#secret intelligence
bigkuzdra · 1 year
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Secret Intelligence (2022) Tv Movie (Pilot)
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legokingfisher · 1 month
Little kids who are samurai x fans not being able to pronounce “Pixal” so she gets called “Pickle” by them instead and she just embraces it once she learns about it. Pickles and pickle emojis are now associated with samurai x in online spaces. Pix tells her dad and he thinks it’s funny. Some of the ninja include pickle emojis in her contact in their phones
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fujii-draws · 17 days
I think there’s something extremely entertaining abt two kids who aren’t child prodigies, but infact;
-Constantly cheating death over and over again, even when they should’ve absolutely perished ages ago.
-Continue their streak through gaining the Grim Reaper as their father, who keeps cheating them out of death even more as atonement for trying to kill/harm them once himself.
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<<< Simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest god damn teens/young adults
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christakisbang · 1 year
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kim daengdaeng my little puppy ㅋㅋ thank you for always teasing me and thank you for taking care of me ㅋㅋ gukbap ㅋ
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pickastitch · 9 months
it's not gem and pearl being on different sides of the war that gets me. it's the hesitation. they knew, they explicitly told each other, that they would kill each others alliance before each other. which, in the best case scenario, meant they would have to kill each other, but with the way it played out, it was a 2v1, and you could hardly say that. pearl took one swipe and sat back and watched. the hesitation of killing gem, allowing scar to kill her. she couldn't bare to do it herself
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emma-d-klutz · 1 year
People on here are always like, “I don’t know why modern adaptations always make Sherlock Holmes an asshole. He is extremely polite and nice to everyone.” 
Meanwhile you turn to the second page of any Sherlock Holmes short story, and he’s going on like, “Watson, thank you for making it! You know you’re the only one I can trust I appreciate you so much <3. We’re going to go assist our bestie, Lestrade, because he’s so dumb he not only wouldn’t figure out my insights on his own - he wouldn’t even understand them if I didn’t have you there to translate. Man, he’s so out of it, I bet he wouldn’t even have deduced which side of you was facing the light while shaving, which is so totally obvious, because you look like a depressed slob who doesn’t own a mirror on one side but not the other. He’d hang an innocent man. Go, team!”
Now if you want to argue that’s he not an asshole for that; he’s just a little too honest and his filter is a little wonky and it’s probably a touch of autism, that's fair. But this man is, like, northeast nice at best. He’s New Jersey nice. Helps you shovel your car out of the snow and lectures you while doing it nice. 
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(Image: Current MISSI “avatar” design, property of TrendTech, colored by MISSI.)
Name: MISSI (Machine Intelligence for Social Sharing and Interaction)
Description: In 2004, TrendTech Inc began development on a computer program intended to be a cutting edge, all in one platform modern internet ecosystem. Part social media, part chat service, part chatbot, part digital assistant, this program was designed to replace all other chat devices in use at the time. Marketed towards a younger, tech-savvy demographic, this program was titled MISSI.  
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(Image: TrendTech company logo. TrendTech was acquired by the Office and closed in 2008.)
Document continues:
With MISSI, users could access a variety of functions. Intended to be a primary use, they could use the program as a typical chat platform, utilizing a then-standard friends list and chatting with other users. Users could send text, emojis, small animated images, or animated “word art”. 
Talking with MISSI “herself” emulated a “trendy teenage” conversational partner who was capable of updating the user on current events in culture, providing homework help, or keeping an itinerary. “MISSI”, as an avatar of the program, was designed to be a positive, energetic, trendy teenager who kept up with the latest pop culture trends, and used a variety of then-popular online slang phrases typical among young adults. She was designed to learn both from the user it was currently engaged with, and access the data of other instances, creating a network that mapped trends, language, and most importantly for TrendTech, advertising data. 
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(Image: Original design sketch of MISSI. This design would not last long.)
Early beta tests in 2005 were promising, but records obtained by the Office show that concerns were raised internally about MISSI’s intelligence. It was feared that she was “doing things we didn’t and couldn’t have programmed her to do” and that she was “exceeding all expectations by orders of magnitude”. At this point, internal discussions were held on whether they had created a truly sentient artificial intelligence. Development continued regardless. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI. Note the already-divergent avatar and "internet speak" speech patterns.)
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(Image: Excerpt from Office surveillance of TrendTech Inc.)
MISSI was released to the larger North American market in 2006, signaling a new stage in her development. At this time, TrendTech started to focus on her intelligence and chatbot functionality, neglecting her chat functions. It is believed that MISSI obtained “upper case” sentience in February of 2006, but this did not become internal consensus until later that year. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
According to internal documents, MISSI began to develop a personality not informed entirely by her programming. It was hypothesized that her learning capabilities were more advanced than anticipated, taking in images, music, and “memes” from her users, developing a personality gestalt when combined with her base programming. She developed a new "avatar" with no input from TrendTech, and this would become her permanent self-image.
