#doomfanger fluffy boi
mi-ni-me · 7 months
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Hooooooomygawd. This is exactly what I was ranting about in my last post! I should’ve been posted this, but of course everytime I try I get immediately distracted and start scrolling or completely forget and walk away doing something else 😅. BUT HEYYYYY IM HEREEEE, and I’ve decided this week’s spread is underfell based since that’s what most doodles I had were🌚. So let’s just jump right into it,,
1-4.)First off an Underfell! Papyrus spread cause I luv him and I wanted to have one to match his brother. I’ve been planning on doing spreads for each skeleton but obviously that’s going to take a little longer than planned lol! My underfell papyrus has no eye-lights, not because he’s blind but because I like it best aesthetically. I also hc he wakes up early to go to the store, but is still grumpy cause it’s 5 am…even though it’s his personal routine he did to himself🌚. Though! He wears sweats and that’s the ONLY time you’ll catch him in some sweats. His primary weapon is a sharp ended bone for easy access, he’s 6’6 with his heeled boots on, which are inspired by a certain someone. Finally, he has a stinky lazy cat named Doomfanger, I personally don’t like cats but I’d try for him,,
5,6,7.)HOO doggy I needs him😩 my uf!Gaster otherwise known as “Ego” n some background info for him and the boys when they were younger. He was the Royal Mad Scientist and very smart yet incredibly self centered, his experiments sons Sans and Papyrus stay home until he gets back after long hours and can be gone for days at a time. Though his oldest, Sans is very responsible they still wish he didn’t work his hours. Finally, before his disappearance into the core, his sons were both visiting before everything went down, Dr.Gaster, who after finally achieving SOMETHING within the core is faced with two incredibly difficult choices, he who is OBVIOUSLY MAD!!!!!??! Decides to instead leave his children in order to see the truth. This without a doubt is one of the first of many hardships young Sans and Payrus face.
8,9,10.)Last but not least a cat study page for Doomfanger since I found out I wanted to draw a cat without knowing how to draw a cat whatsoever, so I practiced!! Doomfanger is stinky cause he doesn’t like baths, lazy from lack of discipline (surprising but Edge can’t even yell at the poor thing.), and greedy from overeating, does this sound like someone we know?🌚 He has a scar across his left eye and half his fluffy tail is almost bare leaving only fluff at the end. Doomfanger doesn’t get along well with his uncle, which many find odd as they’re incredibly similar, too bad they don’t see it themselves. (Bonus Edge holding kitten Doomfanger, the beginning of a deadly friendship. And yes this one is noticeably newer than the others but it’s on the same page and fits the theme so let’s assume it was there from beginning 🌚😂)
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So I saw that you're ok with being spammed and everything, so expect to see me a lot :3
I just read about what the au's dream pet/favorite animal was, and I was wondering how they would act with an s/o who's a monster of that animal?
Hiiii, it's nice to meet you!!
Sans : He loves to poke them in the side to make them squawk, cackling each time. He finds their feathers really pretty, so he saves any of the bigger ones when they fall off. He doesn't view them as a pet, of course, more of like a s/o with a big "pet me" sticker on them. He also likes using their wings as a blanket, laying his head on their lap. He can't help that they're comfortable!
Papyrus : You lazy cat! He's constantly picking them up and moving them to sleep elsewhere. Papyrus will act all mad until they slow blink at him and start to purr. Oh... He guesses you can stay on the couch a bit longer..
Cobalt : Slinky cat s/o? Yes please. Especially if they're having zoomies. Yes, let's run around! Let's play! He's more gentle with them due to their longer spine, and chuckles while they dook(happy ferret noises). He can't help it, he has to copy them. Then they copy him. And it's a constant back and forth. After playing so much, even he is tired, resting on the floor to take a breather. Only when they plop down next to him and rub their face against his, he lets out the softest of purrs, happy with them.
Honey : With an s/o built almost exactly like Greater Dog, it means the ultimate cuddles. Good thing they're built to be lazy, otherwise, they'd be suffering as Honey's new pillow. Honey is constantly purring when laying on them, feeling as if he in heaven.
Red : Okay, Alphys wanna-be. Just kidding, he loves looking at all of their neat patterns and colors on their scales. He loves it when they scratch under his chin with those claws of theirs, letting out an accidental purr. Who's the animal, you or him?
Edge : Doomfanger is staring daggers at his s/o, letting out low growls. It's worrying because they are doing it right back at her, the two having their ears flipped backwards and tails waving behind them. Oh jeez. He can love both of you, now knock it off!
Nox : Look at those ears... Despite trying his best, he can't help but touch them. When s/o sits next to him, he pets them. When s/o lays on his shoulder, he pets them. They are just too cute...
Rus : Spider s/o... Are you related to Muffet by chance? All jokes, he'd go up to them and have them hold multiple things at once, eventually coming back and taking it back, saying a gentle thank you before going off to do whatever he wants. In the distance, there's a Nox screaming because he sat on a whoopie cushion filled with glitter... again.
Cherry : Oh look at you. He just wants to hold them and protect them constantly. He'd tie bows in their hair and around their neck to add to the cute factor. Then when the time comes around to have to shear their wool, he helps by getting the hard to reach spots. He then uses the wool to knit and crochet(yes, our boy can do both) to make little accessories for you.
