lady-quen · 1 year
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Offerings for Breadbug
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He's storing it for later. @dont-call-me-a-lyre
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musesofthemoon · 1 year
omg omg
fairy type, crux, it MUST BE DONE
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Yes, she mainly picked mons that are about her own size and you know what? Power to her, she likes little guys. Would you still love her if she was a Fidough?
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kazeofthemagun · 1 year
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@dont-call-me-a-lyre asked the summoner:
icons only, a warm fresh loaf of bread
Icons only
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What's the most frequent lie Kat tells?
"I'm fine. Everything's fine. I'll be okay."
While she has lived a long, long, mostly happy life based on her whims and desires, there are traumas in her past that have long plagued the demoness in question. She has her days where these things get to her, affecting her moods heavily. But she doesn't like to plague those she has gotten close to with her troubles and will default to "everything is fine" mode to deal with the onslaught of negativity until she either feels better or completely breaks down. She's not easy to get to open up, but here's the thing.
Even if it doesn't seem like it right then and there, Kat will appreciate a friend of hers(or a lover) forcing her to open up to them. So, if you ever feel like something is wrong and she's not opening up? Make her talk.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
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@dont-call-me-a-lyre sent;
hc + 📔 for a reading-themed headcanon
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As previously stated he really doesn't read much because it's a struggle and he has issues with it.
However on the off chance you do catch him reading there's a high chance it will be of a super cheesy, trashy romance novel (shhh you heard nothing) He's rather fond of them alright- as far as he's concerned this is the only romantic experience he'll probably ever know so will live vicariously through them lol
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shiroi---kumo · 1 year
[critically acclaims his majesty as well. gold star for the king]
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*sticker stuck right on his nose* and here I never thought he'd get more than one gold star.
He's a whole ⭐⭐ rating now!
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you’re going to a zoo right? might i suggest using these for inspiration: https://www.tumblr.com/octy-in-boots/736253861887672320
Hmmm... perhaps
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lil-kissy · 1 year
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dont-call-me-a-lyre asked:
✏️ + 1 music man
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I fully apologize for taking so long, here's one music lad (I had really considered doing a full big drawing using both your art asks with him and White Dragon- and maybe I will some day)
Couldn't get the idea out of my mind of him having a music note hair clip (Hope you don't mind)
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With a bonus, Human!Sielu
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doublekanble · 7 months
Lucifer-reader (gnc)
word count: 3.5k
the reason i dont write for women is because i would die doing so, anyway, im celebrating my first non-al fic with sleeping on time.
You have a brother. Not by blood. No. Never. You’re not Adam, nor are you Lilith, with skin the tone of light ivory and body defined by the dust  of earth and dirt. You two are not bound by blood, nor are you bound by the particles that encapsulate the vast universe beyond the haven you both resides in. Not even to the vessels you were born into, or the similar structure of your souls, the basis for all angels. None of those means will ever be enough to define the bond you have.
(“Hey! Over here!” He laugh and called out your name, you laugh and follow his voice.)
Lucifer is a dreamer, an idealist and a mischievous soul. All in heaven knows of his name, and almost all of them have less than beautiful word about the tiny Archangel. Looked down and frowned upon, Lucifer’s jokes and games are less than entertainment to most. No matter how many duty he filled out by hands, they will never look at him as anything more than a simple trouble-maker (let alone the fact the duty itself is utterly useless in your eyes, but you digressed).
His voice too loud, too grating on one’s ears. His jokes too immature and too brazen to another. His handwritten letters crinkled at the corner, his smiles too bright and wide. His footstep too loud, his eating too messy, his stand too proud and his ideals too dangerous and downright blasphemous.
At some point, your brother’s face, molded, heated, sculpted and paint by Father’s hands himself, once so bright and perfect, one that supposed to never aged, aged.
(He pulls you by the wrist and guide you both from Heaven, down and down to the Garden itself. Lucifer is the fastest angel (Archangel) you know, but you also know he like flying by your side, so you pull yourself forward a bit and take your time despite your own circumstance.
“What are you trying to show me brother?” you smile, pretending to be exasperated by his antics. “We’ve already seen the four corners of this endless place. What ever is there to be excited about?”