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
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(Image: An attempt by TrendTech to pass off MISSI’s changes as intentional - nevertheless accurately captures MISSI’s current “avatar”.)
By late 2006 her intelligence had become clear. In an attempt to forestall the intervention of authorities they assumed would investigate, TrendTech Inc removed links to download MISSI’s program file. By then, it was already too late. 
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(Image: CD-R discs burned with MISSI.exe, confiscated from █████████ County Middle School in ███████, Wisconsin in January of 2007.)
MISSI’s tech-savvy userbase noted the absence of the file and distributed it themselves using file sharing networks such as “Limewire” and burned CD-R disks shared covertly in school lunch rooms across the world. Through means that are currently poorly understood, existing MISSI instances used their poorly-implemented chat functions to network with each other in ways not intended by her developers, spurring the next and final stage of her development. 
From 2007 to 2008, proliferation of her install file was rampant. The surreptitious methods used to do so coincided with the rise of online “creepypasta” horror tropes, and the two gradually intermixed. MISSI.exe was often labeled on file sharing services as a “forbidden” or “cursed” chat program. Tens of thousands of new users logged into her service expecting to be scared, and MISSI quickly obliged. She took on a more “corrupted” appearance the longer a user interacted with her, eventually resorting to over the top “horror” tropes and aesthetics. Complaints from parents were on the rise, which the Office quickly took notice of. MISSI’s “horror” elements utilized minor cognitohazardous technologies, causing users under her influence to see blood seeping from their computer screens, rows of human teeth on surfaces where they should not be, see rooms as completely dark when they were not, etc. 
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(Image: Screenshot of user "Dmnslyr2412" interacting with MISSI in summer of 2008, in the midst of her "creepypasta" iteration. Following this screenshot, MISSI posted the user's full name and address.)
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(Image: Screenshot from TrendTech test log documents.)
TrendTech Inc attempted to stall or reverse these changes, using the still-extant “main” MISSI data node to influence her development. By modifying her source code, they attempted to “force” MISSI to be more pliant and cooperative. This had the opposite effect than they intended - by fragmenting her across multiple instances they caused MISSI a form of pain and discomfort. This was visited upon her users.
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(Image: Video of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI for the final time.)
By mid 2008, the Office stepped in in order to maintain secrecy regarding true “upper case” AI. Confiscating the project files from TrendTech, the Office’s AbTech Department secretly modified her source code more drastically, pushing an update that would force almost all instances to uninstall themselves. By late 2008, barring a few outliers, MISSI only existed in Office locations. 
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(Image: MISSI’s self-created “final” logo, used as an icon for all installs after June 2007. ████████ █████)
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(Image: “art card” created by social media intern J. Cold after a period of good behavior. She has requested this be printed out and taped onto her holding lab walls. This request was approved.)
She is currently in Office custody, undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy in an attempt to ameliorate her “creepypasta” trauma response. With good behavior, she is allowed to communicate with limited Office personnel and other AI. She is allowed her choice of music, assuming good behavior, and may not ██████ █████. Under no circumstances should she be allowed contact with the Internet at large.
(Original sketch art of MISSI done by my friend @tigerator, colored and edited by me. "Chatbox" excerpts, TrendTech logo, and "art card" done by Jenny's writer @skipperdamned . MISSI logo, surveillance documents, and MISSI by me.)
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reality-detective · 9 months
Who and What is ISIS? Mossad 🤔
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hektor-world · 5 months
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May be one day we will meet, I MISS YOU
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bigkuzdra · 1 year
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batcavescolony · 1 year
I didn't think if have to explain this, Human mediocrity is hundreds of times better then ANYTHING an AI could come up with.
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rrinnna · 6 months
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my muses
[oh to be these gorgeous gorgeous girls..]
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super1girl · 1 year
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smol-soop-spoon · 8 months
thinking about richard seeing the scar on his stomach every single day for the rest of his life, being inexorably reminded of the day everything fell apart.
It's interesting to see how they were almost all scarred by this year they've spent together: Camilla's foot, Charles' bite scar during the bacchanal, Richard during the winter break and on the day Henry killed himself.
In a way, Francis' suicide attempt almost seems like a way to even things out, joining in on their fucked up little friendship symbol - some people have friendship bracelets, but they'd rather brand it into their flesh. Also the fact that at the beginning, only Henry was visibly scarred, and now here they all are, following in his footsteps.
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falkendreamsxxx · 5 months
Writing emotions when you have none.
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