isolation, specifically in an observatory in the middle of nowhere. he's well meaning, but he lacks proper social skills and sometimes comes off as weird to the others because he gets very curious about them and their lifestyles and sometimes asks boundary-crossing questions. he loves star maps, astrology, and mood rings; he constantly walks around putting them on the other participants ultimate pack leader: his name is Masashi Choko. everything about him points towards being a werewolf, and even though they aren't real, the cast is constantly questioning it because of choko's behavior. in reality, choko earned his title of pack leader because he has a delusion that he's on a spiritual level with the dogs he rescues and is the alpha of his pack and refers to them as his brothers. him and tentai form a close bond where choko eventually refers to tentai as having the same spiritual wavelength. overall he's super loud and friendly and generally just kind of comes off as an overexcited dog ultimate evel knievel impersonator: he's not an impersonator on purpose, he actually hates the title but anyone only ever sees him as an impersonator because he's only been able to reach evel knievel's personal bests. his only goal is to beat those records so he can be the best, but he's so invested in being better than evel knievel that he ends up dressing like him and doing the exact same stunt work so that when he bests him, he will be above him. he does not realize this is counterproductive. he's super hot headed and will bite you if you call him an impersonator ultimate prosecuting attorney: she's my antag. she's stiff and no nonsense, and she doesn't believe in supporting the weak; basically, get with it or get out of the way. she runs the trials, but since she's my antag she usually ends up pinning it on the red herrings of each case and demands someone dare to prove her wrong, constantly forcing the trials to have to be redirected to the right track. shes also extremely hard working to the point of exhaustion, as you can see by her eyebags HAHA, but its ok bc she saves time by manipulating others to help her with tampering evidence. she is heavily inspired by ace attorney, i came up with her while getting into the series :^) ultimate fisher: shes VERY loosely based on tom sawyer. shes kinda lazy and indifferent to what goes on, usually hoping someone does the work for her. she fishes for leisure rather than sport, so she prioritizes relaxation and is stubborn about it when someone criticizes her for it. she's usually off on her own napping or daydreaming ultimate puppeteer: LOUD. keeps NO secrets. the second you tell her something in private she will loudly repeat it. shes nosy and crude and uses her puppets to carry this out. she tries to be sweet and well meaning though, but she's just kind of insensitive with her comments and pokes fun at people with her puppets ultimate ice figure skater: elegant and poise, but has a secret competitive streak that brings out a playful vulgarity. he has a lighthearted rivalry with the ult. hockey player to see who's better on the ice, but a lot of his wisecracks go over poor hockey's head. they both watched each other on TV pre-KG, but theyre too embarrassed to admit watching the other's sport so they play it off in person and slowly become very.............very bromosexual
ultimate hockey player: bigggg dumb, stupid softie. his favorite things are meat, hockey, and his mom. he's not a lot of help in trials but he keeps people in good spirits and usually tries to cheer people up by asking if they want to play games or join him in hockey. the rest of the cast has decided he's impossible to hate ultimate demonologist: loves the occult and is a huge conspiracy theorist, but mostly uses his knowledge of spooky shit to scare everyone else. he gets defensive if you do the same sort of stuff to him though and is in general very difficult to get along with or take seriously. he takes the occult very seriously and has a small pet snake with him :^)
THATS ALL SO FAR, im still working on fleshing the other out but i worked on designing them today so hopefully they'll be posted soon !!
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sugavicc · 2 years
Chapter 5: Clean Up, Clean Up
Breaker and J hop carried taehyung gently to one of the spare beds in the backrooms. They tuck him in and turn off the lights. Taehyung snuggles within the sheets and relaxes. They both leave the room and enter back into the main area. 
“I think im gonna head out Breaker, can you handle him?”
“Yeah, we’ll be fine.”
“I’ll see ya!” J hop said as he exited out the office onto the roof of the skyscraper. he stood on the ledge of the building over-looking the city. Ma City, the city that raised him. Even though it was nighttime the city was busily buzzing. He felt the cool night breeze waft through his hair and smiled. Then suddenly he jumped from off the building ledge. He fell through the air for a moment or to then started to run down the side of the building using his gravitational powers as suction cups. He then jumped from building to building running off into the night.
"Honey i'm home." Hoseok said as he entered the small home.
"About time you got back. Come dinners ready. Were you out there playing daring do again Mr.?"
"Just patrol. Nothing happened on my side of the city tonight. "
"You said you'd be at the center tonight. A lot of kids were very unhappy that Mr. Hobi didnt come read them their bed time story." The woman said in a displeased voice.
"Which is why i'm going to be up nice and early Tomorrow to help send them off to school." He said as he hugged her from behind. He placed his face in the crook of her neck gently and held her for a moment.
"Mhm. You better. Now let me heat up your plate, it got cold while I was waiting for you." The woman couldn't help but smile. She couldn't be mad at him if she tried.
"You said 8pm. What happened?" The woman questioned as she put hoseok's plate on the table.
"Actually I had to help a kid out." He said as he started to eat the food.
" What are they like?"
"His name is taehyung-"
"Hes not a criminal he did nothing wrong. He helped the rest out if anything."
"Thats not what the news is saying."
"The news always tries to make the good people look bad baby you know that. That taehyung doesn't have an evil bone in his body."
Hoseok hated the news because he was damned either way. They hated them if they didn't save them and they hated them if they did. The heroes wouldn't even be involved and somehow they would spin it to make it seem like it was their fault. Hoseok could only shake his head and sigh.
"Hes a homeless orphan who escaped from Mikro."
"Hes all the way from Mikro? I thought that there was barely anyone who made it out alive from there. "
"Yeah he's one of the people who barley made it out. His whole family was killed and he's the last one alive. He's been living on the streets of Ma City since he was a kid. He never went to school or anything and he got by, by selling cheap magic and reading fortunes. Hes older now, id say about early to mid 20's but very developmentally stunted. "
"Oh poor baby. A refugee Mikronian all on his own and for so long. "
"Yeah and hes magic too."
"Did you bring him back to the center?"
"I cant, hes wanted remember. But don't worry, hes resting back at the base. After I send all the kids off to school ill go pick up some supplies for him."
Hoseok finished eating his plate. He stood up and put a hand on his wife's shoulder. He gave her a small peck and smiled.
"Dont worry about him love. You get some rest, ill clean the kitchen tonight." He said reassuringly.
- 3 years ago -
"Okay ...J hop. You can float right?" Rm asked
"....I think so. I Normally only make items float. " J hop responded nervously.
"Do you think you could fly?"
" I don't know. I guess I could try. "
"Okay come towards the ledge."
J hop walked very carefully towards the ledge. He doesn't know how he got talked into not only being on top of a building but now going towards the edge of on as well. He took a big swallow and he dizzily looked over the edge.
"... I- I- I cant do it."
"Sure you can!" Breaker said with a smirk.
"I can?"
"Yeah see-" and Breaker shoves J hop off the ledge."
"Breaker! We do not shove our potential team mates off of ledges. Bad kitty bad." Rm said with a stern voice
"If he could fly he'd definitely find out now! See im helping!"
"Go get him. Now."
"Finnnneeeee." Breaker said with an annoyed whine.
A set of mechanical wings snapped out from Breakers back. He jumped from the ledge and flew down towards J hop; who was still panicking in mid air.
"Okay Hoseok I cant die, no not today. Dont die, dont die, dont die-" J hop repeated to himself. He found the last bit of courage in him and used a sudden burst of energy to make himself wrapped in anti gravity helping him to stop right before he hit the ground.
"Aha! It worked."
"Look out!"
