molinaesque · 4 months
You are a super star for the Walton gifs because I get giddy whenever you post a new one! Thank you so much for the hard work you put in!
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
(Before the Turn of the Rogue)
Scott: Is it so hard to believe that someone would want to do something nice for you?
Rogue: YES
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
How would you have wanted to see the season 3 bedroom scene go down if Clarke didn't hold back her obvious thirst for femme disaster Lexa in her nightgown
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Have them fuck nasty 😤
Nah I'm just kidding
For real though, I actually took today to think about that because I think if you asked everyone in the fandom, you'd probably get a big variety of answers. There was just so much going on at that time and so many raw, unsettled emotions and resentments on Clarke's part. Realistically, I can absolutely see why she turned Lexa away (not the how tho, cuz damn).
But if I had to rewrite it through my own rose colored glasses, I would've liked it if Clarke had asked Lexa to stay and talk. Not even about the mountain or their people or anything that wandered too closely to those still healing wounds between them. More like asking Lexa about her childhood. What it was like growing up on the ground. Maybe about the different clans or what Lexa had dreamed about becoming before she was called to be commander. And I would've liked to have Clarke tell Lexa about the wonders of space. Not many though - that subject still holds too many nightmares. I would've liked to see them get to know each other beyond the pictures they have of each other as leaders and what they have to be as those people, and instead started learning more of the pieces of themselves that they'd learned to lock away from everyone else.
I would've liked to see Clarke grow sleepy to the sound of Lexa's soothing voice. Yawning while deliberately denying that she's yawning, even as she shakes it off and smacks her lips from it. And then of course, that fond little smile that Lexa always gets around Clarke, the one that barely kissed the sides of her lips but shines so brightly in her eyes. Usually in response to the skai girl's stubbornness, but that's neither here nor there. I would've liked to see Lexa offering to leave because even though the night had taken a very strange and unexpected turn, it was still lovely, and wonderful, and she likes to think of herself as chivalrous when circumstances allow, and regardless of what did or didn't happen, oh, you could see just how happy her little Heda heart was to have had that time together.
Without the usual looming thundercloud of Clarke's animosity.
I would've loved to see her trying to urge Clarke to go to bed and rest, only for Clarke to ask her to stay a little longer. To join her on the bed - sensibly, only because the bed was more comfortable than the old spindly chairs of her guest suite - and keep talking about all the good things on earth. Because she usually can't sleep anyway and because... that was the first night since she'd walked away from Camp Jaha that the demons of her past have been quiet.
I would've liked to see Lexa's internal battle of her emotions play out in nothing more than a series of blinks. A stuttered breath. The catch in her chest as she unfolds and refolds her hands in her lap. All the tiny cracks in her armor that you have to be looking for just to see, but they're the ones that give her away every time.
Because even tho she'd hoped— Even tho she'd thought, maybe Clarke's relief at her winning and staying alive might mean something for them... Even tho she'd come here with every intention to open herself up to whatever Clarke was willing to give to her, to connect with her... she hadn't at all anticipated the night to go quite like this. So intimate and bare, but not at all in the way she'd yearned for when she'd knocked on Clarke's door, blood still hot from the battle and the look Clarke gave her across the arena.
This was sweeter than she'd anticipated, somehow deeper, and her hunger and love for this woman is all the more terrifying for it.
But Lexa does stay, because she really is quite terrible at denying Clarke anything within her power at that point. Not that she wants to anyway. Not now that Clarke looks at her from under her furs with soft questioning eyes, instead of darkened pools filled with betrayed disgust.
I would've liked to see Lexa settle down on the bed, above the furs with her back sloped against the iron headboard that is terribly uncomfortable against her skin, but she'll bear it. And as she picks up the thread of what she'd been talking more to settle her own nerves than because she actually knows what she's saying. She's just babbling, which entirely unbecoming on The Commander but what else she can do when she's this close to this woman?
And ok fine, she's not a saint.
She does like the feel of Clarke's eyes on her. She likes the thrill that rushes through her at her own boldness careless ease when she adjusts her legs, lifts her knee just for comfort and, oops, lets the loose hang of her nightgown slip down to pool at her hip. It's an~accident~ she doesn't bother to fix, just like when the thin strap falls down off her shoulder as well. She's just comfortable in Clarke's space so it's totally, totally fine.
It wouldn't escape her (or us, the faithful viewers) that Clarke doesn't look away.
And I would've liked to see her watch as Clarke grew sleepier. Watched her very obviously struggle to stay awake by asking Lexa the most mundane questions could think of through her half-slurred haze as Clarke adjusts and readjusts and every time she finds herself that much closer. Until eventually there's nothing for it, she's just pressed against Lexa's side, and it's nothing to wrap an arm around Lexa's waist and push close. Lean her head on Lexa's shoulder and breathe in the scent of whatever soaps Lexa used in her post-battle bath (you hear that, Clarke. S o a p). And I would've liked the scene to end on Clarke drifting off to Lexa's comfort. To the feel of Lexa matching her every breath. To the gentle weight of Lexa pressing a kiss she'll insist in the morning that she was too sleepy to remember to the crown of her head.
That's how I would've liked to see it go.
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gonna say something I can’t believe I’m going to say
I kind of want to watch s7 of the 100
I really had no clue what was happening in it when it was airing but scrolling through gif sets has at least made me interested in Murphy’s storyline
Hotel California plays
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countessvalentines · 3 months
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Private Dancer
pairing: cooper howard/f!reader
word count: 2.1K
warnings: 18+ Only, Minors Do Not Read!! sexual tension, smut, P in V sex, light bondage, swearing,
summary: you meet cooper howard at a vault tec singles mixer after his divorce, things heat up when he recognizes you from your night-time activities...
notes: this is my first time posting a fic, pls be nice :)
dividers by @saradika
gif by @doortotomorrow
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This is definitely not where you'd thought you'd find yourself on Valentine's day… in an over-expensive and exaggerated bunker.
Vault-Tecs Hollywood Vault just happened to be completed on Valentine's Day, so they combined their grand reveal with a singles mixer. They definitely know how to put a positive spin on the end of the world, or at least, try to.
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The place is decorated to the nines… even Vault Boys dressed like Cupid. The usual blue and yellow replaced with pink and red, hearts everywhere and roses sprinkled throughout. There are people dressed in the trademark jumpsuits going around passing out champagne, and you grab the closest glass as it passes by.
You don't even know what youre doing here,
this isn't usually your idea of fun, but Vault-Tec damn near guaranteed to match you with the "ideal partner" after all of the personality tests they made you do. You figured, what do you have to lose? They have so much money and if you get a free few drinks and a night out on them, it's worth at least an hour of your time.
"Ya got anything stronger?" a familiar voice sounds from behind you and I instinctively turn around. No. It can't be. Cooper. Fucking. Howard. You'd heard about the divorce, so did everyone, but this is the last place you'd expect to find him. A Vault-Tec singles mixer? They must have paid him to make an appearance.
Before you realize you've been staring, he makes eye contact with you and dips his hat in my direction. You're frozen and starstruck, he was your first crush…
You used to watch his movies every Sunday, they'd comfort you when you were sick…and when you werent. It's too late to run as he approaches you and you do your best to think straight.
