danielleurbansblog · 10 months
Review: Trust No One
Synopsis: Loyalists meant to rid their country of a double-dealing collaborator. Instead, they created a threat that could destroy Allied unity.Algiers. Winter 1942. Conor Thorn is devastated. He’s been fired from the OSS. His wife, Emily, has been fired from MI6. They allowed their morals to bend certain truths concerning the outcome of their last mission. Forever dedicated to defeating Axis…
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feralsteddie · 11 months
obviously we see that eddie is pretty meticulous/clean and a lot of the grungy/gross eddie content is probably based on stereotyping and classism…
however i personally grew up in several trailer parks and think trailer trash douchebag!eddie is so unbelievably hot so keep up the good work guys
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doroinoue · 5 months
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*playing a game* I need to put risu in this situation ....
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odinsblog · 1 year
Joanne Marian Segovia needs to be charged with murder, or manslaughter or something. Ya know, kinda the same way the police and the courts would do it if a Black or Brown person had been found dealing massive amounts of fentanyl and other drugs.
And she should get extra time added to her sentence for trying to frame her housekeeper.
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“The executive director of the San Jose Police Officers’ Association (SJPOA) is accused of importing massive amounts of fentanyl and other illicit prescription drugs into the U.S.—even using her organization’s official UPS account as part of the alleged scheme—then blaming it all on her housekeeper when confronted by the feds.
For eight years up until January 2023, Joanne Marian Segovia, 64, used her home and work computers to get multiple-kilogram shipments of medications, including Zolpidem, Tapentadol, and Tramadol, sent to her home and office from China, India, and other far-flung locales, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday in federal court. The packages were labeled as “Wedding Party Favors,” “Gift Makeup,” “Chocolate and Sweets,” and “Health Product,” the complaint states.”
👉🏿 https://www.thedailybeast.com/san-jose-cop-union-exec-joanne-segovia-tried-to-blame-drug-bust-on-housekeeper-feds-say
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shiningfennec · 8 months
The Dealer? sorry i only know the pancake my uncle had (unsuccessfully) attempted to make like 7 years ago which i then saw and absolutely had to make into a maw monster and have been using as my discord avatar ever since
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comicartarchive · 1 year
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Death Dealer 4 pg24-25 by Arthur Suydam
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mr-dusk14 · 4 months
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blueikeproductions · 4 months
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Double Dealer is a long time friend of Bumblebee’s from before the Great War. However during the War, Double Dealer, despite being a tank, couldn’t handle the stress of it all, and his positronic Brain fractured into two distinct personalities, his heroic Autobot self and a darker beastial personality that aligned with the evil Decepticons. After reformatting DD’s systems unbeknownst to him, this personality took hold one day when DD was alone, Transforming into a new Beast Mode. This secondary personality, Clouder, joined the Decepticons, and would periodically force Dealer into Stasis Lock so he could take over and do Megatron’s odd jobs assigned to him.
Clouder would feed intel to the Decepticons from the memory banks of his host, but Dealer would subconsciously become aware of Decepticon intel and feed it to the Autobots. This would become a problem to compromise Clouder, and so during a battle Bumblebee was part of saw what appeared to be the death of Dealer by Clouder’s wings. In truth Dealer had been forced into a permanent stasis, with Clouder now in full control.
Bumblebee would later apprehend Clouder post war trying to steal access codes. The jail bird wound up on the Alchemore, but the crash reactivated Dealer, and he stumbled around Crown City trying to get his bearings until he reunited with Bumblebee.
Clouder tried to reassert dominance, with Fixit, Russel, Hank & Strongarm noticing something was wrong at different times as Clouder tried to establish himself with Steeljaw, Saberhorn and Glowstrike on Decepticon Island. Soon the truth came out, with the Autobots forced to neutralize Dealer and Clouder.
Not wanting to loose his friend again despite knowing Clouder was a string attached, Bee had Fixit download Clouder’s core consciousness into the missile built into Dealer, converting it into a Torpedo Mini-Con. While Clouder now had a separate body, he was still in a tight leash, psychically connected to Dealer. Forced into an ultimatum, Clouder reluctantly agreed to work with Dealer to be a spy in the Decepticons. Clouder would retain dominance over the Beast Mode, but Dealer had final say.
Double Dealer currently is spying at the Decepticon base in Milford led by Glowstrike. The need to hunt for relics to satisfy their benefactor RatBat allows Double Dealer some time to sneak off to report to Bumblebee.
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
Reincarnation au
I was going to make an ask about the IDW version, but this swindle thing made me curious (and shattered glass too)
So, we'll start with Swindle!