Breaker came a second later, smacking right into j hop, causing him to lose his focus and making them both to crash into the ground.
"Ouch-" breaker said with a frumpled face.
Rm came running from outside of the building to join them.
" But it worked! You can float now atleast. How could you still be mad at me?"
"Youre insane!"
" j hop, its true that you can float now. Listen im sorry about my brother, he can be a bit..... ..... ... much."
"Hey!" Breaker snapped.
" But if you'd like to join the team and fight crime, we'd love to have you. I know it's taking a big risk join people like us but... we both just want to help people. The villians have increased in numbers and have gotten completely out of control. The police and swat teams can't handle them anymore. This city needs people who can outsmart and out power the villains and keep the Ma Citians safe and we need all the help we can get. So please... this city needs you, we need you." Rm spoke.
Breaker turned his head and sighed then nodded in agreement. J hop thought about it for a brief moment and then sighed.
"Ill join, as long as Mr. Evil Kitty over there won't shove me off any more buildings. " j hop requested.
"No promises." Breaker shrugged with a smirk on his face.
"Then welcome to the team J hop." Rm smiled.
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mirsfa · 4 years
dangerously (v)
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Genre: Uhm. Kinda everything, from angst through fluff to smut Word count: 10k  Pairing: Prince!Jaehyun x Mafia!Reader Warning: Cursing, underage smoking, drinking, use of drugs, even more cursing, smut in upcoming chapters. There’s a lot and I might have left some out oops. Summary: You were polar opposites. He was royalty, you were a criminal. You hated him, he hated you. This mission was the last thing any of you wanted, but you had to make it work. But could you?  TW: domestic abuse, violence
a/n: hello to every single one of you<3 so here we are again. me being ridiculously late, and you being like “wait whats this fanfic again i dont remember” hnng. SO here is part 5 of dangerously:) i promised a double update - which is going to happen. this is part 5, and i think next week ill upload part 6. i hope that’s alright:) (the whole chapter was 20k but i think its more reasonable if i upload it in two parts). Thank you so so so much for all the people that reminded me to keep going and keep writing. to everyone who likes this mess of words i manage to put together. i love you all, from the bottom of my heart.  also, i put a keep reading thingy on. i pray it works.
Previously: It all went down in slow motion.  The dancefloor of the gigantic room cleared out, the remaining guests pushing themselves up against the walls. Pure terror was written all over their faces, at the scene that played in the very middle of the room.   Prince Chenle stood there.   With a knife at his throat.   And at the end of the knife, the person who was holding it… Junhui.   You stopped breathing as you took in his face, took in that familiar, sharp smile. As your eyes met with Yukhei’s from across the room, you were certain he was horrified, just as much as you.   They were here.   The Black Spade was here.  
The air was stiff, tense; you felt the droplet of sweat on your neck before it had a chance to slide down. You were aware of everything suddenly, the sharp breaths of the elite guests, the faint clinking of your jewellery, the clamminess of your palms as you tightened your fist. You were in deep shit and you had a vague idea of what the outcome might be if you didn’t think of a solution quick enough.  
It’s been three years since you saw any member of the Black Spade.  
Not like you regretted it, or that you had wished to see them. It simply made you nervous, made you hyper-aware of your surroundings. Now, that one of them – if not all – is in the same room as you, some sort of perverse euphoria took over your brain, that they see you, and they want to kill you, and they have no idea how much can be done in the span of three years.  
“Long time no see, beautiful,” drifted Junhui’s voice, and you swore the blood froze in your veins. His ashy hair fell into his eyes as he tilted his head slightly, his cupid’s bow-like lips curling into a vicious, Cheshire-cat smile. He looked different since the last time you saw him, but if it surprised you, the feeling slid away into a secluded, subconscious part of your brain. It was not the appropriate time to think about the appearance of a conman. It was never the same.  
Even though he was standing far away from you, you felt feather-light touches caress your arms, ice-cold breath brushing your neck and even colder lips linger above your shoulder.  
Mirroring his expression, you placed your weight on your right leg and cocked your waist out. The dress shifted around your legs, the slit moving so that your left leg was let bare. You replaced your shocked expression with one of confidence, of piercing ice.  
“Let the prince go, Junhui,” you breathed as you kept eye-contact with him, no matter the amount of memories and even more regrets flashing into your mind.  
His grip tightened on the knife and Chenle hissed as a droplet of blood slid down on the front of his neck.  
For fucks sake.  
The youngest prince was supposed to be down in the basement along with his brother Donghyuck and Winwin…where are they? What happened to them?  
You did not dare glancing up at the balcony, where Taeyong and Doyoung lay, scared that a single look might serve as a clue to the one of the conmen of the Black Spade.  
“Come and take him, assassin,” mused Jun and you tilted your head to the side as invitation.  
“Where is the rest of your precious little gang, Jun?” you asked, masking your voice with the similar silky tone the conman sported. He ran his eyes over your figure then, something like bizarre satisfaction flashing in the dark orbs.  
“Three years ago,” Junhui purred, ignoring your question, as he flattened the blade on Chenle’s neck, “you pulled an impressive stunt.” You felt all eyes on you and him, the guests remaining backed up until the ivory and gold embroidered walls. You kept yourself straightened, focused on your breathing and let your hand linger around the dagger hidden under your dress.  
“Don’t evade,” you said then, icy edge wedging itself between your words, “let the prince go and show your faces so we can settle this properly.”  
A beat of silence, then Junhui craned his neck back as he let out a booming laugh. The knife tightened on Chenle’s neck and his panicked eyes searched yours.  
“Settle this properly?” crowed Jun then before his lips curled back in a vicious snarl. You felt the whole room tense at the sheer animosity. “And what does this ‘settling’ mean for you, huh, dear? Shooting someone in the head? Or stabbing them in the neck, maybe blow their guts up with the help of your little arsonist?” his eyes narrowed into slits as he drank up your facial expression, “or does spreading your legs nice and wide does the job for everyone?”  
You stopped breathing.  
This is all talk, and he talked too much –  
Stalling. Was he stalling?  
You didn’t dare look up at the balcony, it would just give him an idea of Taeyong’s and Doyoung’s whereabouts…  
“That’s quite enough, Jun,” a voice sounded then, echoing through the deadly silent ballroom.  
A figure emerged, muscular and clad in black. His hair was smoothed back onto his scalp, revealing a creaseless forehead and bedroom eyes, wide and dark. An easy, light-hearted smile coated his lips and his name flashed in your mind immediately.  
Then you felt a presence at your back, a whiff of spicy cologne and smoke – Taeyong stepped beside you. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, with enough force to blacken your senses for a single second. But Taeyong didn’t look at you, didn’t even graze his fingers against yours, his gaze was fixated on the rival gang’s leader and conman.  
Rage rippled off him – you felt it, Jun felt it, and you reckoned that the entire room felt it too. It was quiet and icy, cold enough to freeze lakes over.  
“We didn’t come to fight tonight,” Seungcheol said then. His voice was deep and rough, embers of arrogant authority sizzling. You cringed and watched the knife at Chenle’s neck.  
“Of course, you didn’t,” breezed Taeyong, his crimson hair smoothed back, emphasizing his elegantly tilted cat-like eyes, flashing, “you hold daggers to princes’ necks for the laugh.”  
Seungcheol let out a deep chuckle and Junhui grinned, tightening his grip.  
“You are slick ones, you know,” the Black Spade’s leader said, leisurely placing his hands in his pockets. A move of superiority. A move of arrogance. “We managed to catch this little one here only, the rest – “  
He looked at you then, his depthless black eyes raking over your form smoothly and you forced yourself not to flinch.  