"Pardon me, miss. I think you dropped something." He says as he points down to the red, heart-shaped clutch you swore you were holding a minute ago. You blush in embarrassment and begin to bend down, but he beats you to the punch.
He stands up and holds the bag in one hand, holding it out for you to retrieve. Still apple cheeked, you reach for the bag and your hand brushes his, and let it linger a little too long.
"Of course, I try to make a good impression and I end up looking like a fool instead."
"No, not at all. We movie stars all just look slick because we get to do it more than once. In life, we just get the one shot."
You grin at his immediate charm and winning smile. It's hard not to blush, but you try to cover your girlish glee by taking a sip of champagne.
"Cooper Howard." He introduces himself as if the entire world doesn't know who he is.
You introduce myself in turn and he clinks the glass of whiskey he was just handed against your champagne glass.
"I hope you don't mind me sayin, but, you don't seem like the type of woman to be at a function like this."
It's not what you expect to hear, and it seems to be a compliment… it can't be, right?
"Oh? What makes you say that Mr. Howard?" I ask earnestly.
"Well, you're one of the Dollface Dames ain'tcha? One of Lola's girls."
As a married man for most of the time you've been a burlesque performer, you wouldn't have expected him to have seen me on that tiny Santa Monica stage.
"How'd you know that?" You ask with piqued interest.
"I've been a regular at that bar, oh, going on ten years now. Usually don't make it to the Wednesday night shows, on account of being a workin' man and all. But, lately, I ain't been workin' as much, found myself there the last few shows."
"I can't say that makes me feel any less embarrassed around you." You confess.
"Oh, forgive an old cowboy if I've made you uncomfortable…"
"No, it's just that… you know what's underneath this dress." Your cheeks only get redder and you feel yourself even more flush than before.
Cooper seems to blush along with you, and gives a sideways smile.
"I s'pose I do…" He trails off as he takes his own awkward sip. By the look on his face, you feel like he might be picturing it…
"I'd ironically feel more comfortable taking my clothes off in front of strangers." You continue earnestly.
After a pause that seems like it lasts an eternity, you get the courage to break the silence.
"You're right though…" you agree. "It's not my usual scene." You take another sip of champagne, polishing it off and putting the glass down on a nearby tray.
Cooper exhales a laugh. "Yeah, I think im with you on that."
The thought of Cooper Howard twirling around a bar half naked with glimmering rhinestone panties is enough for you to erout into laughter and he can't help but join you.
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You lead him down hallway after hallway, twisting and turning until you're sure that it's far enough away.
You press the button on the wall, and it opens into a spacious suite. There's a balcony that overlooks the simulated pacific ocean with a perpetual sunset. It's quite breathtaking, but you're not here for the view.
You motion for him to follow you inside and you take his hand. You lead him to the edge of the bed and push him gently against the chest.
"Ready for your private performance Mr. Howard?" You ask, taking a pose in front of him.
"As I'll ever be, sweetheart." He replies, resting his hands on the bed and leaning back slightly.
You begin to dance seductively to the song playing in your head. You turn around, facing away from him and swaying your hips from side to side. Slowly you pull one sleeve of your dress down over your shoulder. You flash your eyes to catch his gaze and smirk when you notice him transfixed.
The dress gets to your waist and you pull it down slowly so it pools at your ankles. The black lace of your underwear enhancing the beauty of your skin.
Again you turn, this time facing him. Your hands crossed across your chest to hide your immodesty for now.
You manage to reach a hand up in your hair and grab it between your fingers, twirling it and pulling it in a flirtatious manner.
Cooper is watching intently, eyes barely blinking as he follows your movements. You turn your dance moves into steps, moving closer to him. As you do, you notice his growing erection and can't help but bite your lip.
It's then you feel is best to reveal your assets fully to him, and you teasingly move your arm away from your chest.
"Ain't you a sight." He says in a raspy, deep whisper.
You're so close now that you're standing between his thighs, you lean forward, sliding your hands from his shoulders down his arms to his hands. You pick them up and place his hands on your waist before you whisper in return.
"Your turn, Mr. Howard."
One by one you begin unbuttoning his black, button down shirt and kissing each bit of skin you uncover, leaving little red lipstick marks behind. You're able to get to his navel before he puts two fingers below your chin and forcefully pushes up so you look at him.
He leans down to catch your lips with his and kisses you deeply. He runs his tongue over yours before sucking your lower lip. You stand up briefly, only for him to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer.
Without a thought, you straddle his waist and begin undoing his embellished, silver belt buckle. You're able to pull it out of the loops of his black jeans, but then he grabs it from you.
For a moment, the flurry of kisses stops and he smirks at you. In a matter of seconds, he's expertly tied the belt around your hands.
You've no choice but to keep them together in front of you and he tightens the grip so you can't get yourself free.
"Now, that ain't too tight, is it darlin?"
You're taken aback so much all you can do is shake your head no. You weren't expecting it, but you also weren't expecting to be so aroused because of it either.
He nods and sits up on the bed for a moment to unbutton and remove his jeans and boots. His attention goes back to you, kneeling with hands restrained.
With calloused fingers, he grabs your jaw and whispers so close you can feel his lips move against yours.
"You're sure you want this?"
You nod softly before taking his lips in yours again. After a few more passionate kisses, you move your lips to his chest, down his stomach and on his inner thighs.
You push your body against his so he lies back, your silky hair brushing against his sensitive skin. You look up into his eyes, watching you with lustful interest and you smile knowingly before taking his cock in your lips.
A blissful sigh escapes him as his lead leans back in pleasure. You wrap your mouth around the tip, then remove it briefly before taking a bit more of him between your lips and repeating, tasting more and more of him each time your mouth returns.
You feel his strong fingers intertwine with your hair and pull, instinctively you look to him in response.
"Cmere." He motions with his free hand.
You adhere to his request and he slides his hands over your breasts, to your sides and your waist. He digs his fingers into your skin as he pulls you against his body.
You place your tied hands behind his neck and wrap your legs around his waist. He's holds you up with ease, his strength evident.
Effortlessly, he lifts you and slides you onto his length gradually. He exhales a satisfied groan as he begins to move you both. He fills you entirely, and you can't help but whimper as he continues to guide you along his shaft.
You feel your arousal build faster and the sensations of lust increasing, your hips instinctively grinding against him. You yearn to feel him, to feel the way his cock feels inside you and how he positions it just so.
He puts one arm underneath you to hold you up and with the other, his fingers reach between you and find your clit. He starts swirling his finger around in a circle over the sensitive bud as your whimpers get more and more frequent and higher pitched.
"Cooper…don't stop." You plead with him in a whisper against his cheek.
"I don't intend to, darlin." He reassures, his breath hitching and his own groans and grunts creating a melody of sexual pleasure.
As he promised, his fingers continue to expertly stroke your clit, and his cock continues to buck into you as he leads you to the nearest wall to push you into it.
With a soft thud, he pushes into you and buries his face in your hair. You can feel your muscles contracting around his shaft, your
cunt throbbing in time with his thrusts.