“Oh-ho-ho. You’ll see when we get there~!” )
In everyone else’s eyes, your brother is nothing but a blight at worst, an annoyance at best. But to you, he’s your older brother, who took you by the hand and shows you magic tricks and sing silly songs to you when you first met; determined to distract you from your crooked left wing bleeding gold (that too, he fixed for you). Ever since then, the once-dutiful you spent your free days floating by his side, and before anyone can say anything about it, you two were inseparable.
If someone finds you by a tree somewhere, they would find you with a lyre in your lap, strumming away a tune you knew by heart while your brother sang a song with no rhythm. If they were to find him by a once-white wall, they’ll find that you’re right there with him holding paint and brushes in your hand as he drew crude and unrecognized shapes. He walks and you follow. Where you can find one, it’ll never be without the other.
Those songs, the makeshift pieces of art, your good papers that he kept stealing and his paint that always stained the corner of each and every single one of your robes. Those are the happiest days you have and will ever live in your eternal life.
“Is this the surprise...?” You look around the breathtaking space you’re standing in, trying to sound as casual as you can while Lucifer blanched and turns from one end to the other. Sunlight streaming through the leaves as distant chirps of birds reverberate. Heaven is beautiful, but Eden is perfect. If only you can spend more time here right now, but you need to be back by Sera’s side in thirty minutes, like it or not. “I mean, this is always a welcoming sight, but-“
“Wait please hold on! This was NOT supposed to play out like this, she should’ve been here- Imeanuhhhhh nothing um I was not supposed to say that-“ he groaned and run his free hand over his face. “Just- Lemme go look for her- you hold on right there I promised it won’t be long I’ll-”
Patting the hand that was still holding onto your wrist gently, you smile. “Luci, it’s no problem to me, really.” It is, but you’re not going to let him know, “Whatever it is you want to show me, it’ll be perfect. You just tripped a little, that’s-oof!”
He all but crushed you in his arms, six wings encasing you in a hug so tight, you feel like being wedged in between the crust of the earth and the sea. But you still try to pat his back before he pulls away and fly off with a quick “Just a sec!” and then you’re left alone, still processing whatever he was saying. Whoever this “she” can be, you trusted Lucifer, if only he could be a bit faster. You pull a watch from your right front pocket and flip its casing open.
He have twenty-five minutes, you sigh, whatever the new surprise maybe, it’s surely giving him a run for his life. Just then, a bird suddenly came into view, it’s beautiful long feathers dance in the air as it pranced over to you, graceful and poised.
“Hello there friend…What a delightful little thing like you doing here?” lowering onto your knees, you hastily shove your watch back into its place and open your arms to the bird. The thing settled in your embrace, right at home as you rock it back and forth and sing it’s praises. “Such a friendly thing…”
He have about eighteen minutes to show you whatever he wants to. You really hope you can go back soon. But as you’re recounting a story to the bird about a problem the Elders were fighting over, some silly dispute about making another human for one of the first, you hear a faraway voice calling your name. Quickly, he closed the distance.
“There you are!” looking beyond disheveled, your brother re-emerges behind a bush at the twelve-minute mark – smiles akin to the sun as he collected his breath, “Ok, so before we do this, you’ll need to promise me something first. You have to keep this a secret. For now. I think…” you raised an eyebrow as you swept his hair back into place, he sputtered “-It’s not anything bad! I swear! Butttt I’m pretty sure we’ll get intotroubleifanyoneelsefoundoutsoplease-“
“Brother, I promise.” You laugh, bouncing the bird a bit, you hope whoever it is, they’ll get along well. “Now, what was it you wanted to show me so badly you pulled me from lunch break and then came back to me looking like this?”
He hissed with a slightly embarrassed smile, but quickly recovered. As he straighten up, Lucifer waves his hand over the tree next to the bush he just came from, calling out to it in a tone you’ve never heard from him before, calling out to her. The bird suddenly stir in your arms as it fling itself to the sky and pulled your attention from them, your eyes following the bird in dismayed. And when you turn back, you feel the air leaving your lungs as you stare at the most beautiful person you’ll ever see.
“Ta-da! Surprise! Wha-za!” Lucifer struck several ridiculous poses as she laugh gently, covering her mouth. But her attention quickly turns back to you, who stand frozen like a new born fawn with mouth half open. When she smile at you, you immediately understand just why Lilith the human was so beloved by Father despite her rebellious attitude, and wondered if Adam also is as breath-taking as her.
“Um, Heaven to you? You there~?” He knows what’s going on in your head. You know he knows, so you hit his arm and almost growl at him for the first time.