“– scattered. Like underground rats.”  
As if on command, tiny red dots flashed up on their skin – not yours or Taeyong’s but the others, and it took them a whole ten seconds to realize it.  
And when they did, you managed to grin as if you had been planning it all along.  
“Rats, you say?” you hummed and dared a glance behind Seungcheol and Junhui – where Yukhei was supposed to be but you found nothing other than an empty macaron plate. He managed to get out – through the servant corridors.  
“Let go of the prince, Junhui,” Taeyong said then, his voice barely louder than a faint whisper, but much, much more powerful.  
The conman and his leader exchanged a quick glance before Jun lifted the dagger from Chenle’s neck and pushed the princeling away from him. He stumbled but didn’t fall and his eyes found yours immediately. It took Chenle no time to be at your side, his breathing and legs shaky. You grabbed his wrist and manoeuvred yourself in front of him.  
“Consider this a warning,” Seungcheol murmured then, “we see and hear everything, and remember, the blade of the spade cuts the snake’s head off.”  
You fought the urge to roll your eyes.  
“Just take the rest of your ragtag and fuck off,” grumbled Taeyong and turning on his heels, walked out of the ballroom.  
For a second you held Junhui’s eyes, then turning around you followed your leader, not letting the prince’s hand go.  
You flinched, hard, when the double-winged door banged closed behind your back.  
Three and a half hours, four shots of whisky and an entire pack of cigarettes later your fingers still seemed to tremble, and you considered chopping them off with one of Doyoung’s crooked daggers. This was after you finally stopped running your eyes over your family and the princes, looking for hidden injuries, panicked flashes in the eyes or a shaky breath – which you had found plenty. None of you changed out of your elegant clothing. If someone had walked into the suite with no knowledge or context regarding your history, they would have perceived the situation as something beautifully morbid. Suits were crumpled – the immaculacy only a tell-tale of what was supposed to happen, and the weapons scattered around the velvet sofas did not seem as intimidating as they should have been.
Chenle was sitting on a big, plush sofa – his entire body shaking, sweat dripping off his brows – Renjun and Jungwoo sat by him, encasing him with their bodies, wiping the cold beads from his eyes and neck. You swore you saw Jungwoo’s hand tremble the entire time.  
Johnny ran his fingers through his hair – once brushed elegantly, now hanging low into his brows. His eyes kept going to his youngest brother, guilt glinting there now and then.  
“We were right then,” he murmured, his voice hushed yet it seemed like a shout in the painfully quiet room, “it has been the Black Spade all along.”  
Ten and Jeno exchanged glances and you hummed. The only noise coming out of you since you collapsed onto a couple-sofa with Winwin.  
Maybe that was why Prince Yuta’s sharp eyes cut to your features immediately.  
“Miss Assassin seemed to have a moment there,” you thought he wanted his voice to be threatening and reckoning but you felt nothing other than a hollow sort of static noise.  
Taeyong turned towards the prince before exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that encased his face for a second.  
“She owes no explanation, even for Your Highnesses.”  
“Maybe she doesn’t,” Johnny said, his eyes now set on you hesitantly and you stared back with an empty expression, “but what if it has significance?”  
Doyoung squinted.  
“It doesn’t.”  
“Maybe it does.”  
“Trust me, it does not.”  
Jaehyun drew in a sharp breath.  
You didn’t look at him. Didn’t dare to or didn’t want to, that did not matter. You still felt the warmth of his breath on the tip of your nose.  
“It might have some, though,” you interrupted, and everyone looked at you. Tilting your head back entirely, you rested it against the head of the loveseat and Winwin reached underneath the nape of your neck. You let out a small, thankful smile.  
Sitting in the crossfire of burning gazes, you began to tell a story.  
Everything has a start. The creation of Earth, the start of civilisations, kings and queens begin their lives as toddlers like everyone and everything else. Gangs, mafias don’t emerge the way they are now. They are not born as complete, safe empires. They crawl out as muddy and clawed hands; they pull themselves through sewers and tunnels and they scratch and cut themselves in the process – but it doesn’t matter because the purpose is stronger than the circumstance.  
The journey is long – never ending. Your growth never stops, there is no limit of being better – or worse. And you believe you haven’t gone down the right path. But does being good mean being right? No one knows the answer to that.  
You took a deep, deep breath before starting.
“There hasn’t always been war between the Black Spade and the Diamond Snake. In fact, it started off as something as close as a brotherhood. It crumbled three years ago – I believe people have heard about it. It was all over the media. Before that happened… Dear heavens, we were inseparable, we even thought about merging our gangs. I was nineteen at the time it all fell apart…an age where you ardently believe you are mature enough for whatever might come your way. The age when life seems to throw its heaviest and sharpest stones at you. Three years ago, our family was thriving already…but only because of Seungcheol’s – the Black Spade’s leader’s – help.”
“The Black Spade is a bit older than us. Even though we are around the same age, they began their businesses much earlier. They were already dealing serious things when we only ran around, wreaking havoc, stealing and just…living life at its fullest. In the foulest ways possible. It was Seungcheol who told Taeyong that he should get into similar business like him. I remember, he said something along the lines of: “There is potential in you, brother. Great potential.”  
I was thirteen then. Taeyong was barely sixteen. We admired the way he built up something like a kingdom, we were there when the fundamental stones were placed down. So, we began to do the same. We built up bases, created businesses, recruited people. He stood with us the whole time, helping us, advising when we needed it.  
For two years, everything went smoothly. I was already good at fighting – living on the streets isn’t the best thing for a girl. Especially in that part of the city. But Doyoung and I began to train, to be weapons, irreplaceable assets. We were trained by ex-assassins, spies, conmen, any person who has once been great, and had enough skill and power to make empires crumble into pieces. Working on the streets and in the underworld had its perks.  
During those two years, the two gangs shared dreams. We had great plans…overly ambitious at the time but we were so determined – it was impossible to keep us down, to make us give up on those ambitions. It didn’t stray us that their gang structure was different from what we planned.”  
You inhaled deeply and let out a shaky laugh. Winwin squeezed your shoulder.  
“The Black Spade has a unique way of…working. I will try my best to tell you what I know about it.”  
You looked around the room, sweeping your eyes over the princes and gang members. They huddled around you and drank up each word you said. As you looked at them you realised – for the first time, there was no place for anger, prejudice or even disgust in the room. The princes and gang members sat by each other one by one, brushing shoulders, crossing legs. Not enemies. Something close to acquaintances. Not friends yet, no… but you felt like you were on the right path towards that. Maybe this mission which became a catastrophic mess, the embodiment of your mutual enemy – this was perhaps what you needed most to be pushed together, to begin acting like an alliance instead of two reluctant parties forced into working together.  
You continued with a small, bitter smile and tucked your trembling hands under your thighs.  
“The Black Spade hits and runs, without lingering. When you realize what they have done…you feel numb and out of place. They work and move in sync, through careful planning and execution of strategy. In and out. They work for money, for men of status and they are not afraid to do the dirty work. They work long-term, taking down their prey over periods of times, working their ways into systems and hearts. This is exactly what they were becoming after that year. The inner circle had roles and jobs – just like us. But they are trained to do the dirtiest and foulest of works. We have spies – but they have conmen. Their names are Jeonghan and… and Junhui.”  
You said the last name with a dying breath. Pressure held your throat together as you fought the urge to shake. Winwin’s pinkie finger began to trace calming patterns on your shoulders.  
