#double drums
sw4nfire · 1 month
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so I made the mistake of listening to the character songs sung by the voice actors and it sparked a buggy centric mad max style musician/music au and I cant get it out of my head here is a google doc with all the details and my reasonings
I tried not to change much about one piece's wacky world since I love it so much
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borcaro · 2 years
今日も本当にお暑うございました。本厚木は日中36℃まで上がったそうです。大人の生徒さん日本列島が30℃で全土真っ赤っかになったサイトを見せてくれてみんなで驚いてみたり。。 今日はレッスン後ベースドラム2台並べちゃいました。ダブル・ペダルとは全く違って面白かった。左右でピッチ、サウンドが異なるのである意味とても勉強になりました。たまにはツー・バスで練習しよう。 レッスンで使っているペダル。今まで気がつかなかったんだけれど、ちょっと前に買ってもらったのはショートのボードだったのか。どうもフィーリングが違うなと思っていたのよ。ついでにビーターの角度なんて全然違うじゃないの。。どっちか好みかと言われれば、左のやつだな。   暑さのせいなのか、今週は良く自転車に乗ったからなのか? 帰りの電車では寝落ちしてしまってた。でも寝過ごしはしなかった。明日は初めての現場でちょっと心配だ。いつも新しい…
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kagooleo · 4 months
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aside from my rice here’s a doodle dump of my timeskip johto kiddos all scribbled during classes! forgot to upload this some time ago but it's a mix of silly doodles, profile studies and outfit ideations 📝
#kagoodles#pokemon gsc#pokemon hgss#rival silver#trainer kris#trainer ethan#trainer lyra#tag wall incoming guys waHA#practicing with profiles is fun but keeping consistency at various angles? hoogh#alright time for more rambling abt these guys (specifically lyra and ethan) for a bit :D#I wanted lyra's champion dress to have a bit more inspo from filipiniana dresses but also retain parts from her sygna suit in pmex!#celebi inspired to honor her role as ilex's shrine protector when her grandparents pass that torch to her#not sure of a specific battle gimmick but it would involve hp recovery and defense/sp def buffing with a mix of lessening critical hits#and then she hits ya with the steel chair equivalent azumarill backed with huge power + belly drum!!!!!!!!! sweep em girl!!!!!!!!!!#silver and lyra would be the last guys you'd face for double battles at the battle tower but Watch Out#what else what else uhhh ETHAN#ethan's revolves around the pokeathlon so he's a bit more showy in competition compared to when he does photography work#he can jump between being a popular pokeathlete to intensely focused on taking wildlife pictures with like. several 'mons surrounding him#very dedicated to his research and study; his friends would find him in crazy phototaking positions just to take a pic of a heracross#i think it'd be funny that ethan and kris are rivals at the pokeathlon they would have some beef (they'd tally wins against each other)#I haven’t forgotten abt everyone else tho I have so much on the mind I wanna draw#maybe I’ll finish some of these doodles for when I feel like working on my neocities but website building is a whole beast in and of itself#but I’ll persevere if the results come out decent >:]
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
okay so. like. wan ed 12. dazai is stopped by a log in the river and starts actually drowning. funny haha wan bit.
but repeating something ive said (hi haven) i think this is actually a really good example for how ada dazai doesn't really want to kill himself. he could've actually drowned here. thats his 'goal' right? but the moment it starts happening he's trying to get his head back above water.
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"I thought I was dead"
hilariously wet and horrified or not he obviously didn't want to die here. theres nobody around to hear what he said anymore anyway. and that's why, despite being yk... a wan ending animation? i still think this is such like. a case in point.
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khihi · 7 months
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Is Kris Bald? the thrilling saga (from kris & maks' ig stories)
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captainrikerr5 · 15 days
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Ashton Irwin: "BLOOD ON THE DRUMS, the new album. July 17. ‘The Thorns’ : Side 1, will be revealed June 12th. First single Straight To Your Heart out tonight 12am ET ❤️"
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th3-0bjectivist · 3 months
Dear listener, if you’ve never heard of Aphex Twin before, cling fast to your genitals. Because, like a 2500-volt shock straight to the testes, you’re going to find this musical entry quite shocking! Before you smash play on the music video above, I will immediately attempt to dissuade you from viewing if 1. You are the faint-of-heart type 2. You have a medical condition that is triggered by strobe lights. I don’t want you to have a series of elaborate seizures. Go figure; you’re my fuckin’ audience. I don’t want to kill my audience on Tumblr just so it’s clear. At least, not this week. For the rest that remain; if you've never seen an AT video before, the time for your distressing and traumatic cult initiation is NOW. Smash play on the track above; it's Come to Daddy from the 1997 album of the same name.
