#dorlene february event
loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
You will not have seen this letter, as it has been drafted and written after you have passed away. I would have wanted you to see it, and get to read my feelings, as so I yearn for one more moment of you.
Many things have changed ever since you have passed. For one, I am utterly lonely, and The Order misses your presence. You and James had used to be the brightness in a room as dark as the night. James is not with us anymore, and neither is Lily; they have gone in hiding, along with the Longbottoms.
I have also realized that death is nothing but imminent.
Whether one wants it or not, she does not care. She looms over you and grabs a hold of you when you expect it least, when you want it least. However, that does not mean that we must not live our life to the fullest. That does not mean I will not fight for what I believe is right, and that is avenging you. Even if I do bring death upon me.
Death is imminent, after all; it can be our choice and the own making of our destiny that brings her, though.
Death is bittersweet too, Marlene. Leaving a metal taste in your mouth and your heart aching, lonely and desperate for closure, but the sweetness of what you and them once had imprinted in your body, in your lips, on your veins, in your whole being. You'd never know, though. You never will, because you've been the first one to go.
You told me. Things, in that letter that you have hid under the loose floorboard under our bed.
You told me that I should laugh, that I should fall in love again (you have asked me to, do you remember that? Of course you don't; you're not with me anymore, and I am slowly distanced from you more and more, with every cold night.). And yet, surprisingly for you, though I had expected it, I can't. It has been you, it always has, and there will be no other.
And so, I may bring death upon myself. It is not my intention, of course; but, in order for the sun to rise, it must dawn, and it must be dark first.
Yours, even in death,
Dorcas ♡
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
Be normal. Don't stare at the wall. Stop staring at the wall.
Marlene's eyes fell to the ground as she continued walking.
No, not the floor either. Look straight ahead. That's what people do... right?
Marlene moved her gaze to the others walking around her.
No, you can't stare at people. They'll get insulted. Or think you have a crush on them.
"Right", Marlene nodded.
Mary looked at her in confusion, "What?"
"Nothing!" The reply came quickly.
Good going, now your best friend thinks your crazy. She doesn't. She does.
Mary pulled her hand, "Come on. We've got Charms", she nodded towards the classroom door just beside them.
Marlene swallowed nothing and flicked her eyes from the door to the emptying hallway, "Go ahead. I'll catch up later."
"You'll be late though..." Mary started to say before Marlene took off in a run, leaving Mary yelling after her.
She definitely thinks your crazy now. And you'll get detention. Detention doesn't matter. You're failing every class anyway. But Mary's going to hate you now. She won't. She will.
Marlene ran into the nearest toilets and dropped to the floor by the sink.
You've got class, go to class. You can't go to class, you're having a meltdown. Stop crying, idiot. Go play quidditch. You can't play quidditch, you've got class. When's the next practice? Did you miss it? Fuck, you missed practice. No you didn't, it's this afternoon. Maybe you should go early. Now. Yes now. No not now, you've still got 6 hours. And you're meant to be in Charms. Fuck Charms. Oh Merlin, your head hurts. Why does your head hurt? You're an idiot, that's why. Think of Suzie Quatro, think of The Runaways, think of Jimi Hendrix, think of Led Zeppelin. Strum. You can do it. It's all you can do. Strum. Strum. Strum. Strum. Strum. Strum. Strum. Strum.
"Mckinnon!" Someone touched her arm.
She looked up.
Fuck. It's Meadowes. Meadow? Pretty. Like them. No. Stop. Meadowes is a prick. And now they've seen you crying on the floor. You're never escaping this.
Dorcas sat down on the floor opposite her, "You alright, Mckinnon? What are you doing on the floor?"
"Fuck off."
They snorted, "No."
Marlene glared at them, "What do you mean 'no'? Leave me alone, git."
"Honestly, Meadowes! I'm not in the mood to get in a fight right now."
"Good, neither am I", Dorcas said, springing up and holding a hand out for Marlene, "I am in the mood to race you round the pitch though."
Marlene took the hand, "I've got class."
You're holding Meadowes' hand. It's warm So warm. Like the sun. Never let go of this hand. You exist just to hold their hand. Hold tight and don't let go.
Dorcas smiled again.
Why do they keep smiling?
"And were you actually going to go to class?"
Marlene didn't speak.
"Exactly." They pulled her up.