“They are worse than spies, they don’t get the information like us – by listening carefully and paying attention to details, or even hacking. No. They deceive you; they make you trust them; make you believe that they are more important than what you are truly protecting. They take the information, and they make sure to destroy you afterwards. Slow and steady. That was the path they started to follow. Their ambitions took a dark turn, one we were not willing to follow. Taeyong wasn’t, at least. More complications arose and more fights broke out between the two gangs. The last one was between Doyoung and Wonwoo, one of the Spades’ assassins. It turned bad…Both Yukhei and Taeyong were needed to hold Doyoung back, and Mingyu – another Spade assassin and Seungcheol, their leader, to keep Wonwoo from throwing daggers at Doyoung. It was a mess. Pure chaos.  
That was when things turned around for us, we strayed apart from each other, went on different paths, different parts of the city. After another half a year, we started a race. To see who has more territory, more assets and influence over wealthy people. It was obvious, after a while, that they worked against us on purpose, but it was too late for them. We grew stronger, we knew their ways of working and we developed ours – a new system, something that was unfamiliar for them. That went on for…I believe I was almost eighteen when I met Junhui again. The last time I saw him was two-three years before that.”
Another breath. You felt your heart hammer against your chest as you tried desperately to calm it down by taking deep breaths. But it did not seem to work, and the dress started to feel tighter, more open – too revealing.  
“I’d always found him attractive. So, when we met again accidentally on a mission, where both of us had the same target…those old emotions re-surfaced. For me, at least. One thing led to the other…The next thing I knew I was sneaking out of the Viper’s Pit, our home and headquarters, to meet up with him. I believe the thrill that we were lovers like Romeo and Juliet, from two families who have developed hatred toward one another, fired our emotions up. He was irresistible. I knew I was doing the wrong thing, deep inside me, but I felt like for once, I would be young and foolish. That I could afford it and could get away with it later. That even if it ends, if emotions die or our families find out, we have learned something new from each other, from the whole situation.”  
“So, we continued meeting up. Secret rendezvous. We shared everything. Our pasts, our feelings, our deepest secrets and doubts.  
Then one day, he started asking about things that weren’t related to my own feelings…he asked about the Snakes, first about how my relationship was with them, then slowly about how we work. And I was so in love, I was so sure that he wanted to know where I come from, where and how I live…I gave him everything he wanted to know.”  
You took a breath. Then another. Then another.  
And you swallowed back the lumps in your throat, because thinking about the mistakes you have made was much, much harder than you thought it would be. The barricades, the walls you have placed between your memories and your thoughts seemed to weaken as you talked about him. You saw a mixture of emotions when you looked around the room, ran your eyes through the princes and your family.  
The young princes…their eyes were filled with held back emotions, sympathy and sorrow and something like understanding. They were young, too young to fully understand how it must have felt like to go through these things but…they were smart enough to comprehend other aspects of it. The choices, the danger of trusting and the importance of keeping vital information to yourself. To not let emotions come in the way of that.  
Then you glanced over at the four older royals…their expressions were a haze, a mess of swirling emotions. It was so clear, in that moment, what each of them felt. As if everyone had dropped down their guards along with you.
Prince Johnny swallowed; you saw his throat bob as he looked away from your face – to stare at his own feet instead. Was it pity? You didn’t know, and you weren’t sure you desired to find out. Yuta’s expression was perhaps the most shocking one. He was leaning back on an armchair, his legs crossed and his head resting in his palm. In his eyes – a sharp glint of understanding. His bone-chilling attitude seemed to have melted in that moment. The edge didn’t leave his eyes but was joined with something new. Something soft and forgiving. Prince Jungwoo had a similar calculating look in his sweet, brown eyes. Although he wasn’t looking at you only. His eyes kept sweeping over your family, their expressions while listening to your story. The big picture.  
Finally, you let yourself glance at Prince Jaehyun.  
He stared at you, his face radiating nothing but pure curiosity and painful realisation - the information seemingly took its place in his brain like the piece of a puzzle. The key to the lock. They understood where you were getting at. They knew what it cost you to love a rival.  
Your voice descended into a quiet, but steely whisper.  
“After I learned all the things he’d done, how he used me for the information…I visited their nest. The Spades’ nest.”
And when you looked up again, you felt like the entire weight of a cliff rolled off your shoulders.
“And I burned it to the ground.”  
“You shouldn’t have shared this much.”  
These were Ten’s first words, barely a minute after the princes left Taeyong’s suite, with something like incredulous haze dwelling in their eyes. Your story was followed by a heavy silence, and you noted the quiet tears in Jaemin’s eyes. He was the most reluctant to leave, but Jaehyun pulled him along gently with a last look at you over his shoulder. You met his gaze. And let it linger.  
You slid your eyes towards the spy, and it barely surprised you how much energy you had to muster for it.  
“I placed the youngest prince in danger. I owed them this much.”  
Ten clicked his tongue.  
“You could’ve told them all this with half as much detail. Something about you and the Black Spade conman fucking, him betraying you and you taking revenge. It would’ve also taken less time.”  
Winwin groaned.  
“Why is it that when you open your mouth, only negative things manage to leave through it?”  
“You’re one to talk.”  
Kun interrupted, “We need them to trust us.” He shot you an approving look before frowning.  
“You did not have motives other than that, right Z?” he looked at you more carefully.  
“Of course, I didn’t, what are you talking about?” you murmured and stared at the ceiling in a rather determined manner. Jeno sat up straighter.  
“Oh my god, is it because of one of the princes? You like one of them?” he grinned, his eyes contracting into half-moons.  
“How did you come up with that? What does it have to do with it all? I don’t like anyone,” you hissed at no one in general. But that wasn’t enough for your family, who had entered a state of frenzy.  
“It’s Johnny, isn’t it?” Winwin glanced down at you, his lips tightened so he doesn’t burst out laughing.  
“No what the fuck, Win -”  
“I mean I wouldn’t blame you,” Ten shrugged and you arched one of your freshly plucked eyebrows. You did not like the direction of the conversation.  
“You have a daddy kink, don’t you Z? And Johnny is the daddy,” Yukhei was nodding deep in thought, as if he was a doctor writing a prescription for you. You gaped again.  
“Excuse me – “  
“No, I think Johnny is way too soft to be a daddy,” Doyoung shook his head and the others murmured in agreement. You were at a loss for words. Just minutes ago, you were discussing your tragic past love-story and now they were dissecting the chances of who you might fancy and their kinks-  
“Nah,” Taeyong spoke up then, the one who did not render his eyes from your face ever since you finished talking about Junhui, “I don’t think it is Johnny.”  
Whipping your head at your leader you shot him a betrayed look. He just stared at you with ever-knowing eyes.  
“You don’t like anyone,” he tilted his head and placed his chin in his palm, “but you do find one of them fascinating, don’t you, dear?”  
You squinted.  
“You wouldn’t know – “  
“Yes, I would,” Taeyong’s voice was hard and you clumped your mouth shut, “I have known you your entire life. Gives me enough time to figure you out.”  
Shrugging, you hoisted yourself up from the sofa and stalked towards the door. You needed sleep. A day’s worth, at least. You didn’t want to listen useless talk.  
“Z, wait,” Taeyong called after you regretfully. Tightening your grip on your heels, you turned around, glanced at your leader, at the rest of the Diamond Snake.  
“Stay here for the night, please. Everyone will.”  
He hesitated, as if saying these words caused him physical pain. He was disappointed, too. Shaken up by the night’s events like the rest of you. On the edge.  
“I don’t think it is…safe yet. For us to walk around here alone. We also heard Seokjin’s words – about his office being near here. And he disappeared along with the Spades. No one knows where he might be, what he might be planning along with these little shits.”  