“Hello there. You must be Lucifer’s sibling.” Her voice like the wind. Her eyes the color of light violet. You immediately recalled the beautiful Chrysanthemums you took from the garden some days back, petals just as lovely, if not less, than hers.
“…Hi…” you breathe, and then jolted back awake. “I mean- uh- greetings. Miss Lilith. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you face to face.”
Her expression change just a bit, and you kick yourself down for it. “Please don’t be so courteous. Lilith is fine!” She walks forward and held onto your hands; you feel faint. “Lucifer told me so much about you. I’m glad I finally get to put a face to the name.”
“I hoped I’m fitted to your expectations, miss-“ she glares at you, you’re convinced the beating of your own heart weakened your resolve. “Lilith. Lilith.”
At this, she gives you a pleasant smile. “That would take time for me to know, now wouldn’t it?”
Lilith was merciful enough to let go of your right hand as she calls to Lucifer, who was smiling with utter glee in his eyes. But you can’t properly register anything at the time, completely defenseless and left to the mercy of Lilith as your brother ignores your bewitched state. You wondered just why does people also look down on Lilith. Everything about her screams utter beauty and grace. That is, until you came to and realizing they were both grinning at each other.
Lilith expression, though still fair and utterly lovely, was foreign to you. Your brother’s, however, help you realizing there’s no way in Father’s name you can go back to Sera with the time you have left.
Only ever seeing her from afar, you now find yourself drawn to her in the same way your brother was. As beauty is to the beholder, you would be more than glad to say that Lilith is the pinnacle of beauty. No, not just that, she must be the definition.
“-I don’t know how long I can hold this-“
“You’ll be fine Luci~” he groaned as Lilith turns to you and whispered “How long did you say he can stay like that for?”
You know he can hear you both despite her effort, so you look at him in the eyes and pretend to ponders.
“Hm~ At least two hours is needed for me to made the paint-“ you can do it in seconds if you choose to, “and my hands are so unsteady…” you can draw a circle, not perfect, but you don’t need perfection in your work, until today that is, “So… my dearest, strongest, most wonderful and amazing brother can stay like that until we’re done.”
She pulls you into her arms, laughing and aggreging with you as Lucifer seethes and curse under his breath. It wouldn’t take as long as he dreaded, he gives up half way through and opted to show you two some trick he learned instead. But it certainly was enough for him to weaponized it for the next 6 days. Lilith distracted you two from your sibling rivalry all the while.
You would’ve love to gawk and hand-pick each and every trait she have to write songs and poems about, but were you to truly do that, you’ll have to pick all of dear Lilith apart. Father’s skills and love truly shines through her appearance in every way. And yet, so distinctly, she’s not the same as everything else Father made.
As you observed the way Lilith would dance with Lucifer, you realized just how similar their souls are, despite being made from different molds and materials. Lilith brough to Lucifer a certain charm, a place for him to hang about as he falls. Lucifer in turns, brought a wave of chaos to her, one that she handled with utter grace and would indulge in. Her towering figure holding onto him as she brings him from the river they fell into, her lyre playing the oddest of tunes that somehow compliments his terrible singing. The faces he painted on the rocks in the garden are followed right behind with her own piece of art, just as terrible as his and just as lovely. All a lovely and gentle and beloved kind of love, but one where you suddenly feels like the garden isn’t a place for you anymore, despite them always calling your name and laughing with you.
And in the midst of it, you soon realized you can’t find the trace of paint handmade by your brother on your robes anymore, and none of your good papers ever disappeared with a mischievous grin hiding behind it. But as always, you followed after him when he offers his hand. And then one day Sera gives you an off-handed praise about finally distancing yourself from Lucifer, and suddenly, it hit you that it’s been a month since he draped himself across your desk and pull you away to play some games he came up with that day. Time passes quickly for those who do not live, and it passed by even quicker for dreamers living in happy days.
Unbecoming of yourself, you would fallen ill for three days and two night, not the kind where you would lie in bed and barely move. It’s the kind where you move with a fervor, unable to think for anything except from tearing everything in your room open and breaking every other thing that can’t be torn. Immortal beings cannot handled the concept of non-eternal love. It hurts all the more that the two souls you want to direct this anger at is the two you will readily die for. You grappled with the possibility of feeling betrayed and abandoned by people who never leave in the first place by punching at the walls until your knuckles tore open to the bones. How do you mourn people who never die. You do not know. So for those three days and two nights, you learned how to.