At eye level, Marlene watched as Dorcas instinctively lifted their spare hand and wiped a tear away from Marlene's eye.
They stilled after realising what they had done, "Sorry. I didn't mean to do that."
Marlene just squeezed their hand tighter.
And Dorcas smiled again.
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isaacsbees · 3 years
Idk how to explain but:
Marlene's style: 💕🌷💄💗
Marlene's personality: 💀⛓️🚬💋
Marlene around Dorcas: 💕🌷💄💗
Dorcas' style: 💀⛓️🚬💋
Dorcas'personality: 💕🌷💄💗
Dorcas around Marlene: 💀⛓️🚬💋
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littlequeers · 3 years
i was bored so i decided to draw something for @enbysiriusblack 's dorlene february event!
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enjoy this ig :)
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
"i'd like to get married, someday," dorcas whispered, their hand tangled in marlene's hair. (it had gotten longer recently; she didn't have the time to cut it anymore.)
"to whom?" marlene asked, looking up to them. "let me guess; pandora, possibly? or sybill? oh, i know! mary!" she grinned, shifting herself so that now she was sitting on her stomach, looking at her lover.
"you're a right tosser, did you know that? they laughed softly, the full moon giving their face weird shapes and angles. a lonely wolf howled in the distance. "i think you already know who i want to get married to. i want to get married to the woman that i've been in love with ever since i was sixteen."
"i was in love with you earlier."
"is this a competition?"
"maybe." marlene smiled, baring her teeth. "now, tell me more about our wedding." she moved from her spot. she was now lying next to dorcas, her head in the nape of their neck.
"about our wedding?" dorcas asked, humming, content. "it's going to take place in a garden, in summer. lots of flowers, it's going to smell amazing. i've always wanted a wedding in the nature. my dad's going to be there as well. do you want your parents to be there?"
"nah. but my brothers can be there if they want to." marlene added.
"okay, then, no parents. they're dicks either way, wouldn't want them myself. maybe we should wait for a bit, and, when he gets older, hari can be our ring-bearer. i can almost imagine him in a litt suit." dorcas smiled. "he looks adorable. and then, after our wedding..."
"what then?" marlene asked, now on her stomach again, her face mere inches from theirs.
"and then, we're running away." dorcas grinned. "away from everyone, away from the war, and it's going to be just you and i, forever. maybe we can move to london, if you want to. sirius said he's got some mates around there, maybe they can help us find a place."
"a ratty apartment. i love ratty apartments. i want a minuscule apartment, like remus and sirius'. that's the best option. little space to clean up, but big enough for two people to live in it."
"whatever you want. it won't matter to me, as long as i'm with you."
"that's awfully cheesy, dorcas." marlene chucked. "dorcas? hey, dorcas? — alright, you dozed off. alright, goodnight. i love you, my sunshine."
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
dorlene february event, 2023! <3
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(old pinned post)
because the event has been taken so well last year, and there have been many submissions, my dear friend @enbysiriusblack and i have decided to host the second dorlene february event! some of you may be familiar with it from last year, when it had been hosted by scar (a brilliant idea, this event, may i add), and you might be familiar with it from dorlene july event too, hosted by both of us. this year we have decided to do all the same.
we accept any kinds of art: writing, moodboards (pinterest moodboards too, but please post them over here at the mentioned hashtag), fanart, digital or traditional, cosplays, playlists (same situation with the moodboards: post them here, please!), you name it, it's all allowed! we encourage diversity in works, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.
the tag for the event is #dorlene february event, and we cannot wait to see all the amazing works you have to offer! anyone can join, whether you have taken part in the previous dorlene events or not.
of course, as all events do, there are a few rules to this:
no smut. neither i nor robin post smut at all, and, as all of the posts you will make for the event will be reblogged by either i, them, or both of us, please keep the posts appropriate.
only dorlene-centric! since we want this event to be about dorlene, we want posts that are focused on dorlene. even if the art has other ships / characters, the main focus has to be dorlene.
you may post to other social medias! that means instagram, tiktok, ao3, but please tag them with the #dorlene july event tag so that saga and i can see the amazing things you will post, and to manage the event
we also accept works about them as individuals, not just about their relationship! despite their relationship being underrated, so are the characters, and we love to see more rep! feel free to write works about them as individuals, and, again, the main focus must be one of them.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
dorlene = tall partner&tall partner
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
"I want to date someone", Marlene sighed, flopping down onto Mary's bed.