You saw his point, and you hated to admit that you agreed with him. A part of you wanted to say that you’re fine off alone, that you can protect yourself… but tonight’s events upset you, too. The moment of realisation, while Seokjin held your hair wrapped around his finger, that you knew nothing, that you stalked straight into a trap in golden stilettos. And that you had no idea.  
With a sigh, you dumped your heels back on the ground.  
“Fine. But I want the bed.”  
Tae let out a sigh of relief.  
But not even the soft privilege of the bed was enough to lull you into sleep that night.  
The next few days, most of your group retreated into a nerve-wrecking calm, even Yukhei was quieter and less lively than usual. It was nice to see that you were not alone in this pit of…lethargic feelings because of the ball. The next week was spent in solitude, the entire inner circle gathering up in Taeyong’s suite, eating and sleeping together. If anyone else saw you, they would have straight up called you miserable. The usual teasing, yelling and disastrous attitude towards the cleanliness of the place was nowhere to be seen.  
“We haven’t been that lucky while being here, have we?” Doyoung piped up one evening, with Taeil and yourself sitting on the balcony, smoking in silence. You placed your legs in Taeil’s lap.  
“What do you mean?” the eldest of the group asked as he smashed the remnants of his cigarette.  
Doyoung shrugged.  
“Well, look at the first mission. That wasn’t carried out so well either,” his voice sounded sarcastically cheerful, but you caught the tone of disappointment. Doyoung has always been the type to be adamant on succeeding on the events and actions and whatever objective you had in mind. You hardly failed. And it has never happened two times in a row, until now.  
You wanted to say something soothing, but the words got caught in your mouth.  
Taeil drew circles absently on the skin of your ankle.  
“Well the first mission was good to earn the Royals’ trust, no?” he said then. The raven assassin inclined his head.  
“Yeah, but Z got injured,” he countered, and you groaned, “so the two cancels itself out.”  
Taeil chuckled.  
“Based on what?”  
You chucked the pack at Doyoung’s head. He threw it right back.  
“We have to come up with something. We can’t keep going on like this,” you said after tugging out a new piece from the pack.  
“What do you mean?”  
“I feel like we have been feeling around in the dark so far. We weren’t sure who stood behind the attacks, we could only play a role as bodyguards. But now we know it is the Black Spade for sure. Just think, what would we do normally?” you straightened up while talking, folding your legs underneath yourself.  
“We need to sniff around the Spades… find out the location of their headquarters, their current customers and deals,” Taeil caught up with your thinking and you nodded.  
Doyoung’s eyes shone as he leaned forward.  
“On the other hand, we need to get ready for any following attacks. We need to recruit more Snakes for this job, the inner circle can’t stay the only ones working on this case,” he thought out loud, “Ask for a new place from the Royals, and no one should know about it… not even the princes. Then we need to visit the Headquarters, see who can be used for the job. And then we need spies stuck onto the Spades… but I’m not so sure about that. Remember what happened last time?” he grimaced.  
You shuddered as you recalled what happened the first and last time you set three of your spies onto the Black Spade. You could hardly identify them two days later, when you found them at an abandoned bus stop by an empty road.  
Taeil let out a pained sigh.  
“That means we will need to hire someone who does not belong to us and is further independent from other gangs… and who knows how things work in the Underworld, knows people, has connections… Doyoung, all the people who would be perfectly up for the job belong to us.”  
“Not really,” you spoke up then, a triumphant grin stretching on your face, “there is someone who would be perfect for the job. Or more like someones.”  
Doyoung’s mouth hanged open after a minute of silence.  
“Z no. I don’t want to see those little shits ever again.”  
You slammed your hands on the arms of the wooden chair and shooting up on your legs, you smashed the cigarette that was not done simmering.  
“Z yes. I’m gonna talk to Tae. Call the rest of the Snakes together,” was all you said before you hurried inside the suite.  
Luckily, all of the members were inside already. You agreed not to roam around at night, especially alone, so it became a fixed routine, that all the Snakes are back in the suite around early evening, doing their own things, scattered around the place.  
As usual, Jisung and Winwin were on the floor in one of the living room’s corners, surrounded by cables and computers. Ten, Jeno and Yukhei were watching a video on one of their phones – something violent, judging by the crashing sounds blasting on full volume. Taeyong and Kun were bent over a pile of papers, thrown messily around on the coffee table. You sauntered over.  
“I have an idea.”  
Both of them flinched at the unexpected voice and the victorious cheer it held. Kun squinted.  
“What have you cooked up now, Z?”  
You jerked your head towards the couches and armchairs arranged into a half circle in the middle of the living room. That area became the core of the preparations, the talks, the planning.  
Shortly after the Snakes got comfortable, you began sharing your idea. Summing Taeil’s, Doyoung’s and your own ideas, you drew up the problems that you stand against – and how you should solve them. The attitude you should adjust to. When you finished with the problem-solution speech, you went quiet, waiting to see if they followed you, to see if they understood.  
After a beat of silence, Yukhei’s head shot up.  
“You’re gonna suggest we talk to the Shenanigans?”  
Taeyong’s eyes widened. Winwin let out a sound that might have been called a whimper. Jeno and Jisung grinned.  
You nodded.  
“I say we talk to the Shenanigans. Listen, if anyone knows the Underworld and its dealings better than us and other gangs, it’s them,” you ran your eyes over the members.  
“They are so disrespectful,” Doyoung whined.  
“What do you expect from a bunch of outcast kids?” Jeno shot back before looking at you and Jisung, who hasn’t said anything the entire time.  
“I like Z’s idea. I’m in. And you know what guys? You old people won’t even need to see them. Jisung and I can go talk with them, we are the same age anyways.”  
You let out an impressed hum and swung your legs over into Yukhei’s lap.  
“The two of you is not enough. You need more people, so maybe you should take Yukhei as well. They seemed to like him last time,” Taeyong tilted his head, “maybe you could bring the young royals with you too.”  
“Okay no need to go overboard now – “Kun spoke up, but you interrupted him.  
“Wicked. I like it. And maybe one elder for added authority and to show it’s a serious case.”  
“No more adults though. Yukhei and an older royal is borderline intolerable for the Devil’s spawns,” Doyoung drawled as he ran through a hand through his hair.  
Everyone looked at Taeyong, waiting to see what he says. Jeno and Jisung exchanged a quick glance and Yukhei played with the nail polish on your toes. You could see your leader mulling over the exchanged ideas and propositions, saw him weigh each of them.  
“We will need to execute these things as quickly and as quietly as we can,” he murmured then, drawing his cut eyebrow up. Kun and Taeil agreed with grunts of their own.  
“Then we will need to divide ourselves and the royals up. One team goes to the Viper’s Pit to recruit more Snakes, the other team goes with the young princes to talk to the Shenanigans,” you jerked your head towards Jeno and Jisung.  
Taeyong straightened up and said, “okay,” before heading towards the phone on the nightstand by the bed.  
Before you knew it, you were on your way to Prince Johnny’s suite with Taeyong and Doyoung flagging either side of you. Following the eldest prince’s instructions, you ducked into a hidden pathway that connected all the wings of the palace and was kept a secret even from most of the servants. It is the safest mean of travel for all of us from now on, he said.  
You chuckled to yourself as you listened to the loud echoes of your breaths with your leader and your fellow hitman. When exactly did you get to the point where you were allowed to visit the private suite of the Crown Prince? And exactly when did the royals stop worrying about the fact that with a single movement you could hurt them in unimaginable ways? You wanted to add ‘without feeling remorse’ but…that would have been a blatant lie.  You wiped the thoughts out of your brain.  