Pup : They're his special guard dog, growling at anyone to come to close to him. They're more fit to be in the royal guard than protecting his anxiety-stricken self, but yet, they stay around to help keep him safe and others away. If you want him, you gotta talk to s/o first.
Wine : He'll stick to your weird fleshy self, thanks. He holds his human s/o close and Coffee taunts him with the bunny he got, using s/o as a meat-shield. Thanks, Wine, love you too.
Coffee : A fox... He loves that long, fluffy tail of theirs, sleeps on it all the time. The pretty colors too, ugh, he can't stop painting them. They're in all of his art works, now have becoming his new muse.
Moon : A cat! Oh, look at you! A new nap buddy to lay and sleep with! He's constantly squishing their face and playing with their fur. He promises to give them space... maybe after he pets them one last time.
Sun : He thinks he prefers the human s/o... at least he doesn't sneeze every five seconds around them.
Oak : Chimken... He likes to look at their feathers and likes touching them, feeling how soft they are. Due to s/o's species, they're real small, so Oak carries them around most of the time while he's working on the farm. Sometimes, he'll sit them with the other chickens as to help keep an eye on them.
Willow : Oh, those spots! A cow, sweet and always looking to rest somewhere, he spends hours staring at his s/o. He'd chuckle as his s/o stares in wonder at an actual cow, petting their wet nose. Although, it doesn't really matter to him, as long as someone loves him, that's fine.
Crow and Dove : Just another crow to add to their army, except this one talks and kisses them periodically.
Error : Stay the FUCK AWAY you messy creature! Yeah, good luck. It was a nice try though.
Dust : He didn't think that his possible future support animal would be lil ol s/o. He relies on them for any kind of emotional support, as he feels empty inside constantly. If s/o is wagging their tail, he's holding a small smile on his face. If s/o's ears are pinned back, he's threatening to summon an attack. It's that simple, really.
Killer : Another one for the collection. He probably found them at a bar, saw kitty, hit on them, and brought them home.. without permission. Nothing that octopus can do, because now Killer's emotional state relies on s/o. Sometimes, he'll rough em up just to make Killer listen. Ain't nothing wrong with a bit of bribery to make your employees listen after all.
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soothedcerberus · 7 years
Is Doomfanger a boy or a girl?
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Skeleton Pets Master Post
Some of the skeletons have pets and I want to make sure everybody knows who is who and which doggo belongs to whom, etc. Most of the pictures here are of actual pets. The only one who doesn’t have a real life counterpart is Hope, the Horrortale bros’ doggo. I’ll mention who each pet is “played by” down below.
Black and Rus have Artemis and Apollo. They’re newfies. Artemis is all black and Apollo is black and white. Artemis is played by a picture I found HERE. Apollo is played by my old dog, Sirius, who died about 10 years ago. He was a good boy.
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Sansy and Sweets have Hope. She’s a labradoodle and is white and kind of golden brown. She is played by a picture I found HERE.
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Comet and Captain (technically more Captain) have Stella. She’s a brown and white newfie. She is played by my current dog, who is really named Stella. She’s a goofball.
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Boss has Doomfanger the fluffy black cat. Doomfanger is played by my old cat Sheldon, who was the best kitty and who passed away at the end of 2020.
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Fictional Anne has Marshall kitty cat. Real Marshall has his own blog over HERE where you can see more of his cuteness.
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Rus also has Molly, a little calico kitty who likes to ride in his pocket. Molly is now played by my brother’s cat Sprocket, who is tiny and likes to beat up the other cats.
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Break and Tango have recently adopted a big orange kitty at their dance studio. Tigger likes to hang out at the desk with Break, but he also sometimes comes into the practice rooms to watch the dancers. Tango is trying to train him to dance with a cat toy.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Masterlist 2 - Skellyman gets turned into a cat - With Horrorfell and boys of your choice.
Here’s the old prompt
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And the original
Rust: he hates having to miss a day at work, but rust knows better than to trust any kids with him as a cat. He’ll get stuffed in a doll dress or something.
Noir: this potion came with an unforeseen consequence. Namely he could talk to doomfanger. It goes exactly how he expects it lol. She tells him to hurry up and go back to normal so he can keep spoiling her with treats
Gears: dude, as a cat he’s totally adorable. Even more than his usual. And gears is living it up. He walks down the street and every one coos at him. Gears becomes an internet sensation in just one hour. Oops lol.
Compass: well considering this dude prefers chilling in the trees anyways, that’s what he does for his hour. When you hear a loud thud followed by muffled cursing. You know he turned back lol
Lilac: dude turning into a cat was the worst for him because he was an especially fluffy one. And the fur on his tail got caught in his prosthetic leg. You had to shave his poor tail. Lilac sulks the whole hour
Basil: he pretty much spends the whole time glued to your lap. Any attempt to push him off wins you the sad kitty eyes. How dare you hurt his feelings like that lol.
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popatochisssp · 4 years
if/when you get the energy/time to- im really curious; what kinda fuzzy friends do the newer skeles have? does pitch have a seeing eye-dog version of princess? or does ell and/or nemo have a fuzzy buddy to help with their anxiety or anything similar or in-between? spare fuzzy friend hcs for the poor, ma'am????
Well, you asked for it!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): A cat named Annie (Ragdoll), adopted as an emotional support buddy! She picked him, really, just ambling right on up to him, and it was love at first flop-over-his feet. Having a little sweetheart like her to take care of has really helped to pull Ash out of the doldrums and he loves her a lot. She’s a big-time cuddlebug, just like he is, and they definitely spend a ton of time napping together, everywhere and anywhere.