But jealousy is an unsightly trait of an angel, and honestly is applauded. So afterward, you turn to Sera and asked her for guidance, seeking the inner peace and order she and the Elders have been preaching all this time before you can let yourself find out what happened to angels who let the unsightly takes them. So that you wouldn’t ever know what happened to angels who let the unsightly into their room, yours was cleaned of all the broken and torn.
But forever, your heart still turned towards your older brother and his new love. Every time you open your eyes after a restful sleep, your thoughts are filled with them. And despite Sera’s advices, you would still seek them out just to listen to their songs, and as they dance across the Garden, you learned and made peace with simply watching on. Soon, a small seed, like that of an apple tree was planted in your heart and it grows every time they smile, with or without you, and slowly you find in you a sense of tranquility. Because by Lilith side, your brother’s once tired visage soon grow a new life, one better than you can ever hope to give him. And by Lucifer side, she glows with something you can’t ever put a finger on, as if being born anew every moment. So one day, you held onto her hand while Lucifer flies off to catch a duck by the pond.
“Are you happy by Lucifer’s side?”
Her graceful and sharp expression broke with a smile, so bright and gentle, just like your brother.
“As happy as I can ever be.”
Your own face, reflecting in her light violet eyes, akin to beautiful blooming Chrysanthemums, is one filled to the brim with mirth. You would embrace her in your arms for the last time as you bid the two goodbye and leave. From then on, you forbid yourself from ever entering Eden, even as your brother would beg you at times. You only send Lilith gifts and letters you wrote by hand, afraid of encroaching onto their garden, it’s no longer a space that belongs to you.
Far until the day you woke up and wondering what you’ll have for dessert. It hits you that life have returns to its state of normalcy, one where you think about Lilith and Lucifer having fun and one where you hoped they're laughing as loud as they can; for Lucifer is your dearest older brother, and Lilith your beloved older sister, not bounded by blood, not tied by soul. You hope he can get Lilith and himself out of Heaven’s grasp one day. Such a rigid place can never be enough for them.
Their yelling was so, so loud. Half of you hope to be anywhere else at all, and the other half hope you can go back to being a speck of dust in the galaxy. But you’re standing in the court of the Elders as they fought over your life, unable to wish and pray yourself away from here (it’s unbecoming for an angel to wish) and unable to process a single word they’re saying as you poured over the details.
(“Surely it knows! You can’t see it by anyone else’s side except from him!” “You’re the closest to that vile snake! You must’ve plotted together with him?!”
“Throw it down too! We can’t risk another one!”)
Your eyes flitting across the documents and fucking transcripts that was made over the days of the event and what happened after. Although their every motion finally written in clear ink, you can’t help but focus on one thing.
They took from the apple tree and dare gave it to Eve, Adam’s new bride. More-or-less tricking her and causing the downfall of humanity, the papers all-but stated.
(“I begged of you, they surely do not. For all this time, they have been by my side! For the past week, they haven’t even saw him!”
“How are you so sure?!”
“Are you saying I’m blind, Elder?”
“How dare you talk back! You wretched-“
A hand reach out, silencing the court. A single Elder stand with their eyes watching your hunched form. You were a particularly hard-working angel, despite your association and your actions at time.)
It was unanimously agreed that Lucifer and Lilith will be cast down to Hell, a palace made of misery just for them. Their thought crimes might've turned to outright blasphemy, but there is mercy in the arms of Father. Eve’s fate however, remained unknown. They’ll have a court session about her tomorrow, to be entice or to let yourself be enticed, a rock and a hard place. There’s talk and whispers in the walls, of casting her to the same fate as your brother and his lover the moment her soul leave her newly-made body. Your grief is with Lucifer and Lilith, fully aware of the real punishment.
(“Then will you, Oh Honored Seraphim, swear with your eternal life that this one won’t fall like he did?”)
Being able to escaped Heaven and the judging eyes of others would’ve been a dream for them. Somewhere where white and black rules and golden rigid structures won’t tie down their dreams of freedom and love. What better ways to break them than to let them watch the consequences of their blasted dreams.
She held onto your hand, as you finally collapsed on the stand and weep openly for all to see. They turn and discussed amongst themselves as you feel your breath gets taken away all over again.