“Did you tell him to get the princes together?” Doyoung whispered over your head to Taeyong, who nodded in response.  
The walls around you were painted hastily in old fashion, and because of the damp, it started to fall off in some places.  
“Ceremonious,” Doyoung groaned as he inched sideways into a corner, so that he wouldn’t touch the blight, “is this really the means by which we’re gonna have to move around in the palace?”  
“Since when are you such a diva?” Taeyong murmured and you snickered.  
“He’s always been like this. How can you forget it?” you countered, then shuddered when a cold breeze kissed the back of your neck. Placing your hands in the pockets of Yukhei’s hoodie, you hurried your steps.  
“It’s getting colder here. Let’s hurry.”  
In about five minutes you arrived at the Crown Prince’s suite and as soon as Doyoung lifted his hand to knock, the door swung open. Johnny had a slightly dishevelled look, but you didn’t have time to observe him because he ushered you inside with hurried, frantic movements. With a frown, all three of you stepped inside the –  
You had no words.  
You had gone speechless.  
You doubted you had the appropriate vocabulary to describe the eldest prince’s suite.  
Staring, you took in the spotless interior. The walls were ivory white, and the entire place had a theme of black and white. The entrance led to a small foyer, where there was a spacious closet in which you could place your shoes and coats. He then led you into the living room and as you walked inside you could feel your feet sinking into the soft, white carpet that covered the entirety of the room. You wanted this material at your place too. You were going to have to Taeyong about it later on. The living space was huge. Enormous.  
There was a spacious kitchen to your right, as you stepped inside, and to your left – half of the living room was sunken into the floor, with a circle of black velvet couches, providing an intimate and cosy atmosphere to the people sitting there.  
It was so luxurious and clean, you felt reluctant to touch anything so you wouldn’t smear …. yourself on it. This was ridiculous.  
There are people on the street, you thought, who are starving and begging for money every day and these people have half their living room sunken inside the floor?  
You heard a low scoff beside you and concluded that Doyoung must have had similar thoughts.  
“Do you think the toilet flushes itself here?” he murmured into your ear and you had to clamp your hand to your mouth, so you don’t snort out loud.  
“Make yourselves at home,” Johnny said then and gestured towards the couches, “The others are here.”  
Indeed, the princes were scattered around the circle, wearing casual clothes. Yet again, you were glad that you wore a hoodie and sneakers instead of a full body tunic and heels. It would have been a little overkill. Placing your hands back inside the pockets, you stalked towards the royals, Tae and Doyoung following.  
Yuta, who had his back to you, turned around then, and glared your way.  
“We do have things to do, you know. You can’t just order us around to your conveniences.”  
Doyoung glared right back.  
“If it concerns your survival, damn yes we can order you around Highness. Unless, you find pompous meetings with ass-lickers more important than your skin, you are obliged to do nothing of course.”  
You clamped your mouth shut when you saw the expression on Yuta’s face. But he didn’t say anything else. That was perhaps the courtesy of Jaehyun, who placed his hand on his brother’s arm. You noted that his face was grimmer than usual and the skin under his eyes were a shade darker than usual. Not that you’ve observed him before.  
The other princes were sitting seemingly relaxed, chatting casually, but you caught their eyes following your every movement. Oh well. Turns out you generalised the thought that they began trusting you. Putting a light swagger in your step you flashed them a grin.  
The three of you sat on a segment that was left empty by the princes.  
You caught Jaemin’s eyes and he gave you an eye-smile.  
“So, what is the reason for this emergency call-together?” Johnny asked as he leaned forward.  
“We came to share an idea and plan we just came up with. We thought it was an emergency because it is important that we take action as soon as we can,” Taeyong said with authority in his voice. He smoothed his flaming hair out of his forehead and ran his eyes over the royals, “we will need to involve Your Highnesses in the implementation of the next task.”  
Jungwoo tilted his head, “which would be?”  
Doyoung took over.  
“Our team will have to be divided into two. We know that the previous missions resulted in more failure than success because how little men and information we had.”  
“One of the teams will have the task of heading to the Diamond Snake headquarters, the Viper’s Pit, and the other team will have to take a small trip outside the city to talk with the Shenanigans,” you explained, placing your chin on the back of your hand. You fought the urge to cringe from having all the princes’ eyes fixated on you. Especially now, after you spilled so many things from your past. Ten was right. You shouldn’t have said so much. The last thing you needed from them was their pity.
“Who are the Shenanigans?” Mark piped up, pushing his circular glasses up on his nose.  
Doyoung hissed, “A group of little fu – “  
“The Shenanigans are a group of boys,” you interrupted him with a pointed look in his direction, “they are a fairly young group who were outcasts. I wouldn’t say they are a gang or mafia because they don’t do dealings or jobs for higher class people. But they know how the Underworld works, where you can find gangs, mafias, how you can get to them. They know how to get information without anyone noticing, they are exceptional at blending in and working their ways through crowds and events.”  
“What is our role?” a low baritone voice spoke up then, sending chills down your spine. You glanced in Jaehyun’s direction but avoided eye contact. Taeyong took over.  
“We would divide both our inner circle and You Highnesses. The younger ones – Princes Mark, Renjun, Jaemin, Donghyuck and Chenle would be accompanied by Prince Jaehyun and Yukhei, Jeno and Jisung from our team. It is known that the Shenanigans don’t take too much liking to older people. We are certain that they have taken a liking to Jeno and Jisung because they are the same age, and also Yukhei who is…Yukhei, and he is liked by anyone. We thought to add Prince Jaehyun as well to take extra caution. One adult wouldn’t hurt anyone. That is, if it is alright with Your Highness,” your leader finished with a long breath.  
Jaehyun thought for a while and glanced at Johnny. There was a wordless conversation between them – something most siblings shared. You knew the feeling well.  
“Alright,” he said then, “I will go with them.”  
The young princes nodded vehemently. Their eyes shone brightly, and it made you believe that they were enthusiastic about having a chance to go on a mission and not staying in the shadow of their older brothers. You smiled at Jaemin who returned it with a wide grin of his own.  
Taeyong inclined his head.  
“Prince Jaehyun and our Jeno will then join the other team at the Viper’s Pit. We will be heading to the headquarters, as we mentioned earlier, to talk with the rest of the Diamond Snake members and recruit people who are trustworthy and fit for the job. The people going there will be Z, Kun, Ten, Princes Johnny, Jungwoo, Yuta and myself. We will need to stay there for a couple of days to make sure everything goes smoothly and without complications.”  
“What about the rest of your gang?” Yuta drawled.  
“I will need to stay here, as I am the Taeyong’s Second,” Doyoung answered, unfazed by Yuta’s icy tone, “Winwin will monitor everything from his computers and Taeil will assist me in sorting through materials for the next mission and other precautions we will need to take.”  
“Precautions?” Johnny asked. Taeyong nodded.  
“We were not careful enough previously. No mistake like that will happen ever again.” his voice held solid authority, even when he apologised. In his own way.  
The princes were quiet for a while, each deep in his own thought and the three of you waited patiently. Somewhat. Doyoung kept playing with the embroidery on one of the pillows until you slapped his hand away. He was this close to tearing it.  
Then to your surprise, Yuta spoke up.  
“When are we leaving?”  
The following morning’s cold breeze sent shivers down Jaehyun’s spine. He groaned as he pulled the covers further up on himself, so it was only his eyebrows and the top of his ruffled hair that was visible. Yuta had stayed in his suite for a long time the day before and honestly, now he wished he had kicked his brother out sooner than three in the morning. He gave himself three more minutes of snoozing, though he was everything but relaxed. Jaehyun knew that if he actually relaxes in that time period, he’s going back to sleep for the next couple of hours.  