"That's it, baby." He coos in your ear. "Come for me." Coopers instructions reverberate through your body and it doesn't take long for it to oblige.
You feel yourself convulsing around him, your head tossing back and your hands trying to grip his shoulders. You claw at him as you feel your ecstacy reach its peak. You scream in time with your release, repeating his name over and over like a prayer.
"Cooper…Cooper… mmm." You try to speak in between gasps but are unable to say much.
He follows quickly behind, his release spilling into you and you can feel the warmth flooding you inside. You plant a soft and tender kiss on his gasping lips, gripping him tightly with your thighs.
His body starts to come down, the both of you catching your breath and holding each other skin to skin. Neither one of you want to break the contact, and Coopers eyes flutter open to meet your gaze.
"That was one hell of a dance, sugar."
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silalcarin · 8 months
(Warning for the strong language)
So, are we just gonna ignore three major things that Squall Leonhart — a 17-year-old kid who's both emotionally-stunted and socially-inept — did for the girl he loves?
1) He walked across an entire fucking ocean, while carrying the comatose Rinoa piggyback-style, to find a country that's been hidden for almost 20 years, to find his older sister who may or may not even be there, on the off-chance that, with Ellone's and Esthar's help, Rinoa may finally wake up from her coma.
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2) He left his escape pod and jumped out into fucking space to save Rinoa from dying while she's running out of oxygen, despite not even knowing if he can really save her and not even knowing if they'll be able to return to said escape pod. (Granted, as a Sorceress, Rinoa probably could've still survived... but, since she wouldn't be able to transfer her powers to another woman to succeed her, Rinoa would never be able to die, and since Squall definitely would've died due to not having any supernatural powers, Rinoa would've watched him die and she'd be all alone in space. That's even worse.)
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3) After getting called out by Quistis and Zell over his decision to let Rinoa be cryogenically frozen so that her Sorceress powers are sealed and Ultimecia won't possess her again (considering that Rinoa would be sealed up for who knows how long, she basically agreed to be killed. Please remember that this girl is only 17) and being reminded that, after everything he'd done to bring her out of her coma (see #1 and #2 above), he's running the risk of never seeing her again, he goes to the Sorceress Memorial to free her. How does he do that? By fucking slashing the cryocapsule in half and catching her in his arms.
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Bear in mind that he did all of the above before he chose, of his own volition, of his own free will, to become her Sorceress Knight.
Squall never does shit half-assed, especially when it comes to Rinoa. For her, he'll go above and beyond, and he'll do it because he wants to — even if it makes him an enemy to the rest of the world, or, worse, it'll get him killed.
Never doubt, for a second, just how deeply in love Squall is with Rinoa, to have done all of that for her when they're both just 17.
P.S. — Special shout-out to @squinoas , @waltzforthemoon , and @doortotomorrow for your amazing GIFs!
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Vidas Pasadas (Past Lives)
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Gif by @doortotomorrow
Also on AO3
Part One // Mini-Series Masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Latina!Reader (Spanish speaking)
Song inspo (used in chapter): Cuando Vuelva a Tu Lado - Eydie Gormé & Trio Los Panchos
WC: 2.8k words
Chapter Summary: Shifting between the past and the present, there are two sides to your relationship with Cooper… even if you’re unaware of who he is now.
Warnings: MINORS DNI THIS FIC IS 18+, implied mutual pining, slowburn-ish, angst, canon typical violence, abduction (by raiders), swearing, smoking (it was common in hollywood back in the day dont get mad at me), some Spanish dialogue with translations, the ghoul being the ghoul, also reader gets bonked in the head by a raider, let me know if I’m missing anything otherwise!
In the past….
It was the very last scene of the film.
You and Cooper were riding horses off into the sunset, awash in romantic, golden lighting. He had saved the day, once again, and the girl to boot. 
Not that the girl needed any saving, he didn’t think, but you already made that very apparent on screen. He wondered if the writers would ever make a version where you saved him.
“So, your lone ranger days are over, huh?” You asked, glancing at him.
He grunted, a smile starting to pull at his lips. “Can’t say I’ll miss ‘em.”
“That so?” You hummed in thought. “Thinkin’ of settlin’ down, are you?”
“I got my own ranch, if that’s what you’re askin’. But I ain’t retirin’ yet,” he said. “But if you’re askin’ if I’m thinking of going steady with you, well…”
You rolled your eyes playfully, inching your horse closer to his. “Oh come on now, don’t leave a girl in suspense!”
“I wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble if I didn’t want you around, now would I?”
He smiled that dazzling smile of his, and the butterflies fluttering in your stomach were genuine.
“Oh, amor mío…”
You pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him to seal the deal. It was sweet, passionate, and full of promise. Cooper’s hands cradled your face gently, and for a moment you forgot you were in the middle of a film shoot. 
But when the director called Cut! and the cameras stopped rolling, you pulled away with a laugh.
“I don’t think we’re allowed to use that much tongue, Coop,” you said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“God, the crowds will be scandalized!” He said, not sounding concerned in the slightest. “Here comes Ernie.”
“Electrifying take, you two,” Ernie, the film’s director, said with a little wag of his eyebrows. “But let’s tone it down in this next take, alright? Trying to keep this picture for all audiences.”
“Alright, alright, go get the lady some water, why don’t’cha?” Cooper said, waving him off. “Looking this good on camera all day is tiring.”
You chuckled, bending down as a makeup artist rushed to your side to retouch your powder. A production assistant followed suit, bringing two water bottles for both of you. 
You took a long pull from yours, accidentally spilling some down your chin. Cooper’s eyes were momentarily drawn to the thin rivulet of water traveling down your neck as you cleaned up with a handkerchief.
“Say… you didn’t get uncomfortable with the amount of tongue, right?” Cooper asked, averting his gaze and clearing his throat nervously. “I got a little carried away, but I'll keep myself in check from now on…”
“Oh, please, Coop,” you said with an all too casual shrug. “All part of the job. Plus, it wasn’t just you who got carried away.”
He didn’t say anything, taking a sip of water instead. In all the years you’d worked together, he’d cherished your friendship immensely. But he had to admit that having a more intimate knowledge of you made it impossible not to feel the echo of something more. Something he had deeply repressed so as not to acknowledge it. 
He was ignorant that you were in the same position, valuing what you had instead of listening to your foolish heart. You’d had a few partners, distractions here and there, but no one ever seemed to be quite right. Better to be alone than to settle for just anyone, right?
“Been meanin’ to tell you,” he said, changing the subject. “Barb’s been askin’ when you’re gonna come over for dinner. Janey misses your arroz con leche.”
Your lips curled up at his accent, which always managed to have the same effect on you. “How about Saturday? I think we’ve got the day off then.”
“That’s perfect.” He leaned in closer and lowered his voice, as if pretending to share a secret. “Truth be told, I’ve missed it too.”
You shook your head with amusement, those damn butterflies stirring in your stomach once more.
“Back to one now, please!” Ernie called from his chair across the set. 
The two of you took your original positions, slipping back almost naturally into the role of lovebirds.
The Present…
You were humming to yourself again. An old bolero tune that took him a few notes to recognize. 