Mary shrugged, "go find Meadowes then."
"What?" Marlene shouted, jumping off the bed, "Meadowes? Why the fuck would I want to date them? They're more annoying than James. And James can annoy me, he's like family. But Meadowes? They're just- just some slytherin prick who thinks they're the best thing ever. And okay, yeah, maybe they're good at quidditch. Maybe. But you can still be a prick and be good at quidditch. I mean that's the description of everyone Lily has ever dated-"
"Hey!" Lily protested.
"What about Snape? Prick but zero quidditch skills", Emmeline questioned, popping her head out of the bathroom.
Lily threw a jumper at her, "That's digusting, Em. I never dated Severus, okay?"
"Regardless", Marlene continued, "Meadowes' quidditch skills make them even more of a git as they use it in wily ways. And they're obsessed with showing off, they're always right in my face in every match, trying to throw me off the game. And they have this little smile they do, not towards me it's usually towards their own team or friends in the stands, but I know it's just to throw me off, I mean remember last match? They did it to Regulus as soon as I got the quaffle just to make me fumble and drop it so their team could score. It was obvious!"
Mary grinned and leaned forwards, "Meadowes' smile makes you fumble?" She said, to the laughs of Lily and Emmeline.
"Yes... I mean they do it on purpose. It's like a distracting smile. Like they're charmed or something. You can't take your eyes away from them. Ugh, I hate Meadowes so much."
Emmeline walked over with a smirk, "Definitely hate."
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
July, 1978
Dear Marlene,
I hope you never have to read this letter, but to tell the truth, I know that wish will never happen. The war we are joining is tough, people dying daily, and we are offering ourselves up for the front lines. There will be casualties. And we would be blind as to not suspect our own deaths may occur.
I am ready to give my life for this war. And if you are reading this, then I am dead; I urge you not to follow. I need you; but you have always been the best at independence, at surviving by on your own. You are strong, Marlene. Stronger than I.
I love you Marlene, but we knew death would come with war. And my death must remain a lone one. You have to survive. I could not bear it if you ever died. Because you are life, Marlene. You are life.
Cas ♡
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
To my sunshine,
If you find this, it means that I already have died. I would have wanted to write this in a light-hearted way, but the truth is, death is not light-hearted. She is cruel, she always has been.
We have lost a lot of people ahead of their time.
Benjy and Fenwick, dead lovers of the night, now a mere memory.
Edgar and Cecil, and their children, a family that could have had such a bright future, and that now are buried in a cemetery in Birmingham.
All of us slip away, little by little, dead or torn and broken, and there is, truly, nothing that we can do to stop it.
I have lied to you. Not many times, but what had been supposed to be the most important two truths have been lies. I promised you you would never have to live a life without me. I have lied, therefore you are reading this letter.
I think that this might be even more of a lie, and even more important. I have told you, a night tucked in that cramped apartment that we had all gotten together, that I am not scared of death. I lied. I am. I have always been. And I am scared of being forgotten too, Dorcas. I am scared of leaving the people I love behind, and of being completely, utterly lonely in what awaits me after life.
I am scared of having no effect on this planet. I would rather leave the world a worse place than it used to be than to have done nothing. And that is exactly the case. I have left, and I have changed nothing. Have I been unimportant? No, of course not. Have I been useless? Possibly, but I'd like to think I was not.
Death is imminent, my love. We both know that very well; however, even the mere thought scares me, but I have the slightest bit of closure with the thoughts that I will be missed.
I know you will miss me, I do, do it, mourn me, because love has slipped between your fingers. However, do not dwell on it. Death is forever, yes, but that must not mean that grief is, too. You must move on; you must not stop here, because this is not where you end. I am not here anymore, of course, but you still are.
Fight for me, if you want to. Do not let my death go in vain, and, more importantly than that, do not forget me. Slip out of the war, if you want to. Do not fight anymore, if that is what you want. Battles are still to be fought, however, and this might sound awfully unlike me, your demons are to be fought first. Only come back when you are ready to. Take your time. You have plenty of it.
And, most importantly, do not make the sun set just to see me again. You have so much left to see and do, and my death is but a mere setback. Let yourself live without me. There is happiness where I am not, Dorcas. It is your choice whether you seek for it or not. It is your choice whether you let the darkness consume you.