With another groan he fought the covers back and sat up. He was not a morning person, and on some days, he was thankful that he was a prince with duties, otherwise he would have wasted his entire life lying in bed all day. It was 7.35 by the time he flung his jacket over his black button-up and left to join his brothers and the three Snakes at the circular driveway of the castle.  
He saw that his younger brothers had taken up on his advice the previous night - that wearing something casual but elegant might be the golden middle way, to stay true to themselves without offending the Shenanigans – who openly judged adults and lived life by their own rules. Unapologetically. He’s done all the research he could last night with Yuta, but this was all he could find online, in the darkest pits of the internet. He will have to interrogate Jeno more on who exactly they were going to see.  
The youngsters set a great tone, his brothers were joking around with the Snakes, and as he headed over to them, occasionally he heard Chenle’s high-pitched giggles and Yukhei’s boisterous laughter. There were only three bulletproof-ed cars waiting for them, not a police car or motorbike could be seen anywhere near them. Interesting. The first one to notice him was Mark. The younger one tilted his head to the side, so his light brown locks fell over his brows.  
“Brother,” he said as a way of greeting, “we were waiting for you. I thought we agreed to meet at 7.30?” his voice was not accusatory, only confused. Jaehyun sighed as he raked his fingers through his hair and glanced back at the castle.  
“Yuta came over to mine at ten.”  
Mark’s mouth shaped a silent ‘o’ and he nodded understandingly. He knew that if Yuta visited someone…it led to a discussion that went on for hours at least.  
Jeno stalked over and Jaehyun had to fight down the urge to wince. The Snake’s steps were near silent, even on the pebbles of the driveway, and he moved with serpentine grace. It sent chills down Jaehyun’s spine.  
“Are we ready to go?” he asked and cast an eye-smile at Jaehyun, “I just told your brothers that we will be divided into three, so we fit into the cars. Princes Jaemin and Donghyuck will be with Yukhei. Mark and Renjun will be going with our Jisung and Your Highnesses Jaehyun and Chenle are with me.”  
Mark and Jaehyun nodded and a quiet voice in the back of Jaehyun’s mind told him that he should consider himself to be lucky – one Snake in one car, and two Royals with them. If it came to anything unfortunate…no. It is not the time to think about betrayals or conspiracies. The Snakes were there to protect them. Not to divert the cars and crash.  
So, he followed Jeno to the car at the very front and with a reluctant gaze, he waited until all his brothers were inside. And then he got in.  
“I’m really excited,” Chenle said as soon as he buckled himself in, “I have heard more about the Shenanigans after yesterday.”  
Jaehyun flicked his eyebrows up and looked at Jeno who was sitting at the passenger seat. The motor whirred into life underneath them.  
“You have?” he asked his youngest brother. Chenle grinned at him, his eyes narrowing into cheerful slits.  
“Yeah! Jeno, do you want to tell Jaehyun more about the Shenanigans?” he grabbed the seat in front of him and leaned as far as his belt allowed him. Jeno shifted so he was sitting sideways and could look at them both.  
“What has Your Highness heard so far?” his voice was casual but his ebony gaze penetrated Jaehyun. The prince shrugged.  
“Not much. I have done a little research. The only thing I know from the internet is that the Shenanigans are rather young, and they don’t take kindly to adults.”  
Jeno nodded.  
“They are known as outcasts, kids who had nowhere to go because no one wanted to take them in, but that is a false myth. They have taken up the role of outcasts on their own will. The boys who join the Shenanigans were once abused by their families. Parents, mostly,” he’d glanced at Jaehyun who forced a mask of calm on his features, “many young people know about the Shenanigans, some consider them a legend, a myth, though. Too good to be true. The ones who were able to stand up to their parents and leave – or get away one way or another, searched for the group. But they were never successful. Instead it was the Shenanigans who found them.”  
Chenle squirmed in his seat but Jaehyun tried to hide his astonishment. To be able to stand up to abusive parents…and leave. How brave does one have to be? How bad does the abuse have to be in order to make teenagers flee their home? Jaehyun shuddered.  
“The Shenanigans are the modern Robin Hoods for the young generation that has lost hope and are scared to stand up for themselves. They embody freedom and independence. Defiance. Us, the gangs and mafias…we are tied down by our businesses, by deals and bets.”  
Jaehyun placed his elbow on the windowsill as he listened to the young spy. He felt like he was beating around the bush.  
“What is it that they do?” Jaehyun asked and Jeno’s eyes cut to him as he gave him an eerie grin.
“They do many things. Firstly, they defy the gangs. They refuse to swear loyalty to any of them other than themselves. Secondly, they steal. They steal from the higher ups. Lastly, they gather information about everyone and everything. Nothing misses their eyes and when I say all the gangs have been trouble figuring out how they do it, I don’t exaggerate. It is impossible to get a hold of them.”  
There was pride in Jeno’s voice and maybe a little longing. Jaehyun wasn’t exactly sure. Chenle looked at him with bright eyes.  
“Aren’t they terrific? Donghyuck and Jaemin and the others think so too.”  
The eldest frowned.  
“Why do they steal? And what do they do with the money?”  
The spy shrugged and laughed quietly.  
“I have absolutely no idea,” he mused, “it is their business. We haven’t tried figuring it out.”  
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, neither of them talking. Jaehyun caught Chenle smiling softly as he stared out through the windows and it didn’t take him a lot of work to figure out why. The last thing we need is a national scandal that the youngest prince has joined a bunch of thieves, he thought bitterly.  
He had to admit, the Shenanigans did sound appealing to a certain extent. To be free of all duties, to swear loyalty for no one but your family and friends…to be independent from it all. Curiosity burned in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to know more. He wanted to see it all. See how mafias operated, the deals, the missions – even the assassinations, as morbid as it sounded.  
His thoughts screeched to a halt and changed directions. Assassins… he thought of her, with teeth made of razors and eyes like simmering embers. Was she abused as well? Did she have to run away? Or was she born into it all? He thought of the times he watched her train – the way she moved. The sharpness and the precision – the same serpentine grace he saw and still sees in the other members of the Diamond Snake. But it was training – he longed to see it all in action. He longed to see her lunge and twist and stab and – why the fuck was he thinking about all this? Since when did he want to see someone end lives?  
But a voice whispered to him; she is not all edge and defiance.  
He thought of the look on her face when she saw the Black Spade conman with Chenle in the middle of the dancefloor that night…remembered his own rage and how he was glued to the floor, unable to move, to think. How he lost control and went with the flow. Got lost in it. And how she did not. He remembered the way her eyebrows spiked up in that pure, horrified expression. And the way it cleared out in the span of a single second, morphing into a look of murderous calm and arrogance. How she did not let go of his youngest brother’s hand until they were out of sight.
As he stared at splotches of green, orange and yellow passing by, he realised he knew nothing.  
That there was more underneath it all. Hearing her story about the conman and the intertwined history of the two biggest rivalling gangs of the country showed them all, him and his brothers, that there was so much more to these criminals.  
That there is a reason for why things happen. How people turn out to be.  
And how wrong they were for judging them.  
But then again, what if they chose this path…?  
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Jeno looked back with a surprised look.  
“Something wrong?”  
Jaehyun shook his head and sighed.  
“Just…there’s a lot on my mind,” a blatant understatement. The spy tilted his head as he continued to look at him with calmly. Calculating. Wondering. Jaehyun avoided his gaze. Tried not to cringe when Jeno smirked.  