“Cuando vuelva a tu lado,  no me niegues tus besos, que el amor que te he dado, no podrás olvidar.”
(When I’m by your side again, don’t deny me your kisses, for the love I have given you, you won’t be able to forget)
It was the song you’d sang in one of your films, in a scene where he saw you for the first time. A little musical number to show off your skills, your voice. He’d been genuinely hypnotized, he recalled.
The recognition hurt him a surprising amount, and he couldn’t bear to listen anymore.
“Quit it,” he snapped, making you cringe. “You wanna alert others of where we are?”
“S-sorry, just something I do to distract myself…” you said, pursing your lips. 
“That’s why they want you in New Vegas?” He asked. “Pretty little songbird of their own?”
“You keep complimenting me while making it sound threatening,” you said before you could think twice about it, immediately wishing you could take it back. 
He let out an amused huff. “It’s all part of the charm.”
Charm, alright. You thought as you raised an eyebrow. 
“To answer your question… Yeah, that’s exactly why they want me there. Signed the dotted line on that a long, long time ago.”
“And if you don’t make it there?” He asked. “What then?”
You slowed your pace, fearful of what he might be insinuating. “Well… then I guess they would be out of luck, but not money. Washed up movie star like me, I don’t think I’d cost them very much.”
“Oh, I doubt that very much. ‘Round these parts, we only got the past to escape to,” he said with a grunt. “Not to mention, you’re quite easy on the eyes.”
You swallowed hard, face heating up as you glanced back at him over your shoulder. You caught his roguish grin, which only made you even more flustered. The compliment was genuine enough, but you still weren’t sure how to take it.
“And you haven’t even seen me all dolled up,” you joked half heartedly, which prompted him to hum in thought.
And there it was again, that feeling that you were missing a crucial piece of the whole puzzle. There was a certain familiarity to his voice, but maybe you were just hearing what you wanted to hear.
“So I am going to make it there, then?” You asked. “I’m sure they’d also repay your kindness if you delivered me relatively unscathed.”
“That’s the plan, sweetheart. Was just makin’ conversation,” he said, but his tone was borderline noncommittal.
You lapsed into silence for a few minutes and stared out at the arid plains endlessly unfurling before you. You passed by a cluster of ruined houses, the wind whistling a melancholic note as it passed through smashed windows and yawning door frames. 
Even before the great war, the world was not an easy place to navigate by oneself. Sure, there were plenty more precious commodities, but you never learned all of the rules of life.
Out here, you weren’t sure you’d be able to either, but in a way, it was kind of nice to have a clean slate. If all went well, then maybe you’d make more choices you hadn’t been brave enough to make in the past. 
The urge to sing rose within you once again, but you tamped it down. 
“It’s ironic,” you found yourself saying, a wry smile pulling at your lips. “I starred in a couple of westerns, but I never thought I’d have to brave the actual desert. Feels like I’m finally living the real deal, in a way.”
“That so?” The ghoul drawled. “You have a thing for cowboys or somethin’?”
“Can’t say I don’t,” you confessed, a shade of nostalgia in your voice. “Or at least I used to, for one in particular.”
This stunned him into momentary silence. Surely, you couldn’t be implying… He shook his head, not letting himself believe it. 
To hide his shock, he placed a hand on his chest and pretended to be hurt. “Oh, you wound me. I’d have thought I’d make the cut.”
You chuckled despite yourself, starting to enjoy the strangely easy banter between you. The ghoul certainly was a threatening presence, but so far he had been all bark no bite… with you, at least. Poor Sabinez, who had been in your nightmares a few times, would definitely disagree.
You didn’t really need to ask why the ghoul had killed him, having gone to collect the bounty with him, but it wouldn’t have been worth it, anyway. He had a bit of a temper and not much patience to boot, so you knew you had to tread carefully. 
You definitely had to stay on his good side. It was  a matter of life and death, at that point. But luckily for you, he had moments like this, where he was almost friendly, in his own way. It’d be easier to cling on to those while traveling with him. 
As the sun began its slow descent towards the horizon, he led you to a small cluster of rundown houses. He checked each to find just the right one, nestled among the others, and made sure there were no unwanted visitors. 
You set your stuff down and slumped down on top of a broken side table, taking off your scarf and drinking water from your canteen. The ghoul watched you, something old and buried within him threatening to rise to the surface. You really hadn’t changed, but that shouldn’t surprise him. 
“Alright, Toots, now you jus’ stay put while I go scope the area,” he said, needing some time away to think. 
“But we–”
“No,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look. “I know you’re smarter than that, now. Let me do what I need to do, or I’ll make you stay put.”
You pursed your lips and nodded. He let out a satisfied grunt and left without another word, the soft clink of his spurs soon turning into silence. 
With a tired sigh, you pushed yourself off the side table and tried to figure out where the best spot to sleep was.
 As it grew darker and you ran out of things to occupy yourself with, you went outside to get a good view of the sunset. You didn’t stray too far from the house just in case, but it was nice to get some fresh air. 
You didn’t know how long he would be gone for, but you felt relatively safe in total solitude. You let yourself sing then, another soft bolero tune that you had always liked. You lost yourself in the threads of time as you imagined the accompanying instruments, unsure if you would ever hear them again. 
But suddenly, rough arms enveloped your midsection, and a gruff voice you didn’t recognize was in your ear.
You tried to twist around, but the grip was too strong. You kicked your legs as he easily picked you up, your eyes wide and afraid, brain scrambling for a solution.
The raider laughed, turning to yell over his shoulder. “Hey, boys! Look what I’ve found!”
Raiders, you realized, ice pooling in your gut. He smelled foul and his makeshift pieces of armor dug painfully against you. He tried to move your head to the side to get a better look at you, but you bit his hand, hard.
He growled with pain, yanking his hand away. “Fucking bitch.”
He hit you on the side of the head and you slumped in his grip, half conscious. Stars pinwheeled in your vision as you heard others approaching, and he tossed you over his shoulder to carry you fireman style.
“Thinking we could get a good price outta this one,” the raider said. “Mint condition, too. Just gotta keep her in check.”
“Got a pretty voice, too. Called us right here like a siren,” another raider said.  “Maybe she can keep us entertained for a few days before we sell her.”
Your dread only deepend. The ghoul specifically told you not to sing, hadn’t he? And now you couldn’t even yell for help. Stupid, so stupid! 
A gunshot rang out, hitting the wall inches away from the raider carrying you. They all jumped to attention, hands flying towards their weapons.
“You fellas better stay where you are if you wanna keep your fuckin’ heads,” you heard the ghoul’s voice, tight with rage, in the near distance.
“Oh shit, we’ve got company, we better go,” he said, your body jostling as they started to move. “Shoot it back!”
More gunshots followed as you swam in and out of consciousness, everything moving too quickly. One of the raiders yelped before collapsing heavily, most likely dead.
You begged and prayed that the ghoul would come out of this relatively unscathed — he was your only hope for salvation, after all.
Behind you, he screamed your name, but you couldn’t recall having ever told him.
The Past….
Truth be told, wrap parties weren’t always your favorite events. But this time, it was at Cooper and Barb’s house, so it wouldn’t be all bad. 