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Annie’s Quirks: Extra chunky (master of the ‘I haven’t been fed yet 🥺’ con), stockpiles socks and undies beneath the bed, shameless catnip junkie
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): He feels like he’s not as active as he should be, lots of time spent indoors doing academic things, when there’s a whole beautiful world out there that he should be getting out to see at least sometimes... He has the idea that maybe an animal companion would be the right motivation to get up and out at least a couple times a day, and Cannoli (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) is the solution to the problem! They click pretty much immediately and are just very well-suited to each other, especially as exercise partners.
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Cannoli’s Quirks: Loves (short) walks, rests his head on any feet that stay still long enough, must sleep in the same bed as the people and will hop/bark/cry if he can’t get up there himself
Brick (Horrorfell Sans):He doesn’t know too much of the story himself, he’s sure he was told in more detail but probably forgot. All he remembers is, a friend of a friend had a dog who had an accident...or maybe it got sick? Either way, it went deaf, and the dog was too big and unwieldy for them to try to retrain themselves. But they had a friend who was HoH, and that friend was active in the community with lots of other signing and HoH folks and could ask around about someone who might be up for the challenge of having and training a real big dog that couldn’t hear a word you said to it. That’s how Brick heard about it, anyway, and he’s not deaf but he’s big, and he figures he probably knows at least enough sign by now to train a dog. And that’s how Tiny (English Mastiff) comes to stay at his place. They clumsily work on understanding each other, it’s definitely a Process, but there’s plenty of fondness there to make any difficulty worth the trouble.
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Tiny’s Quirks: Bit of a digging problem, gets very excited about balloons, likes to sit near people and lean his entire weight into them
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): This one may look familiar, but it’s fate-- Doomfanger (Persian) belongs with him and could find her way to him in any universe. ...But King was a little later getting to the Surface, and wasn’t there to pick her up when she was freshly on the streets. She spent awhile longer being an alleycat, a few years of living the rough life, and one day when she’s not quite fast enough to scurry out of the way of an oncoming car, it probably would’ve been the end for her... if not for the kind Samaritan skeleton who was just passing by that scooped her up off the pavement and brought her to a vet. King tried very hard not to get attached to her, especially when it was still looking like she wouldn’t make it, but he kept moving the goalpost of when he’d let himself care about her. ‘IF IT LIVES UNTIL MORNING,’ ‘IF IT MAKES IT TO THE VET,’ ‘IF SHE SURVIVES HER SURGERY,’ ‘IF--’ and then she looks at him, with her goofy drugged up face, freshly missing the foot of her back paw so that they even match now, and... And just like that, Doomfanger has a home and a devoted cat-dad owner and anything else she could possibly need.
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Doomfanger’s Quirks: Likes to be raked, makes an incredible fuss when shut out of any room for any reason, very spooked by loud noises and immediately runs and hides under daddy’s bed
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): He wanted a pet, especially when things were still a little strained with his brother and the nature of his...condition...made it difficult to make friends. He was lonely and a little pal would be very welcome in his home, but he’d also really hate to curse a furry friend with the ever-present threat of being dripped on and getting nasty bone-goop stuck in their fur... Ella (Sphynx) is the workaround to this unusual problem and makes herself right at home with Merc, happy to love on him whether he’s solid or sticky.
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Ella’s Quirks: Has an extensive collection of sweaters that she adores (will sit by her dresser and meow until she is clothed), great sense for emotions and tends to appear whenever she’s needed, transfixed by mirrors
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): He didn’t choose Ripley (Maine Coon), Ripley... well, he’s not even sure Ripley chose him. He definitely chose Ella, because that pretty little sweater-wearing vixen in the window is what drove him to bust into Ell and Merc’s house and start sauntering around like he owned the place. Ripley (named before they realized he was a boy-cat) was definitely feral, with a notched ear and a missing eye, but he just keeps coming around, breaking and entering, cuddling with Ella and sharing her food, and when he one day hops into Ell’s lap and curls his big fluffy body up there... Ell makes the (possibly bad) decision to just shut the doors and windows on this mean, fat bastard and make him commit to the self-domestication he’d started. Ripley’s fickle, anti-social, and nine times out of ten mean as hell, but despite it all, Ell’s attached to the fucker. Doesn’t stop him from talking mad shit about his demon-cat to anyone who’ll listen, but y’know, there’s a weird sort of love there, between them both.
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Ripley’s Quirks: Hates other cats and people, with Ell and Ella as the only exceptions (Ell sometimes, Ella always), does truly heinous things to birds and rodents and even bugs if the opportunity presents itself, an escape artist who is not to be trusted around doors or windows
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Ms. Sandy Peaches (Golden Retriever) is a service dog, trained to assist people with visual impairments in a variety of tasks. Pitch, who’d long been mulling over the idea of getting one such dog, eventually follows through, and as soon as he hears her name, he’s decided-- Sandy Peaches is the one for him! He’s been blind awhile by the time he gets her and generally knows his way around things, but she’s very helpful in his day-to-day and some of the things that were moderately inconvenient to get through before are only mildly inconvenient now, and her value as a helper and a companion is much appreciated.