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OMFG… this guy is hot AF. I was personally introduced to AT about two decades ago through one of my stoner friends who went to basement raves to dance with glow sticks. At the time, I really didn’t understand what the hell I was listening to. A lot of it just sounded like disorganized and cobbled-together noises. However, my musical tastes have evolved, and in hindsight, I can fully acknowledge that the music of soloist and Ireland-born Richard David James was simply beyond my comprehensive grasp as a young adult. He is and was a true pioneer in the music industry, having the aptitude and talent to bring a brand-new type of music to bloom in the 90’s, that being IDM (intelligent dance music). IDM, by my understanding, is derivative of breakbeat, techno, and acid house… but pushed to the very edge of experimental extremes. It is dance music (you CAN’T dance to a lot of it unless you want to have spasmodic fits, it’s honestly more proper for exercise/home environment listening) that is custom-tailored for a very discerning and clever audience, and I find that a lot of IDM sounds itself like a living, breathing entity. What AT brought to the table was a uniquely charismatic, versatile, and in some cases downright emotionally impacting experience that I cannot in good conscience declare as useless. It is the polar opposite of generic modern melodies, as AT pushed and continues to push the envelope of modern music to its most illogical boundaries. Probably my favorite feature of AT’s overall sound is the asynchronous beats, which, while not in any way traditionally mathematical or ‘correct’ in timing, is a genuine example of that tonic path that Aphex Twin and IDM as a genre have to offer. AT does whatever others are afraid to try, and the overall discography runs the gamut from shy electronic ambient to full-on head-banging badassery. Enjoy, and there will be far more music to come this year!
If you care to pursue the actual emotional range of AT’s music, click just above for one of the most (if not THE most) emotive ambient tunes I’ve absorbed in my lifetime, Rhubarb from Selected Ambient Works Volume II (1994). And if you’re really, really in the mood to traumatize yourself, click here for one of the most disturbing music videos I’ve seen in my lifetime. I wanna make it clear, IF YOU CLICK ON THE IMMEDIATELY PREVIOUS LINK, I am in no way responsible for the mental damage it does to you as a result. YOU... are by your own free will and accord, willingly clicking on the link. I am merely providing you a path, in fact multiple paths, to explore Aphex Twin’s sound further. Image source: https://testpress.news/na-klassiku-aphex-twin-windowlicker-v-anglii-snyali-sotsialnuyu-reklamu-bezopasnoj-ezdy/
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dumbshitmusicianssay · 3 months
I’m so glad that the 1 brain cell that the whole trumpet section shares has clocked out today
- Tenor sax
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
Ash IG Story
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positivefumo · 1 year
Wakasagihime at the sea 🏖 
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aqwwa58 · 2 years
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Not only have I made designs for the tsukumo sisters I made one for Raiko of when she was Taiko (drum)
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lone-lone-ranger · 6 months
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"I play trombone"
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fellhellion · 9 months
The suicidal ideation Miguel has about hanging himself with his webs after finding out abt Stone is doubly evocative to me because it’s not only the pinnacle of self destruction (even the rope is of him), but that it’s Miguel weaponising against himself the one thing he had believed could maybe be removed from the inherent ‘stain’ of being Miguel: the transformation that enabled his work as Spider-Man.
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waffleman-007 · 5 days
emotional support drum major at your service
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
This might be the illness talking, but I want a 'Monty feeling like he's not as good as bonnie' where Roxy comforts him but it's just Roxy being 100% brutally fucking honest about it.
Monty: Wh-
Roxy: Bonnie fucking SUCKED!!! It's about time we had a good bass player!!
Monty: Rox what- I thought he was ya friend????
Roxy: Yeah but that doesn't mean he could play for shit.
Monty: ?????????
Bonus if this happens in front of Freddy and Chica and they're a combination of offended on Bonnie's behalf, kinda in agreement that he did kinda suck at it, and just astounded by the sheer balls on this dog for saying it like she did with his bestie and fucking boyfriend in the room.
Roxy and Bonnie were besties but she won't lie for him even after deactivation lmao
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sschmendrick · 2 months
Listened to a song because of a fic, then spent 30 minutes on the piano trying to do the intro well (didn't achieve that) and ended up doing scales and scales and scales for dexterity exercising. I think this is the most studious I've ever been on that piano that I've had in the house since I was born, and more studious with a "new" instrument than I've been with my dear double bass :')
But I miss playing instruments, and I'm shit at guitare and I understand the logic of a piano a little more. Maybe one day I'll finally get to play all the instruments I've dreamt of playing :)
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