Basic overview first (if you want more details and happenings, just lmk!): Swindle has a mini-him he names Double Dealer. As a sparkling, Double adores his carrier as children tend to do. And Swindle loves him back, truly he does, but... he's Swindle. The poor baby has a helluva time getting any attention from his mom. Always begging him to play with him, or share energon with him, or even just to tuck him into bed 🥺 and Swindle never has time. He's always busy on his comms or console, making intergalactic deals, doing business, making more shanix. Always waves his son off with a typical, "Not right now bitty, carrier's in the zone, just five more kliks, alright? Time is money, you know!"
And it went on like that for years. Double often fell asleep in his mom's office, desperately clutching one of his toys and desperately hoping the 5 kliks was almost up. Swindle would carry him to bed past midnight, and the cycle would start all over agajn. Eventually... Double stopped asking.
But he never stopped hoping. Carrier loves money so much and will only give attention to people with it? Fine.
Eventually, when the kiddos start hitting that rebellious teenager phase, Double Dealer gets into Swindle's weed stash (or whatever tf cybertronians smoke to get high. Cyberweed). Starts dealing to decepticon and autobot younglings alike at a 20% markdown price: it's all profit for him, and is a standard business strategy his mom harps on. Eventually he starts making secret deals with adults, and Swindle is not happy about losing so much business. He notices his stock going missing and, long story short, sets up a trap to catch and kill whatever thief dares encroach on his territor. He accidentally shoots poor little Double Dealer, blowing off his arm and a chunk out of his side, lethally damaging one of his vital organs to the point he'll need a transplant to survive. He's horrified when he realizes what he's done
Bonus points if, when Double was little, he asked if he could he one of his carrier's business partners too, after noticing how much time he spent talk to and about them. Swindle absent mindedly patted his head and went, "Sure thing kid." and that's what inspired this little plot
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clowncarousel · 8 months
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back to the back to the buckshot (ft. my mc hc/fandesign)
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pocoslip · 27 days
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Double D from Transformers kinda reminds me of the Villain from Disney's Atlantis
(I would Love to get a New Doubledealer Toy if Hasbro/Takara Tomy can make Double D Bulkier and slightly Taller than the New Studio Series 86 Optimus Prime Figure)
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petrichorium · 1 year
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Husband and daughter acquired 🙌🏻
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humanitronics · 1 year
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(an odd masked traveling merchant pops up in revachol....)
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Consumate liar, and conman by trade. He'll talk you into a bad deal and have you thinking it was your own idea to do it.
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fell-court · 1 year
while i'm here: to confirm: yes I put clio (my OC, originally made for KHUX) into FFXIV
I tried to do this once before, because I thought it might be fun to play as her (she's a lot more of a typical "saves the world/does all the quests to help people" character, therefore better matching what the player actually does in games, compared to most of my self-inserts who are who I usually play as in games haha), but only recently settled on actually giving her lore for there while I was at it. I use her to play with some friends on an NA data centre!
Clio's mother is a Duskwight Elezen, while her father is a Highlander Hyur; she looks more like a Hyur than an Elezen, but she has long pointed ears, which stand out a lot. I'm currently using her appearance data for one of my retainers while playing as Lorenza (so that I get to see her in-game all the time ^-^), since I can't actually change her appearance as a character until I get the free Fantasia from completing the ARR story. I originally made her as a Duskwight Elezen, but I wasn't able to make her face as accurate as I'd like it to be when doing this; her current appearance feels a lot closer.
Here is a (possibly slightly-outdated?) screenshot from when I was making her appearance data, as well as what she looks like in-game through a slightly horrendously-small second screenshot:
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In terms of her story, I think I could definitely see Clio as a Warrior of Light who does most of the story stuff. I started her out as an archer, which means her adventure began in Gridania (and that would make sense considering her mother, but in KHUX/Fatebreakers she grew up with her dad, so that opens up more options - I'm not sure if I'll stick to that being where she's from). I did give her an axe in Dragon Quest, so maybe I'll try out marauder/warrior while playing as her as well. Maybe also gladiator/paladin, since sword. (I can also sort of see her as a gunbreaker, because sword.. this is adding up to a lot of tanks and I am still not super confident being a tank, oops)
Anyway, yeah! FFXIV Clio is real now. That's all ^-^
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syssyadmin · 2 years
i hate you legalization efforts that position the newly-official drug market as being divided strictly between “medical use”, which still involves needing a doctor to sign a note saying you’re allowed to self-medicate with it, and “recreational use” in which a doctor has not signed a note and therefore you must be taking a drug purely for enjoyment and as such should be treated by the law as the least charitable interpretation of said person, therefore being subject to extremely high taxes and regulatory restrictions. like. i don’t think i’ve ever met a single self-identified stoner who didn’t openly talk about how they are in essence self-medicating but sure this dichotomy totally makes sense (or at least, $$$)
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