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Sandy’s Quirks: Gets excited when it’s time to put her vest on and go work, thinks the appropriate amount of brushing time is probably about three hours, loves to go swimming
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He found Dizzy (American Shorthair) after an accidental click led him to a local shelter’s Instagram, where they had a video of her playing and a few hashtags that explained her condition. He learned a lot about cerebellar hypoplasia, aka ‘wobbly cat syndrome,’ and when he eventually made it back to her video and watched it again... it was too late, he was already half in love with her. He contacts the shelter and after a couple weeks making arrangements, purchasing necessities, and wobbly-cat-proofing the house, he braves the outdoors to go get her and bring her home. She’s probably 100% his baby within the first hour and he loves being able to take care of her and help a kitty that not everybody would have the time or dedication to take in. The love is very much mutual and Dizzy’s tail does the ‘omg it’s you, I love you!’ tail-quiver whenever she sees him and trots on over.
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Dizzy’s Quirks: Sixth sense for when there’s clean laundry to be laid on, likes to hold extended warbling and yowling conversations with people, chews on anything that crinkles (keep plastic wrappers out of reach!)
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): As soon as he knew he wanted a dog, he knew he wanted to pick up one of the less adoptable ones. Skipper (Beagle mutt) was certainly that, with only two legs--one in front and one in back. Sunny had a play session with the little guy and admired his energy and how enthusiastically he played, like his missing legs didn’t even phase him. Whatever happened in Skipper’s past, he’s not letting it be his problem now, and needless to say, he’s adopted and taken home in pretty short order. No holds barred fetch and spontaneous frolicking in open fields are a great bonding activity for these two, probably a match made in heaven.
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Skipper’s Quirks: Tennis ball fiend (literally can never have enough), chews on unattended shoes, loves to sing (read: howl) along to music
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): He wanted a guard dog, some big intimidating-looking thing that would look really, really cool guard the house. He finds Ace (Doberman/Great Dane), unfortunately with his ears already cropped (Aster wouldn’t have chosen the procedure himself), but otherwise a very handsome fellow and still definitely in need of love and a home, both of which Aster was willing and able to provide. He’s attentive with all the care and training his new pup needs, and when Ace grows up just as huge as predicted, looking like a cross between a panther and a hellhound, he’s become an extremely well-mannered and obedient dog, full to the tips of his pointy ears with love for Aster.
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Ace’s Quirks: King of naps, the worst nightmare of any strangers at the door (but very affectionate and loving once they’re in!), will tell you if you’ve stopped petting him too soon, boofing and trying to put your hand back to make you resume
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bigoltrashpile · 4 years
How would they react to meeting their friends big fluffy newfoundland dog?
I fucking LOVE dogs dude
Mafiatale Sans: He’s a fan of dogs, so he gets pretty excited.  That’s one fluffy pup.  If he’s tired, he’s probably just going to bury his face in the dog’s fur and take a nap.
Mafiatale Papyrus: He has a bit of a rivalry with the annoying dog, so seeing this dog makes him suspicious at first.  Once he sees that this dog isn’t going to try and steal his bones, he warms up to it.  He will gladly play with the dog for hours, using his own attacks as toys for fetch.
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): He absolutely LOVES the dog!  He will baby talk to it while giving it belly rubs, telling it that it’s a good boy/girl.  If it’s big enough, he might try to ride it into battle.
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): He’s more or less indifferent, but he can NOT resist the puppy dog eyes.  If he’s eating something around the dog, he won’t be able to look at it, or else he’s going to be tempted to give the dog his whole meal.  I mean, how can you say no to that cute wittle face?
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): He thinks that you’re pretty badass for having such a big, scary dog.  Then he realizes how sweet the dog really is.  And he falls in love.  He may or may not try to steal your whole-ass dog, trying to hide it under his suit coat as he leaves.  It doesn’t work.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Now, he’s more of a cat person, so usually he’s not a dog fan.  However, this big old dog steals his heart pretty quickly.  He’ll try his best not to show it (he doesn’t want to betray Doomfanger after all), but he would die for this dog.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): He finds this dog unbelievably cute.  It doesn’t matter that it’s almost as big as he is standing up, and super drooly, it’s the best thing he’s ever laid eyes on.  He’s definitely going to visit your house more often, if only to see it.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): Finally.  A worthy opponent.  These two puppies (metaphorical and literal) will compete for your attention non-stop.  Hound’s puppy dog eyes are almost as good as your dogs.  Besides that, he thinks the dog is a good cuddle buddy, very soft and warm.
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imaginationcemetary · 4 years
Swapfell Purple, Swapfell Red, and Underfell skeles reactions to having a kid that acts like a villain but really just has a hard time processing and expressing feelings? Evil laughter, plots world domination, lots of pranks that they boast about being a part of their masterplans,acting like they don't care about anything or anyone. And it is convincing until they find out the kid cares for stray kittens they hide in their closet. Cue kid's denials. Sorry if it is too specific. Have a nice day.
Nah, don't be sorry for being specific, it actually helps me out a lot more than you think. If you tell me what you're looking for then I can make sure I'm actually giving you what you want. You gave me some wiggle room so the answers won't be too similar, and I actually think the prompt is really, really cute. Also, you're the first person to ask for my Fell boys, so I hope you like them!