You posed for paparazzi at the front door before making your way inside. The party was in full swing, Hollywood’s elite mingling all around the place. Music softly drifted out of unseen speakers, almost drowned out by the din of various voices.
You took a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter, searching for the hosts. You stopped a couple times to exchange a few words with some producers you knew, but then you spotted Cooper coming down the stairs, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. 
“Got another one of those?” You said when you finally reached him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
He took out his silver case and offered it to you. You brought the cigarette to your lips and he immediately lit it for you, covertly taking you in. You wore a beautiful sequin evening dress, which sparkled under the light of the chandelier. Your perfume was heady and sweet, lingering in his nostrils. Your red lipstick left a mark on the filter as you exhaled a plume of smoke, smiling at him.
“Great party,” you said. “Congratulations on the new picture, Coop. Can’t wait to see it.”
“Gee, thanks,” he said, smile not quite reaching his eyes. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t have thrown one at all, but Barb wanted me to meet some of her colleagues.”
“Oh, Vault-Tec people are here?” you asked, looking around. “You just did a commercial for them, too, right?”
“Yup,” he sighed, voice lowering. “Lost myself another gig because of it.”
You hummed in thought and took another drag of your cigarette, unsure of what to say. You didn’t altogether trust Vault-Tec, perturbed by the way they were trying to make a profit off potential doom.
Still, you didn’t really know of any good alternatives for survival, if that day were to come. The government didn’t seem too concerned about it, after all. 
“You probably think I’m a sell out,” he said, misinterpreting your silence. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s not it. You’ve got a family to take care of, Coop. You gotta do what you gotta do.”
He nodded somberly, nursing his scotch. “You thinking of joining one of the vaults?” 
“I’ve been made an offer,” you said vaguely, not wanting to think too much about the details. “Thinking it would be smart to take it.”
“We can talk to Barb, maybe they’ll put us all in the same one. Hell, we could even be neighbors,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. “Perks of being married to one of the higher ups, right?”
“I sure would like that,” you said, ever so slightly relieved at the notion of there being some familiar faces if the apocalypse came. “But enough of that for now. How about we take a lap, show some face, and maybe you can retire from your movie star duties early? I’d also like to congratulate Barb for being such a stellar hostess.”
His shoulders relaxed some, and his smile was more genuine this time. “Oh, you’re heaven-sent. That’s a genius plan, let’s do it.”
He offered you his arm and you took it, holding your dress with your other hand as you descended the steps into the living room. You could tell people would immediately swarm over to you like sharks, and you knew you were in for a long night.
“Don’t count your blessings yet,” you said with a wry smile, raising an eyebrow. “We’ve still gotta make it to the other side.”
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sassymajesty · 1 year
what does GEC mean? Google just says things like Global Experience Certificate and Group Executive Committee…
it stands for Good Earth Cleavage™
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(gif credit to @doortotomorrow!)
i don't know exactly how it came to be the way everyone calls clarke's boobs, but this scene in episode three is probably where it all began. our girl is just walking around earth, looking gorgeous and worried as always, with a dangerously low cut shirt and there's… no support. god bless earth
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tr1ck5 · 6 months
I always find it so funny that certain people still like to claim that Squall's feelings for Rinoa just suddenly appeared out of nowhere in Disc 3 as soon as she fell into a coma... yet he was the one who noticed her first at the graduation ball. He noticed her first. And then of course that head tilt he does when she points at the sky, plus the fact that he goes from frowning to looking intrigued when he does that head tilt. Then there's that disappointed look on his face at the end of the dance when she leaves him. Then he goes off to a balcony gripping the railings and gazing off into the distance because he clearly doesn't know what to do with himself after their encounter.
I just wanna say to those certain people: "BIZNATCH PUH-LEASE. He was attracted to her from the moment he laid eyes on her."
@dyscomancer actually wrote a nice post about this circa 2015, you should check it out if you haven't! (Sadly I can't post it via Anon Ask)
@doortotomorrow @ethernalium
First off anon, I agree with absolutely everything you've said; I feel like maybe the people who thought it 'came out of nowhere' tend to maybe speedrun through the story or skip NPC dialogues and might have missed a lot of the subtleties in their growing relationship. I mean, if Rinoa is never in your main party and you consistently choose the 'bad' options with her, of course it's going to feel forced and sudden!
But there's more to that than just this too.
I think it was @lunamanar (I apologize if I am mistaken) who wrote an essay on how Squall just processes emotions after they happen and I think that's something that's also tripping people up about the whole 'sudden' attraction he develops. It's not sudden at all, he just feels stuff and then is confused about it and takes a while to integrate it and realize what those feelings mean. To the point where everybody around him can clearly see what's going on but he genuinely doesn't!
I think her falling into a coma was just the 'push' he needed to wake up and realize 'oh, THAT'S what it is, fuck' and by then he fears he just might be too late and he justifiably freaks out a bit.
Another thing I personally like to headcanon about Squall is that he has a textbook case of avoidant-dismissive attachment style. Let's look it up, via attachmentproject.com:
Parents who are strict and emotionally distant, do not tolerate the expression of feelings, and expect their child to be independent and tough might raise children with an avoidant attachment style.
As adults, these children appear confident and self-sufficient. They do not tolerate emotional or physical intimacy and might not be able to build healthy relationships. What’s more, in the workplace, they are often seen as the independent, ‘lone wolf’.
For avoidant adults, social interactions and bonds remain on the surface. In order for a relationship to be meaningful and fulfilling, it has to become deep. That’s when you would ‘hit a wall’ when dealing with avoidant attachment style and relationships.
These individuals will let you be around them, but will not let you in. They tend to avoid strong displays of closeness and intimacy. As soon as things get serious, dismissive/avoidant individuals are likely to close themselves off. To the avoidant adult, emotional closeness and intimacy are often off the table. Not because they will not reap benefits, but because they do not know how.
Sound familiar?
Again, this is headcanon territory here, but I like to imagine Squall as a child at the orphanage tended not to get as much attention from Edea or Cid as most of the other children; being an exceptionally quiet and mature child in contrast to the others. And I'm not putting the sole blame on Edea/Cid for this. I don't think they did this intentionally at all; running an orphanage is no easy feat and I like to believe they genuinely did their best and wanted the best for all their children. I like to imagine the orphanage had much, much more children than we see in-game, and so Squall was often left on his own, and so he developed this way of coping with it.
What I like to think happens with Rinoa is that when she falls into a coma, something breaks in Squall's id and he suddenly realizes how much he actually craves affection and intimacy from her specifically. And this leaves him all kinds of frazzled and confused and vulnerable because he's never let himself feel this way before, at least not since he was a very young child. And it took her almost dying for him to realize.
But as is the case with Squall and relationships in general; it's always one step forward, two steps back. He feels things, it scares him, and he has to analyze them for a while afterwards. So he still often defaults to his original self even when presented with opportunities to fulfill his needs for closeness (see: not wanting to hug Rin after rescuing her from space, the scene in the cockpit, ect) resulting in this strange back-and-forth we see with him throughout the game (''I'm falling for you and I do crave intimacy but I'm too terrified of being too reliant and being hurt/abandoned again''). Add to that that Rinoa is so chaotic and impulsive and emotional that it often leaves him completely disconcerted lol.