“We are almost there,” was all he said before turning back.  
“Where are we meeting them?” Chenle piped up and leaned forward.  
“Outside the capital. That is all you need to know,” he looked back at the eldest from the corner of his eyes, “you can trust us. There is no conspiracy. If that’s why your head is so heavy, Your Highness.”  
Jaehyun didn’t know whether to feel insulted or amused.  
The warehouse by which they stopped, was gigantic, and isolated. Both irked Prince Jaehyun. It was ran-down, rusty and almost fell apart and he saw nothing or no one that would have indicated that the Shenanigans were there, waiting for them.  
As he stepped out of the car, a breeze of the early autumn air ruffled his hair. He took a deep breath. It has been a long while since he visited the outskirts of the capital – or the countryside, and he needed to take a moment to take in the solemnity and quietness of it all.  
“Oi, Chenle, I got fucking chills!”  
As soon as Donghyuck’s voice got to him, Jaehyun’s eyes snapped open. In the span of seconds, ten forms of irritation ran through his brain as he swirled in his brother’s direction. Then froze as he saw the way Donghyuck bounced in his youngest brother’s and Jeno’s direction – and threw his arms around both of them. Jaemin joined him from Jeno’s side. In the friendliest of manners. Without hesitation. Jaehyun could only gape as he looked around for someone who could be as outraged as him but…  
Mark got out of the third car along with Renjun and both of them were listening intently to something Jisung was murmuring to them. Nothing on their faces other than concentration and fascination as clear as the pond nearby.  
His eyes found Yukhei’s, and found the arsonist already looking at him. Yukhei gave him a challenging grin.  
Look what happens when status and prejudice doesn’t get in the way.
Jaehyun felt his ears warm up and he cleared his throat.  
Their steps were quick as they neared the doorless entrance of the warehouse, the younger ones leaving Jaehyun and Yukhei behind. The Snake had long, lazy steps, as if he was never in a hurry, had all the time in the world. Jaehyun, on the other hand, was tense as always when it came to a sudden meeting with a bunch of criminals. He had just started getting used to the Diamond Snake. He had to get his mind off this.  
“It’s curious,” he turned to Yukhei, “how you and my brother Mark are almost the same age, yet he doesn’t count as an elder like you do.”  
Yukhei shrugged and his eyes widened with a mischievous glint.  
“I guess it counts a little different. Your brother is seen mostly around the young ones and they seem to give off a really harmonised vibe, if Your Highness gets what I mean. Meanwhile I am a part of the inner circle, the oldest and most trusted part of the Diamond Snake gang. I guess that puts a little more to my age.”  
Yukhei glanced at the prince who watched him carefully.  
“Y’know, there is more to age than just numbers. Our family prefers not to distinguish based on age. That barely gives you valuable assets. Look at our Jisung. He’s a teenager, like Jeno, they would still be in high school… but they’ve been through things, Prince. Terrible things. And that makes them cautious, makes them listen and work hard so they do not have to endure those things again.”  
Jaehyun swallowed and had the same chill run down his spine when he heard the story of the Shenanigans. He dared not to ask what the two youngest members of the inner circle went through. He stayed silent and gave an understanding nod to Yukhei.  
The arsonist gave him an encouraging grin and lifted his arm, as if he wanted to slap Jaehyun in the back but he decided otherwise and dropped it. A pang of disappointment hit the prince.  
As they stepped through the eerie opening of the warehouse, many things came into Jaehyun’s mind. The first being that the warehouse was actually not empty and abandoned; it was filled with iron containers of many sizes, having gods know what inside them. The second was the stuffy smell, nearing on mouldy, and suddenly he did not want to know what was inside those containers.  
The third was that other than the two people sitting by a table in the middle of the main paved way through the containers, there was no one else.  
As Jaehyun looked closer, there were a bunch of chairs in front of the single table, Jeno and Jisung leading his brothers straight for them. He opened his mouth to object but Yukhei placed a hand on his shoulder.  
They stopped a few feet away from the chairs, giving Jaehyun time and space to take in the two figures waiting for them.  
The one who was sitting on a wooden chair was clad in a leather jacket, jeans and black combat boots. His hair was a tousled, curly mess of dark blond and his mouth was quirked in a pleasant, almost welcoming smile. His head was tilted, watching them carefully.  
Jaehyun fought his eyebrow so it doesn’t shoot up in the skies.  
The other person, the one who perched on the edge of the table, gave off a more mysterious and serious aura – this one reminded Jaehyun of the Snakes. The man – boy? – was not smiling like his partner, he had his eyes set dead on the princes entering. His arms were crossed tightly, but his legs were hanging loosely on the edge of the weathered table. He was clad in black, similarly to the other person, even his hair, which was so dark it was almost blue. His fingers were adorned with rings, all silver, all capable of leaving a nasty mark if he was to punch someone. He was not smiling. There was nothing on his face other than…boredom? He seemed bored out of his mind, even as his eyes zig zagged between the younger princes.
Only two? I thought there were more people in the Shenanigans’ group. Did they just send representatives?  
Yukhei must have noticed Jaehyun’s confused glare because after nudging him, he nodded his head around them, towards the top of the containers. Following his nod, Jaehyun looked and his heart almost stopped.  
From the shadows and darkness, without a sound, figures emerged.  
They were everywhere, scattered around the warehouse, on tops of the containers, between them, hiding out in the shadows. They stood still. They only watched. But it gave Jaehyun the impression that if he was to do anything reckless, they would not hesitate to lunge down, up onto him. He placed his hands deep into his pockets so he wouldn’t loosen his shirt that suddenly felt a bit too tight.  
Then the blond one spoke up, with a voice surprisingly soft and pleasant.  
“Jeno,” he said, “it has been a while. You got us all worried with your absence.”  
The spy smiled and his eyes scrunched up into their usual moon slits. He lifted his hand slightly to stop the younger princes a step away from the chair laid out. Yukhei and Jaehyun did not go nearer, and there was a container’s length left between them and the others.  
“You out of everyone should know, that it is way too difficult to get a hold of you, Chan.”  
Chan laughed, his plump lips widening.  
“I would have thought that the infamous Diamond Snake spies would at least try. We might have let you, right Minho?” he glanced up at his partner. The boy, Minho, only gave Chan a quick glance before continuing to observe them, but his arms loosened a bit.  
“How rude of me,” Chan continued as he finally stood up, and waved at the chairs, “please, guests, sit down.”  
Then, for the first time, Jaehyun thought, he looked over at the eldest prince and Yukhei. After giving a quick nod and a flash of a smile to Yukhei, Chan’s eyes settled on Jaehyun.  
“I’m afraid we have no more chairs. I hope that is not taken as personal insult to the throne,” his eyes did not leave Jaehyun’s and his voice suddenly took on a mocking, challenging tone. Jaehyun did not break his look away from his.
“By all means,” he said coolly, “pretend I am not here. I have no role in this meeting other than being an elder brother.”  
Chan held his gaze for a second and then his smile went back to warm.  
“Perfect. Now, let me introduce myself and my boys,” he sat back down and casually waved his hand around, “My name is Chan and I am the leader of the Shenanigans. I welcome you princes, Snakes.”  
His eyes ran through the boys perching on the chairs. Jaehyun could swear Chenle and Donghyuck shook slightly from excitement.  
“This here is Minho, my Second and my advisor,” he continued, “and soon, if the situation demands, I’ll call the others forward. But that’s it for now.”  
Jeno grinned and Jisung smirked at Chan, who leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees.  
“Now tell me,” he breathed, “the reason why you called us together.”  
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