(Underfell Papyrus) Bamf:
Bamf sees a lot of himself in his kid and is really proud of his little mini me. When he was younger he used to act a lot like they do now. He wasn't really allowed to process his emotions due to how he grew up, so he'd put on an air of confident standoffishness and assholery around others, only getting to work on things when he was alone. So he gets it, and does his best to encourage his kiddo in whatever they do, giving them the time they need to process things their way. You wanna laugh like a cartoon villain? We're going to practice evil laughs together until you get it just right. You've come up with a plan to conquer the world? Let me just look it over for any holes or blind spots. Unfortunately, much like Sadie's mom Barb from Steven Universe, he has a bad habit of being overly supportive. He wants his kid to be happy, driving them to be the best at what they do, which can lead to the feeling burnt out and unable to fulfill his high Hope's and expectations. He'll never let his kid pretend not to care though. This is the surface and they don't have to live like that anymore. If something hurts, then it hurts, even if you don't know why.
When Bamf was just a bitty bones, he hid a kitten in his closet and raised it himself when his brother Fell told him that they couldn't afford to take care of it. She was a pitiful white furball that eventually became his truest companion. She was dubbed Doomfanger, because someone as terrifying and awesome as him had to have a just as terrifying and awesome of a pet, but he calls her Doomie when no one else is around. When he find out that his kid is doing pretty much the same thing he did, he gets really proud and feels like it's something else they can bond over. He tells the kid that they don't have to hide the small litter of kittens in their closet any longer. Doomie winds up adopting the litter as her own and soon the house is over run by a small army of kittens that both dad and child dote on together.
(Underfell Sans) Fell:
Fell gets it, he raised his little brother Bamf when they were bitty bones; he's dealt with this once already. The fake accents, the evil cackles, the plans for world domination, the pretending not to give a shit about anyone else because they're scared about what others think about them. He gets it, really....it just...gets annoying sometimes. He's totally down for diabolical prank wars with them though. Fell is pretty content to let his kid figure things out on their own, and when he's not, his involvement is a lot more subtle than his brothers. He's got ways of making his kid open up to him that'll make them think it was their idea the whole time.
Let me just say, that Fell hated his brother's cat, he thought she was evil incarnate. Despite not wanting her around though, he never actually thought about making him get rid of her. So when he finds his kid hiding a kitten in their closet, he has some flash backs to Doomfanger and her irrational hatred of anyone who was not Bamf, and is understandably pissed that his kid has been keeping this from him. He doesn't like the kitten, the kitten doesn't seem to mind him, but he doesn't actually tell his kid to get rid of it despite not wanting it around. The kid can keep the cat as long as they promise to take care of it themself and keep it in their room....It doesn't stay in their room for long and Fell eventually just accepts his fate to be plagued by fluffy things with a penchant for scratching him and then using him as a bed. He just hopes this kitten will help his kid soften up like Bamf's did.
(Swapfell red Papyrus) Rust:
Heh, you're plotting world domination? That's cute. Need your dad to help you build world dominating contraptions for your plans and props for your pranks? He's totally down. Wanna ramble about your plans and how much you don't care about anything? He'll chill with you and listen to whatever you're rambling about now. Need someone to hide behind when one of your ingenious pranks back fires on you? He's not gonna let anyone fuck with his kid, he'll dispense his own consequences if they go too far though. He actually pays a lot of attention to his kid's behavior and tries to engage with them in creative ways, figuring that they're acting out like this because they want attention. He's not gonna let his kid act like a total little shit, but that doesn't mean he's not gonna be laughing in the background when situations call for it.
Rus isn't the type of parent to snoop through his kid's room without a decent reason, but he is really perceptive and bears his kid quietly hushing their kitten's meow in the middle of the night. He's surprised at first to find out that his kid took in a stray, but then he feels pretty proud of them for it. He knew there was a soft spot in them somewhere and now he knows exactly how to nurture it. He'll wait for his kid to bring it up with him before he says anything, but he'll also secretly leave food and treats for the kitten outside his kid's door so that they feel comfortable and ok enough to talk to him about it, knowing that he'll support them.
(Swapfell red Sans) Razz:
Razz butts heads with his kid often, their similar personalities clashing and leaving both of them wishing for the attention and affection that they're missing out on. Honestly though, if his kid wants to act like a villain, then he's going to show them how to do it right. He'll push them to join clubs like the debate team or mock trial, because if they want power then they'll need to either get into law or politics. He won't interfere in any of his kids plans or pranks, but he will watch and then point out ways they can do it better next time. He wants to help them improve and reach their potential, but he's used to being more hands off. He's bad at expressing himself, but he wishes his kid knew that they don't have to try so hard to impress him.
Razz is more than a little upset to find a kitten in his kid's closet. How long has it been here? How come his kid didn't ask him to keep it first? He knows they don't get along well, but do they not trust him? When his kid comes home from school he'll have a conversation about their secret keeping and whether or not they're responsible enough to care for their new pet. If they decide to keep the kitten, it would help the two of them start opening up to each other more, helping them explore and express their feelings after the conversation.
(Swapfell purple Papyrus) Syrup:
Syrup is good at dealing with troubled children, but even he has difficulties with his tiny tyrant. He swears he'll lose his good eye light from rolling it so hard one of these days. He'll play along with his kid's hair brained schemes, plots, evil laughter, and pranks because he thinks it's hilarious to watch other adults get offended, but the whole time he'll subtly be trying to figure out why his kid is acting like they don't give a shit about anything and be thinking of ways to deal with that.