But seeing the slow progress he makes towards his trauma because of Rinoa is honestly my favorite part of the game! It IS subtle and might seem like it comes from 'out of nowhere' to someone who never experienced those things themselves/with a loved one beforehand and I agree on that though, BUT it is absolutely there nonetheless.
And it amuses me that, fate and destiny and time shenanigans aside, this whole thing might've been started because Squall, a glass of champagne deep at his graduation ball, looked at Rinoa from afar and thought 'Huh! That girl is pretty.' lol
(This turned into a rambling novel and I AM SORRY I just hope I made sense anon lol ;_;)
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ethernalium · 5 months
FINAL FANTASY VIII - Compression of Time (Ultra slowed)
Requested by @doortotomorrow ;^)
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nathanmillers · 3 months
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welcome back to my creator appreciation series! here are some of my favorite creations from the past week (june 3 — june 9) and their creators.
be sure to check out the tag *creatorappreciation on my blog for the previous installments! also, a friendly reminder that i track the tag #userkristyn if you want to tag me in your edits/fanart/whatever :)
murphy and emori (the 100) gifset by @doortotomorrow
avengers infinity war gifset by @holyfuckinshitleto
bucky barnes in tfatws gifset by @vader-anakin
bellamy blake in 1x02 gifset by @scarringstars
bellamy and clarke (the 100) gifset by @bellamyblake
stiles and lydia (teen wolf) parallel gifset by @claudiasjessies
jordan fisher in grease live gifset by @aaronstveit
sabrina carpenter “please please please” music video gifset by @arcadiabay
sabrina carpenter “please please please” music video poster by @mcheung
bellamy blake and clarke griffin (the 100) in 2x08 gifset by @kris-lulu
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panromantic-regency · 2 months
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Dark Teal
"The color rather suits you."
Gifs polin-bridgerton DoortoTomorrow Polinsated
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togetherkru · 1 year
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Hi there ! Happy Tuesday and happy BFSN ;-) No, I'm not in China, but I did have the opportunity to visit a beautiful Chinese garden a few minutes' drive from my home, so I'm sharing it with you too. I've never visited it before, and I've already promised myself I'll go back in the spring, as the peonies must be superb. I'm thinking of you, and hoping that September brings a little peace to everyone.
Tagging/sending love to : @pendragaryen, @natassakar, @carrieeve, @ninappon, @roguetwelve, @lee-em-dee, @igotbellarkeforthat, @infp-with-all-the-feelings, @astridandoddsandends, @okmcintyre, @kizo2703, @jeanie205, @gabbagabbadoo, @isweartobreathe, @gaiagalit, @bellamyblake, @immortalpramheda, @doortotomorrow, and a special thought to @geekyogicheese and @julibernardo
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Gif by @doortotomorrow
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countessvalentines · 2 months
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Best Bourbon I've Ever Tasted
pairing: cooper howard/f!reader
word count: 2.8K
warnings: 18+ Only, Minors Do Not Read!! sexual tension, smut, alcohol, swearing, oral sex,
summary: you meet cooper howard at a networking mixer hosted by vault tec. Neither one of you enjoy the scene so you sneak away to make your own.
notes: you voted on the premise, now here it is! If y'all like it and want more, let me know! :)
dividers by @saradika
gif by @doortotomorrow
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Despite not wanting to be at a corporate party, you have to admit the venue is impressive. This mansion has picturesque lighting, perfectly placed trees and shrubs, a pool that looks like an ancient Greek bath and an ornate firepit. You'd seen a few nice houses in L.A at this point, but nothing this lavish as this place in the Hollywood Hills. 
This is what they call a "networking mixer," really just an excuse for people in the industry to show off and feel important. As the new face of Abraxo cleaner, your agent insisted you go. Vault-Tec was hosting and they hadn't picked a cleaning agent partner company yet and Abraxo was hoping your winning smile and personality would win them over like you had America. 
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You make your way around, smiling and nodding at various suits. You definitely aren't loosened up enough for the "networking" part, and would much rather not do it at all if you can avoid it. You find a relatively quiet spot by the pool to collect your thoughts, and to consume a bit of liquid courage. You see a nearby pop-up bar set up and order yourself a gin martini... You need something strong for this. As you wait for your drink, you look around the party, seeing if any familiar faces are in the crowd. There's a few representatives from Abraxo you've met a few times, some familiar Nuka Cola faces that are at what seems like every function in L.A., and some Vault-Tec suits that keep trying to sell people on their "Hollywood" vault. 
You hear the bartender call out a gin martini, and you turn to grab it. As you reach for your cocktail, your hand comes into contact with another... 
"Oh, I'm sorry." A familiar voice says as you brush hands with them. When you look up, your eyes widen as you realize who's hand you're touching. It's Cooper Howard. 
He quickly takes his hand away and offers you the drink. 
"Ordered the same thing." he explains the mishap. 
Cooper Fucking Howard ordered your drink. You didn't expect to see him at this event - of course you knew he'd been the spokesperson for Vault-Tec, but word on the street was that he was trying to distance himself since the divorce. Maybe representing the company that employs your soon-to-be-ex wife was too uncomfortable. Who could blame him? 
As you're silent and lost in thought, he looks up at you. "Well, uh, please. You take this one." He insists. As you take the drink from him, you find your words. 
 "Th-thank you." Graciously you nod and accept. 
Quickly, the bartender brings up another gin martini and places it on the countertop Cooper tips him for both of your drinks and with thanks, he holds up his glass to you.
"To coincidence." He says in a toast. 
"To coincidence." You reply as you clink glasses together.
"You're the new Abraxo girl, right?" He asks, walking from the crowded bar and lighting a cigarette. 
He offers one to you, and you accept, so he leans his lighter into the cigarette now between your lips. You're shocked he recognizes you, but you're flattered.
"Yeah, that's me." You put on your best commercial voice. "If you've got a clog that's full of muck, trust Abraxo to get it unstuck!" 
You both chuckle at the bit and Cooper holds his hand out for you. 
"Cooper Howard." He introduces himself to you as if everyone in this place doesn't know who he is. 
You nod in acknowledgement and take his hand, introducing yourself in the process. 
"If you don't mind me sayin" Cooper says while taking a drag of his cigarette and a sip of his martini. "You seem a bit too good for..." He gestures at everything around you. "...this." 
Inquisitively, you tilt your head and take your own sip of the cocktail you're holding. 
"How's that?" You ask curiously. 
"Well, you should be makin pictures, pretty face like that? Wasted on commercials if ya ask me." 
The comment takes you by surprise, did Cooper Howard just compliment you? Did he just call you pretty? In your stunned state, you remain silent as he looks at you apologetically. 
"Forgive me if I crossed a line..." He says while putting the cigarette in his mouth and his now free hand on his chest.
"No, no." You interrupt. "It's just that I... I didn't expect that. Thank you." Finally acknoweldging his compliment. 
He looks relieved and smirks sideways. He seems to appreciate your humility. 