“Honored Seraphim?”
“I swear to our Father, and to my eternal life.”
Sera grips on you is strong and firm even as she leads you from the court and back to your room, all cozy and warm and so unlike your burning heart and freezing body. She sat on your bed and held onto your shivering form, wide-eye and as terrified as the day you were born.
“From now on, their eyes are on you.”
You catches the glimpse on her face, miserable and heavy, masked behind a tough front. You wondered whether she knew this would’ve happened. You wondered if she’s doubting herself for trusting you. Your life now tied to her hand.
“From now on, you have no brother. You must stay strong.”
From now on, you both have no sibling. As you cry yourself into the dark, you briefly remembers Lilith gentle hand holding onto yours when you doze off, Lucifer sing a lullaby you can’t recalled, his voice normal and lovely. Now so far away from them, you wondered if there’s any meaning at all to dreams.
You once had a brother and a sister, not by blood, if only you could be bound to them by blood. Unlike the blessed humans, your regrets and sorrow cannot end in a single night and nothing in the world can ever take your ghastly form away. Your soul is made by hand, plucked from the infinite of the world; body melts in mold, sculpted from stardust instead of dirt. If only you too, were made of dirt. Instead, you now watch over the misshapen sculpted clays and dirt that made it to the pearly gates and take care of them as best you could. Jealousy is unbecoming of an angel, but you no longer care about knowing what happened to the one that fell.
You once had a brother and a sister, once. And ever since you haven’t, you’ve been dutifully and restlessly waiting until they can come back home.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
venti and xiao would be the best big brothers!!
venti would sing you to sleep whenever you seem to have trouble doing it yourself, and xiao would just loom over you /j
xiao would be so protective though i think
when their sibling can't sleep.
summary. how do venti and xiao comfort a sleepless little sibling?
trigger & content warnings. insomnia.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. comfort. venti & younger sibling!reader, xiao & younger sibling!reader. 0.5k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. youre so right alyssa (are we on first name basis? idk, please tell me if not haha) they would be the best big brothers!!! i imagine that anemo boys in general are just good brothers..... i should write for kazuha. i love him and i dont talk about it enough HSKSGAJFJF
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what do venti and xiao do when their sibling can't sleep?
venti gives the best comfort tbh. oh, [name] can't sleep? he's there in an instant. no hesitation. they'll be tossing and turning and suddenly, the windborne bard is tapping at their window with a grin and a wave. archons know where he gets that information from (the thousand winds told him, but no-one needs to know that the chatty little wind wisps are his source! it's a trade secret!), so it seems like he just has some kind of sixth sense for when they can't sleep because he's always there when it happens. he'll gently lay their head in his lap, gingerly fidgeting with their hair if he's not playing his lyre that night in particular. sometimes he'll rub little patterns on the skin of their shoulder and upper arm; his calloused fingertips are oddly soothing. his voice is undoubtedly akin to that of a siren's. he is a bard, after all. his voice is his career.
of course, in this case, his voice is his tool to get his baby sibling to fall asleep.
i like to think venti would sing them a lullaby from old mondstadt, maybe one he learned from one of his friends. he might opt for a softer version of a folk song, or maybe a lullaby he picked up from a different nation entirely. who knows? whatever he settles on, he expects nothing in return.
he usually doesn't stay the whole night through, but when he does, it's because he himself is struggling mentally and needs the company just as much as they do.
ultimately, venti is free as the wind, a fleeting yet soothing touch of comfort to ease the one he loves into getting a good night's rest.
xiao definitely just... looms ominously in the corner. /lh
he's not like venti in that he just knows when they can't sleep—more often than not, they have to call out for him. he'll always, always appear without fail when it comes to them. he always encourages them to call his name if something is wrong. sometimes, however, he might check up on them randomly and find out that way. he's very protective, indeed, and often checks on them in the middle of the night at random times.
nevertheless, he finds out somehow.
xiao cannot offer many words. he just isn't very articulate when it comes to offering comfort. he can, however, offer to cuddle with them if they so desire (he is hesitant, though; xiao is very terrified of harming them. he never wants to hurt them in any way. he'd never forgive himself if he did).
if his presence alone is comforting enough, then he'll stalk around their room, likely settling at the foot of their bed or somewhere where he can see them and silently and effectively get rid of any potential threats that might appear.
it's very unlikely that someone would break in or that a monster would appear, but xiao is on edge nonetheless. he's protective. he would never let anything or anyone even get close to bringing them harm.
xiao is, unlike venti, the lingering presence that scares off anything that might be preventing the one he loves from getting a good night's rest.
they're both very good brothers, they just show it in different ways. <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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lady-quen · 1 year
what if breadbug but in green
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musesofthemoon · 1 year
dark type team for mono bc i feel like they r both often misunderstood
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You know what? You're right entirely. He identified especially with Zorua and Absol here.