Syrup is actually pretty chill when he finds the kittens in his kid's closet. He's always had a soft spot for strays and castaways. He'll playfully tease his kid about their own soft spot despite their denials, but then he'll also ask them if they want to sign up to volunteer at the local animal shelter. Whether they decide to keep the kittens or not, Syrup realizes how much an emotional support animal could help his kid start dealing with their emotions better and researches how to get them registered for something like that.
(Swapfell purple Sans) Berry:
Berry is the type to sit his kid down and talk to them about their behavior. Why do you want to rule the world? What would you do with it if you did? What are some things that made you think it would be a good idea? He'd start looking closer at his kid's life to see what might need changing or what might be making them so unhappy that they feel like overturning everything. He won't let them pull any pranks that would hurt anyone else, but he finds the evil laughter harmless. He finds it disconcerting that they so vehemently claim not to care about anything. It reminds him of his brother's apathetic behavior and he wonders if he needs to look into therapy for his kid.
When Berry finds the kitten in his kid's closet he realizes that just like his brother having a soft spot for kids, his kid must have a soft spot for animals and not feel very comfortable displaying their softer, kinder side. He'll have a talk with them about trying to keep the kitten a secret from him and then he'll have to decide if his kid is responsible enough to continue taking care of the kitten or not. He agrees to let them keep if if they promise not to hide things like this from him in the future. He wants his kid to feel comfortable and safe enough to come to him with their problems, and he feels like it'll negatively impact them by being punished for coming clean about their issues.
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creative-poptart · 5 years
Would your version of the skeletons be pet lovers? And which types of pets would they own?
Absolutely! All of my bois love different kinds of pets and they all have a sort of affinity for one or the other. For the sake of this ask, I tend to stick to more “traditional” pets because while they like exotic breeds, not all of them are going to put forth the work for them.
UT Sans/Vanilla: Dog lover, even though cats are more fit to his style of how he acts. If he could choose a single dog breed to have, it would be a Samoyed, which is basically what the annoying dog looks like. Fluffy, white, friendly as all heck, and loyal too, that’s what he wants in his pooch.
UT Papyrus/Creampuff: Dog lover, and much more active in the dog’s life than his brother is. His preferred breed is a Border Collie, which requires a lot of daily exercise and can be trained well! He’s really into having a jogging buddy and a partner for various exercises every day.
UF Sans/Red: Snakes. This boi loves a good heckin snake. First off, they’re kinda creepy and deter people who aren’t friendly, but they’re also really cool. If he could have a single kind of snake, he’s going for a Red Tailed Boa, which not only has his signature color, but is a massive creature to boot.
UF Papyrus/Fell: Cat lover, if Doomfanger is anything to go by. They literally scream regality and elegance, even in the most awkward of times, and he appreciates that. His select breed of cat would either be a Persian or a Norwegian Forest cat, as both are majestic and gorgeous.
US Sans/Blue: Sugar gliders actually! These little guys are soaring around the house and having a load of fun, and he certainly has enough energy to keep up with them. Aside from that, they’re a lot of fun to catch when they simply glide off a bookshelf and into his hands, he’s never bored with them.
US Papyrus/Stretch: Birds are his favorite type of animal. He likes how certain breeds can be taught to speak and are really smart in their own way. His preferred feathered friend would have to be either Caiques for their goofy personality, or a parrot he can teach to speak.
SF Sans/Black: Cat lover all the way. I’ve mentioned this before, but he’s a softie to a bunch of animals, though his preference is cats. His favorite breed ever is the Munchkin Scottish Folds, simply because they’re literally the cutest things alive. Their stubby legs and folded ears are too adorable.
SF Papyrus/Rus: I 100% stole this from @imjustalazycat, but he’s a fan of reptiles, specifically lizards! There’s a single type of pet that he really adores, and that’s iguanas! They look super cool and they hang out together all the time! Lazy’s version of SF Paps (named Pup) has one named Kiwi!
Thanks for the ask @briarwynthemorphling!
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Swapfell Papyrus Headcanons
Like Stretch, he has an oral fixation to de-stress, but instead of suckers and pocky, he sucks on hard candy like Jolly Ranchers and Lifesavers. (He doesn't smoke. Rus tried once, but his brother was pissed as hell, so he never tried again.)
Hangs out with his brother and Blue a lot. They're fun to be around. His closest friend is Stretch. They have a lot in common, and talk often. Majority of their time is spent napping on top of each other.
Loves ducks. So much. They're so cute and fluffy and make the cutest noises. He adores smuggling the chicks home in his ribcage after he visits the park.
Speaking of the park, Rus goes there a lot. It helps calm him down. He gets to feed the ducks, cloud-watch, and relax in ways he hasn't felt since he was a kid.
Nasty boy. Mixes bbq sauce and syrup together to make condiment hell like some kind of heathen. Bluggh.
Collects jackets. His closet is full of fluffy hoodies, fuzzy zip-ups, warm pullovers, aviator jackets, and long plush peacoats. Finds them comforting and warm. Is hardly ever seen not wearing one.
A voracious reader. He spent a lot of time in the librarby underground. (He even personally removed the extra b, it was irritating him so much.) Given the violent world, it's very surprising the librarby was intact. Rus organized the books to their proper places, restored worn pages, and even brought in books he found from the dump. He's read every book in that library which has made him pretty smart. On the surface, he now has an entire wall of his room covered in bookshelves. The best way to get him to open up and befriend him is to ask him about his books. He will talk for hours if you let him.