I love you, Dorcas. I always have, even in death. Death is a parting of ways, not an end.
Farewell, until the sun will rise again! Be strong, Dorcas!
Marlene ☆
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
"hey, meadowes!" marlene hissed, scribbling something on the back of her transfigurarion essay. "meadowes! meadowes, look up!"
"what do you want?" dorcas asked, whipping their head around, their hand still on the desk. marlene was grinning at them, her hair messy and in her eyes, her make up smudged, holding up a piece of parchment that read: "date? with me?"
she grinned, pointing to it with her index finger. "next hogsmeade weekend? the three broomsticks?"
dorcas sighed, turning their head back to the chalkboard, listening ro professor mcgonagall. "of course," they said, and they couldn't help but smile.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
Blood, dripping from her teeth;
Sharp and poised,
And on my throat in a beat.
Bite me. Harder.
A kiss of ruby jewels,
A promise of everlasting,
You and I. Intertwined.
Bite. Harder.
A crave of flesh, of skin, of my soul.
Darken it. Kill it. Bite.
The sun no longer shines for me,
You are the source of my light.
The world no longer matters to me,
For you are far salient than all.
Crave me, as I am yours,
Bite me. Drink me.
Turn me to ashes to inhale.
Turn me to skin to drain free.
Turn me to enter our hell;
I will live forever, for you.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
"Love is the most important thing in life", Bob Meadowes used to say, "so hold onto it."
Dorcas didn't believe that. A good job was more important, how else would you get money? find stability to be comfortable? Love was a secondary happiness, they believed. Until Marlene Mckinnon.
"Love is about security", Catherine Mckinnon used to say, "so do anything to get a ring on that finger."
Marlene didn't believe that. And instead, devouted herself to crush after crush, never asking them out, never smiling back. Never pursuing it. Until Dorcas Meadowes.
Marlene was vibrant, loud, and messy. And Dorcas couldn't ignore the pull, couldn't ignore how Marlene started to feel like the most important thing- like she was life itself.
Dorcas was stubborn, straightforward, and there. Always there. Marlene couldn't ignore them if she wanted to, and Dorcas stood like a rock in Marlene's life- secure, safe, and never leaving.
Love wasn't infinite, but it consumed and ate away at their lives until they were nothing but bones. That was love, to them. And they would give their lives over and over for it.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
"You know, when you get married, your partner's family becomes your family as well", Bob Meadowes said, leaning against the kitchen counter.
Marlene's eyes flicked towards him, "but what if your family don't know about your partner, because they won't accept them if they knew."
Bob smiled softly, hopping up on the counter where Marlene sat, "I just meant, if your parents ever do... react poorly... then you've still got family, yeah? I may not legally be your father-in-law but I want you to know that you are still family to me, alright? You're a Meadowes now, as far as I'm aware."
Marlene smiled, "Thank you. I do want to tell them though, at some point. At least give them the opportunity to come to the unofficial wedding, and I think my brothers might come, at the very least. Next week, my cousins are coming to visit and my mum owled me an invite. So I was thinking I could do it then."
"Well good. And you and Cas come here straight after to tell me how it goes. I'll get a cake."
Marlene laughed, "We will."
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
Bright crimson red lips, tilting upwards as she taunts, small dimples appearing with it. Her eyes, a chestnut brown, flickered with green and gold; a swirl of a forest that the golden snitch flies through every now and then. Freckles that grow with the sun, darkening in the summer's warmth. Piercings scattered from ears, to eyebrows, to nose. Gold rings and studs shining, claiming her in glory. Dyed blonde hair, too short to tie but flows and spins high in the wind. A smell of grass, and wood, lavender, and bleach trails after her. Her hands stacked with rings and old nail polish, always moving, strumming and tapping to a beat only she can hear. Muscles showing through any clothing, opposing her short stature. Band tees and leather, ripped tights, and baggy trousers, converse and trainers, jerseys and fishnet. Loud laughs that fill the room, and heavy footsteps, never a moment of silence. Everything is loud and vibrant with her. A never-slowing or stopping wave of noise and movement. She is loudness. She is music. She is joy. She is everything. Everything.
Dorcas swore, "I'm in love with Mckinnon."
"Yeah", Regulus shrugged, "We know."
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
my hands are still warm, my heart is cold, dead and filled with wilted love
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