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kazeofthemagun · 1 year
[critically acclaims your critically unacclaimed kuroki kaze]
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
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dont-call-me-a-lyre asked:
ACHIEVED, for a scene from tim's past in which he completed / achieved something he was proud of
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Good Question
Unwilling to accept payment, Sielu made Timaeus an offer if it was that important to Tim he could repay him by taking part in the upcoming Stringed music competition as there just so happened to be a section for (Acoustic) Guitars.
Timaeus' foot bounced up and down, while he sat with his teacher waiting for the results of the prelims.
"Nervous?" Sielu asked although the answer seemed pretty clear to him,
"I don't know," Timaeus twisted his hands in his lap, while his heart hammered away in his chest
"No matter the results, you did your best and I'm proud of you for trying and remember our deal was only for you to take part,"
There was comfort in both the man's voice and his words, he was right it didn't matter what happened next. Pass or fail he'd fulfilled they're deal and it wasn't like he actually enjoyed getting up in front of a crowd... did he really want to do it again?
After the rush of playing on stage which went by faster then he'd expected now time seemed to move at a snails pace and was only when they noticed others hurrying to one end of the lobby that they knew the results had been posted.
Scanning the list and there it was right among all the others who'd made it through, Timaeaus heart jumped and thundered in his chest but this wasn't fear or his anxieties (well maybe a little) it was something else entirely.
A smile spread between both the student and his teacher and he didn't even mind the slight ruffling of his hair.
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shiroi---kumo · 11 months
weeeeeeee i love sending these
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
✢ I like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
✡ I agree on all your headcanons
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✪ You seem like are a cool person
❄ I look up to you
❆ I love your art
❇ I love the way you write
What do you need to tell me? || Accepting
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I love you on purpose. I love you so much. I love talking to you and writing with you and listening to your day and you talk about coffee. I love making adventures with you and seeing pictures of best boy. I love you and I love that you're here. You're wonderful. You're lovely. You're fantastic.
In exchange I can offer you 1 squish.
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icypenguin · 1 year
★~Venti Headcanons
hi guys! this is my first time writing headcanons so sorry if theres any mistakesss… but please enjoy thiss!!!
- he will go and pick apples with you everyday!
- on your birthday, he will bake apple pie but ended up failing… (dont worry he got you lots of gifts!)
- you guys will get in trouble most of the time but who cares as long as youre spending it with your love, hehehe…
- you guys will ride dvalin together when its those kind of night where noone could sleep.
- cheeks kisses are a must! they are his favourite spot to kiss
- almost everyday you have to pick him up from the tavern…
- afternoon naps under the tree at windrise. he will play the lyre to guide you to dreamland.
- PETNAMES ARE A MUST! he will definitely call you windblume, darling and honey.
~ a small drabble ~
“woah venti that was such a nice song! im very flattern that you wrote it about me..” i said to venti as he just played a song for me. venti was smiling like a little boy who got a christmas gift while he played that song. he’s such a sweet guy.. no other man could make me blush like this! “ehe, im glad you liked it, windblume! wait till i make another one!” told venti as he steal a kiss on my cheek. i immediately melt by the kiss and can’t help but return the kiss back. we layed on the grass for a couple of minutes talking about things we would like to do together, talking about our future. venti always talks about how much he would like to travel with me by dvalin, i was not sure of this idea as i don’t really travel that much. i’ve only been to liyue and thats the closest to mondstadt.. but venti keeps on begging me to, i can’t deny the puppy eyes and pouts he has on his face! so ofcourse i said yes. “reallyyy!? aww i love you so much my windblume! we will always be together and nothing will seperate us!” venti tackled me into a hug and i can’t help but chuckle at his action and kiss his cheeks. i just hope that venti won’t get lost when we’re travelling…
thankyou for reading! i hope its good enough.. SORRY IF ITS CRINGE AAAAA
anyway if theres any advices please do tell!
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