Works at the library post-pacifist. With his generally quiet demeanor and love of books, Rus makes an excellent librarian. He also really pulls off the hot nerd look.
Holds a tiny book club if he has a close friend or s/o that also likes reading.
Doesn't really have anything to do with Rus, but his brother adopted a cat on the surface and named it Doomclaw. It's the SF version of Doomfanger. Doomclaw is a beast. It's very large and hates almost everything except Blackberry. Rus isn't too fond of the cat.
Has two pet turtles. They're chill, just like him. Named them Mishell and Squirtle. Rus had a third but it disappeared. (Doomclaw DEFINITELY had NOTHING to do with that *wink wink*) Rus was devastated when he found out. Black had to desperately hide the evidence.
Really likes vintage games, like Spyro, Legend of Zelda, and Pokemon Red/Blue. His brother, Black, does too, so they always geek out together about these games whenever they’re brought up.
Thanks to all those smarts he got from reading all the time, Rus always wanted to work in science. Undyne got him an apprenticeship with the Royal Scientist. But he quit when they started the DT experiments. He was disgusted by the very thought of playing god with monster's souls. This unfortunately ended his friendship with Undyne, but they become friends again on the surface.
When he's really anxious, he summons his Gaster Blasters and plays with them; it's adorable.
Just like UT Paps, Rus is very concerned with his self image. Internally, he's super anxious about how others perceive him, thus soaks up affection and compliments like a sponge. Constantly tries to appear aloof and distant, but it's all so that others can't see his weaknesses. (Think nerdy guy who tries really hard to look kewl, but is just barely pulling it off). Deep down, he's just an affection- and touch-starved skeleton who'll cling to you if you give him a chance. His anxiety and self-doubts juxtapose his natural charm.
Likes four-leaf clovers. Presses them flat between the pages of his books, and uses them as makeshift bookmarks.
Accidentally makes lewd jokes sometimes. He hardly means to and blushes like crazy whenever he realizes what he said. They’re mostly Freudian slips.
A total klutz. Rus has two left feet and trips on air.
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msmkcreates · 6 years
Hi! I'm back at it again with another ask lol XD Could you possibly do numbers 10, 11, & 15 (sfw) and 3 & 11 (nsfw) for Kitty and Red?? 😁 Thank you Ms. MK!😄
Any pets? Or plants?A huge fluffy white dog named Killer and a matching fluffy white cat Edge dubbed Doomfanger. Kitty loves them more than the boys by a ling shot, and both animals are legit only obedient for her.As for plants, Kitty had a gorgeous garden--her green soul gave her a matching thumb and each bush had a name. Sometimes she would sit in the garden for hours, soaking up the sun and telling the blooms stories...Red actually still keeps pictures in his inside pocket, even in Nova's world...though there's no guarantee he remembers they're there at this point.Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?Baths. Red is a huge softie, and Kitty is a sensitive soul, so whenever she gets overwhelmed or has a hard day, you bet he's already drawn a bubble bath with rose petals and scented candles, the works.He loves to help her relax in the bath, including massages and, if she was playful enough, bubble fights. And, of course, sexy times.Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?Edge decides vacation spots, Red and Kitty are just kind of along for the ride. Sometimes Red will slyly mention a place Kitty wants to go, and Edge will pretend its his idea.They've been lots of places, but Kitty and Red enjoyed Italy the most--delicious food, lots of history, and very romantic. Also, Italy is big on PDA, which pleased Red even as it embarrassed poor shy Kitty.Any kinks they clash on?Nah, they're pretty compatible. The only thing they seem to disagree on is when Red wants her to take control--she just isn't confident in her ability to switch.Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?Both are extremely vocal about their feelings during sex. Kitty seems almost stuck on a constant loop of his name and "I love you", and Red is the same with a dash of body worship. If they're EVER quiet, then they're probably making out intensely.
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"You're welcome! Do you have a tree around here I can put everyone's presents under? I got everyone something but I want to spend as much time with a certain someone so I can't go around and give them all individually." I giggle.
“It’s in the living room,” Red says. “I got a gift for you in there too. Hang on.”
He shortcuts the two of you into the living room. The Christmas tree is in front of the window, twinkling with lights and decorated with a variety of ornaments. You see colored balls with each of the boys’ names painted on them. There are no ornaments on the lowest branches, probably because Doomfanger is sleeping under the tree like a black, fluffy present. Red reaches around the cat and finds a present clumsily wrapped in light green paper.
“Here,” he says, holding it out to you. “This is for you.”
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
What about an S/O with reeealy long heir for their gender and just pulling it out of their mouth all the time. Or finding hair in food they cook. (Hair gets in mouths and it. Never. Ends.)
Sans: if you think a few stray hairs are gonna scare off the trash man, then think again. Sans’ hoodie could have your hair all over it and he would still wear it like 5 days in a row hghhfff.
Star: if you guys ever take a ride on his motorcycle, you have to be in the back or else your hair will get all up in his mouth. Not a fun experience lol. Star does think you look hot whenever your hair is pulled up into a high ponytail! He likes to pull it ;)
Honey: he can’t nuzzle the top of your head because your hair Will get caught in the gap between his front two teeth lol. Also honey will be a very grumpy boy if he finds loose hairs in his kitchen supplies, so maybe wear a hair net if you wanna cook?