"Whys that, now?" He asks, sipping the martini while maintaining eye contact with you. 
"Well, To be honest I've heard quite the opposite from casting directors." You explain, looking down, somewhat embarrassed at the explanation. 
"Wanna know a Hollywood secret?" He asks, leaning in and taking a step closer to you.
When you nod, he leans even closer to your ear and says in a low but audible voice, "Casting directors don't know shit." 
You can't help but get goosebumps from the baritone in his voice, and a giggle spills out of you. 
He smiles in response and continues... 
"I started as a stunt man, ya know." He says while finishing the last of his cigarette and putting it out on a nearby planter. 
"Director asked me to stand in for a second, read a couple lines." He polishes off the martini. "He liked how I read, next thing I know, I'm replacing the guy the casting director hired." 
That's something you didn't know and wonder how many other people do... then it dawns on you. 
"I bet half the people here are casting directors." You point out. 
"Well, if someone complains I hope they kick me out." Cooper teases. 
"Not having a good time, Mr. Howard?" 
You ask, half already knowing the answer.
"Please, call me Cooper." He requests in a pleading tone. "And, if I'm honest, this isn't exactly my idea of a good time." He confesses. 
That, you can understand. 
"My agent thought it would be good to 'keep up appearances'. Not many people are looking to hire an old cowboy anymore." He seems saddened, almost defeated and you can't help but feel for him. 
You've heard all the rumors, you know about his divorce and the lack of work. You've respected him as an actor and been a fan since as far back as you can remember. Seeing such a talented and seemingly genuinely kind man in this town is a rarity, especially among actors. It's such a damn shame. 
"Casting directors don't know shit, right?" You remind him of his own words while trying to catch his eyesight with your own again. 
He smiles sincerely at you, eyes bright and shining. "That's damn right." 
There's a pause between you, full of a tension you can't quite place. In the silence, you finish your drink and place it on a nearby server's tray. Once you turn your attention to Cooper again, he breaks the tension.
"Can I get you another drink?" He asks politely, pointing behind you to the bar. 
You're about to answer yes, when an idea comes to you. Neither one of you want to be here... maybe an appearance was enough to appease both your agents. 
"How about I get you a bourbon?" You suggest, a hint of mischievousness in your voice. 
Cooper cocks his head a bit, looking at the nearby bar. "They don't have good bourbon, I asked." 
"Ah, well, I guess we'll have to get bourbon somewhere else, won't we?" You ask playfully, the liquor in the martini taking effect and giving you a sudden confidence. 
"I spose you're right..." He trails off, trying to deduce your plan. 
"Follow me, try not to make it obvious." You say in a quiet voice as you lean close enough for him to hear. 
You begin to walk towards the back gate of the backyard that leads into the rest of the Hollywood Hills. You turn your head over your shoulder to see if he's following, and by some miracle, he is. 
You smile to yourself as you find a trail behind the mansion, leading up to the Hollywood sign... Perfect. 
Carefully you remove your heels and start walking up the trail, your stockings instantly dirty from the dusty walk. The two of you make light conversation on the fifteen minute hike, both of you more winded than you'd like to be. 
Once you get just underneath the middle of the Hollywood sign, you stop to catch your breath and announce, 
"We're here." 
Cooper looks around, arms outstretched. "Is there a bar in the side of the mountain I don't know about?" He jests. 
You exhale a laugh and lead him to a darkened corner of the trail. It's so dark you can't see a thing, but you know your way. Cooper takes out his lighter to illuminate the path a bit and he sees a small cave mouth.
"What is this?" He asks awe stricken. 
"I'll show you, cmon." You reply while gesturing for him to follow. 
Once inside, a small hot spring is revealed, a few small boulders and shrubs around and some green grass and moss the closer it gets to the water. It's like a small private oasis... 
As Cooper looks around in astonishment, you dig through a nearby bush and pull out a quarter empty bottle of bourbon. You slosh the bottle around to get his attention, and it works. 
"As promised" You say, offering him the bottle. "Sorry, no glasses here. Think you can share?" You ask with a smirk. 
"I guess I have to." He playfully remarks back. He takes an impressive swig and hisses as the alcohol goes down his throat. As it settles, Cooper hands the bottle back to you and you take an equally substantial sip. 
His curiosity gets the best of him and he has to ask, "Does anyone else know about this place?"
"No, actually." You explain while sitting on the edge of the hot spring and removing your soiled stockings.  "It's off limits during the day and it's damn near hidden at night. I found it getting lost one night, but that was when I first moved here years ago." You explain. "Far as I know, no one else has found it or used it. At least, my bourbons still here every time." You say shaking the bottle of bourbon and offering it back to him. 
He comes closer to you to accept the drink and you dip your feet and calves in the warm water. You let out a satisfied sigh as you can feel your muscles relax. The mixture of the strong liquor and the warm pool is sensationally soothing, and you feel your mind relaxed along with your body. 
Something about Cooper makes you feel like you've known him for longer than an hour, and you feel less intimidated by him than you thought you would. 
Cooper follows and sits next to you, taking off his black cowboy boots and placing his feet in the water, his pants getting slightly wet. 
"Ah, damn. That's nice after that hike." He says, taking another generous drink from the bottle. 
"I hope it was worth it." You say, placing your hands next to you and leaning back on them slightly. 
"Of course it is." Cooper replies. "Free bourbon, a natural jacuzzi and a beautiful woman for company? You bet it's worth it." He flashes that trademark winning smile in your direction and you can feel your heart beat a little faster. 
"You flatter me." You reply as you look away, cheeks turning pink. 
"I don't do that sweetheart. I ain't just blowin smoke." He says in his smokey voice as he puts a hand over yours on the earthy floor. 
It's then you know he definitely is hitting on you, and you can't help but give in. One of the world's most famous cowboys thinks you're beautiful and good company... What better compliment could there be? The tension you felt before feels more palpable than ever now. 
In your alcohol induced confident state, you lean towards him slowly, pursing your lips slightly and inviting him to close the distance between you. Cooper obliges and captures your lips with his, tentatively at first, but when you kiss hungrily back, he responds in earnest. 
He dips his head to deepen the kiss, parting his lips and inviting your tongue to dance with his. His hand reaches up to cup your face as he scoots closer to you, kissing passionately. As your tongues dance together, you move your hand to his chest and gradually scratch your nails down to his stomach. With less support, you instinctively lean back and Cooper takes this as an invitation...Not that it isn't. 
His body presses against yours, pushing you gently to the ground. As you move, you continue kissing, each kiss growing more and more desperate. Your hands move across his stomach, tugging at his shirt and yearning for more intimacy. 
With the wordless suggestion, he breaks the kiss to remove his shirt tossing it to the side before leaning down to kiss you again. You smile against his lips as he moves his kisses from your lips to your neck, moaning softly as he does. One of his hands roams to feel your hip, gradually sliding down your form fitting dress and feeling your thigh. You lick your lips in anticipation of his next move and you exhale a soft whimper.
Your lust has built significantly since his hand touched yours and you feel your arousal intensifying. He lifts your dress and slides his hands underneath it, caressing the soft skin of your inner thighs. His lips kiss up your neck to your jawline to your ear, before he asks in a husky whisper, "This okay, darlin?" 
Eagerly you nod before kissing him again, your tongue parting his lips needingly. Cooper presses his chest against you, lifting up your dress to your hips and slowly moving his body down yours. He starts kissing your inner thighs, before biting your underwear and pulling them down with his teeth. 
Your head rolls back, your hand reaching for his hair. You intertwine your fingers in his dark hair as he continues planting kisses further and further up your thigh. Your clit pulsates, anxiously awaiting any form of touch. You bite your lip as you feel his fingers part your slick, wet, folds and his lips lightly brush over your sensitive bud. He plants a kiss there before parting his lips and flicking his tongue over it. 
You gasp sensually in response and your hips roll up to meet him. His tongue moves faster and faster against your clit, before slowing down and pushing his tongue inside you. He repeats this pattern a few times before gradually licking up your opening to your clit teasingly. 
Your hips roll into him faster and faster as your arousal builds and builds. As he continues his delicious motions, your hand reaches down to grab the ground but finds his hand instead. He laces his fingers with yours and holds your hand tight, accepting your tightening grips as encouragement. His tongue starts rolling circles around your clit as he takes his free hand and inserts two fingers slowly inside you. He pumps them slowly, in and out, while his tongue continues licking your clit. 
You can feel yourself getting close to your sexual peak, and your grip on Coopers hand tightens. Your whimpers get loud enough to echo in the cave around you, interspersed with curses and moans. Your clit pulsates harder and you can feel your muscles contracting around his fingers. Sensing this, Cooper pulls back momentarily to look up at you...
"Good girl, come for me... that's it." His words are enough to send you over the edge and with a scream your cunt releases, your entire body spasming and your vaginal walls contracting over and over as you feel the wave of pleasure wash over you. 
Cooper continues to kiss your inner thigh, sliding his hands up your body and moving up with them. He brushes your hair out of your face before leaning down to kiss you sweetly. You taste yourself on his lips and you moan into his kiss. He breaks the kiss and moves his lips to your ear, smiling against your skin. 
"Best bourbon I've ever tasted."
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Fluff alphabet with Din Djarin
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Happy new year everyone!! Thought it would be perfect to have this be my first piece of writing for the new year :)
template creds to @anonymousbeefriendfanfics and gif creds: @doortotomorrow
Activities – What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
Well you don't really have a lot of spare time but when you do, Din likes to just sit with you, and chat. Sometimes you'll help him clean his armour and check over his weapons, and he’ll do the same for you.
Boo! – How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
He isn't that big on wanting stuff than but he loves giving you stuff. Mainly because he loves seeing you happy.
Comfort – How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
Will listen to you and will reassure you. Like's to kneel in front of you and hold your hands, never looking away from you.
If Din is upset he'll try and deal with this himself because you don't 'need to deal' with his stuff. Though when things do get too bad he'll go to you because he knows how well you comfort him.
Dance – Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
Din loves to dance with you actually, though it's not often that you do dance. He's an amazing dancer that you'll always be impressed.
Excitement – How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Will fist bump the air and chuckle, saying things like 'wizard' or 'dank farrik' like when Grogu levitated that ball over to him. He'll get excited when a bounty goes the right way or things just go right.
Future – What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
When you met he just thought you would be around for a short amount of time. When he realised this wouldn't be the case he only really cared about the present, much like now. Though he wishes to live with you for a long time.
Since you're technically parents you don't hurry with wanting any other kids though if you happen to fall pregnant, or want to adopt, he’ll find himself loving the kid straightaway.
Gifts – What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
He'll usually give you things a pendant, or ring. Likes to keep it small because he knows you treasure it more, but if you've messed up your weapon too much to use it again, he'll use credits to get you a new one. Or he'll fix it up for you.
Hold – How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Will have his arms wrapped around you, head resting on top of yours. Din likes keeping your hands in his, and sometimes will do so without even realising. Definitely the big spoon, but sometimes he'll be the little spoon.
Ideal – What’s their ideal date like?
You’ll either go to his favourite place in the galaxy, or yours. It’s always perfect + secretive, serene, and helps to get your mind off stuff. Plus grogu can walk around a little, and will usually try and eat whatever small animal is there.
Jealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
Din doesn't really get jealous but when he does he'll clench one of his fists and will have to hold back from punching the person making him jealous [usually if you're being flirted with Din will not take too kindly to this]
Kisses – How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do you kiss?
He likes pressing kisses to your hands, and your head. When you hug he'll press a kiss to your temple, usually, and it never fails to make you swoon.
Love – How do they show you that they love you?
Din's love language's are words of affirmation, and acts of service.
He loves doing things for you such as making breakfast, carrying you to bed, just helping out in general, but he also likes whispering reassuring and comforting words, and will comfort you with these words.
Melt – What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
Making sure that he's alright. Whenever you ask him if he's alright, when you put your hand on his arm and he can see the worry and care in your eyes, he'll find himself falling for you even more.
Nicknames – What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
He calls you Cyare. The first time he'd called you cyare was while you were helping him out with something. It sort of became perfect that he found himself calling you cyare from then on.
Obvious – How obvious do they make it that they like you?
He doesn't admit that he'd grown feelings for you until 4 months into knowing one another.
He'd closed himself off, too scared his heart would be broken, or you would betray him. When he realised this was not the case he slowly began opening himself up to you and a few months after that was when he admitted his feelings.
Pets – Do they have pets? Do they want them?
You don't have any pets because there's no way to even look after one, let alone keep one on the ship.
Quiet – How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
It's always rare, but perfect, when you get peace and quiet.
Romance – How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
He's not much of a romantic as he is a lover. He doesn't outright flirt with you, but when he does he’s perfect with it.
Safe – What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
He's comfortable when he knows you're okay. He'll be worried when you're not and will find himelf stressing so when you're with him and when you're okay he'll be able to breathe.
Tend – How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
He won't leave your side at all [besides looking after the kid]. He'll stay with you, will help you, until you're better. If you get hurt he'll blame himself for not protecting you enough, and if you're sick he'll nurse you back to health.
Unique – What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
You love everything about him, nothing is unusual really.
Variety – Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
A little bit of both.
Wash – What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
The first time you'd seen Din bloody and beaten up you nearly had a heart attack.
He'd tried to convince you that everything was alright but you didn't believe him. When you were able convince him to let you clean him up you were gentle and made sure not to hurt him, like now.
Now whenever this happens you'll clean him up without having to say anything and Din will just sit there in silence.
XO – How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
Other people may look at Din and think he's not the affectionate type when he's the complete opposite. Din loves being affectionate with you, though if you don't want affection he won't give it. He loves just holding you- holding one of your hands, often, and he just likes keeping you close.
Yearn – What do they do when they miss you?
Will keep something that reminds him of you, as some sort of comfort. Din knows you'll reunite if you ever get seperated but it's still nice to have something as a reminder.
Zzz – How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
Will try and stay awake but if he's too sleepy he'll sleep wherever he is, to be honest. When you sleep together he'll hold you close, not falling asleep until you're asleep.
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