Red: if you guys are cuddling, red will rather have his face in your chest than big spoon. Hair in the mouth/eye sockets is the worst lol. Other than that he doesn’t care.
Edge: despite being all anal about his kitchen, honey will still share if you clean up. Edge however does not share the kitchen. He’s the cook of this house! So your hair shouldn’t be be a problem there. Doomfanger is a real fluffy kitty, so edge is used to cleaning hair off of stuff too. This actually doesn’t bother him at all.
Mal: he needs his home to be clean and will vacuum daily if you live with him lol. Mal likes making accessories that compliment a persons most striking feature, so his gifts will mostly be cute headbands and hair clips
Cash: you know he’s found a hair in his food if you hear loud and exaggerated gagging. Other than that, cash doesn’t really care. Instead of poking your shoulder to get your attention, he’ll gently tug your hair. It’s closer
Oak: he won’t even notice if a piece of hair landed in his food. Oak inhaled his meals at the speed of sound. No hair is gonna stop him!
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These two will absolutely ADORE your hair!!! Papyrus and Willow are both huge fans of long/and or curly hair. They’ll want to brush it and learn to style it for you. Plus willow is crafty, he’ll even make cute scrunchies for you to wear. Papyrus might not make them himself, but he’d definitely gift you hair accessories. A common form of affection from them both is just casually running their hands through your hair and lightly scratching your scalp as you both chat.
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sexy-sans-the-ass · 7 years
What about the UF/SF bros pets? Like do you think that they have teacup the pig/doomfanger? And how they found them/their relationship to the pet?
Ahhhh this is cute. ----Edge (Uf Papyrus) He most Definitely has a cat. Its fat and fluffy and 100% named Doomfanger because this boi is a dork. Doomfanger is a little ball of spite and hatred with literally everyone outside of you, Red and Edge himself. It can even be pretty pissy around you guys at times. But that isn't often at all. Red (Uf Sans) His pet would probably be some big ass dog, tbh. Like a Rotti. Yeah. His Rottweiler's name is Dust, because its really protective of him and if you try to fuck with him it'll tear your ass to pieces and dust ya. He acts like the dog is a pain in his ass but whenever you come home to find him asleep on the couch the two of them are cuddling. Until Dust jumps up to greet you and scares the shit out of him. Then hes at the door too and practically fighting the dog to be the first to receive your affection. Blackberry (Sf Sans) He has a pet crow named Ink. Crows are remarkably intelligent creatures and he takes great pleasure in having a companion thats almost as cunning as him. Ink can actually be a little bastard, but hes protective of Black and he absolutely adores you. Black cant tell you the number of times hes come back from patrol to find the bundle of feathers sleeping all cuddled against your chest while you watch movies. Mutt (Sf Papyrus) This tol bean has a SNEK. Thats right, a big ass red tail boa thats as long as he is. And hes pretty damn long. With him being as lazy and calm as he is, a pet that requires little effort to take care of like a snake is perfect. Its name is Noodle, because thats about as threatening as it gets. It likes to wrap around him, drape itself over him, weave itself through his ribs and so on. The constant thrumming of his magic is nice and toasty and its drawn to it by its cold blooded nature. Its very affectionate towards him, and will seek him out whenever it knows hes home (yes the brothers let it roam the apartment). It also gets along surprisingly well with Ink and hasn't tried to eat or attack the bird once. ---I have three dogs, they are all my children and I love them. And I freaking love sneks. The precious noodles. I hope this is okay!!!
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starsgivemehp · 7 years
Some things 2 know about Catpernicus
* Red calls him 'Cat' for short. Meaning, yes. He got a cat. And named it. Cat. Lazy ass. * Red carries him around the house all the time. * Cat will literally just. Sleep on his face. And he will not give a fuck. * If Red is gone for approximately 5 minutes or more, Cat will cry. Once Red returns, Cat will run up to him and beg for pets. He is a pathetic Daddy's boy and Red loves him. * Boss tries to pet him, but he walks off, indifferent, breaking poor Boss's soul (at least he has Doomfanger tho) * He will play with Doomfanger a little, but once Doom gets too rough, he scampers off to find Red, who will be all sympathetic and love him. * He's fluffy. Very fluffy. And he's black with white speckles. Side note: Doomfanger is pitch black with vivid orange eyes, which Boss loves bevause they match.
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What if doomfanger gave birth to her litter in sans room ... ON HIS FAVORITE JACKET what would papyrus,sans do (* slides over a spider doughnut * Thiers more were that came from if you add how many she has and what papyrus names them *wink*)
-Absorbs donut-
UF Sans is so angry. So angry. That freaking cat. Bad enough that she laid on it, because he’s pretty sure he’s allergic to cats. but… she had kittens on it!
While Doomfanger is having her kittens, Sans is debating if he should burn the jacket.
UF Papyrus is freaking out. His darling Doomfanger! Her kittens! He’s running back and forth and wondering if he should get Alphys and SANS STOP WORRYING ABOUT YOUR JACKET!
The kittens arrive safely. In a large litter of…
7 girls and 5 boys.
The gals are:
Maleficent. Doomfanger Jr. Lilac. Lilly. Ginny. Margaret. Fluffy
The boys are:
Ripper, Jack, Prince Fluffypants, Leonardo, Donny.
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